Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)

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rnmmfmwim -S- -r 'V i W- 1 XEWUTON Evnura JOURNAL LEWISTOD-AIJDIJBN MAINE- WEDNESDAY MARCH IM7- 5- Atfounr charged with intozicetioa- znd diatuihaace cue continued the proposal teaching per doen Include to doea include tiro District 8 Court Cases to omtt from additional Tie budget d-jUUonal touchers one for Edvard littla High School end one tor Walton Junior High SobooL One New Bee Cute In the faculty (alary ached ule -amouhtod to (26242 and Annett told the council this waa the item on which -the committee appnt eight nouneL the Oautara 21 of teSboa Fails charged wftth operating' an uninspected motor vehicle pleaded guilty fined MO James Brown 25 Freeport charged with driving 10 mph in 40-mph sons case continued to March 28 Eager Gtaarfon 21 of Hampshire St Auburn charged with operating an unimpeded motor vehicle pleaded innocent case1 continued to April 3 budget increaaes where the hike lor instructional salaries ifttlSSJSS which h- referred to as the major part of the increase in the budget-An item for (30835 listed as a carryover from 196667 was explained Webber as the total impact The the increaaes given for this Hnd la rear as adjurted for tea Court Lewiston differences in salaries between those who left the school system and the salarise paid those replacing them Pay Hikes A' (22459 increase in instructional one replaced need to is Avenue Auburn being the owner creating a nuisance Auburn ease Gerard Giard Avenue District Need to know foe depth of pan? Measure by pfeetog a nib down the inside of -a good idea to keep a ted rider avafiSUe at art supply for kitchen measuring: When you use such i ruler for measuring roiled-out pastry dough for example yon aaily wash the ruler putting It away Hebb 36 of BrJdgten ehargod with operating motor vehicle while under the -influence of Intoxicating liquor a a continued to Marai 39 Laden A Thtenlt 40 of Aifourn charged with a vtolatioa of Auburn zoning family unit Innocent case fifed The charge allegedly Involved property at 95 Western Ave Aifourn -ARea Giles 27 of 26X Bates St Lemteton charged with two charges of intoxication and dlaturbance guilty deal entered on each caae and he waa fined (15 on each charge Frances Merrill 45 of 43 Crest charged with of a' dog March 15 filed 53 Crest Annett explained that school bus is to be and that two others be replaced but provision made in the budaet for the I in the replacement of only one bus-! Webber He said maintenance -costs on ui ta footer rehidrc an high duVto to erplaliied anil Auburn charged with flng gu ovoe- doc -a (7J40 creating a nuisance March 15 In 1962 the first eruiaer built in England for the Confederate Navy the Oreto silled from IiverpooL Downed Ruasefi 36 of 333 Pine St Lewiston charged with failing to keep tothe riifot when making a right ndo (no contest) fined (20 Stephen Dick 17 of 7 Tampa St Lewiston Charged with failing to yield the right-of-way ceie was filed WHHarn Madera 28 of Mariboro Maas charged with operating a motor vehicle without a license pleaded guilty fined (20 Robert Made 41 of Portland charged with obstructing fire hydrant continued to April 3 AMERICA'S LAR0EST FAMILY 'CLOTHINs'CHAINf Auburn case filed V-5MSLT JSiA STpeymmtri di the year i vJ can filed At -Mlm MJ-ff with operating a motor vahtefe while under the influence i rf intoxicating liquor pleaded innocent pies withdrawn and pleaded guilty fined (125 The offraae allegedly occured Merck provision for this is made in the budget Another din need he said is the addition of forte desses in the Central School special education program One GUSEK YOUHG PEOPLE A meeting of theyoung people in the Greek community was heldSunday at the Greek Community Center for the purpose of organising a local chapter of the Greek Orthodox Youth of America in organisation of youths 12 to 17 under the auspices of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North and South America Officer! elected were left to right seated Mike Coutlie Lisbon Falls treasurer Dina Gabriel Augusta Viee president Her Soterioe Alexopoulos spiritual leader Arthur Mdrkos Augusta president' Theodora Karagiannes Augusta secretary Standing- Nick Kar ah alios of Lewiston Paul Kesaris Auguste Angelo Adrianos and Christine Simones Lewiston Argyro Adreades Augusta Dina Adyianoa Lewiston Barbara Demos and Laura Gabriel Augusta -Adult leaders of the group known as GOYA are Mias Katherine Barbalias Lewiston a teacher at Brunswick High School and Kiss Angela Aloupis Lewiston Meeting! will be held the first Sunday of each month many that they Included in tile preliminary budget was removed Considerable repair end reaurfadng of school grounds is needed Annett continued FiguroTpreaeated by Annett Jjjl hie been extremely low and help could not be hired at the wage of (1 JO an hour Webber showed comparative per pupil costs of 21 cities and tee town of Sanford tot the 1965-66 school year that most recent year for which iS Guaranteed Workmanship Small Engines "we sag go ebewnere1 Cooper been "amr and weed ii eat to eking 1 end if then weeding ot Wraber there out has of aid out every Excavation Draining Pumps Repaired Ready Spring nee hie Mcca Caron's lewnmowor and Small Engine Sorvico Cooper then aald ha waa glad urn dty was getting good teachers but wonoen when the salary increases would atop It was then that Webber made hla comment that beeausa of the improved salaries paid teachen in Auburn the ia getting better teachen I figurer are available -16 had higher secondary costs than Auburn and three lower at the secondary level and 15 were higher at the elementary level ana six lower than Auburn Of 152 secondary schools in dery schools in 13 JardanA' mosfof foe custodial work is done at night Webber waa asked to give foe average classroom load per teacher Mere Far Meney He eaid this was about 26 Maine 141 had higher per pupil' at the elementary level 28 at costa ifasn Auburn nine lower the Junior high level and 21 and of 287 elementary schools at the senior ugh school level a Even in Later Monday night Webber explained to i reporter for the purpose of eurtMng this response that the figures he gave at the meeting represented the ratio of madia to teachers in the adtool ay item but the actual average classroom load per teacher is larger than time figures Councilman Cooper liked 107 had higher coats than Auburn end 179 were lower Toning then to tile salary schedule the council waa tout that of 34 communities in the coming year two win bava higher bachelor degree minimum a 19 wiU be the same as Auburn and 14 win be lower The rating of maximum teacher salary finds Webber Sees Aubuni ln Good Position Auburn Ctty Councilman last night wers told by Schools I Lewis Webber that the is now in position to better compete for teachers as the result of now ialanr seals for the department The remark wee well received particularly tor Ward Two Councilman Donald Cooper who commented it waa the llxwt time he bed heard Webber make the statement firmly believe this year" Webber told the dL Cooper also commended Webber on a feet- sheet prepared by him for presentation to the council laying ft was tee best breakdown the council had ever received of the school department costs and tee wpwwiq date Intended to explain and Justify them Mnek Left Out It wws tUs fact sheet which ASSC President John Annett need to outline to the council' the background information on budget work done by the oohool committee end to explain increases included on the school department die Naval Air Command flight am Lt Green is of Old Town Senior Old Than end the- Merinos In February 1991 PAUL LABONTK son of Mr and Mre Don Lahonte of 103 Pride Bead AObura contributed to bis drip toe attack aircraft carrier Ranger bring of the bytes editors of megohm The Sanger was selected to tile award from 12 vessels honored as tee Month" throughout the year The award wee started in 1ML and is baaed on the efficiency and overall performance of duties ns seen by the magazine's editorial staff The Ranger undergoing an extensive overhaul at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard in Bremerton Wash won the award for her performance while deployed with the Seventh Fleet of the eoest of Vietnam Lahonte holds the rank of Seaman Apprentice JOSEPH A DEE08IER son of Mr and Mrs Joseph De-rosier of 64 Ridgewood Avenue Lewiston took pt in tee largest Marine assault operation while serving with the Third BnttaUon Third Ma-r i Regiment Operation stretched toom the shores of the South China See in the northernmost pert of South Vietnam to the western boundary It included assuiR forces reconnaissance patrols and penetrating surveillance The forces of kffled than-Webber if with better salaries 11 communities higher AUburn end 21 lower for teachers is the city Annett explained that the fact- better teachen and 8 that 90 per cent cf being asked of them instructional staff now have I Webber replied that he feels degrees is a very favorable' AUburn la getting more clu5e- add 10-5 Par cent for its dollar or 43 staff members have five than almost any other school or morc yearsof college study iygtm you want to name -and 115 or about 50 per eont I tBd i don't limit this to tbs have more than 10 years of borders of Heine" experience Seles Pitch When Annett came to the last1 action of the fed sheet he conference they attend end aid "Item 12 ia the sales pitch other profeiooal efforts to but Wi ted tUi ftfy kocnlTr better their eroxfc He iftifl I Webber TH Paragraph stated foit! approach la used tion'ln thajrcpand pluming in terms malntenanca dhuildingi and te ter toaclal attention to a ia posaible only whan certain aspect of their work allocations' erntttila la called to their attention ly adequate year in Webber told the council that and year out The alternative: "some teachers leave the la to regress at greater cost voluntarily Ha eeid teat to hiring pew teachers the Aifourn get to iaaplabi further the school department budget Aifoett add tee preUminery budget on which the ASSC started totaled (2198250 which represented a (31955798 Increase over the school appro-toiatioa lor the 190667 year He also explained that titia eventually petated out feat TERRY KERRIGAN of Mr and Mrs Thomas Kerrigan of 27 Buttonwood Lane Lewiston has completed four weeks at individual combat training at Camp Lejeune During his mom than 200 bourn of training he learned about weapons and combat techniques from combat veteran instructors They taught him bow to conduct petrols detect and remove mines and booby traps and nse of the standard Marine Corps infantry weapons He will now receive at least four weeks of specialist training before being assigned to Us first permanent unit Marines going to combat units wil get detailed training In too particular combat skill they are designated far Thoee who are going into technical fields win receive their advanced training at one of a nical schools country nearly 1400 enemy and dbwed enemy infiltration into South Vietnam from tee north to a trickle Some 11000 Marines were estimated to have participated in the operation and waged their buttles on terrain lkened to that of the Pacific Muds during World War Marine Private Pint Class regiment is a unit of the Third Marine Division budget did not include many items JU-the- ediool department feels ahodd be taken care at During fit budget meetings Annett explained ASSCfc feted fieoe totaling (2UJIR gtting tee JnereS? tTffi 9S2J6 Budget euta were maSi flAanett department waa iMhi Tte superior excellence aid that 8 qualified teachers when school MWn is eonortunity opened He mentioned also teat teeneaMen ttsb Corps Canter at Poland1 TWwSSTnUu Spring agency fce rT4f 1VT45 NORWOOD PARK SHOPPING CENTER Thomas cbonin husband of a former Lewiston woman has completed specialised pilot training at Tinker AFB Oklahoma in the UA Air newest Jet transport the C-141 Stxrtifter Captain Cronin is being assigned to Charleston AFB He is a member of the Military Airlift Command which operates a global airlift system for forces employing more thin 1000 modern aircraft The captain was commissioned through the aviation cadet program He has completed tour of duly in Southeast Asia His win Claudette is ttie daughter of Mr ana Mrs Fournier of Ssbsttus Road ALL DAY THURSDAY 10 AM to 10 PM IP I ON ALL ITEm EXCEPT -FAIR-TRADED ITEMS BUY FOR twinging! groovy REVERE 30-INCH AUTOMATIC "FITSANYWHERE" RANGE If this sounds like your idea of young people's language why not? Young homemakers are among our best customers for Gas Appliances like this compact Revere It's a gas! But "great" or "pcirfeet" will do And it's beautiful too And that goes for every homemaker For here's a cooking machine just thirty- inches wide that gives you the speed and responsiveness of Gas cooking with an ultra-modem touch Four jet-speed top burners Giant 26" easy-to-clean tank-type oven Extra width smokeless broiler It's dreamy And it will fit anywhere in your dream kitchen either built-in or free-standing You'll love its looks You'll love' the way it cooks Look at the price you'll think we made a mistake If we did it's in your favor! JUST SI 20 A WEEK and your eld stova SIZES 8 TD 12 Reg 96 7495 PREK 13 TO 20 JOHN VIOLETTE son of Mr and Mrs Patrick Vlofette of 55 Androscoggin Ave Lew-iston la preaeittly home an leave His new address is PO John Violetta BM-3 (DV) USN 997-7644 Harbor Clearance Team II fleet Fort Office Norfolk Va ROBERT FRASER son of Mr and Mrs Edwin Fnaaar of 433 College Street Lewiston recently arrived lor duty at Chfekaamh RAF Station Shrt-ford Enghmdu Airman Third Ctau Fraser an neeounting apeddiit received hla training at Sheppard AFB Texas Air- man rnser is a graduate of i St High Bchoob REGIS BOSSE son of Mr and Mrs George Boaw of Nichols Street Lewiston helped liberate more then 3500 Vietnam eae vHlagera from the ene-myh control during Operation near Da Nang Vietnam The villagers were sent to rafogee villages onteido enemy controlled erwaa The eightday search and -A- look for fhs red tags on thlt sptlal salt mmrshandlim the regular price ticket is ou every suit so you see what you save! Choose from long wearing mw spring fabrics in clastic- GARRANT GREENE son of Mr and Mrs Robert Greene of 592 Minot Avenue Auburn has received his Navy of during a ceremony at EDyaon field Pensacola Florida Ha received his designation as a Marine Avaftor and Hdfeoptar Pilot from Captain Wallace conMnudwig officer Helicopter Training Squufeon Eight after emration netted 159 enemy UB-ed and 31 captured Marine Cornoiwi Boose ia a member of the First Battalion! Pint Marine Begtancnt First Maxine Dividnr 3-button Ivy models British-styled conti-' nental models with side vents hacking flap pockets In lustrous iridescent! and hlack BE RE EARLY FOR BSf SELECTION AUBURN-15 CHESTNUT STREET Installation Immediate delivery Gat Appliance Adjustment Service 1 iM'-f I LEWISTON A Joyous Easter- AND SAVE! CHARGE IT--NO MONEY DOWN NORTHWOOD PARK SHOPPING CENTER UPPER MAIN STREET LEWISTON I TO All CHARGE IT WITH UNI-CARD illalo FOR AU YOUR STORAGE NEEDS DIAL 2-3291 Otforprwef SAVP IT CASH AND CAREY LIGHT CPPANY Dividea of Narihcn UtUties lie Upper Main Street Lewiston I.

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Sun-Journal from Lewiston, Maine (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.