The Evening Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)


rALSE CABINET RUMORS. rATLANTIC C1IY HOfrI.t. ThoTlotel 8tlckney. KO feet from Ocean, on Kentucky flteru heat, sun parlor. II day; to13weok.

V.HTlCKNEY. DRUNK ONTHESCfiFFOLD Horrible Scenes at the. Execution of Spain's Anarchists. Onlj Two Months Looker a'- 5 Mouth VntUCuivd. Doctor McCov and Wi Ionian's llWa! offer to treat all paln-nw for live djllara a niontU ami riirni.n all meOluluea I lultt-il to the next two ltuuitin, 1 ney win not take iiv nli.

fur 'M iiikiiiu lurireav. mailt after March Kith. 1R'-'. Ta obJ In liiaklim this orWliiaiiy aa ju ivb uertMius from calarru and otbar 0I aH an opixirtunn learnlnic thai (h- phynlflHin eta very tu the real. ineut ol all nn.

tlitoiit an I lung trouhlea, a '1 bote treat meat before JU will be treated for i a nionlb nui I cured and will be furiii.hed Wltn all liec.BNry uimiuiimi iui. wur wl 1 Dot be aileiulad beyond March S5ib. DOCTORS M'COY AND WILD M.N I Ate of RellrTU Hoaaltal, Naw York. OIHoa. Markat atreal, Vllmla(lon.

Where all Curable Dlnaafta treated with utH-eaa. If you llva at A diaiauoa wilU fur yiuptom Blank. (on.uliatlou at (imea or ny mail rraa. (Jftlce bnura-0 to 11 a tu 4 p. la.

to 8 p. in. daily. POLITICAL. pOU SHERIFF OF NEW CASTL COl'NTY, James Caumiciiael, OF WILMINGTON HUNDRED, Subject to the decision of the Democratic party.


Peikce Gould, OF WILMINGTON HUNDRED. Subject to the Decision of the Republican party. OR CORONER OF NEW CASTLE COUNTY James Clakk, OF BR ANDY WINE HUNDRED. Sa'-ject to the decision of the Demo cratic party. fOR co*kONER OF NEW CASTLE COUNTY, Jamfs II.

Greex, OF WILMINGTON HUNDRED. Subject to th of the Democratic party JSTOTICB- Having purchased the stock of Tiles, Grates Mantels Of the Arcihtectural and' Sup ply Company, we are now pre nared to fill all orders. Unti repairs are made at the old stand we will be located at No. 91 3 Market St. JESSE K.

BAYLIS. WARD'? --BICYCLE REPAIR S. W. COR.7TH KINO STS. Repal ing of every description.

Putting In spokes on short notice aud pneumatic tire re p.ilrl- onr specialty. Work and price gin an -edtobe satisfactory. OlVa, A THIaL AND SEE THE EFFECT. M1 I ESSHS. CHAH.

L. WKHKTKlt Kith tw.r,rrMniiitt1 atonce Willi a com petent book salesman, one bo li ot oU eiicy. eloiedius, histories or lawks of the blk'lieM luallty preferred. To th rk-ht party mi pportunliy offered to establish and i out rol Lena. the Library of Au.erlcaii tu a field yet uocouilL Address, T.

M. WILLIAMS, Maur, Fifth avenue. KewrYor city. ALKSM AN AND smieiiaea. Peruianeut business.

Hmwu Nnrserymm, Kochestcr. N. V. "OK THKlyl'iT-vy able Life of New York, ouly rep esenta-tlve men need apply. Krcellent contract to (od solicitor.

ANSON A., lu-ral Aent. No. COS Markel atreev VOARD AND BOOMS. TWO YOVNtl MEN.

CAN FIN ItOAKP In private family, apply Lombard sireci I) "ewrable room with BOAKD. 107 East Kiumu WANTED. BOARDERS. l'LKASANT room. bath, house heated all thronth.

Oood locality, West Ninth St. BEWARD8. A.lPREWARD FOR ANY 1NFOKMA- tlnn that will lean 10 111 aupreueu- lon of any one found circulating an obscene advertising card bearing tuy amo. HENRY WOI.FEE. at a and Market.

INSTBrorlON. a VtedT-m'H al-o in short-band and type-wric 1ni. Term reasnnble. Call or address No. lilx Ttrtalltret.

city MOTIOftb. REMOVAL. A. E. FltJfTZ DR.

Hu removed bis office to No, 5o4 Delaware avenue. 1 If ADAM WiLKEK, CELEBRATED CARD- Hl reader, 1121 Kent itretl. above van Buren. Price. 8S ce nts.

XlftTICK 13 HEHK.HY HIVES THAT ON IN Saturday, February 13, at 10 o'clock --iilicuMnn will ho made to tho Hon. lirnaiiuC. Urubb, associate Judire of the Superior ICoort for New Castle county, "at chamber. In the county Court House at Wilmington, for the Inco'pwatlon of a company to be call XI "The Mums' Ala toctety." WILLIAM F. KM ALLEY, Attorney for Proposal Ioerpnto rOK BALE.

poR WfiOV, jumi" rai rnrriftne. p. uu-iifiiii burgles and three farm wairons. STOOPa B' ACKBI RN. Nw Catp.l el 1 RINTErlH-STEAM FIXTURES.

OH ulete wit ooneo. hanuerB, suitable for ouarto or elshlh-meslhun iireas. Also a lot of beltliig. Apply at KvtMNQ Jochnal omce. TJRINTERS.

FOR SALE. FOl'R LARGE A Imposlna Sinned. Apply at this SEAL ESTATK. TMR RENT -VH HIRI) STORY RW) A1 No. 419l Market stret.

Iix7n. fell UKhted, entrance both on Market end Shipley atrwtn. JAilts au.AuaA. rso. i Aiar.

ket street. RENT. TW LARUE. WEI.Ij- i'Khtd rooms in corner building; suit able for offices or lijht inanurwtnrlnfr pur poses Audreoe FRANK S. DlE.

No. 40 Shipley Btrnet. JfOR SALE. A bargain In KO. 213 MADISON STEET.

rooms, all convenle ices. Must be seen to be appreciated. to JOHN MULVENA. No. 15 Marke.

street. Telephone Bf 9. FOR SALE-bOME OF THE NICEST AR-ranged houses In thecltj.n tre-t. between Thirteenth and Fourteenth. They are of medium cwt, and can be bought on easy terms Call aad look at tbem.

SALE -TWO OF THE MOST COM-V plete and Vst appointed cheap houses to be had. 1'h and" Jackeon, seven rooms Mid bah, heater and ptwer connection, very econc nilcil to manure and keep In repair. Apply to A. L. JOHNSON, No.

64 Jackson or 8th and Shipley stTe-ts. lj'OR. SALE CHhAP ON VfcRY EASY terms for the next four weeks, five or six ten room honses, at Ninth and Hariinon trets. Modern front and back porches, bay wlrdows awl swer connections. Anly to N.

B. CULBERT, No. 12t West Ninth street. QHANCE FOH CHEAP HOUSE. 618 West Fourth street, lOroims.

biMh. I5 SYashiiiKton stre it, 10 ro mi bjth, K3ti West street. Yi rooms bath. 1(K) Fre. ch street, 13 rooms, bath, tofi East Third etieet, 7 oms.

hath 44 East Fifth strr el, 9 rooms, Mi Em Seventh street, 1H rooms, buth. HUH Lincoln reet, 7 rionii. Jil Trenton Plsce, 7 rxims, bath. 1212 West Klghth street, 9 rooms, britb. cor 7th Tauiall 10 tooins, store.

l.Ti Shnllcrosf avenue, 6 room, bath. 1314 -Jefferson street, 8 rooms and bath, lMtl Vn Buren street, 8 rooms, bath lOlit Wssblniiton street, 12 rooms and hath. 12ii2 street 8 rooms and bath. HIS van Buren street. lOroormsnd hath.

30K Eist Eighlh IK,tore and bath fiU East Fourth street, rooms and bath. HM ncoin street, (1 rooms bath W1 Van Buren street, 10 rooms and Imth. 11" Shipley street, 111 rooms and bat h. SOU, 8U8 and 810 Buttonwood Btreet, 4 rooms and shed. 8i2 West Fm'th reet, 10 rooms and hath 424 Month Jackson street.

5 rooms and bath. 405 8. Clayton 15 rooms and oath. If none of these suit you sejd for list of other properties HEALD CO. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS.

Tho II Iu lit I I rt futiuttftt Mill I Wasiumiton, Feb II -The senate pn- onmltuga exceeded ill the time tMxiipkHl, thosu of any previous dav during tl tirewut stiwiou. No other topic of diM-ntiou were ranaHl rxivpt the contest hctwivu Virjimi West Vir ginia ovir the dirix't tax refund ami the printing Intl. Mr. 1'rye guve notice Uiat ho should object to the resiiiuptioii of the Virginia coutiovi rsy in the tiiortiin hour, in-timatiug an optui.ui that, knowing as he did the i-4iiw'ity of the aotmtor from tho two Virgiuuis for delmte, the discussion if not objected to might occupy the tnoruing hour for the reet of the nestiiou. The printing lull was (aNed and now gian to tho house, wherw luauy of it provinioua have been Milxtaittially voUhI dowu during the romuderataui by that body ot a similar measure.

The bouse was engaged iu tho discussion of Uie tall for th better control of the safety of national tatuks, considerable time being devoted to a discussion of Uie measure, which went over. A resolution, was adopted providing for an investigation of the eusion office. A bill was also iwuwed authoriiing the construction of a bridge at Burlington, la. Mr. Bland, as chairman of the committiHt on Cianago, refsrtd favorably his fre callage bill (the rovtelons of which have heretofore been publialHHl) and asked that it lie placed on the house calendar.

Leave was given to the miuority to file a report not later than Monday next. Mr. iJtugloy, of Maine, raistnl Uw point that the bill iuf ulved exiudltur of money and most go to the committee of Uie whole. After disillusion by several rnotulwr the speaker witlihuld his decision for the present. The Military academy appropriation bill was considered for two hours and the house adjourned.

SMASHED A CAR TO SPLINTERS. Ma I'tnmu fatally lajarwl In a HtreM Crnaalnf t'aillaloa la Chlrao. CniCAeo. Feb. 11 A rroastovm oar was struck by an incoming passenger train on tk.

I n. L. W.nn n.l I '1. road and smasbod into splinter and probably fatally injuring nine passengers. The train was ruuniug at a high rate of speed.

The flagman signaled the driver of the car to "come on," aud just as the driver reached Uie tracks the train crashed into the car, knocking it from the tracks. There was a shrieking ot passengers, and for a few moments it looked as if all amut have been kilknl. A patrol wagon "removed tho injured to a rawpital. Street Cjir Conductor Coughlin was arrested, as was also the Magnum at the crossing. The following were injured: John Moy-lan; will prolmhly die.

Andrew Bordrey; badly injured internally. Johu Mitehen; injured almut head and body. Julius Spri-vesty, Thomas Sprints and E. Willard DeUmi; prolbly fatally injured. Julia Maiulley; will pmliaUly die.

Mi-s. Ellen Iliuinen and daughter; both dangerously Injured. The railway men declare that the tracks were clouded in fogandsmoko at Uie time so that the approaching train could not be seen. I MeCall WanU Absolut Control. Nkw York.

Feb. 11. John A. McCall has acceptiHl the office of president of the New York Life Insurance company, but ou the express coudition that he have alisoluto con- trol. It is thought he will be elected president on his own terms.

It is now probable that tho company's arrangement with its ci-pn siderit, Mr. Beers, to pay him 17,000 as adviser, will lie vitiated. A Noted hlcKKan Fatally Hurt. Chicago, Feb. 11.

June's Couch, owner of the Tremont House, while trying to get on a street car fell and a heavy truck paused over him, crushing his left log and cutting off the fingers of his right baud. Mr. Couch is ninety-one years old and has been a leading citizen of Chicago since 1KHI. He will dio, A llad 1'lnce for llalmareilans, London, Feb. 11.

Daniel Bnlmaceda, a brut her of the late m-esidont of Chili, arrived at Plymouth. Senor Bnlmaceda said he had no doubt that his brother, the late president, had committed suicide. Ho added that Chili was not at all a safe residence for relatives or friends of Balmaccda. The Kidnapers Inflicted. Whit-Plains.

N. Feb. 11. Charles E. Waterbury and John Met 'ami have lsen indicted for the kidnaping of young Ward Waterbury and a "requisition on the governor of Connecticut for tho surrender of the kidnap applied for.

lthigham Will Ppeak at fiettyshnrg. New York, Feb. 11. non. Henry H.

Bingham, ot Philadelphia, lias accepted Colonel invitation to deliver tho oration June at tho dedication of the "Highwater mark" monument at Gettysburg. Kneading the Tsar's Daughter. St. PKTKHSBrRO, Fob. 1 1.

Dr. Metzger is applying the massage treatment to Xenia, the daughter of the cznr. who has been troubled with curvature of the spine ever since the railroad accident at Borki. Her Life Was a Failure. Mkzkx), Feb.

11. Alice Hewlett, a student at Uie Harden Female college here, committed suicide by taking uiudampn. She left a letter to her mother saying that hor life was a failure. A Clergyman Accused. Richmond, Feb.

11. Senator Flood charged the Rev. John E. Massey, superintendent of public Instruction, of having been guilty of making overcharges and of collecting miloago. Murdered by Moonshiner.

Evansvtllk, Feb. 11. A number of moonshiners poured a volley of shot into the bouse of J. W. Sweetmun, killing young Sweetman and his mother.

The father escaped. Two Year for Killing His Wife. Taunton, Feb. 11. Michael O'Connor, of Fall River, was sentenced to two years in the house of correction for killing bis wife, Bridget E.

O'Connor. Farmer, Little A Co. Split. New York, Feb. 11.

Farmer, Little old and prominent type founders, are in the hands of a receiver because of aqnar- brel between the partners. Senator Mitchell's Daughter Wed. Paris. Fob. II.

Duke do la Rochefoucauld and Mil Mattie Mitchell, daughter of United States Senator Mitchell, were married here. The Munry Hank's Kecelver. Wli.LiAMsronT, Feb. 11. Emerson Collins, Esq ui this city, has been appointed receiver of the First National bunk of alum i F.

Cruokar anil Itltt lloana Confirmed ia Joint KvmIuii. Albany, Feb. 11. The joint atwaiou of the legislature elected Jaui F. Crookcr micr-iiiteudont of public iuatruction aud Hudiep illuuii tVeeweU IXiaue, of Aluinv, recent of the uuivermty.

The procetHliiitf of the senate and awem- bly were read in regard to the oflloes to le Clod. Tellers were apxiuted and tho vote for miiieriuteudeut of public iiiMnit'tiou begun. At the coiioluaion tho clerk announced that the vote was in favor of Crocker 81 to 71 for tho Republican candidate Draper. The regent of the nuiversity was elected by a verlial vote. All were for Bishop Doane.

The joint aeasinn was then dissolved aud the senate returned to its own cluimltr. Senator McMahon iutrodutvd two bills regarding insane asylums. One prevents the authorities of tho asylum from interfering witli the corrot-ponoVnoe Of the Insane with their frWmds, and the other require the presence of women physicians and attendants in asylums where there are insane women. The senate finance committee reported favorably the 1'arker bill appropriating for expenditure uku the Capitol. In Uie aaaembly a bill was introduvd by Everett Brown providing that on June 1 annually after the present year the treasurer of every lioard of trade, produce exchange corporation or other association dealing in grain or other provisions shall rejiort testate aimptroller Uie amount of grain and provision dealt in as options or futures during the year.

The comptroller shall thereupon levy a tax nin such board of trade or jiruduce exchange in the sum of one mill npou each bushel of grain dealt in as options; mxin eacii barrel of flour or equivalent in sacks so sold a tax of Ova mills; upon eurh barrel ot pork or teef dealt in a futures a tax of ten mills, and ujou each 100 pounds of bacon or lard dealt in as options a tax of eight mills. TWO NEW JUDGES NAMED. TtM rrealdent Nominate Hufltnirton Pennsylvania and Hanborn af Minnesota. Washington, Feb. 11.

President Harrison has nominated Joseph BufDngton, ol Pennsylvania, to be United States district judge of the western district of Pennsylvania, aud Walter U. Sanborn, of Minnesota, to be United States circuit judge for tht Eighth judicial circuit. Joseph Buffington is a well known lawyei of Kittauing, Lawrence county, thirty-five or forty years of age. He has never held a public position before, but is regardod as one of the foremost lawyers iu tho western part of the state. A year ago, when a vacancy existed, Mr.

Buffington was strongly supported for the place, but Judge Ueid was appointed. When the latter resigned the president naturally turned to Euf-fington and selected him. The appoiutec has not been identified with either factions of Republicans in western Pennsylvania. Ho's a Republican, however. Walter H.

Sanborn, of Minnesota, is resident of St. Paul. He Is fortv-three vears of nre. and although he hjis never been in politics he has always been a straight out Republican. Mr.

Sanborn hever held but one public office, that of alderman in the city of St. Paul. He has had an exten- sive practice before tho' federal courts and it Is said that testimony to his abilities by federal judg with whom he had come in contact professionally caused his appointment. The Kdison Company Absorbed. New Yoiik, Feb.

11 Henry Villard is tc retire from Uie presidency of the Ediecn General Electric company, and the Vander-bilta and other stockholders represented by Drexel, Morgan Co. are to be in control. Mr. Villard thought proper to deny this story at the time. It is also officially ad-' mitted that the Edison General Electric company will be consolidated with the Thomson-Houston Electric company, of Bos- ton, under a contract which virtually means an absorption of the Edisou company by the Thomson-Houston company.

Connecticut O. A. It. Officials. Danbubt, Feb.

11. The Connecticut department, G. A. elected the following officers: Department commander, B. E.

Smith, of Wallingford; senior vice commander, W. F. Rogers, of Moriden; junior vice commander, S. G. Blakenian, of Huntington; departmout chaplain, Rev.

Henry Miller, of Mystic River; medical director, Dr. William C. Wile, of Daubury. Tschiorlu Lead Again. Havana, Feb.

11. The seventeenth game of the chess match, an Evans gumbit, played by Tschigorin, was scored by tho attack on the thirty-eighth move. The Russiiui has now regained Che lead at tho most important period of the match. The score is: Tschigorin, Steiuitz, drawn, 4. An Kartliqnake in New Jersey.

East Buiilinuton, N. Feb. 11. A distinct shock of earthquake was felt here. Houses shook and trembled as if about to fall, clocks woro stopped and the people ran wildly and excitedly into the streets.

The duration of the shock was about ten seconds. A Fearful Tlunge to Death. Nkw Brunswick, N. Feb. 11.

Georgo Buicr, a prosperous German baker, committed suicide by drowning. He sought tiie top of the cliffs below the city and took a plunge of 100 feet into the RariUiu river. Domestic trouble was the cause. The Pennsylvania Chautauqua. Mount Gretna, Feb.

11. At Uie meeting of tho executive committee of the Pennsylvania Chautauqua, held at Lancaster, July 12 was fixed as the date of opening the summer assembly at Mount Grotnu, It Wi a Valuable Satchel. Cor.nino, N. Feb. 11.

A satchel containing over in securities, stolon from the bank of Lallimore Werta at Addison, was found under an old barn here. Think Tramp Did It. Newark, N. Feb. 11.

The police" do not now think that Lentz murdered aged Mrs. Senior at Milburn. They behove tramps did the butchery. Refunded Custom Due. Washinoton, Fob.

11. The amount of customs duties refunded in the fiscal year ended June 80, Itflll, with interest and costs, aggregated $3,80, 1116. A Steamship Aground. Havana, Feb. 11.

The American steamship Hutchinson, from New Orleans, ran aground in a heavy fog. The passengers were landed safely. A Train Bobber Captured. San Francisco, Feb. 11.

Marion Hudspeth, one of the men who robbed the express train at Oiendale, of captured here. A Revolution In Servla. Viiwna, Feb. 1 1 A rumor is current hero that a revolution has broken, out in Belgrade, the capital of Servla. i I Tu M.i.

Mv- S'-v v-- Deal Ever Consummated. AND THE READING NOW IS MASTER It A bnerln the New Jersey Central, I.ehlKh Valley and Delaware, Lackawanna and Western HailroaiU and Control lb Authrariie t'oal Market anil I'rli'e. PlilLAPKi.riiu, Feb. II Through the gn'utoet uV'iU ever made iu the history of railroading, tl IU-ailiug Railroad comimny will iy a divslciul ou its stock this year, and its net earnings will incrcai i.i'jJ.OUO la the next twelve months. The Reading uow coutrola, by lense ot 009 years, the Iiehigh Valley and New Jersey Central railroada, aud on Feb.

21 the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western will lie controlled In the interest of the Reading. The Reading and its leased lines now represents ttf capital and its earnings will amouut to wr year. This Is Ue grtatist roup ever known in corporation finance, beside which Uie fa-mou South Penn-Bi'ech Creek-West Shore deal ot lv5 ales to alwolutc insignificance. The statement a to the control of the lie-high Vallevnd New Jersey Central is made nuthonuitivoly. At the general offices of the Reading Railroad company President Mc.Leod is unlay the king of railroad The Reading controls cent of the anthracite coal production ltd hereafter it is alisolute master ot the aituntion.

By this combination tbs net receipt tor anthracite coal will be at least twenty-five cents per ton greater thuu last year. A NtaMniluu Deal. The results of this stujicndous deal are so far reaching as to be difficult of compre-( hension. The terms of the lease with Uie antral provttlos for a ruarantin uivttiena of per cent, on the stock ot that company, I 1 I V.I..1 I. kuU.l.u AH.

and in additiou the Central is to rooei ve one- half of its own net earnings in excess of the amount required for the 7 percent, dividend nntil the total dividend reaches 10 percent, per annum, the surplus over the 10 per cent te revert to tho Reading. The Central earned last year lll.M per cent, so that the Reading will get a l-r cent, on this lease nil Uie start. The Iiehigh Valley is guaranteed a dividend at the rate of 5 per cent, per annum until May 31, from that dute uutil Dec. 1 at the rate of li per and after the hist named date the guaranteed dividend Is 7 per cent. In addition to tho guaranteed dividend, and after the latter paid, the Lehigh Valley stevk is to receive one-half of the net earnings of that road, until the total, dividend shidl equnl 10 per cent, per annum, after which the surplus goes to the Reading iu the same manner.

Aside from other considerations, to be mentioned later, and which will affect the earnings of these two companies equally. Presideut Mclnod is confident that the Lehigh Valley, after May 1, when it new line to BnffiUo will be couiplejod, is certain, on it own merits, to earn more than the full amount of the guarautea, wholly regardless of any benefit which its revenue may derive from the now relations between the three comauies. To Ilnvolutlonlse the Old System. It should be remembered that the Lehigh Valley is now paying the Erie annually for trackage, a sum equivalent to 3 per cent, on it capital stock, and that the Lehigh Valley makes a net gain of thia amount, which, added to the 5 per cent, the company is now paying, will provide for the 7 per cent, guarantee and leave a surplus ot 1 per cent. In addition to this the Buffalo and hike traffic of all these lines will be thrown over the Lehigh Valley.

It is Mr. McLeod's conviction that the existing methods of marketing anthracite ore unnecessarily curaliersome and expensive. An agreement has bein rnjiched which will completely revolutionize the old system and result in enormous savings to the compa- nies interested in the mining of coal Tho plan is to consolidate offices and reduce the number of officers and employees. Tho joint business of marketing the production of these companies will practically bo controlled by President Mclieod's corporation, and wUl be so conducted as to not only secure economy, but to prevent competition. It is Mr.

McLeod's theory that the industries of Pennsylvania are now paying fair and reasonable prices for their fuel, but that the rates prevailing at New York, Boston, Chicago, Canada and other distant points should bo so equalized that they will bear a proper and just relation to the location of those markets with regard to the source ot supply, The Acme of Itallroad 1 This will give the industries of Pennsylvania their proper advantage over those of. distaut points, which have their own advantages of locality, und which now operate against Pennsylvania because, in addition to such advaAagos of location, they have now those of equul prices for fuel also, This is a wrong which will be righted. It is estimated that these changes taken, together will yield an increase of at least twenty-five cents per ton on all ooal handled by Uie consolidated Reading system, and without costing the consumer one penny more than at present, except at such places, as Uie product of the mines is now sold at actual loss. It is now plain what was in Mr. McLeod's mind when be acquired the Poughkeepsie bridge and the lines tributary thereto, which throw tke Reading and its entire augmented system into the very heart of New England, giving it the only all rail route from the middle and southern states to the east, with, connections with all important New England roads and enabling it to virtually control Uie coal traffic of that entire region.

This coup ot President McLeod's is the greatest in the history of railroad finan ciering and makes the Reading as strong corporation a there is in the world. McClelland' Imposing Funeral. Pittsburg, Feb. 11. The remains of Adjutant General McClelland were borne to-Allegheny cemetery upon a caisson and Interred with military honors.

The funeral, cortege was Uie most imposing public; demonstration of a military character held, in this city Bince the war. Millionaire McLaren Dead. Ottawa, Feb. 11. James McLaren, the millionaire lumberman, died at Buclr ingham, aged seventy-four years.

Annoyed Heber Newton. New York, Feb. 11. A crank who has been annoying Rev. Heber Nowton was arrested and sent to jail.

Senator7 Hill In Albany. At.nAKV. Feb. 11 United State Senator I tu i Blaine's Reported Intention Sets the Mill Grinding. EOT THE CABINET IS HARMONIOUS.

rieeretarlva Wuiinmaker, Tracy aud Noble Are Not to Nor He ltetlrrd, but lllaiue's Colleague Are of the Opinion That He Will Smm Mep llown and Out. Wahiunuton, Feb. 11. The dixrwU'h. that cl*tine would "after a reasouahlo 'ltorval" folkiw bin withdrawal as a cuudi- UU for pmmk-tit by retiriug from the cb-luet wan tf leyraplml back to Waahiuirtiin in varioiw distorted s1uiioa, which calhil forth a frum the Becretury himself.

Tlio atuUiiHot wtvi not uimlii In these din- initcltcs that Mr. Blaine would at onoe, or even within a ahort time, return to the pruaident hi cotuuihoion an awrvUtry of state. The stntomont wna made, however, thatataomo futnro time, after a "reaaon- Hlia intrval," so long soparated from his letter of withdrawal as not to associate the two acta in tho public mind as having any connect am with each othi'r, 8ecretury Blaine bad deUimitned ti withdraw frum the call- iuot. The aiinonuceraotit that P'retary Blaine hnd dctwrmimvl at some futnro date to ro-liim his tiortfoUo wue anthorized by the repetition of a conversation which Mr. limine hU very recently with one of hi moat iutimato and trusted friends.

During this oonvursntion Mr. Bhune told his friend that he had written the text of hie letter of withdrawal from the presidential field and added that he intended ultimately to folio thia letter with his resignation art a member of the cabinet. This statement was re peated to your correspondent acd tt publi cation waa not a violation of confidence. The early publicity of Secretary Blaine's ch'turmination may have in a measure defeated his own purpose, which was to sepa rate distinctly and totally in the public mind his wittidrawal as a presidential can didato from any connection with bis retire ment from official lifo. It is sieniticaut that Air.

Blaine is es pecially emphatic in saying that be will not go either to the Bermudas or to Cuba, but that ho will escape the trials of a sea voyage when he makes his southern trip by going to some pla-e which can be reached by rail. False Cabinet Bnniors. The announcement respecting Secretary Bhiine's plans was followed by a host of unfounded rumors concerning other cabinet cliango. These may be dismissed as utterly untruthful. These rumors were to the effect that Postmaster Gonoral Wanamuker and the president had had a falling out because of the noupolitical conduct of the postoffioe department; that Mr.

Wanamaker was to be given a foreign mission; that Mr. Wana-maker was to return to business life in Philadelphia; that Mr. Clurkson was to be made postmaster general; that Secretary Tracy had incurred unwarranted expenditures in the naval preparations for the expected war with Chili, and that thereby he had involved the administration in a controversy with the naval committee of the senate and houije, and that Secretary Noble was to resign in order to accept a judicial or diplomatic appointment. Most of theeo varieated rumors contradicted themselves, being manifestly absurd on their face. Mr.

Wanatnaker domes all the rumors relating to himself with specific exactness. The Beaignatiou Will Come. The basis for the report concerning Secretary Tracy is ridiculous but interesting. When, the other day, the expense account for taking the testimony of the Baltimore crew in California reached the second auditor of tho treasury, it was discovered that the man who had charge of the work had mado two specific and separate bills for the stenographic and clerical work, wherens it should have been for stenographic work alone, and upon the direction of the at torney general the extra or double charges were thrown out as unauthorized. Upon this action a report gained currency that tho entire exj)enses incurred by the navy department in connection with the Chilian affair had been "turned down." The report of Secretary Noble's coming reeignation is tlie revival of an old story.

There is no doubt that at one time Socre-tary Noblo did intend to leave the cabinet. There is no doubt that Secretary Nolde would take this step at any time when a pathway, at once agreeable and honorable for his retirement, could be opened to him. It may be added that members of the cabinet folly expect and still expect Secretary Blaine's resignation to become an officially declared fact within a few montlis. The step, when it occurs, will be as much regretted in Washington as among Republicans everywhere. Solid Hill Delegations.

Nonwicn, N. Feb. 11. The Chemung comity Democratic convention was held here, State Treasurer Elliott Danforth presiding. Dr.

Linn Babco*ck, of Norwich, chairman of the Democratic county committee George A. Munson, of Smyrna, and Peter H. Parker, of Coventry, were elected delegates to the state convention. The delegates were instructed to support the Hon. Elliott II.

Danforth for delegate to the national convention. The Democratic conventions of the townB of Milton and Ballston have chosen solid Hill delegations to tho First assembly district convention. Tho delegates from Ballston are Gilbert McFarland, Edward H. lloyt and John McCabe. All Hill Delegates Elected.

Watertowh, Feb. 11. At the Democratic primaries held in this city every ward elected Hill delegates, though a fight was made by the Cleveland men to get control. In the Second ward, which is the home of D. (i.

Griffin and Judge O'Brien, advisers of Cleveland during his administration, the anti-Hill ticket was defeated by five majority. Against the Early Convention, New York, Feb. 11. Tho speakers at tonight's mass meeting at Cooper Union in opposition to an early Democratic convention will be Congressman Charles Tracy, of Albany; John J. Milburn, of Buffalo; ex-Secretary of the Treasury Charles 8.

Fair-child; E. Ellery Anderson and Congressman John DeAVitt Warner, of New York. A Republican Victory. Canistico, N. Feb.

11. As a result ot the election the Republicans chose twenty-four supervisors in Steuben county and tho Democrat eight. These were elected at town meetings, but at tholr charter elections in March the cities of Hornellsvillo aud Coruing will vote for throo supervisors each. EPECTAT0B3 K0U3ED IST0 TEESZY, Men Curapit and Women Wept and ainted at the Miiht the tearful Spectacle -The Mliii Had lu Ite Dragged by Force tu Sleet TUelr Doom. Mahkui, Feb.

11. There was Intense, ex citement nud a horrible scone at Uie i recti-Hon of the anarchist at Xerea. The street. housetop and windows aUait the pWam front of the jail were packed with aopk and at every point of vantage, for the greatest excitement has prevailed among the lower vla ever since the anarch iut raid on Xeres ou Jan. 8 last, when the towo was held practically by the "reds" for aev- vral hours.

The four anarchist were exiMtttd sc rately. The iatfonn Uhh which the gar- rote was erected was wirrouudtd by a rough wiaalen rtiiling, iiisule of which was strong deLahmont of police and trvsijo, who hail no tronhkt in keeping the people baiic Uou Uie scaffold tlu'ro were four wwalen partitions, in each of which was placed chair liehlnd whUil was a stake. Attached to each stake there was a metallic collar whioh is put around the criminal's neck; behind Uw ixJlar is an iron screw whicii is turuetl until its point crushes iuto Uie spinal column, causing death. The name of the four anairhist executed were Busigui, Zarxm-kt, Ii brijano and Lr malii, Uie first named having Uen the ailer of a movement in refusing to leave bis cutl for the scaffold until compelled to do an. They presented a horribly frightened appearance as they were forced, trembling and deathly protesting and first blustering and then imploring mercy into Uieir respective partitions from which they could see Uie populace, police and but could not witness the death agony of their companions.

Zartuela was nearly too drunk to walk when he was forced toward the stake and kept on shouting: "Morewiuol More winel I am in nocent. I am innocent. But we will not act cowardly. We die for the social cause." A llorrlhla Spectacle. Busgni shouted: "We are inms'cnt.

Oh, my mother. My mother," and struggled des-iierately to escaiie being fonvd to approach the chairlike stake. So terribly did he struggle that it required the combined strength of five men to force him into the death seat, and even then they had much difficulty in getting his neck into the gar rote. Finally the executioner was two ful) minutes in turning the screw of tho iron o'hir powerfully enough to break the liecU- bone of the uufortuuute anarchist. The spectacle was a horrible one.

As the si Tew of the gnrrote entered the spine their heads iorwam, tue races turning purple and tongue protruding, This terrible scene worked the tieople into a state of rage and indignation terrible to behold men shouted and cursed at the authorities, women wept and moaned as they buried their heivls in their aprons and dresses, and several people, male and female, fainted outright; but there was no attempt made to attack the police or military, for the latter have taught the anarchists of Xerea a lesson which they are not likely to forget for many a long day. The other two condemned anarchists, Lcbrijano and Lamala, died more quietly, death apparently being instantaneous from the moineut of the first two or three turns of the screw were applied. AIL the exe cuted men wore either cobblers or book- muki The Murderous Outbreak. The outbreak, for taking part in which the men were garroted, broke out at Xeres, sixteen miles from Cadis. During the evening of Jan.

a largo body of anarchists, armed with scythes, old muskets, knives, pistols, marched in several detachments into Xeres from the surrounding country districts, shouting, "Viva la putting the town authorities for a time at complete defiance. The rough characters of the city (Xeres a imputation of about 40,0110 people) joined iiteuca with the anarchists and soon the whole city was in an uproar. Then, as if by previous arrangement, several bunds of anarchists met iu front of the local theater defying the authorities and assaulting aud robbing all citizens who refused to join them. One man was caught by the anarchists as he was leaving the theater and, because ho resisted the attempt mailo to rob him, tho rioters strangled him to death amid hideous ai-plause and laughter. Up to this time the authorities were panic stricken aud both tho police and the garrisons remained within their barracks.

This so encouraged the riotous anarchists that thejery of "Free the prisoners!" was raised, and a march upon the city prison was commenced, Wallowed In Wine. Arriving In front of tho jail the mob bo- gan a furious attack upon it with stones and beams, which they used against the gates. The air was made hideous with tho roaring of the mob, then made drunk with wine and brandy stolen from the stores. The gutters flowed with wine and men laid fiat down in the street and sucked it up as it was wantonly poured into tho streets by the rioters. The jail resisted thoir attack and they then tried to sack the town, but the municipal authorities collected together a lsxly of gendarmes, police and night watchmen and made an attack upon the anarchists.

Then followed a series of desperate battles in the streets in whioh a number of people were severely wounded and several wero killed, but the anarchists were routed, the leaders arrested, court martialed and condemned to die. TattUon' Libel Suit. Philadelphia, Feb. 11. The case of William F.

Jordan aud J. J. McLaurin, editors and proprietors of the Harrisburg Cull, charged by Governor Pattison with publishing a libel upon him during his campaign for governor, was postponed on account of illness of counsel. Jared A. Sanford Deputy.

Mt. Vernon, N. Feb. 11. James F.

Crooker, of Buffalo, appointed to the position of state superintendent of public instruction, has appointed Jared A. Sanford, of this place, as deputy superintendent of public instruction. The San I'ranclsco to Salt. San Dikoo, Fob. next week the United Stntes steam cruiser Suu Francisco will sail for Honolulu.

Brazilian Cabinet fthtiken I p. Rio Javkiuo, Feb. II. The minister of the interior has rt DISSOLUTION SALE. Crowds of customers getting immense big bargains all day yesterday, and every day.

The retiring partner would rather have the cash than odd lots in Clothing, that's why they're being taken away for half and little over half price. lew York Clothing House, 316 MARKET STREET. MAX EPIIKAIM CO. i limry. inviu u.

iliu una nnc in kuu w.j uvm New York..

The Evening Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.