Human Mutilations & Missing Children (2024)

Human Mutilations & Missing Children (1)

See Alien Nutrition: The Absorption Hypothesis and Cattle Mutilations

Probably the most disturbing aspect of ufology, human mutilation is also the least discussed. Like most of the darker aspects of the phenomenon, one of the first hints cropped up in the 1980s, specifically in Paul Bennewitz’s 1981 report, “Project Beta.” In addition to his statement about aliens feeding on “a formula made from human or cattle material,” Bennewitz wrote: “They are picking up and ‘cutting’ (as the aliens call it) many people every night.” While the “cutting” could simply have been a reference to abduction procedures, combined with the comment about formula containing human material, it is suggestive.

But even before that, Oui magazine published an article in 1976 on animal mutilations, a copy of which is in the FBI’s file on the subject released via FOIA. In Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind (2014), Nick Redfern writes: “The special agent in charge at Springfield specifically highlighted to HQ—but for reasons unknown outside of the FBI—that the article contained theories that “these mutilations of cattle are only a forerunner for later mutilations of human beings.”

In an interview George Knapp in 1987, John Lear, when asked if mutilations had moved on from cattle to humans, responded: “There have been some humans. It’s a very, very sensitive subject. I’m gonna steer away from that.” Two years later, human mutilations were again referenced in a transcript Lear made of a conversation with Bill English. English had claimed to have had access to Project Grudge/Blue Book’s 624-page “Report No. 13” in 1977. (Report #12 was published in 1953, and #14 in 1955. The existence of #13 has never been officially acknowledged. It was thought not to exist because of superstition about the number 13.) Lear tracked him down to hear his story firsthand. According to English, Report No. 13 detailed that “Project Blue Book officials J. Allen Hynek and Lt. Col. Robert Friend had an awareness of crash recoveries, body recovery, human mutilation of military officials, entities that eat liquid chlorophyll, language similar to Sanskrit.” (Ex-naval intelligence and conspiracy legend Bill Cooper claimed to have read an earlier draft of the same report.) English’s summary (recorded by Wendelle Stevens and typed up by Lear) included the following:

Report gave clear indication of reports of human mutilations, most notably was a case witnessed by Air Force personnel in which an Air Force Sgt. EE-6 by the name of Jonathon P. Lovette was observed being taken captive aboard what appeared to be a UFO at the White Sands Missile Test Range in New Mexico. This abduction took place in March of 1956 at about 0300 local and was witnessed by Major William Cunningham of the United States Air Force Missile Test Command near Holloman Air Force Base.

Major Cunningham and Sgt. Lovette were out in a field downrange from the launch sites looking for debris from a missile test when Sgt. Lovette went over the ridge of a small sand dune and was out of sight for a time. Major Cunningham heard Sgt. Lovette scream in what was described as terror or agony. The major, thinking the Sgt. had been bitten by a snake or something ran over the crest of the dune and saw Sgt. Lovette being dragged into what appeared to him and was described as being a silvery disk like object which hovered in the air approximately 15 to 20 feet. Major Cunningham described what appeared to be a long snake-like object which was wrapped around the sergeant’s legs and was dragging him to the craft. Major Cunningham admittedly froze as the sergeant was dragged inside the disc and observed the disc going up into the sky very quickly. Major Cunningham got on the jeep radio and reported the incident to Missile Control whereupon Missile Control confirmed a radar sighting. Search parties went out into the field looking for Sgt. Lovette. Major Cunningham’s report was taken and he was admitted to the White Sands Base Dispensary for observation.

The search for Sgt. Lovette was continued for 3 days at the end of which his nude body was found approximately 10 miles downrange. The body had been mutilated; the tongue had been removed from lower portion of the jaw. An incision had been made just under the tip of the chin and extended all the way back to the esophagus and larynx . He had been emasculated and his eyes had been removed. Also, his anus had been removed and there were comments in the report on the apparent surgical skill of the removal of these items including the genitalia. The report commented that the anus and genitalia had been removed ‘as though a plug’ which in the case of the anus extended all the way up to the colon. There was no sign of blood within the system. The initial autopsy report confirmed that the system had been completely drained of blood and that there was no vascular collapse due to death by bleeding. Subcomment was added that this was unusual because anybody who dies or has complete loss of blood there is vascular collapse. Also noted was that when the body was found there were a number of dead predatory type birds within the area who apparently had died after trying to partake of the sergeant’s body. There were a number of extremely grisly black and white photos. From all indications the body had been exposed to the elements for at least a day or two. The New Mexico sun in the desert is extremely hot and debilitating under normal circ*mstances.

English himself claimed to have witnessed the remains of human mutilations in Vietnam during the war in 1970. From Matrix II:

In Viet Nam he was a member of a Special Forces investigative team that went in to retrieve a B-52 that was forced down by a UFO and all the occupants killed. Communications had been received from the B-52 before it went down to the effect that it was “...under attack by a UFO…”, a “...large light...”. The plane was found intact, sitting in the jungle. There was no swath indicative of a crash landing. Only the bottom of the fuselage showed any damage, there was no damage to the underside of the engine pods. Although the plane was completely intact the entire crew had been mutilated.

Bill Knell, who spoke with English in the late 1980s and early 1990s, related some of his own corroborating research:

I recall being castigated by the UFO research community in New York during the 1980s after revealing that a number of already deceased bodies in local morgues and funeral homes were being strangely mutilated in parts of New York City and Westchester County. The incidents were too widespread and numerous to be the work of a few twisted individuals or some local cult and coincided with multiple UFO sightings. While looking into that, I discovered that a larger than usual number of missing children cases were popping up in the same areas in conjunction with UFO sightings.

In 2003, John Lear presented his hypothetical “disclosure briefing” on Art Bell’s Coast to Coast, which included:

A slightly more frightening phenomena known as “human mutilations” have occurred on a regular basis and are similar to “cattle mutilations.” In that the human or humans are taken from the street, so to speak, and returned to the same area about 45 minutes to an hour later with their rectums cored out, their genitals removed, eyes removed from their sockets, and completely drained of blood. In all cases it appeared that the mutilation procedures occurred while the persons were still alive and conscious. One of our scientists speculates that apparently the human specimens had to be alive for the samples to be worth anything.

The first publicly documented human mutilation occurred in Brazil in 1988 and was publicized four years later in late 1992. The case stands out in that Brazilian police were transparent about it. Details about the investigation and autopsy photographs were publicly released. Tony Dodd summarized the official autopsy findings:

  • Although the victim had been dead for forty-eight to seventy-two hours, there was no sign of it being eaten by animals or starting to rot, as would be expected.

  • There was no smell.

  • Bleeding from the wounds had been minimal.

  • The lips and flesh from the face had been cut away.

  • The eyes, ears and tongue had been removed.

  • Neat round holes, one to one and a half inches in diameter, had been made on the shoulders and arms, head, stomach and anus, and tissue and uscle had been extracted. The holes had not been made by bullets.

  • The major organs within the chest cavity had been removed.

  • The navel and intestines had been removed, a perfect small hole having been made through which extensive digestive organs were extracted.

  • The scrotum, but not the penis, had been removed, and all pubic hair had disappeared.

  • The rectum had been cored out.

  • Despite the devastating mutilations, there was no sign that the victim had been bound or had struggled in any way.

The autopsy report also suggests the man was alive while the mutilation was taking place. Signs of vital reaction accompanied the removal of the inner ear, the holes in the armpits, the removal of viscera, and the removed flesh on the face. The report also states:

“INTERNAL EXAMINATION: ...after opening the cranial cavity using Griessinger technique we found: 17) unimpaired skullcap; 18) cerebral edema”.

In a case like that, the presence of cerebral edema without direct traumatic origin is a strong characteristic of an agonizing death. In confirmation, the autopsy CONCLUSION explicitly states as causa mortis (cause of the death):

“...acute haemorhage in multiple traumatisms. There is a component of causa mortis by vagus stimulation” [implying cardio-respiratory arrest caused by extreme pain]. “The victim shows injuries with vital reaction characteristics, i.e., there is the component ‘torture’. The suggested modus operandi is: incisions in soft parts and natural orifices using sucking devices”.

Don Ecker wrote the first published article on the phenomenon in 1989. An ex-law enforcement officer, Ecker enlisted the help of detective in querying an FBI database for details on all unsolved murders in a particular area showing signs of mutilation going back around 15 years. They got zero results, even though there was a serial killer active in the area at the time who mutilated his victims. As his colleague told him: “something is really screwy […] They told me […] that any further requests will have to be made by voice, telephone call, with the proper authorizations. Somebody is sitting on something, big as Hell.” Ecker was also warned by a prominent ufologist that there was a lid “screwed down tighter than you would believe in regards to human mutes”—a sentiment shared by all researchers who have attempted to investigate this area.

Irena Scott and William E. Jones called the topic one of ufology’s “unspeakables.” Two prominent ufologists they spoke to told them they thought the subject was valid but would not comment on it publicly due to its disturbing nature and potential for public panic. One called it “a very dangerous area.” The other said, “The subject of human mutilations is a very difficult one because if it is true, no one wants it to be.” They quote Gordon Creighton of FSR: “We admit that we do possess seemingly unassailable material about terrible atrocities committed against human beings in China by Aliens […] Even if it is true, I am not going to publish it.” They also quote a summary of a 1992 MUFON presentation:

Dr. Vladimir G. Ajaja, made a rather cryptic statement concerning apparent abductions in his native Russia. Dr. Ajaja said through his interpreter that 5,500 people in his country were abducted last year and never returned. Dr. Ajaja stated further that the mutilated bodies of some abductees had been found. When asked how they were mutilated, he said that sexual organs had been removed. The unfortunate victims were mostly in their early twenties. He associated the youth of the abductees with their being in their sexual prime. His demeanor was very grim and he said he felt the abduction phenomenon was very grave, very serious.

In his 2009/2020 book Captured by Aliens?, Nigel Watson writes the following, though neglects to cite any sources: “There have been accounts of abductees seeing other humans on the ship being mutilated, flayed, dismembered, drained of blood and stacked in a heap. They are threatened that if they do not cooperate, they will end up like these people.”

More recently, Richard D. Hall has produced a full-length documentary on the subject:

Hall shares what David Gough, and then Hall himself, learned from a man claiming to have been part of a NATO black-ops crash-retrieval team from the 1980s to 90s. This man claimed to have personally witnessed around 36 such mutilation victims, which occurred in the UK, Ireland, Scotland, Spain, Germany, Alaska, Australia, Yugoslavia, and Russia. He provided photographs of one of the cases to Gough (who turned them over to police) as well as Tony Dodd (whose wife reportedly destroyed all his files after his death – this source is also discussed in chapter 9 of Dodd’s book).

The best current resource on human mutilations is Matt Hurley’s website Hurley summarizes all of the major known and suspected cases (note the prevalence of Brazil in this sample). Since the subject is so rarely covered, we have tried to collect all the relevant resources below (in chronological order):

July 16, 1994

A: Vats exist. Missing persons often go there and especially missing children. […]

Q: (L) Are the aliens using our emotions and energies?

A: Correct; and bodies too. Each Earth year 10 percent more children are taken.

Q: (L) Do they suffer?

A: Some.

Q: (L) Do they all suffer?

A: Some.

The second “unspeakable” discussed by Scott and Jones is missing children. Accurate numbers are practically impossible to calculate, and most sources on the subject conclude that the number of children thought to be abducted by strangers in developed countries is fairly small (most child kidnappings are done by a parent). The situation is even murkier in countries with high rates of poverty, however. Scott and Jones write:

We did not seriously consider that the subject of missing children might be related to the UFO mystery until we met an ex-military man who, somewhat dejectedly said to us during an interview, “I suppose you know about the missing children.” He confirmed that this problem had a UFO connection. Now, we are not so sure that we can ignore the possibility any longer, as much as we would like to. That doesn’t mean we accept the reality of alien caused human mutilations and kidnapped children, but we are no longer going to brush the idea off without some consideration.

This is not a new phenomenon. Folklore on every continent contains tales of supernatural beings who abduct children, the details of which are shockingly consistent. For instance, the Russian Baba Yaga and Japan’s Yamamba both ate wandering children, Baba Yaga after imitating their parents to draw them near. Joshua Cutchin has written a full-length treatment on the subject: Thieves in the Night: A Brief History of Supernatural Child Abductions (2018). He quotes John Keel’s 1971 Our Haunted Planet, where Keel wrote: “Children vanish more frequently than any other group. We’re not talking about ordinary runaways. […] Children have been disappearing in large numbers for centuries all over the world, and most of these cases have remained unsolved.”

In modern “ET” lore, which has largely replaced the faerie lore of the past, abductees “often report seeing other children, sometimes dozens.” Cutchin cites a 1942 abduction in which “the witness saw male and female children of every race, nude, frightened, and crying”; and a 1953 case where the witness saw “a large dome full of children.”

In a curious coincidence, Cutchin cites a bit of lore dealing with the figure of 10%: “Scots believed Satan annually took a tenth of the daoine sith [i.e. faeires], increasing the demand for child substitutes [i.e. human children abducted to replace them].”

July 22, 1994

A:[punctuation added] Bits [of] children’s organs [are] removed while wide awake, kidneys crushed, then next feet, next jaw examined on table, tongues cut off, bones stress tested, pressure placed on heart muscle until burst. […]

Q: What children are they doing this to?

A: Done mostly to Indian children.

July 30, 1994

A: You are energy. There is an energy that comes from soul and body connection; later the body is used for parts.

Q: (L) What are they using our energy and bodies for?

A: Create a new race. Theirs fading out.

Q: (L) Well, do they just take people and kill them and do what with them?

A: Slice them up. [Recall Bennewitz’s phrasing above.]

Q: (L) Do they die?

A: Maximum matter and energy transfer during transition.

Q: (L) In other words, you are saying that a slow, painful death gives them the most of what they want? This is totally sick.

A: You asked for truth. You say it is sick but it is merely the ultimate form of service to self.

Q: [At this point Laura’s daughter, who was standing by and watching, described reading a passage in a book which stated that Native Americans believed a slow, torturous death of an enemy gave them more power. As she finished speaking, the Cassiopaeans added:]

A: What about your lab animals? Is that not service to self as well? What about unwanted insects, et cetera?

Q: (L) We were here first!

A: So were insects. Grays now want your planet. […]

Q: (L) What kind of people is this being done to?

A: Low-level humans. [This is probably a reference to the individuals’ “frequency.” It could also be a reference to social or economic status, given the remark above about Indian children and the information below.]

Q: (L) What happens to the high-level humans?

A: Some will survive.

These topics are rare in channeled material. One exception is Marshall Summers’s Allies of Humanity. He received the following excerpt from the “second briefing” in December 2000 (published in 2005):

[…] they consider you to be a biological resource, part of a network of resources that exists within this world. In this, they view you much the same way that you view domesticated animals that you use as a resource. […] We understand that you use your animals in many different ways, to provide many different kinds of benefits and substances and so forth. This is how you appear to those who are visiting your world, to the Intervention. They do not consider you their equal. They consider you their resource.

[…] each year thousands of people are taken and not returned to the world. These people are not simply conditioned. They are kept. […] Those that cannot survive and are still seen as useful to the Intervention are used as a biological resource. That means that their blood, their body parts, everything is used according to its value in the Greater Community. In the Greater Community, biological resources such as blood, plasma, DNA, bone marrow, skin and body organs can be used for their chemical substances. From these, medicines are made. [Recall the use of “glandular” substances from the previous part on absorption.] From these, new life forms are bred. […]

If those who are captured and not returned survive, they will be used for other purposes. Should the Intervention gain complete control of your world, many people who are considered to be undesirable, or who do not fit into the social patterns established through the Intervention, will be used as biological resources in this way.

One of Scott and Jones’s ufologist sources above told them: “Yes, I did come across several human mutilation cases...To my knowledge I think all the cases were either homeless people, prostitutes or single individuals with no family. The cases were shut up by the […] police and attributed to cult activities in the area.”

November 19, 1994

Q: (L) What happened to the Australian pilot Frederick Valentich?

A: He was taken by the Lizards and dissected.

This case will be covered in the next part on mysterious disappearances.

January 7, 1995

Q: (L) Does it hurt a plant when we eat it?

A: Does it hurt you when a “Lizzie” eats you?

These two excerpts, combined with another below, suggest the Reptilians mutilate and consume human beings. A diplomat source of Tony Dodd’s told him: “It is the reptilians […] who carry out mutilations on both animals and humans.”

October 14, 1995

Q: (L) And if they had been permanently abducted at that point in time, what would have happened to them?

A: Body-part utilization.

February 21, 1996

Q: (L) OK, there is some valley in Canada that is supposed to be very mysterious and it seems that no one will go to the area any more because they all end up dead with their heads cut off. Who is doing this? Is there some Indians or cave people or what?

A: STS beings, density 4.

The Valley of Headless Men is a region of the South Nahanni River valley (Northwest Territories, Canada) said to be host to a range of strange phenomena, including window-fallers and mysterious disappearances (including an entire Native tribe). Modern accounts began in 1908, following the discovery of two decapitated gold-miners in the region of the South Nahanni River. Since that time, several other disappearances and deaths have been documented in the region. See Mr. Ballen’s coverage of the Valley below (this video also covers a more recent case in the area):

July 19, 1997

Q: Do dietary restrictions make it easier to track the Jews because of this? Can 4th density track their genetics because of their dietary restrictions?

A: Foolishness!! 4th-density beings have no difficulty identifying anyone on 3rd density. Dietary restrictions you speak of are relating to making the body chemistry less attractive for consumption.

Q: You mean consumption as in being eaten?

A: Yes. […]

Q: Do you mean that 4h-density STS likes particularly to eat Aryans?

A: Only the Reptilian types.

Q: But, they don’t like to eat Jews, is that it?

A: They most prefer children with high body fat content.

January 2, 1999

Q: Another thing [James L. Walden] talks about [in The Ultimate Alien Agenda (1998)] is the underground laboratory, and he has a terrible time trying to speak about it because of the pains in his head. He finally gets to the point where he admits that part of the human “engineering” project, part of what they are doing with the embryos they create by harvesting human eggs and sperm, is that they use them for “nourishment.” Naturally, he is aghast at this admission from his own memory. And somehow he just glosses over it. Is this true? That some human embryos are being created to provide nourishment for aliens?

A: In a sense.

July 15, 2000

Q:You said that there were five dead humans inside [one of the crashed UFOs associated with Roswell in 1947] that were “retrieval and study specimens.” Where did they get these bodies?

A:Mexico and South America.

In a 1989 lecture, Bill Cooper said this:

There are two crashes that are so important that the government will go to any lengths to prevent you from finding out, and those are two crashes which occurred near the city of Aztec, New Mexico. Why? Because both of those crashed craft contained human body parts. And they are deathly afraid of a national panic.

David Gough and Richard Hall’s NATO/SAS source said same thing: that he observed human body parts within crashed/recovered UFOs during the 80s and 90s.

February 13, 2011

A: It is not just aliens that don’t like to eat people that smoke!

June 11, 2011

A: As we once pointed out, higher-density beings derive nourishment from some humans and human body products. Preferred are fat children and nonsmoking vegetarians.

In A Trojan Feast, Cutchin makes numerous connections between entity food and vegetarianism. First, in the distribution of food types reported in entity food cases, “More than 60% of eyewitness accounts collected involve liquids, especially fruit juices. The next most common entity foods are fruits/vegetables, followed closely by grain products, pills, and, least often, meat and cheese. Meat is exceedingly rare and often rare when it appears [e.g. in Bigfoot cases].” The brother of “Akon” told Elizabeth Klarer: “We assimilate all the protein and vitamins we need from this diet [vegetarian]. There is no need to get it secondhand through animal meat.” Cutchin concludes:

Taken at face value, the foods involved in entity food cases correspond to a lacto vegetarian diet, i.e. a plant-based food regimen that incorporates dairy products such as milk, cheese, and butter. […] Ayurveda, the Hindu discipline of traditional medicine, refers to certain lacto vegetarian diets as sattvic. […] Entity food corresponds not only to the broader lacto vegetarian definition but also, curiously enough, adheres rather faithfully to the narrowly defined sattvic classification [e.g. “sweet and tasty” foods].

This does not necessarily reflect the diet of the beings themselves. As Cutchin observes: “It is not uncommon for paranormal experiencers to alter their diet, or develop a new outlook on what they eat.” For example, a Mexican experiencer was “explicitly instructed not to drink whiskey, nor to eat meat.” Humorously, when Mrs. Jean Hingley tried to demonstrate smoking a cigarette to the UFO occupants she encountered in 1979, they became frightened and fled back to their ship. In Thieves in the Night, Cutchin writes: “the faeries around Ireland’s Lough Gur were off-put by burning tobacco.”

One of Moira McGhee’s subjects (Patty) in The Alien Gene said: “She [the being] said that I must give up smoking and live a healthy existence. It was a very strong message, but one that cannot, for some reason, be described in words. It was more a feeling that she seemed able to plant into my inner self.”

August 5, 2009

Q: (L) Is the story about twelve missing children true [related to the Hypogeum in Malta], and if so, what happened to them?

A: Only partly. Did not happen there.

See the short documentary by Mr. Mythos for this and other stories related to Malta (some of which tie in to our discussion on the undergrounders):

February 6, 2016

Q: (L) It occurred to me after reading all the articles about missing children among the refugees coming up from Syria and probably Iraq through Turkey and so forth, there are 10,000 or more children missing. These are children like aged 12 and younger. It occurred to me that two things are possibilities: They could be being stolen by human traffickers, or they could be being abducted as in some of the early sessions when we discussed the alien consumption of human children as a delicacy. So, I guess my question is: Is one or both of these things what’s going on here?

A: Mostly human trafficking, but some of the “alien” kind as well.

Q: (Pierre) Can we ask about the number of children missing? 10,000 is the number according to the media… It would be interesting to know the real number.

A: That is fairly accurate for the moment.

Q: (L) But it’s growing every day I would assume?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) […] What are the human traffickers doing with these children?

A: Organ harvesting, sexual exploitation.

Q: (Niall) Which is kind of like alien activity as well. The human activity and alien activity is similar. (L) Yeah, they may as well be taken and eaten by aliens as being used for organ harvesting and sexploitation.

A: There are similarities due to soul orientation or absence of same [i.e. absence of soul].

January 14, 2023

Q: (Ze Germans) Why do so many Missing 411 cases involve people of German heritage?

A: They are used for genes. […]

Q: (Pierre) Why do they want German genes?

A: Close to Aryan. [For more on the significance of Aryan genes, see part 2 of the series on Undergrounders.]

Q: (L) Are they using them to build new bodies?

A: In some cases and also for growing spare parts for repairs.

Q: (Andromeda) Lovely! (Joe) My arm fell off! [laughter] (Pierre) Not a problem! (Joe) Which model would you like? We have a good deal on Aryan arms this week! (L) Are they using genetic samples to grow like clones and stuff?

A: Some.

Q: (L) Do they grow organs?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Do they grow babies?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can it get any worse than that??

A: Yes.

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Consumed.

Missing 411 cases will be covered in the next part, including a case allegedly involving human mutilation (according to the C’s).

September 23, 2023

Q: (Approaching Infinity) […] what happened in 1972 to make it clear to the U.S. that the [government–alien] treaty was a fraud [as stated on 1994-10-9]?

A: All the abductions with glitches, cattle and human mutilations, and tampering with military equipment and aircraft.

The only potential examples of publicly known human mutilation that might apply here (aside from potential earlier cases which may have influenced later decision-making) are Bill English’s experience in Laos in 1970, and the April 1972 Cambodia special ops firefight relayed to Stringfield and discussed here, which involved soldiers observing aliens “sorting human body parts and sealing them into large bins.”

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Next: Missing 411 and Other Mysterious Disappearances

Human Mutilations & Missing Children (2024)
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