Paving the road to civil war (2024)

VIDEO — ‘God Heard Our Prayers!’: Hundreds Baptized in Florida Party School’s Fountain
“God keeps doing it!! They confessed their sin. They came forward in droves tonight to trust Jesus. We baptized hundreds in a fountain usually used for partying and worse. And it’s all just the beginning,” Allen wrote in a post on Friday:

SCOTUS Justice Alito Raises Alarm about Religious Discrimination after Jurors Dismissed over Christian Beliefs
The case in question is Missouri Department of Corrections v. Finney, which sprung from a lawsuit involving plaintiff Jean Finney, a lesbian, who alleged that her former employer, the Missouri Department of Corrections, had wrongfully discriminated against her based on her sexual orientation.
During the jury selection process in district court for that lawsuit, Finney’s attorney questioned the prospective jurors on whether they were Christian and held the belief that hom*osexuality was a sin.
The lawyer then moved for the judge to dismiss from the jury pool three members who replied affirmatively about their sincere religious beliefs in terms of hom*osexuality.

Don’t Let The ‘Christian Nationalist’ Slur Shame You Into Hiding Your Faith
Politico came out swinging on Tuesday with the tired “Christian nationalist” slur in an article about a second Donald Trump term. It intended to shame conservatives who “believe that the country was founded as a Christian nation and that Christian values should be prioritized throughout government and public life” — in other words, mainstream Christians.
The Politico article closely followed last week’s release of the Rob Reiner-backed “God and Country” documentary, which also uses the “Christian nationalist” moniker and B-roll of so-called “ultra-MAGA Republicans” to scare viewers away from basic Christian beliefs.

On April 8th, The Great American Eclipse Of 2024 Will Cross Over 7 U.S. Locations Named “Ninevah”
I am going to share something truly amazing with you in this article, and once again a lot of naysayers out there will dismiss it as a “coincidence” that really doesn’t mean anything. But how is it possible that such a vast number of “coincidences” just happen to take place in April 2024? Last Friday, I told my core supporters about an amazing discovery regarding how the sun, the moon, and the seven other planets in our solar system will be aligned during the Great American Eclipse on April 8th. In this article, I am going to focus on seven specific locations that are named “Ninevah” which just happen to fall within the path of the Great American Eclipse on April 8th.
read this

Paving the road to civil war (1)

The ‘Russia Collusion’ Reboot Is Going To Be Terrible
Hannah Arendt once noted that Western intellectuals had adopted one of communism’s most effective tactics: making every debate about motive rather than the merits of an argument. This is the modus operandi of the modern leftist. You might be paid off by “dark money” or motivated by race (even unconsciously), but your arguments never really matter. Now the tactic is mainstreamed. When was the last time we had a real national debate on policy?

Matt Gaetz Reaches Out to FBI After Spotting 'Alarming' Scene Outside Local Office
The video showed four vehicles in a parking lot — two of which were pickup trucks that were both badly damaged in the front.
It appeared as if both vehicles had been involved in front-end collisions.
Gaetz, who represents Florida’s first congressional district, said the video was taken by one of his staffers at a bureau office in the city of Valparaiso.

France Says Russia Threatened to Shoot Down Its Military Aircraft
The minister, Sébastien Lecornu, didn´t give specific details about the French flights or aircraft involved in the threatened shoot-down. But he said Russia is returning to a “particularly aggressive” posture reminiscent of the former Soviet Union’s behavior during the Cold War.

Biden’s Firing Of Attorney General Opens Up Obstruction Of Justice Case
The Mueller report suggested that former President Trump could be charged with obstruction of justice because of his decision to fire former FBI Director James Comey and alleged pressure on Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to fire Mueller. Now a report has emerged that Biden is planning to fire Attorney General Merrick Garland over special counsel investigations.
While the media made much of the obstruction of justice allegations at the time, it’s shown little interest in its own reporting which implicated Biden in multiple instances of obstruction of justice.

Al-Qaida Training Camps That Produced 9/11 Are Back in Business!
Back before 9/11, the Islamist terrorists in al-Qaida used training camps across the Middle East and Afghanistan to prepare men for those suicide missions that ultimately cost nearly 3,000 innocent lives.
Those camps often were eliminated when the U.S. military went to that underdeveloped region of the world and stamped out terrorists on sight.
Now, however, under Joe Biden’s policies, they’re back in business.
Mission Accomplished!

Desperate for Soldiers, Ukraine Considers Unpopular Plan to Expand The Draft
The average Ukrainian servicemen is in their 40s, according to Western officials. Commanders say the older the soldiers, the more they experience chronic illness, such as ulcers, hernias and pinched nerves.
Dima´s assault company recently received seven new recruits ages 55 to 58.
“What positions are they going to storm?” he asked sarcastically. “If he walks 4 kilometers with a backpack full of gear and weapons, he will fall down in the middle of the road.”

Deep State Weasel Mike Morell Supports Nikki Haley
We have tracked Morell for quite a while ever since he replaced David Petraeus in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack and a rapid response coverup was needed. Morell then went on to assist Hillary Clinton in framing the Trump-Russia narrative, organized the 51 intelligence officials to lie about the Hunter Biden laptop being Russian disinformation, and generally working in his capacity as an operative on behalf of the deep state.
So, with that background, this support for Nikki Haley does not come as a surprise revelation.

Massachusetts Spending $64 a Day to Feed Each Migrant, On Track to Spend $1 Billion By 2025
State records show that Massachusetts is spending about $64 per migrant per day to feed those in state care, a cost that is contributing to the expected one billion dollars in expenses to be spent by the Bay State by 2025.
The latest numbers show that the state is paying out $16 for breakfast, $17 for lunch, and a whopping $31 for every dinner every day, according to WBZ-TV.

James Biden Admits There is No Loan Documentation for the $200,000 ‘Loan Repayment’ Made to Joe Biden in 2018
James Biden denied his brother Joe Biden was involved in any direct or indirect way in his businesses in his opening statement to lawmakers.
In other words, James Biden expects us to believe he’s just a brilliant businessman who happens to know Chinese billionaire tycoons with ties to the CCP, high-profile healthcare executives and other oligarchs.

Biden’s New Border ‘Plan’ Shows Democrats Lied About Needing More Laws From Congress
“I’ve done all I can do,” Biden said last month on the White House lawn. “Just give me the power.”
White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the same thing two weeks ago. “There is no executive action that the president can take,” she said, to reinforce the border.
But now Politico is reporting that the president does, in fact, recognize the authority at his disposal to address the border crisis. On Wednesday, the paper reported the administration is “considering a string of new executive actions and federal regulations in an effort to curb migration at the U.S. southern border.”
where Proxy biden says hes done all he can do im guessing he means hes done all he can to aid foreign criminals, 99 percent of them military age males, entering the country

Organized Migrant ‘Theft Groups’ Plague Pennsylvania Town
Authorities in the western Philadelphia suburb of West Whiteland Township are reporting clashes with organized gangs of retail thieves made up of illegal border crossers.
Police officials have identified at least three gangs of migrants responsible for the theft of thousands of dollars of merchandise since January, according to WPVI-TV.
“They’re taking advantage of coming to the U.S. and committing these crimes and being able to disappear to some degree,” West Whiteland Township Police Department Detective Scott Pezick told the station.

‘Bidenbucks’ Stink Emanates From Leftist Group’s Voter Drive In Milwaukee Schools
Just 16 percent of Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) students can read and write at grade level. Only 12 percent are proficient in math in the swing state of Wisconsin’s largest school district.
So why on earth is MPS prioritizing work with a Democrat-aligned activist organization aimed at turning out to the polls the 18-year-old students MPS has for so long failed? Why is the anti-voter ID group VoteRiders working with MPS faculty designated as “Voter Champions” to register MPS students and their families to vote?

Widespread Cyberattack Takes Down Pharmacies across America
Pharmacies across America are suffering widespread outages after being hit with a major cyberattack, according to reports.
Nationwide pharmacies are reportedly experiencing outages due to an “outside threat.”
Change Healthcare, one of the country’s largest healthcare technology companies reported its network was hit by a cybersecurity attack on Wednesday.
The statement indicated the disruption is expected to last at least through the day.

Judge Overseeing Trump-Georgia Case Once Donated To Fani Willis' Campaign
Appointed by Republican Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia and taking office on February 1, 2023, McAfee, previously an assistant U.S. Attorney, disclosed a donation made in June 2020 while still employed by the DOJ, according to The Daily Caller.
He is now facing the task of determining the disqualification of Willis, accused of profiting from assigning her "world traveler" lover-boy, Nathan Wade, to the Trump case.

Major Cell Service Blackouts from Multiple Carriers Reported across America
Widespread blackouts of cell service have been reported across the country from multiple carriers, provoking fears of a major cyberattack.
The website Down Detector is recording a surge in outage reports from users of AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Consumer Cellular, Boost Mobile, US Cellular, and Straight Talk.
The outage reports from across America started pouring in around 0345 ET.

REPORT: Under Joe Biden, the Number of Illegals Who Have Entered the U.S. is Greater Than the Population of 36 States
New analysis finds that the number of illegal immigrants who have entered the U.S. on Biden’s watch is greater than the population of 36 states.
The numbers are absolutely staggering and there are still months left before Joe Biden will potentially leave office. If he doesn’t, and this madness continues, it’s nearly impossible to imagine what the country would look like in four more years.

Canada Backs Bill Gates’ Scheme to Block the Sun
The government’s Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) released a 5-year plan for tackling so-called “global warming.”
As part of the plan, the ECCC revealed that major investments will be made into technologies that block the Sun’s light and heat from reaching the surface of the Earth.
According to Gates and other globalist scientists promoting the plan, the idea involves “saving the planet” from the alleged threat of “manmade global warming” by cooling the Earth instead.
Gates and his allies, including billionaire George Soros and the World Economic Forum (WEF), believe they can “reverse global warming” by blocking out the Sun.

Wave To The Satellite That Is Taking Your Picture From Space
Why would Bill Gates want to fund a company that builds a new class of satellites that can take high-resolution photos from space? Well, Technocrats of a feather, like birds, flock together. Their goal is to gain control over the environment, the physical world, and all of humanity. Albedo Space is cleared to use a 10-centimeter resolution, but they are looking for a higher resolution.

Former Obama Official Admits Losing Sleep over Border Crisis, Cites Mounting Terrorism Risk
Tim Healey, the former head of the FBI’s Terrorism Screening Center under President Obama, has expressed alarm over the massive influx of unvetted military-aged males pouring across the border.
Healey told America’s Newsroom that he is losing sleep over the rise in known migrants apprehended at the border who are on the terrorism watch list.
The number of migrants on the terror watch list shot up from 14 during President Donald Trump’s presidency to 336 so far under Biden, Healey noted.
While staggering, the current number does not include “gotaways” who enter the country undetected, Healey said.

Fascism: Liberal Policies Transferring Taxpayer Money to Corporations
Liberal policies meet the definition of Fascism: Money for migrants, vaccine requirements, and diversity, equity, and inclusion are government policies that enrich a small number of favored and obedient private companies at taxpayers’ expense.
Liberals call everyone they hate a fascist. However, fascism is a form of state capitalism and is much closer to liberal policies than conservative ones. Conservatives advocate for more individual choice and fewer government regulations in commerce and private life. On the other hand, liberals seek more government intervention, increased spending, free money, and greater compliance.

NYC's Non-Citizen Voting Law Struck Down By Appeals Court
The measure would have allowed approximately 800,000 non-citizens to vote in city elections. The law limited that new privilege to permanent legal residents of the United States, and those with federal work authorization. Republican party officials quickly sued, arguing the city was acting beyond its authority. On Wednesday, the New York appeals court upheld the 2022 ruling.

Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman: “It Now Appears as if the House Republican Majority is Being Used by Russia to Interfere in the 2024 Election” (VIDEO)
Democrat Rep. Dan Goldman absurdly claimed the Russians are interfering in the 2024 election in wake of the DOJ’s latest attack on the FBI informant who blew the whistle on the Biden-Burisma scandal.
Biden’s DOJ is now alleging the FBI informant arrested last week “is actively peddling new lies that could impact U.S. elections after meeting with Russian intelligence officials in November.”
The FBI’s confidential source, Alexander Smirnov, was indicted last week by Hunter Biden Special Counsel David Weiss on one count each of making a false statement to the FBI and “creating a false and fictitious record.”
Smirnov was the underlying source of the Biden-Burisma bribery allegations. According to Smirnov, Burisma Holdings founder and Ukrainian oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky told him he paid a total of $10 million in bribes to Hunter and Joe Biden. There are text messages and audio recordings to back up these claims.

Mich. State Rep. on Day 2 of “Sit-In” to Protest Anti-White Racism in State Budget and Spending
Says Carra: “It’s racist against white people. Can you imagine if the Speaker was white and proposed a program for ‘white-owned businesses’ and no one else could qualify and blacks need not apply? Legislators need to call this out for how it looks: it would be called racist and they’d be shamed to take it out.”

Transhuman Scientists Grow testicl*s In Laboratory
The seeds of life are sprouting outside of humanity, paving the way for test tube babies that will mature in incubators and be born without a mother. Fathers need not to apply. Fueled by Transhumanist philosophy, Technocrats scientists invent because they can, not because there is a demonstrable need to do so. ⁃ TN Editor
its ++good good!

Blackface Trudeau Says There is “A Deliberate Undermining of Mainstream Media” by “Conspiracy Theorists (Video)
Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre has come out blazing against the government’s forthcoming ‘online harms legislation,’ a bill designed to combat ‘hate speech,’ ‘terrorist content’ and some violent material on the internet.
Poilievre said he won’t accept Trudeau’s ‘woke authoritarian agenda,’ and the prime minister and his government shouldn’t be deciding what constitutes ‘hate speech’ online, and called the legislation an ‘attack on freedom of expression.’
Later today Justin Trudeau described the need for speech censorship. Trudeau told reporters “there is a deliberate undermining of the mainstream media” by “conspiracy theorists.”
In other words, he does not want any pushback from the people.
regardless if hes castros bastard or no, they share the same humanity-hating communist spirit

When will America liberate Canada from the evil reign of Justin Trudeau?
In the chilling dystopia that has become the nation of Canada, a malevolent force has risen to power, unleashing unspeakable cruelties upon a formerly placid and peaceful nation.
This force has a name: Justin Pierre James Trudeau.
The stories emerging from this nightmarish regime detail a gruesome new reality where state-sponsored euthanasia of the vulnerable and the brutal suppression of free speech and basic human rights have become the norm.
It is high time for the international community, particularly the United States of America, to confront the moral imperative, intervene, and finally liberate the Canadian people from the clutches of this evil regime.

Can You Guess Why The Murder of Two Police Officers, One Firefighter Got No Media Coverage?
BREAKING: Shannon Cortez Gooden, 38 is the alleged shooter who killed 2 officers and a paramedic in Burnsville, Minnesota according to @AlphaNewsMN
This is why the media didn’t publish his information.
Watch how quickly this story disappears.

Teamsters Donate $45K to GOP for First Time in Years
Although the donation has reportedly outraged some of the union’s left-leaning leaders and members, Trump is popular among a lot of rank-and-file union members, the Post reported.

Zelensky Opens Ukraine's National Guard To Foreigners Amid Severe Manpower Crisis
Ukrainian media reports say, "To join the National Guard, foreign citizens need to apply to the territorial center for recruitment and social support (TSC) at their place of residence or directly to the military unit in which they want to serve." Foreigners can join for an initial three-year period, with higher ranks possibly being committed for up to five years.
What's more is that "Foreign women can also be recruited for military service if there are vacant female military positions," according to the reports.

Source: DOJ Skips Deadline to Provide Biden’s ‘Poor Memory’ Transcript
If the Justice Department released the interview as requested by the impeachment inquiry, it would help Congress decipher the degree of Biden’s “deteriorated” memory and shed light on his fitness for office.
Hur described the president as an “elderly man with a poor memory” in a report about Biden’s classified document scandal.

“The prisoners are running the asylum at SFSU…I was ambushed and physically hit twice by a man. This is proof that women need sex-protected spaces. Still only further assures me I’m doing something right. When they want you silent, speak louder.”

Republican Senators Urge McConnell to Ensure Mayorkas Impeachment Trial
We call on you to join our efforts to jettison this approach by Democrats to shirk their constant duty, ensure that the Senate conducts a proper trial and that every Senator, Republican and Democrat, adjudicates this matter when the Senate returns.

Hmm… Former Dem Rep. Tulsi Gabbard – Who Was Mentioned as a Possible Trump VP Pick – Will Headline Fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago Next Month
During the interview Laura Ingraham asked Donald Trump about possible Trump running mates in 2024. Vivek Ramaswamy, Ron DeSantis, Byron Donalds, Tim Scott, Kristi Noem, and Tulsi Gabbard were names that Ingraham mentioned.
When asked about these names, President Trump agreed that these names were on his short list.
shed make for a fine vp and prez

Model Corinna Kopf Thanks Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom After Her Home was Burglarized
OnlyFans model and Fortnite gamer Corinna Kopf took a shot at President Joe Biden and California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) after her house was reportedly ransacked by burglars in the Democrat-controlled city of Los Angeles.
“[T]hank you gavin newsom, honorable mention to joe biden,” Kopf wrote in a social media post, sharing footage of fellow model Abigail Ratchford’s LA home being robbed after her own house was invaded by burglars.

SHOCK VIDEO: Laura Loomer Exposes Massive Human Trafficking Operation in Panama on Camera – Bus Transporting African Illegals in the Middle of the Night North to America
Loomer spoke to the driver in Spanish and demanded to know where he was going, why he was transporting migrants late at night, and the owner of the bus.
While the driver did not reveal the owner, he did drop this bombshell: The migrants at Darien Gap have paid $60 to get on a bus to Costa Rica, which is part of the route to the United States via the Mexican border.
Loomer was kicked off the bus after the nervous driver called his supervisor to ask how he should handle her. Loomer said she would have ridden the bus all the way to Costa Rica.
Notice how so many of the migrants are in traditional African clothing. Loomer explains that they came fresh off a boat in Darien.

The Fed's "Solution" To The Mess It Created: It Will Tighten And Loosen At The Same Time
The Fed’s Bowman was even clearer that the time for lower rates is “certainly not now.” Philip, who was saying 3 cuts when the market was saying 6, and no cuts in 2023 when the market was salivating, is sticking with the first of three 2024 Fed cuts in June. However, he adds: “the coming months should reveal whether the recent inflation stickiness is a one-off… we cannot rule out that progress on inflation is stalling… If keeping policy rates at current levels for longer is not going to do the job, the FOMC might even have to think about hiking again. However, they may prefer to delay that decision until after the November elections. Testing the limits of Fed independence may be hazardous in the current political climate. Before they know it, they will be buying green and blue bonds!”
if credit is the engine that drives the current US economy, well, if interest becomes unbearable and credit is harder to get you can expect a lot of layoffs and closings in the future.

WATCH: O’Keefe Strikes Again – IRS Official Tells O’Keefe Media Group Reporter That the IRS uses AI to Spy on Americans’ Bank Accounts: Is It Constitutional? “I doubt it,” says IRS Official Alex Mena
Recall that O’Keefe Media Group released footage from our infiltration of the No Mas Muertes nonprofit group, affiliated with the Unitarian Universalist Church of Tucson, which has a $400,000 budget and the tax-exempt status of a church. It became apparent when a man offered to take our undercover journalist posing as an illegal alien to Phoenix for $300 that the group–which has been raided by Border Patrol numerous times over the years for human smuggling and interfering with Border Patrol operations–may be working with the cartels to facilitate human smuggling. Oddly enough, the IRS appears to take no interest in this tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization for misusing funds and violating American laws. Instead, the IRS is more focused on “going after the small people” and “putting people in prison,” says Mena.

"And how we burned in the camps later thinking, what would things have been like, if every security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain, whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?"

Paving the road to civil war (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.