The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)

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The Owensboro Messengeri

Owensboro, Kentucky

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SECTION ONE AGE TEN EATON MEMORIAL1 MEET CONTINUES i Rev Steger to Preach Tw ice Today and Remain Through Sunday Nov 13 Heard About Town James Hilts reported to the po lice Saturday afternoon that his Packard coupe license J9155 was stolen from in front of lit? office 112 East Third street about 2 The car had not been located early today according to police records Homer Taylor of Reed reported to the police that his home was rob bed yesterday of two watches a pis tol a shotgun and some clothing 'The Rev Sieger evangelist at Eaton Memorial Baptist church i will speak at 11 am today on Jesus Means to the Believ er" and at 7:30 pm on and Reaping" Tn announcing his morning subject at the services Saturday evening the speaker stated: Is made precious to the believer He is precious in his own qualities of life He is pre cious in his various oflices ns taught In God's word He is pre cious only to the believer and to all others a stone of stumbling and a rc of Of his evening subject the evan gelist stated: and lean ing is a law that has never been repeated Reaping follows sowing as morning follows night and Joy follows weeping If we sow right we reap right Sow to the flesh reap death and corruption Sow to the spirit and reap life everlast ing'' Idle Rev Mr Steger will jqvak al 7:30 pm Monday on "What I Would Ho If 1 Were the Devil" His subject Saturday evening was i New' Birth" He stated: religion believes in a change coin ing into the lile of its adherents This change in our faith Is the i new birth Everything that Is said about the physical bit th Is true about the spiritual birth Without this divine experience men ran not enter the Kingdom of God" Mrs A Smith Is In charge of the music during the revival which will continue through Sunday No vemLcr 13 The Rev A Smith pastor Is loading the congregation singing Good crowds attended nil of the services the past week Office To Stay Kentucky Naval Recruiting Office The fire department extinguished a blaze in some rags in the of a car owned by Hat Dugan Saturday afternoon while It was parked on irst street between St Ann and rederica iremen were called to Ninth and Venable avenue at noon to ixtlngulsh a blaze caused by asphalt boiling over while lying heated a Banks and the postollicc will close riday November 11 in observance of Armistice day which is a national holiday this year Anderson will speak at Por ter's corner at 7:15 in Monday and Albert Oberst will speak at the Salvation Aimy hcadqunrl ers at the same hour In opposition to the proposed 1300000 water and light plant bond issues Earl Adams will spook op the radio at 7:45 to day and Henry Pardon will speak Monday night for the Taxpayers Ieaguo Adam Bishop will speak from Ra dio Station WOMI nt 7:30 o'clock temiglit tn the interest of the $1300 000 waler and light plant bond is sue A stalk of corn 15 feet high was on exhibit at the exposition the past week The slaik was grown by John Mead on his farm near St Joseph on Knob crcck Members of the Transportation club will attend a fire prevention dinner of civic clubs to be held at Hotel Owensboro at noon Wednes day Nov 9 Members who will at tend are asked to make reservations Mr and Mrs Dewey Wilkins' have moved to Peoria Ill where Mr Wil kins will be connected with the ed Makes Report The Owensboro Naval recruiting oral Savings and loan association of which Hicks allin formerly of Owensboro is manager office will be continued mdef inltelv Lieut King officer who has charge of recruiting in Kentucky told Chief Machinists Maio I 11 Oldham who has charge of tnc Owensboro office when he visited him Saturday on a tour of I Inspection I His renort on the office Its ac tlvrties during the Navy Day cele bration recently and general work Mr rind Mrs John Weikel have returned to Owensboro from theSoul 11 where Mr Weikel was a rep resentative of the Reynolds Tobac co company on the Southern tobac co market Mr and Mrs Weikel were Injured slightly recently al Raleigh in an automobile accident that demolished their car Everett Hafner 37 of 2030 West sixth street who is employed by Stewart and Snyder in the oil field was admitted to the city hospitnl al noon Saturday to receive treatment for burns about bls face and arms His condition was not believed to be serious An automobile in which Tommy Von Ryne of Detroit came to Ow ensboro the dnv before he allegedly stole a used car from the Brodie Motor company lot and climbed down the fire escape at Hotel Ow ensboro to keep from paying his room bill was found yesterday in a downtown garage where it had been left for storage Von Ryne Is under arrest in Memphis Tenn on a charge of stealing a ear there The car he stole here was found in Mem phis where he said he left It Assis tant Police Chief Morris said last night an effort is being made to determine where Von Ryne got the car he left here II Whitaker 1738 Triplett strerl OwensbnroHn who enlisted in the United States navy through the Owensboro recruiting office Sept 13 has been announced as weekly honor man of his platoon at the Norfolk Va Naval training station Ira Wood reports a second crop of apples growing on trees at his home 924 Locust street OHIO RIVER STAGES Pittsburgh rain 16 7 no change41: Louisville Clear 167 minus 03 46: 9 2 minus 01: Parkersburg 10 6 0 0 cloudy Point Pleasant 241 plus 02 cloudy: Huntington 155 minus 06 clear Portsmouth 12 9 minus 0'3 cloudy Cincinnati 132 plus 0 4 clear GOOD We have lonir since learned that (loot! Will is the basis on which a continuous and prosperous merchan dising business must be built The Good Will of the public can only be attained by a high regard tor the integrity and morals of (he nian agemert of a given business by supplying the needs of a the public with (Utility merchandise at prices that are 1 reasonable and fair and ly providing a service in the delivery of that merchandise that pleases the customer a Our idea is that your best interests are our interests hence our every ciTort is to give our patrons the best possible value for the price charged We do not claim to undersell all our competitors in every case but we do promise you that you will never be overcharged here To pay lair wages to our employees supply our pa trons with quality material at fair prices and give the best possible service in the sale and distribution of our materials is our motto This policy we think is win ning for us in a splendid way and we appreciate the wonderful patronage that is being given us OWENSBORO PLANING MILL CO Incorporated i 200 230 East 9th Street Phone 615 Li was highly satisfactory The local Office Is located on the second floor Of the federal building Applications for enlistment in the iinvy are re celvetl mere through Male Oldham tf SUTHERLAND HOMEMAKERS SPONSOR AMATEUR CONTEST r' An amateur program given at I Sutherland school riday eveningj by the Sutherland Homemakers club assisted by annie armer was en joyed by a large and appreciative 7 aud'e Attractive prizes were awarded the winners who were Hazel Wilson Gertrude Tong's band Henderson and rances Lee Mal eolm Greep was master of cere monies The commit tee in charge Included Mcsclnncs George Vestal Yeiser and II Best Contestants Included rances Lee Bennett Jr Eugene Miller Jean Leona Thompson Gertrude Tongs Cowboys" Ivo Salts ip man and band: Gerald Pendleton dw 1'uckctt Nancy Rac Taylorp Hazel Wilwi Kennle Anil and Happy Mountain Rangers: William Mitchell and quartet Henderson and Sims and Owen Kcclin I PUBLIC SALE I On Our arm Near Masonville Ky Nov 10 1938 We Eire oflcrhiR for sale the fol lowing property: Throe niiih't six head of milking shorthorn catt'e 'nineteen heart of'a sheep All kinds nt faimint: tools one corn shrrrtd'T and hav Irrms made knoun on day of sale I S' Sale begins al 9: no o'clock HARRISON BROS ''X THE MESSENGER OWENSBORO KY SUNDAY NOVEMBER 6 1938 HOSPITAL GUILD Sudetenland Jews Condemned to Tent Ghetto in German Czech No Man's Land DflGANIZED HERE Attorney William LEGION MEMORIAL Court News SERVICE TONIGHT 26 charged Clark Third Baptist Church are invited to On Sal Outstanding Value the $J98 Coats $200 an 49c Comfort Cretonne the Star Manley loral Patterns Send In Your Want Ad By Mail PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS real estate household goods musical possessions WRITE AD HERE for ad to appear in paper Dates Rate In Messenger Inquirer Subscription Territory Only This newspaper is responsible fo a daughter of Mr Ad Sent by Whom Address Mr tlicir Misses Regina the home of 2419 St Ami nesday with taut hostess chairman of of be 1 26 51 Lonetta Baker negro Potter both of whom with reckless driving filed suit Saturday Theriault more weak independent io tempt the comical depart commit Hicks ban Crca Jo and a home in man CENTR AL CHURCH GROUP TO MEET THIS WEEK 25 words 50 words 75 words to to to The Messenger vast number of subscriber Mrs score were both of Owensboro Higgs 25 to Anna Lu both of Owenboro Pate 21 Hawesville to Stephensport DECLARES RENCH MAGINOT LINE MUST BE REINORCED Hoover Minn Traffic Cases Whittaker was given a sns i fine of $10 and costs and a I The Woman's auxiliary of the National ederation of Postoffice Clerks held a Hallowe en dinner at The Current Events group of the Woman's club will meet at the home of Mrs Reeves 1212 Locust street at 3 Wednesday a sergeant army cruelty 1933 1937 airview 4 club held its annual achievement day program at the home of Misses Ruth and Martha Coons Saturday afternoon Elsie May oster president presided During a business meeting a committee was appointed to secure nuts which will be shelled and sold This group includes Alfred Manley Joe Ernest and Purcell Officers wore elected as President Elsie May oster first vice president Virginia Miller: sec ond vice president Alfred Manley: secretary Hazel Kenneth oster be elected at a Divorce Suits Mary Minton Theriault in Daviess circuit court for divorce from Joseph in the United States ing abandonment and They were married May 3 and separated in January Restoration of her maiden of Mary Minton and perma alimony of $lC00 is asked by Otto Martin at Buyers for cafes stores bolds tourist camps and many other kinds of businesses watch Messenger Inquirer want ad columns every day Thousands depend on these columns for information about buying farms city homes oil leases automobiles A paper containing your ad will go to over 18000 subscribers every day Any one of these subscribers may be a prospect for the purchase of your property Harvest ball will be given by Ken Rad employes at the the Business and Professional Wom en's Current Events The Current Events Junior Woman's club Mrs Harlan street at 2 A Mrs A Stewart is the group bond placed house street negro part of the home Clarence i HL pended plea of guilty in police court Sat 1 Percale Sizes or sale new six room home nearing completion Located in beautiful Cary Court The Ratican Medley Co Phone 506 Cotton Batts 23c 2 Lbs Unbleached A Beach autifuI Stephen oster by Miss Jesse Printemps" Ethelbert Nevin nard Alvey and Mrs er urday to a charge of reckless driv ing Patrolman Shirtey Embrv who summoned Whittaker into court told Judge A Roby he drove at an excessive rate of speed through the Longfellow school zone The fine was suspended on motion of Prosecuting Wigginton Trial of and Willis are charged was continued until November 19 The Rev Cecil Mowery will be gin a revival meeting at the United Brethren church at Concord Ky 14 miles south of Hawesville today Services will be held at 7:30 dailv The public is invited to attend Coons "H'lS os Mc Roberts Hays Mr and Mrs Roberts pounce the marriage of their daugh ter Anna Willia to Mr William Hays The ceremony was read at the home of the bride's parents at 7 Saturday by the Rev Brown an uncle of the bride At tendants were Mr and Mrs James Whittaker The bride wore a teal blue crepe dress with wine colored accessories Mr Hays is a son of Mrs Jeanetta Hays nent the plaintiff torney Celestie Bray filed suit for di vorce from Anna May Bray alleg separation of more than five They were married October 1929 and separated June 15 1930 Louis I Igleheart attorney To Entertain Class Misses Juanita and Mary Crowe will entertain day school class of Central byterian church at Crittenden street at A the Knights of Columbus home Thurs day November 17 hours 8 to 12 o'clock Music will be furnished by the Ken Rad Tubeadors This will be a cosiume party and prizes will bo awarded for the best cos tumes both artistic and oremen of the various merits compose the dance tee a torch at the occupied by John Witcliff occupies the other ne uimieci suu Henry negro of Chi cago was given a 30 day suspended jail sentence on a vagrancy charge Wallace and Bruner were fined $10 and costs each on charges of being drunk and a war rant charging Herman Tichcnor with a like offense was dismissed for lack of prosecution Birthday of Organiza tion To Be Observed At last Thursday Rev James St Paul's played fol Mesdames Medley are rs Robert Moore Allen Miss Emogene Moore and Mr Nolan ATcn were married at the home of the Rev Denton pastor of the Third Street Metho dist church at 9:30 pm Saturday Denton officiating were Mi's Marl and Mr John Kelley Bechl Mr and Mrs James Otis Kelley Louisville announce the marriage of their daughter Virginia Marie to Mr Raymond George Becht Oc tober 27 at the rectory of St The rese's church the Rev Menke ixistor officiating Mis Hazel Doutliitt Owensboro cousin of the bride was maid of honor and Mr Gilbert Becht brother of the groom was Hie best man The bride wore a wineberry chif fr velvet dress with wmeberrv accessories and a shoulder bouquet of gardenias Her attendant was dressed in a steel blue chiffon vel vet dress with red cedar accessor ies and wore a shoulder bouquet of talisman roses Mrs Becl*t Is a granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Pendleton Stanley club rooms recently Games played Mrs Carl Leach and Logan being the high winners Hallowe'en favors provided and Hallowe'en sug gestions were used in the decora tions Covers were laid for twenty A memorial service in commemo ration of the twentieth anniversary of tile organization of the Amerim Legion will be held al the Third Baplist (1111)011 Owensboro at 7:30 today by James Yales Post No 9 The service will be in charge of the Rev Alonzo Cagle pastor of the church and rhaplain of the post The Legion auxiliary and the Sons of the legion will join in the services All will meet nt Memorial hall at 7 and go in a bodj' to the Third church where seats will be reserved for the Legion guests Mike Callas past department inmmander and present national committeeman Is chairman of the committee In charge of Um special memorial service Jacob A Winkler is commander of James Yates Post No 9 Mrs Paul Yonnkers president the auxiliary and Louis Velotta captain of the Sons of Legion Group group of the meet at Mitchell Wecl Committees of the Central Pres byterian church will hold meetings at the church tills week at which plans for a Loyalty crusade to open November 20 will be made The slo gan for the campaign will be Sundays in God's House" During this crusade which will continue until January 29 the pastor the Rev Hart will preach special sermons of an evangelistic character on Sun day evenings Meetings of committees arc sched uled 3 and Rev Hubert Meredith will leave I Tuesday morning for Eastland Term after a short Mr and Mrs Rev Meredith work for Ute tile mountains Mr Meredith has returned to the Naval base at Mare Island Calif after a short visit to his parents Mr and Mrs Meredith Mr Meredith has been in the Navy for the past nine years and is sta tioned on the Langley Mr Smiley Sr rances apartments returned Saturday after a visit to relatives in Danville III Champaign Urbana and other points of interest Mrs Julian Bell has returned to Miami la after a visit to her parents the Rev Willett and Mrs Willett and sister Mrs Sumner and Dr Sumner Mrs Cora Miller Los Angeles Calif is a guest of her cousin Mr Reed and Mrs Reed at their home in West Second street Mrs Ella Jewell LaRue of Akron Ohio will arrive today to be a guest of Dr I Hoover and Mrs Hoover Dr Hoover and Mrs returned from Rochester Saturday Mrs Velva Bowers and Martine Hutchins and euerlicht will attend the fall meet ing of the Second district of the Business and Professional Women's club at Bowling Green today Saturday Musicale The Saturday Musicals met at the library Saturday afternoon The theme of the program was "Three Centuries of American Music" Mrs Dorsey chair man gave an account of the sev (mteentii and eighteenth centuries and Mrs Miller Haynes of the nineteenth century Taking pact on tlic program and selections rendered were the following: "The Years at the Mrs II Dreamer Cora Jane Quarterly Court Orville Jones was arrested urday in the courthouse yard by Deputy Sheriff Morton Estes on a drunk charge and his trial was set for Monday jjefore Judge James Wilson in quarterly court ALL COATS $g95 $jQ95 as follows: Children's groun in Monday Mrs Bess Jackson Mrs Earl Bell chairmen el deacons and trustees at the of the Rev Mr Hart at 7:30 Monday Marvin Harris chair Sunday School council and teachers 7:30 Tuesday Weibel Dawson chairman wom en's committee 3 Thursday Mrs Cary Bennett chairman Young People's banquet 6:30 Thursday Miss Mary Lea chairman Men's ellowship quet 6:30 riday mcr chairman Eugene Pontrj ville Beatrice Riester ington Ind James Audrey Dun boro to Regina Janeve Tong Daviess county Owensboro Women To Sponsor Projects To Pro vide Equipment unds Buffet Supper The Young People's organization of the ourth Street Presbyterian church will entertain the Young People's organization of Henderson with a buffet supper in the Sunday school building following the vesper services today The Henderson or ganization will bring its vested choir which will sing at the vesper serv ice The committee in charge of ar rangements includes Misses Cornelia Peavy Anna Sue Bell Messrs seph Clements George Triplett Jimmy Bottorf 4 AIRVIEW 4 CLUB HOLDS ACHIEVEMENT DAY PROGRAM Marriage Licenses Billy Hays 19 to Anna Rob erts 19 George cille Oliver Ida Mattingly George Herman 60 to Maud Anderson 49 both of Evansville Washington Tipton 19 Philpot to Jewel Moore 21 Vanzant Nolan Allen 24 to Emogene Moore 18 beth cf Owensboro Hilding I Kronvall 21 Crete Ill to Ellen Wright 21 Chicago Carl McKain 22 to Vivian Zuber 23 both of Evansville Richard Allen 24 to Mary Easton 25 both of Owensboro Louis Wash Shoes Sturdy School Sole Size 8 1 Traffic Summons Mitchell Winstead 21 negro charged with reckless driving and not having a driver's license was issued a police court summons Sai urday by Patrolmen Pate and Cole the Rev Mr The attendants Ann Hodgkins Dodd Mrs Allen is and Mrs A Moore 107 Wood ford avenue Mr and Mrs Allen will reside at their apartment at 107 Woodford avenue later meeting opened with a candlelighting ceremony hl charge of Miss oster assisted by Martha Virginia Hale Tollie Bellcn and Bill McDaniel and Miss Ruth Talks were given as follows: lory of Arbor Day" Elsie May ter poem "Trees" Mary Anna Daniel: "What the Trees Taught" Murray Hale Kenneth oster Billy McDaniel Charles Oost Joe Jones Tollie Bell and Martha McDaniel "Where Are the Trees?" Martha Virginia Hale The club completed its work 100 per cent There are 39 members enrolled Miss Venice Lovelady home clcmonstra lor and Coleman assistant county agent were in attendance REV MOWERY TO PREACH OR REVIVAL AT CONCORD ST RANCES A TO HOLD SUPPER ON THURSDAY St rances PT A will entertain with a chicken supper at the acad emy Thursday November 10 hav ing been postponed due to the death of Norman pastor church Cards will lowing the supper rank Thielen and Ben general chairmen Wiinsatt will be in charge of the I dining room and Mrs Rice Massie in charge of the card games Tong Dunn Miss Jane Tong and Mr Audrey Dunn both of Owensboro were married at St Stephen's cathedral at 5:30 am Saturday November 5 the Rev Gilbert Henninger offi ciating The attendants were Mrand Mrs Anthony Lanham of Ow ensboro The bride wore a gown of wine colored chiffon telvct with match ing accessories Her corsage was of Joanna Hill roses Mrs Lan ham wore a brown velvet chiffon gown with matching accessories Iler corsage was of Talisman roses Mrs Dunn is a daughter of Mr and Mrs John Tong of Sorgho and is popular in a large group of friends Mr Dunn is a son of Mr and Mrs Charles Dunn of Stan After a short wedding trip and Mrs Dunn will reside at apartment in Parrish avenue Paris Nov 5 Lucien Besset one of the leaders of the Indepen dent Radical party told a party con gress today that the line must be reinforced and 150000 add ed to the rench army to face "a new and more powerful He said second and third defense lines must be laid behind the Magi not line super highways must be built and the Paris region should be encircled by an independent cnam ot fortresses "We mut show no ness" he told tire Radicals order not strong" Police Arrests Buster eldman 25 charged with disorderly conduct was arrested last night by Patrolmen Pale and Cole Everett Brandenburg with being drunk was arrested bj Patrolmen Walker and Harold Stone 18 charged wih being drunk was arrested by Pa trolmen Gabbert and Worthington a bright day surface temperature of an asphalt road may be 150 degrees ahrenheit or more Class Party The Bcrean class of the irst Christian church will entertain with an old fashioned box supper at the church at 6 Tuesday A social and spelling bee will follow the sup per Members of the class will dress in rural costumes and the decora tions will be in keeping with the general rural plans for the evening Mrs rank Coombs is president of the class Members of the class Sun day school and friend attend John Sun Pres thelr home in 7:30 pm Mon day All members and their friends arc invited Mrs Ber String Love Song" Nevin Mrs Charles Edwards "Shepherds All and Maidens air" Nevin Mrs Bannister "My Days Have Been So Wondrous air" rancis ITopkinson Miss Ovela O'lynn and Miss lora Lee Birkhead "Woodland Edward Mac Dcwell Mrs Earl Peak "The Witches Dance" MacDowell Miss Eva Belle Birkhead Rehearsal of the voice ensemble which will present the Goodfellows Vesper program at the irst Chris tian church December 4 will be held at the library at 7 pm Mon day instead of 7:30 pm as usual in order not to conflict with the Mordan Baer concert at the Senior high school Innocent victims of the diplomatic chess game that changed their nationality without consulting them hundreds of Jews huddle home less penniless and hungry in the neutral no man's land between the now German Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia Expelled from their Sudeten homes by Nazi Storm Troopers who followed the German army of occupation thej' were refused admittance to Czechoslovakia ostensibly because they arc technically German citizens The photo above was taken south of Brno where 150 Jewish refugees many stricken with influenza made a roadside camp Some slept under hedges or ditches Luckier ones like those pictured found shelter un der makeshift tents visit to his parents 1 Meredith The is doing missionarj Nazarene church in of Tennessee released on his cwn charged that Price under the part of a rear of 534 Allen I Real Estate Transfers ederal arm Mortgage Corp to Miller 5294 acres of land on the Mcseleyville Panther road lorence Crewe and Crewe to Ella Hafendorfer lot in West Second street $100 Shoes to 2 Dresses Value up to $100 Police Court Joe Price negro was held to the January grand jury on a charge of attempted arson following his examining trial in police court Sat i urday but was STORE 1023 EAST 4TH Shop and Compare The Hospital guild which grew out of a discussion of what a group of Owensboro women might do to aid the city hospital was organized at a meeting of those interested at the library riday afternoon This group was addressed by Dr Haynes Barr Dr Parker and Miss rieda Dieterichs superinten dent of the city hospital who gave intereting talks of an inspirational nature in outlining the needs of the hospital at the present time Mrs Horner temporary chair man introduced the speakers This group of women will spon sor various projects during the year proceeds from which will be used to purchase equipment for the hos pital as needed The members will and the city hospital board and Miss Dieterichs and her staff in everv wav possible Mrs Harry Ray will head the guild as president and other offi cers named include: irst vice pres ident Mrs James Pyle second vice president Mrs Bogard treas urer Mrs Wilbur Miller The members cf the guild will meet at the library at 10:30 a the firstThursday of each month Charter members of the guild in clude Mesdames Carl Hollatz Wil bur Miller Reid Brodie Hinchey Merle Stimson Robert Triplett Thomas Galey Hor ner reeman Little James Pyle Bogard Lancaster Jr Harry Ray James Pendleton John Reid A Griffin Roy Bur lew Gene Mobberlv Charles ield Wil' iam Medley Cuba Har din Sr Deane Eagles Del ker Raphael Smith Sr Thoma? S'ndidge and Miss Mory Lee Broo ker all Dreses One Group of Dresses Special Price $298 and $398 HHHv be jr JBL 2 I uKBS aM Print 3i in I i 1 1 i I I I 'I i Leather I fl only one incorrect insertion I One Three Six Time Times Times 50 $120 $200 $100 $240 $400 $150 $360 $600.

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The Owensboro Messenger from Owensboro, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Views: 6032

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.