Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (2024)

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Chicken cornbread casserole made with a quick and easy homemade filling is topped with a cornbread crust box mix and baked to perfection.

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (1)

This recipe happened quite by accident. Chicken pot pie is one of our favorite recipes. But dealing with the pie crust is somewhat of hassle. One evening I really wanted to make chicken pot pie but not mess with a crust. My neighbor had recently moved and gave me the contents of her pantry which included a box mix of honey cornbread.

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (2)

So I whipped up my pot pie filling, mixed up the cornbread and baked it all together. It was magic! There is no worrying whether the crust is soggy, either. Because it’s not technically a pot pie, we named Chicken Cornbread Casserole.

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (3)

Make the Filling

The filling for the casserole is made from scratch, but it’s super easy. Even if you’ve never made anything from scratch before, you can handle this. A bag of frozen veggies means you can skip any chopping.

Melt butter in a large pot on the stove over medium high heat. Add onions and cook for about 2 minutes. Add in bag of frozen vegetables and cook until warmed through and no longer frozen. You can also use frozen diced onions instead of fresh to make this recipe even easier.

You can cook chicken the night you make the casserole, but it’s also a great way to use up leftover chicken. Even better, plan ahead and make sure to have leftover chicken. Cook a Slow Cooker Whole Chicken or Slow Cooker Beer Can Chicken one day and make a casserole within the next week.

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (4)

Cornbread Topping

Once the filling is done pour it intoin a casserole dish.As written, the recipe will easily fit in to a 2 quart dish and will feed 2-3 people. Double it to feed more. You can also bake it in individual ramekins so everyone gets their own casserole. Kids love the individual servings!

Mix up the cornbread mix. We used a 15 oz box of Krusteaz Honey Cornbread mix. The smaller Jiffy mixes can be used, but use at least two boxes. Top the casserole with the prepared cornbread mix by dropping in spoonfuls and gently smooth out. Bake for about 20 minutes until the cornbread is browned and cooked.

This recipe takes about 15-20 minutes hands on time and another 20 or so minutes to cook so it’s pretty quick to make even on a busy weeknight.

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (5)

Freezing for Later

If you’d like to freeze this, we suggest making the filling and freezing that. Warm up on the stove and add cornbread to bake.

Gluten Free Option

Yes you can make this gluten free! Substitute a gluten free flour in the filling and use a gluten free cornbread mix for the top.

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Chicken Cornbread Casserole has been our top recipe for years! It’s been pinned almost half a million times on Pinterest. Many of our readers have made and love this casserole. Find some of their ideas and suggestions below.

  • Add a can of chopped green chilis to the cornbread for a little kick.
  • Add a can of creamed corn to the cornbread mix before baking.
  • Add 1 tablespoon of honey in the Jiffy cornbread mix.
  • Use your favorite homemade corn bread recipe instead of a box.
  • Use whipping cream instead of milk.
  • Make gluten free by using gluten free cornbread and flour for the filling.
  • Add a can of cream of mushroom soup or cream of celery soup to the filling.
  • Add mushrooms to the filling.
  • Chop up 6 baked chicken thighs for the chicken.
  • Use turkey instead of chicken.
  • Triple the recipe to make a 9 x 13 pan to feed a crowd.

Yield: 4-6 servings

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (6)

Chicken cornbread casserole made with a quick and easy homemade filling is topped with a cornbread crust box mix and baked to perfection.

Prep Time20 minutes

Cook Time25 minutes

Additional Time5 minutes

Total Time50 minutes


  • 3 boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut in to cubes OR 2 cups cooked chicken in bite size pieces
  • 1/4 cup diced onions
  • 1/3 cup butter
  • 1 bag frozen mixed vegetables
  • 1/3 cup flour
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 1 1/4 cup chicken broth
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 box cornbread mix (1 large or 2 small) prepared according to directions on box


  1. If cooking chicken: heat 2 Tablespoons of oil in a large pot. Add cubed chicken and season with salt and pepper. Cook until chicken is done, about 10 minutes. Drain chicken from the pot and set aside.
  2. Melt butter in a large pot on the stove over medium high heat. Add onions and cook for about 2 minutes. Add in bag of frozen vegetables and cook until warmed through and no longer frozen.
  3. Stir in flour and cook for 2 minutes, stirring continuously.
  4. Whisk in chicken broth about 1/2 cup at a time to avoid lumps. Once all the chicken broth is added, add in the milk and whisk to combine. Allow mixture cook for a few minutes to thicken. Stir in cooked chicken and cook for another minute or so until the entire mixture is hot. Remove from heat.
  5. Pour the mixture in to a 9 x 9 square baking pan or any baking dish similar in size.
  6. Top the mixture with the prepared cornbread mix, smoothing the mix out to cover the top of the pie.
  7. Bake according to the directions on the cornbread mix. My mix said to bake at 400 degrees for 22-26 minutes. Make sure to bake long enough so that the bottom of the cornbread bakes through.
  8. Once the bread is done, remove from oven and allow to sit for 5 minutes before serving.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 559Total Fat: 29gSaturated Fat: 14gTrans Fat: 1gUnsaturated Fat: 13gCholesterol: 192mgSodium: 734mgCarbohydrates: 22gFiber: 2gSugar: 2gProtein: 49g

Easy Weeknight Cornbread Chicken Casserole Recipe (2024)


What do you serve with cornbread casserole? ›

The best side dishes to serve with cornbread are deviled eggs, chicken stew, beef stew, pork schnitzel, shrimp stock, London broil, sausage and peppers, mushroom soup, chicken meatballs, chicken marsala, cream cheese, oven-fried chicken, beef curry, green salad, white chili chicken, cowboy soup, and Goulash.

What do Southerners eat cornbread with? ›

Most people put nothing but cornbread and milk in their glass, although some add chopped green onions or ramps, and others add a big pinch of salt or two big pinches of black pepper.

What is the difference between corn casserole and cornbread? ›

Corn casserole is a dish that mixes cornbread with whole kernel corn, sour cream, butter, and cheese, along with some creamed corn to form a new dish that has cornbread as its base.

Should I cover my chicken casserole? ›

If you prefer a tender and moist result, covered baking will be the better option. If you're desiring a crispy exterior and bolder flavors, uncovered baking is best.

What is the most popular casserole dish size? ›

"The standard size of a casserole dish is 9 by 13 inches. However, due to varying shapes, they are often measured by volume, with three quarts being average,” says Contrino. “It is important to note that if a recipe calls only for a casserole dish, it is most likely asking for a 9- by 13-inch rectangular size.

What should I put on top of cornbread? ›

Serve warm cornbread with your favorite soups or chilis. It's also a great holiday side dish for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter. Though this recipe already has a honey butter glaze on top, you could also add a little extra jam or butter. Try it with this Whipped Cinnamon Butter.

What vegetables go with cornbread? ›

In the Southern and Southwestern parts of the US, people often eat cornbread and pinto beans or collard greens for lunch. Even though cornbread is associated with Southern cuisine, the dish is popular throughout the US.

Do you serve cornbread hot or cold? ›

Bake until the top is golden brown and the edges have pulled away from the sides of the pan, 30-40 minutes. Transfer the baking dish to a wire rack and sit for 30 minutes-1 hour, until just warm. The cornbread is best served warm. Place leftovers in an airtight container and store at room temperature for up to 2 days.

What is the key to making a good casserole? ›

  1. Choose the right baking dish. If you're all about the crunchy topping, use a shallow dish. ...
  2. Undercook your pasta. ...
  3. Drain your meat. ...
  4. Beware of mushy vegetables. ...
  5. Know your cheeses. ...
  6. Master the art of casserole assembly. ...
  7. Don't skip the topping. ...
  8. Make it now, but bake it later.
Nov 1, 2021

How do you thicken a casserole? ›

Mix one teaspoon cornflour with a tablespoon of room temperature water and add to your stew. Then bring to the boil and cook until desired thickness is reached. Cornflour is a great gluten-free thickener. It has a slightly more gelatinous texture, so only add a teaspoon at time or your sauce may become a bit goopy.

What makes a casserole a casserole? ›

The term “casserole” can refer to any dish prepared in a casserole dish—essentially a deep, wide baking dish—and baked in the oven. A casserole can have layers, as in the case of an Italian lasagna or a deep-dish pizza, or composed of some evenly distributed combination of veggies, a protein, and a starchy binder.

What do you do with a casserole dish? ›

A solid casserole dish is an absolute essential for one-pot meal enthusiasts. Not only are they perfect for hob and oven use, but they also look super attractive for serving at the dinner table. Maximising practicality and minimising washing-up, these little pots of magic are a real lifesaver for the busy home cook.

What do you eat with cornbread pudding? ›

Another thing to love about corn pudding is that it can be served alongside almost any main dish—roast chicken, grilled steaks, holiday hams, you name it. It's a fantastic potluck dish for this reason.

What to serve with cornbread brunch? ›

Add eggs and cooked veggies or cheese to go the savory route. Feeling sweet? Serve with jam, fruit compote, maple syrup, and honey.

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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.