The Will of the Force - Lukes_ChanelBoots - Star Wars (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Secrets on Naboo Chapter Text Chapter 2: The First Entries of Jedi Knight Mari Onthello Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 3: The Beauty of Naboo Chapter Text Chapter 4: Trouble on Tatooine Chapter Text Chapter 5: Attachment Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 6: The Droid Factory Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 7: The First Battle of Geonosis Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 8: The Duel on Geonosis Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 9: Faith Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Seeing Him Smile Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 11: An Echo in the Force Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 12: Conflicting Emotions Chapter Text Chapter 13: Padawan Braids & Knighthood Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 14: A Parting Gift Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: A Connection in the Force Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 16: The Will of the Heart Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 17: Duel on Yavin IV Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 18: A Bad Jedi Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 19: Friends, New and Old Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Skirmish on Tholoth Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 21: Crash on Maridun Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 22: People in Need Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 23: Shadows Cast By the Past Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 24: Free in the Light Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 25: Return to Geonosis Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: The Second Battle of Geonosis Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 27: The Best Thing Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: The Battle of Kamino Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 29: Hero of the Republic Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 30: What the Galaxy Has Brought Together Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 31: A Bright New Light Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 32: Hope, and the Fall Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 33: Liberty Dies Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 34: Return to the Light Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Epilogue Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Secrets on Naboo

Chapter Text

Completing a mission meant one thing – returning to Coruscant to the warmth and comfort of my home apartment. I say ‘my’ apartment… the Jedi are not technically allowed worldly possessions but a roof over one’s head is held so dear that I can’t stop myself thinking that it’s mine. Master Ti would tell me to be mindful of the moment and not look to the future for comfort but she’s not here right now.

Beep. Beep.

Apparently, I spoke too soon.

I turn on my holo-communicator and Master Ti appears. She gives me a soft smile, “Corentin.”

“Master,” I nod and move down an alley so that I can hear her better. The streets of Theed are far too loud. “How are you? And the Council?”

“Discontent. There is something awry happening in the galaxy but even Master Yoda cannot tell what it is,” Master Ti begins, “How were your discussions with the Gungans?”

“Long and tedious,” I tell her before grinning, “But done now. I look forward to seeing you again when I return to Coruscant.”

A flash of guilt passes over Master Ti’s face, “The Council asked me to request that you stay on Naboo for the time being.”

I pause for a moment. Stay on Naboo? But the Gungans had agreed to stay aligned with the Republic so long as Representative Binks remained a part of Naboo politics. Was there more going on on this planet than previously suspected? “Of course, Master. May I ask why?”

“Senator Amidala’s life was recently threatened. She is being escorted by Master Kenobi’s Padawan, Anakin Skywalker, back to Naboo where she will discuss security with the Queen. The Council asked me to request that you remain on Naboo to be part of her personal guard until more permanent measures are put in place.”

I kiss the thoughts of my Coruscant apartment goodbye.

“I’ll be here to greet the Senator and Padawan Skywalker,” I assure Master Ti.

She smiles at me and nods, I can tell she is appreciative that I have not given her any resistance (as she may have become accustomed to getting from me after training me for over nine years), “May the Force be with you, Corrie.”

“And with you, my master.”

As my master’s image flickers away, I lean back against the brick wall. So, I’m staying in Naboo a little longer. At least it’s a pretty planet.


The boat containing Senator Amidala and Padawan Skywalker arrives within the next few hours. While the senator is dressed in a beautiful, light gown of many shades of yellow and pink and orange – making her look like a walking sunset – Skywalker is clad fully in his Jedi robes, just as I am, far too hot for the warm Naboo climate. Then again, he grew up on Tatooine so I’m sure he’s fine with a little heat. I, however, being born on the temperate Mid-Rim system of Lavisar, am not quite as accustomed to such things and am sweating my ass off beneath the many layers of brown robes.

“Senator,” I nod at her then turn my gaze to my fellow Padawan, “Skywalker.”

“You’re Corentin, right? Master Ti's Padawan?” Anakin asks, offering his hand to Padmé as she steps off and out of the boat.

“Indeed. You’ve heard of me?” That would be curious indeed; Anakin and his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, are the ones with reputations that precede themselves with many swashbuckling adventures under their belts. Master Ti and I hardly ever venture to such places as they do.

Anakin walks in line with me as Senator Amidala is guided by her handmaidens up the many stairs from the dock. I run my hand along the stone walls as we walk, marvelling at the Naboo architecture that puts Coruscant to shame, “I have. I hear that Master Ti speaks very highly of you.”

“That’s good to hear,” I smile at my feet. Though Jedi are taught never to seek approval, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t feel good when it arrives, “You will be unsurpised to hear I know about many of your exploits.”

Anakin actually laughs at this. I didn’t expect it but I am glad that it happened. His laugh sounds as a flower smells.

He raises his hand and catches a leaf that had fallen from a tree. His force sensitivity must be as off the charts as they say it is; I hadn’t felt a thing. “The things you heard, were they good things about my… exploits ?”

“Things that interest me, let’s put it that way,” I take the leaf from his hand with the Force and ease it into the air. I weave it between the stone columns of the bridge that we walk upon and then slip it through a crack until it sits atop the water, causing only a few ripples in the river before sailing its way downstream. “I’d like to hear more, should we get the time.”

I walk ahead to catch up with Padme and the handmaidens who have reached a balcony. She is telling them about her past, about her family’s past, about swimming and the sun and the sea and the sand.


The Senator is moved to an outpost in the countryside, many miles from Theed. She brought with her only five handmaidens and, of course, her two Jedi protectors. And enough wardrobe changes to last her the full rotation. I must admit, the sprawling trees and never-ending cobbled paths are quaint and fill me with a much more natural sense of ease than I am accustomed to on Coruscant.

The outpost itself seems to be an abandoned series of towers linked by a wall that encompass their circumference. Having travelled to many of the spires, I can only guess that the outpost was once used in a time of turmoil and combat. The high vantage point and clear views to the horizon seem to offer such insights. What does make me, curious however, is what I find in the final tower I had to explore.

The Senator and her handmaidens are in the woods with Anakin as their protector so I decide to take the time to ensure that the outpost is still clear and safe for our occupation. While traversing my way up the tower where Senator Amidala is staying, I feel a dull hum in the Force. I can only explain it as the whimper of electricity you may hear at night only this hum calls to me. It beckons me to find it. The further up the stairs I go, the more frequent and dulcet the hum becomes.

When I enter the Senator’s chambers, I can feel the Force tugging at the base of my neck. It urges me forward like I have never felt before. As I make my way around the Senator’s plush bed with its velvet cushions and silk bed curtains, the call wanes.

“Where is it coming from?” I mutter, moving back to the doorway of the room. The ripple I feel within the force nearly brings me to my knees. I heed its call and press my palms against the wooden floorboards that sit beneath the door when it is shut. It hums under my fingers with old, powerful energy.

I look around, call out to see if the Senator, Anakin and the Handmaidens had returned, then feel more confident in what I’m about to do. At least I’m alone. The green blade of my lightsaber sparks into being and I press it gently against the floorboard, cutting just a slice from a corner. I extinguish my blade and use the leverage I have created to pull the board free. I am met with a small package wrapped in frayed fabric in the dingy, slightly damp crevice.

“What in the name of the Force?” I pull the package free from the hole and return the floorboard to its original position. At last, with the package in my hands, the Force feels at ease.

Distant chatter downstairs and the sound of the outpost’s creaky entranceway door alerts me of the return of Senator Amidala and her entourage so I slide the package into my robes – feeling immediate protectiveness and a sense of alert privacy about it – and make my way down to greet them.

Chapter 2: The First Entries of Jedi Knight Mari Onthello


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Never had I been more eager to leave company than that night after the Senator and her Handmaidens had dined and then retired to their chambers. The entire time the group ate, I found my thoughts wandering to the package I withheld in my robes. I needed to rifle through its contents and understand at last what it held and why the Force drew me to it so. Its connection felt tied to me in particular as Anakin was much more attuned to the Force than I yet he had not sensed it nor did he give any indication of my possession of it during our time together.

Closing the doors to my chambers, located in the tower opposite the one that held Senator Amidala’s so that Anakin and I would have full surveillance of the surrounding area, I pulled off my outer robe and hung it on the back of a chair. I then removed the package from my belt and put my hand inside of the fraying fabric. Inside of the bag was a leatherbound book with aurebesh written on the front. It read

The Journal of Jedi Knight Mari Onthello

The journal of a Jedi Knight? Interesting, very interesting indeed. I had heard of Mari Onthello during my years of studying in the Jedi Archives before Master Ti took me as her Padawan. Onthello had lived during the High Republic era, nearly two hundred years ago, and was killed in an accident involving his personal fighter crashing onto a planet in the Mid Rim though the exact planet was unknown as the remains were never found and his entourage were unable to follow him.

Had Onthello crashed on Naboo? The geography certainly made sense.

Eager to piece this puzzle together, I removed my robes so that I remained in just my undershirt and decided to indulge in some of the home comforts provided by our Naboolian host by putting on a pair of silk bottoms. I slid under the covers of the bed and at last opened the journal that had been on my mind the entire day.

The handwriting of Knight Onthello was incredibly neat and his notes organised. He documents his travels across the galaxy as a Jedi advisor and diplomat on behalf of both the council and the greater Republic. A series of entries stood out to me, each of them regarding the same topic:

According to the Coruscant Reckoning, it is the year 7747 though it has been a long while since I have been able to regard time in an usual fashion. Boredom and repetition have a way of destroying one’s concept of time. I have been stationed on Dantooine for at least three years by the CRC by orders of the Jedi Council to observe growing unrest within the Outer Rim. It has been as uneventful thus far as I had initially predicted and moreso.

Only one thing has broken the stupor – the unexpected arrival this morning of Mirialan Jedi Knight Dhar Nassem. Dhar and I had trained as Younglings together in the temple but I had not seen him in the many years since. He now has many more tattoos on his face than he did back then with his forehead being a canvas for a diamond filled with individual tattoos, each signalling an achievement, and his nose featuring a smattering of further ink. He had obviously seen more action than I as of late yet his blonde hair remained perfectly braided, hanging at the sides of his face.


A year has passed since my last diary entry, you have my apologies journal. Dantooine has gotten no more exciting than it was all those years ago. I have now come to realise, however, why I had begun to write you in the first place. It is indeed to document my growing feelings and innate passions that are unbecoming of a Jedi of the Order such as myself. It is my hope that if I document them here then I may refrain from acting on them which would, of course, be entirely irrational.

If I am being entirely honest with you, journal, I have found the company of fellow Knight Dhar Naseem to be most intrusive. The thing he intrudes upon, you may ask? My very soul itself.

I fear that I have formed an attachment so strong to Dhar that it may be shaking my faith in the Order. It is the simple things that startle me the most… the way I notice his tattoos fold when his nose scrunches as he feels the cold… the way in which his usually easy-going aura shifts to steel focus as he meditates each morning at the very same time. How he keeps track of time on the dust ball of a planet I have no clue. Even the way in which he swings his saber as he practises each evening mesmerises me.

It is my hope, journal, that these words may remain etched onto your pages and their contents may never find their way leaving my heart and edging into the physical realm. Wish me luck.


At last, journal, after five long years on Dantooine, I have returned to the comforts of the Jedi Temple and my dwellings on Coruscant. My feelings for Knight Dhar have, unfortunately, not passed nor were they stemmed by my writing of them in this journal. No attempts to make him leave my mind during my waking hours – or indeed my non-waking hours – have been met with any success.


So much can happen in twenty four simple hours. Since I brought my feelings into words with my last entry but twenty four hours ago, Dhar invited me to join him in a training exercise that was in fact just a ruse to have me alone in a room. I dare not transcribe our actions with reason enough being my own modesty, however, I am no longer doubtful of my feelings for Dhar nor his for me. They are as real, concrete and fiery red as the blade of a Sith. But we both agreed that the Dark Side, that attachment and dependence cannot interfere with the oaths we took when we swore into the Order.

I closed the pages of the journal but kept my finger on the page to keep my space. Mari Onthello and famed Knight Dhar Naseem had been involved with one another. Mari described their relationship as so passionate its colour rivalled that of the lightsaber of a Sith… yet he did not fall to the Dark Side himself. Despite forming such an attachment, Mari had never fallen to the Dark Side, as Master Yoda and the teachings told us. Mari had lived as a Jedi his entire life – even if it was cut short – and was documented as being a loyal follower of the Order until the end. Perhaps I did not need to forsake attachment as I once thought I did in order to be a good Jedi. Perhaps I could allow myself to feel the pull of attraction. After all, the pull of the Force brought me to this journal and this realisation. Surely it was my fate to find these words and as the Force knew I needed to read them.

A glimmer out of the window caught my eye and I looked out of it to find a hint of the sunrise peeking back at me. By the Force, I had spent so long pouring over Knight Onthello’s journal that I had neglected sleep. After putting down the journal, albeit reluctantly, I allowed myself to retire.


Sat in a field of dazzling green, dozens of varieties of Naboo native flowers surrounding us and a herd of shaak (the name did give me quite the laugh as I thought of what my Master would think if she heard she shared a name with such a creature) grazing nearby, I had all but tuned out of the conversation going on between Senator Amidala and Anakin the next afternoon due to my lack of sleep that night until Anakin asked her a question that drew my full attention.

“Have you ever been in love, Senator?”

My mind flew immediately to the journal of Knight Onthello and his encounter with Dhar Naseem. When I woke this morning it had been a struggle not to keep reading. I still had so many pages left.

“I don’t know,” The Senator was playing coy and we could both see it. Even her Handmaidens could probably see it from the ridge where they stood guard.

“Sure you do, you just don’t want to tell me,” Anakin picked the head from a flower and twirled it between his fingers, the yellow petals spinning as he did so.

The Senator grinned, her smile was as dazzling as the flowing yellow dress she wore. She had quite the eye for fashion, “Are you going to use one of your Jedi mind tricks on me?”

“They only work on the weak minded.”

I chime in, “So, they would work on you then?”

“Corentin, you wound me!” Anakin Skywalker’s flare for the dramatics have not been exaggerated; he tosses the flower head at me and it bounces off my robes. Before it drops, I hold out my hand and hold it still. I then ease it back into Anakin’s hand where he keeps it flat on his palm. After looking at it for a moment, he turns back to the Senator, “No tricks, but I would like to hear the story if you will tell it.”

She lets out a sigh that is full of far more playfulness than exasperation, “I was ten. His name was Palo. We were both in the Legislative Youth Program. He was a few years older than I, very cute. Dark curly hair… dreamy eyes. But I went into public service and he became an artist.”

I finally decide to sit with the two of them rather than stand nearby. The conversation intrigues me too much to not involve myself, “There are never two things more in direct competition than politics and art.”

“Sounds like he was the smart one to me,” Anakin agrees.

“You really don’t like politicians, do you?” The Senator asks Anakin, it’s clear to me that they’ve had similar conversations before. It doesn’t surprise me based on what I’ve heard about Anakin and his Master that he isn’t a fan of figures of authority. He would find it quite challenging being Master Ti’s Padawan.

“There are a few I like,” Anakin says, “And one I can’t quite figure out.”

The Senator gives him a side smile and gets up, her dress billowing at her feet when she does so, “Thank you for the trip through my memories,” She then lets out a yelp and I jump up and place my hand on the hilt of my saber.

Thankfully for us all, it is not an assassination attempt but rather one of the shaak nudging her with its snout because she’s standing on a particularly juicy looking flower. The Senator moves, laughing at the occasion, and petting the shaak’s back.

“Thank you for the protection, Knight Corentin,” Padme links arms with me, moving my hand from the hilt of my saber and leads me red-faced and walking away from the clearing with her as I try to forget the fact I nearly murdered a dumpling shaped creature for wanting to eat a plant.


If you're keeping up at home we are up to 49:39 in AoTC, can't wait to get to the Battle of Geonosis >:) <3 Let me know your thoughts & opinions I'd love to hear them!

Chapter 3: The Beauty of Naboo

Chapter Text

Upon returning to the stronghold which we were calling our temporary home, Padme decided to lock herself in her chambers with just one of her handmaidens as she had important work to do for the Senate and deemed that any further company would be too much of a distraction.

Never one to argue with a Senator, I decide to use my time to wander around the outside of the stronghold, admiring the brick that made it such a formidable place to be while also making sure that neither I nor Anakin or the Handmaidens missed any flaws in its design that may put Padme in harm's way. It seemed very unlikely to me, having inspected the building, that anyone would be entering without any of our knowledge.

“Are you always so observant?” Anakin asks from a tree which, ironically, I did not see him sitting in. His legs hang over the branches as he looks down at me, his padawan braid blowing lightly at his side in the early evening breeze.

I adjust my robe, “Master Ti always told me to be mindful of my surroundings and never allow anything to surprise me.”

“How’s that going for you?” He grins and it’s a grin that simultaneously annoys me with its confidence and makes me feel as though a small ball of light had just come into being in my stomach. “The Jedi teachings are very important to you, aren’t they?”

“By the way of the light, you’re inquisitive,” I kick at the dirt at my feet. “And, of course, they're important to me. They’re the values that I’ve been taught since I was brought to the Temple when I was a baby.”

Anakin nodded slowly, “Perhaps Obi-Wan would find it easier to teach me if I had been brought to the Temple at that age.”

“You were nine, right?” I hop off the ground and sit on the tree branch next to him. I feel it creak under both of our weights but it holds firm. “Yet you’re still so attuned to the Force.”

“I guess I have a natural talent,” Anakin’s grin returns but it’s not within a parsec of confidence that his previous had contained. “Master Yoda and Master Windu told me, when I was brought to the Temple, that I was too old to be taught the Jedi ways… I wonder sometimes if they’re right. I can’t stop myself from feeling things that the Jedi are not supposed to feel sometimes.”

My mind instantly takes me back to the pages of Knight Mari Onthello’s journal. How he had been consumed by his feelings for fellow Knight Dhar Naseem but had never let those feelings take him to the Dark Side of the Force. He’d always remained part of the Light… so perhaps the Jedi teachings are more malleable than we originally thought?

I take a breath then muster, “I don’t think feelings determine our value… we all falter sometimes. It’s our actions and our impact on the world and the people around us that truly matter.”

Anakin looks ahead of us at the setting Naboo sun. It casts an orange glow on the horizon, shimmering off of one of the nearby lakes and snaking its way through the tree branches toward us to meet our eyes. Were I not sworn to live on Coruscant as a Jedi Padawan, I could definitely imagine myself living somewhere quiet, peaceful and beautiful such as this planet. It just had a way of instilling a sense of ease.

“I suppose you’re right,” He said after a few minutes then looked at me. “I’m sure Master Ti is very proud of you… you have a softness that cannot be taught.”

I’m not sure how to respond to that. Compliments were few and far between within the Order, lest they regarded your form or stance. So, I settled for sitting in silence and feeling the low hum of the Force reside in the air.


That night, I return to the familiar embrace found between the pages of Mari Onthello’s journal. I decide to take my reading out to the balcony that overhangs the front gates of the stronghold, feeling that the background sounds of the water lapping against the shore in the near distance may bring my mind to peace… unlike the contents of the book which continue to dismantle my foundational understanding of what it means to be a Jedi.

For a year now, my dearest journal, Dhar and I have found time between missions and teachings and other duties to find one another. To revel in another. To my knowledge, our actions have not been detected by any members of the Order. I am particularly careful around my master Torban Buck who has always been able to discern my emotions at the most inconvenient of times. When I am around him, I keep my thoughts far away from Dhar.

The two of us have been assigned by Master Yaddle to go to Naboo where we are to help a group construct a stronghold to hold out against a hostile sect of radical Gungans. We are to depart in the morrow. I will speak to you once we are on Naboo, journal.


Journal, not if I thought for a millenia could I find the words that would properly encapsulate the sight of a Naboo sunset shimmering across the water.

I put the journal down for a moment and stared across the water, watching how it reflected the stars and the moonlight. Knight Onthello and I were truly extremely similar… the Force wanted me to see this journal for a reason. It wanted me to piece together the fragments of understanding I had about myself.

If I never left this planet I would be happy. The people that we have come to help sleep in tents within the partially constructed walls of our future stronghold while Dhar and I stand watch. We spend the night talking of the many beauties in the galaxies that we have seen and how none of them shine a light upon the sight before us. I feel the force hum between us. No-one, not a Jedi on the Council nor even Master Yoda, could possibly convince me that the Force does not condone attachment. When I am with Dhar and I reach into the core of my being, I feel the Force entirely. I feel its vastness, its warmth and I know. I know that the galaxy is at peace, at least for a moment.

I read many more entries, some far more explicit than I am accustomed to reading, until the sun begins to rise. I look up from the journal at last and nearly fall backward off of the balcony that I sit upon. If I had, I would have plunged into the moat below. Anakin stood just a few metres away from me, his legs spread slightly, his hands behind his back, and his eyes closed; he’s meditating.

He probably would like me to leave so he can do so in–

“Don’t go,” Anakin says, his eyes still shut. I hadn’t moved, he must have been able to detect my intentions through the Force. “Your presence… it brings a stillness… a peace to the Force.”

“What brings you out here so early?” I tuck the journal into my robes and try to shake away the wave of tiredness that washes over me; I hadn’t slept yet.

“He had another nightmare last night,” Padme said from a nearby doorway. Everyone seemed able to sneak up on me this morning. She was dressed in a fine silk gown and a blue robe and made her way toward the two of us. “Didn’t you?”

Anakin kept his eyes closed, “Jedi don’t have nightmares.”

“Feelings don’t determine our value, Anakin,” I tell him again. “Fear can sometimes breed urgency to do the right thing.”

A beat passes between the three of us.

“I saw my mother,” He tells us then opens his eyes at last. There’s a quiet rage behind them that I try not to be pulled into. “She’s suffering. I saw her as clearly as I see the two of you now.” He looks between us. From my position on the balcony, I feel a pull to offer a comforting hand to him but resist it. He takes a few paces away and lets out a sigh. “She’s in pain.”

Padme plucked the head of a flower from one of the pots at my side and twirled it between her fingers, “I heard you in the night… I believe you.”

“I know it’s neglecting my mandate to protect you, Senator,” Anakin begins. “But I have to go, I have to help her. I’m sorry, I don’t have a choice.”

I reach out into the Force and attempt to feel Anakin. I close my eyes and let the feeling take over me. Within the vast expanse of the Force that surrounds us, I can feel the contours of the mountain ridges in the distances, the shimmer of movement on the water’s surface. I can feel Padme’s anticipatory breath and the ground where my robes brush. And I can feel him. A bubbling static of emotions. I tune into the static and let out a hiss of pain.

So much anguish. Sadness. Anxiety. Doubt. Regret.

Padme turns to me, having heard my quiet cry, and places a hand on my arm. “What’s wrong?”

I look up at Anakin, “You must go to her.” I tell him. “It is under the authority of the Senate and Jedi Council that we are here protecting Senator Amidala but your mother is a vulnerable citizen in danger who cannot access the resources of the Galactic Republic. It is our duty as protectors of the entire galaxy, not just those planets fortunate enough to be under Republic jurisdiction, to protect the vulnerable.”

Padme grins, “You know your politics.”

“One must know their opponent.” I smile at her before saying, “If we have your leave, Senator Amidala, I would go with Padawan Skywalker to save his mother then return to you. I will contact Captain Typho and General Tarpals of the Gungan–”

“You do not have my leave,” She said. “The two of you will continue to be my personal guards.”

Anakin frowned, “Padme, I will protect you with my life but my mother–”

“Will be safe.” Padme added. “Because the two of you are going to escort me on my trip to Tatooine.”

Chapter 4: Trouble on Tatooine

Chapter Text

On the flight to Tatooine, I made the wise decision to use my lightsaber to cut the sleeves from my Jedi robes. I had found the temperature too much to handle while on Naboo. From the accounts I had read about Tatooine, and the things Anakin had told me about the planet that had once been his home, I would fare far worse on the Outer Rim dust ball.

“There he is,” Anakin said as he walked through a crowded market. Pit droids, half-broken astromech droids and people of a variety of species wandered the streets, searching for deals or spare parts or the Light knows what. Anakin was pointing to a blue Toydarian dressed in a brown vest and hat with dark whiskers under his snout. We approached him. “Chut-Chut, Watto.”

The Toydarian, Watto, looked at Anakin for a long moment, trying to place his face to no avail. I looked at Padme, wondering if this was going to be of any use to us when Anakin said a few words in Huttese and picked up the pit droid head that Watto had been tinkering with. The Toydarian said something back in Huttese as he looked between Anakin and I and the only word I was able to catch was “Jedi”.

“I’m looking for Shmi Skywalker,” Anakin said.

Watto’s eyes widened at this as he took in the man before him. “Ani? Little Ani?” Anakin placed the pit droid head back in front of Watto having fixed the faulty wiring beneath its central dish. “You are Ani! It is you! You sure sprouted, huh! A Jedi, what do you know? Maybe you can help with some deadbeats that owe me a lot of money.”

“My mother,” Anakin pressed.

“Oh, yeah, Shmi. I’m sorry, Ani, but business is business and I sold her years ago.”

I step forward slightly. While I’m sure my presence isn’t especially intimidating in general, the glimpse of my lightsaber paired with the fact he doesn’t know me is enough to make Watto flap his wings; he wouldn’t have reacted so to Anakin due to having known him as a child. “Who did you sell her to?”

Watto eyed my saber hilt then looked up at me, “A moisture farmer named Lars. I heard he freed her and married her.”

“Do you know where they are now?” Anakin asked.

“Long way from here,” Watto scratched his chin. I didn’t like this guy. The way he spoke to Anakin contrasted with Anakin’s responses gave me the impression that Anakin was not comfortable in the Toydarian’s presence and I could sense his unease in the Force. This man had owned his mother… he must have also owned Anakin as a child. Anakin’s resentment was understandable. “I think he’s over somewhere on the other side of Mos Eisley, yes…”

Anakin’s gaze was steely, “I’d like to know.”

“Sure, absolutely, yes!” Watto spread his arms wide, “Let’s go look at my records, eh?”

Watto takes Anakin inside a small sandstone shack with a domed roof that would be far too crowded with more than two people inside so Padme and I opt to wait in the market. As to disguise her appearance, she is wearing a blue cloak and hood with her hair up in a fashion more typical of a centre-world than a mid-world planet such as Naboo.

“Sabé and Saché must be worried about you. They seem like more to you than Handmaidens,” I catch Padme’s eye and smile gently.

She nods slowly, “They have been my constant companions since I was a young girl. They swore themselves to me just as I swore myself to Naboo. They know where I am right now not because it’s their business as my Handmaidens but because it’s their business as my dearest companions.”

The thought makes me smile. To have companionship so close that loyalty is never thrown into question. To feel so at ease with someone that their devotion to you, and yours to them, is never in doubt.

“You are… very lucky to have one another,” I watch a Duros man fight with a Weequay woman over a deal being offered by a Malastarian trader. “I can’t believe Anakin spent so much of his life here.”

Padme adjusts her hood, “I was there when Master Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, when he was a Padawan, found Anakin. Watto had ownership of him and his mother and did everything in his power to hold onto them even when he had agreed to free them.”

My blood boils red. I can’t help but to admire Anakin’s restraint and calmness when faced with such a traumatising memory of the past. “We’re lucky to have Anakin as part of the Order.”


We are greeted at the Lars homestead by a rather weary looking silverish grey protocol droid that both Anakin and Padme seem to recognise. When he is about to escort us all inside, I hear a beeping noise and reach into my robes. I look at the aurebesh transcribed in red digital characters on the holopad’s front display and smile to myself. It will be nice to talk to a familiar face. I tell Anakin and Padme I will follow them in a moment then take a few steps away and activate my holopad.

“Good afternoon, Master,” I say, moving some sweat plastered hair from my face.

“Corentin,” Shaak Ti gives me a soft smile. “Naboo seems to disagree with you.”

I force myself not to laugh; it’s always been hard to lie to Master Ti but not impossible, “Indeed, Master, the southern coasts are far warmer than I am used to on Coruscant.” I look at her face, trying to see if anything is out of the ordinary. She seems to be okay, nothing seems too unfamiliar. “Are you well?”

“I am,” She nods slowly, “Though the Council seems weary. There is a darkness on the horizon that we cannot foretell. I feel it would be best – and safest – for you, my Padawan, to remain discreet on Naboo for the time being with Padawan Skywalker and the Senator. I do not want to see you tangled up in whatever is going to happen.”

Shaak Ti’s caring nature has never known any bounds. She was the perfect Master to have growing up as an early teenager bubbling with insecurities. “Thank you, Master Ti, I’ll do my best to stay out of trouble,” I assure her, though I cannot back those words with any such confidence.

“How are Skywalker and the Senator?”

“They’re well. We occupy a stronghold just by a lake, the views are truly spectacular.” I smile, remembering the vast waters of Naboo then nearly frown from looking at the vast wasteland of sand that stretches in every direction in front of me. “I look forward to seeing you again, Master.”

“And I you, Corrie,” Master Ti says. “We will speak when the Council would like you to return to Coruscant after the dust settles on whatever is coming. Until then, may the Force be with you, my Padawan.”

Her image flickers away and I am left staring at a spot in the distance where sand meets sky. I wish my words to her were true. I wish I were back on Naboo with Anakin and Padme revelling in the lakes and the fields of flowers and pondering over Knight Onthello’s journal as the sun rose on the water.

Anakin emerges from the Lars homestead with his knuckles white and his fists clenched at his sides. There’s a purpose to his stride and a steel in his gaze. He marches toward the speeder that belongs to the Lars’ and places his hand on the handlebar. As he does, I reach forward and grab his shoulder.

“Anakin, where are you going? Where’s your mother?”

“I have to go,” He says and there’s no stopping him. He throws his leg over the speeder and straddles it. “I have to save her.”

A beat passes between us.

The desolate sands cascade in my hand. Watto’s arrogance chimes between my ears. Padme’s story hums in my heart.

“Go,” I tell him. “Save her to save yourself.”

And he zooms across the desert sands long into the distance.

Chapter 5: Attachment


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Shmi Skywalker is buried outside of the Lars homestead with her husband, step-son and step-daughter-in-law, son, a Jedi and a Senator present.

Not long after the final word had been spoken, Anakin disappeared into the homestead while Cliegg, Owen and Beru all discussed how they were going to carry on without Shmi around.

“Corrie,” Padme’s voice drags me back to reality. I had been staring at the grave of Shmi for too long. “Speak your mind.”

“I could feel Anakin’s emotions so vividly when he returned with his mother’s body,” I take a breath, my hands are slightly shaky. “Because he was not brought to the Temple as a young child, he is not as able as most Jedi to regulate his strong emotions and… and I felt just how angry he is.”

Padme links arms with me and walks down into the homestead, “Perhaps it is healthy for him to feel these emotions now so that they can be expressed in a safe way; rather than in a destructive way.”

I nod slowly, allowing her to take me to the kitchen, “Greif must be felt,” I agree. “But it cannot consume. I must remind him of such a thing.”

She pours blue milk from a jug into a glass and removes something from a cabinet, “Go to him and tell him. I will be in with this in a few moments.”

As I walk through the Lars’ home, I find my mind flooded with uncertain feelings. Anakin’s emotions had been so vivid. So strong. So red hot. I felt every ounce of his anger and guilt and remorse through the Force. It was radiating off of him. Never before had I felt someone experiencing such visceral emotions.

Master Ti always told me to mind myself whenever I felt such all encompassing passions. I could feel them, yes, but not allow them to control my actions or cloud my judgement. I worried that Anakin had done exactly that.

“Anakin,” I find him in a room where one of the Lars’ fixed up old technology. There were heaps of old pieces of circuit boards, speeder engines and droid parts alike stacked atop one another. In the centre of the room, Anakin tinkered with the central processing unit of a Pit Droid whose husk of a body was on the ground.

“Life seems much simpler when you’re fixing things. That’s what we’re supposed to do, right? As Jedi? Fix things. Make them better,” He places the CPU onto the control panel in front of him and stares at the wall. Even from the doorway, I can see his eyes clouding with tears. “I’m good at fixing things… I’m supposed to be the best. So, why couldn’t I– Why couldn’t I save her? I know I could have! Why’d she have to die?”

I take a step into the room and lean against a large piece of machinery, “No one can fix everything, Anakin, especially not death.” I close my eyes, “Death cannot be prevented. It claims us all eventually. The loss of your mother is a tragedy, there is no escaping that nor attempting to paint it as anything but.”

He looks at me and my heart shatters a little, “I want to become more powerful. I want to be able to stop people from dying.”

“Death is a part of life,” I hear the cliche as I say it, “You must take this time now to feel so strongly as I know you do. Mourn your mother. Cry for her, scream for her. But when we return to Coruscant, whenever that may be, you must let these feelings dominate you no longer.”

Anakin wipes his face with both of his hands, “I killed them… I killed them all. The men, the women, the children… I hate them! They killed her and I hate them!”

The Tuskens.

I move into the room and place my hands on Anakin’s shoulders, “You got caught in your emotions and did something indescribable. Detangle yourself from grief and do not let this moment in time define who you are.”

He looks down at his feet, a tear escaping from him without his knowledge. Against my better judgement, I pull him in and wrap my arms around him. His breath is shaky against my neck but I allow him to cry out the inexcusable actions he has committed.


While Anakin and Padme assist Owen and Beru with a speeder that he had been working on, I slip back onto Padme’s ship and open Knight Onthello’s journal once more. It had been calling to me the entire time I had been on Tatooine and only now did I feel as though it were the right time to find out why.

I only forgot about you for six months this time, journal, are you proud of me? We are still on Naboo assisting with the construction of a stronghold and it is certainly taking shape. The east and west towers are already built and the central courtyard has begun to look like something resembling a stronghold.

I will admit to you now journal something I have only ever thought and never brought into the light of day… I am going to leave the Order. Dhar and I both are. Our attachment is condemned and we both agree that our attachment is now stronger than our faith or belief in the Order ever was. Neither of us feel the pull of the dark side nor engaged in any dark side practises so why should our love for one another make us any less Jedi than anyone else? Such inconsistencies in the Jedi teachings is why we have chosen to leave. We have never spoken of the topic but I know Dhar feels the way I do through the Force. We are connected.

If loving him is wrong, if the Force does not want me to love him, then why does the whole world unfurl when I touch his fingers? Why does the Force glow in my chest when I feel his lips on mine?

I plan to contact a bounty hunter who will shoot both of us down over the skies over Naboo. There will be witnesses so that the Jedi will think us dead.

We will be free. We will be together.

I put the journal back into my robes and close my eyes. The Force swirls around me, around everything and I tune into it. I lift a wrench and a few other small devices as I meditate.

Mari Onthello’s feelings toward attachment mirror my own so closely.

I had always been scorned for my love for Master Shaak Ti, for my devotion to individuals. I wonder how the Order would view my newfound attachment – friendship – to Anakin and Padme? Why should Jedi have to rebut all forms of love? So long as they are not tempted by the Dark Side, there is no reason. Not one I would subscribe to, at least.

“Sorry to interrupt, Corrie,” Padme says as she, Anakin and the Lars’ protocol droid walk onto the ship. I release the items I was holding with the Force and notice the holodeck blinking at me.

“It’s Master Kenobi,” I frown.

As the hologram beams into life, an image of Obi-Wan Kenobi appears. His brows are furrowed and his forehead creased. Padme sits at the pilot’s seat while Anakin and I stand before the hologram of Kenobi and listen.

“My long-range transmitter has been taken offline. Retransmit this message to Coruscant.” I tap two buttons on the base of the holoprojector which sends Master Kenobi’s message to Chancellor Palpatine’s office on Coruscant. Obi-Wan continues, “I have tracked the Bounty Hunter Jango Fett to the droid foundries on Geonosis. The Trade Federation is to take delivery of a droid army here, and it is clear that Viceroy Gunray is behind the assassination attempts on Senator Amidala.”

Of course. Senator Amidala had stopped the Viceroy’s occupation of Naboo when she was just a girl.

“The Commerce Guilds and the Corporate Alliance have both pledged their armies to Count Dooku and are forming a– wait!” Master Kenobi stops in his tracks and pulls his lightsaber from his robes. The blue blade ignites and he deflects blaster bolts.

I stand up straighter. Master Kenobi is in danger on Geonosis. As he backs out of the range of the holoprojector’s image, a droideka marches in.

The image flickers out and is replaced by a projection of Master Windu, “Anakin, Corentin, your first priority is to stay with the Senator. You must remain protecting her and stay where you are. We will deal with Dooku and save Master Kenobi.”

We both nod, “Understood, Master.”

I turn off the holoprojector and let out a sigh. A million thoughts whir in my head: Coruscant and Geonosis are many many systems apart. Master Kenobi is in immediate danger. The plot to try and kill Padme can be unravelled entirely if we were to capture Viceroy Gunray. Tatooine was a planet that none of us wanted to remain on any longer.

“Coruscant is too far away, they’ll never make it in time,” Padme says, turning to face the control panel of the ship, “We are in the same sector as Geonosis, we’ll be able to make it before they do. We’ll be able to save Obi-Wan.”

“Senator–” Anakin tries but I cut him off.

“This is the best course of action, Anakin,” I say simply, “The Force brought you here so you may see your mother one last time and now it has proven that it also served another purpose. We must go to Geonosis and save Master Obi-Wan.”



For anyone keeping count, we are now at 1:29:39 in AotC :) <3

Thanks for reading, I'd love to know what you think so far!

Chapter 6: The Droid Factory


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Padme flew the ship straight for Geonosis. I’d never seen a Senator be so battle-ready. I always thought politicians were spineless; she proved anything but. Sensing a shift in the Force, I open my eyes and look up to find Anakin had left the co*ckpit and sat opposite me near the docking port.

He took a long moment before he said, “Thank you for reminding me of what’s right, back at the Lars’.” He put his hands together. “I just lose control of my emotions sometimes.”

“We all do,” I say slowly and watch him wring his fingers together. He needed to be kept busy to distract himself from his own mind. An idea sprung to my head. “Will you show me some duelling techniques? I’ve not done much duelling outside of training exercises with Master Ti and other padawans.”

Anakin looks up at me and tilts his head, making his padawan braid slip from his shoulder, “Really? You never faced pirates or smugglers or bounty hunters with weapons that can block lightsabers?”

“One bounty hunter…” I think back to Master Ti and I’s mission to Dantooine. “And one time I fought this warrior on some planet out in Wild Space that nearly killed me with a spear.” I stand up. “But I never went on many missions before Master Ti assigned me to protect the Senator.”

As he stands up too, Anakin pulls out his lightsaber. “Well, I will make sure you never nearly get killed again.” His words had such finalty and promise in them that I couldn’t help but smile. “Ignite your lightsaber.”

I do as he instructs, my green blade unfurling to match his blue. I take my starting stance and he shakes his head, a grin on his face, “What?”

“Nothing, nothing,” He laughs. “The way you’re standing… it would just make it really easy to–” He jabbed his lightsaber directly between my open spread legs and brought it up until I felt the hum of the blade between my thighs. “-- to do that.”

I parry his blade away and shift my stance, “Fine! Is this better?”

“Much better,” He nods and takes a similar stance. “Duelling is all about listening to the Force and watching your opponent’s eyes. You have to know their next steps, their next next steps and their step in three steps time.”

“Sounds like a lot of stepping,” I remove Mari Onthello’s journal from my robes so that it wouldn’t get damaged should Anakin accidentally tear my robe with his saber.

“That’s the book you were reading back on Naboo… what is it?” Anakin asks, peering past me to see the journal on the seat.

“A journal from a Jedi from the High Republic.” I say, seeing no reason to lie to him, unless he asked more probing questions. “Now, are you going to show me how to duel or not?”

This makes a grin cross Anakin’s face. His eyes twinkle in a way I’d not seen before. He was in his element. “First we cross blades,” We do so, blue and green so nearly touching. “Then we take stance,” He holds his saber with two hands, the hilt at hip-level with his blade pointing at the ceiling. I hold my saber straight, parallel to my face, with my free hand pointed at Anakin. “Then… we duel. Left!” He struck to the left and I countered. “Right!” He struck to my right and I blocked. “Low!” I parry away his blade from my abdominal region and watch his eyes as he duels.

“Left!” I say, swiping my saber at him, he bats it away, ducks under my blade and grabs my arm. I extinguish my lightsaber, drop it, and catch it in my other hand. I ignite the blade and hold it to his neck. “Maybe you should be the one asking me for tips.”

Anakin looks over his shoulder at me, his face startlingly close to my own, and smirks, “Maybe so.” He places his hand on my own, “Or maybe you shouldn’t get distracted.” He slips his hand from mine in a work of deception as he presses the extinguish button on my saber, pushes back against my knees and makes me drop to the ground. He grabs my saber along with his own, ignites them and holds them either side of my head. “Lesson number one of duelling: never get co*cky because that gets you killed.”

He holds out my lightsaber and I glare at him – with absolutely no malice – as I take it. He then offers me his hand and pulls me up. “Thanks for the lesson.”

“Thanks for the practice.” Anakin returns his saber to his belt. “Maybe we can practise more when we return to Naboo?”

“Anakin, Corrie, get up here.” Padme’s voice beckons us to the co*ckpit. We follow her instructions and through the glass we can see plumes of smoke rising from the Geonosian rock and soil. “Those tunnels of smoke are exhaust vents of some kind. We’ll land near them.” She guides us down to the surface. Upon landing, she grabs her cloak and swings it on while looking at the two of us. “Look, whatever happens out there, follow my lead. I’m not interested in getting into a war here. As a member of the Senate, maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this mess.”

“With all due respect, Senator, Viceroy Gunray tried to have you assassinated. If the Bounty Hunter the Viceroy hired is here, it will be very dangerous–” I attempt.

Anakin places his hand on my shoulder, “There’s no point arguing with the Senator, Corrie, she has made up her mind.”

We both turn and find she has already left the ship.


We seem to have landed right in front of a factory of some kind. The technology seemed to be more mechanical than the advanced electrical-based tech on Coruscant and other core worlds. Cogs, gears and conveyor belts line the walls and trapeze the ceilings. As we go deeper into the factory, it gave way to long tunnels flanked with archways in which many Geonosian statues were posed.

Anakin pauses as Padme and I carry on walking.

“Wait,” He mutters, tilting his head just as I felt it too. One of the supposed Geonosian statues burst to life. It is not a statue but rather a real, very much living Geonosian posing to get our guard down and try and capture us… or kill us. In a flash of blue, the Geonosian was cut in half by Anakin.

The walls then seem to come alive as dozens of Geonosians leap from their hiding spots within the arches and pounce on us. I hold my arm out in front of Padme and ignite my saber, cutting the arm off of one Geonosian warrior and using the Force to push another back into the archway, blocking their stream for a moment.

Our sabers produced some of the only light we had available, something I’m grateful for even if we were using them for a distasteful purpose.

Padme runs into the next room at the end of the tunnel and then comes to a sudden halt. As Anakin and I deal with the final of the Geonosians, we turn to see what had made the Senator stop so abruptly. She is standing at the edge of a ledge that overhangs a huge cavern bathed in reddish orange light.

This is the real factory.

Droids, laser-fields, assembly lines, holo-tech. All the bells and whistles.

Anakin and I join the Senator on the ledge to overlook the cavern when the door slams shut behind us. Padme lets out a scream and falls onto the conveyor belt below as the ledge beneath us sinks back into the wall. While Anakin is able to grip onto a nearby rod to stop himself falling, I land beside Padme.

There was a loud thump. The two of us look up to see a large machine stamping metal sheets flat. There’s no question about what they would do to the human body given the chance.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, helping her up and igniting my saber.

“Fine,” She assures me.

We run through various contraptions of the like, barely dodging getting flattened or gripped by many of them. We reach the final one on the line we are on to find it covers the entire width of the belt. We cannot go around it. And it’s going up and down too quickly. We will be crushed in an instant.

“On three, Senator,” I extinguish my lightsaber, sheath it, and hold out both of my hands. "One..." I guess this is it. I use the Force to hold the machine in place, keeping it six feet from the conveyor belt, suspended in the air. "Two..." It creaks as it tries to free itself from my grip. "Three!"

“Corrie, no–” Padme doesn’t have a chance to argue as I Force push her down the line, through the momentary gap, and away from danger.

Once she is through, I release my hold on the machine – which must weigh at least a tonne – and accept my fate.

At least it will be quick.

The machine grinds to a halt moments before I am crushed. I watch it falter and frown. Had Padme found a way to disable it so quickly.

“You are going to make me a lot of money as a hostage, Jedi.” A deep voice says behind me. I turn to find someone dressed in silver and blue Mandalorian armour. He has two pistols pointed at me. “Say goodnight.”

He taps a device on his wrist and two darts fly from between his knuckles. Before I can reach for my lightsaber to block them – and too tired to use the Force – I am pierced in the neck by the darts. In an instant, I feel my legs give way beneath me and my face meets the cold material of the conveyor belt.


The next chapter is the Battle of Geonosis! It's going to be an extra-long chapter to cover the whole Petranaki arena scene.

We're now at 1:39:48 in AotC! :)

Thanks for your comments, I love reading what you guys think of the story so far. <3 Hopefully you're starting to root for Corrie and Anakin by now ;)

Chapter 7: The First Battle of Geonosis


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

When my eyes eventually open, I’m no longer in the droid factory but rather a dank cave with only one source of light streaming in from a large archway. My face is flat on the ground and there is sand pressing against my cheek and every other part of my body. It’s hot and gritty. I need to stop visiting these horrible sand planets already. The sooner I get back to Coruscant, or, better yet, Naboo, the better.

I roll onto my back but struggle to get myself up as my hands are locked together in metal cuffs. “Oh, by the Light,” I mutter, groaning as I stare up at the ceiling. Two Geonosian’s faces come into view and they prod me with the end of their handheld plasma cannons. “Okay, okay!”

Pushing myself to my feet, I allow my eyes to adjust and blink away the grogginess. Once they clear, I finally notice Anakin and Padme standing on a Geonosian carriage, their hands locked just as mine were.

“Was it the bugs, the droids or the Bounty Hunter?” Anakin asked.

“Bounty Hunter,” I steady myself then step onto the carriage alongside them as urged by the Geonosians. “You?”

“Same, some droids too,” Anakin says. “I’m sorry I brought us all into this mess. If we had remained on Naboo and ignored my vision, this never would have happened. It’s all my fault.”

Padme shakes her head, “I brought us here, Anakin.”

“And if you had not followed your vision then you would never have gotten closer having seen your mother one last time,” I tell him. “Whatever is about to happen, know that I regret none of what we have all done together.”

“It has been a pleasure to have your company, Jedi Padawans,” Padme says, staring straight ahead as the carriage began to move and we were pulled through the archway. As we are pulled through the light, I squint; it is so harsh I nearly bring my hands up to cover my face but I manage to adjust within a few moments. “Oh my…”

My open mouth and absolute silence echoes Padme’s sentiment. We emerge into a huge arena forged of orange and brown stone. There are hundreds of levels of seats with large, intricately designed royal boxes and stands carved into the rock. Four tall pillars emerge from the centre of the ground of the arena. From each one hung chains that dangled to six feet from the bottom of the pole. At the bottom of one of them was–

“I was beginning to wonder if you’d got my message,” Obi-Wan Kenobi said, watching the three of us be paraded from the carriage, across the arena toward him until we were each tied to individual poles and chained to them with our hands above our heads.

“I retransmitted it, just as you requested, Master,” Anakin said. “Then, we came to rescue you.”

“Good job,” Obi-Wan said, eyeing his chains.

“It’s an honour to meet you, Master Kenobi,” I find myself saying before I could stop myself.

Obi-Wan looks down the line at me, “Senator Amidala, Corentin, I assume I have you to thank for indulging in Anakin’s heroic antics.”

I hold back a smile, “I think it was a joint decision for all of us, if I am being honest, Master.” I catch Anakin’s eye and I see his lips tug up into a smile.

The Geonosians in the stands start screaming in a way that I must assume means our death is imminent. I wonder how they will execute us? Plasma cannon? Blaster? Spear? Blade? The four of us look up at the main box high up in the arena’s stands to see a cluster of figures. Only two of them are human – a white man with a white beard and hair, cloaked in black; and the Bounty Hunter that had captured me who had taken off his helmet. They are with two Neimodians and a Geonosian who carries a staff and addresses the crowd in their native language.

There is then an immense amount of cheering and the gates behind many archways on the ground level of the arena rise. Our fate is about to meet us.

Our creatures emerged from the gates: a pink and grey quadruped creature with a horn known as a Reek; a bug-like green-shelled creature with sharp claws called an Acklay; a Nexu, a cat-like creature with deadly sharp teeth and more eyes than I found comfortable looking out; and finally a Rylothian Gutkurr, an insectoid creature that walked on two legs like a bird and had talons and teeth meant for killing.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” Anakin said as the creatures were urged closer to us by the Geonosians.

It seemed we had each been assigned a creature. The spindly Acklay was Master Kenobi’s, the fearsome Reek was Anakin’s, the sleek and agile Nexu was Padme’s and the deadly Gutkurr was mine to face… or be killed by.

“Concentrate, just relax,” Obi-Wan said, obviously sensing Anakin and I’s discomfort in the Force.

“What about Padme?” Anakin turned to his master. As he did so, I watched Padme unlock her handcuffs and climb the chain that was mounted to her pole.

I grin to myself, “She seems to be on top of things.”

The time for laughter came to an end as our creatures were upon us. I had to disregard my thoughts regarding the safety of the other three as I had to know what I rationally knew which was that they were capable of saving themselves. I needed to save myself too.

The Gutkurr made a swipe at me which I narrowly dodged. It rattled my chains with its claws and made my stance shaky but I managed to stay standing. It growled at me. It lunged forward and attempted to bite me so I mustered the Force beneath me to push myself off the ground and into the air. I landed on its carapace and placed my hands on its head. The creature snapped its hands up at me and attempted to cut me but I channelled the Force through my hands. I let out a gasp as I felt my power work.

The Gutkurr shook then its legs gave out underneath it and its claws fell to its side. The creature slumped against the pole and fell into a deep sleep, willed to by the Force as I had called upon it.

I looked up to see how my fellow Jedi and Padme were fairing. Padme was dangling from her chain, her back had been scratched and the Nexu was circling her. Master Kenobi had freed himself of his chains but his hands were still bound and he had stolen the spear of a Geonosian warrior to use against the Acklay. Anakin, meanwhile, was holding his hands out to the Reek in an attempt to placate it. Was he going to ride the creature? If anyone can, it is certainly Anakin.

Making a split second decision as Anakin mounted the Reek, I ran toward Master Kenobi as he threw the spear at the Acklay. The creature screamed out but then grabbed the spear from its chest with its teeth and snapped it in two.

“Run, Master Kenobi!” I reach for the spear-head and the Force guides it to my hand. I follow Obi-Wan as he runs toward Anakin and Padme who are mounted upon the Reek. We are becoming encircled by Geonosians who rode creatures I had never seen before. Just as I began to think that maybe we – three Force-attuned Jedi, a battle-ready Senator and a Reek – could take on the forces before us, a dozen Droideka rolled out into the arena and surrounded us.

Just as the Droideka prepared to fire, dozens of beams of light burst into being within the stands and at the entrance to the arena.

Lightsabers. Dozens of them.

“The Order,” I whisper, watching the Masters, Knights and Padawans I have known for nearly two decades come to our rescue. I spotted Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi, Plo Koon and Aayla Secura along with her recently assigned Padawan Bren Avun in one part of the stands, fighting off Geonosian warriors. Within a frantic moment, Master Windu had fallen from the main viewing box of the arena to our side and was pushing the Droideka back. I couldn’t hold back my smile. We were saved. Or, at the very least, the odds were much more in our favour.

“Look!” Anakin points and I follow his direction.

Dozens of Jedi charge against the Battle Droids, Super Battle Droids and Geonosian that press toward us in the centre of the arena. I spot Knight Stass Allie and Master Kit Fisto leading the charge along with–

“Eyes up, Corentin,” Master Ti says as she tosses a lightsaber at me. I catch it and ignite the blade, watching the blue light emit from it. I discard the spear head that had been in my hand and clutch the spare saber I have been given.

“It’s good to see you, Master,” I say, using my saber to cut my handcuffs.

“And you, Corrie,” Shaak Ti says, deflecting a blaster bolt back at a battle droid. It fell backward, its blaster falling to its side. Padme leapt from the Reek, just as Master Kenobi and Anakin were tossed from it by a concussive blast, and she grabbed the blaster. “This isn’t Naboo, I don’t know if you noticed.”

I bite my lip. I didn’t enjoy lying to her, “That had caught my attention,” I sliced a B2 Battle Droid in half. “My apologies, Master, I will explain everything in due course, I promise.”

“I know you will,” Her voice wasn’t angry, it was barely firm, but it told me enough. “But I am glad you are here. As, I am sure, are Master Kenobi, Padawan Skywalker and Senator Amidala.”

Nodding, I give my Master a smile despite the situation.

The ground shakes as cannon fires nearby. Master Ti turns away and yells for Master Luminara Unduli to join her as she charges on it. After feeling a jolt in the Force, I raise my lightsaber and deflect a blaster bolt back at a B1. When it falls, I take the opportunity to find the people that I had arrived onto this Light-forsaken planet with. I immediately spot Anakin spinning in a circle to decapitate five B1 droids.

“Neat trick,” I tell him, standing back to back with him. We deflect blaster bolts left, right up and down. It feels as though the whole planet is shooting at us. As I deflect each one, I can’t help but wonder what would happen if I missed one. Would I die? Would it matter? There are so many Jedi more skilled here than I am… am I needed?

“Corrie,” Anakin says. “I need you here, with me, you understand?”

He had sensed my doubt.

“Of course,” I nod. Every person in the arena mattered. Every lightsaber raised was a strike against whatever nefarious thing was going on on this planet. “Thanks for the lesson earlier, listening to the Force is saving my life in this arena.”

Anakin smiled.

As we continued to fight off the droids, Padme careened into view astride a Geonosian chariot. It capsized and she rolled out of it, wielding her blaster and shooting as though nothing had happened. The three of us used it for cover.

“How is your diplomatic solution going, Senator?” Anakin asked.

“I’ve resorted to aggressive negotiations.” Padme said, making us both chuckle.

A series of blaster bolts nearly hit my head and would have had the Force not alerted me to take cover and duck. I extinguish my lightsaber for a moment and peer over the upsized chariot to get a hold of the situation. Droideka, B1s and B2s are pushing us all into the centre of the arena. There are only a few dozen Jedi left standing. There are robed corpses littering both the arena itself and the stands.

“Focus,” I mutter to myself and reignite my blade. Taking a deep breath, I leap over the chariot and land behind two B2 droids. I press down with the front of my left foot and pivot, slicing them both in half. Their red eyes falter before going out for good. Three B1s then raise their guns at me, stepping toward me. I hold my lightsaber in a defensive position while using my free hand to guide the Force around one of the Droid’s hands.

It turns its weapon on its partners and shoots them both before shooting itself.

“Corrie!” Anakin’s voice meets my ears at the very same time as the unmistakable sound of a blaster bolt being fired rings through the arena. I hear it louder than any other and realise it’s because it will be the bolt to end my life.

And I’m off my feet before I know it, being yanked backward by the force of a blaster bolt.

Except there’s no burning. No darkness. No death.

Only someone’s solid chest behind me as I slam into them and then fall forward onto my knees. My hands hit the sand and I look up to see a saber has been thrown at the droids who had shot at me and has decapitated them. The saber returned to Anakin Skywalker’s hand while he offered his other one to me.

He had used the Force to pull me away from certain death.

“I made a promise, didn’t I?” He smirks in a way that, if I knew him less than I did, I could read as arrogant but I knew to be much deeper than that. It was an expression of rare confidence and comfort – of freedom.

“Feel free to keep it throughout the duration of our stay on this planet,” I say to him, grinning. “And, thank you, Anakin.”

He deflects a bolt back at a droid, “My pleasure,” He then reaches into his robes and hands me a very familiar lightsaber. “I found this on the Bounty Hunter after Master Windu killed him.”

My lightsaber.

I never thought I’d see it again.

I ignite the blade and let the blue light cast over my face, “This is better.”

Even more droids spill into the arena from the stands and from the gates and even more Jedi are pushed to the centre of the arena. I find myself next to Anakin and Master Agen Kolar as the droids fully surround us.

Just as they could all deal executing blows, they all stop in their tracks as if ordered.

Master Windu and Master Kenobi’s eyes fly up to the royal circle of the arena and I realise that they had in fact been ordered to stop. By the white-haired human dressed in black.

“Master Windu!” The man called out, his voice rallying the attention of all in the arena. “You have fought gallantly. Worthy of recognition in the archives of the Jedi Order. Now…” Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon are brought into our circle by two Geonosian warriors. “It is finished. Surrender and your lives will be spared.”

Master Windu’s voice rang clear and undeniable through the air, “We will not be hostages to be bartered, Dooku!”

Dooku? The man whose bust stood in the Jedi Archives? He is one of the Lost Twenty – the twenty Jedi who had left the Order voluntarily. And now he stood above us all, nearly the entire Order’s fate in his hands.

“Then I’m sorry, old friend,” Dooku says.

Every droid in the arena raises their blaster once more.

So, it has been decided.

“Look!” Padme yells and every eye in the arena follows her gaze. Above the arena, dozens of gunships descend toward us. There are frigates – republic frigates – in the sky.

The Battle of Geonosis was only just beginning.


I loved writing this chapter so much!

Shaak Ti and Corrie finally had a scene together in person! <3 Anakin and Corrie bouncing off of one another! <3 and ofc the action that we all love Star Wars for!

Hope you liked this chapter :)

Chapter 8: The Duel on Geonosis


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Blaster fire poured into the arena from the gunships that lowered themselves down to encircle us. Many droids fell, destroyed, as the gunship doors opened. Master Yoda stood in one of them, a few dozen feet away from me, with three men dressed in white armour. Did we have an army?

“Corrie, with me!” Master Ti’s voice beckoned me onto a gunship with Masters Unduli and Tiin. I ran toward them only for the ground at my feet to erupt. A B2 had sent me flying; my back hits the sand with a thud but I don’t let myself pause for a moment. I rise up once more and use the Force to toss the B2 across the arena. It slams into a column and disappears from sight.

A hand grasps my shoulder and I look up to see Padme at my side. She raises her blaster as I raise my saber and we fight back droids together as we hop onto one of the gunships. As Anakin jumps on behind us, along with Master Kenobi, the gunship ascends out of the arena and away from the droids.

I extinguish my lightsaber. What a battle. I don’t think I have ever stared death in the face so directly as I had in that arena.

“Are you okay?” Anakin’s hand is on my forearm.

I nod slowly. “Master Ti told me she and the Council felt a conflict coming… I can’t help but feel like we have only scratched the surface of what they felt.”

“We’ll be ready for whatever comes,” Anakin said with more certainty than I have ever been able to muster in my entire life.

“Hold on!” Master Kenobi calls as the gunship swerves. We all grab onto the overhead railings as the gunships – our own and those around us – begin shooting at Geonosian ships as well as those belonging to Dooku’s allies.

Anakin points at one of the large structures in the distance, “Aim right above the fuel cells!”

The gunner hears him and shoots photon torpedoes directly at the fuel cells. They explode and the entire structure topples sideward, crushing the droids beneath.

“Good call, my young Padawan,” Obi-Wan says.

From the skies, I notice many of the other gunships descending to the ground and deploying hundreds of troopers wearing the same armour as those I had seen with Master Yoda along with the few dozen Jedi remaining on the planet. Master Fisto’s green saber led the charge of a battalion against a group of B1s and spider droids; Master Mundi and Master Windu each had control of another.

“Padme,” I moved closer to her, trying my very hardest not to fly out of the gunship as it rattled uneasily in the air. “How is your back? Does it still hurt?”

The Nexu she had fought had scratched her back, leaving three long bloody scars that had also torn her shirt.

“I’ll be fine,” She said with a nod. “Thank you, Corrie.”

As I open my mouth to reply, the Force becomes shrouded with such shadow it actually makes me shiver. The sound of a speeder bike tears through the air just as Dooku – riding said speeder – careens past our gunship, flanked by two Geonosian fighters.

“It’s Dooku, shoot him down!” Anakin instructs the pilot.

“We’re out of rockets, sir!”

“Follow him!”

Padme steps forward slightly, “We’re going to need some help.”

Master Kenobi shakes his head, “There isn’t time. Anakin, Corentin and I will handle this.”

Will we? I feel my heart sink. Anakin and Master Kenobi might have been on many grand adventures, probably more than they could count, but I could count mine on my two human hands. And none of them had involved a duel with another lightsaber wielder. Duelling Anakin on Padme’s ship was the closest I’d ever gotten. Now, I am going to fight a former Jedi Master?

I stare ahead. Dooku is trailing through the sand alone. The Force twinges the base of my skull and my eyes widen. “The Geonosian ships are behind us–”

The gunship rattles as the two ships blast at us and hit our rear. Padme and a soldier fall out of the open door and tumble into the sand.

“Padme!” Her name leaves my lips before I can stop it.

“Put the ship down!” Anakin yells.

“Anakin, Corentin! Put your personal feelings aside. The Senator will be okay. We have our mission and that is Dooku!” Master Kenobi stares at both of us until we both let our shoulders slump. He’s right. Padme is capable. She has a soldier with her. We are Jedi. Our mission is not to serve one but the entire galaxy. Bringing Dooku in would make the galaxy a lot safer.

“You’re right, Master.” I say, slowly. My breathing is shaky. “Forgive my moment of weakness.”

“There is nothing to forgive, so long as we complete our mission,” Obi-Wan says, hopping out of the gunship as we reach a docking platform where Dooku had parked his speeder. Anakin jumps out after him. I follow them, once the gunship has lowered itself closer to the platform.

“Scared of heights?” Anakin asks me, a teasing grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

“Scared of falling from them.” I say, pulling out my lightsaber.

Before we can follow Master Kenobi inside the hanger, both of us look toward the gunship. The Force had alerted us of something coming at us… fast.

I reached out with the Force and felt at the space around the soldier who had remained in the gunship with us. I tugged that space forward, thrusting the soldier onto the platform before us just as the gunship was struck to its engines with two plasma bolts from Geonosian fighters. The ship careens into the orange cliffs and is engulfed in even more orange flames. The pilot’s life is claimed.

The soldier stands up, rubbing his head. His helmet had been claimed by the blast but he is otherwise unharmed. The pilot had died but I had saved this soldier. The man had thick eyebrows and deep set eyes. He had bleached blonde hair but black roots beneath.

“Are you okay?” I ask him.

“Fine, thanks to you, sir.” He nods.

“We must go in after Dooku, you stay here and wait for Senator Amidala and any reinforcements that may show up.”

“Yes, sir.”

Anakin and I dash through the archway to follow Master Kenobi. The walls are made of the same brownish-orange rock as the rest of the planet. Every structure had been carved into the mountains, boulders and cliffs to accommodate the Geonosians.

“You’re going to pay for all the Jedi you killed today, Dooku,” Anakin said as the former Jedi came into our vision. Master Kenobi stood opposite Dooku; I opted to stand next to him. Anakin began to circle the former Jedi in slow steps.

Obi-Wan leaned forward, putting his face between Anakin and I as he said, “We’ll take him together. Corrie, merge on his right side; Anakin, go in slowly on the left–”

“I’m taking him now!” Anakin raised his saber and charged forward.

Within an instant, Dooku raised his hand and a barrage of lightning streamed from his finger teams, through the air and wrapped itself around Anakin. It crackled and fizzed in a concoction of sound I’m confident will follow me to sleep tonight, so long as I survive this duel. Anakin twitches and screams before Dooku tosses him aside using the Force.

“Anakin!” My voice echoes.

The Padawan slams into the wall and slides down onto the floor. He’s groaning. He’s alive.

“As you see, Master Kenobi, my Jedi powers are far beyond yours,” Dooku says before turning to face me. “And, as for you, Padawan, I suggest you turn around and find your Master.”

“Master Ti always taught me to value the lives of others. You threaten so many in this galaxy. You must be cast out of it.” I ignite my lightsaber. The bright green blade casts a glow on my face. “I will not stand down.”

Dooku nods, “Very well.” He raises his hands and shoots two more streams of lightning. Both Master Kenobi and I raise our sabers in time to be able to absorb the lightning and stop it striking us. I feel my blade hum with energy as it struggles to defend me from the dark side. Once the lightning subsides, Dooku reaches into his cloak and pulls out a curved lightsaber hilt.

He ignites his saber and a crimson blade emerges. I feel the pull of the dark side of the Force as I watch it radiate its red energy. He’s a Sith. He’s bled his kyber crystal.

Master Kenobi and I look at one another and then nod. I push the Force beneath my feet to propel me left while he goes right. We both strike Dooku’s blade at the same time; green and blue meeting red. He parries the attack and strikes at me. I block it and Master Kenobi spins his blade to pivot Dooku’s. Dooku anticipates this and ducks, bringing his blade beneath ours to strike at our legs. I jump to avoid it while Master Kenobi catches the blade with his own and then jumps off of the boarding ramp of a nearby Geonosian fighter to get some distance between him and Dooku. I too take a step back.

“Master Kenobi, you disappoint me. Qui-Gon always spoke so highly of you.” Dooku darts toward Master Kenobi once more and strikes at him. The two exchange blows, one after another after another.

I hear a groan from across the cave and I extinguish my saber. Anakin. Master Kenobi will be okay duelling Dooku but Anakin is injured. He needs my help.

I cross the cave and kneel beside him. His robes are smoking. His face is contorted in pain. “You’re going to be okay.”

Anakin opens his eyes and they settle on my face, “Corrie… please get out of here. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Not without you,” I say then add, “Or Master Kenobi.”

A scream cuts me off. I turn just in time to see Dooku strike Master Kenobi’s arm and leg, forcing the man to fall to the ground. As I reach for my saber, Dooku holds out his hand and I feel the Force grip the area close to my chest just as he extends his arm. I am sent hurtling into the wall with incredible speed for a short distance. I feel the wind leave my gut and crumble to the ground beside Anakin.

Anakin does not remain on the ground long, however. As I cling to every breath I can draw in, Anakin raises himself to his feet and ignites his blade. At the same time, Dooku has raised his blade to bring down on Master Kenobi. Using the Force, Anakin propels himself between them and blocks the Sith’s attack.

“Brave of you boy, I thought you would have learned your lesson,” Dooku says, exchanging blows with Anakin.

“I am a slow learner.” He replies, catching Master Kenobi’s lightsaber which had been tossed to him by the injured Jedi.

I take deep gulps of breaths and force myself to kneel. I cling to my stomach and rotate my body. Nothing is broken. But it still hurts like anything. I can guarantee the bruise I will have if I make it out of here. Anakin needs my help. Master Kenobi needs my help. I still have my lightsaber, so I pull it out and ignite it. After taking one more breath, I rush into the duel.

As I raise my blade to strike at Dooku, he raises his hand and sends a torrent of lightning at me. It wraps itself around me and I lose all control of my body. My fingers, legs, arms and neck begin to throb and do not listen to my brain’s instructions as they contort in pain. I am propelled backwards and land against Master Kenobi, still twitching as the electricity courses through my body. My eyes begin to falter.

The last thing I see before they close is Dooku’s red blade slicing Anakin’s right arm from his body.


We're so close to the end of AotC now! How are you liking the story? I'm having a blast writing it :)

Chapter 9: Faith


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text


An unfamiliar voice hums between my ears. My eyes are sealed shut. I cannot see anything but an expanse of blackness. And, standing in the middle of it all, a Jedi. A human Jedi clad in turquoise robes with ornate golden clips in his long black hair.

“Hone your skills. Listen to the Force.”

His voice rang in my head but his lips did not move.

I wish I could reply. I do my best to muster words but my mouth cannot move. My vision clouds until the Jedi disappears entirely.

A stream of bubbles fly from my mouth as my eyes dart open. I’m in a bacta tank. My legs flounder for stability then I spot Padme and Anakin’s form in the co*ckpit. We’re on Padme's ship once again. I knock on the glass of the tank, glad to be in good company once again.

Anakin turns his head and, once he sees that I am once again conscious, comes to my side. He drains the tank and then slides the door open. “You look much better.”

I take a breath then the memories come flooding back. Geonosis. Dooku. Anakin’s arm. I pull up Anakin’s sleeve to find it had already been replaced with a cybernetic arm. “By the Force…” I rub my head. The past few days had been incredibly intense. “You’re okay.”

“Better than before,” Anakin smiles, clenching his hand into a fist a few times to prove his point. It moved to his will like flesh. “Dooku really hit you hard with that lightning.”

He had. I’m lucky to have made it out alive.

“Did you and Master Kenobi capture him?” I ask.

“Unfortunately not. Dooku cut off my arm then Master Yoda arrived. The two of them duelled but Dooku escaped… we will get him someday.”

I nod slowly. Seeing Dooku’s red saber had given me quite the start. While there had been a scare regarding the return of the Sith following Master Kenobi’s duel with one during the Battle of Naboo ten years ago, many in the Order thought that they had gone back into hiding. It was far worse than we thought… the Sith had claimed a former Master of the Order. If they could claim a Master, I fear there’s very little they could not do.

“Here,” Anakin hands me my robes and I become very aware of the fact I am only in the bacta-specific briefs that were the only things allowed within the tanks. I quickly adorn the robes and tighten them to my body, doing my best not to shiver. “We’re on route back to Naboo.”

That was the best news I’d heard in a very long time.


We return to Padme’s homeworld at the perfect time. The sun is casting a stunning orange sheen over the water’s surface as it sets over the lake, in perfect view from the parapet of the stronghold we once again inhabited. I had missed this place. It is slightly cold and a little damp but it’s familiar. It’s where I had found Mari Onthello’s journal.

The journal is in my hands as I sit watching the sun set. From the parapet on which I sit, I can see far off into the horizon. I can see the many shores and treelines that trickle into the distance. I can see many species of fauna grazing. The world – this world, at least – feels at peace. A pleasant contrast to my time on both Tatooine and Geonosis.

As a crisp evening breeze cools the bare skin of my torso – which was bare as to allow for the burn marks left by Dooku’s lightning to breathe – I turn my eyes back to Knight Onthello’s journal.

Forgive the tear marks on your pages, journal, I just said goodbye to my Master for the final time – though of course he did not know it. I returned to Coruscant with Dhar so that we could both tell the Council that we planned to remain on Naboo for one more year to help the Naboo finish their stronghold and fight the last of the radical sect of Gungans that remains.

The reality of the matter is that we shall never return to the Temple. Nor to the Order as a whole.

But the Jedi Order could not know that we were alive; that we abandoned them, that their practice was flawed. They would accuse us of tampering with Dark Side exercises and find reason to arrest us. The Light Side of the Force allows attachment, in fact it necessitates it, the Jedi are just too arrogant to see it.

Which is the reason that Dhar and I have had our murder staged.

We instructed Dhar’s loyal astromech, R4-FF, to pilot his starfighter – which we had arrived on Coruscant in – while Dhar and I were flown aboard a Bounty Hunter’s ship to Naboo. On route to the planet, we had the Bounty Hunter shoot down Dhar’s starfighter and send it spiralling to the planet. Just before it hit the surface, we had R4-FF send out a distress signal to Coruscant. They had to know we were in danger. They had to find the wreckage. That was the only way that they would leave us alone.

We paid the Bounty Hunter handsomely by giving him our Jedi Robes, jewellery and a good sharing of credits. Once he had flown away, Dhar and I were free to start our life together.

We return to the stronghold that we had helped build and are welcomed by the Naboo who we had aided.

I put my finger on the page I had been reading and look up at the stars for a long moment. I can’t help but think over and over about one specific line: ‘The Light Side of the Force allows attachment, in fact it necessitates it, the Jedi are just too arrogant to see it’. Mari Onthello had had such thoughts back in the High Republic era, over two hundred years ago. Now, the Jedi were even more clouded than ever. Ever since the appearance of the Sith that slew Obi-Wan’s master a decade ago, the Council is divided with some members being hyper-focussed and paranoid on the emergence of the Sith and ignoring the calls of the Force while the other half refuse to acknowledge there may be a threat. They have stopped listening to the Force as they believe their own judgement is superior. I can understand Mari and Dhar’s disillusionment with the Order.

The Order had become a lot less experimental as those paranoid about the Dark Side believed that anything that even dabbled slightly on a thought that could perhaps for a split second indulge the Dark Side is inherently evil.

I know the Order would not be happy with the feelings in my heart or the thoughts in my head. I consider writing a journal, like Mari Onthello’s, to keep my thoughts and feelings bottled inside but decide against it. Now, even pen and paper isn’t safe. The galaxy is rife with surveillance.

“You’re uneasy,” Anakin’s voice is soft. It comes from the doorway. When I turn to him, I see that he’s leaning against it, looking at me with eyes that aren’t sharp and emotional as they so often are. Instead, they are slightly unfocussed. He’s listening to the Force. Listening to the energy that I am giving off. “Is there anything I can help with?”

I think for a long moment.

Then, I manage, “Sit with me?”

He does so. If he’s as embarrassed by the fact that this is the second time he’s seen me robeless today as I am, he doesn’t show it. Anakin gives off a constant dull hum in the Force when I am near him. It’s not unpleasant, but it’s ever present. When he leaves, I must admit that I find myself missing the white noise. He closes his eyes and I watch his shoulders drop as he eases his body.

“Do you… do you ever question your role in the Order?” I ask. I can’t believe I said it out loud. A Jedi was supposed to be unwavering. A Jedi is supposed to know their place in the galaxy–

“All the time.” Anakin says it so simply. “Are you?”

I swallow. Then I nod. “I don’t feel like I’m supposed to be a Jedi. I’m not great with a lightsaber, as you are, and I struggle to rein in my feelings. I find them running away from me sometimes.”

“I think that’s natural,” Anakin says. “It’s what makes us human… what makes us more than the droids we fought on Geonosis. But you are a kind and compassionate person, Corrie, you’re one of the most thoughtful people I have ever met. If you’re not meant to be a Jedi then I’m not sure that anybody is.”

His words make my chest buzz with life. A warmth spreads through my body that has nothing to do with the diminishing breeze.

“You asked me, back on Padme’s ship when we were on our way to Geonosis, what the book I have been reading is,” I begin, “I told you it’s a journal from a Jedi from a long time ago… and that is true. But there’s more to it.”

At this, Anakin opens his eyes. He turns to face me slightly. “I’m listening.”

“The journal was written by Mari Onthello, a Jedi Knight in the High Republic era. He started writing because he was conflicted in his faith in the Order… because he had feelings for another Jedi Knight.”

He nods. “I can understand the crisis of faith.”

“Attachment is by far the thing that I have struggled most to detach myself from; the Jedi teachings regarding attachment do seem somewhat archaic.” I try to stop myself from frowning as I consider the Order’s principles. If I wasn’t so certain that they were fighting for the good of the galaxy, I would be far more conflicted than I already am.

“Perhaps a little attachment is what makes sure we are loyal to each other, as Jedi. I’m sure Knight Onthello and the Jedi he had feelings for were exceedingly loyal to one another.” Anakin says as one of his fingers rests itself atop of mine.

I look at our fingers for a moment, swallow, then say, “Perhaps a little attachment is key.” I smile, then stand up, picking up Mari Onthello’s journal at the same time. “Goodnight, Padawan Skywalker, I will see you in the morning.”

As I reach the door, I hear Anakin say, “Good night, Corrie.”


And we've officially reached the end of Attack of the Clones! The final scene in this chapter is meant to be the equivalent of Anakin and Padme's marriage in the movie, but I'm taking it a little slower with Corrie and Anakin.

Also, don't worry! I'm not going to be omitting Padme in anyway just because she isn't Ani's wife anymore; she has always been far more than that!

I hope you're liking the story so far, let me know what you think <3

Chapter 10: Seeing Him Smile


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

On our third day of Council-mandated recovery time back on Naboo, Padme insists on doing some Senate work in peace without Anakin and I’s lingering presence in the stronghold. She has sent us to get her a new supply of long-range transmitter components from the market in Theed so that she can keep communicating with Senators Bail Organa and Mon Mothma while her back heals following the injury she sustained on Geonosis.

The sun is pitching down on us when we arrive in Theed and has forced us to remove the cloaks of our Jedi robes. As I peel mine off, I feel it stick to my biceps so it's a relief to get them off.

“Did Padme tell you where exactly we’d find the components she needs?” I ask Anakin as we weave between the stalls that are selling everything from fresh fruit to handcrafted clay pots – just not long-range transmitter parts.

Anakin shakes his head, “She said the stalls tend to change around every week but that they’d be here somewhere. She told us to take our time so she can get her work done, so we might as well enjoy ourselves.”

He hands a woman at one of the stalls a handful of credits and she hands us a tub of Nectofreeze each.

“Anakin, is now really the time for snacks–”

“If now is not the time, I’m not sure there ever will be,” He says, using the tiny spoon we were given in our pots to scoop some into his mouth. “We are on a health-mandated recovery period by orders of the Jedi Council following our injuries sustained on Geonosis. If we do not rest and enjoy our leisure time, we never will.”

“Okay, okay,” I smile and take a bite of my own Necto-Freeze. It does taste incredible. “I’ll let you have this one, this is incredible.”

We continue to meander through the market stalls for a further hour, savouring all kinds of delicacies and learning about various peoples’ cultures. As we walk by one stall, Anakin comes to a halt. There are various holo-screens projecting feeds from all over the galaxy. The one he has his eyes on shows a dozen pod-racers zooming in and out of the frame. The drivers scream in delight as they careen around the next corner or slam their opponent into the wall of a valley.

“Malastare,” I observe, standing beside him. “You ever seen one in real life?”

“I raced in one.”

He did what? A pod-race? I mean, that certainly does align with Anakin’s personality but when has he ever had the time to do so? He’d been in the order for the last decade and before that– “When you were a child?”

A smirk dances its way along his lips; I hate to say it but that arrogant smirk was really starting to grow on me – it was nice to see Anakin not uncertain of himself. “I was nine, yes.” He twirls the end of his Padawan braid between his fingers. “It’s how I won my freedom from Watto back on Tatooine… it’s how I was able to come to the Jedi Temple.”

“In that case, I’m very grateful for the delicate sport of pod-racing.” I say as one of the racers catches alight. “Listen, Anakin, we haven’t had much time to process the last week, what with being whisked from Naboo to Tatooine to Geonosis and back again. Do you want to talk about any of it? Your mother? Losing your arm?”

“I don’t think that Padme’s equipment is at this market, come with me,” Anakin guides us away from the vendor, away from the pod-racing screens, and down a set of marbled stairs that lead out to a sprawling field of yellow flowers.

We walk for a long few minutes, taking in the warm breeze and the scent of the flowers and the brilliance of the sky above us.

Then, at last, Anakin says, “I’m glad you were there. On Tatooine. I think I would have spiralled into my own anger and grief if you hadn’t said what you said to me.”

We reach a patch in the field where the flowers give way to a large boulder. I use the Force to lift myself onto it and take a seat. Anakin sits beside me, his feet dangling over the edge next to mine.

“Sometimes it’s hard to detangle our emotions from who we truly are. We can’t help what we feel… only what we do.” I say, as I feel a dull hum in the Force. It’s coming from Anakin. It’s… comforting. A warm white noise. “The Order says that some feelings must be buried now so that we can learn to combat them in the future.”

“Do you believe that? You mentioned the other night that you’re conflicted on the Jedi teachings about attachment–”

His reminder makes me flinch. I’d been reckless. I’d spoken against the Order. Master Ti would be ashamed. “I misspoke. In a moment of weakness,”

We go quiet for a few minutes, watching a flock of birds emerge from the treeline on the horizon and take off into the air.

“Can you tell me more about Mari Onthello and what’s in his journal?” Anakin asks and I can’t resist it. I can’t resist finally having the space and time and ability to pour out everything that I’d been thinking since I first opened that journal.

“He was stationed on Dantooine during the High Republic era with a fellow Knight named Dhar Naseem. The two of them became disillusioned with the Order because they fell in love. They tried to refrain from their feelings for years but couldn’t deny them. They eventually made a plan to escape the Order together and live out the rest of their lives on a peaceful planet–”

“Naboo,” Anakin said, it wasn’t a question. He felt it, just as I had when we’d arrive at the stronghold. “Did they do it? Did they escape the Order and live on Naboo?”

I nod, “As far as I’ve read, yes. I feel like I’m sneaking readings whenever I can get privacy… I was worried about you finding out before I got to know you properly because I thought you’d be like Master Ti and the rest of the Order and condemn it.”

“I don’t think the things we enjoy should be condemned. We are Protectors of the Peace, if we cannot be rewarded or at least allowed moments of leisure then how are we to keep clear heads?” Anakin makes valid points. I know his influence in this regard, in the eyes of the Order, is bad, but I can’t help but heed his words. They were in my head before he materialised them in speech.

I’d fought in one of the most historic moments in Galactic History; the start of a conflict that had already been dubbed ‘The Clone Wars’. I deserved to keep the journal, to know about these former Jedi who had fled due to feelings so similar to my own. I should be allowed to feel some sense of connection and attachment… it’s what would keep me sane in the coming war, surely.

“Anakin,” Saying his name grounds me amidst all the swirling thoughts in my head. “Will you read a passage from Mari’s journal?” I ask the question before my mind realises that such a thing is exactly what I need. My feelings toward Anakin and how I feel when reading Mari Onthello’s journal are one and the same – they ground me, they make me feel as though I can reach out into the Force and never stop. They make every problem not in my immediate vicinity fade away into the infiniteness of the galaxy, leaving just me and what’s in front of me. Which, in this case, is Anakin Skywalker. “You don’t have to, it was a bit silly of me to ask, really, I just–”

Anakin leans toward me and then slips his hand across me until he’s got it on the journal I’d been holding between my arm and my body. “It’s not silly at all,” He opens the journal to the part I had bookmarked.

“I’m going to close my eyes while you read, is that okay?” I ask.

“Do whatever you would like,” Anakin says and clears his throat. I close my eyes as he starts reading from Mari’s journal. “It’s been two months since Dhar’s ship was found by the Order and the Republic forces that were brought with them. Finally, journal, finally they are leaving. They spent two months interviewing locals, contacting off-world authorities and even communicating with Masters Buck and Mann. But, at last, Dhar and I are alone on this beautiful planet. It’s just us, the wind, the sun and the flowers.”

I smile. If I opened my eyes, it would just be me, the wind, the sun, the flowers and–

I cut my thoughts short.

“I can officially say I’ve never doubted a decision more,” Anakin says, reading Dhar’s words, “But I’ve also never been happier. Seeing Dhar in the clothes he wishes to wear, engaging with the customs of his people and smiling as we laugh, dance and–” I feel Anakin’s hesitation in the Force and don’t need to open my eyes to know his cheeks have turned red. “And make love… nothing makes me happier than to see him happy. And we were not in the Order. Not because we were not meant to be Jedi, not because we utilise the Dark Side or have any desire to see the Jedi usurped but just because the Order has become too narrow-minded in its views on attraction, on freedom, on expression. And now, at last, journal, I can be happy. With him.”

I hear Anakin close the journal but choose to keep my eyes shut for a moment. The Force swirls evenly around me. Anakin takes my hand and lifts it slightly; I wonder if he’s trying to help me get down from the boulder we’re sitting on but he doesn’t. He lifts my hand to his lips and kisses my knuckles. Just gently.

And, against my better judgement, I smile.


When we return from the stronghold, Anakin is contacted by Master Kenobi so I head to the drawing room and find Padme sitting at a desk, typing as she communicates with Mas Amedda via hologram. Amedda nods and his image flickers out and, as he disappears, Padme looks up at me. “No transmitter parts? No matter, I had some spare here anyway,” Her voice is laced with a coy knowing.

I quirk a brow and take a seat opposite her. “You knew that before we left.”

“Perhaps,” Padme smiled and patted my hand. “Oh, the Jedi Temple attempted to contact you earlier today. I told them I’d have you holo back once you returned.” She tapped at the holoprojector and it blinked blue for a few moments.

I shifted the projector so it was in front of me and then cleared my throat, ready for whoever was to answer. To my delight, it was Master Ti. In truth, even though she could be assertive and unwavering at times, she is the Jedi to whom I owe the most and to whom I feel the most personally connected to. She’s my Master.

“Corentin,” She says, and I know it must be official Council business. “Are you recovering well?”

“Yes, Master, thank you, my burns have healed as much as they’re going to and they don’t hurt any more, thanks to Bacta.” I nod, offering a small smile. This is all pretence and I know it. “How is the Council dealing with our new conflict?”

“That is what I’m calling about,” Of course. “The Council and many Republic officials have come together to make the decision that Padawans of a certain skill-level and age will be Knighted so that they too may take on Padawans in the near future and so that the Masters of the Council may see to their war-time duties without delay.”

I nod and then my mouth falls open slightly as I realise what this means. “I am–”

“You are,” Master Ti’s smile is brimming with an emotion I had always tried to elicit from her: pride. “When you return to Coruscant, Corrie, you will be Knighted.”


This chapter made my heart so happy!!
Hope you're enjoying <3

Chapter 11: An Echo in the Force


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

We have only one more night to enjoy the wonders of Naboo before we are ripped back to Coruscant and thrust full force into a war we never asked to be a part of. A war we had inadvertently started. At the same time that I had received my transmission from Master Ti, Anakin had received a similar one from Master Kenobi. That evening, Padme had been contacted by Chancellor Palpatine himself and had been instructed to return to Coruscant at the earliest possible convenience.

So, this morning would be my last on Naboo, it would seem.

My last morning for a long time watching the sun rise in sheens of pink and orange over the shimmering water. My last peaceful moment before who knew how long of war-time mornings. Naturally, I opt to open Mari Onthello’s journal and read a passage.

Well, journal, Dhar and I have been together for a year now on Naboo in peace. No Jedi. No bounty hunters. No disruption. Just one another. The biggest stress we have encountered was when a herd of shaak tried to make a home of our carrot farm. I open myself up to the Force and have actually found myself learning some abilities that the Order had not disclosed. That said, I miss my old Master. I miss the Jedi Council and the wealth of knowledge it holds. I even miss being a part of the Order and that feeling of being part of something bigger.

But, all of that fades when Dhar comes up behind me while I watch the sunrise and wraps his arms around me. Then, journal, I am at peace.

I close the journal and smile out at the water. I sit and drink in everything around me for a moment. The sun. The water. The trees and the fauna in the distance. The cold stone beneath my bare feet. The parapet under my hands. Padme standing in the doorway, something she made a habit of doing while Anakin or I meditated. I think she enjoyed our spirituality in comparison to the cold, corporate world of politics that she inhabited.

“I’d like to thank you, Corrie,” Padme speaks up and I open my eyes to look at her. “For your protection. For your faith in me. For your care for me.” She smiles, “I really do hope this isn’t the last we see of each other.”

I take a step toward her, “Senator–” I stop myself as I take both of her hands in mine, “Padme. In the time we have known each other, you have become one of the people I consider myself closest to already. Your bravery. Your unflinching dedication. Your fierce heart. I admire so much about you.” I lift one of Padme’s hands and kiss it. “The Jedi are… a little strict about attachment and I have conflicted feelings about that but when I am with you, with Anakin, with Master Ti, I feel much more confident about the connections I have.”

“I’m glad I can do that,” Padme squeezed my hands. “Here’s to many more adventures together.”

“Many more,” I agree, releasing her hands and looking out once again at the horizon. The air is cold but not unpleasant. It feels fresh. Like a new start.


That afternoon, we agreed amongst ourselves that we were going to walk the beaches of Naboo’s southern coast. Padme told us that she had come there many times as a child and, if this is to be our last time on the planet for a while, we must experience it.

And, of course, she’s right. It is an essential experience.

The sand is golden and bright white in equal parts, warm beneath our bare feet. The sea ripples against the land in the gentlest fashion, washing away small clumps of seaweed in its peaceful wake. Just as spectacular as the sea, huge cliffs overhung the entire beach. We walked at their feet like ants among gods. It felt good to feel small again. To feel like my influence doesn’t matter; to feel like I’m not a reason the galaxy is currently at war.

“Congratulations on becoming a Knight, by the way,” Anakin’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. We walk side by side along the beach as Padme converses with her Handmaidens, Saché and Yané, just ahead. “I feel like time has brushed by so quickly since Geonosis that we haven’t much time to celebrate.”

I nod, “It has,” I smile and look at Anakin. I look at his Padawan braid, and then my own, and realise for the first time that soon they will be removed from us. “Congratulations to you, as well, Anakin, you have truly earned the rank of Knight. I’m honestly surprised they never Knighted you before.”

“Obi-Wan told me that anyone who fought at Geonosis is getting Knighted,” He has his hands behind his back and is clutching the wrist of his prosthetic hand. He’s still getting used to it. “Apparently we’re going to have a ceremony with D'urban Wen-Hurd and a few other padawans I’ve met in a few weeks' time.”

“Sounds delightful,” I chuckle. He does too. “I’ve never been one for ceremonies.”

Anakin quirks a brow at me, there’s a grin on his face that I’ve come to realise is synonymous with mischief. “Really?” He asks. “I bet you look great in formal robes.”

I laugh at this and try to ignore how getting complimented by him has made my stomach feel warmer than my skin under the Naboo sun. “Well, that remains to be seen.” We walk for a few more moments before I say, “Are you… are you worried about the war?”

It takes Anakin a few seconds to formulate a response. I feel his uncertainty in the Force. Not just uncertainty in his feelings about the war but uncertainty about… his place in the galaxy. The role he would play going forward. I almost hear his response through the Force before I hear the words leave his lips, “I am worried, yes, but not because I’m afraid to die. Or because conflict scares me. I’ve been around conflict, war and death since I was a boy. That’s familiar to me. What’s newer to me – and scarier to me – is having people I care about so deeply fighting beside me. You. Padme. Obi-Wan. I’m scared of losing you all.”

I know what he means. It’s how I feel too. Fighting Battle droids didn’t scare me. Getting knocked out by Mandalorian Bounty Hunters didn’t scare me. Hell, even coming face to face with Dooku doesn’t scare me. What frightens every midichlorian from my body, however, is the idea of standing alongside Anakin or Padme or Master Ti in battle and watching one of them fall. Watching the life drain from their eyes and, even worse, feel their presence in the Force diminish.

“We’ll fight together. We’ll protect one another. We’ll stop that from happening,” I assure him. “After all,” I smirk, “You promised to make sure I’d never get killed before Geonosis ever happened.”

Anakin looks at me, his eyes just as serious as he had been back on Padme’s ship all that time ago, “And I’m going to keep that promise.”

“Then let me make a promise too,” I tell him and we stop in our tracks to face one another. “I promise that so long as I am with you, I will help you to not feel alone. To not feel sad or scared or worried.”

Anakin holds my gaze. His eyes are slightly cloudy. His expression is unreadable to me for a rare moment. “Corrie…”

A blaster bolt rips through the air.

Both Anakin and I draw our sabers and ignite them, equal beams of blue and green bursting into being. We rush forward as Yané falls forward into the sand. I can hear her groaning in pain which is, ultimately, a good sign. She’s still alive. The shot had burned through the right shoulder of her dress and left a blistering mark on her skin but a little bacta would heal her with little more than a scar. What worried me is what another shot could do.

“Where’d that come from?” I ask, spinning on my heel and scanning the cliffs.

“There!” Anakin yells, already running forward to the space where he had pointed to. On a distant cliff, a figure stands up and begins to run further into the distance. The two of us take off across the sand to pursue the assassin. I immediately regret not having brought my shoes with me as, when we reach the cliff edge, stones begin to cut into my feet. “How are we going to get up there?”

I look around, trying to find an answer to Anakin’s question. When I can’t find one physically, I close my eyes and listen to the sound of the distant waves. Of Anakin’s breathing. Then I see it.

You’re listening. Good. Listen more closely. We don’t have much time–

I open my eyes and turn to Anakin, “Both of us aren’t going to make it up there in time to capture the assassin, so…” I extinguish my lightsaber and take a step back. Anakin raised a brow at me.

“Corrie, what are you–”

Before he can finish his question, I extend both of my hands and reach around Anakin with the Force. I hoist him into the air and lift his body up the edge of the cliff until he is right at the top. Once his feet are firmly on the ground, many meters above me, I release him. In an instant, he is running off to catch the assassin. I turn back to return to Padme and her Handmaidens and to see how Yané is when I feel a hum between my ears. It stops me in my tracks. It’s like a violin string has been plucked inside of my head.

Corrie,” A voice says behind me.

I turn around to face its owner and find the form of a Jedi before me. The same Jedi I had seen during my vision while in the bacta tank on Padme’s ship following the Battle of Geonosis. The human Jedi with blue robes and golden clips in his long black hair. The edges of his body blurred into the surroundings and some detailing on his robes were lost but there was no doubting his presence before me.

“Who are you?” I ask, putting my hand on the hilt of my saber. No Jedi wore those colour robes.

Corrie,” The Jedi says again. His voice is soft and sweet yet rich; it’s silky like honey. “Force Dyads, Corrie. You need to learn. We are one. You need to listen.

“Corrie!” Padme’s voice forces me to turn around. I feel like the tightrope I had been walking had been snapped as her voice meets my ears. When I turn back to see the Jedi, he is no longer there. “Corrie, help us!”

I can’t think of it anymore. Not when Padme needs my help. I take my hand off of my saber hilt and run back across the sand to the Senator and her Handmaidens. They have helped her to stand but hand her over to me the moment I get there. I keep her upright as she groans in pain. “You’ll be okay. It looks like it passed right through your shoulder. Stings like stepping on a Felucian toad now but a dip in bacta and you’ll be okay.”

“Anakin went after the assassin?” Padme asked me. She had a blaster in her hand. In which fold of the dress she wore she kept such a weapon I did not know.

“He did, yeah,” I nod and look up at the cliffs to see if he was safe.

“Looking for someone?” I turn and see Anakin coming toward us, a thin smile on his lips. If I weren’t holding Yané, I would have ran up and hugged him.

Padme frowned, “Where’s the assassin?”

“Dead. He had a suicide shocker. Used it before I could question him.” Anakin said, clenching his fists. “But, he was Neimodian. I have no doubt that Viceroy Gunray hired him.”

“We don’t have proof. We only have proof that Gunray was there on Geonosis but that was a political move, not one that can be pinned to wanting to murder Padme, even though we all know he wants to,” I point out. Gunray’s actions are equally obvious and cleverly disguised. It’s how he managed to remain Viceroy of the Trade Federation for over a decade. “I suggest we keep our eyes open for more assassins but inform the Council and the Naboo guard of what’s happened here.”

Though the assassin is dead, I can’t help but feel like a much larger scheme is at play. Bigger than one rogue assassin or a pissed off Viceroy. Bigger even than the Clone War.


This chapter was SO much fun to write. Fleshing out Corrie's relationships with Anakin and Padme is just such a delight.

I hope you enjoyed; tell me what you think so far! <3

Chapter 12: Conflicting Emotions

Chapter Text

We were taken back to Coruscant the next day on a small Consular-class cruiser. We are escorted by a squadron of Clone Troopers who, we had now been informed, were an army of human soldiers designed and created for the Galactic Republic at the behest of some Jedi from about a decade ago. To make matters even more convoluted, the Clones’ template was the Bounty Hunter, Jango Fett, who had captured us on Geonosis. Now, they were the Republic’s army, fighting against Dooku’s Separatist movement. Strangest of all, they called Anakin and I ‘General Skywalker’ and ‘General Carnathan’ despite the fact the Jedi held no military position. The galaxy was in a strange point of transition, that was for sure.


Over two weeks have passed since our return to Coruscant and the way of life that I was more accustomed to prior to my trip to Naboo. Well, it was a slightly messier way of life now that the Clone War had begun, but it was much more familiar at the very least. While it was pleasing to be back in my quarters in the Jedi Temple and to see Master Ti far more frequently again (I had missed our meditation sessions especially), I yearned for three things. The first was to see Padme every day once more. Her presence alone had become a comfort to me. She was the dearest friend I felt I had and felt I could talk to with such ease. Second was the Naboo sunrise. Never had I felt such tranquillity as when I sat, watching the water reflect the decadent colours of the planet’s rising sun. Third and, confusingly, the thing I missed the most was the constant presence of one Anakin Skywalker. Without my knowing or accord, he has quickly rooted himself as an essential part of my being and someone I feel I need to see frequently if I am to feel comfortable. Of anyone in the galaxy, I found him the easiest to talk to. I found him the one place I could guarantee I would smile.

My meditation is interrupted by the sound of the doors sliding open as someone walks in. I open one eye and see Master Ti with her hands behind her back, her eyes closed as she walks in. She’s reading the Force. Reading what I am giving off. I immediately try to take my mind anywhere but Anakin. I think of the next strongest emotion I can muster – one that the Jedi Order allows for me to feel – which is fear. I think of Geonosis. I think of Dooku. I think of the red blade. I think of the blaster bolt that struck Yané and how easily it could have killed her, Padme or Anakin.

“The war troubles you,” Shaak Ti says, sitting down on the cushioned seat opposite me. “What part in particular?”

I take a breath and open both of my eyes. The time for meditation has passed. I am still a Padawan, not yet a Knight, and Shaak Ti is still my Master. And she has yet more wisdom for me to heed. I do not fight her. “I’m not worried about fighting, if it comes to that, I’m worried about what the war will claim. I’m worried for the people that may be lost. I’m worried that you and others I care for will fall.”

“I care for you too, Corrie,” Master Ti tells me, a gentle smile on her face. She knows what to say every single time. How to ease my mind. How to dampen the Force’s sometimes confusing noise. “But I do not fear you falling in battle. I did not on Geonosis. I do not now. I would give time to mourn you, yes, I would, it would affect me terribly but you, or anyone, dying is the will of the Force. It is the way of the galaxy. We cannot fight it nor should we ever pretend we are able to.”

I nod slowly. Her words do not sting me as I thought they might. She tells me that my death would not inhibit her ability to make decisions as a Jedi. But that doesn’t mean she doesn’t care about me. Attachment can exist in the Order so long as it does not impact our decision making in the heat of the moment. I begin to feel a little better about my feelings towards Padme, and towards Anakin.

“That… that has really helped clear my mind, thank you, Master,” I give her a smile. “Can I ask you one thing?”

“Please, ask anything, little time remains before you are a Knight and your questions are no longer my problem,” Shaak Ti winks at me and I can’t hold back a laugh. We share it in a moment that makes the Force glow warm in my chest.

I choose my words carefully, “I know attachment within the Order, attachment that may inhibit our senses and rationality, is forbidden, but times of extreme emotional turbulence can upend this at times. I’m worried my emotions may cloud my judgement during this conflict.” I take a breath, “Can you advise me on how I can separate my emotions from my actions? How can I separate what I feel from what needs to be done?”

Master Ti nods slowly as I speak, her movements deliberate. I beg the Force that she does not know the true origin of the reasoning for my questions. That these aren’t hypotheticals but rather emotions I am currently finding myself experiencing. “I understand your questions, Corrie, you must remember that a Jedi’s actions are what matters. Conflicting feelings arise in us all. It is best to release them in a safe environment – such as using a training mannequin or breaking a boulder with the Force – than to carry them with us into a situation where it would be better for us to not be experiencing them.”

Release my conflicting emotions in a safe environment. Something to think on.


Following my chat with Master Ti, I realise how good it will feel to swing my lightsaber against a training dummy. It’s all been such a rush. Ever since I had been assigned to protect Padme, I had been flown from one conflict to the next with only a few short moments to reflect on how I felt about it all. Strangely enough, gratitude was a very strong emotion I tied to the events. Without them, I would not have met Anakin or Padme or visited my new favourite planet in the galaxy.

A group of Jedi walk in as I hack at the training dummy and spare me very little of their attention. Except for the last two. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker.

I nearly drop my lightsaber. In the nearly three weeks since we had returned to Coruscant, I had not seen Anakin. Both of us had been sent on various small missions already, mainly escorting duties, and our times at the Temple had yet to overlap. When he sees me, he smiles. Obi-Wan gives him a glance before nodding his head at me.

“Master Kenobi,” I extinguish my saber and walk towards them. I do my best to adopt the formalities that I don’t exactly find to be synonymous with Anakin, due to his master’s presence. “Padawan Skywalker.”

“Soon to be Knight, much like yourself, Padawan Carnathan,” Hearing Anakin say my name in such a way is odd but I don’t hate it.

“Indeed,” I suppress my smile. It was oddly exhilarating pretending that we didn’t have a connection. That we hadn’t had these exact conversations but far deeper, far more emotionally rich, weeks before. Worried that Master Kenobi will sense something, I turn my attention to him, “Master Kenobi, I heard about your appointment to the Council, congratulations.”

“Thank you, Corrie,” Obi-Wan nodded, “A temporary affair, for the time being, it’s hard for the Council to settle with any permanence with the state of the galaxy at the moment.”

“Of course,” I attach my lightsaber hilt back to my belt. “Can I help you both at all?”

“That you can,” Obi-Wan said, his hands in his sleeves, “The Council has quietly decided that soon-to-be-Knights must become better trained with their lightsabers as there have been reports and incidents across the galaxy in the last few weeks of… lightsaber trained agents working for the Separatist alliance. We need our Jedi Knights to be ready for anything they may face as peacekeepers and diplomats when on missions on behalf of the Republic.”

The Separatists have lightsaber users? Has Dooku trained them? I shudder at the thought. The last thing I want to encounter while on escorting duty is a red lightsaber.

“Understood, Master,” I swallow. “So you’re here to teach Padawan Skywalker and myself?”

Obi-Wan shifts on his feet, “No, I have Council business to attend to. Rather, Anakin is here to train you,” He said, “I read both of your reports about the events preceding the Battle of Geonosis. He trained you; he has seen more combat missions than most. Anakin is one of the best lightsaber users in the Order, though I don’t like to inflate his ego, you will be able to gain much from him.” He turns to his Padawan. “And I hope that you may learn some decorum from Padawan Carnathan.” Obi-Wan bows at the both of us. “May the Force be with you, Padawans.”

“And with you, Master,” I say as Obi-Wan leaves the training room.

The moment the door shuts, I rush forward. Anakin matches my speed and our arms are around one another in an instant.

“Thank the Light, you’re okay,” I said into his shoulder. “I heard you’d run into some trouble above Trandosha.”

“Nothing I can’t handle,” Anakin says, his hands rubbing my back in a soothing motion. We pulled back from one another and suddenly seemed to gauge the extent of our emotions in the moment. Both of us took a step back. “How have your missions been?”

I shrug, “Undramatic. Which was honestly needed after all that time with you.”

We share a grin. Then, we share a laugh.

“Ready to teach me your ways, Skywalker?”

A spark ignited in Anakin’s eyes, “Any day of the week, Carnathan.”

We ignited our blades and they collided and I think maybe I will be able to quiet my feelings if I release them like this. Maybe my feelings for Naboo, for Master Ti, for Padme, and for Anakin will pass if I will them to pass.

Chapter 13: Padawan Braids & Knighthood


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Today is the day. In just a few short hours, I will no longer be a Padawan.

I will be a Jedi Knight.

Many Jedi before me had to undergo a series of Trials in order to become a Knight, however, my generation of Padawans were deemed ready for Knighthood following the Battle of Geonosis which, I would agree, was trial enough.

Just a few steps are left to be taken before I am a Padawan no more. The first of which, I am struggling to take. I’m standing in front of my mirror in my apartment in the Temple, a small silver blade in my hand. I’m not quite sure why I’m finding this to be such a challenge. I’m so excited to be a Knight and yet the feeling of cutting away this last part of my childhood and young adulthood feels extremely daunting.

Swallowing deeply, I take my Padawan braid between my fingers and pull it taught. With my other hand, I slice it from my hair. It takes a few cuts and a little bit of wiggling the blade to free it, however, soon it is in my hand. Twelve inches of braided hair coiled in my palm. This was my life. It was everything I had worked towards and earned. And now it is time to reap the rewards and continue to prove myself worthy.

I step out of my bathroom and smile at Padme who is sitting in my living area. She’s dressed in an ornate blue gown with a gold netted headpiece encompassing her hair.

“You did it,” Padme stands up and crosses the room. Her arms are around my shoulders in a moment. “I’m so proud of you, Corrie.”

“Thank you, Senator,” I say into her neck, holding her close. “I couldn’t have done this without you. I followed you into my Trial. So, thank you, Padme.”

Padme pulls back and considers my face for a moment before shaking her head in amusem*nt, “This was all a product of your hard work, my wonderful Jedi friend, but I accept your gratitude nonetheless.”

As Padme returns to her seat so we may quickly catch up before she is whisked away into the world of politics once more, I look at the braid in my hand. I know that in his own apartment, perhaps accompanied by Obi-Wan, Anakin has cut his braid too. I wonder how he looks without it.


The official ceremony is taking place in the courtyard of the Jedi Temple, beneath the winding branches of the Great Tree. The very same place where I had spent hours upon hours mastering my skills with a lightsaber with Master Sinube and days upon days training my mind to attune to the Force with Master Ti.

There are many people of note in attendance at our Knighting. Master Windu is leading proceedings, his firm eyes ensuring all of us know the responsibility that we are about to take on, with Master Yoda, Kenobi and many others I do not recognise also in attendance. They are the Masters of the Padawans who are standing alongside me getting Knighted. And, standing alongside them is Master Ti, her expression cool and neutral but a warm energy emitting from her within the Force.

As Master Windu speaks, I look down the line of prospective Knights and bite my lip to stop myself from smiling. Anakin stands a few people away from me, his hair slightly longer than it had been when we had left Naboo but now missing his Padawan braid. He is touching the back of his head like he is still unused to its absence, something I had found myself doing on the walk here.

He catches my eye and we share a smile.

“You are now Jedi Knights,” Master Windu says, pacing the length of the courtyard in front of us. “You are examples that the galaxy looks to. Your successes will carry through the Republic and beyond. As will your mistakes. Your choices will matter in helping the Order maintain peace in a time of discord. The Younglings will look up to you for guidance. Some of you will receive Padawans of your own.”

Master Windu’s words made me pause. Of course. I would take on a Padawan at some point in the future; sooner rather than later. The rushed nature of this experience dawns on me as I consider the prospect of helping a young Jedi the way Master Ti has helped me. I don’t feel ready for such a task. I don’t feel capable of it.

“We are at war,” Master Windu continued. “But we are Keepers of the Peace. We are Jedi. The Republic needs us more than ever, which means our faith in the Force, our connection to the Force, must never waver. It is your time to serve the galaxy and the Republic,” I frown ever so slightly. My duty is to the Force and the Jedi Order. Not the Republic. When did becoming a Jedi Knight become an invitation to become involved in political galactic affairs? Master Windu stopped his pacing in front of us and gave each of us a nod in turn. “May the Force be with you.”

And there it is.

I, Corrie Carnathan, am a Jedi Knight.

As Master Windu stepped away from us and joined Master Yoda in conversation, Master Kenobi took a step forward and drew our attention.

“Well, it appears our guests are a little late,” Obi-Wan says, looking to the entrance of the courtyard as though they may appear upon his wishing so. The Chancellor and a handful of other important Republic figures were supposed to attend each Knight ceremony but Palpatine and his advisors had been noticeably absent.

As Obi-Wan continued to speak, I made my way over to Anakin to congratulate him when Palpatine made his appearance as a large hologram blasted against the back wall of the courtyard. His brows were creased, the edges of his lips curving down. “Master Yoda. Master Windu,” The Chancellor began. “I have urgent news that is sure to impact the war effort; Cato Neimoidia has been bombed.”

There were very few physical reactions from any of the Masters present, however, the Force shifted drastically. It went from warmth to an edge of shadow in an instant, the moment the Chancellor had appeared with his news.

Master Yoda is, of course, the quickest to recover. He taps his cane, commanding the attention of all in the courtyard. “A discussion for the Padawans and Younglings, this is not.” He looks to me and a newly dubbed Tholothian Knight named D'urban Wen-Hurd. “Take them back to practise, you will.”

I nod quickly as D’urban and I place our hands on the backs of many Padawans and Younglings and guide them out of the courtyard and back into the Temple. A few Younglings ask me questions that I cannot process the answers to myself, yet alone offer them to a child. In one fell swoop, I had become a Jedi Knight – the greatest honour I could hope to achieve – and then learned of a potential terrorist attack on a neutral world.

The galaxy was in a constant state of change at the moment.


Once I have safely guided the Padawans back to their lessons without anyone losing any limbs, I let out a sigh of relief and walk through the Temple corridors, deciding to head to the Archive. As I make my way down a set of stairs, I feel a radiating presence in the Force and stop in my tracks. It’s extremely familiar to me.

“Congratulations, Knight Carnathan,” Anakin falls into stride alongside me. I smile at my feet. “A Jedi Knight. You earned this.”

I give him a glance, “As did you, Knight Skywalker.”

“Come,” Anakin places his new cybernetic hand on my arm and guides me down the stairs and into an empty training room. Once we’re there and the doors slide closed, he wraps his arms around my shoulders. “I’m so proud of you, Corrie!”

“I’m so proud of you too,” I tell him, my chest glowing with warmth as I smile into the shoulder of his robes. “I bet that nine-year-old boy on Tatooine would be shocked to see how his life is turning out, huh?”

The newly anointed Knight took a seat on one of the benches in the room and looked up at me with a distant expression on his face but a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “Yeah, yeah, he really would,” His eyes came back to me. “How about that Padawan from just a few months ago who had only seen a few minutes of combat in his entire life? How’s he feeling now that he was a part of the first battle of a galaxy-wide conflict?”

I laugh, casting my eyes out of the window. I found it hard to look at Anakin for too long sometimes. His smile had a way of making me say too much; or feel too much.

“He’s feeling quite overwhelmed,” I admit, taking a seat opposite Anakin. “I went from barely seeing anything happen off of Coruscant to being whisked from world to world to protect diplomats, Senators and politicians of every kind in a war we helped to start.” I wring my hands together, “It’s all a lot to process.”

Anakin nods, “It is. It’s taken me a while to process everything going on too. Especially after losing my arm.” He pauses to clench and unclench his fist, as if to check if it was still working. “Everything going on… it’s made me evaluate what I hold close to me. What I care for. What I believe.” He fiddles with the inside of his robe and then produces a small pouch, “I got you something.”

I raise a brow. He got me something? I know Anakin’s somewhat of a rule breaker by Jedi standards but physical possessions is one of the most enforced rules within the Order. We are only to have the clothes we need to be warm and show our affliction, the food and water we need to survive and the lightsaber we carry as an extension of ourselves. Anything else can be exploited.

Anakin hands me the pouch and I hold it in my palm.

“I believe in you, Corrie,” Anakin said simply, “I believe in the promises we make to one another. I believe that we, after all we have been through, are connected. And I believe that our futures are intertwined too.”

I pull open the drawstring of the pouch and a gasp slips from me before I can stop it.

Anakin’s Padawan braid.

“I want you to have a part of me, wherever in the galaxy you are, so you know I will come to your side in an instant. No matter what.” Anakin says, his voice calm and flat. I’ve seen him in flashes of red anger; in moments of sunny tranquillity; this calmness is unusual for him. It's a complete certainty. He does not doubt our connection, or his giving me his Padawan braid, for a single moment.

I wish I had kept mine on me; it is still back at my apartment.

“Anakin,” I can’t muster any words. What words are there? He has given me his childhood, his adolescence, his hopes and dreams and fears. He’s given me everything he had done up until this point and promised more beyond it. I hold the pouch to my chest. “Thank you.”


Mace's speech is taken from Mike Chen's canon novel 'Brotherhood'. The next few chapters will be taking place concurrently with Brotherhood as Anakin & Obi-Wan investigate Cato Neimoidia while Corrie does some other bits (I have some great stuff planned!).

I hope you enjoyed this chapter; let me know what you think :)

Chapter 14: A Parting Gift


Cato Neimoidia bombed! The Separatists and Republic scramble to aid the Neimoidian nation, hoping to gain their favour. Send on the behalf of the Republic is Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Meanwhile, Anakin Skywalker struggles to not support his former Master while saying goodbye to fellow Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan who has been assigned a group of Younglings to escort to the desolate planet of Ilum...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I answer summons from Grand Master Yoda himself the next day and promptly arrive at his meditation chambers in the early morning. He is sitting on one of the padded seats, his legs crossed, his hands in his lap and his eyes closed. I know instantly that he is able to read every thought I think and every emotion I feel, even before I know I’m feeling them. My awe of Master Yoda has never wavered, not once since my arrival at the Temple seventeen years ago.

“Master,” I say, not too loudly as I’m unsure whether he’s currently in a state of meditation.

Master Yoda’s eyes open immediately and he smiles upon me, “Knight Carnathan, pleased to see you, I am. Congratulate you for your achievements, I must.”

I bow slightly, “Thank you, Master Yoda, it’s an honour to finally be a Knight.”

“Honour indeed!” He sits up. “Take up the first responsibility in your new role, you must now.”

A Knight worthy responsibility? My interest piqued. I took a seat opposite the Grand Master and put my hands in my lap. “I’m ready, Master.”

Yoda nods, “A group of Younglings, Knight Skywalker is teaching now. To Ilum, under your guidance, they must go. Relieve your friend of the Younglings, your mission is.” The Grand Master let out a series of giggles I would not typically associate with a high ranking Jedi but it caused a welcome warm ripple in the Force so I couldn’t help but join in.

“Understand, Master, thank you.” I stand up and bid farewell to Yoda.

When I arrive at the training room where Anakin is teaching a group of Younglings, I am greeted by the most amusing sight. Anakin is standing at the centre of the room with a semi-circle of tiny prospective Jedi in front of him. All of them are holding practice lightsabers and are chattering excitedly. As I lean against the doorway, I catch a few of their questions to the newly-anointed Knight including, “Can we touch your lightsaber?”, “Is it true you fought a Sith mech on Geonosis?, and, “How come people call you the Chosen One?”.

“I believe it’s because he’s been ‘chosen’, by the Force, to be the biggest pain in all of our backsides,” I say, finally stepping into the room with a grin plastered on my face. The Younglings look at me as I enter; with them faced away, Anakin smiles at me.

“Younglings, may I introduce Jedi Knight Corentin Carnathan,” Anakin says, his eyes twinkling in a familiar fashion. “Knight Carnathan here was with me on Geonosis, as I’m sure you all heard about.” He tosses his lightsaber hilt in the air and catches it again, “How can we help you this afternoon, Corrie?”

I adjust the front of my robes, “I’m actually here to take the Younglings off of your hands; they’re going on a very special excursion.” As soon as I say that, all of the Younglings’ eyes light up and smiles erupt onto their faces. They know exactly where we are going. “Younglings, collect some warm clothes from Master Nu in the Archives and meet me in the courtyard in ten minutes; I will see you there.”

With that, every single of one of them scarpers out of the door. I remember being just as excited when I had gone to Ilum to construct my saber. It’s a formative day in a Jedi’s life – one I’m honoured I get to partake in for these Younglings.

“You’re going to Ilum?” Anakin asks, clipping his lightsaber hilt back to his belt. “I guess we’re destined not to be in the same place at the same time for long.”

I chuckle and look at my feet, “I guess not.” I collect up the training sabers left behind by the Younglings. “Padme’s still here, at least, you still have her.”

“That is a welcome thing,” Anakin nods. “But I find your presence to put me at ease most… especially since the war started.”

I sit down opposite Anakin for a moment, twirling a training saber in my hand. “I know what you mean…” I think for a moment, “I think the rule of attachment can be tweaked, just a little, in times of war… in times of such intense emotional duress, wouldn’t you agree?”

“It’s good to have someone to rely on. Someone whose faith in me isn’t tied to some idea of me being ‘The Chosen One’.” Anakin said, clasping his hands together. “I’m glad that person, for me, is you.”

The Force is alight. I feel it simmering, sparking, in the few feet of distance between us. “I’ll be taking your braid with me to Ilum. You shall be at my side.”

“I’ll be going to Cato Neimodia. Master Obi-Wan went there this morning but I’m sensing he’s already gotten himself into some trouble.” Anakin chuckled softly.

Now is the time. If not now, I may as well just burn it. I pull my Padawan Braid out of my cloak. “In that case, Knight Skywalker, I believe you should have this. As a symbol of our being apart in body but together in… heart?”

“Together in the Force,” Anakin says, much more certainly as he takes the braid from my palm. We both stand and, due to how close the benches were, are only a foot away from one another. His organic hand clutches my braid but his prosthetic is on my upper arm. “This means a lot to me, thank you, Corrie.”

I swallow. I feel if I don’t move soon I may do something I may regret, “My pleasure, Ani.” Ani? Where had that come from? I believe I’ve heard Padme call him that once, but they have known each other for a decade. I haven’t even known him for six months yet here I am coming with nicknames.

Anakin is equally as surprised as I am by the nickname, as he tilts his head and a mischievous smile tugs the right corner of his lips, “Ani?” He chuckles.

“Would you prefer ‘General Skywalker’?” I ask, my cheeks flushed.

Anakin takes a step forward, his hand still on my arm, and I swear we can’t get any closer. “Good luck on Ilum, General Carnathan.”

“And you on Cato Neimoidia, General Skywalker,” I feel us drifting closer and closer and I can feel his breath on my lips when–

He pulls away; his Force sensitivity detects the incoming presence before I could.

Anakin coughs into his hand and takes another step back as a Clone walks into the room, holding his helmet under his arm. He has short, cropped hair that has been dyed bright pink, and has a tattoo of a flower under his right eye.

“Pardon me, Generals,” The Clone says, nodding at us. “Master Yoda told me I’d find General Carnathan here.”

I take a shaky breath, barely able to comprehend what had just happened. “And here you have found me,” I offer him a smile. “What’s your name?”

“Rose, sir, Commander Rose.” He salutes me. “My company has been assigned to you, General Carnathan, for the duration of this war. Our first mission will be to escort you to Ilum with the Younglings.”

“Jedi Generals…” Anakin whispers.

“Right you are, Commander Rose,” I adjust my robes and give Anakin a nod, “Good luck, Ani.”

“May the Force be with you, Corrie,” Anakin says as I leave the room with Rose.

The two of us walk in parallel down the corridors of the Temple. As we walk, and the high adrenaline levels of my conversation with Anakin begin to wear off, the meaning of his words begin to sink in. He and his company had been assigned to me for the duration of the war. I was to be a general in the Clone War. I was to lead soldiers. I’ve barely been alive for two decades! I’m not trained enough to lead or command. I’ve been in one battle during which I was knocked out by a bounty hunter, nearly killed by a cannon and then electrocuted by a Sith. But the Clones, reportedly, had been bred specifically for the war. To fight for the Republic. But they were still people. They must be scared too.

“Were you at Geonosis, Rose?” I find myself asking.

“I was, Sir.” Rose says with a sharp nod. “Actually, you saved my life that day.” I turn to face him and it suddenly clicks. “I was–”

“You were in the Gunship that Anakin, Padme and I were on when we were chasing after Dooku.” I nod. “I pulled you from it just before the Geonosians downed the ship.”

“You did, sir.” Rose smiles. “I actually requested that I serve you.”

I tilt my head, “You did?”

“Yes, sir.” He turns and faces me now too. “Do you remember the first thing you said to me after saving me from the gunship?”

I shake my head. I have no recollection. All I remember was running in to confront Dooku.

“You didn’t give me orders; you asked me if I was okay.” Rose says and I feel my stomach warm. “From that moment, I knew I wanted to serve you, to serve someone that I knew would value my life and the lives of my brothers.”

I place my hand on Rose’s shoulders, “That I do, Commander,” I smile. “Now, let’s see how well we fare on a ship full of excitable Younglings.”


One amusing thing that has occurred on our trip to Ilum is that the Younglings have dubbed me ‘Master Carnathan’ or ‘Master Corrie’ meaning that, in the last week, I have been a Padawan, a Knight, a General and a Master. Very impressive. Luckily, the Younglings are all easily entertained. I teach them how to properly handle a lightsaber by showing off my own green blade and allowing each of them to hold it and feel its balance in their own hands.

“Another key aspect to being a Jedi Knight,” I say to the crowd of Younglings whose attention I had managed to wrangle by showing them my saber, “Is the ability to feel the living Force. To not just move objects with it and use the Force but to truly connect to the Force and… almost communicate with it.”

“How do we do that?” A Nautolan girl asks.

“Is that how Master Skywalker managed to kill the Sith sky demon?” Chimes in a Zabrak boy, throwing up his fist in excitement.

I chuckle, “To my knowledge, Master Skywalker hasn’t found any Sith sky demons,” I twirl my lightsaber between my fingers, “But, something both he and I are good at doing is sitting and meditating. By listening to the Force, you can allow it to guide you. You can allow the will of the Force to illuminate the path… which is exactly what you will do on Ilum when you are trying to find the perfect Kyber crystal for you. Let’s practise, shall we?”

“Meditating? That’s boring !” A Roonan Youngling groans.

“Right? We should practise with lightsabers more!” A small Pau’an girl nods.

“It’s not boring, it’s what you need to do to find your crystal.” I smile. “It just takes a little patience. Everyone, close your eyes. And listen. Not to the hum of the engines of this ship, not to each other's breathing. Block out the noise of the physical environment around you. And listen to the Force. Feel it guide you.”

Once the Younglings finally all close their eyes and give it a go, I decide to join them. My conversation with Anakin had unsettled me. We’d gotten so close. His breath had been on my lips. I felt us drawing closer and closer together. If Commander Rose hadn’t entered… what would we have done? I just needed to listen to the Force, to let it guide me, as I had told the Younglings.

I tune out the sound of the Younglings’ breathing and let out a deep breath of my own.

And I open my eyes and find the blue-robed Jedi standing among the Younglings.

“Who are you?” I ask. “Why are you in my visions?”

“You haven’t heeded my words yet, have you?” His image flickers and blends into the background. “You need to research Force Dyads. It’s the only way our connection will get stronger.”

“What connection do we have? I don’t even know who you are! Tell me where to find you!”

“You will find me in the Force, as you have already, Corrie.” The Jedi smiles. “You’ll realise soon enough.”

I open my eyes and find the blue-robed Jedi gone. The Younglings still meditating but Commander Rose standing in the entryway of the room that we occupy on the cruiser. “Pardon the interruption, General, Younglings, but we are entering Ilum’s atmosphere now.”


I wanted to try out an opening narration style similar to those that are spoken by Tom Kane in the intros to each CLONE WARS episode since we are now in the Clone Wars era, let me know what you think!!

Also, I'm loving writing Corrie interacting with different characters such as Yoda and Commander Rose (who I'm so excited to have introduced since teasing him back in Chapter 8!) :) <3

Chapter 15: A Connection in the Force


Younglings in transit! Newly dubbed Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan takes a group of Younglings on a galactic excursion to the icy planet of Ilum so that they may create their first lightsabers. All is not how it seems as Corrie experiences tremors in the Force and finally researches the mysterious Force Dyad...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“Careful, younglings,” I say as we enter the Temple on Ilum. All of us are clad in the thickest coats we could find and clutch them close to our bodies. Even inside the Temple, sheltered from the howling winds and blistering ice shards, the cold creeps in. As we reach a circular chamber where four rock statues of ancient Jedi stand, I stop before the group and turn to face them. I pull my hood down, shake the snow from my hair, and gesture around us, “These caves are essential to our Order. They are where every Jedi that has come before us has come to forge their own sabers. Even Master Windu. Even Master Yoda.”

A few of the younglings gasp and chatter excitedly.

“Now, today, it is your turn,” I tell them, smiling gently as I pluck my own lightsaber from my belt. “The lightsaber is the weapon of a Jedi, yes, a weapon for defence primarily and offence only when the situation has no other solution. But it’s not just a weapon. It’s an extension of ourselves. And it has a soul, just as we do, that connects it to the Force. Do we know what that is?”

“The Kyber crystal!” A Togruta youngling boy says excitedly.

“Indeed,” I nod at him. “Now, sit, as I taught you, listen to the Force. Let it guide you to the crystal that is meant to be yours.”

While the Younglings scatter to meditate and, eventually, one-by-one, go off in search of their Kyber crystals, I take the opportunity to sit with and look into something that I have been putting off ever since returning to Coruscant. I turn on my holo-projector and dial in a contact code. Within a few moments, a slightly blurred hologram of Jocasta Nu erupts from my device.

“Master Nu,” I nod at her, “My apologies if I’m interrupting anything.”

“Nothing that cannot be done once this call ends, Knight Carnathan, not to worry,” She says, smiling in the gentle way I’ve come to associate with her. “How can I help you? I hear you’re on an excursion with a group of Younglings on Ilum.”

“That I am, Master,” I tell her, “But I’m actually contacting you because I found some… interesting Jedi texts on Naboo during my time there relating to a Force practice known as ‘Force Dyads’. Have you heard of them?”

Jocasta Nu frowns ever so slightly but nods nonetheless, “I have. Very ancient. There hasn’t been a Force Dyad in centuries. If you would like, I can forward some files on Force Dyads to your ship for you to take a look at?”

“That would be fantastic, thank you.” I nod and tap on my wrist-communicator. “Rose, can you turn on the ship’s long-range transponder? I have some files being sent over from the Jedi Temple.”

“Right away, sir.” Rose’s voice calls back.

“The transponder is active, whenever you’re ready, Master Nu.” I tell her with a nod. There’s an odd buzzing under my skin, similar to the one that had drawn me to Mari Onthello’s journal back on Naboo all that time ago.

“They’re all sent through. I hope the rest of your excursion is productive,” Jocasta Nu bows and then her image flickers out.

I slip the holo-communicator into my cloak and stand up. A few Younglings have found their crystals and are holding them as if every fibre of their being depends on it while others are still scanning the caves, looking around but not at their physical surroundings, rather listening to the Force and to where it will guide them.

“Those of you who have your crystals, come with me back to the ship, Professor Huyang will be teaching you how to craft your sabers,” I tell the small group clustered by the feet of the Jedi statues. “I’ll be back to help the rest of you in a few minutes.”


It takes nearly an entire day for the final cluster of Younglings to return to the ship with their crystals. The final to return is a green-skinned Twi'lek boy who refused to come back to the ship after finding his crystal as he insisted that the Force was telling him to stay. Lo and behold, he returned a few hours later with a second crystal gleaming in his palm. Some people were destined for more than one blade; the boy had listened to the Force and had been rewarded with its will.

On the journey through hyperspace back to Coruscant, the Younglings are occupied by Professor Huyang’s teachings and constructing their own lightsabers – as well as barraging Commander Rose and his troops with questions – so I take the opportunity to slip to my quarters and access the files sent over by Master Nu. I sit on the floor of my cabin, the metal cold against me, and click through the holodeck. There were files that dated back to the formation of the Jedi Order.

The files detailed a powerful connection in the Force between two individuals. A connection so strong that it could be used by the two individuals to communicate across space and time.

Why would the Jedi in the blue robes want me to look into such a Force connection? What did those visions mean? And who was this Jedi? Blue robes were only worn in–

The High Republic era.

The Jedi trying to contact me is from the High Republic… no.

I pull Mari Onthello’s journal out of my cloak and my eyes widen, “It can’t be…”

I turn the pages to the entry I have most recently read and reread a couple of lines – The text I find myself fascinated in examines how one can leave a small part of their consciousness – how they can leave an echo in the Force – in an object for others to find so long as they are able to detect it.

Mari’s journal… he had left a Force Echo on it so that someone may be able to find it in the future… so that they could learn of he and Dhar’s love for one another and their reasoning for faking their own deaths and leaving the Order. And it had called to me. It called to me, a person, a Jedi, who is experiencing similar intense feelings of connection and attachment that are shaking my understanding. There was no coincidence in it. The Journal had been calling to me specifically because Mari Onthello had wanted it to.

Mari had left a Force projection of himself for me to find through my attunement to the Force which had been stowed away in his Journal.

But what did Force Dyads have to do with anything? He had been researching how to become one with Dhar Naseem, his partner, so what did that have to do with me?

You’re so close. Open yourself to the Force…

I nod and close my eyes. The humming of the ship’s engines and the chattering of Younglings fall away. There is only… me. And the Force. A constant hum. An ethereal white noise. A centre to my being.

I open my eyes and find myself standing on a hillside, surrounded by waves upon waves of orange, yellow and purple flowers. The sky is a dull orange colour on the horizon and shimmers off the water. I immediately recognise where I am: Naboo.


I turn around and find myself faced with the blue-robed Jedi. Except he’s not wearing his blue robes. He’s wearing a casual brown tunic and frayed trousers. His hair is still done up with ornate golden clips and his face is sharp yet his expression is soft and curious.

“I-” I try to find the words. This can’t be real. “Are you–?”

The man nods, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, “Corrie, my name is Mari Onthello, and I believe you’ve been reading my journal.”

By the Force.

This couldn’t be real… could it?

“You…” I take a breath and compose myself, “You live in the era of the High Republic… you’ve been dead for well over a century.”

Mari nods. “And you are a Jedi Knight whose feelings mirror mine, yes?” He paces forward slowly. “While on Naboo, I learned many practices that the Jedi would deem… questionable. Never once did I touch the Dark Side, nor look in its direction, but the Order is… restrictive in its access to the Force, at times.”

“It is,” I find myself saying before I mean to. “I find some of their teachings to be… lacking.”

“Indeed,” Mari sits on a boulder. “My atunement to the Force was only heightened when I fell in love with Dhar and we left the Order together. It allowed me to attach a remnant of myself to my Journal and have it only be accessible to someone attuned to the Force in the same, messy, complicated way that I am.”

I sit down amongst the flowers. Mari Onthello had wanted someone experiencing the same feelings he had to have comfort. To know someone else had also gone through it. “Thank you… thank you for leaving that echo. I really needed to read exactly what you wrote in your journal. I needed to know that I wasn’t alone. That I wasn’t… bad.”

“You’re not bad, Corrie, I can promise you that,” Mari says. “So, I assume that there is… someone. Someone that has caused you to share my feelings towards the Order’s teachings?”

Oh, by the Force. I’m going to have to finally admit it, aren't I? I’m finally going to give words and a voice to the feelings that I had tried so hard to shove down to the core of my being.

“There is… someone,” I nod. “A fellow Jedi Knight.” I chuckle under my breath and look at my feet, “The prophesied Chosen One.”

“Then you know that attachment, that connection, is only strengthening your connection to the Force. It is not a weakness,” Mari says. His form starts to wane before my eyes, as to the corporeality of the flowers and the very boulder I sit on. “It would appear our connection is being temporarily severed. I presume by an incoming presence on your end. We will speak soon, Corrie, May the Force be with you.”

With that, I open my eyes and find myself still sitting in my chambers aboard the Crucible.


So there it is! Corrie and Mari Onthello are a Force Dyad, able to commune across space and time.

It felt weird not having Anakin in this chapter, he'll be back with a bang (maybe literally) soon aha!! <3

Chapter 16: The Will of the Heart


Jedi in danger! While on Cato Neimoidia, Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and his former Padawan, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker have discovered more bombs designed to destroy the planet's capital. On Coruscant, Corrie Carnathan senses the danger that his fellow Jedi are in and is desperate to help...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It is nearly three days later that I hear anything to do with Obi-Wan and Anakin’s exploits on Cato Neimoidia. While sitting in my apartment after a training session, I switch on my holo-screen and turn on the galactic news. One story featured Obi-Wan being arrested by a group of Neimoidian guards. Kriff. Anakin is no doubt going to try and save Obi-Wan and interfere with some millenia old treaty between Neimodia and the Republic. Is he going to be captured too? Is he going to get himself into danger? Obi-Wan was a capable Jedi Master, a Master of the Jedi High Council no less. But Anakin ran head-first into danger without thinking about the consequences. He’d do anything to help those he loves which includes Master Kenobi.

My hand slips toward my desk and I don’t realise why until Anakin’s Padawan braid is in my hand. I immediately understand the will of the Force and close my eyes, listening to it. The world goes quiet. Then, it gets immensely noisy. There is panicked yelling in the distance. There is the sound of sirens. There’s the chirping of… an astromech? R2-D2. Anakin’s astromech. I listen closer and I finally hear his voice, Anakin’s voice, “Well, looks like the fun is about to begin, R2, there are eight bombs.”

Bombs? He is in danger. Of course he is.

He needs my help.

Without even grabbing my cloak, I rush out of my chambers, the Padawan braid still in my hand. I stuff it into the pocket of my robes and leave my apartment, rushing down the hallways until I reach an elevator. I slide past Master Rancisis as he leaves the elevator, “Sorry, Master, uh, may the Force be with you.” I say as the doors shut and he casts a disgruntled look over his shoulder.

The elevator seems to descend at an irrationally low pace. I bounce on the balls of my feet the whole ride down the dozen floors it takes me to reach the Temple hangers. Once the doors open, I run out and make my way toward my fighter. It’s a Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor with pink painted highlights. I’d decided on the paint job a few days ago, after having returned back from Ilum, due to my connection with Commander Rose. Master Plo already had his Wolfpack, I had my Rose Squadron.


I turn to see the source of the familiar voice is Padme. She’s adorned in a fantastic green gown that flows to her feet. Her hair is loose about her shoulders with a golden headband secured to her head. There’s a frown on her face.

“Are you okay?” Padme asks.

No. Anakin’s in trouble. And Obi-Wan is in trouble. And Anakin is trying to disarm bombs. He could die. He could cause a disruption to Republic politics. I could lose him. No. No. No. No.


I swallow, “Anakin… is in danger.”

Padme tilts her head, “That sounds about right,” She laughs. She actually laughs. The shock must be evident on my face as she soon stops, “How do you know?”

I pull Anakin’s Padawan braid from my robe pocket and show her it in my palm. She smiles softly and her eyes have a glint of something I can’t quite place within them. Is that… knowing? “He went after Obi-Wan, to Cato Neimoidia, there are bombs and–”

“And he and Obi-Wan are very capable Jedi,” Padme places her hand on my upper arm. “We both know they are able to get themselves out of trouble just as easily as they get themselves into it.” She gives me a gentle smile, “Is there something else troubling you, my friend?”

He’s still in danger. But he could handle himself. I repeat the thought again and again. Then, I look at Padme and nod slowly.

She seems to understand without my having to speak; she simply takes my hand and guides me toward her ship. “Are you wanted for any missions in the next day or so?” I shake my head. “Very good. So, you will join me on a little excursion.”


After one of the shorter flights in my life, Padme has me take her arm and walk her off her ship. I wasn’t listening to where we were headed to, too consumed in my own thoughts and worries, so the sight of dozens of crystal white buildings standing against a backdrop of a perfectly blue sky was a welcome surprise. The sun beamed down on us.

“Alderaan,” Padme said quietly as a welcoming party made their way toward us. I recognised a few of them including Senators Bail Organa, whose home-planet we had just arrived on, and Mon Mothma of Chandrilla. Next to them was a woman with dark flowing hair, in a blue dress with white accents. “Senators,” Padme addressed them as we got closer, “My Queen,” She nodded at the woman in the blue dress. Queen? Of course. Breha Organa. “I’m so happy to have made it here today.”

“We are honoured to receive you, Senator Amidala,” Bail says, his arms spread wide. His eyes drift over to me.

“Of course,” Padme eases me forward slightly, “This is Jedi Knight Corentin Carnathan. He will be keeping an eye on all of us while we are here, ensuring we are safe, following the recent assassination attempts on my life.”

The entourage nod at me, and I nod back. Padme soon falls into stride talking to Mon Mothma as we enter one of the main buildings of Alderaan’s capital city. Meanwhile, I find myself walking behind her with Bail and Breha talking amongst themselves behind me.

“Tell me, Master Jedi,” Breha’s voice makes me slow my pace until I’m walking in line with the two of them. “Are you here on the Orders of the Council?”

I shake my head, “No, your highness, in fact, I’m more here because Senator Amidala insisted on it.” I smile softly, “Not because she requires any protection, I think all three of us know she does not need me for that, but because Padme is a dear friend.”

Breha nods, “She is certainly that for us as well,” We enter a circular room with blue and silver adornments surrounding us. There is a large table at the centre of the room which is buzzing with life. Senators from all over the galaxy are gathered, drinking, chatting and laughing. Breha takes a flute of alcohol from a protocol droid and hands one to me as well. “To friends, new and old.”

“To friends,” I agree and clink my glass with hers. Since I have broken or tested the limits of a number of Jedi rules and guidelines in the past few months, I opt to wait until Breha leaves my side to give the glass back to the protocol droid.

As I take a seat at the central table and look at the room around me. At the people around me. Why had Padme brought me here, truly? She did not need protection. And she knew that a room full of politicians was hardly somewhere I fit in. Everyone here was so carefree, it seemed. They believed they could save the galaxy with pretty words and promises while bombs detonate in core worlds and armies are formed in the Outer reaches.

A hand appears on my shoulder and I look to see Padme standing over me. “Come on,” She takes my hand and we walk out of the room. We reached a balcony that overlooks the city. “I know… somewhat, what you’re going through.” I raise a brow at her. She did? That is alarming. I can’t let my feelings drive me enough to be recognised by someone who isn’t even Force sensitive.

“Padme, whatever you think–”

“Do you remember the story I told you and Anakin, back on one of the first days we met on Naboo?” She asks, leaning against the railing of the balcony and looking out at the glowing white city before us. I nod. “That wasn’t the only time I was in love.” She looks up to the sky, it is perfectly clear. No clouds. Everything here was too perfect. “When I was eighteen, just after finishing my second term as Queen and becoming the Senator for Naboo, I fell in love once again. It was a brief affair, I’m afraid, but a most amazing one. We were both busy being Senators but found time for one another whenever we could.”

“What happened?” I ask.

“She was in an arranged marriage since she was a girl,” Padme said, wringing her hands, “And two years into our time together, her culture dictated that it was time for her to enter her arranged marriage. She is married, happily, to an Iktochi lord to secure mutual loyalty between her planet and Iktoch but… I often think back to those stolen moments we shared.”

I swallow, “Thank you for sharing that with me,” I take a deep breath. While being attracted to someone who shared your gender identity was very common in the galaxy, it was still common practice for those who identify as such to have to come out and tell people of their attraction, should they want to. “I’m sure it was hard for the two of you to feel so strongly for one another and yet forbidden to be together.” I don’t meet her eye.

“Corrie,” Padme’s voice is so soft. It makes me want to scream out every feeling bubbling so loudly just beneath my skin. “I know exactly how hard it is to harbour feelings you feel like you shouldn’t have. It does help to have a friend who will not judge you for them. Who will console you. Who will stay by your side no matter what. I will be that friend for you, if you need it.”

A shaky breath escapes from my lips. “Padme…” I close my eyes. “I cannot confess what you’re asking me to confess. I can’t… I am a Jedi Knight.”

Padme places her hand atop mine, “Before you are a Jedi, you are a human being with complicated emotions. I know the Order teaches you to suppress them but some feelings are so strong they cannot be avoided and quelled to disappear. They must be confronted and acknowledged.”

My heart thumps in my chest. All I can think of is those bombs.

“I’m so scared, Padme.” I say eventually.

“What are you scared of?”

“I’m scared of those bombs on Cato Neimoidia.” I try to swallow the lump in my throat but it will not budge.

“Why are you scared of them?”

I finally open my eyes. But I don’t look at the city ahead. I look into the Force. And I see him smile. I see him pulling me to safety with the Force in the Petranaki arena on Geonosis. I see him offer me his Padawan braid. I see his face so close to mine as we bid each other farewell. But I also see Count Dooku cut off his arm. I see his tears streaming down his face in the Lars Homestead on Tatooine.

And it all makes me feel the same.

“I love him, Padme.” I say, putting my head into my hands. “I shouldn’t. But I do.”

Padme’s arm wraps around my shoulders and pulls me close. She rubs my arm. “I know,” She kisses the top of my head. “And I am here for you, always, whenever that love feels like it’s going to crush you or burn you alive. I know what it is like, Corrie, and I love you.”

Kriff. My heart feels like it’s going to combust. I look up at her and nod, my eyes glassy. “I love you too, Padme.” I hug her. “Thank you.”

We hold each other for a long few moments, looking out at the slowly setting sun, and thinking of the heartache we shared which had only brought us closer.


Corrie is all in his feelings ahhhhhh!! I hope you're enjoying the story so far. I'm so excited for what's to come!! <3

Chapter 17: Duel on Yavin IV


Separatists on Yavin IV! After an enlightening journey to Alderaan, Corrie Carnathan is joined by fellow Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to investigate the rumoured Separatist presence on Yavin's fourth moon. But all is not as it seems and a dark presence may just be waiting for them on the moon's surface...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The day after I return to Coruscant, I hear news that Obi-Wan and Anakin have as well. Their business on Cato Neimoidia had concluded with no explosions, a few theatrics and the planet ultimately choosing to remain neutral in the war despite their efforts. As I sit in my apartment, I fiddle with Anakin’s Padawan Braid. Do I go and see him? I know he is safe. To see him simply to confirm as such with my own eyes is pointless and just further proves how much my feelings cloud my emotions. There is no gain to going and seeing him now. But I want to.

But I can’t let my emotions control me. That’s a slippery slope.

No matter what Padme says. No matter what Mari Onthello says.

I am a Jedi Knight first and foremost.

And I need to hit something with my lightsaber.

Within a few minutes, I’ve already decapitated three training dummies and am working at hacking a third to pieces.

My faith is being challenged more and more each day.

Master Ti and the Order tell me to bury my feelings, to release them so that they may not interfere with my loyalty and devotion to the Republic.

Padme tells me that my feelings must be acknowledged and talked about, given life to like air to a flame.

Mari tells me of his love for Dhar and his life on Naboo and my heart yearns for such a life.

And Anakin tells me about a stupid pod-race on Malastare and my heart beats faster.

There is no making sense of any of it.

The doors of the training room slide open with a mechanical whir. I wipe my brow and turn to find Commander Rose walking in, his helmet under his arm. He stops a few feet away from me and salutes.

“General Carnathan, sir.” Rose smiles. “Master Yoda has requested you go to the hangars. We are being dispatched.”

“Very well,” I grab my cloak and put it on. “Do you know where we are going?”

“Yavin IV, sir.” Rose walks alongside me as we leave the training rooms and make our way through the long corridors of the temple. The two of us reach the hangers and I greet the troopers waiting for me. Many of my Rose Legion have dyed their hair pink, just like their Commander, and I consider doing the same as a sign of comradery with them. We were going to be fighting together for kriff knows how long; it’s certainly food for thought.

As I share a joke with a blonde trooper with a star tattoo on his cheek – who had garnered the name Sunny – my eye catches Obi-Wan across the hanger. I excuse myself from the Clones’ company and make my way over to him.

“Master Kenobi, you’ve had a haircut.” I grin, observing the now permanent Jedi Council member. The mullet he had worn on Geonosis had now been cut to a shorter, sharper style.

“Well, I’m all about the fashion upgrades today, it would seem, Corrie,” Obi-Wan laughs and tilts his shoulder slightly toward me. He’s wearing a white armour plate with the Republic insignia on it over a different set of robes to his usual. “Jedi have officially been made Generals of the Grand Army of the Republic now. We hold military authority… Chancellor Palpatine and the Jedi Council have deemed armour a necessary adornment for us going forward.”

“I see,” I take off my cloak and place it on a crate. Then, I withdraw a piece of armour from another crate and observe it. It’s half of a breastplate with straps to secure it to the body. I pull it over my body and it perfectly positions itself over my heart. Next, I choose a pair of shoulder pads and put those on too. I move my arms in a circle. They move freely. But I also feel like, if I’m shot at, I’m going to survive. “Practical.”

“General Carnathan indeed,” Hearing his voice makes my chest ignite with heat to the point where I actively have to think about it to quell the flames. I turn and see Anakin for the first time since I had left for Ilum and he for Cato Neimoidia. He’s not wearing his brown robes anymore, instead, he’s wearing black and dark red robes with a piece of armour over his chest and a metal pad on each shoulder.

“Master Skywalker,” I say, minding my tone in Obi-Wan’s presence. “What do I owe the pleasure of your company?”

Anakin grins. It’s infuriating and makes me want to scream. “We are going to Yavin IV, Corrie, haven’t you heard?”

No. No way. Of all the Jedi I could be assigned with. It had to be the one who it would be best for me to spend time parsecs away from. My mind rings Master Ti’s advice back into my ears. Confront my emotions, release them in a healthy way. Perhaps unleashing some of my passionate wrath upon the battle droids on Yavin IV would rid my mind of these confusing emotions.

“I wasn’t aware we were going together,” I say, moving a strand of my hair, “But I trust together we will be able to dispense of the Separatist threat in no time.”

A beat of silence passes between us all.

Obi-Wan coughs into his hand, “Very well. Good luck, both of you.”


I manage to avoid Anakin’s company for the entire duration of our flight to Yavin IV by conferring with Commander Rose, my Rose legion troopers, Captain Rex and any other being on board who will engage me in conversation. It pains me to do it. But I know it’s for the best. I just need a few weeks away from Anakin’s immediate presence in order to confront my feelings and expel them into the ether of the galaxy.

Nothing that destroying a few battle droids couldn’t do, right?

“Generals,” Admiral Yularen says as I walk onto the bridge. Anakin turns, his attention drawn by the Admiral as well. “We are scanning Yavin IV and… cannot detect any mass droid presence.” He turns to face us and frowns. “May I suggest, to avoid wasting resources, we send a small squadron down to investigate?”

“Corrie and I will take our fighters down to the moon’s surface.” Anakin says before I can offer any alternative. “If there are Separatist forces on the planet, we will call for back-up.” He looks to me.

I nod, “We won’t ask the Clones to do what we will not. We will investigate the Separatist presence.”

Less than thirty minutes later, Anakin and I descend into the atmosphere in our personal fighters. They are extremely similar ships – his is just painted green whereas mine is pink. We fly toward an important looking pyramid-shaped temple. If the Separatists were occupying the moon, as we have been led to believe, they would be in there.

We land at the outer hangers of the temple, a long stretch of concrete at the foot of its vast stone architecture. I hop out of my ship and my hand instinctively goes to my lightsaber hilt.

“I hear your exploits on Cato Neimoidia were eventful.” I say as I fall into stride with Anakin. We make our way toward the temple. The Force is quiet… a little too quiet.

“Extremely,” Anakin chuckles, “I was hoping to have a few days off after that but when Master Yoda said he was sending you on a mission and needed another Jedi to accompany you, I knew I needed to come.”

I stop in my tracks. “You volunteered to come with me? Why?”

Anakin turns to me and quirks a brow, “Because I made you a promise, Corrie, remember?”

“I don’t need you to protect me,” I say, though it pains me to be so cold to him.

We reach the entrance to the temple and the doors open automatically. The hangar is empty. Not just empty; abandoned. Entirely out of use. Cobwebs and broken ship parts and all. There is no chance that the Separatists are here, yet alone an army holding base here as it had been reported to the Republic and the Council.

“Corrie, I have something to tell you,” Anakin says as we walk back to our ships.

I turn to face him then wince.

There’s a strum in the Force. A waver. A ripple.

Dark side energy emits from the top of the Temple. Anakin senses it at the same time I do, he whips around to face it and ignites his saber.

“Anakin,” I say and ignite my blade too. I’m not sure what I am going to say next but apparently he does.

“I know, I’m with you,” He says as we edge our way up the outer steps of the temple to ascend to its higher levels. The air is brisk. The sky is turning dark as night draws near. The ripple of the Dark Side in the Force becomes more and more of a wave that I have to physically push through as we get closer to the peak of the temple.

Once we arrive at the top, we both go still. Laying at the centre of a dias is a Padawan braid. I reach for the back of my head and then take a few steps forward.

It’s my Padawan braid; the one I had given to Anakin.

“Ventress,” Anakin whispers.

The sound of two lightsabers igniting tears through the air as a pair of red blades stream toward me. I only just manage to raise my own in time to parry the attack but am knocked off my feet and fall into Anakin’s legs. He stumbles but still manages to stay standing.

Once I return to my feet, I finally get a good look of our attacker. Cast in the red light of her sabers is a Dathomirian woman with crystal white skin with blue facial markings. A Sith? Possible. The revelation of Count Dooku as a Sith following the Battle of Geonosis has led many to question whether he is truly the apprentice or the master himself. If he is the master, then this must be his apprentice.

“Jedi,” The woman – who Anakin obviously knew as Ventress – snarled. “It was all too easy to lure you here.”

“I’m not letting you get away this time,” Anakin holds his blade up.

“Funny, I was about to say the same thing,” Ventress leapt forward and struck at Anakin with both of her blades.

I slid across to them and parried one of them with my own. She was quick, our blades clashed time after time, sending sparks flying through the night. She managed to keep both of us occupied without wavering.

“I grow bored of the two of you.” Ventress extinguished the blade she was using to fight me, making me stumble a step forward. She put the blade to her belt and raised her hand.

I’m lifted into the air. My throat is feeling tighter and tighter and oh, kriff, I can’t breathe. I claw at my throat and drop my saber just as Ventress tosses me off the side of the temple.

“Corrie!” I hear Anakin scream just as I hit the stairs and roll down several of them.

I groan in pain and clutch my side as I sit up. She has control of the Force and skill with lightsabers, that is for sure. As I struggle to my feet, thunder cracks over my head. I rush back up the steps that I had fallen down and summon my lightsaber back to my hand but it does not come to me.

As I reach the dias once more, I realise why.

Anakin and Ventress are caught in a vicious duel. Their blades blur. Ventress with her two red blades. And Anakin with his blue and my green.

Ventress kicks Anakin in the stomach and extinguishes her lightsabers, attaching them to her belt in an instant. She holds her hand out and my Padawan braid flies into her hand.

“You want this? I took it from you. Come and claim it.” Ventress held it out.

“Anakin, no!” I yell but he’s already walking forward. He drops my lightsaber and extends his free hand out.

There’s a flash of red and Anakin screams.

“No!” I scream and muster all the Force energy I can and push it at Ventress. She topples from the top of the temple and out of sight.

I run to Anakin’s side. There is a burning hot scar over his right eye.

“I got it,” Anakin says, breathless. I raise a brow in confusion. He raises his arm and opens his palm. My Padawan braid. “She stole it back on Cato Neimoidia… I got it back now.” He runs his fingers over the cauterised wound on his brow, “That’s worth getting this.”

Without thinking, I wrap my arms around Anakin, “You’re so, so hot-headed it’s ridiculous.”

He rubs my back, “My connection to you is more important than my body, Corrie.”


There had been no sign of Ventress when we left the temple and we saw a ship that must have been hers jump into hyperspace just after getting back aboard our frigate. She is still out there.

While Anakin is tended to by a medical droid, I inform the Jedi Council of what had occurred on Yavin IV via a holo-meeting. Master Yoda, Master Windu, Master Kenobi, Master Mundi and Master Luminara all listen to my report. All of them are able to mask their concern but I can still sense it. The Dark Side has that effect.

“An apology, we all owe you, Knight Carnathan,” Master Yoda says, “Unknowingly send you into a trap, we did.”

I bow my head, “It is not your fault, Master, Ventress and Dooku are masters of deception.”

“Indeed. I’m glad it was you and Anakin to arrive on Yavin IV or else the result today could have been much different,” Obi-Wan says, stroking his beard. “Both of you should return to Coruscant as soon as you can to file the official report. We need all the details on Ventress we can get so that we can perhaps guess where she will strike next.”

“Very well, Master.” I nod at each of them and then the hologram flickers out. I leave the bridge and make my way to my quarters aboard the ship. They aren’t big. Just a bed and a drawer. Not that I need it. The only possessions I have are my lightsaber and Anakin’s braid.

A sigh leaves my lips.

Seeing Anakin struck by a red lightsaber once again has only intensified and solidified my emotions.

If he had died, I would have killed Ventress, I don’t doubt it.

My attachment to Anakin was getting dangerous. It was interfering with my abilities and judgement as a Jedi. It was causing me to act irrationally. I had to confront these feelings… but I cannot be in a relationship with him. I cannot defy the Order as bravely as Mari Onthello and Dhar Naseem had. I am not brave enough.

So, how do I confront my feelings?

There is a knock at my door. I open it and find Anakin standing there. He’s not wearing his armour and is instead clad in just his dark red robes. “Corrie,” He smiles gently. There is a sheen of bacta-oil on his brow and cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay.”

I need to confront my feelings. I need to express them so that they may be expelled into the ether of the galaxy.

So, I grab Anakin’s collar and pull him into my room. As the doors slide shut, I press my lips to his. His eyes widen, but he sinks into the kiss.

Many, many minutes later, we both lie on my bed, staring at the ceiling. His chest is golden, and rising and falling at a steady pace.

My feelings had been dealt with. They had been released. Now, I am free.

Why don’t I feel any different?





it's finally happened.

corrie: ok so i have feelings for a man
corrie: and the jedi say i can't have these feelings so i better stop
corrie: i know what will stop those feelings!
corrie: sex!

a silly lil guy. I hope you're loving the story as much as I am adoring writing it :)

Chapter 18: A Bad Jedi


Conflicting emotions! Following his eventual trip to Yavin IV, Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan confers with his closest confidants: High Republic Jedi Mari Onthello and Galactic Senator Padme Amidala. Emotions run high as Anakin Skywalker returns from his mission to Christophsis...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Upon our return to Coruscant, Anakin is immediately called away as he is summoned to aid in the Battle of Christophsis alongside Master Kenobi. I’m glad that he is. I need time to consider what I had done on the return journey. I’d had sex with him. I thought that that would release all of my feelings for him in a concise and swift way. Master Ti had told me to release anger by striking training dummies with my lightsaber… I figured the same advice would be applicable to love.

Apparently not. Because, as I watched Anakin’s fighter take off and leave the planet, I immediately regretted not talking to him after we had done what we had done. I regretted not saying goodbye to him. I regretted the fact I wasn’t going with him.

Now, two weeks later, having still not seen Anakin since our journey back to Coruscant from Yavin IV, I sit in one of the Jedi Temple meditation chambers with my eyes closed and my mind open. I try to listen to the Force. I hope that it will tell me what to do. How to proceed. What the right course of action is.

Hell, I’d even accept it if it told me that what I had done means I’m no longer a Jedi; I just want closure.

I feel the Force shift slightly.

“Mari,” I say, my voice a breath as I open my eyes. The High Republic Jedi sits on the cushion opposite me. “I… I took your advice.”

Mari quirks a brow, “You did?” I nod. “You confronted your feelings.”

Well. I take a breath. “Somewhat. I didn’t tell Anakin that I am in love with him. I, well, I had sex with him.”

A smile tugs at the corners of his lips. Then, he laughs! He laughs !

“That was quite the move to make,” Mari grins. “I assume he got the hint?”

“I’m not sure,” I admit, frowning slightly. “We… we didn’t really talk much after. I think we both felt conflicted about what had happened. About what it meant for us and the Order.”

Mari sat forward, “To Mortis with the Order.” He clasped his hands, “Listen to me: the way I was able to forge this strong connection in the Force was due to your feelings for Anakin, you understand? Your emotions so closely mirror mine that it has allowed us to be connected across space and time in a way the Jedi have begun to believe to be fictional once again. Our attachments – mine to Dhar and yours to Anakin – is the very foundation of our strength in the Force. If the Jedi condemn our attachments then they are hypocrites who do not care for experimentation with the very energy they claim to be the guardians of.”

As Mari’s words sink in, I close my eyes once again. He’s right. The Jedi have become too closed off from the Force. They failed to see that our connections could be what makes us strong. But they were an Order that meant well and whose actions reflected well on the Galaxy. I am still proud to be a part of the Order.

My place is as a Jedi Knight.

But it could also be with Anakin, if he wants that too.

I open my eyes once more and find myself alone in the meditation chamber. A few moments pass then I realise I need to vocalise my decision to someone who would understand it. I also need to update that person on what had occurred since I had last seen her. I pull out my holo-communicator and hope beyond hope that Padme is on Coruscant or else I’ll need to find a long-range communicator. Luck strikes. Her image flickers into being atop my communicator. She smiles at me.

“Knight Carnathan, how can I help you?” Padme asks.

“I’d appreciate a catch-up, if you can spare the time, Senator,” I keep to the formalities just in case she is in the presence of any political colleagues. They don’t need to know how close we have gotten or why. “Just regarding an interesting update to the subject of our previous conversation.”

Padme’s face shifts. Not enough for anyone in her presence to notice but enough for me to notice due to my Force sensitivity. Was that… guilt? “Of course, Corentin.” She nods. “How does tonight at my Senatorial office sound?”

“Perfect. Thank you, Senator.” I bow at her and she disappears from my communicator. What had that been about? Why could she possibly feel guilty the moment after I told her that I wanted to update her on my feelings about Anakin?


That evening, I am greeted by C-3PO as I reach Padme’s office in the Senate building.

“Senator Amidala has been most looking forward to seeing you, Master Corrie,” 3PO says, shuffling alongside me toward the doors. They slide open and we step inside the office. “I must admit, she has had more Jedi visitors than usual since she met with Master A–”

A hand wraps itself around 3PO’s vocal processor and he lets out a muffled sound as Padme eases her hand from his face plate and makes him take a few steps back. “ Thank you , 3PO, that will be all.” She nods at him. 3PO nods and walks out of the door. They slide shut behind him.

“Talkative thing, just like his creator,” Padme chuckles and adjusts her dress. It’s bright green with blue detailing resembling the feathers of a native Felucian bird.

I raise a brow at her, “Who are these ‘Jedi visitors’ that you’ve been having recently?”

A sigh leaves Padme’s lips, “Anakin came to me before he left for Christophsis.”

Before he left for Christophsis? That means after our mission to Yavin IV… after we were together.

“That’s why you had a flash of guilt,” I realise. “Anakin told you about what we did on the way back from Yavin IV.”

Padme’s eyes widen slightly, “No…” She tilts her head and takes a seat at her desk. I sit opposite her. “He only told me about his feelings… which I’m afraid I cannot share with you as he has my confidentiality as a friend just as you do. That’s the reason I felt a moment of guilt when we talked earlier… because I knew I would have to withhold information from you this evening.”

She and Anakin had talked about his feelings? After we had returned from Yavin IV? Were those feelings about me? If they were… were they good or bad? Did they match mine or oppose them entirely?

“Oh,” I take a breath. “Well, I’m glad he has you to talk to. I know better than any how much of a help you are as a friend.”

Padme smiles then it falters. “You said you were worried that Anakin had told me what you did on the way back from Yavin IV… what did you do?”

I feel the blood in my veins come to a standstill. Telling Mari Onthello what had happened is one thing. That is just essentially voicing my actions to the Force and asking for guidance. Telling Padme is a different matter entirely. She is here: living and breathing with judgement ready.

But she’s my friend. She has told me things about herself she has told so few. She had earned my loyalty and my trust.

“Anakin and I slept together on the way back from Yavin IV,” I say. “I thought that being with him physically would dispel any feelings I had for him. My feelings interfered with my judgement.” I take a breath, “When he was slashed across the face by Dooku’s assassin… I pushed her from the Temple. I didn’t care whether she lived or died when I did it. I only knew that I needed to get her away from Anakin so that I could see if he was safe or not. My feelings should not lead me to potentially kill anyone.”

Padme brings a hand up to her mouth and drags it down to cup her chin, “That’s a lot to take in,” She smiles gently, “Corrie, you did what you did to protect Anakin. I don’t think you’re capable of killing.” She took a breath then her smile widened, “As for you sleeping together… that is unexpected.” Her smile turns to a grin, “How was it?”

“Padme!” My cheeks ignite. “I shouldn’t have. It’s forbidden by the code of the Order.”

Padme quirks a brow, “And did it help to get rid of your feelings?”

I shake my head.

“So it was good?”

I laugh and pick up a pen on her desk. I throw it at her but it misses because I didn’t actually want to hit her. “It was so good,” I confirm and we both end up laughing until we are wiping tears from our eyes.


I leave the Jedi Council Chambers after being told by Master Kenobi that I will be going to Tholoth tomorrow to assist the Tholothian people fight off the Separatist invasion that they’ve been experiencing. I’ve been cooped up here for nearly two weeks of relative peace so it will be good for me to be able to stretch my legs and make sure all the lightsaber training I’ve been doing recently doesn’t go rusty.

Blink. Blink Blink .

I pull out my holocommunicator and a smile tugs at my lips. Padme appears as a hologram on it. “Senator,”

“Corrie. Can you meet me at my apartment? There’s somewhere I’d like to take you. Wear civilian clothes, our profile is better kept low.”

“Of course, Padme, I’ll be right there.”

Within twenty minutes, I reach Padme’s apartment and park the speeder I’ve rented outside. I’ve opted to wear a simple linen shirt and soft trousers that I’d seen on sale on the way here. Padme had said we were required to be discreet… where is she taking us?

The doors open automatically and I walk in to find all the lights off. I walk into the pristine apartment to find a note sitting on the plush red cushions of the sofa.

Corrie, please take my airspeeder and drive to the coordinates that I’ve imputed into it already. See you soon.

I frown but don’t question such things. Padme has done stranger things. I hop into the airspeeder and set it to auto-pilot, allowing it to drive me to the coordinates that she had imputed into its system. The night sky of Coruscant is smeared with the bright white lights of the cityscape. Buildings tower into the sky and out of sight, especially as the speeder guides me down to the lower levels where the lights get dimmer and the air a little greyer. Smoke spews from different vents along the walls and vendors scream out as they sell their goods. I’ve never been this deep into Coruscant’s cityscape before. I’ve never left the safety of the Temple and Senate. I’ve been so sheltered from it all. I didn’t even realise I wanted to see this place until I’m here now.

The air speeder settles outside of a series of run-down buildings. All of them have Aribesh signs in bright lights. Some blink in and out of being. I step off the speeder and scan them, looking for Padme. This doesn’t seem like her kind of place. One of the buildings, the one with bright blue lights spelling out ‘EAT N WATCH’ has pod-races showing on large screens in the window. I walk over to them and find myself smiling without meaning to.

I feel the Force tingle slightly and gasp.

“Anakin,” I look to the doorway of the building and find him standing there. Like me, he’s not in Jedi robes but rather a discreet civilian outfit. He’s gone a little fancier than I have by wearing a wool shirt layered with a dark brown jacket. His hair is the same length as it was when I last saw him but it seems shaggier to me. I want to toy with it. “What are you doing here? I thought you were on Christophsis?”

“Nice to see you too, Corrie,” The corner of Anakin’s lip tugs up into a grin. “I’ll explain. Just… come sit with me?”

He offers his hand out and I feel like the fate of the galaxy is about to be sealed based on the decision I make. If I take his hand, whatever happens as a result is a direct result of this moment. Whatever comes from the conversation we have will shape the galaxy in some way, the Force tells me it is so.

But, if I don’t, then I’m not sure I’ll be able to be happy.

I take his hand and let Anakin guide me inside.

“Hello there, boys!” A green-skinned Champalan with a large smile said with his arms spread wide. “Little date night, eh? Don’t you worry! Chef Gramm Elow has you covered. I’ll get you the best grub you’ll be able to find in the next ten parsecs over.”

I feel my shoulders slump as I take a seat. I give in to the moment. I give into the freedom.

“I can’t wait to taste it, Chef Elow,” I smile. “Give us whatever you recommend.”

As Chef Elow disappears into the kitchen, Anakin tears his eyes away from the pod-racing on a nearby screen. He takes a breath and puts his hand down on the table. I look at it for a long moment before giving in entirely and taking it in mine.

“I had Padme ask you to come here. I wanted to surprise you,” Anakin smiled and, for the first time since I’ve met him, I think he’s sheepish? Is he seriously worried about what I think about this? “And I wanted to come here, like this,” He gestures to his clothing, “So that we could have a moment to… just be . Not Generals in a war. Not Jedi Knights. So we could be Anakin and Corrie.”

I take a shaky breath. “Anakin and Corrie.” I repeat. “I like that.”

“Me too,” He nods. “I got back this afternoon and all I’ve been able to think about is you.”

“How was Christophsis?” I ask, biting my lip as I change the subject.

Anakin nods and leans back slightly. His finger strokes over my knuckles at a pace that eases me. “It was okay… I ended up going back to Tatooine too. Ventress and Dooku kidnapped Jabba the Hutt’s son so we had to get him back.”

“You and Obi-Wan?”

An uneasy smirk crosses Anakin’s face, “No. Me and Ahsoka Tano, my new Padawan?”

I raise a brow. Kriff. Padawan? It becomes very real to me that I could be assigned a Padawan soon. I don’t feel ready for that. In the past months I’ve turned to Anakin, Padme and Master Ti for so much guidance. How could I be expected to have the answers for someone who looked to me.

“A Padawan…” I whisper, meeting his eye, “How was that? How is she?”

“She’s… hot-headed. Disobedient…” He smiles slightly. “She can think on her feet.”

I grin, “She’s like you then.”

Anakin laughs. “I think so,” He nods. “While I was on my way back, I connected to you by holding your Padawan braid and meditating… I saw you and Padme talking in her office. I heard you say that “it was so good”?”

My face ignites crimson, “Well, it was, wasn’t it?”

“Oh, I don’t disagree, I just didn’t think that the dignified apprentice of Master Shaak Ti would speak in such a crass manner,” Anakin’s face is lit up with joy and it makes me smile.

I squeeze his hand and glare playfully at him. “I find that your presence strips me of all my dignity, Ani.”

“That’s not all that got stripped in my presence,” Anakin says and I nearly throw my fork at him. I don’t bother because he’d be able to catch it with the Force before it had even left his hand.

I must admit, it does feel nice. Joking. Talking about being together. Flirting . Without worrying about the Jedi Code or what anyone thinks.

Just being Anakin and Corrie.

“Anakin,” I close my eyes and try to find the words. I open them again. “What I did – what I initiated on the flight back from Yavin IV – that didn’t come from nowhere. I did that because I’ve got such intense feelings towards you. I thought that having sex with you would get rid of them so that I can be a good Jedi like we’ve been taught to but… it’s only made me realise I’d rather be a bad Jedi and feel what I do than not feel those feelings at all.”

Anakin brought his other hand up onto the table and offered it to me as well. I held it. “You are beautiful, Corrie Carnathan.” He squeezed my hands. “I’ve wanted to tell you since the moment I met you. I wanted to tell you when you were covered in sand on Geonosis. I wanted to tell you as we walked the beaches of Naboo. I wanted to tell you after we slept together. But I was too scared. Too scared of feeling like I’m betraying the Jedi or the Force or something . I was too scared of admitting what I felt to myself. But there’s no denying it. I’m not scared anymore.”

“Wow,” I take a breath and shuffle forward in my seat. “Ani, will you be the galaxy’s worst Jedi with me?”

He shuffles forward too. “Only if you will be my boyfriend, Corrie.”

“Sounds like a deal to me,” I whisper. We close the distance and our lips meet at last not in a passionate embrace that is meant to dispel feelings. Instead, it’s soft.

It’s freedom.



My boys <3

I'm so happy with this chapter. I hope you are too. Let me know what you think!

Chapter 19: Friends, New and Old


A Separatist Invasion in the Mid-Rim! Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan joins fellow Knight Anna Sheik on a mission to help the people of the forest planet of Tholoth fight off a Separatist invasion. With new allies and new enemies around every corner, one can never know what to expect...

Chapter Text

The landing platform that my personal fighter sits upon is rather crowded as I prepare to board it. I’m to fly into the atmosphere and meet with Admiral Kent Powgur on a Republic Frigate known as The Regularity. From there, we will fly to Tholoth and assist the Tholothian people in fighting off the Separatist invasion that they are experiencing.

The platform is so packed because many people have come to see me off or to tell me things about my mission. Commander Rose informs me he has some of his finest men ready for the battle. A Clone Trooper named Jumper tells me how excited he is to serve under me and how it’s his first real mission and he cannot wait to get onto the front lines. Padme has also made the time to bid me farewell, which was a pleasant surprise. As she leaves, I spot a cluster of Jedi Masters making their way toward me.

Was I going to be accompanied by some of them? I’d not been informed whether I would be the only Jedi present at the battle or not. Perhaps not.

As they get closer, I identify Masters Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin and my former Master Shaak Ti. They come before me and bow. I reciprocate the gesture.

“Masters,” I greet them. “How can I help?”

Master Tiin clasps his hands together, “Are you ready for your mission to Tholoth, Corentin?”

I nod, “Yes, I think so, Master. The Rose Battalion is ready to go.”

“Comradery with your Clones? Good.” Master Plo nods. “They will be your greatest allies on the battlefield. Along with another.”

Another? Who? I look to Master Ti, as I often do when I feel uncertain, and she gives me a small nod. I feel the Force shift a little and an emotion emanates from her. It’s warm. Is that pride?

“Corentin Carnathan,” Shaak Ti says, stepping to the side to reveal a green-skinned Twi’lek boy in white Jedi robes with dark armour layered across his shoulders and chest. “Meet Rohan Richt. Your Padawan.”

Padawan. Anakin had been assigned a Padawan during his assignment to Christophsis. It only made sense I would receive one too on my first mission off-world since returning from Yavin IV.

I nod at Rohan and observe him for a moment. The confidence he emanates in the Force is outstanding. I notice two shoto-style lightsaber hilts on his belt and my eyes widen. Of course. “I took you to Ilum.” I realise. “You took over a day to find your second crystal.”

“I appreciate your patience, Master,” Rohan smiles gently. His voice is tender, not yet broken by teen years. He looks to be twelve at most. “I look forward to joining you and learning from you.”

This is all getting very real. I have a Padawan. “And I you, young one.”

I bow at the Jedi Masters who leave the platform and kneel down before Rohan. The front of his lekku are clothed in a white fabric that wraps around his forehead and left space for his cone-shaped hearing organs. Dangling from the fabric is a beaded braid, his Padawan braid.

He is ready to become a Jedi Padawan.

“You only have to call me Master in front of actual Masters.” I tell him. “My name is Corrie.”

Rohan bows, “Okay, Corrie, got it,” He smiles at me. “I’m being taken up to the frigate by Master Sheik. I will meet you up there?”

“See you there, Rohan,” I wave him goodbye and climb onto my fighter. Master Sheik is joining us? That’s good.

Anna Sheik is one of the most skilled lightsaber wielders I have ever beheld. She is only two years older than I am so we shared many lessons together as younglings. Her teachings under Master Tiin had made her equally talented in the air as she was with her pink blade.

“Weren’t going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?”

I look out of my co*ckpit and see Anakin standing on the platform. The glass pulls back as I press a button on my console and smile at the man before me. “I thought I’d gotten away with it.”

“Never,” Anakin chuckles. “Who was the Twi’lek boy I just saw?”

“Oh,” I laugh softly, “My new Padawan. Rohan Richt.”

A grin tugs the corner of Anakin’s lip, “They got you too.” He runs his hand along the wing of my ship. “I wish I was coming with you. Not that you need the protection but I quite enjoy your company.”

“Quite enjoy?” I quirk a brow. “I will remember that.” A thought enters my head and I try to dispel it. But I can’t. “Knight Skywalker, as a former Podrace engineer, could you assist me in fixing something at the back of my fighter?”

“Of course, Knight Carnathan,” Anakin nods as I hop out of my fighter and he makes his way around to the back of it. As he does, I grab him by the collar and press him against my ship. He makes a surprised ‘oof’ noise as my lips collide with his. Then, he smiles against them and responds with equal enthusiasm.


As we enter hyperspace, I step onto the bridge of The Regularity with Rohan at my side. Standing at the front, right by the large window through which the stunning streaked blue lights of hyperspace blurred by, are two figures, a man and woman. The man is clad in official Republic uniform complete with a combed hairstyle. The woman wears dark brown Jedi robes. Her hair is blonde and shoulder length with a portion of it tied into a bun shape at the back of her head. Admiral Kent Powgur and Jedi Knight Anna Sheik.

“Admiral,” I greet them as we get closer, “Master Sheik.”

“Please, Corrie, we are beyond the formalities,” Anna’s lips become a smile as she turns around to face me. “It is good to see you, my friend.”

“And you, Anna.” I gesture to my side, “This is my Padawan, Rohan Richt. He’ll be joining us for our mission.”

Admiral Powgur nods. “The more the merrier,” He then steps down to talk with the Clone technicians working in the lower portion of the bridge.

Rohan and I step into line alongside Anna. “I haven’t seen much of you since Geonosis.” She says.

“I was sent to Naboo to recover from the injuries I sustained against Dooku,” I shudder, as if feeling his lightning sear my skin all over again. The burn marks still haunt my back. “I have also been on a few missions since my return. Including to Yavin IV and Ilum.”

A look passes over Anna’s face. It’s almost akin to admiration, “Yavin IV? I read the report on that incident. Sounds eventful.”

A blush nearly crosses my face. “Oh, it certainly was. Dooku’s assassin brought her lightsaber to Knight Skywalker’s eye.”

Anna nods slowly, “I’ve heard many tales of the Chosen One’s prowess with a blade. It surprised me to read that he’d been caught by someone hastily trained by Dooku. Something must have distracted him.”

“I’m not sure,” I lie. “But let’s just hope we don’t have to face Ventress on Tholoth… she’s quite the formidable opponent.”


When we land on Tholoth, we position ourselves within a large castle-like structure sat in the midst of the dense forests. As we flew by, I spotted the Separatist forces burning their way through the tree-line. Within the day, they would reach the castle and no doubt complete a siege by the next night.

The co*ckpit of my fighter slid back and I hopped out of the ship and nodded at Anna and Rohan as they did the same.

“Ready for your orders, General,” Commander Rose said, appearing beside me. The Rose Legion stood ready behind him.

“At ease for the moment, Rose, we’re going to talk to the King and then we’ll make our move.” I say as the large doors of the castle open with a wide swinging motion. Approaching us is an entourage of Tholothians. The one at the front wore a silver and sapphire crown atop his scaled head.

Rose nods, “Very good, Sir.”

The Tholothian King, Suubra Te, discusses (primarily with Anna) the Separatist invasion of the planet in the recent days and how it had come out of the blue. The droid army was closing in on the castle and our reinforcement was essential if the way of Tholothian life was to continue. Luckily for them, three Jedi had been sent to their aid.

Once we are briefed on the details, Anna turns to me and Rohan, “I have a plan. I want you two to take a small team of Clones and cut behind the Separatist line. We’ll pincer them.”

I nod, “Good plan.” I turn to Commander Rose. “Commander, please select eleven men to come with Rohan and I behind enemy lines.”

“Right away, Sir.” Rose immediately started pointing and selecting troops to join us.

Meanwhile, I knelt before Rohan, “Are you ready for lesson number one, my Padawan?”

“Always,” Rohan nods, pulling his lightsaber hilts from his belt and holding them with anticipation I could feel radiating from him.

A small laugh leaves my lips as I ease his lightsabers down, “No, our first lesson is not with the blade. It is to learn to listen to the Force. Listen to what it’s telling you. Sit with me.” I sit, cross-legged, on the landing platform.

Rohan gives me a side-eyed look before nodding and sitting beside me.

“Good,” I smile. “Now, close your eyes. Reach out with your mind. Feel the sway of the branches of the trees in the distance. Feel the laugh of a soldier nearby. Feel it all… and listen to what it all tells you.”

The Twi’lek boy does as he’s instructed, long, deep breaths flowing from him as tuned into the Force. I felt his presence transcend the physical coil as he reached out.

“Good,” I nod. He’s doing it. He’s using his head and following his heart. “What is it telling you?”

Rohan’s eyes open slowly. “That we will win the battle but the Separatist leader will escape.”

Wow. That was precision. It wasn’t just listening to the Force, to the present, that Rohan had just done… he had heard echoes of the future. I bookmark that for future reference so that I can read up on the ability to sense the future once I’m back at the Jedi Archives so that I may hone Rohan’s abilities.

“Well, let’s see if we can prove the Force wrong.” I grin and stand up at last. I turn and find Commander Rose and eleven men standing, waiting for me. “Ready, men?”

“Yes, sir!”

“Follow Padawan Richt and I,” I say, gripping the hilt of my saber and leaving the landing platform, ready to creep into the forests of Tholoth.

Chapter 20: Skirmish on Tholoth


Droids on Tholoth! Jedi Knights Anna Sheik and Corrie Carnathan have been sent to the forest planet of Tholoth with Carnathan's Padawan, Rohan Richt, to help the people stave off a Separatist invasion. But is it just droids that they will encounter...?

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Rohan, Commander Rose, eleven troopers and I successfully make it out of the castle and around the flank of the Separatist forces without being spotted. We traverse the woods, careful not to make too much noise or use our flashlights too much as to not attract their attention.

“Mind your own ration pack,” Flash said, nudging Chip’s shoulder as the latter had been reaching into Flash’s belt to retrieve a yellow ration bar.

“Just one, come on!” Chip whined back, making a few of the other Clones chuckle.

“Easy with our voices,” I remind them, turning to face them. “The droid’s receptors can pick up more than we give them credit for.” The Clones nod and go silent. We keep walking. “Hey, Flash? Chip?”

“Yes, general?” The two of them ask.

I toss back two yellow ration bars, using the Force to hold them before them. “Take these, don’t ask where I got them. Rose wouldn’t be happy.”

I heard Chip and Flash laugh while Rose desperately battled down his own belt and groaned as he realised I had taken his. I laugh under my breath as we draw closer to our destination. The night is dark and the trees thick, so it is somewhat of a challenge to traverse our way through them, however, as we get closer to the Separatist forces, it becomes more and more clear that our mission will get easier. They are burning down the forest as they go, clearing a path for themselves. But also making themselves highly vulnerable to attack.

I hear a blaster shot and watch a red streak blur through the air and disappear through the trees. A battle droid had spotted something. But, as a result, I spotted it. I followed the blaster’s trail back to the droid that had fired it and found a small battalion of droids marching, an AAT behind them with its cannon pointed ahead. My hand shoots up and the Rose Battalion stop in their tracks. A few seconds later, Rohan does too.

“Droids ahead. One of the squadrons. Reports detailed that Dooku only sent three squadrons to take the capital city of Tholoth since they are generally a peaceful people. Let’s prove to Dooku that he under-estimated how important friendship with the Republic is.” I say to the group before me. “Rohan, you and Rose are going to take Sunny, Jumper, Sharp, Cogs, Jax and Pitch around to the front of the squadron. I’m going to take Flash, Bud, Dash, Chip and Disc around the back of the AAT and disable it. Got it?”

“Yes, sir!”

The group split in an instant, Rohan and Rose leading their troops ahead to face the droids head on while I took mine to go around the back.

We dash through the thick treeline until they start to thin out. The Clones then kneel and, upon my command, shoot down the droids visible from the back. The noise from ahead of us tells me that Rohan and Rose have started to do the same.

I ignite my lightsaber, the green blade humming to life, and charge forward. I use the Force to leap on top of the AAT, the metal echoing beneath my feet, and press my blade down through the hatch at the top of the tank. I hear a muffled scream from a droid before it shuts down entirely and slams into the console. The top of the AAT swerves and I have to concentrate to keep my balance.

The droids on the ground point at me and begin firing up. I deflect the blaster bolts and am soon defended by the troops behind me. A B2 Droid that I had not spotted comes out from behind a tree and aims its blaster-arm at me. Before I can move my arm to defend myself, it co*cks its arm and–

Its arm falls off. Then, it is sliced down the middle by a short green blade. A second blade slices it in half at the legs. As the droid falls into four pieces, Rohan Richt is revealed standing behind it, his two blades in hand. He smiles at me for a moment then slams the two ends of his hilts together, forming one double-bladed lightsaber. He uses it to deflect the bolts of the final remaining droids, destroying them.

“Nice work, Rohan,” I nod at him, extinguishing my saber.

“Thanks, Mas–” Rohan begins to say before a pained expression shoots over his face. He drops one of his sabers and uses the free hand to pat at his throat. His other soon falls from his hand too as he claws at his throat, his breathing slowing.

I leap from the tank and barrel toward him before I realise what is happening. I turn on my heel and see Ventress in the trees, using the Force to choke my Padawan.

“Up there!” I yell to the Rose Battalion.

Rose and the nearly dozen troopers alongside him open fire on the spot where Ventress is perched. She avoids the blaster fire and disappears into the depth of the woods. Luckily, her being distracted releases Rohan from her grip. The Twi’lek boy falls forward, taking long deep drags of breath, and reaching for his sabers.

“Tighten formation!” I yell, discretion is no longer a tool we need to adhere to. All twelve troopers surround my Padawan alongside me, all of them pointing their weapons ahead. Ready for anything. Ready for her.

A beat passes.

Then another.

Then, Chip screams a moment before he is pulled between two trees. We watch, unable to move, as a red blade bursts through his back then extinguishes and he is dropped to the ground.

“She’s picking us off one at a time.” Rose mutters, pulling out his second pistol and looking at the area before him.

I take a shuddery breath before closing my eyes. I hear the shaking breaths of my troopers beside me. I feel Rohan rising from the dirt, his two saber hilts in hand. I feel… I feel Ventress moving to my right, between the trees.

Opening my eyes, I muster a Force push and launch it at Ventress. She collides with a tree and falls for a moment. But only for a moment. In the next, she is back up and has used the Force to grab Jumper. He is torn forward but stops half-way toward her. I turn my head and see that Rohan is using the Force to keep Jumper with us; him and Ventress in a Force tug of war.

I use the opportunity to leap with the Force over the conflict and land in front of Ventress. Her eyes widens and she is forced to let go of Jumper as she draws her sabers. They collide with mine side-on; my blade shimmers as it absorbs the energy.

“How’s your little friend doing? I gave his pretty face such a pretty scar to match, didn’t I?” Ventress grins, swiping her blades at my legs. I hop over them and shoot my hand forward. My palm makes contact with Ventress’ forehead and I don’t know what comes over me but I simply pour as much Force energy through my fingers as I can. My eyelids get heavy when I suddenly experience–

I’m on a planet I don’t recognise with a Jedi I don’t know. He is fighting Weequay pirates. He’s shot. I’m screaming. I’m grabbing his saber, I’m killing the pirates, my blades are slashing through them–

I return to Ventress in front of me and her eyes shift. They narrow. “You and Skywalker?” She mutters.

Me and Skywalker? What did she–

I had seen her memories. That had been the first time she had killed. The moment she had turned to the Dark Side.

And she had seen the moment I had embraced the Light Side: when I took Anakin’s hand in the EAT ‘N’ WATCH diner.

“Naughty, naughty, Jedi,” Ventress whispered, smirking, before pushing me back with the Force. I was careened off of my feet and flew back into several of my troopers. I watched Ventress run away from the ground and saw Rohan run to try and catch her.

“Rohan, no, choose your battles,” I tell him, standing up and helping Sunny – who I had fallen into – stand as well. “Ventress is a master of escaping through the cracks. We will confront her another day. Our time, today, is owed to the people of Tholoth.”

When we return to the capital city, we find a graveyard of droids at the gates. While Rohan, the Rose Battalion and I had cleared out one regiment of droids, Anna had cleared out another and the Tholoth Kingsguard managed to destroy the final group. There was no sign of Ventress but, without an army on the planet, there was no chance she would try negotiations while we remained here.

“Senator Amidala of Naboo is on her way here to discuss your alliance with the Republic, your majesty.” I tell the King, putting my holo-disc back into my robes. “It’s been a privilege to help you defend your home.”

“Thank you, Master Jedi, your help is deeply appreciated,” King Suubra Te bowed. “Give my best to Masters Gallia and Allie, won’t you? They are two of Tholoth’s finest.”

“Indeed,” I nod, “I will.” I then smile at Rohan and put my hand on his back, “It’s time for us to return to Coruscant.”


Stepping out of my fighter and breathing in the slightly smoky air of Coruscant is the closest I’m ever going to feel to being home. I step off the landing platform and enter the Jedi Temple, running my hands along the stone columns. It has only been a few days but war has a way of extending time. I look ahead of me, down the corridor, and notice a figure approaching. A Togruta clad in dark brown robes. I bow as she gets closer.

“Master,” I smile at Shaak Ti.

“Knight Carnathan,” She smiles back at me. “How was your first mission with a Padawan?”

“Very good, Master, thank you, Rohan is already wise beyond his years. I fear he’s going to teach me more than I could ever teach him.” I chuckle, Shaak Ti gives me a knowing look and nods.

“I know that he will; as you did for me,” She reaches and squeezes my shoulder. “I am proud of you, Corenti–” She pauses and says, “I’m proud of you, Corrie, you are a kind, passionate, loyal Jedi Knight. You are everything I wished for you to be when you were my Padawan and more.”

My chest swells with warmth. I do my best not to let my affection for Master Ti to seep into the emotions I give off in the Force. “All because of your teachings, Master.”

Shaak Ti bows at me then releases my arm and continues on through the Temple, leaving me to smile at my feet. Once I eventually regain my composure and push my emotions down, I find my feet taking me through the Temple corridors, past the archies and up the stairs until I reach a meditation chamber.

I sit down on the cushioned seat in the dark room and close my eyes, letting the Force hum around me. There is nothing and no-one here but me and the Force. My connection to the Force seems to just be getting stronger and stronger. I’ve not only been able to commune with Mari Onthello from across space and time due to our Dyad but my other powers have increased also. I’m able to exert myself more without getting tired. And, back on Tholoth, I was able to open a door between Ventress and I’s minds. We had viewed each other's most passionate memories for a brief moment.

The doors of the meditation chamber slide open and closed again as a familiar presence enters. I find myself smiling as the Force unfurls like a flower coming into bloom.

“Ani,” I say without opening my eyes.

“Corrie,” His voice is soft, a slight question in it.

“I saw Ventress again,” I tell him, opening my eyes to meet his face once more. My eyes instinctively travel the length of his scar over his eye. “I… I got this instinct to reach out to her with the Force and I pursued it. I saw a memory of hers of her killing a pirate. And she saw,” I pause, swallowing, “She saw you and I.”

Anakin’s expression shifts from neutral to concerned in a single moment, his brows furrowing and his lips turning down. He clasps his hands together, “You think she will tell Dooku? Or anyone for that matter?”

I take a breath and consider, “I don’t know.” I say honestly. “But she… she was grinning after she found out and she chose to push me away rather than kill me with her sabers.”

Anakin leans forward and takes my hands in his, “Whatever is coming for us, we will face it.”

“Together,” I nod.


This chapter was really fun to write and took me in directions I didn't originally intend to go in which is always good aha :)

Hope you're enjoying the story!

Chapter 21: Crash on Maridun


Jedi in Peril! In the Quell System, Jedi Master Aayla Secura and her Padawan Bren Avun struggle to fend off the Separatist attack, even with the help of Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan. Anakin Skywalker and Ahsoka Tano are sent to aid them only for the mission to derail as quickly as it had begun...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A few months into the Clone Wars, I am sent to aid Master Aayla Secura and her Padawan Bren Avun in the Quell System. My assistance proves to be of little help as the Separatist naval forces quickly overpower our Republic fleet three ships to one. We are being pinned back by barrage after barrage of lasers from their ships and, to make matters worse, a battalion of B2 Battle droids have managed to board our freighter.

I deflect the blaster bolts they shoot from their arms back at them but they are non-stop. As I peer down the corridor, I can see no end to them, they just seem to keep boarding. I muster some Force energy and channel it to hit a B2 square in the front, sending it careening backward into half a dozen others. They spark and falter before their red lights dim.

Then, I take my lightsaber in both hands and angle it so as to shoot back their bolts as quickly as possible, listening to the Force and the pressure they exert on their internal mechanisms just before they fire in order to deflect the ones coming to me soonest and fastest.

One bolt tears through the fabric of my robe of my right shoulder and I feel the heat sear on my skin. Hissing in pain, I grab the droid with the Force and hoist it into the air before letting it drop. Just before it reaches the floor, it is impaled by a blue blade.

I look up to see the hallway full of destroyed, sparking B2 and in the centre of them, with his lightsaber through the droid that had shot me, was Anakin Skywalker.

“Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” I say, extinguishing my lightsaber. I look around the corridor, find it to be empty, then place my hand on his cheek and kiss him gently. “I’ve missed you.”

It’s been over two months since Anakin and I had seen each other face to face. During quiet moments or in the dead of night while on missions in systems many parsecs from one another, we holo-communicated but to see him again took my breath away. I had missed his messy hair – which had only gotten longer – and his stupid co*cky grin and even his scar.

As we pulled away from the kiss, Anakin cupped my face in his hands. One was warm while the other was cold. His eyes travelled over my face: over my lips, across my cheeks, up the bridge of my nose, into my eyes, along my brow-line. “You’re okay? You’re not hurt?”

“I’m fine,” I assure him, squeezing his forearm, “I’m just glad to see you.”

“I’m never staying apart for that long again,” Anakin muttered before the sound of clanging feet rang down the corridor once more. The two of us pivoted so we were back to back and ignited our lightsabers, “Remind you of anything?”

“Geonosis,” I chuckle softly, “Never thought I’d miss that dust ball.”

I charge forward and swing my lightsaber at a B2, cutting it in half as a new wave approaches. The one behind it steps forward and I cut a whole right through its eye. It falls sideways off my blade. The sound of another lightsaber paired with blaster-fire from a pistol draws my attention. It’s coming from behind my wave of B2s, which soon thins. I lift the final three up with the Force and find them chopped in half by a green blade.

A young Togruta girl with lekku patterned similarly to Master Ti holds her saber with the back of her hand and smiles when she sees me.

“Master Carnathan,” She extinguishes her saber and steps toward me, “My name is–”

“Ahsoka Tano,” I nod, clasping her forearm as she does mine too. “I know you, young one, Master Skywalker has told me much about you.”

“Oh?” Ahsoka quirks a brow, smiling slightly as she watches her master destroy the last of his droids over my shoulder. “I can say the same for you, Master.”

I turn around and face Anakin to find him shrugging, “I’m surrounded by interesting people who give me stories to tell.” He says, a grin on his face. Ahsoka and I exchange a look and shake our heads, both of us all too familiar with his antics.

“Generals, General Secura is up ahead,” A Clone in a set of armour much like Commander Rose but painted blue rather than pink says to us, pointing at a cluster of B1s at the end of the corridor who are marching toward three figures: two Jedi and a Clone.

Anakin, Ahsoka, Anakin’s Clones and I run down the length of the corridor. Anakin lifts a B2’s destroyed body with the Force and hauls it into the crowd of B1s which immediately shatter and break into dozens of pieces.

Master Aayla Secura nods at us, “Always know how to make an entrance, don’t you, Skywalker?”

We are now joined in our charge to the lower hanger of the ship by Aayla, her Padawan, Bren, and Commander Bly. Together, all of our lightsabers deflect blaster bolts paired with the Clone’s precision with their own blasters to make the journey one of relative ease. At least compared to the rest of the mission so far.

The ship that Anakin had beckoned for upon his arrival in the system fully docks with our frigate; Bly, Aayla, Bren and Ahsoka board it as Anakin, his clones and I cover them by fighting off the nearby droids. A group of B2 down the corridor are engulfed by flame as the ship shakes.

I feel what’s happening before it happens yet can do nothing to stop it.

Anakin deignites his lightsaber and turns around. His back is to the droids. He channels the Force then pushes his arms forward. His Clones and I are knocked off our feet and backward into the safety of the docked ship.

“Ani!” I yell as I fly into Commander Bly. I scramble to my feet just as the blast doors seal shut in Anakin, protecting him from the flames. However, a second later, they explode forward and Anakin is shot directly at me. I catch him but also fall several feet backwards once more. We cough and roll before Anakin’s eyes close entirely. “Anakin!” I put my hand on his chest. His heart's still beating. He is still breathing.

The ship lurches and we undock from the frigate to escape its impending combustion.


We crash land on a planet after a great deal of turbulence. Ahsoka tells me that most of it was caused by our hyperdrive nearly taking us directly into a star. I hadn’t left Anakin’s side the entire journey. I’d refused. I hadn’t cared how much attention it drew me from Master Secura or anyone else. All I’d cared about was making sure that he’s okay.

As Ahsoka and I drag his limp form out of the ship and onto the soil of our temporary place of residence, the two of us let out a sigh of relief. He’s safe. Perhaps I had made a mistake by showing my devotion to him so clearly. Perhaps Master Secura would report it to the council or lecture me herself. But I do not regret staying by his side. If we had been enveloped by a star, I would want to go out at his side.

The clones set up a temporary camp for us to stay in and to keep Anakin sheltered from the elements. The planet seems rather desolate with very few plants and only a barren desert stretching for miles.

“Anakin doesn’t have much time,” Aayla says from the entrance of the tent. I look to her and nod. “We have to find help tonight.”

“Okay,” Ahsoka says next to her, “You and Bly go South. Corrie and Bren go North. Rex will go East. I’ll stay here with Master Skywalker.”

I stand up and place my hand on her arm, “This is a lesson for you, Ahsoka, to learn to let go should you need to.” I feel like a hypocrite saying it, but it’s too late for me to learn such a lesson. Hopefully she heeds these words more than I ever did. “Anakin needs you to help him now. He’d want you to be able to keep going even if we lose him.” I swallow the lump in my throat. “I will stay by his side and ensure our camp isn’t raided so that you all have somewhere to come back to.”

Ahsoka nods and kneels beside Anakin, “Be strong, Master, we’ll be back soon.”

She soon leaves with Master Secura, Bren and a squadron of Clones leaving only Rex and I along with a couple of Clones.

The night quickly draws over us, the light from the fire being only for miles. The stars above flicker. A series of howls cut through the air, making all the clones look at one another uneasily. Rex sits at the entrance of the tent while I sit beside Anakin.

“Soon the Prince came to find a villager who he loved like no other…” I recite the story I’d heard dozens of times before I could even comprehend what words were.

“What’s that, Sir?” Rex asks, looking back at me, his helmet is on the ground beside him.

“A story my mother told me when I was very young,” I say, unclasping Anakin’s armour so that he can move in his sleep easier. “It’s the only thing I remember of her, of Lavisar at all, really. It’s just ingrained in my head.” I smile gently and take off the utility belt around Anakin’s torso and place it on the ground next to him. “But an evil warlock came to the village and snatched away the life of the villager. Enraged… the Prince lashed out his anger on everyone in the village. Once the smoke cleared… The Prince and the warlock were left face to face and the Prince realised that he had become everything he had sought out to rid the world of. And, so, he joined the warlock, forever haunted by the villagers he had felled.”

“That’s quite the tragic tale.” Rex said, his lips turned down into a frown.

I nod, “Did they tell you tales on Kamino, Captain?”

“Nothing I’d care to repeat, Sir,” Rex said before the two of us were startled by the cracking of branches in the near distance.

Rex puts his helmet on and unholsters his blaster. He walks over to the other two Clones and nudges them awake as I step out of the tent and put my hand on the hilt of my saber. There’s a shape moving in the grass but I cannot tell whether it’s humanoid or not.

“AAGH!” A Clone yells as his arm is taken into the mouth, well, beak, of a large four legged creature. It rips the Clone upwards and tosses him into the exterior of our ship, causing a large bang and making the Clone fall silent as his body slumps to the ground.

A second creature jumps from the grass in front of Rex and nearly bites him. Luckily, I raise my hand just in time and push its face away at an angle that snaps its neck instantly. Rex nods at me.

The first creature then leaps forward and swipes out the chest plate of the other Clone in our company. He screams out as his armour flies from his body and the creature’s beak dives into his chest. The Clone slumps forward.

“No!” Rex yells, raising his blaster and shooting a direct shot at the creature’s beak. It lets out a scream and drops the Clone, charging at Rex. Just as I grip my lightsaber in my hands, ready to strikes, something blurs past me and a blue saber cuts off the creature’s beak in one swing. In the next swing, it is stabbed through the eye and falls sideways. When Anakin removes his saber from it, the creature dies.

“Ani,” I whisper, walking forward and putting my hand on his shoulder. He’s panting heavily, his free hand is clutching his ribs. By the Force, he’s really injured. He could die. I could be without him.

Anakin’s knees buckle but I catch him and cradle him. I’ll never let him fall. Never let him go. He asks, “Did I save him?”

“You saved me, Sir.” Rex nods, removing his helmet and crouching beside us.

“You always do,” I mutter, pressing my lips to his as I brush the dirty hair from his face. When I pull away, Anakin’s eyes are shut but his chest is moving up and down evenly. I look up to see Rex looking between us, the connection forming in his head. “Rex–”

“I didn’t see a thing, Sir,” He said, holstering his blasters. “I just see two people in the middle of a war finding comfort with one another. I don’t see why that’s anyone’s business but yours.”

I close my eyes as I feel them get teary. It feels good to have someone know. “Thank you, Rex.”

Rex and I spend the night moving the bodies of the fallen troopers and burying them in the soil outside of our fallen ship. Anakin does not stir the entire night.

When morning comes to be with flashes of pink crossing the sky as the sun rises to greet us, the Clones are buried and I have slept exactly an hour. I wake to find Anakin staring at the ceiling of the tent beside me.

“I thought you’d never wake up,” Anakin says, groaning as he turns to face me.

I nudge him with my arm, “You’re one to talk. Always scaring the Force out of me by putting yourself in more danger than you need to.”

“Let’s save the lecture for when I’m healthy, yeah?” He chuckles, sitting up, as a small bipedal creature with grey fur and bright yellow eyes comes into the tent. I sit up too, looking to the entryway to see Ahsoka.

“Masters, this is Wag Too. He’s a healer. He can make you well again.” Ahsoka tells us.

“I can make you well in no time, don’t worry,” Wag Too says, taking Anakin’s hand in his and squeezing. “You just have to come with me to my village.”

I stand up and assist Rex getting Anakin into a stretcher to transport him to the village. I let out a long breath, connecting with the Force for a moment as we walk. The journey here may have been catastrophic but perhaps there were lessons to be learned in our time here.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I really enjoyed getting to adapt Season One Episode Thirteen (1x13) of The Clone Wars: Jedi Crash.

Some Clone Wars storylines will be covered and I will let you know which ones at the end of each chapter in case you want to rewatch them:)

Let me know your thoughts on the story so far!

Chapter 22: People in Need


Jedi crashed! After a series of unfortunate events in the Quell System, Jedi Master Aayla Secura along with her Padawan Bren Avun, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Corrie Carnathan and Anakin's Padawan Ahsoka Tano find themselves needing to protect a village of peaceful colonists from the evil of the Separatists!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

A deep breath in. And then that breath flows out. Repeat. Feel the Force. Centre yourself. Feel everything around you. The life-forms, yes, but also the contours of the earth. The reaching branches of the trees. The shape of the huts. Feel it all. Feel it all at once… and be at one with the Force for just a moment.

This is the lesson I recite to Aayla Secura’s Padawan, Bren Avun, as we sit on a hill outside of the village where Anakin has been brought to be healed by Wag Too. When I open my eyes, I see him tuning into the Force, having heeded my words. I smile. He’s a human boy with skin a similar pale tone to my own. The curls of his dark brown hair dance against the easy morning breeze. Like his Master, the boy is wearing untraditional Jedi garb: his being a dark brown sleeveless tunic with matching trousers and a bright blue cloak – perhaps a nod to his Master – draped over his shoulders.

His eyes open and meet mine. A smile flickers across his lips, catching like a flame.

“I felt it, Master… I felt all of it.”

“Good,” I squeeze his shoulder. “Now–”

I pause as a loud thrumming noise cuts through the air. It’s mechanical.

Bren and I both look to the skies to see a large Separatist ship descending from the pink clouds and breaking through the air to come to a landing space within throwing distance of the village. Anakin. The innocent peoples of Maridun. They did not deserve to be involved in this war. They only sought to help us.

“With me, Bren,” I said, unholstering my lightsaber from my belt and making for the village.

When we reach the hut where Anakin is being healed by Wag Too, we find it empty of Lurmen. Bly and Rex are helping Anakin to stand. Since his arrival at the village, Wag Too had fitted him with bandages around his torso and head to stem the bleeding and ensure he could heal. From now on, for every mission I go on, I swear to take a handful of Bacta pods and keep them in my robes.

“What’s going on?” Bren asks his Master as they help Anakin out of the hut. Aayla and Ahsoka are carrying backpacks full of supplies.

“We are leaving, Padawan. If the Separatists spot us, there will be conflict.” Aayla says, “We cannot let the Lurmen become endangered because of us.”

I clip the lightsaber back to my belt and grab a bag of medical supplies before we can leave too. When we get to the edge of the village, we hear blaster fire and stop in our tracks. Surely we can’t allow these people to have their homes destroyed?

“Why are they tearing apart our homes?” Wag Too says, beside us. “We’ve done nothing to them!”

“Violence,” Ahsoka says, her eyes on the ground, “It’s what those droids were programmed for.”

I feel my knuckles turn white and look down to see I have been clenching my fists. To stand by and watch as this happens… it feels so wrong. “Can’t we do anything?”

“If we are discovered, the Lurmen will be slaughtered,” Aayla says, “We must remain hidden.”

“We can make it to the tall grasses,” Anakin points to the grassy fields surrounding the village and Bly and Rex assist him in making it over into the first blades.

Soon, the three of them disappear, leaving only a rustling sound in their wake. Aayla and Bren followed them. Ahsoka made it to the border of the grass and looked back at me.

“Corrie?” She raised a brow.

“Yeah, I’m coming…” I say and then look over my shoulder at a horde of B1 Battle Droids firing on the Lurmen houses. Kicking their farms. Scaring the people. I turn around and hold out a hand. I close my eyes.

I find a droid.

I clench my fist.

I open my eyes and watch its head cave in on itself and its body fall sideways.

“Okay, now I’m coming.” I follow Ahsoka into the grass.


While we were camped out in a small clearing amidst the tall grass, Ahsoka had spotted a Separatist surveillance droid watching over us. She, Aayla, Rex and Bly have darted after it to ensure its knowledge of our presence on this planet doesn’t reach the Separatist invaders. Meanwhile, Bren and I escort Anakin in the general direction they had run off in.

Bren is walking slightly ahead of us. Anakin’s arm is around my shoulders as I support his weight.

“Nice romantic walk, huh?” He says, a grin on his face that contorts in pain as we both mis-step.

I correct our footing and shake my head, a smile toying at the corners of my lips, “Really? Now? In the middle of a droid invasion?”

“The only moments we’ve got are stolen between fights, duels and blaster-fire, Corrie, I’m taking every single one I can,” Anakin says and my heart swells. I do my best to mask the heightened emotions I feel in case Bren can sense them. But it’s difficult. Because the joy he makes me feel surges like the chorus of the best song ever played.

“Ani,” I whisper, squeezing his side gently. The most physical contact I dare make with another Force sensitive so close. “I’m never letting you get hurt again. You did what you did to protect Master Secura and Ahsoka and me. I know that, I know you’d do it again a hundred times but I’m going to do my best to make sure you never have to.”

Anakin’s always been bolder than me. He puts his hand on my cheek and kisses the corner of my lips, quickly.

“If that’s the case, then we are both going to be trying to catch blaster fire so that the other doesn’t get hurt,” Anakin chuckles, his hand still on my cheek. “You think the Jedi you read about in that journal was like this with his partner?”

Mari Onthello. I’d had so little time to think about him, to commune with him, since the war had fallen into full swing. I’d need to make contact soon.

The thought of Mari and Dhar Naseem defending each other in battle, flirting all the while, brings a grin to my face.

“Well, Mari says he and I are very alike, so, perhaps he and Dhar were just like you and I,” I say, moving Anakin’s hand off my face. Not because I want to but because to linger and enjoy these moments for too long is to tempt fate.

“Masters, up there!” Bren says, pointing ahead of us. I follow his gesture and see what he sees: Aayla, Ahsoka, Rex and Bly atop the huge tree in front of us.

We scale the tree with relative ease – taking some occasional breaks so Anakin can catch his breath – and eventually reach the top where our companions are waiting.

Ahsoka hands Anakin a set of macrobinoculars, “I hope you’re feeling better, Master.”

“I’m getting stronger by the second, Snips,” He grins and uses the macrobinoculars to look out over the field that the rest of them just were. I don’t need the technology to tell what we’re looking at… on the horizon is the looming silhouette of a Separatist ship and the blurred tiny specs of an army of B1s. “But… I’m not sure I’m ready for that.”

I place my hand on Anakin’s shoulder, “You don’t have to be, because we are.”

“It’s not going to be easy, Sir, the Seppies don’t seem to have any flaws in their security line,” Bly says. His rangefinder is down over his visor.

A shuddery gasp leaves Anakin’s lips, “I think they have a new toy.” He looks over his shoulder at Bly. “See if you can get a closer look.”

Bly nods.

“Take Rex and Bren with you, Commander.” Aayla says, earning yet more nods from the Clone Captain and her Padawan. The three of them hop down the branches of the tree to scout.

We watch the three of them cross the field before us, hiding behind rocks and trees as cover. Two Battle droids walk out in the field too. Perhaps a scouting duo? Or maybe they’d been sent to dispatch of Rex, Bly and Bren? But two battle droids would not be enough for two Clones and a Jedi Padawan, the Separatists knew that from Geonosis alone even without the dozens of Battles that had spanned the galaxy since. But Anakin had mentioned a new toy.

I feel a jolt in the Force just as a missile launches, arching in the sky toward the two battle droids… toward Bly, Rex and Bren.

“They’re in trouble!” I fall to my knees and try to centre myself. How can we help from up here?

The missile lands in front of the battle droids and explodes with a surge of blue energy. It turns into a wave that passes right over the droids, leaving them unharmed, while scorching the land, trees and flowers that it passes through. Their weapon is able to harm organics without harming droids.

Rex, Bly and Bren start running, Rex uses his grappling gun and zips back up to us, however, Bly stumbles and Bren is struggling to maintain pace. As I hear Aayla ignite her saber behind me, I trust her to save Bly.

“Ahsoka, feel Bren within the Force… and lift him with me.” I tell her as fast as I can, holding out both of my hands and closing my eyes. I trust Ahsoka to do the same. Reaching out into the vastness of the Force, I locate Bren’s fear quickly and am able to cup the Force around it. I feel a similar ship in the Force on his other side and then raise my hands. As I open my eyes, I see Bren drifting toward us, the panicked expression on his face easing into understanding as both Ahsoka and I lower our hands and his feet are placed on the branch once again. Just as Bren takes his first calm breath, Aayla swings by one a vine with Bly.

All of us are safe once more, for now.

But the Lurmen Village is not.


By night, we manage to commandeer a Separatist shuttle and reach the Lurmen village by morning.

“Everyone, please, please listen.” Master Secura says as we leave the shuttle and approach the villagers, including the rather uncooperative Tee Watt Kaa, the village elder and chief. “The Separatists will be here in moments.”

Tee Watt Kaa points his cane in our direction, “What are you doing here? I told you to stay away.”

“It’s not the Jedi way to ignore people in need,” I say.

“I’m afraid the Separatists don’t care whether you’re part of the war or not. We need to get you to safety before they arrive,” Anakin chimes in, walking much better on his own now.

“We will not abandon our homes!” Tee Watt Kaa says. I can understand the sentiment. I cannot imagine being forced to abandon a place I love because of a war I did not consent to… except, I can imagine it. Naboo.

Ahsoka takes a few steps forward, “They have a new weapon! It will burn this place to a crisp.” She raises her voice, “Is this what all of you really want?”

“If it is our destiny to be destroyed in your war, then so be it.” Tee Watt Kaa says as his final statement, turning away from us and marching back to his hut. His son and a handful of the other villagers look worried at the idea of not fighting back or being defenceless in the face of death.

“Don’t worry,” I find myself saying, “We’ll protect you.”

It is lucky that we hold the promise I made because, less than twenty minutes later, a wave of fire pours toward the village and is only stopped by the shields we have activated around us. The flames erupt at the edges of the purple ray shield having already consumed the trees outside of the dome of protection we had secured.

Having seen that their plan to strike from a distance had failed, the droids begin to march toward us… toward the village.

“Time to get our hands dirty,” Anakin says, grinning at me as he unholsters his lightsaber from his belt, tossing it in the air and catching it again.

“Don’t show off too much out there, you may pull something,” I chuckle, grabbing my saber too, “Well, another something, that is.”

“Focus, Masters,” Aayla says to us as the three of us, Ahsoka, Rex, Bly and Bren step out of the protection of the shield and raise our weapons. Five lightsaber blades – three blue, two green – burst into being.

Blaster fire reigns.

We manage to deflect a good number but the droids still press in. Soon they will pass through the shields and be able to reach the Lurmen, something I cannot allow. Ahsoka leaps up and arches her lightsaber, slashing through four droids in one swipe. I grin and follow her path of destruction, swinging my saber in wider arches than I typically use. The results are several B1s cut in half in a matter of seconds. An additional result was more B1s noticing the damage I was doing and raising their blasters to me. I find myself surrounded by eight.

I close my eyes and listen to the Force. It tells me which will fire first.

Behind me, slightly to the right.

I pivot on my heel and raise my saber. A blaster bolt immediately bounces from it and knocks the offending droid’s head clean off. It falls back.

A blaster bolt fizzes by my shoulder and I turn to slash the droid who fired it to find Bren standing in front of me, three droids slashed in half around him.

I ball my hands together then push outwards, knocking the remaining four droids away, breaking them on impact with the ground.

“Thanks for the save, Bren,” I nod at him.

“Anytime, Master.” Bren grins but it soon falls as he looks over my shoulder, “Oh… by the Force.”

I follow his gaze and see the next wave of droids approaching. Double the amount that we had just faced but also now including B2s.

Anakin twirls his saber in his hand, “This is where the fun begins.”

“You and I have different definitions of fun, Ani.” I grip my saber with both hands and rush forward, cutting down the first two droids in the wave with one stroke. As I land on one knee, I push my hand forward and send a wave of Force energy surging through the droid line. Several topple backwards so I leap up and hold my lightsaber so that it drags along the ground. As I run, it slices the droids who had fallen vertically up the middle.

I bring my saber up just in time to deflect a blast back at a B2 then use the Force to heave it into another.

Then a bolt whizzes too close to my head. I gasp and feel my hair singe slightly. As I pat it out, the droids advance further. Closer and closer to the village. Ahsoka, Bly and Rex are already back inside the shield. Anakin, Aayla, Bren and I let out heavy breaths as we struggle to keep track of the number of blasts firing at us.

Within just a few moments, the droids manage to destroy the shield generators.

“I’m going to win this for us,” Anakin said, charging forward.

“Ani!” I call out but he’s already gone. I groan. Hot-headed fool. I wish I didn’t love that about him so much. Before I can think any more of Anakin’s actions, a B1 fires at me and I narrowly deflect it.

The wave of droids is seemingly endless as Aayla, Bren, Ahsoka, Rex, Bly and I struggle to keep them at bay and keep them from hurting the Lurmen. We’re joined by Wag Too and a few of his friends who help us to topple a small battalion of droids.

“The weapon has been disabled!” Anakin says via comms.

“Copy that, General,” Rex says, emerging from behind a hut and shooting down four droids in two shots.

I reach my hand out and raise a B2 into the air. A wooden trident pierces its red eye, destroying it. Wag Too nods at me as the droid hits the ground.

The droids, at last, have been defeated. The village was safe from the Separatists.


i hope you enjoyed this chapter! it's been fun balancing smaller character moments with the high pace action of the canon episodes!

this chapter was based on Season One Episode Fourteen: Defenders of the Peace :)

Chapter 23: Shadows Cast By the Past


Clone Wars in full affect! As the war between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems rages on across the galaxy, Jedi Knights Corrie Carnathan and Anakin Skywalker revisit their past just as a potential meeting between the neutral planet of Iktoch and the Separatists in unveiled...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After a long and arduous process that nearly dyed my hands pink, I look up into the mirror in my bathroom and admire my handiwork. To show my comradery with my Clone Battalion – the 24th aka the Rose Squadron – I have dyed a braid of my hair pink. The same pink that Commander Rose and many of the others in the squad have dyed their own hair as a way to identify one another easily. I think it’s only fair I do the same as I fight beside them on many planets galaxy-wide.

I step out of the bathroom and smile at Anakin who is sitting on the sofa in the living room of my apartment. “What do you think?”

“I think you suit that far better than I would suit a blue streak to pay homage to the five-oh-first.” Anakin chuckles, his arms up on the top of the sofa. “I’m afraid I have some bad news.”

“Oh?” I fall into the seat beside him and Anakin lets his arm drape over my shoulders, “What is it?”

“I’m being sent to Saleucami tomorrow with Obi-Wan, which means…” Anakin trails off, looking out the window.

I let out a small sigh. I know what it means. It means it may be many weeks, if not months, before we see one another again. It means another many weeks, if not months, of sneaking holo-communications with him in the nights or in moments when battles cease.

I think of my words carefully before I say them, “It’s okay. It’s like you said: ‘the only moments we’ve got are stolen between fights, duels and blaster-fire’.” I tilt my head and place a kiss on his cheek. “And I intend to take advantage of all the moments that we have.”

Anakin shifts his body until our noses are slotted together and brings his free hand around to cup my cheek, “Sounds like a plan to me,” He kisses me softly. As he pulls away, his gaze flits between my lips and my eyes. “Did you know that we met before Naboo?”

Before Naboo? I lean back slightly, raising a brow and smiling, “No, not possible.”

“It’s entirely possible!” Anakin laughs, moving his hand from my cheek to my hip. “And it’s true. I remember.”

I shuffle in my seat to face Anakin. “Can I…” I consider my words, “I’ve been tuning my sensitivity to the Force. I think, if I place my hands on your head and atune, that I may be able to view the memory you think of. I’ve been able to hear echoes on the Force before.”

The corner of Anakin’s lip tugs upward, “Please, be my guest.” He sits straight.

Clearing my throat, I bring my hands up and placed two of my fingers on either side of Anakin’s head, on his temples. I close my eyes and listen closely. I hear… laughter. I hear hushed whispers. I listen closer and–

I’m eleven years old. It would be another three years before I graduate from initiate to Padawan. I’m in the Temple mess hall.

“He’s the Chosen One, I heard so from Master Windu himself!” A Rodian boy beside me says to his friend.

“Him? He’s so small? And he only just got here yet he’s so old… there’s no way they got the right one.” A Tholothian girl giggles, poking at her bantha steak sceptically.

I look over to see who they’re talking about. A boy, no older than I am, with messy dark blonde hair and a smattering of freckles that would fade with age. He sits alone with nothing left on his plate. There’s not even any of the sauce for the steak left, which everyone else usually left sitting on the bottom of the tray. He appreciated the food more than anyone else.

The initiates beside me get up, having finished their meal and left a smattering of food on their trays which they deposit in the bin. I frown, looking back over to the boy sitting by himself.

I close my eyes and hold out my hand. The steak lifts from my plate and floats across the room. It is lowered onto the boy’s plate.

He looks up at me, frowning slightly, before cutting a chunk of the steak and bringing it to his lips. After swallowing it, he smiles and nods. I nod back.

I release my fingers from Anakin’s temple.

“That was one of the first times I felt kindness from someone in the Temple,” Anakin smiles weakly. “And I always swore to myself I would repay that kindness.”

I place my hand on Anakin’s cheek, “You have, tenfold.”

He leans forward and kisses me. “Allow me to make it elevenfold.” He kisses me until I fall back until my back hits the cushions of the sofa. We make the most of the time we have together before he leaves for Saleucami.


I’m not afforded a moment of emotional rest as, just two hours after Anakin and Obi-Wan leave on their mission, I am called to the Jedi Council Chamber with my Padawan. Only three Masters are physically present – Master Mundi, Master Tiin and Master Koth – with five other Masters – Master Fisto, Master Unduli, Master Piell, Master Windu and Master Gallia – being present as holograms.

“Thank you for coming,” Master Windu nods at us. “We’ve heard disturbing reports that Hydrand Basko of the Banking Clan is travelling to Iktoch to meet Lord Svino and his wife Tamzi.”

“Iktoch is an essential ally of the Republic and the Jedi alike, we source much of the metal of our fighters from their mines,” Master Koth says, his hands folded in his lap, “And Lady Tamzi is a dear friend both of mine and of the Republic. She served as Senator of Iridonia, my homeworld, for many happy years. It would be most upsetting to see her ally herself with Dooku.”

I take a step forward, “You’d like for Rohan and I to go to Iktoch and convince Lord and Lady Svino not to ally themselves with the Separatists? With all due respect, Masters, we are not the finest negotiators the Order has to offer.”

“You will be the entourage,” Master Mundi says, “This mission is far too important to leave in the hands of a newly appointed Knight and his Padawan,” I try not to take offence. “Senator Amidala will be talking with the Iktochi Lord and his Lady. You, your Padawan and a small escort of Clones will be accompanying her as well in case anything goes… awry.”

“Understood, Masters.” I bow then put my hand on Rohan’s back, leading him out of the chamber. As the doors close behind us, an idea springs to my mind. “Master Mundi said we are to take a small escort of Clones. I want you to choose the eight soldiers to join us, okay, Rohan?”

“Okay.” Rohan nods, “May I ask why me, Master?”

I smile, looking down at my feet as we walk, “Because only the Force knows how long this war will be going on for, you may well grow into your role as General. And also, the Clones, contrary to their name, are all unique with their own skills and strengths. It is a good skill for you to be able to discern who is right for what job.”

“Yes, Master,” Rohan says as a set of doors open before us, revealing one of the Temple barracks. Inside, many soldiers from the Rose Squadron – my squadron – sit chatting, laughing, living with their helmets off. There are many pink-haired Clones in the room… it fills me with pride.

“Generals in the room!” Commander Rose says, jumping to his feet, his back straightening, his hand going to his head in a salute. All of the troopers in the room do the same.

“At ease,” I hold my hand up, smiling. “Please, be at ease. As you were.”

The Clones sit back down and look curiously at Rohan and I. A few mutters fill the room.

“Is there a mission, Sir?” Rose asks.

“There is,” I say, sitting down at the front of the room on a crate. Rohan stands behind me. “Rohan and I are to take a small escort of Clones, no more than eight men, to Iktoch for a diplomatic mission–” A handful of the Clones in the room groan, including the Clone with messy blonde hair and a star tattoo under his eye that I’d come to know as Sunny. “– but the job is an important one. We are to be protecting Senator Amidala. We may also encounter a Separatist diplomacy party and there’s always a chance of things turning sour when the Separatists are involved.” I take a beat, “Rohan will be selecting which men join us on the mission.”

I hear murmurs throughout the room including “The kid?”, “He’s so young, what does he know about warfare?” and “I’m not sure about this.”

Their doubts are quelled as Rohan walks among them, weaving between their seats to get a good look at each soldier.

“Rose,” Rohan says, nodding at the Commander. Rose immediately stands. “Pitch, Dash and Fisher. You all were on Eriadu with me recently, I know you could use a diplomacy mission as opposed to a combat one,” The three soldiers rise to their feet, nodding at Rohan. “Can any Trooper wishing to go on the mission please stand?”

Five Troopers rise to their feet: Cogs, Oz, Flash, Bud and Athen.

“Flash,” Rohan says, walking over to the soldier, “Your best friend, Chip, died on Tholoth by Ventress’ blade. You haven’t stopped fighting since. Please, take this mission off.”

Flash bows his head, “Yes, General,”

I stand up and place my hand on Rohan’s shoulder, “Fine choices, my Padawan,” I look over the room, at the standing Troopers, “We’re to depart from the Southern hanger in one hour, ready yourselves.”


I cannot stop myself from smiling as I step aboard a familiar silver Nubian starcraft. I nod to the Clones who have already boarded and secured themselves into the seats in the ship’s main hull with two of Padme’s own guard. Rohan sits beside Commander Rose. I, meanwhile, make my way to the co*ckpit and ease into the secondary pilot’s seat.

“It’s been too long, Senator,” I say to Padme, turning to face her.

“Far too long, my wonderful Jedi friend,” She smiles right back, reaching across and squeezing my hand as it rests on the chair. “How have you been?”

I nod, “Well. More battered than the last time we spoke but well nonetheless. Yourself?”

A long sigh leaves Padme’s lips as she fires up the ship. It leaves the Coruscant atmosphere before she speaks, “Anxious about this mission…”

Anxious? Padme has been on many diplomatic missions on the Republic’s behalf before. Why is this one any different?

“May I ask why, Padme?”

Padme’s eyes are set dead ahead even though all there is to see is the endless repetition of the Hyperspace lane. “You remember the story I told you? Of how I fell in love with another Senator many years ago?”

Everything rushes back to me as it clicks into place. Padme had fallen for a Senator but they had to end their relationship as the Senator was engaged to be wed to an Iktochi lord. And we were being sent to meet with an Iktochi Lord and his Lady. The Lady in question was Padme’s old love.

“Oh, by the Force,” I whisper.

“Indeed,” Padme laughs gently. It sounds like a petal falling from a flower. “I am anxious to see how she will react when seeing me… and how I will react when seeing her.”

I reach across and squeeze Padme’s hand. “You once taught me that it is okay to harbour feelings that you have been taught to believe are wrong and you showed me that I always have someone to turn to when that troubles me.” I smile over to my friend, “Padme, I am here for you; I will stand at your side throughout this whole ordeal.”

“I know you are, Corrie,” Padme nods and it’s a lot more certain, “Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure, my Lady.” I let go of her hand and watch the blue streaks of the hyperlane whiz by.


This chapter is intended to be a little lighter and flesh out the dynamics a bit more! Hope you enjoyed getting to spend some more time with Anakin, Rohan, the Clones and Padme!

The next chapter will have Padme and Corrie's mission on Iktoch and the one after will be following a pretty major Clone Wars storyline (and we may be going back to a planet we've already been to hint hint!!) :D

Hope you enjoyed, let me know what you think <3

Chapter 24: Free in the Light


Scandal on Iktotch! After hearing reports of a potential Separatist alliance between Iktotch and the Separatists, the Republic send Padme Amidala, Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan and his Padawan Rohan Richt to Iktotch to meet with Senator Amidala's former flame...

Chapter Text

The Grand Palace of the Iktotchi city of Lonalaka was grand in an ancient kind of way. The walls were built up of great slabs of grey stone with carved designs of ancient Iktochi warriors and leaders engraved into them. The furniture inside was all bolted to the ground.

“Iktotch suffers from heavy gravel and sandstorms,” Rohan says beside me as we follow Padme down the length of the central carpet that leads straight to the throne at the back of the great hall of the Palace. “Many Iktotchi are actually Force Sensitive, which helps them know when the storms are going to occur.”

As we got closer to the throne, I realise it's made out of the horns of Mudhorns and is accompanied by a smaller wooden throne to the side. In the main throne sits Lord Mauzio Svino, a tall Iktotchi man with dark red skin and the thickest set of horns I had ever seen protruding from his temples. On the smaller, wooden throne was Lady Tamzi, formerly Senator of Iridonia. Like many Iridonian Zabrak women, the crown of her scalp was layered with rows of small horns while hair weaved between them and down her back in an intricate braid – hers was a dark purple shade and adorned with silver jewellery. Dark red tattoos marked the structure of her face, including her cheek bones, brow lines and the deep-set hollows of her eyes, as per the Zabrak tradition.

“Lord and Lady Svino, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance once more,” Padme says as we reach the front of the hall and bow at the two people upon their thrones. I hear eight sets of footsteps behind me come to a halt in exact unison and smile, proud of my Battalion. “I hope you have both been keeping well.”

“Well indeed, Senator,” Lord Svino plucks a grape from his servant’s basket. “May I ask why the Republic waited until now, nearly a year into this war, to contact the mighty Iktotchi?”

Padme shifts on her feet, “We try to honour as many systems’ claims to neutrality as we can. But we must act when we hear whispers of potential Separatist dealings.”

Tamzi Svino sits forward, “Are you accusing us of being Separatists, Padme?”

There’s no sting in her words. No venom. Not even any hostility. I wonder if that makes it worse for Padme.

If it does, she doesn’t show it, “Not accusing, no, my Lady, merely hoping we may have an open discussion that may benefit all parties involved.”

Lord Svino clasps his hands together and surveils us for a long few moments. His breathing is long and laboured but it doesn’t seem to be due to any ill health. I believe he may be doing it to ensure his presence isn’t forgotten; so that his power may always be recognised.

“We can have such discussion,” The Lord says. “But not in the presence of the Clones nor the Jedi. Their roles in the constant warring this galaxy has experienced will not be condoned by the Iktotchi rulership.”

I feel my heart sink. Is this really how the Jedi are being viewed by the rest of the galaxy? As warmongers? Is this how far from the light we have fallen?

Padme turns back to me and I know before she even looks into my eyes what her sentiment will be. I hold up my hand to her and nod, turning on my heel and placing my hand on Rohan’s back.

“Rose, please lead the men out of the Palace,” I say and he nods at me and goes to the front of the squadron, leading the seven men, Rohan and I out of the hall to allow Padme to talk to Lord and Lady Svino.


While Rohan and the Clones are entertained by an entourage of Iktotchi noblemen, I take the opportunity to retreat to a quiet room within the palace and sit on the floor at its centre. There are no windows and I closed the door upon entering. The darkness helps clear my mind; to remove all the distractions.

I close my eyes and open my mind to the Force.

In an instant, I feel the Force shift and open my eyes once more.

Mari Onthello sits cross-legged in front of me. He smiles, “Corrie,” He says and I feel my shoulders ease and my entire body release its tension. “It’s been a while.”

I nod slowly. It had been. The last time I had talked to Mari was many months ago back on Coruscant when I was still feeling conflicted having slept with Anakin for the first time. It was the day that we had become one.

“There’s a war going on, it’s been hard to find moments like these to talk to you,” I say, fiddling with the hem of my robes. “How are you? And Dhar?”

“Well, very well, thank you,” Mari nods. “For me, it’s only been a few weeks since we last spoke. A Jedi shuttle came by recently on some mission but we managed to go undetected.”

“Good,” I smile. “You and Dhar deserve your peace.”

Mari tilts his head, his long dark hair flowing over his shoulder as he does so, “And what of you and your tortured Chosen One?”

“We are one,” I say, unable to keep anything but radiant joy from emitting from my voice. “It’s hard… hiding from friends. From my Master. Hiding the truth. Hiding my emotions.”

A moment of silence passes between us and I feel Mari atune to our Dyad connection even further, “But that’s not what worries you at this moment.”

“No,” I admit. “I’m worried at the moment because someone recently voiced something that resonated with me a little too much. He accused the Jedi of being a reason for the war. Of being a contributing factor to the fact it’s ongoing,” I frown. “I have been a part of many conflicts already, I have helped to end them but, I must question, is this really the role of the Jedi? To play General? And for how long?”

It’s been playing on my mind for a while. The Jedi are Protectors of the Peace and Guardians of the Force. Why were we involving ourselves in a conflict that was ultimately political? Republic versus Separatist… it’s all politics. The Jedi should be stepping in to save all lives, not only those that are allied with the Republic. It is our duty to be a servant of the galaxy, not just a political regime.

“I don’t have the answers you seek, Corrie,” Mari says after a long while. “The Jedi of my age are beginning their descent into the Jedi of yours. They misread the Force and its teachings. They believe their way is the only way and every other way is shrouded in darkness. But, look at you and I. We are not servants of the Dark Side. We live freely in the Light.”

“You’re right,” I say. “The Order is flawed but it must prevail over the Dark Side.” I smile, “Thank you, as always, Mari, we will talk soon.”

“May the Force be with you, Corrie.”

With that, Mari disappears and I feel the Force shift back to normal once more.


Commander Rose, Cogs and Athen retrieve me from my quiet retreat to inform me that Padme went with Lady Tamzi, her guard and the rest of the Clones to a local orphanage. Rohan and I follow them to the building in question – a sandstone structure with low ceilings and lots of windows made of glass that is far denser and harder to see through than usual glass (Rohan’s factoid about the sandstorms the planet experienced came to mind).

As we enter, I immediately see Padme sitting on her knees, holding a baby in her arm and playing with a doll with a five-year-old Iktotchi girl with her free hand. The biggest, broadest, most authentic smile I have ever seen spread across her face, making her cheeks go pink and creasing the corners of her eyes.

Opposite her, Lady Tamzi and Rohan are playing with a little boy no more than three years old.

“I assume you the discussions went well,” I smile and lean against the doorframe.

“Very well,” Padme nods, patting the spot next to her. I sit beside the Senator and take the toy from her, using it to entertain the five-year-old girl. “Lady Tamzi is to now be the sole ruler of Iktotch. Her husband, Lord Svino, allied himself and Iktotch with the Separatists after meeting with Hydrand Basko of the Banking Clan. He did so without going through the Iktotchi Council or even informing Lady Tamzi.”


“Has Lord Svino been detained? What about Hydrand Basko?” I ask.

“Basko managed to escape custody and has fled the system,” Lady Tamzi says from across the room. “But my now ex-husband has been arrested and you will escort him back to Coruscant to do time for his crimes.”

I bow my head, “Yes, my Lady.”

Padme smiles at me, “Tamzi has stepped down as Lady of Iktotch and succeeded her power to the head of the Iktotchi Council. They have, however, elected to place her as the new Senator of Iktotch in the place of Lord Svino who previously oversaw Senatorial duties.”

“That’s fantastic,” I say. To have Tamzi in the Senate again is definitely something that will make Padme happy, therefore I am all for it. “Congratulations, Senator Tamzi…”

“Vonquess,” Tamzi says, “I am Tamzi Svino no longer. Now, I am Senator Tamzi Vonquess.”


While flying back to Coruscant, it is just Padme and I on her ship as the Clones and Rohan guard our new prisoner, Lord Svino, on a ship provided by the Iktotchi and Senator Vonquess.

As the hyperspace lane streaks by, I place my hand upon hers. “That must make you happy? Having Tamzi back in the Senate?”

“Very happy,” Padme says and, though her tone conveys the happiness, I sense a slight longing in the Force. Like there is an additional thing missing that she wishes for.

It takes me a few moments of thinking to realise.

But it must be.

“You want a child?” I ask.

Padme, at first, looks shocked. Her mouth falls open slightly and a pair of startled eyes meet mine. Then, those lips turn into a smile and she lets out a laugh, “I should know better than to try and hide something from a Jedi,” She chuckles. “And even more so know better than to hide something from you, Corrie.”

I let myself smile at that. “You are allowed happiness, Padme. Your being a Senator does not mean that you cannot too have a family.”

“I know,” Padme nods slowly, “But I certainly do not have the time to raise a child alone while also being a Senator. It would be unfair on the child. And I also want to carry a child. Adopting one would be wonderful, of course, but it’s something I have thought about for a long while…”

My mind whirs with thoughts. I try to think of a way to help my friend but cannot. As both a single woman and a busy Senator, she is one of the last people currently in the position to be with child.

“Then perhaps rebuild a life with Tamzi? You were close before… I could tell you both wish to be close once again. Perhaps together you could lighten the load of both Senatorial and maternal duties?” I suggest.

Padme squeezes my hand, “Certainly food for thought, my dear friend.”

Just as we begin to enjoy a few moments of silence, the holo-communicator on Padme’s ship’s dashboard begins to blink. She presses the button to activate it.

Blue images of Admiral Yularen, Chancellor Palpatine, Grand Master Yoda and Obi-Wan burst into being on the holo-table.

“Senator Amidala, Knight Corentin, good to see you it is,” Master Yoda nods at us. “Under better circ*mstances, I wish it were.”

“What’s happening, Master?” I ask, giving each person in the meeting a nod as a greeting.

“We have located a droid factory on Geonosis, thanks to your recent encounter with Rush Clovis, Senator,” Admiral Yularen says, smiling at Padme. “It is time for us to strike against them and deal a decisive blow against the Separatists.”

This is big. Geonosis is where the war started… Perhaps it is also where it can end.

“Senator Amidala, if you could return to Coruscant, I have something urgent to discuss with you,” Chancellor Palpatine says.

“Of course, Chancellor.”

Obi-Wan turns to me, “Corrie, come join us on Geonosis. Bring your Padawan. Master Mundi, Master Unduli and her Padawan Barriss are on route as well. We will need all the help we can get.”

“Right away, Master.” I nod.

The holo-table blinks blank and my mind races for a moment. One conflict to another. I indulge a selfish thought for a moment: when will I get to see Anakin again?

“Looks like there is no rest for us, Corrie.” Padme smiles gently. “But at least we’ve got each other.”

Chapter 25: Return to Geonosis


The war rages on! Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan and his Padawan Rohan Richt go to Geonosis, the world where the Clone War began, to provide reinforcements to Obi-Wan Kenobi and help dismantle a droid factory that could help to end the war...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The Republic Frigate under my command comes out of Hyperspace, offering a view of the dusty orange planet before us. I hadn’t been in any rush to come back to Geonosis, seeing as how the last time I was here I left in a Bacta tank, however, the war demanded it. Master Kenobi needs my help.

“Your ship is ready, Sir.” Rose says as he comes to my side at the front of the bridge, looking over the planet. “Didn’t think we’d be back here so soon, hey, General?”

I let out a small laugh, “Not at all, Rose, it’s just as dismal as the last time we were here.” I shrug off my robe and place it onto a console. I will not need any additional warmth down on the planet’s surface. And I sense that I will need to be able to move as freely as possible. “After Rohan and I go down in a fighter, we’ll expect your reinforcements within half a rotation.”

“It will be done, General,” Rose nodded. “You can count on me.”

“Always, Rose.” I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze. “I don’t suppose you know where my Padawan has got to, do you?”

“If the reports of my disgruntled engineers are anything to go by,” Admiral Powgur says as he comes to our side, his dark hair gleaming under the bright white artificial lights. “Then Padawan Richt has hooked his holo-communicator to the long-range transmitter again.”

Rose quirks a brow at me, “Why’s Rohan using the long-range transmitter?”

“He’s made…” I consider my words carefully, thinking of the training sessions that I had walked into and seen Rohan training with a red-haired fellow Padawan back at the Temple. “A friend. They talk to each other at every instance they get.”

As I turn on my heel and make my way down the bridge to find Rohan, I hear Rose call after me, “Sounds like you and General Skywalker, sir.”

The bridge doors slide closed behind me. I sigh. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

I find Rohan, as promised by Admiral Powgur, hooked up to the ship’s long-range transmitter. His holo-communicator is displaying the image of his friend back at the Temple.

“We’ve arrived, Rohan,” I say, causing him to jump and nearly drop the communicator.

His friend turns to me and nods, “Master Carnathan.”

“Padawan Kestis,” I nod back, “Snuck off from Master Tapal again, have we?”

“He’s on a mission… I actually snuck away from Master Fisto this time.” A grin crosses Cal Kestis’ face.

I shake my head, smiling despite my better judgement. “Get back to Master Fisto, Cal. With any luck, Rohan and I will be back at the Temple within a few rotations.”

Cal turns back to Rohan. “May the Force be with you.”

Then, his image disappears, leaving Rohan looking at his transmitter for just a second too long.

I bit my lip, my mind whirring. I know what I’m supposed to say to him. I’m supposed to tell him to mind his feelings. To not let them consume him.

But I’d be a hypocrite if I did say that.

So, instead?

I say, “Come on, Master Kenobi needs our help.”


Rohan and I fly down into the atmosphere of Geonosis in a Y-Wing. My personal fighter would not have been able to fit the two of us. As we descend, I keep my eyes peeled for Obi-Wan and the Clone forces. It’s hard to see what’s going on below with the swirling sands and clouds of dust that circle the ground.

“Master!” Rohan points ahead of us and I see what he sees; an AT-TE. I alter our flight path and arch our ship towards it. As we get closer, I begin to make out figures. Clones in sand-camouflage armour. Geonosians holding plasma blasters. B1 Battle Droids marching through the dunes.

And Master Kenobi, bracing himself against a box of supplies, holding his lightsaber.

“Nice spot, Rohan,” I press a button in front of me and start blasting at the droids’ AAT, blowing one up immediately. I tap my wrist, tuning my comms into the local channel, “Master Kenobi, this is Corrie Carnathan. It’s good to see you again,” I shoot down a cluster of B1s.

Obi-Wan’s voice is tired and breathy, but he sounds relieved to see me nonetheless. “Right on time, my friend.”

I loop our ship back around and land amidst the circled perimeter that the Clones had established by positioning AT-TEs. The co*ckpit pops open and I grab my saber, ready for anything. As Rohan and I leave the ship, the co*ckpit slides shut.

“Who is that?” I ask, putting my hand up over my eyes to protect them from the swirling sands that the wind churns up. Next to Obi-Wan, who had now collapsed and is leaning against a crate, were two lightsaber wielders. The blades in question were blue and green. As the dust settles, a small exhale leaves my lips.

It hadn’t been long since we had last seen one another yet each time we are apart seems to get more difficult; I seem to yearn to see him more each time we are not together.

Anakin and Ahsoka are by Master Kenobi’s side, tending to him, as Captain Rex, Commander Cody and the Clones that the two of them had been commanding made it into the perimeter.

“Corrie,” Anakin says as he spots me coming toward them, not able to catch himself before the joy seeps into his voice. I smile at my feet. He brushes past the situation before suspicion can be raised, “Padawan Richt, good to see you. Glad to have you both here.”

Obi-Wan nods, pulling out a holo-projector. “It is lucky that we have reinforcements.” He presses the button on his device, causing a hologram of the nearby droid factory to emerge before us. “Our combined forces should be enough to destroy the shield generator.”

I look around at the Forces in question.

Me, Rohan, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Master Mundi and two battalions of Clones. Soon to be three if the Rose Squadron is able to make it to the surface as planned. Winning this battle is crucial. Destroying the droid factory is crucial. The Separatists threaten hundreds of worlds under the promise of violence with their droids… this could be a pivotal step in ending the war.

“Anakin, Corrie, you two will take a small squad through the shield,” Obi-Wan says. “As close as you can get to their gun emplacements. From there, you’ll be able to jam their scanners so they are unable to target the incoming tanks.”

“Let me go too, Masters,” Rohan says, his hands on the hilts of his sabers.

“Not through the shield, Rohan,” I say. “This is a dangerous world, you will face threat, but I do not have to be the one to bring you to the danger.” I squeeze his shoulder, “I know you could do it, you just do not need to, this time.”

A small sigh leaves Rohan’s lips, but he nods.

Obi-Wan continues, “Once the tanks are through the shields, Master Mundi and Padawan Richt can bring the rest of the troops in with the gunships.”

And so, the plan is formed.

It is quickly put into action as Anakin and I stand with our troops, lightsabers ignited, waiting for Ki-Adi-Mundi and Rohan’s signal. I feel a pang of guilt for not letting Rohan join me and Anakin on the mission to go through the shields, however, it reassures me to know he’s with Master Mundi. He’s on Geonosis already, he did not need to encounter any more danger than necessary. He’s not even a teen yet.

“We’ve not seen each other in a week and you still haven't even said a word to me yet,” Anakin says from beside me, ripping me from my thoughts.

My lips tug into an involuntary grin, “Believe it or not, Master Skywalker, my life does not revolve around you.”

A lie.

“No?” Anakin smirks. He tosses his lightsaber hilt into the air and catches it again. Then, he leans close, his shoulder brushing mine for a moment as his breath toys at my ear, “Well, my life revolves around you. Entirely.”

“Anakin,” I smile, resisting the urge to take his hand due to the dozens of troopers around us.

He paces in a small circle. Always active. Always ready.

I walk over to him and take his forearms, holding him still. The belief that I’m telling him to calm down and stop pacing will buy me a few seconds. I use them, “I love you,” I whisper.

“Generals,” One of the Five-Oh-First says, his comm-link flashing, “We’ve got the signal.”

I let go of Anakin and ignite my lightsaber. Beside me, he does the same. The Clones raise their blasters and we rush forward, over a small hill and push through the red shield that the droids had activated. It was enough to keep missiles from getting through, but not us.

Blaster and plasma fire rains from above as Geonosians and droids fire upon us. The Clones fire back, with one even clipping the wings of a Geonosian and sending it spiralling to the ground. I deflect the shots back at the droids the best I can, listening to the Force and trying to attune to the feeling of their metal fingers on their triggers, but it’s hard to do when running forward.

As we cross a bridge, we link up with Ahsoka and her troops but quickly come under heavy fire. Not surprising that there is more defence near the shield generators. Not sure I was quite expecting so much, however.

“Droid poppers, ready!” Anakin yells over the barrage of blaster fire.

He, the Clones and Ahsoka engage handheld droid poppers then toss them from behind our cover. They arch through the sky and land in front of the droids and their canons. As they explode, the blaster fire eases.

“Bring in the tanks!” Anakin says.

A few seconds later, three AT-TEs come into view across the bridge and shoot at the satellite above the shield generator. It comes tumbling down, crashing onto the droids’ cannons. A second blast takes down a piece of Geonosian rock which collapses down onto the middle of the command centre and destroys it.

The shield disappears, allowing Republic Gunships to drop down.

One of the Gunship’s doors is open. Commander Rose and the Rose Squadron are here at last. The Gunships land and we are joined by Commander Rose, Master Mundi and Rohan.

I nod at the new arrivals then push forward, toward the destroyed command centre, and use the Force to pull forward a B2 battle droid. As it flies toward me, I cut it in half then release it.

“Ah!” I yell as a blaster bolt whizzes by my leg and singes the side of my thigh in its flight. I crumble to the ground and clutch it as a loud groan emanates from above me. I look up. Rocks are falling.

“Corrie!” Anakin’s voice yells. I feel the Force tighten around my chest as I am yanked forward. I drop my lightsaber and tumble several feet. As I turn back, I call my lightsaber to my hand just before it could be crushed by a large chunk of a satellite dish and debris that would have claimed my life.

I let out a deep breath and stand up, “Thank you, Ani.”


To give Master Kenobi and Master Mundi time to recover from the fatigue they’ve been experiencing having been fighting on this dustball of a planet for over two rotations already, we set up a temporary camp. Ahsoka is giving a briefing to the Five-Oh-First, the Rose Legion and the Two-Twelfth; I’ve instructed Rohan to watch her and learn the responsibilities we have as Jedi in this war.

Meanwhile, I sit in a medical tent, alone but for the Bacta spray that I apply to my leg. The blaster bolt cut stings but will heal. The hole in my robes will need to be resewn when I get back to Coruscant. For now, they are on the bed beside me as I put down the bacta spray and opt for a Bacta gel which I rub over the wound. It sizzles slightly as I apply it.

I look up as I feel the Force shift slightly and move to cover my legs as the tent opens.

“Well, this isn’t what I expected to see but I’m certainly not unhappy about it,” Anakin smirks and closes the tent door behind him.

I throw him a playful glare. “My trousers are off to deal with my wound, General Skywalker. Nothing more,” I can’t stop myself from grinning. I sit back against the bed’s pillow, groaning in discomfort. Wartime supplies really aren’t the pinnacle of comfort.

Anakin takes a seat beside the bed, his eyes on my burned thigh.

“You saved me,” I assure him, knowing that he is blaming himself for my injury. “I went too far to get the last few droids. I nearly got crushed. You pulled me out of the way. You’re my hero, Anakin Skywalker.”

One finger at a time, he connects our hands. Then, he looks at me, “I love you too.”

“Oh,” I feel my skin get warm. I’d almost forgotten what I’d said to him before we rushed into battle. How I felt like I’d needed to say those words after he had told me how much I meant to him. Despite the obviousness of our feelings and how much we expressed them, we had never voiced them in that way before.

“By the Force, if you’d told me from a year and a half ago if I’d be in love with a fellow Jedi… a male one at that… I’d have believed you but still would have been shocked,” Anakin chuckles softly, running his thumb over my knuckle.

“I always knew my eyes were drawn to men,” I look at our hands, “But I had accepted that I was destined to not be with anyone. I had accepted my duty as a Jedi,” I look up at him. “Then I met you.”

Anakin lifts my hand and places a small kiss on it, “The Force willed it so.”

“The Force willed it so.” I agree.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

I just ADORE writing Anakin and Corrie's interactions inbetween the action. Much more to come aha! Please let me know your thoughts :)

This episode was based on The Clone Wars - Season Two, Episode Five: Landing at Point Rain

Thanks for reading!

Chapter 26: The Second Battle of Geonosis


Return to where it all started! Jedi Knights Corrie Carnathan and Anakin Skywalker are joined by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli on Geonosis where they are to destroy a Separatist Droid Factory that produces weapons of mass destruction...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I finally leave the medical tent after a check from a Med-Droid. As I step foot onto the Geonosian sands once again, I am met with the sight of a fleet of Gunships landing. The doors of the one closest to me slide open, revealing a squadron of Clone Troopers led by Master Luminara Unduli and her Padawan, Barriss Offee. I make my way toward them and bow.

“Master,” I nod at Luminara, a Mirialan woman with stern features. “Padawan,” I smile at Barriss, who was also Mirialan. She bore a much softer expression than that of her Master. “We’ve been eagerly awaiting your arrival.”

“Thank you, Knight Corentin,” Luminara nods as we walk toward where Anakin and Ahsoka had just finished giving their briefing to a Clone Battalion. We can’t hear what they’re saying, but their tone is obvious: they’re arguing. “At it again, are they?”

“‘Again’, Master?” Barriss asks, clearly unfamiliar with Anakin and Ahsoka’s reputation.

I chuckle under my breath, “Anakin and Ahsoka have a certain… dynamic.”

“Let’s just say they have a penchant for playing loose with the regulations and rules of command.” Luminara adds, giving her Padawan a look. I frown slightly. Anakin’s playing loose with the rules is the reason many Jedi and Clones are still alive. Sometimes rules had to be broken, especially in times of conflict where unexpected situations arise and lives could be saved. “If you’re both finished with your little discussion.” Master Unduli says as we come to Anakin and Ahsoka’s side. “We do have a factory to destroy.”

“That we do, Master,” Anakin nods at her before his eyes drift to me. “You’re feeling better?”

“Much. Thank you, General Skywalker,” I smile.

“Well, Barriss, aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” Master Unduli asks of her Padawan.

Barriss bows – bows – at each of us in turn, “Padawan Learner Barriss Offee, at your service.” Master Ti had always told me to be polite and ensured I treated every Master with respect but this just seemed… a bit much.

As Barriss bows at Ahsoka, the Togrutan Padawan offers her hand to her. Barriss takes it and is lifted back to a standing position, “I’m Ahsoka, nice to meet you.”

“It’s good to have you both here,” Anakin says before tapping at his wrist, bringing up a holomap of the Droid Factory that we were going to be attacking.

Luminara considers the map for a long few moments. “A frontal attack is risky. Our losses will be high.”

“But not as high as if that factory comes online.” Anakin says.

“We will not let the ends justify the means if the means are the deaths of good men.” I shake my head, “There’s got to be an alternative.”

“There is,” Master Unduli enhances the image of the space beneath the factory, revealing dozens of interwoven tunnels. “Every Geonosian building has a series of catacombs beneath it that run deep underground.”

Taking a few steps forward, Barriss continues, “Some of the tunnels are close enough to the cliff wall that you could cut a hole and make an entry point.”

“Once inside, we could find the main reactor, plant the explosives and blow the factory from the inside out,” Luminara says as a red dot travels the length of the tunnels, reaches the factory and then consumes it. Well, that’s the plan.

“Seems like a good way to get lost, if you ask me,” Anakin sighs, his eyes following the endless twisting trails of the tunnels mapped out.

“For the unprepared, perhaps.” Luminara says, then gestures to her Padawan, “But I have instructed Barriss to memorise the labyrinth, all two-hundred junctions. It pays for one to be prepared, right, Barriss?”

“Especially when others' lives are at stake.” Barriss nods.

Ahsoka frowns, “How do we keep the Geonosians occupied while someone is setting the bombs?”

“Good point, Snips, we’ll need to create a distraction.” Anakin nods.

“That’s where we come in. That task will be carried out by you, Skywalker, Knight Carnathan and I. Meanwhile, the destruction of the Factory will be left to the Padawans, Barriss and Ahsoka.” Luminara explains.

My mind whizzes for a moment. Rohan is still here. I don’t want to keep him sheltered when he could be helping us. I want him to feel like he’s part of the team, because he is.

“I’d like for Rohan to go with Barriss and Ahsoka. I believe spending some time on the field with Padawans a little older than him will be beneficial,” I say and immediately know that it’s the right thing to do. I need to protect him by giving him the tools to protect himself.

Luminara nods, “Very well.”

“Are we sure this is a good idea?” Anakin asks, his eyes darting between the map and Ahsoka.

She furrows her brow at him and I sense that the argument we’d walked in on earlier was about to continue, “Master, I can do this. I’ve had riskier assignments.”

“I am going to inform Rohan of the mission,” I say before the two of them can argue anymore. “I will see you all on the battlefield.” I bow my head at the three of them and turn around, heading back to the encampment.


I pull back the flap of one of the command tents and find my Padawan sitting with Commander Rose, Sunny, Athen, Cogs and Uno. It’s good to see them all. Without blasters in their hands or helmets on their heads especially.

Rose rises to his feet but I hold my hand up, “Please, at ease.”

I take a seat opposite my Padawan, beside Athen and Cogs. Where Athen has grown out his hair and dyed it pink as many of my Rose Squadron have, Cogs has opted for bright blue hair which certainly sets him apart from his brothers.

“We’ve received a new mission, Sir?” Rose asks, holding his helmet in his lap.

“We have,” I say. “Rose, we are to take the Squadron with General Skywalker and Master Unduli to the front of the Droid Factory. There will be heavy fire… but I’m confident we can face it.”

“Yes, Sir.” Rose nods. “Bunch of clankers coming from one place? Sounds like a piece of cake compared to Tholoth.”

I chuckle softly. That was certainly true; I do not miss the dense trees of Tholoth nor the red blades I clashed with while there.

“And what am I to do, Master?” Rohan asks, looking at me from across the tent. “Sit on the sidelines once more?”

A small sigh left my lips. I had this coming.

“Rose, could you ready the 24th for the assault?” I ask.

“Of course, General.”

Rose, Cogs, Athen, Sunny and Uno leave the tent with their helmets in hand, going to prepare the Rose Squadron for our confrontation with the droids and Geonosians outside of the Droid Factory.

“I know you’re upset about having to stay with Master Mundi earlier,” I take a few steps forward toward Rohan. “I wanted to keep you out of danger, to protect you from what could have happened… and I’m glad I did. I nearly died out there, Rohan. If Anakin hadn’t saved me, I wouldn’t be here.”

Rohan toys with the end of his lekku. “I appreciate that, Master, I do, but it also feels like you don’t trust me to be able to protect myself.”

I sit down in front of Rohan, “I can assure you that that isn’t the case.” I let out a small sigh. “I’m sorry that my protectiveness of you has come across as a sense of distrust. That was never the intention.” I ring my hands together, “Back when I was a Padawan, I went on very few missions outside of the Temple because Master Ti always told me that everything I learn in the Temple can be applied to the real world, should I ever need it. She’s not entirely wrong… her wisdom has saved me many, many times in my life. But, when I went to Geonosis last year for the first time, well.” I look at the ceiling. “Nothing could have prepared me for facing Dooku. I was scarred badly. Force Lightning. And all because I’d rushed into a battle I wasn’t ready for.”

“Master,” Rohan whispers.

“I just want to make sure you’re ready for every mission I send you on, so you don’t get hurt.” I say.

Rohan nods, “I understand, Master… I assume there’s a Gunship waiting for me?”

As he stands, I take his arm, “No, there isn’t. Padawans Tano and Offee are awaiting you for your portion of the mission.” I smile softly. “I want to keep you safe but I know I also need to prepare you for the real world. We are at war, I cannot shelter you from it forever.”

A smile tugs at the corners of Rohan’s lips. I feel him attune to the Force for a long few moments before he bows his head at me, “You don’t have to worry, Master, I’ll be okay.”


Commander Rose, Commander Gree and Captain Rex lead their respective squadrons behind us, accompanied by some AT-TEs, as Anakin, Master Unduli and I march on the droid factory. It is very lucky that we’ve come with so many soldiers behind us because the Separatists are showing how important this factory is to them by defending it with a legion of Battle Droids that march from the huge front gate.

“Everybody steady,” Anakin said back to the Clones as we reached the bridge that led directly to the front of the droid factory. With the gates open and the droids marching out, it almost looked like a swarm of bats emerging from the pits of Mortis.

“I hope the Padawans have made it past the bridge by now,” Luminara says, igniting her saber as we draw yet closer to the droids. Rohan, Ahsoka and Barriss were scaling the canyon down to reach the tunnel system as discussed in our briefing earlier… their safety concerned me too.

“Here we go!” Anakin said, igniting his blue blade. My green one unfurled at the same time.

And the blaster fire began.

As Luminara and Anakin rush forward with their sabers, I raise my free hand and reach the Force around two B1s. I clench my fist and the two of them crash into one another, bursting with a smattering of sparks. I push them backward, sending them flying into a B2 which falls onto its back. Success. I dash forward with my saber and cut the fallen B2 into two pieces.

“It’s a trap!” I hear a Clone yell before he screams. I turn around to see a Rose Squadron soldier get struck by a green plasma blast. His helmet falls to the ground as his face clashes with the rock.

Extinguishing my saber, I rush back and kneel beside the fallen soldier. I turn his head to find Athen’s lifeless face staring back at me. A trail of blood runs down his temple.

“Athen,” I mutter, closing his eyes then gripping the hilt of my saber and igniting the blade, letting the green light cut through the air. I stand and find my feet taking me to the closest droid. My saber cuts through it in an instant. Then another droid falls. Then another.

I feel a twinge in the Force and roll to the side just as the ground where I had been standing explodes. A green plasma blast from a Geonosian weapon. I turn my head and see the offender. I pull back my elbow then push my palm forward, sending a ripple in the Force toward the Geonosian. It screams before its back collides with a rock pillar and it falls all the way down, slumping at the base.

That had not been my intention. Killing… it’s not something I mean to do.

“They’re trying to kill us, Corrie,” Anakin said, deflecting a blaster bolt away from me.

“That doesn’t make killing them okay,” I mutter, grabbing a B1 and cutting its head off. I toss it away. “I don’t like it.”

Anakin sighs, “You don’t have to like it.” He hauled a B2 with the Force and hurled it into a crowd of B1s. “Just don’t let yourself die because of it. For me, please?”

I don’t get the chance to reply to him as half a dozen Droideka roll out onto the bridge. Their shields activate and they start firing. I deflect several shots before taking cover behind a large rock with Commander Rose and Cogs, the Clone of the Rose Squadron who had dyed his hair blue.

“Our chances of victory have drastically fallen, General,” Cogs says, holding his two short blasters close to him.

“We just need to get in close,” Rose said, peering over our cover.

I look over too. They’re in two rows of three. Two well-aimed EMP grenades would take them all out of action, allowing them to be destroyed. All that was needed was– “Rose, Cogs, I’m going to distract the Droideka. You boys roll your EMP grenades under their shields. When they shut down, blow ‘em to pieces.”

Beneath his helmet, I know Rose is smirking, “Yes, Sir!”

I wait a beat, then another, then use the Force to dash out from my cover. I am faced with the six Droideka who immediately open fire on me. The Force rushes all around; I feel it tightening as it loops around the blaster-arms of the Droideka just as they fire. I let it guide me, I let it tell me where I need to angle my blade to next.

I hear Anakin scream my name but cannot heed him. I can only be with the Force. I can only listen to its calls and use it to save my life.

Just as I feel exhaustion clouding my senses, two electric shocks blast between the rows of Droideka and they falter. Then, their shields collapse and their heads fall slack.

Rose and Cogs open fire on them, and they are destroyed in seconds.

Falling to my knees, I nod at them, “Nice job, boys.”

Two hands are on me – one on my chest and one on my back – in an instant; Anakin’s. “Are you okay?”

“Just catching my breath,” I say, drawing deep breaths into my lungs. The Force was a wonderful tool but it demanded as much as you used. “I’ll be okay.”

Master Unduli takes a step forward, her saber by her side, her face covered in dust and sand. “You will need to be, Corentin,” She says, her eyes dead ahead. Emerging from the gates of the Droid Factory are several huge tanks. They look heavily fortified and heavily armed, “Because it looks like the Separatists have a new toy.”

Just as I draw in the last breath that balances me at last, Anakin turns to his Clone squadron, “Rex, choose your targets.”

I nod at Rose and Cogs, “General Skywalker’s orders apply across the board, do as he says.”

“Yes, General,” The two nod and follow Rex to give order to our cannons and AT-TE to aim at the incoming tanks.

Just as the Separatist’s new tanks start firing, it becomes clear that these weapons were worse than anything we’d dealt with before. Entire chunks of rock flew free of their hundreds-of-year resting place with one blast. Pillars crumbled. Men were torn apart.

“Corrie,” Anakin comes to my side, now wearing a Republic backpack. “Master Unduli and I have a plan. You get the Clones off the bridge, back the way we came, we’ll meet you soon.”

“What are you going to–” I ask just as the ground explodes a few metres away from us. The cloud of dust and sand that erupts blinds us to any of the nearby surroundings.

Anakin cups my face and kisses me quickly, “Trust me, I’ve got this.”

“I hate when you say that,” I whisper back, just as he releases me. “Just… don’t do anything stupid.”

Anakin smirks, “Where’s the fun in that?”

Then, he’s gone, rushing off to do whatever heroic gesture it is he’s going to do.

Meanwhile, I ignite my saber.

“Five-oh-First, Rose Squadron, Forty-First, with me,” I wave my green blade in the air and sprint for the end of the bridge, back to the safety of land with the rest of the troops. “By the Force, I hope this works,” I mutter as we reach our position and find the Separatists' tanks rolling two at a time towards us.

They are truly huge.


At first, I’m not sure what has happened.

Then, the bridge falls to the bottom of the cavern, taking the Separatists’ tanks with them.

Ice runs through my veins. Surely not. It can’t be. He must have–

“General Carnathan, Sir.” Captain Rex says, placing his hand on my shoulder then pointing across the now chasm where the bridge had once stood. “Look there.”

I follow his gesture and see Anakin and Master Unduli on the other side. My entire body untenses, “Thank you, Captain.”

“Rex,” Anakin’s voice comes through the comm, “Any sign of Ahsoka, Rohan or Barriss on your side?”

“No, Sir, but that place is getting ready to blow, evacuation ships are on their way.” Rex says, “I suggest you get on one.”

The tone of voice Anakin uses in his response doesn’t surprise me, it’s like crackling fire, “Not without Ahsoka.”

I tap my own comm, “I will also not be leaving until Rohan is by my side, not a second before.”

A seismic wave emanates from the Droid Factory and spreads outward, sending a wave of dust and sand in our direction. Once it blows past, the sound of the explosion finally bursts into being and the bright orange light of an internal detonation splits the Droid Factory in two. Its large spires crack and fall down the chasm. Huge chunks of Geonosian rock are hurled into the sky.

“No,” I mutter, then tap my comms. “Does anyone have eyes on Rohan? I repeat, do we have eyes on the Padawans?”

I get no response as the factory is levelled to the ground.


Amidst the rubble of the destroyed factory, the sands of Geonosis and the destroyed limbs of battle droids, I sit cross-legged with my eyes closed. The rock is thick. The rubble is tightly knit together. But there is life beneath. Our Padawans… they are down there, I swear it.

“I’m picking up a pulse from Ahsoka’s comm channel!” I hear Anakin say, then feet scatter away from me.

I open my eyes and my butt hits the ground. The Force had apparently lifted me in my meditation. I come to Anakin and Master Unduli’s side.

“If we move the wrong piece of debris, we could kill them.” Master Unduli frowns.

“Master,” I say, sitting down on the edge of the rock where they stand. “Please, allow me.”

I close my eyes once more and hum to myself for a moment. The rock beneath me vanishes. The hot air disappears. There is only the light of Rohan, Ahsoka and Barriss’ lifeforce. And the rock between.

With each passing moment, their light gets brighter. As I shift each piece of debris, their light gets brighter.

As I open my eyes, I fall to my side. The Force has drained me. My arms are like lead, my eyelids are heavy. I feel hands on my arms and momentarily make out the form of Rohan above me. Covered in dirt, but very much alive.

“I told you I’d be okay, Master, and you were here to protect me, I knew you would be,” He says, “Now, rest.”

And I listen.


My eyes open to bright white light and a high pitched beeping noise. Then, Rohan’s face.

“You’re awake!” He chirps, his lekku draped over the front of his robes. “I knew you would before we got to Coruscant.”

I rub my head, “We’re going back to Coruscant? Who’s we?”

“Just you and I, and the Rose Company.” Rohan says, “Master Skywalker insisted I accompany you back after the injuries you sustained on Geonosis.”

Sitting up, I nod, “I’m never going back to that horrible planet again.”

A smile creeps onto Rohan’s lips, “I do think that would be for the best.” He toys with the end of his lekku. “The good news is that Master Yoda and Master Windu got in contact, they said that we are both to have at least a few days of rest before returning to any field.”

I sigh out a relieved breath. Just a few days break from this war is exactly what I need.


Woah, this was for some reason my longest chapter aha! Lots to get done!

I hope you all enjoyed it :)

I also hope you're liking Rohan, he's one of my favourite characters to write with Corrie. I think they compliment eachother nicely.

This episode was based on TCW: S2, Ep 6 - Weapons Factory.

Chapter 27: The Best Thing


Escape from Captivity! After being captured by Padme Amidala and Tamzi Vonquess, former Lord of Iktotch and outed-Separatist Mauzio Svino has escaped Republic Custody and fled to the far reaches of the galaxy. It is now up to Senator Amidala and Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Corrie Carnathan to track him down...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The designated few days of rest I’d been given by the Jedi Council turned into weeks. Master Ti and Kenobi in particular had voiced their insistence that I remain off the battlefield for an extended period of time, not just due to physical injuries that I had sustained on Geonosis but also mental tiredness and over-exhaustion of the Force. To keep him busy and ensure his training could continue, Rohan went on many excursions from the Temple, such as with Master Koth to Hetzal Prime.

It’s on the turn of the month since the Second Battle of Geonosis that I am finally called to action once more.

“Remind me why we have to be here again?” Anakin asks as we walk, dressed in garish coloured jackets and huge feathered hats, through a crowd.

“I swear you never listen to the briefings Master Yoda gives us,” I say to him, adjusting the clasp of my dark maroon cloak. “Actlyon City – that would be the city we are in, in case you missed that too–” I throw him a grin. “Is a hub of trade and commerce in the Outer Rim Territories… it’s also the perfect place for a corrupt former politician to run away to and find a new following and opportunity for business.”

“And that corrupt politician would be Mauzio Svino,” Anakin nods at a lady in a huge feathery dress as she passes us.

We emerge from the crowd in the market square of Actlyon City: a bustling centre of stalls with vendors selling goods and parents escorting their children away from said goods. Behind the stalls, in the mid-distance, huge skyscrapers of blue glass similar to those seen on Christophsis could be seen reaching into the rusty yellow clouds.

“We’ve come to the right place,” Padme says beside us. She looks quite the part at blending in within this money-driven hellscape. She wears a shimmering silver dress that splays at her feet and points to her neck; an echo to her personal fighter. Dazzling silver ear-rings with blue jewels in them dangle from her ears and similar jewels are woven between the braids of her hair.

She turns to the two of us, “Svino will be in one of these buildings meeting with people he hopes will be able to get him a footing in the Outer Rim since he escaped Republic Custody,” She says, “We need to be ready to capture him again and bring him in… but we can’t alert him of our presence. Blend in… but keep an eye out.”

“Sounds easy enough,” I nod at her, making sure my lightsaber is hidden from view behind my cloak.

Padme smiles gently, starts walking away, then turns back and says, “Oh, boys, no one on this planet knows who you are; I think you should enjoy that a little.”

And, with that, and a wink, she disappears into the market.

I look at Anakin, “Did she just say what I think she said?”

A smile tugs at the corners of Anakin’s lips and the whole galaxy lights up and all the fighting stops just for a split second, “I believe…” He laces his fingers with mine and squeezes my hand, “She was saying that we should do…” He cups my face with his free hand and tilts it upward very slightly, “This.” He breathes against my lips before the distance closes and I melt into the kiss.

When we pull away, everything settles.

By the Force.

How… strange and amazing it feels to kiss my boyfriend when so many people could see. To not have to consider the eyes that viewed us could report us and have us exiled from the way of life we had known since children. To not worry that what we are doing could lead us down a dark path.

Because there’s nothing dark about this.

“Look there,” Anakin points to a market stall selling various flavours of necto-freeze. He drags us over there. “What flavour do you want?”

As he reaches into his pocket for a handful of credits, I can’t help but laugh. We’re Jedi Generals on a mission to capture a political prisoner. Yet here we are on a date. Ordering necto-freeze.

After we place our order and walk away with our necto-freeze in our free hands, we find a bench opposite one of the huge corporate skyscrapers and take a seat.

The doors slide open and close again, a cluster of Twi’lek delegates mutter to themselves as they leave.

No sign of Mauzio Svino yet.

“Hey,” Anakin says, making me divert my eyes from the doors. He blots a glop of necto-freeze onto my nose.

“Hey!” I laugh, wiping it with my sleeve. “What was that for?”

“You’re not living in the here and now, General Carnathan,” Anakin grins, licking his own necto-freeze. “I don’t want General Carnathan, Jedi Knight of the Galactic Republic and Jedi Order with me right now, I want Corrie.”

I smile at my feet, taking a small amount of necto-freeze into my mouth, swallow it, then nod. “Corrie is here. General Carnathan is gone.”

“You remember the last time we had this?” Anakin asks, finishing off his snack.

“Of course,” I say, taking his rubbish, along with my own, and putting it into a disposal chamber nearby before returning to his side, my pinkie finger brushing his on the bench. “Naboo. When Padme sent us to get a long-range transponder even though she knew that there weren’t any there–” I pause. “Oh my god, Padme was setting us up on a date.”

Anakin’s eyes widen, “Surely not, I mean, I thought I hid my feelings so well back then…”

“And I didn’t even know I had feelings for you, not truly…” I laugh under my breath, “I think Padme has known more about how we feel about each other this whole time more than we have.”

“Oh, I can guarantee that,” Anakin chuckles, bringing our hands together once more. “Corrie, can I ask you something–?”

As the final word comes out of his mouth, a small Rodian girl comes up to Anakin and speaks to him in Huttese. He understands her, and smiles gently.

“I just have to help my new friend here reach something, I’ll be back in a second, okay?” Anakin kisses my hand then disappears into the crowd to help the child.

A blaster shot rings throughout the market.

I leap to my feet and my green blade unfurls just in time to knock away a red blaster bolt that would have struck my chest and killed me.

The bolt flings off into the window of the nearby skyscraper and leaves a patch of burnt glass.

Using my free hand, I reach forward with the Force and grip the blaster that had fired the shot and tug it out of the hand of my assailant.

Mauzio Svino groans as he stumbles forward, his blaster skitting to my feet.

“Jedi!” He spits the word at me as he finds his footing. Mauzio reaches into the back of his robes and pulls out a vibroblade. The silver shimmers in the sunlight. “You thought I wouldn’t recognise you from Iktotch? I never forget the face of a fool who dares to cross me.”

Mauzio launches himself forward and brings his vibroblade down on my saber with both hands. I brace my footing so I don’t fall and manage to keep my cloak from interfering just as I notice him moving to pull a second vibroblade from his belt.

Just as he arches his arm to pierce my abdomen with his second blade, he stops.

The tip of the blade is touching my clothing.

Yet it moves no longer.

Mauzio’s weapons fall to the ground as he claws at his throat, his feet lifting from the ground a few inches.

“You-” Anakin’s voice booms across the marketplace as the crowd parts to reveal him holding up his hand, his fingers curling into a fist. “Will never touch him.”

Without Anakin moving another finger, Mauzio’s vibroblades lift into the air and spin in a circle just a few inches from his neck. One of them edges forward and cuts a small, thin line. A tiny trickle of blood dances down to his collar, making the Iktotch man squirm.

“Ani!” I extinguish my lightsaber and run to his side. “That’s enough.”

The look in Anakin’s eyes could burn even the Jedi Temple to the ground.


Mauzio Svino falls to the ground, unconscious, as Padme lowers her stun gun.

The crowd around us mutters as Anakin lowers his hand. The vibroblades clatter to the ground.

Then, Anakin turns around and walks back to our ship.


Padme loads Mauzio Svino into her ship’s storage closet, which is now the impromptu cell, while I go and check on Anakin. The door of the co*ckpit whirs open and I sit in the seat next to the pilot’s seat where I find him, his head in his hands. Dark waves of hair fall between his fingers.

“I was going to kill him.” Anakin says, his voice strained, like it physically pains him to say the words.

I take a long moment to think.

I know he’s telling the truth. I know that if Padme hadn’t shot Svino, Anakin would have continued his hold on him. He would have choked him to death with the Force. That… isn’t exactly an ability that the Jedi were prone to using. But then I think of how I had felt the day he had received the scar over his eye from Ventress.

She had struck him with her saber. He had fallen to his knees. And I had pushed out with the Force with everything I had in me, not caring if she flew from the top of the Temple on Yavin IV to her death. I hadn’t even considered her living or dying when I did it; only that I needed to get her away from Anakin.

“I know you were,” I say, trying to keep my tone gentle, “But you didn’t.” I reach over and take his hand, “You continue to walk the Light.”

The doors slide open and Padme sits in the seat behind us. “Thank you, both of you, for all your help today. I’m taking Mauzio back to Theed to be held in the prisons there since he obviously has contacts on Coruscant as he was able to escape.” She clasps her hands together and sits forward, “Would the two of you care to come with me back to Naboo?”

Back to Naboo… wow.

That is an opportunity I cannot turn down. The sunlight cascading along the ripples of the waters of the lakes was a sight embedded in my mind forever. Whenever I introspectively look into myself, into the Force, I can hear the dull sloshing of the water against the rocks. It is the planet where I had first found a centre to myself, a calling to a higher purpose and, of course, it was the planet where I had had my first conversation with Anakin Skywalker.

I take Anakin’s hand and squeeze it, “I think that would be good for all of us, don’t you think, love?”

Anakin looks between our hands and my eyes for a few moments before slotting our fingers together. “Naboo it is.”


That night, while Padme met with Queen Neeyutnee about Mauzio Svino’s imprisonment in Theed, Anakin and I walked one of the southern beaches of the primary continent of Naboo. The sand was almost silver under the moonlight and the dark sky above us made the water dark as could be. It was enchanting. Entirely different from how I had seen Naboo during our previous visits.

Having checked that the coast is clear, Anakin and I walked hand in hand. We’d ditched our robes in favour of lighter garments which also aided in our attempts of discretion.

“I can feel that what happened on Actlyon is still troubling you,” I rub my thumb over his. In the temperate sea of the Force, at this moment, Anakin is a lonely boulder; waves crashing against him.

A small sigh leaves his lips as he looks over the sand, “See Svino about to stab you… it just brought a lot of bad memories back.”

It all clicks.

Master Jinn.

His mother.

His arm.

Immense loses and challenges he has faced weighing heavily on his shoulders.

“Ani,” I whisper, not sure what I can say.

But maybe I don’t need to say anything.

Maybe I can show him.

“Sit with me,” I say, stopping in our tracks and sitting cross-legged on the sand. After a few seconds of hesitation, Anakin nods and sits down opposite me. “I know that it can be hard to see past the Dark sometimes. I know that everything that is awful in this galaxy can just weigh so heavily that it feels like you’re going to collapse.” I cup both his hands in mine. “But let me show you why we must keep fighting… what exactly it is that we must continue to live in the Light for…”

I channel the Force between our fingers, close my eyes, and let its Will guide us.

We see two small boys. Both have blonde hair, though one would grow out of it. One sits in the canteen of the Jedi Temple alone. Then, the other hands him extra food.

We see two Padawans with braids on their shoulders. They address each other formally, not yet aware of their future love, as the Naboo sun shines brightly down on them.

We see two newly initiated Jedi Knights. They exchange Padawan braids, the only worldly possession they can offer one another.

We see those very same two Jedi Knights laid beside one another, duvet pulled loosely to the stomachs of their bare torsos, knowing that their worlds will never be the same again.

And, finally, we see the Jedi Knights on Geonosis, just a month ago, declaring their love to one another in words that they had both been too frightened to say beforehand.

I let go of Anakin’s hand and let out a small breath.


A tear rolls down my cheek. “I’m not scared anymore, Ani,” I tell him, emotions rushing through me. “I’m done with pretending that emotions make me weak. I’m done withholding anything, especially from you. Mari Onthello has always told me that attachment is my strongest attachment to the Light and I know that to be true because it is the very thing that makes me confront the Dark and reject it.”

“Corrie…” Anakin cups my face and wipes my tears away with his thumbs.

“Ani,” I swallow. And words pour from my mouth, “Will you marry me?”

A flash of surprise bursts behind his eyes but this is momentary. Because a smile tugs the corners of his lips and keeps tugging until his eyes crease. He lets go of my face and wraps his arms around my neck. I hug him tightly.

“Of course,” Anakin whispers. “Marrying you, Corentin Carnathan, will be the best thing I ever do.”


Happy May the Fourth, everyone! <3
I wanted to celebrate by doing something special in this chapter that was also a real long time coming (I mean, Padme and Anakin got married like a year and a half ago in timeline by now aha!) :)

I hope you loved this, please do let me know your thoughts.

May the Force be with you, always.

Chapter 28: The Battle of Kamino


THE CONFLICT REACHES HOME! After decoded a coded transmission between General Grievous and Asajj Ventress, the Jedi Council dispatch Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Corrie Carnathan to the homeworld of the Clone Troopers to defend it from Separatist schemes...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Just a month after I had proposed to Anakin, we are both called on an assignment together to the very planet that many blame for the Clone Wars’ very being: Kamino. The home planet of the Clones is going to be put under siege by General Grievous and Asajj Ventress. It was lucky that Admiral Yularen and many other Republic officials were able to intercept a transmission between the two Separatist commanders in time as their fleet is due to reach the system in less than a quarter of a rotation.

Anakin, Obi-Wan, Captain Rex and Commanders Cody and Rose and I disembark our frigate with our respective Clone battalions brought back to defend their home. As we entered Tipoca City, I am greeted with a familiar sight.

“My Master,” I bow at Shaak Ti. “It’s been far too long.”

“That it has, my friend,” Master Ti smiles gently at me. “The war has kept us both busy.”

“Apologies, but I’m afraid our arrival here is under circ*mstances more dire than simple pleasantries,” Obi-Wan says, folding his hands behind his back. “We believe Grievous is planning a Separatist attack on Kamino.

President Lama Su shakes his head that sits atop one of the longest necks I have ever seen, “The Republic Blockade is too strong, they would not dare.”

As Master Ti closes her eyes, I know she senses the truth and the danger that is oh so imminent. I know because I sense it too, and everything I know came straight from her mind.

“Master,” I say, taking a small step forward, “We must prepare the city for attack. Master Kenobi, General Skywalker and I have brought our Clone Battalions here to reinforce the defence.”

Master Ti opens her eyes and nods, “Then we must be prepared for the assault.”


After Anakin flies into orbit in his starfighter and engages the Separatists, a series of thunderous rattles shakes the entire city. Within the command centre, all eyes fly to the ceiling as some of it gives way. Clumps of metal fall to the ground with a clatter as streaks of sunlight spill into the room.

“Trident assault ships,” Rose says beside me, raising his blaster to the roof. As the dust settles, I am able to see the pincers of a large ship that has latched onto the city’s huge domed surface.

“Rose, with me,” I say, unlatching my lightsaber from my belt and leaving the command room in the watchful care of my Master. I hear Rose’ footsteps clattering behind me as I make my way through the monotonous white corridors of Tipoca City. Past the grey doorways and dim orange lights and repetitive repetitiveness.

We run until we’ve reached the outer edge of the city and make our way out of a door that slides open for us. As I leave it, a red blaster bolt stings by my face. Pivoting on my heel, I ignite my saber and deflect the next bolt back at the droid that had fired it.

“In-line with the general!” I hear Rose call then, five sets of footsteps fall in line with me and fire at the droids in front of us. Rose, Jumper, Cogs, Flash and Jax hold the line and step forward as I do, thinning out the line.

The B1s fall easily. The B2s take a few more deflections and blaster bolts.

But, soon enough, they all fall.

But that was just a small group.

My comm blinks, I press it.

“Corrie, if you can, back-up Anakin and head to the DNA room. It’s why the Separatists have come here!” Master Kenobi’s voice says through the comm.

I click my comm device, “On my way there, Master,” I turn to Rose, “Hold down the position here. This is your home, defend it.”

“Sir, yes, sir!” The five Clones present chant back at me.

I smile. They’re loyal, incredible men. Giving them a quick nod, I disappear back into the city to follow Master Kenobi’s orders.

Of course the Separatists are after the DNA of Jango Fett, the template for the Clone Troopers. If they get it, the production of Clones would be ground to a halt and the war would tip exponentially in their favour.

When I reach the corridor that leads to the DNA room, I find Anakin running from the opposite direction coming to the same location. We smile upon seeing each other, deactivating our sabers for just a moment to embrace one another.

“I’m glad you’re okay,” Anakin says into my neck before pulling away and igniting his saber. “Grievous is here.”

“I know,” My lips tug down slightly as I reignite my own saber. I feel a tinge in the Force. A streak of darkness that Grievous doesn’t carry. No… this streak was caused by someone else. I turn to the door, “Someone’s in there.”

Anakin presses the button at the side of the door, and they both slide open to reveal a crystalline white room with a column of blue bacta in the centre. Standing before it is the source of the dark streak in the Force.

Asajj Ventress.

“Well, hello boys,” She grins, turning to face us. “Here I was thinking my presence was going unnoticed.”

“You weren’t planning on leaving without saying hello, were you?” Anakin asked, raising his saber.

Ventress slips a small vial she’s stolen from the room into a pouch on her belt and lets out a chuckle. It sounds like sand. “To the Jedi lover boys? Never.” She ignited one saber. Then another. “That little revelation on Tholoth threw me through quite the loop, you know, I do wonder what the Order would think if they found out their precious Chosen One was…” She looks at me and smirks, “Romantically distracted from his duties.”

Anakin jumps forward and slashes across at Ventress’ face with his saber. She blocks with both of hers and pushes him away, using the momentum to strike at my torso. I block and parry, shrugging off my robe.

“You were trained as a Jedi, once,” I say to her, assuming a defensive stance. “There is still time for you to come back to the Light.”

“You can’t reason with a Sith, Corrie.” Anakin charges forward again, hacking at Ventress’ blades with his own. She ducks behind him, grabs him with the Force, and hurls him into the column where he stays, suspended for a long few moments.

Ventress grins at me, one of her lightsabers pointed at my chest. I hold it back with my own, “He’s right you know, you can’t reason with a Sith.” She winks at me, “Luckily for you, I am not a Sith. As my master so often reminds me. I am a rule breaker. And I can appreciate when others break rules. Especially for love.”

Ventress extinguishes her lightsabers. Has she given up? Will she come back to the Light?

“Which is why I’m not going to kill either of you. But cross me again and you won’t be so lucky.” Ventress pulls her elbow back and I feel a tremor in the Force just as Anakin falls forward onto me. We both stumble and fall to the ground. By the time we get back up, Ventress has left the room with the DNA.

I should have known better than to trust her. I really thought, for the briefest of moments, that she would join the Order once more. Or at the very least leave Dooku.

“I’m sorry, Ani,” I mutter, helping him up. “That was all my fault.”

“Hey,” Anakin puts two fingers under my chin and tilts my head up, “You see the good in everyone, that’s not a bad thing.”

How does he always know exactly what I need to hear?

“I can’t wait to marry you.” I whisper, even though the doors are shut and the room is empty of all except for us.

A smile tugs at the corners of Anakin’s lips, “Once the war is over…” He repeats what we had said back on the beach on Naboo.

We’d agreed not to marry until the war was over. So we could celebrate as we saw fit without having to worry about getting pulled into a battle, as we have today. Even though we only planned to be wed once the war ended, it doesn’t mean both of us haven’t dedicated hours of thought to the affair. Between us, we’d agreed everyone we’d like to be in attendance, within reason due to our need to be discreet. Those who know about us: Padme, Captain Rex and R2-D2. And those who don’t: Rohan and Commander Rose.

We’d also both agreed that Naboo would be the planet we call home. It was a far stretch from the desolate landscape of Tatooine that Anakin grew up on, and from the towering cityscape of Coruscant which I had grown up on. It’s exactly what the two of us needed. To be together.

“The war will be over the more we win,” I take a step back from Anakin and ignite my saber. “Let’s go after Ventress.”

Anakin grins, igniting his own as well, “I know where she’s going and I’ve got a shortcut, follow me!”


The shortcut to the hangar does indeed get us there before Ventress. However, there is also a battalion of B1s and B2s waiting for us there. While Anakin cuts through them, making a direct bee-line for Ventress, I stay in line with the Clones of Kamino, helping them defend their home from further assault.

“Nice to have you back, General,” Rose says, appearing beside me, shooting down a B2.

“Good to be back at your side, Rose,” I smile, deflecting a blaster bolt. The bolt splices in two as it shoots back towards the droids and takes the heads off of two B1s.

“We were starting to think that we were going to have to take out all these clankers by ourselves, sir,” A Clone with a lightning bolt spray painted in pink on his helmet says to me, stepping to my side and firing upon the droids.

A small laugh leaves me, “I’d never miss all the fun, Flash.”

Fun is somewhat of a loose term.

As the droid crowd thins, I begin to see Anakin behind them, duelling Ventress. They’re fighting over the DNA of Jango Fett. The pod containing it floats mid-air between them as they play tug-of-war with the Force.

I dash forward, listening to the Force to avoid the Blaster bolts, and slash at two B2s. They fall sidewards as their bodies are separated from their legs. I then decapitate three B1s before turning to the final B2. It shoots at me, but I manage to dodge.

The shot careens off.

I slice the B2 down the middle and then extinguish my lightsaber.

I watch Ventress escape with Grievous in his ship, but notice that a Clone has the DNA sample in his hand. And Anakin is safe.


I turn around and gasp. No.

The bolt from the final B2. It had struck Flash in the chest. The Clone fell to his knees, then was supported by Commander Rose and Sharp.

I kneel next to Flash, placing my hand on his. “I’m sorry,” I whisper. “I’m so sorry, Flash.”

“It’s not your fault, General, you got ‘em… you got ‘em good,” Flash says, his weak grin revealed as Commander Rose removes his helmet. Flash coughs. “I’m going to see Chip now… and all my other fallen brothers.”

He smiles at the ceiling, then, it droops and his eyes go glassy.

I’m on my feet in a moment.

I’m just sick of it. Sick of losing people. Good people.

Shmi Skywalker on Tatooine.

Chip on Tholoth.

Athen on Geonosis.

Flash on Kamino.

Why must I have to fear that all those I care for could be ripped away from me at any moment?

I grab a piece of a destroyed gunship with the Force and hurl it through the hangar, into the oceans of Kamino.


As I turn, I immediately know I’ve done wrong. I indulged in fear and regret.

“I know, Master,” I take a few steps toward Shaak Ti, who is frowning. “I know.”

A small tut leaves her lips, “You must be careful, my young friend,” She places her hand on my shoulder. “Come with me to Coruscant. There, we will stay for a little while. Until your mind has eased.”

I exhale, “Yes, my master.”


Sorry this chapter took so long to get up! I hope you all enjoyed it!

We are edging closer and closer to Revenge of the Sith territory!! :)

This chapter was based on Season Three, Episode Two: ARC Troopers!

Thanks for reading <3

Chapter 29: Hero of the Republic


Plans uncovered! While on a mission on Scipio, Senators Padme Amidala and Tamzi Vonquess have located the schematics for Commando Droids, the Separatists' deadly attack force! The Jedi Council dispatch Master Shaak Ti, Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan and his Padawan Rohan Richt to assist the Senators...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

I’ve spent over six months on Coruscant since the Battle of Kamino, relearning lessons that I was taught as a Padawan. To be patient. To not let my emotions cloud my judgement. I’ve heard stories of what’s happening across the galaxy. Anakin saved Padme and a bunch of other Senators from a hostage crisis in the Senate building itself; Dooku had Ventress shot from the skies… she’s presumed dead. The galaxy is an unstable place at the moment.

And it's finally time for me to re-enter it and to try and make things right.

We arrive on Scipio within two rotations and land on a frozen lake. As Shaak Ti, Rohan and I disembark from our shuttle, we notice two figures standing in the entryway to a large cave nearby. Definitely Padme and Tamzi.

I pull my robes close to my body and grin across to Rohan who, despite the cold temperatures of Scipio, has opted to wear the Jedi garb that he has grown fond of in the past few months. A sleeveless vest robe design with a relatively open front, form-fitting trousers and knee-height boots. He says he was inspired by Master Secura and Ahsoka Tano. The open front puts his three scars on display. One along his collarbone, received during a mission in the midst of the Clone Wars and the other two top surgery scars along his pectorals.

Signs of who he is and what he has been through.

“Do you think we’ll encounter Hydrand Basko again, Master?” Rohan asks me, toying with the end of his lekku.

Like me, Rohan has been eager to re-encounter the Separatist leader we had failed to capture on Iktotch all those months ago.

“Hydrand Basko is a central organiser of the Techno Union… it is certainly possible that we could,” I nod as we all walk along the ice towards the cave mouth. “But it is most important that we destroy the blueprints for BX-Droids. We can turn the tide of the war by doing so, capturing Basko would only indulge our personal wishes.”

Rohan considers this, “You’re right, Master.”

I can’t help but grin at how much more formal he is, especially in how he converses with me, in the presence of an actual Master.

“Master Jedi,” Tamzi smiles at us, removing her hood gently so as to not catch her Iridonian horns. “It’s very good to see you again.”

“Senators,” Master Ti bows slightly. “We spoke of a droid factory here on Scipio. Do we know how to access it? When it will be best to strike?”

“That we do, Master Ti,” Padme gestures for us to follow her into the cave and we do.

The dull bluish light of the planet’s atmosphere gives way to warm orange emitting from torches bracketed to the cave wall and it actually feels warmer inside the cave than out. The tunnel gives way to a round chamber. In the centre of the chamber is a circular metal table with buttons along its rim. Padme presses a green button and the schematics for a droid base emerge as a holo-image.

It’s six levels. Huge.

“Woah,” Rohan breathes next to me. Despite the comparative warmth of the cave system, his breath still comes out in a cloud of mist before him.

“I know,” Padme smiles tightly, “The factory is made up of six levels. The assembly lines take up the third, fourth and fifth. The first level is the only entry and the only thing on the planet’s surface.”

I let out a chuckle, but there’s little humour in it. “So, naturally, the sixth floor, at the very bottom of the factory, is our destination, yes?”

“You’ve done this before,” Tamzi grins, she’s sitting on the edge of the holo-table and points at the bottom of the factory. “Right here. That’s where the Muuns are keeping the schematics. There’s rumours of Trade Federation and Techno Union inspectors being on location too.”

Master Ti, who had not spoken since entering the chamber, finally removes her hand from her chin and puts both of them on the table. “The plans will be kept behind a coded door, no doubt. Are we to cut through this door with a saber?”

“About that,” Tamzi says, sliding off of the table and planting her feet on the ground, “My droid has the code. But the Separatists put a virus into their software to poison any droid that attempts decryption. My droid will be able to open the door once we’re in front of it, but it can’t give any of us the code without self-destructing.”

I frown. I feel the Force shift as Master Ti contemplates this as well.

“Great, so we just take your droid down to the sixth level. We don’t even have to go in there–” Rohan begins to say.

“Not so fast, little one,” Tamzi laughs, but it’s distant and cold. She pulls aside her coat and the top section of her shirt, “There’s a reason that the droid’s self destruction would be a bit of an issue.”

Attached to Tamzi’s chest is a thin, wide chunk of metal with a lens. It wraps up to her shoulder. It clicks and whirs at us.

“Meet T9-0W. She’s been keeping me alive since I was six years old,” Tamzi says. “So, I’m going to need a Jedi escort or two to get me down to that vault so we can get those plans.”

I look at Master Ti, and she nods. “We can make that work.”


I draw in a deep breath as Rohan, Tamzi and I descend to the lower levels of the Droid Factory. We’ve not seen a single organic lifeform yet and the only droids we have seen have been partially constructed. Before we entered, Master Ti and Padme took over the observation deck and disabled the camera on the elevators and on the sixth floor. They were also buying us some time by causing a distraction on the entry-level floor.

I can hear the blaster fire. But I can’t think about it too much. I can’t let Padme or Master Ti’s potential dangerous situation draw me away from the moment.

This moment that could change the course of the war.

“Corrie, may I ask a question?” Rohan asks me as we traverse down a corridor on the sixth floor; Tamzi scouts ahead with her blaster held at the ready.

I look to Rohan beside me, the white artificial light bathes his green skin. “Sure, what is it, Ro?”

He takes a long few moments to answer. He fiddles with his lekku. “I had… a vision.”

Rohan’s visions are something that I had intended to address in his teachings. Ever since the Battle of Tholoth, Rohan has experienced what can only be described as premonitions of near-future events.

“A vision about this mission?” I ask, unclipping my lightsaber and gripping it in case any surprises come around the next corner. Luckily, they don’t. I keep a hold of my lightsaber nonetheless.

Rohan shakes his head, “Not about this mission, no, but something that feels soon.” He scrunches up his nose and I feel his reluctance to speak.

“Please, Ro, you can tell me whatever is–”

“I saw you and Master Skywalker,” He whispers, and I stand still. Without him saying it, I know he doesn’t just mean he saw us together in his vision. “I saw you both dressed in nice clothes… but not Jedi robes. There’s a sunset. Cast across a lake. And… you kiss.”

A sunset cast across a lake? Definitely Naboo. But why would we be wearing nice clothes that aren’t Jedi robes on Naboo? Another undercover mission? Surely not. And we certainly wouldn’t kiss during that.

“Master,” Rohan wraps his fingers around mine. “Are you and Master Skywalker together?”

I wanted to tell him anyway. And I cannot lie to this boy. Not after everything we have been through together.

“We are,” I whisper, squeezing his hand. “I understand if you wish to report us to the Council.”

“Corrie,” Rohan’s voice is firm. Perhaps for the first time since we have met. I turn to finally face him properly. “It would be hypocritical of me to report you for feelings that I harbour as well.”

My chest tightens.

On one hand, I’m reassured that Rohan is not going to hand Anakin and I over to the Council for disobeying the Jedi code.

On the other hand, the fact he is also harbouring feelings for someone doesn’t bode well. It has led me down a path of secrecy.

But also one of immense happiness.

“Just…” I take a deep breath and release Rohan’s hand, instead placing it on his cheek. “Please, be careful.”

Rohan nods, “We are, Master, don’t worry.”

We. So the person he harbours feelings for reciprocates them. And is a Jedi also, it would seem. Something clicks in my head and I immediately know who it is.

“Good.” I pat Rohan’s cheek. “We will talk more about this back at the Temple, but first we have to get these droid schematics.”

“Speaking of that!” Tamzi’s voice says down the corridor. She’s standing beside a round vault door. There’s a scanner beside it.

We’ve done it! We’re here. All we need to do is have Tamzi’s droid T9 input the code and then the plans are ours.

Tamzi sparks up her holoprojector. An image of Padme immediately emerges.

“Padme, my dearest,” Tamzi says, and her voice is wobbly. Why does she sound emotional? “I have never once lied to you. Not when we started our relationship all those years ago. Not when I was forced to end it to marry Mauzio. And not since.” She took a trembling breath. Her hands are shaking.

I feel her anxiety in the Force.

“Tamzi… what’s going on?” Padme asks.

“But I have lied to you today, darling,” Tamzi whispers, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Clang, clang, clang.

Battle Droids emerge from the corridors either side of us. Rohan ignites both of his blades and I mine. As blaster bolts fire at us, we deflect them back so we can protect Tamzi so that she can open the door.

“I lied to you,” Tamzi continues, “T9 was able to get the code. But, even in front of the scanner, she will not be able to unlock the door.” Her eyes are set on Padme. I keep risking glances back at Tamzi even as I deflect blaster bolts. The crowd of B1s before me doesn’t seem to be thinning. “But I can still get this door open.”

Tamzi looks at me.

And I immediately know what she’s saying.

“No,” Padme and I say at the exact same time. Padme continues to plead, most of it drowned out by tears.

The encrypted code that Tamzi and T9 had downloaded had only one result when someone attempted to use it.

Destruction of the droid.

The droid fused to Tamzi’s chest.

In the Force, I can sense her certainty. I grab Rohan’s robes and pull him down the corridor we had come down.

Tamzi turns back to Padme, “Loving you was the best decision I ever made, my sweet Queen.”

She opens her shirt and presses T9’s lense to the scanner. There are three whizzing noises as the scanner works.

Then, there is a reign of fire.


Rohan and I had passed out in the explosion that ensued. Now, I am back in my apartment on Coruscant, alone, two days later.

Senator Tamzi Vonquess of Iridonia and Iktotch had sacrificed herself to blow open the door to the schematics for the Commando Droids. Master Ti reported that the explosion Tamzi and T9 had caused had not only destroyed the door, but the schematics themselves. We would be facing Commando Droids on the battlefield no more.

All thanks to Tamzi Vonquess. Hero of the Republic.

According to Master Ti, Padme has not left Tamzi’s grave on Iktotch since she was buried, though she is due to return to Coruscant by the end of the week. It’s cruel how quickly she is expected to return to her Senatorial duties after a loss of someone so close to her.

A knock at my door draws my mind away from such tragedies. Clutching my outer robes loosely to my bare torso, I walk over to it and press the button to open it. As it slides open, I am wrapped in a pair of arms before I can even process who they belong to.

Then, I am hit with the scent of cinnamon, droid polish and a tinge of sweat.


I clutch him tightly.

We shuffle backwards, still hugging, and the door clicks shut. Then, our lips are on one another. He pushes the robe from my body, and I slide my hands down to untuck his.

An hour later, and I have joined Anakin’s sweaty state as we both lie on my bed, bare chests pointed to the ceiling. His mechanical arm is wrapped around my lower torso, pulling my close.

“It’s been a bad few weeks,” I whisper into his chest. “I’ve missed you. I hate being stuck here. I hate being helpless. I hate that Tamzi died on the first mission I had out in months.”

Anakin cups my face and makes me look at him, “I know,” He leans down and kisses me gently, “None of that is your fault. You hear me?”

I nod slowly and intertwine our legs. It feels nice to have this moment with him.

At peace.


“It’s been an odd few weeks for me as well,” Anakin says, and his eyes get a far-off-look. “Obi-Wan, Ahsoka and I… we went to this,” He searches for the word, “strange world. I’m not even sure it was a world. There were beings there… that I can’t even comprehend. Ahsoka nearly died.” He runs his free hand through his lengthening hair. “Obi-Wan’s convinced we all collectively dreamed it but…”

“You believe it all happened,” I nod. Stranger things have occurred.

“I am,” Anakin says quietly. “I saw Master Qui-Gon… and my mother. It all made me realise that time isn’t a guarantee.” He shuffles onto his side to face me, “Corrie… on Naboo, you asked me to marry you. Now, I’m asking you to marry me, but soon.”

My mind flickers to Rohan’s vision; I smile and lean forward, slotting our noses together, “We can leave for Naboo whenever you like, my love.”


This chapter broke my heart to write ahhhh!!

Poor Tamzi! I hope you all enjoyed!

For context, this is set after the Mortis Arc, but before the Citadel arc. Next chapter is gonna be a good'un! <3

Chapter 30: What the Galaxy Has Brought Together


LOVE IN A TIME OF WAR! After harrowing experiences on Mortis and Scipio, Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Corrie Carnathan fly to Naboo to be married. While they travel, Corrie's Padawan Rohan Richt has a Force Premonition of the evils to come to the Galaxy...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Once the doors of the meditation chamber open, I take a seat opposite my Padawan. I feel him become aware of my presence as the Force shimmers for a moment, a twinge in my mind, just before he opens his eyes and nods at me.

“My Master,” Rohan smiles.

I clasp my hands together, a dozen thoughts racing through my mind simultaneously. “Ro,” I can’t stop myself from smiling at him. The pride I feel for my Padawan, for how much he has grown in the short time that I have known him, is incredible. “May we continue our discussion that we had in the depths of Scipio?”

A look passes over his face. Surprise, perhaps, but it is gone in an instant. “Of course, Corrie.”

“You said that you harbour feelings for someone. When I told you to be careful, you said ‘we are’. That, to me, suggests that you are in relations with another Jedi,” I take a breath. “I do not wish to know who, even though I believe I know already, but I have only one request for you…”

Rohan leans forward, his green lekku drape over his shoulders. They’ve gotten longer in the past few weeks.

I look him in the eyes, “Please, be careful. Not only here. Not only in regards to the Jedi Code. But be careful with one another. Care for one another, keep one another safe but… do not let the secrecy of this relationship consume you. Such things threaten to consume me at times but…” I smile at him, thinking of golden skin beneath my fingers. Of light touches of old scars. “It’s all worth it, I promise.”

Rohan pushes one of his lekku over his shoulder. “The vision I had… was it of you and Master Skywalker getting married?”

I consider lying to him. But there’s no point. He knows we’ve gone against the Order, what difference does him knowing about our marriage make?

“I proposed to Anakin just after our mission to Actlyon. He’d gotten so angry, so consumed by his feelings for me that it nearly drove him to kill Mauzio Svino when he threatened me…” I take a breath. “And the truth is I felt the same way back on Yavin IV when Ventress gave Anakin his now infamous scar. I nearly killed her for it because of how I felt about him. But we’ve helped each other realise that we can both be Jedi, still pursue a path of the Light, while also being together.”

A small smile tugs at Rohan’s lips. “I think that’s beautiful, Master.”

I nod, “It really is,” The words settle over the two of us for a long few moments before I manage to muster the strength to ask, “Ro… do you have plans for today?”


It’s surreal to be travelling back to Naboo when the war still rages on in every corner of the galaxy. A pang of guilt does tug at me as I think of the Clones laying down their lives alongside their Jedi commanders while Anakin and I indulge in this moment of togetherness. But we have fought. We have fought for so long and so hard.

We deserve this.

We deserve just a moment for us.

I pull down a final lever of the Nubian starship, one which Padme had given to me so that I may gain safe passage to her home planet, and watch the hyperspace lane burst into being around us. Bright blue and white streaks moving faster than I could ever comprehend.

“R8, take the wheel while we’re in the lanes. Tell me when we’re nearing the Naboo system, okay?” I say, and pat the astromech’s head as I pass by. He gives me a chirp and slides into position to ensure we don’t veer off course.

I travel to the central compartment of the ship to find Rohan sitting cross-legged in the centre of the hull. His eyes are closed and I can feel his concentration in the Force. I take a seat opposite him and close my eyes as well. Breath enters my mouth and leaves my nose as I centre myself and disregard my physical surroundings.

Within the Force, I reach out for Rohan. I feel his frustration. It’s self-facing. And his doubt in his own abilities. He is trying to use an ability that he doesn’t quite have full control of.

“Rohan,” I say quietly.

His mind appears at the end of a clear path.

“Yes, Master.”

I link our minds within the Force for a moment.

And I am flooded with hundreds of images at once.

A lightsaber without an owner. A ship’s control console with coordinates set for Skako-Minor. Master Ti meditating. Two children, crying. A huge ship above Coruscant. Togruta markings on the helmet of a Clone. A planet of lava and fire. An empty crib on Naboo. A hooded figure addressing the Senate. The Rose Squadron holding up their blasters. The glaring yellow eyes of a Dathomirian. A tower of the Jedi Temple on fire. A woman with her hands resting on her stomach. The pits of Utapau. A green blade clashing with a blue. A tomb with a stained glass window depicting a woman in a red gown. And then nothing but darkness and the sound of heavy, mechanical breathing.

I cut off our connection and let out a gasp. I find myself sweating.

“Ro’...” I take a second to collect my thoughts.

“I’ve never had a vision that strong before. Or that long. It felt like… like so many moments. And they don’t feel as close as most of my visions.” Rohan says, his voice shaky.

I swallow, “We… we’ll discuss what this could mean soon. I promise.”


The balcony looks over Lake Varykino. The water shimmers with dull pinks and oranges as the sun comes down to kiss it on the horizon. I stand for a long while, looking over the water, my hands on the cold marble, breathing in the fresh evening air. It’s just as the nearby candles are snuffed out by the breeze that I see him.

Anakin Skywalker.

Jedi Knight. The Chosen One. The One who will bring balance.

The love of my life.

“Ani,” I whisper it, because he looks beautiful and I’m scared that if I speak any louder the image before me may shatter into a thousand shards of glass. Anakin’s hair is free-flowing as usual, but that’s the only thing consistent with my usual expectations of his appearance. He’s wearing a dark robe with fine silver detailing along with black boots with silver buckles. Adorned to his shoulders is a cape that flows to his feet. It’s stark white with a silver clasp that sits on his collar.

I wear a similar cape but my robe is dark red with gold detailing that both parallels and compliments his silver.

“Corrie,” My name falls from Anakin’s lips like a prayer.

At some point, we end up before one another. And I slip my hands into his. His skin is cold. It’s a relief, as I had been too hot until that moment.

“You look beautiful,” His words are for me and me alone, spoken between us and then cast over the lake. “I’ve fought in battles and won. I’ve saved Senators from near certain death. I’ve banished evil from many worlds… but marrying you is the best thing I will ever do.”

I bring one hand up to his cheek and then move it back to the back of his hair. I thread my fingers between the dark waves and clutch him tightly. I draw a kiss from his lips and breathe him in, “Anakin Skywalker, you make this galaxy of uncertainty certain. When I am with you, everything falls away but for you. When there is nothing else, there is you; there is us.”

As I bring my other hand up and touch Anakin’s face, I hear footsteps nearby. I draw my thumb along the scar Anakin had received from Ventress on Yavin IV. In the Force, I sense Padme, Rex and Rohan in our presence. And a chirping sound tells me that R2-D2 and C-3PO are in their company.

“I vow to protect you always, my love, and ensure no harm ever comes to you. I vow to lay down my own life should it mean yours may prosper. I vow to let myself be struck from this mortal coil should it result in you fulfilling your destiny and bringing balance to the Force. I vow that the Jedi Code shall never interfere with our love and that, should it try to, I will leave the Order.”

I feel Anakin’s fingers tighten on my waist at the final vow. But it’s true. If we are discovered, I will lie and say that the attachment is on my behalf only and that I coerced Anakin into playing along with it all. Because he needs his full potential realised. He’s destined to do amazing things.

Anakin’s grip doesn’t relent on me as he says, “I vow to do everything in my power, at all times, to keep you safe and out of harm’s way. I vow to never let anything bad happen to you. I vow to build a life together that neither of us could have ever dreamed of having when we first met.”

Padme takes a few steps towards us, “Love in a galaxy built on war is all too rare, but today we gather to celebrate the love of Corentin Dahne Carnathan and Anakin Skywalker. It is my great honour to use the power I hold as Senator of Naboo to pronounce you husbands for life. What the galaxy has brought together, let no-one tear apart. You may now kiss your husband.”

Then, his lips are on mine. Or perhaps mine are on his. I’m not sure it matters. Because all that does matter is that we are finally one.


That night, I wake and feel a familiar presence. I shift myself out of bed, leaving Anakin pooled beneath the covers with his skin shiny with sweat being slowly cooled by the nightly breeze. Wrapping a robe around myself, I look at the hilt of my saber on the desk beside me.

And I choose not to take it.

The marble floors of the villa Padme had allowed us to stay in during our Honeymoon give way to the cold night sands of the beach as I approach the presence I have sensed and sit down beside her, looking over the water.

“Good evening, Ventress,” I say, my eyes on the water.

Her presence isn’t shrouded in the Darkness it once was. Now it is interwoven with the desire for revenge and pungent with a sense of… belonging. She has reconnected with her people. For the first time in my life, I envy her. She knows where she is from and who once loved her.

“That was quite the wedding,” She says, her voice just as smooth and devastating as I remember.

I tilt my head towards her, “You were here for that?”

Ventress lets out a small laugh, “Mhm. Followed you from Coruscant. You really should be more careful.”

My spine straightens slightly, “Are you threatening me? Us?”

She titters, “Corrie, Corrie, I wouldn’t dare, not on your special day,” A grin slinks onto her lips, “I came to congratulate you, honestly. To go against the Jedi Order… now that is something worth celebrating.”

Her hand goes to her belt and I flinch as she unclicks one of her lightsabers. But she doesn’t ignite it, she offers the handle toward me.

“It’s yours, if you so wish. It’s no longer my desire to have the weapon of a Jedi. Or a Sith.” Ventress smiles softly, “A second blade will help you to protect him. Its colour will ward off attackers before they come close.”

I wrap her fingers around the saber and push it back to her, “If I want a second saber, I will go to Ilum.” I clutch my robe tighter to my body, “And red isn’t really my colour.”


Sorry this took so long to update! I hope this was worth it aha! Updates will hopefully be a little quicker now :)

Chapter 31: A Bright New Light


CLONE WARS COMING TO AN END? General Grievous and the nefarious Count Dooku make a play for the Galactic Capital: Coruscant. In their attempt to kidnap the Chancellor, Grievous crosses blades with Jedi Master Shaak Ti and her former Padawan Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The war rages on fast and hard for another full year. I lose track of how many days pass and how many droids I destroy. What I cannot lose track of, however, is the ever growing sense of darkness I feel surrounding the galaxy and muddying the clarity of the Force. So much has happened since Anakin and I were married on Naboo.

Master Piell was killed. Master Krell fell to the Darkness. The Sith Lord that killed Obi-Wan’s Master has returned and taken an apprentice who killed Master Gallia. And Ahsoka left the Jedi Order after being framed for a bombing on the Temple that had actually been committed by none other than studious Barriss Offee.

The galaxy is in utter turmoil.

So, I sit and meditate.

“It’s been a long time, Corrie,” Mari Onthello says, his voice coming from across the room. When I open my eyes, there he is, his image in the Force sitting on the cushion opposite me.

“It has,” I give him a smile. It really is good to see him. A Jedi from so long ago with such clarity over the Force and its role in the galaxy. Unlike any of my contemporaries. “The galaxy is a strange place.”

Mari leans forward, clasping his hands together. I feel our connection in the Force like a low hum in a quiet room. Strong, understated yet ultimately forever present. “Tell me.”

And I do. I tell him of the ever raging war. The rise of red-blade wielding warriors. The never-ending blaster fire. The months away from Anakin, from Padme. It’s been well over six months since I have seen Padme.

“I seek…” The words churn in my mind and come to fruition in the clearest truth I have ever spoken, “I seek clarity. And distance. And time. Time away from all of this.”

Mari nods, “That I can certainly understand.” For the first time ever in our three years of talking via the Force, Mari unclasps his lightsaber from his belt and ignites it. A vibrant yellow blade emerges. “Consider my blade. It is bright. It is hot. It is dangerous.” He tilts it, “But it is beautiful. Elegant. Pure energy being channelled in a direction to create something that encapsulates all of these attributes.”

I feel a message. “What are you telling me?”

The High Republic Jedi grins and extinguishes his blade, “To channel oneself into the pursuit of what they deem most true to themselves… That is the only option of how to proceed.”

His words ring true.

Then, amidst the ever present hum that is Mari’s presence, a blazing siren.

“Master Ti,” I whisper to myself, feeling her distress. She had been sent to protect Chancellor Palpatine alongside Master Roron Corobb following the arrival of Separatist forces above Coruscant at this very moment. And now she was in danger. I look at Mari, “I’m sorry, Mari, I have to go. My Master needs my help.”

As I stand, Mari gently says, “Corrie,” And I turn to face him. He takes a deep breath then gives me a kind smile and bows his head, “May the Force be with you, always.”


On my way to Chancellor Palpatine’s quarters, I had come across Commander Rose, Jumper, Dash, Sunny and Uno and brought them with me. I’ll need all the help I can get if the opponent I am about to face has been able to make Jedi Council member Shaak Ti feel anxious.

The doors of Palpatine’s quarters slide open and I’m immediately struck by the overwhelming acrid scent of blood. Ithorian blood, as it turns out, splattered across a desk. At the base of the desk lies Master Roron Corobb with his throat slit and stomach slashed. Beneath him, Chancellor Palpatine tries to squirm free from under the corpse.

“General,” Rose says, raising his blaster and aiming it. “How do you advise us to proceed?”

My question exactly.

In the past three years, the Rose Squadron and I had faced nearly every type of Separatist threat.

But never General Grievous.

Until now.

He’s using three lightsabers to push Master Ti into a corner. She’s defending herself with elegant simplistic strikes but the General’s presence and size make him a threat.

“All men, fire,” I say immediately, igniting my saber and trusting in both the Force and the men as they begin to shoot at Grievous while I charge at him.

Grievous lets out a surprised cough before one of his arms rotates nearly one-hundred and eighty degrees to parry my incoming attack. I nearly lose my footing (and my life) but a few well-aimed shots from Rose and Jumper distract Grievous enough that both Master Ti and I are able to duck away from him and assume defensive stances with our sabers held high.

“Good to see you, Corrie.” Master Ti says to me.

“I sensed you needed my help, my old Master,” I smile at her briefly.

“Ah, the Master and the Apprentice. Fitting that I will add both blades to my collection,” Grievous says, shedding his cloak. He twirls his lightsabers: two green and one blue. His fourth arm is missing a hand, no doubt my Master’s doing. With a guttural scream, Grievous lurches forward and strikes at me. I angle my blade and duck, lifting my body as his blades meet mine and hurl him upwards. Master Ti arches her saber, slicing another of his arms at the elbow. The metal clangs as it hits the ground at our feet, nearly as loud as the groan that Grievous lets out.

“Filth!” He declares, extinguishing his sabers before leaping to the ceiling, using his droid anatomy to crawl along the ceiling away from us. I reach out in the Force to grab him but he is quick. Inhumanely quick. Grievous leaps from the ceiling and dives foot-first into Jumper. He slams into the ground, crushing Jumper’s head and killing him instantly.

“No!” I cry out and reach out within the Force. I bring Jumper’s blaster to my free hand as Grievous slays Uno and Dash with one stab that runs them both through. My finger clutches the trigger and a reign of blaster fire careens toward Grievous. He is forced to ignore Rose and Sunny in favour of deflecting such shots.

While he does so, Master Ti comes around his flank and arches her saber toward him.

But Grievous catches her arm with his mechanical foot, twisted at a horrifying angle. I hear Master Ti groan as the metal crushes her wrist. “You are not the only one with back-up, Jedi.”

The doors of the room slide open once more and Sunny lets out a scream as he is struck with purple energy that crackles around his body. Rose raises his blaster but soon he too is incapacitated by the MagnaGuards.

One of them passes Grievous their Electrostaff which Grievous then uses to electrocute Master Ti.

She lets out a cry and crumbles to the ground.

“Enough!” I scream and push both of my hands forward. The MagnaGuards hurtle into the wall, causing cracks to appear and even Grievous seems to struggle to stay on his feet.

“Thank you for the fight, Jedi.” Grievous says, clanging footsteps ringing through the room as he steps toward me. I fire another shot at him but he deflects it perfectly, the bolt forcing the blaster from my hands. So, I hold my saber steady with both hands.

But it doesn’t matter.

Because Grievous has two lightsabers. Both arching toward me. From different sides. There is no way for me to block both.

“No.” Palpatine says. His voice is sharp. Decisive. I feel… inclined to listen.

So does Grievous. He pauses, his blades inches from my face.

“Leave the boy alive.” He says, and it almost feels like he’s giving Grievous orders rather than offering terms of surrender, “And I go with you.”

Grievous lets out a spluttering cough, “Very well, your majesty.” He extinguishes his lightsabers. As I take a moment to breathe a sigh of relief, Grievous grabs me with both of his remaining hands by the scruff and tosses me across the room.

I collide with the wall and lose consciousness.

When I come back to, Master Ti, Rose, Sunny and I go to the Jedi Council chambers where Masters Yoda, Tiin, Kolar, Fisto and Kcaj sat waiting for us, along with a hologram of Master Mundi.

“Good news, we have for you, Master Ti, Knight Carnathan,” Master Yoda tells us, shifting forward in his seat. “Ended, the Battle above Coruscant has.”

I tilt my head, clutching my ribs (I really need some bacta) and taking a small step forward, “And the Separatists were defeated, Master?”

“Indeed,” Master Tiin says, putting his hands together. “Master Kenobi and General Skywalker freed the Chancellor from Grievous’ clutches and destroyed his flagship.”

By the Force. That is a decisive blow indeed.

“What of Count Dooku?” Master Ti asks.

It is Master Fisto who responds, “The Sith Lord is dead. Slain by Skywalker.”


Anakin killed Count Dooku.

Anakin is bringing this war to an end single-handedly.

He is doing what a million Clones and a thousand other Jedi could not.

He’s making the galaxy safe.

“And Master Kenobi and General Skywalker are alright?” I ask, doing my best not to let my emotions pour into the question. Least of all in this company.

“Contacted by Master Windu just before you both arrived, we were. Master Kenobi, Knight Skywalker and the Chancellor were seen by Master Windu just moments ago. Safe and grounded, they are.” Master Yoda tells us. “Rest, I suggest you go now.”

I bow at Master Yoda, and the other Council members, and finally Master Ti, before leaving the chambers. My body screams to go and get some Bacta but every other part of me – spiritual, emotional, the heart, the Force – screams even louder to go and see if Anakin is okay for myself. I’ve not seen him since he left for the Outer Rim sieges many, many months ago.

So, what decision do I make? I feel as though the answer will not surprise you.


Anakin and I spend two hours together before either of us says anything. The first thing said is a breathy, “I love you,” from me as we both collapse onto the bed once more. Anakin’s head is in the crook of my neck and I feel him breathing me in. I allow myself a moment of peace, closing my eyes and toying with his ever-growing waves of hair as his mechanical hand holds my waist and his bio-hand’s thumb runs over my jawline.

“I saw your recent exploits on Anaxes with Clone Task Force 99 on the Holonet,” I smile, my eyes still closed as I recall seeing Anakin’s face in blue pixels and stopping myself from reaching out for it in the middle of the Jedi Temple cafeteria.

I hear Anakin chuckle, “And I yours with Rohan on Naraka.”

“Basko got away again,” I murmur into Anakin’s hair.

“You’ll get him before this war ends,” He assures me, squeezing my waist. He has this way of making me believe him.

Blink. Blink. Blink.

Raising a brow, I look over the edge of the bed for my discarded robes and find my Holoprojector beeping within them. I bring it to my palm and activate it: a hologram of Captain Gregor Typho emerges from it.

“Master Jedi,” He bows his head. I become acutely aware of the fact I’m naked and he can likely see my torso and, should the framing of the hologram allow it, Anakin in a similar state behind me. I stand up and shrug on my robe. “My lady Senator Amidala has requested your presence. General Skywalker’s as well.”

“Very good, thank you, Captain,” I smile at him softly. “Please assure her that we will both meet her in her office shortly.”

“Actually,” Typho says, “My lady is not in her office at the moment. Nor in the Senate. She is on Naboo. She asked me to prepare a ship for you. It awaits you on Landing Platform C-6 at the Jedi Temple’s exterior hanger.”

I clear my throat. How unexpected, “Very well, thank you, Captain Typho, we’ll be there in just a moment.”

I shut off my holoprojector and turn back to Anakin, “What could Padme need us on Naboo for?”


Luke Carnathan-Skywalker is born on Naboo first. A bright new Light in the galaxy.

Then there is Leia Carnathan-Skywalker. A girl with the same eyes as her Skywalker father.

Neither share my blood – they are the biological product of Anakin and Padme through in vitro fertilisation – but they are both my children. My son. My daughter.

Luke and Leia.


it's happened! <3 the babies are here!

and padme is alive! Doing some minor canon-divergence in that regard, but hopefully it'll all make sense by the end of the story (not many chapters left now! :D)

Chapter 32: Hope, and the Fall


WAR, COMING TO AN END. After the loss of Count Dooku, the Separatists are on the backfoot. Jedi Knight Corrie Carnathan and his Padawan Rohan Richt travel to Brentaal IV as Anakin Skywalker becomes more and more entangled with the Chancellor...

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Padme meets the children she had carried for nine months the day after they are born. Thankfully, her Handmaidens had been extremely attentive to her following her giving birth and had helped her get back on her feet quickly. Which was lucky because she was due to return to Coruscant, to the Senate, in two days. Her pregnancy had been hidden from the public. Due to the amount of time we had spent the different methods we had attempted paired with the amount of time that we had not seen Padme for during the war, the birth of our twins was a surprise to both Anakin and me.

Neither of us had had the time to talk to Padme during her entire pregnancy.

But now there are two babies in this galaxy with Skywalker blood and the Skywalker-Carnathan name. Luke and Leia.

I lay in bed, attuning myself to the feeling of my husband, son and daughter in the rippling waves of the Force. It’s peaceful. Perfect.

Until I feel a shimmer of darkness brush off of Anakin. He stirs in his sleep before jolting awake, sitting bolt upright. Sweat trickles from his browline.

“Ani,” I put a hand on his arm and channel some calming energy through my palm to relax him. “What is it?”

“A… a bad dream,” Anakin mutters, wiping his brow with his arm. “I saw…” He tilts his head and screws his eyes shut, as if trying to cobble the pieces of the dream back together, “I saw a funeral on Naboo… and I saw…” His eyes open and they’re glossy with tears. A few make their way down his cheeks. “A lightsaber blade striking you.”

There’s a silence between us for a long few moments.

I don’t want to dismiss his dreams. Especially not after what happened with his mother all that time ago. But Dooku is dead; Grievous is on the run with Master Kenobi on his tail; Ventress was killed recently by her former Master and buried by Master Vos; and Ahsoka has been dispatched to deal with Maul on Mandalore. There are no lightsaber wielders who could possibly strike me. As for a funeral on Naboo… surely those happen regularly.

“I think I may know how to settle your mind,” I say quietly, before nodding to the end of our bed, where our children’s crib sits.

“Yeah,” Anakin smiles shakily, wiping his eyes and slipping off of the bed. He crosses the room and kneels before the crib. “Corrie,” Anakin whispers. “Luke’s got your smile.”

“Ani,” I feel my heart swell as I clamber to the end of the bed and sit on its edge, looking at my children. “That’s not possible, he’s not biologically mine.”

“Perhaps not, but he is yours by the will of the Force. And that is far more important,” Anakin says gently, easing Luke into his arms and pressing his little body to his bare chest. He’s so small. So delicate. So perfect. “That’s definitely your smile. He’s got the dimples and everything.”

I rest my head on Anakin’s shoulder and look at our son. He’s certainly going to be blonde, like me, and like Anakin when he was as a child, and his tiny smile is vaguely akin to the one I see in the mirror. The Force wills it so.

“Well, Leia definitely has that same cheeky look in her eyes that you do,” I pick up our daughter and cradle her in my arms, “And that scares me.”

Anakin bumps his hip with mine, a grin on his face, “Then she’ll be a fighter, like me.”

“Hopefully not a pain in the ass too,” I tease and kiss Leia’s forehead.

“Of course not, she’s got your influence too,” Anakin chuckles and stands up with Luke, walking out of the bedroom to the balcony. I follow him with Leia. We stand for a while, gently swaying our children and watching the sun rise over the grandest lake on Naboo. “I don’t ever want to leave here.”

I know exactly what he means. This palace. This planet. This moment. This place with our children. “I know,” I whisper. “But you killed Dooku. Grievous is on the run. The war is nearly over…” I feel the deadliest weapon of all strike me through the chest: Hope. “Maybe we’ll be able to… not leave the Order but…”

“Scale back our duties,” Anakin says quietly, almost as if he’s scared to speak it into existence.

I nod slowly. “Mari Onthello once told me of Jedi Watchers during the High Republic Era. They were Jedi assigned to protect one planet that they very rarely left. I’ve been thinking ever since, and moreso than ever now that Luke and Leia have been born… I think I want to be a Jedi Watcher for Naboo.”

A smile crosses Anakin’s lips and I can tell I’ve struck him down with the deadly weapon too. Hope. Dreams. Ambition. A light at the end of a tunnel that could be entirely imaginary and impossible to reach. But exciting.

“That would be amazing. I could do that too.”

“I’m not sure they’d let you,” I move a strand of hair from Leia’s face, “You are the Chosen One, Ani, whether we like it or not. You are destined to bring balance to the Force. Your place is with the Jedi. Wherever they need you. We will always be here for you to come back to, no matter what.”

I sense his conflict in the Force. I feel him being pulled so many ways and hate that I am part of the reasoning for this. I’ve made his life harder, even if he would say that I have made it better. If he had not fallen in love with me, and I with him, there would be a lot less secrecy in the galaxy.

“Have you heard from Ahsoka recently?” I ask him gently, trying to ease his mind from his current conflict.

I feel it work. He perks up and smiles down at Luke, “Before Obi-Wan and I saved the Chancellor we got to see Ahsoka again. It was really good to see her. I got to give her back her sabers.”

“The ones you modified?” I ask, shaking my head. Such an Anakin thing to do. “You know I…” I consider my words before spitting it out, “I always got the impression that she knew. About us.”

To my surprise, this actually makes Anakin smile too, “I think so as well. When she left the Order I told her that I understood wanting to walk away. She said she knew. I think she was talking about us.”

I cup Anakin’s face with my free hand, “Darling, it appears that we are the worst kept secret in the galaxy,” I lean down and kiss Luke’s forehead, “Let’s hope these guys are a better secret than we ever could be.”


By the eve of the next day, Anakin, Padme and I return to Coruscant. We leave Luke and Leia in the care of Padme’s former Handmaidens Yané and Saché who fostered many children on Naboo. They would be safe with them.

Immediately upon our arrival, Chancellor Palpatine called Anakin to his office which resulted in me waiting outside the Jedi High Council Chambers for him since we had also both been summoned to meet with the Council together.

When he arrives, his presence in the Force is different. He’s… excited. He’s been given news.

“What is it, Ani?” I ask him quietly as we stand before the doors.

“You’ll see,” He says, unable to keep the grin off his face and stepping forward. The doors slide open, and I meet his pace to follow him into the chamber. All of the Masters are present: Grand Master Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Agen Kolar, Saesee Tiin, Stass Allie, Coleman Kcaj, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

“Masters,” Anakin bows at the group. “The Chancellor has just informed me that he wishes for me to be his personal representative on the Jedi High Council.”


By the Force.

The Chancellor having a say in the affairs of the Jedi Order? The Jedi were not a political asset. Not something he should have a say of or surveillance over. I feel the Masters in the room tense in the same way I do.

There is silence for a long few moments, during which I feel Anakin’s excitement deflate.

Yoda inhales, then exhales a long breath. “Take this appointment lightly, the Council does not. Disturbing is this move by Chancellor Palpatine.”

Anakin folds his arms, “I understand.”

It is Master Windu who makes the final say, “You are on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.”

“What?” Anakin asks, leaning forward. He is quick to dampen – or rather cover up – his anger but I know him too well. I can sense it bubbling beneath the surface. The injustice he feels. “How can you do this? This is outrageous. It’s unfair. How can you be on the Council and not be a Master?”

“Anakin,” I mutter, placing my hand on his shoulder, “This is an honour.”

“Heed your friend’s words, young Skywalker,” Mace says, “and take a seat.” He gestures to the free seat, the one once occupied by Master Rancisis who is currently off-world.

And with that, Anakin buries his feelings truly and bows. “My apologies, Master. Thank you.” He takes the seat on the Jedi High Council.

“We have scanned all known Republic worlds and have received no word nor sign of General Grievous,” Says Master Mundi via hologram.

“Hiding in the Outer Rim, Grievous is,” Master Yoda brings his hands together, “The outlying systems, we must sweep.”

Master Kenobi chips in, “We do not have many ships to spare. And what of Hydrand Basko’s return to Brentaal IV? It seems he’s broken off from the Separatists. Capturing him could be the final piece of the puzzle we need to learn of the final separatist bases and strongholds.”

“That’s why we have summoned Knight Carnathan,” Master Windu says, leaning forward. “Corentin, you have dealt with Hydrand Basko before, correct?”

I nod, “Indeed, Master Windu. I encountered Basko first on Tholoth and Iktotch at the start of the war but he escaped me. I’ve come across him many times and managed to take down one of his operations on Scipio with Master Ti, Padawan Richt and Senators Amidala and Vonquess.”

“Good, very good,” Obi-Wan nods, “The Council is dispatching you and your Padawan to Brentaal IV with your Clone Battalion. Bring Hydrand Basko back to us so that we may finally unravel the Separatist plot and bring an end to this war.”

I bow. What a responsibility.

“Masters, if I may make a request,” I find myself saying. Fear shoots through me for a moment, fear of rejection, but I speak nonetheless, “Upon my return, I would like it to be known that I believe the Force is leading me down a specific path as a Jedi. That is the path of a Jedi Watcher. I wish to be a Watcher over Naboo.”

Once again, there is silence over the Council Chamber for a few moments.

“A Jedi Watcher, there has not been for many years,” Yoda says, and it’s almost like he’s amused. “But, when the war ends, times will change. Change with them, we should. Consider your request fully then, we will, Knight Carnathan.”

I bow a final time, “Thank you, Master.”


“Well, Master, this planet sure is something,” Rohan says as we disembark our ship and pull down our hoods. Brentaal IV is actually a pretty beautiful, lush planet considering it is surrounded in its system by gas giants and planets with atmospheres lethal to humans. Around us, large canyons of orangish brown rock curve toward the sky, lined with trees.

“Any idea where the Separatist base is located, Sir?” Commander Rose asks as he too emerges from the ship, blaster in hand. “Nothing is coming up on our scanners.”

“I believe,” I say, sensing a shimmer in the Force. “That our enemy is hiding in plain sight.” As I close my eyes to attune to the Force and sense out where Basko could be, I hear a beeping noise and open one eye. I look into my pocket and find my holoprojector blinking at me. “Excuse me.”

I move away from the Clones and my Padawan and activate the holoprojector. An image of Anakin emerges from it. He looks distressed, “Corrie… the Council asked me to spy for the Chancellor. They wanted me to commit treason.”

I am not successful in hiding the surprise from my face, “Ani, what’s going on?”

“I talked to the Chancellor. Like they wanted me to. But he knows.” Anakin’s voice takes on a seriousness I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it take on before, “He knows about you and me. About us. About Luke and Leia.” I feel a cold chill shoot down my spine and it doesn’t leave.

“Anakin,” I whisper, but he is inconsolable.

“Then he said he could save you. He could make sure that you never die. That my visions never come to pass ever again. Not like they did with my mother.” Anakin runs a hand through his hair. “But then he told me… he told me…” He shakes his head, “I’ve got to talk to the Council. To Master Windu.”

“Anakin,” I pinch the bridge of my nose. The Force is… clouded. “Please, just be careful. Be safe. I love you.”

“I love you too, Corrie, and I’m going to do everything I can to protect you and our children.” Anakin says, and then he is gone.

“Sir,” Commander Rose says once I have been silent for a few moments and put my holoprojector away. “Rohan has located the Separatist base.”

I take a breath and nod, “Very good,” I follow Rose over to my Padawan, who is sitting cross-legged and floating in the air in meditation. “Ro’, where is it?”

Rohan points straight ahead, at the face of the canyon wall. “There is a door. We can open it with the Force. There are only three living beings inside.”

Cracking my knuckles, I step forward. I hold out my hands, ready, “Then let’s get to work.”


Within the hour, Separatist leader Hydrand Basko is in chains being led to our ship by Commander Rose and Sunny. We lost only five men of a fifty, far fewer than any other battle, and have buried them in the earth beneath the most gorgeous tree with orange blooms amongst its leaves.

“We did it, Ro’,” I smile, my hands behind my back as I stand behind my Padawan, “After three years… this war finally feels like it is coming to an en–”

“AHHH!” Rohan yells, clutching his head and falling to his knees. I am immediately at his side, holding his arms to keep him steady, “I can feel… so much. So much about to happen.”

“What is it, what’s about to happen?” I ask, helping my Padawan stand up straight.

Rohan looks at me, a pained expression on his face, “Death.”

Then, I feel it in the Force.

“Don’t listen to him, Anakin.”

“He must live.”


“Henceforth, you shall be known…”

“There are too many of them…”

Then, most vividly of all, I have a vision. A lightsaber blade, bright and blue, pierces through Master Ti’s back and out of her chest. I feel her leave the Living Force and fall to my knees. No. It’s not possible. Master Ti. My mentor. The closest thing I have had to a guardian in my life. She cannot be gone.

And certainly not by a blue blade. It’s impossible.

No Jedi would strike her down.

I am pulled from my vision by the sound of a blaster firing.

Then, a body thuds to the ground.

Commander Rose has shot and killed Hydrand Basko.

“The Separatist is dead, my Lord.” Rose tells a hooded figure on his holoprojector. Rohan clutches my arm and uses his other hand to take his lightsaber from his belt.

“Very good, Commander Rose,” The deep, sinister voice of the hooded figure says. “Now, execute Order Sixty-Six.”


AHHHHH!!! It's here. Revenge of the Sith full steam ahead. Not many chapters left now. Thank you so much for all of the love so far, I hope you adore the ending of this story in the coming chapters. <3

Chapter 33: Liberty Dies


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

I had served with Rose Squadron, my beloved Clone Battalion, for three years. But, as they raised their blasters to me, I had only one thought: these men will not rid my children of a father.

“Master,” Rohan whispers, splitting his lightsaber hilt in two and igniting both blades. Green light cast over his face. “This is it. The end times.”

With that, the Clones, including Commander Rose, began to fire on the two of us.

Rohan protects me in the brief moment of shock it takes for me to raise my own blade and start deflecting blaster bolts but soon enough I too join the fray. Why are the Clones doing this? What in the name of the Light is Order Sixty-Six? An order for the Clones to turn on their Jedi commanders? But for what purpose? Who instilled it? And why do the Clones obey without any hesitation? It’s like Rose has entirely forgotten our long history. The battles we have fought. The men we have lost.

I deflect a blaster bolt and it spirals away, hitting Cogs in the shoulder. He falls to the ground, clutching the burn mark on his armour but is replaced by another trooper.

“Ro… get to the ship,” I tell my Padawan, deflecting another bolt before raising my hand and calling on the Force to lift a boulder. I plant it in front of Rohan and I for protection, buying us a few precious seconds. “Rohan, listen to me, I’m going to use the Force to push you into the ship. Start flying it away, okay? I’ll be with you, just keep the boarding ramp lowered.”

Rohan hesitates, his face contorting with confusion and pain at the entire situation, “Corrie, I–”

“Go, Rohan, start running, I’ll be right behind you, I promise.” I tell him before extinguishing my saber. I put the hilt back on my belt and crack my knuckles. The Clones have now gotten around the boulder and have started shooting. Luckily, Rohan is now running.

I close my eyes for a moment and find Rohan in the Force. I feel him. His fear. His will to survive. And I push him further.

I hear his footfall on the metal boarding ramp of the ship and have to trust him to do the rest.

“Rose,” I lower my head.

“General,” Commander Rose says, stepping toward me with his blaster raised, “You stand accused of high treason against the Galactic Republic and her interests. You are charged with immediate execution.”

I cannot believe it has come to this. To fighting the men I have fought beside for an entire war.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper and hear him scream just before I push out both of my hands and concentrate as much as the Force as I can out of my palms and towards them. A riptide of Force energy strikes all the Clones around me and sends them hurtling into the air. I watch helmets and blasters fly free of their owners as they trapeze mid-air.

Cogs hits the ground first. I hear his neck snap. I feel him leave the Living Force.

Then the rest of them. Some die. Some don’t. Rose lives.

“I’m sorry,” I feel tears on my cheeks but cannot take a moment for my men. They killed Basko. They attempted to kill me and my Padawan for no reason. Well, no reason other than an apparent mysterious Order from a cloaked figure.

Such things cannot be my concern at this moment. My concern now is escaping the Rose Squadron and getting my Padawan, the thirteen-year-old boy in my care who has already been through an entire war at my side, to safety. I cannot let him die.

My feet are moving without me even having to think about it. They carry me away from my Clones as the sound of the gunship that we had brought to the planet screeches overhead. I feel its vibrations coming closer and closer and channel the Light for a moment as the Clones behind me get to their feet.

Just as the first few blaster shots whiz by, I use the Force to leap into the air and land in the gunship. Rohan had left one of the boarding doors open for me for this very purpose. The door slides shut just as a blaster bolt hits the wall behind me.

The Force is willing me to live just a little longer, it would seem.

I tap my comm-link, tears running down my face as I realise we must leave my Troopers on this planet. Rose, Sunny, Pitch, Bud, Jax, Fisher, Disc, Sharp and dozens of other men. Men who… who have tried to kill me. Who did kill a Separatist on the orders of a cloaked figure. “Rohan,” I say into my comm, “Get us to the Hyperspace ring and quick. We need to get back to the Temple and find out what’s going on.”


A ship approaches us the second we exit Hyperspace in the Coruscant system. The city planet glowed dimly not too far away and yet we’re already being approached. More Clones?

How would they know we were coming?

Then, Rohan activates the communications of our ship and a hologram emerges from the dash of the co*ckpit.

“This is Captain Typho of Senator Amidala’s personal security force,” I’m so pleased to hear his voice that I nearly fall to my knees. Instead, I make my way over to the seat next to Rohan in the co*ckpit as Typho continues, “The Senator sent me here for… confidential reasons. Let’s dock at Intrama Station nearby to avoid our comms being monitored.”

Minutes later, both Typho and I dock our ships at the Intrama Station orbiting Coruscant and have walked through the sliding metal doors to reunite with one another. Rohan is on my heels, a frown that has become all too permanent on his face.

“Gregar, what’s happened? My Clones turned on us,” I say as Typho cups my shoulders and pushes me – and consequently, Rohan – back into our ship. He sits us in our co*ckpit then lets out a sigh as he releases us and wipes his brow, “Captain, please.”

Typho winces like even recalling the events of the past few hours is straining him, “We’re not sure. Palpatine’s not put out a statement yet but… the Jedi Temple is on fire. The leading theory is that a rogue faction of the Order tried to kill the Chancellor.”

I clutch the arms of my seat. No. That’s not possible. It can’t be.

“I felt death in the Force,” I say slowly, not able to wrap my head around any of it, “Master Shaak Ti is dead. I heard ___. There’s no way they’d try and kill the Chancellor. And even if they did, the Clones fired on me and Rohan too. We certainly had nothing to do with it. This has to be some kind of conspiracy.”

I know how ridiculous it sounds but there are no other options. The Jedi wouldn’t betray the Republic. They wouldn’t attempt to take life in such a way.

“Corrie,” Rohan says, his eyes closed. “This is bigger than me or you. This is… this is galaxy wide. I feel it. I feel the Light leaving the galaxy.”

I’m scared to ask, but I do anyway, “What light?”

“The Light of the Jedi,” Rohan replies, opening his eyes to reveal that they are teary, “So many Jedi have fallen. The Order… the Order as an institution has failed.”


It can’t have failed.

It has stood for so many centuries. It cannot be felled in a single day.

So, I turn my focus to something more manageable, “Captain, any word from Anakin? He went to talk to the Chancellor just before our Clones attacked us. Is he okay? Has Padme seen him?”

“She hasn’t seen him since he left to meet with the Chancellor, no,” Typho says, and I feel my heart stop in my chest. “But the Senator is awaiting your presence. She will be glad to have you at her side while we all figure out what is going on.”

I nod, “I would like to be at her side as well,” I take a deep breath, “But Coruscant is likely not a safe place for a Jedi at this moment. Not with so many Clones around. I will change.” I stand up and then turn to Rohan, “Ro…”

“I know, Corrie,” Rohan says, a sad smile on his face, “It’s time for us to say goodbye to one another. At least for now.”

I feel a tear leave me; Rohan has always been far more emotionally intelligent and prepared for the impossible than I ever was. In many, many ways, he has taught me so much.

“I’m afraid so,” I wrap my arms around Rohan’s shoulders and pull him close, “Take our gunship. Lose your Jedi clothes and replace it with something more discreet. Go to a system wary of the Republic, a Separatist system like–”

Rohan’s fingers toy with the ends of his lekku, “Ryloth.”

I nod, “Ryloth. Find Cham Syndulla. He will guide you. You can go back to your people and lay low until the Jedi can return once again.”

As we pull away from one another, Rohan gives me a gentle smile, “May the Force be with you, Corrie.”

“And with you, my Padawan.”


Rohan takes the gunship that we had taken to Brentaal IV to Ryloth while I board Typho’s Nubian fighter in new clothes. We arrive on a landing platform on Coruscant that is very familiar to me.

What is even more familiar – and very much welcome in this moment – is the face that greets me as I step down from the landing ramp. Padme Amidala has her arms around me before I can even catch my breath and she pulls me into her apartment. Her hugging doesn’t cease for nearly five minutes as she feels my hair beneath her fingers and hand in hers.

“I’m here,” I assure her, taking a shaky breath, “What’s happened? Do we know? Do we know where Ani is?”

Padme shakes her head, “There was an attack on the Temple. I sent my Guard to help Jedi evacuate out of the system but… I hear that so many have been lost already. Senator Organa tried to get into the Temple and witnessed a squadron of Clones gunning down a youngling. A youngling, Corrie.”

I squeeze her hand, closing my eyes as dozens of horrific images flash through my mind, “Something’s gone wrong. The Clones were our allies, our friends, and now they’re killing us off? It doesn’t make sense. There’s something we don’t know.”

As the final word leaves my lips, Anakin walks into Padme’s apartment, his dark hood pulled up over his head. I almost mistake him for an enemy as I momentarily feel a spike of cold in the Force.

“Anakin,” I whisper, rooted to my seat as Padme rushes to hug him. He holds her for a long moment, assuring her he’s okay before turning to address the two of us.

“Master Windu and some others led an assassination attempt on the Chancellor. The Jedi have attempted to overrule the Senate and uproot the democracy of the Senate. They want control and are too dangerous to be left alive. The Order’s done nothing but manipulate the war since long before it started and therefore they must be rooted out.” Anakin’s words are cold and hollow in my ears.

There’s no way.

“The Jedi…” I whisper, “They attempted a coup?”

“Causing the Clones to initiate a failsafe to protect the people of this great Republic,” Anakin confirms, “It’s up to us now. Me; you, Corrie; and you, Padme. Together, we can rebuild. We can end the War and end the schemes and the manipulation and the corruption and make things fair. Just like we first talked about on Naboo.”

Padme takes a step back from him, “Anakin, you cannot make people agree with you, even if you think what you believe is right. I wouldn’t want people to side with me because they feel it is the only option in which they live.”

“The Jedi have been a source of life for centuries, Ani… we cannot simply rip away the Order just because of a rogue few who threatened the peace,” I’m surprised I manage to find the breath to muster these words.

Anakin takes a deep inhale, as though we’re not hearing him, “The Chancellor has specifically asked me to go to Mustafar to destroy the Separatist Council once and for all. With the Jedi and the Separatists gone, only the interests of the people of the Republic will remain. No more false dogmas.” He takes a step forward and laces his fingers with mine. For the first time, his prosthetic hand feels cold and metallic. “We can be together. Openly. Without worrying about some archaic rule. We can raise our children together.”

Words fail me, because I’m not entirely sure where all of this has come from. And I’m not sure why my husband is suddenly so wholly against the Order. Both of us have had our problems with the Order. With having to live in secret. For being shunned for our feelings and attachments. But never to this degree. Never to the point of wanting the entire Order gone.

“Anakin, were you at the Temple?” I ask, and he nods, “I…” I swallow the lump in my throat, “I had a vision of Master Ti getting killed by a blue saber. Did another Jedi kill her? Do you know?”

A small sigh leaves Anakin, “She was killed by a Jedi’s weapon,” He squeezes my hand, “And I have to tell you something…”

I tilt my head, letting him speak.

“The vision I had on our last day on Naboo with the twins. My nightmare,” Anakin looks at me, and I feel the fear radiating from him like a liquid heat. “I saw you getting struck by a blue lightsaber. A Jedi killed you, in my vision, and I will not allow one to kill you in reality. It’s not going to happen. I won’t let it.

“The Separatists will die. The War will end. The Jedi will be gone… and we will be together, with Luke and Leia.”

With that, Anakin lets go of my hand and goes out to the boarding ramp where he gets into his ship and leaves Coruscant.

And I am left to look at Padme and decide whether my husband was even here at all.


Hours later, Padme kisses my cheek and rushes to collect her things as the Chancellor calls for an emergency Senate meeting.

“You must stay here,” Padme says to me, her voice steely as she, with the help of one of her Handmaidens, puts her hair into a style befitting of her usual public appearance. “It is not safe for any Jedi on the streets, yet alone in the heart of the Senate. I’ve managed to help evacuate a few Jedi out of the system but I cannot go unless I am confident you will stay here where you will not be found.”

I take Padme’s hands, and she looks at me with misty eyes, “I will stay here,” I assure her. “Find out what’s going on here… why the Clones turned. Why they truly turned.”

Padme smiles weakly and for the first time since either of us have known one another, I think she pities me, “You don’t believe Anakin either.”

I shake my head, “The Jedi may have attempted to arrest the Chancellor, that much may be true, but I cannot believe that it led to a whole Jedi rebellion where one Jedi turned on another. I cannot believe that Master Ti was killed by one of her friends, her peers.”

As I choke on my words, Padme wraps her arms around me, “I’ll find out what’s happening, don’t worry.”

Her lips are on my cheek one more time and I feel the cold left behind by their imprint. She smiles gently at me, “I will see you soon, my dearest friend.”

“Thank you for protecting me, Padme,” I squeeze her hand one last time, and then she is gone.

An hour later, I watch the holonet as the Chancellor addresses the Senate. And the rest of the galaxy.

Because his words ripple throughout the entire galaxy.

“The Republic will be reorganised into the first Galactic Empire.”

And so the fate of everyone is sealed.

Control has been handed over to a single person.

And the war is over.

A war fought with only one purpose – to position Sheev Palpatine as the Emperor of the former Republic. To dedicate ultimate power to just one person.

A Sith Lord.

The realisation strikes me like a gust of cold air.

But it’s true.

Palpatine is a Sith Lord. He manipulated both sides of the war. He had Dooku and Sifo Dyas create the Clone Army. He created a failsafe to wipe out the Jedi. He used the Separatists as a false enemy until he could create a new, stronger apprentice… one who he could shape by inflicting tragedy after tragedy upon.

Tragedies like… losing his mother. His arm. Dozens, if not hundreds, of soldiers in a war. His Padawan.

Tragedies like not being recognised by the Council despite being the Chosen One.

Tragedies like not being able to live openly with your husband and children.

A stone settles in my stomach and I physically wince.

Have I been a pawn for Palpatine’s ascendence too? Has my love with Anakin all been part of a greater scheme to lead Anakin to the Dark Side?

Palpatine could offer Anakin everything he wants. Respect. A galaxy without fear. A galaxy where he could love me openly and we could raise our children. A place with no war and no more dead mothers or people enslaved in the Outer Rim.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the Holo-screen flickers away the images of the emptying Senate and displays an image at an odd angle. I can see Padme, but from the doorway of whatever room she’s in. She’s facing someone but I cannot see who, as she is in the way. And the room… the room seems somewhat familiar.

“I cannot say I agree with this move, Chancellor.” Padme says, and it clicks. She’s confronting Palpatine. But she does not know he’s a Sith Lord. Or perhaps she does not care.

And I am watching this encounter, powerless, as one of her droids records it and sends it to the Holo-screen. I must bear witnesses to whatever conversation unfolds.

“That’s Emperor, Senator Amidala,” Mas Amedda says, his voice deep and commanding.

“So you say,” Padme’s voice doesn’t falter. “But the Republic was built on the grounds of unity and togetherness. It is the collective voice of the many and should not be governed by one alone.”

Palpatine chuckles, but it’s far more dry and bitter than I ever remember the Chancellor’s laugh being before, “I will not be alone in my ruling, Senator,” He stands up, bringing him into frame for the first time. He looks even more twisted than I had seen in the Senate Holo-recording. “The Imperial Senate will remain to make all the same decisions as the Republic Senate did.”

This time it’s Padme’s time to chuckle, “What is a Senate in the eyes of an Emperor? A crowd of voices that can be ignored on a whim?”

Palpatine seems to drop the facade. His shoulders slump. His voice takes on a more crackling and sinister undertone, “You’re correct, Padme. I can ignore the Senate as I please. And ignore them I shall. They, yourself included, are nothing but a pitiful selection of fools representing a broader pitiful galaxy of fools. The Empire will create order. We will remove the fodder.”

I hear Padme’s breathing getting shaky, “By remove you mean kill. Like the Jedi? Clones can’t do that. Not the whole galaxy.”

“No,” Palpatine agrees, “But Darth Vader can.” He stands beside her, putting his hands on her shoulders. I can see the silhouette of both of them so clearly. “But his transformation is not yet complete. He believes in my cause, yes, but he cannot be a true Lord of the Sith without… loss.”

Padme’s back straightens in the face of the Emperor, and she tilts her chin up. “You can kill as many people as you like. You can destroy me. You can destroy liberty and receive nothing but applause for it. But, in the end, the people of this great galaxy will always stand against you. They will defeat you.”

A small sigh leaves Palpatine’s lips, and it’s almost like he’s tired. “A pity then that you shall not see such things.”

His eyes seem to burn bright yellow and Padme’s back arcs. I hear her breathing get ragged as Palpatine uses the Force to drain her of her life-force.

Padme Amidala’s body falls backward and hits the floor of Palpatine’s office with a thud. A lifetime of political labour fallen by a single man.

My best friend is dead.

And I know that me and my children are next in Palpatine’s scheme to fully transform my husband, the Chosen One, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker into the murderous Sith Lord Darth Vader.


this chapter HURT but I know the next one is going to hurt so much more. Just one chapter and an epilogue left; thank you SO much for all your support <3

Chapter 34: Return to the Light


This is it. The final chapter (there's going to also be an epilogue).

I hope you all enjoy, please do let me know what you think of this chapter and the story as a whole <3

Thank you for reading.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

It may be too late for me, but it is not for my children. I can save them. I can stop Palpatine’s plan to turn my husband, my beautiful Ani, to the Dark Side by wiping us all out.

I touch the air where Padme’s image had been presented, “I’m sorry, my truest friend,” I whisper to her, even though the hologram died out as soon as Palpatine had spotted the droid recording and destroyed it in an instant with lightning, similar to that used by Dooku. “I fear we’ve all been pawns in a game much larger than any of us ever knew.”

I lower my hand and take a deep breath.

I don’t have time to mourn the loss of my friends, the Clones, nor reflect on the fact I’ll never see my Padawan again. I don’t have time to cry for the loss of the Order I’ve served for my entire life or even the tragic murder of my best friend in the entire galaxy along with all that she represented.

The only thing I can possibly do now is protect my children from the evil of this galaxy.

“Corrie.” I hear my name said by Obi-Wan Kenobi before the doors of Padme’s apartment even open. I turn to see him standing in the doorway. Within a few seconds, he stands before me, his robes singed by recent blaster fire but otherwise looking okay. I’m glad to see him alive. There’s a slight twinge in the Force and I know he’s reading me, but I don’t have the strength nor the will to put up any resistance, “You know, don’t you? You know that Anakin has fallen.”

No words come from me. I cannot muster them. I can barely even look Obi-Wan in the eyes.

“He was deceived by a lie, we all were…” Obi-Wan takes a shaky breath, “I saw a security hologram. He killed Younglings, Corrie. Younglings at the Temple.”

I walk away from Obi-Wan, towards Padme’s balcony, because I physically cannot stand in the same space as the words he has just spoken. I cannot breathe the air that we share in which he has accused my husband of such unthinkable acts.

We have children together. Luke and Leia Carnathan-Skywalker. He would see their eyes, their smiles, in the faces of every child he sees. I know him. He would. There’s no way he could cut down children in such a way.

Then the Force presses one memory to the forefront of my mind.

A conversation I had with Anakin just days after we had first met.

A conversation we’d had the day his mother had died and we had buried her.

A conversation where he told me he had murdered a village of Tuskens. Including the children.

Had the Darkness been inside him that long?

“It’s my fault,” I whisper, my hand shaking as I bring it to my mouth. I feel Obi-Wan standing a few feet behind me. “All of it.”

Obi-Wan considers his words, I know he does, but he seems to speak plainly despite his hesitation, “It isn’t your fault, Corrie.” He leans against the balcony beside me, both of us looking out over the rolling cityscape. “Anakin Skywalker fell in love with you the moment he set eyes on you, I know that for certain. He contacted me the night after arriving on Naboo all that time ago and I’d never felt such joy radiate from him. Even half the galaxy away. I didn’t know then but… eventually I put it together. It was because he’d met you.” He smiled softly, “The boy who’d shown him an ounce of kindness as Padawan. The man he’d love.”

“You knew,” I whisper, a statement, not a question.

“Almost the whole time,” Obi-Wan nods slowly. “Anakin’s never been one to hide his passions or strong emotions and they were the strongest around you. His attachment to you is stronger than anything I have ever seen.”

I swallow as another deadly piece of the puzzle slots into place, “Anakin had a dream… a vision… about a Jedi lightsaber killing me.”

“That vision certainly hasn’t done him any favours,” Obi-Wan sighs, “That dream, combined with the Council’s distrust for him and then the Chancellor’s influence… I believe it is all of these things combined that has led him down this path. But why he would be willing to destroy the entire Order is still… a mystery to me.”

“Palpatine convinced him that the Jedi are responsible for the War. That they are trying to control the Senate and are straying from the Light. Palpatine stroked his ego as a Chosen One destined to restore the Light…” I let out a shaky breath, “And… Anakin wants the War ended more than anything because of our children.”

“Children?” Obi-Wan’s voice hitches with surprise for the first time, then his face settles and he nods as if everything now makes sense, “Senator Amidala’s mysterious pregnancy.”

I nod.

“She died as another step to bring Anakin closer to the Darkness.” I wring my hands together. “And me and my children are next. Please, help me, Obi-Wan.”

“I will try to bring him back to the Light,” Obi-Wan says, but his voice is strained and I know what he is going to say next, “But you must realise, Corrie… Anakin is a great threat should he stay on this Dark path. I may need to–”

I cut him off. I don’t need to hear this, “I know.” I close my eyes, “He’s on Mustafar. I’ll go there with you, but first I need to ensure my children are safe. They’re on Naboo, I need to get them.”

“Good,” Obi-Wan hands rake through his beard, which for the first time I notice is flecked with grey. “Come with me on Padme’s ship. We have a mutual ally willing to help us. He’ll get you to Naboo without being detected.”


The mutual ally, it turns out, is one Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. A man I had only properly met once during an expedition with Padme was now putting his job, family and life on the line to ferry me to Luke and Leia. There is no way I can ever repay him.

“Coming in for landing now, Corrie,” Bail says from the co*ckpit of his ship. I’m dressed in basic beige garb and a pair of dark trousers a little too big for me. A few days ago such a thing may have bothered me but now… now all I can think of is getting to Luke and Leia.

Making sure they’re safe.

That is all that matters.

“Thank you, Senator, I won’t be long,” I assure him, stepping down onto the landing platform. I breathe in the air and close my eyes for a moment, calling on the Force to ground me and centre me. To remind me that not everything in this galaxy has fallen to darkness. Not everything is beyond saving. Something is worth fighting for. And that something is the Light. It’s Luke and Leia.

When I open my eyes, it hits me exactly where we are. A fortress used by the Naboo during a conflict with the Gungans. A fortress that was built by the Naboo alongside Jedi ambassadors Mari Onthello and Dhar Naseem. A fortress where I had discovered the journal of one Knight Onthello. A fortress where I had protected Padme and had spent my first few days with Anakin. A fortress where I had first breathed in the morning Naboo air.

And this is the last time I will see it.

“Corrie,” Sabe rushes toward me and has her arms around me so quickly I mistake her at first for Padme Amidala risen from the dead. She is identical in every way and the very sight of her turns my blood cold with grief. “Thank the Light you’re okay. We heard about the Purge and feared the worst.”

“I’m okay,” I say to her, moving with her into the fortress, “Luke and Leia, are they–”

“They’re alright. With Yane and Dorme,” Sabe escorted me through the winding corridors that had been so familiar to me before but now just seemed confusing and dark and all encompassing. Until we finally round a corner and I am met with Yane and Dorme each holding a child. I rush over to them and take Luke and Leia into my arms.

“Thank the Force,” I whisper, pressing my lips to Luke’s forehead. “You two… you are the Light.”

I hold both of my children close to me and nod to the Handmaidens, “I can never thank you enough. Or apologise enough for not protecting Padme while you protected my twins. Please never give up on Padme’s legacy.”

With one final nod to them, I rush out of the room, out of the fortress and leave the beautiful world of Naboo behind.


I walk into a cold metal room and find Master Yoda sitting with Obi-Wan and Bail. Not that every room in this Force forsaken place isn’t cold. We’re temporarily stationed on a medical facility on Polis Massa so that Yoda can be treated for his injuries he sustained fighting the Dark Lord of the Sith, and so my children can be checked over before we go into hiding.

I don’t need my abilities with the Force to know that the location of my children is going to be the subject of the conversation I’ve just walked into.

I address Obi-Wan and Yoda first. I don’t feel nervous at all, even though I expected to, “Obi-Wan, Yoda,” It’s the first time I’ve ever addressed the Grandmaster without a formality. “I will not apologise for Anakin and I’s actions in loving one another. Nor in our decision to have our children.” I let that sit for a moment, “I do apologise for not recognising Anakin’s fall sooner. He is my husband, and my responsibility. I will go to Mustafar and confront him. I will bring him back to the Light.”

Yoda asks the question that I wish could go unsaid, “And if he will not–”

“Then I will do what I have to do,” I reply before he can finish. “Whatever will bring him balance, I will do.” I promise.

There’s a long few moments of silence.

“And what if neither of you make it back, Corrie? Your children could be in danger. The Emperor will not rest until the children of his apprentice are struck down as they will pose a threat to him one day,” Obi-Wan says, finally asking the right questions.

“Send Luke to Tatooine. I’ve met Owen and Beru Lars. They are Anakin’s mother’s stepchildren. They are kind and resourceful and loving. They will give him everything he needs,” I say certainly, having thought of little but this for the past few hours since my children were returned to my arms.

Bail Organa sits forward, “Alderaan will always be a safe world so long as Breha and I rule it. We have always wanted a baby girl... let us hide Leia from the Empire, should we need to. We will not let her be found.”

I nod, I can repay Bail for helping me protect my children by giving him the most perfect daughter he could ever have, “Very well, thank you, Senator,” I clasp my hands together, “Luke will go to Tatooine to be with his aunt and uncle; and Leia will go to Senator Organa, should I fail to return Anakin to the Light.”

A morbid cold falls over the room.

I clutch the hilt of my lightsaber and let out an exhale, “If that is all, I will see my children before I depart.”

I leave the room before anyone can pose an argument, knowing full well that it’s unlikely I will see any of them again. My only hope is for Anakin to return to the Light and help me, Yoda and Obi-Wan destroy Palpatine and his newly fledged Empire.

Any other result… Palpatine will strike me down in order to fully push Anakin to the Dark Side.

And then he will kill my children.


The doors of the medbay slide open and I find a carer droid rattling a small toy in front of Leia. I give it a small smile and nod, after which it wheels away to give me some time, and I approach the two cribs.

“Luke,” I whisper, letting one of my fingers trace the curve of his cheek. “My Light. You will do so much. I’m so proud of you already."

I turn to Leia, taking her tiny hand in mine, “Leia… my fighter. Find your brother one day for me, okay?”

I kiss each of their foreheads in turn, then make my way into the door, feeling tears well, “Your father and I will be with you, always.”

Obi-Wan stands in the doorway, and gives me a small nod.

“Obi-Wan,” I say, glad that he is here. “One last thing – if I die… bombard the former Naboo-Jedi fortress near the Lake Country on Naboo. Warn everyone nearby first, of course, but level it to the ground.”

The Jedi raises an eyebrow at me, “Why?”

“It’s where Anakin thinks our children are,” I swallow, “If I die and you cannot defeat him and he is consumed by the Dark Side, I need him to think they are dead otherwise he will find them and then Palpatine will kill them to further manipulate him. I need you to promise me that you’ll help keep my children hidden until they’re old enough.”

“Old enough for what, Corrie?” Obi-Wan sounds so tired. And I know how he feels, but I cannot afford such a feeling.

“Old enough to fight back. To… to bring Anakin back to us.”

Obi-Wan looks sceptical and he starts, “Corrie–”

“Promise me, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” I say. “You are my only hope.”


I fly alone down to Mustafar in Padme’s ship. It feels odd to pilot it without its owner. Her absence is an aching void in my chest.

The planet is almost nothing but lava fields and volcanos. It’s incredible how some planets can be so beautiful, so full of life, and this one be an incarnation of death.

It takes me a few minutes of flying and sensing within the Force to know where I’m going. I can sense an undercurrent of Anakin’s usual Force aura but it is shadowed by a thick layer of Darkness. A smog over who he once was. I land on the landing pad of a smelting facility and notice the bodies of two Neimodian guards and two Geonosian guards near the door of the main building. The Trade Federation and the Geonosian droid factory owners – the Separatists.

Cut down by Anakin.

His presence amplifies as I step out of my ship, and it’s then I see him. He’s standing on the landing of the facility, wrapped in a dark cloak and hood.

When we lock eyes, he leaps down and runs along the metal pathway.

Despite my better judgement, I run toward him too.

“Corrie,” He whispers against my lips, holding me like I was made of smoke.

I kiss him, hard, then put my hands on his shoulders and hold him at an arm’s length, “Ani,” I whisper, looking over his face. He’s covered in sweat. His hair is plastered to his forehead and cheeks.

“I ended it, Corrie,” Anakin says, and his voice is ragged. Like a man who’s run a hundred marathons. Like a man high on spice. Like a man losing his grasp. “I ended the Separatists. The Jedi. THE WAR! I did it, Corrie. For you, for Luke and Leia. They’ll be safe now.”

I swallow, shaking my head slowly, “The Jedi were not the problem, Ani, neither was the Republic.” I take a shaky breath, “I know the Council didn’t trust you, but if you come back with me, we can–”

“Come back?” Anakin tilts his head. He’s like a rabid dog at this point. “To the Temple? I burned it to the ground, Corrie! I killed them all! Anyone who stood in the way of our safety. Anyone who would continue the endless fighting! Anyone who would deny us of our love and our family!”

I take a step back from him, and I feel more anger rise. “Come back, Ani,” I say, all but a whisper now, “Not to the Jedi but… to me.” It’s selfish, but I need him. I need him back. “Me and you… we can go back to Naboo. We can live our lives with Luke and Leia. Just like we always dreamed. We can be rid of Palpatine.”

“Rid of him?” Anakin asks, “The Chancellor– the Emperor needs to stay in control. He promised he could save you! I told him about my visions and he promised that we can be together. We can be at peace. And you don’t have to die like I saw in my vision. The Jedi will never get a chance to kill you.”

“Anakin, Palpatine killed Padme,” Obi-Wan’s voice from the ramp of Padme’s ship makes me jump back. He stowed aboard. I didn’t sense him… I was too focussed on Anakin. Not mindful of my surroundings. And now he’s doomed us. If I know anything about Anakin, it’s that he was always tired of being undermined and taught things by his master, even before his turn.

“Impossible,” Anakin barks at Obi-Wan, using the Force to push me aside. Not too far, but enough to make me stumble. “Padme Amidala – my best friend – was killed by the Trade Federation’s assassins! Check the HoloNet! I have brought justice by killing Nute Gunray and the rest of them! I have brought balance! I have honoured her life and her death!” He draws his lightsaber, ignites it, and points the blue blade at Obi-Wan, “You are a liar! I really wanted to spare you, Obi-Wan, but I will not let you stand in the way of the Empire that guarantees my family safety!”

“Anakin,” I say gently, hoping to defuse the situation. He turns to me, his eyes burning with so much rage that they’re almost red. He takes in my face, and they return to blue. “This isn’t the way.”

The man I love steps towards me and puts a hand on my cheek, “This will all be over soon, I promise.” He then uses the Force and hoists me into the air. He pushes me up onto the landing where he’d been standing when I first arrived and my back hits a metal wall. I slump against it, groaning in pain.

When I blink away the stars, I see Anakin and Obi-Wan clashing blades. Both in perfect harmony.

“Look at his saber, Corrie!” Anakin yells at me as he dodges a strike. “BLUE! He’s the one who kills you! He does it to get revenge at me! But I will not let him!”

He lets out a roar as he and Obi-Wan’s blades spark as they hit one another. One would parry, the other would strike, the former would block and repeat. It was impossible to predict what could possibly happen should this duel run its course.

But I wasn’t about to let it.

Struggling to my feet, I ignite my own saber.

Anakin jerks his elbow back, then summons a mighty Force push that launches Obi-Wan off of the landing pad. I see his hands grapple with its edge as he dangles over the lava.

I decide to take action.

I use the Force to propel myself down from the platform and across the landing pad. As Anakin raises his saber to strike Obi-Wan down, I catch his blade with my own. Sparks of green and blue dance between us as our blades hold one another.

The light of the two sabers gleams brightly, and I see the surprise on Anakin’s face.

The world slows down to a halt.

I was put into this galaxy to bring about Light. To bring Order and safety to the galaxy. As a Jedi. As a friend. As a husband. As a father.

And I know now that my children will be safe and hidden from the Emperor should I die. Palpatine will never find them.

It hits me – the entire fate of the galaxy hits me with a cosmic sucker punch.

Anakin needs to fall to the Dark Side.

He needs to be utterly submerged in it.

Because only then can he return to the Light in a Force just as powerful.

Anakin Skywalker is the living manifestation of Balance in the Force.

He needs to live both the light and the dark in order to bring that Balance.

The Jedi failed to see it.

I think Palpatine fails to see it, and it will be his downfall as well.

Anakin will be brought back to the Light by our children.

They will survive; and they will bring him back to the Light during a time that matters most.

“You are too far fallen to the Dark, Ani” I tell him quietly, feeling the Force hum around us. "It's not Obi-Wan's saber that kills me,” My hands don’t even shake as I make the decision. “It's yours.”

I extinguish my lightsaber.

Anakin’s vision comes true as his blue blade continues its path of pushing against mine, even though mine has disappeared, and his lightsaber plunges through my torso. The pain is so white hot that I don’t even feel it for a long few moments.

What I do feel is the heat of Anakin’s tears on my face.

“NO!” Anakin yells, his face a picture of despair. He claws at my robes, trying to keep me standing as my knees buckle beneath me and the Living Force starts to leave my body. I place my hand on Anakin’s cheek. “Corrie, I’m sorry, I’m so, so, sorry–”

His words blur.

This was how it was always meant to be.

Now, Anakin can succumb to the Darkness so that he may… I manage just a few more words to Anakin, “One day... return to the Light.”

I become One with the Force, as was always its Will.



May the Force be with you, always.

Chapter 35: Epilogue

Chapter Text

Corentin Dahne Carnathan, Jedi Knight and General of the Galactic Republic’s Rose Squadron, died on Mustafar at the hands of his husband Anakin Skywalker, the newly dubbed Darth Vader.

Following Corrie’s death, Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats Anakin in a duel on the lava planet and amputates all of the former Jedi’s limbs. He leaves his former apprentice burning near a lava lake. Anakin would be recovered by Darth Sidious and healed on Coruscant where he would don a respiratory suit that would keep him alive but make his life a feat of constant agony.

Obi-Wan isn’t able to fulfil his promise to Corrie to bombard the Fortress on Naboo as he is committed to protecting Luke Skywalker on Tatooine. However, when Palpatine’s Imperial Forces arrive at the Fortress to kill Luke and Leia – all a part of Palpatine’s plan to ensure Darth Vader can never be redeemed – a mysterious reign of Force lightning is unleashed from the sky.

All the Imperials are killed, and the Fortress is levelled to the ground.

Some on Naboo report seeing two Jedi – spectre blue – one a human named Mari Onthello, and another a Mirialan, named Dhar Naseem, overlooking the wreckage, lightning crackling from their fingers, before disappearing into the Cosmic Force forever.

Just twenty-four hours after being put into his suit, Darth Vader returned to Naboo and found the ruins of the Fortress.

He saw the building where he had met his husband reduced to ash and ruin. He saw the broken shards of two cribs. They were gone. They were dead. Everything he fought for, destroyed.

He fell to his knees.

Anakin Skywalker, in the last week, had lost his best friend, his Padawan, his husband and his children.

Anakin Skywalker had lost himself and only Darth Vader remained. Unless it should be the Will of the Force that he returned to the Light.

The Will of the Force - Lukes_ChanelBoots - Star Wars (2024)
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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.