The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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WEDNESDAY EBRUARY 16 1921 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER May 1 4 Will be inUiabeJt Danny Dunn PLAIN DEALER SPORT ALBUM DATE WILL MARK IRST 1921 STOP BY ESS EM BEE HERE HUGMEN LI Ht VAM TO PC vJfci THE Walter Malls have AMKb AMD HHA VAMHI) RIAR KOCK'S RH( EIVEIL ormer DANHN DUNN right Reserve gym One law Costly of bulls sent him back and a good He saw some 7s Srey (3luns ipi Company 2 on 1'eb 0 Neckwear tl LOSER TO IAT DDON TG WIGHT A IN TITLE MATCH wen ''LTW1: i Standing in Cue Tourney ROY MOORE DISQUALIIED SIEGER TACKLES DEOE a Avraip to IE 11 Mr I nun in half vihll io 7 IkuHsuiirRtawr Liggett Myems Tobacco Co Job the pING 'Ping 1 of ol to play Steele here but lias All the new weave and color effects choice of our entire stock now WEST HIGH LOSES BASKETBALL GUARD Coach Central through a rat Ion a lii LI record of fifty four is possible he will pretentious start by tONE5 arc in the mnjor leagues players who have every asset yet lack some one PERRY SHOWS UP GRIITHS IN GO WASHINGTON HI TO PLAY STEELE 0 1 A 'iS'v he hni some if lie lias to pull BLOCK MEETS KLESCH IN RING BOUT TONIGHT THE TWENTIETH AMENDMENT was awanti'il the over Auxin of Nrw lork leno in a 11 mind hunt Sept let let Oct Oet Oct Nov a health and exer A building Sloan building SO Gnlly sent High school a long drill for the game Daniel Augustus any body" because COLONIAL ARCADE I STCRE The Boxer He owns a cnullllower ear" His shapeless nose is battered flat He's heard the fans In chorus jeer When he has hit the padded mat Ills face Is lined with telltale scars Some blemish shows each battle toll Though each new light his beauty mars Each one adds to tils bulging roll 636 Prospect Electric Bldg oungstown Cleveland He'll probably get along all until he hits the road Our entire stock of high grade Clothing Hats Cans and Haberdashery excepting Collars only at Half Price Ball Players May Be Good in Most Everything and Lose Games Because of One ault NEWYOKK eb 1 Zbjwko IvavywficLt wrth defeat nd John lTib berg of ('hlrago in 29 nmnitps and 12 Reconda here tonight with 4 to? hold A boxing show will be held nt St church AV list street and Clark avenue Thursday eb 22 There will be six bouts between Cleve land boys and a vaudeville entertain ment Harney Kofron is arranging Um program Karp became ama champion of the of year ord Mar Eenther' llrcl In Xrw A orU Hing Tonight (Uy Plain Tftn'H 'd Wire) NEW YORK 1 Hammy Slegor of this city former nmateur ehnmpion will engage tn hjs most important pro fessional ring bout tomorrow' evening nt Madison Squ'ira Garden wln'ii he dashes with Hilly veteran St I'aul featherweight in fifteen rounds 'lie nriti'li will oliininnle the loser from serious consideration as a pros pective opponent fur Champion Johnny Kll ba in1 DnEoe is a ve'rran while Sieger Is a promising beginner Dominch Tortorich of New Orleans has offered a purse of for a fifteen round battlo between Joe Lynch and J'eto Herman a plaqlh representative of the victory East Tech Tech will clash with Shaw this Being peaceful we don't care to go to the mat with him The first game Rossman every was a runner on first and runner on first peimitted be caught napping and the third dashed for the plate Rossman would oblige with Th" news ot Rossman nlionrl of him Brine into first place Plays That Puzzle BY BILLY EVANS Hurki and Glbbn Dfiim NEW A UK eb Kddif Burke nf Spring field and Billy Gtbha of Columbus fought ten round to ft draw hero tonjiht JUMP MADE Ibl danns Dunn NEW Brooks man today was appointed' by Supreme Court' Justice ord receiver for the stallion riar Rock Brooks was directed to proceed to the breeding farm of John IL Rosscter at Santa Rosa Cal where the stallion is quartered and see that the animal is safely delivered to the sto farm of John Madden near Lexington Ky as ordered recently by Justice ord in deciding a dispute between the two horsem*n I 1 1 1' I I 1 I I Whnler A Louisville club nmy Charley O'Connell wills Jack New York Star Makes Run of118 in Handing Leader irst Defeat of Tournament afternoon in the Shaw plunus in a dual swimming meet The contest will start nt 1 :30 Yesterday the East Tech gym pre sented a busy scene both track and Cup HOTEL WINTON SHOP any rate It seems that this par ticular sheriff prefers to wear a star rather than be one Downey Brats Butner KOfllKSTIfil 1'ob II Bryan IWW ln ot eivvolaiKl emion night Jimmy Dunn has been asked to sub mit Carl Tremaine's terms for bouts In four cities lies Moines Wants 1dm against rankie Mason Cincinnati against Sammy Snndow Peoria again ui i uryenr anil (utility match Lawler DETROIT eb Jack erry I 'it tsburg earned the right to meet Jack Britton lor the welterweight titlewhen he made a monkey nut of Johnny Griffiths1 Akron here tonight Griffiths made a miserable showing and acting tmder orders of Boxing Commissioner McMahon Referee Harry Tuthill stopped the bout in the seventh round Perry had Johnny in a bad way In the fifth and In order to save himself the Akron boxer held on to his opponent continually In ttio sixth hi was warn to cease these tactics but paid no heed Early In the bout Perry assimilated some hard left jabs but he soon pene trated Griffith's defense and started hi to beat the Akronltu Hid Barbarian Detroit lightweight gained the verdict over Danny Dillon of Pittsburg In the ten round scmi linnl Jack McLean of Detroit beat Billy Ryan of Cleveland In a six round pio limlnary at J22 pounds The West basketball team sustainer a loss yesterday when Mlshalke who has bi en playing it guard will be out for the remainder of tiie season lie re ceived a sprained ankle In the East Tech contest last week Clinger will take his place The work of Meyersat center is improving daily Cathedral Lutin Mathedral basketball team is working hard for tho game with Ashta bula Harbor on the Latin floor riday night The Harbor team has gone un defeated all season and the Latins ex pect to spoil its record Coach Murphy expects to start the game with his regu lar line up Saturday night the Latin seconds will play the South Euclid High school team at South Euclid Ignntiiis A two hour practice was held by the St Ignatius High ba sketball squad last night including passing and basket shouting The players were excused from scrimmage The coach has issued a call for more players and several new candidates are expected out today St Ignatius lias oitereu High schoul of Day tun received no reply Loyola Coach Harry Dame of schedule is: 17 Open Akron West at MaMillon Martins rry at Manins erry Akron North at Ma dBon Ycungstown South at Mailton S' Hh at icoton Alliance at Alliance Youn stuwn Ttayen at Massillon Open Canton at Canton receivers who over stepped Nettling ever got by him a wild swing But he has lie had never taken a lesson But his brother iti eas mask on 1 tor excitement an 1 got It Willie in Europe he went camp to camp with boxers and then it sped through his legs When he finished giving chase and had the Ball back into the infield every one had scored Little was thought of the happening at the time as often some of the great est outfielders fail on some hard hit ground ball A few days later the same thing happened The ni xt day some one else was playing right field Dur ing his stay in the majors which cov ered a couple of years I believe I saw that same player turn at least a dozen ordinary singles into drives good for tiie circuit because he handle the ball It later developed that on a ground ball the player was helpless particularly if it was a hard hit ball that demanded immediate handling or Micmalke a Regular Will be Out of Game for Rest of Season men down state are kicking because a judge fined them $500 for selling whisky from an organ Now a new one! An organ filled with ought play pretty music but right now probably the only thing it will play well is Dry I My great suit and overcoat sale is to the ears of men who know and appreciate smart style and un matchablc value Claude Rossman hitter business He is from the ban ami still going Don't be surprised if there is a lot mailing in the Braves' intield this sig mu a gem miiiieu cerites in Io protest ariatnst our taking a fall out of the wrestling game IluHs Kramer With llcnd Bout la Stopped in Third eb Roy Moore of St Daul went down to an Inglorious rb forit before Danny Knunrr iivie tonight when Iteferce Brennan dis thn western bantamweight in the third sGisjon of ft scheduled eight round contest Moore was disqualified for butting with his head He used this method in the soemid round mid was cautioned by the referee Despite the warning Mooro continued Until tho bout came to its close Momo hud been receiving much the worse of the going He stopped re peated left swings to the jaw several of which staggered him Stosh and rankie Clark went thiough six rounds to mi even break AAD MHIHAI Dll UV weeks he was drilled in that depart ment with a hope that he would over come the fault His ability to hit made him a desirable asset but his inability to handle ground to the minors Then there was wonderful natural fielder or some years he had no trou ble holding a major league berth Then a Tiger player was released to another American League club The Tigers know Rossman was an erratic thrower but kept his fault a secret The re leased plavtr confided the weakness to his new toamnwtes The first game they played against 1 irtA 1 hprft 1 third the himself to runner on 1 availably a bad I brow weakness traveled like lightning Evcry club began to profit thi ieb soon fore ing him out of the Mg show Another case is Allan Sothoron of the St lxuis Browns Sothoron is a pitcher with a world of stuff and ple'nty of nerve However he is of a nervous temperament and when things go bad ly it soon throws him off his game His big trouble is handling bunted balls He fields them well enough but seems to lose all direction in his throws Soth oron has so much stuff he is hard to bunt on However if a team is able to lay the ball down on him it makes a difference in his work Every other American league chib when playing I St Louis sought to take advantage of I this point Massillon Eleven Plans Hard Schedule MASSILLON eb A lt2l grid schedule ot ten games now being rounded out by Washington High school ot Massillon The schedule includes games with the strongest scholastic elevens in the state Steele High of Dayton one of the strongest scholastic elevens In the country in TJ2 replaces Scott? High Toledo The as Clyde of Cleveland DAN IS SHORT BUT HIS HISTORY IS LONG ONE McKinney the Canton boxing Lri nn 1 I Cowie and Young Kivl who sucn ai night will go Mails Will Get Chance to Prove Whether Strike out of Ruth Last Year was luke manager wired back ho match for $500 It March 17 raw that I ho championship from Heart Breakers The saddest words of tongue or pen That any hetnbre scans Are those that he discovers when Be comes to also runs i1 Coach Harry Dame of Western Re serve addressed the Loyola basketball team and students of the school yester day afternoon He conipliimnteii the team on its showing in the tournament last week and declared the team well deserved its victory He presented Capt Cmmor teams his undefeated basketball team yesterday in prep with Was! niercc on the Central floor tomorrow The foul shooting of Lipschitz and Schillaci's long shots were the features of the drill Wo road that Sheriff Marsh Corgan of Wagoner county Oklahoma has re turned his contract to tho White box unsigned BY HEMIY EDWABDS Saturday May JI That's a day when it will behoove an interesting curtain the Naval Reserves show on in uie semi Louis Do Arco improvement in weight in New York state before he got through with his professional boxing But before lie got far along as a boxer he picked up a new source of revenue He was engaged as a compan ion for nn eccentric millionaire and was a guest at the hotel where his brother was hopping bells All Dan had to do was to keep the millionaire awake and help him spend his money It was too soft a job fur Dan and he quit to give all his attention to boxing After about four years as a pro fessional Danny had worked himself up to state champion Then he came west and boxed his way to the aciilc coast and back Danny box' in Cleveland in 1911 and made a hit here Hr was knocked out in Brooklyn once in the fourth round by Joe Wagner who is manager ot Jack Sharkey now Later a chap named Dannie Cummings stopped Danny in a bout in Butte Mont Daimv had seen his best days in the ring then amt quit it because knockouts do not do one anv good uncr while a boxer Danny was managed by Jimmy Dunn of this city Both had been boxers under Jimmy Dime of Newcastle I 'it anny could not take Jimmy a former stablcmate Very seriously as a manager and let Jimmy do the working out while Dan did the boxing When Dan quit the ring he opened a restaurant at Rocky River He says his best customers were those who did not pay and tho ivstaurant died The box ing game recalled him and he became boxing instructor at University school and turned out some capable boxers in cluding Leonard Ruff who won a city title Dan also taught Kid Karpinski how to use his left hand effectively and tnrougn pans wont tvur welterweight world Then Dan opened cising institute in the later moving to the While he ivas there the war broke out Dan was above the draft age and re cruiting Ho was the big athletic Columbus forces after he li ft ATIMA CIGARETTES Mike 1 i tjuiuit: i to take nn Ted Lewis in a twelve round bout March 17 Dan Morgan i 1 1 1 1 1' I i would take tho was at Canton Britton regained Lewis town has several engagements for his boxers ihrou of ihein go on in a show nt villa I 'a tomorrow night Jimmy Zill meets 1 otmg Mahoney loo takes on I'elo while Sam my CimhiolU battles Billy Light Mun day night in Detroit Jimmy Zill meets Gene Larue Ciminei boxes Harry Itas Tony Zill takes on Don Curley Gimhiolli goes ten rounds with Johnny Mack at Zanesville eb 28 Wo would not be so uncharitable as to insinuaie that Mr ComisLej effort to sign a sheriff comes us a te sull of the 1919 world series scandal We prefer to belles that wishes to beep pace ssitli Lol" Klippcrt an! 1 1 uston svho has so diligent tried i that Washington Judge Vfc HOT "VO TUkCKtN H5 OMJU Xesvspaper Man Must Deliser Horse to Madden YORK eb J5 formerly a Manila newspaper elts anil Beds Will Meet Its nt Kenton KENTON eb The b'EW Vitltls I'11 1 1 1'irl liuhhxk ot Anils biv rnset heststwlght wrcMlirg rliiin 11111 Jim lomha Greek i himplon in Al eiiirl (UH 'oiUrei In'tv tonight in 2 hours luliuili itnil 3 Swoiid with a brail nml i il Its Mllint'KOf It Items Norlhoestern CHICAGO 11 Minnesota nn rxsy time Ilrtfstlnrf Nmthwreleni In a witstem cote ferrnrw InutknlUll sm' tonight 211 to 11 llnrs nrtl lloeke Loses eb 1 at I'strirk's hockey trim of Ottawi defested llartsnl Iwro tonight 2 to 1 oflners would not enlist him determined tn go to Europe for show and he got a place as secretary among tho Knights of lie says ttiat a montn wYork he was sleeping BY JAMES LINYOV Sporting Editor of The I'lniii Denier rom a bell hop to nn international referee is the jump made by Danny Dunn in a score of ears lanny former bantamweight cham pion of Now York state started his business life as a newsboy in New York At that lie was a success and soon had two stands Then he went bells in the Waldorf Astoria and later with his brother had the checking busi ness there Then he took to professional boxing He had been handy with his fins for quite a while and it was with pride that the other kids on Lis sheet would bait along strangers rating "lb tclia can't lick Danny And (tints I proved the stranger couldn't rom being the co*ck of the walk along his street Danny busted into Um box ino 10 OG 1 in hnvint' in hits lift! one night attended a boxing perform ance at a private club He saw some green performers and thought sure his brother Dan Tould liek them He told Danny about it and Dan admitting to club officials that he had had no ex perience asked to be pul on the pro gram Uo was told to wait But he wanted his folks to think' he had been battling and' had survived So he blackened one of his eyes reddened his lips and tied a kerchief over his brow He let tho folks think he had taken a beating and wanted to see how they would survt the shock They survived it but Dan says he did not need to blacki his own ejcS again They were blackened plenty and his lips were cut often enough He found that the green looking amateurs with even th little experience they had ere better boxers than he Hut he did not give up He ask'xl older Mixers how to keep the other list out of his eye They told him Ho picked up a number of things in boxing and added a few himself finally Becoming a pol ished ring performer He was the best there was ai his Nov Athletics at Washington High in lo21 and will be under the supervision and direction of Stewart a four letter man trom Grove City college and now assistant coach at Klskimlnetas Springs school Saltsburg a He will succeed Snyder Tho Atrathnns of the Central Steel Co 19 0 semi pro baseball are making preparations to defend their psi title against all comers in 1921 Man nf I agt George Texter now is arranging a "'i schedule with clubs that ere the ju strongest contenders for the honors in p'j W2o ijl a series has been arranged with Oil fJ! City Denison Zanesville and numerous Hti other clubs Ai rangemen is for a series with ranklin Pa for whom Joe Har ji ri ex Gleveland Indian starred in lt'2'JIs will be completed within a few days PRO QUINTETS TO CLASH ir i mixing his close play with an caslonul niasse and long rail shot til he had passed 10t' The score by Innings: Eilgsr 1 i 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 1 211 Hi 5 31 0 07 US 0 10 PIJO JUU erai4 1 19 0 32 22 2 ii a 0 I 2H 0 10 1 IS 1 High nin( 12 29 2L PACE OURTEEN IWLHGRAPHiMfc fe iuivn Pesrle Letter cbe PNy i H210 Blackstone Bldg 1126 BY HERE certain natural thing that keeps them from stardom 'Several years an American league feam got a much touted out fielder from the minors This fellow was heralded ns a second Cobb in a lot of things He got away to a good start and it looked as If he would live up to his advance notices Then late In a game with runners On first and second the batsman drove a sizzling grounder to right Held that was by the second baseman almost before he was able to start for the ball It looked like a clean single that might score the runner from second There was a I chance that sharo fielding by the right slOwe up i fielder might prevent tlm run The Linc back fielder came in fast Set for the ball Columbus Celts of the Belmont Athletic Club will clash with the Kenton Reds on the here eb The Celts have been after a game with the Reds for several weeks rnis is expoctea to oe one oi the best cage tilts of the week in Ohio professional basketba 11 The Kenton have a difficult schedule ahead of them after having played a schedule of nearly twenty games with some of the best luamx The Pitcairn five which defeated Kenton twice on New Yeurls will return for a game ret) The New York Nationals whom the Rods beat by a jjomt also w'ill return and Oswego Giants who regis tered a 5S to 17 win over the Reds are coming back for another try Galion Lamb Trim Kenton vvvrrw ivi is th mo of ilirir recu Hr plryers in their line up th Kenton Beds lr fieit'a Hl ifl'MI HIM fcauML a nar a Ln 'I ki flatirm LOHJt IHL1 at rtLlVtl Vott 42 17 BY I' Eltb idgar Appleby the athleticallysatile young rnau from Columbia uni r(l II IC ''19 ity and New York upset the dope the semi final game of the national nr U2 balkline billiard champion ship at the Cleveland Athletic I lull night defeating Percy Collins of Chicago chamjHon 30'i to OH twenty five Innings The defeat of the champion was very much unexpected by everyone save Appleby and his brother rancis' It was the first loss Collins has sustained In championship tournament play since ltd'i He waded through the 1920 lists without difficulty and won ail bls games in this tourney until last night's The defeat of Collins brings him Into tie with Charles Heddon of Dowagiac Mich for first place The champion ship will be decided at 8:15 tonight when the two meet in the final game Of tlm tournament Collins started tho game in a brilliant way up to the twelfth inning had Apil by bested better than two to one Cullins in th ''arly innings made sev eral snug runs that brought his count above ilio while Appleby was missingnny' casv shots and appealed luw his usual form Then came the thirteenth inning nn unluckv one for Collins Appleby gath ered the bulls carefully nursed them about the table As lie turned in his Iiitielli point there was much ap plause as it nnrn again put Idtn In tiie lfft AH ni i 1 1 LT i 1 11 (ELI tL un tho Cleveland baseball fan to get out to Dunn ield early to get seats for that is the day Babe Ruth will make bls Cleveland debut Babe is out this season to break Ills J92U home runs mid it have' made a very Mav 1 1 What He was looking from I made matches and refereed bouts gaining the reputation as an international referee He refererd in London rance Belgium and Get many He took boxers to London to obx tor the trophy and came away with three titles He won in the lly weicht class with Jirown of Now Orleans in the middleweight class with Augio Ratner and in the light heavyweight class with Mike O'Dowd In most of his boxing asso ciations during the war he was with Billy Rothe well known referee and Jack McAuIitto the undefeated light weight champion When the armistice was signed Dannv returned to the States and to Cleveland or ft couple of years ho wns boxirnr promoter rcterve ana irvihini in thr hoximr Rume in 11 ML fiht YV tnillKS there In ring affairs Danny came back to Cleveland now ne is in ms new boxing school ami business men's gym nasium at 2tH" 14th strict the gm where Kilbane kept in shape alter coming champion Danny says hOwtil have quite nn institution theie Dan is not a native of but wild horses could not drag him away from here He is here to stay He has had a great variety of experience since lus birth the date of which he says is only ms own several ounds away mnwoight (lass now And he Is single He was christened T'bn Kilt nAVtf" ft'lls he Is afraid ho will bo call xl Gus" Valentines Are Old Rain Checks PITTSBURG eb A pair ot rain checks souvenirs of interest ing days in baseball here was the most prized ''valentine" recehed yesterday by Barney Droyfuss presi dent of the Pittsburg National league club A fan sent the checks to Mr Dreyfuss One of the rain checks had been attached to a ticket issued for the last played in old Exposition park June MJ 1909 The other ticket was dated Oct 8 JiKtn the day on which the Pirates opened a wot bl series with Detroit luck will the mighty Yankee bludgeon swinger this year? That is a that more than one Cleveland fun has asked since Mails jumped into such prominence in HD0 Will Manager Speaker instruct the Californian to pass greatest batter in the history of the game just as he did when Covelesltie Bagby and other Cleveland hurlers saw Ruth coming up with men on the bases or will he al low Mails to pit his smoke and ettnes asrninst the wonderful nnu dhis cb' of the hitting terror? Malls had but one chance to pitch to Ruth last vear That was in the ninth inning of one of the final series be tween the Yankees and Indians here Caldwell who had started the game had been driven from the box Ruth having collected a home run in the first time up Vhle took 'Caldwell's place the fourth and fanned Ruth in the fifth The ex sandlot premier was taken out in the eighth and that brought Mails in Peck fouled out Dipp singled to center Up came Ruth Mails looked to center field for in structions your own judgment was the sign drew from Manager Speaker Mails pitched three balls to Babe nt nil threo niisscil had puzzled look as he threw his bat ami then followed it to the bench What's ho got?" asked Donell Pratt ns he passed Ruth en route to the plate "Not a thing except some of YVater Johnson's smoke and a hook like Elmer Mvers'" Babe replied with a grin Then 1'ratt went up and fanned on four itched balls A few days later Mails struck out 2 1 Kia I'lIftnPA Milan Bob Roth and rank Brower of Washington Then he fanned five of the Red Sox and followed by striking out Swede Risberg Buck Weaver and Eddie till in the same inningWeaver and Collins breezing alter Mat ter had tilled the bases with passes He wound up his Dunn Held labors bv blanking the Brooklyn Robins wuh three hits striking out four men If he comes back this year with the same control the American league may have a new strike out king this Ypa and he will be a left hander by the name of Mails WATERTOWN A properly balanced Style for Winter United Shirt Collar Co Troy Also Makers of Lion Shirts Dr I hnrlB Ip pi ripwland and 0 rwns 1 taburg Unbilled Witiri Mp ill bent ban toitni7 hero luday luw Kites at 77 Indlnrin Trims Ohio State BLOOMINGTON Ind eb 1 1 Indiana de feated 1do 33 to II in a western eonfarent basketball game here tonight and went into a tie tur first in the conference race Soldier Out Joeleorn of t'lr vclliml I'ob II diddle Dowd and inkle Murray delphlii fought fast wrlvo nnintl draw here tonight O'Dowd floored Ills oimoncnt tfim nliiili round but Murray wti'i mi bls feet beforfi tin1 referee could fitart the 'ount O'Dowd weighed 109 it nd Murray Soldlor Mellow Columbus light weight ktioelo'd out Jon Aeotti Cleve I nl in the fourth round and t'lch'nn Ooliimbtlfl and Sam Danis Cleveland lie lit li''i'U weights fought six round draw Gllhlna Wino on Point CINCINNATI eb 1 1 I'omniy Gibbons i UGrlv defeated Heeh tt alki Ksivaa t'lly re toidgld tn a round JiontHIlMriM tu nnind They are hay w'l'ht Iililiiq Mill nt and rank Ityim i'l ii Iliiila Jo hnuJlt a alt round draw NEW AItK ell 1 l'vnlaon won a listless gane troui Kenvcn tonight their oproneitii voder a 52 Jo Jfi ciore lhe Two of best known and hard est hitting middleweights are scheduled for ten rounds at the Mtiruttiv A to night It is a fifty fifty proposition that the bout will not last that long as the principals Johnny Klrseh and reddie Block tiro eager to bring tho event to a finish long before the limit is reached Kleseh has been unfortunate in his Cleveland bouts Out of town he has knocked them cold in a few rounds Block looked like a great prospect when an amateur and among his victims was the same Johnny Klnsch But when reddie entered the pro class ho stopped dead In his tracks He Jost most of his aggressiveness anil proved one of the greatest tittle into a ring unless It was never ouit They tell us that Kleseh Is out to establish himself tonight as a re al battler and will make Block thlnlQ ho is up against Jack Dempsey Then word is brought that since Block tit tered the Dunn stable he has improved and will show Kleseh up Just ria em phatically as he did when the two were amateurs The safest bet in this I out however is that there will be plenty of action Sam fought raiser riday final of eight rounds who has shown great recent txiuts takes on Eddie Conrad of Jimmy Dunn's stable for six rounds ami Jack Huniphrles and Eddie Kilbane also go on for six rounds Al Zill the Jimmy Dunn of Youngs bosketball candidates being out The track prospects are bright and tho Carpenters are looking forward to a wining team Thouch Berkowitz is ineligible for senate basketball due to the age limit Tech is confident of trimming East ridav and yesterday tho squad went through one of the hardest workouts of the entire season Cleveland Heights Under the direction of Coach Itirrl lhe track Heights is working out Tuesday ami Thursday afternoon at Reserve gym and indications are that Heights will be able to place a formidable team in the competition March 19 when the indoor scholastic championship meet will bo staged at Western Reserve NEWi'iyreitSTOWN J' ebT" Coshocton N'nwo'mrrstcwn Panulle BUndi nebiirir iluimt Vsmon sad It lea form a tri county baseball Ivugue Thomas Stall is manager of tho local tram i The umpire is never supposed to interfere with a 'J here are times tiespif" every effort to get out of lhe way that the umpire butts in In a minor league game these two plttvs came up the umpire each time being the central figure There is a runner on first starts to steal! second Tho umpire working back of the enteher is standing cloSe As the catcher starts to throw his arm comes inu contact with the protector 'lhe throw is bad and the runner goes to third A few innings later with a runner on first the batsman singles to right field The runner on first elects to try for third The throw to that base hits the base umpire and the ball is deflected it to tho outfield The runner on first scores while the batsman gets to third What was tho proper ruling in each playf Answer to Play If the umpire did not believe the fly ball could be haiidlcd by nn in fielder that eliminated nnypossibility of it being called an infield fly The umpire in declaring the base runner out who was hit by the batted ball while standing on second rendered the correct' decision The fact that he was standing on second Miso at the time made no difference as he must avoid the battel Wall It is iniossible to rule a fly ball an infield fly and also declare a runner "lit who is hit by such ball That would bo a conflict of rules as the batsman is entitled to first base a runner is declared out for being hit by his 1 atrod ball Lv Xv 'hl 3'30 Hl 7 Ii hUfl Hl i IS Id Hl LtS Z7 h'gf Ay (ChAN Zy A A fy iyj 7 Xi bi i ituiri 'i ii Ur LAANktSik3 1 1 I oil I 3d St 1 Vl Main 3403 US 1 1 A XikLEi'JL 79" 9 1 1 Ax 4 Jj I Ws I i I rX is Im i ES 9 fn PA i 'UUrGVW A vx Ab' I A I 'N' I I (NT I We 1 df 1 I tVllIns 4 I 11 Mnn i 1 1 Arplrhy 5 Ixinl rown Renner 1 1.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.