The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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PAGE TWENTY 18 RUNNERS BOXING CARD ON TAP SATURDAY Butter AL JOLSON MAY BUY OUT Comedian Seeks Horns Cap KREMER LEADS IN EECTIVENESS IN NATIONAL LEAGUE xhnw nt bln gymnslnm Euclid avenue tomorrow pees I91 40 103 SLIGO $34(1: remont Cnigcr Piny Tonight REMONT 0 Dec Two re mont scholastic basketball teams will play on foreign courts tomor row night St High will play St High at Delphos and remont High Little Giants will op pose St High at Bellevue Has Allowed Only 261 Runs PcrGame Wins 20 for Percentage of 769 All Star Bill to Open 1927 Akron Season Cardinal Stock PHILADELPHIA Dec (AP) Al Jolson the blackface comedian 11 negotiating with Rogers Hornsby for the purchase of nls stock in the St Louis Cardinals Jolson already is ono of the minority stockholders in the St Louis baseball club hav ing bought his shares several years ago Jolson and Hornshy are closefriends "If Hornsby will agree on a fair price for his stock the transaction will be closed this Jolson who is playing here at the Shubert theater said tonight Incubator May Hatch uture Champ Jnvlt Dempsey Gene Tunner Mickey Walker and the rest of the champions came from the cradle of hexing They were ipMcovered nnd developed Into hl money makers In the ring With thia In mind Jerry Socha Is running lit first boxing nt rsros night CINCINNATI August Hermann president of the Cincinnati Nationals has closed ne gotiations with three American league to play exhibition games with the Reds tn Orlando 51a during the spring training sea son ''The Yankees will play there on March 15 and the day will be made a gala one as it will be known as Babo Ruth Day On March 16 the Washington will be entertained at Orlando The Reds and the St Louis Browns will play at West Palm Beach on the 26th of that month and then the two teams will go to Miami for a game on the fol lowing day They will return to West Palm Beach on the 28th and will play four gameson successive days the 28th included AKRON 0 Dec An all star "boxing show next Saturday after noon at the Armory marks in the 1927 sport field Suey Welch local promoter will stage the show The main event will he ten rounds between Johnny Breslin New York flyweight and Andy Tomasky of Pittsburgh Bres lin recently copped a decision here over Tommy Hughes Cleveland fighter sin the eight round semi final will be Brown of New Bedford Mass and Eddie Bowen of McKees port The program opens with four rounds between icErnie Groves of Indianapolis and Eddie Ruckman of Wheeling The leading six rounder features two heavies Big Billy Walsh of Akron and Jack Sims of Cleveland Two other six session scraps are: Bennie Burns of Akron vs Jack Kellar of Cleveland 0 Kelly Memphfs typhoon vs Eddie Greede of Cleveland Jerry I featuring boy who Iihvo never boxed In public be fore nnd hopes to find prospec tive future greats who will tn time become star In the profes sional rings REDS ANNOUNCE GAMES Will Three American League Clubs In Training Dec British Soccer LONDON' Dec 27 (A ootball games plavM in Great Britain today re A as follows: Enelteh Loamio tret West ham United 2 Birmingham 0: Cardiff City 2 Arsons1 0: Derby County 2 Bolton Wan oererv 0 Town 5 Blackburn Rovers 0: New Callu United 2 Leede United 1: Liverpool 2 Burntev 2: (Man chc United 2 Tottenham Hot Smirs 1: Sheffield United 3 A'tmviJln 1 Siev'cr i land 3 Everton 2 Lctaater City 1 West bro nwich Albion 0 division Barnsley Darlington 2: Blackpool (i Town 2: Wolver hamnton Wanderers 2 Bradford Citv 1: Heading 2 ulham 1 Chelsea nj City 1 Middlesbronrb 2 Cl'y Nottingham orest 1 Portamoth 0 Port Vale 3 Clanton Orient (I: eton North 4 South Shields 0: Sonthamn ton 2 Notts County 0 Swanecatown Oldham AthtetauO Third division: Northern Hartle bools United 1 Crewe Alexandra 0: Dur nim Citv 2 Accrington Stanley 0: Don easier Rovers 4 1 Lincoln Cilv I 2 Rochdale 3: New Brighton 1 Chester I field 0 Itolhcrham Veiled 2 Stoke City I 2: Souihoort Halifax Town 0: Stock "ft Camily 7 Barrow 0 Tranraere Rover 3 Ashhutou 1: Wigan Boro 5 Walsall 2 Wrexham 2 Nelson 2 Remy Kremer of tho Pittsburgh Tira tea has earned tho honor of hclng tho leading pitcher of the Na tional league during the past sea son according to official statistics jijsueJ yesterday His mark of 261 runs earned per game was the low est average In the National league While In addition hfs record of twenty victories and six defeats for a percentage of 769 was tho high cst in the circuit Other pitchers won twenty games were: Pete Donahue of Cin clmntl Charles Rhein of St LouiSi and Lee Meadows of Pittsburgh John Scott New York pitched in tho most games fifty Carl Mays' Cincinnati pitched the most com plete games twenty four PeterDonohue Cincinnati pitched thegreatest number of Innings 286: al lowed the most hits 298 faced the most batsmen 1191 and pitched the njcst shutout victories five Control Good Lloyd Davies York finished th most games twenty nine red Bltke Chicago allowed the most lMjes on balls ninety two and Gro ver Alexander Chicago St Louis iv the least thirty one the fourth successive year Alexander has led in this department Arthur Vance struck ou the most batters 149 nls fifth straight year of leadership During this period Vance has struck out 953 batters Cre Sept 24 Vance struck out fifteen CHc ato batters getting Wilson four times Peck and Tolson each three and Heathcote Stephenson i Hartnett Churry and Bush In this game Vanc struck out the first five Matters to face him James Ring New York with Claude Willoughby Philadelphia made the most wild pitches nine apiece Don Songer Pittsburgh hit the most batsmen eleven Wayland Dean Philadelohla allowed the most runs 136 and with his teammate Claude Willoughby allowed the rest earned runs 111 each Jesse Petty Brooklyn allowed the most sacrifice hits forty four BBZZ SAW S3 SO S2 20 $2 10: (Weiner) $3 $220: INN 112 I Hebert) New Orleans Results IRST RACE claiming maidens all twes ti ANGLE PLANE 107 (Mszouel $4580 $1320 $0 DR JIGG8 115 (J McCoy) $000 $440: OLD OXY 105 (M Hum) 36 1:102 5 Chuetta Bellini Son of ortune air Name Keystone State Surprise Tribal Winsome also ran SECOND RACE claiming tfiree year olds up LOVAL II 110 $4040 $3000 $1040 COUN SELLOR CONNELLY 110 Whitcaere) VH0 $180 SLATE 112 Stevens) so 20 1 :49 4 5 Jupiter Untried Grass Tree Ba Dingle Bao Garrett Clent also ran ield THIRD RACE three year old up 1ft RENCH LADY 104 (Workman) $2240 $8 COURSER 107 (Crowell) $480 $340 SENATE 105 (innerty) Tin 1 4t) 1 Sir West Point I tark William Diggins Peter Lee Reliable Northern Star also ran OURTH RACE ta ntntr all are mils ana uwiw rONGE 100 (M Hum) unv nniivriviii i I irnr I I I 0 Girl Tua Bell also ran ITH RACE claiming three year olds up 0 furlongs MING POINT 110 (M Gamer) $1129 $540 $320: MIKADO 100 (D Smith) $1180 $640 JI LIE 113 (SnrcmbaL $080 Time 4 5 The Badrer Evert lade Monday Morning wild Aster Genial Host feyaun Kid Boots also ran SIXTH R4CE Haiming three yaar pld up 1 GRAND BEY 1 10 (Cra ver) $5 80 S27O $240 COMMISSION ER 114 (D Smith) $340 $300 BAL BOA 110 (Workman) $380 1:47 2 5 Hilary Guest ot Honor Drone also ran SEVENTH RACE Galminjr all aces 1 mile and 70 Craver) $42fl $20 $2 00: OLYMPIC 105 (Arnold) $0 $300 OOLSCAP 103 1 1) Smith) $280 1 2 a Illackrntith Burnt Johnny Canipbell Le vey Jack Knight also ran Orlando Results IRST RACE id iiminr maiden three year olds AECTION ATE MAK) 17 (Pa ehtimM $320 $2 Bo $22(1: PRK LESS 107 tRvan) $420 $320: Al ALAI 112 (Diliea) $2 20 Tf'no 1:13 3 5 Monteagle Tim Rooney Bloom Sam Landers Apropos also ran SECOND RACE thn vear 5 fur lon EARL POOL IOS tPaechunia)t $100 521)0 S2S0 BE TRUEMAN 108 ('larra bn) $2 00 $3 40 BENGALESE (Bullman) S'ltk) 1:02 Dean IL Impact Old Top Red Alex also ran THIRD RACE claiming Ihrtc ycar pldg S'i tnrliiws NERO IRvan) $280 $2 till $320 RED SETH 101 (Healy) $1 $280 THE PERUVIAN 104 (G $420 4 5 Worthington Lady Abbott Broeklesby Pierre Rhue also ran OURTH RACE claiming thre vear olds up GLIYMERINw Hid (Benham) SO $3 $2 20: SOON 104 (Parcumal $240 $220: TEXAS 103 (Moser) $240 1:07 1 5 hn Tony Brown Tu lann Mim Nancy also ran ITH RACE claiming three vear oldr tip 8 furlongs POLY CARP 115 (Ben him) $420 $220 $2 20: JMINEBAR 107 (Parchumal $220 $2 Ill) LAMP WARD 107 Hlealv) $4(50 Time 112 3 5 Silk Sox Quanah Sweitum also run SIXTH RACE claiming three vear otd tin (I fitrlmm MARTIAL WAND PH (Pngchnrm) $3 $2 20 nut: PANOLA lliu (Benham) $280 out LEGER 112 luuttmani out i Cun John innegan also ran SEVENTH RACE Claiming all mile 11M ntrsv 111 (Pnsdl $1580 $500 HARR THE NORTH IX smiln) XI 11 Irr $320 Time 1:42 Mountain Chief Merry Mars La Kross Dusk Bue Bee also ran Pcmnano Results' IRST RACE claiming three vear nlds np ti furlonr JEALOUS Ill (Barnett) S'lflO $3 $240 BONNIE CASTLE 103 M'lellandL $420 $280 CHE D'OEUVRE 112 (Roehm) 52ii( 1:17 Sin vona War Idol Billy Weleh also ran SECOND RACE eWmlnta thren rear olds fl fnrlon JINGLE 112 (MeCrns "ni $3 20 $2 10 $220: MONASTERY 107 (Weiner) $20 $200 DOUBLE 112 (Merriment $4811 Timo 4 5 Mexican Pete ast Boy Peter Brush also ran THIRD RACE elainilnc three vear olds fl SHINING LIGHT 112 (Zuc cnintti aiivi atau 3eu BRaNCn 1(18 (Hibert) $520 ASK HIM 108 (Hom) $140 1:17 2 5 Belle Claire ABttquitr Wild Cat also ran OURTH RACE three year olds up 5 1 NORTH BREEZE 105 (Cle)land) $1420 S3 40 $280: RISCO 107 (R iKttl $2 10 MOSBY 107 (Zofieri $340 3 5 rosty Boy Citizen Atimoin also ran ITH RACE claim'ns three vear oMs up I) ORESTES II 10(1 (Ziic ehmi) $710 $38(1 out: CORINTH 115 (Aceardv) $4 out AGNES CALL 104 ivneainarn i our tain Donan also ran SIXTH PACE four year old up Oty tig i riamen KEINETH 112 Hcr'KLERERRY S290 Time 1:27 1 5 Black Sand Totnahoi also ran SEVENTH RACE claiming ihree vear nMs up 1 mile IAAJA1I 110 (Barnett I $320 $280 $2 30 WARATAH 100 (Gamer) S420 $3: PETE OY 1(11 (Marr) $1140 Tune 1:47 Pequot Sun Hathor Royal Queen also ran New Orleans Entries IRST RACE etgiming three year olds un 0 Nentune 115: 115 light 107 Noel 115 Peter De env 115: Dever 107: Garr rride 104 Bmwn Trout 112: Harry Carroll 112: 107: amous Blue 115 Alao eligible 110 Skin 110: Pesvv 0 112: Never theless 107: West Hill 112 Dr Hick man 115 SErOND RACE claiming two year olds 0 furl meg Ginger 104 lahertv 112 Ilctiy 100 Medfug 112 Bella 100: lekie 104: lower II 107: Tee IPe 104: able 104Quick Money 104: 107: Green Baek 112 Also All Virginia 104: Balto 112: Master sweep 12 Rosemary Ryan 108 104: Gay Hallie 104 THIRD RACE all ages 1 mile 70 yards 112 100: Phenol 106: Buchannn 109 Mandy 84: Grass Tree 114 Llewellyn lOK: Dentaria Ill Green Blazes 107 Man 105 OURTH RACE claiming two year olds fl furlonve Realty 112 Golden Ton 109 Guinea 10: Mollie Myhill JOO: Drama 100 Blossom 104Eurasia 104: 107: Colonel Sprague 107 Blue inn 100: Martins Caddy 112 Speedometer 112 Also Nama 104: Dr Ed Keefer 112Golden ringe 104: Water Baby 109 Poyal Highness 112: Mayberry tl 1 2 ITH RACE claiming handicap three year olds up Harass 100 Resourceful 105: Ocean Current 404: Golden Billows 110 Commissioner100: Corposant 104 SIXTH RACE all ages 1 mile elix 119 Medley 98 Timothy 113: Canister 110 Lord Martin Ill Tempest 113 SEVENTH RACE claiming all ages 1 mile 70 yards Sparkling 03 iDesert Gold 117 90: Croatan 08Lucy Kate 10(5 Go 105: Huon Pine 120: Kiyi 105 Bledsoe 102 Sweet Money 107 Weather raiding track slow Havana Entries IRST RACE elaiming three ycar olds 64 furlongs eRapid Day 105 Guesle 112 Locks 107 Somerby 109 Mediator Jr 109: 101 Time 104 The Bag 104: Pali 106 Col Pat 110 Bachelor's Error 100: Lu cillo Russell 112: Land Queen 104 Primus 100: Top Lady 103 Star Girl 100 Bee 08 Jeroboam lot) SECOND RACE claiming three year otus up Grace 111 Aconfttwl 115: BaaPieeJc Suave H'h Hughle 104: Serious 103 Pueblo 115 DM Guard 111 Clean 107 Return 105 Blossoms lot): Gilt Queen 104 Swim 104 Lass 10U Tlar Baby 108 THIRD RACE Ihree year oids up claim fl furlongs 107: On 114: Gli nmpre 112 El Oudatne lOtlSunny Girl 404 Yellow Pine 112 Myrrh 10 rance Louise 101 Dolly pimbar 112 Gladstone 107: Who Knows Me 112 Expressive 111) Pilades 110 OURTH RACE claiming tbree year olds up Busted Heels 10b: Verbena 100: Little Trump 405 Alics Lang i 104: Little Jen Pie 07 Dave Goldie 108 Miss Babo 108 Obilnue 109 of Eve 102Clear View 103: Monitor 112 ITH RACE claiming all ages 1 mile and 50 yards Belplirixonia 102 eder Hi fl 1 114 I DI $17b0 $7 0 Sih Ml SEAL I im I iiin ii rnwi'ii i 11 47 2 5 ire Boy Brtae a Cup 4 MN 10 10 IN BASEBALL CASE 1 I Diamond Stars in Confer ence with Attorney Boyd in Capital (Continued rom irst Pag) troduco a resolution proposing nn Inquiry into the controversy when congress reconvene next week Re cording to a dispatch Cobb after hfs conference with Boyd and Speaker had a long talk with Senator William Harris of Georgia close friend Harris said that Cobb did not tell him what he planned to do but as I will stand back of Ty to the limit and will aid him all I can in whatever course of action he elects to pursue" Harris said he did not see Speaker Speculation as to just what the purpose of tlio visit of the baseball idols an tithe legal advisor to the capital wad continued late last night Their train is due in Cleveland at 8:30 a rn today Whether Cobb will stop here Is a question If he continues to Detroit ho probably will confer with rank Navin owner of the Detroit ball team and Ty former employer or with Detroit players £olb May See Lnndl If ho goes to Chicago It may be to see Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis who aired the charges against Cobb Speaker and Joe Wood Landis last night expressed only passing interest when informed of the rumored federal investigation of his action "I have no objections 5 whatever to such an Investigation" he eaid Before possibility of such an in vestigation was denied last night by Boyd Clark Griffiths president of the Washington American league team discounted the rumor that Cobb Speaker would turn to the de partment of justice and the inter state commerce commission for aid He said according to Washington dispatches that court decisions long ago held that the anti trust laws do not cover organized baseball Elmer 1 Myers who pitched the game In question for Cleveland and who said last week that he knew nothing Irregular about the play and nothing about any betting on the game was at hjs home in Baltimore all day yesterday and has not talked with either Cobb or Speaker concerning the affair ac cording to dispatches heavYnovices ON SACKS BILL Miller McConnell ray to eature Tourney Jerry Sachs has a heavyweight battle to feature the novice boxing tournament at his gymnasium 5902 Euclid avenue tomorrow night Mike Miller who hails from the Newburg district of Cleveland en tered the tournament yesterday and since only one other heavyweight has signified his intention of taking part in the tourney Mike ia sched uled to meet McConnell the previous entrant in the heavyweight division McConnell will have a twelve pound weight advantage over Miller for the former weighs an even 200 pounds against 188 for Miller Miller mind that however and thinks he can beat McConnell despite thia handicap Miller was dug up by Mike Wallace Cleveland light heavyweight who also Uvea out Newburg way WH 1041 Thre9 SIXTH RACE claimlnsr three year olds ()4: Kemal 04 Leaf 99 Piedra 7: iAnry 1IS: Zcrlfne Lady George 104: 08: Eternity 107 Dentzlc 103 Peppertette 105: Raj 107 Radical 107 Zero 110 Salanderer Weather clear track fast Pompano Entries IRST RACE claiming two year olds a furlong Spanish Castle 110 08: Press 100: Complaisance 105 Land Mark Zeller entry ar0 RACE claiming three year 5 'A Monastery 107 A1 aV: Dell Evans liO: 102s Gilmore 101 Time 98 nTHIRI) RACE clalminr thrce year olda and up OU furlongs 104 TRcvelllon 99: Merrimac 112 Rib Grass 104 reya lOfl Quayle 99Parniaehen Belle 99 Grapestone 103 Martingale 112 Billiken 100 OURTH RACE claiming three year Mayni 107: Serena 99: Home 101 Atasc ador 106 Sue 105 Corley 107: Bitn 107 ITH RACE two year olds 5 fur longs Tamiami Trail 109: Benny Rubin 100 Colleen 104 Hawk God 107 Ver non 105 Handey's Bend 107 SIXTH RACE claiming three year olds 5 Camp ire Tales 110: Buzz Saw 107 Northern Pacific 107 Pocket Mouse 107 Cora Russell 104 Sea Net 95 Albert 107 SEVENTH RACE claiming three year olds and up 6 furlongs Stone 104 Happy Birthday 105 Basket Picnic 105 Torcher 105 Care ree 107 Sligo Branch 100 Karachi 107 Peter 112Alita Allen 100: Lord Melee 100 Weather clear track fast Orlando Entries IRST RACE claiming all ages 5U furlongs Joseph 100 L'Eclair 108 100 Bissell oi Last 105 Broadview108 Assent 107Australette 107 SECOND RACE claiming al! ages 5U furlonga 108 Jal Alal88 Beg Pardon lid: Colonist 90 Natro light 01 Kathleen 105 Tho Colonel 113 Leelie 113 THIRD RACE claiming three year oldi and un I A Sun Sprite 107: lower 103Dolph 100 107 110Aghamore l(M) Bee 100 OURTH RACE claiming three year olds and up 6 Mae 105Richard Murray 105: Gee 110 Enos 105 Bcl Song 100 Black oot Shank 103 102Booster 100 The Law 107 too ITH RACE elaiming three year olds and up fl furlongs 104 lor ence Deen lip Crystal ord 108 ishing Boy IOS Marberry 108 Liberty National 112 108 Wlilznn 115 SIXTH RACE allowances all ages turlomrs Deputy 113: Osman 92 Brasa Band 112 fihup 95 Ball Gee 11B: Iahnll 88 Dimple Dunkle 88 Winnipeg SEVENTH RACE claiming three year olds and up 1 mile and 70 Call 1)9 plainsman 102 Qulnbam 104 Sakah 10'j Bucko il2 Lola Montez 100 Barrlskane 102 Weather cloudy i track fast CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER TUESDAY DECEMBER 28 Season Was Qr eat One on Cinder Paths Paddock Locke Hoff PcItzerMake 1926 Memorable Startling new sprint records to the credit of Charley Paddock and Roland Locke on American cinder paths the adventurous invasion of supor athlote Charley Hoff and the rise of a new German track star Dr Otto Peltzer were high lights of 1926 track and field competition in 9 5 10 seconds and "220" in 20 5 10 both constituting world's records gained official A A recognition The Californian's time erases the 9 3 5 mark set twenty years ago by Dan Kelly On foreign tracks Peltier's per formance emphasized Germany's athletic comeback The man runner first startled the track world by winning the British half mile championship In the world's record time ot 1:513 5 displacing Ted Meredith's ten year old ard Peltzer conquered Douglas Lowe the Olympic 800 meter title holder at the same time To prove this was no fluke he took the measure of the great Scan dinavian pair Paavo Nurmi and Ed win Wide In a record breaking 1500 meter race at Berlin On the following day Nurmi trailed Wide In a two mlle race which resulted In a hew world's record of 9:01 2 5 for the Swedish schoolmaster Hoff started hla American tour in a blaze of glory shattering pole vault records with ridiculous ease and exhibiting all around prowess in defeating Harold Osborn and Emerson Norton tn an indoor seven event test Subsequent allegations of irregularities In bls expense money however resulted in the A A ruling him out of amateur competition Hoff turned profes sional himself later but brought suit against the A A charging conspiracy against him Southern California' Trojans led by the Olympic champion weight tosser Bud Houser romped off with the Intercollegiate A A A A championship for the second straight year The Illinois A captured tho 'National Senior A A team prize In a meet which produced a re markable relay half mile In 1:51 5 10 by Lloyd Hahn and a flock of new champions The latter In cluded an Indian distance running star Philip Oslf of Haskell and new sprinting kings in Charley IWali of Southern California and George Sharkey of Miami univer sity TIGER QUINTET IS TRIMMED BY IRESTONE Princeton Ccgers Unable to Solve De fence! Lose 43 32 (rom Plain Bureau) AKRON Dec Princeton university tonight met the same fate as other 'collegiate cage teams have this season falling 43 to 32 before irestone passers The game was one of the fastest basketball exhibitions ever seen here ire stone led 24 to 17 at the half Princeton got the jump on the Industrial men by putting over a goal and a foul The scoring then alternated with irestone gradual ly forging ahead pass ing was a feature of the contest but was offset by Irestone'3 per fect defense DEEAT DOESNfT DAUNT ELUARD Coach Blithely Starts Work for Adrian Satisfied with hfs showing despite its loss to Ohio (Wesleyan last week Coach Mai Elward of John Carroll university la shaping up his Blue Streak cage array this week In preparation for the game with the Adrian (Mich) college quintet riday evening at Carroll gym? Elward was not (disappointed In the performance of his centers against Wesleyan even though the Bishop center Mitchell controlled the tip off almost throughout El ward figures that very few teams have a center combining the height and exceptional jumping ability of Mltdhell Owing to the early start of the season Carroll had little work in other than fundamentals before the Wesleyan game Edward hopes to turn loose a more crafty and well balanced squad on Adrian riday Carroll beat Adrian here last year 43 to 17 Carroll meets an other Michigan team Albion on the program featuring Syracuse and Wisconsin at Public hall Monday night STARTS IGHT ON A A A A Withdraw rom Ameri can Olympic Association NEW YORK Dec Protesting alleged domination of America's participation In the 1928 Olympic games by a minority group controlled by the Amateur Athletic Union the National Amateur Ath letic ederation at Its annual meet ing voted late today to withdraw from the American Olympic Asso ciation Presaging conflict with the A A Ut In It own field the federation which claims within Its member ship 90 per cent of the amateur athletic activities then adopted a program for 1927 which calls for frequent meetings In every section of the country and a more intensive development of Its work along state lines Ashland High Victor ASHLAND Dec Ashland High completely outplayed (Jo lumbs East here tonight and won a 53 to 18 victory in a basketball game 1 Center Miller of Ashland was tho individual star ot the game scoring ten field goals and a foul while the entire Columbus team scored only five field goal Ash land led 27 to 7 at the half Member of the National league football chib are forbidden to eiwaxe in sem*n In which plejer prteiite who hnvi lUlxned Uwlr college football career this 4 LINK POISON CANDY AND BOOTLEG EOD Lost 4 5 I 333 286 Pci 800 572 5(81 BOO The theory that bootleggers de livered the box of poisoned Christ mas candy to the home of James Peck 5807 Clark avenue 8 Wwas advanced last night by detective After twenty four hours on th mystery Detective Martin Zalewski brought In evidence that several bootleggers might seek revenge agalnet Mrs Peck for furnishing In formation of their activities According to Zalewski Mrs Peck visited three alleged bpotlcg joints In the vicinity of her hfirae and pleaded with them to etop selling whisky She acted In behalf of some of the children In the lection whose father were drinking and neglect ing them eald Zalewski Raid ollow Visit Shortly after on of Mrs visit to the home ot a bootlegger police raided theplac Although the police say they do not know who reported this retort It ta be lieved the bootlegger suspected Mr Peck I The belief that the poison candy might be traced to this particular bootlegger was strengthened by footprints left In th snow by the person who delivered the box and which led In the direction of the bootlegger's home Zalewski said Detectives hope to make a con necting link between the bootlegger by obtaining a sampie of his hand writing and comparing it with the written greetings with tho candy There Is no hope of tracing the sender through purchase of the candy Zalewski declare because the box was hom*o made and the candle evidently purchased In bulk Detectives Zalewski and Henry Kelhl visited drug store around the Peck home hoping to trace the pur chaser of the poison but were un successful The poison candy was delivered to the Peck home early Sunday morn ing before the family had awakened It was found hanging on' the front door knob A card fastened on the box was addressed to "Misses Bertis with a printed greeting wishing her a happy Christmas Detectives Learn Mrs Peck Had Informed Police of Rum Central Cage Loop Ti xm Won Pitubunrh 8 Yountttown 4 Uutlrr 4: Canton '4 Akron 4 Urie 3 Ixirafn 2 Wsrren 2 Legal Notices Legl fiiottre The Annual the Stotk holders of Th Guardian Trust Com pany will be held at the Office of the Company 623 Euclid Avenue Cleveland Ohio at lO OO A on Monday the 17th tday of January 1927 A Board nf Directors will be elected Regulations will be amuilJed 'tfid such other business transacted as may properly be pre sented at said meeting SEA RS 1 jalStno Secretary Tn the Stockholder of the Lnke Shore Banking ft Trust Company! The annual meeting of stockhold ers of The Lake Shore Banking Trust Company will be held at the Main Office of the company at Euclid avenue and East Ninth street Cleve land Ohio at four on Tuesday January 11 1927 for the purpose ot electing directors and for such other business that may properly come before said meeting KING Secretarylc28 ja4 Notice to Taxpayers Noflce la hereby given that th tax statements and return of Cuya hoga county Ohio for th year 1926 have been reviled and th val uations completed and are opened for public inspection at th offic of th County Auditor In th nw court house In Cleveland Ohio Complaints against any valuation or assessment real or personal ex cept valuations fixed and assess ment made by the Tax Commission of Ohio will heard by th Coun ty Board of Revision at Its office in th new court house Cleveland Ohio on and after Tuesday Januar 4 th 1927 Complaints must be In writing by th owner of th property on blanks furnished byKth County Auditor and filed either with the County Auditor or th County Board of Revision before the 20th day of January 1927 A failure to do so will preclude the owner from any relief Th auditor upon request will furnish to any person th assess ment of any tract lot or parcel of real estate upon receipt of postage In requesting such Information the name of the present or former own er the sub lot number the foot frontage etc abould be given in case such data la unknown the lo cation of such lot should be given with refereno to eom other lot or distance from fixed points such as street or alleys It should be born In mind that th map do not Indicate numbers JOHN A ZANGERLE County Auditor dc20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 LOCAL WANT AD RATES la the tollowms countie of Uhio: Anti land Auhtahnla Cuyahnsa Erie Geauga Hmmes Huron Lake Loralu alumina Medina Portage Rich land Stark Summit Trumbull Tuscarawas and Wavne Ratee bevond above tcrritnrv given upon request Death and Lodge Notices fl lines $175 Per insertion excess over fl lines 3Ki dally and 48c Sunday per line Wanted (Again Type Only) 1 orniore consecutive Insertions 18c a line 3 ortunre consecutive Insertions 1 9c a line 1 or times Daily and Sunday 22e a line Room and Board and Housekeemns Rooms ror Kent ano wanted Kent i agate Type Only! Per Line Daily Sun or more consecutive Insertmu 10c 23c ormoro consecutive insertions IRi 24 Insertion 20c 29 All Other" Classifications Bar Line Daily Sun or mor uonaecuiive insertion 31c 43c or more uonsecuiiva Insertions 34c 45 iiisorUon 36c 48e All ratae nre hasod on the agate line 1'hore are 14 Unas tn an inch Allow 37 Setter spaces to line Minimum charge 2 lines Box numbers count tour words Prices ou 3 and 7 time rates are for con secutlvo days only The Plain Dealer will not be resbonsiblt tor ninra than the first Incorrect tnser tton when stopping or ehsnjrms advertise menu ask for the ADJUSTMENT DE PARTMENT Want adverlisonients tor The Moniui Plain Dealer accepted until 8:30 tn dally or The Sunday Plain Dealer: Piral 8:30 riday I Last fl nj Saturday I NOTE: Death Notices Lost and ound and "dre Notices arc eccepted nn to Oildii4v au! Jta next edition sSlkMi 'K rotAL of Lau Dec 26 uneral Wednesday nt from 1223 8Ut street vlUxl CT A TQ Haff rence and Amy Horr alls al ll Euclid avenue Maplewood on Dec 25 uneral Tuesday Dec 28 annie (rite Weiner) be loved wife of Herman mother of Ruth and sister of 8 Weiner Mrs Laura Weil and Mrs Dave Pasternak Monday Dec 27 at residence 1737 Doan ave nue uneral from Deutsch memorial home Dex: 29 at 2:30 Please omit flowers Lawrence beloved hus band of Nettle 8 father of Donald and brother of Mrs lorence Ragan riday uneral Tuesday Dec 28 at 2 from Abel's chapel 12(14 Addison road Burial Woodland ceme tery ir'ARON Hannah daughter of the late Michael and Ann residence 1471 Water bury mad Lakewood Burial from bl church comer of Madison avenue and Lincoln Lakewood Wednes day Dec 29 1926 at 9 a Julia A age 75 years beloved wife of tho late Charles A mother and grandmother Sunday pm uneral WetlneMay Dec 29 at 1 from late residence 6917 Kinsman road Bur lai at Madison 0 HINKLE Albert husband of Sarah A father of Robert Dec 26 at resl iknce 17540 Madison avenue luiietal Wednesday 29 at 2:30 tn from Spaulding funeral parlors Denison avenue William husband of Anna (nee Schonidorler) brother of Mrs Hattie Young Mrs Walters Mrs Lucy Thompson on Saturday Dec Serv ice at late residence 1831 Wadma ave nue Eart Clew land on Tuesday 28 at 3:30 KING Harriet beloved wife of the late Thomas entered Into rest at the her dauchter Mrs Mannus Decker 1236 125th street Sunday momin Doc 26 uneral services Wednesday Dec 29 at 1 tn from North Eaton Christian church Burial Butternut Ridge cemetery North Eaton 0 William beloved husband of Helena (nee Hackbert) and father of Lawrence and Mrs Helen Schneider also grandfather passed away riday Dec 24 at 1:05 itneral rueMay Dec 28 from lai resldcn' 2557 84lb at 2 riends invited Viola Hxharriir beloved wife of Leo dauyhter of Louifre Schuberth wter of Margaret Hekeudorn and Oscar Schuberth away Dec 2 at 12'30 8 Services from the late residonc' 13708 Garden road uneral Wednesday Dec 29 at 2 Burial at Woodland cemetery Mi Kate nee be loved wife of the late Michael mother of the late Mary (Mrs Greene) Michael Mrs Melcher Mrs Braermann Mrs Joseph Waters Mrs Lawrence Guzow ski Mrs Edward Waters and Mrs Tony Mion uneral servl at the residence of her eon McCafferty 3717 134th street to St De church Tuesday Dec 28 at 9 a Interment at Calvary cemetefy riends invited Michael beloved husband of the late Anna (nee Mullen) and brother if Thomas suddenly by accident Bun day Dec 26 at his residence 1140 52d street uneral Wednesday Dec 29 St Patrick's church at 9 a Legal Notices Notice to Contractor Sealed proposals will bo received by tho Board of Education of Lake Township Stark County Ohio at th office of the Clerk at the Schumacher Company until 12 noon of th 4th day of Janu ary 1927 for the furnishing of la bor and material for th erection and completion of a School Building at Hartville Ohio in accordance with plans and specifications on ill at the office of Ralph Ridley architect 109 North Union Street Akron Ohio and with the Clerk of the Board of Education Proposals shall be mad on blank forms which way be had on appli cation to the above mentioned Architect s'' All proposals shall be made In accordance with the statutes which require that bids for labor and ma terial shall be separated 1 Proposals shall be in scaled en velopes which shall be marked for School Building Each proposal shalL be accompa nied with a guarantee that If bld is accepted a contract will be en tered into within ten days after date of award and the form and amount of said guarantee shall be as $tated in the specifications The Board reserves th right to reject any or all blds RICHARD President SCHUMACHER Clerk delO 14 21 28 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS or Bd for Construction of Coun ty Sewer District Improvement 705 SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the Board of County Commissioners of Cuya hoga County Ohio until 11:00 a Eastern Standard Time on the 5th day of January 1927 and then pub licly opened and read for the con struction of County Sewer District 7 Improvement 705 Each proposal must be accom panied by a certified check on some solvent bank within Cuyahoga County without restrictions there on In the amount specified made payable to the Board of County Commissioners of Cuyahoga County as surety that if the proposal be accepted a contract will be entered Into in accordance with the pro posal IMP 705: The work to be done Includes about 500 lineal feet of 3 inch Concrete Storm Sewer east of Grace Road Certified check 150000 Ccplos of the plans specification and proposal blanks may be ob tained In the office of the County Sanitary Engineer Room 50 New Court House Th Board of Coun ty Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all proposals BY ORDER THE BOARD COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CUYAHOGA COUNTY OHIO de21 28 LOUIS SIMON Clerk Died Anson Willard Dee 26 st bls residence 7426 Harvard avenue neral Tuesday Dec 28 Service at Jones' funeral parlor Milos avenue and 93d street al 1:30 Denver papers ploaso copy a BA Nancy A widow of the late David Darnhlsel mother of Harry grandmother of Robert and Jack died suddenly at Brunswick Dec 27 st1 a age 67 years uneral at Wil loughby Prebvtrlan church Wednesday Dee 30 at 1:30 Eliza widow of Henry Booth mother of Walter Charles Clarence Hal nnd Mabe) died Monday Dec 27 Serv toe at home 2816 Corydon road 10 i a tn Wednesday Interment Woodlawn cemetery Toledo 0 CARRIS James 08 years died suddenly uneral from Nunn's undertaking par lors at 2049 89th street Wednesday Dee 29 at 11 a Burial private Peter beloved husband ot Lucy father of Pasquale Mary Mar garet and Julia at 9:30 Dec 26 neral from the late home 13721 East wood avenue at 9:30 a Wednesday Dee 29 Interment at Lake View ceme tery Lester A Dec 26 father of Julia Crowell lorence Little Richard (L Cobb and the late Lester Cobb Private service at Wade Memorial chapel Lake View cemetery Tuesday Doc 28 at 2 O'clock CUMMINGS Dennis James beloved hus band of Cecila (nee Dick) age 46 years Sunday Dec 26 st State hospital after a long Illness uneral from parlors of Monreal Co St Clair avenue wind 110th street Wednesday Dec 29 Service at St Agnes church at 9 a DAVIS Sarah Ann (nee Beynon) belnveii wife of Edward Davis mother of Arthur and Thomas grandmother of Rob ert and Marjorie Davis sister of Mrs Georee Mrs Davies Mrs Margaret Davis Mrs I Clemens Mr William West Tom and John Bey non passed away Christinas Day at her residence 11928 Putman avenue neral services Tuesday Dec 28 at the late residence at 2:30 DENNIS George Daniel father of Mr Emma Vincent George Mrs rank Steg ketnperf William and Charles Dec 26 ago 93 year uneral from Congrega tional church Stop 45 Lorain road North Olmsted Wednesday Dec 29 at 1 :30 DORAN Julia (nee Heamey) Dec 26 be loved wife of the late James and mother of Mr Patrick Duggan Mrs Peter Mc Laughlin Mrs Patrick Doyle Mrs Wil Harn McBride and Martin Patrick Mi chael James and Thomas at her resi dence 3347 127th street uneral service at St Vincent De church Wednesday Dec 29 at a rn Robert beloved husband of Dorothy Jackson Douglas died suddenly ridav evening Dec 24 Services at the late residence 10528 Wilbur avenue Tuesday 10 a tn Burial at Lima 0 Delnora A beloved wife of tho Jate Dupree mother of A and Dupree and Mrs A Suggs died suddenly Sunday morning zov fiends AUTO shadow work strictly confidential: reasonable 808 Ulmer Blnz Main 3002 the LEGAL Come south for the winter: best set up in country virgin territory can use a few more good men no bunglers or coxiee will pay rar fare to men I know if you are at tlibcny and talk mJ langtiaee write or wire Arnold 666 7 Re public building Louisville Ky AUTO mechanic helper for night work 1200 J05p AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN If you are ambitious energetic resource ful and desirous of earning real money we can offer you a very exceptional op portunity with ouy sales force wo will furni you means of transportation if you hrinv in the bii'nes or furtm details see MR WAGSTA 912 a HEIGHTS CHEVROLET CO 2926 Mayfield rd offerings 0 for lose Death Notices uneral Notices Lodge Notices 1 aad 1 Lost and ound Advertisem*nts' for th next issue of th PLAIN DEALER Received by Phon Until Midnight Esch Nlghti Call Main 4500 REPAIRS alterations tnu sasli fluor raiiitia iiiintins Evan Krdinure Kill 7 CARPRjfflik repair of ail kinds none too email or far tmr estimates Lkwd 831 Detective Agencies COLLIE DOG LOST Large year old pup entirely white except for brown markings on head answers to name of is cherished posses sion inder please call Eddy o256 and arrange to get reward DOG Collie 8 rno old sable and white answers name lost Sun a last seen Hayden av rew Eddy 6328 DOO Tan bulldog vic Scovill 13th st rew pet Prospect 80S HANDBAG Amber topped catskill on 105th tar containing pair of glasses and $25 reward Eddy 431 Help Wanted Male ADVERTISING solicitor 3 special work See Mr Newman 2 to 4 1207 Guarantee Title Bldg AGENTS To get members for our special limited tiralth and accident plicip: pax $25 weekly benefits $5000 death limited $10 year Call morning only 81 Schofield Bldg i AGENTS to net coal orders Superior 1887 ART Exp all around Gor i don Art Glass Window Co 11604 Hine man rd ASSISTANT Want high type man to awiBt me tn my real estate bueinewi will pay well Jor wrvicee rendered Mr Brodericks 7J7 Prospect av 5th floor i CLOTHING SALESMAN 7 EXP I HIGH GRADE WITH ACQUAINT ANCE AMONG LARGE CLOTHING AND DEPART MENT STORE BUYERS' TO SELL OUR NATIONALLY ADVERTISED T()WNAND COUNTRY LEATHER MAR INA AND SHEEP CLOTHING MUST HAVE HEADQUARTERS El IN CLEVELAND OR PITTS BURGH nnArt rxir1 Ul i DllUO UXV ST PAUL MINN Exp man about 30 yrs oil for suburban route: must drive own carl steady position ref req Colonial hur nlture Co 2193 Ontario COLLECTOR for regular established routes 507 Sloan Illdv 1 COOK AND f(nUSM4N BEST CITY Itl'ERENCES AJRMOUNT Registered "no Sunday or ev nlng Iintirs McKenney a Dentists OH noor I'litciKi arcati HANDBAG Xmas gift rod alliga tor skin cont money etc bt ILth and Union depot rew Garfield 1301 HANDBAG Ladies cont money and gifts vic Holyoke Euclid '3' turn 1726 Holyoke Ed 513 RX Rew NOSE GLASSES Gold nose piece In May Co Randolph 281 fl POCKETBOOK Small green on Su perior between Child's restaurant and Gtli st Please phone Cedar 351 POCKETBOOK With papers valti able tn owner hntno ont else Gore 1988 81st reward PURSE Black leather Sunday eve ningin telephone booth at New York Central 105th st Station inder please return glasses at least HZ Hanna Bldg Superior 3 88 PURSE Black lady cont $35 bank book on Superior car Sun eve reward 1397 East blvd Garfield 2238 PURSE dn tn: money watch to McG kpsake: rew GlenJJLOJj RING LOST Onyw'wl th small diamond Xmas Eve vicmTty Altai theateri 17th and Chester Cal) Laxewoou 2828 Reward SCOTCH TERRIER LOST Black: 2924 Overlook rd alrrnountJLgjOz Patents PATENTS HILL 25 yrs active practice have Washington otft open Mon eve 414 Hanna Bldg Sjupr 1729: PAT Trademarks reg Robb Robb at torneys 2fl yrs exp 1102 Hanna Bids Our wii nxrh Wabincln office PATENTS filed $45 expert work PAT ENT SERVICE 73 fitb su Cuya hoga alls Schools and Colleges COMPTOMETER Dav and night 4th floor Guar Title Bide Main 3520 BURROUGHS school day eve classes fro empl 402 Eng Bk lldg Sup 3062 Beauty Parlors reo Marcelling On Monday also Monday and Wednesday evening WHITE CROSS SCHOOL 226 Erm Bldg Sunenob 697 SUPERLUOUS HAIR MOLES tm ini rxems removed Booklet a free Miss Iteeur 1030 Ew'lid8up I37JV SWEDISH' inaasage bath elect cab vp Open 10 7 1284 105th Cedar 800 SPECIAL OJTTlL 'iRw6RK 6810 Euc Ardell Quinn Rand 0641 Carpenters Builders CARPENTER repair Kood workmanship: reaw pri eatinmteB Call Even4 47 Died MATTHIAS John IL beloved husband of the late Carrie (nee Sponholz) father of Emma Walter Edmund Richard Elsie Norman Mr If Kaiser Mrs Simon Mrs A orestall and grandfather of Mrs Jester Elsie Marie Matthias and Donald Kaiser Mon day Dec 27 at 4:45 pm age 71 years uneral services Thursday Dec 30 from hl late residence 1595 85th street at 2 riends Invited Anna beloved mother of Marie Anna and Mrs A Oakley passed away at tho residence 9610 Kins man road Monday Dec 27 uneral services Wednesday Dec 29 at 2 from narlors I960 82d street al Euclid avenue NEUMAN Leopold beloved father of Mrs Joo Groz of Yonkers and Edward ot Chagrin alls 0 Joseph Samuel and Beni train uneral from Deutsch's memorial chapel Crawford road and Wade Park avenue Tuesday Dec 28 at 3 Burial at Glenville cemetery kindly omit flowers REYMER Harry Ellsworth at Pittsburgh Pa brother of Arthur and Elmer and Mr Jackson of 11217 Ash bury avenue uneral services from residence of Reymer 1570 Clark street Wilkinsburg Pa on Wednesday Dec 29 red William husband of the late Elizabeth and father of rank Rinssenger passed aw ay Saturday Dec 25 at his residence 10004 Nelson avenue uneral Wednesday Dec 29 Services at Holy Name church st 9 a tn Theodore beloved husband or Elizabeth father it Mrs Miesbach Mrs Addie La ricner rank Hay mond and the late Arthur Saturday Dec 25 at 9: JU rn age 73 years Remains at Kaufmann Sons funeral home 3305 25th street uneral services will tie held on Wednesday Dec 29 al 9:30 a mrom St enure!) at Avon Burial private Cincinnati paper please copy STRAUSS Bernard father of Thelma Lillian Max and Clara Dec 27 1926 fyrvices at Deutsch chapel at 1 Tuesday Dec 28 Burial al Mayfield cemetery Christian hueband ot the late So pna (nee Schroeder) age 76 years father ot Alvina Henrietta Mrs Elsa Snaw George Charles red and Paul uneral services at late residence 11211 Efigewater drive Tuesday Dec 28 ni Burial private Omit flowers V'EARSCH John axe 87 years of West Dover beloved husband of Mary Ann father of Mrs George Diedrich Lorain Mrs Arthur Sulktier Ridgeville 0 Peter Wearech Akron John Wearsch West Dover Anthony Wearsch North Olmsted Mrs Traxler West Do ver Mrs Leo Krurhman Elyria Mrs Padley Elyria Joseph Wearreh West Dover Mrs Walsh West Do ver Mrs William Wilbert Minneapolis Minn thirty seven grandchildren and sixtejen great grandchildren uneral services Wednesday at 9:30 a at St Pet r'a church North Ridgeville WZIR Bridget (nee McNamara) beloved wife of the late Michael and mother of Mrs Wurslner Mrs Henk Mrs A VVurstner Thomas Michael Matthew and William at her residence 2145 ft 1st street Saturday Dec 25 uneral services Wednesday Dec 29 at St Col man's church at 9 a ZCRN terttt Grant wife of Robert Zom at her home 1884 70tb street Dec 25 1926 Services at home 12 Tuesday Doe 28 Burial at Chardon from Christian church at 2 tn (Member of Oberlin class 1889) Card of Thanks WE wish to expriSu our mneere thanks to relatives neiphbora and friends for their sympathy and beautiful norai Cuyahog a Lodsre No 22 1 beauulul semcee rendered in of mir father William Roner IIWP AND 1 WILLIAM ROPER JR uneral Directors the McCarthy co 4 7412 DETROIT AT LAKE AV REASONABLE CHARGES CONVENIENT TERMS PAYMENT Evergreen 941 vencreen 1373 GEO O'MALLEY 701 0 Uetroil INV Everzrri'U 394' THE BEST USIBLE SERVICE Al the least possible pro DELTnLH CO Wade Pk Crawford rd Chas Thomaa uneral Home 12512 Mites av AcSl 1715 Invalid car THE RETLSTEIN YODNfkCO YOUNG Cedar 2518 M1L JUNES REDM BRANCH UNERAL HOME 166(15 DETROIT AV BOULEVARD 4(1 Concrete Burial Vaults THE Price air scaled reinforced concrete burial raults vault with th rnrhi prin dole at your cemetery $75 iC Prfc mfgr 1K222 Oakview rd enAtl lorists Nurseries BRAMLEY 4 SON CO Moderate prtas Ran 185(1 1181 71st Kan 1851 Lost and ound AIREDALE Male 3 yrs old te ward Call Brovn Garf 2606 BAG Black bet Hunteburg and Cleveland via Chardon containing clothing reward 1072 117th st Kermcre 761 JX BAli PIN filigree with one diamond in downtown dist Box 26240 Plain Dealer BLACK VALISE contained letter and clothing between Cleve and Rocky River lib rew Eddy 8626 BRIE CASE LOSTon 11:30 train from Warren at Erie depot Reward air mount 8659 CIGARET CASE Monogram Sat night on West Side 3 10 1A 139th irst class young man not ovr 35 to start Jan 3 waves $30 and 60 over $43 Park Hotel Barber Shop A Powers Oberlin 0 BARBER iret eiaas nC3t young man not over 35 wages $J0 and (10 over $13 to start Jan 3 A I Oberlin 0 iBO'fTLER and mixer experienced on Shields automatic Apply at lo3 1 Wfrtcrioo 3 18 to 20 for A0 travel salary and expenses lUMGuar dian Bhl after 2 BOYS over 18 for order department to travel 507 Sloan Bldg if the Jobs advertised here do not interest you a small ad in the "Situation Wanted column will be read by thousands nf Cleveland a em ployers the want ad 0LTt2 Plain Dealer is open from 7 a to 8:30 to serve you CHEMIST or steel laboratory state ago numtar eiroTC839anplaint CIK 327 OldWArU'taWD Want return loads from Pittsburgh 28th from Cincinnati 29th IREPROO STORAGE LKWD 3801 THE GREGG MOVING CO" iA int return loads from Buff Detroit Pitta and to Columbus or en route Spec service to our pf town patrona 11103 Jietrolt av Blvd Ulrt LICENSED CARRIERS I'KEPROO'f'STG Largest ran lowest rates cargo In tertns special rates from Pitts Buff Col Chi Cm lint Ever 4600 EXPERT moving 2 men van $3 hr or con lyer Moving Trans Gar 5813 CAREUL covered truck $1750 hour or contract letcher Ran 2646 WANTED At onde load to Kansas City from New York or en route Blvd 098 REE MOVING TO STORAGE Un goods low rates Superior 3740 CALL Wood Prospect 401 large or small van reas hour or on tract free cst WANT loads to riet Chic and Buffalo KNICKERBOCKER STORAGE EVER 12 Music and Dancing POPULAR and CLASSICAL ail BRANCHES GLENVILLE SCHOOL MUSIC 10403 St Clair EDDY 7704 1(1312 Lorain THE WHITSON SCHOOL MUSIC ALL BRANCHES MUSIC TAUGHT 1269 105TH ST GAR ftfllll Painting Paperhanging PAINTER wanls work of anv kind work done reas Call Garfield 2510 ley rd: rew Lakewood (i20J 1823 55th st WRIST WATCH fOST Lady on back "Madeline call St Lakewood 37 WjirJKcnmoreJ wrist WATCH rfdav Eu clid av bet L3th and Union Mt Bldg reward Miss RelkJ9herry 5924 WB? reward Notices COUPLE going to lorida soon by auto accommodate 2Mncenil persons or Infor Garfield 0230 Hrs' HARRisTll So 3d St Camden wishes to learn whereabouts of John Shoemaker Cady drivtns ranklin sedan to lorida Jan 1 wants 2 or 3 passengers air mount 4712 Business Service PETER RADAR ORTHOPEDIC SHOEMAKER Shoe for deformed feet a specialty INE SHOE REPAIRING 4303 ranklin av Clcvr lantl Ohm TINNING Atlnntlo MHOO Cutlery grinding fl fl (1KINDING CO AV 2D uuira 0 tu 11 a 81b Dressmaking ROM Paris just arrived a few evening gowns: also rench dressmaking Ever green 4003 DRESSMAKING alteration noli EudlO Rm 2li2 Quinby Bids Rand 6950 Educational 1 PRIVATE tutoring all subjects: day eve Dr Garrison 7600 Euclid Penn UUO r' urnaces C(eaned Repaired URNACES AND CHIMNEYS CLEANED By vacuum $5 xp repairing Urns 720 VACUUM urnace Chimney Cleaning ()o urnace cleaned hot city sub Eddv 5518 Moving Storage Packing STORAGE Special Winter Rates LOCAL LONG DISTANCE MOVING Estimates turnishtd The Central Storage Co 5(i01 Hough av RANDOLPH 57 NIGHTS GARIELD 543 INTERURBAN MOVING CO MOVES WITHIN 1000 MILES Save on return load thru branch office: WORLD'S LARGEST VAN STORAGE 401 ULMER BLDG MAIN 7040 Nights and holidays Eddy 3050 I i i eiwln inh In Acnnr av.

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The Plain Dealer
Front page for April 13, 2023
Owner(s)Advance Publications (Newhouse Newspapers)
HeadquartersPlain Dealer Publishing Co 4800 Tiedeman Road Brooklyn, Ohio 44144 U.S. 41°30′25.5″N 81°40′47.2″W
Circulation94,838 Daily 171,404 Sunday
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Plain Dealer Publishing Co. provides content and publishes in print seven days a week.

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You can cancel your subscription to The Plain Dealer at any time. Please email or call 216-999-6000. You may also cancel online.

What does The Plain Dealer mean? ›

Someone who interacts or does business straightforwardly and honestly. [from 16th c.] Wiktionary.

How much does an obituary cost in The Plain Dealer? ›

Placing an obituary in The Plain Dealer – Home Delivery starts at $269.95.

Does The Plain Dealer still deliver? ›

Hundreds of thousands of copies of The Plain Dealer are delivered each week. The goal is to have newspapers to homes, coin-operated boxes and newsstands by 7 a.m. on weekdays, 8 a.m. on Saturdays and 8:30 a.m. on Sundays, come rain or shine, in most cases, before the crack of dawn!

What is the largest newspaper in Ohio? ›

Top 10 Ohio Daily Newspapers by Circulation
  1. The Plain Dealer. ...
  2. The Columbus Dispatch. ...
  3. The Cincinnati Enquirer. ...
  4. Dayton Daily News. ...
  5. Akron Beacon Journal. ...
  6. The Repository. ...
  7. 7. News Herald. ...
  8. The Vindicator.

What is the cost of the Cleveland Plain Dealer? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

Is The Plain Dealer building empty? ›

The building has largely sat vacant since the Plain Dealer sold it for $12.4 million in 2022. Brad Harmon, president and publisher for The Plain Dealer and called the planned use of the building “a perfect fit.”

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  1. How can I subscribe to The Plain Dealer? Call (216) 999-6000. ...
  2. What time should my paper arrive each morning? Expect delivery of your newspaper by 6:00 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays, by 7 a.m. on Saturdays and by 8:30 a.m. on Sundays. ...
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How old is the Cleveland Plain dealer? ›

The PLAIN DEALER was founded as a weekly newspaper on 7 Jan. 1842 by JOSEPH WM. GRAY (1813-62) and became an evening daily on 7 Apr. 1845.

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Just $10 a month.

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How much is The Plain Dealer newspaper? ›

The huge majority of people who read The Plain Dealer do so by subscribing, but people who buy the paper on newsstands will see higher prices starting Monday: $5 on Sundays and $3 the rest of the week. It's part of our continuing effort to sustain local journalism for the long term.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.