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November 2014

ISSN 2049-4971

readiNg, WokiNgham & SUrroUNdiNg areaS

exclUSive iNtervieW

remembered Hear the special song to honour the fallen

PovertY criSiS Housing, health and education under focus

WiSe WordS Your chance to enter The Wisdom House

the big baNg Firework spectaculars for all the family to enjoy

How you can bring hope to Mums in Kenya

SpECiaL dELivEry


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advErTiSEr’S aNNouNCEmENT2 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

Funeral directors a.b. Walker & Son are at the heart of their local community. in a series of interviews, they ask key people within their community about their lives and their beliefs

Maggie griffith still remembers her experiences as a Meals on Wheels volunteer; the isolated older people she met, sometimes living in just one

room of their home.Now, years later, she is Director of Community

relations at Sunrise Senior Living of Sonning, a vibrant care community where her role ranges from taking initial enquiries, right through to supporting residents’ move in to the community.

“the most rewarding part of life at Sunrise

is seeing the transformation of residents who join us. Seeing residents who struggled at home joining in activities and making new friends is so wonderful.”

She adds: “i also love seeing family members join our events, helping to create a truly homely feel at the community.”

Maggie says most residents tend to be in their 80s and many move to the community after experiencing some kind of loss.

“it could be a friend, a family member or a spouse,” she explains. Some join us because their surroundings don’t support their needs any longer.”

Many of the residents come together once a month as part of a support group to talk about their loss in a supported environment. While it is attended mainly by people who have experienced bereavement, the group is also open to those who have experienced all types of loss.

“they can chat and understand their feelings. it can help so much to be with people who have experienced the same.”

She praises the commitment to providing person-centred care and the respect of individuality found at the community.

“everyone has the right, no matter what their vulnerability, to have the most complete and full life possible,” Maggie says.

“it is hugely rewarding for us as team members to support the individual needs of every resident.

“i remember two sisters who had been caring for their mother living with dementia; they had worked so hard and to hand over responsibility to someone was such a big step.

“to see them giggling and having fun with their mum again, creating new memories, was incredibly inspiring.”

Maggie is a roman Catholic and her faith plays an important role in her life.

From the heart: maggie Griffith

‘ I love helping to create a truly homely feel at the community’

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (3)

HoW mUCh has broadband helped you? That was the question I was asked by

a market research company wanting to know how the internet aids Xn.

It was interesting to look back at just how far Xn has come in such a short space of time.

We’re a hyperlocal title – the cutting edge of modern journalism. We do things differently to traditional media. As well as the magazine, we’re a website. As well as stories you can read, we have videos you can watch.

In January, we turn three. And we’re excited about what we’ve got up our sleeves for next year – it will transform Xn and be a real blessing. But to get there, we need your help.

Next month, we’ll be launching a crowdfunding campaign. It’s your chance to help us financially as we seek to build for our future – we’ll explain more next month.

Yes, broadband has helped us … but we know that we’re not doing this alone. Your help will make a difference.

Next month’s issue will be out for Sunday, November 30. Our deadline for submissions is a week early, November 14!

This month

GeT iN TouCH! email stories to [emailprotected] Deadline for Dec issue Friday, Nov 14

this is your magazineContact us with your stories, email [emailprotected] to Xn Media, Crown House, 231 King’s Road, Reading RG1 4LS. We look forward to hearing from you!

to advertise:Richard McCoull 0118 328 3108 [emailprotected] is published by xn media. iSSN 2049-4971c/o Crown House, 231 King’s Road, Reading RG1 4LSwww.xnmedia.co.uk Twitter: @xnmediaeditor & publisher Phil Creighton [emailprotected]

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Photography Lynda Bowyer [emailprotected]

Website Peter Bowyer [emailprotected]

distribution Judith Creighton [emailprotected]

contributors Michael Penny, Steve Prince, James Hern, Martin Ceaser, Chris Carter, Alan Stubbs, Brian Morris, Jane Clark, Brian Roach

thanks to Alan Magness, Louise Cole, Mary Brockington, Andrew Taylor, Steve Curtis, Barry Kirk, Jeremy Sharpe, Sharon Elliott, Sam Lane, Huw Beale, Wendy Neale, Geoff Hawkins, Skye Brackpool, Francesca Yates, Emma Cantrellcover picture Elizabeth Dalziel/Christian AidPrinted by PolestarXn is an independent publication that aims to reflect community and Church life without bias.

The views expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the publishers.

Every care is taken to ensure that the contents of the magazine are accurate but the publishers cannot accept responsibility for errors. While reasonable care is taken when accepting advertisem*nts, the publishers cannot accept any responsibility for any resulting unsatisfactory transactions. They will, however, investigate any written complaints.

© Xn Media Ltd, 2014

Fireworks 7climate talk 15debate 12

phil Creighton

From the editor contents 4 the main event A look

ahead to Remembrance Sunday

6 excellent news 18 home For good How you

can support new adoption campaign

20 classified 22 recruitment 24 Sport 25 Family circle 25 Your say 26 What’s on Two pages

of community events28 Puzzles29 lifestyle Our brilliant

new leisure guide including leisure ideas, film reviews

Jubilee 11

ball 14

award 11

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THE maiN EvENT4 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

PictUreS: Sam laNe PhotograPhY WordS: Phil creightoN

aLULLaBY from a tV legend wasn’t quite enough to send a host of tech experts to sleep. But it did help them raise more than £80,000 for action

For Children. More than 150 experts from the tech and

business community spent a chilly and damp autumnal night in Reading’s Forbury Gardens on Friday, October 3, so they could take part in the Thames Valley Byte Night.

This is the eighth time that the Thames Valley tech experts have spent a night under the stars for the charity – and while they were guarded by the Maiwand Lion in the Forbury, simultaneous events were taking place in London, Belfast, Manchester, Cambridge, Bristol and Birmingham.

In total, more than £1.3m was raised across the eight locations for Action For Children,

specifically for the work that the charity does with youth homelessness services.

The fun started in nearby St Laurence’s Church.

Children’s TV science expert Johnny Ball explained all about the good work that Byte Night does and serenaded his guests with his bedtime song, drawing on all his previous experience as a Play School presenter.

An auction was held as part of the evening, with lots including a stay in a spa hotel in Bristol, a comedy lunch with Jack Whitehall, tickets to see England play rugby against South Africa at Twickenham and a polo lesson.

Businesses taking part included Barclays, SAS, Megabuyte, HP, RBS, Dell, Citrix, EY and KPMG.

Sally Hanson, marketing communications director at SAS and co-chair of the Thames

Valley Byte Night board, said: “A huge thank you to all the teams that took part in what was the definitely our best Byte Night yet.

“It was fantastic to see so many people leave their comforts behind to help us ensure children and young people can have a safe place to call home.

“A special thank you also to the wonderful Johnny Ball for his support this year, and particularly his soothing lullaby just before we all bedded down for the night!”v Donations for Byte Night are still being collected. To donate £5 and support Action for Children’s youth homelessness services, text BYTE14 £5 to 70070. You will be charged £5 plus one message at your standard network rate.v www.samlanephotography.co.uk

A night on the tilessleep

Watch oUr exclUSive bYte Night video NeWS rePort oN oUr WebSite

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for children’s charitybyte!

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NEWS6 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

v Pamper yourself ahead of ChristmasWINNERSH – a pampering evening will give you the chance to treat yourself and do some early Christmas shopping.

St Mary the Virgin in Church Close will be hosting the event on Monday, November 10.

running from 7.30pm to 9.30pm, there will be a mixture of treats and treatments on offer, including jewellery, forever Living skincare, cards, indian snacks, cakes and scented candles.

entry is free and everyone is welcome. v For more details, call Paula on 07811 357955.

v Fun run and roast boosts hall appealSONNING – a hog roast and fun run has helped raise £2,500 towards a new hall for the village.

reading Blue Coat School was the venue for the event, held on September 6, and haslams estate agents sponsored the hog roast.

the new hall will be a village resource and be sited in the grounds of St andrew’s parish church. a total of £500,000 is needed to complete the project – so far £125,000 has ben raised.

to help raise funds, the parish has created a calendar featuring images of Charvil, Sonning and Sonning eye, a commemorative tea towel, cotton shopping bag, children’s activity book and a set of Christmas cards. v For more details, or to order, log on to www.sonningparish.org.uk.

v Break-up helpWOKINGHAM WITHOUT – a four-week course aimed at helping anyone who is separating or going through divorce takes place this month at St Sebastian’s Parish Centre in Nine Mile ride.

held over four weeks from Monday, November 3, sessions start at 8pm. Organisers request £10 to cover course fees, but help is available. v For details, call 01344 761050.

v CorrectionsWe strive for accuracy, but occasionally mistakes are made.

in the October issue, an editing error meant that we stated that holyport College opened at the end of September. it actually opened earlier in the month. apologies.

if you spot an error please let the editor know by emailing [emailprotected].

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bY Phil creightoN

CroWthorNe has come together to help its foodbank move into a new home.

Its old base at 1 High Street has been in use since it opened in December 2012, but it has now been sold and the charity has moved out.

A local company and social club have helped the foodbank with the move.

The Crowthorne Foodbank, which provides emergency food parcels to those in need, is now operating from Vineyard Church Centre in Wellington Business Park, off Dukes Ride. The opening hours are Mondays and Thursdays from noon to 2pm.

A spokesperson for Foodbank said: “We are extremely grateful for the generosity and manpower of Kier Construction Group who have moved all the food and stripped out the old building of shelving etc.... and also to Crowthorne Sports and Social Club in Wellington Road, who have so kindly given us space to store all the food.

“We just couldn’t have made this move without their generosity and help and it has meant that we can carry on helping people in crisis in our community without having to cease operating.”

They continued: “We are also very grateful to our amazing volunteers who work in the Foodbank without whom we couldn’t operate.”

Since it opened, Crowthorne Foodbank has fed 1,947 people: 1,190 adults, and 770 children. It adds up to 17,523 meals.

“This is thanks to the wonderful generosity of local residents, churches and schools in the area,” a spokesperson added.v For more on the Foodbank, log on to www.wokinghamvineyard.org/about-foodbank

Crowthorne Foodbank moves on

A MILESTONE was marked in Wokingham’s Foodbank on Monday, October 20.

The Rose Street-based charity fed its 2,000th client – just weeks after it marked its first birthday.

David Atkinson, the Foodbank’s chairman, said: “It is incredible how quickly this number has been reached in a wealthy town like Wokingham, but it highlights the invaluable service the Foodbank is providing to our neighbours in need.

“We are currently feeding

about 150 people a month – 15 families a week.”

Like the Crowthorne Foodbank (see story left), David is grateful to the many volunteers who help to run the foodbank.

He said: “Thank you to all who make it possible for us to provide this service, the incredible team of volunteers, our amazing donors who provide the food and finance we need, and all of our corporate sponsors, particularly Tesco and Waitrose.”

v Wokingham feeds its 2,000th client

v All is gathered in – The harvest collections from St Nicolas Church Earley, pupils from Loddon, Earley Montessori and

Hawkedon schools and Kilnsea Pre-school. The food has been donated to the St Nicolas Foodbank and Reading-based drop-in centres CIRDIC and CIRWC. The St Nicolas Foodbank is an offshoot of the Woodley Foodbank and helps get emergency food parcels to people in desperate need.

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (7)

COuNTING down the days to Christmas isn’t the same without an Advent calendar.

And both Wokingham and Henley will once again be holding an extra special countdown thanks to their Living Advent Calendars.

Every day in the run-up to Christmas Eve, there will be a live performance somewhere in the towns at 6pm (Wokingham) or 6.15pm (Henley). Performances last around 15 minutes.

What is behind each ‘window’ is a closely guarded secret, but it could be a choir, a sketch, live music or some comedy.

Both calendars starts outside their respective town halls on Monday, December 1. We’ll have more details on our website. v Wokingham venues will be posted on www.wokingham-tc.gov.uk/advent. v Henley venues will be posted on www.livingadventcalendar.co.uk.

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v Christmas countdown live

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bY Phil creighgtoN

WoKINGham will be transformed into a winter wonderland at the end of the month, and everyone is invited.

Held on the first Sunday in Advent – November 30 – the entire town centre will become a massive street fair, with thousands of people expected to enjoy the fun, which this year has the theme The Magic Of The Movies.

There will be fun fair rides, street entertainment, magicians, clowns and more than 100 food, craft and charity stalls, representing many of the great groups that do so much in the Wokingham Borough. Entry is free.

Live music will come from the Berkshire Maestros and a Rock Choir on a specially constructed stage in the Market Place.

And children with long lists can get their requests in early as Father Christmas will be parking his sleigh next to Wokingham Library between 11am and 3pm.

Wokingham Methodist Church in Rose Street will open its doors to serve up bacon butties and other refreshments.

Brian Morris, from the church, said: “The weather is usually kind to Wokingham for its grand Winter Carnival.

“Should it turn cold and damp carnival goers will be attracted by the smell of bacon butties wafting in the air. The tempting aroma could come from the Meeting Place, off the Rose Street car park.

“It’s open from midday to 4pm.”The highlight of the day is a

Carnival Procession, which starts at 4pm and winds its way through the town as dusk falls. Decorated floats, bands and costumed walkers will vye for your charity donations as they come through the town with their buckets.

The procession is followed by the traditional singing of Christmas carols in Market Place around the Christmas tree.

The carnival has run every year since 1994. v www.wintercarnival.org.uk.

v Nominate your community heroesWOKINGHAM – Wokingham town Council has opened nominations for its annual Civic awards and is looking for people who make a real difference to community life in the town.

Nominations should be made by Sunday, November 30, and the Mayor of Wokingham town will present the awards to successful nominees at an official ceremony on friday, January 23 next year. v To nominate someone, log on to www.wokingham-tc.gov.uk/civic/civic-awards

v Flower power FINCHAMPSTEAD – the village’s flower club will hold an open evening on Monday, November 14.

the display, at finchampstead Memorial hall, will be called Christmas Magic and be given by annette Parshotam. Doors open at 7pm for an 8pm start.

the club will hold a seasonal workshop on Monday, December 8. entry to non-members is £4.50.v For more details, call Bronwen Best on 0118 979 1618.

Wokingham’s winter wonder

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Holme Grange Xn November14.indd 1 21/10/2014 12:34:09

it’S the big bang … and it’s hoping to raise big bucks for charity. the Wokingham firework Spectacular will come to Cantley field on

Saturday, November 8 from 7.30pm. the evening starts with a torchlit procession from the town centre at 6pm.

it will be headed by St Sebastian Brass Band and local dignitaries – more than 500 flaming torches will light up Broad Street on the way to the field.

The fireworks will have a First World War theme and all proceeds will go to local charities.

entry is by programme, which can be bought from the town hall, tesco Wokingham, Newbury Building Society, Barclays Bank and Clarks Shoes, all in Wokingham town centre. v For more details, visit www.wokingham-fireworks.co.ukv For more local fireworks displays, visit our website: goo.gl/pPijOi

Join in the big bang

Picture: Lynda Bowyer Photography

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NEWS8 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

bY WeNdY Neale

PUPILS in earley will later this month learn about the issues faced by people around the world living with hIV/aids.

St Nicolas Church will be opening its doors to more than 130 children from Loddon and Hawkedon primary schools for special sessions to tie in with World Aids Day.

In partnership with REinspired, a charity dedicated to enlivening the RE curriculum, the event will be on the theme of HOPE.

The children will hear from people who have visited Zambia and spent time alongside people living with HIV/AIDS, and together look at the topics of health, orphans, prejudice and education.

The children will then be invited to respond to what they have experienced by writing a letter to a child like them in Zambia.

These letters will be sent on to Zambia and, according to REinspired, they will make a big difference to those who receive them.

Julia Jones, who heads up REinspired, said: “I was one of the team from St Nicolas that visited Zambia this summer and met some of the children at a school in Ndola, Zambia, who have received letters in previous years.

“Ninety per cent of these children are orphans and most will have been affected by HIV/Aids.

“I had the privilege of going into the school to join in with some of the teaching.

“Although there were so many differences between

Children to learn about Aidsv Mouth and foot artist gives talkREADING – an artist who paints using their feet and mouth will be the special guest at a meeting later this month.

the Physical Disabilities and Sensory Needs (PDSN) Network will focus on leisure and sports activities for its autumn event.

the programme will include a talk by an artist from the Mouth and foot Painting association (MfPa) as well as representatives from Berkshire PhaB and Sportsable.

guests will be able to join in craft activities and discussion groups and learn how they can take up a new leisure or sports activity.

the event will take place in the Kennet room at the Civic Centre in reading’s town centre from 10.30am to 1pm on Wednesday, November 19.

refreshments and lunch will be provided. BSL interpreters have been booked for the event.

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Bishop joins Harvest festivals

LVS Ascot welcomed some special guests to its Harvest Festivals on Monday, October 6.

As part of the celebrations, staff, children and students of the Junior and Senior Schools were joined by the Rt Revd Andrew Proud, Bishop of Reading, Judith Dodds and Inez Anderson from the Bracknell Food Bank and the Revd Darrell Hannah and the Revd Patrick Gilday from Ascot Heath Parish Churches.

Pupils from the Junior and Senior Schools made collections of food to support local Food Banks.

The morning started with a Junior School assembly. Mrs Dodds explained how the gifts that the children had donated would be

used by the Food Bank. After the assembly, Bishop

Andrew and guests were taken on a school tour and joined in with Year 7 Philosophy and Religion lesson before attending the Senior School Harvest Assembly.

Two students spoke about their experience of helping an organisation in Slough which feeds the homeless, and Bishop Andrew drew on his experience of harvest in Africa, encouraging us all to be more aware of need locally and internationally.

The Bishop was presented with a print of a picture painted by Esme McKenzie, a student at the school, as a memento of his visit.

The Bishop of Reading, the Rt Revd Andrew Proud, addresses children at LVS Ascot for its harvest festivalPicture: WWW.BrightONtOgS.COM/Skye Brackpool

this school and schools here, it didn’t take long before we were all having fun together: kids are kids and teachers are teachers wherever they are.”

A number of the REinspired team have also visited Zambia and will be able to share their stories but the session looks at HIV/Aids on a global scale.v HOPE For World Aids Day will be in the Sutcliffe Avenue church from Saturday, November 29 to Monday, December 1 (World Aids Day) and is open to all.

Julia Jones with children she met from Ndola, Zambia as part of a visit to the country she made earlier in the year

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Five years on the streets

STREET PASTORS old and new gathered together for a special anniversary event last month.

The Pastors have been handing out lollipops and flip-flops and helping people get home safely for five years and on Friday, October 10, a celebration was held at St Laurence’s Church in Reading’s Town Centre.

The evening was an opportunity

to look back and thank people who have been instrumental in the Pastors work in the town.

The celebrations continued when the Pastors went out on the streets the following weekend – they were festooned with birthday balloons and banners. v For a behind the scenes video, log on to our website, xnmedia.co.uk

Picture: geoff hawkins

bY chriS carter

THE CATHOLIC churches of Reading will mark the run-up to Advent with two evening talks on the theme of Longing for the Messiah.

The two interactive sessions will explore the Advent Lectionary readings from the Book of Isaiah. They are open to everyone, and take place on consecutive Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm.

The first, on November 19, will be held at English Martyrs in

Liebenrood Road, Reading and the second will be on November 26 at St John Bosco in Woodley.

Entrance is free, and refreshments will be available.

The speaker/facilitators will be Sabine Schwartz, Catholic Chaplain to the university, and Angela Wills from English Martyrs. v For more details, contact the Pastoral Area churches or the office of St John Bosco church office on 0118 969 3423 or emailing [emailprotected].

Longing for Advent to start

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NEWS10 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

v Get in on the Acts UPPER BASILDON – One of the most dynamic books of the Bible will be unpacked in a special study session later this month.

the Speeches in acts will be held at St Stephen’s Church on Saturday, November 22 from 2.30pm to 6.30pm.

talks will be given by the chair of Churches together in reading Michael Penny, and international speaker and author W M henry of glasgow.

there is no charge for the event, which is sponsored by the Open Bible trust. refreshments will be served between sessions. v For more details, email [emailprotected] or call 01491 671357.

v New youth groupREADING – a new youth group for Secondary School aged children has launched.

Organised by english Martyrs and St Joseph churches, it launched at the end of October with a pizza and music quiz evening.

it meets in the english Martyrs Parish hall on Wednesdays from 7.45pm-9.15pm. v www.englishmartyrsrdg.org.uk

bY Phil creightoN

a CharItY is planning to close its store to enable it to concentrate on enhancing its services to the public.

CommuniCare, which offers advice and support to people who need help with everything from form filling to legal advice, will shut its London Road, east Reading store CommuniShop, at the end of November.

Opened four years ago, CommuniShop’s aim was to boost the way in which CommuniCare related to the community, raising awareness and giving people the opportunity to volunteer.

In a statement released by the trustees of CommuniCare, the charity feels that these goals have been successfully met. Now that the support centre, based behind Wycliffe Baptist Church, is expanding its services from four to five days a week, the charity wants to focus on its work rather than the store. The charity has also launched an advice surgery in the CCA store in Oxford Road.

The statement said: “In view of the increasing demand for our information, advice and support services, which are CommuniCare’s main function, and our exciting plans to meet this demand, we no longer consider the shop to be sustainable.”

The store has been open for nearly four years and the trustees statement says that it hasn’t been able to support the work of CommuniCare in the way envisaged when it launched.

The statement said: “In practice some CommuniCare funds have had to be used to support CommuniShop.”

The store’s closure will be marked with a special celebration to thank supporters, customers, donors, volunteers and staff.v CommuniCare is seeking a volunteer receptionist for Friday mornings from 10am to 1pm in its Advice Centre. v For more details, log on to www.communicare.org.uk.

Shop closure is a new opening

Shutting up shop … the CommuniShop will close at the end of November

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bY Phil creightoN

a daY to stand and sing of a Zambia that is proud and free took place in reading on Saturday, october 18.

Tyndale Baptist Church in Shinfield was host to a celebration of the country’s golden jubilee, dubbed Many Rivers To Cross.

Marked with songs, food and dancing, the event attracted more than 80 people including ex-pats, former missionaries, local leaders and members of the public.

The day was moderated by Michael and Dr Prudence Mazili Mwanza, and included a special address by the Revd John Young, a former missionary to Zambia.

It opened with the Zambian national anthem, which speaks of people joining together as one, strong and free.

Guests and friends of Zambia were presented with souvenir flags and members of the Zambian community sang solo songs or danced; resplendent in colours based on Zambia’s flag, they brightened up an overcast day.

After the service, a meal was shared featuring many delicacies from Zambia.

Dr Prudence (pictured inset) said she was delighted with the way the day had gone.

A red, yellow, black and golden celebration of Zambia’s Jubilee

Zambia’s Jubilee was marked in Reading with a day of celebration

NEWS 11To advertise call 0118 328 3108 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | November 2014

She said: “Celebrating Zambia’s Golden Jubilee could have not been done any other way than the way it happened.”

Plans are now being made to create a DVD of the whole event, as a souvenir of the day, and a book.

They will include stories of Berkshire people who have connections with Zambia.

Dr Prudence said: “In this book, we wish to analyse the past, evaluate the present

and extrapolate thoughts about the next 50 years.

"We believe that this will be a gift to Zambia and the future generations.”

The day was not just a party, a collection was held during the day

for GOLD – Golden Opportunity Links for Development. The charity aims to alleviate

extreme poverty in Zambia and elsewhere, as well as

helping in the personal development of Zambians. v For more details on

the work of GOLD, email [emailprotected].

v Emma could be a Mum of the Year WOKINGHAM – a charity that helps parents has discovered that ... well, every little helps thanks to tesco’s Mum of the Year award.

first Days Wokingham has received a £1,000 donation as a result of its founder, emma Cantrell (pictured), being one of 26 women shortlisted from 5,000 entries for the 2015 awards.

the awards, which were launched in 2006, celebrate women who do amazing things to help the lives of others. Last year’s winners were invited to Downing Street to meet the Prime Minister.

emma is delighted at being shortlisted.

She said: “it’s a privilege to be shortlisted among such amazing and inspirational mums for this award – there are so many women out there doing amazing things in their communities or for causes they feel strongly about.

“i am so grateful for the £1,000 that tesco has kindly donated to first Days in recognition of our hard work. it will help us continue to work hard supporting families in Berkshire who are struggling to make ends meet.”

first Days, which works out of warehouse space in Woodley, collects baby toys, clothes and equipment so that families in need can then re-use them.

it has helped more than 500 families and saved 10 tonnes of clothes and equipment from being sent to landfill.

emma has to wait until february to find out if she is a winner. v Log on to www.tescomagazine.com/mum-of-the-yearv For more on First Days, log on to www.firstdays.net

www.riversidechurchreading.co.ukno perfect people allowed!

Join us on Sundays from 7th September10am-12noonHemdean House SchoolHemdean Road, Caversham

Party to commemorate 20 years of a LifeLineA CHARITY that has supported nearly 2,500 people is marking its 20th anniversary this month.

Reading LifeLine gives counselling and support for those facing decision or loss in pregnancy, offering free, unbiased

and impartial advice. It is based in London Street Reading and is part of the Mustard Tree Foundation.

To celebrate this anniversary, the charity is holding a special afternoon tea party on Saturday, November 8. Friends and

supporters have been invited to gather together to hear client stories, give thanks for volunteers and supporters, and to hear more about the charity’s future plans.v For more details, log on to www.readinglifeline.co.uk.

Picture: Lynda Bowyer Photography

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NEWS12 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

v Older people urged to get right benefits READING – reading Borough Council has been encouraging older people to take up the benefits that they are entitled to.

a response to last year’s tackling Poverty in reading event, the campaign ran from June to august and encouraged residents to check their eligibility for Council tax Support, Pension Credit and attendance allowance.

Caversham – which has the highest proportion of owner occupiers aged 65 and over in the Borough – was the location of four benefit surgeries run by Reading Citizens advice Bureau and which identified total potential gains for residents of £36,597 across a range of benefits.

Leader of reading Borough Council, Cllr Jo Lovelock, said: “it is important that people who are genuinely entitled to claim take up their benefits not just as a way to help with living costs, but as a means to reduce inequality, improve the local economy and ease the pressure on services dealing with long term poverty.

“this informative and worthwhile campaign has encouraged those who are eligible to claim, and i hope that they are now taking up their benefits.”v To find out if you are eligible for Council Tax Support, or to complete a claim, visit the becs.reading.gov.uk or call 0118 937 3737.v To claim or find out more about Pension Credit, visit www.gov.uk/pension-credit or call 0800 99 1234.v To claim or find out more about Attendance Allowance, visitwww.gov.uk/attendance-allowance or call 0345 605 6055.

bY Phil creightoN

A MEMBER of the Shadow Cabinet will be coming to Reading later this month to find out more about the work being done by voluntary groups across the region.

Stella Creasy, the shadow Business, Innovation and Skills Minister and MP for Walthamstow, has been invited by Victoria Groulef, the Labour parliamentary candidate for Reading West.

During her visit, on Friday, November 21, Stella (pictured inset) will tour the constituency and take part in a roundtable discussion with leaders of

charities, churches and voluntary organisations across the Reading area.

Victoria said: “I want to bring the groups together for a frank conversation. The aim is to celebrate the work that the organisations do and be practical, aiming to look at the issues they face.”

Victoria added that the event is not aimed to be political but instead focus on the issues that the various groups face as they

seek to help people with challenges that include food poverty to homelessness.

She said: “For me, it’s about making sure people realise what the Church does in Reading.”v For more details or to book a place

at the roundtable discussion, email [emailprotected] or call her on 0118 923 6406.v Reading West is currently held by Conservative MP Alok

Sharma; in next year’s election Meri O’Connellwill stand

for the Liberal Democrats, Miriam Kennet will stand for the Green Party and Malik Azam for UKIP.

Shadow Cabinet minister to host roundtable

Challenge to Narrow The Gap bY Phil creightoN

readING has been issued with a challenge to narrow the gap at a new conference taking place this month.

A response to last year’s Tackling Poverty in Reading event, the evening meeting will find out what has happened over the past year to narrow the gap to tackle poverty in everything from housing, health, education and care.

The conference will be held in Reading’s Town Hall on Tuesday, November 18 from 5.30pm to 8pm and be attended by a range of groups across town including ReadiFood and CCA.

Participants will be able to interact and network through a market place of stalls and discussion groups on health, education, employment and skills, care, neighbourhoods and housing, identifying further opportunities for us all to work together to ensure

that we can help people earlier so they can seize the opportunities on offer within Reading.

It starts with a welcome from the leader of Reading Borough Council, Cllr

Jo Lovelock, before a keynote address from Jonathan Carr-West, the chief executive of think tank LGIu (Local Government Information unit).

There will then be break out groups that will explore issues behind

poverty in Reading despite the town’s high levels of employment, prosperity,

educational attainment and good health. The event is aimed at public service

providers, businesses, employers, head teachers, governors, providers of employment and

training, Housing Associations, GPs, care providers, voluntary and community organisations, trades unions, faith organisations and interested residents.v Tickets are free and can be reserved by logging on to the Eventbrite website – www.eventbrite.co.uk – and search for ‘Narrowing the Gap’.

Town hall picture: Tom Bastin/flickr

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v Be a Winter palWOKINGHAM – the Borough Council is asking people to become a Winter friend.

the project, organised by Wokingham Borough Council, Optalis, the borough council’s adult social care provider, and the Link Visiting Scheme, invites people to make a pledge to look in on a family member, friend or neighbour to make sure they are keeping warm and well.

Ways to get involved include taking your Winter friend shopping helping with household tasks, providing meals, checking they’re warm enough and keeping an eye out for signs of illness.

Cllr Julian Mcghee Sumner, Wokingham Borough Council executive member for health and wellbeing, said: “By signing up to Winter friends pledge and agreeing to looking in on a friend, family member or neighbour, and making sure they are keeping themselves warm, have sufficient food in the house and are looking after themselves, it will have such a valued impact on their life.”v To make a pledge or for details call 07766 214886 or email: [emailprotected].

v Diversity lectureBINFIELD – a lecture later this month will ask the question ‘Can we really know what god says?’

it will be explored by Dr Jean-Claude Verrecchia, who is the principal lecturer in the New testament at Newbold College.

the lecture will be held in the College’s Salisbury hall at its St Mark’s road Campus.

it takes place at 7.30pm on tuesday, November 11. everyone is welcome and entry is free. v For more details, log on to www.newbold.ac.uk/diversity-centre.

bY JaNe clark

a NeW choral piece will form a poignant moment in a remembrance Sunday service.

From Flanders has been especially composed for the First World War Centenary Commemorations by Anna R Matthews and is dedicated to the Potter Family of Wokingham.

Her composition is set to Frederick Niven’s poem, A Carol from Flanders, which is about the first Christmas Truce of 1914.

It will be performed for the first time on Remembrance Sunday, November 9, by the choir of St Paul’s in Reading Road.

There is a strong personal connection between Anna Matthews, St Paul’s and Wokingham’s First World War Centenary Commemorations.

Anna, who lives in Devon, is the Great-Grand-Niece of the three

Potter brothers – Frank, George and Thomas – commemorated on the First World War Memorial in the church.

The church’s Rector, Fr Richard Lamey, said: “Although Niven’s poem refers directly to the Truce on Christmas Day in 1914, it is the story of two fighting sides spontaneously laying down their arms for the sake of humanity.

“It is a poignant moment

Musical tribute to the fallen for Remembrance Sunday

upon which to reflect this year marking the centenary of the beginning of the First World War as we remember every man and woman who answered the call to arms, including the Potter family and the men of the parish of St Paul’s.

“Anna hopes to join us on Remembrance Sunday to hear her commemorative work in the very place where her forebears worshipped and sang in the choir.”

The service begins at 9.30am and everyone is welcome. v Anna Matthews is the Great Grand Niece of the Potter brothers; her Great Grandmother was their sister Bertha. her recollections can be read at www.wokinghamremembers.com.v Over the next four years, St Paul’s will ring its bell at 11am 100 years to the day that one of the 62 men named on the church’s War Memorial. The bell will toll the age of each man who died. v For more Remembrance Sunday events, see what’s on, from page 26.

Members of the Potter Family, for whom a special composition will be performed at St Paul’s Remembrance Sunday service

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NEWS14 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

v Create a better future & have a ballREADING – a fundraising ball will bring africa a little closer to home and help children in Zimbabwe.

Local charity Creating Better futures is organising the Out of africa Charity Ball for Saturday, November 15.

taking place at reading’s hilton hotel, the evening promises a vibrant experience of africa.

the evening includes a drinks reception, a three-course meal and a disco. there will also be african entertainment and a charity auction.

the dress code is black tie or african dress. tickets cost £40 or £360 for a table of 10; they must be purchased in advance.

all money raised from the evening will support orphans in Zimbabwe.v For details call 07898 784113. Tickets can be bought from www.out-of-africa.eventbrite.co.uk.

We’re the perfect place to advertise your business

A fond farewell to Jonathan

The Revd Canon Jonathan Wilmot with Reading West MP Alok Sharma at a farewell event held at Greyfriars Church, Reading

CCA opens for consultation bY lYNda boWYer

a LISteNING ear is the latest service to be provided by a West reading charity store.

Christian Community Action’s (CCA) Oxford Road branch has just opened a new confidential consulting room, thanks to a series of grants. It was opened by CCA Community Relationship Manager and Fundraiser Mireille Haviland.

until the opening, at the end of October, CCA’s Oxford Road branch was the only facility without an office.

A confidential space was needed for a variety of reasons, as Mireille explained: “An office is needed for the Manager but it needs to be confidential because we are working with volunteers who sometimes need support.

“It was almost impossible to do this before, and to have had a private conversation would have necessitated using the car park.

“It is also needed for any customers that may need confidential support.”

She continued: “Our support

AFTER 19 years’ ministry in Reading, the Revd Canon Jonathan Wilmot has stepped down as vicar of Greyfriars Church.

Local church and community leaders gathered together on Friday, October 3 for a reception, while the congregation held a farewell service with a hog roast on Sunday, October 5.

Among the gifts given to Jonathan was an album of personal messages to which many individuals and families contributed treasured memories.

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centre next door will also be able to use it when needed for confidential meetings with their clients.

“As we have CommuniCare on board, they will also be able to have use of the office when needed for the clients they are supporting with debt issues, benefits issues and to give privacy when assisting

them with form filling.”The new office space at the CCA

store has been funded thanks to a £2,500 donation from the Community Development Fund and a further £3,000 from The Kiriath Trust.v For more details on CCA’s work, or to get help, log on to www.ccam.org.uk.

v Terry drops inthe founder of the Newfrontiers church movement was the special guest at reading family Church last month.

terry Virgo (second left) spoke at services held at reading girls School on Sunday, October 12.

Volunteers and staff members from CCA’s Oxford Road branch celebrate the opening of its new confidential meeting room. Picture: Lynda Bowyer Photography

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For a political climate change bY JohN WakeField

aN eXPLoratIoN of the impact and injustice of climate change took place across Berkshire last month.

All Saints in Wokingham was one church to hold special meetings as part of Christian Aid’s Hunger For Justice campaign.

Elizabeth Peredo from Bolivian Christian Aid partner Fundacion Solon, joined the church for the service on Sunday, October 19, which also featured drama from local theatre group Stage-Fright.

Elizabeth shared how climate change is affecting Bolivia where flooding and drought are both on the increase. Poor communities are bearing the worst of changing weather patterns as thousands of people are being displaced by flooding, losing their homes and their livelihoods.

All Saints were joining with hundreds of churches nationwide urging their local politicians to ensure their party includes strong climate change action in their manifestos, and praying for people

Elizabeth Peredo (second from left) with members of All Saints Church in Wokingham at its recent Hunger For Justice day of action against Climate Change

living with the effects of climate change around the world.

This action follows the largest mobilisation on climate change in history when 675,000 people took to the streets around the world ahead of the uN’s New York-based Climate Summit in September, and ahead of the uN’s Climate Change Conference in Peru next month.

Jessica Hall from Christian Aid says, “The Hunger for Justice weekend gave our supporters the chance to stand shoulder-to-

shoulder with people around the world, and encourages us all to take steps towards a safer, cleaner future.

“We hope that MPs will be proactive in urging their parties to take action on climate change ahead of the General Election.”v Christian Aid has launched a manifesto ahead of the General Election, setting out its vision for what parties should do about issues such as climate change in 2015. For more, visit www.christianaid.org.uk/hungerforjustice

v Mayor opens fairWOKINGHAM – town Mayor, Cllr Martin Bishop, will open St Paul’s Parish Bazaar at noon on Saturday November 8, in St Paul’s Parish rooms.

this year’s theme is 1864 & all that! marking the church’s 150th anniversary celebrations. it will include children’s stalls, toys and books, bric-a-brac, books, gifts, cakes and produce, tombola, games and more.

entry is 30p. v For more information, contact Penny Wallace on 0118 978 9076 or go to www.stpauls-wokingham.org.uk.

v Shinfield specialSHINFIELD – a Winter fayre that includes hot dogs, farm animals and father Christmas will come to St Mary’s Church on Saturday, November 29.

running from noon to 3.30pm on Saturday, November 29, the fayre aims to bring the community together.

a spokesperson said: “We do hope you are able to come along and join us. it is always great fun.”v www.loddonreach.org.uk

bY briaN roach

A CHRISTMAS Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church in Twyford promises to be a cracker.

Around 70 Christmas trees will be on show, supplied by organisations, charities and businesses from around the Twyford area, all with a Victorian theme, acknowledging the heritage of the 1847-built church.

It will run from Thursday, December 4 to Sunday, December 7, from 10am to 4.30pm. Entry is free.

On the Thursday evening, Waltham St Lawrence Silver Band will play festive music at 7.30pm, tickets cost £7.

Twyford’s Street Fayre runs on the Friday evening, so the church will be open until 9pm. Entertainment includes handbell ringers, music by Shiplake College and a barbershop quartet.

At noon on Saturday Berkshire Recorder Consort will entertain with Christmas music. Queen Victoria will arrive at 2.30pm to judge the competition for “the best dressed Victorian” child.

Between 3.45pm and 4.15pm

there will be “a happening” presented by the Twyford and Ruscombe Theatre Group.

In the evening magician and illusionist Mark Shortland will entertain at 7pm. Tickets for his show are £7 for adults, £4 for children and £20 for a family including up to three children.

The closing day, Sunday, starts with a short family service at 10.30am. Afternoon tea will be available from 2.30pm to 4pm with tickets costing £4.

This will be followed by a carol service at 4.30pm to formally close the festival.

Proceeds will go to ReadiFood.v Tickets to all events will be available from early November at Brighton’s in London Road, Twyford, the church office 0118 934 4792; [emailprotected] and 0118 934 0642. All tickets bought on the door will cost an additional £1.

v Another Christmas tree festival is to be held next month.

Wokingham Methodist Church will once again host the trees from Friday, December 5 to Sunday, December 7.

It will raise funds for WADE Day Centre and Smile For Sam.

Come & see the Christmas trees

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (16)

NEWS16 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

v Twins wantedREADING – Members of a town twinning association are looking for people to join them when they visit their twin next year.

the reading-Düsseldorf Churches interchange is already making plans for a visit to germany next year, taking place from august 1 to 8.

Participants stay in the homes of Düsseldorf church members and enjoy a culturally rich experience.

You can find out more, and learn about the Düsseldorf churches’ visit to reading at a special meeting to be held on friday, November 14. it takes place at earley St Peter’s Church hall, Church road, earley, from 7pm. v For details, call 0118 926 5672 or email [emailprotected].

v Wrap it upSILCHESTER – a festive Wrapping craft evening will be held at Silchester Methodist Church on thursday, November 20 from 7pm.

tickets cost £5 and include craft demonstrations and refreshments. v For details, call Kathy on 0118 970 1234.

Dance into action for fostering fun

Bikers to spread some festive cheer

bY Phil creightoN

aN aFterNooN of free family fun helped the reading Fostering and adoption team celebrate Black history month.

Held at Emmanuel Methodist Church on Saturday, October 18, the day included an African dancing workshop, a performance by steel drummers RASPO, balloon modelling and traditional African foods.

Reading-based charity Creating Better Futures ran a face painting stall, raising funds for its work with orphans in Zimbabwe and giving children the chance to become superheroes or cartoon characters for the day.

A large bouncy castle was hugely popular as were balloon models.

The dance demonstration came from Oxfordshire-based Lakica Grace.

After an energetic display that lit up the room, she then encouraged her audience to get involved and have a go themselves..

The Reading Fostering and

Adoption team were also on hand to answer questions about becoming a foster carer or giving advice to those looking to adopt.

Reading’s churches are backing a fostering initiative called Home4Good.

It will be launched at a special service to be held at Wycliffe Baptist Church at 10.45am on Sunday, November 2.

The founder of the Home4Good movement, Dr Krish Kandiah, will be the guest speaker.

Everyone will be made welcome.v For more details on fostering, log on to www.reading.gov.uk/fostering.

Members of the Reading Fostering and Adoption team at the Adoption fun day, which included African dancing from Lakica Grace (picured right)

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SANTA CLAuS is coming to town – but he won’t be riding a sleigh. Instead, he (and several thousand others) will be revving it up for the Reading Toy Run.

Organised by the Reading Christian Motorcyclists group, the run sees bikers don fancy dress and ride from Foster Wheeler’s car park to Barnardo’s High Close School in Wokingham.

It will take place on Sunday, December 7. The bikers will leave Foster Wheeler at 1pm and then snake their way across

Shinfield and Winnersh on their way to Wokingham.

The bikers bring toys and gifts that are then distributed by Barnardo’s over the Christmas period to children in many of their centres around the uK. In recent years, the ride has attracted more than 2,000 participants.

This is the 29th year that the bikers have taken part in the toy run. v For more details, or to find out how to take part, visit readingtoyrun.blogspot.co.uk

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (17)

Windows of Opportunity

• How can churches and faith groups make a real difference in their communities?

• How can local authorities and churches work together to support young people and families?

• What can be done to encourage fostering and adoption across Wokingham Borough?

• What do families and young people need from their community now?

• What innovative ideas are succeeding locally to help children, young people and families?

Children, Young People and Families Workshop

To register or for more information please contact Sharon Elliott on [emailprotected], or call 07843 091950 or visit our website www.the-network.info


Date Tuesday 25th November 2014,

10.30am - 3.00pm

Cost Free of charge

Food Refreshments and lunch provided

Venue Lower Earley Baptist Church,

Maiden Place, Lower Earley RG6 3HE

Parking There is free parking on site


Adam Dyer Leader of Yeovil Community Church, Adam has vast experience of successfully working with local authorities to make a difference in the local community.

Laura Eades Pastor for Pastoral Care at Wycliffe Baptist Church, Reading and member of the Steering Group for the ‘Home for Good’ project in Reading.

Philip Truppin Town Clerk for Earley Town Council, Philip has been working closely with various agencies including faith groups to provide support for young people and families.

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (18)

NEWS FoCuS18 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

Will your church help us deliver hope this Christmas?

Visit christianaid.org/deliverhope to order your resources today.

Not every child born in a stable survives

Good news! The UK Government will double every pound your church raises, so even more lives can be saved in childbirth.Donations made to the Christmas appeal between 07/11/14 and 06/02/15 will be matched up to £5 million. From providing maternal healthcare in Kenya to ensuring poor communities receive the vital services we take for granted, your gift will help fund our work to eradicate poverty.

UK registered charity no. 1105851 Company no. 5171525 Scot charity no. SC039150 NI charity no. XR94639 Company no. NI059154 ROI charity no. CHY 6998 Company no. 426928 The Christian Aid name and logo are trademarks of Christian Aid. Christian Aid is a key member of ACT Alliance © Christian Aid October 2014 15-J3409 Photo: Christian Aid/Elizabeth Dalziel

a dad of three wants to help you make a special delivery to Kenya this Christmas.

Stephen Ngugi is coming to Berkshire to share inspiring stories of the work Christian Aid is doing to help address the high rates of illness and death among mothers and children in rural areas of the African nation.

The 46-year-old (pictured inset) will be the special guest speaker at an Advent retreat which will be held on Saturday, November 29 from 10.30am to 4pm at Mortimer Methodist Church. The day is free, although donations towards the cost of lunch would be welcomed.

During his talk, he will explain how he and his colleagues have been challenging the cultural norms and helping women in Kenya seek access to health services, as well as ensuring there are adequate medical supplies and equipment.

Stephen said: “There are many challenges facing new mothers in

rural Kenya. Less than half of all births are attended by a healthcare professional and every day 40 women die in childbirth. 14,700 babies die on their first day of life annually.

“I’m currently working as the Monitoring and Evaluation Officer for the Maternal and Health Child project in Narok, Kenya. I get to interact directly with the target community.

“Only 17.6 per cent of births in Narok County are attended by skilled personnel (compared with 44 per cent nationally in Kenya), while less than 30 per cent of the population has access to maternal and child health services.”

He added that the challenges are aggravated by a range of issues, including the long distances

women have to travel to get help, a partriarchal society where men make all decisions and medical facilities that are poorly equipped and staffed.

Thankfully, the project – which is funded by donations made to Christian Aid – more than 64 nurses have been trained in natal care issues, 30 community health units have been commissioned and there are 864 trained health workers.

“Increased immunisations, improved hygiene practice and nutrition awareness are cutting down the number of children contracting communicable diseases and childhood illness,” Stephen says.

“We have also been reaching out to men with health education and are seeing changing attitudes towards women’s health.”

Stephen has more than a decade’s experience of working in health care. He said:

“I have worked in various community health projects

Bundles of joy to the world

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (19)

A life-changing experience

IatteNDeD a recruitment fair in reading a few weeks back. Seventy or so local organisations were there, including home instead, and we were all looking to

attract potential candidates to applying for roles with us. a wide cross section of sectors was represented at the event from high Street retail, the armed forces, voluntary groups and finance and banking. However more than 10 of the exhibitors represented the social care sector.

Within this sector we see a significant expansion in the demands placed on us from an ageing society. Only five years ago the Care Sector employed about 1.6 million people. Within 10 years, it is anticipated that nearer to 2.6 million people will be working in the social care sector.

For me, as someone who runs an organisation which focuses specifically on helping elderly people within our community to continue to live fulfilling and rewarding lives, safely in their own homes, the satisfaction i get from seeing the difference we make to people’s wellbeing is immeasurable.

this is not just about the elderly people we help. about 40 people spend time each week working with us, seeing our clients and helping them to undertake the sorts of daily activities that we often take for granted.

these people are our unsung heroes. they come from all walks of life and have quite varied experiences from their lives to date.

they all possess one trait – they all derive immense personal satisfaction from seeing the results of their endeavours; seeing the people they look after have improved quality of life.

this is not a role for everyone. it takes a special type of personality to enjoy spending your days helping older people to go about their lives.

for me personally, it is the most rewarding thing i have ever done in 30 years of work.

it is certainly the last working role i will ever have as i cannot see anything that will give me back similar personal satisfaction to what i do now.

there are plenty of avenues for people to explore in the world of social care. Skills for Care is an organisation which signposts general opportunities and career paths within the social care sector.

if you are looking for a new challenge and are motivated by actually making a difference to people’s lives you could do a lot worse than explore the opportunities that exist in helping others.


Take care!Make the most of life with Philip Keohane

A young woman holds 18-month-old Douglas Leterewa on her back in a homestead in APU, Isiolo county in Kenya. Prisca Makena, 14, became pregnant when she was 12 by a boy from her school. It is frowned on in her community to have a child out of wedlock. When Prisca found out she was pregnant she ran away. Young women who have children out of wedlock are often discriminated against and bear a lot of social stigma within the community. A local community health worker, supported by Christian Aid partner ADSMKE, helped to reunite Prisca with her mother.

Picture: Elizabeth Dalziel/Christian Aid


v Join Stephen on an Advent RetreatStephen Ngugi will be sharing more about the work he is doing to help mums in Kenya when he speaks at a Christian aid advent retreat later this month.

the day, called Unto Us a Child is Born, will be held at Mortimer Methodist Church on Saturday, November 29 from 10.30am to 4pm. it will also include opportunities to reflect and pray at the start of Advent – the run-up to Christmas.

entry is free and the day includes lunch, to which donations are welcomed. Booking is essential and can be made by calling Christian Aid’s Oxford office on 01865 254818 or emailing [emailprotected].

since 2003 but working with the rural Maasai community has been very exciting.”

He has been working with Christian Aid for four years. His first project was helping people with HIV/Aids for Filling The Gaps, and was funded by Comic Relief.

“As a programme officer for Christian Aid I have access to our partners and the community,” he explained. “We’ve been able to fund the work of our partners and in addition provided them with technical skills required to manage and supervise the projects.

“Christian Aid strongly believes that the government has the responsibility to provide health services for their peple and we seek to

bridge the current gaps. “Working for Christian Aid

provides me with a good networking platform for collaboration with government officers and other stakeholders to bring about change.”

With the work making such a difference, Stephen is hoping that people will support Christian Aid’s Christmas appeal, so it can do more.

He said: “The uK Government will be matching pound for pound the money raised by churches and individuals between November 7 and February 6.

“This will mean that we can extend our maternal health programme to reach more women and children.”v To help or for more information, log on to www.christianaid.org/deliverhope

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For details, email [emailprotected]

CorrESpoNdENTS NEEdEd We want to expand our good news – but we need your help. Help us to share news from your church, community group, club or choir. We are looking for volunteers to help us source interesting and inspiring stories for our magazine and website. No experience necessary: just bags of enthusiasm.

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HR Assistant – based in Reading, BerksSalary - £17,500 p.a. (12 month fixed term contract) Major contribution to training costs.

Prospects, a non-profit making Christian organisation that provides support to people with learning disabilities, is seeking to appoint an HR Assistant. We provide residential and supported living establishments across the UK, each run by local managers with a team of dedicated staff. We also have connections with many churches across the UK.

The HR Department is based in Reading and provides support to the UK wide management team, covering a broad range of HR disciplines. An exciting opportunity has arisen to join our HR team at a time when we begin to implement a completely new Charity wide strategy. Your role will be to provide a range of high quality administrative support for the Human Resources team and employees within Prospects. You will also be expected to study the CIPD Certificate in HR Practice (CHRP), paid for by us, if you do not already hold this.

No previous experience is required, but you will have a good honours degree. You must demonstrate in your application the qualities of high motivation, determination to study for your own betterment, initiative, hard work and a commitment to our Christian faith. This role is offered on a 12 month fixed term contract with the potential to go permanent.

If you feel led to serve Christ in this way, then please request an information pack by emailing [emailprotected] or writing to HR Department, Prospects, 69, Honey End Lane, Reading RG30 4EL.

Closing date: Friday 14th November 2014.

If you have not heard from us within four weeks, please assume you have not been successful. No agencies please.

situations vacant

We are looking for a passionate and inspirational Lead Pastor, who is strongly rooted in the Bible and spirit-led, to take on the exciting challenge of our urban, socially diverse, multi-ethnic church.

We need a proven team builder for our pastoral and staff team of 10+, and a strong confi dent communicator inspiring and serving over 500 people across four congregations.

Can you help us focus our vision towards greater unity and spiritual growth within the church, and mobilise us in winning the lost and bringing in His kingdom in Reading and beyond?

To learn more about us, please have a look at our church profi le on our website at wycliffe-church.org.uk/lead-pastor-vacancy/

For further information or to express an interest please either call us on 07425 249 622 or email us at [emailprotected]

www.wycliffe-church.org.uk | [emailprotected]/WycliffeBaptist | @wycliffechurch


We’re the perfect place to advertise your business“Our recent advert has

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JOB VACANCY Schools’ Worker Full-time Post

Do you have a heart to reach young people

in schools with the good news of Jesus? We need a schools’ worker to:

Extend our existing work with schools through RE lessons, assemblies and clubs

Support and enlarge our existing volunteer team Continue to build the network between Christians within schools Inspire and encourage churches to serve their local schools Support Christian groups in schools

In return we offer:

A varied and exciting job in a town where God is at work A salary between £16k and £25k commensurate with qualifications

and experience Strong support through the Trust and Management Group Ongoing prayer support Appropriate training with Scripture Union

Closing date: Noon on 21 November 2014 Interviews: 29 November 2014 To download an application pack please go to Learn4Life’s website www.rscwt.org/news/ Or for more information please contact: Peter Cowling (trustee) Tel.0118 944 2081 [emailprotected]

JOB VACANCY Schools’ Worker Full-time Post

Do you have a heart to reach young people

in schools with the good news of Jesus? We need a schools’ worker to:

Extend our existing work with schools through RE lessons, assemblies and clubs

Support and enlarge our existing volunteer team Continue to build the network between Christians within schools Inspire and encourage churches to serve their local schools Support Christian groups in schools

In return we offer:

A varied and exciting job in a town where God is at work A salary between £16k and £25k commensurate with qualifications

and experience Strong support through the Trust and Management Group Ongoing prayer support Appropriate training with Scripture Union

Closing date: Noon on 21 November 2014 Interviews: 29 November 2014 To download an application pack please go to Learn4Life’s website www.rscwt.org/news/ Or for more information please contact: Peter Cowling (trustee) Tel.0118 944 2081 [emailprotected]

Schools’ WorkerFull-time PostDo you have a heart to reach young people in schools with the good news of Jesus?

We need a schools’ worker to:• Extend our existing work with schools

through RE lessons, assemblies and clubs• Support and enlarge our existing volunteer team• Continue to build the network between Christians within schools• Inspire and encourage churches to serve their local schools• Support Christian groups in schools

In return we offer:• A varied and exciting job in a town where God is at work• A salary between £16k and £25k commensurate with qualifications and

experience• Strong support through the Trust and Management Group• Ongoing prayer support• Appropriate training with Scripture Union

Closing date: Noon on 21 November 2014Interviews: 29 November 2014

To download an application pack please go to Learn4Life’s website www.rscwt.org/news/Or for more information please contact:Peter Cowling (trustee) Tel.0118 944 2081 [emailprotected]

Are you an organised administrator withstrong communication and IT skills who

believes in the ethos of REInspired?REInspired is an ecumenical charity working in Earley & East

Reading that engages over 6,000 children & young people in 2 secondary schools and 11 primary schools with creative, engaging

and spiritually developing R.E. Lessons and Collective Worship.

We are seeking a Temporary Marketing and Development Coordinator to support

this innovative project.We are looking for: A competent self-starter, who is able to

take on initiatives and work to scheduled deadlines with minimal supervision. Awareness and sympathy with the aims and objectives

of the CTEER Schools project.

Salary: £11.00 per hour, approximately 16 hours per week, potentially on a term-time only basis. This is a temporary role that

is expected to last around 12 months. The actual hours / days worked will be agreed dependant on the circ*mstances of the

successful applicant.

If you are interested in the vacancy, please forward your CV, your preferred working hours and days, and a covering letter indicating

why you are suited for the role to: Julia Jones, at [emailprotected].

Interviews to take place week commencing 10 November 2014.

REINSPIRED, St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue, Earley, Reading, RG6 7JNwww.reinspired.org.uk | Tel: 0118 966 3929 | Email: offi [emailprotected]

Churches Together in Earley & East Reading Schools Project. Registered Charity No 1109291 Company No 5254233 limited by guarantee. Registered Address: St Peter’s Church Hall, Church Road, Earley, Reading, RG6 1EY

Helping Churches and Schools bring RE to life in Reading and beyond

Are you an organised administrator with strongcommunication and IT skills who believes in the ethos of


REInspired is an ecumenical charity

working in Earley & East Reading

that engages over 6000 children & young people in 2 secondary schools and 11

primary schools with creative, engaging and spiritually developing

R.E. Lessons and Collective Worship.

We are seeking a

Temporary marketing and development coordinator

to support this innovative project.

We are looking for:

A competent self-starter, who is able to take on initiatives and work to scheduled

deadlines with minimal supervision.

Awareness and sympathy with the aims and objectives of the CTEER Schools


Salary: £11.00 per hour, approximately 16 hours per week, potentially on a term

time only basis. This is a temporary role that is expected to last around 12

months. The actual hours / days worked will be agreed dependant on the

circ*mstances of the successful applicant.

If you are interested in the vacancy, please forward your CV, your preferred

working hours and days, and a covering letter indicating why you are suited for

the role to:

Julia Jones, at [emailprotected].

Closing date for applications: 31 October 2014.

Interviews to take place in week commencing 10 November 2014.

REINSPIRED, St Nicolas Church, Sutcliffe Avenue, Earley, Reading, RG6 7JNwww.reinspired.org.uk | Tel: 0118 966 3929 | Email: [emailprotected]

Churches Together in Earley & East Reading Schools Project. Registered Charity No 1109291 Company No 5254233 limitedby guarantee. Registered Address: St Peter’s Church Hall, Church Road, Earley, Reading, RG6 1EY

YOUTH PASTORAn exciti ng new role, leading our engagement with young people

A vibrant, growing church at the heart of its community, St Matt hew’s Reading is looking for an enthusiasti c and dynamic individual to join the team, developing its ministry to young people (11 to 18). Already with a thriving Sunday morning ‘Kidz Church’ (5-11’s), we need the right person to set up and lead our ministry to older children and teenagers.

With relevant experience of working with young people, the successful applicant will have a passion for sharing the gospel, excellent pastoral and interpersonal skills, and be excited about this rare opportunity to start up a church’s youth work from a virtually blank sheet.

Hours: 16 hours a week plus SundaysSalary: £10,000-£12,500 pa

For more details and an applicati on pack please contactpads.dolphin@st-matt s.org.uk

Closing Date: 22nd November 2014

www.st-matt s.org.uk

St Matts - Nov Xn.indd 1 14/10/2014 12:23:56

CLaSSiFiEd 23To advertise call 0118 328 3108 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | November 2014

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SporT24 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

Thames Valley Churches Football LeagueFor more on the league, log on to tvcfl.footify.com or Twitter @TVCFL

bY JameS herN & chriS balthorP

aLthoUGh only a quarter of the way through the 2014/15 season, the league is starting to take shape with many sub-plots slowly

bubbling to the surface.November should prove to be a dramatic

month for the TVCFL. While the title won’t be decided this month, most of the top five teams currently jostling for top spot will play each other, which will help to determine who goes into the second half of the season in a stronger position.

West reading CFC remain unbeaten and current sit top of the table, having only dropped points against Kerith FC in a tight and well contested 1-1 draw in early October.

Kerith FC adapted well in poor conditions and started the strongest but found West Reading CFC’s goalkeeper, Jamie Thomas, in equally good form. It wasn’t until the second half that the defences were breached: Jamie Carstairs inevitably scored the goal to put West Reading ahead, Sam Edgington flicked a loose ball over the Kerith defence for Carstairs and he finished calmly for his 11th league goal of the season.

Going behind spurred Kerith into changes and they began to put pressure on the West Reading back four; centre back Chris Thorngate and his defensive colleagues threw themselves in the way of several Kerith shots and, when they were by-passed, keeper Thomas made several more fine saves.

Kerith were not to be denied, however, and Ben Findley’s free kick finally beat Thomas to claim a deserved draw. Kerith almost took all 3 points at the death when Sam Randle slid in to net at the back post but was judged offside.

Jamie Carstairs continued his phenomenal start to the season with seven more goals in three games in the month. He scored four against West reading reserves in a 4-2 Philmar Cup group stage win. The Reserves had been 2-1 up, with goals from Lewis Doe and Alex Ray before Carstairs struck.

West reading CFC also had to come

back from being 2-0 down against new boys Newbury YmCa in Ecchinswell. Paul Hurst scored a brace for the home team before Carstairs, Leo Ashton and Warren Cheng settled the tie. Carstairs also scored both goals a week later in a 2-1 win over Greyfriars FC which saw West reading CFC move to the top of the table.

Brookside Saint Laurence remain unbeaten, although they have played two league games fewer than West reading CFC. After comfortable 6-2 victories against both Newbury YmCa in the league and Finchampstead in the Philmar Cup, Brookside had to rely on late winners and calm nerves to overcome both reading Saints and Greyfriars FC, both with narrow 4-3 victories.

A week later, Brookside beat Greyfriars by the same scoreline.

Greyfriars took an early lead through a Jonny Lowe header. It didn’t take Brookside long to get themselves back into the game through two quick Courtney Isaacs goals; one from the penalty spot and one from a direct free-kick.

James Hern equalled the score with a long range strike before Jordon Grigg gave Brookside a 3-2 half time lead.

Hern equalised again in the second half with a free kick of his own but with only minutes left, Friars were beaten when Isaacs swung in

a corner and Nathan Williams bundled in the winner.

Defending champions tilehurst albion also had a successful month, although they have only played two games.

Firstly, they won 6-2 against Newbury YmCa in the Philmar Cup and secured their fourth straight league victory with a dramatic 6-5 victory against West reading reserves.

Albion were behind for the majority of the match, and needed three very late goals to ensure they picked up three points.

Elsewhere, reading Saints put the disappointment of their narrow defeat to Brookside with a 3-0 victory against Wycliffe Wanderers.

A Josh Avery strike and two Dan Hare goals secured a first victory of the season for Saints.

The result was certainly a surprise given Wycliffe’s recovery after a disappointing start to the season.

Firstly, they beat an improving Norreys side 4-2 before putting in a fantastic performance against Kerith FC which saw Mike Sharp inspiring them to come from behind to win the match 4-2. v Keep up with the latest from the league by logging on to www.tvcfl.footify.com.

Greyrfriars FC have had a mixed start to the season and will be looking to bounce back in coming games

title race heats up ... in time for winter!

LEaGuE TaBLE P W D L F A W D L F A GD PTS West Reading CFC 5 3 1 0 15 5 1 0 0 3 2 11 13 Tilehurst Albion 4 1 0 0 1 0 3 0 0 13 7 7 12 Kerith FC 5 2 0 1 13 7 1 1 0 4 2 8 10 Bethel United 4 2 0 0 8 1 1 0 1 9 6 10 9 B’side St Laurence 3 2 0 0 10 5 1 0 0 4 3 6 9 Wycliffe Wanderers 5 0 0 2 0 4 2 0 1 9 8 -3 6 Reading Saints 4 0 0 1 1 3 1 0 2 6 5 -1 3 Norreys FC 4 1 0 1 6 6 0 0 2 2 8 -6 3 Newbury YMCA 4 1 0 2 9 12 0 0 1 2 6 -7 3 Greyfriars FC 4 0 0 2 4 11 0 0 2 3 6 -10 0 W Rdg Reserves 4 0 0 1 5 6 0 0 3 5 19 -15 0 Table correct as of October 24, 2014

Top SCorErS Jamie Carstairs West Reading CFC 14 Tom Wilson Kerith FC 7 Shane Newton Bethel United 5 Courtenay Isaacs B’side St Laurence 5 Dan Hare Reading Saints 4 Alex Ray W Rdg Reserves 4 Neil Healy Wycliffe Wanderers 4 Paul Hirst Newbury YMCA 3 Daniel Priest Bethel United 3 Kingsley Goodridge Bethel United 3 Richard Kiersley Tilehurst Albion 3 Toby Briggs Tilehurst Albion 3


v November 8Wycliffe Wanderers v Newbury ymCareading Saints v W reading reservesBethel united v West reading CFCGreyfriars FC v Tilehurst albion B’side St Laurence FC v kerith FC

v November 15Newbury ymCa v reading SaintsWycliffe Wanderers v Bethel unitedWest reading reserves v Greyfriars W rdg CFC v Brookside St LaurenceTilehurst albion v Norreys FC

v November 22Bethel united v Newbury ymCaGreyfriars v reading SaintsB’side St Laurence v Wycliffe

WanderersNorreys FC v West reading reservesTilehurst albion v kerith FC

v November 29 Philmar CupNorreys FC v Finchampstead BaptistBethel united v reading Saintskerith FC v Newbury ymCaWycliffe Wanderers v W rdg reservesSouth Ealing v West reading CFC

kiCk oFF 10.30am on Saturdays

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (25)

means, its history, its purpose, its present and its future.

The Oddfellows were born of neccesity, survived as a virtually illegal society along with many other kindred societies, finally gained the trust of the establishment, laid down the principles of a modern caring community and still cares for its members today.

It is worldwide. Oddfellows are international; wherever you go you are welcomed by like-minded people.

Should anyone wish to contact me call 0118 929 1294 (recorded message if I am not in) or mobile 07585 187 706 or email [emailprotected].

As my hearing is beginning to fail and my brain cells are a try fing (sic) I would ask any callers to speak slowly and distinctly when quoting phone numbers.

You do not have to be a Christian to become interested, just a person who recognises that all men are equal under the skin.

Terence A G Butcherwww,oddfellows.co.uk

v On TwitterWe tweeted news that the hurst golf Course could close and @leenielou tweeted: “YeS! Nobody actually real[ly] likes golf”.

We went behind the scenes of the Sainsbury Singers’ production of return to the forbidden Planet.

@SainsburySinger replied: “thanks for a brilliant video & article. it was a pleasure having you and look forward to seeing you at the show :)”.

the show ran from October 29-November 1, and a behind the scenes video is on our website.

CommuNiTy 25To advertise call 0118 328 3108 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | November 2014

your Say Join the conversationFollow us online for the latest news

Send your letters to [emailprotected]

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v Join the OddfellowsI represent the Pangbourne Lodge of the Reading district of the Manchester university Order of Oddfellows.

We meet at the Purley Memorial Hall on the first Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm to 10pm.

We would be delighted to see the many members who attended this lodge from the Pangbourne, Purley and Tilehurst Association areas and, of course, anybody living in the area who would like to find out what the Oddfellows are all about.

We are a Friendly Society of 204 years existence, formed to assist the ordinary working man to give mutual help to each other in times of need. It is founded on the Christian principle of ‘Yes, I am my brother’s keeper’ (second great commandment).

It does not look only inward either. We have given to the community at large much help and advice, time and money in our efforts to relieve need.

Should any society, club, group wish to learn more about us, I am more than ready to speak to them about Oddfellowship and what it

We welcome your letters and viewsv Write to us by email or letterv Comment on stories on our websitev Share stories with your friends on Facebookv Give us a retweet on Twitter

v ASCOT – St francis Church in Coronation road, is the venue

for a special refresher training course to be held on Saturday, November 22.

it will be a combined Child Protection and Vulnerable adults training session and runs from 10am to 12.30pm. v For details, log on to www.stfrancisascot.co.uk.

v BEECH HILL – the Baptist Chapel has announced that its

Pastor, george Bell, has resigned for personal reasons. he has served the church for nine years. the church says: “he will be greatly missed”.

v BRACKNELL – the revd Nick Parish has left the Bracknell

team Ministry, serving anglican churches in the Bracknell area.

he will be licensed at epsom on Wednesday, November 26 from 7.30pm.

a gala evening was held at holy trinity Church on Saturday, October 25.

v BEARWOOD – St Catherine’s Church in Bearwood will

celebrate its patronal festival on Sunday, November 23 with a special parish eucharist at 10.30am. its patron saint is St Catherine of alexandria. v For more details, log on to www.winnershparish.org.

v ALDERMASTON & WASING – Waiting and Longing: Preparing

Our Spiritual heart for Christmas is a course running in November to explore the story behind the advent wreath.

Sessions start from week commencing November 3 and run from 7.30pm on Wednesdays in aldermaston and on thursdays in Midgham. a further session runs in Woolhampton at 2.30pm on fridays. v For venues, log on to the Benefice’s website, www.awb.org.uk.

v CAvERSHAM – the revd Jonathan edwards, a former

general Secretary of the Baptist Union

of great Britain, has been appointed the transitional minister of Caversham Baptist Church.

he is also ambassador for Prospects, a reading-based charity that works with people with learning disabilities and their families.

v CAvERSHAM – a service to bless graves at the henley road

Cemetery will take place on Sunday, November 9 from 3pm.

v EARLEy – Brookside Church celebrated 30 years of Steve

and anita Prince’s leadership with a bring and share lunch, held on Sunday, October 19.

v EMMER GREEN – the revd David Little, former chaplain of

reading Prison, has been appointed the Assistant Priest of the Benefice of emmer green and Caversham Park.

he shared about his work at the prison in a talk he gave at the church on thursday, October 16.

v LODDON REACH – the revd Cath Spence has joined the

Loddon Reach benefice, serving Beech Hill, Spencers Wood, Shinfield and Swallowfield.

Cath was previously part of the ministry team at trinity Church in earley.

v WOODLEy – graham Sumbler has been inducted as the new

youth and children’s team leader of Woodley Baptist Church.

he was previously youth minister at ruislip Baptist Church.

he was inducted on Saturday, September 13.

v EARLEy – the revd emma Major has been appointed as

the first Lay Pioneer Minister for the Diocese of Oxford.

She is based at St Nicolas Church in Sutcliffe avenue and also runs the Oakwood forest Church, which meets outdoors and celebrates its first birthday this month.

FamiLy CirCLE Keeping you in touch with each otherEmail your news to [emailprotected]

v Double the fun at Saturday youth club

READING – a YOUth club is doubling up and now meets weekly rather than fortnightly.

thanks to grants from reading Borough Council and the rotary Club, Berkshire Phab’s youth group has just made the switch.

the bPhab group meets on Saturday mornings and is for children aged nine to 18. activities include sports, cooking or relaxing in a special sensory room.

Berkshire Phab provides a drop-in service for people with disabilities but the youth group is open to everyone.

Siân hooley, Berkshire Phab Centre Manager, said: “thanks to funding from reading Borough Council and reading rotary Club, we’re now able to open weekly.”

the club runs from 9.30am to 1pm. an adult drop-in runs Mondays to thursdays between 10am & 4pm.

it all takes place at the MaPP Centre, Mount Pleasant, reading. v For details, call 0118 916 8413 or email [emailprotected].

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GET rEady For CHriSTmaS!advent events guide online now

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WHaT’S oN Keeping you in touch with each other

Sunday, Nov 2aldermaston – st mary’s church.

A Time To Remember: a service to commemorate loved ones who have died. 4pm. Followed by refreshments.

caversham – st John the baptist, gosbrook road. All Souls’ Service. 4pm. Details: stjohnthebaptist.org.uk.

croWthorne – st John the baptist church, Waterloo road. All Soul’s Remembrance Service. 6pm.

earley – st nicolas church, sutcliffe Avenue. People, Prayers and Potatoes: Messy Church fun. Noon. A Time To Remember. 4.30pm. Details: 0118 966 9080 or www.stnicolas.org.uk.

earley – st Peter’s church, church road. All Souls Service. 6.30pm. Details: www.earley-stpeter.org.uk.

easthamPstead – easthampstead baptist church, south hill road. Songs of Praise PLUS. 4pm. Details: www.ebc-bracknell.org.

goring – st thomas’ church. All Souls’ Day service: Faure’s Requiem. 4pm.

hurst – st nicholas church. Service of thanksgiving for the bereaved. 3.30pm. All welcome.

loWer earley – trinity church, chalfont close. All Souls’ Service. 6pm. Details: www.trinityearley.co.uk.

reading – reading deaf centre, cardiff road. Reading Deaf Church. 10.30am. Details: readingdeafcentre.org.uk.

reading – all saints church, downshire sq. All Saints celebration. 10.45am.

reading – tyndale baptist church, cressingham road. 90 years celebration. 10.30am. Details: www.tyndalereading.org.uk.

rotherfield PePPard – all saints church. Patronal Festival.

tilehurst – st mary magdalen’s church, rodway road, rg30 6Ds. All Souls’ Service. 4pm.

tilehurst – methodist church, school road. All Saints’ service. 3pm. Details: www.tilehurstmethodist.org.uk.

theale – holy trinity church. Service of thanksgiving for loved ones. 6.30pm.

WoolhamPton – st Peter’s. Service to remember the departed. 11am.

monday, Nov 3WoKingham Without – st sebastian’s

Parish centre, nine mile ride rg40 3AT. Surviving the Break-Up: help for those facing separation, break-up or divorce. 8pm. £10, to cover course costs. Details: 01344 761050.

tuesday, Nov 4caversham – our lady & st anne,

south view avenue. Cafod Mass of Remembrance: a chance to remember all deceased Cafod supporters. 7pm.

sandhurst – sandhurst and yateley

methodist church, scotland hill. Prayer Supper: food plus prayer from 6.15pm. Details: www.sandhurstmethodist.org.uk.

WoKingham – methodist church, rose street. NSPCC Talk: From Victorian Wokingham to the Present Day with Trevor Ottlewski. 7.45pm. £8. Details: 0118 978 7187.

Wednesday, Nov 5easthamPstead – easthampstead

baptist church, south hill road. Messy Church Plus. 3.30pm. Details: www.ebc-bracknell.org.

henley – badgemore Park golf club, badgemore rg9 4nr. The Filling Station presents Amy Gorman, international aid organiser 7.30pm. Details: [emailprotected] or 07875 203409.

WoKingham – library, denmark street. Christmas Crafts with Caroline Marriott: Decorative Christmas napkins 10am-noon. £5. Details: 0118 978 1368.

thursday, Nov 6brimPton – brimpton lodge. Coffee

morning and bring and buy sale in aid of St Peter’s Church. 10am-11.30am.

cranbourne – st Peter’s church. Vicar’s Tea Party. 2pm-3.30pm.

Whitley – northumberland avenue. Dealing With Depression, start of a four-week course. 7.30pm. Details: www.saintapb.org.uk.

WoKingham – market Place. Farmers’ market. 9am-2pm. Details: [emailprotected].

WoKingham – town hall. Wokingham Art Society: British Official War Artists, a talk by Martin Smith. £5. 7.15pm.

Friday, Nov 7caversham – 97 south view avenue.

Traidcraft sale in aid of Robbie The Robot appeal. 9am-9pm. Details: 0118 947 2444.

earley – st Peter’s hall, church rd. Friendship Lunch: Brass For Africa. 12.30pm. Details: 0118 966 8575.

WoolhamPton – village hall. Quiz night. 7pm. Teams of up to six. All welcome. £8. Details: David Nicholls 01635 874088; Gillian Sitch 0118 9713172 or Charles Davison 0118 9712810.

Saturday, Nov 8bracKnell – south hill Park. EBOS

Presents Oklahoma! Details: www.ebos.org.

caversham – st John’s church, gosbrook road rg4 8eb. Requiem Indigo service with the Hurst Singers, St John’s choir, other local choirs

and musicians. 7.30pm. Retiring collection for Royal British Legion and St John’s Church. Details: www.stjohnthebaptist.org.uk.

caversham – 97 south view avenue. Traidcraft sale in aid of Robbie The Robot appeal. 9.30am-2pm. Details: 0118 947 2444.

croWthorne – Woodmancote, Pinewood Avenue. Out To Tea: tea party for older members of the community. Transport available. 2.30pm-4.30pm. Details: 01344 780087.

dunsden green – village hall. Owen In Dunsden exhibition. 9.30am-4pm. Details: www.owenindunsden.org.

dunsden green – all saints church. Owen In Dunsden presents Letter To My Mother: a concert of music and drama. 7.30pm. £10. Details: 01491 573331 or www.owenindunsden.org.

earley – st Peter’s church, church road. Music For An Autumn Afternoon with Jonathan Cohen and Anne Nunn. 2pm. Afternoon tea by donation. Details: www.earley-stpeter.org.uk.

englefield – long gallery, englefield House. Daniel Nicolls and Enharmonic Choir present Pro Patria. 7.30pm. Free. Tickets: 0118 971 2555.

greenham – st mary’s church. Christians Together in the Newbury Area prayer breakfast: Heart For Truth with Carolyn Bramhall. 8am-9.30am. Details: ctnablog.wordpress.com.

henley – st mary’s church. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Concert with the Aliquando Choir and the West Forest Sinfonia. Luigi Cherubini’s Requiem in C Minor, Patrick Hawes I Know The Music and Elgar’s Nimrod. 7.30pm. Details: 01491 578238.

loWer earley – trinity church, chalfont close. Christmas Fayre: cakes, face painting, jewellery and more. 1pm-4pm. £1, children free. Details: www.trinityearley.co.uk.

reading – all saints church hall, Downshire square. Christmas Fair. 11.30am-2pm.

reading – english martyrs church, lienbenrood road. Jumble sale in aid of Life Group. Time TBC.

reading – st bartholomew’s church, st bartholomew’s road. Riding Lights theatre company presents Fantastic Acts! £10. 7.30pm. Details: 0118 931 3740.

tilehurst – st Joseph’s church. Quiz night in aid of Divine Mercy Centre. £5, £2.50 under 18s. Details: www.st-josephs-tilehurst.org.uk.

WoKingham – st Paul’s church parish rooms, reading road. Autumn Bazaar noon-3.30pm. Board game evening. 7pm. Details: www.stpauls-wokingham.org.uk.

WoKingham – Wokingham charity

Fireworks spectacular. From 6pm. Woodley – Woodley baptist church,

hurricane Way. Wokingham Black and Minority Ethnic Forum and local community groups present a Taster and Performance Evening of their activities. All welcome. 7pm. Details: Ashwani Gupta, 07825 195503.

Woodley – christ church, crockhamwell road. Ramble: come dressed for the weather. 10am. Details: www.christ-church-woodley.org.uk.

remembrance Sunday, Nov 9aldermaston – st mary’s.

Remembrance service. Gather at the lychgate war memorial. 10.45am.

caversham – baptist church, south st. Remembrance service 10.30am, followed by lunch. £2. Details: cavershambaptistchurch.org.uk.

caversham – st Peter’s, the Warren. Remembrance Service. 9.45am.

croWthorne – st John the baptist church, Waterloo road. Royal British Legion service of Remembrance, with the Sandhurst Silver Band. 10am. Peace Vigil. 6pm.

dunsden green – village hall. Owen In Dunsden exhibition. 9.30am-4pm. 1914-18 Luncheon: Soups and simple food, community singing of period songs, led by concert members. Details: www.owenindunsden.org.

dunsden green – all saints church. Remembrance Service. 9.30am. Details: www.owenindunsden.org.

earley – st nicolas church, sutcliffe Avenue. Remembrance Service. 10am. Details: 0118 966 9080.

earley – st Peter’s church, church road. Remembrance Service. 9.45am. Details: www.earley-stpeter.org.uk.

goring – goring free church. Remembrance Service. 10.45am.

maPledurham – st margaret’s church. Remembrance service. 10.45am.

reading – all saints church, downshire square. Remembrance Service. 6pm.

reading – reading central salvation Army, Anstey road. Remembrance Service with the Royal British Legion. 6.15pm.

rotherfield PePPard – all saints. Remembrance Service. 10.45am.

sonning – st andrew’s. Remembrance service. 10.30am.

streatley – st mary’s. Great War Memorial Concert. 7pm.

theale – holy trinity church. Remembrance Sunday. 10.10am.

Whitchurch hill – st John’s. Service of

Submit your events to [emailprotected]

Remembrance, followed by gathering at war memorial. 10.45am.

Woodley – st John’s church, church road. Remembrance Sunday service. 10.50am.

monday, Nov 10Winnersh – st mary the virgin church,

church close rg41 5na. Pamper and Shopping evening. Free entry. 7.30pm-9.30pm.

WoKingham Without – st sebastian’s Parish centre, nine mile ride rg40 3AT. Surviving the Break-Up: help for those facing separation, break-up or divorce. 8pm. £10, to cover course costs. Details: 01344 761050.

tuesday, Nov 11binfield – smith centre, salisbury hall,

newbold college, rg42 4an. Newbold Diversity Lecture: A Diversity of Witnesses – Can we really know what God says? given by Dr Jean-Claude Verrecchia. 7.30pm. All welcome.

brimPton – War memorial. Remembrance service. 10.45am. Followed by refreshments.

earley – st nicolas church, sutcliffe Avenue. Mothers’ Union welcomes Sangeeta Bhabra from Meridian News. All welcome. 10am. Details: 0118 966 9080 or www.stnicolas.org.uk.

reading – the globe, Portman road. BigChurchNightIn: Rend Collective and Phil Wickham. Doors 6.30pm. £15. Details: www.bigchurchnightin.com.

sandhurst – sandhurst and yateley methodist church, scotland hill. Prayer and Praise. 2.30pm. Details: www.sandhurstmethodist.org.uk.

tilehurst – methodist church, school road. First World War commemoration: It Will All Be Over By Christmas. 7.30pm-9pm. Details: www.tilehurstmethodist.org.uk.

WoKingham – norreys church, norreys avenue, rg40 1yn. 50+ Group. That fateful year – a presentation by Tony King about the onset of the 1914-18 war. 2.15pm-3.15pm. Free entry. Details: 0118 961 9821, or www.norreyschurch.org.uk

WoKingham – methodist church, rose street. Wokingham Horticultural Association Talk: Fruit for Small Gardens by Graham Talbot. 7.45pm. £1

Wednesday, Nov 12reading – all saints church hall,

Downshire square. Matthew’s Gospel, a study led by Father Nicholas Cheeseman. 7.30pm.

hear xn editor Phil creighton at 8.20am every Sunday on bbc radio berkshire Find out what’s happening in the week ahead by switching on Paul

Coia’s show on BBC Radio Berkshire every Sunday morning from 7am. Phil presents his pick of the week around 8.20am.

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WoKingham – library, denmark street. Christmas Crafts with Caroline Marriott: Decorative Festive Beads and Jewellery. 10am-noon. £5. Details: 0118 978 1368.

WoKingham – Keenan rooms, corpus christi roman catholic church, sturges road rg40 2He. Sing A New Song To The Lord: an ecumenical praise and prayer evening. 7.45pm for 8pm. All welcome.

thursday, Nov 13earley – earley st Peter’s hall, church

road. Thursdays@Ten: a chance to enjoy coffee and chat. 10am-11.30am. Details: 0118 966 8575.

goring – st thomas’ church. Riding Lights Theatre Company presents Fantastic Acts. 7.30pm. Details: www.goringfreechurch.org.uk.

reading – the Warehouse, cumberland road. Adoption and fostering information evening. 7.30pm. Details: [emailprotected].

WoKingham – Kings church, station road rg40 2AD. Wokingham Cake Club: share your love for baking. 7.30pm. Details: 0118 961 6876 or [emailprotected].

Friday, Nov 14earley – earley st Peter’s church hall,

church road. Reading-Düsseldorf Churches Interchange: come and hear about the visit of the German party in August this year, and find out about the visit to Düsseldorf in August 2015. 7-9.30pm. Details: 0118 926 5672 or [emailprotected].

southcote – grange urc, circuit lane. Southcote Community Choir Festival of Remembrance. 7.30pm.

theale – st luke’s church hall, englefield road. Quiz night. 7pm.

Saturday, Nov 15bracKnell – methodist church,

shepherd’s lane. Autumn fayre. Noon-3.30pm. bracknellmethodist.org.uk.

caversham – st John the baptist, gosbrook road. Christmas fair. 2pm. Details: www.stjohnthebaptist.org.uk.

caversham – st andrew’s church, Albert road. Autumn fair. 2pm-4pm. Details: standrewscaversham.org.

reading – greyfriars, friar street. Women’s Breakfast with MJ Axelson: Sharing Our Lives. 9am-10.30am. £5. Details: [emailprotected].

reading – the Pavilion, oxford road. LifeSpring barn dance. 6pm.

reading – hilton hotel, drake Way. Creating Better Futures presents Out of Africa, a charity fundraising ball. Black tie or African dress. £50 per person, £45 per person for tables of 10. No tickets on door. Details: www.out-of-africa.eventbrite.co.uk.

sonning – Jubilee hall. Parish pub games night. 7.30pm. £5. Details: www.sonningparish.org.uk.

tilehurst – cornwell centre car park, home croft rg31 5WJ. Community litter pick. 10am-11.30am. Wear gloves. Details: 0118 967 8659.

Wargrave – st mary’s church. Annual concert of classical and contemporary music with artistes including Apollo5. £10, £3 children. 7.30pm. Details: www.wargravechurch.org.uk.

Woodley – st James church, southlake rg5 3lH. Craft Fair offering beautiful gifts from Africa (Neema Crafts), Asia (Traidcraft) and South America (Siwok Crafts). Soup lunch and cakes available. 10am-2pm. Free entry.

everY iSSUe We PriNt & diStribUte 15,000 coPieS Xn is a fantastic vehicle to promote any special events, concerts, gatherings or parties you are holding – and with adverts starting at just £25 for local, community groups and charities, it’s great value. For details email [emailprotected] today

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The Armed Man: A Mass For Peace. 6pm. £18, £14 concessions. Details: 0118 960 6060.

oWlsmoor – st george’s church. Christmas Fayre. Details: www.stgeorgeowlsmoor.org.uk

stoKe roW – stoke row chapel. Art and craft exhibition and sale. 10am-4pm. Details: 01491 680793.

tilehurst – methodist church, school road. Reading Male Voice Choir in concert. 7.30pm. Details: Details: www.tilehurstmethodist.org.uk.

tWyford – Waitrose. ReadiFood food collection.

uPPer WoolhamPton – douai abbey rg7 5TQ. Singscape and The Hilliard Ensemble presents O Radiant Dawn, music for Advent. 7.45pm. £18, £16 concessions. Details: 08455 218218 or www.cornexchangenew.com.

WoKingham – methodist church, rose street. British Airways band in concert. 7.30pm.

WoKingham – town hall, market Place. Christmas charity market. 10am-4pm.

WoKingham – st Paul’s Parish rooms, reading road. Wokingham Horticultural Association Winter Show. 2pm. £1. Details: 0118 978 6131.

monday, Nov 24WoKingham Without – st sebastian’s

Parish centre, nine mile ride rg40 3AT. Surviving the Break-Up: help for those facing separation. 8pm. £10, to cover course costs. Help available if cost an issue. Details: 01344 761050.

tuesday, Nov 25sandhurst – sandhurst and yateley

methodist church, scotland hill. Rejoice: an hour of singing old hymns and learn new songs. 2.30pm. Followed by refreshments. Details: www.sandhurstmethodist.org.uk.

Wednesday, Nov 26sPencers Wood – st michael & all

Angels. A worship evening combining both new and older songs/hymns to suit all, everyone welcome. Refreshments. 7.45pm. Detail: Phil 0118 988 2804 (evenings).

WoKingham – all saints church, Wiltshire road. Baroque Concerts presents Devotion, Delight and Deception in the Golden Age. 8pm. £12.50 advance, £14 on door. Tickets from The Cornerstone or on the door. Details: www.allsaintsmusic.org.uk.

WoKingham – library, denmark street. Christmas Crafts with Caroline Marriott: Decorative Create An Angel. 10am-noon. £5. Gillian Stapleton tells the story of her Grandmother, a munitions worker in The Great War. 2pm. £5.Details: 0118 978 1368.

Woodley – st John bosco. Pre-advent talks. 7.30pm.

thursday, Nov 27earley – earley st Peter’s hall, church

road. Thursdays@Ten: a chance to enjoy coffee and chat. 10am-11.30am. Details: 0118 966 8575.

Friday, Nov 28emmbrooK – the dog and duck,

Matthews green road. Joel Park Residents Association Coffee Afternoon. 1.30pm-3pm.

loWer earley – trinity church, chalfont close. Times 4 Us: a ladies’ night with Christmas crafts,

decorations and card making. 8pm-9.30pm. Details: www.trinityearley.co.uk.

Saturday, Nov 29caversham – methodist church,

gosbrook road. Christmas fair. 2pm-4pm.

caversham – st andrew’s church, Albert road. Patronal Eucharist followed by a buffet. 7.30pm. Details: www.standrewscaversham.org.

earley – trinity church, chalfont close. Walking group with pub lunch. 10am from church car park. Details. www.trinityearley.co.uk.

earley – st nicolas church, sutcliffe Avenue. Exhibition for World Aids Day. Details: 0118 966 9080 or www.stnicolas.org.uk.

goring – st thomas’ church. Christmas fair. 11am-2pm.

Kintbury – avington st mary, church street rg17 9Tr. Cantemus Christmas Concert: From Renaissance to Rap. 7.30pm. £8. Details:

mortimer – methodist church. Christian Aid presents Unto To Us A Child Is Born – An Advent Retreat with guest speaker Stephen Ngugi. 10.30am-4pm. Details: [emailprotected].

reading – st mark’s church, cranbury road. Christmas fair. 2pm.

reading – english martyrs church, lienbenrood road. Christmas craft fayre in aid of Life Group. Time TBC.

reading – Park urc, Palmer Park ave. Christmas fair.

reading – the hexagon, queen’s Walk. Salvation Army carol service. 6.30pm. Details: www.carolconcert.org.uk.

reading – emmanuel methodist church, oxford road. Christmas Fayre: gifts, cakes, books, DVDs, etc, hot lunches and more. 30p, children free. Fairground organ in car park. 10am-1.30pm.

shinfield – st mary’s church. Winter Fayre: Father Christmas, live animals, hot dogs and more. Noon-3.30.

sWalloWfield – Parish hall. All Saints Church presents a Christmas market and coffee morning. 10am-1pm.

tilehurst – st Paul’s school, city road. Christmas fayre. 1.30pm-3.30pm.

WoKingham – bradbury centre, methodist church, rose street. More Arts Winter Arts and Gifts Fayre: handcrafted gifts such as ceramics, jewellery, woodwork, paintings, textiles etc.10am-4pm.

Sunday, Nov 30caversham – st Peter’s, the Warren.

Advent carols: begin the countdown to Christmas. 6.30pm.

earley – st nicolas church, sutcliffe Avenue. Exhibition for World Aids Day. Details: 0118 966 9080 or www.stnicolas.org.uk.

tilehurst – st michael’s church hall, The Meadway. Readings and music for Advent. 6.30pm.

WoKingham – across town centre. Winter Carnival: The Magic of the Movies. 11am-5.30pm. Procession from 4pm. Details: www.wintercarnival.co.uk.

WoKingham – cantley house hotel. Spanish guitar night. Dinner & Entertainment £32.50. Details: 0118 978 9912.

Woodley – christ church, crockhamwell road. Monthly games afternoon. All welcome. Details: www.christ-church-woodley.org.uk

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Sunday, Nov 16easthamPstead – easthampstead

baptist church, south hill road. Songs of Praise. 4pm. Details: www.ebc-bracknell.org.

streatley – st mary’s. The Merry Opera Company presents Handel’s Messiah. 7.30pm. £12, concessions £10. Details: www.thomandmary.org.uk.

sandhurst – sandhurst and yateley methodist church, scotland Hill. Sunday Soup Kitchen after morning service. Details: www.sandhurstmethodist.org.uk.

Warfield – st michael the archangel. The Winder Lecture: Howead Worsley on Desert Spirituality. 6.30pm. Details: www.warfield.org.uk.

monday, Nov 17southcote – southcote christian

mission, rg30 3bl. Reading Aglow meeting: Mabel Boyd, manager of the Churches in Reading Drop-in Centre (CIRDIC) and a leader in Reading Community Church. £5. 7.30pm. First meeting free. Details: 07747 636832 / [emailprotected].

WoKingham Without – st sebastian’s Parish centre, nine mile ride rg40 3AT. Surviving the Break-Up: four sessions offering help for those facing separation, break-up or divorce. 8pm. £10, to cover course costs. Help available if cost an issue. Details: 01344 761050.

tuesday, Nov 18stoKe roW – stoke row chapel. Art and

craft exhibition and sale. 10am-4pm. Details: 01491 680793.

Wednesday, Nov 19reading – english martyrs church,

lienbenrood road. Pre-advent talks. 7.30pm.

sandhurst – st michael’s church, lower church road. Winter Talks: The Revd Canon David Holt; the first 11 chapters in Genesis. 8pm. Details: 01252 873030 or www.stmichaels-sandhurst.org.uk.

stoKe roW – stoke row chapel. Art and craft exhibition and sale. 10am-4pm, 7pm-9pm. Details: 01491 680793.

WoKingham – library, denmark street. Christmas Crafts with Caroline Marriott: Decorative Rag Rug A Festive Wreath. 10am-noon. £5. Details: 0118 978 1368.

thursday, Nov 20goring – st thomas of canterbury

church. Pick-a-Flick film club for retired folk presents Philomena, followed by a lunch. 10.30am-2pm. Transport available. Details:www.

thomandmary.org.uk.reading – st giles, southampton street.

Sinners & Saints: Extraordinary Lives, a lecture series. Conflicted Catholic: John Henry Newman by Father Graham Lunn. 7.30pm. Evening prayer 6.30pm. Mass 7pm. Wine reception after lecture. Details: www.sgilesreading.org.uk.

silchester – methodist church. Festive Wrapping Craft Evening. 7pm. £5. Details: Kathy 0118 970 1234.

stoKe roW – stoke row chapel. Art and craft exhibition and sale. 10am-4pm. Details: 01491 680793.

Woodley – christ church, crockhamwell road. Monthly quiz afternoon. 2pm. Details: christ-church-woodley.org.uk.

Friday, Nov 21stoKe roW – stoke row chapel. Art and

craft exhibition and sale. 10am-4pm. Details: 01491 680793.

tilehurst – st michael’s church hall, The Meadway. Christmas market. 6pm-8.30pm.

WoKingham – emmbrook sports & social club, lowther road rg41 1Jb. Wokingham Music Club: Stanley Dee. £10/£12.50 on door. Details: Stan Hetherington 07831 130610.

WoKingham – town hall, market Place. Christmas charity market. 10am-4pm.

Saturday, Nov 22ascot – st francis, coronation road sl5

9Hg. Combined Child Protection and Vulnerable Adults refresher training course. 10am-12.30pm. Details: Charlie on 07890 573169.

croWthorne – st John the baptist church, Waterloo road. Quiz night. www.crowthorneparishchurch.org.uk.

earley – st nicolas church, sutcliffe Avenue. Autumn fair. 11am-2pm. Details: 0118 966 9080.

emmer green – st barnabas church. Gratis Choir in concert: Vivaldi’s Gloria and Dvorak’s Mass in D Major. 7.30pm. Free, retiring collection for organ appeal. Details: gratischoir.org.uk.

reading – from Wyclife baptist church, King’s road. Debz Day Trips presents: Christmas Shopping trip to Westfield and Shepherd’s Bush Market. 9.30am-5.40pm. Details: 07963 044201 or search Facebook for Debz Day Tripz.

reading – the great hall, university of reading, london road. Reading Festival Chorus and Reading Haydn Choir in concert: Brahms – A German Requiem. £15, under 16s free. Details: 0118 983 4523 or [emailprotected]

reading – abbey baptist church, abbey square. Christmas fayre. 10am-2pm. Details: www.abbeybaptistchurch.org.uk.

reading – the hexagon, queens Walk.

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7 5 8

74 8 9





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1 4 67 4

6 2 9 59 2 4 8

9 85 6 1 97 3 5 9

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To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely.

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BrEak TimE Pit your wits against our brainteasers

Numbers are substituted for letters in the crossword grid. Below is the key with two letters solved. Try to complete the first few words to give you more letters, or look for a frequent number that might reveal a common letter. As you find letters, enter them in the key and into the grid. Cross off the letters in the A to Z list.

Place 1 to 9 in each white cell. To choose the right number you need to work from the clues in around the edge. The numbers below the diagonal lines are the sums of the solutions in the white cells immediately beneath. The numbers above the divide are the sums of the solutions immediately to the right. Rows and columns do NOT have to be unique.

Thus, if a 3 is shown as a clue there will be two cells waiting for you to put the digits 1 and 2 in them – the only possible sum that will equal 3.

The final rule is that no number may be repeated in any block. For example, if the clue is 4, the only possible solution will be 1 and 3 (or 3 and 1), never 2 and 2.

are you stuck? The answers are on p34

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LiFESTyLE Arts, leisure and hobbies – with a local perspective

respect your elders? What do they know? Quite a lot actually. in a new book, rob Parsons shares some life lessons he’s learnt to help others. Phil creightoN pays attention

JIMI HENDRIX once said knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. The singer, famous for singing Purple Haze, might not be quite what Rob Parsons had in mind when

writing his latest book, but the sentiment he expressed is.

The Wisdom House, which has just been published, is one of those excellent books that comes along every once in a while.

It’s packed with … well, wisdom, and it started with a letter Rob wrote to one of his newborn grandchildren. It was a ‘welcome to the world’ missive with a few tips that Rob thought might come in handy.

A book followed shortly after, packed with insights that Rob has gleaned during his life, be it as a teenager, when buying a house, or learning to be a parent himself.

For Rob, The Wisdom House is about offering a helping hand to people as they go through their life’s journey, sharing lovingly from his own experiences and from the advice of others. One of his aims is to build people up and encourage them to identify their strengths and passions – to be the best they can be.

“I’m convinced that many of have of us have enormous untapped ability that we just don’t recognise. In fact we may have felt rubbished by friends, colleagues, teachers, parents, or even a husband or wife,” says the man who is executive chairman of Care for the Family, a charity committed to strengthening family life and helping those facing family breakdown.

“Sometimes people have tried to make us someone we simply can’t be. The problem is that when they do that, they miss the person we are.”

It’s here that his passion shines through, and perhaps that’s because of his own experience as a teenager.

He explains: “People see kids hanging around on street corners at night and write them off. But these kids each have tremendous ability.

“When I was 14 I was no good at school – I had rubbish reports. And then I met someone who believed in me – who saw my potential – and that changed everything.”

Many years later, Rob went on to found Care for the Family, a charity which has helped thousands of families in all sorts of ways including through seminars, courses, holidays, books and DVDs.

The Wisdom House is part of a conversation that Rob wants to start about sharing experiences with each other.

“Some other cultures are far better than we are at listening to older people,” he says. “We live in a culture that, at the moment, can be very dismissive of them.”

Rob believes that one of the reasons for this is because of changes in society in recent times.

He says: “The extended family has broken down. More than 50 years ago, far more of us lived near family and friends. Grannies and Grandads lived in the next street, people shouted over the garden wall to their neighbours, and we could pop round to an auntie for a cup of tea and a bit of homely advice. People would just talk more.

“These days we have more communication tools than ever – iPads, iPhones and all that – but we live largely isolated lives.”

Through Care for the Family’s training courses and seminars Rob helps where he can: “When I’m talking to mums and dads at a parenting event I’ll say: ‘Actually, it’s not just you.’ And, you know, when I say that, I’ll hear hundreds of sighs of relief.

“In some cases, people will be brushing away their tears.

“It’s a revelation to them to realise that they aren’t the worst father or the worst mother in the world. We need to know we’re not alone.”

It’s this sharing of experiences with each other that Rob wants to see increase.

“Generally older people are prepared to share their wisdom if you give them the chance to do it. The difficulty – the challenge – is to convince the young that it’s worth listening to.

“If a 45-year-old father doesn’t want to listen

to his own father, or a group of people don’t listen to an older colleague, then don’t expect a 17-year-old to do so. There’s a job to be done not just between the old and the young, but with the generation in between.

“There’s an African saying I love: ‘When an old person dies, it’s as if a library has burnt down.’ But a library shouldn’t burn down.

“Let’s begin to encourage our parents to talk again to their grandchildren, and let’s get our children to listen.”

Now there’s a challenge to bring to book. v The Wisdom House by Rob Parsons is published by Hodder & Stoughton, £12.99. ISBN: 9781444745665. It can be ordered from Quench and other local bookshops.

Wise words from those in the know

v Who’s in the house?the WiSDOM hOUSe is beautiful. attractively presented, it is very readable.

With short chapters, it’s easy to dip in and out of, but its engaging writing style means that it’s very hard to put it down once you start.

the book is peppered with facts and rob’s own experiences, making it easy to identify with.

above all else, the insights that are imparted are accessible and applicable to us today.

A great book – and a brilliant stocking filler.PHIL CREIGHTON

Rob Parsons is ready to share wisdom from the ages, for the ages PiCtUre: Jonathan James

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30 November 2014 | www.xnmedia.co.uk | To advertise call 0118 328 3108

PiCCOLO are short and sweet baby parsnips. they are delicious and

incredibly convenient.award-winning chef rachel green has created a whole bunch of new recipes for your delectation, including this treat. Serves 4-6v 60g seasoned flour with a

pinch of nutmeg, for frying beef

v 1kg braised beef, cut into large chunks

v 4 tbsp olive/rapeseed oilv 12 shallots, peeled, left

wholev 3 cloves garlic, peeled and

crushedv 2 tsp tomato puréev 100ml red winev A good dash Worcestershire

saucev 50ml portv 1 litre good beef stockv 2 sprigs thymev 1 sprig rosemaryv 1 bay leafv 5 juniper berries, crushedv 25g dried porcini

mushroomsv 200g cooked and peeled

whole chestnutsv 12 Piccolo parsnips,

trimmed and washedv 1 or 2 tbsp redcurrant jellyv Sea salt and black pepperv 3 tbsp chopped parsley, to


Preheat oven to 170°C/gas mark 3.

Mix the seasoned flour with the nutmeg and coat the beef with the flour, shaking off any excess.

heat a large frying pan with

2 tbsp oil and fry the beef in three batches until browned all over, adding a little more oil if necessary.

transfer the browned meat to a casserole dish.

in the same pan add the oil and fry the shallots until they just begin to brown, then add the garlic and tomato purée. fry for a further 30 seconds before adding the red wine, Worcestershire sauce and port; transfer to a casserole dish.

Stir in the leftover flour, pour in the beef stock, add the thyme, rosemary, bay leaf and juniper berries and bring to the boil. reduce to a simmer and season well.

Place the lid on the casserole dish and place in the oven.

after around 1 hour and 45 minutes, add the porcini mushrooms, chestnuts, piccolo parsnips and redcurrant jelly and cook for a further 35-40 minutes until the piccolo parsnips and beef are tender.

taste and adjust the seasoning and finally sprinkle with freshly chopped parsley.

Serve with creamy mashed potatoes.v For more great recipes, visit www.piccoloparsnips.co.uk


v Mash Direct combines six generations of farming expertise to produce an extensive range of delicious and

award-winning ‘field to fork’ vegetable accompaniments, created fresh on the farm with the true taste and texture of home cooking.

The range includes these Chilli Baby Bakes – Baby potatoes sprinkled with a crunchy crumb and seasoned with a kick of chilli, £1.75.

Available from Asda, Ocado and Wholefoods as well as other independent stores, or from www.mashdirect.com.

vFeel Free For Gluten Free has developed three new savoury mixes: a dumpling mix, a vegetable suet mix, and a sage & onion

stuffing mix. Each mix is free from gluten, wheat and dairy and

suitable for people avoiding these allergens in their diet including people with coeliac disease.

The three new savoury mixes will be available to order from www.glutenfree-direct.co.uk and from Ocado, Holland & Barrett and selected Nisa stores. The dumpling and stuffing mixes are priced at £2.09, while the vegetable suet mix is £1.99.

vA 200-year-old Swiss chocolatier has unveiled a new UK range that comes with a flavour of the past.

Favarger has revived four classic flavours as part of a new Heritage range which captures the flavours of times gone by, with a contemporary twist. Heritage is in four varieties – milk, milk hazelnut, milk cocoa nibs and dark. They are available in 100g and 12.5g bars. The 12.5g mini bars are also available in a 200g luxury presentation tin, featuring 16 delicious bars.

Pierre Yves Benoist, for Favarger, said: “We have the most wonderful history here at Favarger and we wanted to celebrate it in the way we know best – through our chocolate. The chocolate is made using traditional methods handed down from generation to generation.”

For stockists, visit www.middletownhill.co.uk.

vDivine, the only Fairtrade chocolate company in the world to be 45% owned by the farmers who supply its cocoa, is celebrating after its Milk Chocolate with

Toffee & Sea Salt was named as the UK’s Favourite Fairtrade Product at a reception held last month to mark 20 years of Fairtrade in the UK.

More than 1,700 members of the public nominated their favourite Fairtrade product for the award.

For more details, visit www.divinechocolate.com.

What’S cookiNg? reciPe

Take time out and enjoy a cuppa and a chat or soup and a roll! You can’t beat a good cup of coffee and a chance to chat –

and that’s what you can enjoy at Coffee & Chat, a brilliant new coffee morning in Reading’s town centre!

• Meet old friends and make new ones• Everyone is welcome • Tea, coffee, cakes and biscuits

• Delicious home-made soups • Every Wednesday • Coffee: 10am-11.30am Soup: 12.30pm-2pm

Abbey Baptist ChurchAbbey Square, Reading (behind Reading Central Library)

(0118) 957 2197 www.abbeybaptistchurch.org.uk

Coffee & Chat

Wednesdays 10-11.30am

Christmas Fayre

Sat 22 Nov10am-2pm

Soup & a Roll

Wednesdays 12.30pm-2pm

New friendship group CAMEO meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 2.15pm

Braised Beef with Chestnuts, Piccolo parsnips and Juniper

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v Repair Café celebrates first birthdayreaDiNg’S repair Café celebrated its first anniversary on Saturday, October 18 in Jackson’s Corner – a space shared with reading Bicycle Kitchen.

from modest beginnings a year ago, the repair Café has grown and its birthday event was packed.

help was available for tool sharpening and electronic, mechanical, computer and textile repairs.

it also included demonstrations of how to make string, making belts out of worn out tyres and bicycle spokes (from Bicycle Kitchen repairs) and a

give-it-a-go computer coding session for children.

there were also clothes swapping and book swapping areas.

“We trialled having a swap shop,” said repair Café organiser rachel goater. “it seemed to go well and attracted people in to see what was going on even if they didn’t have items to repair.”

repair Café is becoming part of reading and each item mended is one less thing going to landfill: a win-win.v For more details, visit www.facebook.com/ReadingRepairCafe

Musical youth thanks to sarauNDER fives can make music thanks to a new series of classes being launched by a Wokingham mum.

This month, Sara Bradley will bring Musical Minis Berkshire to two venues in the Thames Valley, with a third on the way.

The developmental music classes are for children under five and encourage participation in traditional nursery rhymes and songs with actions, puppets and a variety of musical instruments.

Musical Minis was founded by child psychologist Karen Sherr 25 years ago when she couldn’t find a fun music class to attend with her own baby son.

The sessions have been road tested too – Sara’s 10-month-old son Ethan enjoys taking part.

Sara said: “Starting up Musical Minis Berkshire has given me the perfect platform to both spend quality time with my son and begin a fantastic new business venture, marrying work with motherhood.

Sara says she has always loved

working with children, frequently helping out in her mother’s Pre-School The Willows in Lower Earley while she was a pupil at Maiden Erlegh School.

“I’m really excited about starting up my own Musical Minis business; I can’t wait to welcome a new class of boys and girls to the

first Musical Minis sessions in the county.”

Sara’s sessions will take place in The Bradbury Centre, part of Wokingham Methodist Church, and in Brownlow Hall in Warfield. v For details, call 0118 977 6407, email [emailprotected] or log on to www.musicalminis.co.uk.

v Take some Action For ChildrenCHARITY – tV presenter Laura hamilton wants people in Berkshire to raise funds for action for Children by donating their unwanted summer clothes to the online shop Click Collection.

it sorts and sells the best quality clothes via its online shop, with action for Children receiving funds for the donated clothes as well as a percentage of the sales.

the money raised will help the charity support 300,000 children, young people, parents and carers it works with across the UK.

Laura said: “With the nights drawing in, tidy up that summer wardrobe and turn it into funds.

“Order your free bag from clickcollection.co.uk and either have your clothes collected by a courier from your home or workplace, or take them to one of the 5,500 drop-points around the country and help action for Children continue to support vulnerable children.”v www.clickcollection.co.uk












BCNI Reading- XN Ad.pdf 1 19/09/2014 14:22

Sara Bradley and her son Ethan ready for the launch of Musical Minis

Supporters and volunteers celebrate Reading Repair Café’s inaugral milestonePicture: Vivienne Johnson

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v STREATLEy – a concert on behalf of the friends of St

Mary’s will mark the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the great War.

it will be held in St Mary’s Church at 7pm on remembrance Sunday, November 9.

it will feature readings written from those involved in the conflict, both at home and abroad; choral and organ pieces; poetry; and audience participation in popular songs of the time. v Tickets are £8. For details, call John Rogers on 01491 671532 or Liz Glover on 01491 872224.

v READING – the University of reading is hosting a special

concert at the great hall on armistice Day, tuesday, November 11.

David Pether will perform some organ music to mark the 100th anniversary of the start of the first World War. the concert starts at 1.10pm and ends at 1.50pm at the London road venue. entry is free.

the University organises concerts every tuesday in term-time at 1.10pm, usually in the Palmer Building on its Whiteknights Campus.v For more on the concert season visit reading.ac.uk/internal/music/

v WOKINGHAM – the acclaimed British airways band returns

to Wokingham Methodist Church on

Saturday, November 22. Starting at 7.30pm, this is the

church’s traditional Last Night of the Proms style event. tickets cost £10. v For details or tickets, log on to www.wokinghammethodist.org.uk

v UPPER WOOLHAMPTON – Douai abbey will be the venue

for a special performance by the hilliard ensemble and Singscape later this month.

the chamber group will perform O radiant Dawn, music for advent on Saturday, November 22.

the concert features a mix of medieval, renaissance and contemporary pieces, including a joint performance of Orlando gough’s 18-part vocal work hand over hand.

this is one of the last chances to see the hilliard ensemble before they retire at the end of the year.v Tickets cost £18 or £16 for concessions. They can be ordered from the Newbury Corn Exchange on 08455 218218 or visiting www.cornexchangenew.com.

v EMMER GREEN – a free concert can be heard at St Barnabas

Church later this month. the gratis Choir will perform

Vivaldi’s Gloria and Dvořák’s Mass in D Major at the church on Saturday, November 22.

Starting at 7.30pm, the evening of

artS iN brieF

live mUSic

Uplifting night of dance bY JohN WakeField

a ChoIr that has performed for the Queen and been praised by annie Lennox is preparing to make an appearance in henley later this month.

The African Children’s Choir gave an uplifting performance of the number one single Sing when they performed on stage with Gary Barlow at the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations in 2012. Now, they are back, sharing their joy as they sing and dance.

Eurhythmics singer Annie Lennox performed with them at a previous concert. She has nothing but praise for the children.

She said: “I first encountered the African Children’s Choir as they were heading towards the stage to perform for Nelson Mandela’s 46664 campaign … Since then I’ve come to appreciate more and more, just how uniquely special they are.”

She’s not the only one. American singer/songwriter Bill Gaither said: “What a wonderful experience it was to work with the African Children’s choir. Their pure sweet joy is like a breath of fresh air.”

The Choir isn’t about entertainment. They have a serious message too. Their tours help raise funds for Music for Life, the official fundraising charity of the African Children’s Choir.

It works in seven African countries and has educated over 52,000 children as well as impacting the lives of more than 100,000 people through relief and development programmes during its 30 year history.

Funds raised contribute towards not only the entire education and care of all the touring children, but also to the continued development and support of the Music for Life programmes that help some of the continent’s most in-need

children, providing them with better opportunities; creating ChangeMakers for the future of Africa.

The concert, which will be held in St Mary’s Church in Henley, aims to reflect the energy, beauty, dignity and unlimited ability of these incredible children through song, music and dance.

Many of the Choir Children have lost one or both parents to poverty and disease. The performances are

both uplifting and humbling and are an opportunity to experience the vitality of the youth from this challenged continent.

You can see for yourself on Friday, November 28 from 7.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Henley on Thames.v Tickets cost £5 or £3 for children and can be bought from the d:two café in Market Place (opposite the Town Hall), by emailing [emailprotected], or calling 01491 413588.

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v singing togetherWOKINGHAM – a school and a church choir have teamed up with a leading local band to record a CD.

the music has been created by all Saints Church and features its church choir, children from all Saints Primary School, and music of St Sebastian Brass Band.

it also features church members who stayed behind after a Sunday service for an impromptu recording session.

Music includes Nimrod’s enigma Variations, handel’s how Beautiful are the feet and We are the earth, which is performed by all Saints School children.

all Saints rector, the revd Canon David hodgson, said: “it was great fun recording together. i never thought i’d ever feature on a proper music album so i’m really looking forward to seeing the CD and getting copies to give to all my family and friends for Christmas presents.” v The CD will be released at the end of November and costs £10 and can be ordered from www.allsaintschoirwokingham.org.uk

stormy weather to hit WesleycoNcert

music will include a retiring colection for the church’s ongoing organ appeal. v www.gratischoir.org.uk.

v STOKE ROW –talented artists and craftspeople will be

showcasing their wares at a special exhibition this month.

running from tuesday, November 18 to Saturday, November 22, the show offers the chance to buy some unique Christmas gifts.

it takes place at Stoke row Chapel from 10am to 4pm and there is an open evening on thursday, November 20 from 7pm to 9pm. v For more details, call David and Sonia Jackson on 01491 680793 or log on to www.stokerowchapel.org.uk.

v READING – reading festival Chorus and the reading hadyn

Choir are teaming up for a special concert later this month.

the two choirs will peform Brahm’s a german requiem at the University of reading’s great hall from 7.30pm on Saturday, November 22.

tickets cost £15, under 16s can enjoy the music for free. v For details, call 0118 983 4523 or email [emailprotected].

v KINTBURy – forget the wrapping paper, here’s the

festive rap.

a Newbury-based choir will be peforming a Christmas-themed rap alongside renaissance music when it presents its festive concert on Saturday, November 29.

Cantemus, directed by ian Westley, will be singing quite possibly the widest variety of music covering hundreds of years when it performs at avington St Mary’s Church.

the evening will include choral music, advent readings and more.

tickets cost £8 and all proceeds will go to local charities. it starts at 7.30pm. v For more details, log on to www.cantemus-newbury.org.uk.

v BUCKLEBURy – Messiah in an hour is the promise from

the enharmonic Choir. the group will perform the famous choral work at a free concert held on Sunday, December 7 from 7pm. v For more details, log on to www.soundscool.org or call 0118 971 2555.

v THATCHAM – Vivace Voices presents its Christmas

Concert of carols and festive songs, stories and a musical interlude on Wednesday, December 17 at 2.30pm.

entry is £3 and includes programme and refreshments. all proceeds will go to Marie Curie Cancer Care.

it takes place at St Mary’s Church, Church gate in thatcham.

oCtoBer was a wet and windy month. one would be forgiven for not wanting the weather to stay so miserable – but the forecast for the end of the month is looking rather stormy.

Don’t worry, the outlook is also rather warm and you won’t need an umbrella (unless it really does rain on the night). In fact, you’ll come away from the Witt Morgan Chorus’ latest show with a sunny disposition.

The Chorus will present its latest production, When The Storm Comes, on Friday, November 28.

A spokesperson from the Chorus said: “It incorporates a newly-written radio play which dramatically knits together fabulous live performances of great music into a gripping new story… We’re not giving away too much right now, you’ll just have to come to the show to find out!”

The show comprises a range of existing and original material, brought to life, combining stories and the use of new methods of story-telling.

The spokesperson adds: “It’s like seeing a new original musical that’s made up of the top hits from across music theatre, opera, pop and epic choral classics. A jukebox musical that cuts across all genres and centuries.”

When The Storm Comes will include excerpts from West Side Story, Verdi’s Requiem and Haydn’s Creation, opera from Gounod’s Faust and Offenbach’s

Orpheus In The underworld, and more modern music such as Adele’s Skyfall and u2’s I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.

The evening will be performed by talented singers and musicians, including the 80+ Witt Morgan Chorus, made up of local people.

The show takes place at Wesley Methodist Church in Queens Road, Reading, on Friday, November 28 from 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £14 or £11 (concessions) in advance or £18/£15 on the door. v For more details, call the book office on 0333 666 3366 or log on to www.whenthestormcomes.com.

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Making marriage a thriller





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Serving the Church & Communities in Berkshire with Christian ResourcesMaidenhead | Reading | Slough | Wokingham• Bibles & Christian Books • CDs & DVDs • Gifts & Cards • Discipleship Course Material• Church Candles• Communion Wafers & Wine• Confirmation, Christening & Baptism Certificates• Bible Reading Notes & Study Guides• Sunday School & Teaching Material• Children & Youth Work Resources• and much, much morePop into your local store Monday-Saturday

Or visit us online at quenchshops.comStore addresses & opening hours are on-line

Maidenhead 01628 621985 Reading 0118 957 6078Slough 01753 538999 Wokingham 0118 977 6715

Satisfy the thirst for truth…quench=

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Moviewatch Cinema with Martin Ceaser













































































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v gone girl (18)Stars Rosamund Pike, Ben Affleck, Neil Patrick Harris, Carrie Coon

oN the morning of July 5th, their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick dunne (affleck) is at the bar he

co-owns with twin sister margot (Coon) when he gets a phone call.

It’s his neighbour telling him his pet cat has escaped from the house. He goes home to find an empty house, and a sign of a struggle… but no sign of his wife, Amy (Pike). So begins “the film that everyone is talking about”.

It would seem that Amy has disappeared, and that she may even be dead; and all the evidence is pointing to Nick as the culprit, certainly something that the Police and the ensuing media circus are quick to believe.

What follows is an intense, suspense-filled, emotionally draining 149 minutes exposing the disturbing truth about Nick and Amy’s seemingly perfect marriage, the games played by both husband

and wife, and the lengths people go to get their own way.

Full of twists and turns, surprises and shocks, Gone Girl is simply one of the best thrillers (yes, a thriller about marriage) of recent years.

It explores the reality of human relationships – for example, Amy is very resentful of the way her parents used her life to create a series of books called Amazing Amy, a character who always goes one better than Amy does in “real life”.

It highlights the masks that we put on for the outside world, and the way those masks can and do slip; it asks the question that many married couples are familiar with, about what is really going on in their spouse’s mind; it addresses infidelity, revenge, loyalty, truth and justice, exploitation and the nature of true love.

It challenges all of us who are married to take a long, honest look at ourselves, and ask, “Am I being real, true to myself, or am I simply acting out a role? Am I being a loving husband/wife, or am I manipulative and self-seeking?”

While highlighting things that can and do go wrong in a marriage, the film doesn’t offer any positive answers.

It does present quite a negative view of marriage, and suggests that men are easily manipulated – not just Nick but Amy’s old boyfriend Desi, played by Harris (Barney from How I Met Your Mother).

Without giving anything away, I felt that Amy had finally managed to outdo her parent’s creation.

A great score, superb direction and Pike’s superb performance: this is a film that should at least receive an Oscar nomination.

It will leave you feeling shocked and uncomfortable, maybe even outraged. But it will also leave you thinking about your own marriage, or relationships.

If, as a result of watching this film, we can create better marriages and relationships, then that has to be a good thing. v Read Martin’s view of What We Did On Our Holiday on Xn’s website, xnmedia.co.uk

The Revd Martin Ceaser is minister of Crowthorne Baptist Church

Nick Dunne (Ben Affleck) finds himself the chief suspect when his wife Amy (Rosamund Pike) disappears Picture: Merrick Morton/20th Century Fox

v Martin’s pick of the flicksFury (15) Brad Pitt and Shia Lebeouf drive a tank through germany at the end of the Second World War. Now showing

mockingjay Part 1 (Pg)Jennifer Lawrence is back as Catniss everdeen in the next instalment in

the hunger games series. Released November 21.

the hobbit: battle of the Five armies (tba) Martin freeman and co are back in the next instalment of tolkein’s short story. Released December 12

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (35)

Tilehurst Village Butchers& Grocers: fresh fruits & vegetables

0118 942 3738 | www.villagebutchers.co.uk7-9 � e Triangle, Tilehurst. Reading. Berks RG30 4RN

� e Tilehurst Village Butchers is proud to add the “COPAS” range of Turkeys to the already luxurious range of Christmas foods. We already supply “Walters” turkeys and now with the COPAS range, we really do o� er both high quality and value birds.

Members of the Butchers Q Guild. Food Hygiene rating 5 out of 5

Quality products you can trustBeef, pork, bacon & gammon, lamb, poultry, Home-made sausages, prepared meat packs, home-made pies, � sh, fresh fruit and vegetables. Pay us a visit to � nd what you need!

Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (36)

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Xn November 14 - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.