Forged in Darkness - Chapter 9 - andoyuuri (2024)

Chapter Text

As Zelda stirred from her slumber, she found herself drenched in sweat, the stifling heat of the room almost suffocating. Her eyes fluttered open to find the warm fur blankets replaced by a light linen sheet, offering little relief from the oppressive warmth that enveloped her. Before she could fully gather her bearings, she heard Ganondorf's voice, his deep timbre breaking through the haze of sleep.

"Good morning, Princess," he greeted, "I hope you slept well."

The Royal maiden blinked, momentarily taken aback by his unexpected kindness. "Good morning, yes, thank you," she replied, her voice still thick with sleep.

The Hylian lady blinked again, adjusting to the sudden brightness of the room as she sat up in bed. Her gaze drifted to the tray set in the center of the room, laden with an assortment of breakfast delights. A wave of surprise washed over her as she recognized the spread – it was the same food that had been served the day Malon, her new lady-in-waiting and friend, arrived at the castle.The tray boasted a tempting array of spiced meats, savory pastries, and sweet delicacies infused with honey, dates, and nuts. . The memory brought a bittersweet smile to her lips, a reminder of the fleeting moments of joy and companionship she had experienced amidst the turmoil of her captivity, the laughter and camaraderie they had shared over the delicious meal.

"Breakfast is ready," Ganondorf announced, gesturing towards the tray with a small flourish. The soon-to-be queen noticed a small smile play on his lips, a subtle note of pride or satisfaction in his expression as she admired the familiar spread of food set before her. Still, her heart ached as she missed her home, her friend and her familiar environment, the feeling of uncertainty and grief looming over her like a dark cloud. She made an attempt to eat, but her appetite was dampened by the bitter taste of loneliness and captivity.

Ganondorf's gaze lingered on her, the weight of the awkward and tense atmosphere hung heavily in the air, suffocating his soon-to-be bride as she sat across from him. Every moment felt like an eternity, each passing second amplifying her discomfort until it became unbearable. She longed to escape, to be anywhere but here, trapped in this stifling room with the man who had brought so much chaos and upheaval into her life. Desperate to break the silence and distract herself from the suffocating tension, the hylian throne's heiress cast her gaze upon the tray of food before her. The dish of sweet and spicy chicken pie caught her eye, its golden crust glistening invitingly under the soft light of the room.

"What's the name of this dish?" she asked, her voice sounding small and distant in the oppressive silence. It was a feeble attempt to fill the void, to occupy her mind with something other than the heavy weight of their shared history and the uncertain future that laid ahead. Ganondorf paused, staring at her for a moment, taken aback by her sudden question. Realizing this may be his one chance to make a small gesture of goodwill, he quickly rallied his attention, clearing his throat before responding. "That, Princess, is what my people call 'Shoreh Qadim,' " he explained, his voice calm and level. "It's a traditional dish made by the Gerudo people. The name means "ancient chicken pie" in our language."

"Ancient?" the royal lady asked echoing his response, she clearly wanted to know more her curiosity getting the best of her. Ganondorf nodded, his expression brightening slightly as he noticed the glimmer of curiosity in her eyes. He found himself enjoying his conversation with her, for once not viewing her as just another source of resentment and frustration. "Yes, ancient indeed," he replied, his tone warm and inviting. "It's a dish that has been part of our culture for generations, passed down from our ancestors and cherished for its flavor and significance."

"I can understand," said the princess, "The intricate layers and captivating interplay of flavors are utterly enchanting. with the delicate pastry shell envelopping the spicy and sweet chicken and almonds, sweetened with orange flower water, such a tasty treat..." She trailed off as she felt the Gerudo king's gaze almost burning her. She looked up at him and noticed him watching her as if she was the most bizarre phenomenon in the entire universe.He cleared his throat and collected himself, hiding his features within a stoic mask. The Gerudo monarch, had rarely seen her so animated and enthusiastic, her expression and enthusiasm bordering on delight as she savored the tasty treat before her. His gaze stayed fixed on her, seemingly enjoying the moment just as much as she was. He felt an unexpected warmth and admiration for her, her intelligence, her passion for food and culture were a pleasant reminder of the things he himself had once held dear."I'm glad you find it so enthralling," he said, a hint of pride in his tone. "Shoreh Qadim is a delicacy among the Gerudo people, a symbol of our heritage and culture."

after a long pause, he asked, his voice revealing his surprise. " can recognize the orange flower water? Do you have experience with this dish?"
The princess smiled, a subtle blush coloring her cheeks: "Oh, no, uh...I just recognized the flowery note here...It's actually my second time encountering this dish"
Ganondorf found himself intrigued by the princess's subtle blush and unassuming manner. Despite her regal status, she conveyed herself with a simplicity and sincerity that differed from the typical demeanor of Hylian nobility. As she spoke, he observed her with interest, impressed by her genuine appreciation for the dish.
"Only your second time?" Ganondorf queried, his tone laced with curiosity. "May I ask how you came across it previously?"

"I had it yesterday," she answered simply, "when you brought Malon at the castle as my new lady-in-waiting." Ganondorf thought for a moment, he brought a few cooks from the desert after taking over the kingdom since the original cooks fled in fear, just like the rest of the castle workers. Ganondorf's composure wavered slightly, his gaze faltering for only a moment as the knowledge of the princess's familiarity with Malon struck a chord of jealousy and suspicion within him. However, he quickly regained his composure, "I see," he respond calmly, his voice remaining level. "You're quite close with her, then?"

Zelda chose to withhold the full truth, opting to conceal the most crucial aspect from him. With a carefully crafted response, she replied: "Oh, she does her job well enough, she lacks experience, so I find myself overseeing her work quite closely." Concealing the depth of her connection with her new servant, the royal Heiress pondered how Ganondorf might react if he were to learn the truth. Ganondorf let out a short and sardonic laugh, his cynicism and doubt evident in his dismissive tone, his expression became harsh and stoic as he studied her, his mistrust and suspicion remaining palpable.

"Right, she does her job well enough..." he murmured, his voice slightly mocking. "And I suppose you're just taking it upon yourself to teach her the finer points of being a lady-in-waiting?"

The crown Princess hesitated for a moment, considering her response carefully. She chose her words with caution, mindful of the delicate balance between honesty and discretion. "I wouldn't say we're particularly close," she replied, her tone measured and neutral. "She's still learning the ropes, so I've been helping her adjust to her new role." It was a half-truth, carefully crafted to conceal the depth of her friendship with Malon while still acknowledging their working relationship.

Ganondorf's reaction was subtle, but not entirely imperceptible. His composure wavered slightly, a fleeting expression of discontent flickering across his features before he regained control. The captive Princess noted the shift in his demeanor with a sense of unease, the tension between them growing thicker by the moment. "Right..." he muttered, his tone implying his disbelief, "she's still adjusting to her new role." A hint of irritation colored his voice, his composure wavering ever so slightly. "I'm sure you're being a wonderful tutor," he added sarcastically, "guiding her with patience and empathy."

The Hylian royal descendant looked at him with incredulity and defiance as she retorted: "I really would like to know why you are acting like this, should I remind you that you are the one who brought her to the castle as my lady-in-waiting?" Ganondorf glared at her, frustration and anger seeping through his stoic expression. "Don’t play naïve with me, princess " he snapped sharply "We both know why I brought her to the castle, and I know that both of you..." His voice trailed off, hinting at something unspoken. The fallen Hylian royal noticed a hint simmering rage within his voice, the thought of him hurting Malon making her throat tighten in sudden panick, deciding to deescalate the situation, she answered quickly: "I understand, I will be more careful in the future and not get too close to her my lord."

Ganondorf's expression hardened, but his irritation seemed to fade as he noticed her acquiescence. "Good," he said coldly. "I would hate for you to get too close and be influenced by her." The soon-to-be queen 's heart skipped a beat as she felt a sense of relief in seeing his demeanor soften. She took a breath and resolved to maintain her composure, to avoid provoking him any further: “I understand, my lord, I will maintain a more professional relationship with her.” She bit her lips and nodded meekly, she was too scared of what the evil king would do to her new friend. She couldn't help but wonder why was he wary about her getting closer to Malon...Perhaps he was afraid of her and her new lady-in-waiting, the fact that they could overthrow him...She suddenly felt hope blossoming within her heart, it could be possible but she would need to tread carefully and strike him when he wouldn't expect it, she decided to let this plan brew within her mind, for now she will hide under the mask of the perfect submissive soon-to-be bride, until her time would come.

The tension in the room had become almost palpable, suffocating in its intensity. Zelda's heart pounded in her chest, each beat echoing the unease that gripped her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat, the weight of Ganondorf's suspicion and jealousy pressing down on her like a heavy stone.

It was as if the very atmosphere of the room had become charged with a volatile energy, ready to ignite at the slightest spark, to diffuse the mounting tension, the poor princess cleared her throat and spoke up, her voice sounding small and strained in the heavy silence. "Would you mind if I had some tea?" she asked, her words coming out in a rushed whisper. It was a feeble attempt to distract herself, to break the suffocating stillness that surrounded them.

Ganondorf's gaze flickered momentarily, his brow furrowing in mild irritation at the interruption. But then, with a barely perceptible nod, he gestured towards the tray. "Help yourself," he replied tersely, his tone curt but not unkind. With a shaky exhale of breath, the captive lady reached for the teapot, her hands trembling slightly as she poured herself a cup of steaming tea. The warmth of the ceramic mug seeped into her palms, offering a fleeting sense of comfort amidst the overwhelming tension, she tried to reach for the milk pitcher but there was none. Ganondorf was looking at her now like a hawk watching his pray. She took a deep inhale, and cautiously asked: "May I have some milk, please?"

"No, princess! You will not have a milk tea in the desert!" The Gerudo king retorted back sharply. Disappointment and bitterness mingled within her, but she swallowed them down along with the tea. Despite the absence of milk, she found solace in the slightly sweet taste of the brew, lighter than the one Ganondorf had prepared for her during their journey through the desert. It was not bad, but not that great, as the beverage offered a bold and aromatic flavor, lacking the creaminess she was used to. Avoiding Ganondorf's intense gaze, the fallen royal took another sip of tea, allowing its warmth to envelop her like a comforting embrace, a soothing balm against the palpable strain that lingered in the air between them.

Ganondorf watched her closely, taking note of her every gesture, her every movement. She seemed uneasy and anxious and was attempting to hide her emotions by keeping busy with the teacup and the drink. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of amusem*nt at her attempts to distract herself through drinking tea. She was like a scared rabbit, skittering away from the shadow of a hawk. But underneath the surface, he sensed more than fragility and fear. He saw a spark of intelligence and determination simmering under her meek and submissive exterior. The king of evil continued observing her in silence for a moment, his gaze unreadable as he watched her sip the tea. Finally, he broke the silence. "Have you finished your breakfast, Princess?" he asked, his tone neutral but tinged with a hint of impatience.

Zelda nodded, setting the teacup down on the tray in front of her. "Yes, thank you," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Ganondorf nodded in response, a faint furrow appearing between his brows. "Good," he said simply. "I have matters to attend to with Nabooru. You will spend time with my mothers, Kotake and Koume at the Gerudo fortress, usually they reside in the spirit temple, but this time they accepted to meet you in the fortress."

The soon-to-be queen 's heart sank at the mention of Twinrova. She remembered all too well their cold reception the day they arrived at the castle, their distrustful gazes and thinly veiled hostility towards her. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease at the prospect of spending time alone with them. "Of course," she replied, forcing a polite smile despite the knot of apprehension in her stomach. "I'll be ready to accompany you whenever you're ready."

Ganondorf's gaze remained fixed on her, his expression unchanging as he studied her features. He could see the unease and apprehension in her eyes, the subtle hesitation in her voice and in the set of her shoulders. He enjoyed seeing her squirm under his watchful eyes. He knew that he had the upper hand and that she was powerless to resist. He savored the power he held over her, the way she was so easy to manipulate and control. He leaned back in his chair, as he looked at her, he couldn't help but notice her attire—or lack thereof. With a slight smirk playing at the corners of his lips, he addressed her in a slightly mocking tone. "Princess, I trust you don't plan on attending your meeting with Twinrova in your night clothes?"

The forced bride bristled at his tone, her irritation evident as she glanced down at her simple nightgown. "I hadn't planned on it," she replied curtly, her tone clipped.
Ganondorf's smirk widened slightly as he gestured towards a nearby wardrobe, its doors adorned with intricate carvings and ornate designs. "I've taken the liberty of selecting an appropriate outfit for you," he explained, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Something more fitting for the desert climate."

With a sigh of exasperation, the Hylian throne's heiress approached the wardrobe, her curiosity piqued despite herself. As she opened the doors, her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of the traditional Gerudo attire that lay before her—a deep blue top adorned with gorgeous gold embroidery and a grey blue skirt. The fabric was luxurious, but Zelda couldn't help but feel a little dismayed by how revealing it was.

"Why can't I wear the clothes I brought with me?" the royal lady asked, her irritation evident as she turned to face Ganondorf once more.
Ganondorf's expression softened slightly, though the hint of amusem*nt remained in his eyes. "Because, Princess, the desert heat can be unforgiving," he explained patiently. "These clothes are designed to keep you cool and protected from the sun rays."

The regal lady's frustration grew as she reluctantly began to change into the unfamiliar garments. She couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment towards Ganondorf for dictating what she could and couldn't wear, but she knew better than to argue with him. Ganondorf's gaze lingered on his soon-to-be bride as she changed, his amusem*nt growing with each passing moment. The sight of her frustration and resignation was almost intoxicating. He watched her every move, his eyes taking in the contours of her figure, the way the clothes hugged her body, the way she moved with discomfort. He was enjoying the situation far too much, relishing in his dominance and her discomfort. But as she finished dressing and turned to face him once more, her expression guarded, she asked, her voice tinged with annoyance: "Are you satisfied?"

He couldn't help but feel a surge of pride, she looked stunning. The profound azure bustier was embellished with elaborate golden stitching, the delicate designs dancing across the fabric and showing off each curve and contour of her slender frame. The fabric clung to her body like a second skin, its rich color accentuating the coolness of her skin tone and showing off the graceful curves of her figure. The skirt, with its unique design of being short in the front and long in the back, added an air of elegance to her appearance, swaying gently with each step she took. Her golden hair, cascading in loose waves around her shoulders, framed her delicate features, drawing attention to the subtle pink color in her cheeks. There was an undeniable allure to her, a magnetic quality that drew the eye and held it captive.
Ganondorf couldn't help but feel a sense of pride swell within him as he looked upon her. Despite her initial reluctance, she wore the attire with a quiet confidence, carrying herself with a regal poise that spoke volumes of her inner strength. In that moment, she was more than just a princess—she was a vision of beauty and grace. After a long pause, The evil king regained his composure, He nodded, a faint smirk playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed," he replied, his tone laced with amusem*nt. "You look... suitable." Zelda rolled her eyes at his comment, her irritation mounting. The Gerudo king couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in having her by his side, it was a silent reminder of his power and influence over her and the entire kingdom of Hyrule.

As they stepped out into the harsh desert sun, Zelda felt the weight of Ganondorf's gaze lingering on her, his eyes tracing the contours of her form. The Gerudo monarch's smirk only widened as he observed her, amused by her discomfort. "Shall we?" he asked, offering his hand, his bride-to-be swallowed her pride and nodded, accepting his hand and following his lead.

The journey to the Gerudo fortress was fraught with tension, the atmosphere heavy with anticipation and unease. The captive princess' discomfort was palpable as she walked beside her wicked fiance, her every step heavy from the beastly heat, her grief and despair at the upcoming events, the evil king's presence by her side constituded a painful reminder of her imprisonment and powerlessness. The streets were bustling with activity, but the Hylian maiden couldn't find solace in the lively atmosphere.

As the royal pair walked through the labyrinthine streets of Gerudo Town, the fallen royal lady couldn't help but notice The buildings around her, with their vibrant colors and intricate designs. they seemed to loom over her like hateful witnesses to her plight. Except for the Gerudo monarch's house; where she and her evil betrothed resided, every building they passed had curtains instead of doors. Adding to that, her encounter with the townsfolk wasn't any better, every Gerudo woman they passed by seemed to glare at her with a mixture of hatred and contempt; their eyes boring into her with unbridled hostility. She felt their stares like daggers, each one piercing through her with a tangible sense of animosity.

Despite all of this, the Hylian princess maintained her composure, her chin held high as she walked alongside the desert monarch. Ganondorf, by contrast, seemed unfazed by the animosity that surrounded them, his posture remained relaxed, his expression unreadable as he led his uneasy fiance through the bustling streets of the Town. He seemed to take pleasure in the discomfort of their situation, his amusem*nt was evident through the subtle curve of his lips.

As they reached the outskirts of the town, the royal lady couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The oppressive atmosphere of desert city began to fade away, replaced by the vast expanse of the desert scenery. But even as they left the town behind, the memory of those hateful stares lingered in her mind, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.

As they approached the fortress, its imposing walls rising majestically against the backdrop of the arid region landscape, the soon-to-be queen's apprehension only grew, the thought of meeting Ganondorf's mothers sent a shiver down her spine. The last time she had encountered them, they had been cold and distrustful, their eyes lingering on her with suspicion and disdain. She couldn't help but wonder what they thought of her now, as the forced bride of their son and the future queen of the Gerudo.

The Gerudo warlord, for his part, seemed unaffected by the tension that hung in the air, as he led his forced bride through the fortress' gates, and the serpentine small corridors with regal strides. As they entered the main hall of the fortress, Zelda's eyes widened in surprise at the sight that greeted her. The room was adorned with rich tapestries and intricate carvings, the air thick with the scent of incense and spices. At the center of the room stood Twinrova, their impish figures casting long sinister shadows across the stone floor.

The evil king's gaze remained fixated on his nervous Hylian betrothed, he addressed his mothers, his voice echoing through the hall. "Mothers, Twinrova," he greeted them respectfully, in a neutral tone. "I have brought Princess Zelda to meet with you."

Twinrova's eyes flickered with recognition as they settled on Zelda, their expressions inscrutable. "Ah, yes," one of the old crones with a blue crystal plastered on her forehead said, her tone like honeyed poison. "The princess." Her gaze lingered on Zelda for a moment longer before turning back to Ganondorf. "And what, pray tell, is the purpose of this meeting?"

Ganondorf's lips twitched imperceptibly, a hint of annoyance flashing in his eyes. "I have business to discuss with Nabooru," he replied tersely. "I thought it would be prudent for my soon-to-be bride to spend some time with you in the meantime."

Zelda bristled at the implication that she was being pawned off like a chess piece on a game board, but she held her tongue. She knew better than to provoke the well known twin witches and their son, the malicious king. the two witches exchanged a knowing glance before nodding in acquiescence. "Very well," both of the old evil-looking old women said in unison, their voice dripping with malice. "We shall entertain the princess while you attend to your business."

The old hag with a red crystal stuck on her forehead shrieked with anger: "You know you are making a big mistake by letting her live!" her son ignored her and turned to leave, the fallen bride-to-be couldn't help but feel a sense of dread and fear settle over her. the old crones' eyes flickered with annoyance as the evil king left the room. After he was gone, the twins locked eyes with no verbal communication at all. "The foolish prince and his obsession with this young girl," one of the old hags said in a gruff voice. Her sister simply muttered an incoherent response. The first one barked as she spoke again. "He thinks he can charm her, make her his obedient bride, as if she would bend to such weak will. She's not like the rest of those Hylian women."

The Twinrova's harsh tones and glaring looks sent chills down Zelda's spine, her pulse quickening in fear and uncertainty as the ancient Gerudo witches closed in around her shrouding her in their oppressive, cruel and sinister aura. They circled her, moving slowly like vultures, their eyes piercing as they stalked around her like predators. She could feel the weight of their judgement on her as they surrounded her. the Hylianroyal's gaze flicked to the door, desperate to escape these wicked old hags and this gloomy and foreboding atmosphere, but she knew she couldn't. This day couldn't get any worse, and she was doomed to spend it with these evil crones who would torture her.

"Don't fret little one," the witch with the red jewelsaid. "You're lucky the King has a soft spot for you, or you would have joined the rest of your people, by now." She let out a hollow laugh. "And don't think you're not going to be meeting the same fate when he gets bored of you, as he inevitably will. All of his little conquests always end up the same, why should you be any different?" the forced bride-to-be could not reply, as the evil old witch's sharp tongue and cutting words stung her like a whip.

"Now please join us for tea, my dear," the evil witch with the blue jewel said in a sweet but threateningly polite tone offering her a seat. the royal maiden hesitated, her stomach churning with tension and unease. She knew she had little choice but to comply with their demands, yet she couldn't help but feel a shudder of dread settle over her as she took the offered seat. The two old Gerudo imps seated her between them, and Zelda noticed that they were observing her intensely, especially the twin with the blue crystal, her gaze almost scanning her soul as if she was trying to find potential weaknesses. These witches were ruthless and cruel, and they weren't going to spare any mercy on the young princess. The Hylian throne's heiress had no illusion as to the fate that awaited her, and the longer she spent in the company of the twin witches, the more certain she became that her life was doomed.

With every mocking glance and veiled threat, her fear and anxiety grew; she could feel the tension building, as the air became heavy and thick with malice. The witches poured some tea in each cup, and one of them slid one of the tea recipients towards her. The witch with the blue crystal leaned against the other twin, her gaze full of hate and resentment. "It's nothing to worry about. We just want to get to know our new future queen." the word queen was uttered with a mocking tone as if it was an insult. The captive royal lady felt a shiver run down her spine, her heart pounding restlessly in her ears, all her feelings of fear, anxiety and stress seemed to have intensified tenfold each second she sat there with these wicked witches.

"We are curious to get to know you better, dear." The witch with the blue crystal continued, hostility and anger were palpable in her voice. "So, shall we start with the simplest of questions?"
The soon-to-be queen sat in silence, picked up the cup, her hand trembling, knowing that she had no choice but to comply with these evil old hags' demands,yet, she decided against drinking the tea; who knew what was in this witch's concoction.

The old Gerudo hags seemed to enjoy watching her tremble, their piercing gazes assessing her every movement. "Indeed," the witch with the red crystal cut in as if impatient to launch their interrogation with an icy glare.Zelda gulped, trying to control the intense feeling of dread that was growing inside her, "Very well," she replied with a trembling voice, putting on an impassive polite mask.

"Let's start with the basics, shall we?" the witch with the blue jewel continued with mock politeness, her voice dripping with disdain and animosity, her gaze never wavering from the Hylian princess's frightened expression. "How old are you, my dear?"

Zelda's throat felt dry as she met the piercing gaze of the twin witches, their eyes boring into her with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. She knew that the answer to their seemingly innocuous question could have far-reaching consequences, and she struggled to keep her composure as she replied. "I am twenty years old," she answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

The witch with the red crystal arched an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile. "Twenty, you say?" she mused, her tone laced with thinly veiled skepticism. "And yet, you carry yourself like a child!"
Zelda's cheeks flushed with indignation at the implied insult, but she bit her tongue, knowing that any sign of defiance could spell disaster. "I assure you, I am of age," she replied, her voice tinged with irritation.

The witch with the blue crystal chuckled darkly, her eyes glinting with malice. "Of age, perhaps," she said, her voice dripping with disdain. "But are you truly ready to take on the responsibilities of ruling a kingdom?" Her twin let out a loud wicked cackle: "You mean that little thing being able to take on responsibility? Of course not! Thank the Goddess of the sand our son came to rescue your kingdom and save it from an irresponsible, pampered child like you!"

The witch with the blue crystal laughed as well, a cold and ruthless cackle that shook Zelda's body to the core. "It's true, our prince is truly selfless for taking one for the team," she continued, her tone dripping with sarcasm and condescension. "We would have liked nothing more than to see your kingdom destroyed, yet he decided to save your sorry ass" her twin added, her expression full of malice growing darker and more sinister. "You're lucky he did, we wouldn't want you to miss out on such a bright future under our rule, would we?"

Zelda felt a mixture of anger and shame wash over her, the cruel insults from the wicked witches cutting deep into her heart. She knew that they were trying to break her spirit, to humiliate her. She realized that anything she said at this point could be used against her, she had to keep the mask of the obedient bride if she wanted to strike the evil king and his followers at the right time.

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart, cooling her boiling blood in her vains, and gathering her thought. Finally, she replied in a low, controlled tone, her voice strained with forced civility: "I am grateful for Ganondorf's intervention, But I assure you, I do not take his sacrifice lightly. I am fully committed to fulfilling my duties as future queen of Hyrule and the Gerudo kingdoms."

The witches' eye widned before narrowing with anger, the Gerudo imp with the red jewel had her left eye twitching with anger and her hands clenching in fists while her sister had her eyes gleaming with annoyance for a short moment. They were not satisfied with her answer, the vessel of wisdom noticed their body language, and felt her heart swell with pride, she smiled with poisonous sweetness as she looked at the two old hags in front of her.

"Is that so?" The witch with the red jewel replied, her voice dripping with disdain and hostility. "Do you truly think you are capable of such a task? You are but a foolish child, playing at being a queen. Do you truly believe that you can lead our proud people? You, who has spent your days sitting in your ivory tower, indulged in a life of luxury and privilege, while we have struggled and fought for our survival?"

She let out a mirthless laugh, her tone laced with venom. "You know nothing of the true burdens and challenges that comes with being a leader."
"You are a child, a little girl," The old hag with the blue jewel sneered, "Who could never possibly be a ruler. Our son has made a grave mistake in choosing you, perhaps he has been fooled by your childish cuteness and naiveté. Yet, rest assured, your fate is sealed. Once he grows weary of you, he will dispose of you, like he has with his other little playthings."The witch with the red crystal snickered, agreeing with her sister.

"A pampered princess, that's all you've ever been—a naive, sheltered child who has never experienced the harsh realities of this world." She leaned forward, her tone was dark and full of contempt, her words were oozing with malice. "You are hardly the sort of woman who can stand up to a man like our great king Ganondorf. He'll grow tired of a meek little girl like you, and soon you'll be replaced by a more suitable queen, like our devoted dear Nabooru" .

As the witch with the red jewel mentioned Nabooru, the two Gerudo old hags cackled maniacally, Zelda felt her palms break into cold sweat as a shiver ran down her spine. she couldn't help but feel something was wrong. The poor royal lady's heart started racing, and her pulse quickening with fear and dread. She had heard rumors of Nabooru, a powerful and respected Gerudo warrior who served as Ganondorf's general. She couldn't help but feel a sense of unease and helplessness.

The cackling laughter of the witch with the red jewel echoed in her ears, a cruel and mocking sound that only added to her unease and anxiety.The fallen princess' hands trembled with suppressed fury as the witches' cruel words washed over her, each insult digging deeper into her wounded pride. She knew that any sign of weakness could spell disaster, yet the temptation to lash out burned hot within her chest. With great effort, she forced herself to remain calm, to keep up the facade of the obedient bride, even as her anger threatened to consume her.

"I understand your concerns," the Hylian lady replied, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside her. "But I assure you, I am more than capable of fulfilling my duties as queen. I may be young, but I have been trained in matters of statecraft and diplomacy from a young age and I started taking care of my kingdom's political and economical affairs since I was twelve. I am prepared to face whatever challenges that may come my way."

Thewitches' eyes widened with surprise and displeasure at the vessel of wisdom's confident response. "Is that so?" The Gerudo witch with the red jewel scoffed, her tone dripping with skepticism. "You truly think that some fancy courtly manners and a few political lessons are enough to make you fit to rule?" Her sister nodded in agreement with a sinister smile. "Oh little one, you are in for a rude awakening, ruling ismuch more complicated than being pretty and hosting tea parties."The witch with the blue jewel scoffed. "Besides, what do you know of real hardship, child? You have never had to struggle for your survival, never felt the pain of true loss, never had to fight for anything in your life."

The witch with the red jewel sneered: "You may think you are ready to face the challenges of ruling, but the reality is that you have been shielded from the cruel world. You are simply weak, unfit to be a queen, and our great king made a mistake in choosing you as his bride."

A surge of anger welled up inside the soon-to-be Hylian queen at the twin witches' mocking disdain for her, but she suppressed her emotions and forced her expression to remain impassive. She composed herself and responded calmly and politely: "I assure you that I am quite capable of ruling with wisdom and foresight" she said carefully, attempting to hide her anger and frustration. "Even the Hylian king himself deemed me worthy of ruling, and I vow I will carry the mantle of leadership responsibly."

Both of the Gerudo old hags burst into uncontrollable peals of laughter echoing through the chamber.

"And where is the Hylian king now? Ah yes! He was killed by our precious son!" the Gerudo king's mothers exclaimed in unison with twisted glee. The Witch with the red jewel cackled, as her twin sneered, her voice laced with disdain and contempt: "You can not even protect your own kingdom, how could you think that you could become a queen of the mighty Gerudo? You are nothing but a weak, pathetic little brat!"

Each word felt like a dagger stabbing into the Hylian prisoner's pride. She clutched the cup with white knuckles, her body tense and shaken, trying to keep her calm facade while her insides boiled with anger, fear and frustration. As the witches' laughter filled the chamber, the poor crown princess felt a sense of despair wash over her. They were right; her father, the Hylian king, was dead and the once great kingdom of Hyrule was now in ruins. The witches continued their tirade, mocking her abilities and belittling her, their voices filled with cruel glee.

Zelda clenched her fists, trying to keep her composure as the witches continued their relentless verbal assault, taking a malicious pleasure in stomping on everything she held dear, especially her late father; heir words pierced her heart like poisoned arrows. But she knew she had to remain strong and stand her ground.The Gerudo witch with the red jewel continued her relentless taunting, her voice dripping with mockery and disdain:"Your kingdom is already destroyed, your father is dead and your people scattered! How can you possibly hope to rise from the ruins and lead our people to greatness?"

Her cruel sister raised her golden goblet in a mock toast and snickered: "To the future queen, may she rule for a hundred years - or die trying!"

The twins chuckled cruelly and took a sip of their spiced wine, their laughter echoed through the chamber, shaking their forced daughter in law to the core.

"You, a capable ruler? What a joke!" The witch with the blue jewel exclaimed, "You can't even control your own emotions, child. In the face of real adversity, you will crumble like paper" She cackled, and her sister joined in with menacing glee:"What could possibly prepare you for the true hardships of leadership? You've lived a life of pampered ease, coddled in your precious castle while the rest of the world suffers."

The Hylian throne's heiress' mind raced frantically to find something—anything—to get out of the situation. The twin witches were consumed with glee and arrogance, their cruel taunts echoing through the room, as they reveled in her agony.

For a moment, it seemed like the witches had won in breaking her spirit but then, a spark of determination flared within her. The vessel of wisdom had an idea, a way to turn the tables, but she knew she had to remain calm and focused if she wanted to make it work. She took a deep breath, steadying her trembling nerves as she prepared to make her move.

She devised a plan to turn the twins against each other. Taking a deep breath, Zelda fixed her gaze on the witch with the blue jewel: "I see why lord Ganondorf has been so successful," she began, her voice measured and calm. "It must be because of your wisdom and guidance, dear Kotake." She then turned to the witch with the red jewel, her eyes narrowing slightly. "And I assume you, Koume, provide the strength and power to back up that wisdom."

The witches exchanged a curious glance, momentarily caught off guard by their soon-to-be daughter in law's unexpected flattery. "What are you implying, child?" Kotake asked, her tone sharp but intrigued.

The imprisoned royal lady allowed a small, enigmatic smile to play on her lips. "Oh, nothing much. It's just that I've heard rumors that our great king Ganondorf values lady Kotake's counsel more highly. Some say it's because she possesses a sharper intellect and a keener strategic mind."
Kotake's eyes gleamed with pride, while Koume's face darkened with anger. "Is that so?" she hissed, her voice dripping with venom. "And what about me, princess? What rumors have you heard about my contributions?"

The vessel of wisdom's smile widened slightly, her heart pounding with the thrill of her risky maneuver. "Well, dear Koume, there are those who say that while you may be powerful, but your impulsive nature has sometimes led to... less than optimal outcomes. They claim that lady Kotake often has to clean up your messes."

The air in the room grew thick with tension as Kotake's smirk grew more pronounced, and Koume's eyes blazed with fury. "How dare you?" the Gerudo elder with the red jewel spat, her voice rising in anger. "I have always been the strongest of the two! Kotake wouldn't be half as effective without my power to support her strategies!"
Kotake bristled, her pride wounded by Koume's outburst. "And where would your power be without my guidance? You'd be nothing but a mindless brute, swinging your magic around without any direction!"

The twin witches turned on each other, their argument escalating rapidly as they hurled accusations and insults back and forth. Zelda watched with bated breath, knowing this was her chance. While the witches were distracted by their own bickering, she slowly and silently began to edge towards the door, her movements careful and deliberate.
As the argument reached a fever pitch, the witch with the blue jewel's voice rang out, "You dare undermine my contributions? I have always been the brains behind our operations!"

"And I am the brawn that makes your plans a reality!" her sister shouted back, with a face twisted with rage. The Hylian royal lady watched as the argument escalated, the witches' long-buried frustrations surfacing with each heated word. Their focus shifted from her to each other, their voices rising in anger. She took a cautious step back, her movements slow and deliberate. The Hylian maiden took another step back, her heart pounding with anticipation. The old crones were now fully engrossed in their argument, their attention completely diverted. She glanced toward the door, calculating her chances. As the twin witches' voices grew louder, the captive princess seized the opportunity. With a final, silent prayer for courage, she turned and bolted for the door, her footsteps light and swift. The sound of the witches' argument faded behind her as she sprinted down the corridor, her mind focused on escape.

Forged in Darkness - Chapter 9 - andoyuuri (2024)
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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.