The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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DB A INSTRUCTOR Permaiu ut full Umr offering unuminl npportHHitv Up' right man: give fun uctiiHM Dox 15825 Hain JX'ftltr I (Continued on Neil Pogo) DEALER (TELErnONE MAIN 4500)' CLEVELAND PLAIN PAGE TVTNTT ElCnT Ry 1 Carroll Mansfield HIGH LIGHTS HISTORY The Model Citizen (Copyright IMO by I Carrofl DENIES MURDER 11 Died Moving Storage Packing New i days to bureau are They show ni tne Chamber 01 Cuftinw VI 1 A I Nf 1 1 1 Lost and ound Hein Wanted Male 25 1930 for im AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN 30 0 2192 miles or OR NEGLIGENCE gather 0 2d 16 1) CL udv ni Clear DRATSMEN Christian hurch Beauty Parlors 4H 5H 5 (xMechnnical) 22 DOOM TOONERVILLE LINE 38 RIVER r4 1 41! fit 4 1(1 30 a 18 a reject any it deem It County ao for Elmer the II Wain 3(1 1H tion of two River Piers of Lorain Central in accordance with (n nf prntMn! ftni ARTIICIAL hmb Kw'idrn(l McLam Artificial Limb (X Indianapolis 04 (I 24 4h 8 Me WUNS PjANkUN 40 30 54 Edmonton Kamlocip Mantmd Six Open Court Battle at Co lumbus Denying State Can Pick Material DEATH NOTICES TUNER AL NOTICES LODCE NOTICES pre Ml De 6' 051 3008 22 20 70 0u 24 CI'udy date lari year date 02 Co credit the "pay suggested and radio MARINE NEWS 68 3 according to commercial to form an RanKLINS DESIRE TO ME LPOWQS WMOTMIRSTEP POQ KnOWLEDCiE LED MlM IN 1T31 TO ESTABLISH A SMALL 5CRlPTiONLlBRAfiV1ME ST IN AMERICA PERCY TO PLAY ORGAN IN EAST No 1 on Section Lake Superior District Sup plies 63059000 Tons of Iron Ore in 1929 Heavy Brine Used to Pre vent Ore reezing Report Mines Stockpiling Width 66 and Length: Date set 1930 Northern Ohio Credit Men Discuss Ways to Speed Collections WASHINGTON eb 10 The Senate today declined by a tievote to return building brick to the free list during a session on the tariff which was raajked by charges and denials that the Republican ad ministration was tailing to meet un emnloyment and rwiwiil business to 48 40 at Euclid I EOQE LONG SU3SCPIP1 iDW UUNACifS haP SPQljhG uP every sMHf QU qAnkLIN LATER WRVTE" ThC5L? LiGRa Pies WAVE iMPRDVfp IM GENERAL VN VERSAHON OAmERiUHS AhO MAN? tracers and farmers as iwmiideHr as MOST GENTLEMEN ROM OWQ COUNTRIES" xan viit Hh fOr of contract ana ypecinca Ip uve for the Electrolux gas refrigera Uons tQ furntsiied fty RED 1(1 24 Wu Euclid Avenue Officer 36 uneral services Duels trca urc? of At Cook Co who died Sunday will ba held at Euclid Avenue Christian Church Euclid Avenue and 100th Stieet this afternoon at 1:30 Mr Davit had been an elder of the church for the last rixlten years and a deacon for twenty years pre viously Mila fallow elders wilt be pallbearers Lie came to Cleveland from Miner va In lss7 He la survived by hi widow Mrs Caroline A Davis a daughter Nellie Davis and a sen Howard I 'avis Barometer sea level) Temp (dry bulb) tt bulb) Humidity Precipitation A i iren Wind velnrny 22 Snpv Hlghm wind velocity 39 I me fra ter Sir Kubuifitin ALTHANb Com tun a ai i rv i Mvoo rMi al 3:45 in) u'837 recommended campaign He use newspaper to iducate the public to paying bills Thousand Dollars payable to the Con missiorers of as surety that if To learn business qualifying for advanced positions sales emrl neers etc A large and briirrestvo tnanu taeiurcr will employ several younir draftsmen of character and ability lb learn business A real opportunity for the right type of young nun with ambi tion tot the future and ready to work up through the engineering department tn positions of oppor tunity anil responsibility Give age education eiperiencn and salary expected at beginning own handwrltinc Box 2722M Plain liealer I of County of a County Ohio ZMUNT Pres WALTER COOK HARRIS HUSAK Clerk jAu21 28fcbPll tiodv reiuirinaii steady work It satisfactory write or call staw refer ences aee experience and salary expect cl The Breckenridge Sw duskv Ohio Ballou II commends Hllmlntillon of urcal CltJ Loop closest counterpart uf I the "Tooncrville will pass' approves a recommendation made out of existence if the City Council yesterday by Street Railway Commis sioner Ballou for the abandon ment of the orest City Loop line The loop line is only 20W feet long approximately two blocks and part of its course is owr a private right of way through back yards It runs from 49th Street north of leet Avenue to the old orest City Park The decline' of the park has ended the usefulness of the (shortest car run In the city Ballou bvlleiud AJmanac fot Today acts al 5f4 the concentrated TUESDAY KBKIIABV ut ufT Air Vniun Miitliiif The first meeting to organise Cleve land aviation mechanics and pilots sot for Urt night was postponed for lack at altndance Anothr meeting vein os caiiou soon Iealle Eoseratis Idiot who Is attempting aur lixxl hex NEEDLE TOILERS I CLASH 1 KILLED AUTO SALESMAN (or new hihI cars frr Lakrnoil resident AdpLv (irttHii Rntz Kirkwood Co 1'002 A your bills" campaign last night was recommended to the con trollers' group of the Retail Mer chants Board as one wey to stop an increase in bad and slow accounts Since 1925 charge accounts have been increasing steadily and collec tion have been decrea tnc according to figuns compiled from store ac counts tn the ourth ederal Reserve Bank District Anderson bank statistician revealed "There is nothing unhealthy in the Jay Iglauer vice president of Halle Brose Co said "It means that larger groups are learning the convenience of a charge account "The decrease tn collections is an other matter That is a distinctly unhealthy VMUIfA M' ir 30 3 I 'Pm tv 34 3 Giles Driver of tne May department I our LOST AND ROUND "advertisem*nts for the Nut lune of ths PLAIN DEALER RecHved Thout futil Midnlfht Each Nleht CALL MAIN 4500 re mentioned but it several store execu delln VV 1 fl tV "I of a' bavis father of Howard jr divtl at Charity Sundae uneral Avenue Christi eun NotlfO to int raetors STATE OHIO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS Columbus Ohio January 31 1930 UNIT TRICE CONTRACT Sealed proposals wil be received at the of3ce of the State Highway Director at Columbus Ohio until two o'clock Eastern Standard Time Tuesday ebruary provements in: Contract Cuvahoga County of the Cleveland Burton Road No 33 State Route No 87 Petition No 5415 in Pepper Tike and Online Villages by grading roadway drain ing and paving with one of the fol lowing types: Sheet Aph3lt estimated of construction 335353062 Brick (Except furnishing and de livering brick Cha grin alls Ohio) cost of construction Concrete estimated struetion Pavement 100 fl 115746 ft for completion October 1 of Jlrc kavllle and Independence sat) tn front rows Director Robert I 1 fn fnr according to Associated ft ess dis patches The 40 Holding that "criminal wm responsible for six persons being Overcome Jan 24 by escaping fumi gation gas at the Clairdoan Apart ments 545 Street Municipal Judge Martin Swemcy yesterday round Lswnnee McKenna manager of the A Exterminating Service Co guilty on two counts or falling to warn tht occujants of the apartment and to make sure that everyone had vacated the build ing McKenna was I ned $30 and costs and giiii i suspended sentence of ten in the workhouse or failing to renew his license to fumigate he was fined $5 and costs Max Lune an occupant of the npartment house who with hia wife was oveitome by fumes when Hwy rushed to the assistant of William Hoosed 69 after lira HoosM screamed that her husband was dy ing testified nobody had told him a suite in the building was to be fumi gated Similar ihargia against Harry Studler 3437 Northclilfv Road Cleve land Heights wile nolh when It was established that he had simply worked undir the direction of Mc Kenna was agreed bv tives that in Cleveland the quencies amounted to mtl'ions of do' fniiiar vf Mm Amp Henry Birch at rri'i niy Avenue Monday neral Thursday eb Annunciation Chureit Contract No 2 Cuvahogi Countv on Section of the Oveland Eurton Road No 33 State Route No 87 Petition No 5418 in Tepper Pike and Orange Villages by furnishing and deliver ing brick Chagrin all Ohio Estimated cost furnishing and delivering brick 34176191 Date set for completion: August 1 193d The bidder must submit with his bid a certmed check an amount equal to five percent 5'7 of the estimated cost but tn no event more than ten thousand dollars lans and specifications are on file in the office of the Director of High ways and the Resident District Dep KIT Doctor's: In Krea 25 bl Rtnrc nr WeH bide Market House ro'vardCan Main ILI7M NECKLACE hnitnilorTiarl in or near ii Paul Church on Hetshtp re ward LOnunerr z'hiL Vincent Percy organlot at Pub lic Hall will leave for Hartford ri day night to opn3 a series of recitals to be given or 'he hug organ in th" new Bushnell Memorial Hall in that city by ten organists of national rep utation will nlav Sumter mgut from 8:30 to 9:15" The recital Is to be broadcast ovi WTIC Hartford one ot the evn large'1: radio station in the United States The organ the second largest in New England was built by the Aus tin Organ Co Sunday afternoon fotn 4 to 5 Percy will give a recital on the same organ to an audience specially invited The Hartford Licht i Power Co Ls sponsoring the radio recitals Bushnell Memorial Hall built tn honor of the late Rev Horace Bush hell an early pastor of irst Con gregational Church Hartford seats 3300 Tn mu ic hall is tie shape of a mertiphrdw wth the the largest in New England at the nar row' end Percy said yesterday that he was eager to study the acoustic effects of such constructions He will remain in the east for a ek and will make 4 new organ rernrd for the Austin Organ Co I Ila Irin iU nocciwtatri rft DCPllatio'n I lOO V4 A oiof three recitals over Station WHK lii! for iturdav and the fol lowing Monday and Saturday mo SELL RERIGERATORS mith A b' Co Become TH presinta Contracting Repairing LOORS wrW1 bv ntiti hlne rrlliil timx ri'iwinable tooRM wrapeil niwh'iio tlidAied: quick work Asliltiitt'in 5 15 1 REMODELING Interior dr oral loei enneral roptUrs EVANS KEnmore DAVIS UNERAL TODAY SQHAHK heal "nVJXG Larue vuLst 2 hour EVrrun I CALL WKO PRiMpW D4Utr7artfe atul Mnnli vm hour vontMci fnw Mimab Oo MIS REPUTATION aS PennsvlVANIAS LEADING PRINTER AND EDiTOORahWLIN ADDED DiSTtwCTiON BEING PhiLADELPmiaS MOtL CiTllEM EveOVOHEIN the QuakkQ ClTYKvTW him reR Hrs hiGn character an hiS ggeat twriuMCE OR GOOP in TNE COMMUNiT tr bMh nf IIUJdi 4 urJav bVIx rx I home Mrs Hobart Says Ade quate orce Is Asked WASHINGTON eb (A Pi nts Lowell Hobart president genera) of the Daughters of the American Revolution said in a state ment today that the organization had never approved a large army and navy but had maintained that it was necessary to have a sufficient force for adequate protection of the coun try Replying to a statement made by Dr Valeria Parker of New York to the effect that the organization was militaristic Mrs Hobart said A has never voted for ror said that' it approved a large armv and navy but has always maintained that it was necessary to have a sufficient force fur adequate protection of the country for riots or disorder for favorable comparison with other countries that it might de mand their Pon Clear Print AUmp () mt Clxr Weather Govenimert orecast WASHINGTON eb 10 pffinal weather forecast for Tuesday and Wedni day: Ohio West Incrcsunf cloudi re and ram Tmsday nuhl cr Wednraj colder Wetun KkUvAror Tu'dav followed rain dav nkm or Wednesday colder Wednt New York air not fd eldhr west portion Tuesday followed by ran 1 riflht colder Wednesday night Izr Michigan air and warmer Tufdav Wednes day iq and snow or rwnin south portion Mm whal vtarmtr in ei aid etnird portion? The drdurbvco tha ojth of Hud son Bay Sunday night has advanced can ward io the mouth of the st Laurence Another disturbance advancing southeastward over Saskatchewan with a trough extending aouth ward to aMrn uiarado An area tf rr ure sb advancing east northeastward over Kentucky and Tr nnsee The outlook if for ram TuMay mht nr Wedncfdav in the Ohio Valley Ten ipcw and the lower lake region and ar ram on VSccjnesdav the AtlaJO sUto uht re the Utitr will bvtrtl over east Tuesdav and Wednesday in the ah ington forecast district It will Micht ly cooler on Tuesday on the Atlan tic CVJt Temperatur will rise on in the Ohio Valley the western lower laae region ana Tennessee and on vtedneMiar tn the middle Atlantic and north Atlantic stales and the Carolinas Luke JUchiran Moderate southerlywinds reneraliy fair Tuesday Cleveland Weather Report The flowing data based on observa tions made at 75th merdian Ume vogierdav ar? furnished by the local office of the Unitt'd States Weather Bureau Engineers Bank Butldms Kam tur "i I rear a iter Irerwr CH Lakcwool TL' frr n'3nrw 1 HIH bonk irDW PAN wMJ rwvwr mart nw or i lor rtcht IlOiOev inf PAPBKTrXNtUNtL HpnhHs mper cleaning raombk GIuviHe rH P'h Rtrer nt St prirT'R nioopal cburrh corner CHfton JtonWsrd and IMroH Avenue ST A (IK LA WHOP M( rt L)U MTOKAGE HATE VERY LOW PRICE on load to Pituburirh in inauinapon? iu petrnti ut I 15 Philadelphia lb York IB 'MOVIXU STOIIAIJH SPECIAL HATES ESTIMATES H'RNISMED The Storage Co ENih' ti 0557 NUht GArtU kl 71'10 MeMIILAX MOVING Low price tui imd (rnm bt Lmr 25th InrHanapMIe to New York 15tb Altoona Pa 1L Edar 3205 utv nf Highways i The Director reserves the right to reject any ano all b'Cte KOBKPT 'ht Per Tart vlt Itcci Jenee Sunday it at Aencn nt daughter Tawil 1300 Hnlmil Ae Remam al IL It Lmdhort arlore iou nr nur possible state their books as Of th lsv argument Is it any wonder i think stores are willing to give almost anv kind of Iglauer advised closer scrutinizing of large contract accounts and doubt ful accounts ar more frequent clos ing out of accounts especially those of bujers who have return a large proportion of merchandise bought It wouli make better citizens" he said About fifty control departm rt em ployes from Cleveland Youngstown Akron Canton and smaller northern Ohio cite' attend 'he meetng at estimated 533214085 cost of eon $31183016 ft Roadway A man between 25 and 45 years of age to sell used auto mobiles Must have proven ability experience and refer ences above reproach inest selection of cars and best floor play in the city Unusual op portunity for the man who can qualify Apply Mr Wright or Mr Losey 7000 EUCLID EAST THE MISSIS SIPI RIVER 4 44 State of Ohio Division of Securities Department of Commerce Pursuant to the provisions of the Ohio Securities Act notice by pub lication Is hereby given that on the 1st day of ebruary 1930 I Parish of 2tkj Leighton RL I land Ohio filed with the Division of Securities at Columbus Ohio an ap plication for license to act as a sales man in the State of Ohio and that said application is now pending Dated this Sth day of ebruary 1930 PARISH 7 febll Notice to Contractors for Bids for i Construction of County ewer Hit trlct Improvement ILt section SEALED PROPOSALS will be re ceived at the office of the Board of County Commi cionrrs of Cujahogi County Ohio until 10:00 A East ern Standard Time on the 26th day of ebruary 1930 and then publicly opened and read for the construc tion ot County Sewer District Im provement 123 Section Each proposal must be accom panied by a ccrtlfird check on some solvent bank within Cuyahoga Coun ty ithout restrictions thereon in the amount or bix (StjOOOOOl made Board of County Cuvahogs County the proposal be accepted a contract will be entered into in accordance with the proposal i The work to be done Includes about lineal teet of meh to 60 lnch sewers and appurtenances In BrooR park and Hoffman Roads to Snow Road Copies of the plans specifications and proposal blanks may be obtained in the office of the County Sanitary Engineer Room 1113 LTmer Building The Board of County Commission ers reserves the right to reject any or all nroposals BY ORDEP THE DP COVNTY CO VMISS'ONERS OP CUYAHOGA COUNTY lt i rcs dene HARRIS WALTER COOK RANK HUSAK Clerk RblI 13 rnonda Business NoticesKke POULTRY $100 Will start You Own a Hock' of iKiuskt "IlllSENEI'E 1'" lt a monthly rlietk we th nntl tit' nil Otn pm kept In iich'iHlf Pv 'iittlSM Mitral plant lintlerHI? Rupt'rviviwii ArratihQj wi Inspcciiou tfVTrrT'r literature HUSEMEPE poultry Earms Quill'd BnulJUdw ATlRtitB'1 AVIATION JU8V PAYA1KNT PLAN Onp flrtnnre plan now vnt MKUIANlcb and UELDERd IN AND TALK IT OVES tlfiice open till UNI VEH SAL LYING 8CH00LS 431 Terminal Tower Cllerry 46H4 Aifcii suiTOJrrs MADE TO IT YOHll OWN EBT Wen? VLTt'N EA I'll ER LITE SUPPORTS Athl tiirtret your fool troubea Examination ree Phone Ellowalono "243 1 1 1 iff RA 10 or WAfc SAGE rn ok nlretl eolleire unerowded Vn'frlnn dur or evrnuig claaiKa now fsrntlnx or write for catalog nLiUWETT Cold BOB HOSE BlDO CIIIIRHY 1093 Of the 732S3000 gross tons of iron ore mined in the United States dur ing 1929 there were 63059000 tons mined in the Lake Superior district according to an estimate by the United States Bureau of Minos These figures are exclusive of ore than con tained 5 per cent or more of man ganese in the natural state rom these figures it can easily be understood why iron ore Is the principal commodity in the bulk freight trade on the (Treat Dakes There was an increase in the amount mined of per cent last year ac cording to the bureau estimate Ore shipped from mines is estimated at 75 tons valued at $197007000 an increase of 19 per cent in quan tity ami 26 per cent in total valua tion compared with figures for 1923 Shipments from the Lake Superior district nearly all of which is brought down in the bulk freighters plying the lakes totaled 65129000 gros tons About 36 per cent of the iron ore shipped in 1929 came from the Lake Superior district It was valued at $174717000 an in crease ot 29 per cent Stocks in the Dake Superior dis trict decreased to about 3000000 tons less than the average for the preced ing five years The average value of ore mined in the district was $263 a ton an increase of 17 cents over the preceding price Esumatfs on preliminary figures furnished by I producers who in 192S mined about 199 per cent ot the ore I the totals of the principal iron ore producing states and by grouping together pertain states the iron ore producing sections Urine Prevent reezing One of the difficulties in handling I iron ore especially on the Mesabi range where much of the stripping is done at a low temperature is to prevent Its freezing and more par ticularly in the dump cars That is to prevent its freezing in transit and thus ''delaying the trains at the dumps of the ingenuous methods used 'according to Skilling Mining Review is the Use of salt litture the dump cars enter tne pit to get their loads they are rayed inside with a heavy solution of salt a heavy brine A perforated pipe surmklos the hot brtrc into the cars a they pass The cars are then hauled to the shovel for loading The net Le freezing bnne prevents the coll material from adhering and freezing to the sides and bottom of the dump car and permits dumping at the terminus Jlliifs Start Stockpiling The Harold mine shatt ol the Hanna Co at Hibbing Minn is one ot the busy shafts on the Mesabi range It is stockpiling iron ore on surface for loading at the opening of navigation The Susquehanna Ore Co a Hanna concern is driving a drainage drift in the open pit era of the Susquehanna mine also at Hibbing The Pickands Mather Co has two shovels on stripping overburden in the Mahoning open pit mine at Hibbing This work is being done on dav and night mfts The Ben nett Mining Co a subsidiary of the ickands Mather Co at Keewatin Minn is employing normal crews underground and is stockpiling for spring shipment Woman 132 Dirs MEXICO CITY eb 10 (AP) A Mazatlan dispatch to Excelsior today reported the death of Senorita Maria del Carmen Alvarez whose age was given as J32 Her memory was clear until the end Legal Notices Notice to Contractors Scaled Proposals will oe received i at the office of the Board of County of Cuyahoga County I Ohio until 11 (A) A East 1 tives for Jlertrolnx I ern standard Time on the 19th day The Smith A Oby Co with otli' ee of EH ruary 1930 tor the construe at 6103 6107 Carnegie Avenue om the Cleveland repreaenta WILLlAMft County Surveyor which proposals will He publicly opened and hv the Hoard at ITtOO o'clock' A Eastern Standard Time of theame dav' All rennoonlu miistt bp Lu the Board ot County Commissioners and delivered to the Clerk at said Board by 11:00 A East ern Standard Time of the day sped lied endorsed with the name of the and marked "Proposal for the I Construction of Two Piver Piers or the Lorain Central Bridge" Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties making the same and all persons In terested therein and must be accom panied by a certified check drawn by some solvent bank in Cuyahoga County Ohio or drawn on and cer tified "to by some solvent bank situ ated in the County of Cuyahoga Ohio Tor $1000000 payable to Cuya hoga County conditioned tor its per formance within the time specified i In cas the bld is accepted I Plans descript 16ns bills and speci I llcations for the above work can be i seen and mV open to public inspec tion of persons interested therein at the office of the County Engineer at the New Court House on Lakeside Avenue Cleveland Ohio The Board of County Commission ers reserves tne rignt to and all proposals should for the interest of the to do Rv rrd nt rhe Board Commmlsstoners IN term 1930 arrvlces at 130111 mid BenmiiKton Avenue at 9 a William IL fvloyt'd bus Irani ot Louisa I tne Bailey) father of Xllie A riew Wilfimu A MeDoutrnll California Mrs Whishatn Sonia Eiwlid at bis late nMtlt'n 42hfi Praam Lord South Euclid btmday teb 1'130 Now at the parlors of the Mil lard Son A Ratter Co at I'anedr Aw nre 105th where services will be I rid Tuesday eb 11 2 A1) beloved husband nt the cite Mrrv brother of 1'initrr wm rnrit Mrs Hcl Vaters rank Cnl: anti tlio fal John and Mrs John Clary iddenN Sat uneral 'Twsdav rh 11 from t'r i i ihijipb Alp Char Ch Vs Boston NW Clear Lu ar Charh Cloudy t'hicaro Clear Cincinnati Clou Duluth O' Haven Gn eo Bar Jacksonville Knoxvilh 11 'K Marqiitjt Cloudy Memphis SW Clear MilwatiRe? Clear ontjromt Cloudy I New Ofii anfr Cloudy i Nt Yojk Cloudy Ih tpMu Cloudy CWr see Mane NW Clva Cloudy i Clar WEST THE MJSSI SW Char Dex Mi a Clear Clnydv Helena lear City Ciear Loa Anseles SW Clear iTtneapnlk SE Clondv Hd a om a Cn er i Portland NW Cloudy NW Ch nr Rap1 Cm Chudj St Clear 5Jalt ake itv 45 Clrnd Rival Wings of Union Bat tle in New York NEW YORK eb One man was killed and several other per sons were Injured todny In' a between rival left and right wing workers in the garment district Alli fit picketing activities of the striking International Ladies' Garment Work ers Union Wielding knives and sawed off bil liard cues a squad of union pickets rushed a group of left wing radicals when the latter hurled taunts at them The left wing workers are not par ticipating In the general stnkc called bv the union last Tuesday In a cam paign against sweatshop conditions Eight on pet sons including twelve voting women were arrested as police reserves broke up the melee Jacob Rothenberg a dress manufacturer suffered a fractured skull when he was knocked to the pavement and died a short time later in a hospital Irving Ashkenas 27 a chauffeur was held on a charge of homicide Several othora were cut about the face and hands and were treated by ambulance surgeons An agreement between the Affili ated Dress Manufacturers Associa tion a contractors' organization and repr'vsi ntatives of the 30 (XXI strikers was reached tonight It is contin gent upon ratification by the jobbers who have been blamed by both man ufacturers and workers for "sweat shop'' conditions In the industry Under the terms of the agreement surplus work would be given only to those contractors employing union tabor Another provision Is the cre ation ot an impartial commission for the adjustment of wages and work ing conditions The agreement will be voted upon at meetings of the various interested groups tomorrow DENIES A IS MILITARISTIC problems The vote on brick came on a pro posal of Senator Barkley Democrat Kentucky to eliminate the proposed tariff of $125 a thousand on plain and $150 on glazed brick A tie 36 to 36 resulted and the amendment was rejected Barkley served notice he would demand a sfparate vote later Senators ess and McCulloch voted for the brick duty In appealing to the Senate not to take any adiournment over Birthdav Wednesday Senator Wat son said: "The countrv Is anxiously await ing action Our duw is to stav here and work at this problem Business la tagging and industry In some instances 1 know is aitlng for us to pass the Unemployment conditions: were brought to the fore for the second time within a week when Senator Copeland Democrat New York a guing for protection for the brick in dustry asserted more workers would be thrown out of employment tn the Hudson River district if a tariff were denied the brick producers UM1GATORPAYS Hern tw loi at a inee Laeevi Hiller at Leonard William anil son cf Joseph and I s' the silcno' of bi "wna 4435 13'1111 Street Garfield Heiehts uneral Welnd 12 Service atSL Timothv a Church al a JONES mor i no Mr ruiA where service' will be held Tursclaj rb 1 1 at 230 A (nee Kai tei) holmred Wif of Dr Paul Brook Kelly snddeolr at Boston daughter ol rind the litr Jarw A Kal'liui ib'l terr of Alfred Retah 'cne and Arthur uneral notice later 'ICR Jacob see 2 beloved hubrnI ot geheecn father of Mxmitnd Eil Beniamin AV Joseph Leo Charier 'r Rente Kux Mrs Minnie Kux Mr Berha nrtanrior Mrs Menraret Wallach brother nt Mr llm Bursternd Mr Moritt Knrach pawd iw Moivhv eb io tt'IUI uneral wn iee Tuesday 11 Deutsch a Please omu flowers red beloved filter ot Mr lla Simpson Burton amt eonre at the home of Burton 2R iHh Avenue Bl rea arA id 'can1 bit nral at the Emil Haag funeral Home 50 East Bridge Berea Wednesday eb 12 at 2 LA Annabelle damrltler of the late Mr and Mrs Thomas Lavan beloved 0'int ot Thoma and Harry Lavan and Kulh Gartland al her residence soli Avei'tie Servlets at St Avne Church Tuesday eb 11 at a ra Timothy beloved husband of Hu late Sarah (neo Birch 1 and step II) 'tor it was announced yesterday by I Waiter Klie who has been president of the tompar fir venten years 1 ne company no a a 61t Street Klie who is prerid nt ot the Na tional Association of Heatng and Piping Contractors and chairman of the executive committee of the Plumbing and Heating Industries Bureau attended the recent scries of business conferences in Washing ton called by President Hoover The Electrolux department of Smith Oby will by Eaile Sawyer former promotional sales manager with the Philadelphia Gas Works Co Klie starred in basketball when the game was first played in the schools and universities He was captain of the Ohio State University team in 1902 Elmer sr are "ft ot 141 North Street Bedford died Monday inorninir ho I survived by hi widow and two nn Harrv of Hedfurd anil Howard of Wellmaton Body now al Skelton i uneral Home 40 Tarbcil Ave nur Bedford from which place stntce will bq held Wednesday H'b 12 at 2 i in SELIG Peter 2tl) Chestnut Road In dependence () beloved husband of Mar garet Hire Doubler) talherof Mrs Olive Clavpool nt Akron Mrs Annie tour bee grandfather of Nancy and Jimmy Clavpool Monday eb Ill 19JU al a uneral Wednesday eb 1 at 9 3U a ill Iron St Michael Church Independi nee STACK Charlo beloved husband of Catherine (nee Misran 1 father of Ravnmnd John and Robert brother of Elmer Albert Samuel slit rman and the late Mr Marie Murdock Sunday eb 9 1930 at resilience 2006 "1 Boulevard suite 4 uneral Ihursdiv eb 13 al SI Ignatius' hurch 9 a STU YV rank Im loved hus band ot Medora suddenly bm'd '7Y tec from lab: idj ni 1 L' af" water Drive Wednesday Jeb 12 I at 2 Kindly omit flowers Mathew beloved hueband of Hne I nee luollur of frank Vackar of Cleveland and Edward Vaekartat Lo Anselca lai Sunday eb 9 1930 uneral notice later WHITE Eliiabeth air SMrs teloved moiher uf John nrre Mr A Hr cell and Mr Jack pared away eb 10 1930 at 11 31) a at irel 3157' almouth Hoad shaker Hckht Remain at Johnston uneral in I 14 Maeaiijey Avenue comer 1 52d Street am! Lake Shore Boulevard Mineral nolic later and Youiustawn papers please copy Nellie 'nee fTbbona) wife of Patrick died Monday Seb 10 Ij10 al 73t) a uneral from Hu' late resi dence Iteth Street Thursday ell 13 al at AIovmu' Imreb al a Thoma loved lather of 2219 Olivo Avenue main at 'icikis ecus Home 11500 Madison until I Tuesday Interment ittsblirvh Pa John of 9797 Parmelee Avenue entered into rest Sunday eve ninsr blHvd hnbn4 tf Mry Zamcenik and faihur John Puil hrethrr of Joseph Zanwemk anti iry htn'hner rvici at Philip Ncrt Church b2d Stn'd and SL lair Avnu Thur Erb 13 at a Iniermrnt al calvary Ccinutcry EucRpr)Unloved wifr of Walter and nnuher of Mm A Unw and bnrnlhy awav el al h'r ttrttt' I iTTTTtrir Arman VHfrr Kervjues 3 11 ol Side Evantrcllial CWrh 3blh Under Avrnnr ai 43d nrn PAY ENVELOPE riday fveiung b' twi f'ti and and Lake wood ear hne name on envelope reward LAiP'Wood U4KS PIN Tear! hart reward 3293 XV arrnurton Rd Higaere SO6 POLICE PCP Gray brown hcrijw No 33Bo? reward 3BR7 45 EVcr 4 1 rR Hlije zipper working srirl iy envelope marked reward 2 )O Lt i I 702 PLRSE 4)n B0 St valuable paiwry reward 1 Lorida OiibO ContamnibT CANTON wprd 4723 RINGS LOST 2 diamond in fadis wnnh room Cleveland Athlrttr Club at noon liberal reward for return of miiip rn mint 2 38 Wf WORKS LOST Swiss from wrM watch on Euclid nr Lnw State reward Mr Brunk MAin 7143(! arnliall Bldg WELDING RING Engraving Io Platinum reward EDdy 8148 Wj advertising the importance nrnmntlv The use of liberal credit to Increase sales Is one of the factors tn the increase of Driver said emphatically recommend elimi nation or the early closing of store be said first it was agreed that books would be closed on the 2vh or 29th to give credit de partments the benefit of a few uxtra out OH IS' Ts come to an almost 1m Stores are closing early a the twentieth and usinsr the added presenting a bill as a sales any wonuer people MMh DETAILS VAhlhCtnn 3220 MOVE REE To STORAGE? I mw rah'v CEin dav or evening bK WLT do vnnr Nisine? nn a jdtv dpllrrrv Call (sHerrv $277 CA work maranfeed S2 hour chwd vans GArhdi 5813 Cij Church 9 a Twa eb 11 iinlcrincill Si John Cemetery A husbanfl Arte 1 liiic falter Juhn pafert away Monday at hi rrll iK Lw Granycr wood uneral acrvnv al Jamec' Church Detroll and Granger Thursday eb 13 al a Idi Ince Trunk telnvcrt wifef william mother Rte rinnt Saturday fob I 1 a 4 um ral i rvli Tltr Mlay 11 from rcidcnec Ral Boulevard a) 2'3G riend nivHed PoWnL Nrman telnvM huaband 1 Iva Hire Yatre) teter 7 o'her nf Ml Ji'lc Powell mavi Ohm iiner! from late reeltfw 2fift Clark Tw May te mil at 2 311 Burla! at Salem eb 12th li'iri A EJmunnl Wil am mother of M'llbiir and the late Grace Knt le ri 9bii Groton Ufl land Hechts frt rill Ml Wr dfiriHibiv evening' leh at Hi Buffalo Buffalo paper phase copy 4 AN an ashtnvtnn formerly of Cleveland tatter of Mr Ri ever Iri'1 Arthur and Julius aww eb 9 uneral from hatel "''dnesilay eb 1 at 3 ni Thbmn lmbawf tin: (P SP1H ni Macdonald) aVth terne of hl dnnch're nelicn Cincinnati () Sunday reb 19'19 Late residi'iice Imlnyin Roa tei Cl reland uuerifl "ecte ei th' Birttelii Voun Co parlor l9i Crawlord Hoad eb 12 at 2 I' Marv oetovert wife of Ji'lm "Iricr of lhe late Anna Yiim ker of Newbury mroticr of pare A Hre or Mr Mamie Earliest and Mr l'orinre Elenhil entered into st Saturday eb 1939 at the mte rea riee 1 3b I 'I Savannah Av' mie tef Cleveland Remain Koehler hi eral Home Avenue rerymn will hr tern Wr drewtar eb 12 at 3 I' Burial GOG LUST Black and white loin? hair look like poodle Airmount 7idh DOG Hunllns ai9 1057 Holmdeu Ave DOG Lt'S White tan collie license 331 52 "Spot reward Endeinon ftoTti OX TEHl'llER White otrn'tilacl eve reward LA tew ood 7677 GLASSES LOST Man' sold bbiek rare inder call Bower Gtr StinY EVet'green 5S55 HANI) BAG LOST Blnrk Sunday evt nine between Lakewood atsl Shaker containing slaase wrist watch andotter valuables Ida ral reward Aalnngtou 150 nice strnlirhl trees: elm maple oak 1 tm to 7 inches tn diameter Address It MeDmiall East Akron Box 114 A II 1 1 2 WHY WASTE A LIE TlSflS tn the wronir iobt A scientific test will rut you on the right track Mcadden Vocational Psychotatlrt idelity Bldg 0th St MA In S9S4 UR Coals $10 lo S551 final disposal ot returned coats: some linings slightly soiled: others tn verted condition Ask for Mr Bell L2 CX 3 2S 1 I JD AVE CUHTLSS IMllGHT 1 LI ING Ground School Course LYING INSTRUCTION Euchd A vo fit 21 A RCH KRY TA HT EREE' Gain poum and iuuicuhr liewlopnwnt: re lieve cpeeiHlv attractive jroinen 1 0H0 1 Superior HOMEOPATHIC medicine can be rnrrhav i at 8 Vhnmmey lol 10 Euclid Edwr Dchverv service LY AT Si PER HOUR THE OHIO LYING CORP Ssn2 iHiCgie CEdar B522 MODERNIZE Your Home Phone for free extinnU c'iv Horne Mod rndzlns (b CHcrrv 13nt RATH'TrB S2O Complete 24 Closet tank lnwl nd weal Si 550 Lakemdr 1 1iH2 Union niamnnd 33Ph RADIO SE'lfVHE all worR guaranteed Michigan M5H BALLET tHD rtwncHiv nhvewai excrcUe tutoring niueMv sopo DETECTIVES Persons I advice i'rM mi SJIJ met Bide Mn 3002 A GOOD dancer in 3 private $5 Kempf at rank Bn rMAin 5 ROSY POSY TE GARDEN beH reader tn vnv I EurlM EXPERT STR Pm in bodge: terms rrannable GArfiefcj 3133 Psirtinq PAPERH XNGERS THE JAMIESON" (f1nive 103i well Mihcr ho(i'r now reauv mu PA ERJ NG 'NG pamhnr: ccHmgs fre eb March: 1930 books: rea iionabla rMtmaeK Mt imUou 07Q1 PAPERHANGING rwiwmaLte rarci AlhaH CLrarwaser LH3 PA i NT INC Lpprwrhanvimf ftr nrk $3 room up Ahriglmi 5s(t PAPERING room Inrhidmr nmer 8im mil hnnuiutf VVArunyum 1 Hl CALL do both good low rafc rd opr Mhirfe 047? MN THE nuict and rcutfui atnioanhere of i 1 1 kJ our atuuio vou win tuijv uvpi CEdar lid!) ELCTK'Tc treatment nd manicure: grad uaie curse Ant 1 213b et (TaTHS and massages rlctrle ircrtmretl: hy Hktidersnn I1IXI BATn ChlcnKO graduate HEudersi'ti 9290 If) a 10 Give treatment IhlH 21 Apt 210 tiiiui 11 7 HOT and Swedish" masaite Mi a son' raUir HEnlertin H3H2 BATliS massage electric irealiiHiifs: 1 1) eve hv f'rdar I I SWEDISil mnrea1' bath Irelrie cabinet special rates I'W Hi5 CEdar uMoo BATHS rubs alcohol wikh hazel 5S09 Cnrlis Ave Slllle 11 BATHS electric' treatment 10 7 LS4S i5 Apt 2 new nt BEADED BAG LOST Con min? 3 bar pm it with jwnrl andapphin a Duvh silver box and other vrduablcr tinder will rerervo liberal re ward Call Arrmount 1251 BOSTON TOYRVLL LoST rmnid and Euclid If found plow caR CEdar 4 BRM aMy chain flpMhlc platinum with diatiiunLu reward AIrmount O4GO BRlECAsE LosT Black Sunday night lilwrai na va rd Ain 33 Gold oval grap A kwnod 3 IBs 51 BUNDLE amine 19 tablecloths twIs 15 aprons marked reward EVr rumen 5439 DOG Wire haired fox terrier around 55 Hourh Sunday ixmn black spot on back: answers to Lorida Reward nm 3027 nn 20 Cloudy ner hour from the cst at a TEMPERATURES AT STATED HOURS 3 a ft a 9 a 22 Noon 21 I Hu pcft tempirature Hiffhes tump same date rt'4uf tvmrw'riiUire lxwckM temp ame date lai ear Mean temperature Noma! tn pc amre of temp this month to date AccnmulatHl exets mdcu Jn 1 Total precip 24 trd ts teir roc 'ft rinP ui vo Accumulated mce Jan 1 Meteorological Report orvr vrer IV A TH feb4 Ilieliwiy Director iiptractor STATE OHIO DEPARTMENT HIGHWAYS Cobirtibn Januniy 31 1930 UNIT PRICE CONTRACT Sealed nropiwal4 will be evolvedt Hie office of the Stale Highway Director at Columbus Ohio until two in Standard Time Tuesday 25 1930 for lin provernerds In: Cuvahoga County On Section 2 of the Ckvelanl Burton Road No 33 State No 87 in Hunt ing Valley Village and Orange Town ship by grading roadway draining and paving with one of lhe following tvpes: Sheet Asphalt etnnjted cort of construction $5530 0 Concrete estimated cod of s'ructlbn j50M4 Width: Pavement 20 ft Roadway LemgH)' 359105 gt or 068 mile Date set fur completion: July 1 rJJL The bidder must submit with bis bid a certified check In an amount equal to five percent (5) of the esti mated cost but tn no event more than ten thousand dollars ($10000 Plans and specifications are on file in the office of the Director of High ways and the Resident District Dep uty Director of Highways The Director reserves the right to reject any and all blds rnpTT WAID pirrrHiy( rrib fb4 ll State Highway Director I Woodland Cemetery CuMoms Agent Who shot Mon Who Didn't to lip Dreed DUUUTH Minn eb Emmet White federal customs patrolman indicted last October on a Charge of second degree murder of Gust Henry Wlrkkula Big alls (Minn) confectioner today entered a plea of not guilty He will be tried in United States District Court to morrow White shot and killed Wirkkuta the night ot June 8 after he said the confectioner failed to heed a stop sign set to catch liquor smugglers from across the international border No liquor was found In car but court records showed he had been convicted previously for viola tion of the prohibition laws Legal Notices interested residents were fnr the defeat cf the suit brought by six' of their fellow m1 lagcrs to block Improvement of in'portant terth ami south highway iatc Senator Gilbert Morgan rep rvsenting the petitioning taxpayers lossie and Martha Bramley both nieces of Bramley Chvetand Trinidad Paving Co president Noble Harold Buorne Leroy Rust and Georg Stark called Waid as hls first witness and drew from him the admission that whereas brick is the most expensive of materials so far as upkeep is concerned concrete is tle cheapest Morgan contended that the highway department acted ilhgally tvhen 1 or dered brick paving Hrttman Defends Contract Attorney General Gilbert Bettman representing the state argued that residents of the two lllagcs Brecks ville arid Independence had been ad vised that the of brick was con templated He said 95 per cent of the residents favored it Although the remaining 5 per cent are opposed to lhe assessment which thev sav is excessive ths complaint not constitute grounds for an injunction Bettman said Road cost figures read into the rec erd by Morgan's request disclosed that in the first five months of 19 6 maintenance of brick pavements cost $529 a mile of asphalt SoM a mile and of concrete $451 a mile Other figures showed that cost of constructing concrete roads in 1928 was $3290309 for 101 miles while S7 miles of brick cost $2525339 Attorney John A Cline who re ceived S13000 in fes in one tax suit which resulted in the throwing out of contracts awarded to th Cleveland Trinidad Co for the road Improvements was on the other aide yesterday arguing for enforce merit of the present contract 1( held by hls client the Highway Construction Co Others present assisting Attorney General Bettman in his fight for completion of the improvement as now contracted for are County Com missioners Jerry Zmunt and Wai ter Cook Assistant County Prose cutor Pauli Westenhaver and Mark Patterson partner VO ESTO KEEP RATE ON BRICKS Lodge Notices YL NO 12 Sir knhic ou will at tD' him f'b 12 al 1:15 attend the funrral Knicht Thomas Lrlnr ARTHUR JAUK ART A A I ON A LES 3 1 yw ays Hie 372 ke feller Bld ir af Pr b) a tn BARHER 1j1 anuidv 2160 Taylor avlor car BODY AND ENDER MAN IRST CLASSNLY 63HH ST CLAIR BOOKKEEPER GET YOUR OWN JOB! Your at! under Situation Wan UM mat find it th Mt la rraiHiahh CAN VA RS A LE Comtnliwon I'aya $1 an hour nay daily ear fnrniHhcd Apply 1712 Ave 8 a tn or to 8 Pm only CAN YASSERS can earn 15 a Home Mivlorniylny Co 2081 1 I St CLERK YOH CAN 7ET WORK! Phiue your own ad under Situation Watt cd the rmt im wnatl try it DING A liy motor company 1412 116 Right ef lhe state to prescribe brick a th material for paving Hri'tksvllle Rond or any other high way vu challenged in th opeping rnumli at econd battle of Jitetkavflie before Common Irten Judge John Ring lumbua vestirdaj orty taxpayers from the villages Stale Highway Wall! took the He testified all day nd will further examination tcrinj Dieci Al I) eb 10 at 9:45 at ter rertdrnre 1'919 Weodwanl Avenue mother ot Ger trud and Alexander of vrland and Mr Chari Hrterbart and DAlexander of Chlea Rrinndn De Vaud uneral Home 11130 Kudld Avenue uneral announcement later Emma helovet! wife of the lite rrirk mother of eiMer of Mre Stafford ind Nelhe Clark Siturdiv eb 8 HW uneral pervloes Tudava eb 11 at Mideiiee nf (defer Mra stafforxl 1S5R Wadena venue aM Cleveland at 230 riende invited Charlea husband of Catherine Chrno Dodd father of hl tn Daiffletahs lurenee Clement and Grom brother of Emily Gaunter Marv A Carlton and Bartlett at his home IIS5 Lakeland Avenue Lake wood eb Remains at Edlek uneral Home 1S77 bd Sire at 4dehlv Baptist Church Wade Park Avenue and 4th street at 2:30 nt Tuesday eb 11 Benjamin husband of Minnie father of Mortimer and Norman brother of Lewis and Nat Bnnal dav 2 in from Deutsch 3 haprl In terment Mayfield Cemetery June beloved daughter ot Edward and Nannie fouleon at resi dence 22401 Arma wenue huend Monday mornimr tn her fifth rear nnjj at DavB uneral Home 1J001 Nottingham Road where services be held Wednesday eb at 30 rn Interment at Ma field Center cemetery fH ta ita'ioi and Davis vmultatter at Hrtu ur1 I1VU 1 Hfttntt 1N ft Hl art flfl H' Church Tudsv at 1 i rrva ((LI paper pleaso copy Alice I are tetovol wife nt Thoma motter of Mrs Herten Hunukrr Adeline Aliev Elea A and Rita Stinrt Iir eb 0 1930 at her ran rieteo 7605 tern Agpmio Mineral from MeGorrav Parlor 3040 Lorain Avenue Service Wednesday at St Colman' Church I) a DIYKTN Albert Genrre teln red brother of Mr Mrelnra Paige Mirk and Earnest Davkl'i entered Into ret Sundae eb 9 1930 uneral from Pansier' uneral Home 3302 25th Street Wednesday eb 12 at 3 DETCHAN Anna beloved wife of Peter murker ot Mr Rose Elhott eiter John McGonarle anl Mr Ha Lone Sunday evening niaiiis fte John I Nunn Co uneral Home ffiVIl s9(h uneral Wednesday eb 12 from St Church at 9 a Edwin ace 55 Akron hua band nt Laura father ot Mr Her Knowles pAsd sway eb 4 1930 uneral ee viee vill rn held at North Hill Church Akron Tuesday eb 11 at 8:30 9 tn ran nt Cleveland Sophia wife nt the late Max nx mother of teon rt ox Mr Mat tevltt Mrs Sidnev Wertheimer and the hie Genres ox uneral Wdniay lb 12 at 2 al Deutsch lliapel omit Hower Eteaheth tree Brown) beloved wife ot Jack dmiehtcr Ante and the late Gustave Brown sister of Arthur Harrv Gtetave Emma Mr I la lab nl Mb Helen Th! Sunday eb 9 1II3O see 34 rear Remate a A Norel A uneral Home 1' 55ih Street where will be hci'i ten i at av riends invited GREENING NN'lhe w1' nf owher of Webb of even in re ident 1 4 i Rafi Lakf wond Sufvh'cs uneral win I 1 HMri 7Sk I AC wW 1 ml Hi ram Bi HOCTLYAYEQHiS QETOQN PftOM Emglamp (1726) ranklin hax oqGanclD A MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT society calleo 'the Junto" for the discussion oe VEUOQOTMERPARTS of knowledge" it.

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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.