The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY DECEMBER 28 1941 3 112 Daviess ERSONAL SERvic Rear Mildred Walt Mgr Phone 1111 Sparkles in color to match your costume CREME PERMANENT! I Styled Trim 21 Uther ermanents shampoo inger JAa And Shampoo 75c up Wave OvC NEW YEAR VALUES Our Resolution: To continue giving the best beauty services at the lowest prices as long as pos rosperity ersonality rettine opularity Permanents 1 OR STEAM OIL Regular $350 ComPlcte $5 WAVE or Complete a RINGLETS Guaranteed if v' KNITTEflS NEEDED 81 BLUUICKETS Experienced Instructors To Assist Beginners Others Beginning Jan 7 Knitters are needed by the Bun dles for Blue Jackets As quickly as possible a shipment of knitted garments is to be forwarded to the New York headquarters for dis tribution to the seamen In great demand are turtle neck sweat ers scarves watch caps and gloves made according to navy regu lations Yarn and instructions will be furnished free to knitters at the headquarters at the Rudd hotel Arrangements have been made for experienced knitters to be at the headquarters from 10 a to 5 Wednesdays beginning Jan uary 7 to give Instructions to begin ners in knitting and to knitters who are having difficulty with any of the required garments they may be making The headquarters will continue open from 2 to 5 daily with the exception of Wed knitting hours 'and Sat urday when the hours will be 10 a to 12 noon Mrs Anderson will give a talk in tire interest of the work of the Bundles for Blue Jackets over Station WOMI at 8:45 Mon day December 29 Cotillion club members will serve as hostesses at the headquarters this week with the exception of Thursday New day when they will be closed Serving will be the following: Monday Mesdames Merton Holbrook Steven Mur phy and Cuba Hardin Tuesday Miss Ann Moore Mrs John Prim rose and Mrs Robert Todd Sween ey Wednesday Mrs Stimson Mrs Gleeson Murphy and Miss Net tie Sweeney Thursday closed New day riday Miss Mildred Griffith Mrs Dan Griffith Jr and Mrs Louis Waitman Saturday Mrs Stanley Burlew and Mrs Eldred Neubauer Knitters turned in garments last week as follows: Gloves Mrs Walter Scott Roberts four pairs of socks Mrs Cravens her twenty sixth pair of sea boots Mrs Katie Dorsey sleeveless sweater Mrs Lee McCormick Zion Evangelican and Reformed church group Mrs Charles arquhar chairman a scarf sleeveless sweater turtle neck sweater and sixteen afghan blocks: Business circle Settle Memorial church two women's emergency kits Heard About Town Business houses including grocer ies banks and the postoffice will observe holiday regulations Thurs day January 1 New day and will be closed for the day The Coun try club will entertain with a New Year's eve dance There will be watch parties at some of the churches and many private watch parties Wednesday evening The Malco and Seville theatres will have midnight prevues Wednesday in cel ebration of the approach of the New Year County schools will resume classes Monday December 29 having been closed since December 19 for the Christmas holidays The city schools which closed following classes De cember 23 will reopen Monday January 5 The temperature here at midnight was 30 degrees it was reported at Dam 46 Henry Berry official weather observer here reported the reading for Saturday was 30 de grees and the high was 36 degrees IRST BAPTIST TO HAVE SPECIAL SERVICES TODAY The irst Baptist church will have two special services today At the morning hour an installation service will be held for the teachers and officers of the Sunday school They are asked to sit in the center tier of seats The evening service will be led by college young peo ple home for the holidays More than thirty young people from the irst Baptist church are attending college this year A total of $864472000 in gasoline taxes was collected by the states in 1940 of which $721738000 was used for highway purposes Winner In Sales Contest The Purdy urniture company was the winner in the $75 fourth prize for Class in the National Warm Morning Coal Heater sales contest sponsored by the Locke Stove company Kansas City Mo Above shown looking at the check received on Christmas eve are Mil ford Purdy seated standing left to right Harold Grady Mickel and loyd Jean THE PASSING THRONG SATURDAY MUSICALE HOLDS CHRISTMAS TEA The Saturday Musicale held its annual Christmas tea at Honey Krust cottage Saturday afternoon a feature being a delightful musical program presented by music stu dents home from college for the hol idays Mrs Nester Howard arranged the program which was as follows: Voice "By the Bend of the Edwards Miss Betty Ann Oldham piano "Sonata Op 14 No Bee thoven Miss Lina Belle Magruder voice "Oh Holy Adolphe Adams Miss Anna Marion Wilson piano (a) from "Minia ture Bowen (b) in Chopin Miss Martha Horner voice (a) Sander son (bi "Come Love With Carneval Miss Elizabeth Smith piano (a) Suite Sonata No Bach (b) "Sonata Op irst and Second movements Beethoven Mr Robert McDowell reading "A Thought of Christmas and Present Day Susan Glastell by Mrs Anderson The cottage was decorated with Christmas cedars and red tapers in brass holders were effectively placed The lace covered tea table was cen tered with a mound of Christmas evergreens which held burning tap ers Mrs Miller Haynes president and Mrs Howard presided at the table The gift of the afternoon was a sufficient number of squares knit by the club to make an afghan which will be given to the Bundles for Blue Jackets The group of the club will assemble me afghan at a sewing luncheon to be held at the home of Mrs Yewell Bottorf in rederica street riday January 2 Hostesses for the afternoon in cluded Mrs Gene Mobberly chair man Mesdames Horner Gillette Misses Elizabeth lora Lee Birkhead Kthryn Grad dy and Anna ord McClanahan NICHOLLS TARKINGTON WEDDING IN LOUISVILLE Miss Mary Jane Nicholls of Louis ville and Mr Robert Knox Tarking ton Jr of Danville Ky were mar ried in the chapel of the ourth Avenue Presbyterian church Louis ville at 4:30 riday Dr Charles Welch pastor officiat ing Mr Charles Sargent Louisville and Mr' Robert Puryear of Danville were the attendants Mrs George Hands of Louis ville rendered the bridal chorus from for the entrance of the wedding party and the Men delssohn wedding march for the re cessional She played "I Love You during the ceremony The bride wore a jacket dress of aqua sheer wool with matching ac cessories Her flowers were Talis man roses Mrs Tarkington is a daughter of Mrs Nell Nicholls of Louisville and Mr A A Nicholls of Chicago She resided for a number of years in the home of her aunt Mrs Sam Hawes of Maceo and Mr Hawes She is a graduate of the Daviess County High school and attended Bethel college Hopkins ville and the Spencerian Business college Louisville She has many friends in Owensboro and Daviess county Mr Tarkington is a son of Mr and Mrs Robert Knox Tarkington of Danville At the conclusion of their wedding trip Mr and Mrs Tarkington will make their home in Lexington where Mr Tarkington is connected with the Liggett and Myers Tobacco company Out of town guests attending the wedding included: Dr Nicholls and Mrs Nicholls Lexington Mr Nicholls Jr and Mr A A Nicholls Chicago Mrs Sam Hawes Maceo Miss Jane Thompson Har dinsburg Mr and Mrs Robert Knox Tarkington Danville DOUBLE WEDDING TAKES PLACE Miss Virginia and Mr Kenneth Hagan Miss Elizabeth Aud and Mr Robert were mar ried at St Catholic church at a nuptial high mass at 7 a Saturday December 27 the Very Rev Bowling officiat ing The church was beautifully dec orated with ferns and poinsettias The wedding music was rendered by Miss Annette Killian Mrs Norbert Greenwell sang "Ava dur ing the offertory Mrs Hagan wore a gold moss crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses Mrs were a blue moss crepe dress with black accessories and a corsage of Sunburst roses A wedding breakfast was served to the bridal party the Very Rev ath er Bowling and immediate friends at the Rudd Coffee shop Mrs Hagan is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Martin of Thru ston Mr Hagan is a son of Mrs Robert Hagan of Owensboro Mrs is a daughter of Mr Charles William Aud of Knottsville Mr is a son of Mr and Mrs Martin O'Bryan being a broth er of Mrs Hagan Mr and Mrs Ha gan and Mr and Mrs left immediately following the breakfast for a short wedding trip WEATHERHOLT WATKINS MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs Homer Weatherholt announce the marriage of their daughter Mary Karthryn to Mr Lester Millard Watkins at Zion Evangelical and Reformed church at 11 a Thursday December 25 the Rev Tormohlen pastor officiating The attendants were Miss Juanita Love and Mr George Yeiser Mr Watkins is a son of Mr and Mrs John Watkins He graduated from the Owensboro Senior high school last June being an honor student and member of the football team 'He is now employed at Sears Roebuck and company Mr and Mrs Watkins will reside at 522 Critten den street GIDEON ERWIN WEDDING TAKES PLACE Miss Mildrei Mae Gideon and Mr Edwin Erwin were married at the irst Baptist church at 8 Wed nesday December 24 the pastor the Rev Robert Humphreys official MR ARMER Sixth St 12 Block East of Triplett A Store or The Thrifty Plan to Make Your Repairs NOW Before Spring Planting Time TRY US ON YOUR NEXT ORDER (ALL THE LUMBER NUMBER 136 I I I jji I if ITTINGER I Jl LUMBER CO 1 ing Attendants were Miss Wanda Gideon maid of honor Miss Eliza beth Hemingway bridesmaid and Mr William Elliott best man The bride wore an aqua blue dress with black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds Miss Gideon wore a blue and black dress with black accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds Miss Heming way wore a black dress with black accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds Mrs Erwin is a daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Gideon and is a graduate of Owensboro Senior high school Class of 1939 Mr Erwin is a son of Mr and Mrs Er win and is associated with the Ken Rad Tube and Lamp corporation Mr and Mrs Erwin will reside at 1333 East ourth street MASON IELDER WEDDING JAN 1 Miss Lillian Mason a daughter of Mr and Mrs Mason and Sergt Charles ielder will be married at Settle Memorial church at 10 a Thursday January 1 the Rev Wade pastor officiating The attendants will be Miss Virginia Mason and Mr Myrle Sphar JOHNSON BAKER MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mr and Mrs Jesse Johnson an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter Cordia to Sergeant Paul A Baker of the army at Louis ville Wednesday December 24 CARR ULKERSON MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED Mir and Mrs John Carr an nounce the marriage of their daugh ter Beverly Jean to Mr William ulkerson at the home of the Rev Waite pastor of the Hall Street Baptist church December 20 The Rev Mr Waite officiated At tendants were Misses Shirley Mor rison and Bertha Miller Mr ulkerson is connected with the Packard Mctor company Louis ville Mr and Mrs ulkerson will make their home at 3674 Kahlast avenue COTILLION CLUB HOLDS CHRISTMAS DANCE Members of the Cotillion club and their friends were guests of the entertainment committee of the club for a Christmas dance at the Ow ensboro Country club Saturday evening The ball room was beau tifully decorated with Christmas evergreens and red trappings Bill orchestra provided the music Members of the entertain ment committee included Mrs Stan ley Burlew chairman Mesdames Marshall Burelw A Wicker sham and Ralph Thacker About 100 members and guests were in attendance MOSS REUNION TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY Mr and Mrs Charles Salin ger of Petersburg Ind will be hosts for the Moss annual family reunion Wednesday evening The occasion also will mark the twenty fifth wed ding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Salinger In attendance will be Mr and Mrs Harry Wolf of Peters burg Mr and Mrs Max Moss Mrs Mitchell Chicago Mrs Ja cob rank Mr Nathan rank Evansville Mrs Abe Rosenthal Kenton Ohio Mr and Mrs Adolph A Myers Louisville Miss Estella Moss and Mr Lee Moss Owensboro CHRISTMAS DINNER AT PLEASANT RIDGE Mr and Mrs Moseley enter tained with a Christmas dinner at their home near Pleasant Ridge Guests were Messrs and Mesdames Ray Thomas Rhodes Arche Rhodes Ray Rhode Coleman Lowe and children Kenneth Bob by Doris Ann Bruce Junius Neale and son Johnny I Rhoades and son Billy Archie Mrs Cook and son Billy Lee Messrs Charles Moseley Nile Moseley ay Cole man and Allen Ray Rhoades AREWELL PARTY GIVEN OR GUESTS Mr and Mrs Arthur Crowe of 306 Pearl street gave a farewell par ty for their daughter Mrs Richard Holland Mr Holland and children of Pontiac Mich riday night Guests included Mr and Mrs Wood row Crowe and children Louisville Mr and Mrs Wilfred Crowe and children Mr and Mrs Vert Burns Owensboro Mr and Mrs Spicer Pontiac Mich Mrs rances Tignor and children Misses Ger aldine Hardesty Mary Louise Gallo way Messrs James Galloway Crowe Gene Chenault and Junior Chenault ENTERTAIN WITH SUPPER AND DANCE Masters Charles Leeper Jr and Sammy Leeper entertained with a buffet supper and dance at their heme in Locust street Saturday evening There were twenty four young guests in attendance The home beautifully decorated with Christmas evergreens poinsettias and roses Tire hosts are sons of Mr and Mrs Charles Leeper DINNER PARTY OR LEXINGTON GUESTS Mr and Mrs Wilking en tertained with a dinner party at the Montgomery Spence tea room Henderson Saturday evening in honor of Mrs Wilking's brother Mr Collis Ringo and Mrs Ringo of Lexington There were twenty guests DINNER PARTY HELD AT UTICA Mr and Mrs Bristow of near Utica entertained with a dinner on riday Those present were: Mrs Carraway of Owensboro Mr and Mrs oster "Willett and sons David and Jackie of Connersville Ind Mr and Mrs Roscoe itts of Glennville Ky: Mr and Mrs Lee Iglehart Mr and Mrs Sterling Bristow and son Henry Mrs John Malone Mr Lucien Bristow Miss Lucile Bristow Mr and Mrs Bristow all of near Utica DINNER GIVEN AT LIVIA HOME Mr and Mrs Wright of Livia entertained their children at dinner on Christmas day Those present were Mr and Mrs Lester Wright Owensboro Mr Marvin Wright Louisville Mr and Mrs Nall Wright and Mr and Mrs Paul Wright and two children of Max well Mr red Johnson of Heflin Afternoon guests were Mr and Mrs William Ridgway AMBROSE DANT ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED St Joseph Mr and Mrs I Ambrose announce the engage ment of their daughter Joyce EmmaJene to Mr Ishmael Sylvester Dant The wedding will take place January 3 CHRISTMAS DINNER HELD AT REYNOLDS STATION Reynolds Station Mr and Mrs Gilbert Simpson entertained with a Christmas dinner at Haynes ville Ky Thursday December 25 Those present were Mr and Mrs Simpson of Reynolds Station Mr and Mrs Crowe of Taffy Mr and Mrs Gerald Crowe of Chicago Ind Miss Vir ginia Crowe of Taffy Mr and Mrs Gilbert Simpson and children Dar rell and Barbara Jean PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Lieutenant Ben Creamer of the army returned Saturday to his post after a visit to friends here Mr and Mrs A Stephenson and children Charles and Susan of Winchester Ky are spending the holidays with Mr and Mrs Cowgell Mrs Joel Porter and Miss Marga ret Porter of Paris Tenn are holi day guests of Dr William Wool folk and Mrs Woolfolk 4 Rev Robert Scott Mrs Scott and children Bobby and Bruce of Coffeyville Kan will arrive today for a visit to the Rev Alexan der and Mrs Alexander en route home from Bowling Green Ky where they have been guests of Dr Billings and Mrs Billings Mrs Sadie Birk Evans is in St Louis a guest of Mr and Mrs Her man Hoelsel Sgt Paul A Baker of the army who spent Christmas in Owensboro has returned for duty and Mrs Baker will join him in a few days Mr William Mattingly of Louisville spent Christmas day with his parents Mr and Mrs Keith Mattingly of Rome Ky Miss Louise Nebitt of Louisville was a guest of Mr and Mrs Keith Mattingly of Rome Ky for the Christmas holiday Mrs Peter Schlosser of Louisville is a guest of her sister Mrs Overton and Mr Overton Mr William McKinney has gone to Tampa la where he has accepted a position in mechanical aviation at the McDill Training field He is a son of Mr and Mrs McKinney Mr rank Hite Chattanooga Tenn is visiting his mother Mrs Hite at her home in East Third street 4 Mrs Walter Weber 1222 Lin coln avenue Evansville was a guest last week of Mrs Banfield 4 Lieut red Rcisz Jr of the Army has returned to his post after a visit to his parents Mr and Mrs red Rcisz in Parrish avenue 4 Miss Dorothy Street of Lynch Ky and Mr and Mrs Dan Turner of Cisne Ill are visiting their par ents Mr and Mrs Street of Whitesville Mr and Mrs Collis Ringo and son Mr Joseph Ringo of Lexing ton are guests of Mr Ringo's sister Mrs Wilking and Mr Wilking at Hotel Owensboro Mr and Mrs George Berry are spending the holidays in Davenport Iowa guests of Mr parents Mr and Mrs Berry formerly of Owensboro 4 4 4 Mr and Mrs Stout of Lit tle Rock Ark have returned home after spending the Christmas holi days with Mrs Anna Stout and Mr and Mrs ield Mr Chester Prince and daugh ters Misses Elizabeth and Helen Prince returned to their home in Liberty Mo riday after spending the last two weeks in Owensboro Mrs Prince will remain for a longer visit to her father Mr A Miller who is seriously ill 1 4 4 4 Mr and Mrs Holloway Hawes of New Albany Ind arrived Satur day to visit Mr parents Mr and Mrs Bright Hawes of Ma ceo Corp George Wilhoyte who is at tending the aviation school at Biloxi Miss is a guest of his parents Mr and Mrs Dan Wilhoyte of Maceo 4 4 4 Staff Sergt William A Hawes of the army is spending a 10 day furlough with his parents Mr and Mrs Sam Hawes of Maceo Mrs Sam Hawes returned Satur day evening from Louisville where she attended the Nicholls Tarking ton wedding riday Mr and Mrs Gibson of rankfort are spending the holidays with Mrs Gibson's mother Mrs Wallace Hall of Maceo 4 Mr Thornberry of rank fort is spending the holidays with relatives at Maceo 4 Mr and Mrs George Edwin Hawes and Mr Jake Hawes of Albuquer que are spending the holi days with Mrs Hawes of Ma ceo Mortuary Mrs Robert Cummings Mrs Robert Cummings of Lewisport died at the Owensboro Daviess County hospital at 7:40 Saturday after a short illness She is survived by her husband two daughters Mrs Ben Smeathers of Maceo and Mrs Owen Case of Yel vington two brothers Will Roberts of Maceo and Carten Roberts of East St Louis Ill fourteen grand children and two great grandchil dren uneral services will be held at the Chestnut Grove church at 2 Monday the Rev Nor rington officiating Bural will be in Iron Ore Hill cemetery Miss Mary Jaines Miss Mary Jaines 71 died at the home of her niece Mrs Thad Bid well and Mr Bidwell Island at 3 a Sunday Dec 21 She was a member of the Island Methodist church where funeral services were held at 2 Monday by the Rev A Bowles Owensboro Burial was in the Everly cemetery Pall bearers were Hollis Howell Clyde Markwell Ray Everly Harry Everly William Blades Jr and Edward Markwell Surviving Miss Jaines are a sister Mrs Mattie Everly of Island two half brothers Canute Kansas and a number of nieces and nephews Dudley Ward Livermore Ky Dec Dudley Ward 63 died at his home here at 8 today after a lingering ill ness He is survived by his widow Mrs Icy Ward a daughter Mrs Vir ginia Austin of Livermore a son Roscoe Ward of Evansville Ind and five grandchildren uneral services will be conducted at 2 Monday at Mt Herman Baptist church in Ohio county Burial will be in the church cemetery George Eugene Mattingly George Eugene Mattingly 82 re McAtee i INCORPORATED ESTABLISHED 1899 KOTEX li Economy Package $100 it You can save money by buying the economy package of non chafing sure protection Kotex 53 napkins in the box Order a supply tomorrow morning easy to store on your wardrobe shelf Box of 1 2 25c KLEENEX 28c yet strong dependable handkerchiefs when one removing cosmetics and The soft tissues or has a cold: for many other uses Notions irst loor HHlIIllHIHHMmuUaMUXI SECTION ONE PAGE THREc tired farmer of the western section of Daviess conuty died suddenly at 2:15 Saturday at the home of his brother Mattingly 608 West ourth street He is survived by the brother and a sister Mrs Lillie Wimsatt as well as several nieces and nephews The body will remain at the Owensboro uneral home until the service which will be held at 9 a Monday at St Steph cathedral the Rev Leo Dienes pastor officiating Burial will be in St cemetery Stanley Pall bearers will be nephews Martin Lan caster Victor Wimsatt Oldham Wimsatt William Mattingly Carl Mattingly and Roy Mattingly New Officers Assume Their Duties At Meeting Of arm Bureau New officers of the arm Bureau assumed their duties at a meeting at the courthouse Saturday after noon Judge James Wilson presi dent presided A Hewlett is secretary and Reid Brodie treas urer Resignation of Scherm as a member of the board of directors was accepted Being a member of the state AAA committee Mr Scherm Is not eligible to serve on the ann Bureau board Welsh associate director will as sume Mr duties as direc tor Attention was called to the fact that the Daviess County arm Bu reau won first place in the weekly membership drive now in progress in the state The trophy a urtst watch awarded the arm Bureau was presented to oster re tiring president of the organization HARRISON TO HEAD OWENSBORO LODGE NO 130 Owensboro Lodge No 130 and A held its annual election of officers Saturday night They in clude: Harrison worthy mas ter Gillette senior warden Moseley junior warden red Hager treasurer Murphy secretary The newly elected master ap pointed the following officers: Hector senior deacon: William Spicer junior deacon Moseley tyler The retiring master Sam Gipe was presented with a past master ring by the Owensboro lodge At the close of lodge the members were served refreshments at durg store Additional Locals Members of the board of direc tors of the Welfare League will hold their monthly luncheon meet ing postponed Thursday December 25 at the Rudd hotel Tuesday Jan uary 6 Court News Police Arrest Buck Dantic 38 of 807 Hall street was arrested Saturday by Patrolmen Long and Chambers on a charge of being drunk and disorderly Police Summons William Boyd 1514 Hall street was Issued a police court summons Saturday by Patrolman Worthing ton on a charge of double parking Circuit Court Suits Glover Birk filed suit in Daviess circuit court Saturday against A Vittitow asking the court to hold that he can pass fee simple title to a lot in ifteenth street to Vittitow Cary Miller Kirk and Robert Todd Sweeney attorneys The Central Trust Co filed suit against Mrs (Mittie) Nall seeking to recover $43105 claimed due on a note William Wiggin ton attorney Marriage Licenses James Ayers 20 to Margaret Hazel White 16 both of Owens boro Thomas McBride 20 to Mar jorie Louise Thompson 19 both of Owensboro Harold Austin Bridgman 23 to Doris Maxine Daily 20 both of Paris Ill Carroll Hawhee 21 of Evansville Ind to Beatrice Couch 21 of Ow ensboro John Harrel Tilford 31 to Ida Jewell Goodall 33 both of Rock port Ky Amel Wade 23 of Owensboro to Vaniah Lyons 21 of Hanco*ck county Thurston Abney 25 of Casey to Thelma Jane Burden 16 of Shirley Traffic Cases The case against William Riley charged with reckless driving was continued to next Saturday The warrants against William Barron and Mrs James Stout charging reckless driving were re 1 duced to running a stop sign and each was fined $2 and costs Real Estate Transfers Adam Bishop and Julia 1 Bishop to Tipmore house and lot in Woodford avenue Allen Sparks and Abeline Sparks to Staley Essex and Margaret Essex lot in Daviess street Atha uqua and Ona uqua to Edward Evans and Nola Evans 33 1 3 acres of land James Bottorf to Vernon Igle heart one acre of land on tho Leitchfield road Police Court loyd Lloyd Island charged with being drunk was fined $10 and costs by Judge John Wood in police court Saturday mom i ng Bring Your Visitors To SUNDAY DINNER BAKED YOUNG TURKEY Roast Young Hen Baked Champagne Ham CHANGE MENU OR EVENING DINNER 1942 KEEP 'EM LYING! Bank of Proven Strength a year lhal promises problems and difficulties enough to put every traditional American quality to the fest We wish you success in dealing with these problems and you may rely upon us for a continuation of the sound and helpful policies which have made this bank a leading influence for stability during every crisis through which this community has passed since 1850 This week ushers in a New Year IRST OWENSBORO BANK TRUST CO Member ederal Deposit Insure ties Corporation.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.