The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Lewisham — Kent Archaeological Society (2024)

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Lewisham, noted by Leland L. Duncan Typed up byDawn Weeks.

What follows is as far as possible an accurate transcription of three of L. L. Duncan's field notebooks for West Kent memorial inscriptions. They are written up in his shorthand, in pencil, on the site, on rather yellowing, aged paper. The individual M.I.'s of all three notebooks have been numbered sequencely, giving a total of 333.
There is no date for when Duncan recorded his notes, but in 1889 the Lewisham Antiquarian Society published a limited edition, 200 copies, of a book entitled "The Monumental Inscriptions in the Church and Churchyard of St Mary, Lewisham." Edited by Herbert Charles Kirby and Leland Lewis Duncan. The publication, of 86 pages, contained listings of M.I.s from the Churchyard, the Old Church (pulled down in 1774), the Present Church, the Vaults and Coats of Arms totalling some 674 entries. The number of M.I.s from the Churchyard, listed in alphabetical order numbers some 579. A copy of the book is held by the Lewisham Local History Library.
What follows is therefore the 333 M.I.'s recorded in Duncan's three notebooks, together with a number of small sketches of the location of graves.

The remaining M.I.s listed in Duncan's publication have now been added 21st May 2010, having been typed up by Pat Tritton. The numbers in square brackets [ ] are the numbers of the M.I.s listed in Duncan's Publication.

We am sure that you will appreciate the amount of time and effort that has been put into typing up, indexing and preparing Leland L. Duncan's manuscript for the Internet. If you have found it useful in your research, please let us know on . This will give us useful feedback for when we are trying to convince other members of the Kent Archaeological Society that this Website is performing a useful service.

South side of choir path near choir entrance and chancel1. [575] In memory of | Mr George YOUNG | son of William Young Esquire, Moor Court, Romsey, Hants | died 27th November 1843 | aged 45 years.

2. [389] To | the memory of Mrs Elizabeth PITTS | who died October the 29th 1817 (?47) | aged 69 years. | (LAS manuscript says 1847) I cried unto the Lord and he heard me and delivered me out of all ….d …….tions. Footstone EP 1847?

3. [394] In memory of | Ann POWELL | of this Parish | who died 15th October 1846 | in the 75th year of her age. | Also | near this place | lies interred the body of | Grace ELco*ck | of this Parish | who died 31st December 1832 | in the 80th year of her age. |Footstone Powell 1846

4. [558] Sacred | to the memory of Mr John WINTON | many years of this Parish | who departed this life | 17 July 1826 aged 45 years. | Also Mr Thomas CATON, son in law of the above | who departed this life | 20th May 1845 aged 35 years | and likewise | Mrs Martha Collier Winton | widow of the above | Mr John Winton | who departed this life | 30th July 1845 aged 68 years. | Footstone JW 1826 JC 1845 MCW 1845

5. [344] Altar tomb In memory of | Mr George MOOREY of this Parish | who departed this life the 16th of February | 1826 aged 53 years. | Also two daughters died in their infancy. | Also Mrs Ann Moorey, wife of the above | who departed this life the 30th of March | 1829 in the 57th year of her age. | Also Mrs Elizabeth Ellen Moorey, wife of Richard Moorey of this Parish | only daughter of | Michael and Elizabeth MATTHEW | of the Parish of Beckenham | who departed this life the 4th of October 1833 aged 22 years. | Also the above | Richard Moorey | who departed this life | 28 April 1835 | aged 34 years. | Also of Ann | wife of Frederick Henry INGERSOLL | who died 9th October 1873 | aged 74 years. |

6. [381] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Robert PENFOLD | late of this Parish | who died 9th July 1831 | in his 63rd year. Also William Penfold | who died 31st August 1837 | aged 83 years.
On the north side of the path under the tree7. [407] Underneath this stone | are deposited the remains of | Mary Anne | second daughter of | Thomas RASHLEIGH of Blackheath | who died March XXV AD MDCCCVII | aged XX years. | Also of | Henrietta MALTBY | youngest child of Joseph and Catherine Bennet LEAco*ck | and granddaughter of | the above named Thomas Rashleigh | who died July IV AD MDCCCXX |aged III years and VI months. | He shall gather the lambs with his arms and carry them in his bosom. Is XL XI Underneath is a small cross engraved on the stone.

8. [202] Sacred | to the memory of | Elizabeth Page GUY | third daughter of | Melmoth Guy Esquire | who departed this life | on the 3rd day of April 1827 | in the 19th year of here age. | Also of | Melmoth Guy Esquire | who died on the 5th of | June 1827 | aged 73 years. | Also of Mary Sarah | eldest daughter of the above | Melmoth Guy | who expired on the 7th of | June 1828 aged 29 years | after a painful and | lingering malady | which she she bore with the | most pious resignation. 4 lines of illegible poetry?

9. [542] In memory of | Mr William WHEATLEY | many years organist | of this Parish | who died 27th August 1828 | aged 79. | Also of | Mrs Charlotte Susanna | Wheatley his wife | who died 17th February 1830 | aged 69.

10. [397] Large altar tomb On south side only To the memory of Meredith PRICE Esquire | of Lincolns Inn Fields | who departed this life the 30of September 1801 aged 72. | In the sight of the unwise he seemed to die; and his departure was taken for | misery: and his going from us to be utter destruction: but he is in peace. | Also to the memory of Miss Isabella Price daughter of Meredith Price Esquire. | She departed this life the 24th of September 1801 universally lamented | in the 32nd year of her age. | Now she is numbered with the children of God | and her lot is among the Saints. |
South side of choir path continued11. [117] On a tall altar tomb On left side: Sacred to the memory of Fanny DALTON daughter of Robert ---------Dalton of Blackheath. Died June 29th 1831 aged 22 years. Also of the above Mr Robert Dalton died January 23rd 1838 aged 73 years. Also of James Dalton son of the above Mr Robert Dalton died May 3rd 1838 aged 45 years. Also of Mrs Mary Dalton wife of the above Mr Robert Dalton died July 30 1843 aged 77 years. On right side: Henry WATSON son of James and Mary Watson of Blackheath died January 21st 1833 aged 18 years. Also of the above Mrs Mary Watson died January 18th 1841 aged 51 years.

12. [240] Altar tomb Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Marla HOLMES (LAS manuscript says Maria but LD’s notes definitely say Marla) who departed this life | 25th June 1830 | aged 53 years.

13. [78] Altar tomb In memory of | Mr John CHANDLER | late of this Parish | who departed this life | February 18th 1833 | aged 69 years. | Also Elizabeth | widow of the above | who died May 24th 1846 | aged 73 years. | Also Mary Elizabeth daughter of the above | who died February 14 1837 | aged 34 years.

14. [497] In memory of Mrs Sarah STRUDWICK who died 18th February 1801 aged 70 years.

15. [146] A wooden tomb (already copied) to Mrs Ann EDWARDS etc.

16. [486] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Isaac STAMBURY | of this Parish | who died 25th December 1831 | aged 47 years. | Also Mr Henry Hughes Stambury | son of the above | who died 24th November 1835 | aged 25 years. | Also Mrs Sarah Stambury | wife of the above | Isaac Stambury died 24th June 1843. | Also John Stambury | son of the above | who died 7th September 1845 aged 26 years.

17. [487] In memory of James Isaac STANBURY (sic) late of Blackheath who departed this life on the 6th of April 1846 aged 32 years. Also Henry Stambury son of the above who departed this life December 5th 1846 aged 10 months. Footstone J.I.S 1846 H.S. 1846

18. [203] In | memory of | S H (only initials given) who departed this life September 2nd 1832 aged 62 years.

19. [438] Altar tomb Beneath this stone is deposited the remains of Mrs Ann SABIN late wife of Mr Jonathan Sabin of this Parish who died 12th November 1796 aged 66 years. Also the remains of Mr Jonathan Sabin husband of the above Mrs Ann Sabin who died 17th August 1815 aged 77 years. Also Mrs Ann Sabin wife of Mr William Sabin who died July 22nd 1835 aged 63 years. Also Mr Jonathan Sabin son of the above William and Ann Sabin who died October 15th 1835 aged 36 years. Also the above named Mr William Sabin who died April 7th 1838 aged 61 years. On west end: In memory of | Ann | wife of Mr Thomas TURNER | of this Parish | and daughter of the above mentioned William and Ann Sabin | who departed this life | November 28 1846 aged 47? years. (LAS manuscript says 47)

20. [217] Drawing of tomb (Stonemason C THOMAS, Lewisham) North side Sacred | to the memory of | Margaret | the beloved and affectionate wife of | John HARTSHORNE Esquire of Blackheath | who died the 21st of March 1828 | aged 68 years. | Also of the above mentioned John Hartshorne Esquire who died the 28th of January 1839 in the 77th year of his age. Above is a coat a chev between 3 stags heads affronté erased. Crest a stag’s head coupé.
South side: at top a coat per pale, a chev between 3 stags heads cabossed, impaling az two thigh bones crossed in saltire Sacred | to the memory of | John William HARTSHORNE Esquire son and only child of John and Margaret Hartshorne | who died the 16th May 1844 | aged 48 years. | Also to the beloved memory of | Caroline | widow of John William Hartshorne Esquire | who died April 23rd 1872.

20a. [26] The BATLEY tomb inside an iron railing and not to be got at at present. See No. 36

21. [538] Monument – a cross – on the west side of pedestal: To the loved memory of Captain Charles WELLER | who went to his rest 24 March 1866 | aged 84 years. | He was many years in the maritime | service of the Hon East India Company | and for nearly thirty years | an elder brother | of the Trinity House London. | Ye shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace. Isaiah V 12 On the south side of the pedestal: Also | to the loved memory | of Maria wife of Captain Charles Weller | who entered into rest April the third 1870 | in her 83rd year. | Blessed are the poor pure? in heart For they shall see God Matthew V 8
[Captain Weller is included in the book by Anthony Farrington "A Biographical Index of East India Company Maritime Service Officers, 1600-1834" (The British Library, 1999). The Court Minutes of Trinity House at the Guildhall Library state that he was admitted as a Younger Brother of Trinity House on 3 June 1824 when he wasthe captain of the "Albion" in the East India trade. Elected as an Elder Brother in 1834, by when he would have ended his sea-going career,he asked to be removed from the list ofElder Brethren in December 1863. from Roger Owen 23-08-2008]

22. [551] Monument with urn on top: On pedestal: Sacred | to the memory of | David WILLIAMS Esquire | of Whitchurch | Hampshire | who died June 14th 1834 | aged 42 years.

23. [388] Sacred to the memory of |Mrs Sarah PHILLIPS | wife of Captain Phillips | who died on the 21st February 1824 | aged 28 years. | Also of Jane | daughter of the above | who died 20th August 1818 | aged 5 months. | Also of Sarah their daughter | who died the 15th January 1824 | aged 4 years and 3 months. (Stone surrounded by high railing).

24. [387] Altar tomb Sacred | to the memory of | Joseph PHILIPPS son of | Joseph and Eleanor Phillips | of this Parish who died | 19 August 1822 aged 9 years. | Also Barbara Phillips | daughter of the above | who died 30 May 1854 aged 30 years. | I know that my redeemer livith. | Also Eleanor Martha Phillips | wife of Joseph Phillips | and mother of the above | late of Priory Farm who departed | this life 13 November 1858 | in the 79th year of her age. | I am the Resurrection and the life, saith the Lord. | Also the above named Joseph Phillips who departed this life 25 of September 1861 in the 81st year of his age.

25. [375] Sacred to the memory of Mary Anne PARS who died April the 23rd 1833 aged 58 years. "Deeply lamented"

26. [499] Altar tomb Sacred to the memory of | Mr Peter TARBUCK | born at Henley in Arden | County of Warwick July 31st 1756 | and died at Greenwich in Kent | November 6th 1833. | Also to the memory of | Mrs Elizabeth Tarbuck | wife of the said Mr Peter Tarbuck | born in this Parish February 11th 1793 | died at Kennington, Surrey September 19 1868.

27. [178] In memory of | Elizabeth | the virtuous and truly affectionate | wife of John GILES. She departed | this life July 16 1785 in the 35 | year of her age. Also four | children issue of the above. Viz John Frederic died August 5 1781 aged 18 days Thomas Hollier died July 31 1783 aged 3 years 2 months John died August 6 1783 aged 10 months Fanny Anna died December 20 1787 aged 4 years 1 month. Footstone E.G. 1785 J.F.G. 1781 T.H.G H.G. 1783 F.A.G. 1787

28. [441] Sacred | to the memory of Mr James SAMUELL of this Parish who departed this life February 25 1842 aged 76 years. Also Charlotte Emma Samuell granddaughter of the above who departed this life June 21 1836 aged 2 years and 1 month. Also Mrs Frances Samuell wife of the above who departed this life September 21 1843 aged 67 years. Also Mrs Harriott HATCH daughter of the above who departed this life October 1 1851 aged 41 years. Weep not she is not dead but sleepeth. Footstone J.S. 1842 C.E.S. 1836 F.S. 1843 H.H. 1851

29. [343] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Maria Louisa MOORE relict of Mr James Adolphus Moore merchant of the Island of Madeira who departed this life the 17th July 1835 aged 72 years. Footstone M.L.M. 1835

30. [461] Flat stone Here lieth buried the body of Mr Abraham SIMMONS who departed this life | October the …. 1728 aged 49 years. |As also Elizabeth his wife who died September 10 1732 aged ….. 62? years. ((LAS manuscript says 62)

31. [294] Sacred | to the memory of | Ann LEARY | born at Hayton in the | Parish of Stanton Lacey | near Ludlow | died at Blackheath | November 28th 1839 | aged 39 years. She closed a faithful service of fourteen years in the family of J G CHILDREN Esquire of the British Museum by an asiduous and affectionate attendance on the death bed of her beloved and lamented mistress who she survived only twelve weeks. This humble but sincere tribute to her memory and virtues ……………………………………………..(the remainder under the grass) Footstone A.L. 1839

32. [295] In this grave in compliance with her wish to rest by her sister’s side lie the remains of Mary LEARY who died at Halstead Place, Kent on the 19th of October 1847 aged 52 after a period of 22 years service with Mr & Mrs ATKINS. They record her devoted zeal and fidelity in health and sickness with gratitude and their deep grief for her loss is soothed by hope ………………………..………………………..(the remainder is below the grass). Footstone M.L. 1847

33. [419] In memory of Mr James ROBERTS of this Parish who departed this life July 15th 1834 aged 64 years. Also Mrs Mary Roberts wife of the above who departed this life November 16th 1822 aged 47 years. Also Elizabeth daughter of the above who departed this life March 4th 1823 aged 19 years. Footstone J.R. 1834 M.R. 1822 E.R. 1823

34. [189] In memory of Mr Ralph GOULD who departed this life on the 30 December 1800 aged 55 years. Also Mrs Elizabeth Gould widow of the above who departed this life April 13 1817 aged 78 years. Also Mrs Susanna ADDISON sister of the above Mrs Elizabeth Gould who departed this life September 3rd 1826 aged 76 years.

35. [565] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Thomas WOOFF | of this Parish | who died 26th July 1839 | aged 47 years. | Also Eliza Wooff daughter of the above who died 13 September 1838 aged 33 years. Also Mrs Mahala Wooff wife of the above Mr Thomas Wooff who died 27 February 1850, aged 49 years. Also Richard William Wooff grandson of the above who died 1st July 1854 aged 2 years. Footstone T.W. 1839 E.W. 1838 M.W. 1850 R.W.W. 1854

36. [501] In | memory of | Frances | the beloved mother of Mr W T TATLOCK of Lloyd’s and widow of the late William Tatlock, RN of Chatham. Died 25th December 1853 aged 79 years. Her sterling worth and many Christian virtues endeared her to all who knew her by whom the demise is deeply lamented. Footstone Tatlock 1853

37. [258] In memory of |Miss Sarah JENNINGS | who departed this life February 7 1790 | aged 18 years. |Also Mr Robert Jennings (father of the above) who departed this life April 7 1811 aged 80 years.

38. [??] Sacred | to the memory of | Frances | wife of Edward ????????? (Powell, Pyell etc?) who died
4th April 1796 aged 31.

39. [249] Altar tomb with iron railing Here lieth the body of Mrs Susanna HUNTER wife of William Hunter who died November 2nd 1795 aged sixty seven years one month twenty three days. Miss Elizabeth Harriot Hunter daughter of the above died 30th April 1800 in the 11th year of her age. William Hunter Esquire died 21 February 1803 aged 75 years 3 month and 24 days.

40. [383] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr James PERREN | of this Parish | who died 8th March 1835 aged 79 years . | Also Mrs Ruth Perren relict of the above who died 5th September 1854 aged 81 years. "May they rise with Christ, at the last day".

41. [506] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Elizabeth THOMPSON | of this Parish | who departed this life | June 13 1834 | in the 75th year of her age. Also James THORNTON grandson of the above who departed this life June 3rd 1837 aged 15 years. Footstone E.T. 1834 J.T. 1837

42. [500] In | memory of | Charlotte | relict of James TATLOCK Esquire born 4th October 1775 died 11th December 1833. Also Charlotte Field Tatlock daughter of the above born 18th February 1798 died 16th March 1840. Footstone C.T. 1833 C.F.T. 1840
On north side of choir path under trees near the wall
43. [301] Altar tomb Inscription on top illegible. On south side: Here lieth the body of the Reverend William LOWTH MA 55 years vicar of this Parish who died April the 30th 1795. On the north side: Here lieth the body of Mrs Elizabeth Lowth wife of the Reverend William Lowth | Vicar of this Parish | who died August 25 1765.

44. [50] Flat stone Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Mrs Ann BOWYER daughter of the Reverend Edward NORTON and Catherine his wife. She died 2nd January 1818 aged 77 years.

45. [226] Headstone close by the Blackwell tomb. In | memory of | David HAY died December 28th 1825.
South side of choir path – continued46. [306] Sacred | to the memory of | Elizabeth | the beloved wife of | John McCUTCHEON Esquire | of this Parish | who departed this life | on the 13th of May AD 1839 | in the 47 year of her age. Footstone McC. 1839

47. [156] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Samuel FARNES | who departed this life 11th January 1841 | aged 54 years. | Also Mrs Ann Martha WARD wife of Mr James Ward and daughter of the above who died 22nd of October 1850 aged 37 years. Footstone S.F. 1841 A.M.W. 1850

48. [540] Sacred | to the memory of | M ……………………….. WEST born …………………….. 1768 ……………………………11th.1844 also Mary Ann daughter of Jam …………………….. HAM (LAS manuscript says James) and …………………….. of the above ONE
…………………. 17 ………………………..June 1846. Footstone: West 1844 Stone very friable sandstone and inscription nearly all gone.

49. [456] Tall altar tomb On south side: To the memory of Thomas SHIPMAN Esquire of this Parish
and one of the ……………. of…… in the County of Kent ……………….. March 18 ………………………. ………………………..

50. [2] Altar tomb. On south side: Sacred | to the memory of | Mr John ABBOTT | who departed this life the 4th of November 1870 | in the 78th year of his age | deeply regretted. | On east end Also | Margaret Lewis Abbot | who died | 22nd February 1878 | aged 78 years | "Though lost to sight to memory dear". On north side: Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Ruth ABBOTT, wife of Mr John Abbott | of this Parish | who died 5th June 1836 aged 46 years. Also of Mrs Mary Abbott second wife of the above named Mr John Abbott who died 7th February 1841 aged 54 years. On west end: Also of Mrs Elizabeth BROWNSMITH | daughter of the afore named | Mr John and Ruth | Abbot | who died | 27th February 1841 | aged 28 years.

51. [541] Altar tomb Sacred to the memory of William WHATTORD Esquire late of Hastings in the County of Sussex who died at Lewisham the 11th day of July 1835 in the 67 year of his age. Sincerely regretted. Also to the memory of Mrs Grace Whattord relict of the above who departed this life the 20th day of February 1811 (1841?) in the (LAS manuscript says 1841) 75th year of her age. Deeply lamented.

52. [8] Low altar tomb with high railing At east end: In | memory of | Jane | widow of John ANDERSON | born October 17th 1783 | died May 1st 1854. At west end: In | memory of | John Anderson Esquire |
born December 25th 1772 | died June 22nd 1834.

53. [196] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Harriet GREGORY | of Blackheath died October 17th 1840 | aged 36 years. Also of Master John Gregory who died March 18th 1843 aged 14 months and 14 days. Also Master Edward Gregory who died October 26th 1847 aged 11 months. Footstone H.G. 1840 J.G. 1845 E.G. 1847

54. [266] Sacred | to the memory of | Captain William KENNEDY late of the third Regiment | Royal West India Rangers | who departed this life | February 2nd 1848 aged 67 years. | Also Frances Matilda Kennedy wife of the above who died September 15th 1855 in the 69th year of her age.

55. [261] Sacred | to the memory of | Margaret JORDAN | of this Parish (wife of | Isaac Jordan | formerly of the Parish of | Faversham) | who departed this life | November 9th 1848 in the 63rd year of her age. Footstone: Jordan 1848

56. [31] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Elizabeth BIDDIE | ((LAS manuscript says BIDDLE but LD’s notes say BIDDIE) relict of Mr Edward Biddie of Stourbridge who died June 1848 aged 44 years. Footstone E.B. 1848

57. [114] Sacred | to the memory of | Anne Batten CRISTALL | who died 9th February 1848 | aged 78. | Also to the memory of | Elizabeth Cristall | who died 20th January 1853 | aged 81. Footstone A.B.C. 1848 E.C. 1853

58. [254] Sacred | to the memory of | Ann INGLE wife of | Thomas Ingle | of Blackheath Vale Blackheath | who departed this life 28th May 1845 | aged 73 years. Beloved and respected. Also of the above named Mr Thomas Ingle who departed this life 16January 1846 aged 64 years. Deeply regretted and much respected. Footstone A.I. 1845 T. I. 1846

59. [231] Sacred | to the memory of | James HEWITT | who departed this life | May 8th 1843 | aged 69 years. Also Mrs Dina Hewitt who departed this life October 3rd 1845 aged 71 years. Footstone Hewitt 1843

60. [111] Sacred | to the memory of | Charlotte | the beloved wife of | Job CREW | of this Parish | who departed this life | December 8th 1845 | in the 57th year of her age. | Also of the above Job Crew who departed this life | August 26th 1872 | in the 80th year of his age. | He was for 70 years the faithful servant of | John LEE, John Edmund Lee and | Edmund Lee Esquires | of Loampit Hill, Lewisham, Kent. Footstone C.C. 1845 J.C 1872

61. [87] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Henry CLAYTON | of this Parish | who departed this life April 18th 1848 aged 65 years. | Sincerely regretted.

62. [124] Pedestal with urn and iron railing On east side of pedestal: Sacred | to the memory of | Mary | the beloved wife of | James Thomas DE LA SALLE | of this Parish | who died 18 December 1845 | aged 56 years. | Also James Thomas De La Salle | husband of the above | who died 19th May 1871 | aged 77 years. On west side: In memory of Master William |CHRISTIE | who died February 5 1849 aged 9 years. | Also Sacred to the memory of | Emma BUNN | niece of the late J T De la Salle Esquire | who departed this life 16th May 1879 | aged 59 years.

63. [530] Altar tomb large Mason: T ABBOT, Hither???? Green Lane, Lewisham
In memory of | Mr Thomas WALLIS of this Parish Cattle dealer who died 27th January 1837 aged 74 years. Also Mrs Elizabeth Wallis widow of the above who died 31 August 1837 in the 71st year of her age. Also Mrs Sarah PAWSEY sister of the above who died 26th December 1837 in the 69th year of her age. Also Frances, daughter of the above Thomas & Elizabeth Wallis who died 21st September 1842 aged 44 years. Also Maria wife of Mr Thomas Joseph Wallis cattle dealer who died October 27th 1870 aged 56 years.

64. [16] Large altar tomb with flat cross on the tob with I.H.S. in centre: On south side 5 compartments, in the centre one: In | memory of | John WELLS | of the Blackfriars Road | who died August 6th 1836 | aged 81 years. In the west end 3 compartments: Left In memory of John OLIVER of this Parish born October 24 1776 died November 15 1836 Centre This monument is erected by Charles ATKINS to the memory of his late beloved and affectionate wife Rebecca Atkins daughter and only child of John and Grace Oliver born November 14 1802 died October 6th 1860 Right In memory of Grace Oliver widow of John Oliver born April 26th 1780 died March 24 1851. No inscriptions on east or north.

66. [157] Altar tomb On west end: Within this vault are deposited the remains of Martha fifth daughter of James and Dina FEARNLEY of this Parish who died 17 July 1835 aged 18 years.

67. [485] Altar tomb with high railing – close to choir path On north side on a granite inlet slab: In memory of | Henry STAINTON | born November 19 1774 died December 5th 1851 Also of Sarah Stainton wife of the above born September 27 1792 died April 2 1837. Also of Ambrose Tibbats Stainton son of the above born June 11th 1831, died December 31 1833. On west end: Also in memory of James Joseph Stainton youngest child of Henry and Sarah Stainton born April 8th 1833 died July 26th 1875.

68. [468] Flat tomb with iron rail: Friendship Tell me ye knowing and discerning few Where I may find a friend both firm and true? Who dares stand by me when in deep distress And then his love and friendship must express Hark my soul it is the Lord, Tis they saviour hear his word Jesus speaks or??? speaks to thee, say poor sinner lovest thou me Lord it is my chief complaint, that my love is weak and faint Yet I love thee and adore, O for grace to love thee more Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians strove in vain Till God did please that death should seize and ease me of my pain. Mary Ann SMITH aged 55 years departed this life December 28 1818 wife of Mr William Richard Smith of this Parish who departed this life December 28 1817.

69. [334] Altar tomb South side: To the memory of | Jemima, the wife of George MILLER | of this Parish, Plumber etc | who departed this life 15 of May 1829 aged 33 years. Also a son of the above who died in its infancy and was buried at Bromley Kent. Also James Miller, brother of the above George Miller who departed this life 27th March 1852 aged 33 years. East end: also in Affectionate remembrance of George Miller who departed | this life | 12 April 1878 | aged 77 years. North side: To the memory of Kezia the beloved wife of George Miller of this Parish who departed this life 19 October 1870 aged 77 years. Her end was peace.

70. [313] Altar tomb In memory of Mrs Mary Ann MAKEPEACE wife of Mr Giles Makepeace of this Parish
who departed this life 16th April 1813 in her 66th year. Also of the above Mr Giles Makepeace who departed this life 4th May 1853 aged 77 years.

71. [223] Sacred | to the memory of | Jane wife of | James HARVEY of this Parish | and daughter of | William and Mary CASTELL | of Daventry, Northamptonshire | who departed this life February 4 1855 aged 35 years. Footstone J. H. 1855

72. [109] A find Gothic altar tomb but of bad stone and much worn: This vault is the joint property of Samuel William Thomas COWPER and William Thomas BROWN.

73. [26] Large tomb, near chancel East side: In memory of Caroline Elizabeth daughter of William and Susanna BATLEY of Blackheath died 25 July 1826 aged 1 year and 9 months. Also Heydon, son of the above William and Susanna Batley died 12 June 1832 aged 12 years. Also Harriet Elizabeth daughter of the above William and Susanna Batley died 8 December 1832 aged 1 year and 9 months. Also the Reverend Rushworth Batley son of the above William and Susanna Batley died 22 June 1850 in the 24th year of his age. Also Susanna wife of the above William Batley of Denmark Hill late of Blackheath died 28 January 1852 in the 62nd year of her age. South side: Sacred to the memory of William Batley Esquire of Blackheath who died at Brighton on the 1st of March 1855 | in the 66th year of his age. | Also of Susanna his wife who died at | Denmark Hill, Surrey | in the 28th of January 1862 | in the 62nd year of her age. West side: In memory of Eliza Batley daughter of the late William Batley Esquire of Blackheath died January 11 1836 aged 44 years. Also of Caroline Batley relict of the late William Batley Esquire of Blackheath died December 11 1841 in the 82 year of her age. North end: Benjamin Elisha | eldest son of | Benjamin Elisha | Batley Esquire | of Blackheath | died 4 May 1828 in the 14th year of his age. Also Caroline | daughter of the above B E Batley Esquire | died 28th May 1831 | aged 9 years. | 74. In | memory of | John PARTRICK | who died 23rd November 1843 aged 53 years. Footstone J.P. 1843

75. [300] Sacred | to the memory of | Catherine LOVELUCK who departed this life 17 March 1841 aged 23 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Footstone. C.L. 1841

76. [492] Sacred | to the memory of | Eliza the beloved and affectionate wife of Mr Thomas STEBBING of this Parish who departed this life 3rd June 1848 aged 35 years. Footstone Stebbing 1848

77. [242] Headstone surmounted by a cross: Sacred | to the memory of | Jane | the widow of | Henry Frederick HORNEMAN Esquire late Consul General to His Majesty the King of Denmark and granddaughter of the late Edward URWICK Esquire of Felhampton in the County of Salop who departed this life after only one day’s illness on the 6th day of March 1849. "Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come" Footstone J.H. 1848

78. [128] A large alter tomb of granite: On north side 3 compartments Left In loving memory of Frederick Charles son of Peter Hubert DESVIGNES born September 10th 1844 died May 1 1876 Centre In loving memory of Peter Hubert Desvignes born April 29th 1804 died December 27th 1883 Right Also of
Mary Frances wife of Peter Hubert Desvignes died November 28 1850 aged 38 years. On west end: In memory of George Lewis died April 1 1843 | aged 3 years. | Also of George Christopher died January 26th 1844 aged 7 months children of Peter Hubert Desvignes

79. [90] Flat stone: In memory of Mrs Mary co*ckSHUTT who died the 7th October 1819 aged 73 years. Also Mrs Elizabeth co*ckshutt sister of the above who died the 19th December 1830 aged 80 years. Likewise Mrs Jennet DOUNIE who died the 30th April 1840 aged 94 years also sister of the above Mary Dounie died January the 2nd 1868 aged 87 years Daughter of the above.

80. [161] Altar tomb Sacred | to the memory of | Mr William FITCH | who departed this life | on the 24th day of April 1845 | aged 58 years. Also Mrs Charlotte EDWARDS of Perry Hill Catford wife of the above died March 19th 1880 aged 87 years.

2 stones within a low iron railing
81. [265] In | memory of | Mr Richard KEBBEL who died 12th June 1846 in his 70th year and of Sarah Kebbel his sister who died 31st May 1852 in her 87th year. Footstone Kebbel 1846

82. [123] Sacred | to the memory of | ………..Y ?Mary wife of M…….. DE LANNOY of ………………… Surrey and daughter of the late Mr William KEBBEL Esquire who departed this life May 19th 1850 aged 87 years. Footstone De Lannoy 1850 Stone much worn

83. [417] Sacred | to the memory of | George RIDDINGTON late of Regent Street who died April 13 1852 aged 31 years. Footstone Riddington 1852

84. [137] Sacred| to the memory of | Colonel Peter DUMAS Governor of Gravesend and Tilbury Fort and formerly Colonel of the 65th Regiment who departed this life on the 4th March 1848 aged 67 years surviving his only and beloved son Ensign Peter Dumas 14th Regiment 13 months he having died at Halifax Novia Scotia on the 24th January 1847 aged 18 years. Footstone P.D. 1848 P.D. 1847

85. [98] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Mary COOPER | who departed this life 6th February 1848 aged 87 years relict of Mr Thomas Cooper of Aldgate who departed this life 21st August 1803 aged 34 years. Footstone M.C. 1848 T.C. 1803

86. [330] Sacred | to the memory of | Charlotte MEE | the beloved wife of Edward Collett Mee of this Parish who departed this life December 31st 1845 in the 47th year of her age. Also of the above Edward Collett Mee who departed this life September 13th 1850 in the 56th year of his age.

87. [435] In | memory of | Thomas RUSSELL | late butler to Samuel FORSTER Esquire of Southend in this Parish who died the 7th December 1849 aged 40 years. "The memory of the just is blessed" Proverbs 10 Verse 7 This stone was placed here by the above named Samuel Forster as a token of respect to the memory of one who had long and faithfully served him. Footstone T. R. 1849

88. [457] Altar tomb within a railing: Sacred | to the memory of | Richard SHUTE Esquire late of High Park Bideford Devon who was born at Sydenham in this Parish on the 4th day of March 1799 and died at Boulonne (sic) sur-mer on the 11th day of June 1849.

89. [427] In | memory of | Ann Philadelphia ROGERS wife of Jacob Read Rogers of this Parish, auctioneer, who died November 24th 1852 aged 60 years. Her chief ornament was a meek and quiet spirit, and in her tongue was the law of kindness. Footstone Rogers 1852

90. [322] Sacred | to the memory of | John MARTYR | of this Parish | who departed this life | 10th June 1852 in the 24th year of his age. Footstone: Martyr 1852

91. [19] In memory of John BAKER of this Parish who died 20th July 1838 aged 36 years. Also of Sarah Ann Baker eldest daughter of the above who died 21st August 1844 aged 19 years. Also of Susanna wife of the above who died 29th December 1846 aged 52 years. This stone is erected as a tribute of respect to a good mother by her surviving daughter Margaret Also of George Baker son of the above who departed this life January 1869 in his 42nd year interred at Finchley Cemetery. Footstone J.B. 1838 S.A.B. 1844 S.B. 1846 G.B. 1869

92. [200] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Elizabeth GRIGG who departed this life July 12th 1837 aged 78 years. Also Mr William Grigg son of the above who died 17th February 1847 in his 63rd year. Footstone E Grigg 1837

93. [382] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Charles PENNY | of this Parish who died 15th May 1837 aged 43 years. Footstone Penny 1837

This completes the stone and tombs on the south side of the path leading to the choir and north door of the church.

Stones on the outer edge of the churchyard next the High Street94. [141] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr George EADY of this Parish who died March 20th 1829 aged 41 years. Also Mrs Frances Eady wife of the above who died October 4th 1829 aged 43 years. 2 footstones G.E. 1829 E.E. 1829

95. [490] Sacred | to the memory of | Charles STANTON son of Mr Charles and Mrs Hannah Stanton late of Southend in the Parish of Lewisham who died May 8th 1834 aged 6 months. Also William Stanton brother of the above who died November 2nd 1839 aged 5 years and 6 months. Also Mrs Hannah Stanton wife of Mr Charles Stanton late of Blackheath and mother of the above who died February 4th 1848 aged 36 years. Footstone C.S. 1834 W.S. 1839 H.S. 1848

96. [309] Sacred | to the memory of | Mary daughter of Mr James and Mrs Mary Jane MACKENZIE of Blackheath who died May 2nd 1833 aged 6 months. Also Charles Mackenzie elder brother of the above who died May 7th 1834 aged 5 years and 10 months. Also the above named Mr James Mackenzie who died May 7th 1835 aged 40 years. Affliction sore long time I bore Physicians were in vain Till god did please and death did seize To ease me of my pain. Also William Mackenzie son of the above who died July 7th 1837 aged 3 years and 2 months. Also Mary Jane RUSSELL wife of the above who died April 29th 1846 aged 44 years. Also James Thomas Mackenzie son of the above who died November 6th 1851 in his 21st year. Footstone: Mackenzie 1833

97. [34] Sacred | to | the memory of | Mr George BIGSBY | of this Parish who died 29th October 1837 aged 37 years. Also two of his infant children. Footstone G.B. 1837

98. [429] In memory of | Elizabeth ROSE | who died the 8th of August 1849 aged 83. This stone | is erected by | Captain George K NEWBERY in grateful and affectionate recollection of long and faithful services. Footstone: Rose 1849

99. [166] A wooden tomb to Mrs Sarah FROST already noted.

This completes those on the outer edge.

100. [364 + 365] A double head stone: Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Mary PAGET | who departed this life | February 13th 1801 aged 81. | Mother of Mr John Paget | Farmer of Penge Common. | Also the body of Mr John Paget | who departed this life | July 4 1812 aged 60 | son to the above mentioned | Mary Paget. Sacred|to the memory of | Ann Paget | who departed this life | May 5th 1806 aged 17 | daughter of John and Sarah Paget | of Penge Common. | Also the body of | William St John Paget who departed this life | May 14th 1806 aged 26 | brother to the above mentioned | Ann Paget. | Also the body of John Paget | who departed this life | January 26th 1811 aged 29 | brother to the above mentioned | Ann and William St John Paget. |Also the body of John Paget | who departed this life | March 3rd 1814 aged 11 | son of the above mentioned | William St John Paget. | Double footstone: M.P. 1801 J.P. 1812 D.P. 1806 W. J. P. 1816 1811 J.P. 1814

101. [21] Sacred | to the memory of | Helen BAILLIE | who died 22nd March 1845 | aged 15 years. | Also Arthur Baillie | who died 6th July 1845 | aged 13 years. | Also John A Baillie | who died 12th July 1845 | aged 17 years. | Also Sarah S Baillie | who died 10 September 1845 | aged 23 years. | Also Catherine E Baillie | who died 20th April 1846 | aged 25 years. Footstone: Baillie 1845

102. [340] In memory | of | Mr John MOFFAT | late of this Parish | who departed this life | 15th January 1790 aged 56 years. | Also Susannah Moffat | widow of the above | who departed this life | 21 January 1810 aged 70 years. | Also two of their children | Jane and Sarah. | Footstone: J.M. 1790

103. [29] In memory | of | Mr Joseph BELL | of this Parish | and late of St Martins in the Fields | who departed this life June 28th 1832 | aged 33 years. | Also Mrs Sarah Bell wife of the above who departed this life June 7th 1846 | aged 68 years. | Her end was peace. Footstone: J.B. 1832 S.B. 1846

104. [293] In memory of | Mrs Susanna LEAF | wife of William Leaf | of Fleet Street | who died 23rd August 1792 | aged 31 years. | Footstone S.L. 1792

105. [422] In | memory of | Mr William ROBINSON (of Kennington, formerly of Mileham in the County of Norfolk) | who departed this life | July 15th 1847 aged 60 years. | Also Ann his daughter who departed this life | July 20th 1845 aged 30 years. Footstone W.R. 1847 A.R. 1845

106. [251] Sacred | to the memory of | Elizabeth relict of | John HUTSON Esquire | who died at Blackheath | November 29th 1848 aged 61. | Thou shalt not see soil any more Zephaniah 20 15V Footstone: Hutson 1848

107. [ - ] Headstone – E.C.D 1844 Footstone E.C.D. 1844

108. [327] In memory of | Mrs Elizabeth MEAGER | wife of Mr John Meager | of this Parish | who died 6th April 1813 | aged 45 years. | Also of the above | Mr John Meager | who died 11th February 1842 | aged 68 years. Footstone: Meager 1813

109. [ - ] A footstone only J.G. 1757 S.G. 1767 M.G. 1798 T.G. 1811

110. [400] In memory of | Mr William PRINGLE of Sydenham whose immortal spirit entered the ethereal boundaries on the morning of 3rd April 1813 in the 72nd year of his age. His dust Peacefully awaits the final Summons to an Awful, and Approaching General Judgement For in sure and certain Hope of a Glorious Resurrection He resigned his Breath, Depending alone on the atoning Blood of the son of God whose Innocence, Dignity and Merits were made perfect through Suffering, and whose Wounds Streaming with forgiveness Bled Balm for a distempered World. He was a true follower of Christ and strove to imitate Him In all his imitable Perfections. He was a man of Wisdom and of Hospitality. Universally beloved by his inferiors, and for his Integrity Highly respected by his Superiors. He was a man of Prayer and by constant converse with his God often tasted of the Grapes of Eshcol Until at length his feet by an Everlasting Covenant, ordered in all things and sure were firmly established in Canaan. He adorned the Doctrine of God his Saviour ………ll things While …………ed ……………. and friends. ………………….. ……… grass ……….. ……………………….. Footstone: W.P. 1813

111. [ - ] A footstone only much worn T.?L………………..

112. [201] Flat tomb In memory of | Fanny GRUBB | who died August 7th 1802 in her 39th year. Also Mary Ann DIVALL daughter of the above who died October 2nd 1824 in her 33rd year. Also John Divall husband of the above Mary Ann Divall who died September 27th ?1827 aged …9 years. (LAS manuscript says 27 September 1828 aged 49) Also John Divall son of John and Mary Divall who died 16 November 1841 aged 26 years. Also Henry Grubb husband of the above Fanny Grubb who died July 29th 1845 in his 82nd year. Also Henry Grubb son of the above died September 30th 1863 aged 77 years.

113. [67] Altar tomb covered with a holly bush Sacred Mr Benjamin BURT (LAS manuscript Here lies the body of Mr Benjamin BURT of the parish of St James, Westminster who died June 30 1797 ages 67 years. Also the bodies of John and Abraham Burt brothers of the above Mr Benjamin Burt. Also Phillis Burt granddaughter of the above Mr Benjamin Burt died January 17 1831 aged 33 years. Also the body of Mr John William Burt son of the above Mr Benjn. Burt died May 17 1834 aged 71 years. Also Phillis Burt wife of the above John Wm. Burt died Sept. 4 1842 ages 74 years.

114. [522]Altar tomb Her lieth buried ye body of Richard VALENTINE of this Parish who departed this life the 27th April 1760 in the 66th year of his age. Here also lieth the body of Mrs Ann Valentine wife of Mr Richard Valentine she departed this life ye 1st of May 1764 aged ?57 or 37. (LAS manuscript says 57) Also Mrs Rebaca EVENS daughter of Mr Richards and Mrs Ann Valentine, she departed this life December ye 3rd 1762 aged 36 years. Also Ann Evens who departed this life September ye 3rd 1760 in ye 11th year of her age.

115. [386] In memory of | Mr Joseph PHILLIPS | late of this Parish who departed this life the 22nd November 1776 aged 85 years. Also Mrs Mary Phillips wife of the above who departed this | life the 30th August 1767 | aged 73 years. And Mary WATKINS grand-daughter of the above ………………….. ………………… (under grass) (LAS manuscript says who departed this life the 3 Dec 1769 aged 3 years and 5 months)

116. [534] In memory of | Mrs Hetty WATKINS wife of Mr William Watkins late of the Parish of Bexley who departed this life the 19th November 1789 aged 77 years. Also Miss Hetty Watkins grandchild of the above who died the 2nd of June 1870 aged 14 months and 14 days.

117. [117] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Elizabeth GALE | who departed this life February 21st 1830 aged 75 years.

118. [ - ] A footstone only: E.M. 1772

119. [ - ] Altar tomb under tree at entrance, much worn: In memory of Richard P…. (Pratt?) son of ………….. P …………………….life ……………D…………. Also…………………. …………………………..………………………………………………………..

120. [ - ] A footstone only: H.G.R. 1804

121. [76] In memory of | Mr Bennet CARRINGTON | late of St Saviours Dock Southwark | warfinger | who departed this life 21st October 1789 aged 54 years. Footstone B.C. 1789

122. [120] Here | lies interred the body of | Mary DEAN late wife of | Edward Dean of this | Parish who departed this life | May the 30th 1763 aged 45 years. I’ve had my part of Worldly Care Whilst I was living as you are. But now my body lies in Dust Until the Rising of the just.

123. [498] An alter tomb with iron railing: Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Thomas SURRIDGE | of this Parish
who died August 12th 1830 aged 68 years. Also Mrs Mary Surridge wife of the above who departed this life 22nd of May 1839 in the 81st year of | her age. |

124. [236] Sacred | to the memory of | Mary LAIDLAW | who departed this life 14 July 1816 | aged 39 years. | O God all at they bar we stand Thy face I dare not see Without thy grace I cannot come Sweet Jesus plead for me. God only knows who may be next after me Reader prepare perhaps it may be thee. Footstone: M.L. 1816

125. [138] Altar tomb with iron railing: On north side This monument is erected to perpetuate the memory of Elizabeth Ann, the beloved wife of Captain Thomas DRIVER of this Parish who departed this life at Brighton the 20th day of November 1831 aged 37 years. Having been a most affectionate wife a tender mother, a faithful friend and a sincere Christian. Her exemplary conduct and amiable disposition endeared her to all who knew her, and her loss is deplored and deeply lamented, by her afflicted husband, family and friends. Mihi Tum in vita, Tum in Morte Lucrum est Christus.

126. [80] Flatstone In memory of | Mr Edward CHILLI C S (Chllingsworth?) (LAS manuscript says CHILLINGSWORTH) ……. late of | Southend in the Parish | of Lewisham who departed this life | the 26th January 1789 aged – years. | Also Mary Ann CHILL C S who daughter of the above who departed this life the – February 1804 aged 21 years.

127. [135] A stone with the following on it: "Entrance to the family vault of Captain Thomas DRIVER" See inscription 125 above

128. [85] A small head stone. On east side: Here lyeth interd | the body of George CLAY | son of George and Sarah Clay……… …………….. under grass (LAS manuscript says of this parish who departed this life ye 6 of June 1751 aged 6 years) On west side: Here lyeth ye | body of John SAXB….. | of this Parish | who departed this life | ….. the …….th 1737 aged (LAS manuscript says July the 5th 1739 in the 40th year of his age. Also the body of (the remainder of this inscription cannot be read owing to the stone being fixed to a vault)) (under grass)

129. [ - ] A head stone much worn: Here lyeth the body of ……………………….. ……………………………………day of Sept ……….1699 in the ….. year of her age under grass

130. [35] In memory | of | Mr Richard BILLITER | late of the Parish of St Mary Magdalene Bermondsey he died the 24th of November 1770 aged 26 years. Also in memory of Mrs Mary HUGHES mother of the above Richard Billiter who departed this life March 19 1792 aged 88 years. Footstone: R.B. 1770

131. [414] In memory of | Mr James RHODES | died 18th March 1768 aged 32. | Mr William Rhodes father to James Rhodes died 12th June 1778 aged 73. Mrs Catherine Rhodes wife of William Rhodes died 10th August 1779 aged 72. Mrs Frances | K L | ND sister to Catherine Rhodes died 27th January 1780 aged 63. ……… Samuel GILBARD …………to the above died 22nd September 1783 aged –6. Footstone: worn

132. [415] In | memory of | Mrs Frances RHODES | wife of Mr William Rhodes | of London | died May 11th 1814 aged 80. | Also of the above Mr William Rhodes who died the 17th of October 1816 in the 77th year of his age. Also Mary Rhodes daughter of the above Mr William and Frances Rhodes died October 3 1836 aged 69 years.

133. [455] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Richard SHARPE | of this Parish | who died 2nd March 1845 in the 66th year of his age. in Death Lamented and in life Beloved. Footstone: R.S. 1845

134. [399] In memory of | Mrs Sarah PRIEST who departed this life November 4th | 1826 aged 71 years. | Footstone: S.P. 1826

135. [70] Head stone next to above close by railing much worn: Sacred | to the memory of| Hannah BUTTERWORTH late of this Parish ……. ……….. (LAS manuscript says who departed this life the 27 day of January 1798 in the eighty-ninth year of her age))
On south side of chancel136. [472] In | memory of | Ann SMITH | a faithful servant in one | family the last 53 years | died 28 December 1837 | aged 81 years. | Footstone A.S. 1837

137. [39] Altar tomb East end: Also Hannah | widow of the late | James BLACKSHAW | of Rushey Green | Catford | who departed this life | November 11th 1877 | in the 87th year of her age. On south side: Sacred | to the memory of | Mr James Blackshaw | of this Parish | who departed this life 8th September 1854 | in the 67th year of his age. | Also Mary Caroline Blackshaw | daughter of the above | who departed this life 24th May 1855 | in the 33rd year of her age. On top north side: To the memory of | Sarah Bristow JOHNSON daughter of | William and Sarah Gore JOHNSON | who died July 11th 1836 | aged 2 years and 6 months. | Also Mr William Johnson | who died March 5th 1839 | aged 27 years. Likewise Mrs Sarah Gore Johnson | wife of the above | who died July 6th 1839 | aged 27 years. Top west end: Sacred | to the memory of | James Blackshaw | son of James and Hannah Blackshaw | of this Parish | who died October 11th 1833 | aged 2 months. Top east end: To | the | memory of | Julia | Adelaide | Blackshaw | daughter of | James and Hannah Blackshaw | of this Parish who died November 20th 1837 | aged 7 years.

138. [158] Sacred | to the memory of | Henrietta Mary Anne | EMBERSON | wife of John Arthur Emberson | of this Parish | who departed this life on the 13th day of April 1838 aged 30 years. Rest in peace Beside this grave lie the remains of the father and mother of the above Margaret WADE died 18th February 1839 Edward Wade died 23rd March 1839 Footstone: H.M. A. E. 1838

139. [241] Here | lieth buried the body of | George HOLT son of George | and Ann Holt of this Parish | who departed this life | the 6th of January 177- | ……… (LAS manuscript says 1771) …………………….. (LAS manuscript says in the 13 year of his age) Also the body of Mrs Ann Holt wife of Mr George Holt and mother of the above who died December 18th 1799.

140. [74] Sacred | to the memory of | Harriet wife of | James CARPENTER | died December 25th 1839 aged 35 years. | Also George William son of | the above who died January 7th 1837 aged 1 year. Also Emma daughter of the above who died December 19 1847 aged 11 years. Deeply lamented. Also Elizabeth Ann second wife of James Carpenter who died April 4th 1846 aged 51 years. Footstone: H.C. 1839 G.W.C. 1837 E.C. 1847 E.A.C. 1846

141. Sacred | to the memory of | Peter MALLET Esquire | of the island of Jersey | who departed this life | 19th June 1845 | aged 58 years. | Footstone P.M. 1845

142. [569] In memory | of | Mr William WYNNE | late of this Parish farmer | who died July 8th 1798 aged 77 years. | Also Ann Wynn daughter of | the above who died August 5th 1798 | aged 27 years. | The sorrows of my heart were enlarged | Oh Lord bring me out of my troubles. | Also of James FRIMLENG son of | Mr James and Mrs Joanner FRIMLENG who died September 22nd 1802 aged 4 months and 4 days.

143. [527] Here lies | the remains of the Reverend | Mr Samuel WALKER curate of Truro in Cornwall who died the 19th of July 1761 in the 48th year of his age.

144. [566] Here lies the body of Elizabeth WRIGHT under grass (LAS manuscript says wife or Richard Wright who died May 29 1762 aged 49)

145. [423] To the memory | of | Mary RODISS who died at | John THACKERAY’s Esquire | the Priory in this village | on the 1st of October 1826 | aged about 70 years. | She was a most faithful | servant for many years | and this stone is here placed | to perpetuate the same. | Also Robert BROWN who died 22 January 1837 aged 40 years a faithful servant to the above. Also Ann PRATT who died on the 13th day of April 1847 aged 78 years. Likewise a faithful servant for many years to the above. Footstone Rodiss 1826

146. [391] In | memory of | William PLUNKETT son of | William and James Plunkett | of this Parish | who departed this life December 27th 1827 | aged 28 years. Also Mr William Plunkett father of the above who departed this life February 2nd 1838 | aged –5 years. | Also Jane CHAPLIN granddaughter of the above | who departed this life May 16th 1845 | aged 4 years. | Also Mrs Jane Plunkett | wife of the above | who departed this life December 5th 1846 | aged 82 years. Footstone: W.P. 1827 W.P. 1838
J.C. 1845 J.P. 1846

147. [537] On top of the headstone, a demi figure of the archangel blowing a trumpet: In | memory of | John WEBB | who departed this life | March 20th 1844 | aged 57 years. | Also | Elizabeth | his beloved wife | who died May 30th 1844 aged 53 years. | Forbear my friends to weep Since Death has lost its sting Those Christians that in Jesus sleep Our God will bring with him. Footstone: J.W. E.W. 1844

148. [336] In memory of | Mrs Lusinda MILLS | wife of Mr William Mills | (late of this Parish) | who departed this life 1st January 1789 | aged 39 years. | Also five of their children. | Also to the above | Mr William Mills | who departed this life | in January 1792 aged 41 years. Footstone: L.M. 1789

149. [230] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Mary HENMAN | died 26th October 1827 | aged 82 years. | Also Mr William Henman | died 11th November 1831 | aged 86 years. Footstone W.H. M.H 1831 1827

150. [6] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Agnes ADAMSON | who died 10th February 1816 | aged 74 years. | A truly honest woman | Sincere Christian | and a much lamented Friend | Footstone Adamson 1816

151. [286] Sacred | to the memory of | Jane LANGHORNE | sister of Agnes Adamson | of the adjoining grave | who departed this life February 19th 1818 | aged 73 years | a truly honest woman | sincere Christian | and much lamented friend.

152. [398] Headstone with 2 cherubs etc: Here lieth the body of John PRIDEMORE who died the 23rd of December 1767 aged 74. Near this place lieth Sarah wife ……………………… ……………………….. under grass (LAS manuscript says of the above who died ye 5 of Sept 1767 aged 80 years)
Graves in churchyard by south side of chancel continued
153. [15] Sacred | to the memory of | Alice ATKINS wife of | George Atkins of this Parish | born at Leeds in Yorkshire December 28th 1744 | died at Blackheath November 13th 1802. | Also George Atkins husband of the above born at Great Marlow in Buckinghamshire August 14th 1751 died at Blackheath in this Parish January 19th 1814 "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord" Six of their children died in infancy. Restored by their granddaughter | 1879 Footstone A.A. 1802 G.A. 1814

154. [355] Sacred | to the memory of |John Williamson NORRIS | of this Parish | born 4th July 1781 died August 25th 1828 | aged 47 years. | Also Ann Isted Norris | wife of the above | who died June 6th 1840 | aged 57 years. Footstone J.W.N. 1828 A.I.N. 1840

155. [464] Sacred | to the memory of | Richard SLADE | of Saint Paul’s Deptford who departed this life | on the 30th day of June 1826 aged 57 years. Also William Henry Slade of Camberwell grandson of the above who departed this life 26th November | 1844 aged 22 years. Footstone: R.S. 1826 W.H.S. 1844

156. [68] Sacred to the memory of Mr Wil…………….. rton (LAS manuscript says BURTON) …………………………… ……………………… life ……vem ……………O Y…. Also …………………rton W…………………………e. who ………………….life …….en ……………4 y….. ……..An…………………… …..I N ……………..9 y …….. Also ……………….H ……… ……………………………….. …………………………….………………………………|Also Mrs Elizabeth HOCKLEY | ………………………………. who departed this life July 17th 1845(?) aged 50? years Also Mr James Hockley …………………………….. (LAS manuscript says husband of the above) who departed this life | March 30 1836 aged (LAS manuscript says 1850) 61 years. (LAS manuscript says 64 years) Footstone: BURTON

157. [68] On back of 156. Stone much worn On the west side of this stone is: Also Mrs Mary ASHDOWN | who departed this life | 2nd February 1838 aged 38 years. | Also William Henry Ashdown son of the above | who departed this life | 2nd July 1846 aged 22 years.

158. [450] To | the memory of | Master John SCOTT | who departed this life | the 7th of April 1799 | aged 16 years. Footstone: J.S. 1799

159. [133] In | memory of | Mr William DOVEY | who departed this life 17th March 1813 | aged 20 years | Also Mr John Dovey | father of the above | who departed this life 21 October 1822 | aged 65 years. | Also Mrs Mary MINOR | sister of the above | who departed this life 8th December 1836 | aged 69 years. | Also Mrs Ruth Dovey | relict of the above | Mr John Dovey | who departed this life 19th July 1844 | in her 85th year. Footstone W.D. 1818 J.D. 1822 M.M. 1836 R.D. 1844

160. [319] In memory of | Elizabeth MARSHALL who died 6th of October 1789 aged 5 years | and 7 months.

161. [331] In memory of | Miss Emily Eliza MERLE who died December 1st 1787 aged 3 months and 14 days. Also Caroline Augusta Merle died 4th day December 1793 aged 3 years 7 months.

162. [317] Altar tomb To the memory of | James MARR | son of P.H. and C.L. Marr of this Parish who died April the 23rd 1786 in the 4th year of his age. This tomb was erected by

163. [118] Altar tomb Within this vault are deposited the remains of Ann DARDIER who departed this life | 24th December 1820 aged 14 years. | Also J.P. Dardier | of Demerara father of the above | who departed this life | 14th August 1821 aged 31 years.

164. [283] Sacred | to the memory of | Edward LANCE | 47 years a victualler | in this Parish | in which situation | he combined the social virtues | of a husband father and friend | acting with the strictest | integrity and honor to all | departing this life November 30th 1827 | respected by his friends | and regreted (sic) by his family | aged 71 years. | Also Mrs Elizabeth Lance | relict of the above | who departed this life | at Greenwich the 13 of June 1838 | in her 81st year. | Having fulfilled the several duties | of a wife and mother | leaving two sons one daughter | and eighteen grandchildren. | Footstone: Lance 1827 E.L. 1838

165. [348] On top of a headstone engraved is a figure of a man standing by an urn weeping: To the | memory of | Elizabeth wife of Stephen MUNN of this Parish who died the 25th of November 1780 | aged 25? years. (LAS manuscript says 25 (or 23?) I would not be a stranger still to that Place where………….. ……………….. Also the above Stephen Munn died the 28th ……LAS manuscript says March 1795 aged 50 years) under grass Footstone: E.M. 1780 S.M. 1793

166. [13] In memory | of Mr Henry ATKINS | late of this Parish | who departed this life | the 12th January 1786 | aged 60 years. Also Mrs Elizabeth Atkins who departed this life | the 4th of April 1807 | aged 80 years. | Also Charles Atkins born 24th May 1789 died 27th March 1855. Also Harriet | widow of the above | died 9th February 1878 aged 88 years interred in Lewisham Cemetery.

167. [ - ] A footstone J.A. 1792 ?belonging to the next, but not quite in a line with it.

168. [14] In memory of | Mrs Jane ATKINS wife of Mr Henry Atkins Junior | of this Parish who departed this | life February the 2nd 1792 aged 39 years. | Also Mrs Sarah Atkins who departed this life | April the 23rd 1806 aged 33 years. Also Thomas Atkins son of the above Henry and Jane Atkins who died 10th December 1819 in his passage from Demarara aged 36 years. Also the above Mr Henry Atkins who departed this life August 6th 1826 aged 69 years.

169. [311] Sacred | to the memory of | Sophia MAJOR | who died October 29th 1819 aged 33 years. | Also of Richard Major | husband of the above | who died December 25th 1826 | aged 52 years. | Also three of their children who died in infancy. Footstone: S.M. 1819 R.M. 1826

170. [89] Flat stone near chancel wall (south transept) Here lieth the body of Abraham CIO—DER ?Clowder or Crowder who (LAS manuscript says CLOWDER) departed this life the 2nd day of November 1686 ……………………….

171. [ - ] A flat stone (covered with letters) to the west above close by church wall: Here………………………of John ……………………….. this p………………………. this ……………………… ……………………………… Lik………………………….. Eliz…………………………. dem ………………………… John………………………… depart……………………… | 74 ……………………….. Like ……………………….of John C*……………………son of ye above Eli C*………….ll who departed ………………..September ye 9th …. 17-4. A…………………….. …………………………………three other …………………..of ye above John ELLIOTT and Mary his wife. Also ye body of Mary Elliott wife of the above John Elliott who departed this life the 15 day of September 1769 aged 84 years. (Stone much worn) *These letters look like C but are much worn

172. [315] Flat stone Left: Under this stone are deposited the remains of Richard MANLOVE late of this Parish who departed this life the – day of May 177- aged 68 years. Right: Likewise Mrs Ann Manlove who died the 7th of March 1779 aged 86 years. Also Mrs Judith NAILOR who died the 30th of May 1802 aged 83 years.

173. [177] Altar tomb Here lies the remains of Mrs Elizabeth GILBERT who died May the 19th 17— aged 50(?) years. (LAS manuscript says 50 years) Also Bethia Gilbert wife of Mr Charles Gilbert Backmaker in the Borough of Southwark who died October the 29th 1771 aged 33 years. Likewise six of their children who died in their infancy.

174. [420] Here | lieth the body of | Mr William ROBINSON | late of this Parish who departed | this life 24th September 1750 aged 46 years. Also of Mrs Catherine Robinson under grass (LAS manuscript says who departed this life the 16 of March 1793 aged 83) Footstone W.R. 1750 C.R. 1793

175. [361] In | memory of | Mr Edward OWEN | of this Parish who departed this life | March 2nd 1840 aged 58 years. Also Mrs Mary Ann Owen wife of the above who departed this life | December 30th 1845 aged 66 years. Also Arthur Owen, son of the above, who died 25th October 1848 aged 31 years. Footstone: E.O. 1840 M.A.O. 1845 A.O. 1848

176. [ - ] A loose footstone: J.K. 17—

177. [302] A large altar tomb Here lieth the body of Mary LUCAS who died the 30th of August 1698. Also here lyeth the body of John Lucas Gentleman, who departed this life the 2nd of December 1702 aged 84 years.

178. [45] Sacred | to the memory | of Mr Francis BONGARD born July 8th 1753 died March 14th 1823 in the 70th year of his age. Footstone: Bongard 1823

179. [326] To the memory | of | Mr Joseph MEADE | who departed this life ……………………..184-…………………………. Through ………………..ur" Also Mrs……………….eth ……………………………..stone nearly all crumbled away Footstone: Meade

180. [284] Here | lieth the body of | Thomas LANDER of this Parish, died February ye 18th 1768 aged 53 years. Life’s a …… span but pray be advised by what I say Let God be sole of every view For that’s the easiest passage thro’ Also Ann Lander wife of the above died April 8th 1769 aged …………….. (LAS manuscript says 52 years) under grass

181. [53] In memory | of Mr Joseph BRAY late of | this Parish who departed this | life 15th of May 1795 | aged 36 years. Footstone J.B. 1795

182. [511] A flat stone near path: To the memory of Charles TOWNE son of the Reverend W Towne and Catherine his wife Born April 1…. 17….. died April – 17909(?)(LAS manuscript says born 17?81 and died 1799)

183. [332] A flat stone to west of above close by path: In memory of Mr John MIDDLETON who departed this life on the 10th of February 179- in the –1 year of his age. ((LAS manuscript says (?5)1)

184. [233] Headstone on which is engraved two children; one weeping, the other holding a skull and resting on an hour glass: Here lieth buried ye body of Mr Jonadab HINCHLIFFE of this Parish who departed this life the 22nd of May 1762 aged 63 years. Footstone J.H. 1762

185. [342] Headstone with similar top: In memory of | Mrs Ann MONK | formerly of this Parish but late of Wandsworth in the County of Surrey ………………… under grass (LAS manuscript says who departed this life the 23 of Dec 1777 aged 75 years)

186. [362] In memory of | Emma | wife of Mr Henry OWEN | of this Parish | who died November 7th 1844 aged 30 years. Also Emma daughter of the above Henry and Emma Owen who died April 6th 1844 aged 3 years. Also Henry Lacy Owen son of the above who died 2nd December 1847 aged 11 years. Also Bertha Owen daughter of the above who died 12th January 1849 aged 6 years. Footstone: E.O. 1844 E.O. 1844 H.L.O. 1847 B.O. 1849

187. [421] Sacred | to the memory of | Martha Shepperd ROBINSON | wife of James Robinson | farmer of Sydenham in this Parish | died May 23rd 1819 | aged 62 years. | With a peaceful mind she bore affliction long a kind and affectionate wife a tender mother and a sincere friend. Also the above James Robinson who departed this life 23rd January 1832 aged 72 years. Footstone: M.S.R. 1819 J.R. 1832

188. [544] In memory of | David WHITE son of David | and Ann White of this Parish | who departed this life the 14th of February 1790 aged 9 years the 25th of the said month. Short was his time the longer is his rest God call’d him hence because he thought it best. Foostone: D.W. 1790

189. [514] A flat stone close against the church much sunk: Here lieth intered the body of Captain John TROTTER who departed this life November the 12th 1747 aged 72 years.

190. [93] A flat stone at side of above: Here lyeth the body of Richard CLARKE Junior ………………who departed ………………………….1753 ………………………… ……………………..body of ……………………..KE daughter ……………………..Clarke ……………………….this life Sep

191. [480] Flatstone to west of above (large) Here lies the body of Susanna SPEARMAN wife of W. Spearman of St Mary Rotherhithe who died May 17th 1768 aged 59. Also the body of the aforesaid William Spearman who died August 18th 1773 aged 71. Likewise the remains of three sons and three daughters. Also the body of Elizabeth Spearman wife of John Spearman who died December 21st 1778 aged 37. Also the remains of two of their children who died in their infancy. Viz: Mary and Susanna. Likewise William son of William Spearman who died in his infancy April 18th 1776. Also James Spearman who died 27th November 1788 aged 18. Also William Spearman who died 28th March 1797 aged 50.

192. [211] Flat stone to the south of above To the memory of Miss Fanny HANKINS of the Parish of St Mary Lambeth who died November 8th 1789 in the 12th year of her age. Also Mr George Hankins who departed this life December 24th 1835 aged 47 years. Also Mrs Jemima Hankins wife of the above who departed this life 10th December 1847 aged 58 years.

193. [95] Altar tomb in corner, by porch and church (chancel) Within this tomb are deposited the remains of Elizabeth BRADLEY widow of John CONSTABLE formerly of St Nicholas Deptford obiit 10 November 1780 aetat 83. Also Elizabeth Constable wife of Abram Constable Son of the above mentioned John and Elizabeth. She died – November 1781 aged 67. (LAS manuscript says 18 November 1784 but LD’s notes clearly say 1781) Likewise the above mentioned Abram Constable Esquire many years master shipwright of His Majesty’s Naval Yard at Halifax who departed this life 20th September 1788 in the 70th year of his age. On south side: Within this tomb are deposited the remains of Francis …….N of this place, brewer, who died of Typhus fever, ….. September ….. aged ….. years.

194. [368] Large altar tomb Master William Henry PALIN obt August 3rd 1786 aetat 5 years 8 months Also the remains of Mrs Catharine Palin his mother obiit 28th of December 1795 Aetatis 36th year. Also to the memory of Miss Frances Rebecca Hankins daughter of George and Susannah Hankins of this Parish who departed this life the 12th May 1814 aged 16 years. Also Mrs Catharine Sally PETER who departed this life the 25th June 1817 aged 39 years. Also Mr William Hankins son of George and Susannah Hankins of this Parish who died 8th January 1818 aged 26 years. Also Mrs Susannah Hankins wife of Mr George Hankins who died 16th November 1829 aged 55 years. Also Mr Richard Nathaniel Hankins who departed this life January 26th 1826 aged 23 years.

195. [521] Flat stone next to above: Here lieth interred the body of Mr Joseph VALENTINE late of this Parish who departed this life 18(?) day of June 1775 in the 77th year of his age. He was married 40(?) years and one day …..o Sarah his wife. She is also here interred. He was a son of Mr Francis and Mrs Ann Valentine of this Parish who both lay interred between this stone and ye church.

196. [521] Headstone with two cherub’s faces, trumpets, clouds etc. Here lyeth interred the body of Mrs Sarah VALENTINE wife of Mr Joseph Valentine of this Parish who departed this life the 27th of July 1757 aged 64 years. Footstone S.V. 1757 This head and footstone are placed one at each
end of the above "flat" stone to Joseph Valentine.

197. [520] Headstone with cherub’s faces and 2 hour glasses: Here lieth interred the body of Ann VALENTINE late wife of Charles Valentine of this Parish and daughter of Mr John and Sarah WOOD of Shoreham in this County. She departed this mortal life the 30th of September 1749 in the 34th year of her age. Footstone A.V. 1749

198. [51] In memory of Mrs Mary Hannah BRADLY wife of James Bradly of this Parish, miller, who died 7th August 1812 aged 26 years. Also Mary Ann second wife of the above who died 16th December 1850 aged 65 years. Also George youngest son of the above Mary Ann who died May 23rd 1854 aged 34 years. and of Mr James Bradly who died February 3rd 1861 aged 73 years and is interred in Brockley Cemetery. In life beloved and in death lamented. Footstone: M.H.B. 1812 M.A.B. 1850 G.B. 1854 J.B. 1861

199. [232] Headstone, next gate, with cherubs head and 2 hour glasses: Here lieth interred the body of William HILL who departed this life January ye 12th 1736 aged 46 years. Here also lieth the body of Elizabeth the wife of ye above William Hill and daughter of Frances (sic) and Ann VALENTINE of this Parish who departed this life the 12th of September 1749 aged 63 years. Also Mary BROWNSON wife of James Brownson of the Parish of Woolwich and daughter of the above William and Elizabeth Hill who died the 30th of April 1772 aged 54 years.

200. [27] A flat stone, very low, by east wall of porch: Here lieth interred the body of Mrs Rebecca BAUGHAN wife of Mr Samuel Baughan of Sydenham in this Parish who died March 1 1779 aged 36 years. Likewise the body of Jacob Sparke Baughan great grandson of the above who died 10 May 1812 aged 44 years.

201. [434] Altar tomb Here lies the body of Mr John RUSSELL eldest son of the late Mr John Russell nurseryman of this Parish who died August 24th 1808 aged 42 years. He had been some years in a declining state His last illness was short though severe But which he bore with Christian Patience. Where his heart dictated His hand always followed its impulse with a liberality known only to the object relieved.

202. [63] Altar tomb In memory of Mrs Catharine BRYANT who died 17th May 1811 aged 61 years. An affectionate wife and a sincere friend. Also Mr Benjamin Bryant who died 28th April 1817 aged 70 years.

203. [10] A flat stone: Here lies interred the body of Mr George ARMITAGE of this Parish who departed this life June the 18th 1781 aged 63 years.

204. [144] Altar tomb. On top: Within this vault lieth interred the body of Christiana late wife of Richard EDMUNDS of the Exchequer Office of Pleas, Lincoln’s Inn Esquire youngest daughter of John BERROW late of the city of Bristol Esquire deceased. Blessed with a very amiable and benevolent Virtue which could adorn her sex she lived exemplary in Piety and in the warmest affection for her family and friends and died on the 1st day of August 1782 aged 39 years Universally beloved, respected and lamented. Also the above named Richard Edmunds Esquire who died 10th May 1821 aged 79 deeply lamented by his family and numerous friends. In Vigour of Mind, Integrity, Patriotism and every practical Virtue few equalled none excelled him. Enthusiastically attached to Wales his native Country He devoted much of his time and talent in the management of that Emminently Philanthropic Institution the Welsh Charity School of which he was Treasurer to the latest period his health would allow. How highly his valuable services were appreciated the Records of the Society of Ancient Britons will shew. The President and Trustees emphatically styled him The Father of the Welsh School. Truly may it be said Here lies "a good and honest man". On south side: Sacred to the memory of | George Edmunds Esquire son of the above Richard Edmunds Esquire Likewise one of the four sworn Attorneys of his Majesty’s Court of Exchequer who departed this life the 25th of July 1829 in the 52nd year of his age. His irreparable loss to his relatives and friends is to them a source of painful and sincere regret as well as to the profession persued with strict honour and integrity. On west end: Also | in remembrance | of | George Edmunds | late of Cannon Street | London | nephew of the above | who died | 6th November 1865 | aged 62 years. On east end: Sacred | to the memory of | Christiana | Berrow | Edmunds | daughter of the above | Richard and | Christiana | Edmunds |who departed | this life | March 13th 1838 | aged 64 years.
North side: Within this vault lies buried in her kindred dust Maria second wife of the said Richard Edmunds Esquire who departed this life the 29th of October 1929 aged 90 years. She possessed a highly cultivated understanding with a Humane and friendly disposition and through a long Life which the Almighty was pleased to grant her. She acquired the admiration and esteem of all who Knew her she will long live in the recollection of Many who have been benefitted by her instructions Or soothed by her sympathy and kindness In her the poor Have lost a friend and her family their dearest Treasure for them She was uniformly an example Of all that was just and affectionate her revered Memory will be ever cherished in the hearts of those To whom here exemplary virtues were best known and where her sacred image will for ever live.

This completes those in the yard on the south side of the chancel:

205. [ - ] On the south wall of the church is a stone with the following inscription: Here vnder lyeth bvried the body of Abraham COLE late Minister of this Parish of Lewisham who departed this life the fift day of December Ao Dni 1657

206. [513] And near it on the wall is another: Near this place lies the body of The Reverend Edward TROTTER the fifth Vicar of this Parish after the Reformation who died 6th September 1677 aged 74 years. Also Captain John Trotter son of the above Rev Edward Trotter who died 12th November 1747 aged 72 years. Also William son of the above Captain John Trotter who died 19th November 1809 aged 77 years.

207. [ - ] Let into the east wall of the south porch is a stone with the following inscription: This church was finish’d rebuilding in the year 1777 Paul VALENTINE and John RUSSELL Churchwardens The Reverend William LOWTH DD Vicar

208. [512] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr John TREHEARN | late of this Parish | who departed this life May 7th 1807 | aged 68 years. | Also of Edward Owen Trehearn | who departed this life 14th May 1818 | in the 60th year f his age. | John Trehearn | who departed this life 20th October 1847 | in the 71st year of his age. Footstone J.T. 1807

209. [458] Flatstone Sacred | to the memory of | Mr William SIMco*ck | of this Parish | who died 3rd December 1821 | aged 73 years. Also Elizabeth | wife of the above who died 10th December 1824 | aged 71 years.

210. [210] Flat stone Sacred | to the memory of | Mr John CATLING | who died March the 3rd 1826 | aged 78 years. | He was upwards of fifty years a much respected member of The Collegiate Church of St Peter Westminster. Also of Mrs Sarah Frances Catling relict of the above who died December the 5th 1839 aged 78 years.

211. [138] Headstone with an hour glass, books, trumpets etc: Here lieth the body of John DUNN of Deptford who died November ye 10th 1743 aged 60 years. As likewise Hannah the wife of the above said who died June ye 7th 1734 aged 51 years. Also John the son of the above John and Hannah who died November ye 19th 1742 aged 33 years. Also 2 younger sons and 5 daughters. Also ye body of William son of John Dunn who died ye 3rd of July 1745 aged 33 years. Footstone with 2 crossed bones
J.D. 1743

212. [252] Flat stone In memory of | Isabella Frances | only daughter of Henry IBBETSON Esquire | of Brockley House in the Parish | who departed this life | on the 2nd of October AD 1820 aged 3 years and 6 months.

213. [307] Altar tomb (low) Sacred to the memory of Miss Mary Ann M’Gimmins ? (LAS manuscript says M’Gummins) daughter of Mr George M’Gimmins ? of Black Heath who died 23rd October 17-1 aged 40 years. Also Mrs Charlotte TOMS his daughter who died 8th February 1793 aged 32 years. Also of George M…………. Esquire …………………………….. ……………….. year of his age. (LAS manuscript says M’Gummins Esq …… who died ….. 1800 in the (?54) year of his age)

214. [247] Large altar tomb To the memory of | Mr Edward HOWIS | of Forest Hill in this Parish who died the 28th of March 1817 aged 75 years. Also to the memory of Mrs Mary Howis relict of the above who died at Forest Hill the 19th of November 1829 aged 78 years. To the memory of Ellen Gunter Howis who died August 27th 1831 aged 19 years. Also of Eleanor relict of Mr John WILLIAMS and daughter of the above Edward and Mary Howis who died at Forest hill the 1st of April 1840 aged 63 years. On south side: "The family vault of Edward Howis | of Forest Hill. |

215. [349] In memory of | Mrs Mary MUNN | who died 29th January 1818 aged 73 years. Footstone: Munn 1818

216. [279] Headstone with a tree and shovel and pickaxe crossed lying at foot, engraved on top: In memory | of | Thomas LAMBERT | late of this Parish who died November 25th 1781 aged 59 years. ……………………………………… …………………………………….. poetry …………………………………… ……………………………………. Footstone:

217. [509] Sacred | to the memory of |Mrs Mary TINDALL | of the Parish | of Henly on Thames | who departed this life | August 21st 1831 | aged 57 years. | Also Mrs Isabella ELLIOTT who departed this life | April 27th 1846 | aged 68 years. | Also Mr Henry DUNCAN who departed this life |January 2nd 1848 aged 60 years. Footstone: M.T. 1831 I.E. 1846 H.D. 1848

218. [136] Here | lieth interr’d ye body | of John DRURY of | this Parish who departed | this life August the 30th 1731(?) aged – years. (LAS manuscript says 1701 or 1761 aged 57 or 37 years) Here lieth the body of William LANSDOWN died September the 2nd 1763 aged 10 weeks.

219. [174] Sacred | to the memory of | William GENTRY | who departed this life | 16th July 1849 aged 37 years. | "The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, Blessed by the name of the Lord". Footstone J.G. 1849

220. [220] Here | lies the body of | Francis HARVEY who died | the 8th of April 1764 | aged 68 years. Also near this place lies Mary WHORLETT daughter of ye above. She died February ye 14th 1761 aged 38. Also John Harvey aged 18 months. Footstone: M.H. 1758

221. [11] Flat stone near entrance to belfry: In memory of | Mrs Mary ARNOLD who died July 14th 1809 aged 72 years.

222. [49] Flat stone near entrance to belfry: In memory of | Mrs Frances BOWYER | who died April 1st 1813 in the 81st year of her age.

223. [218] Headstone with cherub’s face hour glass etc Here lieth interr’d the body of Francis son of Francis and Mary HARVEY Junior. He died the 29th of January 1764 aged 8 months. Short was his stay ye longer is his rest God took him hence. He know’d t’was best Also Mrs Hannah Owen BEAN late wife of Mr Thomas Bean of the Parish of Woolwich who departed this life | on the 16th of April 1808 | in the 28th year of her age.

224. [221] In memory of | Mr Francis HARVEY | of this Parish | who departed this life | the 3rd of May 1771 | aged 41 years. Also of Mr Anthony Harvey nephew of the above formerly of Tottenham in the County of Middlesex but lately a resident of this Parish who departed this life | on the 22nd day of March 1820 | in the 57th year of his age. | Also Jane Catherine Harvey | relict of the above A Harvey obiit January 17 1837 aetat 64.

225. [219] On west side of above tomb on page 44 to Francis Harvey 1764 Also | here lieth interred the body of Mary HARVEY wife of Francis Harvey of this Parish who died November the 28th 1758 aged 58 years. Also near this place lies Mrs Ann Harvey daughter of ye above she died February the 19th 1751 aged 12 years. Also Ann ARNOLD daughter of …………………………(LAS manuscript says Edward and Mary Arnold who died 14 April 1822 aged 38 years)

226. [341] Headstone now lying flat Mrs Sarah MONK died January 21 1780 in the 71st year of her age. Weep not for me 6 lines of poetry

227. [57] Headstone by railing much worn: ………………………………. Thomas BRISFY(?)(LAS manuscript says BRISEY) …………………………………179 (LAS manuscript says who died 18 January 1792) years (LAS manuscript says agec 57 years) Also Rebecca Bris(n?f?)y Widow of the above who de…………………………. (LAS manuscript says who died 31 March 1810) ………………………………….. (LAS manuscript says aged 77 years)

228. [213] Low altar tomb To the memory of Mr Marlborough HARDEY who died January 22nd 1811 aged 65 years. Also Mr Charles CHAPELL who died November 26th 1811 aged 36 years. Also Mr Thomas Hardey Esquire Deputy Purveyor to H.M. Forces Son of the above Mr M Hardey who died March 3rd 1815 aged 30 years. Also Ellen Chappell daughter of the above Mr Charles Chappell who died June the 10th 1818 in the 10th year of her age. Also in memory of Melosina Phillipina Louisa Hardey wife of Josiah Hardey who died September the 11th 1819 in the 73rd year of her age. Also the above Josiah Hardey Esquire who died January the 6th 1825 aged 82 years.

229. [476] Altar tomb by the tower To the memory of Mr Samuel SOLLIS (he was a native of Charlton Kings in the County of | Gloucester) | and died at Stepney 8th November 1809 aged 6- years. Samuel Alexander Sollis Born 1- October 1780 died 23 March 1781, Thomas Charlton Sollis Born – September 178-Died 8th December 17-5, Martha Agusta (sic) Sollis Born 3 September 1783 Died 31 March 1791, Elizabeth Sollis relict of the above who died as she lived firmly trusting in the merits of her Saviour, the 21st day of May 1834 aged 85 years.
230. [176] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr James Bowman GIBB of Avenue Road Lewisham who was born at Glasgow 1787 died 17th February 1854. Be ye also Ready Matt. XXII 44 Footstone: Gibb 1854

231. [44] Sacred | to the memory of | William Henry BOLTON | who died September 6th 1851 | aged 61 years. | Also Mary Bolton | wife of the above | who died October 18th 1851 | aged 57 years. Footstone: Bolton 1851

232. [436] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Hannah RUSSELL | relict of the late | Mr S.H. Russell | of the city of London | died 1st March 1852 | aged 66 years. | Her end was peace. | Footstone: Russell 1852

233. [148] Sacred | to the memory of | Mary White ELLINS | (late of Bromsgrove) | who died December 23rd 1850 | aged 26 years. Footstone: Ellins 1850

234. [366] Sacred | to | the memory of | William Henry PAGET | late of this Parish | who died on the 12th December 1853 | aged 24 years. Footstone: W.H.P. 1853

235. [328] Sacred | to the memory of | Rebecca – widow of the late | A MEARNS Esquire | of the 3rd Regiment of Guards | died 1st May 1854 aged 81 years. Footstone: Mearns 1854

236. [539] Sacred | to the memory of | John James WELLS | the beloved son of | Mr James Wells | of the Parish of St Anne and Agnes | in the city of London | who departed this life | January 20th 1854 | in the 21st year of his age. Also of the above named Mr James Wells who departed this life | August 12th 1857 | in the 57th year of his age. Also of Elizabeth Wells wife of the above who departed this life | May 2nd 1883 aged 82 | interred at Ilford Cemetery. Footstone: Wells 1854

237. [533] Sacred | to the memory of | Edward WALTER | formerly of Haslemere in the County of Surrey
Gentleman who departed this life | on the 13th day of March 1851 aged 82 years. Footstone: Walter 1851

238. [56] Low altar tomb: Sacred | to the memory of | Mr Thomas BRIND late of Brockley who died the 6th July 1852 aged 60.

239. [546] Sacred | to the memory of | Catherine Richardson | WHITESIDE | who departed this life | the 4th October 1855 | aged 61. | Here end was Peace. | Footstone: Whiteside 1855

240. [531] Sacred | to the memory of | Maria WARREN| widow of the late John Warren | who departed this life the | 11th of October 1854 | aged 68 years. Footstone: M.W. 1854

241. [190] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Ann Mary GOULD | wife of Mr Thomas Gould of | this Parish who died 23rd July | 1832 aged 44 years. Also of the above mentioned Mr Thomas Gould who died 3rd July 1854 aged 82 years. Also of Mr Alfred BROOK of Ramsgate Kent son in law of the above who died 25th September 1855 aged 29 years. Footstone:

242. [459] Low altar tomb with low iron railing: In memory of | Elizabeth | daughter of the late William SIMONS, Esquire of Clare Lodge, Sydenham, who died the 10th day of February 1853 aged 65 years. Janet Jerman ESPIE wife of Robert Espie Esquire Surgeon RN of Blythe Hill Sydenham and youngest daughter of the above named William Simons Esquire born 29th of June 1793 died 3rd of March 1854. And of Mary eldest daughter of the above named William Simons Esquire who died the 7th day of July 1859 aged 78 years.

243. [352] A small upright cross: Walter Augustus NEVILL second son of the Reverend Christopher Nevill late Vicar of East Grinstead Sussex aged 21 years. Thy will be done. (no date)

244. [272] In memory | of | Sarah KING | who died 8th March 1855 aged 68 She was during the greatest portion of her life the faithful and much valued servant of Nathaniel HADLEY Esquire | of this Parish. | Footstone: King 1855

245. [524] Sacred | to the memory of | Laura Antoinette wife of Lieutenant Henry G VEITCH RN of the island of Madeira died | July 7th 1854. Looking into Jesus. Footstone: Veitch 1854

246. [333] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Elizabeth MILLAR | late of this Parish | who was born at Thurso on the |14th of December 1806 | and departed this life on the | 9th of February 1852 | aged 46 years. | Also John Millar son of the above who died on the 1st of May 1851 aged 1 year and 6 months. Footstone: E.M. 1852. J.M. 1851

247. [337] Sacred | to the memory of | Katherine | daughter of | George and Mary Ann MILLS | born 16th of August 1825 died 23rd of August 1852. Footstone: ……… 1852

248. [479] Sacred | to the memory of | Harry SPARROW Esquire who died 14th January 1854 aged 64 years. Footstone: H.S. 1854

249. [166] Sacred to the memory | of | Ann FROST who departed this life | September 13th 1856 aged 19 years. Footstone: Frost 1856

250. [42] Sacred | to the memory of | Ann BLYTHMAN | widow of | Francis Blythman | who departed this life | July 3rd 1857 | aged 57 years. | My mother! | "The trumpet shall sound and | the dead shall be raised" | Footstone: Blythman 1857

251. [55] In memory of | Captain James ADAMS | born at St Ives Cornwall June 7th 1776 died at Lewisham | June 6th 1857. | Footstone: Adams 1857

252. [99] Sacred | to the memory of | Thomas COOPER | formerly of Hartley Westpall, Hants and late of this Parish | who departed this life | on the 12th of December 1856 | aged 88 years. | Also Ann, wife of the above | who departed this life | on the 10th of December 1862 aged 91 years. Her remains lie interred in Lewisham Cemetery. Footstone: T.C. 1856 A.C. 1862

253. [75] In | memory of | Henry William | son of Francis CARR and Louisa BEARD born June 10th 1853 died May 16th 1857 Footstone: H.W. 1857

254. [134] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr James DRAY | who departed this life | 13th September 1857 | aged 65 years. Footstone: Dray 1857

255. [454] Sacred | to the memory of | George Henry | the beloved child of Henry and Selina SELBY of this Parish | who died 14th October 1857 | aged 7 months. Footstone: Selby 1857

256. [312] Sacred | to the memory of Frederick MAJOR | youngest son of Henry Major | of this Parish | who died June 20th 1857 | in the 13th year of his age. | It is the Lord, Let him do what seemeth Him good. 1 Sam 3 chap 18 verse Footstone Major 1857

257. [ - ] Footstone near west door: Here lieth …. body of Mr H………B…………………ho ………………………………f ………………………………. ……………………………… …………………………….. ………………………………..

258. [482] Headstone now flat: Sacred | to the memory of | John SPINK | who died 29th July 1827 | aged 96 years. | Also Mrs Amey (sic) Spink | widow of the above | who died 12th October 1853 in the 91st year of her age. Footstone: J.S. 1827 A.S. 1853

259. [467] Headstone now flat and broken: In | memory of | Mrs Hannah SMITH | late wife of Mr Andrew Smith | who departed this life | January 15th 1790 aged 48 years. The best of wives and a mother dear a sincere christian and a friend lies here. Death can’t disjoin whom Christ has joined in love Life leads to death and death to life above. Also Mrs Sarah HOUSE who died 31st August 1835 aged 96 years. Footstone: H.S. 1790 S.H. 1835

260. [285] Flat stone on south of an altar tomb In memory of | Mrs Elizabeth LANE | wife of Thomas Lane of the | Precinct of St Catherine near the | Tower of London | who died October 8th 1782 aged 63 years. Also Mr Thomas Lane | husband of the above | who departed this life | April 1st 1808 aged 79 years.| Drawing 1883

261. [385] Altar tomb In memory of | Mrs Mary PHILLIPS | who died November the 2nd | 1791 aged 80 years. | Also Mr Joseph Phillips | husband of the above | who died 31st January 1796 | aged 78 years. | Also of Mrs Ann Phillips wife of Mr William Phillips | of this Parish | who died May 2nd 1810 aged 62 years. Also the above Mr William Phillips who died 13th August 1818 aged 70 years. Also Miss Maria Ann Phillips daughter of the above William and Ann Phillips who died 9th July 1842 in her 67th year. Similar monogram and date 1883.

262. [ - ] Flat stone at north side of above: ………………………the body of ……………………….of this Parish ……………………….this life the 10th ……………………….in the 70th ………………………of his age.

263. [112] Altar tomb To the memory of | Mr Thomas Augustus CRISPE who departed this life | 11th March 1822 aged 62 years. | Also Mrs Elizabeth Crispe who departed this life | 7th June 1823 in here 57th year.

264. [ - ] Small headstone near railing: ………………………….………………… ………..…………………………Died …………………..?1744 …… Aged 46…………….

265. [62] Here | lieth interred the body | of Mrs Jane BROWN | late of Milend Middlesex | who departed this life the –th of December (LAS manuscript says 4th) 1782 | aged years. (LAS manuscript says 45)

266. [127] Altar tomb To the memory of | Sophia Ann DESVIGNES | daughter of Elize Hubert and Desphinous Desvignes of this Parish who departed this life | November 28th 1816 | aged 5 years and 7 months. Augustine Desphinous Desvignes mother of the above who died August the 19th 1825 in her 36th year a native of Constantinople. John Theophilus Desvignes who departed this life on the 13th of November 1837 aged 13. Elize Hubert Desvignes husband of the late Augustine Desphinous and father of the above children obt the 25th of March 1844 aged 70. George Lewis Desvignes born 16th April 1810 died at Vienna 1st April 1843. George Christopher Desvignes born 26th June 1813 died at Vienna 26th January 1844(?)(LAS manuscript says 1844) Sons of Peter Hubert and Mary Frances Desvignes and grandsons of the above E.H. and A.D. Desvignes.

267. [257] Here | lieth interr’d ye body | of Mr James JEFFERYS of this Parish who departed this life the 21st of August 1762 aged 58 years. Footstone: J.J. 1762

268. [69] In memory of | Mrs Jane BUTLER | who departed this life 26th June 17?85 aged 86 years. (LAS manuscript says 1785) On the other side is: In memory of | M. Letitia SHEPPARD | who departed this life 31st August | 1785 aged ………. years. Footstone: L.S. 1785

269. [299] Sacred | to the memory of | Mrs Ann LITTLE | of this Parish | who died 12th May 1827 | aged 68 years. Also Margaret Ann KENNEDY granddaughter of the above who died at ….. erwood Lodge (LAS manuscript says Sherwood) Battersea June 22nd 1828 aged 11 years. Footstone: A.L. 1827 M.A.K. 1828

270. [36] Flat stone: Here lieth inter’d the body of Mrs Alis BIRCH late wife of Mr Richard Birch of this Parish who departed this life the 10th of April 1766 aged 50 years.

271. [256] Headstone engraved with hourglass, skull, bones: Here lieth the body of Jonathan JEFFERYES(?) of this (LAS manuscript says JEFFERYES) Parish who departed this life the 4th day of February 1725|6 aged –5 years. (LAS manuscript says 66 years) And also……………….. ………………………… ………… under ground ………………………………. …………………………….. On the other side is: Also Elizabeth wife of ye said James COOPER who died ye 4th of June 1760 aged 51 years.

272. [493] Sacred | to the memory of | John STEVENS | of | Farnham Surrey | who departed this life | the 9th of March 1821 in the 71st year of his age. Footstone: J.S. 1821

273. [106] To | the memory of | Mrs Mary COURTENAY | who departed this life | 12th January 1849 | aged 89 years. | Also of | Mistress Grace MILLS | sister of the above | who departed this life | 12th January 1853 | aged 84 years. Footstone: Courtenay 1849

274. [92] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr William COLLETT | of this Parish | who died March 1st 1851 | aged 68 years. | Also Hannah Jane Collett daughter of the above | who died August 13th 1831 | aged 6 months. | Here lies contracted in this narrow span All that was mortal of an upright man. A husband kind a father dear A cordial friend while living here He lived beloved, lamented died His life was craved but God denied. Also Mrs Hannah Collett relict of the above who died July 31st 1855 aged 63 years. Footstone: W.C. 1851 H.C. 1831 H.C. 1855

275. [549] In memory of | Emma Julia and Lydia daughters of | William John WILDE | and Mary his wife | of High Street Southwark | who died in their infancy | 1835. Footstone: Wilde 1835

276. [214] Sacred | to the memory of | Susannah daughter of | James and Frances HARMER of this Parish | who died 7th March 1828 | in her 18th year. Nip’d in her Bloom secure from future ill Though great thy loss was the Almighty will Should parents grieve to lose what God has given Patience support them to submit to Heaven.

277. [432] In memory of | Elizabeth the wife . of William RUSSELL of this Parish ………………… …………………… ………………(LAS manuscript says who died 14 December 1770 aged 68 years)

278. [304] Sacred | to the memory | of Mary Susannah LUCK | who died April 19th 1857 aged 12 months.
Footstone: M.S.L. 1857

279. [478] Here lieth interr’d three children of George and Ann SONGHURST of this Parish viz Henry died July ye 20th aged 1 year 10 months George died July ye 29th aged 4 years and 4 months William died August ye 8th aged 7 months.

280. [108] Very tall headstone: Sacred | to the | memory of | Caroline Kilby COURTENAY | the wife of | William Courtenay | who died May 26th 1843 aged 27 years. Also of her first born infant Anne born April 9th died June 21st 1842 Also of Augusta Frederica Courtenay daughter of J.T. Courtenay Junior born January 12th 1840 died August 4th 1848 Footstone: Courtenay 1842

281. [107] Altar tomb To the memory of | Anne | daughter of | John Frederick COURTENAY | and Anne his wife | born 31st July 1824 died 28th August 1829. | To her the sparkling dew-drop’s life Fleeting and fair was given One morning hour to shine then rise Exhaled in Light to Heaven. Whoe’er thou art, O! softly treat the sacred spot around Here buried Hopes and bitter tears Have sanctified the ground. Also Emma Courtenay born 24th December 1833 died 11th September 1834. Also Mr Charles Courtenay son of the above born 23rd September 1816 died 23rd August 1837.

282. [243] Armorial drawing On top: Under this stone is interr’d the body of Mr John HOW late of Southend in this Parish who departed this life on the 9th day of March 1736 aged 52. Here are also interr’d the bodys of Ephraim and Margaret How father and mother of the said John How and of their three daughters Mary COLE, Margaret BREACH and Elizabeth How as also five of their grandchildren. The art of cutlery was improv’d and carry’d on to the greatest perfection by the above named Ephraim and John How. Here also lieth interr’d the body of Mr Robert Cole of Southend and of Mrs Margaret Cole his sister. He died 14th May 1768 aged 61. Also the body of Mr Ephraim How son of Mr John How who died the 10th of August 1790 aged 71. On north side: In memory of Ann Maria How widow of the above named Ephrim How who departed this life the 6yh of May 1816 aged 84 years. Also Elizabeth How
wife of Ephrim How of the Old Kent Road who departed this life the 1st of September 1838 aged 75 years.

283. [102] Low altar tomb next above near north wall of tower: Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Mrs Elizabeth CORBETT wife of Mr Henry Corbett of this Parish who did 11 November 1786 aged 30 years. Also the above Mr Henry Corbett who died 11th September 1819 aged 64 years. Also Mrs Sarah Corbett widow of the above Henry Corbett who died 9th February 1830 aged 78 year. Also Sarah Corbett daughter of the above Henry Corbett who died 3rd March 1839 aged 54 years. Also Elizabeth Corbett sister of the above who died 28th September 1856 aged 66 years.

284. [ - ] Tablet on north west buttress of tower: ……………………………….. Jane the beloved wife of John GOLDEN and daughter of Mr Henry CORBETT late of this Parish who died March 21st 1826 aged ….. years.

285. [100] Flat stone at base of tower: In memory of | Mr Henry CORBETT | of this Parish nursery man who departed this life 13th April 1768 aged 69 years. Also Mrs Elizabeth Corbett wife of the above who departed this life 17th September 1776 aged 78 years. Also beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Mr Henry Corbett of this Parish, bricklayer, who departed this life 10th April 1823 aged 40 years.

286. [101] Flat stone next above: Sacred to the memory of Mr John CORBETT of this Parish who died 1st December 1798 aged 73 years. Also Mary Corbett wife of the above who died 22nd December 1780 aged 58 years. Of John Corbett grandson of the above who died 3rd January 1800 aged 21 years. Also Mr John Corbett who died 14th September 1812 aged 60 years. And Ann his wife who died 9th February 1804 aged 50 years. Also George Corbett their son who died 22nd September 1809 aged 27 years. Also Mary wife of Charles PEAKE daughter of the above who died September 16th 1823 aged 40 years. Also Charles Peake Esquire husband of the above who died 9th February 1844 aged 59 years. Deeply Lamented.

287. [ - ] An obelisk On upper part: This | monument | was | erected | by Public | subscription | as a tribute | of respect | to the memory | of | Mr George CORBETT | of this Parish. | On pedestal: Sacred | to the memory of | Mr George Corbett who departed this life | on the 2nd day of July 1851 | aged 56 years. "Blessed are the | merciful for they | shall obtain mercy" | Also in affectionate Remembrance of Sarah Corbett widow of the above who died 19th July 1872 in the 80th year of her age. "Blessed are the Pure in | heart for they shall see God" | Greaves | Greenwich | On flat stone on which the obelisk rests: In memory of | Mr George Corbett | of this Parish | who departed this life 11th July | 1821 aged 62 years. Also Mrs Judith Corbett wife of the above | who departed this life 20th November | 1823 aged 66 years. On north of pedestal: Also | Susannah Corbett | died 1st August 1861 | aged 70 years. Also
Ann Corbett | died 19th August 1861 | aged 73 years.

288. [507] Headstone against west wall of church: In | memory of | Sarah Ann, the beloved wife of Darius C THOMPSON of the Strand and eldest daughter of Mr George CORBETT | of this Parish | who departed this life | January 25th 1843 aged 24 years. Also Sarah Ann Thompson daughter of the above born a few hours previous to the death of her mother and survived her by 5 years and 5 months. Also Louisa Ellen the daughter of Mr George Frederick Corbett who departed this life | April 25th 1856 aged 5 months.

N.B. All the above from the beginning of this note book are on a raised mound in the angle made by the tower and north west end of church

289. [115] In memory |of | Mr James CRUTCHER | who departed this life | February 8th 1836 | In the 43rd year of his age. Also of Mrs Sarah Crutcher wife of the above who departed this life | August 16th 1849 | in the 61st year of her age.

290. [335] Sacred | to the memory of | Elizabeth Robertson | MILLER | who departed this life | July 7th 1846 aged 62 years. Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord. Footstone: illegible

291. [488] Sacred | to the memory | of the infant | Eliza Mary STANLEY daughter of Thomas and Ann Stanley of St Mary Ottery in the County of Devon born the 20th January 1807 and died the 26th July 1807.

292. [563] Headstone with skull, crossed bones and hour glass engraved: Here lyeth interrd the body of Richard WOOD late of this Parish who departed this life the 27th day of April Anno Domi 1702 aged 68 years.

293. [562] Headstone with skull and crossed bones: Here lyeth the body of Anne WOOD wife of Richard Wood and three of her children. Shee departed this life the 26th of February 1696|7 in the 49th year of her age.

294. [168] Here lies intered the body of Ann FRUDE mother to Ann ROUNDHILL of this Parish who departed this life April the 8th 1711 aged 88 years.

295. [281] Sacred | to the memory of | Mr James LANCE | of this Parish who died 7th November 1824 aged 77 years. Also Anne wife of the above who died 9th August 1831 aged 79 years. Also Benjamin son of the above who died 17th October 1795 aged 6 years. Also Mr James Lance eldest son of the above who died September 3rd 1856 aged 69 years. Also Mary wife of the latter who died March the 8th 1857 aged 70 years.

296. [246] Sacred | to the memory of | Ellen Jemima | the beloved daughter of William Henry and Ann HOWES of this Parish who departed this life the 7th day of December 1834 aged 3 years and 3 months. As in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive

297. [229] Flat stone: Here lieth the body of the Rev Brooke HECKSTALL L.L.B late Rector of St Ann Aldersgate in the City of London who departed this life April 5th 1780 aged 55 years. And near this place are deposited the remains of the Revd Abraham Heckstall MA father of the above named Brooke Heckstall and sometime Curate of this Parish who quitted this transitory State March 28th 1754 aged 61 years. As are also those of the wife and daughter of the above named Abraham Heckstall and of Mrs Mary LAURENS late of the Parish of St John Zachary the last of whom died March 11th 1773 aged 75 years.

298. [58] Flat stone In memory of Richard BROOKE Esquire citizen and stationer of London who departed this life April the 2nd 1772 aged 66 years and lyes here interred. Also Mrs Jane Brooke relict of the above who departed this life August 4th 1784 aged 78 years.

299. [ - ] Flat stone Here lyeth the remains of four infant children Henry, Henry James, Henry and Emma MORTON. Also the remains of Mrs Mary Morton their mother who died the 30th of July 1820 aged 72.

300. [271] Footstone: Here lies the body of Ann the daughter of Edward and Henrietta KING who died the 20th of November 1783 aged 8 months. Also Mary King who died 30th May 1788 aged 2 years. Also Lettice King who died 26th October 1794 aged 16 years. Their son Edward King died 11th March 1796 at Ruthven School Denbighshire aged 9 years. Also the body of Mrs Henrietta King their mother ob 11 May 1796 at 42 ……….d………….. Resurgernus (LAS manuscript says Valete donec) Also the body of their eldest son James King who died 13th November 1797 aged 16 years.

301. [505] Footstone: Here lieth the body of Mrs Jane THOMAS wife of John Thomas DD Rector of St Peters Cornhill London who departed this life the 28th day of October in the year of our Lord 177… (LAS manuscript says 1771) In the 70th year of her age. Likewise Near this place lie her two sons by Mr H-mmon her (LAS manuscript says HAMMON) former husband ………… (LAS manuscript says Joseph) departed this life the 4 day of February 1760 aged 36 years. Mr Henry the 23 of March 1779?0? aged 44 years. (LAS manuscript says 1790)

302. [289] Headstone now flat: In memory of Mr Darius Joachim LATTER of the Parish of Greenwich who died 1st April 1788 aged 40 years. Also two children of the above Elizabeth Jane Latter died 18th August 1781 aged 2 year (sic) and 7 months Darius Latter died 27th December 1785 aged 14 months. Also Mr Darius Latter son of Mr Darius Joachim Latter who departed this life 6th of October 1811 in the 25th year of his age. Also Mrs LEE last surviving daughter of the above Mr Darius Joachim Latter who died February 1st 1825 aged 44 years. Footstone: D.J.L. 1788

303. [234] Altar tomb Mrs Hezia HITCHMAN of Boxham Oxfordshire died ye 16th of September 1794 aged 43 years.

304. [180] Altar tomb Under this stone lyeth the body of Alexander GLENNY late of the Island of Dominica Esquire who died at Bromley Hill in this Parish 3rd January 1787 aged 50. Also of Bridget the widow of John FOOT of …………… ……….. (LAS manuscript says of ---lton in Wilts) and of …………………………. Devonshire Esquire who departed this life on the third of November 1816 in the 97 year of her age. She………………. …………………….. ………………………..this ……………..of affectionate………………………… (LAS manuscript says her daughter) Bridget Glenny whose (LAS manuscript says whose remains are deposited here) who died 20 – 1820 aged 70 (LAS manuscript says January) and her husband George Glenny Esquire formerly of Bromley Hill who died 17 November 1820 aged 78.

306. [228] Altar tomb on north side: In memory of Mr Joshua HEALEY of Sydenham who departed this life 27December 1814 aged 50 years. Affliction sore long time I bore physicians were in vain Till God did please that Death should seize and ease me of my pain. East end: Also | Christina | relict of | Joshua Healey | who died | 13 April 1815 aged 81 years. On south side: In memory of Mr Joshua Healey late of the Parish of St Mary Magdalen Bermondsey who died December 12th 1789 aged 60 years. Weep not my friends and children dear I am not Dead but sleeping here Untill the Almighty God alone Doth call me to his Heavenly Throne. West end: Here lieth the | body of | Mr David | Healey | ………..stapler | who departed | (LAS manuscript says wool stapler) this life the | 11th of October 1799 aged 21 years.

307. [564] Altar tomb, on top: Elias WOOD of this Parish died the 5 of June 17-0 aged 62 years. (LAS manuscript says 3 (or) 5 June 17(?40) Mrs Jane Wood widow of the above. Mrs Elizabeth LITTLE daughter of the above died the of March 1782 aged 73 years. (LAS manuscript says 22 of…………. 1782) Mr James Little died the 8 of November 1785 aged 44 years. Mrs Ann MACKGILL(?) died the 27 (LAS manuscript says MACKGILL) of March 1780 aged –9 years. (LAS manuscript says 1780(?9) aged (?8)6) Mrs Mary Little died the -- of October 1789 aged 53 years. Mr Charles Little died the 2nd of February 1798 aged 60 years.

308. [ - ] Headstone: To the | memory of | Joseph INIMBER son of Robert and Betty Inimber of this Parish who died 7thJanuary 1783 aged 12 years. In love I lived in love of died My life was desired but God denied Also Betty Inimber sister of the above who died 4 August 1784 aged 7 years and 6 months. ……………………… ………………………… ……..under grass…….. ………………………….
This completes those shown on sketch

309. [424] Headstone by bushes beyond the fountain: In | memory of | Mrs | Dorothy Frances ROGERS | who died 13 August 1815 aged 41 years. Footstone D.F.R.

310. [52] Small headstone by itself close to the south wall of churchyard by the river: In memory of Edward BRAILEY who died at Lewisham March 25 1853 aged 35 years.

311. [195] In memory of | Mary | the beloved wife of | James GREENAWAY of Catford Hill and only daughter of | Samuel and Ann WOOD | of Hull | who departed this life | 27 January 1858 aged 30 years. "Not lost but gone before" Footstone: Greenaway 1858

312. [325] Sacred | to the memory of | Marina MAYNARD who died at Lewisham November 16th 1857 aged 66. This stone is erected by her attached brother and sister as a tribute of affection and respect for the memory of one beloved for her truly Christian virtues and unaffected simplicity of character? Footstone: Maynard 1857

313. [93] Sacred | to the memory of | Sarah COLLINS | who died January 25th 1858 aged 80 years. A faithful and esteemed servant for 50 years to Mrs Julia Collins of Blackheath. Footstone: S.C. 1858

314. [278] Sacred to the memory of | Mr Thomas LAMB who died 9th March 1857 aged 61. "Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven. A long body grave. Footstone worn.

315. [354] Mrs Elizabeth NICHOLSON widow of Mr George Nicholson attorney at law died February 15th 1810 aged 45 years.

316. [126] Low altar tomb near fountain: In memory of | Thomas DERMODY who died 15th July 1802 aged 28 years. No titled birth hadst thou to boast son of the desert: Fortune’s child yet not by frowning fortune cross’d The muses on thy cradle smil’d. Now a cold tenant dost thou lie of this dark cell, all hushed his song while Friendship bends with streaming eye As by thy grave she wends along on thy cold clay fall a holy tear And cries though mute there is a poet here Renovated 1848 by some admirers of his genius.

317. [292] In memory of | Miss Mary LAWSON who died the 23 day of January 1810 aged 8 years and 10 months.

318. [428] M.S Jannett ROSE Obt 21 Maii 1803.

319. [298] Deposited the remains of Mary the wife of Thomas LEWIS of Ashton under Lyne in the County of Lancaster who died the 6th of November 1803 in the 23rd year of her age. Footstone: M.L. 1803

320. [431] In memory of Mr John BOWLAM ……………………. who departed this life ……………. 6 1801 aged 4- years. …………………. …………………………. ……………………..…………………….

321. [181] In memory of | Mr Louis GOESH of London who departed this life August the 26th 1808 aged 62 years. Also Mrs Sarah ………………. (LAS manuscript says FRANCIS) daughter of the above who died 10th December 1816 aged 48 years.

322. [251] Sacred| to the memory of | Susan Hannah HARMSWORTH of this Parish who died January 9th 1815 aged 41 years. Also Charles Harmsworth (husband of the above) who died December 17th 1820 aged 56 years. Low footstone: Susan Hannah | Harmsworth | 1815 | Charles Harmsworth 1820

323. [550] Here lieth the body of Charles WILLIAMS who departed this life | the 17 day of July 1801 aged 42 years. In token of respect to his memory Dorothy KITCHEN has caused this stone to be erected. In memory B………….. (LAS manuscript says Also –ercey Barrett)) daughter of ……………….. (LAS manuscript says G.B. Barrett) of the Parish ………………… ……………………………. ………………………….. ………………………. (LAS manuscript says of this parish and late of Jamaica who died Dec. 8 1807 aged (15?) years and 8 months)

324. [338] Sacred | to the memory of |Henry Forster MILES | Lieutenant RN who departed this life | the 2nd of July 1857 aged 57. Also Lucy Isabella Miles daughter in law of the above who died on the 9th of March 1858 aged 23 and whose remains are interred at the cemetery of Mont-Parnasse near Paris. The Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away blessed by the name of the Lord. Job Ch 1 v 2 Footstone: H.F.M 1857 L.I.M. 1858

326. [451] In memory of | Robert SCOTT | who died August 11 1856 aged 51 years. Footstone: R.S. 1856

327. [377] Headstone grave surrounded by low railing with fir tree growing inside: In memory of | Robert PATCH | of this Parish | who departed this life | 16 July 1854 | aged 58 years. | "He ???? down in strength my ???? and shortened my days Be ye ????? ???? for in such an hour as ye think not the son of man cometh. Also Ann Patch | wife of the above | who departed this life | 5 August 1851 aged 87 years and is | interred in Lewisham cemetery. |

328. [110] In memory of | Mr William COZENS late of Blackheath who died 28 September 1811 aged 51 years. Silent grave to the I trust This precious part of worthy dust Keep it safe, O sacred tomb until a wife shall ask for room Also Mr William MITCHELL who died 2 July 1817 aged 48 years. Footstone: W.C. 1811 W.M. 1817

Those stones not yet transcribed are situated as below

329. [ - ] Altar tomb with rails off great porch Within this …….lyeth the body of ………………………..wife of ………………………………. …………………..daughter of Mr John ………………….late of this Parish ……………………the 14 of August 1754, die the 26 Ju… 1769 in the 16 year of her age. On north side is also an inscription illegible.

330. [402] PYE tomb Here lieth the body of Mrs Anne Pye the late wife of John Pye of S……. Inn ……………………….. daughter of Mr William RUTLAND merchant formerly of this Parish. ………………………………….. ……………………………………. …………………………………… …………………………………… She dyed the 1 of J……. 1760 aged ….. years. ………………………………….…………….. John Pye who died the 30 of October 17… aged 80 years. (LAS manuscript says 1769)

331. [578] Stone formerly covered. Here lieth interr’d the body of Mrs Ann BAILY wife of William Baily of St Giles in the Field coachmaker who departed this life ………….. 177(8) aged 63 years.

332. [579] Both these grave stones were laid down at the charge of Martha LANGRIDGE widow of Peter Baily and Richard Langridge Here lyeth interred the body of Mrs Martha Langridge who departed the 10 of June 1737 in the – year of her age.

333. [520A] Here also lies the body of Mrs Sarah VALENTINE second wife of Charles Valentine he was son to Mr Joseph Valentine who lies buried near this place. She was daughter to Mr Richard S-l-s of the Parish (LAS manuscript says STYLES) of Bromley. She departed this life the 11 day of April 1784 being Easter Sunday in the 69th year of her age. She was a Good Wife, and a Kind Mother. Here also lieth the body of Mr Charles Valentine native of this Parish who died July 29 1790 in the 72 year of his age whose family have been above two centuries in the Farming line at South End in this Parish. between headstone to Ann VALENTINE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The remaining M.I.s listed in Duncan's publication have now been added, 21st May 2010, having been typed up by Pat Tritton. The numbers in square brackets [ ] are the numbers of the M.I.s listed in Duncan's Publication.

334. [1]. Sacred to the memory of Henry Alexius ABBOT, Esq. late of Blackheath in this County who died Feb. 12 1820 aged 55 Also of Edmund his infant son deceased December 27, 1816.

335. [4]. Sacred to the memory of Miss Anna Eliza ADAMS who died June 17, 1838 aged 34 years.

336. [7]. Wooden: In memory of William ALLSOP, who departed this life the 24 of July, 1829 Aged 30 years.

337. [9]. Sacred to the memory of Miss Eleanor ANDREWS who died March 24, 1816 aged 28 years. Also of Mrs. Catherine GODBY wife of Captain Godby and sister of the above who died Nov. 20, 1832 in the 43rd year of her age.

338. [12]. Flat stone: Here lyethe ye body of Mrs Mary ASHBY Widow of Mr Richard Ashby, late of this Parish, who departed this life on the 16 day of July, 1730, in the (6-?) year of her age. And ...../body of Mrs Mary LINDSEY, her mother, an Antient inhabitant of this Parish, who departed this life on the 2-/day of October, 1729, in the 90 year of her age.

339. [17]. Sacred to the memory of Wm. BAGNALL who died Feb. 4, 1822 aged 57 years. Also Jane Bagnall, wife of the above who died March 4 1821 aged 61 years. Also Wm. Stebbing Bagnall son of the above who died June 24 1816 aged 23 years.

340. [18]. Altar tomb. On top: Sacred to the memory of Mrs Catherine BAKER wife of Joseph Baker, Esq. late Master Rope Maker of his Majesty’s Rope Yard, Woolwich who departed this life April 26 1820 in the 82 year of her age. Also Joseph Baker, son of the above Joseph and Catherine Baker who died in his infancy. Likewise Captain William Baker, of the Honourable East India Company’s service and son of the abovesaid Joseph and Catherine Baker who departed this life in Madras the 7 day of February 1803 in the 23rd year of his age. Also Miss Kate Baker eldest daughter of the aforesaid Joseph and Catherine Baker who died the 19 day of March 1830 aged -6/ (56 or 36) years. Likewise the said Joseph Baker Esq. who died 11 April 1830 aged 86 years. Also Susanna, relict of C. KEIGHTLEY, Esq. died deeply regretted 18 February 1838, aged 89.

341. [20].Flat stone: Sacred to the memory of Mrs Katherine BAILLIE who died 2 December, 1796, aged 36 years.

342. [22]. In memory of Samuel BALL born Oct. 22 1777 died April 8, 1835 having been for 24 years a faithful servant to the Countess Dowager of Dartmouth. Also Hannah Ball his widow, who died June 4, 1851 aged 70 years having been for 47 years a faithful and attached servant to George, 3rd Earl, Frances, third Countess and William, 4th Earl of Dartmouth.

343. [23]. Sacred to the memory of Ann BARNES, wife of William Barnes, of this Parish who departed this life 5 Oct. 1788, aged 28 years. Also Mary Barnes wife of the above who departed this life 21 Aug. 1813 aged 52 years Also the above William Barnes who departed this life 15 Dec. 1838, aged 81 years.

344. [24]. Sacred to the memory of Mr Joseph BARNES late of Blackheath, obiit 5 Feb. 1811, ætat 56. Also Wm. Barnes his grandson obiit 26 March, 1810. ætat 14 days. And of Mrs Sarah Barnes wife of the above Mr Joseph Barnes obiit 11 Aug. 1818, ætat 65.

345. [25]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. William BARR of this Parish who departed this life November 20, 1854 aged 60 years. "Grieve not for me, my wife and daughters dear/I am not lost, but sleepeth here/Free from all sorrow, grief, and pain/In Heaven I hope to meet again".

346a. [28]. Large flat tomb: To the memory of William Manning BEAN youngest son of Charles and Susanna Bean of this Parish. He died 9 Oct. 1825 aged 16 years and 10 months. Also Susanna Bean mother of the above who died 7 June 1826, aged 53 years. Also Frances Bean daughter of the above who died 30 August 1834 aged 20 years. Also Charles Bean husband of the above Susanna Bean who died 20 January 1841 aged 77 years. Also Charles Manning Bean son of the above Charles and Susanna Bean died July 6, 1863, aged 61 years. Also Ann, widow of the above Charles Manning Bean who died 1 Oct. 1884, aged 72 years.

346b. [30]. Here lieth interrd the body of Mr. Thos. BETSWORTH of the Parish of S. Marylebone who departed this life March 17, 1794, aged 83 years. Also Mrs Hannah Bettsworth widow of the above, who died October 23, 1795, aged 69 years.

347. [32]. In memory of Mr. Thomas Munday BIGGS Junr. who died 3 February, 1816 aged 29 years. Also of Mr. Thomas Biggs father of the above who departed this life Dec. 22, 1826 in the 70th year of his age. Also of Mrs. Mary Biggs wife of the above who departed this life Jan. 28, 1837 aged 76 years.

348. [33]. Sacred to the memory of Catherine, the beloved wife of Richard BIGGS, of this Parish who departed this life on the 7 of August, 1829, aged 31 years. Also in memory of the above-named Richard Biggs who departed this life on the 9 of April, 1875, in the 82nd year of his age.

349. [36]. Flat stone: Here lieth interr’d the body of Mrs. Alis BIRCH, late wife of Mr. Richard Birch of this parish, who departed this life the 10 of April, 1766, aged 50 years.

350. [37]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Maria BIRCH, wife of Mr George Birch Surgeon of the Royal Navy who departed this life 12 Sep., 1817 aged 28 years.

351. [38]. In memory of Mr John Tobias BISHOP who died 25 May 1809 aged 56 years. Also Mrs Ann Bishop who died 10 July, 1811 aged 58 years.

352. [40]. An obelisk: Here lieth buried the body of Mrs Elizabeth BLACKWELL who departed this life March 27, 1772 .../eternal God ../Lord and Saviour/............../......./.

353. [41]. Altar tomb: In memory of Mrs Jane BLAND wife of Mr Joseph Bland who died 12 Jany. 1801, aged 78 years. Also the above Mr Joseph Bland who died 13 Oct., 1820, aged 84 years. Also of Mr John COLEMAN who died 18 Dec., 1832 aged 75 years. Also Ann Coleman wife of John Coleman and daughter of the above Joseph and Jane Bland who died Dec. 4, 1833, aged 67 years. Also of Mr James Wilks Bland who died Dec. 25, 1812, aged 74 years.

354. [43]. Sacred to the memory of Susannah wife of William George Charles BODECKER of this Parish who departed this life July 12, 1846 aged 34 years. Also of the above-named William George Charles Bodecker who departed this life 5 January, 1855 aged 45 years. Deeply lamented by his aged mother, his brother and sisters, and sincerely regretted by a numerous circle of friends.

355. [46]. In memory of Ann Maria BOOTH wife of Joseph Booth, Esq. of this Parish who died 11 Feb., 1791, aged (?3)9 years. Also Joseph Booth, Esq. who died ../Feb., 1797, in the -2 year of his age.

356. [47]. In memory of Mr. Thomas BOWLEY late of the Transport Office Deptford died 11 July, 1817 aged 31 years. Also Mr Charles Bowley late of his Majesty’s Navy and father of the above died October 11, 1825 aged 79 years.

357. [48]. In memory of Mrs Frances BOWLEY wife of Mr Charles Bowley of St. Paul’s, Deptford who departed this life 28 Mar. 1819, aged 35 years.

358a. [54]. Sacred to the memory of William BRAY, son of Michael and Mary Bray of this Parish who departed this life April 29, 1823 aged 18 years. Also George Bray, son of the above who died at Danes Island, China the 22 Dec., 1827, aged 22 years.

358b. [55]. Here lieth the body of Mr George BRETT of this Parish, who died April 21, 1767 aged 54 years. Here also lieth the body of Mrs Susanna Brett wife of the said Mr George Brett who departed this life 11 Nov. 1773 aged 69 years.

359. [59]. In memory of Nancy BROOK who adorning her profession was respected by the family in which she lived 45 years, and closed her days June 25, 1835 aged 81 years.

360. [60]. In memory of Thomas BROOKER he died January ye 15, 17--/aged 87 years. On the back is cut, A.H. 1784.

361. [61]. In memory of James BROWN, late of this Parish who died the 9 of Oct 1776 aged 62 years. Also Mary Brown, daughter of the above, died the --/ of Feb/ -77-/, aged --/ years.

362. [64]. Sacred to the memory of Mr Catharine BUDLE, widow of the late William Budle of Perry Hill, in the parish of Lewisham who departed this life the 31 day of May, 1821 in the 69 year of his age.

363. [65]. In memory of John BULL, of this Parish who departed this life 14 July, 1819, aged 37 years.

364. [71]. In memory of the late William BYERS, Esq. of Newbottle parish of Houghton-le-Spring in the county of Durham who departed this life on the 4 day of October, 1837 in the 62nd year of his age. Also Anna Catherine Byers sister of the above who died at Totteridge, Herts on the 16 day of April, 1854 in the 79th year of her age.

365. [72]. In memory of Thomas BYRD who died Oct 4, 1790, aged 38 years.

366. [73]. Flat stone, by west door: Here lieth ye body of Mr Henry B.............../-ho departed ..../of/.............../B (?R) ......../who........./......../Mrs Ann B................../hter of ......../..mber/........../.

367. [79]. In memory of Mrs Mary CHILD daughter of Henry and Mary GRESHAM of this Parish who died the 16 of March, 179(?2), aged (?47 or 13) years.

368. [81]. In memory of Francis, son of Mr S.S. CLAPHAM late of Leeds, Merchant now of this parish who departed this life on the 7 March, 1821 aged 19 years.

369. [82].Altar tomb: In memory of Miss Julia Ann Sheppeard CLARE who died 28 January, 1811 aged 8 years.

370. [84]. Here lyeth interred the body of Mrs Elizabeth CLARKE who departed this life the 14 December, 1758 aged 68 years.

371. [88]. Flat stone near chancel wall, south transept: Here lyeth the body of Abraham CLOWDER who departed this life the 2 day of November, 1686.

372. [91]. On the south wall of the Church: Here vnder lyeth bvried the body of Abraham COLF late Minister of this Parish of Lewisham who departed this life the fift day of Decemb. Ao. Dni 1657.

373. [94]. In memory of John CONSTABLE, late of this Parish who departed this life the 11 Jan. 1791 in the 83 year of his age. Also Mary Constable wife of the above died the 16 July, 1775, aged 50 years and Sarah his 2nd wife died the 9 of June, 1787, aged 48 years.

374. [96]. In memory of John COOMBER late of this Parish died 1 day of February, 1815 aged 55 (over which is cut 45) years. Also John, son of the above.

375. [97]. Here lyeth the body of James COOPER of Deptford, who died ye 11 of June, 1746 aged 34 years.

376. [103]. In memory of Mr William CORBETT of this Parish who died 3 July, 1799, aged 42 years. Also Mary Corbett his wife who died 19 May, 1801 aged 50 years and Elizabeth Corbett their daughter who died in Jan. 1795 aged 16 years.

377. [104]. An obelisk. On upper part: This monument was erected by Public subscription as a tribute of respect to the memory of Mr Geo. CORBETT of this Parish. On pedestal: Sacred to the memory of Mr George Corbett, who departed this life on the 2 day of July, 1851 aged 56 years. Also in affectionate Remembrance of Sarah Corbett widow of the above who died 19 July, 1872 in the 80th year of her age. On flat stone on which obelisk rests: In memory of Mr George Corbett of this Parish who departed this life 11 July 1821, aged 62 years. Also Mrs Judith Corbett wife of the above who departed this life 20 Nov 1823, aged 66 years. On north of pedestal: Also Susanna Corbett died 1 August, 1861 aged 70 years. Also Ann Corbett died 19 August, 1861 aged 73 years.

378. [105]. Altar tomb. Top: Sacred to the memory of Mrs Charlotte COULDERY wife of Mr Robert Couldery of this Parish who departed this life Nov. 11 1827 aged 43 years. Also Mr Alfred Couldery son of the above who died Nov. 13, 1846 aged 27 years. South side: Sacred to the memory of Mr Robert Couldery who died on the 28 August, 1853, aged 74 years. Also of Charlotte Couldery wife of the above who died on the 11 Nov. 1827, aged 42 years. Also of Alfred Couldery, son of the above who died on the 11 Nov. 1846, aged 26 years. Other side blank.

379. [113]. Sacred to the memory of John CRISP many years an inhabitant of this Parish who departed this life 21 July, 1847 aged 77 years. Also Mary Ann Crisp wife of the above who departed this life 12 Sep. 1850 aged 78 yaers.

380. [116]. Altar tomb. Top: In hope of a joyful resurrection here lyes the body of Fell, the wife of Thos. CURTEIS, depard this life 27 Oct. 1737, aged 28 years; she left issue, viz. four sons and one daughter. Also three of their children. Thomas depd this life 9 May, 1739, aged 8 ys. 5 ms. 28 ds. Constant depd this life 3 June, 1742, aged 8 ys. 5 ms. 5 ds. Joseph depd this life 7 June, 1742, aged 6 ys, 8 ms. 6 ds. Also Elizth. wife of Capn. John RICHARDSON and sister to Thos. Curteis, departed this life 17 April, 1770, aged 60. Also John Curteis, Citizen and Brewer son of the above Thomas and Fell Curteis who departed this life the 29 Decbr. 1786 in the 55th year of his age. And likewise Thomas Curteis , Esqr. father of the last named John Curteis, who died the 2 day of February, 1787, in the 80th year of his age. And likewise John Curteis, Esqre. who died April 27, 1849, aged 80 years the last of this family. South side: Here lyeth ye body of Mrs. Ann Curteis died Jany. ye 17, 1756, aged 81 years. Also Thos. Curteis Richardson son of Capt. John and Elizabeth Richardson of Limehouse, who died March ye 29, 1757, aged 7 years and 8 months. East side: To the memory of Fell Harwood Curteis daughter of the said John and Susanna Curteis who died Oct. 18 1825. North side: To the memory of Susanna Curteis widow of the above named John Curteis, Esq. who died Dec. 2, 1823. Also of Susanna Curteis their eldest daughter, who departed this life May 24, 1834. West side: Sacred to the memory of Caroline KENYON who died August 6, 1835 and lies here. Also of Charlotte HASELFOOT who died April 3, 1826 and is buried at Boreham in Essex, both daughters of John and Susanna Curteis. Of them as of their much loved sisters it may with truth be said that all their days were days of faith, hope and charity. In this vault also is buried John Kenyon, Esq. the husband of Caroline Kenyon he died on the 3 of Dec. 1856 to the unspeakable grief of his numerous friends aged 73.

381. [119]. Flat stone: In memory of Margaret Frances daughter of Methusalem DAVIES (surgeon) of this Parish and Susanna his wife. She died December the 20, 1794 aged 2 years and 7 months.

382. [120]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Mr. William DAVIS of this Parish who died 24 Oct. 1821 aged 43 years. Also Arthur and Amelia Ann twin children of the above who died in their infancy. Also Mary wife of Mr. Arthur Davis of this Parish who died 29 Oct. 1850, aged 56. Also of Emma Mary daughter of the above, who died at Gravesend on the 21st September, 1869 , aged 43.

383. [122]. In memory of Mr. Joseph DEEKS who departed this life the 22 of Dec. 1791, aged 57 years.

384. [125]. Altar tomb. North side: Here lyeth the body of Edward ye son of Captain John DENN of this Parish, who departed this life Sept. 20, 1743, aged 21 years. South side: Here lyeth the body of Captain John Denn, of this Parish who died ye 26 of March, 1747, aged LXX. He was upwards of 20 years an elder brother of the Trinity House of Deptford Strond. And also the body of his wife Mary Denn, who dyed 23 of Septr. 1749 aged LXX.

385. [120]. Here lyeth the body of Samuel DEWBERRY, Esq. of Barlin, Somersetshire who died the 3 Sept. 1768 aged 55 years.

386. [130]. In memory of Mrs. Susanna DICHES, obiit 21 April, 1779, aged 61.

387/ [131]. Flat stone within railings: Sacred to the memory of John Clarke DOCWRA, Esq. Captain in His Majesty’s 31st Regiment of Foot and formerly of the British forces n Ceylon obiit 27 June, 1826 ætat 66 years. Resurgam. Also of Susannah Docwra wife of the above who departed this life May 15, 1855 in the 83 year of her age.

388. [132]. Flat stone: To the memory of Mr. William DONMALL who departed this life 8 Augt. 1820, aged 70 years. Also Mrs. Sarah Donmall wife of the above who departed this life 31 January, 1836, aged 83 years.

389. [139]. Flat stone: In memory of Mary DUNN, daughter of George and Sarah LAWRANCE died March 11, 1810, aged -7 (?67) years. Also Edward Dunn, son of the above, died March 4, 1810, aged 2 years and 5 months. Also Mr. Edward Dunn who died 1 May, 1829 aged 61 years. Husband of the above Mary Dunn.

390. [141]. Large vault: In memory of Sarah, wife of George HORNE of St. Pancras, London youngest sister of William EDGERTON died Sept. 1, 1830, aged 36. Also of William Edgerton of Southend in this Parish died Jan. 9, 1861 aged 89. Also of Edward Edgerton youngest son of William and Amy Edgerton died Dec. 15, 1862 aged 45. Also of Amy Edgerton relict of the above William Edgerton died Feb. 16, 1871 aged 86. Also of William Edgerton eldest son of the above died Feb. 12, 1883 aged 72.

391. [143]. Here lyeth the remains of Andrew EDHOUSE, Esq. late a Colonel in his Majesty’s 13th Regt. of Foot who departed this life 1 June, 1788 aged 65 years.

392. [145]. Sacred to the memory of George EDWARDS who died Sept. 24, 1824 aged 30 years.

393. [147]. In memory of Frances Charlotte ELIOT third daughter of Francis Percival Eliot, Esq. who died 28 Oct. 1819, aged 28 years. Also Ann Eliot widow of the said Francis Percival Eliot, Esq. who died 15 Aug. 1829, aged 73 years.

394. [149]. Flat stone: Here ..../of John ....../this Parish .../this ./Lik.../ Eliz .../dau .../John El.../Depart.. 174-/Like..../ of John * .../son of ye above Eli..../ who departed ..../Sept. ye 9th 17 4../A.../.../three other .../of ye above John ELLIOTT and Mary his wife. Also ye Body of Mary Elliott wife of the above John Elliott who departed this life the 15 day of Sept. 1769, aged 84 years. (*The first letter of this name looks like C, but is much worn).

395. [151]. In memory of Ann, wife of Isaac EVANS of this Parish, Gent .../who died ../May, 1778 in the --/year of her age. Also the body of Isaac Evans husband of the above ..../day of May, 17(?63) aged 63 years.

396. [152]. Headstone: In memory of Mrs. Mary EVANS who died 7 Jany. 1810 aged 32. Susanna WELLS sister of the above died 9 Dec. 1811 aged 26. Willm. Wells brother of the above died 27 Sept. 1826, aged 39.

397. [153]. Here lyeth the body of Richard EVENS of ye Parish of Lewisham who departed this life ye 18 of May, Anno. Dom. 1707, aged 67 years.

398. [154]. Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth EVENES daughter of Richard and Ann Evenes, of this Parish, who departed this life January 9, 1710, aged 21 years.

399. [155]. In memory of James William FARMANER who died 30 Aug. 1854, aged 44 years. Also of Mary wife of the above who died suddenly May 28, 1876 aged 70 years. Her remains lie in the Cemetery of this Parish.

400. [158]. Altar tomb: Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth FEILDE, widow of the Rev. Thomas Feilde .............../in Hertfordshire who departed this life on the 31 day of August, 1785, aged ../.South side: Beneath the Flat Stone adjoining to this Altar Tomb are interred the remains of Elizabeth Feilde, daughter of the Rev. Tho. Feilde, M.A. and Elizabeth his wife, to whose memory this Altar Tomb was erected which Elizabeth died the eighteenth day of June A.D. 1790, aged 29 years. Flat stone adjoining: E.F. 1790.

401. [159]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Frederick William FIELD who died 6 August, 1848, aged 27 years.

402. [160]. Sacred to the memory of Humphrey Charles FINNIMORE, son of Humphrey and Eliza Rosser Finnimore, died March 17, 1833, aged 3 years and 7 months. Also Mrs. Eliza Rosser Finnimore, mother of the above who died Aug. 2, 1835 aged 31 years. Also the above Humphrey Finnimore late of Gravesend who died 23 Mar. 1843, aged 68 years. A kind husband and affectionate parent. Also Sarah, wife of the above died April 10, 1845, aged 59 years.

403. [162]. In memory of Mrs.Frances Swale FITZGERALA, widow of the late Captn. Fitz Gerald who departed this life the 5 of March, 1838 aged 48 years.

404. [163]. Flat stone: Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Paul FOURESTIER who died at Blackheath April 15, 1791, aged 70 years.

405. [164]. In memory of Mr. Gabriel FOWKES who departed this life Dec. the 5 1807, aged 64 years. Also Mrs. Elizabeth Fowkes wife of the above, who departed this life, Feb. the 22, 1794, aged 49 years.

406. [165]. Sacred to the memory of Shadricah FROST of this Parish died May 24, 1840 aged 69 years.

407. [167]. Wooden: Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah FROST who departed this life Dec. 7, 1847 aged 4(?3).

408. [169]. Flat stone: In memory of John FULLER, Esq. of Dartmouth Row Blackheath who died the 23 of Jan. 1826 aged 60 years. Also of Mr. James Fuller who died the 7 of Sept. 1840 aged 59 years. Also Susanna widow of the above John Fuller, Esq. who died the 18 of Oct. 1846 aged 88 years.

409. [170]. Footstone only: J.G. 1757. S.G. 1767. M.G. 1795. E.G. 1811.

410. [172]. In memory of Samuel GAMBLE late Sergt.-Major Royal Horse Artillery Driver died 14 Nov. 1813, aged 59 years. Also Elizabeth Gamble, wife of the above died 7 March, 1842, aged 81 years.

411. [173]. In memory of Susanna GARRARD late daughter of Willm. & Susa. Garrard of the Parish of Barking Suffolk who died 30 July, 1795, aged 38 years and eleven months.

412. [175]. In memory of Mrs. Mary GERRALD of the island of Montserrat who departed this life the 2 of October 1821, aged 61 years.

413. [179]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Hannah GILES wife of Mr. Richard Giles who died January 19, 1837 aged 73 years. Also Maria Giles daughter of the above who died June 27, 1846 in the 46 year of her age.

414. [182]. Sacred to the memory of Maryanne wife of Capt. GODBY, R.N. who died 8 May, 1830, in the 46 year of her age. Also Hester and Maryanne twin daughters of the above, the former of whom died an infant the latter on the 24 Dec. 1820 aged 9 years. Also Duff Godby, son of the above, who died 27 Aug. 1830 aged 6 years and 6 months.

415. [183]. Headstone: Sacred to the memory of John Palmer GODBY, Esq. eldest son of Rear-Admiral Godby died 8 Aug. 1854 aged 45.

416. [184]. Headstone: Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of John GOLDEN who died 23 June, 1811 aged 48 years. Also Frederic his son who died 21 June 1822 aged 21 years. Also Susan, relict of the above named John Golden, who died 11 June, 1842 aged 76 years. On back: On the right lieth Mary PIZEY who died 24 Nov. 1819 aged 45 years.

417. [185]. In memory of Sarah wife of William GOLDY of this Parish who departed this life the 9 of January 1773 (?5) aged (?48) years. Also seven of their children/......../affectionate wife/.../mother and sincere friend. Also Susannah Goldy/....../of the above, who departed this life August ../1778, in the ../year of her age. Also Rebecca Goldy, second wife of the above, who departed this life 2 Jan. 1798 aged 62 years. Also Mary Goldy, departed this life the 10 of May, 1802, aged 50 years. Also William Goldy, departed this lie 9 Oct. 1806.

418. [186]. Letitia GOODWIN died 6 March, 1783, aged 7-/years.

419. [187]. In memory of Sarah wife of William GOTTY of this Parish, who departed this life the 9 (?) of January, 1775 aged 64 years. Also seven of their children/................/........../Also Susanna Gotty, daughter of the above, who ......../life/../of August, 1778/........./of her age. Also Rebecca Gotty, second wife of the above who departed this life 2 January 1798 aged 62 years. Also Mary Gotty, departed this life the 15 of May, 1802, aged 50 years. Also William Gotty, departed this life 29 of October 1806, aged 81 years.

420. [188]. Near this stone are deposited the remains of Elizabeth, wife of John GOTTY of the Parish of St.George’s, Middlesex who departed this life Dec. 15, 1815, aged 51 years.

420a. [191]. Here lyeth interred the Body of Mr. Thomas GRANT of the Parish of St.George’s, Bloomsbury, who departed this life 26 day of Feby. 1762, in ye 52 year of his age.

421b. [102]. Altar tomb: Here lies the body of John Edward GRAY, Ph. Dr., F.R.S. Keeper of the Zoological collection in the British Museum born 12 Feb. 1800 died 7 March, 1873. Also of Maria Emma Gray who died 9 Dec. 1876, aged 89 years she was the daughter of the late Lieut. Henry SMITH, R.N. of Greenwich Hospital and the widow of Francis Edward Gray, Esq. of Blackheath and also of the above named John Edward Gray, Ph. Dr., F.R.S.

422. [193]. In a vault underneath this monument are deposited the remains of Francis Edward GRAY Esq. of Eliot Vale, Blackheath son of the late Edward Whitaker Gray, M.D. of the British Museum. He departed this life Jany. 3, 1814 in the 30th year of his age.

423. [194]. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth the beloved wife of Matthew GREEN, late of South Mimms, Middlesex who departed this life 28 March 1844 in the 75 year of her age. Also her granddaughter Sarah Ann BIGGS the beloved daughter of Richard and Sarah Biggs who departed this life 25 June, 1849 in the 12 year of her age.

424. [198]. Here lieth interr’d ye Body of Edward GRESHAM of this Parish, who departed this life ye 7 of Nov. 1741 in ye eighteenth year of his age.

425. [199]. Here lies the remains of Joan, wife of Henry GRESHAM of this Parish who departed this life the 9 of July, 1744 aged 63. Also the remains of the above named Henry Gresham, who departed this life the 16 of November 1749, aged 64. Also Mr. Henry Gresham, son of the above Henry and Joan who departed this life the ../January, 1788, aged 70.

426. [204]. Altar tomb. South side: In this vault are deposited the remains of Clare, wife of Nathl. HADLEY, Esq. of this Parish who died 1 Jan. 1853, in her 66th year. Also the remains of the above Nathl. Hadley, Esq. who died on the 30 day of Nov. 1864, in his 79th year. East side: Also Edward third son of the late N. Hadley, Esqr. who died 30 November, 1817 aged 26 brother of Nathl. Hadley who died 30 Nov. 1864. West side: Also Caroline Mary third daughter of Nathl. and Clare Hadley who died 23 May, 1820, in her 5th year. Top: Also Caroline Mary third daughter of Nathaniel Hadley, Esqr. who died 23 of May, 1820, in her 5th year. Also Ann Prest Hadley fourth daughter of Nathaniel Hadley, Esq. sister of the above who died 18 day of December, 1863, in her 47th year. North side: Also of Nathaniel Layton Hadley, Esq. of Leith Vale Lodge, Ockley, Surrey only son of the late Nathaniel Hadley, Esq. of Lewisham who died November 13, 1870, in the 52nd year of his age.

427. [205]. Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann HALE relict of John Hale, Esq. of Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire and granddaughter of the Right Honourable Thomas PITT Earl of Londonderry. She died Feb. 1, 1826, aged 71 years. Also of Thomas MYERS, Esq. LL.D. of the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich and of Blackheath, Kent, who married Anna Maria, daughter of the above John and Mary Ann Hale born Feb. 13, 1773, died April 21, 1834. And of Caroline, his affectionate daughter the beloved wife of Thomas Eyre WYCHE, Esq. of Camberwell born July 1, 1813 died August 22, 1834.

428. [206]. Sacred to the memory of John Monckton HALE, Esq. son of John Hale, Esq. of Kidwelly and Mary Anne, his wife died May 2, 1834, aged 59 (or 39).

429. [207]. Altar tomb: Mr William HALL of this Parish and late of St. Olaves Southwark died April 28, 1831 in his 70th year. Also Mrs. Maria Hall wife of the above died Dec. 28, 1818 in her 85th year. Mrs. Jane WILKINSON died November 22, 1827 aged 80 years.

430. [208]. Here rest the mortal remains of Sarah HAMLET born at St. Helena died in this Parish 18 Jan. 1825 aged 19 years. This stone is erected by Miss LEECH as a token of affection to the memory of a most faithful attached domestic.

431. [209]. Altar tomb: Thomas HAMMOND obiit June 6, 1767 ætatis 36. Likewise Margaret his wife obiit December the 3, 1775 ætatis 62.

432. [210]. In memory of Thomas HANco*ck of this Parish who died 30 of Nov. 1777 aged 74 years. Also Elizabeth Hanco*ck wife of the above who died the 9 of Nov. 1793, aged 79 years. Also of their grandchildren. Also Mrs. Mary Hanco*ck who died 23 Feb. 1808, aged 39.

433. [212]. Sacred to the memory of Eliza, wife of Edward HANSON daughter of John PENNOCK, Esq. of Kingston, Jamaica born 24 June, 1802, died 18 June, 1820.

434. [216]. Sacred to the memory of Elizabeth HARRIS of this Parish who departed this life on the 30 June, 1855 in the 75 year of her age.

435. {222]. In memory of Mr. Thomas HARVEY late of this Parish who departed this life ...../28, 1806 aged 80 years. Four lines of (?poetry) illegible. Mrs Harvey mother of the above Mr. Thomas Harvey who departed this life May 30, 179-/aged -0/years. On other side: Also to the memory of Mr. Isaac Harvey late of this Parish who departed this life 31 January, 1846 aged 58 years.

436. [224]. In memory of Mrs. Catherine HARWOOD late wife of Mr. George Harwood and daughter of Thomas and Catherine SANDERS, who departed this life January 6, 1803 aged 43 years. Also Lucy Elizabeth Sanders late of this Parish who departed this life May 26, 1838 aged 86 years.

437. [225]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. John HAWKINS who departed this life September 29, 1833 aged 48 years.

438. [227]. To the memory of Marsden third son of Henry HEALD of Blackheath and Ann his wife born 10 April, 1844, died 13 May, 1850 aged 6 years.

439. [235]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Thomas HOCKLEY of this Parish who died 16 January, 1850 aged 66 years.

440. [236]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. George HOCKLEY who departed this life March 17, 1856 in the 43 year of his age.
(George Hockley’s wife, Emma Whitehall was from a Lewisham family. She was daughter of Sarah and Michael Whitehall and sister of Michael Thomas Whitehall of Catford who gave a grant of £500 as a contribution to the building of the Lewisham Clock Tower. Courtesy of Sharyn Exelby 23-10-2015)

441. [237]. In memory of Mrs. Margaret HODGKINS of Sydenham who died 3 March, 1819 aged 66 years.

442. [238]. Here lies buried the body of Edward HODSDON of Sydenham in this Parish, Esq. who died the sixth day of Nov. 1737. Also the body of Mildreda, wife of the above Edward Hodsdon, who died 6 June, 1738. Also the body of Edward Hodsdon Esq. son of the above Edward Hodsdon who died 19 July, 1739. Also lieth interr’d the body of Thomas Hudsdon of Sydenham in this Parish, Esq. who died the 9 of Nov. 1766. Also lieth interr’d the body of Susannah Hodsdon, wife of the above Thomas Hodsdon, Esq. died 24 of May, 1773. Here also lieth the body of Mrs. Sarah BUNCE, who died February 12, 1774.

443. [239]. Sacred to the memory of Catherine HOLDING who devoted the greatest part of a long life to the arduous task of instructing the rising generation which she performed highly to her credit and to the benefit of her pupils who retained for her a lasting esteem. To the poor, although not rich herself, she was a kind benefactress distributing of the little she had to those who had less. She died full of hope in the mercies of a Blessed Redeemer on the 30 of September, 1820 in the 73rd year of her age.

444. [244]. In memory of Richard HOWARD of this Parish, who died Feb. 26, 1785, aged 63. Also of William his son born Dec. 28, 1771, died June 8, 1772. Likewise of Elizabeth his daughter, born April the 2, 1777, died Sept. the --/1778. One on the right side of this grave, the other on the left.

445. [245]. Here lieth interrd the body of Mrs. Elizabeth HOWARD who having for several years patiently endured affliction looking forward with humble hope, was at last called to take possession of a better Country that is Heavenly. She died on the 28 day of July, 1787, aged 5-/years.

446. [248]. In memory of Mrs. Frances HUBBARD who died Aug. 21, 1802, aged 85 years.

447. [250]. In memory of Mr. Samuel HURST late of this Parish who died 13 June, 1818 aged 61 years. Also Mrs. Martha Hurst, relict of the above who departed this life Sep. 6, 1849 in the 77 year of her age.

448. [253]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. John INGERSOLL who departed this life July 15, 1843 aged 26 years. Also Mrs. Mary Harriet Ingersoll mother of the above who departed this life August 23, 1849 aged 65 years.

449. [255]. Altar tomb. On top: Robert JAMES died 25 October, 1842 aged 26 years. On north side: M.S. Viri Rev Roberti James, A.M. Exaulâ dè Clare apud Cantabrigienses Alumni et J. James, S.T.P. Cathedralis Peterbourgensis Canonici Filii Natus viii 1d. Jan. 1817 Mort viii 1d Nov. 1842 Unicè et merito dilectuo nulli non flebilis occidit In Deo per Christum spes.

450. [259]. Altar tomb: Sacred to the memory of Mr Charles JOHNSON Farmer and fellmonger of this Parish he died the 9 October, 1796, in the 68 year of his age.

451. [260]. Flat stone: Here lieth the body of Mrs. Isabella JOHNSON wife of Edward Johnson, Esq. of this Parish she was the only surviving daughter of the late Sr. Thomas LANGLEY, Bart. and grand-daughter of Sr. Roger Langley Bart., who was foreman of the grand jury that acquitted the Seven Bishops Anno 1688 and was thereby greatly instrumental in bringing about the glorious Revolution. She died 13 Nov. 1769, aged 56. Also the body of Mrs. Alicia JONES, daughter of the above Mrs. Isabella Johnson and widow of William Jones, Esq. of his Majesty’s Exchequer. She died the 28 January, 1800, aged 64 years.

452. [262]. In memory of Martha, the beloved wife of the Rev. William JOWETT, M.A. She was eleven years resident as a missionary in Malta born Oct. 22 1789 died June 24, 1829. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ". Eliza Caroline, their fourth child was born at Malta June 22, 1822 and died at Blackheath Nov. 18, 1829. "Of such is the kingdom of heaven". Charlotte Emily, their sixth child was born at Malta Jan. 5, 1827 and died at Pentonville July 8, 1837. "He shall gather the lambs in His arms and carry them in his bosom". John Whiting Jowett their second son, born Jan. 2, 1825 died Oct. 25, 1842. "Thy brother shall rise again".

453. [263]. In memory of the Rev. William Banks JOWETT, B.A. of St. John’s College, Cambridge elder son of the Rev. William Jowett, M.A. and Martha his wife born at Malta 14 Aug. 1820 died at Clapham 20 Feb. 1846. "Kept by the power of God through Faith, unto Salvation". The Rev. William Jowett, M.A. Incumbent of St. John’s Church, Clapham. He was connected with the Church Missionary Society from 1815 to 1840 First as Missionary in the Mediterranean and afterwards as clerical secretary to the parent society. Born 23 Sept., 1787, died at Clapham 20 Feb., 1855. "Be not slothful, but followers of them that through faith and patience inherit the promises". Mary Ann eldest daughter of the above born at Malta 24 March, 1816 died at Brighton 12 Nov. 1868 and buried there. "They that are with Him are called and chosen and faithful". Henrietta youngest and last surviving child of the above born at London 20 Sep. 1828 died at Ockbrook, Derbyshire 25 Dec. 1871 and buried there.

454. [264]. In memory of Mr. John JUPP late of this Parish who died the 20 Nov. 1821, aged 63 years. Also Mrs. Hannah Jupp wife of the above who died the 8 of August 1811, aged 51 years. Likewise Sally Jupp who died the 26 of December 1818, aged 24 years. Also Amelia Jupp who died the 7 of January 1821, aged 28 years.

455. [267]. A footstone: KERR, 1850. Headstone defaced.456. [268]. Altar tomb: Sacred to the memory of Lieut. Joseph KIDD, R.N. who was lost off Tunis March 1808, ætat 33. Also Miss Susan WALPOLE niece of the above, obiit 3 May, 1812, ætat 8 months. Also Mrs. Catherine CADE obiit 10 Dec. 1821, ætat 79. Also Mary Cade obiit 1 Feb. 1830, ætat 62. Also Anna Maria Cade obiit 26 Feb. 1830, ætat 56.

457. [269]. To the memory of Joseph KIMBER son of Robert and Betty Kimber of this Parish who died 7 January 1783 aged 12 years. Also Betty Kimber, sister to the above, who died 4 August 1784, aged 7 years and 6 months. In a grave between those two stones lie the remains of Mrs. Betty Kimber wife of Mr. Robert Kimber, who died 20 August, 1801, aged 59 years.

458. [270]. ........../KIMBER ................./aforesaid ............../Kimber ........../this life, August 13, 1827 ...d/73 years. ......../arlotte PHILLIPS ........./daughter of ............/ER. On the reverse: Joseph Kimber.

459. [273]. Here lieth interrd the body of John KITE late of this Parish who died the 18 Feb. 1781 in the 41 year of his age.

460. [274]. Altar tomb*: Here lieth ye body of Elizabeth KNAPP the beloved wife of John Knapp, of this Parish, Citizen and Vintner of London, she departed this life the thirteen of May, 1726 ætat 51. Here also lieth ye body of John Knapp of this Parish, who departed this life the 11 day of August, 1740 aged 64 years. Here also lieth ye body of Robert Knapp, second son of the above John and Elizabeth Knapp, he died the 28 June, 1744 aged 38 years. Here lieth the body of the revd. Joseph Knapp, Rector of Brampton, near Northampton, son of John and Elizabeth Knapp, he died the 22 of December, 1757, in the 55 year of his age. *On the top is the following Coat of Arms: A lion passant, in chief 3 helmets (Knapp). Impaling: An eagle displayed debruised by a chevron engrailed, charged with 3 lozenges (HYDE).
461. [275]. Here lies the mortal remains of Mrs. Elizabeth LADYMAN late wife of Mr. Henry Ladyman of this Parish who departed this life Sept. the 11 1820, aged 47 years. Beloved and esteemed by all who knew her. Also of the above Mr. Henry LADYMAN who departed this life Feby. the 15, 1823, aged 83 years. No individual ever possessed a more tender and generous heart and when called by his God to a better world, obeyed the summons as a man, a philosopher, and a Christian.

462. [277]. Headstone: Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth LAMB wife of Mr. Thomas Lamb who departed this life Nov. 11, 1830, aged 31 years. Also two of their children, who died in their infancy. Also George, the beloved son of the above Thos. Lamb who died on the 14 day of April 1854 in the 18th year of his age.

463. [280]. To the memory of Sarah LANCE wife of William Lance of Sydenham, in this parish who died 7 June, 1786 aged 44 years. Also Edward Lance son of the above, who died 5 June, 1786, aged 4 months. Also the above-said Mr. William Lance who died 7 June, 1818, aged 73 years. Also of Elizabeth Lance daughter of the above who died 21 June, 1828, aged 18 years.

464. [282]. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth LANCE wife of Mr. William Lance of this parish who died March 1, 1823 aged 50 years. A good wife and a sincere friend. Also of Mrs. Mary Ann Lance wife of the above, who died Feb. 13, 1828, aged 39 years.

465. [287]. In memory of Mr. Samuel LARKING of this parish who departed this life 11 May 1825, in the 36th year of his age. A tender father, a loving husband and a sincere friend. Also Samuel Larking, son of the above who departed this life 3 Feb. 1823, aged 8 months.

466. [288]. In memory of Mary LARKING many years an inhabitant of this parish who died 3 Feb. 1838 aged 78 years. Also of William Larking husband of the above who died 14 July, 1841 aged 84 years. "Reader, trifle not; your time is short".

467. [290]. Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Mr. George LAWRANCE who died the 1 Oct. 1779, aged 45 years. Also the body of Elizabeth daughter of the above who died the 21 June, 179(8) aged 23 years. Also Mrs. Sarah Lawrance wife and mother of the above who died 1 May, 1804. Also Mr Thomas DUNN who died 13 Feb. 1827 aged 59 years.

468. [291]. Sacred to the memory of the Rev. Samuel Simon LAWRY Rector of Blunham, Bedfordshire who died 24 April, 1806 aged 52 years.

469. [296]. Sacred to the endeared memory of Elizabeth Margret relict of Henry LEDGER, Esq. late of Blackheath who died 26 Nov. 1829 aged 63 years. Also to the memory of her daughter Anne WILSON who died in Liverpool Feb. 16, 1832 and was there interred in St. James’s Cemetery.

470. [297]. Altar tomb: In memory of Mr. Francis LEWIS of Sydenham, in this Parish who died 15 January, 1795, aged 47 years. Also of Mrs. Frances WALTER who died 14 Nov. 1819, aged 55 years. Also of Mrs. Ann VINER widow of the above Mr. Francis Lewis who died 15 July, 1821, aged 70 years.

471. [303]. In memory of Mr. Francis LUCAS late of Blackheath who died 1 March, 1820 aged 58 years. Also Francis Lucas son of the above, who died 4 March 1824, aged 22 years. Also Ann, relict of the above Mr. Francis Lucas who departed this life April 12, 1850, aged 70 years.

472. [308]. Sacred to the memory of Anthony McGREGOR of this Parish who died 13 April, 1817 aged 77 years.

473. [310]. Here lyeth interred the body of Mr. George MACONISTIN Upholder, of Watling Street London who departed this life July the ../1760, aged ../. Also the body of Mr Richard ......../of the Parish of St. James, Clerkenwell who departed this life March 10, 177(?6) aged ../years. Also the body of Mrs. ......PEGG widow of the ......../who died the 2 of January, 1800, aged 72.

474. [316]. Sacred to the memory of Walter the beloved son of John and Susanna MANNING of this Parish who died 6 Sept. 1856 aged 10 years and 4 months. "Adieu, dear parents, do not weep/Thy Walter’s found a home/Amid the blessed scenes above/Where sorrow is unknown". Also of John W. Manning eldest brother of the above who died in India 12 Feb. 1864 in the 30th year of his age.

475. [318]. Altar tomb: In the vault beneath lie the remains of George Eagles MARSDEN born 8 Sept. 1774, died 2 Aug. 1846. Mary Marsden his wife born 14 Nov. 1773, died 21 Nov. 1845. William, Mark, Ann, and Catherine their infant children. John Eagles born 1 Aug. 1731, died 15 Oct. 1793. Subbrina Eagles, his relict born 19 April, 1735, died 16 Aug. 1799. Ann Marsden their daughter born 2 Dec. 1756, died 5 March, 1833. Gande Richard, second son of Richard Andrew and Augusta Sophia Marsden born 12 March, 1852, died 5 Jan. 1855. Madeline Gande, their second daughter born 8 May, 1856, died 22 Dec. 1859. Herbert Gande, their fourth son born 25 March, 1855, died 17 Oct. 1862. Eagles Brady, their fifth son born 22 Nov. 1859, died 9 May, 1863. Richard Andrew Marsden second son of the above-named George Eagles Marsden born 1 Jan. 1804, died 10 April, 1879.

476. [321]. Here lieth the body of Benjamin MARTYN, Esq. who died Oct. 25, 1763, aged 64. He was a man of inflexible integrity and one of the best bred men in England, which, with a happy genius for poetry procured him the friendship of several noblemen, not more distinguished by their illustrious births than by their public virtues and private morals. He was the first promoter of the design of erecting a monument to the memory of Shakespear in Westminster Abbey, which was carried into execution by him, with the assistance of Dr. MEAD and Mr. POPE, by the profits of a play. The Prologue spoken on that occasion was wrote by him.

477. [323]. A footstone, amongst those removed from place where chancel now stands, has A.M. 1780. C.Y. 1811.

478/ [324]. Altar tomb: In memory of Mrs. Sarah MATTEN who died 26 April, 1810 aged 66 years.

479. [329]. In memory of Elizabeth MECHI born the 21 of Jany. 1772 and departed this life the 21 of March, 1809.

480. [339]. Here lieth interred the body of Mrs. Susanna MINTON wife of Richard Minton of this Parish who departed this life the 12 of January, 1778 aged 52 years. Also the body of Richard Minton husband of the above who departed this life the 11 day of June, 1801, aged 68 years. "Here lies a worthy honest man,/The truth of this deny who can". Also Mrs. Elizabeth HANKINS died 27 Sept. 1827, aged 50 years.

481. [345]. Here lieth interrd the body of Jeffrey MORPHEW of this Parish, who departed this life, ye 17 day of Oct. 1740 in the 47 year of his age. Here also lieth the body of William Morphew, son of Jeffrey and Mary Morphew who departed this life ye 31 of March, 1741, in ye 9th year of his age.

482. [346]. Altar tomb: To the memory of Mr. William MORTIMER who departed this life the 24 day of Aug. 1808, aged 27.

483. [347]. Flat stone: Here lyeth the remains of four infant children, Henry, Henry James, Henry and Emma MORTON. Also the remains of Mrs. Mary Morton their mother, who died the 30 of July, 1820, aged 72.

484. [350]. Sacred to the memory of Hannah wife of William MUNRO who died May 23, 1841, aged 54 years.

485. [351]. Altar tomb, with sloping top. On the South side: Here lyeth interred the body of Mr. John MYLAM of this Parish, Surgeon who died the 5 of May, 1748 aged 56 years. Here also lyeth ye body of Mrs. Grace Mylam wife of ye above John Mylam who departed this life the 28 of May, 1762 aged 68 years. South side of top: To the memory of Mr. John Mylam, Surgeon, who departed this life 14 April, 1793, aged 61 years, son of the undernamed John and Grace Mylam. Here also lie interred two sons of the above John Mylam, viz. John Mylam who departed this life 24 July, 1777, aged 13 years. And Joseph Mylam, who departed this life 19 Dec. 1788, aged 23 years. Also Mrs. Mary Mylam, widow of the above Mr. John Mylam, who died 17 May, 1805.

486. [353]. Headstone, now flat: Sacred to the memory of Mary NEWELL wife of John Newell of this Parish who departed this life 29 Sep. 1815, aged 50 years. Also Mary Newell, wife of the above, who departed this life 29 Sep. 1837, aged 60 years.

487. [356]. Flat stone: The Reverend Edward NORTON, A.M. Master of Blackheath School died January 30, 1767, aged 72. Catherine Norton, wife of the above Edward Norton died November (?1)7, 1770, aged 62. Near this place lie the remains of Mrs. Elizabeth SHERRETT, who departed this life March 1786, aged 63.

488. [357]. Sacred to the memory of William NUNN, son of William and Ann Nunn who departed this life Sept. 5, 1822 aged 7 months.

489. [358]. In memory of Thomas NUTTALL, late of the Parish of Bermondsey, and husband of Elizabeth Nuttall of the adjoining grave who departed this life June the 26, 1814, aged 73 years.

490. [359]. Here lieth the body of Mr. Benjamin OLIVER Citizen and Stationer of London Bridge, who departed this life the 14 Aug. 1737 aged 35 years.

491. [360]. In memory of John OLIVER of this Parish born Oct. 24, 1776 died Nov. 15, 1836. The monument is erected by Charles ATKINS to the memory of his late beloved and affectionate wife Rebecca Atkins daughter and only child of John and Grace Oliver born Nov. 14, 1802, died Oct. 6, 1860. In memory of Grace Oliver widow of John Oliver, born April 26, 1780 died March 24, 1851.

492. [363]. Sacred to the memory of Frances wife of Edward P............/who died 4 August, 1796, aged 31.

493. [369]. Flat stone: Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Elizabeth PALMER who died 23 Jan. 1835 aged 79 years. Also Mrs. Ann BELL sister to the above who died 11 Apr. 1811 aged 81 years. Also Miss Hester Palmer who died 26 Jan. 1853 aged 89 years.

494. [370]. To the memory of George Harding PALMER, son of George Harding and Ann Palmer who died 18 April, 1845, aged 8 years and 8 months and 14 days.

495. [371]. Sacred to the memory of Sarah Ann PARKER daughter of Thomas and Sarah Parker of the Parish of St. Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey who died July 9, 1792 aged 3 years and 1 month. Also John Charles Parker who died 5 Jan. 1800 aged 1 year and 7 months. Also Thomas Blonam Parker who died 4 Dec. 1806, aged 4 years. Also Charles James Parker who died Jan. 30, 1807, aged 20 months. Also Thomas Parker of Camberwell, Surrey father of the above named children who departed this life Oct. 24, 1836 in the 69th year of his age. Also of Mrs. Sarah Parker wife of the above who departed this life July 30, 1838 aged 67 years.

496. [372]. Sacred to the memory of Edward PARKER died 3 Nov. 1850 in the 50th year of his age. This stone is erected to his memory by the family in whose service he lived 25 years. Also of Ruth Parker wife of the above died Jan. 8, 1848 in the 46th year of her age.

497. [373]. Sacred to the memory of Thomas PARKER late of Peckham Lane who died Oct. 8, 1851 aged 36 years.

498. [374]. Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann the beloved daughter of Charles and Margaret PARKER of this Parish, obiit May 2, 1852, ætat 9 years.

499. [378]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Charlotte PATTE wife of Mr. Joseph Patte and fifth daughter of Mr. Joshua COX late of Hatton Garden who died 24 Nov. 1819 aged 56 years. "A loving wife, a friend sincere/A tender mother lieth here/Beloved thro’ life, respected until death/With Christian fondness she resigned her breath". Also the above Mr. Joseph Patte who died 22 Sept. 1829 aged 67 years.

500. [379]. Here lieth interred the body of Rachel PEARSON of this Parish, who died the 15 of June, 1746 aged 57 years. Also the body of Robert Pearson husband of the above, who died ye 22 of January, 1768 aged 67 years.

501. [380]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Charles PECK of this Parish who departed this life 19 Feb. 1838 in his 53rd year. Much lamented by his wife and children.

502. [384]. Flat piece of stone, in front of north porch: Here lieth ye ........../Esq. who de............../th../............../Also ye B.../...............PERY/his wife............../1 April............./.

503. [390]. Here lieth the body of Mary the wife of Richard PLAYTER who departed this life August ye 10, 1741, aged 26 years. Also here lieth interred the body of Richard Playter son of the above Mary Playter who died April 25, 1780, aged 64 years.

504. [392]. Sacred to the memory of Penelope POOLE who departed this life on the 4 of May, 1850 aged 73 years.

505. [393]. In memory of Thomas POUND of the "Three Tuns" Blackheath, in this Parish who departed this life 11 Nov. 1853 aged 68 years. Also Sarah, daughter of the above who departed this life 4 May, 1836 aged 4 years and 6 months. Also Alfred, son of the above who departed this life 30 Sept. 1836 aged 13 months.

506. [395]. In memory of Mr. John PRANGNELL, of the Parish of St. Paul Deptfordwick who died Dec. ye 25, 1763, aged 72. Also Sarah wife of the above died April ye 1, 1739, aged 46. Also Mr. George Prangnell son of the above, who died June 5, 1764 in the 26 year of his age.

507. [396]. In memory of John PRANGNELL son of the late George Prangnell who died 1 May, 1766 aged 3 years.

508. [401]. Altar tomb within iron railings. Urn on top, with coat of arms: A chevron ermine between three boars’ heads couped. South side: James PURCELL, Esq. Lieutenant Governor of the Virgin Islands. In his first years (dedicated to the sea service) he shewed intrepidity and conduct/In his latter years strength of mind, patience and constancy bearing excruciating and lasting pains of body with cheerfulness/In every period of life an example of Truth, Modesty, Disinterestedness and Real Fortitude. He died July the 8, A.D. 1759, aged 43 years and 8 months.

509. [403]. There is an altar tomb under the tree at the South entrance gate, much worn, having been used as a ‘vantage ground’ by the village children for marriages, etc: In memory of Richard P............./son of ........../P............/(rest illegible).

510. [404]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Sarah QUILTY wife of Mr. William Quilty of this Parish who departed this life the 15 of March, 1828, in her 69 year. Also Catherine Mary Quilty daughter of the above W.F. Quilty (sic) and Catherine his second wife died Feb. 13, 1847 in her 16th year.

511. [405]. A footstone: H.G.R., 1804.

512. [406]. Altar tomb. North side: Sacred to the memory of three sons of William and Sarah RANDALL of Collonade House, Blackheath. William died 25 March, 1810 in the 14th year of his age. Henry died 10 August, 1816, aged 9 years. Nathaniel died 11 March, 1822 in the 23rd year of his age. Nathaniel Randall Esq. died 2 October, 1829 in his 72nd year. Also Isabella relict of Capt. A.M. CAMPBELL Royal Artillery died at Leamington, Warwickshire, 3 May 1873 in her 80th year. East side: Sacred to the memory of three daughters of William and Sarah Randall. Sarah died 19 July, 1838 in the 44th year of her age. Juliana, wife of Frederick Cureton Travers SMYTH of Tenby, Esq. died 27 Nov. 1838 in the 38 year of her age. Helen, wife of Archibald BULKELEY, of Sloane Street died 30 May, 1843 in the 32nd year of her age. South side: Sacred to the memory of William Randall, Esq. late of the Retreat Battersea and of Lambeth, Surrey, and formerly of Blackheath in this parish, who died 27 Dec. 1825 in the 59 year of his age. Also of Sarah, relict of the above-named William RANDALL, Esq. who died 31 August, 1846 aged 73 years. On top: Captain Henry CAMPBELL late of the 19th Regt. and of the Bengal Staff Corps son of Captain A.M. Campbell and Isabella his wife died 15 July, 1871 in his 44th year.

513. [408]. Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of John RASHLEIGH of Penquite, in the County of Cornwall Esq., late first Commissioner and Receiver of Greenwich Hospital who died May 17, A.D. 105 in the 62 year of his age. Those who knew and loved him living, and how kind was his heart, how sweet and innocent his conversation, can feel how irreparable is his loss. But his afflicted family alone the witnesses of his sufferings, know by how pure and perfect an example of piety and resignation taught them how to die. Also the remains of Mrs. Frances Eliza Anne Rashleigh wife of Thomas Rashleigh, Esq. of Blackheath. She died Jan. 19, A.D. 1830 in the 81st year of her age. Also of Thomas Rashleigh, Esq. of Blackheath who died September 13, A.D. 1833, in the 85 year of his age. East end: At the foot of this tomb are also deposited the remains of Henrietta Maltby LEAco*ck the grand-daughter of Thomas Rashleigh, Esq. of Blackheath who died the 4 of July, 1820 aged 3 years and 6 months. West end: At the foot of this tomb are also deposited the remains of Mary Anne Rashleigh second daughter of Thomas Rashleigh, Esq. of Blackheath and niece of the above-named John Rashleigh, Esq. died the 25 of March, 1807 in the 21st year of her age.

514. [409]. In memory of Mr. John RAYNER of the Parish of S. Mary Magdalen Bermondsey, Tanner who departed this life the ../day of January, 1772 aged 66 years. James Rayner obiit 29 August 1776, aged 38 years.

515. [410]. Large flat vault: In memory of John RAYNER of the Parish of S. Mary Magdalen, Bermondsey, Tanner, who died the 5 Jan. 1772 aged 66 years. Also Mr. James Rayner, son of the above, who died the 29 April, 1776 aged 38 years. Likewise Mrs. Mary Rayner, wife of Mr. Benjamin Rayner, son of the abovesaid Mr. John Rayner who died the 6 March, 1788 aged (?4)0 years. Also the above Mr. Benjamin Rayner who died the 10 Aug. 1788 aged 40 years.

515. [411]. In memory of Sarah, daughter of Richard and Sarah REDMAN of this Parish who departed this life March the 21, 1835 aged 10 months.

517. [412]. In memory of Jasper Holmes REED son of the Rev. Andrew and Elizabeth Reed of Cannon Street Road, S. George’s-in-the-East obiit 21 July, 1818, ætat 7 weeks.

518. [413]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Jane REED who died April 2, 1841, aged 88 years.

519. [416]. Sacred to the memory of Mary RICHARDSON relict of Mr. John Inman Richardson who departed this life the 21 day of Dec. 1843 in her 80th year.

520. [418]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Thomas ROBERTS of this Parish who died 11 Aug. 1824 aged 54 years. Also of Alfred W. Roberts his son who died 9 Aug. 1816, aged 24 years. Also of three daughters who died in their infancy. Likewise of Anne Roberts his daughter who died 4 Sept. 1826 aged 24 years. Also of Mary Ann Roberts his daughter who died 27 Feb. 1837 aged 39 years.

521. [425]. Flat stone, within a railing: Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Emily daughter of Frederick Leman ROGERS, Esq. and Sophia his wife, she died 22 Sept. 1837 aged 23 years. She being made perfect in a short time, fulfilled a long time, for her soul pleased the Lord, therefore hasted He to take her away from the wicked.

522. [426]. Flat stone, within a railing: Beneath this stone are deposited the remains of Elizabeth CHOICE late nurse in the family of F.L. ROGERS, Esq. with whom she lived 33 years affectionately and constantly loved and most sincerely respected. She died at his house on the 9 of April, 1844 aged 77 years. Also of her sister Mary Choice who died 21 Feb. 1853 aged 83 years.

523. [430]. In memory of Sarah wife of William ROWLAND who died 18 May, 1803 aged 53 years. Also of the above William Rowland, who died 22 Jan. 1829 aged 80 years. Also of Letitia second wife of the above who died 9 Oct. 1839, aged 86 years.

524. [433]. In memory of Mr. Robert RUSSELL of this Parish brother to the late Mr. John Russell, nurseryman. He departed this life March 4, 1807 in the 68 year of his age. A truly honest man. Also of Mrs. Mary Russell, wife of the above who died 11 Oct. 1818 in the 68th year of her age.

525. [437]. In memory of Mrs. Margaret RUTTER late of Worthen in the County of Salop who departed this life 8 Dec. 1812, aged 57 years.

526. [439]. Altar tomb. On the south side: Sacred to the memory of John St. BARDE, Esq. of Blackheath in the Parish of Lewisham. One of the Elder Bretheren of the Trinity Corporation died 9 Jany. 1816 aged 73 years.

527. [440]. To the memory of Mrs. Mary SAMPEY widow of Mr. John Sampey late of King Street, St. James’ Square who departed this life the 20 day of June, 1800 in the 95th year of her age.

528. [442]. In memory of Catherine SANDERS late wife of Thomas Sanders, senior of this Parish, who departed this life the 7 July, 1780 aged 63 years.

529. [443]. In memory of Mr. Thomas SANDERS late of this Parish who departed this life the 23 of Aug. 1789 aged 73 years.

530. [444]. In memory of Mr. John Sunabank SANDERS son of Thomas and Catherine Sanders late of this Parish who departed this life the 29 of July, 1795 aged 35 years.

531. [445]. In memory of Sarah Caroline SANDERS late of this Parish who departed this life the 2 of March, 1806 aged 50 years.

532. [446]. In memory of Thomas William SANDERS of this Parish who died 28 Dec. 1829 aged 76 years.

533. [447]. In memory of Eleanor SANDERS ........./Sanders ............../Parish who departed this life 17 of Dec. 1787 aged -4/ years............../George ............/Mrs. Ann Sanders second wife of the above ....../Sanders, who departed this life ......../aged 54 years. ........./Also the above Mr. Thomas Sanders who departed this life December 12 182-/ aged 77 years. On back: Also Ann Sanders who died Dec. 28, 1831, aged 43 years.

535. [449]. Large vault, within railings. On the large stone: Sacred to the memory of Robert SAUNDERS, Esq. of Southend in this Parish born 28 August, 1754 died 4 March, 1825 aged 70 years. Also of Mrs. Margaret Saunders widow of the above born 13 Nov. 1768 died 8 Sept. 1828 aged 59 years. And of Harriett Eliza Saunders their daughter born 16 May, 1787 died 29 Jan. 1829 On small tablet: In memory of Emily Julia, fifth child of Charles Alexander and Mary SAUNDERS born 13 July, 1827 died 23 March, 1829. On another small tablet: In memory of Louisa Adelaide third child of James Fergusson and Laura Saunders born 22 Nov. 1820 died 23 May, 1843. Also Caroline Louisa born 17 Jan. 1851 died 15 March, 1854.

536. [452]. In memory of Elias SCUDDS who died May 24, 1824 aged 2-/ years. Also Sidonius Scudds who died June 16, 1821 aged 19 years.

537. [453]. Altar tomb: In memory of Mrs. Sarah SEMARK wife of Mr. Richard Seamark of this Parish who died 16 Jan. 1812 aged 36 years. Also James Thomas their son who died 27 April, 1812 aged 5 years. Also Richard Alfred their second son, who departed this life at Christ’s Hospital the 6 June, 1818 aged 9 years and 9 months. Also George Frederick their third son, who departed this life at Blackheath the 10 June, 1832, aged 22 years, deeply lamented by his father and friends. Also of Sarah Eliza their daughter, and wife of Robert SUTER, Esq. of Greenwich who died 23 May, 1845, aged 40 years. Also of Richard Seamark, Esq. the husband and father who died at his residence, Mount. St. Alban’s, Christchurch, Monmouthshire, South Wales June 20, 1866, in the 83rd year of his age and his remains are interr’d in a vault in the Churchyard of that Parish.

538. [460]. Family Vault of B. SIMMONDS, Esq., Kensall Green. Herein are deposited the remains of Benjamin Simmonds, Esq. obiit 27 Feb. 1841, ætat 62.

539. [463]. Capt. George SIMSON late Commander of Fort William in the Hon. East India Company’s Service died the 26 June, 1805, aged 71 years. Mrs Elizabeth Simson died the 9 June, 1815 in the 71 year of her age. George Frederick TANNER son of Thomas and Eliza Tanner and grandson of the above died the 15 Nov. 1827, in the 20 year of his age.

540. [465]. Flat stone: Under this stone lyeth the body of Mrs. Jane SMITH who departed this life the 21 of July, in the year 1757 aged 65 years.

541. [466]. Altar tomb: Here lies the body of Jane SMITH wife of William Smith of this Parish, who departed this life the 17 of May, 1770, aged 50 years.

542. [469]. In memory of Mr. James SMITH late of this Parish who departed this life 7 July, 1821, aged 66 years.

543. [470]. In memory of Mr. Benjamin SMITH of this Parish who departed this life 29 Sept. 1822 aged 53 years. Also of Mrs. Catherine Smith relict of the above who died 19 July, 1840 in her 68th year. Also of Mr. William Smith son of the above who died 25 April, 1842 aged 34 years.

544. [471]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Rebecca SMITH wife of Mr. John Smith of Blackheath who departed this life the 9 of February, 1824, aged 29 years. Also Charlotte PENN of Blackheath, sister to the above who departed this life the ../Dec. 1824, aged ../ years. Also Mr. John Smith who departed this life Oct. 23, 1834, aged 43 years.

545. [473]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. Richard SMITH of this Parish born March 8, 1787 died July 25, 1847. Also of Anna Maria, wife of Arthur Smith son of the above died April 3, 1849 in the 39th year of her age.

546. [474]. In memory of Amy Maria the beloved child of Burton and Eleanor Maria SMITH born June 15, 1854 died April 28, 1855.

547. [475]. Altar tomb: Sacred to the memory of George Brunswick SMYTHE late Capt. of the 80th Regt. died 16 March, 1845, in his 31st year.

548. [477]. In memory of two faithful servants Henry SOLOMAN of this Parish and Ann his wife daughter of William HOARE of Crondall in Hampshire. Henry died on the 30 Oct. 1822 aged 39 years and Ann on the 25 April, 1824 in the 36 year of her age leaving 3 orphan children to lament her loss.

549. [481]. In memory of Mr. John SPENCER of this Parish, who departed this life January the 21, 1764, aged 33 years.

550. [483]. Sacred to the memory of Mr. John SQUIRE, Junior late of Huddersfield who departed this life Sept. 4, 1854 aged 29 years. Also of Mr. John Squire father of the above who departed this life Feb. 12, 1846 aged 85 years.

551. [484]. This tomb was erected by Mr. William STACEY, assistant of his Majesty’s yard at Deptford, in memory of the undermentioned June, 1733. Here lies the body of Mrs. Eleanor WATSON, relict of the Rev. John Watson, D.D., and sister by the mother to the Rt. Hon. Sir Charles WAGER, Admiral of the White, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty. She died the 1 June, 1731, in ye 36 year of her age. Also the body of Mary, wife of Mr. William Stacey, and daughter of the abovesaid John and Eleanor Watson. She died the 1 Oct. 1831, in the 20th year of her age. Also the body of Eleanor, daughter of Mr. William and Mary Stacey, she dyed the 9 Oct. 1731, aged one month and 5 days. Here also lyeth the body of Mr. William Stacey abovesaid. He died 10 Feb. 1740 assistant of his Majesty’s yard at Deptford in the 36 year of his age. Also the body of Mary PARKER, eldest daughter of Alexander and Prudence Parker, and sister of the above-mentioned Eleanor Watson. She was born ye 17 of July, 1672, and died the 5 April, 1746.

552. [489]. In memory of Mrs. Ann STANNEL who died Decr 3-/ 1820 aged 75 years.

553. [491]. Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Lydia STAPLES of this Parish, late of Sydenham who died 21 Sept. 1821 aged 83 years.

554. [494]. Here lieth interred the body of Mr. Thomas STEWARD late of this Parish, who died March 28, 1770, in the 67 year of his age whose honesty and integrity through life justly gained him the esteem of all who knew him. Also near this place lieth Elizabeth Steward wife of the above who died June 24, 1873, aged 60 years.

555. [495]. Square tomb, with an urn. South side: Sacred to the memory of Sarah the beloved wife of James STEWARD of this Parish, Esq. and the oldest daughter of Daniel SEWELL, of Thetford Abbey in Norfolk, Esq. She departed this life 9 Sept. 1823 in the 27 year of her age leaving an afflicted husband and an only daughter to lament her untimely and irreparable loss.

556. [496]. Altar tomb: In memory of Ann STOAKES daughter of Christopher and Ann Stoakes, of this Parish who died 8 May, 1820 aged 4 years and 5 months. Also Catherine Stoakes another daughter, who died 9 April, 1825, aged 7 months. Also Maria, another daughter who died 21 March, 1828 aged 5 years and 7 months. And of their affectionate father Christopher Stoakes who died 1 Nov. 1831 aged 52 years. Likewise Joseph, son of the above Christopher and Ann Stoakes who died 10 April, 1836 aged 18 years. Also Millicent their third daughter, who died 28 Nov. 1838, aged 1-/ (stone broken) years. Also Ann, widow of Christopher Stoakes who died 21 June, 1819, aged 58 years. East end: In memory of Edward Stoakes the last surviving son of Christopher and Ann Stoakes who died 3 October, 1855 aged 28 years.

557. [502]. In memory of Mrs. Ann TAYLOR who died 2 Jan. 1811, aged 90 years.

558. [503]. Altar tomb: Sacred to the memory of Mr. William TAYLOR of this Parish who died April 29, 1811 aged 55 years. Also of Lieut. William Henry Taylor, R.M. son of the above who died Nov. 10, 1830 aged 35 years. Much regretted by all who knew him.

559. [504]. This stone was erected by order of James B. TERRELL Lieut.-Adjutant of the 20th Regt. of H.C. Bengal in memory of his beloved nurse Mary HART who died 24 April, 1815 aged 54 years. Also Francis Hart husband of the above who died 12 March, 1829, aged 73 years.

560. [508]. Sacred to the memory of Sophia THYNNE, wife of Mr. Samuel Thynne who departed this life Feb. 4, 1846 aged 35 years. Also two of their infant children Emma, aged 3 years, George aged 1 year. Also Maria RANDELL, niece of the above, aged 2 years.

561. [510]. In memory of Mrs. Joanna TILLET wife of Mr. Robert Tillet of this Parish who departed this life the 29 July, 1777, aged 66 years. Also the affore-said Mr. Robert Tillet who departed this life the 2 of January, 1783 aged 67 years.

562. [515]. In memory of Mr. John TROUGHTON late of this Parish, who departed this life the 12 Jany, 1788 in the 71 year of his age.

563. [516]. In memory of Mrs. Mary Ann TUCKNESS wife of Mr. Henry Tuckness of this Parish who died April 4, 1814, aged 61 years.

564, [517]. In memory of Mr. John TURNER of the Parish of St. Marylebone who died the 8 March, 1794 aged 47 years. Also Richard Turner who died the 11 March, 1794 aged 2 years and 6 months.

565. [518]. Sacred to the memory of Thomas TURNER of Oxford Street, S. Marylebone who departed this life March 2, 1809 aged 36 years. Also Jane Shirley Turner daughter of the above who died Aug. 27, 1809 aged 4 years and 8 months. Also Mary Turner daughter of the above who died Dec. 12, 1819 aged 18 years. Also Mary Ann, the beloved wife of Richard COLLEY and mother of the above Mary and Jane Shirley Turner who died May 17, 1843 in the 69th year of her age.

567. [519]. In memory of Walter R. TURNER departed this life 9 May, 1822 aged 2 years. "Early removed by bleak misfortune’s power/Secure from storms here rests a tender flower/Sleep on, sweet babe, for the all-gracious King/Hath to Eternal Summer changed thy Spring".

568. [525]. In memory of Mr. Richard VESLEY who died July the 20, 1807, aged 38 years. Also Richard, son of the above born March 9, died March 12, 18(?)2.

569. [525a]. Stone, with initials E.W. 1794 (Near north porch).

570. [526]. In memory of Mr. William WAGHORN of this Parish, bricklayer who died 26 Sept. 1771, aged 48. Also Mrs. Mary Waghorn widow of the above, who died 16 Sept. 1800, aged 70. Mrs. Susannah Waghorn daughter of the above died 23 June, 1800, aged 33. Caroline OUZMAN grandchild of the above died 11 April, 1802 aged 5 years.

571. [528]. Headstone: In memory of Mr. Edward WALKER who departed this life Nov. 9, 1801, aged 54 years.

572. [529]. In memory of John WALLER, son of John Waller of Southend, Lewisham, Carpenter who died the 8 day of Jan. 1778, aged 1 year and 10 months. "Beneath this stone a sleeping infant lies/To earth his bodie’s lent, etc".

573 [532]. Altar tomb: In this vault are deposited the remains of Mary daughter of Peter and Mary ANDERSON and wife of George WALTER, Esq. of Blackheath died 14 May, 1829, aged 25 years. Also of Abel eldest son of the above George and Mary Walter died 23 May, 1829, aged 3 years. Also the Reverend Edward Newton Walter Rector of Leigh in the County of Essex died 7 Feb. 1837 aged 71 years, father of the above George Walter. Also of Emily Mary, daughter of George and Emma Walter died 28 March, 1845 aged 4 years and 9 months.

574, [535]. In memory of Mrs. Jane WATKINS who departed this life the 2 of September, 1812, aged 67 years. Also Harriet PECK niece of the above who died 14 July, 1817, aged 32 years.

575. [536]. Sacred to the memory of Mary Ann WATSON widow of Lieut. D.G. Watson who died 17 Dec. 1828 aged 68 years.

576. [543]. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth WHIFFEN late wife of Mr. Richard Whiffen of this Parish who departed this life 19 July, 1805, aged 40 years. Also the above-named Mr. Richard Whiffen who departed this life 21 June, 1831, aged 74 years buried at Headley, Surrey. Mary, wife of Richard Whiffen formerly of Farningham son of the above married 45 years, died Nov. 22, 1862.

577. [545]. High altar tomb: In this vault are deposited the remains of Caroline Elizabeth eldest child of John Meadows and Ann WHITE of the Paragon, Blackheath of this Parish who died 25 June, 1829, aged 2 years and 11 months. Also of John Hampden White son of the above who died 5 April, 1844 aged 9 months. Also of Fanny White daughter of the above who died 11 March, 1849 aged 14 years.

578. [547]. Sacred to the memory of Thomas WHITMARSH died Dec. 19, 1847 aged 67 years. Also Thomas Henry Whitmarsh died Sept. 30, 1862 aged 57 years. Also of Ann, widow of the above Thomas Whitmarsh died April 16, 1871 in the 88 year of her age.

579. [548]. Sacred to the memory of Eliza wife of Mr. Robert WHOMES of this Parish who died 28 August, 1855 in the 50 year of her age.

580. [552]. Flat stone: Sacred to the memory of Eliza WILLIAMS who died 24 April, 1830 in the 15 year of her age. "Forgive, dear Spirit, in the Realms of Rest The Tear affection sheds that thou are blest".

581. [553]. A square tomb, surmounted by a cupola. East side: Sacred to the memory of William Alfred WILLMOTT second son of John and Ann Willmott of this place who departed this life to the inexpressible grief of his parents on the 10 of December, 1824 in the eleventh year of his age. South side: Sacred to the memory of John Willmott who departed this life most deeply lamented Jany. 27, 1834 aged 59 years. Also of Ann Willmott wife of the above who departed this life Nov. 9, 1854 aged 75 years. West side: In affectionate remembrance of Mary Ann eldest daughter of John and Ann Willmott who died Jany. 3, 1865 aged 37 years. (North side blank).

582. [554]. To the memory of Robert WILSON, Esq. late Lieut. in the British Navy who was born at Kells in Galloway July 9, 1729 and died at Blackheath 14 June, 1787. An honest man and brave officer.

583. [555]. In memory of William WILSON who was born at Richmond in Yorkshire, March 7, 1800 and died at Lewisham, April 30, 1841.

584. [556]. Sacred to the memory of Mary, the wife of Mr. James WILSON of the Strand, London who departed this life 15 Aug. 1819 aged 43 years. Also Catherine Williams mother of the above, who departed this life 14 Dec. 1824(?1), aged 82 years.

585. [557]. Wooden: Sacred to the memory of Mr. Thomas WINDO.../Lieutenant in the Royal Artillery Drivers. He faithfully served his King and Country 43 years and departed this life June 4, 1815, aged 68 years.

586. [559]. Altar tomb: Sacred to the memory of Robert WISSETT, son of Robert and Mary Wissett of this Parish who died on his passage from the East Indies the 11 of March, 1798 aged 21 years. Also of Rebecca Wissett (daughter of the above) Robert and Mary Wissett who died the 15 of June, 1798 aged 15 years and is here interred. Also of the above-named Robert Wissett who died 3 of Decr, 1820 aged 69 years.

587. [560]. Flat stone: Near this place lieth the ..../of Mr. William WELLING/..iit 22 Oct. 1735. Also ten of his ch....../........../..fe of Mr. Bry........./on t../April, 1768, æ.../..../under/........./one lieth the body/...../Mr. Brya..../.../...elling, son of ......./abovesaid o......./Sept 1769, ætat ..../Also .......of-/of Mrs. Ann ........./;ling widow of the abovesaid obiit 1 May, 1770, ætat 71. Also the body of Ann WITCOMB, daughter of the above Willm. and Ann Welling obiit6 Dec. 1787, ætat 5(?8) years. Likewise the body of Levi/....../Witcomb, husband to the above Ann Witcomb/......27 April, 1788, ætat 53 years.

588. [561]. In memory of Mr. John WOLFE of this Parish, who departed this life 12 May, 1809 aged 48. A good husband, a loving father, He was a faithful servant 19 years to the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Dudley and Ward.

589. [568]. Headstone, now flat: In memory of Elizabeth WYNN wife of William Wynn, Citizen and Goldsmith of London, auctioneer – who departed this life Jan. 6, 1794 aged 56. An affectionate wife, a fonder parent and a sincere friend. Also of their children Roland Wynn, died March, 1782, in the 5th year of his age. Thomas Wynn, died April, 1782, aged 18 months.

590. [570]. In memory of Mr. John YATEs who departed this life the 24 July, 1808 aged 41 years,

591. [571]. Flat stone: Here lyeth interr’d the body of Mr. John YEATES of this Parish, who departed this life November the 13, 1756 in the 50th year of his age. Also Mr. William Yeates son of the above-mentioned Mr. John Yeates who departed this life the 2 of May, 1796, aged 51 years.

592. [572]. Here lieth interred the body of Mrs. Ann YEATES, of this Parish who departed this life the 18 of December, 177- (5, 3 or 8), aged (?)67 years. Also John Yeates, grandson of the above Mrs. Ann Yeates, who departed this ...../20 January, 1774 ...../years.

593. [573]. Flat stone: In memory of Sarah, wife of Mr. William YEATES who died 26 Dec. 1821 in her 42 year.

594. [574]. Altar tomb. Top: Here lieth interred the body of Mr. Robert YOUNG of this Parish who departed this life the -5 day of September 1773 (or 5), aged 67 years. Also here lieth the body of Mrs. Sarah Young, relict of the above Mr. Robert Young, who departed this life the 7 of Jan. 1774, aged 65 (or 3). Likewise the remains of Mrs. Rebecca Young, her daughter-in-law to the above and wife of Mr. James Young, who departed this life the 18 of September, 1777, aged 38 years. Also the body of Mr. James Young son of the above Robert and Sarah Young husband to the late Mrs. Rebecca Young who departed this life the 1-/ of April, 1784 aged 48 years. West end: In the adjoining and ..../the remains. South side: In this vault are deposited the sacred remains of Captain John Young of the Royal Navy, who died the 18 Nov. 1797 in the 58 year of his age. Also Frances Young, widow of the above Captain John Young who died 21 Dec. 1824 aged 71 years. South edge of slab: John Higham Young, daughter of Robert and Sarah Young of Stratford in the County of Essex, who died 4 April, 1818 aged 45 years. East end: John Young STEPHENS (son of William Stephens, Esq. and Sarah his wife and grandson of Captain John YOUNG) died Dec. 9, 1801, ætat 9 years. North side: Augusta Martha MOGG died Feb. 22, 1813, ætat 6 months. Mary Ann Young MOGG died Feb. 26, 1814, ætat 7 days. The above were children of Charles Mogg, Esq. and Frances his wife and grand-children of Captain John Young. Frances Maria Young Mogg their eldest daughter died 22 Feb. 1816, in her 11th year.

595. [576]. Flat stone, near railway path, between CRISPE tomb and PHILLIPS’: ...../d/the body of ............/of this Parish ........../d/this life the 10 ............/17-8 (?1748 or 1718), in the 70th ...../of his age.

596. [577]. Altar tomb, opposite south porch. On top: Within this ...../lyeth the body of ......./wife of ........../daughter of Mr. John ......../late of this Parish ......../the 14 of August......./1754, died the 26 Ju--/, 1769, in the 16th year of her age. (On north side is also an inscription, illegible except the date – 1769. The initial letter of the name on this tomb is either C, G, or O, but it is much worn – most probably a C).

Inscriptions on stones which are now lost.
597. [580]. On another black marble Altar Stone in ye churchyard: Here lieth interred the body of Thomas SIMONDES, son of Abraham SIMONDS, who departed this life the 27 of October, 1686, aged 37 years. Here lyeth also the body of Mary Simonds, daughter of ye said Thomas Simonds, who departed this life the 24 of January, 1684, aged 13 months.

598a Lysons, in his Environs of London, gives a list of tombs in the churchyard, most of which are still in existence; the following, however, are not now to be found:
1. Rev. John INGLIS, vicar, 1739.
2. Catherine, his wife (by whom he had 14 children), 1747.
3. John INGLIS, M.D. (his uncle), Asst. Marshal and Master of the Ceremonies to Queen Anne, George I and George II, 1740.

The full inscription is given, as follows, in a description of Lewisham Church, published in 1790, by Barrow:
598b. [581]. In the churchyard the following deserves note; it is on the north side, near the yard wall: Here lieth interred the body of the Rev. Mr. John INGLIS, 11 years and 7 months vicar of this parish, who departed this life 18 October, 1739, aged 40. Also the body of Mr. John Inglis, M.D., uncle of the above, Fellow of the Royal Society, Assistant Master and Marshell of the Ceremonies in the Reigns of Queene Anne, King George the 1st, and his present Majesty, who departed this life VIII May, MDCCXL, aged 77. Also the body of Catherine, wife of the above Rev. John Inglis, by whom he had XIV children, who departed this life 17 June, 1747, aged 41.

598c There is a monument in the churchyard in the position referred to, which is most probably the above, but the inscription, which was on a separate piece of stone and inlaid, has been removed.
4. John Lewis LOTON, Esq., 1745.
5. John LOTON, Esq. (his father), 1746.
6. Rev. Thomas JENNNGS, Master of Blackheath School, 1767.
7. Sarah, his widow (married after his death to the Rev. Wm. WILLIAMS), 1793.
8. The Rev. Wm. WILLIAMS, 1793.
9. Ebenezer BLACKWELL, 1782.
10. Capt. Lewis FERRET, 1788.

Inscriptions from the Monuments and Gravestones in the Old Church, which was pulled down in 1774. From Thorpe’s Registrum Roffense, part ii, p.845, etc; and Lansdown MS.969.
599. [582]. On the North side is a handsome mural monument of white and grey marble, and underneath this inscription: The righteous shall be had in everlasting remembrance. To the memory of John PERY, Esq. late of Blackheath, in this parish, youngest son of William Pery, Esq. of Thorpe, in the County of Surry. He was a citizen of London, a Governour of the five Hospitals there, and upwards of fifty years in the Commission of the Peace for the County of Middlesex. In the reigns of King William and Queen Anne he was one of the representatives in Parliament of the Borough of Shoreham, in the County of Sussex. His conduct through the whole course of his life gained from all who knew him that true esteem due to Christian fortitude, exemplary piety and extensive charity. He exchanged this life for immortality March 29, A.D. 1732, aged 92 years. Also to the memory of Mrs. Ann Pery, his dear wife. She was daughter of Mr. Rowland INGRAM, of London, merchant, of the family of Lord Viscount IRWIN, of the kingdom of Scotland, and by her mother, Mrs. Ann NOEL, was descended from Viscount CAMBDEN, of Cambden, in Gloucestershire. She was a sincere Christian, a virtuous wife, an indulgent mother, and a faithful friend. She lived fifty years with her husband, by whom she had 15 children. She died April 16, A.D. 1733, aged 72 years. In the same vault and near this place are interred their daughters Penelope THORTON, Susanna LOTON, and Margaret Pery, their eldest daughter, who died January 16, A.D. 1747, and by her will ordered this monument to be erected in testimony of her filial affection. Beneath are these arms: Argent, on a bend sable, three pears or, over all an escutcheon of pretence ermine, on a fess gules, three escallop shells or.
600. [583]. On the South side is a mural monument of white and grey marble, supported by columns; under a canopy of white marble is an urn, on each side a cherub, and on the base is this inscription, part of it covered by a pew in the gallery: Near this place lies interred the body of Thomas DYER, Esq., barrister (son of John Dyer, gent) and Katherine, his dearly beloved wife, only sister of Francis LOWE, Esq. of Brightwell, in Oxfordshire. They were married near twenty-eight years, and lived a most comfortable, cheerful and pleasant life, their only strife being who should love most. She was a most valuable wife, and lived a died a pious Christian on the 3 of April, 1748, in the 58th year of her age, leaving her husband inconsolable till his death, which happened the 4 of September following, aged 63. He was a most generous benefactor to the poor children of the Royal Foundation of Christ’s Hospital, pursuant to whose will, and to perpetuate the memory of so worthy a benefactor, this monument is erected by Philip SCARTH, Esq. Above are these arms: Or, a chief indented gules, impaling argent, on a bend azure, three wolves’ heads erased sable, langued gules; on the canopy is the crest, viz. a goat’s head on a ducal coronet.
In the Chancel.
601. [584]. On a gravestone of black marble is this inscription: Here lieth Mrs. Susanna GRAHME wife of Reginal Grahme, Esqre lord of this mannor and second daughter of Sr. William WASHINGTON who departed this life the 26 day of February, Anno Domini 1698, aged 81 years. (Also in Lansdown MS).

602. [585]. Near the former is another gravestone of black marble, with this inscription: Here lies the body of Mary GRIFFITH, who died 24 April, 1647, in the 79th year of her age. And also the body of Mrs. Ann KELLY, the mother of the above-said Mary Griffith, buried in the year 1695. (Part of this stone is in the vaults).

603. [586]. On a gravestone near the above is this in Roman capitals: Here lyeth the body of Anne WYLDE, and daughter of Sir William Wylde, Knt. and Bart., one of the Justices of his Majesty’s Court of Common Pleas, and of Dame Frances, his wife, who dyed in her infancy, and was buried here the last day of April, 1668.

604. [587]. On another gravestone is this in Roman capitals: Here lyeth buryed Frances WYLDE, daughter of Sir William Wylde, Knt. and Barronet, and Dame Frances his wife, who dyed in her infancy on Monday, ye 3 day of December, 1666, and was buryed here on Thursday following. (This stone is now in the vaults).

605. [588]. On another, on the south side of the Communion Table, is this in Roman capitals: Here lyes the body of Wm. RUTLAND, who dyed the 9 day of May, 1696, aged 4 yrs. 1 month and 24 dayes. He was second son of Wm. Rutland, citizen and leatherseller of London, and Ann, daughter of Richard .....WER, Esq. (GOWER, Esq – Bishop Kennet).

606. [589]. Within the rails of the Communion Table, on a gravestone, is this inscription: Depositum Georgij STANHOPE, S.T.P., dec. cant. et ecclesiae hugus vicarij, 1728.

607. [590]. On another gravestone within the rails is the effigy of a man in brass, with this inscription in black letter: Hic jacet Georgius, filius et heres Willielmi HATTECLYFF, armigeri, quondam thesauraij terre domini regis Hibernie, ac unius clericorum compoti hospicij regis; qui quidem Georgius obijt primo die mensis Augusti, anno domini millesimo quingentesimo decimo quarto. Above was an escutcheon of brass, now defaced; beneath the plate were two escutcheons; the first is gone, but the second remains in part blank, impaling 3 fleurs-de-lis, a label of 3 points.

608. [591]. On the north side (on ye north wall of ye chancel – Bishop Kennet) is a small mural monument of Alabaster, with this inscription in Roman capitals: Margaret, first wife of Jasper VALENTINE, after married 33 years to Abraham COLFE, pastor of Lewisham; having bene above 40 yeares a willing nurse, midwife, surgron, and in part physitian to all, both rich and poore, without expecting reward; and having left an anuall guift of 20 shillings to the poore, being neere 79 yeares old, was buried here the 19 of March, anno domini 1643. Above are these arms: Or a fesse, sable, between 3 horses current of the second. (This inscription, but without the arms, is in the present Church).

609. [592]. Near the former (on ye north wall of ye chancel – Bishop Kennet) is another mural monument of alabaster and black marble, with this inscription in gilt Roman capitals: To the memorie of Thomas JONES, Esq., Common Sergeant-at-Law of the Citie of London for the space of 12 years, beloved and bemoaned of all, departed this life at the age of 54 years, October 1, anno Domi. 1625. And of Priscilla, his loyall wife, daughter of Robert ASKE, Esq., lineally descended of the ancient and worthie familie of the Askes of Aughton, in the County of Yorke, who died the 25 of November in the same yeare, and, according to their mutuall desires, are here together interred neere the bodie of the said Robert Aske and others of that blood and familie; leaving issue three sonnes – Thomas, Francis and William – and one daughter, Martha. Sir Richard YONGE, Knight and Bart; William BOSWELL, Thomas Jones, and John LIGHTFOOT, Esq. have erected this monument that the just might be had in everlasting remembrance. Above are these arms: Quarterly of two coats, 1st parted per bend sinister, ermine and erminois, over all a lion rampant or, within a border engrailed or; and gules, a cross crossed mounted upon 3 grieces or; 3rd, as 2nd; 4th, as 1st; crest, on a helmet a lion gules. Beneath the monument are the arms as above, impaling or, three bars azure.
610. [593]. On the north side of the Communion Table is a handsome mural monument of white marble, with this inscription: In memory of the very reverend George STANHOPE, D.D., 38 years vicar of this place and 26 of the neighbouring church at Deptford, Dean of Canterbury A.D. 1703. He was born March the 5; he died March the 18, 1727, aged 68 years. Underneath are these arms: 1st, quarterly ermine and gules; 2nd, argent a chev. sable, between three lozenges of the 2nd; 3rd, azure a chev. argent, between three textesses of the 2nd; 4th, as the 1st. (This monument is in the present church, but the arms are missing – See No.641 for inscription).

611. [594]. Near the former is another mural monument of white marble, with this inscription: In memory of Olivia, daughter of Charles COTTON, late of Beresford, in the County of Stafford, Esq., and wife of George STANHOPE, D.D. Dean of Canterbury, and Vicar of this Parish Church; by him she had issue, Catherine (deceased), Mary, Jane, George, Elizabeth and Charlotte. She departed this life June the 1, A.D. 1707. Above are these arms: Quarterly ermine and gules, a crescent argent in the centre for a difference; impaling azure, a chev. argent between three textesses of the second.

In the South Chancel.
612. [595]. On a gravestone is this inscription: In hopes of a joyfull resurrection lyeth the body of Mr. Joseph CURTEIS, the son of Mr. Tho. Curteis, brewer, who departed this life 11 of March, 1721/2, aged 17 years. Also the body of Mr. Thomas Curteis, father of the above-said, who departed this life the 16 of November ,1728, in the 51st year of his age.

613. [596]. On another gravestone, this (in the north isle of ye chancel – Bishop Kennet): Here lyeth the body of John PETER, gent., borne at Nuport, in the County of Bucks, who departed this life the 22 of December, 1684, aged 44 yeares. Here also lyes the remains of Elizabeth, his wife, who dyed February the 24, 1738, aged 90 years and 6 months. Of X children (nine sons and one daughter) only two survived her, viz. Richard, vicar of Eltham; and Charles, citizen and founder, of London.

614. [597]. On a gravestone of black marble is this inscription: Underneath lyeth all that was mortal of Elizabeth the wife of John DYER, gent. who died ye 9 of April, 1708 aged 47 years 9 weeks and 4 days. And also the body of ye abovesaid John Dyer who resigned this mortal life (for one that is eternal purchased by Christ) the 6 of September, anno Domini 1713 in the 60th year of his age. Likewise the body of Thomas Dyer, Esq., their only son, and Katherine his dearly beloved wife, only sister of Francis LOW, Esq., of Brightwell in Oxfordshire. She died the 3 of April, 1748, aged 58 years, and he the 4 of September following, aged 63. He was a generous benefactor to the children of Christ Hospital, London. (This stone has been cut into two, and the pieces are now in the vaults).

615. [598]. On a handsome mural monument of white marble (on ye wall of ye south side of ye chancel – Bishop Kennet) is this inscription: To the pious memory of Mary late wife to Mr. Richard SYMES, of Blackheath, in this Parish of Lewisham who dyed the fourth of November, 1702. She was daughter and heiress of Edmund HAWKES, of Monneton in the County of Dorsett, Esq. Beneath are these arms: Azure, three escallops in pale, or, over all an escutcheon of pretence argent on a chief indented gules, 2 mullets or.

616. [599]. On a mural monument adjoining the above is the following inscription: To the memory of Richard SYMES, of Blackheath, in this Parish, Esq., who departed this life on Monday, the 27 of May, 1728, in the 72nd year of his age. He was son of Thomas Symes, of Winterbourne, in the County of Gloucester, Esq., who married Amy, the sister of Sir Thomas BRIDGES, of Keynsham, in the County of Somersett, Knt., by whom he had 12 sons and 4 daughters. The above-named Richard was the tenth son. By his last will, bearing date the 17 day of July, 1723, he desired that a monument might be erected by his executor in memory of him and his second wife, Charlotte Symes, who also lyes here interred; she was the daughter of Sir Orlando BRIDGMAN, of Ridley, in the County of Chester, Barronett; she died the 3 day of March, 1718, in the 37th year of her age. His third wife was Elizabeth, the eldest daughter of the Right Honourable Mathew Ducie MORTON, Baron Morton of Morton, in the County of Stafford, who is now living. Beneath are these arms: Azure, 3 escallops in pale, or, impaling argent ten plates sable, on a chief argent a lion passant sable.

617. [600]. On another mural monument of white marble is this inscription: Beneath lyeth interred the body of Elizabeth DYER, the loving and beloved wife of John Dyer, of Sidenham-green, in this Parish, gentleman, and daughter of Peter and Elizabeth FRISBY, of St. James, Clerkenwell, London, where she was born the 2 of February, anno 1660, marryed June the 17, 1679, had issue two sons and one daughter, and resigned this life for a better April the 9, 1708, and now sleepeth in Jesus till the resurrection. She was a virtuous, loving wife, and a tender, indulgent mother. Also underneath lieth buried next his wife the body of John Dyer, who resigned this mortal life for one that is eternall, purchased by Christ, the 6 day of September, anno Domini 1713, and in the 60 year of his age. Beneath are these arms: Or a chief indented gules, impaling sable a chevron argent, between three goats’ heads erased of the 2nd; on each side the crest, viz. a goat’s head sable, issuing out of a ducal coronet or.
Inscriptions on Monuments in the present Church.
South wall of the church, under the gallery.
618. [601]. A brass – arms, erm. a lion ramp. gu.; crest, a goat: In memory of Samuel EDWARDS born at Stamford, January 20, 1822 died at Lewisham, May 14, 1882 a solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature clerk to the Lewisham District Board of Works for nearly 25 years, clerk to the Guardians of the Poor, the Vestry, Charity Trustees and Burial Board of the same Parish. His public duties were discharged with singular ability, zeal and discretion. As a sagacious counsellor, indefatigable worker and far-seeing philanthropist, he did very much for the improvement of the Parish of Lewisham and the benefit of its residents. This Brass is placed by his friends and fellow-workers to perpetuate the memory of a wise and upright man, whose hand was guided by justice and heart expanded by benevolence.

619. [602]. A stained glass, "At the foot of the Cross", has the following inscription in brass: Matri optimæ Franciscæ comitissæ de Dartmouth, Filius Henricus LEGGE, ecclesiæ de Lewisham Presbyter Vicarius.

620. [603]. In memory of Caroline Frances wife of Richard PATERSON, Esq. of this Parish who died 10 November, 1828 aged 34 years. Also of Caroline Maria daughter of the above who died 29 December, 1837 aged 9 years and 5 months. Their remains are deposited in the vault of this church.

621. [604]. In memory of Charlotte relict of William LIDDELL, Esq. of Blackheath died 19 October, 1841 in the 81st year of her age.

622. [605]. Sacred to the memory of Mary the beloved wife of George William COTTAM, Esq. of Blackheath who died deeply lamented 13 Dec., 1851, aged 37. Her remains are deposited in the vault of this church. Also of Lieut. William James Cottam, Madras Artillery second son of the above who died at Trichinopoly 19 December, 1858 aged 21 years. Much regretted, as kindly expressed by his brother officers and friends.

623. [606]. Sacred to the memory of Anna Maria Elizabeth MILLWARD relict of John Gardner Millward, Esq. of the Island of Jamaica died 24 Dec., 1836, aged 75 years. "Calm on the bosom of thy God!/Fair spirit I rest thee now!/Even while with us thy footsteps trod,/His seal was on thy brow./Dust to its narrow home beneath!/Soul to its place on high!/They that have seen thy look in death,/No more may fear to die".

624. [607]. Renascentur in te Domine speravi. Sacred to the memory of Alexander ROWLAND, died December 16, 1823 aged 75. Sophia, wife of J.H. Rowland, died Jan. 12, 1849, aged 31. Alex. Fredk., son of A.W. Rowland, died Jan. 26, 1849, aged 8. Elizabeth, wife of A. Rowland, died Sept. 22 1850, aged 72. Henrietta Ditges (of Cologne), wife of A.W. Rowland, died May 20, 1851, aged 32. Sarah, relict of the first-named A. Rowland, died June 30, 1851, aged 77. Elizabeth Ann Rowland died 30 Oct., 1852 aged 34 years. Rebecca ROWLAND died Oct. 14, 1855 aged 32 years. Alexander Rowland died July 13, 1861, aged 78 years. Sarah, relict of the late James WESTON, Esq. and eldest daughter of the above, died 27 Nov., 1868 aged 52. Alex. Willm., eldest son of the above A. Rowland died 27 June, 1869. Sophia Rowland died Oct. 6, 1882, aged 63 years. Below, this coat: Or, 3 pales – Nil desperandum.

625. [608]. A white marble slab with these arms: Quarterly of four, 1st and 4th, azure a pile ermine a crescent gu.; 2nd, vert, a mascle between 4 crosslets, 2 in chief and 2 in base or; 3rd, gules, a chevron between 3 pears stalked or; impaling quarterly of four, 1st and 4th gules, a fess ermine between 3 water bouges or, 2nd azure a chevron embattled counter embattled or; 3rd, paly of 4 or and azure a lion rampant counterchanged. Beneath is this inscription: M.S. Carolinæ WYCHE, conjugis dilectissimæ Thomæ Eyre Wyche, armig. de Camberwell, com. Sur. (filii natu secundi Hezekiæ Wyche, nuper de civitate Sarisburiensi et nunc de Camberwell praed. arm.) et filiæ natu secundæ Thomæ MYERS, de parocia de Lee in com. Cant., armig. IL.D. et unius é magistris regiæ academ. militaris de Woolwich defunct, natæ in parocia de Greenwich primo die Julii anno MDCCCXV, et matrimonio unitæ XIX die Sept., MCCCXXXIII, matris filii unici Cyrilli-Herbert-Eyre Wyche, quem mundo dedit xviii die Julii MDCCCXXXIV, et ipsa decessit vicesimo secundo die Augusti anno MDCCCXXXIV, aetatis xix Vale, cara Carolina, vale paulisper tantum. Tew mors tibi in Christo vita, triumphi que corona, exegit monumentum mundo plrennus Thomas Myers, IL.D. natus in com. Ebor. xiii die Feb., MDCCLXXIII duxit uxorem primo die Jan., MDCCCVII apud Fulham Annam-Mariam filiam et haeredem Joannis HALE, arm. filii unici Darcy Hale de civitat. Dublini, et Sarae uxoris ejus filiæ et haeredis Antonii CLOPTON, armig. et Pater erat Thomæ et Fredi. clericorum Mariæ Annæ, ux. T.C. CROOME, Carolinæ uxoris T.E. Wyche, Charlottae et Elizae obiit xxi die April, MDCCCXXIV, aetat LXI.

626. [609]. In memory of James NORTON, Esq. (late of Oxford Street, London) who died March the 6, 1809 aged 70. Also in memory of William Edward LLOYD, Esq. surgeon of the Montgomeryshire Militia who died May the 24, 1784 aged 34.

627. [610]. In a vault beneath this church are deposited the remains of Mr. John RUSSELL, late of this Parish, nurseryman who died of the small pox the 10 day of March, 1794 in the 64th year of his age. He was an affectionate husband, a good father and a sincere friend. Beloved and respected in life and lamented in death. Martha Russell, daughter of the above John Russell, lies interred in the same vault. She departed this life the 31 day of July, 1785 in the 18th year of her age. Also in the 33rd year of her age Mrs. Catherine WILLMOTT, wife of John Willmott of this Parish, and daughter of the above-mentioned John Russell, married May 8 and died 16 Sept., 1802. Mr John Russell died 24 August, 1808 aged 42 years. Mrs. Elizabeth Russell died 3 Sept., 1810 aged 73 years. Mr Thomas Russell died 22 Nov., 1810 aged 37 years. Beneath these arms: Or, on a fesse, embattled counter embattled sa., between 3 leopards’ faces, gules, an estoile between two crescents argent.
628. [611]. In memory of Lawrence Robert WILLOUGHBY, Esq. Ensign in the West Kent Light Infantry Regiment of Militia who died the xxv day of February, MDCCCLVI aged XX years. Erected by his brother officers as a mark of their esteem. Beneath are these arms: Quarterly, 1st and 4th azure, a cross or, 2nd and 3rd gules a cross moline argent. Qui invidet minor est fuimus.

629. [612]. In a vault of this Church, called the Vicar’s Vault are deposited the remains of Thomas WILKIESON, of Chester Hall, in Midlothian, Esq. He died at Bath, but was brought back here for interment. His wife and children feeling a melancholy consolation in paying that return of regard to a neighbourhood amongst whom the last years of an active, useful and beneficient life were spent. In the same vault is laid the body of Charles, younger brother of Thomas, whom he entirely resembled in goodness of heart and felicity of temper to whom, while living, he ever bore the truest affection and to whose children afterwards he uniformly proved himself a most assured friend and protector. John xi, 35; Eccles.iv, "Honorable age", etc. Beneath these coats: Thomas obiit 7 July, 1786, ætat 47 – arg. a fesse vaire between 3 unicorns passant gu., impaling arg. two bars sable (or azure); Charles obiit 7 Sept, 1795, ætat 49 – arg. a fesse vair between 3 unicorns passant.
630. [613]. On the east wall of the nave a brass: To the glory of God and as a thank-offering for many blessings the Nave of this Church was restored and beautified by George PARKER Esq., J.P. of Lewisham House in this Parish. Anno Domini 1881.

South Gallery.
631. [614]. Large monument on west wall. Coat above: PETRIE, impaling sa. a chev. engrailed or, on a chief arg. 3 mullets sa.; crest, an eagle rising. To the memory of Margaret, relict of the Rev. Robert Petrie a clergyman equally distinguished for the polite accomplishments of a scholar and the unaffected piety of a Christian. His surviving widow having conscientiously fulfilled the various duties of human life during the long period of lxxxii years resigned her spirit to her Creator on the 1 day of December, MDCCXCI in full but humble confidence that a life passed in the practice of each religious and social virtue when on earth would obtain, through the merits of her Redeemer, a blessed immortality in heaven.

632. [615]. In a vault under this church are deposited the remains of Edward OMMANNEY late of Bloomsbury Square, London, Esq., who died the 19 of January, 1811, aged 75 years. Of Ann, his wife, who died 27 September, 1801, aged 56 years. Of their daughters Elizabeth, who died the 2 of December, 1778, aged 7 years. Eliza, who died 4 of April, 1782, aged 2 months. Mary, who died the 5 of July, 1790, aged 16 years. Also of three infants, the children of Samuel SCOTT, of Sundridge Park, in this County and Ann, his wife, the only surviving daughter of the above-named Edward and Ann Ommanney.

633. [616]. "Sleep soft in dust/Wait the Almighty’s will/Then rise unchanged/And be an angel still". Sacred to the memory of the amiable and much lamented Mrs. Harriot KRUSE, wife of Adam Kruse, Esq. of this Parish, who departed this life 5 Jan., 1809, aged 24 years. Words cannot express how tenderly she was beloved nor how sincerely regretted. Mr. Charles Gaultier PLAYTER, father of the above, died 23 Oct., 1809, aged 56 years. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Playter died 24 Dec., 1817, aged 64 years. She lived the best of mothers, and died unfeignedly mourned.

634. [617]. This monument is erected to the memory of Mr. Christopher Gottlieb Sigmund Von SCHEIDLIN Banker, of Vienna, in Austria. Possessing a mind enobled by every social good he was at once a virtuous son, a faithful friend, an amiable companion, a worthy associate, and from his comprehensive knowledge of the political and financial economy of his country eminent in his profession as a banker. He was born at Nuremburg, in Franconia, the 20 Sept,, 1786 and died at Hornsey, near London, 17 October 1818 at the house of his relations, Mr. and Mrs. G.H. TRIMBEY aged 29 years and 27 days. Blessed by the endearments of his parents and relatives, sincerely lamented by them and regretted by his friends and by all who knew him his remains are deposited in the vault of Mr. James Trimbey, under this church.

635. [618]. William LARKINS born Sept. 18, 1755, died April 23, 1800. He was a faithful and confidential servant to the East India Company from 1772 to 1793 and filled the office of Accomptant General at Fort William in Bengal during the last nineteen years of that period under the administration of Warren HASTINGS, Esq. and the most noble the Marquis CORNWALLIS.

636. [619]. In a vault under this church are deposited the remains of Ann, late wife of George Mackenzie MACAULAY, Esq. Alderman of London. She died on the 28 of November, 1788, aged 36 years.

637. [620]. A stained glass window, "St Mary Magdalen washing the feet of Christ": To the glory of God. Ann PARKER died April 22, 1874; Thomas Parker died Nov. 14, 1879. This window is dedicated to the loved memory of most devoted parents by their two daughters.

North Wall of the Church, under the Gallery.
638. [621]. In a vault beneath are deposited the remains of Mrs. Mary HOLMES wife of Mr. William Holmes of Lewisham, architect, who departed this life on the 2 day of November, 1832 aged 66 years. Also the remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Holmes second wife of the said Mr. William Holmes who departed this life on the 29 of August, 1842 aged 47 years. Also the above-named Mr. William Holmes who departed this life on the 13 day of August, 1847, aged 86 years.

639. [622]. In memory of Elizabeth widow of the late James GREEN, Esquire of Lenter Abbey, in the County of Nottingham who died Feb. 10, 1840 in the 91st year of her age. Her remains are deposited in the vault of Mrs. Elizabeth SLATER, of Hampstead, under this church.

640. [623]. In memory of Frances Ellen, daughter of Richard PATERSON, Esq. of this Parish who died 10 December, 1847 in the 21 year of her age. Her remains are interred in the Cemetery of St. Nicholas’ Church, Brighton.

641. [624]. In memory/of the very Revd. George STANHOPE, D.D./38 years Vicar of this Parish and 26 of/the neighbouring Church of Deptford/Dean of Canterbury A.D. 170/and thrice Prolocutor of the Lower House/of Convocation/Whose piety was real/and rational/his charity great and universal/Fruitful in acts of mercy and in all good works/His learning was elegant and comprehensive/his conversation polite and delicate/Grave without Preciseness, Facetious without Levity/The good Christian and solid Divine/and the fine gentleman/in him were happily united/Who, tho’ amply qualified for the Highest/Honours of his Sacred Function/yet was content with only Deserving them/in his Pastoral office, a pattern to his people/and to all who shall succeed him in ye care of them/His Discourses from the Pulpit wear (sic) equally pleasing and profitable/a beautiful intermixture of ye Clearest Reasoning/with ye purest Diction/attended with all the Graces of just Elocution/As his works from ye Press have spoke ye Praises/of his happy Genius, his love of God and Man/for which generations to come/will bless his Memory/He was born March ye 5/He died March ye 18, 1727/aged 68 years.

642. [625]. Sacred to the memory of John PARKINSON, Esq. late of Sackville Street who died 23 Octr., 1840 aged 68 years. Also of Mary Ann Parkinson relict of the above who died 26 Augst., 1842 aged 66 years. And Lieut. Robt. Lester Parkinson, R.N. their second son who died 18 Decr., 1836 aged 38 years.

643. [626]. "Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted". Mary daughter of William and of Paulina LUSHINGTON born Oct. 7, 1771, died Feby. 6, 1797.

644. [627]. Margaret, first wife to Jasper VALENTINE, after married 33 yeares to Abraham COLFE, Pastor of Lewisham, having bene above 40 yeares a willing nurse, Midwife surgeon, and in part physitian to all, both rich and poore without expecting reward, and having left an anuall guift of 20 shillings to the poore, being neere 79 yeares old, was buried here the 19 of March, Ano. Domini 1643.

645. [628]. In the vicar’s vault beneath this church are deposited the remains of John BURFORD, Esq. late of Eliot Vale, Blackheath who departed this life 2 April, 1847 in the 70th year of his age. Also of Frances widow of the above John Burford, Esq. who died 21 December, 1871 aged 89.

646. [629]. In a vault under this sacred edifice rest the mortal remains of Sarah MANGNALL, spinster, late of this Parish and sister of James Mangnall of Aldermanbury, London, Attorney-at-Law. She was the eldest of eleven children and daughter of James MANGNALL, second son of James Mangnall, of Hollinhurst in the County Palatine of Lancaster, merchant And of Richmal KAY eldest daughter of John Kay, of Manchester in the said County, Attorney-at-Law. Deprived by the hand of death of both her parents in very early life she exerted herself with affectionate tenderness to supply their loss to her brothers and sisters, the survivors of whom have placed this tablet in grateful remembrance of a beloved sister. She died 12 February, 1826, aged 61 years. Underneath is the HATCLIFFE brass.

647. [630]. Sacred to the memory of The Rev. John SHEPPARD, M.A. for 41 years minister of the Episcopal Chapel Dartmouth Place in this Parish. During this long period his zealous and unintermitting devotion to his spiritual work his earnest piety and meekness and single-minded simplicity of his personal character and the holy, blameless and consistent tenor of his life won for him the affectionate esteem and regard of all classes in this neighbourhood. On the 24 of February, 1854, in the 69th year of his age he was taken to rest. Isaiah lxvi, 2 Psalm cxlix, 4. This tablet was erected by the members of his congregation as a memorial of their esteem and affection.

648. [631]. A stained glass window. "The Marriage in Cana": In remembrance of a beloved mother, by her eldest son Benjamin HORTON, of this Parish, 1866.

649. [632]. In the vicar’s vault beneath this church rest the remains of Edward LEGH or Edward DE LEGH of the Limes, Lewisham and of Newington in the County of Kent, Esquire who died 4 March, 1876, aged 78. Catherine his wife died 30 March, 1844, aged 44. Anne Margaret, his 2nd daughter died 25 Sept, 1854, aged 18. Mary Anne, his mother died 29 Sep., 1856, aged 88. Henry MILLS, his uncle died 13 Jan., 1832, aged 85. Erected by the four surviving daughter of the above Edward Legh. St. John xiv, 2. Underneath are these arms: Gules, a cross engrailed argent, over all on an escutcheon of pretence sable, semée d’estoiles argent, a dexter arm in armour, the hand grasping a pennon of the last. A crescent in chief. Crest, argent out of a ducal coronet or, a ram’s head argent, attired or, holding in its mouth a branch, leaves vert. Motto: En Dieu est mon Foy.
650A. [633]. A monument, with bust, by Belt, on the west wall of the church. Above are the arms of PARKER. Adjacent to this spot are deposited the remains of Sir Henry Watson PARKER, K.C.M.G. of Stawell House, Richmond (youngest son of Thomas Watson Parker, Esqre, of Lewisham, Kent) A magistrate of the County of Surrey died 2 February, 1881, aged 73. Underneath are two coats of arms each as follows: Az. a cross fleury voided in centre between 3 crowns or, with the motto, Fide et Opera, and between the two shields the following inscription: After having formerly discharged several high and important administrative offices in the Colony of New South Wales, as a member of the local parliament and as principal secretary of the Colony, in the performance of all his varied and responsible duties he never failed to secure the respect and esteem of all classes of the community for the ability, the honesty of purpose, by which every action of his life was guided. His sorrowing and surviving wife has placed this frail memorial as a record of her undying love for one with whom her life had been united in years of unbroken happiness, and whose great happiness now is, the consciousness that during the long period of her union she possessed his unbounded confidence and affection.

650B. [634]. A marble monument with the arms of PARKER: Or, on a chevron engrailed sa., between 4 broken bones 2 and 2, chevronwise, 2 broken bones also chevronwise, all counter-changed, a bordure of the second charged with eight quatrefoils and fleurs-de-lis alternately of the first. Crest, a lion rampant per chevron or and sa., holding in dexter paw a broken bone also sa., and gorged with a wreath of quatrefoils vert. Motto: Spectemur agendo. In the family vault under this church are deposited the remains of Mary Parker wife of Thomas Watson Parker, esquire of Lewisham House in this Parish who died 26 Oct., 1842 aged 73 years. Also the remains of their second son John Frederick Parker, Esq. born 21 Sept., 1801, died 16 June, 1857. Also the remains of the above-named Thomas Watson Parker who died 19 Jan., 1861, in the 89th year of his age. Also the remains of Lieut.-Col. Edward Parker 4th son of the above-named Thomas Watson and Mary Parker born 18 Aug., 1816, died 31 March, 1867. Also the remains of Ann, wife of Thomas Parker, Esq. Eldest son of the above-named Thomas Watson and Mary Parker born 10 Oct., died 22 April, 1874. Also the remains of the above-named Thomas Parker born 26 April, 1800, died 15 Nov., 1879. Also the remains of Sir Henry Watson Parker, K.C.M.G. 5th and youngest son of the above-named Thomas Watson and Mary Parker born 1 June, 1808, died 2 Feb., 1881. Also of Louisa, wife of George Parker, Esq., J.P. 3rd son of the above-named Thomas Watson and Mary Parker born 30 October, 1818, died 28 March, 1888. Also of Dame Emmeline Emily Parker, widow of the above Sir Henry Watson Parker, who died 3 May, 1888. Also the above-named George Parker, Esq., J.P. born April, 1804, died 10 March, 1889, third and last surviving son.

652. [635]. A stained glass window. "The Resurrection": To the beloved memory of Lieut.-Colonel Edward PARKER, late of this Parish. This window was erected by his brother George Parker, as a token of affection, A.D. 1867.

653. [636]. A stained glass window. "The Raising of Lazarus": To the beloved memory of John Frederick PARKER, Esquire, late of this Parish. This window was erected by his brothers George and Edward Parker, as a token of their affection, A.D. 1866.

654. [637]. Maria CHURCHILL, obiit 30 August, 1801 ætat 75. Severely feeling the loss of that happiness she invariably bestowed upon him an afflicted husband erected this tablet in memory of the best of wives and mothers.

655. [638]. In the same vault with the remains of Lady Maria CHURCHILL are deposited the remains of her husband Charles Churchill, Esqre. who was born in 1720, died in April, 1812, aged 92 years. And of three of their sons Major-General George Churchill who was born November 2, 1751, died in 1808, aged 57 years. Henry Churchill, Esqre. who was born September 10, 1753, died April 23, 1821, aged 68 years. Major-General Horatio Churchill who was born February 28, 1759, died September 22, 1817, aged 58 years this tabled is erected by Harriot Ann widow of Major-General Horatio Churchill.

656., [639]. To the memory of Joseph INNES who in his 34th year, Sept. 7, 1779 fell a victim to the toils of public duty in Jamaica threatened with a French Invasion That deportment, which in life gained universal esteem rendered friends doubly sensible of their peculiar loss.

657. [640]. Sacred to the memory of Susannah, late wife of Wm. HUNTER of this Parish, gent., who departed this life the 2 of Novr., 1797 in the 68th year of age. Beloved and respected by all who knew her. Alfred Annesley Hunter died 22 April, 1763, aged 3 years. Charles HUNTER died 30 May, 1775, aged 11 years. Lieut. James Hunter of the Royal Artillery, died at Madras 13 May, 1793, in the 37th year of his age.

658. [641]. Sacred to the memory of General Sir Anthony FARRINGTON, Baronet, Colonel Commandant of the First Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Artillery, Director-General of the Field Train Department and D.C.L. of the university of Oxford who after a long and active life spent in the service of his King and Country died at Blackheath 3 November, 1823 in the 83rd year of his age. Also of Dame Elizabeth Farrington relict of the above Sir Anthony Farrington, Baronet who died 12 April, 1824, in the 74th year of her age. They were beloved and are deeply regretted. Also in memory of Charles Colden Farrington, eldest son of the above who died 2 March, 1796, aged 26 years. Also of Ann, widow of Colonel Charles Farrington, R.A. mother of the above Sir Anthony Farrington, Baronet who died 19 Jan., 1805, aged 84 years. Also in memory of Clarissa, wife of Captain Henry M. Farrington, M.A. who died 28 May, 1803, aged 22 years. Also of Laura Maria, second wife of Captain H.M. Farrington who died 15 December, 1808, aged 24 years. Also of Charles William, son of the above H.M. Farrington by Jane his third wife who died 12 February, 1825, aged 19 months. Beneath is this coat: Erm. on a chev. gules between 3 leopards’ faces, sa. as many bombs or, fired ppr. impaling vert a chev. between 3 stags’ heads erased. Crest: A dragon gorged and chained. Motto: Le bon temps viendra.
659. [642]. Large monument on the west wall. Above are these arms: Sable a bend or, between a stag’s head couped in chief and 3 crosses crosslet fitchée in base arg. on a chief of the second, 3 escallops gules, impaling sa. a fess, between 2 six-pointed mullets in chief and a garb in base or. Crest: An eagle rising sa. John PETRIE son of John and Eliza Petrie died 20 March, 1796 aged 11 months. John Petrie, Esqr., died 6 Feby., 1826 aged 83. Sacred to every conjugal virtue this monument is erected to the memory of Anne Dick Petrie who departed this life on the 11 of February, 1787, aged 25 years and whose remains are deposited in a vault near this place. The remains of their only son John who died on the 17 of February, 1789 aged 7 years and 6 months are also deposited in the same vault.

Over the Western (Tower) arch
660. [643]. In memory of John THACKERAY, Esq. of the Priory in this Parish who died on the 13 day of May, 1851 in the 75th year of his age. His remains are deposited in a vault under the south-east porch of this Church were also repose the remains of his wife Elizabeth, who died on the 21 day of January, 1847. John Thackeray was educated at Christ’s Hospital and was for many years an active, energetic and faithful magistrate for the County of Kent. He built and endowed in 1840 the Priory Almshouses for the maintenance of six aged females. He gave and bequeathed free of legacy duty £10,000 to Christ’s Hospital and his Library, £2,000 to Christ’s Hospital Blind Charity, £500 to the Benevolent Society of Blues, £200 to the Female Orphan Asylum, Lambeth, £200 to the Asylum for the Blind, £200 to the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, £200 to the Philanthropic Society, £200 to the Royal Kent Dispensary, £200 to the London Orphan Asylum, £200 to the London Infant Orphan Asylum, Wanstead and also £1,000 three per cent. consolidated annuities to the Minister, Churchwardens, and Overseers of the Parish for the time being, the interest of which is to be distributed for ever in sums of twenty shillings each on East Tuesday to fifteen poor men and fifteen poor women of sixty years of age at the least, who shall have been housekeepers and paid rates and resident therin at the time of applying for such gift, and not having received any of the parish gifts usually distributed on St. Thomas’s Day previously, such poor persons to be chosen by the inhabitants then assembled in public vestry. Edward Hodges BAILY, R.A., Del. et Sculp. Samuel William BROWN, Charles Augustin SMITH. This monument was erected in gratitude to the benevolent brother by Mary (?OSBORN), Susannah COOPER and Frances THACKERAY. Beneath is this coat: Vert, an arrow in pale, point downwards, between 2 garbs az., on a chief of the last, a cherub’s head ppr. between 2 six-pointed mullets arg.
661. [644]. The west window in the tower is of three lights, and contains stained glass: "The Presentation in the Temple"; "The Baptism of Christ"; and "Christ Blessing Children", and the following inscription: This window was presented by Thomas Watson PARKER, Esq., of this Parish, A.D. 1858.

662. [645]. The east window: "The Magi presenting their Gifts". To the blessed memory of Thomas Watson PARKER, Esquire, of this Parish, and of Mary, his beloved wife. Their surviving children erected this window as a token of their filial respect and love, 1863.

663. [646]. In the south aisle under the gallery is another window, "Christ in the Temple". In memory of Robert and Mary WHOMES this window is dedicated by their son Robert Whomes, of this Parish, 1866.

664. [647]. The screen in the south transept bears the following: Henrico LEGGE Huius Ecclesiæ Presbytero Consanguinei Memores, MDCCCXXXI – MDCCCLXXIX. On the panels of the screen are the names of the Vicars of Lewisham from the thirteenth century, for which see Hasted’s Kent, new edition, vol. 1(The Hundred of Blackheath).

665. [648]. The three windows in the gallery of the south transept contain stained glass "Faith, Hope and Charity". Under the centre light is a brass plate: To the glory of God and in memory of Henry LEGGE, D.C.L., vicar of Lewisham 1831-1879 died 13 Feb., 1887. This window was given by parishioners and friends.

The following are the inscriptions on the vaults beneath the Church:
666. [649]. This vault belongs to Mr Wm. HOLMES 1819.

667. [650]. This vault belongs to Jno. SMITH, Esq. of Blackheath 1810.

668. [651]. This vault belongs to Henry ROGERS 1791.

669. [652]. This vault belongs to Mr. John BOWMAN 1796.

670. [653]. This vault belongs to Mr. Richard BIRCH 1776.

671. [654]. In this vault the property of Edward OMMANNEY of Bloomsbury Square, London, Esq. is deposited the body of Ann his wife who died the 27 September, 1801 aged 56 years. Also of their daughter Elizabeth who died the 2 December, 1778, aged 7 years. Eliza, who died 4 April, 1782, and 2 months. Mary, who died 5 July, 1790, aged 16 years. Likewise of three infants, the children of Samuel SCOTT, of Widmore, Esqr., and his wife Ann, the only surviving daughter of the above-named Edward and Ann Ommanney.

672. [655]. This vault belongs to John ELMSLIE, Esq. 1790.

673. [656]. This vault belongs to G.M. MACAULY, Esq. 1789.

674, [657]. John PETRIE Esq’s. vault. 1787.

675. [658]. The family vault of Thos. PARKER, Esq. 1814.

676, [659]. The family vault of John FOSTER, Esq. 1814.

677. [660]. This vault belongs to Paul VALENTINE 1778.

678. [661]. John RUSSELL’s vault 1785.

679. [662]. The family vault of Mr. Chas. PLAYTER 1809.

680. [663]. The family vault of Mrs. Elizth. BARBOR, of Sydenham 5 June, 1809.

681. [664]. The family vault of Wm. PREST, Esq. 1815.

682. [665]. The within vault on this side belongs to John THACKERAY, Esq.

683. [666]. The within vault on this side belongs to John JACKSON, Esq. Master Willm. Benson Foster Jackson died 6 of July, 1827, in the 11th year of his age. Mr Alfred Carnorn Jackson died 15 of Janr., 1832, aged 25 years.

684. [667]. The family vault of John Pascall LARKINS, Esq. 1800.

685. [668]. This vault belongs to Francis FLOWER, Esq. 1776.

686. [669]. This vault belongs to Andrew BURNSIDE, Esq. and family 1801.

687. [670]. The family vault of General FARRINGTON of the Royal Regiment of Artillery 1796.

Under the Vestry
688. [671]. Mr. BAKER.

689. [672]. The family vault of William ALLEN, Esq. 1814.

690. [673]. The family vault of Alexr. ROWLAND 1830.

691. [674]. Under the Vestry is also a large stone slab much worn, but the following can be read: Here lieth ......../John BAKER of this Parish/............../departed this life 17 June ..../of his age/.......lieth the body of ........./BAKER ................/John Baker/............./6/.

Index of Names, Places and General

BBOT 334
ABBOTT 50 63
ADAMS 251, 335
ADAMSON 150 151

ANDERSON 52, 573
ARNOLD 221 225
ASKE 609
ATKINS 32, 64, 153, 166,
168, 491BAGNALL 339
BAILLIE 101, 341
BAILY 331 332, 660
BAKER 91, 340, 688, 691
BALL 342
Banks 453
BARNES 343, 344
BARR 345
BEAN 223, 346a
BELL 103, 493
Benson 683
Bettsworth 346
BIGGS 347, 348, 423
BIRCH 270, 349, 350, 670
BLACKWELL 45, 352, 598c
Blonam 495
BOWLAM 320BOWLEY 356, 357
BOWYER 44 222
Brady 475
BRAY 181, 358a
BRETT 358b
BROOK 241, 359
BROWN 72, 145, 265,
361, 660BROWNSMITH 50
Brunswick 547
BULL 363
BURT 113
BYRD 365CADE 456
Carnorn 683
CARR 253
CHURCHILL 654, 655
CLARKE 190, 370
CLAY 128
co*ckSHUTT 79
COLE 205 282COLEMAN 353
COLF 372
COLFE 608, 644
CONSTABLE 193, 373
COOPER 85, 252, 271,
375, 660
CORBETT 283, 285-287,
376, 377
COURTENAY 273 280 281
COX 499
Cureton 512
DEAN 122
DENN 384
DICHES 386Ditges 624
DRAY 254DRIVER 125 127
Ducie 616
DUNN 211, 389, 467
DYER 600, 614, 617EADY 94
Eagles 475
Earl of Londonderry 427
EDWARDS 15 80 392, 618
ELco*ck 3
ELLINS 233ELLIOTT 171 217 394
EVANS 395, 396EVENES 398
EVENS 114 397
Eyre 427FARMANER 399
Fell 380
FOSTER 676, 683
FROST 99 249 406 407
Gaultier 633
GIBB 230
GILES 27, 413
GODBY 337, 414, 415
GOLDEN 284, 416
GOODWIN 417GOTTY 419, 420
GOULD 34 241
GRANT 420a
GRAY 421b, 422
GREEN 423, 639
GRESHAM 367, 424, 425
GUY 8HADLEY 244, 426
HALE 427, 428, 625
HALL 429
Hampden 577
HANco*ck 432
HANKINS 192 194 480
Harding 494
HART 559
HARVEY 71, 220, 223-225,
HAY 45
Higham 594
HILL 199
HOCKLEY 156, 439, 440
HOLMES 12, 517, 638, 666
HOLT 139
HOW 282
HOWARD 444, 445
HUNTER 39, 657
INGLE 58, 598a, 598b
Inman 519

JENNINGS 37, 598c
JOHNSON 137 450 451
JONES 451, 609
JOWETT 452, 453
JUPP 454KAY 646
KEBBEL 81 82
KENNEDY 54 269
KERR 455KIDD 4566
KIMBER 457, 458
KING 244 300
KITE 459
LAMB 314 462
LANCE 164 295 463, 464
LANE 260
LARKING 465, 466
LARKINS 635, 684
LAWRANCE 389 467
Layton 426
LEAco*ck 7 513
LEAF 104
LEE 60 302
LEGGE 619, 664, 665
LEGH 649
Leman 521
LEWIS 319 470
LITTLE 269 307LLOYD 626
LOTON 598c, 599
LOW 614
LOWE 600
LOWTH 43 207
LUCAS 177 471
LUCK 278
Lysons 598aM’GIMMINS? 213
Mackenzie 636
MAJOR 169 256
Maltby 513
Manning 346a
MARR 162
MEAD 476
MEE 86
MILLER 69 290
MILLS 148 247 273
MOGG 594
Monckton 428
MONK 185 226
MORTON 299 483, 616
Munday 347
MUNN 165 215
MYERS 427, 625
NORTON 44 487, 626NUNN 488
NUTTALL 489OLIVER 64 490 491
OMMANNEY 632, 671
OUZMAN 570OWEN 175 186PAGET 100 234
PALMER 493, 494
PARKER 495-498 551, 630, 637, 650A, 650B, 652, 653, 661, 662, 675
Pascall 684
PATERSON 620, 640

PECK 501 574
PEGG 473
PENN 544
PERY 502, 599
PETER 194, 613
PETRIE 631, 659, 674PHILLIPS 23, 24, 115,
261 458
PITT 427
PLAYTER 503, 633, 679
POPE 476
PRATT? 119
PYE 330
RAYNER 514, 515
REED 517 518
RHODES 131 132
ROBERTS 33 520
ROBINSON 105 174 187
RODISS 145ROGERS 89, 309, 521,
522, 668
ROSE 98 318
ROWLAND 523, 624, 690RUSSELL 87, 96, 201, 207,
232, 277, 627, 678
RUTLAND 330 524, 605
SANDERS 436 528-533
SAXB…… 128
SCOTT 158 326, 632, 671
SHEPPARD 268, 647
Sheppeard 369

SIMco*ck 209
SMITH 68, 136, 259, 421b,
540-546, 660, 667
St BARDE 526
STANHOPE 606, 610, 611,
641STANLEY 291
STEBBING 76, 339
STEWARD 554, 555
Sunabank 530
Swale 403
SYMES 615, 616TANNER 537
TAYLOR 557, 558
THACKERAY 145, 660, 682

THOMAS 20 301
TOMS 213
Travers 512
TURNER 19 564-567URWICK 77

VALENTINE 114, 195-197,
199, 207, 333, 608, 644,
677VEITCH 245
WALKER 143 571
WALTER 237 470 573
WATKINS 115 116 574
WATSON 11 551 575, 661
WEBB 147
WELLS 64 236
Whitaker 422
WHITE 188 577
Whiting 452WHITMARSH 578
WHOMES 579, 663
Wilks 353
WILLIAMS 22, 214, 323,
580, 598c
WILLMOTT 581, 627
WILSON 469 582-584
WOOD 197 292 293 307 311
WYCHE 427, 625
WYLDE 603, 604
WYNN 589
YEATES 591-593YONGE 609YOUNG 1 594

Places IndexAshton-under-Lyne, Lancaster 319
Aughton, Yorkshire 609
Barking, Suffolk 411
Barlin, Somerset 385
Bath 629
Beckenham 5
Bengal, Fort William 635
Beresford, Staffordshire 611
Bexley 116
Bideford, Devon, High Park 88
Black Heath 213
Blackheath 7 11 17 20 31 53 73 95
96 106 153 313 328 404 421b 427
599 615, 616 621, 622 658 667
Blackheath Vale 58
Dartmouth Row 408
Eliot Vale 645
Boreham, Essex 380
Boulogne-sur-Mer 88
Boxham, Oxfordshire 303
Brighton 73 125, 640
Brightwell, Oxfordshire 600, 614
Bristol 204
Brockley 212 238
cemetery 198
Bromley 69 333
Bromley Hill 304
Sundridge Park 632
Widmore 671
Bromsgrove 233
Cambden, Gloucestershire 599
Catford 137
Catford Hill 311
Perry Hill 80
Rushey Green 137
Ceylon 387
Charlton Blackheath 334
Charlton Kings,Gloucester 229
Chatham 36
Chester Hall, Midlothian 629
Cologne 624
Constantinople 266
Danes Island, China 358a
Daventry, Northamptonshire 71
Demerara 163 168
Denmark Hill, Surrey 73
Devonshire 304
Dominica 304
East Grinstead, Sussex, 243
Eltham 613
Farnham, Surrey 272
Faversham 55
Felhampton, Salop 77
Forest Hill 214
Glasgow 230
Gravesend 382 402
Gravesend and Tilbury Fort 84
Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire 153
Greenwich 26 164 287 302
Greenwich Hospital 421b
Halifax, His Majesty’s
Naval Yard 193
Halifax, Nova Scotia 84
Halstead Place, Kent 32
Hartley Westpall, Hants 252
Haslemere, Surrey 237
Hastings, Sussex 51
Hayton, Stanton Lacey 31
Henley in Arden, Warwickshire 26Henly on Thames 217
Hertfordshire 400
Hollinhurst, Lancaster 646
Hull 311
Ilford cemetery 236
Jamaica 623, 656
Kingston, Jamaica 433
Jersey 141
Keynsham, Somerset 616
Kidwelly 428
Kidwelly, Carmarthenshire 427
Leeds, Yorkshire 153, 368
Leith Vale Lodge, Ockley, Surrey 426
Lenter Abbey, Notts 639
Lewisham 20 51 205 251, 310 312
Avenue Road 230
cemetery 166 252 327
Hither Green Lane 63
Lewisham House 630, 650B
Limes 649
Loampit Hill 60
Perry Hill 362
Priory Farm 24
The Priory 145
Priory Almshouses 660
South End 333

London 132 232 298 321 599, 605,
609, 613, 636
Aldermanbury 646
Aldgate 85
Battersea,--erwood Lodge 269
St Mary Magdalene 130
St Mary Madgalen 306
Blackfriars Road 64
Bloomsbury Square 632, 671
British Museum 31, 421b, 422
Cannon Street 204
Camberwell 155, 427
Clerkenwell, St. James, 617
Deptford 211 356 375 610, 641
St Nicholas 193
St Paul’s 155 357
Strond? 384
Finchley, cemetery 91
Fleet Street 104
Hampstead 639
Hornsey 634
Kennington 105
Kennington, Surrey 26
Lambeth, St Mary 192
Limehouse 380
Lincolns Inn Fields 10
Old Kent Road 282
Precinct of St Catherine,
near Tower of London 260
Regent Street 83
Rotherhithe, St Mary 191
St Ann, Aldersgate 297
St Anne & St Agnes 236
St George’s, Bloomsbury 420a
St George’s, Middlesex 420
St Marylebone 346
St Martins in theFields 103
St Pancras 390
St Peter’s Cornhill 301
Oxford Street 626
Sackville Street 642
Southwark 173
High Street 275
St. Olaves Southwark 429
St Saviours Dock 121
St Giles in the Field 331
St John Zachary 297
The Strand 288
Westminster, St Peter 210Ludlow 31
Madeira 29 245
Madras 340, 657
Manchester 646
Mileham, Norfolk 105
Milend, Middlesex 26
Monneton, Dorset 615
Montserrat 412
Morton, Staffordshire 616
New South Wales 650
Newbottle Parish of Houghton-le-Spring, Durham 364
Newington, Kent 649
Nuport, Bucks 613
Nuremburg, Franconia 634
Paris cemetery of Mont Parnasse 324
Penge Common 100
Ramsgate, Kent 241
Richmond Stawell House 650A
Ridley, Chester 616
Romsey, Hants
Moor Court 1
Ruthven School, Denbighshire 300
Shoreham 197
South Mimms, Middlesex 423
Southend 87 95 126 282 390
St Mary Ottery, Devon 291
St Helena 430
St Ives, Cornwall 251
Stamford 618
Stepney 229
Stourbridge 56
Sydenham 88 110 187, 200 306, 441,
442, 617, 680
Blythe Hill 242
Clare Lodge 242
Thorpe, Surrey 599
Thurso 246
Tottenham, Middlesex 224
Totteridge, Herts 364
Trichinopoly 622
Truro, Cornwall 143
Vienna 266
Vienna, Austria 634
Wales 204
Wandsworth, Surrey 185
Whitchurch, Hampshire 22
Winterbourne, Gloucestershire 616
Woolwich 199 223 340 427

3rd Regiment of Guards 235
3rd Regiment, Royal West India Rangers 34
13th Regt. of Foot 391
14th Regiment 84
19th Regt. 512
20th Regt. of H.C. Bengal 559
31st Regiment of Foot 387
65th Regiment 84
80th Regt. 547
Bengal Staff Corps 512
1st Battalion of the Royal Regiment
of Artillery 658
Montgomeryshire Militia 626
West Kent Light Infantry Regiment
of Militia 628
Royal Artillery 512, 657, 658
Royal Artillery Drivers 585
Royal Horse Artillery Driver 410
Royal Military Academy 427
Royal Regiment of Artillery 687
Hon East India Company 21, 341,
537, 635

Sergt-Major 410
Ensign 84, 628
Lieutenant 85, 245, 575, 657
Captain 5 12 21 23 34 98 127 189
206 340 387 512 537 547 658
Lieut.-Adjutant 559
Colonel 84, 391, 658
Lieut.-Col. 650B, 652
Commander 537
General 658, 686
Major-General 655

Deputy Purveyor to HM Forces 228
Fort William 537
Governor of Gravesend and Tilbury
Fort 84Navy
Admiral of the White 551
Captain 414, 594
His Majesty’s Navy 356
Lieutenant 324 421b, 456, 558,
582, 642
Lord Commissioner of the
Admiralty 551
Majesty’s Rope Yard 340
Majesty’s yard 551
Master Rope Maker 340
Navy Transport Office 356
R.M. 558, 414
R.N. 421b, 456, 642
Rear-Admiral 415
Royal Navy 36 350, 594
Surgeon, RN 242

Army/Navy Captain 337, 380, 384,
403 598c

Alderman 636
architect 638
Attorney at law 315
Attorney, His Majesty’s
Auctioneer 89, 589
Backmaker 173
Banker 634
barrister 600
Book Environs of London 598a
Brewer 193, 380, 612
Bricklayer 285, 570
Butler 87
Carpenter 572
Cattle dealer 63
Church Missionary Society 453
Churchwarden 207
Coachmaker 331
Commissioner & Receiver of
Greenwich Hospital 513
Common Sergeant-at-Law 609
Consul General to His Majesty the
King of Denmark 77
Court of Exchequer 204domestic (servant) 430
Exchequer Office of Pleas,
Lincoln’s inn 204Farmer 90 142 187 450
Farming 333
fellmonger 450
Goldsmith 589
his Majesty’s Exchequer 451
Keeper of the Zoological
collection 421b, 422
leatherseller 605
Lieutenant Governor 508
Lloyd’s 36
lord of this manor 601
Master 487
Master of Blackheath School 598c
Master shipwright 193
Member of the Collegiate, Church, St Peter, Westminster 210
Merchant 330 368, 599, 646
Miller 198
nurse 522, 559
Nurseryman 201, 285 627
Organist 9
Plumber 69
President 204
servant 342, 588
Servant 60 136 145 244 313
small pox 627
Society of Ancient Britons 204
Stationer 298 490
Surgeon 350, 381, 485, 626
Tanner 513, 515
Treasurer, Welsh Charity School 204
Trinity Corporation 526
Trinity House 384
Trinity House, London 21
Trustee 204
Typhus fever 193
Upholder 473
Victualler 164
Vintner 460
Warfinger 121

The Monumental Inscriptions in the churchyard of St Mary's Church, Lewisham — Kent Archaeological Society (2024)
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