The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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wa aasaggaa Part Two and inancial CJEvTiiAlX'0 1 SUlWAl JANUARY Tl 1922 Nothing Can Spoil an Afternoon Quicker Than Home Runs Bagby Laments OUR PLY SWATS SUPERMEN RING AND DIAMOND MODERN COLLEGE PROVE BUGABOOS TO SARGE JAMES Yale Sets Pace With Largest Amphitheater but Other Large Schools Plan Outdoor Arenas Come in Same Game our Times of Even Greater Size R1GHT TO THE general gloom season he had op who the CLASS A' PLAYERS HIT BY NEW NB RULING dis Intenational Glove Tourney Opening Tomor Members of Team Accepting Money and Backer to row Will Set New Entry Record Be Barred If ound Guilty guilty waded in RUNNING RACES ERIE SETS SWIM RECORD Giier 200 has Invincible also CLEVELAND ICERS LEAD mes BRITTON POSTPONES BOUT SPEED SKATERS TO RACE TODAY SANDUSKY SHOOTER TIES thft Uni Caledonia 10 Martel is New Lot of 0 (I I) Birds 0 0 Martel 0 0 0 4 Rvferee Bliss (Ohio State) 0 4 10 0 0 0 0 0 GLENN ADVISES STANORD Pair 6 Talk Milan 10 0 0 0 university at in at 1 29 0 still In Wooster 0 HAROLD I STITT Mgr 1 Au entry 0 0 0 0 lUnblf Kniffinrf 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 10 mo 4 15 Riggle rf Oldslf 0 0 0 0 with The both Adamslff Buckman rtf Starrlf Mhllamrf Minard Bunktteltf Griffin rg Gunderlf 0 4 0 0 0 Anderson rf Koncklt Clark 0 0 Huffman rf hoenlueblf Svheiderrrrtf Sellers i Dandsonlf Gnodrirorf Aehonnanc I nifty lg oxrg 0 0 0 0 4 0 20 1R 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Huntrf Hedcejf Harrison Bujngariinerrg Parks lg Anderson rf Tarklt Rinehart Laipplyjg 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 8 4 0 ft 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 1 Ifnrrrf I tulrnvoodif Miller Kinkerrtfharroeklg Shonseyc 0 0 0 0 Cat coach Kenne lyIg Recdrf 0 0 0 0 get oui him lib the Tell bon 4 Only three league al string who and Dutch io 0 II 2 0 1 is reached 400 steps strengthen 8 0 0 Osiclf Asmosrf eller Gibblg Pete rtf 0 Each Pair Abie a bit toppled on his cot to get a rest the manager busted in bull loose and then hand' piece of watermelon as his WHILE HE VJA5 CORBETT'S SPARRING PARTNER JERIES Received some valuable pointers 0 0 0 when the final out of the Ohio State will be contested class of the con lields that are due some real battles A ro university but home him the game Jim Red aber in that how he wanted to IL won the Brune lg Brucerg Bloomerf i 'linec Gutlireyjg score being Itaiighertvlf 'rumc Yraltonre Swisher )g Kelly Nesbitrg A CHILD IN THE HANDS JACK Johnson) who KNOCKED him our IN THE fifteenth Sebring Bout 1 Postponed SEHKING Jan 21 boxing bout scheduled for Tuesday between Brogan of Mm ilon and of Alliance has been poat voned for one week Drugan haring injured hia while training PhiDIanarf Robbins If Grayc ninertf JTinkbnlg it lie took fin thnLKU a knockout In fourteen The following amateurs from out ofe city already have sent in their Bohyerrf Younglf Linhart Wentfclrtf Rurkelg Muir it 0 Wangh(cjrg Dt anIg Bruwinnglf Schuler If 4nydcrrf Maxtewonc Miller 1g Hurley rg Martin Cin Pittsburg: and rank MICHIGAN IW BE HOST TO ATHLETES Port Clinton Team At in PORT LINTON Jan The Clinton Ker el IightJ defeated the strong JERIES' PC0R PHYSICAL CONDITION HAD UNITTED HIM OR MIS IGHT WITH Distance off until the following he won the champlon 0 JE DISLIKED rRAlkHWCr So EMPHATICALLY he finally retired rROM the RINGr Refr ree It obbins (Marion) BOYS Spoil Day best games Bagby that are con amateur reeu voted to Lar of accepting A LET TO THE HEAD DAZED itz IN THE ELEVENTH JE OLLOWED Vxl ITH A RIGHT TO HE JAW AND WENT DOWN AND OUT 14 20 pointe 24 points 15 point 19 not nt third 29 points 1 4 points sixth 13 point cover up a fatal mistake He met Jeffries toe to toe and exchanged wal lops inally in the twenty third round Jeffries connected with CorbettN stomach with a terrific left and followed it up with a right to the jaw and Cor bett was through having been a victim of the same combination that itzsim mons had used so successfully against him Talk AvnII Nothing While Corbett was jabbing and punch ing Jeffries at will in the earlier rounds Gentleman Jim kept talking to the big toy in an effort to rattle him all right replied 0 3 Welter Champion Injured tn Train ing to Meet Shade eb 17 NEW YORK Jan 21 Jack Britton welterweight champion and Dave Shade of hare postponed tjrelr scheduled bout from Jan 31 until eb J7 because of injuries suffered by the titleholder in training Britton submitted yesterday to an examination in Madison Square Garden and physicians said he was suffering from a sprained right ankle and an in fected toe on his right foot JERIE 5 CONNECTED wiTH CORBETt's STOMACH WITH A TERRIIC LET AND OLLOWED icelwaiU Piilarlienrf Debian Carstensen lg Brown rg Conley Warner Visits I niversity to Over ootball situation STANORD UNIVERSITY Jan 21 Glenn Warner football nt the University of Pittsburg arrived at Stanford university today at the in vitation of President Wilbur of the uni versity to talk over the football situa tion He said he would give the uni versity football authorities such in formation as he is able to give When the tw ntlcth seconds told him champion if be did not took their advice He took scores of blows as if they were mere slaps Corbett mado no effort to Davis of Pittsburg were named as a committee to investigate conditions in New York where it is said that a fac tion headed by Selxas and an other led by Charles Hilbert are fight ing for I rights there Messrs Nokes and Davis are to re Milan train here in a fust gaino by a si orc of anil 2(1 Clinton 0 0 0 0 0 Homers Nearly One of the oltched last season was a six hit af fair against Chicago on the 1X11116 ox lot tie won 3 to 2 iins almost cost ivas opposed to game and boy Ils Ararat 12i nil Palmer ireworth Imlpb 107 nixiu raie iiiiw anu yarn jatic Dixie Girl 107 Whippoorwill 112 1 1 1 Svcnh race Al a SV it HN! i Khi Harlcxk UHL Weather dear track fast Hucyrua Quintet Tumbles Galion Bl CYJtVd Jan Belon a crowd of 1 "oo 100 being from Galion Biuynts High wheel luvsketbali quintet clearly outplayed the Galion High ho 1 Mara riday night 'to 7 in the fret game of the North Central Ohio High School Basketball League Heidelberg at Witten bcore Three Gonls to Duluth's One in Inltinl PerixL ELYSIUM Jan The Cleteland hockey team was leading 3 to a end of the first period in the game the Duluth sextet here tonight i rst period was well played on SidCS Bowling Qrren 11 Earlier in the season he had op posed Red on two occasions and the owa chucker turned in two hit con ests that had Jim shadow boxing with himself At the outset it looked as if aber vas down to win a third tilt from Jagby In first after the ndlans had been blanked the first twoiox tiled out to Speaker Then Harry' looper took one of curves and lelted it into the right field bleachers Bagby became so riled that for the ext seven innings the Sox made only hree two scratches past the In leld and a single to center In the neantime the Indians had for three counters So when the Maybe Th is is Reason Abe Took to Baseball Abe Attel the former feather weight champion holds all records for receiving a liberal purse In his young days Abe was taken by Manager Kenny to box at a country fair in the northwest Abe met all comers and when the day was over he figured he had gone 1GS rounds As he needed 71 Tnrgci Event PINEHURST Jan Pendergast of phoenix consolation handicap at the Pinehurst Gun Club today hi a ''shoot off with rank Troeli of Vancouver1 Both broke ninety four and twenty straight in the first play off but Troeh dropped three and Pendergast only two in the second twenty our tied in the seventy five event from the sixtecn yard mark? They were Wheeler Pawhuska Okla A Bogert Sandusky rank Hughes Mobridge and Troeh Agosta Miller If Johnson rf Gamblec Clark 1g Carey rg Willie Ames of Akron has shown con Jerable of a cotnchiiek since he lost on foul here in September to rankie Now Ames wants to get a match ith Johnny Dundee who claims the nior lightweight championship of the rnted States nce iiis setback here in September ovtoria is Eaay A ictor 1'OSUiHlA Jan 21 The biggest The National Baseball ederation at its annual meeting in The llollenden yesterday took drastic action against Class A baseball teams vlcted of violating the lations players money sandlot Jeffries Knmurrvr Goodman Carroll McBride rg Lysamaalg 1 100 pounds Joe Demetzky Young Dropkinsny Hill rank Stamey Patrick Doyle Young rrry James Dropkins Kid Wilson Joe Eaganhnnv Griblmn James Trantt Whitey Radcho ins' pounds Hill Evans Biuter Meaney Jim inis Emil Al Klein 117 pounds Ed Smith Otto Platz Louis iddv Stanley Bazen 123 pounds Al White Red Gibbons Ed Bran Sam Itirthor Jack Mar'in rank Koethin Gibbons Steve Zak Billy Slicker Buddy Sbnrkey I nets He then laid slimmer when ship from itzsimmons at Coney Island He won on points from Tom Sharkey the same year but Sharkey1 went the entire distance of twenty five rounds thus having had the satisfaction of having gone forty five pounds all told with the huge boilermaker Jim Corbett then decided the time was ripe for him to regain the laurels he had lost to Bob itzsimmons ut Carson City three ars before He challenged Jeffries and they met at Coney Island May 11 WOO or twenty rounds Jeffries appeared like a novice in the hands of the former champion He swung and missed often enough to look foolish while Corbett punched him at will If the bom had been merely for twenty rounds Corbett would have won on points forty to one but unfortunately i for Jim it was scheduled to go twenty five chapters round ended he was an ex llexervr Dents Ilirnm Reserve defeated the Hiram lege basketball team to DI How Jeffries Won His Title rom itzsimmons It was June 9 Hop that Jeffries became the champion En countering Champion Bob itzsim mons in the ring at Coney Island he showed from the start that itz was far from being his eqUal blows had no effect upon him while the punches that Jeff landed hurt the Cornishman The end came in the eleventh round the details of which are: itz came out of LU comer zlowly but assunusl the zggrawtve Jcffrira standing off evidently waiting for the chance to eend in the knockout blow They clinched' three times Coining to close quarters Jeff put two hard rights to heart sending itz back lie then shot a left to the neck itz crowded in trying to send bls right to the jaw but it fell short Jeff then assumed the aggressive and jabbN with his left to the 1 ead A left to the jaw dazed itz and ha stood in the center of the ring Jeff sized him up for a second Then seeing he had itz at his mercy swung his right to the jaw itz went down and out ield for I A A Meet in 1923 Arranging Bnskrtbnll Tourney OSTflUIA Jan 21 General Secretary Jerpo of the A is arranging frr a basketball tournament on tlio gym door eb 13 to 20 with twenty teams twelve rntn pawd of boys and eight of adults Mr Terpe is anxious to have basketball as popular with play ers and public locally as football and thinks that the tournament will bo a big start toward bunging about the desired result Agnsta i "harman If 'lenient rf Wilfiaitwc 1 ICM klg Janw srg to Sleep victory did not insnirn watch football games the question of safety is a most important one It Is for this reason that reinforced concrete is now used almost exclusively for stadiums Not only is the safety of the crowds assured by such construction but there is no danger from fire and no expenses for repairs and upkeep The stadium movement is not con fined to the college and univers ty towns because many smaller communi ties have made preparations for the physical development of the young' folks and stadiums have been erected that serve as athletic grounds fair grounds and recreation centers In Chi cago plans have been made and funds obtained for the erection of a huge con crete municipal stadium on the lake front which will have a seating capaci ty of 100000 and will be the largest stadium in the country or instance after hooking Jeff in mouth with his left Jim said: "Well JcfY 1 taught you all you know at Carson City but I still have up my sleeve a few tricks 1 did not show you' I have learned some since then and 1 did not dare hit you hard then or you couldn't have fought As Gus Ruhlin Corbett and itz simmons were dissatisfied with the beat ings they had received from Jeffries the latter had to ghe each another chance in the next three years In the meantime Jeffries was follow ing In the footsteps of his predecessors by trying to elevate the stage He also did a trip in which he met all comers agreeing to knock them out Inside of four rounds One night In Butte Mont he took on a big miner Jack Munroe Jeff was in no condition and Munroe not only stuck out the four rounds but outpointed the champion That accidental success encouraged Munroe to challenge Jeff Jim took him on the next year and put him to sleep in two rcunds That brief bout was last ap pearance in the ring for many years As there really were few heavyweights in his class he was called upon to tight seldom mid he was a man who found It difficult to keep in condition He dis liked training so emphatically he finally in l'K)" retired from the ring and turned the championship over to Marvin Hart a second rater Hart lost the title to Tommy Burns and the lat ter to Jack Johnson It was the first time In the history of the ring that a negro had been the heavyweight champion and Jeffries in 19Ih yielded to a public demand emerged frotn his retirement and met Johnson in tne ring at Reno July 4 1 1 is long absence from the ring how ever had unfitted him for a battle with such a skillful boxer ns Johnson who not only wai a master of defense but a hard puncher or months Jeffries trained for the contest but although lie gatlu red a spb ndid corps of advisers rind trainers ho did not get into the physical condition desired Training al ways had been abhorrent to him and he went about his work this time in a half hearted manner lining so irritable at times his managers could do nothing with him There was nothing to remind the fistic fans of the Jeffries of former days His famous trip hammer blows were lack ing His old bull like rushes were miss ing In short the vital spark was gone and Jeffries was but a child in the hands of the negro who knocked him out in the fifteenth round after having punished the big 'nlifornlan terribly Jeffries had one eye closed and bled pro fusely from nose mouth and eye Since then Jeffries never has fought He simply could not come bark ANN ARBOR Mich Jan ceptance of an invitation from versity of Michigan by the intercollegi ate Association of Amateur Athletes of America to hold its annual track and field meet at Ann Arbor in 1923 would mean that the affair xvottld be staged In the west for the first time That the issuance of such an invitation is under advisem*nt by the Michigan Ath letic Association has been admitted by Coach ielding IL A'nst athletic direc tor but he declared no action had yet been taken on the matter Michigan is declared by Cnach Yost to be the logical place for bolding the meet in the west Until California won the intercollegiate? Inst spring Michi gan led all western institutions in rec ords at the big meet Eleven times tire Wolverines have sent teams cast and although never finishing first they were usually well up in the standing Ralph Craig of Michigan is a joint holder of tlie 22Q yard dash record of 21 1 5 seconds which until recently was the record Carl Johnson the track wonder of a few years ago is the second individual high scorer in nny eastern intercollegiate meet In 1919 at Boston lie won first in the broad jump took second in the IWi yard dash and tied for second in the high jump for a total of 12 2 points almost half his team total that year record at the eastern tc rcollegiates since 1907 is: 1907 Michigan second 29 points 1908 Michigan tie for sixth 6 iviinls niui I bird third third third The federation found from all future participation in baseball and the backer of the team of which the players wore mem Charley Marotta expects that 100 inateur boxers will come from cities utside of Cleveland to participate tn is international tournament the pre minary bouts of which will get under ay tomorrow night This tourney will be the biggest thing larotta has ever staged and already has a large list of boxers who have gnitied their intention of appearing The Classic Athletic Club of Toronto to send over a full team of Canadian iltt artists while Windsor also is tonl a good representation The out of town boxers will make loir first appearance eb when Ma tta shifts the scene of activities from is 7'Jth street gymnasium to Moose till where a creator number of fans in be seated The finals which are to staged eb 10 will also be held in loose hall Tomorrow preliminary battles i which only' Cleveland boxers will ap ar will bo staged in Marotta's gym isium and the second night's ellml atlon battles riday will be held lere also Boxers meet tomorrow ight in the 10O 115 and 125 pound asses riday night bouts in the 135 5 and 158 poumi classes will be held Boxers who will meet tomorrow night 27 Case at 27 Ohio Union 27 Toledo at 27 Otterbein in the world cham Bagby was expected 'eat last summer But he did His lack of success mav be blamed on the rapid horsehide psy chological difficulties etc but old success was lacking And home runs (the other fellows') suuuu io Jims 1 Jan 21 The biggest crowd of the season ostoria High defeat Bowling me lugn scnooi gym uoor High Nnnmpz Lnrue Jan One of the men he was Billy Gallacher a Billy got him a match This action took place following the resignation of James J'utts of Cleve land ns S'cretmy of the federation and the election of red Thomas as Irissuccessor Thomas who was director of parks and public property in the itz' Jerald administration ami who is now clerk of city council volunteered to serve ns secretary without remuneration resigned because his business is such that he hasn't time to take care of the baseball duties Before resigning Mr Rotts called upon the federation to plead with the Harding administration to name a Judge Landis of amateur baseball and to act toward the lowering of prices of ath letic equipment President 'James Lowery of Tn din mi polls re elected Secretary Thomas and Treasurer Zitterland Detroit re elected weir named on a commit tee to lake up with the major league and sporting goods houses of the coun try the matter of obtaining financial assistance for sandlot baseball Tom Nokes Johnstown a former secretary of the federation and mem ber of the executive board was made secretary emeritus of the federation amt THE WILSON BIRD STORE CO 2130 East 4th Street Ames has won from rankie Rice in a Ex rxf a decision ovr 1 fa Allas and Willie Caledonia 8 Ralph Snyder Barberton boy has been showing considerable class as a going south nine battles Schmitt IL lauorf Bahnscn Milhrrg Mindmnanlg The Young Mon'a t' ani and ort Clinton won by one point on ann gi 30 0 0 0 who was manager marked Jeffries as a comer and it was not long afterward before ha had Big Jim in his charge Three weeks after Corbett had lost the championship Jeffries had fought a twenty round draw with Gus Ruhlin the Akron giant He also met Joo Choynski in a twenty round go in which there was no winner It was not until 1'98 that Jeffries be gan to display championship ability and discover how hard he really could hit In that year he knocked out Joe God dard in four rounds Beter Jackson in three and Bete Everett in three He won from Tom Sharkey In twenty rounds and then went east being sched uled to take on Bob Armstrong and Steve the same night in ten round bouts He outpointed Armstrong but damaged his hand on the big negro's head and was unable to tnkc on O'Donnell Mnrysvllle on Top by Point MARYSVILLE Jon In hard fought rninest and one of the best cior witnessed at State armory Marywille High defeat' 1 Itfchwoud port at the spring meeting which to to be held in lint Mich in April The difficulty that arose in ranks last year over the alleged failure of the Balm Olive team of Milwaukee Wis to pay the necessary 15 per cent of the gross receipts taken in at the games between the Balm Olives and the National Acmes of Cleveland was left in status quo it being decided to give the Balm Olives an opportunitv ot paying the money In the event "the I 'alm Olives do not pay the amount due the championship they won will be declared forfeited The medals due members of the team have been held up Judge Arthur Spiegel of Cincinnati and JI Harris of Indianapolis were named on the executive committee to succeed Tom Nokes and Brum leve Louisville Ky respectively other members of the board are Presi dent Lowery irst Vice President Adolph A Gruber Cincinnati: Second ice President Ralph Davis Secretary Thomas Treasmer Zetterland juniies cieveiaiui ntt cinnati William Haddoclt Doik Novario Cleveland Kelley lint boxer in the south Since Snyder has eneaired in and won eight of them by knockouts None of the fights which he won went beyond three rounds He xvon the last tight he participated in from Terry Nelson who had previously kayoed One Round Hogan in the sixth round Snyder finished Hogan in eighty sec onds Snyder is only 19 and fights at 135 pounds He has issued a challenge to fight any man in the south Cubs Will Climb as Part of Training Work Part of the Chicago Cubs' train ing stunts on Cataline island will be daily climbs of a cliff 200 feet high the top of which by a stairway of some Count 'em It ought to legs and improve wind BY HENRY EDWARDS OWN in Carroll 0 there was born on April 15 1875 a bov who was destined to become one of the greatest fighters the world ever has known It was James Jeff ries champion from 1899 until he voluntarily retired from the ring in 1905 He was a bom fighter nature having endowed him with the necessary speed brain brawn and stamina to become the best in the world All that he lacked was ambition inally he ac quired that and within two years of the time he realized he had it in him to reach the top he had done so March 17 1897 saw him one of Jim retinue of trainers and spar ring partners Corbett the most scien tific heavyweight of the age jabbed High Spots in Pugilistic Career of Jim Jeffries April 15 1875 Bom in Carroll 1894 irst ring battle March Acted as sparring partner for Jim Corbett June 9 Knocked out Bob itzsimmons winning world's heavy weight title May 11 Knocked out Jim Corbett twenty three rounds :1905 Retired from ring July 4 1910 Knocked out by Jack Johnson In fifteenth round Mmrt wa nlavprt between Athletic Club and Lindsay 300 1000 1000 500 1200 1500 1500 600 1000 1200 800 1200 (29ft X28'': Don 111 Bistouri (Mooney) to Ttm 1:41 4 5 Sand nf I Thimble Sea Corer and Slippery Elm also ran race 1 mile and 70 Marsdal" 1i1 (Tilson) 13 to 5 to and 3 to lirp 13 (Zoellen 2 to 1 and even Balance Wlieel' 1Kt 4 to 5 Timo 1:41 Gravson Taran tula Mankeag Kirch also ran raw 1 mile and a Verity 10 (Wilsnni to 1 3 to 1 7 to 5: Mane RapookJ in0 tMonney) 8 to I 4 to 1: Eicar poleitc jth' (Gantnor) 1 4 Time 2:13 2 5 Brownie McDowell Ynnng A dim run' Hy Arx and Kccvcij also Contemplates Offering erry A Dozen Ohio Conference Contests This Week Wooster at Mount Havana Results Pint racn 5 furlongs aXaTbco irkrnjft $2L GO $2O Acosta hHIel) $3 GO Thi tle Bloom June riwi a uno van xm Mis Grundy and ajo ran hirlongs urrency tl Sun Billy Jtoot 07 (Peric) Carl Jutiire ran Eincastle IMftw'r 100 Moon Winks letnratk and Agota Jan Agneta High school bovs defeated Larue High school boys at basket Dau loiiav io 6 St Hih i 5 MAB1N Jan 21 St High bas ketball girh Agnsta High gtr at Agosta today tn 5 Cnlrdonln Stifters Double Defeat MAIU(N Jan 21 Caledonia and girls basketball fives in both games today to Martel High at i 1 1 Wins Title Surrenders It and Then Tries Vainly to Regain It Mansfield YVinx in Overtime MARION Jan 21 In what was probably tli most dramatic game ever seen on a Marionor llydintz TEgh lost to Manslield High here to 1 rive minutes overtime were given to decide the contest In this period Mansfield scored a foul shot and a foul vas callwl on the visiting players just as the time ended Thia shot Unymohd High Wins MARYb VILLE Jan 21 Ravmond High school bisketbaU team defeated East Liberty High 37 tn 17 Hall and Montgomery starred for Raymond and McDonnld and Baxley for East Liberty Jan 21 Union Jan 2fi Godyea Jan Jan Mount Jan Jan borg Jan 28 Hiram at Jan 28 Ohio Wesleyan at Den ison Jan 28 Michigan at Oberlin Jan Ohio university at Western Reserve Jan 28 St Xavier at Miami Jan 28 Heidelberg at Case (XoUsv) $570 a'ln SI' Mannet (KM h) $950 (Swart) in $4 in Tnne 1 i ruurow and Third rare 5 3 Pickens) $10 sn Kennedy) $770 i iar tuniniiio nu tiLao ran ourth mile and 50 JAht Pan tamc ior tMoorv) $17 oo $0 gu $45u: Cnarh 53 70 air and Wamwr I Uoxiab) 15 1 5 Connsei Audrey A Silex IT GuflriLtnan Say When Pokey and Toy A Jong run ifth rar1 End Man HO Hlohinon)' $5jn $4 jcj90 Tli lli iHiL) S55O Sweep Elf KeiAsy) JS31O 'I Niu 1:39 Ebanor Hutchinson and fxje Entnhl a ho ran sixth rar mile anti 50 Jacobean If? I (Maibcjj) 419 10 S7 st) St so Wiaonan Bks (ribble) $370 Hnciur Jim (ScheiMj J5bo Thue 1 5 Uw4 Blazeaw Loyalist and irewurlh also run New Orleans Results ir it rare 3 ftirlotup 11s (Zo'ller) 7 3 oven 2 to fi: Nouat a 111 toen 2 to 5 Daniel (Mr i 1 to Tune Spartmn Cotto Melba Hngliie DusUr Mad Son aho ian Second race Autkiito 112 ('Xd) 5 to I 2 to I even: Helen Atkin ICKi (Srofrjo) to 5 4 to 5 1 1E Lyk) to 5 1 3 5 Crest Avtnss tian Link Boy Philanderer Alcxande Hamil ton Maivolfo rv Tltird rave Tom Hare Jr 11 fGanier) 7 tu li tu mn Meckin 110 (Zoeller) 2 to 1 to 10 Sim plicity Jf2 (Gatruir) 2 to 5 115 3 5 bwtMpy Grace oster Cap Rock aho ran ourth race furlongs Neddam 112 (Wil non) 8 to 5 1 to 2 1 to 5 Mercury 110 (lang) I to 2 1 to 5 Tableau 0s (Mooney) even Time 1:15 V4 Claymore St ABau Singer also ran Third race one nnli' United Venlie 111 (Garner) to 10 1 to 2 1 to 4 nga Burk Ill (MvCoy) 8 to 5 4 to 5: Bygone days 112 IS NOT COMPLETE WITHOUT STADIUM i nn it bout in Akron kayned Helchh InnH nt A xv i nun vii gt ut Happy Alcllvnry at Canton nJd uraien rxtaie next bout is with Circus at Mai jon Ja takes on Johnny jardner at Akron eb in the winner to meet Bud Christiano JJp expects to box Neal Brogran of Massilon at Can ton cb 23 4 Jim Jeffries One Great ight er Who Start as Amateur High School Relny Team Yards in 142 World Mark R1I ILADELPJI I A Jan 21 Two new scholastic swimming records wore claimed tod iy by the winners of the 2U0 yard relay race and the tifty ard event ut the annual interscholastie championships in the University of Pennsylvania pool Erie High sfhool won the relay In 5 one second under the mark sei last year by Lawrenceville school whilo James Spear of Mercersburg academy won the titty yard event in 24 3 5 seconds Spear dipped three fifths of a second off the old record held by Wil liam Wright of Erie High nation I scholastic champion Two other teams also negotiated th" 2wi ard relay under the old record Girard college finishing second In 1 3 anti Mercersburg academy third in 1 1 5 cuffed and hammered Jeffries at Will Two years later Jeffries won the cham pionship from Bob itzsimmons the conqueror of Corbett Jeffries was one of the few great fight ers who did not enter the arena via the amateur route Jim never was an ama teur battler like Sullivan Corbett and itzsimmons previous titleholders He was contented to work in a shop and occasionally take his gun and go hunting His first battle of which there is anv record was in 1S93 when Jim was IS years old Los Angeles there was a colored boxer Hank Griffin who had issued a challenge to fight anyone Some triend of Jeffries who knew Jim was a powerful brute urged him to accept the deft Jim was about to refuse when he earned he could make some monev by beating the negro He took on ana won oy rounds Rocks Iong While that inspire Jeffries to adopt a ring career he be came somewhat in demand as a sn ir ntr nnrfnr nA trained with middleweight San rancisco July 1896 Jim rocked Long to sleep in the second round Jeff then dropped back into obscurity Jim Ji in bout It was while working Jbnl arnusnj col on the was tlie individual star scoring twenty two points for Reserve The entire Reserve squad took part in the game yhR since the days of the old Circus Maximus people have been crowding into this or that stadium to enjoy their particular form of sport With the old Romans chariot racing or idn baiting used to be the chief attraction and some historians have figures to prove that from 260000 to 485000 per sons could be crowded into the Circus Maximus Then there was the Coliseum of Rome which although not exactly classed as a stadium was of the amphitheater type with a seating capacity of from 50000 to 87000 American football which since its start has been the most popular of college sports has been attracting thousands of specta tors and the big games of the last few years have drawn record breaking crowds One result of the great war was a nation wide recognition of the commanding importance of physical education and consequently college athletics have outgrown their facilities and scores of educational institutions are making plans for better athletic iiekls Moct of the larger universities have already erected huge stadiums Yale is known the country over because of the Yale bowl which seats 01000 This is the largest stadium in tiro country and so enormous have been the crowds at tracted by the big gridiron contests that plans have been drawn for additions and the seating capacity will be great ly enlarged The Harvard stadium is the oldest large stadium in the country and originally seated 23000 but tem porary stands give it a capacity of 45 t'Oti At Brinceton the stadium is shaped with a seating capacity of 42000 The college of the city of New York has a stadium circular in shape seat ing about 0000 people The University ol Washington stadium at Seattle is shaped and seats fiOOoO The Wash ington (D Central High school sta dium seats 0000 The University of Michigan erected a stadium in 1914 that seats 50000 Lel'igh university at Bethlehem Ba has a stadium erected In 1915 that seats ISJHMl The Univer sity of stadium seats 10000 people and will have to be enlarged to accommodate the crowds that demand admittance to the games as the tem porary stands are inadequate Ohio State university has a huge sta dium under construction at the present time while Illinois and Kansas univer sities are earning on campaigns to obtain funds for the erection of sta dimns in the near future Wherever huge crowds assemble to MAROTTA EXPECTS 100 OUT TOWN BOXERS KiO ixu)U Kid Luca? Payton ios 115 Mike CDoud Columbus: Joe 'utn pounds Vouhst Parker Davton Roch Patrick troland ivwmds nr Johnnv Minor Co rnbiis: arhe JlnwHh PaM on 1 15 ourL Tummy Murphy Kelleys Island Uoc Alcorn Columbus Joe Delaney IVtOD 15 Ual Chenoweth Columbus HappyDonald Kelley I lanil Hpavnveiglit XV Dudley (colored) Lorain BY RANCIS POWERS TMEI Runs doggone laments James Bagby the pitching gentleman from Georgia our baggers are nothing humorous in the life of the sergeant' Not by a darn sight When he belted one in the world series everything was lovely But soliliquizes Jim Babe Ruth is the only pitcher to make a successful specialty of hitting borne runs while in his own ease it begins to appear as if he was specializing in letting the fellows cop a flock of four Daggers Tough on the victory column verra tuff The figures of the 1921 front shoxv fhat James was tiffed and banged for fourteen four ply hits pitchers in the American lowed more Harris the pitches for the Athletics Leonard of Detroit allowed sixteen and Howard Ehmke the Borneo resi dent also of the Tigers was pelted for fifteen Mons Bagby will tell the prohib ited world that 1921 was not a good rear for the Bagby banner and that he is glad past After winning tnirty one game pionship year to not High ISkhwoud Maryivillo 15 Richwood 1 4 Mansfield 22 Knarrlf Rothrf Will Compete in State inals at Edgewater Speed skaters will show their prow ess today at Edge water door championships Skating Association Judging from the testants and the big to face the starter will be staged before the winners are decided The program which fll start at 2:15 will include three events for Class A HU yards on mil and 1 1 2 mil Class and Class (' will light it out in simi lar events The novice will be a half mile clash Two events are provided for the Class A girls They 4 lu yard anil three quarter mile contests The list of entries is: Class Deter Blanc rank Browett Charles Lacey Lionel Macklin Wolan Claude Stangel Charles Hunt Leslie Nolan Class Maurice Cogan Henrj' Sloat Anthony Messner Lawrence Ves sey Joseph Schwab William Weber Squire Clague Al Baldwin Howard tlster George Rutherford Howard Vluhm Arthur Shepherd Drcman 1 lillenbrand Girls A Norma urfos Mrs Betty Howe Acker Ruth Curtis Mrs Mary Stangel Grace Huberty Helen Tilicki Mrs Smith Emma Auwaerter Olive Uksila Rosolyn Rosenstahl Novice loyd Butterfield John Tusel Albert Charek Arthur Dreman Mont gomery Barnes Joe Stransky George Van Looven Clarence Stewart loyd Rogers Walter Lehet Hemrich Wil liam Lodwick rank Dougherty Victor Meyer Pavo Appel Wilbur Brandt Ellis Schnldt ninth came Jim was prepared to enjoy a pleasant evening But the second chap up in the final frame was the same Mr Hooper Now Bagby was wise He is seldom stung twice on the same oar So he served Mr Hooper his potatoes in another style But Harry was just as smart So the pitch was slammed into the right field bleachers for a second homer The next two men got on and it looked sort of like unsettled weather But a White Sox sub obligingly made the third out Same Thing In St Louis On another day down on the sultrv plain of Bark St two homers by the same gent spoiled the day for the Sarge As in Chicago the first one came in the opening frame Two of the Browns singled and made it a nice sport for Kenneth Williams to put on his favorite act Bagby gave him a fast ball A fan in right field bleachers took a brand new Reach home to the children Browns runs Then the Indiana went out and made four runs and at the sixth gong were leading But Williams came along again With no one on the sacks Bagby decided to try Kenneth on a fadeaway Another ball tried for the world's altitude record And Bagby had to go away The Indians won by scor ing five runs in the seventh But Bagby had his own opinion ot Williams judgment no judgment was his verdict On previous occasions the Ruth and Meusel combination ot the Yankees ruined otherwise pleasurable afternoons for Bagby with the two homer per formance So Jim has come to figure I uiat iujn nr? unty win wfien nicy one homer off him it makes the rabbit foot work overtime to bring luck when the opposition takes the erty of smacking him for two in same matinee Gian 21 3 5 EMY) Michigan EK) Michigan 191 1 Michigan ichigan Michigan lfH4 4flchiean 1917 No entry on aeconnt of Wtf Xn "ntry 1919 third Havana Entries Pirst rxec furlongs LulUbv Win or ymt IOS Gcorgo Janies 0i Prank Burke smite Kxvman Hat Rack 110: Draperv serib lun Dandy Van Gulden Red Tony Second race M'rwkleas pro Mr Jtpga Galon Berry Cabin Creel Kiy cv 'terl nek Baran Great Hawk Dun Thnish Humpy George 1 American Eagle Jack Healy 11 Third rao Whimpering pip Sun Gri Prt Gol Chile ni Uy Cast 10M Tonra Iikl: i oniftlie 10S: kmorirzn Legion 108 Grandson 1W mriraji race I'ghcrn 9' Gtxxl bopo tiTpMisa Muffins 102 Aikrti I st the oy 11 Belle of Elizabethtown 1 race 1A miles MUdrcd 97 out Jfihnntt Baby Yellow Hltwsom it i 1 1 1 A mi lea Chinrnt I irri ra 14 LovehneaH 99 Larnky was iniBscd by locals Harding 21 (hwego Glnntw Trounce Mimics MARION Jan Before laxgt crowd of the season Rinehart's munis at the armory lont to Lhe professional Oswego GianM 21 to 14 The muniea failed to play np to their standard the reputation and giant siz of aome of the visitors beemingly throwing a Bmrq iniAJ uits luvaia 14 2 0 again until Harry Corbett brother of nun ll uarson uity to aid in training for his championship with Bub itzsimmons B'1 ambition flnallv wnx hlL tikinr zlui Tnering from Corbett Jeff realized that heCylh'n hP was a man hR1 Ti chmPion Ie certainly could hit harder but he lacked Corbett's sci ence and finesse or that reason he deeitio lie would make his job serve tn double advantage Not only would he ''011ey for eing a Lunching bag for Cm ben but he also would be re coivmg some valuable pointers on how to box He took his punishment without a murmur and tho files ot The Blain Doalei show that three days before the fight Corbett displayed his hittinu powers by knocking Jeffries down hen the fight was on Jeffries was not in Corbetts corner He was Hatching tho battle however and making up his mind to adopt a fistic chhw About the same time Billy Brady uxopean Male Bullfinch 500 Each uropean Male Linnets aropean Thresh ra ill an Male Cardinals tey Java Rice Birdseen Shell Parokeets jllow Shell Parokeets tocolate aced Parokeets ale Japanese Robins rawberry inches apoleon Weavers ibra inches ydah inches DTE Our Half Price Sale is ting on offering all Bulbs Bulb iwls Dog Collars Harness Leads hips Chains at exactly Half Price fourteen Aid Opposition While Leading Victory Snatcher of 1920 Toils in 1921 Two (reen io riday night ostoria 50 I Jim jXtaf "yC I i I i I EL Lf fl I VNlS I I iL IT tJ pitz Hr It t' ex MM TTfclf? Wr jr ijCtR EX' '7 JE VJAS I i Wk tA Al 9 I 3W.

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.