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Essentialsof Statistics for the Social

and Behavioral Sciences

Barry H. Cohen

R. Brooke Lea

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Essentials of Statistics for the Socialand Behavioral Sciences

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Essentials of Behavioral Science SeriesFounding Editors, Alan S. Kaufman and Nadeen L. Kaufman

Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences

by Barry H. Cohen and R. Brooke Lea

Essentials of Psychological Testing

by Susana Urbina

Essentials of Research Design and Methodology

by Geoffrey R. Marczyk and David DeMatteo

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Essentialsof Statistics for the Social

and Behavioral Sciences

Barry H. Cohen

R. Brooke Lea

John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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Copyright © 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Cohen, Barry H., 1949–Essentials of statistics for the social and behavioral science / Barry H. Cohen, R. Brooke Lea.

p. cm. — (Essentials of behavioral sciences series)Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 0-471-22031-0 (pbk. : alk. paper)

1. Social sciences—Statistical methods. I. Lea, R. Brooke. II. Title. III. Series.

HA29.C65 2003519.5—dc21 2003049669

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To my dear Aunts: Harriet Anthony and Diana Franzblau


To Emily and Jackson, the two parameters that keep me normal


We would like to sincerely thank Irving B. Weiner, Ph.D., ABPP forhis assistance as a consulting editor on this project.

Dr. Weiner completed his doctoral studies at the University of Michi-gan in 1959 and went on to write and edit over 20 books, as well ascountless chapters and journal articles. A Diplomate of the AmericanBoard of Professional Psychology in both Clinical and Forensic Psy-chology, he currently serves as Clinical Professor of Psychiatry andBehavioral Medicine at the University of South Florida. Dr. Weinerserves as Chairman of the Wiley Behavioral Sciences Advisory Boardand is Editor-in-Chief of the 12-volume Handbook of Psychology,which published in December 2002.

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Series Preface ix

One Descriptive Statistics 1

Two Introduction to Null Hypothesis Testing 28

Three The Two-Group t II Test 48

Four Correlation and Regression 71

Five One-Way ANOVA and Multiple Comparisons 97

Six Power Analysis 122

Seven Factorial ANOVA 145

Eight Repeated-Measures ANOVA 172

Nine Nonparametric Statistics 199

Appendix A Statistical Tables 226

Appendix B Answers to Putting it into Practice Exercises 243

References 275

Annotated Bibliography 278


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Index 281

Acknowledgments 291

About the Authors 291


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In the Essentials of Behavioral Science series, our goal is to provide readers withbooks that will deliver key practical information in an efficient, accessible style.The series features books on a variety of topics, such as statistics, psychologi-

cal testing, and research design and methodology, to name just a few. For the ex-perienced professional, books in the series offer a concise yet thorough review ofa specific area of expertise, including numerous tips for best practices. Studentscan turn to series books for a clear and concise overview of the important topicsin which they must become proficient to practice skillfully, efficiently, and ethicallyin their chosen fields.

Wherever feasible, visual cues highlighting key points are utilized alongside sys-tematic, step-by-step guidelines. Chapters are focused and succinct. Topics are or-ganized for an easy understanding of the essential material related to a particulartopic. Theory and research are continually woven into the fabric of each book, butalways to enhance the practical application of the material, rather than to sidetrackor overwhelm readers. With this series, we aim to challenge and assist readers inthe behavioral sciences to aspire to the highest level of competency by armingthem with the tools they need for knowledgeable, informed practice.

Essentials of Statistics for the Social and Behavioral Sciences concentrates on drawingconnections among seemingly disparate statistical procedures and providing intu-itive explanations for how the basic formulas work. The authors weave statisticalconcepts together and thus make the different procedures seem less arbitrary andisolated. The statistical procedures covered here are those considered essential toresearchers in the field. Only univariate statistics are presented; topics in multi-variate statistics (including multiple regression) deserve a separate volume of theirown. Further, this book assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of ba-sic statistics or has ready access to an introductory text. Therefore, this book willnot bog down the reader down with computational details. Thus, this book shouldbe ideal as a supplementary text for students struggling to understand the mater-


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ial in an advanced (or sophisticated) undergraduate statistics course, or an inter-mediate course at the master’s level. Essentials of Statistics is also ideal for researchersin the social and behavioral sciences who have forgotten some of their statisticaltraining and need to brush up on statistics in order to evaluate data, converseknowledgeably with a statistical consultant, or prepare for licensing exams.

Chapter 1 covers the most often used methods of descriptive statistics, and thenext four chapters cover the basics of null hypothesis testing and interval estima-tion for the one-, two-, and multigroup cases, as well as the case of two continu-ous variables. Chapter 6 is devoted to the increasingly essential topics of poweranalysis and effect size estimation for the cases covered in Chapters 2 through 5.Chapters 7 and 8 deal with the complex forms of analysis of variance common inexperimental social science research. As appropriate, these chapters include ma-terial relevant to the larger topic of research design. Finally, Chapter 9 includessome of the most popular methods in nonparametric statistics. Regrettably, manyuseful topics had to be omitted for lack of space, but the references and annotatedbibliography point the reader toward more comprehensive and more advancedtexts to fill any gaps. Indeed, we hope that this book will help the reader under-stand those more advanced sources. Additional material to help readers of thisbook understand the statistical topics covered in this book, as well as some relatedand more advanced topics, are posted on the web and can be accessed by follow-ing links from

Alan S. Kaufman, PhD, and Nadeen L. Kaufman, EdD, Founding Editors

Yale University School of Medicine


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Essentials of Statistics for the Socialand Behavioral Sciences

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Social and behavioral scientists need statistics more than most other scien-tists, especially the kind of statistics included in this book. For the sake ofcontrast, consider the subject matter of physics. The nice thing about pro-

tons and electrons, for instance, is that all protons have the same mass; electronsare a lot lighter, but they also are all identical to each other in mass. This is not toimply that physics is easier than any of the social or behavioral sciences, but thefact that animals and especially humans vary so much from each other alongevery conceivable dimension creates a particular need to summarize all this vari-ability in order to make sense of it.

The purpose of descriptive statistics is to use just a few numbers to capture themeaning of a much larger collection of observations on many different cases. Thesecases could be people, animals, or even cities or colleges; or the same cases on manydifferent occasions; or some combination of the two. Often, computing descrip-tive statistics is just your first step in a process that uses more advanced statisticalmethods to make estimates about cases that you will never have the opportunity tomeasure directly. This chapter will cover only descriptive statistics. The remainingchapters will be devoted to more advanced methods called inferential statistics.


Sometimes you have all of the observations in which you are interested, but thisis rare. For instance, a school psychologist may have scores on some standardizedtest for every sixth grader in Springfield County and her only concern is studyingand comparing students within the County. These test scores would be thoughtof as her population. More often, you have just a subset of the observations inwhich you are interested. For instance, a market researcher randomly selects andcalls 100 people in Springfield County and asks all of them about their use of theInternet. The 100 observations obtained (Springfield residents are very coopera-tive) do not include all of the individuals in which the researcher is interested. The




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100 observations would be thoughtof as a sample of a larger population.

If as a researcher you are inter-ested in the Internet habits of peoplein Springfield County, your popula-tion consists of all the people in thatcounty. If you are really interested inthe Internet habits of people in theUnited States, then that is your popu-lation. In the latter case your samplemay not be a good representation ofthe population. But for the purposesof descriptive statistics, populationsand samples are dealt with in similarways. The distinction between sample

and population will become importantin the next chapter, when we intro-

duce the topic of inferential statistics. For now, we will treat any collection of num-bers that you have as a population.

The most obvious descriptive statistic is one that summarizes all of the obser-vations with a single number—one that is the most typical or that best locates themiddle of all the numbers. Such a statistic is called a measure of central tendency. Thebest-known measure of central tendency is the arithmetic mean: the statistic youget if you add up all the scores in your sample (or population) and divide by thenumber of different scores you added. When people use the term mean you canbe quite sure that they are referring to the arithmetic mean. There are other sta-tistics that are called means; these include the geometric and the harmonic mean(the latter will be discussed in Chapter 5). However, whenever we use the termmean by itself we will be referring to the arithmetic mean. Although the mean iscalculated the same way for a sample as a population, it is symbolized as X� (pro-nounced “X bar”) or M when it describes a sample, and � (the lowercase Greekletter mu; pronounced “myoo”) when it describes a population. In general, num-bers that summarize the scores in a sample are called statistics (e.g., X� is a statis-tic), whereas numbers that summarize an entire population are called parameters(e.g., � is a parameter).


When we calculate the mean for a set of numbers we are assuming that these num-bers represent a precise scale of measurement. For instance, the average of 61



When Will I Use the Statisticsin This Chapter?

You have measured the same variablemany times, perhaps on many differ-ent people, or many different rats, ormany different cities (e.g., the totalbudget for each city), and so on, andnow you want to summarize all ofthose numbers in a compact and de-scriptive way. If you want to extrapo-late from those numbers to cases youhave not measured yet, you will needthe tools that we will begin to de-scribe in Chapter 2.

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inches and 63 inches is 62 inches, and we know that 62 is exactly in the middle of61 and 63 because an inch is always the same size (the inch that’s between 61 and62 is precisely the same size as the inch between 62 and 63). In this case we can saythat our measurement scale has the interval property. This property is necessary tojustify and give meaning to calculating means and many other statistics on themeasurements that we have. However, in the social sciences we often use num-bers to measure a variable in a way that is not as precise as measuring in inches.For instance, a researcher may ask a student to express his or her agreement withsome political statement (e.g., I think U.S. senators should be limited to two 6-yearterms) on a scale that consists of the following choices: 1 � strongly disagree; 2� somewhat disagree; 3 � neutral; 4 � somewhat agree; 5 � strongly agree. [Thiskind of scale is called a Likert scale, after its inventor, Rensis Likert (1932).]

Ordinal Scales

You might say that a person who strongly agrees and one who is neutral, when av-eraged together, are equivalent to someone who somewhat agrees, because themean of 1 and 3 is 2. But this assumes that “somewhat agree” is just as close to“strongly agree” as it is to neutral—that is, that the intervals on the scale are allequal. All we can really be sure of in this case is the order of the responses—thatas the responses progress from 1 to 5 there is more agreement with the statement.A scale like the one described is therefore classified as an ordinal scale. The morepoints such a scale has (e.g., a 1 to 10 rating scale for attractiveness), the morelikely social scientists are to treat the scale as though it were not just an ordinalscale, but an interval scale, and therefore calculate statistics such as the mean onthe numbers that are reported by participants in the study. In fact, it is even com-mon to treat the numbers from a 5-point Likert scale in that way, even though sta-tisticians argue against it. This is one of many areas in which you will see that com-mon practice among social scientists does not agree with the recommendationsof many statisticians (and measurement experts) as reported in textbooks andjournal articles.

Another way that an ordinal scale arises is through ranking. A researcher ob-serving 12 children in a playground might order them in terms of aggressiveness,so that the most aggressive child receives a rank of 1 and the least aggressive getsa 12. One cannot say that the children ranked 1 and 2 differ by the same amountas the children ranked 11 and 12; all you know is that the child ranked 5, for in-stance, has been judged more aggressive than the one ranked 6. Sometimes mea-surements that come from an interval scale (e.g., time in seconds to solve apuzzle) are converted to ranks, because of extreme scores and other problems(e.g., most participants solve the puzzle in about 10 seconds, but a few take sev-


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eral minutes). There is a whole set of procedures for dealing with ranked data,some of which are described in Chapter 9. Some statisticians would argue thatthese rank-order statistics should be applied to Likert-scale data, but this is rarelydone for reasons that will be clearer after reading that chapter.

Nominal Scales

Some of the distinctions that social scientists need to make are just qualitative—they do not have a quantitative aspect, so the categories that are used to distinguishpeople have no order, let alone equal intervals. For instance, psychiatrists diagnosepeople with symptoms of mental illness and assign them to a category. The col-lection of all these categories can be thought of as a categorical or nominal scale (thelatter name indicates that the categories have names rather than numbers) formental illness. Even when the categories are given numbers (e.g., the Diagnostic and

Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders used by psychologists and psychiatrists has anumber for each diagnosis), these numbers are not meant to be used mathemat-ically (e.g., it doesn’t make sense to add the numbers together) and do not evenimply any ordering of the categories (e.g., according to the Diagnostic and Statistical

Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition [DSM-IV ], Obsessive-Compulsive Dis-order is 300.3, and Depressive Disorder is 311; but the diagnostic category forsomeone suffering from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Depressive Disor-der is not 611.3, nor is it 305.65, the sum and mean of the categories, respectively).

Although you cannot calculate statistics such as the mean when dealing withcategorical data, you can compare frequencies and percentages in a useful way.For instance, the percentages of patients that fall into each DSM-IV diagnosis canbe compared from one country to another to see if symptoms are interpreted dif-ferently in different cultures, or perhaps to see if people in some countries aremore susceptible to some forms of mental illness than the people of other coun-tries. Statistical methods for dealing with data from both categorical and ordinalscales will be described in Chapter 9.

Ratio Scales

The three scales of measurement described so far are the nominal (categories thathave no quantitative order), the ordinal (the values of the scale have an order, butthe intervals may not be equal), and the interval scale (a change of one unit on thescale represents the same amount of change anywhere along the scale). One scalewe have not yet mentioned is the ratio scale. This is an interval scale that has a truezero point (i.e., zero on the scale represents a total absence of the variable being


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measured). For instance, neither the Celsius nor Fahrenheit scales for measuringtemperature qualify as ratio scales, because both have arbitrary zero points. TheKelvin temperature scale is a ratio scale because on that scale zero is absolutezero, the point at which all molecular motion, and therefore all heat, ceases. Thestatistical methods described in this book do not distinguish between the intervaland ratio scales, so it is common to drop the distinction and refer to interval/ra-tio data. A summary of the different measurement scales is given in Rapid Refer-ence 1.1.


When describing data there are many options for interval/ratio data, such as themean, but relatively few options for nominal or ordinal data. However, regardlessof the scale you are dealing with, the most basic way to look at your data is interms of frequencies.

Bar Charts

If you have nominal data, a simple bar chart is a good place to start. Along a hori-zontal axis you write out the different categories in any order that is convenient.The height of the bar above each category should be proportional to the numberof your cases that fall into that category. If 20 of the patients you studied were


Measurement Scales

Nominal: Observations are assigned to categories that differ qualitatively but haveno quantitative order (e.g., depressed, phobic, obsessive, etc.).Ordinal: The values have an order that can be represented by numbers, but thenumbers cannot be used mathematically, because the intervals may not be equal(e.g., assigning ranks according to the ability of gymnasts on a team).Interval: One unit on this scale is the same size anywhere along the scale, so valuescan be treated mathematically (e.g., averaged), but zero on the scale does not in-dicate a total absence of the variable being measured (e.g., IQ scores).Ratio: This scale has the interval property plus the zero point is not arbitrary; itrepresents a true absence of the variable being measured. For instance, weight inpounds has this property, so that if object A is measured as twice as many poundsas object B, then object A has twice as much weight. (You cannot say that some-one with an IQ of 120 is twice as smart as someone with an IQ of 60.)

Rapid Reference 1.1

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phobic and 10 were depressed, the vertical bar rising above “phobic” would betwice as high as the bar above “depressed.” Of course, the chart can be rotated tomake the bars horizontal, or a pie chart or some other display can be used instead,but the bar chart is probably the most common form of display for nominal datain the social sciences.

Because the ordering of the categories in a bar chart of nominal data is arbi-trary, it doesn’t quite make sense to talk of the central tendency of the data. How-ever, if you want to talk about the most typical value, it makes some sense to iden-tify the category that is the most popular (i.e., the one with the highest bar). Thecategory with the highest frequency of occurrence is called the mode. For instance,among patients at a psychiatric hospital the modal diagnosis is usually schizo-phrenia (unless this category is broken into subtypes).

The bar chart is also a good way to display data from an ordinal scale, but be-cause the values now have an order, we can talk meaningfully about central ten-dency. You can still determine the mode—the value with the highest bar (i.e., fre-quency)—but the mode need not be near the middle of your bar chart (althoughit usually will be). However, with an ordinal scale you can add up frequencies andpercentages in a way that doesn’t make sense with a nominal scale. First, let uslook at the convenience of dealing with percentages.

Percentile Ranks and the Median

Suppose 44 people in your sample “strongly agree” with a particular statement;this is more impressive in a sample of 142 participants than in a sample of 245participants (note: in keeping with recent custom in the field of psychology, wewill usually use the term participant to avoid the connotations of the older term sub-

ject). The easiest way to see that is to note that in the first case the 44 participantsare 31% of the total sample; in the second case, they are only 18%. The percent-ages make sense without knowing the sample size. Percentages are useful with anominal scale (e.g., 45% of the patients were schizophrenic), but with an ordinalscale there is the added advantage that the percentages can be summed. For ex-ample, suppose that 100 people respond to a single question on a Likert scale withthe following percentages: 5% strongly disagree; 9% somewhat disagree; 36% areneutral; 40% agree; and 10% strongly agree. We can then say that 14% (5 � 9) ofthe people are on the disagree side, or that 14% are below neutral (it’s arbitrary,but we are assigning higher values in the agree direction).

We can assign a percentile rank (PR) to a value on the scale such that the PRequals the percentage of the sample (or population) that is at or below that value.The PR is 5 for strongly disagree, 14 for somewhat disagree, 50 for neutral, 90 for


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agree, and 100 for strongly agree (it is always 100, of course, for the highest valuerepresented in your set of scores). A particularly useful value in any set of scoresis called the median. The median is defined as the middle score, such that half thescores are higher, and half are lower. In other words, the median is the valuewhose PR is 50. In this example the median is “neutral.” The median is a usefulmeasure of central tendency that can be determined with an ordinal, but not anominal, scale. According to this definition, the median in the preceding examplewould be somewhere between “neutral” and “somewhat agree.” If “neutral” is 3and “somewhat” agree is 4 on the scale, then some researchers would say that themedian is 3.5. But unless you are dealing with an interval scale you cannot use thenumbers of your scale so precisely. If all your scores are different, it is easy to seewhich score is the middle score. If there are only a few different scores (e.g., 1 to5) but many responses, there will be many scores that are tied, making it less clearwhich score is in the middle.


A slight modification of the bar chart is traditionally used when dealing with in-terval/ratio data. On a bar chart for nominal or ordinal data there should be somespace between any two adjacent bars, but for interval/ratio data it is usually ap-propriate for each bar to touch the bars on either side of it. When the bars touch,the chart is called a histogram. To understand when it makes sense for the bars totouch, you need to know a little about continuous and discrete scales, and thereforesomething about discrete and continuous variables. A variable is discrete when itcan only take certain values, with none between. Appropriately, it is measured ona discrete scale (whole numbers—no fractions allowed). For example, family sizeis a discrete variable because a family can consist of three or four or five mem-bers, but it cannot consist of 3.76 members.

Height is a continuous variable because for any two people (no matter howclose in height) it is theoretically possible to find someone between them inheight. So height should be measured on a continuous scale (e.g., number ofinches to as many decimal places as necessary). Of course, no scale is perfectlycontinuous (infinitely precise), but measuring height in tiny fractions of inchescan be considered continuous for our purposes. Note that some continuous vari-ables cannot at present be measured on a continuous scale. A variable likecharisma may vary continuously, but it can only be measured with a rather crude,discrete scale (e.g., virtually no charisma, a little charisma, moderate charisma,etc.). Data from a continuous scale are particularly appropriate for a histogram.

Consider what a histogram might look like for the heights of 100 randomly se-




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lected men (for simplicity, we will look at one gender at a time). If the men rangefrom 62 to 76 inches, the simplest scheme would be to have a total of 15 bars, thefirst ranging from 61.5 to 62.5 inches, the second from 62.5 to 63.5 inches, andso on until the 15th bar, which goes from 75.5 to 76.5 inches. Looking at Figure1.1, notice how the bars are higher near the middle, as is the case for many vari-ables (the mode in this case is 69 inches). Now suppose that these men range inweight from 131 to 218 pounds. One bar per pound would require 88 bars (218– 131 � 1), and many of the bars (especially near either end) would be empty. Thesolution is to group together values into class intervals. For the weight example,10-pound intervals starting with 130–139 and ending with 210–219 for a total ofnine intervals would be reasonable. A total of eighteen 5-pound intervals (130–134 to 215–219) would give more detail and would also be reasonable. The com-mon guidelines are to use between 10 and 20 intervals, and when possible to startor end the intervals with zeroes or fives (e.g., 160–164 or 161–165).

Note that if you look at what are called the apparent limits of two adjacent classintervals, they don’t appear to touch—for example, 130–134 and 135–139. How-ever, measurements are being rounded off to the nearest unit, so the real limits ofthe intervals just mentioned are 129.5–134.5 and 134.5–139.5, which obviouslydo touch. We don’t worry about anyone who is exactly 134.5 pounds; we just


Figure 1.1 A histogram of the heights (in inches) of 100 randomly selectedmen




















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assume that if we measure preciselyenough, that person will fall into oneinterval or the other.


Percentages can be added, just aswith the ordinal scale, to create per-centile ranks. For instance, looking atFigure 1.1, we can add the percent-ages of the first five bars (1 � 2 � 2� 3 � 5) to find that the PR for 66inches is 13% (actually 13% is the PR for 66.5 inches, because you have to go tothe upper real limit of the interval to ensure that you have surpassed everyone inthat interval). Conversely, one can define a percentile as a score that has a particu-lar PR. For example, the 22nd percentile is 67 (actually 67.5), because the PR of67 is 22. The percentiles of greatest interest are the deciles (10%, 20%, etc.), andthe quartiles (25%, 50%, 75%).

Unfortunately, these particular percentiles are not likely to fall right in themiddle of a bar or right between two bars. For instance, for the data in Figure 1.1,the 1st quartile (25%) is somewhere between 67.5 (PR � 22) and 68.5 (PR � 37).It is common to interpolate linearly between these two points. Because 25 is onefifth of the way from 22 to 37, we say that the 25th percentile is about one fifthof the way from 67.5 to 68.5 or about 67.7. The formula for linear interpolationis given in most introductory statistics texts. Probably the most important per-centile of all is the 50th; as we mentioned before, this percentile is called the me-dian. For Figure 1.1, the median is 69.0—that is, half the men have heights below69.0 inches, and half are taller than 69.0 inches. The mode is the interval repre-sented by 69 inches—that is, 68.5 to 69.5 inches.


Figure 1.1 shows you that height is a variable; if it were a constant, all peoplewould have the same height (the number of chambers in the human heart is aconstant—everybody has four). Figure 1.1 shows how the values for height aredistributed in the sample of 100 men that were measured. A set of values from avariable together with the relative frequency associated with each value is calleda distribution. Except for the last chapter of the book, all of the statistical methodswe will present involve distributions. If all of the heights from 62 to 76 incheswere equally represented, all of the bars would be at the same height, and it would


DON’T FORGETIf you are dealing with nominal (i.e.,categorical) or ordinal data, a barchart is appropriate (the bars do nottouch). If you are dealing with intervalor ratio data, a histogram is appropri-ate; the bars extend to the lower andupper real limits of the interval repre-sented (even if it is a single unit), andtherefore adjacent bars do touch.





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be said that we have a uniform distribution. That form of distribution is not likelywhen dealing with the variables usually measured for people. Often, the distribu-tion of a variable is shaped something like a bell, as in Figure 1.1, and has onemode somewhere in the middle. Values further from the middle are progressivelyless popular.

Shapes of Distributions

Imagine the distribution of 60 students who took a statistics exam. If the class con-sisted mostly of math majors and English majors the distribution might have twoequally high bars, and therefore two modes—one more to the right for the mathmajors and one more to the left for the English majors, with a dip in between. Thisdistribution would be called bimodal (even if the two modes were not exactly equalin frequency), whereas the distribution in Figure 1.1 is called unimodal. It is possiblefor a distribution to have even more than two modes, but we will be dealing onlywith unimodal distributions. Now imagine that the statistics exam was very easy (ifyou can). The scores would be bunched up (producing high bars) in the 90s withrelatively few low scores trailing off in the negative direction. The mode would bedecidedly to one side (the right, or positive, side in this case), and the distributionwould appear to have a tail (a series of relatively low bars) on the left. Such a dis-tribution is said to be negatively skewed, because the tail is in the negative direction.This kind of distribution often arises when a large portion of the scores are ap-proaching the highest possible score (i.e., there is a ceiling effect).

Positively skewed distributions are probably more common in the social sci-ences than those with a negative skew. Annual income is a good example. Themajority of people in the United States, for instance, are much closer to the low-est possible income (we’ll say it is zero and ignore the possibility of negative in-come) than to the highest known income. Clearly, there is a floor for income, butno clearly defined ceiling, so the income distribution has a tail that points in thepositive direction. The annual incomes for a randomly selected group of peoplewould therefore be very likely to form a positively skewed distribution, as illus-trated in Figure 1.2.


One of the most important reasons to draw (or have a computer draw) a his-togram is to look at the shape of the distribution with which you are dealing. Witha very large sample—and especially with a population—the distribution will befairly smooth and very likely unimodal with an approximate bell shape. However,the shape may be symmetrical or skewed (either positively or negatively). Theshape can be important: For example, strong skewing can affect your choice of


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descriptive statistics. In a symmetrical, unimodal distribution the three measuresof central tendency we have described—the mean, the median, and the mode—will all be in the same spot, so it doesn’t matter which you choose. However, in askewed distribution extreme scores have a larger effect on the mean than on themedian, so while both of these measures are pulled away from the mode, themean is pulled further. This is illustrated in Figure 1.2.

It is easy to understand why the skewing does not move the median much. Al-though the long positive tail includes some very high values, the tail representsonly a small percentage of the sample. Moving the median just a little in the humpof the distribution (where the bars are high) can have a large effect on the per-centage on each side of the median. Moving the median a little toward the tail cancompensate for the small extra percentage that is contained in the tail. Once ascore is to the right of the median, moving it much further to the right has no ef-fect on the median, because that wouldn’t change the fact that 50% of the scoresare still on each side of the median. The mean, however, is sensitive to the actualvalues of all the scores, and a few very large scores on one side of the distributioncan noticeably pull the mean to that side. That’s why for some purposes the meancan be considered a misleading measure of central tendency, as we will explainnext.

Suppose that Figure 1.2 displays the incomes of employees for one particularcompany. To make the argument that the employees are well paid, the companypresident would be happy to report that the mean annual income is $35,000.However, you can see that the vast majority of employees earn less than thisamount; the mean is being unduly influenced by the incomes of a relatively fewexecutives at the company. The regular workers of the company would prefer touse the median as a description of the average salary. Whereas the majority of thescores in a distribution can be above or below the mean, the median is always nearthe middle because 50% of the scores are above and 50% below it.


Figure 1.2 Distribution of annual income (in dollars) for a large sample ofU.S. citizens

$22,000 $25,000 $35,0000



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When a news report refers to an average or mean number, it is usually refer-ring to the arithmetic mean, but read closely: The author could be referring to amedian or even a mode or other measure in an imprecise way (the measures ofcentral tendency just described are summarized in Rapid Reference 1.2). How-ever, regardless of which measure of central tendency is being used, you shouldnotice that the wider the distribution, the harder it can be to describe it with justone number: The endpoints of the distribution can be very far from the middle,no matter how the middle is defined. Measuring the width of the distribution canbe an important complement to locating the middle. This is our next topic.


As a sixth-grade English teacher, which class of 20 students would you rather teach,one whose average reading score is 6.3 (a bit above grade level) or 5.8 (a bit below)?Perhaps you like a challenge, but you would probably guess that the 6.3 class wouldbe easier to teach. But what if we tell you that the students in the “5.8” class rangefrom 5.6 to 6.0, whereas the “6.3” class ranges from 5.7 to 6.9? Given these ranges,the more hom*ogeneous (“5.8”) class would likely be the easier to teach.

The Range and Semi-Interquartile Range

The simplest way to measure the width of a distribution is to calculate its range.

The range is just the highest minus the lowest score, plus one unit if you are deal-ing with a continuous scale (e.g., the range of the 5.8 class is 6.0 – 5.6 � .1 � .4� .1 � .5, because the upper limit of 6.0 is really 6.05 and the lower real limit of5.6 is 5.55). The problem with the range is that it can be dramatically influencedby one extreme score. Add a 7.0 reader to the 5.8 class and the 5.8 class will nowhave a larger range than the 6.3 class. However, the range of the 5.8 class wouldthen be misleading; it is still a very hom*ogeneous class, with just one very ad-vanced student who needs to be dealt with separately.

One way to modify the range so that it is not affected by extreme scores is tomeasure the range of the middle 50% of the scores. This modified range is foundby subtracting the 25th percentile of the distribution from the 75th percentile.Hence, it is called the interquartile range. If you divide this range by 2, you get a mea-sure called the semi-interquartile range (SIQ), which is roughly the average of the dis-tances from the median to the 25th and 75th percentiles. The SIQ gives you a typ-ical amount by which scores tend to differ from the median (about half are closerand half are further away than the SIQ), and this is one very useful way to describethe variability of a distribution. The SIQ range can be very useful for descriptivepurposes, especially when dealing with ordinal data or with a distribution that has


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extreme scores on one or both sides of its median. Measures that make use of allof the scores at hand are usually more useful for describing the spread of thescores when you want to extrapolate from your sample to a larger population. Wewill describe such a measure shortly.

The Summation Sign

An obvious way to measure the amount of variability in a distribution is to findthe distance of each score from some measure of central tendency, and then av-erage these differences together to find a typical amount of deviation from themiddle. If your variability measure will use all of your scores it makes sense to an-chor it to a measure of central tendency that does the same—that is, the mean.Expressed in words, we can propose a measure of variability that is equal to theaverage of all of the scores’ deviations from the mean. At this point, mathemati-cal notation, which so many students find annoying, can be really helpful in defin-ing complex statistics in a compact and unambiguous way. The uppercase Greekletter sigma (Σ ) is often used as a way of telling you to add your scores together;it is therefore called, in this context, the summation sign. If you follow the summa-tion sign with a letter representing the variable you are measuring (e.g., ΣX ), thisis a shorthand way of telling you to add all of your scores together. This notationallows us to write a very simple formula for the mean of a set of scores:

� � �∑



� (1.1)

The subscript i associated with X is there to remind you that there is more thanjust one X; there are a whole series of values to be added up. Statistical puristswould like us to put “i � 1” under the summation sign and N above it (to remindyou to start adding with the first score and not to stop until you have added theNth score), but we will always use Σ to mean “add them all up,” so that extra no-tation won’t be necessary. Note that Formula 1.1 is a very convenient way of say-ing that if you add up all of your scores, and then divide by the number (N ) ofscores that you added, the result will equal the mean.

The Mean Deviation

Next, we can apply Formula 1.1 to the deviations of scores from the mean ratherthan to the scores themselves. This can be expressed symbolically as follows:



i� �)�


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The problem with the above expression is that it is always equal to zero. This isactually an important property of the mean—that it is a balance point in any dis-tribution, such that the sum of deviations above it equals the sum of deviationsbelow it. However, if we want to know the average distance of scores from themean we are not concerned with the sign of a deviation, just its magnitude. Thatidea can be expressed mathematically in the following formula:

MD ��∑X


i� �� (1.2)

MD stands for the mean deviation, and the vertical bars around Xi– � tell us to

take the absolute value of the deviation. Since the deviations are now all positive,they don’t cancel each other out, and we are left with a number that is literally theaverage of the absolute deviations from the mean. The mean deviation gives us agood description of the variability in a set of scores, and one that makes a gooddeal of sense. Unfortunately, it is rarely used, mainly because MD is not usefulwhen extrapolating from samples to populations. The reason we are describingMD to you is that the most common measure of variability is just like the MD,only a little different.

Variance and Standard Deviation

If you were to square the deviations instead of taking their absolute values, andthen average these squared deviations, not only would you get rid of the negativedeviations, but the result would be an important measure of variability called thevariance; it is symbolized by a lowercase sigma being squared, as in the followingformula:

�2 ��∑(X


i� �)2

� (1.3)

The numerator of this expression, the sum of the squared deviations from themean, has its own abbreviation; it is known as the sum of squares, or even morebriefly as SS. The variance is useful in advanced statistics, but it is not helpful asa descriptive measure of your set of scores, because it is in terms of squaredscores. Taking the square root of the variance produces a good descriptive mea-sure of variability that can also be useful for advanced statistics. The resultingmeasure is called the standard deviation, and it is symbolized by a lowercase sigma(without being squared), as in Formula 1.4.

� ���∑(X


i�� �)2

�� (1.4)


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It is important to realize that taking the square root after averaging the squareddeviations does not entirely remove the effect of squaring. Otherwise, the stan-dard deviation would always be the same as the mean deviation. Although MDand � can be the same for a set of scores (e.g., when there are only two scores), �is usually larger and can be quite a bit larger if there are a few extreme scores. Infact, the sensitivity of � to extreme scores can be seen as a drawback. Just as themedian can be a better descriptive measure than the mean when there are extremescores, so too MD (or the SIQ) can be better than � for descriptive purposes. Butas we shall see shortly, � plays a role in a very common distribution that makes itmore useful than MD in advanced statistics. And even though � is usually largerthan MD for the same set of scores, � is usually in the same ballpark, and there-fore a good descriptive measure. The variability measures just described are sum-marized in Rapid Reference 1.2.


Measures of Central Tendency

The mode can be found with any scale of measurement; it is the only measure oftypicality that can be used with a nominal scale.The median can be used with ordinal, as well as interval/ratio, scales. It can evenbe used with scales that have open-ended categories at either end (e.g., 10 ormore). It is not greatly affected by outliers, and it can be a good descriptive statis-tic for a strongly skewed distribution.The mean can only be used with interval or ratio scales. It is affected by everyscore in the distribution, and it can be strongly affected by outliers. It may not bea good descriptive statistic for a skewed distribution, but it plays an important rolein advanced statistics.

Measures of Variability

The range tells you the largest difference that you have among your scores. It isstrongly affected by outliers, and being based on only two scores, it can be veryunreliable.The SIQ range has the same properties as described for the median, and is oftenused as a companion measure to the median.The mean deviation, and the two measures that follow, can only be used with in-terval/ratio scales. It is a good descriptive measure, which is less affected by out-liers than the standard deviation, but it is not used in advanced statistics.The variance is not appropriate for descriptive purposes, but it plays an importantrole in advanced statistics.The standard deviation is a good descriptive measure of variability, although it canbe affected strongly by outliers. It plays an important role in advanced statistics.

Rapid Reference 1.2

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The best-known mathematical distribution and the one that is the most often ap-plicable to variables in the social sciences is the one called the normal distribution.

The normal distribution (ND), or normal curve as it is often called, has many con-venient mathematical properties, but the one that is most relevant to us at thispoint is that the ND is completely determined by two of its characteristics (calledparameters): its mean and its standard deviation. In other words, if two NDs haveexactly the same � and �, they will overlap each other perfectly. You can see howthe ND depends on � and � by looking at the mathematical equation for the ND:

f (x) � ��2


��2�� e�(x��)2/2�2 (1.5)

f (x) is short for “function of ” and it translates into y, the vertical height of thecurve at that value for x; e, like �, is a constant (e � 2.718 . . .). The exponent nextto e has a minus sign, so the smaller the exponent, the higher the curve. The ex-ponent is smallest when it is zero (e 0 � 1.0), which occurs when X � �, so thecurve has its mode when X is at the mean.

One of the reasons the ND is so important to science (both physical and so-cial) is that many variables in nature have distributions that look a lot like the ND.A common way that the ND arises is when many different independent factorscontribute to the value of a variable, and each factor can just as easily contributepositively or negatively in any given case. If 20 factors contribute to a variable, acommon result is 10 factors contributing positively and 10 negatively, leading toa middle value. Cases in which all 20 factors pull in the same direction will be rareand, therefore, so will extreme values on the variable. Something like this is prob-ably acting to determine the heights of adult humans.

Let’s look at a likely distribution of the heights for an entire population of adultwomen (once again, it is simpler to look at one gender at a time; see Figure 1.3).The height distribution looks a lot like the ND, except for one simple fact: Theheight distribution ends on either side—there is no chance of finding an adultwoman less than 2 feet or more than 9 feet tall. The true ND never ends; lookingagain at Formula 1.5, we see that the height of the curve does not fall to zero un-til the negative exponent of e, and therefore the value of X, reaches infinity. More-over, the actual height distribution may not be perfectly symmetrical, and thecurve may bend in a way that is slightly different from the ND. Still, it is so mucheasier to deal with the ND than real population distributions that it is commonjust to assume that the ND applies (with the same � and � as the real distribu-tion) and ignore the relatively small discrepancies that inevitably exist betweenthe real distribution and the ND.


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Figure 1.3 Distribution of heights (in inches) for an entire population of women




+2σ +3σ–1σ–2σ–3σ

Areas under the Normal Curve

Let us look at how the ND can help us deal with the distribution of heights forthe female population. Suppose we have measured the heights of enough womenthat we have excellent estimates of � and �, and that they are 65 inches and 3inches, respectively. Now imagine that we want to know the percentile rank of awoman who is 68 inches. Without using the ND, we would need a histogram ofthe entire population so we could add the percentages of all the bars up to 68inches (and you would want lots of skinny bars—perhaps tenths of inches—forgreater accuracy). If we use the ND instead you don’t need a whole population ofheight measurements. You have a smooth curve that follows a mathematicalequation; you can use the calculus to integrate the area of the curve from negativeinfinity up to 68 inches. Fortunately, you don’t need to know what calculus is touse the ND, because the work has already been done for you.

Take a look at Figure 1.3. A woman who is 68 inches tall is one � (3 inches)above � (65 inches). Note that all NDs have the same shape, so a score that is one� above � always has about 84% of the distribution below (to the left of ) it andabout 16% above, regardless of the variable being measured. Before computerscould easily figure out the proportion of the ND below any particular score,tables were calculated to give proportions of the ND in terms of different frac-tions of �. To understand these tables you need to be introduced to z scores, ournext topic.


A normal distribution can have any values for its mean and standard deviation,but once you mark off the x-axis in terms of � and � (as in Figure 1.3), all NDslook alike (e.g., as you move to the right of the mean the curve falls more and

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more sharply until you get to one �, then the rate of the curve’s descent stops in-creasing and starts decreasing). When a raw score (e.g., 68 inches) is expressed interms of � (e.g., one � above the mean), we say it has been transformed to a stan-

dardized score. The common symbol for a standardized score is a lower case z. If ascore is one � above the mean, we say that z � �1. If the score is one � belowthe mean, z � –1. Any raw score can be transformed to a z score by using the fol-lowing simple formula:

z � �X �

�� (1.6)

For instance, for the height distribution described above, a woman who is63 inches tall would have a z score of (63–65)/3 � –2/3 � –.67 (approxi-mately).

The Table for the Standard Normal Distribution

Your variable of interest does not have to follow the ND for z scores to be use-ful. If a friend tells you that she got a 72 on her last physics exam, this is not asinformative as her telling you that her z score for the exam was –.2 (below themean, but only one fifth of � below). But if your variable does follow the ND thez score can be looked up in a table that will tell you what proportion of the NDis above or below that score. A common form of the ND table gives proportionsbetween the mean and every z score from 0 to about 4.00 to two decimal places(see Table A.1 in Appendix A). You don’t need to have negative z scores in thetable, because the ND is perfectly symmetrical (e.g., the proportion between themean and z � �.5 is exactly the same as the proportion between the mean andz � –.5). The table usually stops at around 4.0 because the proportion of the NDabove z � 4.0 is only .00003. The ND table we included in the appendix givesnot only the proportion between the mean and z , but also the proportion be-yond z: that is, the proportion from z to infinity (in the direction of the right tailof the ND).

Note that Table A.1 corresponds to an ND with a mean of zero and an SD of1.0; this ND is called the standard normal distribution. However, any ND can betransformed into the standard ND by converting all of the scores into z scores.Fortunately, to answer common questions about your data, you don’t need toconvert all of your scores to z scores—only the ones you have questions about.

Also note that the equation for the ND can be written in terms of z scores(compare Formula 1.5� to Formula 1.5).


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f (x) � ��2


��2��e�z 2/2 (1.5�)

You can see that the function is largest when z is zero (the exponent of e is at itsleast negative), and that it is symmetric. Because z is squared, the function has thesame height whether a particular z is positive or negative.

Properties of z Scores

Because z scores work so well with the ND, some students get the erroneous im-pression that converting a set of scores to z scores makes them follow the ND.In reality, converting to z scores does not change the shape of your distributionat all. However, it does change the � and � of your distribution. The mean for aset of z scores will always be zero, because subtracting a constant from yourscores subtracts the same constant from your mean. If the constant you’re sub-tracting is the mean (as in Formula 1.6), then your new mean will be � – �, whichequals zero. The standard deviation for a set of z scores will always be 1.0 becausedividing your scores by a constant results in � being divided by that constant; ifthe constant you’re dividing by is � (as in Formula 1.6), then your new � will be�/�, which equals 1.0.

However, if your distribution is negatively skewed your z scores will be nega-tively skewed as well, and you will have a few large negative z scores, but no re-ally large positive z scores (of course, the reverse is true for a positively skeweddistribution). If you know that someone’s z score on a test is large and positiveyou won’t know quite what to make of it unless you know something about theskewness of the distribution. If you know the distribution is normal, you knowexactly where in the distribution that z score falls. It is also important to note thatadding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing all of your scores by a constant (orany combination of the above) will not change the z scores associated with any ofyour scores. Adding or subtracting a constant changes a score, but it changes themean by the same amount, so the difference between the score and the mean(which is the numerator of the z score) is not changed. Nor is the denominator ofthe z score changed, because the standard deviation is not affected by the addi-tion or subtraction of constants. Multiplying or dividing by a constant will changethe numerator of the z score (e.g., 60 – 40 is greater than 6 – 4), but the denomi-nator will change proportionally, so again the z score stays the same. Your weightcan be measured in pounds or kilograms, but your z score in a particular group ofpeople will be the same either way. The mathematical properties of z scores aresummarized along with the properties of the mean and standard deviation inRapid Reference 1.3.


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For some variables, like height, blood pressure, and IQ scores, we have enoughdata that we can be confident that the true population distribution looks so muchlike the mathematical normal distribution that the latter can be used as a good ap-proximation of the former. However, social scientists often study variables aboutwhich there may be very few data, such as the number of close friends peoplehave, or variables that are measured in a new way (e.g., the recall of a list of wordscreated for a new study). Unfortunately, the fewer the data you have for a partic-ular variable, the less confidence you can have about guessing the shape of thepopulation distribution from which you are sampling. In the next chapter we willdiscuss why the shape of your population distribution is not as important as youmight think for advanced statistics. But it certainly can be useful to use whateverdata you have to judge whether the ND is a fairly close approximation of yourpopulation distribution.

The first step is to take a really careful look at your data. One way is to draw ahistogram or frequency polygon. In recent years a whole branch of statistics, ex-

ploratory data analysis (EDA), has been devised to create better ways to display dataand highlight important trends (Behrens, 1997). We will talk about EDA shortly,but first we want to mention some traditional ways to compare your data to theND.


Properties of the Mean, Standard Deviation, andStandardized Scores

Mean. Adding or subtracting a constant from the scores changes the mean in thesame way. Multiplying or dividing by a constant also changes the mean in the sameway. The sum of squared deviations is smaller around the mean than any otherpoint in the distribution.Standard deviation. Adding or subtracting a constant from the scores does notchange the standard deviation. However, multiplying or dividing by a constantmeans that the standard deviation will be multiplied or divided by the same con-stant. The standard deviation is smaller when calculated around the mean thanany other point in the distribution.Standardized scores. Adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing the scores by aconstant does not change the standardized scores. The mean of a set of z scoresis zero, and the standard deviation is 1.0.

Rapid Reference 1.3

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Measuring Skewness

Probably the most frequent departure from the ND that is seen in the distribu-tions with which social scientists work is skewness, often due to floor or ceilingeffects. A common measure of skewness involves finding the average of thecubed rather than squared (i.e., raising to the 3rd rather than 2nd power) devia-tions from the mean, and comparing this average to the variance. Cubing a devi-ation, unlike squaring, preserves its sign (e.g., –23 � –8), so large scores on the left(negative) side of the distribution, not balanced by similar scores on the right side,will lead to negative skewness, whereas the reverse situation will produce positiveskewness. A symmetrical distribution like the ND will have zero skewness. Askewness measure for a set of data can be tested to see if it is unreasonable to usea symmetrical distribution as an approximation. But these tests are not very help-ful when they are most needed—when the sample is fairly small—so they are notoften used.

Measuring Kurtosis

Another departure from normality that may be seen in a real distribution is thepercentage of scores that would be considered extreme. A distribution could berelatively flat, or there could be a concentration of scores in the middle, with asharp drop-off at moderate distances from the mean, and a relatively high pro-portion of extreme scores. This kind of pattern can be assessed by a measurecalled kurtosis, which is based on averaging deviations from the mean raised tothe 4th power and comparing that average to the variance. It is said that kurto-sis is based on the fourth moment of the distribution, skewness on the third, thevariance on the second (and the mean on the first). There are no popular mea-sures based on any moment higher than the fourth. Raising to the 4th powergives more weight to extreme scores than squaring. So distributions with thickertails (i.e., a higher percentage of extreme scores) than the ND, such as the t dis-tribution (introduced in Chapter 3), have positive kurtosis (if kurtosis is adjustedto zero for the ND), and they are called leptokurtic. Relatively flat distributionshave negative kurtosis and are called platykurtic (the ND is defined as being in themiddle, or mesokurtic).

As with skewness, the kurtosis of a data set can be tested to see if the ND is areasonable approximation, but for the same reason as the skewness test, it israrely done. There are more direct tests of the resemblance to a theoretical distri-bution; probably the most common is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Although this isan appropriate test, researchers are more likely to just eyeball their data and be-


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come concerned about their distribution only if it seems as though their datacould not possibly be coming from a distribution that looks like the ND.

Trimming Your Data

What can researchers do if they are concerned that their data do not look normal(i.e., like the ND)? If the data look fairly consistent with the ND except for a fewextreme scores, it makes sense to try to find a good reason to drop the outliers(e.g., the respondent didn’t understand the instructions, got drowsy, etc.). If noindependent reason can be found for dropping outliers, sometimes researcherstrim their data, eliminating the highest (or most extreme) 5 or 10% of the scores.This method is especially acceptable if one can anticipate outliers based on pre-vious experiments (this is particularly common when measuring reaction times)and plan the trimming in advance. Trimming your data leads to some complica-tions in applying more advanced statistical analysis to your results, but in recentyears there has been a good deal of progress in developing methods for dealingwith robust statistics (Wilcox, 1998). When the mean, for instance, is calculated fortrimmed data, it is called a trimmed mean; this is a robust statistic in that outliers donot affect it.

Data Transformations

If instead of having a few distinct outliers your data have a strong skew to oneside or the other, you can make your distribution more normal by applying amathematical transformation to all of the scores in your data set. Suppose that

children from different economicbackgrounds are sketching the samecoin from memory and you are mea-suring the areas of the circle they aredrawing. The data for five childrencould be 4, 9, 9, 16, and 100 squaredcentimeters. The strong positiveskew of the data can be reduced bytaking the square root of each num-ber; the data would be transformed to2, 3, 3, 4, and 10. In this case you haveswitched from measuring the area ofthe coins to a measure that is propor-



For more advanced statistics it is oftenhelpful to be dealing with a normaldistribution. If your distribution con-tains outliers, or has a skewness orkurtosis very different from the ND,you may want to either trim your dataor transform your data. However,trimmed data require special robustmethods of data analysis, and statisti-cal results on transformed data can bedifficult to interpret.

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tional to the diameter of the coins. Unfortunately, data transformations usuallydo not have such a simple interpretation, but they are fairly common and con-sidered quite legitimate nonetheless. In cases of extreme skewing, a data trans-formation can allow you to use advanced statistics based on the ND and can pre-vent you from resorting to the less powerful techniques described in the finalchapter of this text. The value of data transformations will become clearer as wediscuss more advanced statistical methods in later chapters.


Whether or not you are looking at your data in order to decide if your values couldhave come easily from an ND, it is a good idea to look carefully at your data be-fore rushing to summarize them with a few statistics, such as the mean and stan-dard deviation. To encourage researchers to explore their data thoroughly beforecalculating summary statistics, John Tukey (1969, 1977) devised several tech-niques, mostly involving visual displays of data, that form the basis of EDA, asmentioned previously.

Stem-and-Leaf Plots

One of the simplest of the EDA techniques is an alternative to the histogramcalled the stem-and-leaf plot, or stemplot, for short. If the IQ scores for 30 studentsin a sixth-grade class ranged from 94 to 136, the stems would be the numbers 9through 13, arranged vertically, and the leaves would be the final digits of each IQscore (e.g., 4 for the lowest, and 6 for the highest IQ). The entire stemplot isshown in Figure 1.4. Notice how the stemplot exhibits the shape of the distribu-tion (unimodal, skewed) while at the same time containing all of the actual values.


Figure 1.4 Stem-and-leaf plot for 30 IQ scores

























4 4 4 6 7 7



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The height of a histogram bar may tell you how many students scored in the 120s,but not what the actual scores were, whereas in Figure 1.4, you can see that thethree scores in the 120s were 120, 121, and 126. It would be easy to compare lastyear’s class to this year’s by using the same stems for both classes and putting theleaves for last year’s class to the left and those for this year’s class to the right.There are numerous variations for getting a convenient number of stems de-pending on how your data range, but this technique is not feasible for really largedata sets. Another popular form of display that is suitable for any size data set isdescribed next.

Box-and-Whisker Plots

A very convenient and descriptive way to summarize a set of data is with a box-

and-whisker plot, or boxplot, for short. If the values of the dependent variable areplaced along the horizontal axis, the vertical sides of the box (called the hinges),are placed at the 25th and 75th percentiles. (The exact definition of the hinges,according to Tukey [1977] is a bit different, but the 1st and 3rd quartiles are agood approximation.) The distance between the hinges (called the h-spread ) istherefore the same as the interquartile (IQ) range. The median is also drawn as avertical line within the box. In a positively skewed distribution, the median will becloser to the left than the right side of the box; the reverse pattern holds for a neg-atively skewed distribution. The whisker on the right side of the box extends hor-izontally until it hits the highest value in the distribution that isn’t further than 1.5times the h-spread, and similarly on the left side of the box (the locations that are1.5 h-spreads from either side of the box are called the inner fences, and the mostextreme values on either side that are not past the inner fences are called the ad-

jacent values). Points that lie beyond the inner fences in either direction are con-sidered outliers and are drawn individually as points in the boxplot. The featuresof a typical boxplot are shown in Figure 1.5.


Figure 1.5 Complete boxplot



Outlier Outliers

Lower whisker Upper whisker





H1.5 H 1.5 H

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The boxplot shows at a glance the skewing of the distribution (the position ofthe median inside the box, the relative lengths of the whiskers on either side) andthe presence of outliers. At the same time it provides the locations of all the quar-tiles and the full range of the scores in the data set. There are many possible vari-ations involving the details of the boxplot. For instance, drawing the boxplotsvertically (the DV is on the y-axis of the graph) can be particularly convenientwhen comparing several boxplots from different data sets.

Boxplots and stemplots are only two of many graphic methods that are part ofexploratory data analysis, but they are among the most popular. These methodsare helpful when you have many measurements and need to see how they are dis-tributed. However, these methods become even more important if you need tomake inferences about the population from which your data have come. The rea-sons for this will become clear in the next chapter.


Putting It Into Practice1. Imagine that you are an anthropologist who has discovered a group of

never-before-seen people who are native to the continent of Antarctica.You suspect that because they live in such a cold climate, their normal bodytemperatures differ from other human beings. To test that hypothesis, youmanage to measure the body temperatures (in degrees Fahrenheit) of 25Antarcticans. The measurements are listed below: 97.6, 98.7, 96.9, 99.0,93.2, 97.1, 98.5, 97.8, 94.5, 90.8, 99.7, 96.6, 97.8, 94.3, 91.7, 98.2, 95.3, 97.9,99.6, 89.5, 93.0, 96.4, 94.8, 95.7, 97.4.

(a) What are the mode, median, and mean for the data above? Which waydoes the distribution seem to be skewed?

(b) What are the range, mean deviation, and standard deviation?2. (a) Create a histogram, stemplot, and boxplot for the data.

(b) What is the percentile rank for a temperature of 95.0°? Of 98.6°?(c) What temperature is at the 30th percentile? The 65th percentile?

3. (a) What is the z score for a body temperature of 95.0°? For 98.6°?(b) What body temperature has a z score of �1.5? Of –0.8?

4. For the following questions, assume a normal distribution for Antarcticans,with a mean and SD equal to the values you found for the sample above.

(a) What percentage of Antarcticans would have body temperatures above95.0°? Above 98.6°?

(b) What percentage of Antarcticans would have body temperatures below95.0°? How does this compare to the PR you found for 95.0° in 2b? Explainthe relationship between the two answers.

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1. Even if your data consist of numbers, it is not valid to perform arithmeticoperations on those numbers if your data were derived from

(a) a nominal scale.(b) a discrete scale.(c) a ratio scale.(d) an interval scale.

2. If a participant’s attitude toward the death penalty is assessed on a scalethat consists of strongly opposed, somewhat opposed, slightly opposed,neutral, slightly for, somewhat for, and strongly for, which of the followingtypes of scales is being used?

(a) A nominal scale(b) An ordinal scale(c) An interval scale(d) A ratio scale

3. If your data have been measured on an ordinal scale, an appropriate wayto display the distribution is by means of

(a) a frequency polygon.(b) a histogram.(c) a bar graph.(d) an ogive.

4. A major advantage of the stem-and-leaf plot as compared to other meth-ods for displaying data is that

(a) all of the original data are preserved.(b) any skewing of the distribution will be evident.(c) it takes up less space.(d) it displays data horizontally rather than vertically.

5. Which of the following will definitely be affected by taking an extremepoint and making it even more extreme?

(a) The mean(b) The median(c) The mode(d) None of the above will be affected

6. It is not possible for more than half of the scores in a distribution to beabove

(a) the mode.(b) the median.(c) the mean.(d) the mode, median, or mean.


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7. Which of the following is unaffected by extreme scores?

(a) The range(b) The interquartile range(c) The mean deviation(d) The standard deviation

8. If a constant is subtracted from all of the scores in a distribution,

(a) the standard deviation will be negative.(b) that constant will be subtracted from the standard deviation.(c) that constant will be added to the standard deviation.(d) the standard deviation will be unchanged.

9. By inspecting a boxplot of your data, you can see

(a) all of the individual scores.(b) the skewness of your distribution.(c) the mean and SD of your distribution.(d) the mode and mean deviation of your distribution.

10. If a distribution of raw scores is positively skewed, the distribution afterconverting to z scores will be

(a) positively skewed.(b) the standard normal distribution.(c) negatively skewed.(d) less skewed than the original distribution.

Answers: 1. a; 2. b; 3. c; 4. a; 5. a; 6. b; 7. b; 8. d; 9. b; 10. a.

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In the previous chapter we mentioned several times that some statistics play amore important role in the area of advanced statistics than others (e.g., thestandard deviation). When we used the term advanced statistics we were referring

to a branch of statistics called inferential statistics, which we introduce in this chap-ter. Although sometimes you may want to do nothing more than describe thescores that you have, more often it is not practical to measure everyone in thepopulation of interest, so you’ll want to use a sample to make a guess (an infer-ence) about the population. The methods of inferential statistics can help you todo that as accurately as possible. The type of inferential statistics we will be deal-ing with in this chapter is called parametric statistics, because it involves estimating(or drawing inferences about) the parameters of a distribution—in this case, thenormal distribution (whose parameters are the mean and standard deviation).Parametric statistics requires that your dependent variable be measured on an in-terval or ratio scale, and that will be one of the assumptions underlying the sta-tistical methods in all of the following chapters except for the last. The last chap-ter will cover the topic of nonparametric statistics.


Probably the simplest example of statistical inference is trying to guess the meanof a population on a variable that has not been studied very extensively. For in-stance, as a market researcher you may want to know the average number ofhours per week that Americans spend browsing the web. Obviously you’re notgoing to be able to measure everybody! So if you want to estimate that quantity us-ing the standard methods of inferential statistics as described in this book, thefirst step is to decide on a sample size and then to obtain a random sample of thepopulation in which you are interested (in this case, Americans). Let us say thatyou have decided to sample 100 residents of the United States. This is not a triv-ial matter. To obtain a truly random sample you must strictly obey two rules:




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(1) Everyone in the population musthave an equal chance of getting sam-pled; and (2) selecting one particularperson must not affect the chances ofany other person’s being selected.The second rule prevents you fromselecting whole families at a time,for instance, or setting quotas (e.g.,saying you have too many men atone point so you must sample morewomen). The resulting sample wouldbe called a simple or independent ran-

dom sample.

Random Sampling

Let us look at the difficulties involvedin obtaining a “simple” randomsample. You would have to have the name of every U.S. resident (not just thosewith web access) in your database. A computer could do a pretty good job of pick-ing 100 names at random, but you would have to contact every person selectedand get web-browsing information from each one. If anyone refuses to give therequired information, or cannot be contacted, the sample will not be truly ran-dom (even if you replace those people with other randomly selected people). Tobe truly random the sample must include the kinds of people who refuse to par-ticipate in such surveys (those people might be higher or lower than the averagein their web browsing habits). Compliance is a greater problem in studies that re-quire even more active participation than answering a few survey questions. Al-though the accuracy of inferential statistics formulas rely, in part, on the assump-tion that the samples have been randomly selected, such sampling is rare in thesocial sciences—and yet these formulas are often used anyway. We’ll point outas we go along how the lack of random sampling may impact your statisticalinferences in different types of research, and how researchers try to avoid theproblem.

If you are trying to estimate the mean web-browsing time for the populationfrom the data from a random sample the next step is to calculate the mean of thesample. The sample mean (symbolized as X� or M ) provides a good point estimate

of the population mean (you will learn how to suplement your point estimate withan interval estimate later in this chapter). Let us say that the average for your



When Will I Use the Statisticsin This Chapter?

You have measured a quantitativevariable on a random sample of cases,and you want to use the informationyou have to estimate the mean orvariance of the population from whichthe sample was drawn. Alternatively,the sample may have been given anexperimental treatment, or sampledfrom a subgroup of the population,and you want to determine if yoursample truly represents the largerpopulation, or whether it can best beconsidered as coming from a popula-tion with a different mean.

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sample is 3.2 hours per week. Our best guess (i.e., point estimate) for the popula-tion mean, therefore, is 3.2. Suppose, however, that instead of sampling 100people, you decided to ask only 10 people. Should an estimate based on 10 peoplebe taken as seriously as an estimate based on one hundred people, or a thousand?The answer is clearly no. To understand how seriously to take any estimate of apopulation mean that is based on a random sample we need to understand howdifferent random samples from the same population can differ in the estimatesthey produce. That is our next topic.

Sampling Distributions

Even though the population mean is a fixed number, different samples from thatpopulation will almost always have different means. To see how much samplemeans vary, first imagine that our random samples are the same size and that wedraw very many of them (always replacing the people drawn from one sample be-fore drawing the next sample) from the same population. When we have enoughsample means they will form a fairly smooth histogram that represents the distri-bution of the sample means. This distribution is called the sampling distribution of

the mean. If we instead found the median of each sample, these sample medianswould pile up into something called the sampling distribution of the median. However,the sampling distribution of the mean (SDM) follows some simple statistical lawsthat make it particularly easy to deal with.

One of these laws states that if the population follows an ND, then the SDMwill follow the ND as well. Although none of the variables of social science re-search follow the ND exactly, some, like height, are pretty close, so we can besure that if we found the mean heights for equal-sized samples then thesesample means would follow a distribution very similar to the ND. In fact, evenvariables whose distributions are far from the ND can have SDMs similar to theND, thanks to a very helpful statistical law known as the Central Limit Theorem


The Central Limit Theorem

The CLT states that, regardless of the shape of the population distribution, theSDM will approach the ND as the size of the samples (not the number ofsamples, which is assumed to be infinite, but the size of each of the equal-sizedsamples) approaches infinity. For some very strangely shaped population distrib-utions the sample size may have to be quite large before the SDM begins to re-


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Annual income per U.S. household0

Annual income(averaged over 40 households at a time)

Figure 2.1 A, Distribution of annual income for the U.S. population; B, sam-pling distribution of the mean for N � 40

semble the ND. But it is fortunate that for roughly bell-shaped, unimodal distri-butions, even if quite skewed, the SDM begins to look surprisingly similar to theND even for modest sample sizes that are no more than 30 or 40.

As an example, let us look at annual income for households in the UnitedStates. The population distribution is very (positively) skewed, as you can see inpanel A of Figure 2.1. However, if you take random samples of 40 householdseach, the means of these samples will form a distribution that is much lessskewed, as shown in panel B of Figure 2.1. It may not be unusual to find onehousehold whose annual income is over $100,000, but if you select 40 householdsat random and average their incomes together it is very unlikely that the mean ofthis sample will exceed $100,000. Even if one of the 40 households has a verylarge income it is likely that the other 39 households will be relatively close to thepopulation mean, thus limiting the influence of that one wealthy family on thesample mean. You may notice that the SDM is not only more symmetric thanthe population distribution of individuals, it is also less spread out. That is thenext point to be discussed.



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Standard Error of the Mean

The laws of statistics tell us not only that the SDM will be more like the NDthan is the population distribution and that this resemblance increases withsample size; they also tell us what the mean and standard deviation of the SDMwill be. The mean is easy. Is there any reason that the mean of all the samplemeans should be any different from the population mean? (For example, if themean annual household income in the United States were $35,000, why wouldsamples of 40 households each consistently average to some lower or higheramount?) So it should be easy to remember that the mean of the SDM is �, themean of the population. However, sample means won’t vary as much as indi-vidual scores will. Suppose that you draw random samples of 1,000 men at atime and calculate the mean height for the men in each sample. Can you imag-ine these sample means varying much from each other? The larger the samples,the less their means will vary. There is a simple law that connects the variabilityof the sample means to the sample size, and it is expressed in the following for-mula:


� ��

N�� (2.1)

The symbol �x�

stands for the standard deviation of the sample means, andit has its own name; for purely historical reasons, �

x�is called the standard error

of the mean (but it is literally the standard deviation of all the sample means). If,for instance, � for the height of men is 2.5 inches, �

x�for samples of 100 men

each would be a quarter of an inch (2.5/�100� � 2.5/10 � .25). Therefore, itwould be very unusual for a random sample of 100 men to have a mean that ismore than, say, one inch from the population mean. In fact, we can estimate

just how unusual that sample wouldbe using methods we will describenext.

The z Score for Groups

To determine how unusual a particu-lar sample is in terms of its mean onsome variable, we can calculate its zscore just as we would for individu-als. The z score, modified for groups,is as follows:


DON’T FORGETCompared to the distribution of indi-viduals in the population, the samplingdistribution of the mean (i.e., the dis-tribution of the means of randomgroups from the population) is (1) lessskewed (unless, of course, the popula-tion distribution is not skewed at all);and (2) less spread out (i.e., its stan-dard deviation, called the standard er-ror of the mean, is less).

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z � �X�


�� (2.2)

Substituting Formula 2.1 into 2.2 yields Formula 2.2�:

z � (2.2�)

For instance, if the mean height of all men (�) is 69 inches with a standard de-viation (�) of 2.5 inches, and a random sample of 100 men has a mean height of70 inches, the z score for the random sample, according to Formula 2.2� is

z � � � �.215� � 4.0

Translating that z score into a statement about probability is easy because thedistribution of sample means for groups of 100 men (randomly sampled) mea-sured on height will be so close to the ND that we can use the table of the stan-dard ND without worry. Looking up z � 4.0 in Table A.1 shows us that only.00003 (three out of one hundred thousand) or .003% of all such random sampleswill be taller than the one we are testing. Therefore, the probability of selecting arandom sample that is taller than the one we are testing is .00003—a very unlikelyoccurrence. It is safe to say that the sample we are looking at is unusual.

The z score for groups is not used very often in the social sciences, but morecomplex variations of it are used very often as part of a system known as null hy-

pothesis testing (NHT). In this chapter we will introduce the concepts of NHT inthe context of the z score for groups. In subsequent chapters the z score formulawill grow in complexity (and change its name), but the concepts of NHT will re-main essentially the same. To explain the need for NHT we first have to describea simple social science experiment.


Suppose that you have invented a new method for teaching children how to read.How would you go about testing its effectiveness? You would probably teach afew students individually to perfect the technique, but ultimately you would wantto test the method on a randomly selected class of students. In fact, most exper-iments in the social sciences are performed on groups of people rather than on afew individuals. Researchers prefer groups in part because often they are looking


70 � 69���


X� � ����



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for small or variable changes that are easier to see in a group than in a few indi-viduals. For example, if you’re testing a drug that turns out to have an effect onmost but not all people, you might miss the effect if you looked at just a few in-dividuals who happened to be part of the minority that does not respond to thedrug.

So now imagine that you have used your method to teach a class of 25 ran-domly selected students and, at the end of the year, you gave them a standardreading test. Of course, your first step would be to calculate the mean of the 25scores. Let’s say the mean is 3.2. If the national average is 3.0 (these are studentsin the third grade), you might find these results encouraging. However, many crit-icisms of your experiment could be raised, and some of these would involve therandomness of your sample. It is hard to obtain a truly random sample of the pop-ulation of interest, but even if you had, there’s a surprisingly simple objection thatcan be raised if you try to conclude that your class scored above the national av-erage because of your new method. The fact is that, as we have mentioned before,the means of random samples will not all be exactly the same as the populationmean. Even among random classes taught by the standard method, some willscore below and some above the 3.0 average. Some may even score above the 3.2attained by the class taught by the new method. How can you know that the classscoring 3.2 would not have scored just as highly if taught by the traditionalmethod? (The hypothesis that there is no difference between the new and the tra-ditional method is called the null hypothesis.)

Unfortunately, you can never know the answer to that question with certainty.However, it is rather easy to use the methods we have already discussed to deter-mine the probability of a random sample taught by the traditional method scoringa mean of 3.2 or higher. The lower that probability, the more confident you can feelthat your result is not an accident due to sampling. To find that probability youmust first find the z score for your class. If the national average on the test is 3.0and � equals .6, and a class of 25 (N ) has a mean (X�) of 3.2, the z for that class is:

z � � � �.1.22� � 1.67

If we assume that the sample means will follow a normal distribution (a fairlysafe assumption for N � 25), we can use the standard normal table to look forthe proportion of the ND beyond z � 1.67. That proportion, as can be seen inTable A.1, is .0475. Therefore, if we select at random one sample of 25 studentsand teach them by the traditional method, the probability is .0475 (a little less than1 in 20) that that sample will score 3.2 or higher and thus tie or beat our experi-mental group.


3.2 � 3.0�




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Alpha Levels and Type I Errors

We call this probability the p value for our experiment, and we hope that p will beso low that we can ignore the possibility that our experimental results could beproduced by an unusually good class taught by the traditional method. How lowis low enough? This is a fairly arbitrary decision, but the widely held conventionin the social sciences is to use a probability of .05 as the cutoff. This probabilityis called an alpha level. If the p for your experiment is lower than the alpha level youare using, you can declare your results statistically significant, which basically meansthat you are willing to ignore the objection that your results are really just a luckyaccident. To state that your results are statistically significant is to reject the null hy-

pothesis (in this case, the hypothesis that the new method would make no differ-ence if you could test everyone in the population); it is always possible that thenull is true for your experiment, and that your significant results are really just alucky accident, but we have to draw a line and decide to take that risk at somepoint.

If it turns out that you were wrong in dismissing the lucky-accident (i.e., null)hypothesis, you have made what is commonly called a Type I error. In most casesyou never get to know for sure whether or not you have committed a Type I er-ror, but to understand why social scientists are so concerned about decidingwhether their results can be called statistically significant or not it helps to un-derstand statistical significance within the context of the scientific research com-munity.

The Logic of Null Hypothesis Testing

Imagine that out of the thousands of social science experiments performed eachyear some unknown percentage consists of null experiments. By a null experi-ment we mean that the method or treatment being used is completely ineffective—that is, it is no better than a placebo or whatever control condition it is being com-pared to. The problem is that in many of these experiments it will look like theexperiment worked a bit just from luck (e.g., in the new reading method experi-ment it could be that half the population actually performs better with the stan-dard method, but the selected sample accidentally has an unusually high numberof students who prefer the new method). If the experiment produced positive re-sults purely by accident, it would be misleading if the results were published,which would suggest that the treatment does work. It would be a good idea toscreen out as large a percentage of these null experiments as possible in order toprevent them from being published in a way that suggests the treatment is effec-tive. This is where NHT comes in.


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It is generally easier to find the distribution of null experiments than a distri-bution of experiments in which the treatments work. For a one-group experi-ment involving a variable whose population mean and standard deviation areknown, the distribution of null experiments, known as the null hypothesis distribu-

tion (NHD) is simply the distribution of (random) sample means from the popu-lation (i.e., the sampling distribution of the mean). If we allow only the top 5% ofthe NHD to be called statistically significant, we are screening out 95% of the nullexperiments. The 5% of null experiments that pass the test and get called statis-tically significant are Type I errors because they are really null experiments. Set-ting alpha at .05 means that we are setting the Type I error rate at 5%—that wehave decided to let the best 5% of null experiments be called statistically signifi-cant, implying that their treatments do work at least a bit, even though they reallydon’t.

Type II Errors

At this point you might well be thinking, “Why allow any null experiments to becalled statistically significant? Why not screen them all out?” The problem is thatwe almost never know for sure when we are dealing with a null experiment. Nomatter how good a result looks, there is always some chance (even if it is very tiny)that it comes from a null experiment. So we cannot screen out all null experi-ments without screening out all experiments. Perhaps you are thinking instead:“Okay, but why allow a 5% rate of Type I errors? Why not reduce the rate to 1%or even less?” To understand the consequences of making alpha smaller you mustkeep in mind that it isn’t only null experiments that are being subjected to NHT;experiments performed on treatments that really do work are subjected to thesame test. If a treatment works only slightly, it can easily produce results that donot pass the test (i.e., the null hypothesis is not rejected), because the results looklike those often obtained by accident from null experiments. When a non-null ex-periment does not get called statistically significant, another type of error has beenmade: the Type II error.

Reducing alpha would require results to be stronger to pass the test, so a largerpercentage of weak but non-null experiments would fail the test, increasing therate of Type II errors (that rate is symbolized by the Greek letter beta, ). The .05alpha level is widely considered a reasonable compromise that keeps the Type Ierror rate fairly low without letting the Type II error rate get too high. The TypeII error rate depends, in part, on just how “non-null” an experiment is (i.e., howeffective the treatment is). Because that is something we can only guess about ina given case, we can only estimate Type II error rates roughly. Such estimations


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will be postponed until Chapter 6, when the topic of power will be discussed. Theprobabilities involved in null hypothesis testing are summarized in Rapid Refer-ence 2.1.

Critical Values

In our example, in which the effectiveness of a new reading method was tested,the z score we calculated was looked up in Table A.1 to find the p value. This stepcan be skipped if we find the z score that falls exactly on the borderline for our al-pha level. If we look for .0500 in the “beyond z” column of Table A.1 we find thatit falls between z � 1.64 (.0505) and z � 1.65 (.0495), so we can say that a z scoreof 1.645 falls on the borderline. Any z score larger than 1.645 (e.g., 1.65) will beassociated with a p less than .05 and will therefore be significant at the .05 level.Any z score less than 1.645 (e.g., 1.64) will have a p greater than .05, and will failto reach significance at the .05 level. This borderline z score is called a critical z

score; for example, z � 1.645 is the critical z for a .05 test (symbolized z .05) that isone-tailed (one- and two-tailed tests will be explained in the next paragraph).

Knowing the critical z for your alpha level saves you the trouble of looking upthe p value that corresponds to the z score for your experimental group. If your cal-culated z is greater than the critical z , you know that your p value will be less thanalpha, and you can therefore reject the null hypothesis. Looking up critical values


The Probabilities Involved in Null Hypothesis Testing

Null Hypothesis Null HypothesisIs Really True Is Really False

Results declared not significant Correct decision Type II error(1 – alpha) (beta)

Results declared significant Type I error Correct decision(alpha) (1 � beta 5 power of test)

Note: Alpha is set by the experimenter (usually the widely accepted .05 level). Beta is determined byseveral factors, including the degree to which the null hypothesis is false (which is generally not known),and can only be estimated roughly (this estimation will be covered in Chapter 6). The probabilities canbe meaningfully added down each column, but not across the rows. Each probability can be thought ofas the proportion of events in that column that will fall under that decision. For instance, 1 – alpha is theproportion of null experiments that will be declared not significant.

Rapid Reference 2.1

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is not necessary when you perform a statistical test by computer because your sta-tistical program will give you the exact p value that corresponds to your z score.However, occasionally you may need to calculate a statistical test by hand, and ifyou need to compare your result to a distribution other than the normal, a table ofcritical values can be very convenient, as you will see in subsequent chapters.

One- versus Two-Tailed Tests

There is one complication of the z test that we haven’t yet addressed. What if theclass taught by your new method obtained a mean of only 2.5? Would you wantto test it to see if this mean is significantly less than what is expected from the tra-ditional method? Probably not. You would probably just work on figuring outwhat went wrong. But if you were testing some controversial method that couldbe counterproductive, you might be interested in testing both good (i.e., above3.0) and bad results (it would be important to know that the new method is mak-ing learning significantly worse than the traditional method). In this case, 5% ofthe null hypothesis distribution reaches significance on the positive side, and an-other 5% reaches significance on the negative side (see panel A of Figure 2.2).



Reject nullz = –1.645

Reject nullz = +1.645

Figure 2.2 A, A one-tailed .05 test in both directions leads to a total alpha of.10; B, in a two-tailed .05 test, .025 (half of alpha) is placed in each tail


Reject nullz = –1.96

Reject nullz = +1.96



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The Type I error rate and, therefore, your alpha, would be .10 instead of .05 be-cause you are performing a two-tailed test.

To keep alpha down to .05 when performing a two-tailed test you have to di-vide alpha in half and put .025 area in each tail (as in panel B of Figure 2.2). Thecritical zs for the two-tailed .05 test are �1.96 and –1.96 (you can see in Table A.1that the area beyond z � 1.96 is .0250). The price you pay for being able to test aresult in both directions is that you need a stronger result to reach significance.

The one- and two-tailed distinction affects p values as well as the critical values.When we looked up the area beyond z � 1.67 and found that our p value was .0475we were finding a one-tailed p value. The two-tailed p value would be twice asmuch (we are allowing for results as extreme as ours on both sides of the distribu-tion): the two-tailed p equals 2 .0475 � .095. Notice that a z of 1.67 is significantif a one-tailed test is performed ( p � .0475 � .05), but not for a two-tailed test ( p

� .095 � .05). Thus, it is understandable that statistics texts often tell students thata two-tailed test should only be performed when you have no hypothesis aboutwhich way the results will go, and that a one-tailed test should be used when youhave a clear prediction about the direction of the results. However, this is anotherone of those cases where common practice tends not to match the textbooks.

It is rare that a researcher compares two experimental conditions without hy-pothesizing about which condition will have the higher mean on some dependentvariable. However, it is also true that paradoxical results are common in the socialsciences. The publication of one-tailed tests implies a trust that the researcherwould not have tested results in the unpredicted direction no matter how inter-esting. If, for instance, researchers routinely performed one-tailed .05 tests for re-sults in the predicted direction, and then turned around and performed two-tailedtests whenever the results turned out opposite to prediction, the overall Type Ierror rate would really be .05 � .025 � .075, more than the generally agreed-uponalpha of .05.

To be conservative (in statistics, this means being especially cautious about TypeI errors), the more prestigious jour-nals usually require the two-tailed testto be used as the default and allowone-tailed tests only in special cir-c*mstances (e.g., results in the op-posite direction would not only beunpredicted, but they would be ri-diculous or entirely uninteresting). Ifyou did plan to use a one-tailed testbut the results came out significant in



To find a critical value for a two-tailedtest, first divide alpha by two, and thenfind the z score with half of alpha inthe “beyond z” column of Table A.1.To find a two-tailed p value, first findthe area “beyond” your z score, andthen multiply that area by two.

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the other direction, you must repeat the experiment and replicate the results ifyou want to publish them.

Problems with One-Sample Tests

Tests involving the comparison of the mean of a single sample to the populationmean offer a simple way to introduce NHT because the null hypothesis distribu-tion is simply the sampling distribution of the mean. However, such experimentsare rarely performed. The biggest problem is finding a truly random sample. If thegroup getting the new reading method is not a random sample of the populationit is not fair to compare its mean with the mean of the population. The group withthe new method may be from a geographical area that is more affluent or that dif-fers in other ways from the population as a whole. This argument also applies tononexperimental cases. If you want to prove that left-handed students read bet-ter than the national average you have to be sure that your sample of lefties is trulyrepresentative of all lefties in the population and is not more affluent, better ed-ucated, and the like.

Another problem that involves one-group experiments in particular is the lackof a control group. Is it the specifics of the new teaching method that has in-creased reading scores, or would any experimental treatment make the studentsfeel special and increase their motivation to learn? With a carefully designed con-trol condition this question would not arise. Finally, it was easy to find the NHDbecause our example was dealing with a variable (reading scores) so well studiedin the population that we can assume we know its mean and standard deviation.More often, researchers are dealing with a variable for which � and � are not


DON’T FORGETThe procedure of finding a z score for groups for your experimental sample, andthen determining whether it is statistically significant, requires the following as-sumptions to be true:1. The sample must have been obtained by independent, random sampling of the

population to which you are comparing it.2. The variable you are measuring should have a normal distribution in the popu-

lation, but (thanks to the Central Limit Theorem) little accuracy is lost if thedistribution is not extremely different from the ND and the sample size is atleast about 30.

3. The standard deviation of the new population, represented by the sample, isnot different from the standard deviation of the population to which you arecomparing it. Of course, the mean of the new population may be different—that is what you are testing.

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known. However, If the goal is to estimate the population mean, the z score forgroups can be used in a backward way to provide an answer. This will be describednext.


Earlier we mentioned that the mean of a random sample can be used as a pointestimate of the population mean but that the drawback of this is that no distinc-tion is made between estimates from small samples and estimates from largesamples. The solution is to supplement your point estimate with an interval estimate

that does account for sample size. The larger the interval that we use for estima-tion, the surer we can be that the population mean is in that interval, but, ofcourse, smaller intervals are more useful, so some compromise must be made. If,for instance, the probability is .95 that the population mean is in the stated inter-val (over many intervals), then we say that our confidence level is 95%. The in-terval is therefore called a 95% confidence interval (CI). This implies that 5% of ourCIs will be wrong: They will not contain the population mean. You will recall that5% is the rate commonly tolerated for Type I errors, so it should not be surpris-ing that the 95% CI is the most common one. Once a CI percentage is chosen,the width of the CI depends in part on the sample size, as we will see next.

Creating Confidence Intervals

The first step in constructing a CI is to put the sample mean in the middle. We canthen imagine that the possible values for the population mean form a normal dis-tribution around that point, as in Figure 2.3. To create a 95% CI we want to cap-ture the middle 95% of this distribution, which means that .025 area will be ineach tail. The z scores that fall on these boundaries are –1.96 and �1.96. Youshould recognize these as the critical zs for a .05, two-tailed significance test. Thefinal step is to convert these z scores back into raw scores. Because we are deal-


Figure 2.3 The 95% confidence interval



z = –1.96 z = +1.96X–

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ing with sample means instead of individual scores it is the z score for groups thatmust be used. If we solve Formula 2.2 for �, which is what we are trying to find,we get:

� � X� z crit �x�


The plus-and-minus sign reminds you to solve the formula twice: With the minussign you get the lower boundary of the CI (�lower ), and with the plus sign the up-per boundary (�upper ).

Let’s calculate an example. Suppose that 100 people are sampled at random andtheir average web browsing time per week is 3.2 hours (X�) with a standard devia-tion of 2.5 hours (�). Because we don’t know � for the population, we have to use� from our sample as an estimate. Thus, the estimated standard error is �

x�� 2.5/

�100� � 2.5/10 � .25. According to Formula 2.3, the limits of the 95% CI are

�lower � 3.2 � 1.96(.25) � 3.2 � .49 � 2.71

�upper � 3.2 � 1.96(.25) � 3.2 � .49 � 3.69

The Size of Confidence Intervals

We can now say with 95% confidence that the mean of the population we sam-pled is somewhere between 2.71 and 3.69. Put another way, if we constructed

95% CIs for a living, 95% of themwould contain the population meanand 5% would not. If we want tomake fewer mistakes, say, only 1%,we would have to construct 99% CIs,which would entail using z .01, two-tailed ( 2.575), instead of z .05, two-tailed. For the example above, the99% CI would be 2.56 to 3.84.

One way to make your CI nar-rower is to decrease the confidencelevel (e.g., 90%), but this can producean unacceptably high rate of errors. Abetter way to narrow your CI, if it iseconomically feasible, is to increaseyour sample size. In the above ex-ample if your sample size were 400with the same X� and �, the estimated


Factors Affecting the Size ofa Confidence Interval

• You can make your CI smaller bydecreasing your confidence (e.g.,from 95% to 90%), but this will in-crease errors (CIs that don’t con-tain the population mean).

• You can make your CI smaller by in-creasing your sample size (whichdecreases the standard error), butthis can be too expensive.

• Your CI will be smaller when youare dealing with a variable that has asmaller standard deviation, but thatis not a factor that you can control.

Rapid Reference 2.2

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standard error would be reduced to .125, so the 95% CI would then range from2.955 to 3.445 (multiplying your sample size by a constant C divides the width ofyour CI by the square root of C, so in this case, multiplying N by 4 resulted in aCI half as wide). The factors affecting the size of a CI are summarized in RapidReference 2.2.


In the preceding example we used � from a sample to estimate the population �.If your sample is very large, the amount of error involved in this estimation maybe small enough to ignore. This would be the case in most marketing researchaimed at estimating a population mean (sample sizes typically are in the hundredsif not the thousands). However, social scientists are sometimes stuck with smallsamples (e.g., patients with a rare disease; fossilized jawbones from a particularprehistoric animal) and yet they would still like to estimate a population param-eter. In such cases the error involved in estimating a population � from a samplecan be too great to ignore. In the next chapter, you will learn how to compensatefor estimates made from small samples. In the meantime, we need to point outthat � from a sample tends, on average, to underestimate the � of the correspond-ing population (the problem gets worse as the sample gets smaller). This problemis easily corrected for, as we show next.

The Unbiased Sample Variance

Mathematically, it is often easier to work with variances than SDs, so we begin bypointing out that �2 from a sample tends to underestimate the �2 of the corre-sponding population. This makes �2 from a sample a biased estimator of the popu-lation �2. This is not a desirable property of an estimator, but fortunately the biasin this case is easily corrected. It turns out that the mean of all the possible sample�2s is (N – 1)/N times the population �2. Therefore, if we multiply each �2 by N/(N – 1), we can compensate for this bias, and the average of our sample varianceswill be exactly equal to the population variance. Let’s see what that does to ourformula for the sample variance. Multiplying Formula 1.3 by the compensatingfactor we get

Unbiased sample variance � ��NN

� 1���∑(X


i� �)2




� �)2

Because this new formula gives us a different (slightly larger) value for the varianceof a sample, it should have a different symbol. In keeping with a general trend to


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use Greek letters for population parameters and corresponding Roman letters forthe sample statistics that estimate them, the unbiased estimator of sample variancewill be symbolized by s 2. This gives us the following new formula:

s 2 ��∑(



1X� )2

� (2.4)

Note that X� is substituted for � because when we don’t know the variance of thepopulation we usually don’t know � either, but when we have a sample we can al-ways calculate the X� for that sample and then calculate s 2 around X�. Some textsuse two versions of s 2 (e.g., one with a “hat” and one without; one capitalized, andone not; etc.) to represent the two ways of calculating the variance of a sample—that is, biased (Formula 1.3 with X� instead of �) or unbiased (Formula 2.4). How-ever, we see so little use for the biased sample variance that we will not bother in-troducing a separate symbol for it. When you see �2 in this text you’ll know thatthe set of numbers it is based on is being viewed as a population, and just N is inthe denominator. When you see s 2 you’ll know that it represents the SD of asample, and that N – 1 is being used in the denominator, as in Formula 2.4.

The Unbiased Standard Deviation

The correction factor for sample variance can be applied just as easily to the stan-dard deviation of a sample. In particular, the result of the following formula iscommonly referred to as the unbiased estimate of the standard deviation or the unbiased

standard deviation.

s ��� (2.5)

Although s is not a perfectly unbiased estimate of the population �, it is closeenough for practical purposes and is much better than using Formula 1.4 with X�for �. (The reason that s is not perfectly unbiased when s 2 is involves the fact thatthe square root of an average is not the same as averaging the square roots. Forexample, if you start with 16, 25, and 36, the average of the square roots is exactly5, but the square root of the average of these three numbers is 5.0666.) Bear inmind that � is fine for descriptive purposes, but when drawing inferences aboutthe population, especially from small samples, using s is more accurate.

The Concept of Degrees of Freedom

The use of N – 1 as a substitute for N to correct the bias problem is usually ex-plained in terms of an important concept known as degrees of freedom, or df for short.

∑(Xi� X�)2

��N � 1


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You can see from the formulas that s and s 2 are based on deviations from the meanof a sample. However, if you have 10 scores in a sample and you have calculatedX�, only nine deviations from the mean (df � N – 1) are free to vary. Once youknow the mean and nine of the deviations, the 10th deviation will be whatevermust be added to the other nine to make zero. This also works in terms of thescores themselves. If I tell you that the mean of five scores is 6 and that four ofthe scores are 4, 4, 5, and 9, you should be able to tell me that the fifth score is an8 (the sum is N X� � 5 6 � 30, so 4 � 4 � 5 � 9 � X � 30, so X must equal 8).

If we define the sum of squares (SS) for a sample as Σ(X – X�)2, the unbiasedvariance can be expressed as s 2 � SS/df, and the unbiased SD as s � �SS/df�. An-other way to understand the concept of df is that it is the number of pieces of in-formation you get about the population � from a sample when you don’t knowthe population mean. Recall the exercise at the end of the previous chapter andimagine that you discover just one Antarctican, and you measure his or her bodytemperature. If you know the population mean for Antarcticans (perhaps it is98.6°F), then you have one piece of information about variability. However, ifyou have no idea what the population mean might be, one Antarctican gives youno information about variability at all (but you do have one piece of informationabout what the population mean might be). It is when you have two Antarcticansthat you have one piece of information about population variance, namely thedifference in temperature between the two of them (df � N – 1 � 2 – 1 � 1).Only if you knew the population mean would two Antarcticans provide twopieces of information about �.


Putting It Into Practice1. In the previous chapter you were given body temperatures for 25 Antarcticans

and asked to calculate descriptive statistics. Now you can test whether theAntarcticans differ from the known human population.(a) Using the mean and the unbiased standard deviation of the 25 scores, cal-

culate a z score comparing the sample to a population that has a mean of98.6 degrees, and then test that z score for statistical significance at the.05 level with a two-tailed test (in the next chapter, you will learn a moreaccurate way to test for significance when you don’t know the populationstandard deviation and your sample size is fairly small, as in this exercise).

(b) If the sample were 100 instead of 25, but with the same sample mean andunbiased SD, what would be its z score? Would the results be significantat the .01 level with a two-tailed test? With a .01 one-tailed test in the cor-rect direction? (Optional: What shortcut could you have used to find thenew z score without using the whole z score formula?)

(continued )

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(c) Based on the 25 scores, find the 95% CI for the mean body temperatureof all Antarcticans. How can you tell from this CI whether the results inpart a would be significant at the .05 level?

(d) For the example in 1b—N � 100—find the 99% CI.2. Suppose that the movie industry wants to know how often college students go

to the movies. Sixteen college students are selected at random from the UnitedStates and asked how many movies they have seen in a theater in the previousyear. The data are as follows: 7, 13, 0, 10, 2, 8, 4, 11, 0, 5, 16, 6, 2, 12, 9, 0.(a) What is your point estimate for the mean number of movie theater visits

by all college students in a year?(b) Find the 95% confidence interval for the mean of all college students.(c) Suppose that the U.S. national average for movie visits in a year is 9.0. If al-

pha is set to .05, can you reject the null hypothesis that the populationmean for college students is the same as the mean for the general popula-tion, using a two-tailed test? Show how you can use the CI you found in2b to answer this part.


1. A sampling distribution is

(a) the distribution within any one sample from a population.(b) one distribution randomly selected from many possible distributions.(c) a distribution in which each of the individuals has been sampled from the

same population.(d) a distribution of sample statistics, each from a different random sample of

the same population.2. The standard error of the mean will be approximately equal to

(a) the standard deviation of many sample means.(b) the mean of many sample standard deviations.(c) the mean of many sample means.(d) the standard deviation of many sample standard deviations.

3. The Central Limit Theorem applies only when

(a) the size of the samples is infinite.(b) the variance of the population distribution is infinite.(c) the shape of the population distribution is normal.(d) each selection in a sample is independent of all other selections.

4. Which of the following conditions requires that rather large sample sizesmust be used before the sampling distribution resembles the normal dis-tribution?

(a) A strongly skewed population distribution(b) A very large population variance(c) A small, finite population(d) All of the above


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5. If the population distribution is positively skewed, which of the followingwill be true about the shape of the sampling distribution of the mean fora sample size of 10?

(a) It will be the same as the population distribution.(b) It will be less positively skewed than the population distribution.(c) It will be negatively skewed.(d) It will be the same as the normal distribution.

6. Heart rates for a group of 25 joggers were measured, and the mean ofthe group was found to be 65 beats per minute (bpm). If the mean of thepopulation is 72 bpm with a standard deviation of 10, what is the z scorefor this group compared to other groups of the same size?

(a) –.7(b) –3.5(c) –7.0(d) –17.5

7. The main advantage of a one-tailed test over a two-tailed test is that

(a) only half the calculation is required.(b) only half of the calculated t value is required.(c) there is only half the risk of a Type I error.(d) a smaller critical value must be exceeded.

8. As the calculated z score for a one-sample test gets larger,

(a) p gets larger.(b) p gets smaller.(c) p remains the same, but alpha gets larger.(d) p remains the same, but alpha gets smaller.

9. Compared to Type II errors, Type I errors

(a) are more directly controlled by null hypothesis testing.(b) are more difficult to detect.(c) are more likely to lead to the abandonment of a line of research.(d) are far more common in psychological research.

10. Of all the 95% confidence intervals for the population mean that you con-struct, about what percent will contain the sample mean?

(a) About 5%(b) About 95%(c) 100%(d) It depends on the sample sizes that were used.

Answers: 1. d; 2. a; 3. d; 4. a; 5. b; 6. b; 7. d; 8. b; 9. a; 10. c.

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In the previous chapter, we described one-group hypothesis tests and ex-plained why they are rarely performed. Indeed, the value of knowing aboutone-group tests has less to do with applying them to data sets than it has to dowith the basis they provide for understanding more advanced hypothesis tests.Fortunately, the NHT concepts explained in the previous chapter will apply,with very little modification, to the two-group case, which is frequently used.In fact, when participants are matched in a two-group test, the procedure re-duces to a one-group test, as will be described later in this chapter. We will be-gin this chapter by describing a possible one-group experiment, and then wewill show you how to create and analyze a two-group experiment, as a better al-ternative.

Many drugs are now available for lowering blood pressure, but suppose thatyou have been asked to develop a drug for those suffering from low blood pres-sure. That is, you want a drug that raises blood pressure. As an initial test of yournew drug, you could give it to a random sample of people, measure their bloodpressure after the drug has taken effect, and perform a one-sample significancetest against the average blood pressure for the population to see if the null hy-pothesis (that the drug doesn’t work at all) can be rejected. We can perform a one-group test because blood pressure has been measured so extensively that we havea very good estimate of the mean and standard deviation in the population. But asignificant result for our test would hardly be conclusive. Did the blood pressurein your sample rise because the drug worked or because the participants were re-acting fearfully to being given a dose of some new drug? You can’t say for sure. Isyour sample truly a random one from the population? Practical considerationsmake that very unlikely. It is possible that you accidentally drew your sample froma segment of the population that is particularly responsive with respect to bloodpressure.


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When Will I Use the Statistics in This Chapter?

You are measuring one outcome (i.e., dependent) variable on a quantitative scale,and• You are comparing the means of two groups that represent existing popula-

tions (e.g., cholesterol levels of vegetarians and people who eat meat).• You have randomly assigned participants to one or the other of two experi-

mental treatments or conditions (e.g., drug group and placebo group). The par-ticipants may be matched in pairs before being randomly assigned to the twogroups, or the two groups may be completely independent.

• You are measuring the same participants under two different conditions (e.g.,each participant performs a task while listening to music and also performs thesame task in silence), or before and after some treatment (e.g., the intensity ofa phobia is measured before a new type of therapy, and then again after thepatient has been in that therapy for six months).

The Two-Group Experiment

A much better way to do the blood pressure experiment is with two groups. Onerandom sample gets the drug, while the other random sample is given a pill thatlooks and tastes the same but has no active ingredients (i.e., a placebo). Now ifthe drug group ends up with higher blood pressure on average it can’t be due tothe situation of taking a new drug. (The ideal way of doing this experiment iscalled double-blind—neither the participants nor the experimenters know who isgetting the drug and who is getting the placebo [code numbers are used to keeptrack] until the experiment is completely finished.) The problem of truly randomsamples is solved by selecting one large sample of convenience (in this case, per-haps people seeking treatment for low blood pressure) and then randomly as-signing participants to the two conditions (e.g., drug or placebo). This methodisn’t perfect (as we will point out later, in our discussion of assumptions), but itdoes ensure that the groups will almost always be very similar and that, over manyexperiments, there will not be a systematic bias favoring either the drug or theplacebo group. A two-group experiment could be comparing two experimentaltreatments (e.g., a new form of therapy and a traditional form of therapy) or oneexperimental treatment with a control group, as in our blood pressure example.

The Two-Group z Score

Suppose that your drug group ends up, on the average, with higher blood pres-sure than the placebo group. You still have to answer the criticism that your re-

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sults could be due entirely to chance (e.g., it may be that the blood pressure in-creases you observed in the participants of both groups are due to fear reactions,and that by accident the drug control group wound up with more fearful partici-pants than the placebo group). In order to dismiss the possibility that you gotyour good-looking results by accident (i.e., the null hypothesis), you first have tofigure out the distribution of null experiments (i.e., experiments just like yours ex-cept neither group gets any treatment).

In the two-group case, you could find this distribution (i.e., the NHD) by tak-ing two samples from the same distribution, subtracting their means, and doingthis over and over. Fortunately, you don’t have to. We know that these differencesof means usually will pile up into an approximate normal distribution, and if thetwo samples are coming from the same population (or two populations with thesame mean—we will point out the distinction later), this distribution will be cen-tered at zero. So all we need to know for our hypothesis test is the standard devi-ation of this NHD, which is called the standard error of the difference (�


Then we can create a z score for our experimental results as follows:

z � (3.1)

Compared to the one-group test (Formula 2.2, Chapter 2), it’s like seeing double.In the one-group case, the numerator of the z score is the difference between

your specially treated (or selected) group and the mean you would expect to getif the null hypothesis were true. The denominator (i.e., the standard error of themean) is a typical difference you would get for the numerator when the null hy-pothesis is true (according to the normal distribution, about two thirds of the nu-merator differences will be smaller than the typical difference in the denomina-tor, and one third will be larger). In the two-group case, the numerator is thedifference between the difference of groups you observed (X�1 – X�2 ) and the dif-ference you expected (�1 – �2 ). Because the expected difference (i.e., the null hy-pothesis) is almost always zero for the two-group case (H0: �1 � �2, so �1 – �2

� 0), we will leave that term out of the numerator in the future. The denomina-tor is a typical difference of two sample means when H0 is true.

The Standard Error of the Difference

To find �X� (the standard error of the mean) in Chapter 2 we used a simple law,

�X� � �/�N�. There is a similar law that applies to the two-group case. But to

make sure you see the similarity, let us change the formula for the standard errorof the mean to this equivalent form:

(X�1 � X�2 ) � (�1 � �2)���



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�X� � ��



��(the square root of a ratio equals the ratio of the two square roots).

The formula for the standard error of the difference is




21� � ���


22�� (3.2)

The notation n1 and n2 represents the sample sizes for the two groups and allowsfor the fact that your drug and placebo groups could have different numbers ofparticipants. The subscripts on �2 allow for the case in which you are samplingfrom two different populations with the same mean but different variances. Thisis a situation that will be explained later under the topic of hom*ogeneity of vari-ance.

Calculating a Test Comparing Two Groups

In the case of blood pressure, we can use the variance in the general populationfor both �2

1 and �22 . Let’s say we are measuring systolic blood pressure (the peak

pressure in each heart beat cycle) in mm Hg (millimeters of mercury), and weknow the standard deviation in the population to be 20, so �2 � 400. If after tak-ing the drug, 15 participants average 143 mm Hg, and after taking placebos, a sep-arate set of 10 participants averages 125, the z score would be

z � � � �81.187

� � 2.2.

With an 18-point difference between the two means we can reject the null hy-pothesis (2.20 > 1.96) and conclude that the drug led to significantly higher bloodpressure.

The problem with Formula 3.2 is that it requires that you know the populationvariance. There are very few variables that meet this criterion, other than well-studied aspects of human physiology. If two groups of participants memorize alist of words created for your study—one group while listening to happy music,and the other while listening to sad music—you cannot use Formula 3.2 to findthe standard error for comparing their means for recall of those words: No oneknows what �2 is in this case! However, if your groups are very large (e.g., if bothare in the hundreds), the variances of the recall scores within the groups are good

18���26.7 �� 40�

143 � 125��




0� ���




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estimates of their respective population variances, so you can use a slight modifi-cation of Formula 3.2. Inserting the modified version of Formula 3.2 into For-mula 3.1 yields

z � (3.3)

where s21 and s2

2 are the unbiased variances of the scores within each group.On the other hand, if your groups are small (as in the blood pressure example),

the sample variances cannot be trusted very well as estimates of the populationvariance, and this introduces some additional error into your z scores. Occasion-ally, your z score will be accidentally very large (or very small) because the samplevariances are accidentally very large (or very small), and not because of a verylarge (or very small) difference in the means. Because z scores calculated by For-mula 3.3 do not follow the normal distribution very well when the samples aresmall, you cannot use the critical values for the normal distribution to make yourstatistical decisions. Fortunately, there is a well-understood distribution, similarto the normal distribution, which can be used in this case. To explain this new dis-tribution, it will help to go back to the one-group case.

The t Distribution

If you are drawing random samples from the population, one sample at a time,and you calculate your group z scores using s from the sample instead of � fromthe population—z � ( X� – �)/s/�N�—these z scores will follow a distributionthat has more values that are extreme than the normal distribution (thicker tailsof the distribution, because some z’s are large due to accidentally small s’s), andmore tiny values (sharper peak in the middle caused by accidentally large s’s), andfewer moderate values. This distribution is called the t distribution; it is sometimescalled Student’s t distribution, because William Gossett, who first described the ap-plication of this distribution to null hypothesis testing, published his paper underthe pseudonym “Student” (the beer company he worked for in the early 1900swouldn’t allow him to publish under his own name). Actually, there is a wholefamily of t distributions; as the samples get smaller, the s’s become more unreli-able as estimates of � and the tails of the t distribution get thicker.

Mathematically, the t distributions are described in terms of a single param-eter—not the size of the samples exactly, but the degrees of freedom that dividesthe SS to create s 2. Fortunately, the degrees of freedom are just N – 1 in the one-

X�1 � X�2��


s 21


� � �n





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sample case. Before it became routine to calculate t tests by computer, researchersrelied on a table of critical values for the t distribution to make their decisions. Sucha table is included in Appendix A. Looking at Table A.2, you can see that as df getslarger (because N is getting larger), the critical values get smaller (because the tailsof the distribution are getting thinner) until they are very similar to the critical val-ues of the normal distribution. In fact, when df becomes infinitely large (indicatedby the infinity symbol, �), the t distribution becomes identical to the normal dis-tribution; the bottom row of the t table contains the critical values for the normaldistribution. Notice that as alpha gets smaller, the critical values get larger—youhave to go further out on the tail to reduce the area beyond the critical value. Alsonotice that the critical value for a .025 one-tailed test is the same as for a .05 two-tailed test (except that for the two-tailed test you actually have two critical values:the value in the table preceded by either a negative or a positive sign).

The Separate-Variances t Test Formula

Strictly speaking, Formula 3.3 follows a normal distribution only for infinitelylarge samples, but it always follows a t distribution. So a more general formulawould change the z to t:

t � (3.4)

The only question is which t distribution is appropriate for this formula—thatis, what are the df in this case? You might think that for two groups, df � n1 � n2

– 2, and sometimes that is true, but that value for df is usually not appropriatewhen using Formula 3.4. This formula produces what is called the separate-

variances (s-v) t test, and unfortunately, finding the df for this test can be tricky.Generally, the df must be reduced below n1 � n2 – 2 for the s-v test (the df can getas low as n1 – 1 or n2 – 1, whichever is smaller). The logic of exactly why this cor-rection is necessary and the details of its calculation are beyond the scope of thisbook, but these areas are covered well in other texts (e.g., Howell, 2002). Al-though computers can now easily find an approximate value for df to test the tfrom Formula 3.4, the more traditional solution is to calculate the t test a differ-ent way, so that the df come out to a simple n1 � n2 – 2. This solution requires thatwe assume that the two populations from which we are sampling have the samevariance. This assumption is called hom*ogeneity of variance, and we will have a gooddeal to say about it shortly.

X�1 � X�2��


s 21


� � �n





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The Pooled-Variances t Test Formula

If you assume that both populations have the same variance (�2 ), you can assumethat s2

1 and s22 are estimating the same thing (i.e., �2 ). It follows then that an aver-

age of the two sample variances is a better estimate of �2 than either alone. How-ever, if one sample is larger than the other, it makes sense that the larger samplebe weighted more heavily in the average. The weighted average of the two samplevariances is called the pooled variance and is calculated according to Formula 3.5:


2 � (3.5)

Because s 2/(n – 1) � SS, you are really adding the SSs of the two groups and thendividing by their total df. If you substitute the pooled variance (s


2 ) for each of thevariances in Formula 3.4, you get the formula for the pooled-variances (p-v) ttest:

t �

Because mathematical people love to factor out common terms, the formulais more frequently written in this form:

t � (3.6)

The nice thing about this formula is that it follows the t distribution with df �n1 � n2 – 2 when the two populations have the same variance. The procedures for

both the p-v and s-v t tests are sum-marized in Rapid Reference 3.1.

Testing for hom*ogeneityof Variance

If both of your samples are the samesize, you will get the same t valuewhether you use the p-v or s-v for-mula, and it is well agreed that youcan use 2n – 2 as your df (where n isthe size of each of your groups). How-

(X�1 � X�2 )��





� �� �n




X�1 � X�2��





� � �n





(n1 � 1) s21 � (n2 � 1) s2


n1 � n2 � 2

To calculate a pooled-variance ttest: Use Formulas 3.5 and 3.6, anddf � n1 � n2 – 2. You can look up acritical value in Table A.2.To calculate a separate-variances t test: You can use For-mula 3.4, but it is best to let a com-puter calculate the adjusted df andcorresponding p value.

Rapid Reference 3.1

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ever, if your sample sizes are not the same, the two procedures will give differentt values, so you have to decide which to use. If it is reasonable to assume that thetwo populations have the same variance, the p-v test is more powerful (i.e., morelikely to yield significance when appropriate); if that assumption is not reason-able, the p-v test may be too liberal (i.e., loose about Type I errors), making the s-v test the safer bet. (Although your two groups of participants may literallycome from the same population, it is possible that one treatment affects variancemore than the other, even if there is no difference in population means.) Whenthe n’s are not equal, it is important to compare the two sample variances to see ifthey could both reasonably represent the same population variance.

If one variance is less than two times the other, you should probably use the p-v test, but fortunately statistical software can perform a significance test for youto determine whether hom*ogeneity of variance is a reasonable assumption givenyour sample variances and sample sizes. For example, the Statistical Package forthe Social Sciences (SPSS) automatically tests your variances for equality when-ever you do a t test: You don’t even have to ask for it! The test that SPSS uses iscalled Levene’s test, and it tests the null hypothesis that your variances are equal. IfLevene’s test produces a significant result ( p � .05), you should proceed asthough the population variances are not equal, and perform the s-v t test. It is alsofortunate that most statistical packages can find the df and p value for an s-v test,in case Levene’s test is significant. (SPSS automatically computes both the p-v ttest [ labeled equal variances assumed ] and the s-v t test [ labeled equal variances not as-

sumed ] whenever a t test is requested.) However, the results of only one of thesetests should be reported in a research article; a simple rule for when to report theresults of a p-v or s-v t test is given in Rapid Reference 3.2.

Interpreting the Results of ahom*ogeneity of Variance Test

It makes sense to compare your vari-ances with a hom*ogeneity test notjust to help you decide which type oft test to use, but, more interestingly,to see if your treatment may be push-ing your participant’s scores furtherapart, or even hom*ogenizing thescores (moving participants at eitherextreme closer to the middle). Forinstance, it has been found that justtaking a depression test can make

When to Use the Pooled- orSeparate-Variances t Test

Report the pooled-variance t test if yoursample sizes are equal or your samplesizes are not equal, but your samplevariances do not differ significantly.Report the separate-variance t test ifyour sample sizes are not equal andyour sample variances differ signifi-cantly.

Rapid Reference 3.2

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slightly depressed participants more depressed and happy participants even hap-pier, thus increasing variance. Giving amphetamines to young boys can reduce ac-tivity in the hyperactive ones and raise the activity in the quiet ones, possibly re-ducing variance. A hom*ogeneity of variance (HOV) test like Levene’s test canindicate that something like this is happening, even when there is little differencein the means of the two groups.

On the other hand, a significant difference in the two variances does not al-ways signify an interesting result. Variances are very susceptible to outliers (ex-treme scores), and having a skewed distribution or just a few outliers in one groupbut not the other can cause a significant difference in variances. The outliers mayor may not reflect some interesting result (e.g., the instructions may be morecomplicated in one condition than another, leading to some extreme mistakes inthat condition). Whereas it is always a good idea to look at the distribution ofscores in each of your samples to see if anything strange is going on, a significantHOV test is a strong signal that you must take such a look. Sometimes a data trans-formation that minimizes extreme scores, or a justified elimination of outliers,will render the two variances hom*ogeneous and suitable for a p-v test. Othertimes it is appropriate to sort the participants in your study according to their re-sponses to your treatment and try to account for these differences with whateverinformation you have about your participants. This can lead to the design of a fol-low-up study.

Reporting Your Calculated t Value

Let us say that you have calculated a t value of 2.4 for an experiment comparinga group of 20 participants with a group of 30 participants, and you want to reportit. The format used by the style manual of the American Psychological Associa-tion (2001) is the following: t (48) � 2.4, p � .05. The “48” represents the df forthe p-v test, n1 � n2 – 2. If you were reporting an s-v test, you would include in-stead the df reported by your statistical package, which will be somewhere be-tween 19 (the df for the smaller group alone) and 48 (the df for the pooled test)and is likely to involve a fractional value (e.g., 37.6). Reporting that your p is � .05makes it clear that your results are statistically significant at the .05 level; other-wise, you might state “p > .05” or “n.s.” (short for “not significant”). Note, how-ever, that two trends are becoming increasingly common due to the use of statis-tical software: (1) reporting p exactly as given in your computer output (e.g., p �

.003), or (2) reporting p in terms of the lowest possible alpha at which it would besignificant (e.g., p � .005 or p � .0001). Exact p’s are rarely reported for p > .05,unless p is close to the borderline of significance and the author wants you to no-tice this (e.g., p � .055 or, perhaps, p � .07).

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The Assumptions of the Two-Group t Test

1. The DV is measured on an interval or ratio scale. As mentioned in the pre-vious chapter, this level of measurement is required to validly calculatemeans and standard deviations, and therefore to perform parametric sta-tistics. If you can place your participants in order on your DV (e.g., rankthem for creativity shown in writing a story) but cannot quantify the DVmore precisely than that, you can use a nonparametric version of the t test(e.g., the Mann-Whitney test), as described in Chapter 9.

2. The DV has a normal distribution in both populations. If the DV is normallydistributed in both populations (e.g., drug and placebo), the differences ofthe sample means will also follow a normal distribution, and when dividedby the appropriate estimate of the standard error of the difference will fol-low a t distribution. Fortunately, just as in the one-sample case, the CLT im-plies that with large enough sample sizes we can use the t distribution forour critical values even though our DVs are not very normal. This is fortu-nate because social scientists often deal with DVs that have skewed distri-butions, like annual income. Even with extremely skewed distributions,samples of at least 30 or 40 participants each lead to t statistics that followthe t distribution quite well. However, if the distribution of your DV is veryfar from normal and you are using small sample sizes, you should considerusing either a data transformation that normalizes your distribution or anonparametric version of the t test, as mentioned under assumption 1(once you ignore the actual scores and just place your participants in rankorder, the original distribution becomes irrelevant).

3. Your samples were selected at random from their respective populations. The im-portance of this assumption should be obvious when you are samplingfrom preexisting populations. If you want to determine whether men orwomen, in general, have greater manual dexterity on a particular type oftask, you would need to select truly random samples from each population.In practice, this is extremely difficult, so an attempt is made to ensure thatthe two samples are similar on various relevant characteristics (such as age,in this example).

In the case of a true experiment, social scientists expect to make validcausal conclusions despite the fact that they usually know that their sampleswere not selected at random from the entire population. The validity of theexperiment is ensured by selecting one sample and then randomly assign-ing participants to one condition or the other (the validity of your conclu-sions would be threatened, for example, if you used a sample of participantswho signed up for a morning session under one condition, while using a

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sample of afternoon participants under the other condition). If the onesample that you are dividing is not very representative of the entire popu-lation (e.g., college sophom*ores who volunteer for a psychology experi-ment), you must be cautious about generalizing your results to very dif-ferent participants (e.g., migrant farm workers), especially if your DVmeasures social attitudes rather than a more basic human function, like vi-sual perception. Nonetheless, the random division of your sample allowsyou to make valid conclusions about your variables, at least for participantssimilar to those in your sample.

There is a technical problem involved, however, in applying the t for-mulas to samples created by random assignment. Strictly speaking, the tformulas apply to the case of two truly random samples each assigned to adifferent condition. However, it turns out that random assignment fromone larger sample does not generally produce more Type I errors than us-ing two separate random samples, so you needn’t be concerned about thisdistinction (Reichardt & Gollob, 1999).

4. The p-v t test requires the assumption of hom*ogeneity of variance. We have al-ready discussed this assumption in some detail.

Interpreting a Significant t Test

Let us say you are satisfied that the assumptions of the t test apply to your situa-tion, and your t statistic is statistically significant. What can you conclude? You areentitled to say (at the risk of a Type I error) that the means of the two populations,represented by your two samples, are different. The practical meaning of thatstatement depends on the situation. First, we need to consider whether you weresampling from two already existing populations or randomly assigning your par-ticipants to different conditions.

For instance, if you take a random sample of people who regularly exercise andcompare their cholesterol levels (CL) to a random sample of people who don’texercise, a significant t allows you to conclude that the average CL of all exercis-ers in the population (from which you are sampling) is different from the averagefor the population of nonexercisers. However, you cannot conclude that exercisedirectly affects CL. It is quite possible, for example, that exercisers tend to eat dif-ferent foods and that the different diet accounts for any difference in CL. Ob-servational or correlational studies (or quasi-experiments) like the one just de-scribed are relatively easy to perform, and they can indicate useful avenues forfuture research, but they are not conclusive with respect to causality.

To prove that exercise affects CL, you would take one sample (as representa-tive of the population as possible, but more commonly a sample that is conve-

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nient), divide it randomly into two groups, enforce an exercise regimen on onegroup, while disallowing exercise in the other, and then measure CL after an ap-propriate amount of time. A significant t for a real experiment, such as the onejust described, allows you to conclude that the difference in treatments caused thedifference in the dependent variable (to be sure it is the actual exercise producingthe difference, your nonexercise group should receive some control treatment,with similar expectations being raised; this is easier to say than to do). Now, let ussay that your t is significant for the experiment just described, and that exerciselowers CL. Can you recommend that people who don’t exercise should adoptyour regimen to reduce their cholesterol levels?

The Confidence Interval for the Two-Group Case

It seems harmless enough to recommend exercise, but what if, instead of exer-cise, your experiment showed decreased CL for a group assigned to a moderatelevel of alcohol ingestion as compared to a nondrinking group? What is missingfrom a statement that your t statistic is significant is any mention of how large thedifference is between the two groups. Asking people who don’t drink to begin todrink moderately may make sense if the reduction in cholesterol is large, but it isquestionable if the difference is tiny. Can a tiny difference between samples pro-duce significant results? Yes. Even if a difference of the means is a tiny fractionof the standard deviation in either sample, t can be large if the samples are large.It is usually meaningless to report the size of your t statistic without also givingthe means of the two samples. The reader can then calculate the difference anddecide if this difference is large enough to be practical.

Of course, the difference of your two sample means is only an estimate of thedifference in the population means. This estimate becomes more reliable as thesamples increase in size. Just as a CI can be used to estimate the mean of a popu-lation, as in the previous chapter, it can also be used to estimate the difference be-tween two population means. Let us take another look at Formula 2.3. This for-mula is appropriate for very large sample sizes, but if one were forced to estimatea population mean from a small sample (e.g., a small collection of skulls found inan archaeological site), the z crit would have to be replaced with tcrit based on df �N – 1, as in Formula 3.7:

� � X� tcrit sX� (3.7)

The formula for the difference in the population means is very similar:

�1 � �2 � X�1 � X�2 tcritsX�1�X�2(3.8)

(This is just the generic two-group t test formula twisted around.)

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The difference of your two samplemeans is always at the center of theCI. For a 95% CI with a not very tinysample, you would add and subtractabout 2 standard errors of the differ-ence (the denominator of the t test)from the difference of the samplemeans to find the upper and lowerboundaries of the interval. For theexercise experiment, your CI mightallow you to say that you are 95% cer-

tain that the cholesterol reduction due to your exercise regimen is somewhere be-tween 12 and 24 points. This is much more informative than just saying that ex-ercise makes some difference, and even more informative than just saying thedifference is probably about 18 points.

Note that if zero is in the 95% CI (one boundary is positive and the other isnegative), a t test of the usual null hypothesis (�1 – �2 � 0) will not reach signifi-cance at the .05 level (two tailed); if zero is not in the interval, the test will be sig-nificant. In this way, constructing a CI gives you null hypothesis testing for free.Because a CI is so much more informative than just a significance test, many re-searchers are arguing that CIs should be reported whenever possible and that sig-nificance tests are not even necessary.

The Effect Size in a Two-Group Experiment

Confidence intervals are particularly helpful when the units of the dependentvariable are well known. For instance, we know how many pounds must be lostfor a new weight loss method to be of practical use. Confidence intervals are lesshelpful when the DV is specific to a particular experiment. It may be of theoret-ical interest that participants recall more words from a list that had once beenplayed to them while asleep than a similar list that had not, but if the 95% CIranges from a two- to a six-word difference, are you impressed? Standardizingthis difference by dividing it by the average standard deviation of the two lists(more exactly by the square root of the pooled variance) yields a more universallymeaningful measure known as the effect size. The effect size seen in the sampleis often called g, and the simplest formula is as follows:

g � �X�1 �


X�2� (3.9)



An experiment may result in a verylarge t value and a very tiny p value,even though there is little differencebetween the two groups (this canhappen when the samples are verylarge). A CI can give a more accuratepicture, but if the units of the DV arenot meaningful or familiar, a measureof effect size can be helpful.

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This measure, g , can be used as a point estimate of the effect size in the entirepopulation, usually called d (and usually written in bold to indicate that it appliesto a population, and not just your own data). The formula for the t test can bewritten in terms of g; the formula is particularly simple when the sample sizes areequal:

t � g��2

n�� (3.10)

Note that even when g is very tiny, t can be large if n is very large. When n1 � n2

and t has already been calculated, g can be found from the following formula:

g � t��2n

�� (3.11)

When g equals 1.0, it means that the mean of one sample is a whole standarddeviation above or below the other sample, and that tells us that the two samplesare rather well separated on the DV, no matter what the DV is or what units areused to measure it. Creating a CI around g to estimate that d is, for example, be-tween .7 and 1.3, is very informative and in this case assures us that we are likelydealing with an impressive difference between the two populations. Creating CIsfor g was difficult until quite recently. We will have a good deal to say about themeaning of effect size and its utility in power analysis when we get to Chapter 6.


Formula 3.10 shows us that when g ison the small side you need ratherlarge samples to obtain a t value largeenough to be significant. However,social science researchers often dealwith small effects that are likely tolead to small g’s, and yet using largesamples can be prohibitively expen-sive and time-consuming. Fortu-nately, there are ways to increase yourt value without using large samples,so that you have a good chance ofshowing that an effect is not zero,even when it is fairly small. The most



When comparing a statistically signifi-cant t test with one that is not, don’tassume that the two tests are tellingyou very different things. For example,if a test of exercisers versus nonexer-cisers on cholesterol levels yields t(48)� 2.1, p � .05 for male participants,and t(44) � 1.8, p > .05 (not signifi-cant) for female participants, this doesnot mean exercise affects cholesterolsignificantly more for men than forwomen. In fact, the two p’s (about .04and .06 respectively) are similar, as arethe g’s. To test whether the results formen differ significantly from those forwomen you can use a two-way anal-ysis of variance, as described in Chap-ter 7.

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powerful of these ways is the repeated-measures (RM) design. There are many ex-periments for which this design would not be convenient, or even possible, butwhen it can be reasonably applied it is often very effective. Let us look at an ex-ample of how this design can lead to a larger t value than you would expect.

One Type of Repeated-Measures Design: The Before-After Design

Suppose that you are conducting a weight loss experiment with 10 participantswhose average weight is about 200 pounds, and who vary such that their standarddeviation is about 45 pounds. After 6 months, every participant has lost about 2pounds (the weight loss method might be to spend an hour a day vividly imagin-ing that you are exercising). Assuming that the variance at the end of 6 months isthe same as at the beginning—about 2,000 (we are squaring 45 and then round-ing off)—we can use Formula 3.6 to see how large our t value would be. The de-nominator of the formula is the square root of 2,000 times 0.2, which equals thesquare root of 400, which equals 20. If the numerator is 2 (an average of 2 poundslost), t would be 2 over 20, which is only .1. This is nowhere near statistical sig-nificance.

In fact, with a denominator of 20 you would need to find a weight loss of morethan 40 pounds to attain a significant t statistic. If you are stuck with a g of 2/45� .044, as in this example, you would need a sample of about 4,000 participantsto attain a significant t. The person-to-person variability is large in this example,but it would be large in any realistic weight loss experiment and in many other ex-periments in the social sciences. The advantage of the RM design (in this ex-ample, every participant would be measured twice: before and after the 6-monthweight loss program) is that it allows you to avoid the person-to-person variabil-ity, as we will show next.

The null hypothesis for the weight loss experiment is that the weight loss pro-gram is totally ineffective. The two group t test we just performed suggests thatit is easy to get a 2-pound difference by chance with so few participants and somuch variability among participants. However, something happened in our hy-pothetical experiment that is not likely to happen by chance, but was missed bythe two-group t test. All of the participants lost weight. If the null hypothesis weretrue you might expect about half of the participants to gain rather than lose weightover a 6-month period (actually, for this experiment you would need a controlgroup, but for many other RM designs, the null hypothesis would dictate a fifty-fifty split in the results).

If you expect only half of the participants to lose weight by chance, the oddsagainst all 10 of them losing weight by chance is about 1,000 to 1. Moreover, all


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of the participants lost about the same amount of weight: 2 pounds. The moresimilar the participants are to each other in the amount of weight loss, the lesslikely it is that this can happen by accident. What is needed is a t test that can cap-ture these consistencies when they occur in an RM design and determine howlikely they are to occur by chance. Such a t test exists, and it is actually simplerthan you would expect, as you will see next.

The Formula for the Repeated-Measures t Test

The way you look for and capture the consistencies in an RM design is to look atthe difference scores—that is, the differences between the two measurements(for this example, the before-after differences, which are the amounts of weightlost for each participant). By doing this, you are changing two groups of scoresinto just one group. The null hypothesis is still the same: that the differences areas likely to be negative as positive, and that their mean across the entire popula-tion would be zero. To test the null hypothesis you will need to determinewhether the mean of your difference scores is so far from zero that there is littlechance of getting this value by accident. This calls for a one-sample t test, whereyour difference scores are the one sample. Therefore, you can use Formula 2.2.We will repeat that formula below, but we modify the notation to reflect the factthat your scores are actually difference scores.

t � �D� �



The mean of the difference scores according to the null hypothesis, �D

, doesnot have to be zero—but it so often is that we can leave that term out of the for-mula. Expressing the standard error in terms of the standard deviation andsample size leads to the following practical formula for calculating the RM t test.

t � (3.12)

Because this is a one-sample t test, we don’t have to worry about hom*ogene-ity of variance. We can simply look up the critical t by noting that the degrees offreedom equal N – 1, where N is the number of difference scores. Note that bylooking only at the difference scores rather than the before and after scores weare actually reducing our df. For the two-group t test we performed on the beforeand after scores, df � n1 � n2 – 2 � 10 � 10 – 2 � 18, so t.05 � 2.19. For the RMt test, df � 10 – 1 � 9, so t.05 is 2.26. The RM t test reduces your df by half, so un-




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less you are dealing with hundreds of participants, the critical t for the RM test willbe noticeably higher than for the corresponding two-group test. A higher criticalt is not good, but the calculated RM t value is usually so much higher than the cal-culated two-group t value that the difference in critical values becomes unimpor-tant. That is certainly the case in our weight loss example, as you will see next.

Calculating the Repeated-Measures t Test

Let us apply Formula 3.12 to the weight loss example. The numerator of the testis the mean of the difference scores, which is 2 (pounds). Note that the RM t testalways has the same numerator as the corresponding two-group test because thedifference of the two means is always the same as the mean of the differences (i.e.,if you subtract the mean of the after scores from the mean of the before scores,you get the same result as subtracting the after score from the before score sepa-rately for each participant and then averaging these difference scores). The ad-vantage of the RM test is in the denominator. The two-group t test is based on thevariability from person to person under each condition; for our example, the SDwas about 45 pounds. The RM t test is based instead on the variability of the dif-ference scores. We have been saying that everyone lost “about” 2 pounds. To bemore specific, let’s say that the SD for the difference scores is 1.0 pounds (so mostparticipants lost between 1 and 3 pounds). Using Formula 3.12,

t � � �.3

216� � 6.33

The RM t value is more than 60 times greater than the corresponding two-group t value because the RM test avoids the large amount of person-to-personvariability and benefits from the consistency of the difference scores. Adding one500-pound person who loses 2 pounds would make the two-group t statistic evensmaller but would have very little effect on the RM test (in this case the effectwould be positive because adding a difference score of –2 would only make theSD smaller; plus you’d gain a degree of freedom). Of course, the difference scoresare not usually as consistent as in our example, but when it makes sense to createan RM design, the RM t statistic is almost always considerably larger than the cor-responding independent-group t.

Other Repeated-Measures Designs

The before-after design is not the best example of the RM t test because a controlgroup usually is required, which means that two groups are being measured at two



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points in time, and this adds some complication (this will be dealt with in Chap-ter 8). A more typical use for the RM design is to compare the means for two ex-perimental conditions both of which are given to all of the participants—for in-stance, comparing the recall for happy and sad words. Happy and sad words canbe mixed in a single list that participants memorize (the simultaneous RM design).For each participant the number of sad words recalled can be subtracted from thenumber of happy words recalled, and then an RM t test can be calculated on thesedifference scores.

A somewhat more problematic design is needed if each participant is tested ontwo lists—one studied while listening to happy music and one during sad music.You can’t mix the happy and sad music together, so one condition will have to bepresented before the other (the successive RM design), which can give that condition(e.g., type of music) an advantage or disadvantage due to an order effect (e.g., prac-tice or fatigue). This problem is dealt with by counterbalancing: Half of the partici-pants get the happy music condition first, whereas the other half of the partici-pants get the sad condition first.

Dealing with Order Effects

If you have collected data from a counterbalanced design you should look to seeif your order effects are symmetrical. Suppose half the participants receive ahappy condition first followed by a sad condition, whereas the other half get thereverse order. If you average all the happy scores separately for those gettinghappy first and for those getting happy second, you can see the order effect forthe happy condition. If you do this again for sad, you can compare the order ef-fects for the two conditions. If they are very different, it seems you have differen-

tial carryover effects (e.g., sadness may dribble into the following happy conditionmore than the other way around), which can bias your results (we will discuss howto test this for significance in Chapter 8). You may need to look only at the con-dition each participant had first. This changes your design from RM to one basedon independent groups, and it can greatly lower your calculated t, but it eliminatesthe bias in the results that can be produced by asymmetrical carryover effects andthat can threaten the validity of your results. Even if the two order effects are thesame, if they are large they can increase the denominator of your RM t test quitea bit. We will discuss how to remove this effect when we describe the Latin Squaredesign in Chapter 8.

The Matched-Pairs Design

There are many cases when counterbalancing is obviously inappropriate from theoutset. Imagine that you want to compare two methods for teaching long divisionto children to see which works more quickly. If both methods are fairly effective,

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it doesn’t make sense to try to teachthe children a second time. However,one can still get much of the benefitof the RM t test in this situation. Thetrick is to match the children in pairsbased on similar performance on pre-vious math tests; then, for each pair,one member is assigned to eachmethod, in a random way. After per-formance is measured, differencescores are created by subtracting thetwo scores for each pair (as thoughthe two scores were from the verysame participant), always in the samedirection, of course (e.g., Method 1minus Method 2). The t test per-formed on these difference scores iscalled a matched-pairs t test (or just a

matched t test ), but it is calculated exactly the same way as the RM t test, so eithername can be used to refer to Formula 3.12.

It doesn’t matter if some pairs are much better at math than others, as long asone method is fairly consistent in being better within each pair. The better thematching of the pairs, the more this design resembles the RM design. Sometimesyou can’t measure the same participant twice and you don’t have any basis formatching the participants. Then you are stuck with the independent-groups design,and you will need large samples if the effect size you are exploring is fairly small.

The Assumptions of the Repeated-Measures t Test

You should also inspect the distribution of your difference scores for severeskewing and for outliers. If your sample size is small, such problems can renderthe matched t test inappropriate for your data (the chief assumption of thematched t test is that the difference scores are normally distributed, and the CLTwon’t help you with this if your sample is very small). An alternative is to rank-order your difference scores and perform Wilcoxon’s matched-pairs signed rankstest, as described in Chapter 9. A cruder alternative is to simply count the num-ber of differences favoring one condition or the other and perform a binomial (orsign) test, also described in Chapter 9. Underlying the RM design is the assump-tion that the pairs of scores will exhibit a fairly high linear correlation. In fact, analternative way of calculating the RM t test is in terms of that correlation (see

DON’T FORGETThere are a variety of situations inwhich the appropriate result is an RMt value:1. The before-after design (but it is

usually important to include a con-trol group).

2. The RM simultaneous design (twodifferent conditions are mixed to-gether).

3. The RM successive design (it is usu-ally important to counterbalancethe conditions).

4. The matched-pairs design (thescores from the two matched par-ticipants are treated as though theywere both from one participant).

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B. Cohen, 2000). The quantification of linear correlation is the topic of the nextchapter.

Confidence Intervals for the Repeated Measures or Matched Design

Repeated measures and matched designs make it possible to obtain large t statis-tics without using large samples and without obtaining a large difference betweenthe means of the two conditions. As we mentioned earlier, a before-after (or well-matched) design can produce a large and statistically significant t value even ifvery little weight is lost. Therefore, it is often important to find a confidence in-terval for the difference of the means when significant results are obtained. TheCI in this case is centered around D�, and its formula is just the formula for the CIfor the population mean (Formula 2.3) with different notation.

� lower � D� � tcrit sD�

�upper � D� � tcritsD� (3.13)

When the units of the dependent variable are not familiar (e.g., number ofwords recalled from a list created for the experiment), it makes sense to look ateffect size measures. The effect size and power associated with the RM t test willbe discussed in Chapter 6.


Putting It Into Practice1. The following table is being reprinted from Gist, Rosen, and Schwoerer

(1988).* Participants in this study were trained on a particular computer skillby one of two methods, and were classified into one of two age groups. Meanperformance (along with SD and n) on the computer task is given for each ofthe four subgroups (cells).

Younger Older

Modeling Tutorial Modeling Tutorial

Mean 36.74 32.14 29.63 26.04SD 6.69 7.19 8.51 7.29Cell n 52 45 20 30

(a) In the article, the above data were appropriately analyzed as a two-wayanalysis of variance (we will return to these data in Chapter 7). However,as an exercise, calculate the four t tests that make sense (i.e., compare the

(continued )

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two age levels for each method, and compare the two methods for each agelevel). Calculate both the p-v and s-v t test in each case and test the p-v t forsignificance. Which seems more appropriate for these t tests? If the methodcomparison is significant at the .05 level for one age level but not the other,can you conclude that age affects the difference between the two methods?Explain.(b) Calculate g for each of the pooled-variance t tests in 1a. Comment on the

size of g in each case.(c) Find the 95% CI for the difference of the two methods just for the

younger participants (using the p-v error term).2. A cognitive psychologist is investigating the effects of giving imagery instruc-

tions on paired-associates recall. Eight participants are given a recall test for alist of 20 word pairs, first with no imagery instructions, and then again (with adifferent list) after instructions on how to use imagery to link the words to-gether. The numbers of paired-associates recalled for each participant for eachcondition are given in the table below.

Participant No. No Imagery Imagery

1 8 142 11 153 7 54 10 165 9 96 15 167 7 88 16 20

(a) Calculate the RM t value for these data. For a two-tailed test, are the re-sults statistically significant at the .05 level? At the .01 level?

(b) Using the standard error from 2a, find the 99% confidence interval for theimagery/no imagery difference in the population. Is your CI consistent withyour answers to 2a? Explain.

(c) Assuming the results of the above experiment are significant, can you con-clude that imagery instructions caused an increase in recall? What alterna-tive explanations are available?

*Copyright © 1988 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted by permission ofthe APA via the Copyright Clearance Center.

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1. The usual null hypothesis of the two-group t test is that

(a) the two sample means are the same.(b) the two population means are the same.(c) the two sample standard deviations are the same.(d) the two population standard deviations are the same.

2. You need to use the t distribution as your null hypothesis distributionwhenever

(a) the population mean and variance are unknown.(b) the population mean is unknown and the sample size is small.(c) the population variance is small and the sample size is unknown.(d) the population variance is unknown and the sample size is small.

3. Pooling the variances is

(a) not necessary when N1 � N2.(b) not appropriate unless hom*ogeneity of variance can be assumed.(c) not optimal unless a weighted average is taken.(d) all of the above.

4. The denominator of the pooled-variances t test will equal the denomina-tor of the separate-variances t test when

(a) the sample means are equal.(b) the population variances are equal.(c) the sample sizes are equal.(d) any of the above are true.

5. All else remaining equal, as the sample variances in a two-group t test in-crease,

(a) the critical t value increases.(b) the calculated t value decreases.(c) the estimate of the standard error of the difference (i.e., sX�1–X�2

) decreases.(d) all of the above.

6. If a hom*ogeneity of variance test is associated with a p value less than al-pha, which of the following should be performed?

(a) Nothing—it is not valid to proceed with the t test(b) Nothing—the null hypothesis of the t test can be rejected(c) The pooled-variances t test(d) The separate-variances t test


(continued )

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7. Compared to an independent-samples t test on the same data, thematched t test will always yield

(a) a smaller critical t.(b) a larger critical t.(c) a smaller calculated t.(d) none of the above.

8. The purpose of counterbalancing is

(a) to average out order effects.(b) to eliminate the need for a control group.(c) to increase the chance of getting a significant t value.(d) none of the above.

9. Drawing conclusions from a before-after design can be misleading if

(a) the same participants are measured twice.(b) there is a large amount of person-to-person variability.(c) the confidence interval for the difference of means is very small.(d) there is no control group.

10. Matching participants in pairs is usually preferable to repeated measureson the same participants, whenever

(a) there are simple order effects.(b) there are differential carryover effects.(c) there is a large amount of person-to-person variability.(d) all of the above.

Answers: 1. b; 2. d; 3. d; 4. c; 5. b; 6. d; 7. b; 8. a; 9. d; 10. b.

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Correlation, like the mean, is a concept that you were probably familiar with be-fore taking a statistics course. If we tell you that music ability is correlated withmathematical ability you may be skeptical, but it is very likely that you know whatwe mean. If we don’t say that the two variables are negatively correlated, it is rea-sonable to assume that we are implying that the variables are positively correlated;that is, when someone has a good deal of musical ability he or she tends to begood at math (and vice versa), while low musical ability tends to go with low mathability. And if we say that depression and college grades are negatively correlated,you probably know that this means low scores on one variable tend to be pairedwith high scores on the other. The main purpose of this chapter is to show youhow to quantify the amount of correlation and then use this amount to make pre-dictions or inferences concerning the population. In this chapter we will be deal-ing only with bivariate correlation (i.e., two variables at a time). Multiple correlation(e.g., one variable being predicted by a combination of two or more variables) isbeyond the scope of this book.

Perfect Correlation

To explain how we can measure the degree of correlation between two variablesit will be helpful to begin with describing perfect correlation. Suppose that stu-dents in a statistics class take both a midterm and a final; both are exams that aregraded from 0 to 100. If every student gets the same score on the final that he orshe got on the midterm, the midterm scores will be perfectly correlated with thefinal scores. However, getting the same score is not necessary for perfect correla-tion. If every student scores five points higher on the final than on the midtermthe correlation will still be perfect; given a student’s midterm score (MT) youknow exactly what that student’s final score is (MT � 5). The relationship be-tween the two variables could get very complicated, and yet by using some fancy




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When Will I Use the Statistics in This Chapter?

You are measuring one or two variables on a quantitative scale.One variable: You are measuring the same variable on two different occasions(test-retest reliability), or comparing one part of the measure with another part(internal reliability).Two variables: You are comparing a new measure with a more establishedmeasure (validity), or looking at the relation between two completely differentvariables (e.g., you want to see if charisma is related to annual income). Or youare looking at the relation between a continuous experimental variable (e.g., par-ticipants are assigned to different amounts of weekly exercise) and an outcomevariable (e.g., resting heart rate; cholesterol level).Prediction: You want to use the magnitude of one variable to predict the mag-nitude of another. Or you want to use those predictions to remove the effect ofone variable on another (e.g., age-adjusting memory scores in the elderly by pre-dicting the memory score from age, and then using only the part of the memoryscore not predicted by age).

math you might be able to predict the second score exactly from knowing the first(and vice versa). Fortunately, we will not be dealing with all kinds of (perfect) cor-relation in this chapter. This chapter is only about linear correlation and linear regres-

sion, so we need only define perfect linear correlation, which we will do next.Two variables will have a perfect linear correlation together if each variable is

a linear transformation of the other. Any combination of adding, subtracting, multi-plying, and dividing a variable by constants will result in a linear transformationof the variable. Any linear transformation can be summarized by the followingequation: Y � bX � a. (You may recognize this as the equation for a straight line,which is not a coincidence, as we will explain shortly.) When two variables have alinear relationship, the increase (or decrease) in one variable is always the sameamount for a one-unit increase in the other variable, no matter what value of theother variable you are starting out with (this will be clearer when we show graphsof linear relationships later in this chapter).

The z score is a linear transformation of a score (you subtract a constant, �,and then divide by a constant, �). Therefore, a score and its z score are always per-fectly correlated. This may seem obvious, but it leads to a simple and meaningfuldefinition of perfect linear correlation. If everyone in the population has the samez score for one variable as they do on the other, the two variables will have a per-fect positive linear correlation in the population (from now on in this chapterwhen we use the term correlation we will mean linear correlation).

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It is just as easy to define perfect negative correlation. If everyone has the samez score for both variables, but the z scores are always opposite in sign, the twovariables will have a perfect negative correlation. If depression and GPA wereperfectly negatively correlated, you would know that someone who is 1 standarddeviation above the mean for depression (i.e., z � �1) is 1 standard deviation be-low the mean for GPA (i.e., z � –1). Thus, negative correlation can be just as per-fect (in terms of predictability) as positive correlation.

Height and weight are not perfectly correlated in the human population, butthey could be. Imagine, for instance, that Antarcticans all have the same bodytype, differing only in height. If height and weight were perfectly correlated forthese people you would be able to find an equation of the form W � bH � a, sothat you could multiply an Antarctican’s height in inches by a certain constant andthen add a constant (possibly a negative number) to get his or her weight. Thisequation is called a linear regression equation, and it is used to make predictionseven when correlation is far from perfect, as you will see later in this chapter. Notethat measuring height in centimeters instead of inches and weight in kilograms in-stead of pounds won’t change anyone’s z score for height or weight, so it won’tchange the correlation (but it will change the constants in the equation above).Whatever amount of correlation there is between two variables, linearly trans-forming one or both of them will not change that amount. Now it is time to de-scribe how the amount of correlation can be quantified when it is less than per-fect.

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

In the late 1800s Sir Francis Galton was studying heredity in England, and at-tempted to quantify various correlations, such as the correlation between theheights of fathers and their sons. He used a lowercase letter r to symbolize hiscoefficient of correlation (Cowles, 2001). Karl Pearson improved the mathe-matical formulation of Galton’s correlation coefficient just before the end of thenineteenth century. Because it is Pearson’s formula that we now use, the coeffi-cient for linear correlation is usually referred to as Pearson’s r (it is sometimescalled the product-moment correlation coefficient for reasons too technical to explainhere). In terms of z scores Pearson’s formula is remarkably simple, as shownbelow:

r � �∑


zxz y

� (4.1)

where the subscripts x and y represent the two variables.The formula tells us that for each person in the population we take his or her


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z scores on both variables and multiply them together. Then we average thesecross products (i.e., add them up and divide by the number of cross products).This coefficient reaches its greatest magnitude when everyone has the same zscore on both variables. In that case the formula reduces to Σz 2/N, which alwaysequals exactly 1.0 (the variance of a set of z scores is Σ(z-z�

2 )/N, which alwaysequals 1.0, but z� is always zero, so Σz 2/N � 1.0). If everyone has the same z scoreon both variables, but with opposite signs, r equals –Σz 2/N � –1.0. For less thanperfect correlation the magnitude of r will be less than 1.0 and can be as small aszero when the two variables have no correlation at all.

Computational Formulas

Formula 4.1 is easy to understand, but it is not convenient for calculation. Sub-stituting the corresponding z score formulas for the X and Y variables and rear-ranging algebraically yields the following convenient formula:

r � (4.2)

Expressed verbally this formula tells us to average the cross products of thescores and subtract the product of the population averages, and then divide bythe product of the two population standard deviations. This formula is instruc-tive. The numerator is called the covariance, and it determines the sign of the cor-relation. When a number that is relatively large for one variable tends to be pairedwith a relatively large number for the other variable (and, of course, small withsmall), the average of the cross products tends to be higher than the product ofthe averages, yielding a positive correlation. When relatively large numbers forone variable are consistently paired with relatively small numbers for the other;ΣXY/N will be smaller than �


y, producing a negative correlation. When val-

ues for the two variables are paired at random, the two terms in the numeratortend to be the same size, resulting in a zero or near-zero value for r. The denom-inator of Formula 4.2, the product of the two standard deviations, tells you justhow large the covariance can get in either the positive or negative direction.When the covariance reaches its maximum negatively or positively, r will equal–1 or �1, respectively.

The only aspect of Formula 4.2 that is not convenient is that it assumes thatyou are treating your set of scores as a population and have therefore calculatedthe standard deviations with N, rather than N – 1, in the denominator (as in For-mula 1.4). In most research settings, however, you will be treating your scores asa sample, and it is likely that you will want to calculate s rather than � for each of



XY� � �







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your variables. If you want to use sxsyin the denominator of Formula 4.2, you will

have to adjust the numerator accordingly, as in the formula below:

r � (4.3)

Note that we changed �x

and �yto X� and Y� in Formula 4.3 to reflect the fact that

we are viewing our data set as a sample, even though the values for the mean willbe the same. Note especially that Formula 4.3 always yields exactly the same valuefor r as Formula 4.2, so it doesn’t matter which you use. Formula 4.3 is just moreconvenient to use if you have s’s instead of �’s handy. The numerator of Formula4.2 is the biased covariance, but dividing it by the product of two biased SDs can-cels out the bias and yields the same r as Formula 4.3. There are several other for-mulas for Pearson’s r that may be more convenient for calculation without acomputer (and, of course, all produce the same value), but they are not very in-structive, so we will not bother to show them.

Uses for Correlation: Reliability and Validity

Correlation coefficients are used for many purposes in social science research.For some of these purposes it is important that r have a large positive value, per-haps between .7 and 1.0. For instance, suppose children are being rated for ag-gressiveness as they interact in a playground. No matter how experienced yourrater might be, you would probably want the same children rated by two inde-pendent raters so that you can then look at the correlation between the two setsof ratings. Only a high r would reassure you that you have good interrater reliabil-

ity, which is necessary if you expect your experimental findings to be replicated byother researchers.

A large value for r is also important when measuring the reliability of someself-report measuring instrument. Suppose that you are interested in measuringgenerosity with a new questionnaire. If you assume that a person’s generosity is atrait that remains relatively stable over time, you will likely want to demonstratethat your new questionnaire measures generosity in a stable fashion. If you mea-sure each person in your sample for generosity at time one (G1) and then again,say 6 months later (G2), and then calculate the correlation between G1 and G2,the resulting r will be a measure of test-retest reliability. The closer r is to 1.0, themore stable your measure of generosity is. This does not prove you have a goodmeasure of generosity, but it is an important first step.

You can also measure the internal reliability of your questionnaire by summing

�N �


� �∑ XY � NX�Y�����



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the odd-numbered items to get one score (O), and the even items to get a secondscore (E). A large r between O and E shows that your measure has good split-half

reliability, implying that your questionnaire is measuring just one trait (statisticalsoftware now makes it easy to calculate more sophisticated measures of internalreliability, such as the statistic known as Cronbach’s alpha).

The correlation coefficient for the validity of your generosity questionnaire isnot expected to be as high as it is for the test’s reliability, but it is important that itbe fairly high. One test of validity would be to measure participants with the gen-erosity questionnaire and then in a seemingly unrelated way tell them that you arerunning low on funds for your experiment and ask if they would take less pay-ment themselves so you can run more participants. If the correlation is high be-tween their generosity score and the amount of money they are willing to giveback to the experimenter, there is good support for the validity of your question-naire. Another way to validate your new generosity questionnaire is by demon-strating that there is a high correlation between it and an older generosity ques-tionnaire previously shown to be both reliable and behaviorally valid. These andother uses for Pearson’s r will be summarized in Rapid Reference 4.1.

Testing Pearson’s r for Statistical Significance

When calculating the correlation between two completely different psychologi-cal variables it can be interesting that they have any correlation more than zero,or to see whether the correlation is positive or negative. However, if in a sampleof 30 people the correlation between mathematical and musical abilities is �.3that does not prove that the correlation in the population from which that samplewas drawn is �.3, or even that it is positive (or anything other than zero). In keep-ing with the use of Greek letters for population parameters, the correlation of apopulation is symbolized by �, the lower-case Greek letter r, pronounced “rho.”It is certainly possible to get a sample r of .3 by accident even when � for the twovariables is zero. As you might guess, the usual null hypothesis is that the twovariables in question have a zero correlation in the population (symbolically, H0:� � 0).

To test the null hypothesis you need to know the null hypothesis distribution(NHD). Fortunately, it is known that if you take many samples of 30 each, for ex-ample, and H0 is true, the r’s of the samples will form an approximately normaldistribution around a mean of zero. Therefore, all you need is the standard errorof this NHD, and you can create a z score and make a statistical decision. A goodestimate of this standard error is given by the expression


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1 �




��To test your single sample against your null hypothesis for the population you canput this expression in the denominator of a ratio to form a z score for groups(similar to Formula 2.2�). However, the problem with using z scores for such aformula is that r is different for every sample, so not only does the numerator ofthe formula keep changing, but the denominator does as well (we faced a similarproblem when we used the sample SD to estimate � in the last chapter). Fortu-nately, the solution in the previous chapter applies: We can use the t distribution.So the formula for testing the significance of a Pearson r is

t � , (4.4)

where �0 is the correlation in the population, according to the null hypothesis.The denominator of the denominator in Formula 4.4 can be moved to the nu-merator to create an alternative (but equivalent) version of the formula:

t � (4.4�)

Any t test formula can be rearranged so that the sample size is in the numerator(�0 was left out of this version, because it is so often zero). This version makes itclearer that, all else being equal, the larger the sample the larger the t, and thegreater the chance for statistical significance.

An Example of Calculating a Significance Test

Let’s test the r of .3 in our example for significance.

t � � � � �.1


8� � 1.66

To compare this result to a critical value of t we need to know the appropriate de-grees of freedom. For bivariate correlation df � N – 2 (this will be explained in alater section). In this case, df � 30 – 2 � 28, so tcrit for a .05 test, two-tailed, is2.048 (from Table A.2). Our calculated t is well below this so we cannot reject the









��1 �




r�N � 2����1 � r 2�

r � �0��


1 �






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null hypothesis. Our results are not strong enough to make us confident thatmathematical and musical abilities definitely have more than a zero correlation inthe population. Our results are almost significant by a one-tailed test, but it wouldbe hard to justify a one-tailed test in this situation. Our sample r would have to beabout .362 to reach significance with a two-tailed test (you can use Formula 4.4or 4.4� to verify this for yourself ). You can see from looking at Formula 4.4� thatany r, other than zero, can reach significance with a large enough sample (e.g., ittakes an N of about 400 for r � .1 to become significant at the .05 level, two-tailed). On the other hand, with a sample size of only four, even an r of .9 is notsignificant.

Correlation and Causation

It can be nice to find a significant correlation between two variables that are notobviously related, especially if r is fairly high (according to the guidelines of J. Co-hen (1988), .5 is a large r, .3 is moderate, and .1 is small). However, what usuallymakes the correlation interesting is the possibility of some causal connection be-tween the two variables. Although high correlations give us good leads for find-ing causal connections, we must be very cautious not to leap to unwarranted con-clusions. Suppose that we find a high negative correlation between the numberof hours a person exercises per week and his or her serum cholesterol level (SCL).It is tempting to conclude that exercise causes a reduction in SCL, but it is also pos-sible that people who exercise more also eat less fat, or experience less stress, andthat it is these factors, rather than the exercise itself, that reduces cholesterol.It is important to know the causal mechanism before recommending lifestylechanges. If it is the reduced fat intake of exercisers rather than their exercise thatis reducing SCL, you wouldn’t then recommend exercise to people who need toreduce their SCL without making it clear that exercise alone won’t do the job—they must reduce their fat intake. The only way to rule out third variables (e.g., fatintake, stress) as explanations for your correlation is to conduct a controlled ex-periment by randomly assigning participants to conditions.

Commonly, an experiment would consist of two random groups: one that isassigned to a certain amount of exercise, and one that is not allowed to exercise.However, a more informative way of conducting the experiment would be to as-sign a different amount of exercise (including zero) to each participant, and thencalculate a correlation between the amount of exercise and the reduction in SCLduring the course of the experiment. Because the exercise levels were randomly as-

signed, a significant correlation in this case would imply a causal connection be-tween exercise and SCL reduction (provided that we keep participants from mak-


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ing other lifestyle changes during the experiment). In this (rather rare) case, exer-cise is a true independent variable ( IV) and SCL reduction is a dependent variable(DV).

On the other hand, when the level of exercise is controlled by the participantrather than the experimenter, both variables are DVs, and causation cannot be in-ferred from a significant correlation. Similarly, a t test between a group of peoplewho regularly exercise (by their own choice) and a group of people who don’tcannot lead to a causal conclusion. Such an experiment is sometimes referred toas a quasi-experiment, and sometimes it is called correlational to indicate that there isno random assignment of participants. The latter term is a bit misleading because,as we just mentioned, a correlation can be the result of a true experiment, just asa t test can. We prefer to say that research is observational when participants are notrandomly assigned to conditions and experimental when they are. Various uses forPearson’s r are summarized in Rapid Reference 4.1.

Graphing Correlations

A high Pearson’s r may not demonstrate causation, but it does tell you that a zscore on one variable is paired with a similar z score on the other variable, andthat the two variables have a fairly linear relation, as will soon be described graph-ically. However, a low value for r is not very informative; there are a number ofvery different circ*mstances that can lead to a low r. Just as you should look at thedistribution of scores for each of your variables to see if there is marked skewing,outliers, or other potential problems, you should look at a bivariate distribution


Some Major Uses for Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient

1. Test-retest reliability2. Internal reliability (e.g., split-half reliability)3. Interrater reliability4. Validity (e.g., correlating a subjective measure of a variable with a behavioral

measure, or a more traditional, well-established subjective measure)5. Assessing the relation between two different variables observed in the same

group of people (e.g., generosity and self-esteem)6. Assessing the relation between an experimental variable (IV) and some out-

come variable (DV)

Rapid Reference 4.1

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of any two variables whose correlation is of interest to you, especially when thecorrelation you have calculated is rather small.

The simplest way to display a bivariate distribution is with a scatterplot (alsocalled a scatter diagram, or scattergram). The possible values of one variable arelaid out along the horizontal (x) axis, and the other along the vertical (y) axis. Ifone variable is thought of as causing the other, it is customary to put the IV (thecause) on the x-axis and the DV (the effect) on the y-axis. Each person is repre-sented by a dot on the graph at the intersection of his or her values on the twovariables (if two or more people have the same x, y value, the dot can be replacedby a number or other symbol indicating how many people have landed at exactlythat spot). The scatterplot for height and weight for a typical group of 30 peopleis shown in Figure 4.1 (weight is on the y-axis, because it is somewhat a functionof height). Notice that as you move to the right in the graph, the points tend toget higher; that is how you can tell the two variables are positively correlated (thepoints would tend to get lower as you move to the right for a negative correla-tion).

It is particularly easy to spot perfect correlation on a scatterplot—all of thepoints fall on the same straight line. For instance, if you were to measure the hightemperature of your town every day for a year on both the Fahrenheit and Cel-sius scales, the two sets of measurements would be perfectly correlated, andtherefore all of the days of the year would fall on a straight line, as shown in Fig-ure 4.2. The equation for the straight line, given that Fahrenheit is on the y-axis,is F � 1.8C � 32. The multiplier of C, 1.8, is the slope. When the temperature in-creases by one degree Celsius it increases by 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit. The number


Figure 4.1 A scatterplot of height versus weight for a random sample of 30people

50 60 70







0 80Height (inches)


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added, 32, is called the y-intercept; it is the value of the y variable when the x vari-able is at zero (0° Celsius corresponds to 32° Fahrenheit). The straight-line scat-terplot tells you that Fahrenheit temperature is just a linear transformation of Cel-sius temperature. Now you can see why it’s called a linear transformation.

Degrees of Freedom for Correlations

The scatterplot gives us an easy way to explain why the df equals N – 2 for corre-lation. Think of the df as how many pieces of information a sample gives youabout the magnitude of the population correlation. If your two variables havebeen measured for only two people you will have only two dots on your scatter-plot. Because the two dots will always fall on one straight line you can see that thesample r you calculate will always be either �1 or –1, regardless of the value for�. Thus, a sample size of two yields a zero amount of information about the mag-nitude of �; you need a sample of three just to have one piece of informationabout the size of � (df � N – 2 � 3 – 2 � 1).

Curvilinear Correlations

You can get a low r because there is simply no relation between your two vari-ables; the points will be scattered almost randomly across the scatterplot. How-ever, the two variables in Figure 4.3 have a very obvious relationship (as age goesup, running speed goes up until some optimal age is reached, and then it goesdown with increasing age), and yet Pearson’s r would be near zero. The problemis that the relationship is curvilinear and Pearson’s r captures only linear relation-ships. If you looked at age only from birth to the optimal age, the correlationwould be high and positive; above the optimal age it would be highly negative.These two parts average out to yield an r near zero. If your scatterplot shows the


Figure 4.2 A scatterplot of daily high temperatures: Fahrenheit versus Cel-sius scales

30 60






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kind of pattern in Figure 4.3, you should use some kind of curvilinear correlationcoefficient or limit your range to one side or the other.

Bivariate Outliers

Figure 4.4 depicts a very different way to get a low value for Pearson’s r. In thisexample math and music ability are highly correlated, except for the presence ofone person who is very mathematical but has little musical ability. This person iscalled a bivariate outlier; he or she needn’t be an outlier on either variable separatelybut has an unusual combination of the two variables. Just as one univariate out-


Figure 4.3 A scatterplot of a curvilinear relation: Age versus running speed

12 36 48






0 60Age (in years)

Maximumrunning speed

(miles per hour)

24 42 54 75186 30

Figure 4.4 A scatterplot that includes one outlier: Mathematical versus mu-sical ability

Math aptitude

Musical aptitude


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lier can have a large effect on the mean or SD of a variable, one bivariate outliercan greatly lower or raise a correlation (raising a correlation will be discussed inthe next section). Further investigation may show that the outlying person mis-understood the directions for the musical ability test, was wearing faulty head-phones, or should be disregarded for some other reason. Removing an outlier cangreatly improve a correlation, but outliers should not be removed merely for be-ing outliers; there must be some independent reason for removing that data pointif your statistical tests on the data are to remain accurate. Legitimate outliers maycause you to rethink your theory to try to accommodate them.

Restricted or Truncated Range

Figure 4.5 demonstrates yet another way to obtain a surprisingly low r. You mightthink that selecting a group of people all of whom scored highly on a math pho-bia questionnaire, and then giving them a speeded math test, would be a good wayto obtain a high correlation between math fear and number of math errors. Youcan see that in Figure 4.5 all of the participants did indeed commit a lot of matherrors, so why is the sample r near zero? The reason is that r is based on z scoreswith respect to your sample; the person with the lowest math anxiety in yoursample will get a low (in fact, negative) z score for anxiety even though he or sheis high on the scale in an absolute sense. So the people in your sample will not allhave high z scores for both variables. In fact, if you look at the data points in Fig-ure 4.5 you will see that they are scattered almost randomly and do not come closeto falling on one straight line. However, if you were to add one score in the lowerleft corner of Figure 4.5 (low anxiety, low errors) it could shift the mean on bothvariables enough to make the z score positive on both variables for all of the par-


Figure 4.5 A scatterplot with a restricted range: Math errors versus mathanxiety

Math anxiety

Math errors

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ticipants except the new one. In thiscase a bivariate outlier could greatlyincrease the magnitude of the corre-lation.

The problem depicted in Figure4.5 is called a truncated or restricted

range. If you erect a vertical line threequarters of the way to the right in Fig-ure 4.1, the points to the right of thatline will not exhibit a strong trend andtherefore will yield a rather small r. Ingeneral, the trend of the points has tooutweigh the scatter of the points toattain a decent sample r. Because insocial science research there is usuallya good deal of scattering of points,you generally want to include a largerange on both variables so the trend,

if any, will be prominent. Of course, you don’t want the range to be so large thatthe trend becomes curvilinear as in Figure 4.3. You can often use past research asyour guide in deciding on the optimum range of your variables. Unfortunately,sometimes a researcher can be stuck with a sample of convenience that has a re-stricted range on a variable of interest (e.g., all of the available participants are welleducated). In that case you may need to sample a large number of participants:The larger sample won’t make r any higher, but it can increase your chances of get-ting statistical significance with a fairly small r.


When two variables are highly correlated (whether positively or negatively),knowing a person’s value on one variable allows you to make a fairly accurate pre-diction concerning his or her value on the other variable. Even with a moderatedegree of correlation, useful predictions can be made. This is the logic behind us-ing standardized aptitude tests (like the Scholastic Aptitude Test [SAT] or Amer-ican College Test [ACT]) as one of the criteria for selecting applicants to a college(such tests yield a moderate r when correlated with a student’s college GPA upongraduation). Although social scientists rarely make predictions, the most com-mon method that is used for making them, linear regression, has other uses, as youwill see. In this chapter we will deal only with simple (i.e., bivariate) linear regres-sion: the prediction of one variable by only one other based on the linear relation



Some Reasons for a LowPearson’s r

1. The true relation between the twovariables may be curvilinear.

2. Most of the sample follows a fairlylinear relationship, but the samplecontains one or more bivariateoutliers.

3. One or both of the variables mayhave a restricted (truncated) rangein your sample.

4. There is very little relation be-tween the two variables; the pointsin the scatterplot do not exhibitany clear trend.

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between them. (Multiple regression is an important extension of bivariate re-gression, but it is beyond the scope of this book.)

The Standardized Regression Equation

If you recall the definition of perfect correlation, it should come as no surprisethat when r � 1.0, the z score that is predicted for one variable is exactly the sameas the z score of the other variable: z

y�� z

x(the prime next to the y in the sub-

script indicates that this is a prediction). Similarly, when r � –1.0, zy�

� –zx.

When correlation is less than perfect the prediction rule is almost as simple:


� rzx


Because this formula is presented in terms of z scores, it is called a standard-ized regression equation. According to this equation, the lower the correlation,the more cautious you are in your prediction. Assuming the correlation betweenheight and weight is �.5, if you know that someone is 2 standard deviationsabove the mean for height (i.e., z � �2), you would predict that person to be only1 standard deviation above the mean on weight (z

y�� rz

x� .5 �2 � �1). No-

tice what happens when the correlation is zero. Regardless of the value of onevariable you would always predict zero for the z score of the other variable. Re-member that a z score of zero is always at the mean of a variable, so if, for in-stance, height and weight were not correlated at all, you would predict the aver-age weight for everyone regardless of his or her height.

You can see then that as the correlation goes from perfect to zero, the predic-tion of the y variable goes from the same z score as the x variable through smallerand smaller portions of that z score, until it goes down to the mean of the y vari-able. The phenomenon, in which predictions involving a moderate correlationare a compromise between the same z score as the predictor and the mean of thevariable being predicted, is known as regression toward the mean. Galton noticed thiswith height. Tall fathers tended to have tall sons, but not quite as tall as them-selves. This tendency has led to a kind of gambler’s fallacy wherein people thinkthat nature is moving to even things out by making the son not as tall as his fa-ther. Actually, it’s just that being tall is rather unlikely, so the odds are somewhatagainst the son being tall, even if his father is.

The Raw-Score Regression Formula

The expression “y has been regressed on x” means that y is being predicted fromx. The variable being predicted is often referred to as the criterion, and the othervariable is called the predictor. If it is sensible to think of one variable as causing a


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change in the other, then the causal variable is called the independent variable (x)and is used to make predictions about the other, the dependent variable ( y). Be-cause it is not convenient to convert all of one’s data to z scores, it is more com-mon to make predictions in terms of the scores themselves using a raw-score re-gression or prediction formula. If we start with Formula 4.5 and insert theappropriate z score formulas for the X and Y variables and then rearrange theterms algebraically, we will arrive at the following raw-score formula:

Y� � r ��s



y��X � Y� � �r ��





This formula can be simplified by creating the following terms:


� r ��s



y�� (4.6)


� Y� � byx

X� (4.7)

Now the raw-score regression formula can be written as

Y� � byx

X � ayx


Note that Formula 4.8 is the equation for a straight line in which byx

is the slopeand a

yxis the Y-intercept. When r � �1 or –1, all of the points in the scatterplot

will fall on this line. When correlation is less than perfect the line represented bythe formula is the best line that can bedrawn through the points in the scat-terplot—best in terms of the way itminimizes the distances from thepoints to the line (actually, squaredvertical distances, as will be explainedshortly). The procedure for findingthe least-squares regression line issummarized in Rapid Reference 4.2.

When r equals zero, byx

also equalszero, and a

yxreduces to Y�. Therefore,

the regression line becomes Y� �

Y�—that is, a horizontal line whoseheight is the mean of the Y variable.For any value of X, the predicted Y isthe point on the regression line di-rectly above that value of X. If youwant to predict X from Y the regres-


Steps for Finding theRegression Line

1. Calculate Pearson’s r for the twovariables.

2. The slope, byx , is r times the ratio ofthe SDs for the two variables, withthe SD for the criterion (Y) ontop.

3. The Y intercept (ayx ) is the meanof the criterion (Y) minus byx timesthe mean of the predictor (X)variable.

4. The final equation is Y� � byxX �ayx .

Rapid Reference 4.2

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sion line will be different—bxy

� r (sx/s

y) and a

xy� X� – b

xyY�—but it is rare to want

to predict Y from X and X from Y, so it is customary to label the criterion Y andthe predictor X. Note that whereas b

yxand a

yxare usually not the same as b



(unless the means and SDs of two variables are the same), ryx

is the same as rxy

,so if we are dealing only with two variables we can refer to r without subscripts.

Making Predictions

It is time now to discuss using a regression line to make specific predictions. Sup-pose you have a group of 30 men who have been measured for height (X) andweight (Y), and r � .4. If X� � 69 inches, s

x� 2.5 inches, Y� � 160 pounds, and s


� 25 pounds, then byx

� .4(25/2.5) � .4 10 � 4, and ayx

� 160 – 4(69) � 160 –276 � –116. So the prediction equation is Y� � 4X – 116 (obviously the Y-intercept is not interpretable in this case). If in the place of X you put some (rea-sonable) height in inches, and solve, you will get the best prediction you can makefor weight. For instance, a man who is 75 inches tall would be predicted to weighY� � 4(75) – 116 � 300 – 116 � 184 pounds, whereas a man who is only 60inches tall would be predicted to weigh Y� � 4(60) – 116 � 240 – 116 � 124pounds. Note that in simple linear regression the mean of one variable alwaysleads to a prediction of the mean for the other variable (in our example, Y� �

4(69) – 116 � 276 – 116 � 160).Of course, you are not just trying to predict values in the sample you already

have. The purpose of creating a prediction equation is to make predictions forpeople not in your sample and often for values not yet known (e.g., predicting thelength of someone’s life span from their current health habits). The predictionscan be thought of as point estimates of some true value, and they have the sameproblem as point estimates of the population mean. The problem is that predic-tions are much better when r is high than low, and better when they come fromlarge rather than small samples. We hope that you remember from Chapter 2 thatthe solution to this problem is interval estimation. You can create a 95% confi-dence interval, for instance, around your prediction. The precise computationsfor such intervals are beyond the scope of this book (see B. Cohen, 2000); the im-portant point is that you know when and why to use them.

Interpreting the Slope and Intercept of the Regression Line

Whereas r is unaffected by a change in measurement units, the slope is not. Ifweight is measured in pounds s

ycould be about 30, and if height is measured in

inches sx

could be about 3. With a height/weight correlation of .5 the slope wouldbe .5 (30/3), which equals 5. This means that if person A is 1 inch taller than


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person B, person A is expected to be5 pounds heavier than person B.However, if height is measured incentimeters and weight in kilograms,the slope would only be about .9. Al-though the sign of the slope mustmatch the sign of r, the magnitude of

the slope tells us nothing by itself about the magnitude of r.The Y-intercept is, of course, also affected by a change in units, but unlike the

slope it is not always meaningful. We will begin with a case in which it is. Imaginethat you are predicting scores on a statistics exam from the number of hours stud-ied. Hours of study would be on the x-axis of the scatterplot, and exam scores onthe y-axis. The slope of the regression line tells you how many additional pointsyou can expect to score on the exam for each hour that you study. The regressionline could pass through the origin (0,0 point) of the graph, but more likely it willhit the y-axis at some positive value. That value (the value of Y when X � 0) isthe Y-intercept, and it tells you, in this case, what exam score you can expect ifyou don’t study at all for the test. However, it doesn’t always make sense to extendthe regression line all the way down to a zero value for X. The height/weight scat-terplot is an example of this. As another example, consider predicting income orhappiness or any other variable from IQ. It is not meaningful to make predictionsfor an IQ of zero because it is not clear what it would mean for a person to havean IQ of zero. Usually, linear regression makes sense only within a limited rangeof the X variable. Beyond that range the relation with other variables may not re-main linear—if those extreme X values can be interpreted at all.

Variance around the Regression Line

The way error is measured in linear regression is important; in fact, sometimes theerrors are the most important part of the regression, as you will soon see. In Fig-ure 4.6 we have redrawn Figure 4.1 to illustrate how error is measured. Noticethat the point representing Mr. Y in Figure 4.6 shows that Mr. Y is very tall. He isalso very heavy; indeed, he is considerably heavier than expected for his height.The difference between his actual weight and his predicted weight (i.e., the verti-cal distance from the point to the regression line) is considered error. If we werereally trying to predict his weight, this amount is how many pounds we’d be off.Subtracting his predicted weight from his actual weight yields Mr. Y’s residual

score, which is positive in this case. People whose weights fall below their pre-dictions have negative residuals. It is an important property of the regression line



The Y-intercept of a regression line isnot always interpretable. It does notalways make sense to extend the re-gression line down to X � 0.

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that if you add up all of the residuals (i.e., errors from the line), the positives willexactly cancel out the negatives to yield a sum of zero.

The total amount of error around a regression line is determined by squaringall of the residuals and adding them up. The resulting sum of squares (SS) is calledvariously SSerror , SSresidual , or SSunexplained . Another important property of the re-gression line is that it minimizes SSerror ; it is the best possible line in the scatter-plot, because no other line would produce a smaller SSerror . Therefore, the re-gression line has what is called the least squares property. The regression line mayremind you of the mean; that’s because it is a running mean of sorts. It is approx-imately the mean of the Y values at each X value (the larger the sample the betterthe approximation at each X value). Dividing SSresidual by N (the sample size) givesyou �2

residual , the variance of the residuals, which is also the variance of the datapoints from the regression line (in the vertical direction).

As the correlation gets closer to zero, �2residual gets larger, but until the correla-

tion actually equals zero, �2residual remains less than the variance of the errors you

would make without using regression at all. How much is the variance of your er-rors without regression? Recall that when r equals zero your best strategy is toguess the mean of Y as the Y value, regardless of X. Using Y� as your predictionfor everybody is the same as drawing a horizontal line through the scatterplot andusing it as your regression line. The variance of the Y values around the mean ofY is just the ordinary variance of Y. In the context of regression it is called the to-

tal variance. To the extent that the points tend to rise or fall as you move to the rightin the graph, a line that is angled to follow the points will get closer to the points,and the �2

residual around that line will be less than the �2residual around the horizon-


Figure 4.6 Measuring error from a regression line




0Height (inches)



Predictionfor Mr.Y

Residualfor Mr.Y

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tal line (i.e., �2total ). The difference between �2

total and �2residual is the variance that has

been accounted for by the regression—it is the amount by which the error vari-ance has been reduced by having a predictor (�2

regression � �2total – �2

residual ).That amount of variance—let’s call it �2

regression—is not by itself a meaningfulquantity (for instance, it depends on your measurement units), but divided by thetotal variance it is the proportion of (the total ) variance accounted for by the regression.This proportion is directly related to the degree of correlation; the greater themagnitude of r, the greater the reduction in error variance and the larger the pro-portion of variance accounted for. In fact, the relationship is simpler than youmight guess, as shown in Formula 4.9:

r 2 � ��2













ion� (4.9)

The quantity r 2 is sometimes referred to as the coefficient of determination. Noticethat it is the magnitude and not the sign of the correlation that determines theproportion of variance accounted for; an r of –.5 is just as good as �.5, inthat both allow you to reduce error variance by 25% (i.e., –.52 � .25). Also notethat the squaring of r results in less variance accounted for than you might expect.A moderate correlation of .3 reduces error variance by only 9%, and a small cor-relation of .1 reduces it by only 1% (�2

residual is 99% as large as �2total when r � .1).

The complement of r 2 is the coefficient of nondetermination, sometimes symbolized ask2, and it is the proportion of the total variance that still needs to be explained.

k2 � ��









al� (4.10)

Because r 2 � k2 � 1, another way to define k2 is as 1 – r 2, so 1 – r 2 �

�2residual /�2

total . This leads to a formula whereby the variance around the regressionline does not have to be calculated directly if r has been found.

�2residual � (1 � r 2 )�2

total (4.11)

The Assumptions of Linear Regression

Ideally, the joint distribution of your two variables in the population will be a bi-

variate normal distribution (e.g., not only will extreme values of height and weight be-come increasingly unlikely, but extreme combinations of the two variables will dropoff accordingly). Moreover, to make valid CIs for your predictions, the datapoints should become scarcer as you move up or down from the regression line;in fact, the density of the points should follow a normal distribution vertically at


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every value for X. Finally, all of theseNDs should have the same �2 (theirmeans are on the regression line),which is �2

residual as defined earlier.This last condition is called hom*o-

scedasticity, but you can think of it ashom*ogeneity of variance around theregression line. Having much morescatter around, say, the left half ascompared to the right half of the lineis called heteroscedasticity, and this con-dition threatens the validity of yourpredictions.

Other Uses for Regression

Prediction is not the only common use for linear regression. Regression can beused in conjunction with an experiment in which the independent variable hasquantifiable levels. For instance, the IV could be dosage of caffeine, and the DVcould be the score on a video game that simulates driving a truck (perhaps theparticipants are sleep deprived). Although the IV will usually have just a few dis-crete values (i.e., dosages), you could still display your data on a scatterplot andfind the best regression line. The slope of that line will tell you how much scoresimprove when you increase caffeine dosage by one unit (the Y-intercept wouldindicate how well participants perform when deprived of both sleep and caffeine).If the change in scores with caffeine dosage is not linear (e.g., an optimum dosageis reached after which scores actually decrease), a more complex form of regres-sion, like polynomial regression, should be used.

Another even more common use for regression is to focus not on the predic-tions but on the residuals. Suppose a researcher thinks there’s a connection be-tween a man’s weight and his cholesterol level (CL). She is surprised to see thatthe correlation between weight and CL is rather low. Then she realizes that it isreally obesity that should be related to CL. A man who weighs 200 pounds maybe obese, or slim and just very tall. If she uses height to predict weight, the resid-ual will be like an obesity score (how many pounds someone is above or belowthe average weight for his height). If she is right about the obesity-CL connectionthese residuals will correlate more highly with CL than the original weights of themen. In this way regression can be used to clean up a variable by adjusting it forsome other variable that is not of interest (there is no reason to think that height



The Assumptions ofLinear Regression

1. Interval/ratio data2. Independent observations3. Bivariate normal distribution (bi-

variate outliers threaten this as-sumption)

4. hom*oscedasticity (equal amountof scatter all along the regressionline)

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is related to CL, so to the extent that height affects weight it is a nuisance vari-able). If you are studying the relation between memory and amount of exercise inthe elderly you would probably want to correct or adjust your memory scores forage by using linear regression and finding the residual memory score.

The Point-Biserial Correlation

We don’t want to end this chapter without talking about a special case of correla-tion in which one of the variables has only two possible values, and these valuesrepresent different groups. For instance, it is possible to find the correlation be-tween height and gender. At first, this may seem impossible, because gender is notquantifiable, and you need numbers for both variables to calculate r. However,you can arbitrarily assign two different numbers to the two different groups andthen calculate the correlation. Surprisingly, it doesn’t matter what two numbersyou assign: You will get the same r if you use 1 and 2, or 3 and 17. Perhaps evenmore surprising is the fact that the r you get, which is called the point-biserial r(symbolized rpb ), is meaningful. Suppose you assign 1 to females and 2 to malesand correlate these gender numbers with their heights. In this case, r will measurethe tendency for the heights to get larger as the gender number gets larger (i.e.,goes from 1 to 2). The more consistently the men are taller than the women, thecloser r will get to �1. Of course, if we assign the larger gender number to fe-males, the sign of r will reverse, which is why the sign of rpb is usually ignored. Butin either case, the magnitude (i.e., absolute value) of rpb will be the same, and it willtell us the degree to which one gender is consistently taller than the other.

Like any r, we can test rpb for significance with a t test by employing Formula4.4. Let us say we have calculated rpb for the gender/height example, and then cal-culated its t value. We can also calculate a t value directly to compare the malesand females on height using Formula 3.6. It should not be shocking that thesetwo t values will always be exactly the same, because they are testing the samething: the tendency for one gender to have more height than the other. Knowingthat the two t values will be the same, we can take the t from any t test of two in-dependent groups, plug it into Formula 4.4�, and solve for r to see what we wouldhave gotten if we had calculated a correlation with arbitrary group numbers in-stead. Solving Formula 4.4 for r (which we label rpb ), we get

rpb ��� (4.12)

where df equals the combined number of participants from the two groups mi-nus 2.

t 2

�t 2 � df


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The Relation between rpb and the t Test

What makes rpb so useful in the two-group case is that the t value, which tells usonly whether we can reject the null hypothesis, tells us nothing about how con-sistently the two groups differ on the dependent variable. Even a small, inconsis-tent difference between two groups can produce a very large t value if the samplesare huge. But if a fairly large t, like 4.0, is associated with 240 df (121 people ineach of the two groups) rpb will be only

rpb ���42 �


2�40�� ���





6�� ���



6�� � .25

If the same t is associated with only 16 df, rpb will be

rpb ���42 �


1�6�� ���




2�� � �.5� � .707

The larger rpb indicates that there will be less overlap between the two groups, andthat it will be easier to predict the DV from knowing which group someone is in.

Even more useful than rpb, in many ways, is its squared value, r 2pb ; this value tells

you the proportion of variance in your continuous variable that is accounted forby group membership. In terms of the gender/height example, r 2

pb tells you howmuch height variance is reduced when measured within the two genders, ratherthan across all human beings. You may recall from the previous chapter that g alsotells you about how well your two groups are separated. As you would guess, r 2


increases as g increases. As g gets extremely large, r 2pb approaches 1.0.

If you were dealing with an entire population, r 2pb would be called omega squared

(not rho squared, as you might expect) and is symbolized as �2 (the last letter ofthe Greek alphabet in lowercase). However, r 2

pb from your data is a biased esti-mate of its corresponding �2. Fortunately, the bias can be corrected fairly well bythe following formula:

est �2 � �t 2 �

t 2 �

df �


1� (4.13)

Note that without the –1 and �1, this is just the square of Formula 4.12. Ei-ther r 2

pb or the unbiased estimate of �2 from Formula 4.13 (or in some cases, g)should usually be reported along with a two-group t value, so that the reader is in-formed not only of the statistical significance of an experimental effect, but theactual size of that effect in the data. We will show you how to translate effect sizemeasures into the probability of getting statistical significance (i.e., power) inChapter 6.


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Putting It Into Practice1. As the correlation between two sets of scores becomes more positive, the RM t

test comparing the means of the two sets gets larger. Reproduced below are thedata from the second “Putting It Into Practice” problem in the previous chapter.

Participant No. No Imagery Imagery

1 8 142 11 153 7 54 10 165 9 96 15 167 7 88 16 20

(a) Calculate Pearson’s r between the Imagery and No Imagery conditions. Isthe correlation statistically significant at the level?

(b) The RM t value can be calculated in terms of the Pearson’s r between thetwo sets of scores and the means and SDs of the two sets by using thefollowing formula:

t �

Using this formula, calculate the RM t for the imagery data and compare itto the RM t you found for the same data in the previous chapter.

(c) Can the correlation be statistically significant if the RM t test is not (andvice versa)? Explain.

2. Students who have taken courses in both areas are asked to rate on a 10-pointscale how much they like math and how much they like statistics. The ratingsfor 10 random students appear below.

Student No. Math Statistics

1 7 52 8 43 2 04 9 35 3 16 5 67 6 78 0 19 4 310 8 2

X�1 � X�2���


1 �



�� � �2 r

N� s1s2��

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(a) Is there a tendency for those who like math to like statistics also? Deter-mine the strength of the linear relationship by calculating the correlationcoefficient between these two sets of ratings.

(b) Test the correlation in 2a for significance at the .05 level. Can you rejectthe null hypothesis that the two ratings have a zero correlation in the pop-ulation?

(c) Draw the scatterplot for the data in this problem with the math ratings onthe horizontal (x) axis. Is Pearson’s r a good way to summarize the relationbetween the two variables? Explain.

(d) Find the regression equation for predicting the statistics rating from themath rating. What statistics rating would you predict for someone whogives a rating of 6 to math?

3. Calculate the point-biserial r corresponding to each of the p-v t values you foundfor the first “Putting It Into Practice” problem (1a) in the previous chapter.Compare these r’s to the values you calculated for g in part b of that problem.


1. If a variable, Y, is created by dividing all the values of another variable, X,by a constant and subtracting a constant from each value, what will thePearson’s r between X and Y be?

(a) 0(b) 100(c) �1.0 or – 1

(d) It depends on the means and SD’s of x and y.2. If Pearson’s r for a sample is found to be –.9, which of the following will be

true of the scatterplot for those data?

(a) All of the points will be fairly close to one straight line.(b) The points will be almost randomly scattered.(c) The points will exhibit a strong relation, but not a linear one.(d) Nothing can be said about the scatterplot from the information given.

3. If taking away one point from a sample causes Pearson’s r to change dra-matically, you are probably dealing with

(a) a bivariate outlier.(b) a curvilinear relation(c) a correlation near zero.(d) a correlation near 1.0.

4. A truly random sample of the population (as compared to a convenientsample) will reduce the likelihood of which of the following?

(a) A curvilinear correlation(b) A near-zero correlation(c) A truncated range(d) Statistically significant results


(continued )

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5. If a journal article reports a small Pearson’s r, and yet also reports thatthe r differs significantly from zero at the .05 level, which of the followingmust be true?

(a) The correlation was not a curvilinear one.(b) The sample size was not very small.(c) There must have been at least one bivariate outlier.(d) A large alpha must have been used.

6. Find Pearson’s r, given the following summary statistics:N � 10, �XY � 2780, �x � 3.2, �y � 87.5, �x � .4, �y � 7.2.

(a) �.31(b) –.31(c) –.69(d) –.77

7. For a sample, r2 is equal to

(a) the ratio of the explained variance to the unexplained variance.(b) the coefficient of nondetermination.(c) the proportion of the variance accounted for.(d) all of the above.

8. A large positive slope means that

(a) the correlation will be large and positive.(b) the Y-intercept will be large and positive.(c) the value of Y will increase by (at least) several units when the X value in-

creases by one unit.(d) all of the above are true.

9. Suppose that the calculated t value for a two-group experiment with 43participants per group is 4.0. What is the value of the point-biserial r?

(a) .16(b) .19(c) .4(d) .44

10. Suppose that there is a .45 correlation between IQ (� � 100, � � 15) andverbal SAT score (� � 500, � � 100). What verbal SAT score would youpredict for someone who has an IQ of 90?

(a) 433(b) 470(c) 490(d) 510

Answers: 1. c; 2. a; 3. a; 4. c; 5. b; 6. c; 7. c; 8. c; 9. c; 10. b.

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Don’t let the name fool you. The procedure known as analysis of variance, orANOVA for short, is really like the t test in that it helps you determine whetheryour sample means differ enough to conclude that they do not differ just bychance—that there is some real difference among the populations they repre-sent. The advantage of ANOVA is that it can be applied to any number of groups,rather than just two as in the case of the t test. In fact, because ANOVA can beapplied when there are only two groups there is no need for the t test (we willshow you how to get t from your ANOVA). The reason the procedure in thischapter is called analysis of variance is related to the description of the t test interms of linear regression presented at the end of the previous chapter: The totalvariation of the DV is analyzed (i.e., broken into smaller parts) into a proportionof variance accounted for by the IV, and a proportion representing residual or er-ror variance (i.e., within the different groups).

In this chapter we will deal only with one-way ANOVA, which means that all ofthe groups involved are considered to be different levels of a single factor, which isthe IV. Two- and three-way ANOVAs, for instance, have two or three IVs, re-spectively. Also, we will be dealing only with one-way ANOVAs, in which eachlevel involves a different, separate group of participants. If people are matchedfrom one group to another, or the same participant is involved in more than onelevel of the ANOVA, a different type of ANOVA is required, which will be de-scribed in Chapter 8. ANOVAs with only one DV are called univariate, whereasANOVAs that combine two or more DVs into a single analysis are called multi-

variate ANOVAs, or MANOVAs, for short. In this chapter we will discuss onlyone-way univariate ANOVAs—that is, ANOVAs with one IV and one DV.



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Comparing ANOVA with the t Test

To show you just how similar ANOVA is to the t test, we will start with a t for-mula, square it so that we are working with variances, and then rearrange it alge-braically until it looks like an ANOVA. We will start with Formula 3.6, but withn1 � n2.

t � �

Now we square both sides and rearrange terms.

t 2 � ��n(X�1




X�2 )2

This leads to

t 2 � (5.1)

Formula 5.1 does not look anything like a t formula, but take its square root andyou will get the same t value as you would using Formula 3.6 (if the n’s are equal).If you don’t take its square root, you have performed an ANOVA on the twogroups. Unfortunately, the numerator of this formula will not work if you havemore than two groups. The denominator of the formula, however, does not needto change to accommodate more than two groups. If you look at Formula 3.5 for

�n(X�1 �


X�2 )2




(X�1 � X�2 )2





X�1 � X�2�

� sp



X�1 � X�2��



n� �� �





When Will I Use the Statistics in This Chapter?

You are measuring one outcome (i.e., dependent) variable on a quantitative scale(or looking at one such variable at a time), and• You are comparing three or more groups that represent existing populations

(e.g., four groups of people such that each group is from a different occupa-tion), or

• You have randomly assigned participants to one or another of three or moreexperimental treatments or conditions (e.g., each participant is assigned to oneof three training methods).

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the pooled variance, it is easy to imagine how you could add groups. For instance,for three groups the formula would be

s2pooled �

Also, note that the groups can be different sizes. If all of the groups are the samesize, the formula above simplifies to an ordinary average of the group variances:


2 � �∑


s 2

� (5.2)

where k is the number of different groups. It is not obvious how groups can beadded to the numerator of the squared t test formula, but we will show you hownext.

The ANOVA Formula for Any Number of Equal-Sized Groups

If you want to know how far apart two sample means are, a simple differencescore will suffice. But if you want to know how spread out three or more samplemeans are, what measure can you take? The answer is that for any set of numbers,their standard deviation will tell you how spread out they are. However, forANOVA, taking the variance of the sample means will be more convenient. Itmay not look like it, but the following term is actually the unbiased variance of thetwo sample means (or any two numbers): (X�1 – X�2)2/2 (i.e., you would get thesame result from plugging the two numbers into a formula for s2, such as Formula2.4). The symbol for the unbiased variance of sample means is s x�

2 . If we exchangethese two terms in the numerator of Formula 5.1, then we can write that numer-ator as nsx�

2 (the unbiased variance of the sample means multiplied by the size ofany one sample). We can now rewrite Formula 5.1 as [n(sx�

2 )]/sp

2, which can clearlyaccommodate any number of same-sized groups.

Just as Formula 3.6 follows the t distribution when the null hypothesis is trueand the proper assumptions are met, the expression above follows a distributionreferred to as F (in honor of the pioneering work of Sir Ronald Fisher), when theappropriate null hypothesis and assumptions are true. Plugging Formula 5.2 intothe preceding expression, we get a simple formula for the one-way ANOVA thatworks when all of the k groups are the same size, n.

F � (5.3)nsx�




s 2

(n1 � 1) s21 � (n2 � 1) s2

2 � (n3 � 1) s23

����n1 � n2 � n3 � 3


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Suppose the means and (unbiased) SDs of your three groups are as follows: X�1

� 6, s1 � 4; X�2 � 9, s2 � 3; X�3 � 15; s3 � 5, and that there are only four peoplein each group. Given that the (unbiased) variance of 6, 9, and 15 is 21, and squar-ing the s’s to get the variances for each group, the F ratio for these data would be

F � � � �16




67� � 5.04

Whereas the t distribution depends only on the df of the pooled variance, the Fdistribution depends on the df for both the numerator and denominator of the Fratio, as we will explain shortly.

The General Formula for ANOVA

Formula 5.3 is very convenient for calculation in the equal-n case, and for mak-ing the concept of ANOVA clear (we will return to it for that purpose), but thedf ’s will be easier to see in the more general formula for F. The following formulais needed when the groups are different sizes:

F � (5.4)

where ni, X�i

, and si

2 are the size, mean, and variance of any one particular (i.e., theith) group, k is the number of groups, and X�G is the grand mean (i.e., the mean ofall the scores—it is the simple average of the group means only when all of thegroups are the same size). Both the numerator and the denominator of the for-mula are variances; as we will explain shortly, these two variances are expected tobe about the same when the null hypothesis is true.

Any unbiased variance can be written as SS/df, where SS stands for the sumof squared deviations from the mean, and df is the degrees of freedom; that is thecase for both the numerator and the denominator of Formula 5.4. When an SS isdivided by df it becomes a mean of squares instead of a sum of squares, so anyvariance can be symbolized as MS instead of s 2; this is a common notation whendealing with ANOVA. The numerator of Formula 5.4 is called the between-groups mean-square or MSbetween, while the denominator is called the within-

�∑ n





















�16 � 9


� 25�


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group mean-square or MSwithin. This notation is often shortened even further asin the following formula:

F � �M






et� (5.5)

Let us look more closely at the numerator of Formula 5.4. It has the form ofSS/df, where Σn


– X�G )2 is SSbetween and k – 1 is dfbetween (the number of groupsminus one). In the expression for SSbet, the grand mean is subtracted from eachmean and the difference squared before being multiplied by the sample size andsummed. The squared deviations from the grand mean are being weighted by thesample size; hence, this method is called the analysis of weighted means. There is avariation of this formula that is known as the analysis of unweighted means, butit is used so rarely in the one-way ANOVA that we will not mention it again inthis chapter. (The analysis of unweighted means is mentioned in “Putting it intoPractice” in Chapter 7, and is described thoroughly in the two-way ANOVAchapter in B. Cohen [2000].)

The denominator of Formula 5.4 is a way of writing Formula 5.2 when thegroups are different sizes. It too has the form of SS/df, where Σ(n

i– 1)s


2 isSSwithin or SSW , for short (each group variance is weighted by its sample size), andΣ(n

i– 1) is dfw . Note that Σ(n

i– 1) can be written as Σn

i– k , which equals NT – k

(the total number of participants minus the number of groups). In the two-groupcase dfbet equals one, and dfw � n1 � n2 – 2; the square root of F is just t with dfequal to dfw . Also note that when all the n’s are equal, n (without a subscript) canbe moved in front of the summation sign in the numerator of Formula 5.4, andthe denominator of that formula becomes the ordinary average of the sample var-iances. Thus, Formula 5.4 becomes the same as Formula 5.3.

There are several computational raw-score formulas for SSbet and SSw thatwere needed to reduce computa-tional effort in the days before statis-tical software and hand-held statisti-cal calculators. They are no longeruseful, and because they are not in-formative to look at we will notbother to present them here. Nowthat we have defined both dfbet anddfw, we can discuss the F distributionand how it can be used to determinestatistical significance for ANOVA.



If your IV (i.e., factor) in a one-wayANOVA has quantitative levels (e.g.,different dosages of the same drug),the ordinary ANOVA approach willvery likely not be optimal. Youshould consider using trend analysis,as described at the end of this chap-ter.

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The F Distribution

Just as the t test helps us to make a decision about whether two populations havethe same mean, one-way ANOVA uses an F test to decide about the equality ofany number of population means. In the three-group case, the null hypothesiscan be written as H0: �1 � �2 � �3, but H0 easily can be expanded for any num-ber of groups. When H0 is true, the F ratio (as in Formula 5.5) should follow anF distribution, which is therefore the appropriate NHD. But there is a whole fam-ily of F distributions, which vary in shape whenever the df changes for the nu-merator (dfbet � k – 1) or the denominator (dfw � NT – k) of the F ratio. BecauseF is a ratio of variances and therefore can never be less than zero, F distributionstend to be positively skewed, like the typical example depicted in Figure 5.1. Onlywhen the sample sizes are extremely large does the F distribution begin to re-semble the normal distribution (which it becomes as dfbet and dfw become infi-nite).

To find a critical value for F, with alpha at .05, go to Table A.3 in Appendix A.For the example with three groups of 4 participants each, df for the numerator(i.e., dfbet ) equals k – 1 � 3 – 1 � 2, and df for the denominator (i.e., dfw ) equalsNT – k � 12 – 3 � 9. Fcrit from that table is 4.26, which means that 5% of the areaof the F (2, 9) distribution is beyond 4.26 (see Figure 5.1). Because the F calcu-lated for our example (5.04) is larger than 4.26 we can reject the null hypothesis(our result is too large to come up frequently by accident when the experimentdoesn’t work at all).

Note that we only use one tail (the positive, or right, tail) of the F distributionfor ANOVA. The more that the sample means differ from each other, regardlessof the order or the pattern of the means, the greater is the variance of the meansand therefore the calculated F ratio. A very tiny F ratio (i.e., in the smaller, left tail)can only imply that the sample means are unusually similar to each other (con-


Figure 5.1 The F distribution with 2 and 9 degrees of freedom


Reject null.05



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sidering the possibilities for accidental variations), which cannot count againstthe null hypothesis.

The simplest way to wind up with an F distribution is to draw two samplesfrom the same population and divide the variance of the first by the variance ofthe second. If you do this very many times (ideally, an infinite number of times),these F ratios will form an F distribution with df’s of n1 – 1 and n2 – 1. An F testcan be used to decide if the two variances are significantly different, but there aremore robust tests for HOV, as mentioned in Chapter 3. The reason that the sameF test works for ANOVA is that both the numerator and denominator of For-mula 5.5 are estimates of the same population variance. Explaining how this canbe so will give you a deeper understanding of the logic of ANOVA, so we turn tothis task next.

Both Parts of the F Ratio Estimate Population Variance

The denominator of Formula 5.5 rests on the HOV assumption, as did the use ofs 2

pooled in Chapter 3. If HOV can be assumed, then all the sample variances are es-timates of the same �2, and taking a weighted average of them is the best way toestimate the population variance (we will discuss what to do when HOV cannotbe assumed in the next section). That the numerator of Formula 5.5 is also an es-timate of this same �2 is much less obvious. It will be easier to explain in the equal-n case, when MSbet equals n(sx�

2 ), fortunately the same explanation is valid for themore general case.

If we square both sides of Formula 2.1 (the standard error of the mean), we geta formula that tells you what the variance of sample means will be when thesamples are of size n and the population has a variance of �2: �2

X� � �2/n. If wemultiply both sides of the preceding formula by n and reverse the equation, weget �2 � n�2

X�. This formula tells us that the population variance of individuals isequal to the variance of sample means (based on those individuals) multiplied bythe size of those samples. Therefore, if you have several samples in your study,and you calculate nsx�

2 ), that quantity is actually an estimate of �2, the variance ofthe population from which you drew your samples. This is only the case when H0

is true, as we will explain shortly. Thus, when the null hypothesis is true, the de-nominator of Formula 5.5 estimates �2 from the sample variances, and the nu-merator estimates �2 independently from the variance of the sample means, andso the F ratios follow an F distribution with an expected value of about 1.0 (ac-tually, the average F is dfw /(dfw – 2), which becomes very close to 1.0 for largesample sizes).

In ANOVA the denominator of the F ratio is an estimate of �2, regardless of


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whether the null hypothesis is true. This is the person-to-person variation withineach group of a study—the variation due to individual differences, measurementerror, and minor random variations in experimental conditions—all of which isunexplained and considered error. That is why the denominator of an F ratio inan ANOVA is called the error term, and may be symbolized as MSerror (it is alsocommon to write SSerror and dferror ). The numerator in a one-way ANOVA isbased on differences among the sample means, which may or may not be influ-enced by the different treatments given to the groups. When the populationmeans are all the same (i.e., H0 is true), we do not expect the sample means to allbe the same; we expect them to show some variation based on sampling error thatcan get larger (as �2 gets larger or n gets smaller), or smaller (as n gets larger or �2

gets smaller). When H0 is not true, we expect the variation of the sample means todepend on the size of the effects (i.e., population differences), in addition to sam-pling error. So, in the general case, the F ratio for one-way ANOVA looks likethis: F � (treatment effects � sampling error)/sampling error.

When H0 is true, the treatment effects are zero, so the F ratio consists of oneestimate of sampling error divided by a different estimate of sampling error;therefore, it can be somewhat smaller or larger than 1.0, but it is usually not farfrom 1.0. When H0 is not true, F is usually greater than 1.0 (although by accidentit can still be less than 1.0), but unless it is larger than the critical value we must becautious and not reject the H0 (a large F could be due to the estimated samplingerror in the numerator being much larger than in the denominator), even thoughwe may be committing a Type II error. The assumptions required for the validityof the F test in ANOVA are the same as for the t test. However, the HOV as-sumption is a bit more problematic, as described next.

hom*ogeneity of Variance in ANOVA

When all of the samples in a one-way ANOVA are the same size, the Type I errorrate is not affected much by differences in the variances of the populations rep-resented. However, the more discrepant the sample sizes become, the more likelyit is that differences in population variances can impact the one-way ANOVA. Atest such as Levene’s test (as introduced in Chapter 3) can evaluate the HOV as-sumption with any number of groups. If HOV is rejected by such a test, there areseparate-variance versions of ANOVA that can be employed, but none of thesesolutions are as simple and universally accepted as in the case of the usual solu-tion for the separate-variances t test. Consequently, data transformations are of-ten recommended to bring the variances closer together, especially when the


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sample data are very far from follow-ing a normal distribution. In extremecases, especially if the sample sizesare small as well as discrepant, anonparametric version of the one-way ANOVA (e.g., the Kruskal-Wallis test) is recommended (seeChapter 9). The main assumptions ofANOVA are listed in Rapid Refer-ence 5.1.

Describing ANOVA results

Summary Table

The results of the one-way ANOVA are presented in a standard way in psycho-logical journals (APA, 2001). Returning to the example we used to illustrate theuse of Formula 5.3, the results of the ANOVA could be reported in the follow-ing way: “The means of the three groups (M’s equal 6, 9, and 15) differed signifi-cantly, F(2, 9) � 5.04, p � .05.” The numbers in parentheses after F indicate thedf’s used to find the critical F, but the F given is the calculated, not the critical F.The notation p � .05 tells us that given the F distribution with 2 and 9 df, 5.04 hasa p value (area beyond) less than .05. A practice that was more common in the pastthan it is now is to present a full summary table for the ANOVA. For the examplejust mentioned the summary table is shown in Table 5.1.

Each SS is divided by its df to yield its MS, except that no one bothers to dothis for the total SS, because the total MS is not used for anything (note thatMSbetween and MSw would not add up to MStotal if it were calculated). If you calcu-late the two MSs directly, using Formula 5.4 for instance, you can find the SSs bymultiplying each MS by the df to its left. The column of SSs provides importantinformation to supplement the test of F for significance, as we will explain next.


Assumptions of ANOVA

• Interval or ratio scale of measure-ment for the DV

• Independent random sampling• Normal distribution of the DV in

each population sampled• hom*ogeneity of variance—each

population sampled has the samevariance

Rapid Reference 5.1

Table 5.1

Source SS df MS F p

Between groups 168 2 84 5.04 � .05Within groups 150 9 16.67Total 318 11

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The Effect Size of ANOVA

As is true for the t test, F can be statistically significant even when there is very littledifference among the sample means, whether in an absolute sense or relative to thevariances within groups: All that is needed is very large sample sizes. To supple-ment a test of significance it can be very helpful to provide an estimate of effectsize. At the end of the previous chapter we explained how r 2

pb or an estimate of itspopulation value, �2, could serve this purpose for a t test. A very similar statisticcan be used for the one-way ANOVA. Unfortunately, you cannot calculate asimple correlation coefficient as in the case of rpb for the two-group case, but youcan find the proportion of variance accounted for in the DV by group member-ship by simply dividing SSbetween by SStotal (of course, this quantity is always equal tor 2

pb when there are only two groups in your one-way ANOVA). Because SSbet /SStotal can be calculated with more than two groups (and rpb cannot), it is given anew symbol in the context of ANOVA; it is called eta squared, and it is symbolizedby the lower-case Greek letter eta being squared (�2 ). (The use of �2 in this con-text is an unfortunate exception to the usual practice of reserving Greek letters forpopulation quantities.) The corresponding population value is called omega squared,

just as it is in the context of the t test, and once again �2 is a biased estimator of �2.The bias can be (nearly) corrected by the following formula:

est. �2 � (5.6)

Fortunately, it is becoming fairly common to report either �2 or �2 as a sup-plement to reporting an F ratio. However, if you are reading a journal article andsee an F reported along with its df’s, but no effect size measure is given, you donot need to have the raw data (or even the SS’s) to calculate �2. You can calculate�2 with the following formula:

�2 ��dfbe






� (5.7)

For instance, if you read F(2, 9) � 5.04, then

�2 � �2(5










9� � �







8� � .528

This is the same value that you would obtain from dividing SSbetween by SStotal inTable 5.1, because that is where we got F and the df’s to put into Formula 5.7. Thevalue calculated above for �2 represents a very large effect size. Although F is notextremely large, this F was obtained with very small sample sizes. The same F

SSbet � (k � 1) MSW���

SStot � MSW


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found for three groups of 100 partic-ipants each would yield an �2 of only.033. We will describe an additionalmeasure of effect size for ANOVAand demonstrate its use for estimat-ing power in the next chapter.


Let us say that your three-groupANOVA results in a significant F ra-tio. By rejecting H0 you might betempted to think that you can say that all three population means differ from eachother, but that is not the case. You can only say that the three are not all the same.For instance, suppose you had tested two new teaching methods against the tra-ditional method and rejected H0. This could mean that both of the new methodsare better than the traditional one but that the new methods are identical to eachother; that one of the new methods is better than the traditional one, but the otheris not; or that all three methods are different. Pairwise significance tests (calledpairwise comparisons) are needed to determine which of the above choices is true(and there are other possibilities if one or both of the new methods are worse

than the traditional one). These pairwise tests can be performed as two-groupANOVAs, but more commonly they are conducted as t tests. With three groups,three t tests are possible (each new method compared to the traditional, and thetwo new methods compared to each other).

At this point you may be wondering why you should bother performing a one-way ANOVA at all when you will almost certainly want to follow a significantANOVA with a series of t tests. Why not skip the ANOVA and proceed directlyto the t tests? Actually, if you perform specially modified t tests, as describedshortly, you can do just that. There is a problem, however, with performing ordi-nary t tests in place of ANOVA, as we will explain next.

Protected t Tests

Imagine an experiment with seven groups for which the null hypothesis is likelyto be true. Perhaps you have divided your participants based on the day of theweek on which each was born and measured each person’s IQ. You could pro-ceed to test every possible pair of days for significance, but that would amount toa lot of t tests. The formula for the number of different unordered pairs is



Don’t confuse �2 and �2:�2 refers to the effect size in yoursamples;�2 refers to the effect size in the pop-ulation.Because �2 is a biased estimator of �2,a corrected version of �2 is often usedas a measure of effect size to accom-pany the report of an F ratio.

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# pairs � �k(k


� 1)� (5.8)

where k is the number of groups. For the days of the week example the numberof possible t tests is (7 6)/2 � 42/2 � 21. If each of the possible 21 t tests is per-formed with an alpha of .05, there is a good chance that at least one of the pair-wise comparisons will be significant, because an alpha of .05 implies that, on theaverage, one out of every 20 tests of a true null will yield significant results, andwe are dealing with 21 such tests (assuming that IQ is not affected by one’s day ofbirth).

The probability of making one or more Type I errors in a group of tests thatare all part of the same experiment is called the experiment-wise alpha, symbolizedas �EW . In contrast, the alpha used for each particular test is called the alpha per

comparison, or �pc . For the days/IQ example, �pc was .05, but �EW was larger than.5. (For c independent comparisons, �EW � 1 – (1 – �pc )c; the 21 t tests are not allmutually independent, but the formula gives a reasonable approximation in thiscase.) Clearly there is a need to control Type I errors, not just for individual t tests,but for whole experiments; an �EW of .5 or more is just unacceptably large. Thisis where the one-way ANOVA comes in. If all multigroup experiments must pro-duce a significant F before t tests can be performed, then only .05 (or whateveralpha is used) of null experiments (like the days/IQ example) will reach signifi-cance and be followed by t tests; 95% of null experiments will fail the ANOVAtest and not be followed up.

The two-step system just described, in which the significance of the ANOVAdetermines whether you can perform all the possible t tests, was created byFisher. He called the follow-up t tests protected t tests, because the researcher wasprotected from testing an entire series of pairwise null hypotheses; a significantANOVA virtually guaranteed that there was at least one pair of conditions forwhich H0 was not true. Moreover, Fisher reasoned that when HOV could be as-sumed, the error term from the original ANOVA (i.e., MSW) could be used inplace of s2

pooled for every t test following the ANOVA, thus providing more df anda lower critical value for each test. (If HOV cannot be assumed for the ANOVA,each follow-up t test should be a separate-variances t test.) The formula forFisher’s protected t tests is

t � (5.9)X�i

� X�j





� � �n




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where i and j represent any two different groups in the ANOVA. The df for thecritical t is dfw from the ANOVA.

Fisher’s Least Significant Difference Test

When all of the samples are the same size, Formula 5.9 can be simplified as fol-lows:

t � (5.10)

Notice that the denominator of the formula above is the same regardless ofwhich pair of treatments is being compared. Also, the critical t is the same forevery pair. Therefore there must be some difference in the numerator of Formula5.10 that, when divided by the constant denominator, will produce a value exactlyequal to the critical t for all pairs. Fisher called that difference the Least Signifi-cant Difference (its abbreviation, LSD, became popular long before the drugdid), because any two groups differing by more than that amount would producea t greater than the critical t. This is shown in the following formula:

tcrit �

If the above formula is solved for LSD, a great deal of labor can be saved whencomparing groups that are all the same size. Instead of performing 21 t tests in theseven-group case, one need only find the 21 numerators of those t tests (i.e., allof the possible differences between pairs of means) and check to see which ofthem are larger than LSD; those differences are significant at whatever alpha isused to find critical t in the following formula for LSD:

LSD � tcrit��2M


SW�� (5.11)

When you are dealing with three groups it is highly recommended to beginwith a one-way ANOVA and then follow it with Fisher’s protected t tests. If youskip the ANOVA and perform the three t tests at the .05 level, your �EW will begreater than .05 (it’s quite possible one of the t tests will be significant even when





X�i� X�j





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the ANOVA is not). However, when you are dealing with more than threegroups, Fisher’s system does not give you all the protection you need to keep �EW

down to .05. We will present an alternative test next.

Tukey’s Honestly Significant Difference Test

The statistician J. W. Tukey devised a new statistic, called a range statistic, that takesinto account the fact that when you take, say, seven samples from the same pop-ulation, the chance that the largest and smallest sample means will differ signifi-cantly by accident will be considerably greater than when you take only twosamples. Like Student’s t distribution, the range statistic also depends on the sizeof the samples, so it is called the Studentized range statistic, and it is symbolized by q.Because Tukey’s test requires that the n’s be equal, it is structured just like the LSDtest with a critical q substituted for critical t. Tukey called his minimum differencescore the “honestly significant difference” (HSD for short), undoubtedly to re-flect the fact that his test keeps �EW at whatever alpha is used to look up the crit-ical value of q.

HSD � qcrit��M


SW�� (5.12)

If you look at the table for q (we have included the table for q at the .05 level;see Table A.4) you will see that q gets larger as the number of groups increases(moving to the right in any row) because it gets easier to find a large accidentaldifference between the two most extreme groups. But q gets smaller as thesample size increases (moving down in any column), because MSw becomes a bet-ter estimate of the population variance. You may have noticed that the factor of2, which was under the square root sign in the LSD formula, is missing from theHSD formula. This does not represent an actual structural difference betweenthe formulas; Tukey just multiplied his original q values by �2� so he could sim-plify his formula a bit.

You may have also noticed that the HSD formula requires that all of yoursamples be the same size. If your groups differ only slightly due to random fluc-tuations (e.g., a few more equipment failures in one group than another), you cantake the harmonic mean of your sample sizes (average the reciprocals of yoursample sizes and then find the reciprocal of that average), and use that mean as nin Formula 5.12. If your sample sizes are very different (e.g., there are many morepatients with some diagnoses than others), you should not use HSD or any testbased on the studentized range statistic. As an alternative, you can always use theBonferroni test, which will be described presently.


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Because the HSD test will not allow �EW to creep above the alpha you set forq, regardless of the number of groups, HSD is called a conservative test—that is, atest that is good at controlling Type I errors. In contrast, Fisher’s system is moreliberal in that it is less strict about Type I error control, and with more than threegroups it allows �EW to climb well above the alpha used for critical t. BecauseFisher’s system is more liberal it is also more powerful; allowing more Type I er-rors means that fewer Type II errors are made. Of course, you can always gainpower by using a larger alpha, but this is not considered acceptable in generalpractice. However, HSD is a bit more conservative than necessary, so since thistest was devised statisticians have been looking for alternatives that have a bitmore power without allowing �EW to creep above .05 (it is so rare to shoot for anyvalue of �EW other than .05 that we will just assume that .05 is the desired level).

Alternatives to LSD and HSD

The Newman-Keuls (N-K) test is a more powerful version of the HSD test; themeans are placed in order, and means closer together are tested with a smaller q(from Table A.4) than means further apart. Because it was thought that the N-Ktest was acceptably conservative, while being more powerful than HSD, it be-came for many years the most popular pairwise comparisons test. Recently,statisticians have made it clear that the N-K test gains its extra power by letting�EW climb above .05, so its popularity is declining (the Duncan test is similar toN-K in structure, but it is so liberal that you are not likely to encounter it in re-cent research articles). Dunnett (1964) created a test just for the case when onlyone group is being tested against each of the others (e.g., each of six antidepress-ant drugs is tested against a placebo). In this case, the Dunnett test is more pow-erful than HSD, while keeping �EW to .05.

Recently, several generally usable tests have been devised that are acceptablyconservative and more powerful than HSD. For example, the REGW test(named for the initials of the statisticians whose work led to the test: Ryan, Einot,Gabriel, and Welsch) works well, but would be hard to perform without a com-puter; because this test is now available from software packages like SPSS its pop-ularity is likely to increase. Another test that works about as well as REGW, butdoes not require a computer, is the modified LSD test devised by Hayter (1986).This test requires that the ANOVA be significant but follows it not with the LSDtest, but rather the HSD test with q based on k – 1 (one less than the number ofgroups in your ANOVA) rather than k.

Some post hoc pairwise tests are called two-stage systems because they requirean initial omnibus ANOVA (e.g., Fisher’s LSD), and some are called simultane-


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ous (e.g., Tukey’s HSD), but they are all post hoc in the sense that you are notspecifying particular pairs of means to test before seeing the data (except forDunnett’s test). These tests assume that you are going to test all the pairs, or thatyou are going to look for and test the largest difference of means (which has thesame effect on �EW as testing all the means against each other). However, you cangain extra power by picking only a few pairs to test before you see the results, justas you could increase power by predicting the direction of a two-group experi-ment and performing a one-tailed test. Although one-tailed tests are oftenfrowned upon, planned pairwise comparisons are considered reasonable. Theyare fairly rare, because you have to make a strong case for testing just some of thepairs but not all. If you can select a few specific pairs to test on theoreticalgrounds, you still have to increase your critical value compared to ordinary t tests,but the adjustment can be considerably smaller than an acceptably conservativepost hoc test. The logic of this adjustment is explained next.

Planned Pairwise Comparisons and the Bonferroni Adjustment

In the 1930s, the mathematician Carlo Bonferroni discovered that if you knowthe probabilities for each of several independent events, the probability that oneor more will occur cannot be more than the sum of their probabilities. Therefore,if you’re testing c comparisons, and the probability of a Type I error is set at �pc

for each, then �EW cannot be more than c �pc (i.e., �EW � c�pc ). This means thatif you use �EW/c for each comparison, than �EW will not be more than c �EW/c,which is �EW—and that is what you want. For instance, if you are studying fivedrugs and a placebo, and you are planning to compare each drug to the placebobut not to any other drugs, you have a total of five planned comparisons. Ac-cording to the Bonferroni test you would use .05/5 or .01 as the alpha for each ttest (using Formula 5.9 or 5.10 for each test if HOV can be assumed), in order tokeep �EW at or below .05. Assuming very large sample sizes, t.01 is about 2.58. Bycomparison, q (from the bottom row of the column for six groups) when dividedby the square root of 2 has a larger value of 2.85. Therefore, the Bonferroni testis more powerful than Tukey’s HSD in this case, while maintaining good controlover �EW (the Dunnett test is even a bit more powerful in this particular case, butthe Bonferroni test is much more flexible). However, if you planned all 15 pos-sible tests, your Bonferroni � would be .0033, and the critical t would result in lesspower compared to the HSD test.

The Bonferroni test is too conservative to be used routinely for post hoc testsof all possible pairs, but it may be required if the various sample sizes are very dif-ferent. The fewer tests that are planned, the greater the power of the Bonferroni


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test. The major drawback of the Bonferroni test when it was first used for socialscience research is that it was hard to find a t table with all possible alphas (e.g.,.0033 in the preceding example). Because Olivia Dunn (1961) created a table thatmade it easy to use the Bonferroni test, the test came to be called the Bonferroni-

Dunn test, or just the Dunn test. Of course, statistical software now makes it easyto run this test without the need for special tables. Aware that the Bonferroni testtends to be quite conservative—it usually keeps �EW well below the value set forit—some researchers have recently proposed more powerful alternatives that usethe same basic principle (Hochberg, 1988; Shaffer, 1986) and that are likely to in-crease in popularity as statistical software packages become more comprehen-sive.

Planned Complex Comparisons

An even more powerful (i.e., more likely to detect significance when H0 is nottrue) way to conduct planned comparisons is to focus not on pairwise tests, butrather on complex comparisons, which involve the means of more than two groupsat a time. With only two groups, all you can predict about the pattern of the meansis which one will be larger. Beginning with three groups you can predict the rela-tive spacing of the groups. Given that three conditions are ordered A, B, and C,the middle condition (B) can be midway between A and C, or it can be muchcloser to one than the other. One generally does not get credit for predicting theorder of the means in ANOVA, but if the middle group is much closer to one ofthe outer groups than the other, and you predict the pattern correctly by planningthe appropriate complex comparison, you can gain a great deal of power. First wewill use an example to explain what a complex comparison is, and then we willshow how one can be tested.

Suppose you plan to test both a conventional antidepressant drug (D) and anherbal (H) alternative (e.g., St. John’s Wort) against a placebo (P). The three pos-sible complex comparisons are (1) the average of P and H compared to D; (2) theaverage of H and D compared to P; and (3) the average of P and D compared toH. Although more than two means are involved, a complex comparison resultsin a single difference score, which can serve as the numerator of a t test. Morecommonly, the complex comparison is tested by way of an F ratio, but in this case,that just means a squared t test. We will use the letter L to represent the differencescore created by the complex comparison. Suppose the sample means for thethree conditions are as follows: X�P

� 60, X�H� 50, X�D

� 20 (these could be basedon a measure of depression at the end of the experiment). L for the first com-parison listed above would be [(60 � 50)/2] – 20 � 55 – 20 � 35 (i.e., the aver-


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age of P and H minus D). You can verify for yourself that L is 25 for comparison2, and 10 for comparison 3.

Not surprisingly, the best comparison (i.e., the one with the best chance forstatistical significance) is the one with the largest L (assuming that all of thegroups are the same size and have essentially the same variance). For this ex-ample, comparison 1 is the best, because comparing the average of P and H to Dmakes the most sense when H is much closer to P than it is to D, as in this ex-ample. If comparison 1 were planned before the data had been seen, because youexpected that H would not be much better than a placebo but D would be, youwould have predicted the pattern well in this example, and therefore your L

would be relatively large. Now we can show you how to test L for significance.

Calculating Linear Contrasts

Complex comparisons can get quite complex, so we will need a notational systemto describe them. Comparison 1 can be rewritten as L� � 1⁄2 X�P

� 1⁄2 X�H– 1X�D

.The numbers multiplying the means (� 1⁄2 , � 1⁄2 , – 1), are called coefficients,symbolized as c1 , c2 , and so on. Note that we get the same answer as before: L �1⁄2 (60) � 1⁄2 (50) – 1(20) � 30 � 25 – 20 � 35. If the coefficients add up to zero,it is common to call the comparison a linear contrast (a pairwise comparison is a lin-ear contrast with coefficients of �1 and –1). To find the SS for a linear contrastyou can use the following formula, but only if all of the groups are the same size(the corresponding formula for unequal group sizes is given in B. Cohen, 2000).

SScontrast � �∑nL




2� (5.13)

If the groups in our example have ten participants each, the SS for comparison 1is (10 352)/(1/22 � 1/22 � 12) � (10 1225)/(.25 � .25 � 1) � 12,250/1.5 �

8166.7. Because linear contrasts result in a single number they involve only onedf, so MScontrast always equals SScontrast.

Assuming hom*ogeneity of variance, the error term for MScontrast is MSW basedon all of the groups, regardless of which groups are involved in the particular con-trast being tested. Therefore, to test the significance of a linear contrast, the fol-lowing F ratio can be used (if all groups are the same size):

F � �nL






� (5.14)

Note that when your contrast contains only two groups, L is X�1 – X�2 , Σ ci

2 is 2 (i.e.,12 � 12), and MSW can be written as s2

pooled , so Formula 5.14 becomes Formula 5.1.


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Comparing Contrasts to ANOVA

To make clear the advantage of planning the right linear contrast we need to cal-culate the ordinary ANOVA for our example. First, MSbetween equals n s 2

X�. Theunbiased variance of 60, 50, and 20 is 433.33, and n equals 10, so MSbet � 4333.3.If MSW equals 1,800, the F ratio equals 4333.3/1800 � 2.41, which is less than thecritical F of 3.35 at the .05 level (the numerator df equals 2 because there are threegroups, and the denominator df equals 27, because the number of groups is sub-tracted from the total N of 30). However, the MScontrast for comparison 1 dividedby the same error term yields an F ratio of 8166.67/1800 � 4.54.

Unfortunately, we cannot compare this F to the same critical value as theANOVA, because the numerator df for the contrast is only one; F.05 (1, 27) is 4.21.Although the critical value for the contrast is somewhat larger than for theANOVA (4.21 rather than 3.35), the calculated F is much larger for the contrastthan the ANOVA (4.54 rather than 2.41); in this example the F for the contrast issignificant, even though the ANOVA is not. Had we planned comparison 2 in-stead, our F ratio would have been 2.315 (you should verify this for yourself),even less than the ANOVA, and certainly not significant. As with a one-tailedtest, you get extra power if you predict the pattern of means correctly, but you canalso lose the gamble (it wouldn’t be fair otherwise).

Orthogonal Contrasts

A particularly neat way to plan comparisons is to plan a complete set of orthogonal

comparisons (or contrasts), so that SSbetween from the ANOVA is completely ac-counted for. If one comparison is orthogonal to another, you can change the sizeof either one of them without affecting the other. If you start with comparison 1(P & H – D), the only comparison that is orthogonal to it is a simple pairwise com-parison of P and H. (In this context we will refer to comparison 1 as comparison1a and to the P/H comparison as comparison 1b.) Notice that you can changecomparison 1b (e.g., move P to 70 and H to 40) without affecting comparison 1a(if P � 70 and H � 40, their average is still 55, so comparison 1a is unaffected).L for comparison 1b is 10 (i.e., 60 – 50), so SScontrast is 500 in this case (Σc 2 � 2).Note that 500 � 8166.67 (the SS for comparison 1a) equals 8666.67, which is theSSbetween for the overall ANOVA (8666.67/2 � 4333.33 � MSbetween ). A set of or-thogonal comparisons will divide SSbetween into non-overlapping pieces, so the SSsfor these comparisons will always sum to SSbetween. The degrees of freedom mustadd up, as well. Because dfbetween equals k – 1, and each of the orthogonal contrastshas one degree of freedom, there cannot be more than k – 1 contrasts in a mutu-ally orthogonal set (i.e., each contrast is orthogonal to every other).

Testing a set of orthogonal contrasts, each at the .05 level, is generally consid-


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ered a legitimate and often desirablealternative to performing a one-wayANOVA, assuming there is a strongtheoretical justification for yourchoice of contrasts. In some cases aresearcher may want to test severalcomplex (and possibly pairwise)comparisons that are not mutuallyorthogonal. Such testing is consid-ered reasonable if the desired �EW

(usually .05) is divided by the numberof planned comparisons, and that

fractional probability is used as the alpha for each comparison. If four compar-isons are planned then the p value for each (as given by statistical software) iscompared to .0125 (i.e., .05/4).

Post Hoc Complex Comparisons: Scheffé’s Test

If a one-way ANOVA is not significant, it is often possible to find a reasonablecomplex comparison that will be significant, but if it was not literally planned inadvance the comparison had better be so obvious that it should have beenplanned. Otherwise, it will be hard to convince a journal editor (or reviewer) toaccept a test of such a comparison as a planned test. On the other hand, if a one-way ANOVA is significant, it is considered reasonable to test particular complexcomparisons to specify the effect further, but one is required to use a post hoc testthat is so stringent that no complex comparison will reach significance if the om-nibus (i.e., overall) ANOVA did not. This test is called the Scheffé test, and it isremarkably simple and flexible. The critical F for testing a post hoc complex com-parison is just k – 1 times the critical F for the omnibus ANOVA. According toScheffé’s test the critical F for testing any of the comparisons in our preceding ex-ample at the .05 level would be 6.7 (i.e., 2 3.35) if the comparison were notplanned.

The largest F you can get when testing a comparison occurs when all ofSSbetween fits into one contrast. Then SSbetween is divided by 1 instead of k – 1, mak-ing the F for the contrast k – 1 times the F for the omnibus ANOVA. If the crit-ical value is also multiplied by k – 1, as in Scheffé’s test, the largest possible con-trast won’t be significant unless the omnibus ANOVA is significant. That is thelogic behind Scheffé’s test. Because it is so easy to use and stringent about keep-ing �EW to the value set for it, Scheffé’s test has sometimes been used by re-


DON’T FORGETPlanned contrasts can be much morelikely to reach significance than an or-dinary one-way ANOVA (eventhough the critical value will be some-what higher) if the pattern of meanswas predicted correctly. However,your chances of significance can bemuch lower if the pattern tested byyour contrast turns out not to matchyour data very well.

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searchers who are only testing pairwise comparisons. In such cases Scheffé’s testis not a good choice; it is so conservative about keeping �EW constant for anytype of comparison tested that its power is unnecessarily low when dealing onlywith pairwise comparisons. Tukey’s HSD test or one of the newer options wouldbe a better choice when complex comparisons are not being considered. Themajor options for post hoc tests, as well as planned comparisons, are summarizedin Rapid Reference 5.2.

Trend Analysis

When the levels of the independent variable in a one-way ANOVA are quantitative(e.g., five different dosages of the same drug), you can calculate a linear correlationcoefficient (as described in the previous chapter) between the IV and DV; the testof Pearson’s r will likely lead to a smaller p value than the one-way ANOVA, as-suming there is a fair amount of linear trend in the sample means. Consider the fol-lowing experiment. Fifty participants are randomly assigned to exercise for an hour,either one, two, three, four, or five times a week (10 participants per level). After 6months, everyone’s resting heart rate is measured. The means (beats per minute) forthe five groups are given in the following table.


Which Post Hoc Test or PlannedComparison Method Should I Use?

Only pairwise comparisons: If you have three groups, use Fisher’s protected t tests(you can use the LSD version of the test if the three groups are the same size). Ifyou have more than three groups that are all the same size (or have small ran-dom differences in size), you can use Tukey’s HSD or the modified LSD test. Ifyou have more than three groups that are very different in size, you can use ordi-nary t tests with some form of Bonferroni adjustment (separate-variances t testsshould be used if hom*ogeneity of variance cannot be assumed). If you are testingany number of groups against one particular group (e.g., a control group), useDunnett’s test.Complex comparisons are included: Use Scheffé’s test for all your comparisons.

Which Planned Comparison Test Should I Use?

If it is convenient to come up with a set of orthogonal contrasts, you can use theusual alpha of .05 for each test. If your tests are not orthogonal, you can use aBonferroni adjustment to determine the alpha for each of your comparisons.

Rapid Reference 5.2

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The trend isn’t perfectly linear—it levels off as exercise increases—but it hasa strong linear component. In this case, Pearson’s r has a much better chance ofreaching significance than the ANOVA, as we will explain below. However, aneven more powerful way to analyze these data is to use specialized complex com-parisons called trend components; the simplest of which is the linear trend. In thefive-group case, the degree of linear trend is assessed by applying the followingcoefficients to the sample means: –2, – 1, 0, � 1, � 2. For this example the Lfor linear trend equals –2(70) – 1(60) � 0(55) � 1(53) � 2(52) � –140 – 60 �0 � 53 � 104 � –200 � 157 � –43. The SS for this contrast is found by For-mula 5.13:

SSlinear � �∑nL




2� � � �

10(11,0849)�� 1849 (5.13)

This is a single-df contrast, so MSlinear � 1849. Compare this to MSbetween forthe one-way ANOVA, which equals nsx�

2 � 10 54.5 � 545. Most of SSbetween

(dfbet MSbet � 4 545 � 2,180) is being captured by SSlinear (1845). If MSw equals400, the F for the ANOVA (545/400 � 1.36) would not be significant at the .05level, but the F for the linear trend (1,849/400 � 4.62) would be.

If in our example the mean heart rate actually rose to 54 for the 5 times perweek condition, this reversal in trend would indicate a quadratic component.Even the leveling off of the linear trend in our example indicates some quadraticcomponent. In cases such as this you may want to consider using polynomial trend

components to investigate the variance not captured by the linear trend analysis. Adetailed discussion of polynomial trend analysis is beyond the scope of this book,but we refer you to B. H. Cohen (2000) for a more complete description of thisapproach.


����22 � (�1)2 � 02 � 12 � 22


Table 5.2

One Two Three Four Five

70 60 55 53 52

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Putting It Into Practice1. Participants are measured on a 10-point depression scale after taking one or

another of the following drugs for six months: a placebo, a natural herb (St.John’s Wort), a tricyclic antidepressant (Elavil), and an SSRI drug (Prozac). Themean depression rating for each group is shown in the following table.

Placebo St. John’s Wort Elavil Prozac

Mean 9 8 4 3SD 6 7 6 6

(a) Given that there are 11 participants in each group, calculate the F ratio totest the null hypothesis (H0).

(b) What is the critical F for a test at the .05 level? What is your decision withrespect to H0?

(c) Calculate Fisher’s LSD for the data in this problem. Which pairs of condi-tions are significantly different at the .05 level?

(d) Calculate Tukey’s HSD for the same data. Which pairs of drugs are signifi-cantly different at the .05 level?

(e) If the results of the HSD test differ from the results of the LSD test, ex-plain why this discrepancy can occur. Which of these two tests is prefer-able when dealing with four groups? Why?

(f) If you were to use the Bonferroni adjustment for all the possible t tests inthe drug experiment, what alpha level would you have to use for each t test?

(g) What proportion of the variance in depression is accounted for by thedrug conditions?

2. Suppose that you believe that St. John’s Wort is basically a placebo and thatProzac and Elavil are both very effective, but about equal to each other. Thenyou might plan a complex contrast that tests the average of the first two drugconditions against the average of the second two. Using the data from prob-lem 1, calculate the F ratio for this contrast and test it for significance at the .05level as a planned contrast. How does this result compare to the originalANOVA? Explain the advantage of this contrast. Would your F ratio for thecontrast be significant at the .05 level with Scheffé’s test? Explain the advantageof planning contrasts in advance.

3. Twenty-four different depressed patients are randomly assigned to each of fivetherapy conditions (a total of 120 patients in all), which differ according to thenumber of days per week the patient must attend a psychoanalytic therapysession. After 6 months of treatment, the patients are rated for positive mood.The means and standard deviations of the ratings for each condition areshown in the following table.

One Two Three Four Five

Mean 50 70 82 86 85SD 40 53 55 45 47

(continued )

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(a) Calculate the one-way ANOVA, and test for significance at the .05 level.(b) Suppose that you had planned to compare the classical analysis conditions

(three sessions per week or more) to the briefer therapy conditions (oneor two sessions per week). Calculate the contrast just described, and testfor significance at the .05 level, assuming that the comparison was planned.

(c) Test the significance of the linear trend in the foregoing data. Test theresidual for significance (in this case, SSresidual � SSbetween – SSlinear , anddfresidual � k – 2). Is there evidence that there may be a significant trend inthe data that is of higher order than linear, such as the quadratic?


1. In the two-group case, the F ratio for the one-way ANOVA equals

(a) the square root of the t value.(b) the square of the t value.(c) one half of the t vale.(d) twice the t value.

2. Which is the weighted average of all the sample variances?

(a) MSw

(b) MSbet

(c) SStotal

(d) The F ratio3. If the null hypothesis is true, MSbet is expected to be approximately equal


(a) 0(b) 1(c) MSw

(d) F4. Suppose that the F ratio calculated for a particular experiment is equal

to .04. Which of the following can be concluded?

(a) A calculation error must have been made.(b) The null hypothesis cannot be rejected.(c) The null hypothesis can be rejected at the .05 level.(d) Nothing can be concluded without knowing the degrees of freedom.

5. Which of the following will lead to a larger calculated F ratio (all else re-maining constant)?

(a) Larger variances within each of the samples(b) Reduced separation of the population means(c) Larger sample sizes(d) A larger alpha level


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6. Which of the following is assumed when performing the ordinary one-way ANOVA?

(a) All of the population means are the same.(b) All of the population variances are the same.(c) All of the sample sizes are the same.(d) All of the sample variances are the same.

7. Tukey’s HSD test assumes that

(a) all of the samples have the same mean.(b) all of the samples have the same variance.(c) all of the samples have the same size.(d) all of the above.

8. If two of the pairwise comparisons following an ANOVA exceed Fisher’sLSD, how many would exceed Tukey’s HSD?

(a) One or none(b) Two(c) At least two(d) No more than two

9. Compared to Fisher’s protected t tests, Tukey’s HSD test

(a) involves a smaller alpha per comparison.(b) leads to a lower rate of Type II errors.(c) maintains less control over experiment-wise alpha.(d) is more liberal.

10. Which of the following procedures is recommended when you are per-forming not only pairwise comparisons but complex comparisons aswell?

(a) Scheffé’s test(b) Dunnett’s test(c) The Newman-Keuls test(d) Tukey’s HSD test

Answers: 1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. b; 5. c; 6. b; 7. c; 8. d; 9. a; 10. a.

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Up until this point most of this book has been devoted to describing testsof statistical significance, the purpose of which is to control Type I er-rors. To remind you, a Type I error occurs when the populations that un-

derlie a study show no effect, but the samples in the study accidentally show aneffect large enough that a statistical test yields a (falsely) significant result. With-out statistical tests any result in the desired direction might be mistaken as a signof a real population effect. Using an alpha of .05, statistical tests are so strict that95% of experiments in which there is no population effect (what we call null ex-

periments) fail to pass the test, and therefore do not create a misleading false alarm.However, it has been argued that null experiments are rare in the social sci-ences—so rare, in fact, that null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) does notserve an important purpose. Furthermore, it is argued that NHST is so often mis-understood that the widespread use of this procedure actually does more harmthan good. We will argue that screening out null experiments is not the only func-tion served by NHST and that NHST is very helpful under some circ*mstances.However, we agree that NHST is widely misunderstood and misinterpreted. Wehope this chapter can make a small contribution in the direction of improving thesituation.

Fisher’s original conception of NHST did not include the Type II error. Hisposition was that if the data do not allow you to reject the null hypothesis, thenyou cannot make any conclusion at all, and therefore you cannot make an error.He was not happy when Jerzy Neyman and Egon Pearson (Karl’s son) reformu-lated NHST in such a way that not rejecting the null hypothesis was seen to be adecision to retain the null hypothesis—and could therefore be considered an er-ror (of the second kind) when the null hypothesis is not true. In spite of Fisher’swishes, the Neyman-Pearson version of NHST (Neyman & Pearson, 1928) be-came widely accepted, and the focus on Type II errors has in fact grown over theyears.

However, unlike the Type I error rate, which is fixed by choosing alpha, the



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Type II error rate is not fixed and is in fact hard to measure, because it dependson (among other things) how far the experiment deviates from being a null ex-periment. Nonetheless it is often useful to estimate the probability of making aType II error, especially before an experiment is conducted. For reasons that willsoon be made clear, this is called power analysis. An explanation of power analysiswill have the added benefit of giving you a deeper understanding of NHST in itseveryday applications. For instance, failing to reach statistical significance is moreinformative when you are using large rather than small samples, for the same rea-son that a point estimate grows more accurate as your sample size increases. Thiswill become clearer as we explain the complement of the NHD next.


It will be easiest to begin our discussion of power analysis in the context of thetwo-group t test. If the two populations underlying our two-group study havethe same mean and variance, we know what values to expect from our study. TheNHD in this case is the t distribution with n1 � n2 – 2 degrees of freedom (as-suming we perform pooled t tests). Although the t values over many studies willaverage to zero in this case (because H0 is true), there will be a considerable rangeof possible t values. If the populations have the same variances but do not havethe same mean, the variability of possible t values will be similar, but they will notaverage to zero. Because, in this case, H0 is not true, the distribution is not theNHD. Rather, some alternative hypothesis (H1) is true, so this distribution can becalled the alternative hypothesis distribution (AHD). The AHD is related to the t dis-



When Will I Use the Statistics in This Chapter?

In this chapter you will learn how to estimate your chances of attaining statisticallysignificant results as a function of the size of the effect you expect, and the num-ber of participants you plan to use (or you can determine the best number ofparticipants to use), when• comparing the means of two groups that are either independent or matched.• comparing the means of three or more groups.• measuring the linear correlation of two variables.You will also gain a deeper understanding of null hypothesis testing, including theinterpretation of negative results and the combining of several studies into alarger one.

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tribution in this case, but because it is not centered on zero it is called a noncen-tral t distribution.

The Alternative Hypothesis Distribution

The value at the center of the AHD is called the noncentrality parameter and it is usu-ally symbolized by the Greek letter delta (�). Delta depends, in part, on just whichH1 is true (there are an infinite number of possibilities). The larger delta is, themore likely it is that your study will lead to a statistically significant result, so it isimportant to look at all of the elements that contribute to delta, as we do next.

Delta can be understood in a very concrete way. If you repeat the same two-group experiment over and over again, using new samples (from the same popu-lation) each time, and calculating t each time, the average of these t values shouldbe about equal to delta, which can be defined as the expected t value (the averageof the t values if you repeat the experiment an infinite number of times). Let’s lookat the t formula and see what can be expected in the long run. Our purpose willbe best suited by beginning with a t formula that requires equal sample sizes andhom*ogeneity of variance, and is based on Formula 3.6:

t ���2n

�� �X�1 �


X�2� (6.1)

where spis the square root of the pooled-variance. If the t test is repeated infinitely,

X�1 will average out to �1, X�2 will average out to �2, and spwill average out to �. So

the average of all the possible t ’s, the expected t (or delta), is given by the follow-ing formula:

� ���2n

�� �(�1 �

�2)� (6.2)

Population Effect Size

The sample size is not changing, of course, so what Formula 6.2 is really showingus is that g, the sample effect size, (X�1 – X�2 )/s

p, averages out to (�1 – �2 )/�,

which is the population effect size and is symbolized by d :

d � �(�1 �

�2)� (6.3)

We would prefer to use a Greek letter to symbolize the effect size in a population,but the use of d was popularized by Jacob Cohen (1988), who did a great deal to


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make effect size measures and power analysis known and accessible to re-searchers in the social sciences. Like delta, d can be thought of in very concreteterms: d tells you how many standard deviations apart two population means are.Often the populations you are interested in are theoretical ones (e.g., all of theadults in the world after they have taken some drug), but the example of genderdifferences is much more concrete, because the two populations exist right now.For any dependent variable on which you might want to compare the two gen-ders, there is some value for d. If the null hypothesis is true (i.e., �1 � �2 ), thend � �1 – �2 /� � 0/� � 0. By contrast, for height d is rather large. Assumingaverage population heights of 69 and 64.5 inches for men and women respec-tively, and a common � of 3 inches, dheight � (69 – 64.5)/3 � 4.5/3 � 1.5. Al-though NHST is directed at determining whether d equals zero, it would be farmore informative to determine just how large d is for a particular DV. We will dis-cuss this approach later in this chapter.

You may have noticed that d looks like a z score; it measures the difference inpopulations in standardized units. Therefore, a given value of d has the samemeaning regardless of the DV. A particularly useful way to understand d is interms of the overlap of the two population distributions. Assuming that both dis-tributions are normally distributed, a d of 1.0 can be represented as in panel A ofFigure 6.1. There is a fair amount of overlap, but notice that only about 16% ofthe distribution on the left is above the mean of the distribution on the right. A dof 2.0 involves less overlap (panel B of Figure 6.1); now less than 3% of the leftdistribution exceeds the mean of the right one. However, with a d of 0.2 (panel Cof Figure 6.1), there is a great deal of overlap. In the context of social sciences re-search, J. Cohen (1988) felt that a d of .2 represents a small effect size, .5 repre-sents a medium effect size, and .8 represents a large effect size. With these popu-lar guidelines in mind the gender difference in height (d � 1.5) can be thought ofas a very large effect size, which is consistent with how noticeable the differenceis to casual observation. All else being equal, a larger d means a larger delta, whichmeans greater power. Next we define power and show how it is dependent ondelta.

An Example of a Power Calculation

Suppose for the moment that aliens from outer space really are abducting earth-lings to study them. They suspect that adult male earthlings are taller than adultfemales, but they have only eight people of each gender available for measure-ment. If we knew the heights of the 16 abductees we could calculate the aliens’ ttest and see if it is significant. Without the data we can nonetheless calculate the


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probability of the aliens’ obtaining a significant t based on what we know aboutthe height difference between the male and female populations on earth (and as-suming that the aliens have selected a random sample of each gender). We needto calculate delta for this hypothetical study. Combining Formulas 6.2 and 6.3, wecan obtain a formula for delta in terms of n and d.

� ���2n

�� d (6.4)

Formula 6.4 is convenient for our purposes because we have already calcu-lated d for the gender difference in height; it is 1.5. If eight females are to be com-pared to eight males, n equals 8, and delta is given by the following:


Figure 6.1 The overlap of populations as a function of effect size (d)







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� ���82

�� 1.5 � 2 1.5 � 3

So, without knowing which humans the aliens have abducted, we know that giventheir sample sizes, their expected t (i.e., delta) is 3.0. Depending on their actual ab-ductees, they may get a t above 3 or below 3, but it is not likely they will get a t thatis very far from 3. The distribution of the possible t ’s that the aliens could get isthe AHD, and we know that it is a noncentral t distribution centered on 3.0. Arough approximation of the AHD for this kind of test, which is much easier towork with, is a normal distribution with a mean of 3.0 and a standard deviation of1.0. This approximate AHD is shown in Figure 6.2.

Not all the t ’s in the aliens’ AHD will be statistically significant. Only t ’s largerthan the critical t will be significant. A crude approximation of the critical t for the.05 level (two-tailed test), in keeping with the use of the normal distribution as theAHD, is 2.0. Therefore, only the proportion of the AHD that is above 2.0 will besignificant (the population below –2.0 would also be significant, but the proba-bility that the women will come out significantly taller than the men in this studyis too small to worry about). You can see in Figure 6.2 that the critical t (2.0) is 1standard deviation below the mean of the AHD (3.0), and in the normal distri-bution, about .16 of the area would be below (i.e., to the left of) the spot wherethe critical value falls, in this case. Thus, 16% of the possible alien studies will pro-duce a t less than 2.0 and therefore fail to achieve significant results. All of thesenonsignificant results will be Type II errors because we know that the AHD is thetrue distribution in this case. The symbol for the Type II error rate is (the lower-case Greek letter beta), so in this example equals .16. The proportion of theAHD that is significant is 1 – , which equals .84 for this example. This propor-


Figure 6.2 Type II error rate (�) and power when delta (�) � 3.0


Accept null

Power =1 – β =.84


β =.16


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tion, which is the probability of getting a significant result when the null hypoth-esis is not true (because some AHD is true), is called the power of the statisticaltest.

Alpha, Delta, and Power

Figure 6.2 allows you to see graphically what happens if we try to reduce Type Ierrors by reducing alpha. The critical value would move to the right (it would beonly about half a standard deviation below the mean for the .01 level), which in-creases and decreases power. The normal approximation also allows us to pre-sent the relationship between delta, alpha, and power in a simple table, as we havedone in Table A.5. Note that for any particular delta, power decreases as alpha de-creases (i.e., moving to the right in any row of the table). The conventional alphaof .05 can be seen as a compromise between the need to minimize Type I errorsand the desire to maximize power.

You can also see from Table A.5 that as delta gets larger, so does power. If deltais 2.0, power is about 50% because about half the t values will be larger than 2.0and therefore larger than the critical value, which is also about 2.0 (actually thepower for a delta equal to 2.0 is .52, because the .05 critical value for the normaldistribution is actually 1.96 rather than 2.0). When delta is as high as 3.6, an alphaof .05 corresponds to an equally low ( � 1 – power � 1 – .95 � .05), and whendelta reaches 4.2, power is at .99. If you know delta, it is easy to find the approx-imate power (Table A.5 becomes less accurate as the sample size decreases).However, to know delta you would have to know d, and that is almost alwayswhat you would like to know but don’t. Power analysis is usually a matter of trans-lating guesses about d into guesses about power; it is a system that can help youdecide whether to increase your sample size or, if that is not feasible, whether it isworth conducting the planned study at all. We will discuss how to guess about dnext.

Estimating Effect Size

For a given type of statistical test (e.g., two-group t test) and a fixed alpha, poweris a function of delta, which means that power is a function of d and the samplesize. Because power is based on multiplying d by a function of the sample size,increasing either d or n will increase power. Although it is impossible to increased when dealing with existing populations (e.g., the gender difference in height),increasing d is possible in some experimental situations. For instance, if you aretesting the effectiveness of a drug you may be able to increase the dosage; for


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other treatments you may be able to increase the amount of time devoted to thetreatment, or intensify the treatment in some other way. However, there are usu-ally constraints based on safety and economics that fix the intensity of the treat-ment and therefore the size of d. If you can estimate d for your study you can de-termine the power for any possible sample size, and then make an informaldecision about how (and if ) to run the study.

Looking at Formula 6.3 you can see that if you can estimate the means of thetwo populations that underlie your study and the common standard deviationyou can estimate d. If you have preliminary data from a pilot study or if you aredealing in such familiar territory that you can estimate the needed values from thedata of previous studies, you can make a pretty good guess at d and proceed withthe power analysis. Sometimes a previous study is relevant, but it is based on a dif-ferent DV, or the published report does not contain the means and SDs you need.In such cases you can still obtain g from the previous study—g � t �(2/n)�—andthe g from a similar study can serve as a reasonable estimate of d for the plannedstudy. For example, you want to compare self-esteem between science and hu-manities majors at a college. A previous study compared these groups with a dif-ferent measure of self-esteem and reported t (18) � 1.7, p � .05. Assuming equal-sized groups, n equals 10 for that study, and g � 1.7 �(2/10)� � 1.7�.2� � 1.7

.447 � .76. If you were planning to have 18 participants per group and use g fromthe previous study to estimate your d, delta for your study would be as follows: � � d�(18/2)� � �9� .76 � 3 .76 � 2.28.

Looking in Table A.5, the power for this study is about .62. Is that value forpower high enough to inspire you to conduct the study as planned? (We will as-sume that alpha is set to .05 in all of our remaining examples.) If your estimate ford is right, you stand a .38 chance of failing to reach statistical significance andtherefore committing a Type II error. Of course, it depends on how much money,effort, and time the planned study will consume, but most researchers would likepower to be at least about .7. From Table A.5, you can see that delta must be about2.48 to attain that power.

In many cases the planned study isso novel in its design that there are noprevious studies that can provide anestimate of d (pilot studies that arelarge enough to yield useful estimatesare not always feasible). In such casesit is common to estimate the samplesize for small, medium, and large ef-fects (.2, .5, and .8, respectively, ac-



Don’t confuse d and g :d refers to the effect size in the popu-lation;g refers to the effect size in yoursamples.

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cording to the guidelines of J. Cohen) at the desired level of power (a power of .8is often considered optimal). Then one looks at the feasibility of the requiredsample sizes, judges the likelihood of the true effect size being small, medium, orlarge, and makes a decision. Either some reasonable sample size is chosen or thestudy is redesigned.

The Power of Replication

One important insight power analysis can give you concerns the power involvedin exactly replicating a previous experiment. If a previous experiment just barelyattained statistical significance—calculated t was just slightly greater than the crit-ical t—an exact replication would only have about a .5 chance of reaching signif-icance as well. Without an understanding of power we might have the tendencyto think that any significant result has a good chance of being replicated. How-ever, just as our best guess for d in a replication is the g from the study being repli-cated, our best guess for delta for an exact replication (same number of partici-pants) is the t from the previous study. If t from the previous study is just slightlylarger than the critical t, then our delta is only slightly larger than the critical t,making power just slightly larger than 50%.

Thinking about power and effect size is the antidote to all-or-none thinking.The power for exactly replicating an experiment that just barely reached signifi-cance is only slightly better than the power for replicating one that just missed sta-tistical significance. In general, a smaller p value means greater power for an ex-act replication. A very small p like .001 doesn’t tell you that the effect size is large(you might be dealing with a small effect size coupled with very large samplesizes), but it does tell you that an exact replication will have a good chance of sig-nificance at the .05 level (and about a .5 chance of attaining significance at the .001level). We will have more to say about the insights you can gain from an under-standing of power toward the end of this chapter.

Determining Sample Size

Once you have an estimate for d and you know the delta you are shooting for, youcan use Formula 6.4 to solve for n. Alternatively, Formula 6.4 can be solved for nbeforehand to create a convenient formula for estimating the needed sample size,given an estimate of d and a desired level of power (i.e., delta).

n � 2���




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To attain a power of .7 in our example the size of each sample would have to be

n � 2��2.7.468


� 2 (3.26)2 � 2 10.6 � 21.2

To be safe, the answer is rounded up, so the power analysis suggests that 22 peopleneed to be sampled in each group to have adequate power. If the answer for n wereto come out higher than the sample size you were willing to deal with, you wouldhave to decide whether it was feasible to try increasing d (not possible for the self-esteem study), or it was reasonable to use a smaller n and have less than the desiredpower, or it was desirable to just plan a different, more powerful study.

Fixed Sample Sizes

In some cases the sizes of the samples are fixed. Suppose that you are com-paring two methods for teaching algebra, and students have already beenassigned to two classes (randomly, we hope) of 32 students each. If you planto use the classes as your samples you can then determine the power you havefor different possible effect sizes. For this example, � � d�(n/2)� �

d�16� � 4d. For a medium effect size, delta � 4 .5 � 2.0, so power would beonly .52. If you do not expect any more than a medium effect size you wouldprobably not bother to do the study as designed. (You could, however, increaseyour power without increasing your sample sizes by matching participants acrossgroups, as we will demonstrate in the next section.) If you want .8 power, delta hasto be 2.8, so d would have to be .7 (4d � 4 .7 � 2.8). The power analysis wouldtell you that if the effect size is less than .7 you will have less than the desired levelof power.

Unequal Sample Sizes

So far we have assumed that your two samples will be the same size. This is thelikely case when you are assigning participants randomly to groups. However, ifyou are dealing with preexisting groups, you may be stuck with groups of differ-ent sizes. Suppose that you want to compare patients with injuries to the left sideof their brains with patients that are injured on the right side of the brain. As a re-searcher at a hospital you may have available 15 right-injured patients and only 10left-injured patients. You could use only 10 of your 15 right-injured patients in or-der to make your calculations easier, but you would be reducing your power un-necessarily. You can use the power formulas of this chapter by taking the harmonic

mean of your two sample sizes and using that value for n. The harmonic mean(n h ) involves averaging the reciprocals of the two numbers and then taking thereciprocal of that average. For two numbers the harmonic mean is given by thefollowing simple formula:


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n h � �n








� (6.6)

The harmonic mean of 10 and 15 is 2 10 15/(10 � 15) � 300/25 � 12. For alarge effect size of .8, delta ��(12/2)� .8 � 1.96. If you don’t expect the effect

size to be larger than .8 you can eitherperform the study knowing that youhave no better than a 50% chance ofobtaining significant results, or try tofind more patients appropriate forthe study, or a more discriminatingdependent variable that would showa greater effect (combining severalDVs in a multivariate analysis couldproduce greater power).


In Chapter 3 we discussed the main advantage of the repeated measures (RM) ormatched-pairs design, which is an increase in power. Using power formulas wecan now show how to quantify the power advantage of the RM design. AlthoughFormula 3.12 is much more convenient for calculating a matched t test, the fol-lowing equivalent formula allows for a simpler comparison with the indepen-dent-groups t test.

t � (6.7)

Notice that if the scores are not matched at all, then r equals zero, and the secondterm in the denominator drops out. Therefore, when r � 0, Formula 6.7 becomesa convenient formula for the independent-groups t test when the two groups arethe same size. To find the expected t for the RM test we can use the same devicewe used at the beginning of this chapter—that is, we can substitute populationvalues for sample statistics in Formula 6.7. With some algebraic rearranging wecan create the following convenient power formula:

� ���1 �


�� ��2n

�� ��1 �

�2� (6.8)

(X�1 � X�2 )��

��s 2

1 �


s 22��� �






Don’t confuse d and �:d refers to the effect size in the popu-lation;� (delta) refers to your expected tvalue—it is a function of both d andyour sample sizes.

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Note that Formula 6.8 is the same as Formula 6.2 except for the additional mul-tiplying factor of �[1/(1 –� �)]�. Therefore, �RM � �independent �[1/(1 –� �)]�. When� � 0, there is no power advantage to the RM test, and, in fact, the RM test actu-ally hurts you because of the loss in degrees of freedom. As � approaches 1.0, thepower of the RM test approaches infinity. For a moderate value, such as � � .5,the delta for the RM test is about 1.4 times the delta for the independent test:�[1/(1 –� .5)]� � �(1/.5)� � �2� � 1.414.

Let us return to the example of teaching two classes (n � 32) with differentmethods. With d � .5, delta was only 2.0, and power only about .52. However, ifstudents could be matched in pairs based on previous relevant grades, and thenrandomly assigned to the two classes, this matching could result in a � as high as.5. The delta for the matched t test would be

�matched ���1 �


�� �ind � �2�(2) � 2.83

This yields power that is a bit over .8 and, therefore, very likely to be acceptable.Even when sample sizes are not strictly limited by circ*mstances, the costs oflarge sample sizes make the matching of participants a very desirable alternativefor attaining adequate power. Of course, when it is reasonable for the same per-son to serve in both conditions the matching is almost always better, resulting ineven greater power. The various fac-tors that affect power in the two-group case are summarized in RapidReference 6.1.


Sometimes the result of a study comesin the form of a correlation coeffi-cient (e.g., Pearson’s r between testsof musical and mathematical ability).As you saw in Chapter 4, a t value canbe used to test r for significance. Acrude approximation of the expectedt when testing a Pearson correlationcoefficient can be obtained from thefollowing simple formula:


Factors That Increase Powerin the Two-Group Case

1. Increasing alpha (e.g., from .05 to.1). However, this increases therate of Type I errors.

2. Increasing the size of the sample(s).3. Increasing the size of the effect in

the population (e.g., d for a two-group test).

4. Increasing the population correla-tion between the sets of scores, �,in a matched or repeated-measures t test. This principle canbe extended to multigroup designs,as will be shown in Chapter 8.

Rapid Reference 6.1

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� � �N � 1� � (6.9)

where � is the actual correlation in the population. The value for delta can thenbe looked up in Table A.5 to find the power, just as in the case of the two-groupt test. Note that �, like d, is considered a measure of effect size in the population,and r, like g, is a measure of that effect in the data you have collected. If you canuse previous results to estimate �, you can calculate power for any sample size, orcalculate the sample size needed for a particular amount of power. According tothe guidelines of J. Cohen (1988), a value of .1 is a small effect for �; .3 is a mediumeffect size, and .5 is considered large. If you are expecting the effect size in thepopulation to be of medium size and you want power to be at least .7 for a .05two-tailed significance test, you can calculate the necessary sample size with For-mula 6.9:

2.48 � �N � 1� (.3)

therefore �N � 1�� 8.27

therefore N � 1 � 68.3

so N � 69.3

Thus, you need to use a sample of at least 70 participants if you want your powerto be at least .7 with � � .3.


Power analysis can be easily extended to more complex situations, such as the de-sign of a multigroup experiment as described in the previous chapter. Just as wefound the expected t for a two-group study, we can find the expected F for a one-way ANOVA. We start with a variation of Formula 5.3 and then substitute pop-ulation values, as follows:

F � �s 2








� � �n



� � n ��



� � n� �2

where n is the size of each sample, � is the standard deviation of each population(assuming HOV), and �x�

is the standard deviation of the population means fromthe grand mean. The ratio, �x�

/�, is a measure of effect size that J. Cohen (1988)labeled f (in bold to signify it is a population measure). It is similar to d in that itcompares the separation of population means to the standard deviation of indi-viduals within a population. In fact, in the two-group case, f � .5d (the distance



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of each population mean to the grand mean is half the distance of the two popu-lation means from each other). If the expected F is symbolized as �2 (phi-squared), and f is substituted for �

X�/� in the preceding equation, the followingpower formula is obtained:

�2 � n f 2 (6.10)

As it turns out, �2 is not literally the average F you would get for a given f—for large samples the expected F is about 1 � (k�2 )/(k – 1)—but �2 is a conve-nient quantity on which to base a power table. Actually, � is the more convenientvalue (it is similar to �; in the two-group case, � � ��2� ), so it is useful to takethe square root of both sides of Formula 6.10.

� �f �n� (6.10�)

For each value of k (the number of groups), a different table is required to re-late � to power. However, in each case a normal approximation could be used, asin Table A.5. Although this approach would lead to a simpler table, it produces aconsiderable amount of error when used with small samples. Therefore, we havepresented a table which finds power for a given combination of k, �, and dfw (dfw

is the denominator degrees of freedom for the ANOVA; with equal-sized groups,dfw � nk – k , so n � [dfw /k] � 1). Table A.6 is easy to use if you are stuck withparticular sample sizes, but first we must consider how f is estimated from a pre-vious study. Although the sample version of f, which is symbolized as f withoutthe bold face, equals �(F/n)�, this is a biased estimate of f. To estimate f from aprevious study with k equal-sized groups you can use the following formula:

estimated f ����k �



F �


1�� (6.11)

where n is the number of participants in each group. Recalling that in the two-group case f � .5 d, it should not be surprising that for f, .1, .25, and .4 are con-sidered to be small, medium, and large effect sizes, respectively. Now we are readyto illustrate the use of Table A.6.

Suppose that you are planning a study with four groups, and you are stuck with16 participants per group. If your estimate of f is .4, � equals �16� • .4 � 4 .4 �

1.6; dfw � (4 16) – 4 � 64 – 4 � 60. Looking in the section of Table A.6 for k �

4, we see that the power for � � 1.6 and dfw � 60 is .74, which is probably ac-ceptable. However, an f of .3 would lead to an unacceptably low estimate ofpower that equals .47. A sample size of 25 would be required for power to beabout .7 for that f (� ��25� • .3 � 1.5; dfw � 96).


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Revisiting the Two-Group Case

The k � 2 section of Table A.6 allows you to make more accurate power esti-mates in the two-group case than you can get with Table A.5. Imagine that youhave only eight patients in one group and six in the other. You expect d to be verylarge (1.2) for your comparison. To use Formula 6.4 you need the harmonic meanof 6 and 8, which is 6.857. Therefore, � � �(6.857/�2)� 1.2 � 1.85 1.2 � 2.22.Using Table A.5 you would estimate power to be about .61. However, we can in-crease our accuracy by using Table A.6 (k � 2), noting that � � �/�2�, so � �

2.22/1.414 � 1.57, and dfw � 6 � 8 – 2 � 12. In Table A.6 the power estimate isonly about .53. The Table A.5 estimate is higher because the normal distributionis being assumed along with a critical value of 1.96, when the critical t value for 12df is really 2.179 (the expected t of 2.22 is only a little more than that).

Estimating Sample Size for ANOVA

Table A.6 is a bit harder to use when the sample size is not fixed and you are try-ing to estimate the needed sample size for a particular combination of f andpower. We will begin by solving Formula 6.10 for n.

n � ��

f 2


� � ���



Now let us say that we think f is small (.1) for a particular five-group (k � 5) ex-periment, and we want power to be at least .7. The next step is to look up � inTable A.6 by seeing which column contains a value of .7. The problem is thatmore than one value of � is possible depending on the dfw—which you don’tknow because the sample size has not been determined yet. If you expect theneeded sample size to be very large (a good bet with f being only .1), then youwould look along the bottom row of the k � 5 section of the table for a value near.7; you’ll see that � is about 1.4. Then n is found from Formula 6.12: n � (1.4/.1)2

� 142 � 196. This estimate of n (about 200 participants in each of your fivegroups) is consistent with the guess you had to make to choose �. Had you ini-tially estimated dfw to be about 17 and therefore chose � to be 1.6, your calculatedn—(1.6/.1)2 � 162 � 256—would have told you that your initial estimate wasway off. On the other hand, were a very large f of .8 expected, a � of 1.6 wouldbe a reasonable choice, as confirmed by the calculated n: n � (1.6/.8)2 �22 � 4;with n � 4, dfw � nk – k � (4 5) 5 � 20 – 5 � 15, which would be consistentwith an initial estimate for dfw of 17, which led to the choice of 1.6 for �. The


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general guidelines established by J. Cohen for effect sizes are summarized inRapid Reference 6.2.


Increasingly, power analyses are being requested by doctoral committees over-seeing social science research, as well as the reviewers of research grants. Until re-cently these power analyses were performed with tables more detailed than TableA.6 ( J. Cohen, 1988), or power curves that allow one to avoid having to interpo-late between values in a table (Keppel, 1991). Fortunately, several software pack-ages have recently been marketed for the purpose of automating the tedious pro-cess of performing a power analysis.

Confidence Intervals for Effect Size

There is also an increased emphasis on reporting estimates of effect size whenpublishing in journals. For instance, the fifth edition of the Publication Manualof the American Psychological Association (2001) states: “For the reader to fullyunderstand the importance of your findings it is almost always necessary to in-clude some index of effect size or strength of relationship” (p. 25). For ANOVA,eta-squared is often reported, or an adjusted version (i.e., a less biased estimate ofomega-squared, as in Formula 5.6), but f, which is useful for power analysis, israrely used for such descriptive purposes. However, as useful as effect size esti-mates are, they suffer from the same drawback as any other point estimate: An ef-fect-size estimate based on large samples is much more reliable than one basedon small samples; and yet you cannot tell from looking at the estimate how seri-ously to take it. We discussed this problem first in the context of estimating the


J. Cohen Guidelines for Effect Sizes

Small Medium Large

Two-group comparison (d) .2 .5 .8Multigroup comparison (f ) .1 .25 .4Linear Correlation (�) .1 .3 .5

Rapid Reference 6.2

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mean of a population. The solution was interval estimation—creating a confi-dence interval (CI) around our point estimate. In a similar fashion creating a CIaround an effect-size estimate (ESCI) adds a great deal of information.

Admittedly, there are times when the CI for the difference of the populationmeans is more meaningful than the corresponding ESCI. For instance, if someherbal supplement claims to shorten the duration of the average cold, we wouldwant an estimate involving the number of hours or days we could expect to bespared the symptoms of a cold virus. Having a CI in units of time would be a greataid in deciding whether to use the product being tested. On the other hand, ifsome other supplement claims to improve memory and we test it with a list ofwords we just created, the CI will give us a range of how many additional wordswe are likely to remember after taking the supplement. But that is hardly mean-ingful, depending as it does on the number of words on the list, the commonnessof those words, study time, and many other factors. An ESCI would be moremeaningful. If the ESCI demonstrates that the effect size is likely to be large, atleast we would know that few people in the control condition can be expected toshow memory improvements as large as the average person taking the supple-ment.

Unfortunately, ESCIs are rarely reported in the scientific literature, and this isundoubtedly due in large part to the fact that they are somewhat difficult to con-struct. The CIs we described in earlier chapters were based on critical values fromthe normal or the ordinary (i.e., central) t distribution. ESCIs, however, requirethe use of critical values from a noncentral distribution (e.g., for a given numberof degrees of freedom there are an infinite number of noncentral t distributionseach based on a different value for delta, the noncentrality parameter), and thesevalues are not available in standard tables. Only in recent years have major statis-tical packages (e.g., SPSS) included a procedure for obtaining these critical values,and even at the time of this writing there is no readily available computer programthat will construct such CIs for you. Steiger and Fouladi (1997) and Cumming andFinch (2001) explain how to construct CIs for effect-size measures, but we don’texpect to see their widespread use anytime soon.


A common misconception can occur when, say, a dozen researchers perform es-sentially the same experiment, and half obtain significant results in the expecteddirection, while the other half do not. It can look like the various results are con-tradictory, but it is possible that all 12 researchers are dealing with a situation inwhich power equals .5. Then we would expect only half of the results to be sig-


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nificant. If each researcher supplies a measure of effect size, we can quickly see ifthey are all similar; if they are, the various results can be viewed as not being con-tradictory at all. In fact, if all 12 results were not significant but produced similar,nonzero estimates of effect size, the cumulative evidence of the 12 studies wouldnot be consistent with the null hypothesis. There is actually a way to combine the12 results in order to reject the null hypothesis; it is called meta-analysis. The basicprinciple behind meta-analysis is simple. The 12 similar studies mentioned abovecan all be thought of as pieces of a larger, or meta, study. Assuming that we areonly dealing with two-group studies, the g for the metastudy would be a weightedaverage of the g’s of the 12 studies (weighted by the sizes of the studies). The to-tal N for the meta study would be a sum of the n’s for the 12 smaller studies. Themeta study could be tested for significance with a t test using the following gen-eral formula:

tmeta ���N

2�� g avg (6.13)

where N equals Σni(assuming that each of the 12 studies consists of two equal-

sized groups of size ni).

The much larger N, with about the same g as the smaller studies, greatly in-creases the power of the meta-analysis relative to the smaller studies. There arealso tests of whether the g’s of the smaller studies differ significantly among them-selves and, perhaps, should not be combined (Rosenthal, 1993). There are de-bates about how to correct the bias in g and how best to combine these estimates(Hedges, 1982). But the trickiest part of meta-analysis, most likely, is knowingwhen studies are similar enough to be combined. If two studies have comparedthe same herbal supplement to a placebo, but used two different memory tests,whether these studies can be combined hinges on the similarity of these memorytests. For instance, are they testing the same kind of memory?

Meta-analysis is relatively new, and its methods are still being worked out, butit* potential for improving the quality of social science research is enormous. So-cial science research often deals with small to moderate effect sizes, and duelargely to economic limitations, large sample sizes are rarely used. Therefore,most studies do not have much power; estimates in the field of psychology sug-gest an average power that is no more than 50%. That translates into a large num-ber of studies that lead to negative results which are really Type II errors. Thesenegative results are rarely published, leading to what Rosenthal (1979) called the“file drawer” problem—the results never get out of the file drawer. Meta-analysispresents the opportunity to combine several negative or inconclusive studies intoone study with clear-cut results, and perhaps a fairly narrow ESCI. Fortunately,


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the World Wide Web can now pro-vide a convenient place to store andsearch for an enormous number offile-drawer studies that may later becombined by meta-analysis. A web-based journal for negative results isbeing established at the time of thiswriting.

When Null Hypothesis Testingis Useful

Almost since the use of NHST beganthere have been researchers stronglycautioning against simple signifi-cance testing without the comple-

mentary inclusion of confidence intervals or effect size estimates (e.g., J. Cohen,1994; Rozeboom, 1960). More recently there has been a growing movement toabolish NHST completely in favor of the reporting of CIs and the use of meta-analysis (e.g., Schmidt, 1996). A common argument against NHST is based on thefollowing set of premises: (1) The null hypothesis is almost never exactly true forstudies in social science research, so there are very few opportunities to make atrue Type I error; (2) power is usually low in social science research, so there is ahigh rate of Type II errors; and (3) because H0 is almost never true, almost any ex-periment can produce positive results if the sample sizes are made large enough.The critics further argue that not only is there little to gain by using NHST, butthe procedure leads to various fallacies and confusions. As the weaknesses ofNHST are pointed out more clearly and more often, the critics have wonderedaloud: Why is this procedure still so popular? The answer to this question, we feel,lies not in theoretical conceptions of science, but in more practical considera-tions. Let us look at the function NHST actually serves in research.

We agree that if one takes an exact view about it, the null hypothesis is veryrarely true in social science research. Inevitably, any new treatment will work atleast very slightly, or any two treatments will differ slightly, or any two variableswill have at least some very slight and inconsequential relation with each other. Itis rare that social scientists investigate paranormal phenomena, or treatments sotruly irrelevant that they may indeed have absolutely no effect at all. However, thedirection that results will take is not always obvious. When we are comparing twomethods for teaching math, for instance, a statistically significant result favoring


DON’T FORGET1. A result for which p � .051 is not

likely to be significantly differentfrom a result for which p � .049,even though the latter is significantat the .05 level and the former isnot.

2. If you perform an exact replicationof a result for which p � .049, thepower for the replication will onlybe about .5.

3. A study that uses small samplesand does not produce significantresults provides little evidence infavor of the null hypothesis, oreven that the effect size is small.

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method A gives us some confidence that method B would not be better in the en-tire population. A lack of significant results would not convince us that the twomethods are identical, but rather that additional research would be needed tosettle the issue.

If the direction the results will take seems obvious (e.g., individual attentionwill improve math performance as compared to classroom instruction alone) andyou can safely rule out the possibility that the null hypothesis is true (in the pre-vious example, can you imagine that adding individual attention to classroom in-struction will have absolutely no benefit whatsoever?), it can be argued thatNHST is pointless. Use enough participants and the results will be significant;don’t use enough participants and you will commit a Type II error by failing to re-ject H0 . However, although it is very rare that the null hypothesis is exactly true,it is not unusual for the true effect size to be so small that it is of no interest to uspractically. For example, a researcher may want to know if the frequent playing ofmusic composed by Mozart to an infant will produce a smarter child (the so-called Mozart effect). If the true effect size involved an increase of one IQ point(say, from 100 to 101) after much playing of Mozart, a study would be likely toproduce negative results and therefore a Type II error, but we see this as a bene-fit, not a drawback, of NHST. A significant result in this case, though technicallycorrect, would be a false alarm in a practical sense, because we are not dealingwith an effect that is large enough to be of interest. NHST is useful in that it usu-ally does not yield significant results with very small effect sizes that are really triv-ial in some cases. For instance, in addition to screening out 95% of null hypothe-ses, NHST will also screen out about 93% of experiments with small effect sizeswhen a sample size of 32 participants per group is used (� � .1 �32/2� � .4, sopower � .07).

Statistics texts and instructors often caution students not to confuse statisticalsignificance with practical significance. Certainly, one does not guarantee theother. However, because social science researchers usually have low power forsmall effect sizes due to their use of relatively small samples (using repeated mea-sures or matched designs tends to raise power, but researchers usually exploit thattendency by reducing their sample sizes), they know that statistical significance isunlikely when the effect size is too small to be of any practical significance. There-fore, knowing intuitively that their power is low for small effect sizes, researchersare understandably impressed with results that attain statistical significance anddismissive of those that do not.

If researchers routinely used very large samples, NHST would not be very use-ful, because even experiments for which d is too small to be interesting would of-ten yield significant results (e.g., with 1,250 participants per group, power is over


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.7 for d � .1). In this situation, statistical significance would no longer be indica-tive of a fairly large effect size, and researchers would have to pay more attentionto effect size estimates and think more about how large d must be for a particu-lar experiment to be of value. We don’t think this would be a bad situation, butwe feel quite certain that the use of large samples is not likely to become wide-spread any time in the foreseeable future. It should also be noted that, for someexperiments, demonstrating that d is anything but zero can be of great theoreti-cal interest (e.g., showing that voluntary mental activity can have a tiny but directeffect on the function of some internal organ, such as the kidney); however, inmost cases with practical implications, tiny effect sizes are just not worth payingattention to.

Finally, it can be argued that NHST is a haphazard way of screening out smalleffect sizes. Although there is widespread agreement on the use of .05 for alpha,sample sizes, and therefore power for a given effect size, fluctuate a good deal.This is indeed true; NHST is a crude system. But until researchers can come to-gether and agree about the meaning and usefulness of various effect sizes in dif-ferent research areas, you can expect to see a great deal of reliance on NHST inthe literature of the social sciences. In the next chapter, we show how NHST canbe applied to increasingly complex research designs.


Putting It Into Practice1. If Antarcticans have a normal body temperature that is 1 degree lower than

the rest of the human population, and the population standard deviation is 0.7degree (assume hom*ogeneity of variance):(a) How many participants would you need in each group if you wanted

power to be .8 for a .05, two-tailed test comparing Antarcticans to otherhumans? (Answer by using Table A.5, and then Table A.6.)

(b) If you had only four Antarcticans available, and you wanted to comparethem to 8 control participants, how much power would you have? (An-swer by using Table A.5, and then Table A.6.)

(c) Given the sample sizes in 1b, how large would d have to be to havepower of .9 for a .01, two-tailed test? (Answer by using Table A.5.)

(d) To obtain the d you found in 1c, how much would Antarcticans have todiffer from the rest of the population (the standard deviation still equals0.7 degree)?

2. Participants study a list of words while listening to either happy music or sadmusic. If the mean number of words recalled is half a standard deviation higherfor the happy than the sad condition (use Table A.5 for these exercises):(a) How many participants are needed in each of two equal-sized groups to

have a power of .74 (.05, two-tailed test)?

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(b) If the two groups are matched such that � equals .4, how many partici-pants per group would be needed in 2a?

(c) If the groups contained 18 participants each, how high would the correla-tion in 2b have to be so that power would equal .7?

3. This exercise concerns the correlation between math ability and music ability.(a) If the correlation is .35 in the population, how large a sample is needed for

power to be .7 with a .01, two-tailed test?(b) If you are testing this correlation in a class of 26 students, how high would

the population correlation have to be for power to reach .8 in a .05, two-tailed test?

4. Three drugs are being compared to a placebo in a one-way ANOVA.(a) If there are 9 participants in each group, and f equals .5, what is the power

of your ANOVA test at the .05 level?(b) If f equals .2, how many participants would you need in each of the four

groups to have power of .65?(c) Given the sample size in 4a, how large would f have to be to attain power

of about .82?


1. Power is

(a) the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when it is true.(b) the probability of accepting the null hypothesis when it is false.(c) the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true.(d) the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is false.

2. Increasing the effect size (all else remaining equal) will

(a) increase delta (the expected t value).(b) increase beta (the Type II error rate).(c) decrease the critical value.(d) decrease alpha (the Type I error rate).

3. If you perform a two-sample experiment and obtain a large t value (e.g., t� 10), which of the following can be concluded?

(a) d (the effect size) is probably large.(b) Delta (the expected t value) is probably large.(c) Alpha is probably small.(d) The sample size is probably large.

4. How can the effect size of a two-sample experiment be increased?

(a) Increase alpha.(b) Increase power.(c) Increase the separation of the population means.(d) Increase the variance of both populations.


(continued )

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5. A sometimes useful side effect of null hypothesis testing with small inde-pendent groups is that

(a) large effect sizes do not lead to Type I errors.(b) small effect sizes do not lead to significant results.(c) the direction of an effect can be reliably determined.(d) small confidence intervals can be found.

6. Suppose that for a two-group experiment, in which there are 18 partici-pants per group, the calculated t value is 2.1. How large is g (the sampleestimate of d)?

(a) .5(b) .7(c) 1.4(d) 6.3

7. If the population correlation is expected to be .4, approximately howmany participants are needed to have power equal .7 (� � .05, two-tailed)?

(a) 7(b) 14(c) 20(d) 40

8. As the correlation between the two sets of scores in a matched t test in-creases (all else remaining the same),

(a) the denominator of the t test decreases.(b) the numerator of the t test increases.(c) the variance within each set of scores decreases.(d) all of the above.

9. Which of the following would result in an increase in f?

(a) Increasing the separation of the population means(b) Increasing the sample sizes(c) Increasing alpha(d) All of the above

10. For a given F value, which of the following would lead to a larger samplevalue for f?

(a) Larger sample sizes(b) Smaller sample sizes(c) Larger within-sample variances(d) Smaller separation among the sample means

Answers: 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. c; 5. b; 6. b; 7. d; 8. a; 9. a; 10. b.

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Interaction Contrasts

Suppose you are testing a completely new drug for depression. You are happy thata t test shows the drug group to be significantly lower in depression than theplacebo group at the end of the study. To explore your results further you decideto rerun your t test just for the men in the study, and then again just for thewomen. Although you have equal numbers of men and women in both condi-tions, you find that the t test for men just misses significance at the .05 level,whereas the t test for women is easily significant. Does this mean that the femalepopulation is more responsive to the drug than the male population? As wepointed out in the previous chapter, you cannot conclude this. In fact, the true ef-fect sizes for men and women could easily be identical with accidental differencesin sampling explaining the difference in results. However, even if the t tests forboth genders were significant (or both not significant), the effect sizes for menand women could be quite different, and it would be useful to know if this werethe case. There should be a way to test this, and there is. One way is to test the dif-ference in the male and female results by means of a contrast, as described inChapter 5.

First, let us look at some possible means for the drug/placebo experimentbroken down by gender (see Table 7.1). The relevant contrast is to take the femaledifference of 18 points (i.e., 40 – 22) and subtract from it the male difference of8 points (i.e., 36 – 28); the difference of these two differences is 10 points, so Lequals 10 for this contrast. More formally, the contrast can be written as followsL � �1 X�male/placebo – 1 X�male/drug – (�1 X�female/placebo – 1 X�female/drug ). Noticethat all four of the coefficients are �1 or –1, so Σc


2 � 4. If there are 20 partici-pants per group, SScontrast � nL2/ Σc


2 � 20 100/4 � 500, which also equalsMScontrast. The error term for this contrast is MSw , which in this case would be anaverage of the four group variances.



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The contrast just tested is called aninteraction contrast. If it is significant,we can say that the drug interacts withgender, in that the effect of the drug,relative to a placebo, changes fromone gender to another. Depending onthe nature and the size of the interac-tion we might recommend that thedrug be used only with females.Interactions can be very interestingboth practically and theoretically. Thesimplest kind of interaction is the twoby two (symbolized as 2 � 2) interac-tion, as in the example above (two

drug conditions and two genders). Interactions, however, can get more compli-cated (e.g., three drug conditions by two genders), and when they do, a simple lin-ear contrast will not be sufficient. To handle these more complex cases you willneed an extension of the ANOVA procedure you learned in Chapter 5. This ex-tension, called factorial ANOVA (for reasons soon to be made clear) is the subjectof this chapter.


The one-way ANOVA is called one-way because there is only one independentvariable, also called a factor, that distinguishes the groups. If the groups differedalong two factors, a two-way ANOVA could probably be applied to the results.(The dependent variable should have been measured on an interval or ratio scale.If more than one dependent variable is to be used in the same analysis you wouldneed a multivariate analysis of variance [MANOVA]. In this book we will onlydeal with univariate ANOVAs—i.e., one DV at a time.) To illustrate how two fac-tors can be combined in one experiment we offer the following example.

Suppose you are the principal of a large school and you want to improve read-ing scores. In comparison to the traditional method for teaching reading, you



When Will I Use the Statisticsin this Chapter?

You are measuring one outcome (i.e.,dependent) variable on a quantitativescale (or looking at one such variableat a time), and you are comparinggroups along two or more dimensionsor factors (any of the factors can rep-resent existing populations, or experi-mental treatments or conditions).

Table 7.1 An Example of an Interaction Contrast

Placebo Drug

Males 36 28Females 40 22

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want to test two new methods—we’ll call them visual and phonics. Imagine thatmany of your classes in a given grade consist of 20 pupils randomly selected. Toget the power you want, you assign three classes at random to each of the threeteaching methods. Suppose also that there are four reasonably good reading textsavailable and you want to decide which is best. Again, your power analysis sug-gests that you assign three classes to each of the four texts. But if you are alreadyusing 9 classes for the teaching method experiment you may not have 12 moreclasses for the text experiment. However, you can run both experiments more ef-ficiently, using fewer classes, if you combine them in a two-way design.

The simplest way of combining two factors is the completely crossed factorial design,

which is usually called the factorial design for short. In this scheme every level ofone factor is combined with every level of the other factor. For the teachingmethod and text experiments the combination would come out as shown in Table7.2. Each combination of levels in the design is called a cell. There are a total of 12cells (e.g., the visual method combined with text C). This design is often referredto as a 3 � 4 (read three by four), or 4 � 3 for reasons that should be obviousfrom looking at Table 7.2.

If you actually multiply the two numbers (e.g., 3 times 4), you get the numberof cells. If you assign one 20-student class to each cell you can run both the teach-ing method and text experiments using a total of only 12 classes, without sacri-ficing any power. For the text experiment you can see that there are three classesassigned to each text, and for the teaching method experiment there are fourclasses for each method, even more than originally planned. If any of the cellswere left empty (no classes or pupils assigned), this would not be a completelycrossed design, and it would not be easy to analyze (we will not discuss such in-complete designs, which are uncommon).

If the classes were not all the same size the design would not be balanced. Thiswould make the analysis a bit trickier, and is best dealt with by statistical software(fortunately, the necessary adjustment is simple in the 2 � 2 case—see the sec-ond exercise in “Putting It Into Practice”). However, if the design becomes un-balanced in a manner that is not due to random accidents, but rather to the nature


Table 7.2 Layout of 3 � 4 ANOVA with One Class (20 students) per Cell

Text A Text B Text C Text D

Traditional 20 20 20 20Visual 20 20 20 20Phonics 20 20 20 20

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of the treatments themselves (e.g., poor readers are so challenged by a particularcombination of text and method that they transfer to another school), your re-sults can become biased in a way that is difficult to compensate for statistically(B. Cohen, 2000).

At this point, you may be looking for the catch—the downside of runningboth experiments simultaneously, and therefore using only 12 instead of a totalof 21 classes. The economy comes, of course, from the fact that each student isin two experiments at once. The analysis of the two-way design begins with twoone-way ANOVAs, each ignoring the presence of the other factor, except that theerror term for both one-way ANOVAs (i.e., MSw ) is the average of the varianceswithin each cell. The potential problem is that the interpretation of these twoone-way ANOVAs can be greatly complicated if there is an interaction betweenthe two factors.

It may have occurred to you that one text might work particularly well for thetraditional method but not for either of the new methods, whereas some othertext works well with the phonics method, and so on. If the relative effectivenessof the texts changes for different teaching methods (or vice versa), you will havesome interaction between the factors, though it may not be large enough to bestatistically significant or otherwise worrisome. Sometimes an interaction is whatyou were expecting (or hoping for) when you designed the study. But even if theinteraction was not expected, if it is there, you should want to know about it.

Comparing the teaching methods with just one text can lead to results that willnot generalize to other texts; another researcher replicating your experiment butusing a different text may reach a different conclusion about the teaching meth-ods. If you get essentially the same pattern among the teaching methods for allfour texts (assuming these texts are a good representation of all available texts),you can feel confident about the generality of your conclusions with respect tothe teaching methods. If you obtain a significant interaction this is also valuableinformation, leading to more specific recommendations—for example, use textA with the phonics method, but not with the other methods.


It could be the case that the texts are written so specifically for one method or an-other that it would not make sense to use, say, a phonics text with a visual teach-ing method. This situation would rule out a factorial design, but a two-factor de-sign would still be possible. For each of the three teaching methods a different setof four appropriate texts could be chosen at random; thus there would be fourdifferent texts for each method for a total of 12 different texts. This design is


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called a nested design; the different texts are nested in the different methods (seeFigure 7.1). Because the design is not crossed you cannot look for an interaction.However, there are two one-way ANOVAs that can be performed. The first one-way ANOVA is calculated by first finding the mean for each text. The calculationproceeds as though the texts were the participants; the numerator of the F ratiois based on the variability of the means of the teaching methods (multiplied by thenumber of texts used for each method), and the error term is based on the vari-ability from text to text within each method. The logic is that the variability frommethod to method should be large in comparison to the variability from text totext within each method (for more detail, see Myers & Well, 2003).

The second one-way ANOVA tests whether the texts differ significantly fromeach other within each method using person-to-person variability within eachtext condition as the error term. A significant F for this factor suggests that it re-ally does matter which text is used. In such a nested design, the text factor is usu-ally a random-effects factor, because the texts for each method would normallybe picked at random from all available texts. In this chapter and Chapter 5, wedeal only with fixed-effects factors; the levels of your factors (e.g., texts) are cho-sen specifically because you are interested in testing those particular levels. How-ever, the main drawback to the nested design is that for the first one-way ANOVAthere are usually not many participants (in this case, texts) for each condition, andtherefore not much power. Generally, if the second ANOVA is not close to sig-nificance (e.g., choice of text makes little difference within each method), thenested factor is essentially ignored; in this example the analysis would revert to anordinary one-way ANOVA of the teaching methods with person-to-person vari-ability as the error term.

Technically speaking, a one-way ANOVA with three classes assigned to eachof three teaching methods—all using the same text—is a two-factor nested design,because the classes are nested within each method. Often, this aspect of the designis ignored, and all of the participants in one method are considered one largegroup, because we don’t expect the participants to differ from one class to an-other. However, when classes are coming from different schools or patients from






Method I





Method II





Method III

Figure 7.1 A diagram of a nested design: Texts are nested within methods

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different hospitals, ignoring the nesting can increase your chances of making aType I error, so more attention should be paid to any clumping of participantswithin a single condition of the ANOVA.

Calculating the Main Effects of a Two-Way ANOVA

Deliberately nested designs (as opposed to obtaining your participants haphaz-ardly in clumps) are quite rare, so we will not discuss them further in this text. Weturn now to the practical matter of obtaining the three F ratios in a two-way fac-torial ANOVA. Table 7.3 displays possible cell means for the teaching methods/texts experiment. Each cell mean is the average of 20 scores. Notice that we havealso filled in means for each row and column; these are called marginal means. Be-cause this is a balanced design the error term for all three F ratios, MS

w, is just an

ordinary average of the 12 cell variances.The numerator for the one-way ANOVA for teaching method is given by nsx�

2 ,where n is the number of participants in each teaching method (4 20 � 80) andsx�

2 is the (unbiased) variance of the row (i.e., teaching method) means. Therefore,MSmethod � 80 s2 (5.725, 6.2, 5.95) � 80 .05646 � 4.52. If MSw turns out to be.5, then Fmethod � 4.52/.5 � 9.04. To find the critical F we must note that the nu-merator df is one less than the number of levels of the factor; in this case dfnum

equals 2 (3 methods minus 1). The denominator df is dfw , which is the total num-ber of participants (NT) minus the number of cells.

For this example dfw equals 228 (i.e., 240 – 12), so Fcrit � F.05 (2,228) � 3.0(from Table A.3). Because Fmethod is greater than its critical F we can say that themain effect of method is significant (each of the two one-way ANOVAs is referredto as a main effect). Similarly, we can show that MStext � 60 s2(5.77, 6.1, 6.03,5.93) � 60 .0205 � 1.23 (note that in this case, n is 3 20 because there are threecells or classes for each text). Therefore, Ftext � MStext / MSw � 1.23/.5 � 2.46,which is less than F.05 (3,228) � 2.6, so the main effect of text is not significant(note that for the text effect, dfnum � 3, because there are four texts).


Table 7.3 Layout of 3 � 4 ANOVA with One Class (20 students) per Cell

Text A Text B Text C Text D Row Mean

Traditional 5.6 6.0 5.5 5.8 5.725Visual 5.7 5.8 6.4 5.9 5.95Phonics 6.0 6.5 6.2 6.1 6.2Column mean 5.77 6.1 6.03 5.93 5.96

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The SS Components of the Two-Way ANOVA

Finally, we want to test the F ratio for the interaction of the two factors. Becausethe design is larger than a 2 � 2, the interaction cannot be found from a simplelinear contrast. In fact, the easiest way to find MSinter is to deal with the SS com-ponents of the two-way ANOVA. We hope you recall that any MS can be ex-pressed as SS/df. In the case of the one-way ANOVA, we showed (see Chapter5) that SStotal � SSbetween � SSw (note, however, that the corresponding MS com-ponents do not add up like that). In the two-way ANOVA the SSs add up as fol-lows: SStotal � SSrows � SScolumns � SSinteraction � SSw ; in our example SSrows equalsSSmethod , which equals dfmethod MSmethod � 2 4.52 � 9.04. Similarly, SScolumns

equals SStext � 3 1.23 � 3.69, and SSw � dfw MSw � 228 .5 � 114. If you cal-culate SStotal (find the unbiased variance of all the scores as though they were onelarge group and multiply by dftotal , which is NT – 1), SSinter can be found by sub-tracting SSrows , SScolumns , and SSw from SStotal .

Suppose, however, that you are given a table consisting of the means and stan-dard deviations of each cell and you don’t have access to the original scores. Youcannot calculate SStotal directly, but you can still calculate the two-way ANOVA.Here’s how: First you can square all of the SDs to get the cell variances and aver-age them to get MSw. Then you can treat the cell means like the group means ofa one-way ANOVA and calculate the SSbetween , which in this context we will callSSbetween-cell . We have a little calculator trick to make this easy: Enter all of the cellmeans into your calculator, and then press the key for the biased SD (you have tohave a scientific or statistical calculator that includes the biased as well as the un-biased SD, and know how to enter numbers in stats mode). Square the biased SD(of the cell means) and then multiply by the total N. This trick can be summarizedin the following formula:

SSbetween � NT�2 (means) (7.1)

SSrows and SScolumns can be found by using the same formula; just enter either therow means or the column means, and multiply the biased variance of these meansby the total N. Then, SSinteraction can be found by subtracting both SSrows and SScolumns

from SSbetween-cell . We will illustrate the use of Formula 7.1 on the data in Table 7.3.

SSbetween-cell � 240 .08576 � 20.58

SSmethod � 240 .03764 � 9.03

SStext � 240 .01576 � 3.78

SSinteraction � SSbetween-cell � SSmethod � SStext � 20.58 � 9.03 � 3.78 � 7.77.


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Note that SSmethod and SStext agree with what we found when we obtained MSmethod

and MStext directly and multiplied them by the corresponding df ’s; the slight dis-crepancy is due to different rounding off in the two calculation sequences. (Dueto rounding, these hand calculations are not extremely accurate. When you needreal precision, retain a large number of digits for intermediate results [includingmarginal means] or use a computer. These calculations are useful, however, forunderstanding the concepts of the two-way ANOVA.) The df for the interactionis always equal to dfrow times dfcolumn . For this example, dfinter � 2 3 � 6; there-fore, MSinter � 7.77/6 � 1.295, and Finter � MSinter /MSw � 1.295/.5 � 2.59. Be-cause this F is larger than F.05 (6,228) � 2.1, the null hypothesis for the interactioncan be rejected at the .05 level. We will explain what this implies shortly.

You may be wondering why we explained how to calculate a two-wayANOVA from just a table of means and SDs, as though you don’t have the orig-inal data. The fact is that tables of means and SDs are often published in journalarticles, along with statistical tests, but the authors may not present all of the F ra-tios you would like to see. You can fill in the missing results with the procedurejust described. The procedure is summarized in Rapid Reference 7.1. (For furtherdetails on this procedure see B. Cohen, 2002 or B. Cohen, 2000.) If you don’thave a calculator that includes the biased standard deviation as a built-in func-tion, you can obtain one very inexpensively, or you can use the computationalANOVA formulas presented in most introductory texts. Of course, most of the


Calculation Procedure for Two-Way ANOVA

SStotal � NT�2 (all scores) optionalSSbetween-cell � NT�2 (cell means)

SSrow � NT�2 (row means)SScolumn � NT�2 (column means)

SSinteraction is obtained by subtracting SSrow and SScolumn from SSbetween-cell ; SSw can beobtained by subtracting SSbetween-cell from SStotal ; or MSW can be obtained directlyby averaging the cell variances.Then SSrow , SScolumn , and SSinteraction are divided by dfrow , dfcolumn , and dfinteraction re-spectively, to create MSrow , MScolumn , and MSinteraction , each of which is divided byMSW to create the three F ratios.If r � number of rows, c � number of columns, and n � size of each cell, dfrow �r – 1; dfcolumn � c – 1; dfinteraction � (r – 1)(c – 1), and dfW � rc (n – 1).

Rapid Reference 7.1

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time you will have access to the original data and will analyze your data with sta-tistical software.

Varieties of Interactions

When the interaction turns out to be statistically significant, as in the method/text example, you will probably want to draw a graph of the cell means to see whatis going on. There are many ways that an interaction can combine with the maineffects even in the simplest two-way ANOVA, the 2 � 2 design. Before we showyou a graph of the cell means in Table 7.3, we will illustrate the major patterns thatcan occur in a 2 � 2 design. Imagine an experiment in which sleep-deprived par-ticipants are given two pills and then asked to perform a motor task (e.g., play avideo game that simulates driving a truck). The first pill can be either caffeine ora placebo. The second pill can be either amphetamine or another placebo. Thereare four possible combinations, and therefore four groups of participants.The (hypothetical) average performance for three of the four groups is shown inTable 7.4.

The drug example is convenient because there has been a good deal of atten-tion paid in recent years to the topic of drug interactions, and if, for instance,there is a drug interaction between caffeine and amphetamine, it is likely to be re-flected in a statistical interaction in our experiment. The easiest way to under-stand an interaction is to first look at a case with absolutely no interaction what-soever. In Table 7.4 you can see that taking caffeine improves performance by 10points relative to a placebo, and amphetamine adds 20 points. If these two drugsdo not interact, taking both of them will be additive—that is, performance willimprove by 10 � 20 � 30 points, relative to taking two placebos. Imagine thatthe empty cell in Table 7.4 contains a 60, and you have the case of zero interac-tion. This case is graphed in panel A of Figure 7.2. Notice that the two lines (cor-responding to the rows of Table 7.4) are parallel. This is an easy way to see thatthere is no interaction. With no caffeine, the amphetamine line is 20 points abovethe “no amphetamine” line, and with caffeine you get the same difference be-tween the two lines.


Table 7.4 Hypothetical Cell Means for a Two-Way Interaction

Placebo Caffeine

Placebo 30 40Amphetamine 50

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There are several quite different types of interactions that are possible in the 2� 2 case. For instance, the two drugs in our example may facilitate each other insuch a way that the score in the empty cell of Table 7.4 comes out to 80. This caseis graphed in panel B of Figure 7.2. The fact that the lines are not parallel tells usthat the F ratio for the interaction will not be zero (whether the F is significant,or even greater than 1.0, depends on the relative size of the error term, MSW).That the two lines slant in the same direction tells us that this is an ordinal interac-

tion; the effect of amphetamine may be greater with caffeine than without, but itis in the same direction (or order). We next illustrate an interaction that involvesa reversal of the order of the means.

Imagine that the combination of caffeine and amphetamine makes the partic-ipants so jittery that it interferes with performance on the video game and, there-


Placebo Caffeine

No Amphetamine




Placebo Caffeine

No Amphetamine




Placebo Caffeine

No Amphetamine






Figure 7.2 Different types of interaction. A, zero interaction (lines are paral-lel); B, ordinal interaction (lines slant in same direction but with differentslopes); C, disordinal interaction (lines cross or slant in opposite directions)


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fore, leads to a mean score of only 20(worse than the two placebos) in theempty cell of Table 7.4. This patternof means, graphed in panel C of Fig-ure 7.2, is indicative of a disordinal in-teraction; the effect of amphetaminein the presence of caffeine (i.e., to de-crease performance) is opposite to itseffect without caffeine. Whenever the interaction is significant (or even veryclose) in a two-way ANOVA you should be cautious in interpreting the signifi-cance or lack of significance of either of the main effects. If the interaction is sig-nificant and disordinal, it is unlikely that the main effects will be interpretable atall, so the significance (or lack of significance) of the main effects will usually beignored in this case.

The easiest way to see the direction of the main effects is to look at the mar-ginal means; Table 7.5 shows the table of cell and marginal means for the case thatwas graphed in panel C of Figure 7.2. Notice that the two row means are the same,which implies that MSrow and therefore Frow will be zero. Looking only at the maineffect of amphetamine, therefore, would suggest that taking amphetamines hasno effect on performance, which is certainly not the case in this experiment (twoopposite effects are balancing each other out). The marginal means for placebo/caffeine suggest a main effect in which caffeine hurts performance, but even ifthis effect were significant it would be ignored as misleading.

Simple Main Effects

When the interaction in a 2 � 2 ANOVA is significant, it is not likely that you willwant to stop your analysis with that result. Imagine that your two-way ANOVAinvolves two types of boys—hyperactive and average—and two types ofdrugs—placebo and Ritalin (a form of amphetamine). The data (based on somemeasure of activity) as graphed in panel A of Figure 7.3, could lead to a significant


Table 7.5 The Cell Means Corresonding to Figure 7.2C

Placebo Caffeine Row Means

Placebo 30 40 35Amphetamine 50 20 35Column Means 40 30 35


When the interaction in a two-wayANOVA is disordinal and significant(or even nearly significant), do nottake the results of the main effects atface value.

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interaction, but you would then want to test the Ritalin-placebo difference sepa-rately for each type of boy (you could perform a simple t test in each case, or aone-way ANOVA, whose F would equal the square of the corresponding t value).Looking at panel A of Figure 7.3, it would not be surprising if the Ritalin groupwas significantly higher in activity than placebo for average boys, but not signifi-cantly lower for hyperactive boys. The significant disordinal interaction is stilltheoretically interesting—it demonstrates that the same drug has paradoxicallyopposite effects on the two types of boys—but if you are wondering whether togive Ritalin to hyperactive boys as a form of treatment, the follow-up resultscould be discouraging. Results as graphed in panel B of Figure 7.3 would be moreencouraging, especially if the Ritalin-placebo difference turned out to be signifi-cant for the hyperactive boys alone.

The Ritalin/placebo comparison for each group of boys is called a simple main

effect. You could also look at simple main effects by comparing the two groups ofboys for each drug condition separately, but for this experiment those tests are


Placebo Ritalin

Average boys

Hyperactive boys


Placebo Ritalin

Average boys

Hyperactive boys



Figure 7.3 Disordinal interactions with different simple main effects. A, largesimple main effect for average boys, but small simple main effect for hyperac-tive boys; B, small simple main effect for average boys, but large simple maineffect for hyperactive boys


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less interesting. A main effect is always the average of the simple main effects thatcontribute to it. In this example the main effect of the drug is obtained by aver-aging the simple main effects of the drug for the two groups of boys. The moredifferent the simple main effects are, the less sense it makes to average them.When the simple main effects are significantly different (that is what a significantinteraction tells us), averaging them usually makes little sense, which is why wetend to ignore the main effects in such cases (especially when the simple main ef-fects go in opposite directions, producing a disordinal interaction).

Post Hoc Tests When the Interaction Is Not Significant

If the interaction for a 2 � 2 ANOVA is not significant the focus shifts to themain effects. If a main effect is significant you can look at the direction of the ef-fect (i.e., which level is higher), and interpret the effect accordingly. Because eachmain effect has only two levels, follow-up tests are not possible. However, when-ever a significant main effect has more than two levels, follow-up tests are notonly possible, but almost always desirable. Let us return to our 3 (methods) � 4(texts) example and imagine that the interaction was not significant, in order to seehow main effects are followed up. In the 3 � 4 example the main effect of meth-ods was significant. We can look at the column means of Table 7.3 to see whichmethod is best, which is worst, and so on, but we cannot tell from looking at themeans, for example, whether the visual method is significantly better than the tra-ditional method, or whether the phonics method is significantly better than thevisual.

Fortunately, we can test this main effect further with pairwise comparisons,just as you would for a one-way ANOVA. With three conditions and a balanceddesign you can use Fisher’s LSD test; MSw is the error term from the two-wayANOVA. Just remember that n in Formula 5.11 is the number of participants thatreceive each method, not the cell size. For this example four classes are assignedto each method, so n � 4 20 � 80. If the text factor had been significant, Tukey’sHSD would be recommended (Formula 5.12) because there are more than threelevels. In this case, n would be 3 20 � 60.

Post Hoc Tests When the Interaction Is Significant

When the interaction is significant in a 3 � 4 ANOVA (as in the method/text ex-ample), a test of simple main effects is often appropriate, but there are other op-tions as well. First, we will look at the simple effects in our example. We can ei-ther run one-way ANOVAs comparing the four texts for each method, or


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compare the three methods for each text; sometimes it is interesting to look atboth sets of simple main effects. For all of these tests the numerator is based onthe three or four cell means we are comparing (n is the cell size), and the denom-inator is MSw from the two-way ANOVA (the critical value is the same as the cor-responding main effect). In our example the text factor is significant only for thevisual method: MSbet � ns

X�2 � 20 s2 (5.7, 5.8, 6.4, 5.9) � 20 .0967 � 1.933; F

� 1.933/.5 � 3.867 � F.05(3,228) � 2.6. Next we will want to further clarify thiseffect with pairwise comparisons. We can use Tukey’s HSD to compare each pairof texts for the visual method only:

HSD � qcrit ��M


Sw�� � 3.63��2.50�� � 3.63 .158 � .574

Therefore, texts A and B both differ significantly from text C.It is legitimate to skip the analysis of simple main effects and proceed directly

to relevant cell-to-cell comparisons, but given the large number of possible pairsto test (there are 66 possible pairs in a 3 � 4 design, but 36 involve crossing botha row and a column, so only 30 pairs are reasonable to test) it is important to con-trol for Type I errors (Tukey’s test can be modified for this purpose according toCicchetti, 1972).

Interaction Contrasts

A second option for looking more closely at a significant interaction is to look at2 � 2 subsets of the original interaction; these subsets are called interaction con-trasts, and are calculated exactly the same way as in our 2 � 2 example at the be-ginning of this chapter. Figure 7.4 is a graph of the cell means (Table 7.3) for themethods/text example. Looking at Figure 7.4 you can see that there is more in-teraction in some portions of the graph than others. For instance, looking only at


Figure 7.4 Graph of cell means from Table 7.3

Text A Text C Text D






Text B0

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texts B and C you can see that there is very little interaction involving just the tra-ditional and phonics methods, but a good deal of interaction if you focus on thetraditional and visual methods. For traditional/phonics, L � (6 – 5.5) – (6.5 – 6.2)� .5 – .3 � .2, but for traditional/visual L � (6 – 5.5) – (5.8 – 6.4) � .5 – (–.6) �1.1. Therefore, MScont in the first case equals nL2/Σc


2 � (20 .22)/4 � 20(.04)/4� .2; in the second case, MScont � 6.05. After dividing by MSw, Ftrad/phon � .4,whereas Ftrad/vis � 12.1. As with any 2 � 2 interaction or contrast the numeratordf is just one, so the critical F for these interaction contrasts is F(1,228) � 3.84.Not surprisingly, the contrast is significant for traditional/visual, but not for tra-ditional/phonics for texts B and C.

In a 3 � 4 design there are eighteen possible 2 � 2 subsets. It is not reason-able to test them all without protecting against the build-up of Type I errors. If afew of the 2 � 2 contrasts are carefully planned before the data are seen, it is ac-ceptable to test those contrasts as we did in the preceding section. If, however,you are looking for the best contrasts to test, these are considered post hoc (com-plex) comparisons, and Sheffé’s test is recommended. For an interaction, FS �

dfinterF(dfinter , dfw ); in other words, the critical F for Scheffé’s test is just dfinter

times the critical F for the overall interaction. For this example, FS � 6 2.1 �

12.6. By this criterion the trad/visual by texts B/C contrast just misses signifi-cance. The Scheffé test is designed to be so strict that if the omnibus interactionis not significant, none of the 2 � 2 F’s will be greater than FS .

Partial Interactions

The preceding paragraph points to the advantage of planning comparisons in ad-vance. One form of comparison that is more likely to be planned than discoveredpost hoc is the partial interaction. Typically, a complex comparison is used to reduceone of the factors to two levels, and then this comparison is crossed with theother factor. For example, the phonic and visual conditions can be averaged to-gether to create a nontraditional level. Then a two-way ANOVA is created withone factor as traditional/nontraditional and the other factor as text. If the partialinteractions you are testing were not planned, you should use an adjusted versionof Scheffé’s test as described by Boik (1979).

Finally, another system for planning interaction comparisons is to create a setof interaction contrasts that are all mutually orthogonal. For our example, dfinter

equals 6, so there can be six orthogonal contrasts in a set. One possibility is tocross the traditional/nontraditional comparison just described with the follow-ing text comparisons: A versus B, B versus C, and C versus D. Then cross visualversus phonics (a comparison that is orthogonal to the traditional/nontraditionalfactor) with the same text comparisons. The resulting six 2 � 2 interactions are


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all orthogonal to each other. The possible follow-up tests for a two-way ANOVAare summarized in Rapid Reference 7.2.

The Two-Way ANOVA with Grouping Factor(s)

Our method/text example involves the combination of two experimental fac-tors. It should be noted, however, that another important use of the two-wayANOVA involves combining an experimental factor with an individual differ-ences (or grouping) factor. Suppose, for instance, that you are studying only thethree teaching methods from our previous example (all students get the sametext). You may notice that the girls have consistently higher reading scores thanthe boys in each class, regardless of the method used. This gender difference willcontribute to the size of MSw and therefore serve to reduce the size of your F ra-tio. If gender were added as a factor to create a two-way (gender � method)ANOVA, MSw would be calculated separately for each method/gender combi-nation and then pooled. Gender differences would then contribute to the main ef-fect of gender, but not to MSw ; this reduces MSw and therefore increases the F ra-tio for testing the method factor.

Another advantage of adding gender is that you can test whether boys and girlsrespond in a similar pattern to the three methods, or whether there is some in-teraction between gender and method. You pay a price for adding a grouping fac-tor, in terms of losing degrees of freedom, so factors should not be added unlessthey are likely to be related to your dependent variable (as gender is related toreading scores among children) or to create an interesting interaction with yourexperimental factor.

Instead of a categorical factor like gender, you may discover that your DV is


Follow-Up Tests for the Two-Way ANOVA

If the interaction is not significant: Perform pairwise comparisons for whichevermain effects are significant and have more than two levels (LSD is acceptable forthree levels, HSD for four or more).If the interaction is significant: (1) Test the simple main effects (i.e., at each level ofone factor, perform a one-way ANOVA on the other factor) for one or both fac-tors. Perform pairwise (i.e., cell-to-cell) comparisons for whichever simple maineffects are significant and have more than two levels, or (2) conduct (2 � 2) in-teraction contrasts, or partial interactions for ANOVAs that are larger than 2 � 2.

Rapid Reference 7.2

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affected by a continuous individual-difference variable, like age. This kindof variable, often thought of as a nui-sance variable, also can contribute toyour error term and thus reduce thepower of your one-way ANOVA.Age can be turned into a second fac-tor in your ANOVA by dividing yourparticipants into blocks according toranges of age (e.g., 18 to 22, 23 to 27,etc.). If age affects your DV, yourerror term will be reduced by creatinga two-way blocks by treatmentANOVA. If there is a simple linearrelation between age and your DV, you can gain even more power by performingan analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The topic of ANCOVA goes beyond thescope of this book but is covered thoroughly in B. Cohen (2000).


As we just mentioned, one way to get a two-way ANOVA is to start with a one-way ANOVA and add a grouping factor. Similarly, if you take our two-waymethod/text example and divide the children by gender, you would get a three-way ANOVA. Or if you divided the children by those who were above or belowaverage in school performance before the method/text experiment, and addedthat as a factor, you would have a three-way ANOVA. Of course, you can also de-sign an experiment with three factors—for instance, the method/text experi-ment could be run with weekly testing for half of the children and only before-and-after testing for the other half (the resulting three-way ANOVA might useonly the last test as the dependent variable for all of the participating children).

A three-way ANOVA allows the testing of three main effects, and a three-wayinteraction—an effect not available in a two-way ANOVA. There are also threetwo-way interactions that can be (and usually should be) looked at, for a total ofseven effects (and therefore seven F ratios) that can be tested for statistical sig-nificance. In general, a factorial ANOVA with N factors has 2N – 1 effects thatcan be tested (for a four-way ANOVA, 2N – 1 � 24 – 1 � 16 – 1 � 15), all of whichinvolve the same error term, MSw (in a balanced design, this is just the simple av-erage of all of the cell variances). In this chapter we are only discussing experi-ments in which each cell contains a separate, independent group of participants,


DON’T FORGETIf your participants fall into differentcategories (e.g., ethnic background)that differ on your DV, you can restrictyour participants to a single category,but for greater generality you shouldconsider adding a factor to yourANOVA. If your participants differalong some continuous measure thataffects your DV (e.g., IQ), considerbreaking the continuous measure intocategories and adding it as a factor, orperforming an ANCOVA.

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so experiments with many factors that have many levels become impractical. Forexample, a 2 � 3 � 4 � 5 (four-way) ANOVA requires 120 different groups ofparticipants, and, if each cell is to have 5 participants, a total of 600 participants.Such experiments are not common, but 2 � 2 � 2 or 2 � 2 � 3 ANOVAs arefairly common in the social sciences, so we will consider such an example next.

A Simple Example of Three-Way Interaction

Let us return to our hyperactive/Ritalin example and add gender to create a three-way ANOVA. The cell means of a three-way design are easy to see if a two-waygraph is created for each level of the third variable and these two-way plots areplaced side by side, as in Figure 7.5. Of course, it is arbitrary which factor is cho-sen as the third, but choosing the factor with the fewest levels will minimize thenumber of plots. We chose gender as the third variable in Figure 7.5 for ease ofinterpretation. First, you can see that there is some main effect of gender. The av-erage of the four means in the boy plot is 8, whereas the average is only 6 for thegirls. You can also see a (not surprising) main effect for hyperactivity, which is theaverage of the simple main effect of hyperactivity for the boys and the same ef-fect (which appears larger) for the girls. However, the main effect for drug is zero;notice that the two placebo means have the same average as the two Ritalin meansfor the boys (M � 8) and this is also true for the girls (M � 6).

You can also see a good deal of two-way interaction in the graph of the boys;this interaction is clearly less for the girls. The difference in these two-way inter-actions represents a three-way interaction of gender by drug (Ritalin vs. placebo)by activity type (hyperactive vs. normal). However, because both interactions arein the same direction, this is an ordinal three-way interaction. The two-way inter-action of drug by activity type for the three-way ANOVA will be an average of


Figure 7.5 Graph of three-factor experiment: Gender X activity level X drug

Placebo Ritalin






Placebo Ritalin



Boys Girls

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the simple interaction effects at each gender, and will therefore be midway betweenthose two simple effects. The fact that the two-way interaction is fairly similar forboth boys and girls means that in this case the overall two-way interaction will beinterpretable even if the three-way interaction is significant.

The 2 � 2 � 2 Interaction Contrast

Because all of the factors have only two levels, the three-way interaction can betested as a contrast. This contrast is the difference of the amount of two-way in-teraction for the boys and the amount for the girls (you would get the sameamount of three-way interaction no matter which factor is chosen as the thirdone). You can see from Figure 7.5 that for the boys, the 2 � 2 contrast is (12 – 4)– (6 – 10) � 8 – (–4) � 12. For the girls this contrast is (10 – 2) – (8 – 4) � 8 – 4� 4. Therefore, L for the 2 � 2 � 2 contrast is 12 – 4 � 8, and this value can beused to obtain SScontrast just as was shown at the beginning of this chapter.

In addition to the effects we have already pointed out, there are possible two-way interactions of gender by drug and gender by activity type to be tested. Theseeffects would be easier to see if drug or activity type were selected as the third fac-tor. In fact, for purposes of hand calculation of the three-way ANOVA you wouldhave to create a total of three 2 � 2 tables of marginal means—for example, oneof these tables would result from averaging the boys and girls as plotted in Figure7.5 to create one 2 � 2 table of means. Further details concerning the calculationof a three-way ANOVA can be found in a pdf file available on the web (see thePreface).

Varieties of Three-Way Interaction

A significant three-way interaction can be defined as a significant differenceamong the simple interaction effects, just as a significant two-way interaction is asignificant difference among the simple main effects of which it is composed.There are a variety of cell-mean patterns that can result in a significant three-wayANOVA. For instance, suppose that the girls in Figure 7.5 exhibited a two-wayinteraction as strong as the boys, but in the reverse direction (i.e., the hyperactiveline slanting upwards from placebo to Ritalin, and the normal line slanting down-wards). This would create a large, disordinal three-way interaction, and eliminatethe two-way interaction of drug and activity type. When looking at the results ofa three-way ANOVA, consider the three-way interaction first. If it is significantyou need to be cautious in interpreting any of the three two-way interactions; if itis disordinal as well, none of the two-way interactions are likely to be inter-pretable.


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Another way to obtain a three-wayinteraction in a 2 � 2 � 2 design is forone cell mean to be high, while theseven others are low. For instance, ina hypnosis study one factor might behypnotic susceptibility (high or low),a second might be induction (hyp-notic or relaxation control), and thethird factor could be suggestion(numbness or control). It could occurthat only the participant group (i.e.,cell) that is highly susceptible, hyp-notically induced, and given a numb-

ness suggestion shows high pain tolerance. This could easily lead to the signifi-cance of all seven F ratios, but a significant three-way interaction would signalyou to be cautious about the other effects (which would all be misleading in thiscase).

Post Hoc Tests for a Three-Way ANOVA

If the three-way interaction is not significant or nearly so, look next at the threetwo-way interactions. As usual, if a two-way interaction is significant be cautiousin interpreting the main effects of the two factors involved. Look again at Figure7.5, and imagine the drug by activity type interaction averaged for the two panels(i.e., across the boys and the girls). This interaction will be disordinal, and there-fore likely to render the main effects of drug and activity as uninterpretable.However, the gender main effect is not affected by that interaction and appearsto be unambiguous (a generally lower activity level for girls).

If the three-way interaction in a 2 � 2 � 2 ANOVA were significant youwould choose a factor and look at the two simple interaction effects (e.g., the boyand girl plots in Figure 7.5); there are three ways to do this, and, depending onyour interests, you might look at it from all three perspectives. Significant simpleinteraction effects could be followed by cell-to-cell comparisons, as we discussedfor the 2 � 2 ANOVA. If the three-way interaction is not significant, any signif-icant two-way interaction would be followed up in the usual way (for the examplein Figure 7.5, the boys and girls would be averaged together and if the drug by ac-tivity type interaction were significant it could be followed up with an analysis ofsimple main effects as though the gender factor never existed, except that the er-ror term MSw , from the three-way ANOVA, would be used).

In designs with more levels than 2 �2 � 2, follow-up is a bit more compli-



When the three-way interaction is sig-nificant (especially if it is disordinal), allsix of the other effects must be inter-preted with extra care. If the three-way interaction is not significant but atwo-way interaction is significant, themain effects for the two factors in-volved in that interaction should be in-terpreted cautiously. If more than onetwo-way interaction is significant, allthree main effects must be inter-preted with caution.

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cated. If no interactions (two-way or three-way) are significant, any main effectwith more than two levels can be followed with pairwise comparisons as de-scribed in Chapter 5. A significant 2 � 3 interaction, when the three-way is notsignificant, can be analyzed in terms of simple main effects. A significant simplemain effect with three levels, say, would then be subject to pairwise (i.e., cell-to-cell) comparisons. A significant three-way interaction can be followed with ananalysis of simple interaction effects or a variety of partial interactions (for moredetail, see Keppel, 1991). However, with complex ANOVA designs so many pos-sible tests can be conducted that it is a good idea to plan your tests carefully whenyou are designing your study, before you have collected, or at least before youhave seen, your data. Planned comparisons are more powerful and are easier tointerpret than unexpected results from post hoc comparisons. The latter findingsmay require replication before other researchers take them seriously.

Higher-Order ANOVA Designs

Sometimes a three-way ANOVA is designed to test whether a two-way interac-tion is affected by some third variable (e.g., does gender affect the drug by activ-ity type interaction?). A three-way factorial is said to be a higher-order design thana two-way factorial, and a four-way design is of a higher order still. Sometimes afour-way ANOVA is designed to test whether a three-way interaction is affectedby a fourth variable (e.g., would the three-way interaction in Figure 7.5 be muchlarger or smaller if the study were conducted in a very different part of theworld?). Or a grouping variable may be added to a study with three experimentalfactors. However, experiments with four or more factors are quite rare, unlessone or more of the factors involves repeated measures on the same participants.Designs that include repeated measures are the subject of the next chapter.


As we discussed at the end of Chapter 4, the results of a two-group experimentcould be expressed as a correlation coefficient (rpb). Therefore, the two-group re-sults can also be expressed in terms of a regression equation. For instance, the re-gression equation for the height difference for male and female samples could beY � � 2X � 67, where X is –1 for women and �1 for men—that is, the heightprediction is (2 –1) � 67 � 65 inches for women and 2 �1 � 67 � 69 inchesfor men. Using –1 and �1 as the values for X is an example of effect coding andhas the convenient property that the intercept (in this case, 67 inches) is the grandmean. For this example –2 and �2 are the (height) effects of being female andmale, respectively. Designs with more than two levels, and any number of factors


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can be expressed in terms of a very similar equation known as the General LinearModel (GLM).

The equation for Y � yields only the predicted value for each woman or man(the average in each case). If you want to write a general equation to give you eachindividual’s actual height, it would have to look like this: Y � bX � X�G � e

i j,

where b is half the height difference of the two genders, X�G is the average of thetwo genders, and e

ijis an amount of error, the amount by which the “ij ” person (i

for gender group and j for person within that group) differs from the mean of hisor her group (the e’s can be positive or negative and average out to zero for eachgroup).

For a one-way ANOVA with a quantitative factor (e.g., the IV is caffeinedosage in milligrams, and the DV is the score on a simulated truck driving task),a simple regression approach would be reasonable and could be used to representthe data (X would be the caffeine dosage and b the slope of the regression line pre-dicting score from caffeine dosage). However, to represent a one-way ANOVAwith three or more qualitative levels, the GLM is appropriate. The usual way ofdiscussing the GLM is in terms of population parameters (the equation can al-ways be expressed in terms of sample statistics to represent a particular set ofdata). The theoretical GLM for a one-way ANOVA looks like this: Y

ij� � � �


� εi j

, where � is the grand mean (across all conditions or levels) in the popula-tion, �

iis the effect of the ith treatment in the population (i.e., the difference be-

tween the mean of the ith group and the grand mean), and εi j

is the error associ-ated with a particular participant (i.e., that person’s deviation from his or hergroup mean). If the population means are 30 for Prozac, 20 for St. John’s Wort,and 16 for placebo, the grand mean (�) is 22, and the �

i’s are �8, –2, and –6, re-

spectively (note that the �i’s will always sum to zero for a fixed-effects experi-

ment). A participant in the Prozac group with a score of 26 has an ε of –4 (Y �

22 � 8 – 4 � 26).

Higher-Order General Linear Model

For a two-way ANOVA the GLM looks like this: Yijk

� � � �i�

j� �




. Any one woman’s score is a sum of the grand mean, the effect of her level onthe first factor, the effect of her level on the second factor, the interaction effectfor her cell, and an error term (her deviation from the mean of her cell). Considerthe text/method example. We don’t know the actual �’s and ’s, and so on, butwe do know the corresponding values for our data. From Table 7.3 the grandmean is 5.96. The value for a child in the visual method group using text C can beexpressed as Y � 5.96 – .01 � .07 � .38 � e

ijk, where –.01 is the effect of the vi-


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sual method (relative to the grand mean), �.07 is the effect of text C, and �.38 isthe amount of interaction that results from combining the visual method withtext C (apparently they go together well).

As you would imagine, the GLM becomes increasingly complex as factors areadded to an ANOVA. For instance, the GLM for the three-way ANOVA is Y


� � � �i�

j� �

k� �


j� �




k� �



k� ε

ijkl, where � (the Greek

letter gamma) represents the third variable. The GLM allows you to mix bothqualitative and quantitative IVs in the same design. Among other uses, the GLMprovides a straightforward way to understand how the effects of a quantitativenuisance variable can be removed from an ANOVA by means of a procedurementioned earlier, known as ANCOVA. One way that ANCOVA can increasethe power of your ANOVA is by reducing the error term. Another powerful wayto reduce your error term involves repeated measures, or, alternatively, the match-ing of participants. These procedures will be discussed in the next chapter.


Putting It Into Practice1. As in exercise 1 in chapter 5, participants were measured on a 10-point de-

pression scale after taking one or another of the following drugs for sixmonths: a placebo, a natural herb (St. John’s Wort), a tricyclic antidepressant(Elavil), and an SSRI drug (Prozac). All of the participants in the previous exer-cise were men; an equal number of women participants has been added tothis exercise. The mean depression rating for each group is shown in the fol-lowing table.

Placebo St. John’s Wort Elavil Prozac

Men 9 8 4 3Women 8 2 5 1

(a) Given that there are 11 participants in each group and that MSW equals32, calculate the F ratios to test all three null hypotheses.

(b) Calculate and test the simple main effect of drug for each gender.(c) Calculate the interaction contrast for gender by St. John’s Wort/Elavil, and

test for significance. If this were a post hoc contrast, would it be significantby Scheffé’s test?

2. The following table is being reprinted from Gist, Rosen, and Schwoerer(1988). Participants in this study were trained on a particular computer skill byone of two methods and were classified into one of two age groups. Meanperformance (along with SD and n) on the computer task is given for each ofthe four subgroups (cells).

(continued )

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Younger Older

Modeling Tutorial Modeling Tutorial

Mean 36.74 32.14 29.63 26.04SD 6.69 7.19 8.51 7.29Cell n 52 45 20 30

(a) In Chapter 3, you performed t tests on these data. Now perform a two-way ANOVA as though the cells were balanced (add the cell sizes to getthe total N, use Formula 7.1, and find MSW as the weighted average ofthe squared SDs, as in the denominator of Formula 5.4).

(b) One can compensate for the lack of balance in the cell means by perform-ing what is called an analysis of unweighted means on these data. You useFormula 7.1, but NT is found by averaging the reciprocals of the cell means(e.g., the reciprocal of 52 is 1/52 or .01923), dividing that average by thenumber of cell means, and then taking the reciprocal of that result (MSW isthe same as in 2a). Compare these results to the results in 2a.

3. Imagine an experiment in which each participant is required to use his or hermemories to create one emotion: either happiness, sadness, anger, or fear.Within each emotion group, half of the people participate in a relaxation exer-cise just before the emotion condition, and half do not. Finally, half the partici-pants in each emotion/relaxation condition are run in a dark, soundproof cham-ber, and the other half are run in a normal room. The dependent variable is theparticipant’s systolic blood pressure when the participant signals that the emo-tion is fully present. The design is balanced, with a total of 128 participants. Theresults of the three-way ANOVA for this hypothetical experiment are as fol-lows: SSemotion � 223.1; SSrelax � 64.4; SSdark � 31.6; SSemo�rel � 167.3; SSemo�dark� 51.5; SSrel�dark � 127.3; SSemo�rel�dark � 77.2. The total sum of squares is 2344.(a) Calculate all seven F ratios, and test each for significance.(b) Create a hypothetical graph of cell means that would be generally consis-

tent with the results in 3a (do not try to come up with cell means thatwould give the exact F ratios found—just make the effects with large F ra-tios look large compared to those with small F ratios).

(c) What kinds of post hoc tests would be justified by the results in 3a?4. Imagine an experiment in which each participant solves one of two types of

problems (spatial or verbal) at one of three levels of difficulty (easy, moderate,or hard). Half of the 60 participants are given instructions to use visual imagery,and half are told to use subvocalization. The dependent variable is the numberof eye movements per second that a participant makes while working on aproblem.


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Subvocal Instructions Imagery Instructions

Spatial Verbal Spatial Verbal

Easy 1.5 1.6 1.9 2.2Moderate 2.6 1.9 3.4 2.5Hard 2.8 2.1 7.8 2.9

Draw a graph of the cell means for the three-way design. Does a three-wayinteraction appear to be present? Explain.


1. Under which of the following conditions will the critical F be the samefor testing each of the three F ratios in a two-way ANOVA?

(a) When there is no interaction(b) When the design is balanced(c) When there are two levels of each factor(d) When the two factors have the same number of levels

2. Suppose that you are conducting an experiment in which gender is onefactor, and the other factor involves three degrees of competitiveness ina simulated industrial task. If the marginal means for the two genders arethe same, this implies that

(a) the main effect of gender will not be significant.(b) the interaction will not be significant.(c) the F ratio for the main effect of competitiveness will be zero.(d) none of the above.

3. When the lines on a graph of cell means are not perfectly parallel, youknow that

(a) the interaction is disordinal.(b) there must be some interaction among the population means.(c) the F ratio for the interaction will be greater than 1.0.(d) the F ratio for the interaction will not be zero.

4. In a balanced two-way independent-groups ANOVA, the error term (i.e.,the denominator) for each of the three F ratios

(a) is the mean of all the cell variances.(b) is the variance of the cell means.(c) tends to get smaller as the sample size increases.(d) may differ depending on the degrees of freedom associated with each ef-

fect (i.e., all three error terms can be different).


(continued )

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5. In a particular two-way ANOVA, comparing low self-esteem people withhigh self-esteem people performing a cognitive task for either a small orlarge reward, a significant interaction was found. This implies that

(a) the different levels of reward affected performance in both groups of par-ticipants.

(b) the different levels of reward affected performance for one group of par-ticipants but not the other.

(c) the different levels of reward affected performance in opposite directionsfor the two groups of participants.

(d) none of the above.6. If dfw for a 2 � 3 ANOVA is 90, how many participants were in each cell?

(a) 5(b) 15(c) 16(d) 17

7. Averaging simple effects together to form a main effect is likely to besomewhat misleading when

(a) that main effect has more than two levels.(b) that main effect is significant.(c) the other main effect is significant.(d) the interaction is significant.

8. Suppose that you are following up a significant interaction in a 3 � 4ANOVA by computing various interaction contrasts. How does the criti-cal F from Scheffé’s test compare to the critical F that you would haveused to test the entire 3 � 4 interaction?

(a) It is six times larger.(b) It is eleven times larger.(c) It is twelve times larger.(d) It is somewhat smaller.

9. Suppose that a study finds a significant three-way interaction betweengender, economic class, and religion. This implies that

(a) the simple interaction effect (class by religion) for men differs significantlyfrom the one for women.

(b) the two-way class by religion effect will also be significant.(c) all of the two-way interactions will be significant.(d) all of the simple main effects will be significant.

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10. For a 2 � 2 � 2 � 3 � 3 ANOVA, how many effects (i.e., different F ra-tios) are there to test?

(a) 5(b) 25(c) 31(d) 72

Answers: 1. c; 2. a; 3. d; 4. a; 5. d; 6. c; 7. d; 8. a; 9. a; 10. c.

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In Chapter 6 we showed you how power increases for a repeated-measures (RM)or matched-pairs design relative to using two independent groups. This advan-tage also can be gained if you have more than two conditions, and even if you

have several factors in your study, but the analysis does get a bit complicated. Thischapter will explain the analyses of one-way RM designs, as well as two-way de-signs with repeated measures on one or both factors. We will begin with the sim-plest case that requires an RM ANOVA: Participants are measured three times—for instance, before and after being monitored for 3 months on a new diet, andagain 6 months after the experiment has ended (follow-up). You could, of course,perform three matched t tests, but let us see how you could perform a one-wayANOVA, while taking into account the fact that the measures are repeated.


In Table 8.1 we show hypothetical data for six participants who participated in aweight-loss study. We deliberately set up Table 8.1 (complete with marginalmeans) so that it looks like you are dealing with a two-way ANOVA. The key tounderstanding the one-way RM ANOVA is to see this analysis as a special case oftwo-way ANOVA. The factor of interest in Table 8.1 could be called time. Theother factor, strange as it may seem, is the participant or subject factor. Each par-ticipant is a different level of the subject factor (note: Although we are followingthe recent custom of using the term participant in place of subject when describingthe design of experiments, the term subject is still so ingrained in statistical nota-tion that we will use that term when necessary to facilitate comparisons withother statistical texts). Although everyone’s weight changes during the course ofthe experiment, some participants are, in general, at a heavier level than others.To continue the analogy with the two-way ANOVA we have graphed the valuesfrom the cells of Table 8.1 (see Figure 8.1). If each participant had followed thesame weight loss pattern over the three measurements the lines would have all



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been parallel, indicating a total lack ofsubject by treatment interaction.Normally, there will be some amountof interaction, but for the sake ofpower you would prefer that it not bevery large. If the diet is to be consid-ered reliable in its effects, the lines inFigure 8.1 should be fairly close tobeing parallel.

Calculating the One-WayRepeated-Measures ANOVA

The calculation of the RM ANOVAbegins like a two-way ANOVA of in-



When Will I Use the Statisticsin This Chapter?

You are measuring one outcome (i.e.,dependent) variable on a quantitativescale, and one or more of your factors(i.e., independent variables) involvesrepeated measures (e.g., taking thesame measurement at different pointsin time; measuring the same DV underdifferent conditions on the same ormatched participants).

Table 8.1 Weight in Pounds as a Function of Time

Participant # Before After Follow-Up Row Mean

1 200 185 195 193.332 170 160 158 162.673 220 195 230 2154 190 178 192 186.675 180 173 170 174.336 210 190 187 195.67Column mean 195 180.167 188.667 187.944

Figure 8.1 Graph of cell means (only one observation per cell) from Table 8.1

Before After Follow-up










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dependent groups, as described in the previous chapter. However, a key differ-ence is that the entries in Table 8.1 are not cell means: They are single observa-tions. Therefore, MSw cannot be calculated for this design. That turns out not tobe a problem, and it serves in fact to simplify the procedure. The fact that thereis only one entry per cell in Table 8.1 means that SSbetween-cell is the same as SStotal .Using Formula 7.1 on the data in Table 8.1, SStotal equals NT �2 (data) � 18

348.108 � 6265.94. The next step is to calculate SSrow and SScolumn just as in a two-way ANOVA, except in this context SSrow can be referred to as SSsubject , and SScolumn as SSRM , where RM stands for repeated measures. SSsubject � 18

�2 (193.33, 162.67, 215, 186.67, 174.33, 195.67) � 18 274.42 � 4936.6; SSRM �

18 �2 (195, 180.167, 188.667) � 18 36.932 � 664.78. Finally, SSinter is found bysubtracting SSRM and SSsubject from SSbetween-cell (which is the same as SStotal). To bemore specific, we will refer to the interaction in the one-way RM ANOVA as thesubject by RM treatment interaction, or SSsub�RM for short. For this example, SSsub�RM � 6265.94 – 664.78 – 4936.6 � 664.56.

The corresponding df’s also follow the breakdown of the two-way ANOVA:dfsubject � n – 1 (where n is the number of rows, or different participants, in thiscase), dfRM � c – 1 (where c is the number of columns, or conditions) and dfinter �

dfsub�RM � dfsub � dfRM � (n – 1)(c – 1). For this example, dftotal � nc – 1 � 18 –1 � 17; dfsubject � 6 – 1 � 5; dfRM � 3 – 1 � 2; and dfsub�RM � 5 2 � 10. There-fore, the MSs are as follows: MSsubject � SSsubject /dfsubject � 4936.6/5 � 987.32;MSRM � SSRM/dfRM � 664.78/2 � 332.39; and MSsub�RM � SSsub�RM/dfsub�RM �

664.56/10 � 66.46.Because this is a one-way RM ANOVA there is only one F ratio to calculate. We

are interested in testing the dieting factor, not the subject factor (we know thatpeople differ in general in terms of body weight). However, without MSw as anerror term, what do we divide MSRM by to get our F ratio? We could divide byMSsubject but MSsub�RM is usually smaller (as it is in this example) and would give alarger F ratio. Fortunately, dividing by MSsub�RM is easy to justify, so the formulafor the F ratio in this case is: FRM � MSRM/MSsub�RM . For our example F �332.39/66.46 � 5.0. The calculation steps for the one-way RM ANOVA aresummarized in Rapid Reference 8.1.

Why is it reasonable to divide by MSsub�RM? Actually, a similar trick was usedand explained in the context of the RM t test in Chapter 3. We will draw a con-nection with the RM t test next.

Comparison to the Repeated-Measures t Test

If you were studying only the before-and-after measurements in Figure 8.1 youcould perform either an RM t test or a one-way RM ANOVA. As in the case of


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the pooled-variance t test versus the one-way independent-groups ANOVA, theF is just the square of the corresponding t value, and you wind up with the samep value either way. The denominator of the RM t test is based on the variability ofthe difference scores. Looking at Figure 8.1 we can see that because all of the be-fore-after differences are about the same, there is very little interaction in that partof the graph, leading to a large F for the before-after RM ANOVA, and a largeRM t (due to a small SD of the difference scores). In fact, the variability of the dif-ference scores (s 2

D ) will always be exactly twice as large as MSsub�RM in the two-condition case. Both the RM ANOVA and RM t test depend on the consistencyof changes in scores from person to person, and ignore differences in overall levelfrom person to person (that is why MSsubject can be ignored). If the changes arefairly consistent, these RM procedures can yield a much better chance of statisti-cal significance than their independent-group counterparts.

In the two-condition case you have your choice between working with differ-ence scores or the interaction, but when you have three or more conditions youdo not have a single difference score for each participant, so it makes sense towork with the interaction. In Figure 8.1 the amount of interaction in the entiregraph is an average of the amount of interaction for each possible pair of condi-tions (before-after; after-follow-up; before-follow-up). Whether it is reasonableto take this average at all can be questioned under some conditions. We will re-turn to this issue shortly in the “Assumptions” section.

Comparison to the One-Way Independent-Groups ANOVA

To see in dramatic fashion the advantage of the RM ANOVA we will compareit to an independent ANOVA on the same data set. The first step of the ordinaryone-way ANOVA is to break SStotal into SSbetween and SSwithin . For the data in


Calculation Procedure for the One-Way RM ANOVA

SStotal � SSbetween-cell � NT �2 (all scores)SSsubject � NT �2 (subject means)

SSRM � NT �2 (treatment means)SSsub�RM is obtained by subtracting SSsubject and SSRM from SStotal ; then SSRM andSSsub�RM are divided by dfRM and dfsub�RM , respectively, to create MSRM and MSsub�RM ,which are divided to create the F ratio. If n � # of different participants and c � # of repeated treatments, dfRM � c – 1 and dfsub�RM � (n – 1)(c – 1).

Rapid Reference 8.1

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Table 8.1, SStotal is the same for both types of ANOVA, and SSbetween is the sameas SSRM (just as the numerator of the RM t is always the same as the numeratorof an independent t test on the same data). However, SSwithin is equal to 5601.16,which is the sum of SSsubject and SSsub�RM . You can think of the RM ANOVA start-ing with SSw as the basis of its error term, but then reducing that term by sub-tracting out SSsubject , leaving only SSsub�RM , before creating the MS componentsof the F ratio.

To be fair, we must point out that the df for the error term is also reduced inRM ANOVA, which raises the critical value. For instance, for the independentone-way ANOVA the critical F is based on dfbet and dfw , so for our example thecritical F is F.05 (2, 15) � 3.68. For the RM ANOVA the critical F is based on dfRM

and dfsub�RM , so for this example F.05 (2, 10) � 4.10, which is higher than it is forthe independent ANOVA. This is a disadvantage of the RM ANOVA, as it wasfor the RM t test. However, the F ratio for the independent ANOVA is only332.39/5601.16/15 � 332.39/373.41 � .89, which is much smaller than the Ffor the RM ANOVA (5.0). Whereas the independent groups’ F is nowhere nearsignificance, the RM of 5.0 is larger than the critical F for this test (4.10), so theRM ANOVA is significant by the usual standards. With a reasonable consistencyof scores across participants, the reduced error term and therefore larger F of theRM ANOVA will more than compensate for the larger critical F due to reduceddegrees of freedom.


To be valid the RM ANOVA requires the same basic assumptions as the inde-pendent ANOVA:

1. The DV is measured on an interval or ratio scale.2. The DV has a normal distribution under each condition.3. Although any particular participant is measured under all conditions,

different participants must be chosen randomly and independentlyfrom the population of interest.

In addition, the usual hom*ogeneity of variance assumption is modified for thisdesign. Because the error term, MSsub�RM , is actually an average of all the possiblepairwise interactions, it must be assumed that all of these pairwise interactions areequal in the population—this justifies averaging them into a single error term.This assumption is usually referred to as the sphericity assumption. When spheric-ity does not apply to the population, the F ratio from the one-way RM ANOVAcan exceed the critical value too easily—the rate of Type I errors can exceed the


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value used for alpha. Understandably, statisticians have been concerned aboutthis problem, and several reasonable solutions have been proposed.

Dealing with Violations of Sphericity

Like Levene’s test for HOV, there is a test, known as Mauchly’s W, for spheric-ity. Unfortunately, like Levene’s test, it lacks power when it is needed most—with small samples. When Mauchly’s W is significant you should correct the crit-ical value for your RM ANOVA, but even when W falls short of significancemany statisticians suggest a correction to be on the safe side. As with the sepa-rate-variance t test, the correction involves a reduction in degrees of freedom,which results in a larger critical value. Both dfRM and dfsub�RM are multiplied by acoefficient, called epsilon (ε), which equals its largest possible value, 1.0, onlywhen the data from your sample indicate that sphericity is really true for thepopulation (i.e., the interaction is the same for every pair of levels of your RMfactor).

The lowest value that ε can attain (i.e., lower-bound epsilon), when your dataexhibit the least amount of sphericity possible, is equal to 1/(c – 1), where c isthe number of conditions. Multiplying your df’s by 1/(c–1) and finding the cor-responding critical F allows you to check whether your calculated F exceeds thecritical F for the worst-case scenario. If your F beats this conservatively ad-justed F you can declare your results statistically significant without worryingabout the sphericity assumption. For our example, lower-bound ε is 1/(3 – 1)� .5, so the conservatively adjusted df would be dfRM � .5 2 � 1; dfsub�RM �

.5 10 � 5. Therefore, the conservative critical F would be F.05 (1, 5) � 6.61. Bythis strict criterion the results in our example would not be statistically signifi-cant.

Both Greenhouse and Geisser (1959) and Huynh and Feldt (1976) have comeup with more precise procedures to estimate ε for your sample data. It is best tolet your statistical software calculate these. For our example the Greenhouse-Geisser (G-G) value for ε is .63, leading to a p of .06, whereas the more liberalHuynh-Feldt (H-F) ε is .74, leading to a smaller and significant p of .049. An in-spection of Figure 8.1 reveals why ε is so low for these data. You can see that theamount of interaction for before versus after is much less than it is for after ver-sus follow-up. The data in our example do not look consistent with havingsphericity in the population. Given how low both the G-G and H-F epsilons are,the cautious approach would be to use the more conservative G-G correctionand not reject the null hypothesis for these data. The steps for dealing with thesphericity assumption are summarized in Rapid Reference 8.2.


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The MANOVA Alternative to Repeated-Measures ANOVA

Yet another option for performing an RM ANOVA without worrying about thesphericity assumption is to perform a MANOVA instead. We are not coveringmultivariate tests in this volume, so we will only discuss this option briefly. AMANOVA treats the three possible sets of difference scores (i.e., before-after, af-ter-follow-up; before-follow-up) as three different dependent variables to becombined into one analysis. Just as an RM t test compares the mean of the dif-ference scores to zero, MANOVA in this case finds the weighted combination ofthe three sets of difference scores that differs most from zero. It is not assumedthat the three sets of difference scores have the same variance, so the sphericityassumption does not apply. However, finding the best combination of the sets ofdifference scores costs degrees of freedom. The df for the error term in this formof MANOVA is (n – c) � 1, which for our example equals (6 – 3) � 1 � 4 (in-stead of 10 for the RM ANOVA). This MANOVA cannot be performed if thereare more conditions than participants (e.g., 10 participants are measured everymonth for a year). However, for fairly large samples, MANOVA often has morepower than an RM ANOVA that has df adjusted to be cautious about sphericity(Davidson, 1972).

A MANOVA usually has its greatest advantage when one or more of the RMt tests embedded in an RM ANOVA are much better than some others. If youlook at Figure 8.1, you’ll see that the before-after RM t test will yield a muchlarger value than the after-follow-up t test, mainly due to the obviously smallererror term of the former (less interaction). A MANOVA on this data set capi-


What to Do about the Sphericity Assumption

1. If your results are not significant by the usual RM ANOVA test there are nofurther steps. Do not reject the null hypothesis (in which case there is nochance of making a Type I error).

2. If your F ratio exceeds the conservative (i.e., worst-case) critical F your resultsare significant. There is no need to worry about too easily committing a Type Ierror.

3. If your F lands between the usual critical value and the conservatively adjustedvalue, use statistical software to calculate Mauchly’s W and the G-G and H-Fepsilons. If Mauchly’s test is not significant and ε is fairly close to 1.0, use the H-F correction (cautious approach), or the ordinary RM ANOVA. Otherwise, usethe G-G correction.

Rapid Reference 8.2

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talizes on this situation and leads toan F ratio of 15.65. Even with df ofonly 2 and 4, the MANOVA yields asmaller p value than the correspond-ing RM ANOVA. On the otherhand, when sphericity is true for thepopulation, the RM ANOVA willhave greater power than the corre-sponding MANOVA.

Post Hoc Comparisons for theRepeated-Measures ANOVA

So what can we conclude from ourweight loss example? AlthoughMauchly’s test would not be signifi-cant for the data in Table 8.1, the G-G and H-F epsilons are so low that the cau-tious approach would be to go by the G-G p value, and therefore fail to reject thenull hypothesis. However, had we performed the MANOVA instead or decidednot to be conservative and use the ordinary, uncorrected RM ANOVA, we wouldhave rejected the null hypothesis. Our next step, as in the case of an independent-groups ANOVA, would have been to conduct post hoc comparisons to specifythe source of our significant results. With only three conditions it is reasonable touse the LSD test with MSsub�RM in the place of MSw . Because LSD comes out toabout 10.5 pounds, the before and after conditions differ significantly, but theother two pairs do not. However, sphericity is an even greater concern for post hocpairwise comparisons than it is for the omnibus RM ANOVA. Note that whereasusing the omnibus error term hurts the before-after comparison (an error termbased only on these two conditions would be smaller), it helps the after-follow-upcomparison relative to an error term based only on those two conditions.

When there is any doubt about the sphericity assumption, the cautious way toconduct post hoc pairwise comparisons is to perform separate RM t tests for eachpair of conditions (even if your RM ANOVA was not adjusted for sphericity con-cerns). However, to avoid a buildup of Type I errors from multiple tests it is sug-gested that the alpha for each t test be reduced by a Bonferroni correction (e.g.,for three tests the �

pcwould be .05/3 � .0167). You can check for yourself as an

exercise that an RM t test for before versus after yields a t of 5.44 with p � .01, sothat this t test would be significant even with the Bonferroni correction. Theother two t tests do not even approach significance.



When to Use MANOVA

When your sample is not very small(the number of different participants isat least several times the number ofdifferent treatments), and it looks likeyou have a lot more interaction forsome pairs of treatments as comparedto other pairs, MANOVA is a good al-ternative to RM ANOVA. It has beensuggested that you always performboth tests when possible and reportthe better result (Algina & Keselman,1997). This is legitimate if you use analpha of .025 for each test.

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Therefore, if we had planned the before-after comparison before seeing theweight loss data we could have used a Bonferroni adjustment and declared the re-sults to be statistically significant. Should that give us confidence, then, that ourdiet really works? The problem with this experiment is that there is no controlgroup; it is possible that a fake diet pill (i.e., a placebo), could have produced sim-ilar results. Adding a control group would convert the experiment into a two-waydesign. We will discuss two-way designs involving repeated measures later in thischapter. For now we will describe other types of one-factor experiments involv-ing repeated measures.

Simple Order Effects and Counterbalancing

The easiest RM design to interpret is one in which all of the conditions are pre-sented virtually simultaneously. For instance, three types of words are mixed to-gether in a single list; the number of words recalled of each type is recorded. It issomewhat problematic when the three conditions must be presented successively.

For instance, similar lists of words are studied while listening to either classicalmusic, harsh noise, or silence. It is not reasonable to keep changing the back-ground sound during a session. For any given participant you would pick an or-der and present a list to the person first, perhaps during harsh noise, then a simi-lar list during silence, and finally a third list during classical music. A seriousproblem would occur if all of the participants received these conditions in thesame order. In that case the results could be affected by simple order effects, such aspractice and fatigue. Significantly higher recall during classical music could be dueto the fact that participants have had some practice with the recall task by the timethey get to this condition; perhaps any condition given consistently in third placewould have the highest recall.

The way to prevent simple order effects from contributing to one conditionyielding higher scores than another is to counterbalance the conditions. With threeconditions there are six permutations (i.e., orders) in which they can be presented.If an equal number of participants is assigned to each of these six orders, no onecondition will have an advantage due to order. However, order effects will con-tribute to the subject by treatment interaction, which increases the error term andreduces the F ratio for the RM analysis. To remove the order effects from the er-ror term we can analyze the data with a two-way mixed ANOVA, as will be dis-cussed later in this chapter.

When there are four conditions to be repeated (e.g., four types of distractionsthat can be administered while the participant solves problems), there are a total


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of 24 (i.e., 4 3 2 1) orders in which the conditions can be presented. It is veryimpractical to use complete counterbalancing—that is, to assign several participantsto each of the 24 orders, and in the case of five conditions it is not likely that anyresearcher has balanced the 120 orders that are possible. Fortunately, completecounterbalancing is not necessary to neutralize simple order effects. For instance,using A, B, C, and D to represent the four conditions, assigning equal numbersof participants at random to the four orders ABCD, DCBA, BDAC, and CADBis sufficient to balance out order effects (notice that each letter appears once ineach of the four positions). This set of orders is known as a Latin Square (L-S) de-sign. In fact, the particular L-S design just listed is digram-balanced, as well. Notethat any letter you choose is preceded by a different letter in each order, exceptwhen it appears first.

The aforementioned type of balancing is particularly important when there isa chance that the effects of one condition will carry over and therefore affect thenext condition. When the number of conditions, k, is even, only k orders are nec-essary to create a digram-balanced L-S design. When k is odd you can counter-balance with k orders, but 2k orders are required for digram balancing. Thismeans 10 orders when k is 5, but this is much less than the 120 orders requiredfor complete counterbalancing. However, if you have a list of, say, 20 words andyou want to vary the order from participant to participant, it is not likely that youwould attempt to counterbalance the orders. In that case, you would simply pickan order at random (out of the astronomical number of possible orders) for eachparticipant, relying on randomness to ensure that a consistent bias will not arisein your design.

Carryover Effects

We mentioned that digram balancing can help if one condition tends to affect thenext. However, carryover effects can affect conditions beyond the very next one andcan be somewhat unpredictable. It is best to minimize carryover effects as muchas possible. Consider a two-condition experiment in which participants are put inboth happy and sad moods while their performance on a task is measured. Onehalf of the participants have the happy condition first, and let’s suppose that thereis no carryover into the subsequent sad condition, which is aided by a small prac-tice effect. However, suppose that when participants have the sad condition first,the sadness lingers, and the happiness manipulation is therefore not very effec-tive. If a happy mood actually improves performance, this experiment may fail toshow it because half of the participants are not getting very happy in their happi-


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ness condition. This is an example of differential carryover effects; they can often beminimized by leaving sufficient time between conditions or by imposing someneutral distracting task (e.g., counting backwards by threes) between conditions.

It is important to realize, however, that there are circ*mstances in which car-ryover cannot be sufficiently reduced. Suppose one of the conditions in a prob-lem-solving experiment involves giving participants helpful strategy hints. Ifhints are given for the first condition they certainly can’t be removed for a subse-quent condition. Or suppose you are comparing two fairly effective weight lossmethods. After participants have lost considerable weight with one method, thesecond method cannot be tested fairly on the same set of participants. We havealready discussed the solution to this problem at the end of Chapter 3. It involvesmatching participants, as we will describe next.

The Randomized Blocks Design

When you have two conditions to compare (e.g., diet vs. placebo), you can matchyour participants in pairs (based on initial weight, and other relevant characteris-tics), but if you have three conditions (e.g., two different diets and a placebo), youneed to match your participants into triplets. The more general term for any num-ber of participants matched together is a block. Because the participants within ablock are randomly assigned to the different conditions, the experimental designwe are describing is called a randomized blocks design (the matched-pairs design is aspecial case of this). The number of participants in a block does not have to equalthe number of repeated conditions (c), but it does have to be some multiple of cto be balanced (e.g., with three conditions you can match participants into blocksof 6 or 9, etc.). When the number of participants in each block is equal to c, therandomized block (RB) design is calculated exactly like the RM design we de-scribed earlier: The scores of the participants in one particular block are treatedas though they were all scores from the same participant measured under eachcondition (i.e., each block is treated like a single participant).

You might use larger blocks (i.e., multiples of c) when it is difficult or inconve-nient to match participants precisely (e.g., you do not have all of your participantsat the beginning of the experiment), but you can at least place your participantsinto a series of ordered categories (e.g., slightly phobic, moderately phobic, etc.).When the blocks are some multiple of c, the RB design is analyzed as an ordinarytwo-way ANOVA with the blocks being different levels of a blocking factor.However, if the blocking factor is measured on an interval or ratio scale (e.g.,weight, age, etc.), an ANCOVA will often yield more power (if its assumptions


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are met) than an ordinary two-wayANOVA of the data from an RB de-sign (Maxwell & Delaney, 2000).

Trend Analysis

Sometimes the independent variablein an RM ANOVA is itself measuredon an interval or ratio scale. The mostobvious example involves measure-ments over time (e.g., participants aremeasured every month during sometreatment). Or one could present thesame task at several levels of diffi-culty (e.g., solving anagrams involv-ing five, six, or seven letters). In suchcases a trend analysis is usually pref-erable to the ANOVA, as was de-scribed near the end of Chapter 5. However, instead of applying the trend coeffi-cients to the means of the conditions, we apply these coefficients to the scores ofeach individual. Suppose, for example, that each participant performs the sametask (and the number of errors is recorded) at four different levels of distractingnoise. To test for a linear trend, you would multiply a participant’s number of er-rors by –2 for the lowest level of noise, –1 for the next higher level, �1 for thenext level, and �3 for the highest level; these four products would then be addedtogether to create a single linear trend score for that participant. The trend scoresof all the participants would then be treated exactly like the difference scores inan RM t test. The resulting t value could then be squared to obtain an F value forthe linear trend component. The quadratic trend could be tested in the sameway, except that the coefficients multiplying the scores would be different (seeB. Cohen, 2000).

Although it is sometimes interesting to observe a participant’s performance asa function, for instance, of the dosage of some drug, or the intensity of sometreatment, a more conclusive experiment often requires the inclusion of a sepa-rate control group. Such experiments may lend themselves to an analysis by atwo-way ANOVA, with one factor repeated (e.g., dosage, intensity), and one not(e.g., drug vs. placebo). A two-way ANOVA with one between-subjects factorand one within-subjects (i.e., RM) factor is usually referred to as a two-way mixed-



If you present repeated treatmentssuccessively in your study, it is impor-tant to employ some form of counter-balancing to neutralize order effects.However, order effects will increaseyour error term, so you need to con-sider a mixed design as described inthe second half of this chapter. If youhave asymmetrical carryover effects,you may have to match your partici-pants in blocks instead of using re-peated measures. If you can’t get rid ofyour carryover effects and it is notconvenient to match your participants(or you have no basis for doing so),you may have to resort to a studywith independent groups (although anANCOVA may still be possible).

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design ANOVA (sometimes this arrangement is referred to as a split-plot design, butthis term, which reflects its roots in agriculture work, seems less popular thesedays). However, if the RM factor is quantitative and you are focusing on trends,the analysis can be reduced to a simple independent-groups t test or one-wayANOVA. For instance, in each group, linear trend scores can be calculated foreach participant. The trend scores can be treated as your new DV, and if there areonly two different groups, these trend scores can be compared by means of an or-dinary t test; with more than two groups a one-way independent-groups ANOVAon the trend scores would be required. Of course, quadratic and higher trendcomponents can be compared in the same way.

In the simplest mixed design, the 2 � 2, you might have two groups of partic-ipants measured before and after two different diets. In this case you don’t needto create trend scores; the before-after difference scores (i.e., changes in weight)can be compared with an independent-groups t test. Squaring this t value wouldgive you the F ratio for the interaction in the 2 � 2 mixed-design ANOVA. In thiscase, the interaction of the ANOVA is all you care about (actually, an ANCOVAusing the before score as the covariate and the after score as the DV would nor-mally be more powerful). The main effect of diet averages before and after scorestogether to create marginal means, and because there shouldn’t be any “before”difference, this averaging tends to obscure the effects of the diets (Huck &McLean, 1975). Similarly, the main effect of time (before vs. after) involves aver-aging the two diets together, which is not likely to be of interest. However, some-times the main effects of a mixed design are interesting, and sometimes with mul-tilevel factors the interaction cannot be reduced to simple difference scores ortrend components. In those cases you need to understand the complete mixed-design ANOVA, as will be described next.


There are a number of situations in which a mixed design arises as the most ap-propriate way to conduct an experiment. For instance, it is often convenient torepeat the levels of one factor within participants, but not the other. Suppose a re-searcher is studying the impact of different sound environments and attitudes to-ward the sounds on the performance of routine office tasks. It is convenient tohave the participants perform the same task during three (completely counter-balanced) sound conditions: classical music, popular music, and random noise.However, half the participants are told that the sounds piped into the experi-mental room are expected to affect task performance; the other half are told thatthe sound system is being tested for a future experiment, and that they should ig-


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nore the sounds (it would not be reasonable to run the same participants with bothexplanations for the sounds). A possible set of data for this experiment (the DVis the number of errors made per minute) is shown in Table 8.2. The calculationproceeds with elements of a one-way ANOVA, a two-way ANOVA, and a one-way RM ANOVA.

Like any two-way ANOVA, the mixed design yields three F ratios: the maineffect of the between-group factor (e.g., instruction), the main effect of the RMfactor (e.g., type of sound), and the interaction of the two factors. The numera-tors of the three F ratios are calculated exactly as they are for the two-way inde-pendent-groups ANOVA (see Chapter 7). First, calculate SSbetween-cells , and thenuse the appropriate marginal means to calculate SSrow and SScolumn (SSinstruction andSSsound , in this case). Subtracting SSrow and SScolumn from SSbetween-cells yieldsSSinteraction. Each SS is divided by its corresponding df to produce the MSs thatare the numerators of the three F ratios. The SSs can be calculated using For-mula 7.1, where NT is the total number of observations or measurements, whichequals 36 for this example (there are 12 participants times 3 measurements perparticipant).


Table 8.2 Errors per Minute as a Function of Sound Type andInstruction Group

Expect sound Classical Popular Noise Subject Means Row Means

1 1 3 3 2.332 0 0 1 0.333 3 2 4 3.004 0 2 2 1.335 2 3 2 2.336 1 1 0 0.67Cell means 1.167 1.833 2.000 1.6667

Ignore sound1 1 1 3 1.672 2 4 5 3.673 1 2 4 2.334 0 3 6 3.005 4 4 5 4.336 2 1 6 3.00Cell means 1.667 2.500 4.833 3.0000

Column means 1.4167 2.1667 3.4167

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SSbetween-cells � 36 �2 (1.167, 1.833, 2.0, 1.667, 2.5, 4.833) � 36 1.4075� 50.667;

SSsound � 36 �2 (1.4167, 2.1667, 3.4167) � 24.5;

SSinstruction � 36 �2 (1.6667, 3.0) � 16; SSinter � 50.667 � 24.5 � 16 � 10.167;dfsound � 2; dfinstruction � 1; dfinter � 2.

MSsound � 24.5/2 � 12.25; MSinstruction � 16/1 � 16; MSinter � 10.167/2� 5.083.

The SSw in a two-way ANOVA can be referred to more accurately as SSwithin-

cells, and we will do that here, because we want to use SSw to represent just part ofthat error term, as you will soon see. As in any two-way ANOVA, we can calcu-late SSwithin-cells by subtracting SSbetween-cells from SStotal or by calculating the SSwithin each cell directly and adding these SSs together. Calculating SStotal is par-ticularly easy because all you do is enter all of your observations (36 for this ex-ample) and then multiply the biased variance of those observations by how manyyou entered. For this example, SStotal � 100, so SSwithin-cells � 100 – 50.667 �49.333. However, SSwithin-cells must then be divided into two very different errorterms: one for the between-subjects part of the analysis, and one for the within-subjects (i.e., RM) part. First, we will describe the between-subjects error term,which we will call SSw, because of its similarity to SSw in the one-way ANOVA ofChapter 5.

The Between-Subjects Part

The between-subjects error term requires that you first average across the mea-surements for each participant (e.g., average across the three types of sounds) andthen calculate the SS for these averages. This SS was called SSsubject in the one-wayRM analysis, and after it was subtracted from SStotal it was ignored. However, inthis design some of the person-to-person variability is due to the between-groupsfactor, so SSsubject can be broken down into two meaningful pieces: SSgroups andSSw . For this example, SSsubject can be calculated by applying Formula 7.1 to the12 subject means from Table 8.2. SSsubject � 36 �2 (subject means) � 36 1.2778� 46. We already calculated SSgroups when we calculated SSinstruction above. Sub-tracting SSgroup from SSsubject yields SSw , so SSw � 46 – 16 � 30. To find MSw wemust first find dfw , which in this design is the number of different participants (orblocks), not the number of measurements, minus the number of groups. For thisexample, dfw equals 12 – 2 � 10, so MSw � 30/10 � 3.0. Finally, we can calculate


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the F ratio for the between-subjects (instruction) main effect: Finstruction �

MSinstruction /MSw � 16/3 � 5.33. We have actually averaged across the three typesof sound and then ignored that factor completely, performing an ordinary one-way ANOVA (as in Chapter 5) on those averages (subject means). The critical Ffor this part is based on dfgroup and dfw ; in this case, F.05 (1, 10) � 4.96, so the maineffect of instruction is significant.

The Within-Subjects Part

If you subtract SSw from SSwithin-cells (49.333 – 30 � 19.333) you get the SS for theRM error term. We will call this SSsub�RM , because it is the same as the subject bytreatment interaction in the one-way RM ANOVA, except that it is equivalent tocalculating that SS term separately for each group of participants and then adding,rather than calculating it across all participants from all groups. For some exper-iments, calculating SSsub�RM separately for each group can bestow a considerableadvantage, as we will see shortly. Finding dfsub�RM is easy because it always equalsdfw times dfRM ; for this example it is 10 2 � 20, so MSsub�RM equals 19.333/20� .967. Now that we have found the error term for the main effect of the RM fac-tor, we can calculate the main effect of sound type: Fsound � MSsound/MSsub�RM �

12.25/.967 � 12.67. The rationale for this error term is the same as for the one-way RM ANOVA. The more consistently that participants respond to the severalRM conditions, the smaller is SSsub�RM , regardless of overall differences in thelevel of participants (the latter contributes to SSw ). The critical F for this effect isbased on dfRM and dfsub�RM; in this case, F.05 (2, 20) � 3.49, so the main effect ofsound type is significant.

What may be surprising is that MSsub�RM is also used as the error term for theF ratio testing the interaction of the two factors. However, this arrangementmakes sense when you look at a graph of data from a hypothetical mixed design(see Figure 8.2). The individual participants are shown, as well as the cell means(heavy lines). The more that the participants in a particular group are parallel toeach other, the more they will be parallel to the heavy line for that group. The re-liability of the interaction is a function of the extent to which participants withina group follow the same pattern, and this is measured by MSsub�RM . Note partic-ularly that if MSsub�RM were calculated across all participants it would be affectedby the fact that participants in one group exhibit a generally different patternfrom participants in the other group. When MSsub�RM is in effect calculated sepa-rately for each group, MSinter does not affect the error term.

Now we can calculate the third F ratio; Finter � MSinter/MSsub�RM � 5.083/.967


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� 5.26. Because dfinter equals 2 for this example, the critical F is the same as forthe main RM effect (this won’t be true if you have more than two groups); 5.26� 3.49, so the interaction is significant, as well. The calculation steps for themixed design are summarized in Rapid Reference 8.3.


Condition 1 Condition 2 Condition 3

Subject inGroup 1

Subject inGroup 2

Means forGroup 1

Means forGroup 2

Figure 8.2 Graph of individual scores and cell means from a hypotheticalmixed-design experiment

Calculation Procedure for the Two-Way Mixed-Design ANOVA

SStotal � NT�2 (all scores) NT � total number of observationsSSbetween-cells � NT�2 (cell means) c � number of repeated treat-

mentsSSsubject � NT�2 (subject means) k � number of different groupsSSRM � NT�2 (RM treatment means) dfRM � c – 1SSgroups � NT�2 (group means) dfgroups � k – 1SSinter � SSbetween-cells – SSRM – SSgroups dfinte � (c – 1)(k – 1)SSw � SSsubject – SSgroups dfw � Ns – k, where Ns � total

number of different partici-pants (NT � c Ns )

SSwithin-cells � SStotal – SSbetween-cells

SSsub�RM � SSwithin-cells – SSw dfsub�RM� (Ns – k)(c – 1)Fgroup � MSgroup / MSw


Finter � MSinter / MSsub�RM

Rapid Reference 8.3

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The mixed design follows the same assumptions as the one-way RM ANOVA,including sphericity with respect to the RM factor, as well as hom*ogeneity of vari-ance for the between-groups factor (SSw should be the same for all of the popu-lations represented by groups in the study). There is one additional assumptionunique to the mixed design. The value for SSS�RM should be the same for the pop-ulations represented by each group. Of course, the actual SSS�RM’s of the differ-ent groups will differ, but if you can assume that these differences are accidentaland do not represent real differences in the population, you can justify adding theSSS�RM’s together to form the basis of the RM error term. There are tests for thisassumption (SPSS gives you Box’s M test), but the tests are not very accurate insome common situations (Huynh & Mandeville, 1979). Having equal numbers ofparticipants in each group makes this assumption less critical. A more seriousproblem is having missing values within a particular participant. Dealing with un-equal n’s on the RM factor used to be so formidable that researchers would justreplace the missing value with appropriate averages. Now, complex statistics canhandle the problem in several ways with the help of recent statistical software.

As in the one-way RM case, lower-bound ε is 1/(c – 1), and can be used to mul-tiply the df’s for both the RM main effect and interaction to create a test that makesno assumption about sphericity. For this example, ε � 1/2, and the conservativecritical F for both effects is F.05 (1, 10) � 4.96. Both effects are still significant withthis adjustment, so there is no need to calculate an exact ε for Table 8.2.

Post Hoc Comparisons

As with any two-way ANOVA, we look at the significance of the interaction firstbefore deciding about more specific tests. If the interaction is significant, as in ourexample, you would be very careful about follow-up tests on the main effects,knowing that the interaction can render these effects misleading. For the mo-ment, let’s pretend our interaction is nowhere near significance. Our attentionwould turn to the RM main effect, which is significant. If we felt very comfort-able about sphericity being true in the population, we could perform LSD tests(HSD for more than three groups) using MSSub�RM in place of MSw . However, aswe mentioned for the one-way RM ANOVA, the more conservative procedureis to do separate matched t tests, correcting the alpha with a Bonferroni adjust-ment (for the mixed design a matched t test is performed across all groups, andyou simply pretend that all of your participants are in one big group).

Even if our between-groups factor were significant, there would be no follow-


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up tests to do, because it has only two levels. If the between-groups factor hasmore than two levels and proves to be significant, post hoc tests can be per-formed using MSw from the omnibus ANOVA. However, if the interaction is sig-nificant this error term is not entirely appropriate. A significant interaction is of-ten followed by tests of simple effects: one-way RM ANOVAs for each group,one-way ANOVAs across groups for each repeated condition, or both. The useof error terms from the omnibus ANOVA for testing simple effects is question-able in the presence of a significant interaction. A conservative alternative is totreat the simple effect (or whatever subset of the original ANOVA is being tested)as a new ANOVA, using its own error term, and not using error terms from theoriginal mixed-design ANOVA. Follow-up tests for a significant interaction thatinvolve interaction contrasts or partial interaction should be compared to a criti-cal F based on Scheffé’s test (multiply the critical F for the omnibus interactionby the df for the interaction), unless they were planned in advance.

Mixed Designs Involving a Grouping Factor

Two of the most common types of mixed designs have already been discussed:(1) two or more groups are given different treatments, and measured at severalpoints in time; and (2) two experimental factors are involved, but for one of themit is not convenient to employ repeated measures. Next, we discuss two moretypes of mixed design: when one of the factors is a grouping variable, and whenone of the factors is the order in which treatments are presented. Imagine an ex-periment comparing three methods for muscle building (e.g., light weights andmany repetitions, heavy weights and few repetitions, etc.). Participants arematched into blocks of three based on initial muscle mass and then randomly as-signed to the three methods; all are measured for muscle mass after 6 months ofpractice. A graph of 6 participants (i.e., blocks) in this experiment might look justlike Figure 8.2. Notice that the dashed lines are far from being parallel to the solidlines, leading to a considerable amount of subject by treatment interaction.

Even though the use of randomized blocks allows us to calculate a one-wayRM ANOVA for these data, we can see that the error term would be fairly large.Given that the body-building methods do not differ much on average, we wouldexpect the RM ANOVA to fail to reach significance. However, suppose we tellyou that the dashed lines represent blocks of men and the solid lines blocks ofwomen. If we add gender as a factor, our one-way RM ANOVA becomes a mixeddesign. The subjects by treatment interaction would then be calculated separatelyfor each gender, and then the two SSs would be added to create SSS�RM. Thisgreatly reduces the error term for the body-building method comparison, in-


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creasing the chance that this effect will produce a significant F (this is because thedashed lines are fairly parallel to each other, as is the case for the solid lines aswell). The SSS�RM from the original RM ANOVA is divided into two parts in themixed design: the new, smaller SSS�RM and SSinter. Thus, the gender by method in-teraction is removed from the error term, and it may prove to be significant andinteresting on its own.

Any grouping variable (i.e., a variable based on preexisting individual differ-ences among your participants) that interacts considerably with your RM factorcan be helpful if added to your ANOVA. (Note that an experimental variable thatinteracts with your RM ANOVA can add variance to your error term, but agrouping variable just separates part of SSS�RM that was already present.) Ofcourse, exploring the interaction can be reason enough to add a grouping factor.In the example we gave it is useful to know that men and women respond differ-entially to different weight-lifting methods; this could lead to practical recom-mendations in a health club. On the other hand, if a grouping variable is shownnot to interact with an RM factor, the generality of the RM effect has beendemonstrated, at least in one domain. And, of course, a significant main effect ofthe grouping factor can be interesting when it is not as obvious as it is in the pre-ceding example. Certainly, you can reduce error variance by restricting the vari-ability of your participants (e.g., by using only one gender), but then you sacrificethe ability to generalize the results of your study to the larger population.

Mixed Designs Involving Order as a Factor

Our final example of the use of the mixed-design ANOVA begins with a one-wayRM design in which the treatments are counterbalanced. If simple order effectsare present (e.g., practice or fatigue), as they often are, they will contribute to theSSS�RM error term and therefore reduce the power of your analysis. The solutionis the same as in the preceding example, but first we will use the simplest type ofRM design (two conditions) to show you why a counterbalanced design so oftenleads to an inflated error term. Suppose half the participants perform a clericaltask for 30 minutes while listening to happy music and then, after a brief break,perform the same task for another 30 minutes while listening to sad music. Theother half of the participants performs the same task with the music types re-versed. Let us further suppose that, on average, happy music leads to a 5-pointincrease in performance compared to sad music, but that the second task periodis always 10 points higher than the first due to a practice effect. The data couldlook something like those in Figure 8.3. Without a practice effect, all of the par-ticipants could be fairly parallel (we are assuming that all participants react alike,


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for simplicity)—the slant in the lines would be due only to happiness being 5points higher than sadness. Notice, however, that the practice effect causes thehappy-first participants to slant differently from the sad-first participants, addingto the subject by treatment interaction.

If we add order as a between-groups factor and create a mixed design, thesimple order effect shows up as a considerable order by music type interaction,but SSS�RM is greatly reduced because it is now calculated separately for each or-der group. Of course, this approach can be used just as easily with a four-treatment experiment using an L-S design for counterbalancing. The larger theorder effects, the greater the advantage of including order as a factor. However, ifthe order by treatment interaction is very small (indicating very small order ef-fects), it can be better to leave order out of the analysis—otherwise, including or-der can hurt your analysis a bit by reducing degrees of freedom in your error term.

Although an order by treatment interaction is usually not cause for alarm, amain effect of order is a bad sign. Why should the happy-first participants per-form better overall (averaging both types of music together), or worse? A likelycause for a significant main effect of order is a problem involving differential (i.e.,asymmetrical) carryover effects, as discussed previously. For instance, the moodinduced by the sad music lingers during the break and makes the happy music lesseffective, but the effect of the happy music does not linger. A good way to spotdifferential carryover is by graphing the data by serial position (e.g., first or sec-ond) as well as condition. In Figure 8.4 we have depicted the situation in whichsadness lingers, but happiness does not (participants have been averaged to-gether). Simple order effects would create parallel lines on a position by treatmentgraph. The convergence of the lines in Figure 8.4 indicates differential carryover.


Figure 8.3 Graph of participants exposed to both happy and sad music in acounterbalanced order

Happy Sad




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In this graph a main effect of position is benign (indicating simple order ef-fects), but a significant position by treatment interaction is worrisome. The realproblem with differential carryover is that it can make it look like there is a dif-ference between your two conditions when there isn’t one, or it can suppress adifference that is really there, or even reverse its direction. If you have already runyour study and discover this problem, you have the option of using only the firstcondition for each participant and performing an independent-groups ANOVA.All the power of repeated measures is lost, but you avoid the misleading effectsof differential carryover.



The Major Uses for the Mixed Design

1. Two or more groups (getting different treatments) are being measured overtime (but if measurements are taken only twice, it can be preferable to dealwith difference scores or ANCOVA).

2. There are two or more repeated treatments, and participants are categorizedinto two or more groups based on individual differences.

3. There are two experimental factors of interest, but it is only convenient to re-peat treatments (or match participants) for one of the factors.

4. There is one factor that involves repeated measures given successively andcounterbalanced over the participants. Adding order of treatment as a second(between-subjects) factor creates a mixed design.

Figure 8.4 Graph of cell means as a function of type of music and serial posi-tion



Happy music

Sad music

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Let us return to a popular form of the mixed design and see how it can be madeeven more powerful. Consider an experiment in which the participants in onegroup take an experimental drug expected to aid weight loss, whereas those in theother group take a placebo. The weights of participants in both groups are mea-sured before the drug or placebo is given, and then at several points during treat-ment. We have already discussed the power of comparing linear trends. However,additional power can be attained by matching participants into pairs before ran-domly assigning them to the treatments. Obviously, participants would bematched on initial weight, but other factors, like gender and body type, could beused to attain even better matches. Such matching would create a design with oneRB factor (drug condition) and one RM factor (time). This design is analyzed asa two-way RM ANOVA. Of course, a design with two RM factors would also beanalyzed as a two-way RM ANOVA.

This design is fairly common in cognitive psychology, where it is easy, for in-stance, to combine words in a list that are categorized as low, medium, or high infrequency of usage, and also as happy, sad, or neutral (each participant gets a re-call score for each of the nine types of words). Or, participants may perform threedifferent tasks each presented at four levels of difficulty. Two-way RM designscan get tricky if the counterbalancing of successive conditions is required, so suchdesigns usually involve only two or three levels per factor. Fortunately, under-standing the calculation of a two-way RM ANOVA is easier than you might think,especially if you learned something about calculating a three-way ANOVA in theprevious chapter.

A one-way RM ANOVA is calculated like a two-way ANOVA, in which theparticipants are different levels of a “subjects” factor. Similarly, the two-way RMANOVA is calculated like a three-way ANOVA with subjects as the third factor.For instance, if there are three tasks, four difficulty levels, and 10 participants,then each participant is measured 3 4 � 12 times, and there are a total of 120cells in the three-way matrix (one score per cell ). It is not possible to calculateSSw , but SStotal , which equals SSbetween-cells , can be broken down into the followingcomponents, in this example: SStask , SSdifficulty , SStask�difficulty , SSsubject�task ,SSsubject�difficulty , and SSsubject�task�difficulty . After each SS is divided by its df to formthe MSs, Ftask equals MStask /MSsubject�task , Fdifficulty equals MSdifficulty/MSsubject�difficulty , and Ftask�difficulty equals MStask�difficulty/MSsubject�task�difficulty . In otherwords, each of the three effects in the two-way RM ANOVA uses a different er-ror term; in each case the error term involves the interaction between the subjectfactor and the effect being tested. A three-way RM ANOVA is analyzed like afour-way ANOVA with subjects as the fourth factor, and so on.


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Putting It Into Practice1. Test the RM simple effects for the data in Table 8.2 by performing separate

one-way RM ANOVAs for each instruction group (take the more conservativeapproach and do not use the RM error term from the mixed design ANOVA).(a) Which of the simple effects is significant at the .05 level?(b) Will either of your conclusions in 1a change if you make no assumptions

about sphericity?2. The data from the second exercise of Chapter 3 are reproduced in the follow-

ing table.

Participant # No Imagery Imagery

1 8 142 11 153 7 54 10 165 9 96 15 167 7 88 16 20

(a) Perform a one-way RM ANOVA on these data, and compare the F ratioyou obtain with the matched t value you found previously.

(b) Assume that this study was counterbalanced such that participants 1, 2, 4,and 8 received the “no imagery” condition first, and the remaining partici-pants received the “imagery” condition first. Perform the mixed-designANOVA, using order as the between-groups factor, and test all three F ra-tios for significance.

(c) What does the interaction in 2b tell you about possible order effects?What effect does removing the interaction from the error term have onthe main effect of the RM factor (compare the RM F ratio in 2b with the Fratio in 2a)?

(d) Average the “no imagery” scores separately for participants who had “noimagery” first and for those who had that condition second. Do the samefor the “imagery” scores, and then graph these averages (in the manner ofFigure 8.4) so that on the horizontal axis you have “had the conditionfirst” and “had the condition second,” and the two lines are “no imagery”and “imagery.” What does this graph tell you about the possibility of differ-ential carryover effects? What can you do about the problem at this point?

3. After being sleep deprived, participants are given either a placebo or a caffeinepill and required to solve arithmetic problems under four levels of distraction.The number of errors committed for each condition for each participant isgiven in the following table.

(continued )

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Participant # None Mild Moderate Strong

Placebo participants 1 2 5 11 102 0 8 4 93 7 9 13 124 3 12 10 11

Caffeine participants 5 3 7 8 66 2 6 6 97 5 8 7 78 4 9 5 8

(a) Perform the mixed-design ANOVA, and test all three F ratios for signifi-cance.

(b) Graph the cell means, and explain the results in 3a in terms of the effectsyou can see on the graph.

(c) Calculate the F ratio for the interaction of group by linear trend (create alinear trend score for each participant, and then perform an ordinary one-way ANOVA on the trend scores of the two groups).


1. Imagine a study in which there are two repeated conditions, and both thematched t and repeated-measures ANOVA are calculated. Which of thefollowing will be true?

(a) The critical F will be the same as the critical t.(b) The p values will be the same for both tests.(c) The RM ANOVA will have a greater chance of statistical significance than

the matched t.(d) The matched t will have a greater chance of statistical significance than

the RM ANOVA.2. One disadvantage of a repeated-measures ANOVA (as compared to an

independent-groups ANOVA on the same data) is

(a) the reduction of degrees of freedom in the error term.(b) the reduction in the numerator of the F ratio.(c) the reduction in the size of the error term.(d) the reduction in alpha.


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3. If an independent-groups ANOVA and a repeated-measures ANOVA areperformed on the same data, which of the following will be the same forboth analyses?

(a) The numerator of the F ratio(b) The denominator of the F ratio(c) The critical F(d) None of the above

4. Which of the following is likely to cause a simple order effect?

(a) Carryover from one treatment to the next(b) Fatigue(c) The use of randomized blocks(d) All of the above

5. Differential carryover effects can be eliminated by

(a) counterbalancing.(b) using a Latin-Square design.(c) matching participants in blocks.(d) using only two repeated conditions.

6. If you have seven different conditions to present successively in a re-peated-measures design, how many orders would be required for a di-gram-balanced Latin Square Design?

(a) 7(b) 14(c) 28(d) 56

7. When the within-subjects factor in a mixed design has only two levels,the F ratio for the interaction of the two factors is equal to

(a) the main effect of the between-groups factor.(b) the main effect of the within-subjects factor.(c) a one-way ANOVA on the difference scores.(d) zero.

8. An increase in person-to-person variability in a mixed design (all else re-maining equal) will cause a reduction in the F ratio associated with

(a) the main effect of the between-groups factor.(b) the main effect of the within-subjects factor.(c) the interaction of the two factors.(d) both b and c.

(continued )

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9. Even when an experiment is fully counterbalanced, simple order effectscan reduce the power of the ANOVA by

(a) increasing the size of the error term.(b) decreasing the separation of the means for the different conditions.(c) leading to a violation of sphericity.(d) all of the above.

10. Consider a mixed design in which the order of treatments is the be-tween-groups factor. If you have only simple order effects in your data(e.g., a practice effect) and they are large, this is likely to produce

(a) a significant main effect of your treatment.(b) a significant main effect of the order factor.(c) a significant order by treatment interaction.(d) all of the above.

Answers: 1. b, 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. c; 6. b; 7. c; 8. a; 9. a; 10. c.

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Much of this book is concerned with the argument that even when the re-sults of your experiment look impressive those results may be due en-tirely to lucky accidents while sampling from the population, and that

such results would not be obtained were the experiment performed on the entirepopulation. You have seen that the way to counter that argument is to conduct anNHT and demonstrate that the null hypothesis can be rejected with a good dealof confidence (e.g., at the .05 level). The tests we have presented in this book sofar have all been based on dependent variables that can be measured rather pre-cisely, and that can be assumed to follow a (roughly) normal distribution in thepopulation. However, there are plenty of possible experiments for which youwould like to conduct on NHT, but there is no precisely measured variable.


For instance, imagine that babies are tested to see if they have color preferencesat the age of 6 months. Pairs of identical toys are colored so that one member ofeach pair is colored red and its twin is colored yellow. Each baby is then classifiedas preferring either red or yellow toys, according to the amount of time spentlooking at or touching the various toys. Let’s say that after 10 babies are tested itis shown that 8 babies prefer red and 2 babies prefer yellow. It looks like 6-month-old babies, in general, may prefer red toys, but it can be argued that this result isjust an accident and that a replication is just as likely to show a preference for yel-low. An NHT would be useful in this case, but the variable being measured hasonly two values: red and yellow (we can say it is dichotomous). The variable is cate-gorical and cannot be said to have any distribution, let alone a normal distribu-tion. Nonetheless, it is easy to see that 9 out of 10 babies preferring red is evenless likely by chance than 8 out of 10 and 10 out of 10 is less likely still. It seemslike we should be able to find a p value from the laws of chance and compare it toalpha—and indeed we can. A series of independent, dichotomous events repre-



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sents the simplest situation calling fornonparametric statistics, so we willdescribe this case first and then pro-ceed to more complicated cases.

The Binomial Distribution

Even when our DV is dichotomous(e.g., preferring red or yellow toys),there will still be a null hypothesis dis-tribution—it just won’t be verysmooth unless we are dealing with avery large sample size (e.g., hundredsof babies). With a sample of 10 babies(i.e., N � 10), there are 11 possibleoutcomes to our experiment: Any-

where from 0 to 10 babies can prefer red. Each possible outcome has a differentprobability, and if we make a few simple assumptions we can easily find each ofthese 11 probabilities and draw the distribution. First, we need to state H0 ; if thenull hypothesis is that the babies will have no preference we can say that the prob-ability (P ) of preferring red is .5 for each baby. This means that the probability ofpreferring yellow ( Q, or 1 – P, because there are no other possibilities) is also .5(we arbitrarily chose to focus on red; everything would come out the same if wefocused instead on yellow). Let’s say that X stands for the number of babies whoprefer red. To find the probability for each possible value of X will require a fewvery basic rules of probability, which we describe next.

We have been dealing with probability throughout this book, but always interms of a smooth, continuous distribution. For instance, if you select one manat random from a population, the probability that he will be taller than 71 inchesis equal to the proportion of the male height distribution above that value. We canuse areas of the ND to find this proportion because height can be measured soprecisely that, with a large population, the distribution is quite smooth. However,when we are dealing with dichotomous events and ordinary sample sizes our dis-tribution will not be smooth. We will need to base our probabilities instead on dis-

crete mathematics. For the most part this involves sophisticated ways to count upevents. This can get complicated because the same event can often occur in manydifferent ways.

For example, in the color preferences experiment one possible event is thatfive babies prefer red and five prefer yellow. However, this event can occur be-



When Will I Use the Statisticsin This Chapter?

None of your variables have beenmeasured in a precise, quantitativeway, but• You can assign your participants or

cases to different categories (per-haps along more than one dimen-sion), or

• You can assign your participants orcases to levels of an ordinal scale,or you can rank them in order onone or more variables.

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cause the first five babies tested prefer red, or the last five, or because the babiesalternate, and so on. There are actually 252 different patterns in which five of thebabies prefer red. In the classical approach to probability, the probability of someevent A, symbolized as p(A), is the number of outcomes that result in event A di-vided by the total number of possible outcomes. In our example the total num-ber of outcomes is found by noting that for each baby there are two outcomes,and that these are multiplied together: two times two times two . . . a total of 10times (i.e., 210). Therefore, the total number of outcomes is 1,024. The probabil-ity that 5 of the 10 babies will prefer red, therefore, is 252/1,024 � .246. Notethat the lowest p can ever get is zero (e.g., the probability that 11 out of the 10 ba-bies will prefer red is zero because there is no way that this can happen), and thehighest p can get is 1.0 (the probability that the number of babies preferring redwill be between 0 and 10 is 1.0).

We didn’t show you how to calculate that there are 252 patterns in which fivebabies prefer red. This involves the use of combinations and permutations. Wewill not take the space for that topic here, but virtually any introductory text onprobability will cover that topic in great detail. We will simply show you the NHDfor the color preference experiment (see Figure 9.1). This distribution is calledthe binomial distribution for P � .5 and N � 10. It applies to a wide range of cir-c*mstances, including the flipping of a fair coin 10 times, after which you countthe number of heads (or tails).

Let’s return to the question we posed when we introduced the toy color ex-periment: Would eight babies preferring red allow us to reject the null hypothe-


Figure 9.1 The binomial distribution for N � 10; P � .5


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10





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sis? The one-tailed p value for this experiment is the sum of the probabilities for8, 9, and 10 babies preferring red from the distribution in Figure 9.1. If you don’twant to do the combinatoric calculations needed to find these probabilities youcan look in a book that has tables for the binomial distribution. In this case thecalculations are so easy we’ll show them. The easiest probability for this problemis all 10 babies preferring red; there is only one way this can happen, so p equals1/1,024, or .0009766. For 9 babies there are 10 ways this can happen—any oneof the babies can prefer yellow—so p equals 10/1,024 or .009766.

For eight babies preferring red we need to know how many different pairs of ba-bies can prefer yellow. The number of possible pairs is given by Formula 5.8 (10 9/2 � 45), so p equals 45/1,024, or .0439. Adding these three probabilitiesyields about .055. As this p is not less than .05, the null hypothesis cannot be re-jected. Note that the two-tailed p, which is more appropriate in this case, is about.11—not even on the borderline of significance. However, if 80 out of 100 babiespreferred red, the results would have reached significance easily. We’ll discuss theeffect of sample size in the context of more complex tests later in this chapter.

The Rules of Probability

Adding the probabilities for 8, 9, and 10 babies to get our (one-tailed) p value il-lustrates an important rule of probability: the addition rule. When two or moreevents are all mutually exclusive the probability that any one of them will occur isequal to the sum of their probabilities. For two events, this is stated as P(A or B)� P(A) � P(B). For instance, the probability of drawing either an ace or a picturecard from an ordinary deck of 52 playing cards (there are four aces and 12 picturecards) is 4/52 (i.e., .0769) plus 12/52 (.2308), which equals 16/52 or .3077. How-ever, if two events are not mutually exclusive (e.g., drawing a playing card that isa club or a picture card), the addition rule must be modified. You would have toadd the probabilities, and then subtract the overlap (the probability that bothevents will occur simultaneously). This is stated symbolically as

P(A or B) � P(A) � P(B) � P(A and B)

The probability of drawing a club is 13/52 and the probability of drawing a pic-ture card is 12/52, but there are three picture cards that are also clubs. So theprobability of drawing a club or a picture card is 13/52 plus 12/52 minus 3/52,which equals 22/52 or .423.

Another important rule of probability is the multiplication rule. If two events areindependent (i.e., the occurrence of one of the events does not affect the proba-bility for the other event), the probability that both will occur is the product of


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the two probabilities—that is, P(Aand B) � P(A) P(B). This rule can beeasily extended to any number of mu-tually independent events. The prob-ability that 10 babies in a row will pre-fer red is .5 .5 .5 . . . or .510, whichequals .0009766. This is the same re-sult we found by counting, earlier inthis chapter (i.e., 1/1,024). The rulesof probability are summarized inRapid Reference 9.1.

The multiplication rule must bemodified when events are not inde-pendent. The modified rule involvesconditional probability, but we will not cover that topic in this book. An exampleof nonindependent events occurs in the context of sampling. When samplingfrom a population you must replace each selection before making another one (sothat a given individual could be selected twice for the same sample) or your se-lections will not be truly independent. Fortunately, when your sample is muchsmaller than the population, sampling without replacement is essentially the same assampling with replacement (the probability of randomly selecting the same individ-ual twice for the same sample is so tiny), so no one actually samples with replace-ment.

The Normal Distribution Approximation

If you look again at Figure 9.1 you can see that the shape of this distribution issimilar to the ND. As N gets larger the bars get thinner, and the binomial distri-bution gets smoother. As N approaches infinity the binomial distribution be-comes the ND. Even with N as small as 20, the ND is a good appropriation forthe binomial distribution, especially if P � .5. If the events were X, the babygrows up to be left-handed, and Y, the baby grows up to be right-handed, P wouldbe less than .2, and the distribution would be rather skewed (e.g., the bar for 0would be much higher than the bar for 10). A larger N is needed before the NDbecomes a reasonable approximation. For small values of P, the product of N andP should be at least about 10 before the ND is used.

Using the ND to approximate the binomial distribution obviates the need tofind and add various probabilities, but you need to know the mean and SD of thecorresponding ND. These can be found easily. The mean of the ND is NP and


Probability Rules

1. Probability ranges from 0 (cannotoccur) to 1.0 (certain to occur).

2. Addition rule for mutually exclusiveevents: P(A or B) � P(A) � P(B).

3. Addition rule for overlappingevents: P(A or B) � P(A) � P(B) –P(A and B).

4. Multiplication rule for independentevents: P(A and B) � P(A) P(B).

Rapid Reference 9.1

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the SD is �(NPQ)�. Any value for X can be converted to a z score with the fol-lowing formula:

z � �X





� (9.1)

(For small N—say, less than 40—a correction to the above formula is recom-mended, because the binomial distribution is not smooth and continuous. Thecontinuity correction involves reducing the absolute value of the numerator of For-mula 9.1 by .5.) Applying Formula 9.1 (with continuity correction) to our babiesexample, we get

z � � � � �12.5.58

� � 1.58

From Table A.1 we can see that the area beyond 1.58 is .0571, which is very closeto the probability we found earlier by counting (.055). Even with N as small as 10the ND can serve as a pretty good approximation.

The Sign Test

The binomial test, whether used in its exact form (adding up the appropriateprobabilities of the binomial distribution) or in terms of the ND approximation,has many applications in the social sciences involving dichotomous events (e.g.,does the gender balance among chief executive officers reflect a selection bias?).A particularly useful application of the binomial test is to evaluate the significanceof an RM or matched-pairs experiment in which the DV cannot be measured pre-cisely. Imagine that you have some treatment for enhancing creativity in children.Children are matched in pairs based on the creativity of drawings they have al-ready produced in an art class. Then, one member of each pair is selected at ran-dom to get the new treatment, and the other member gets a control condition.Each child produces a drawing after the treatment or control condition is fin-ished. It may not be possible to measure the creativity of each drawing in any pre-cise way, but it is reasonable to suppose that a panel of artists could decide foreach matched pair of children which drawing expressed the greater creativity(without knowing, of course, which child received the new treatment in eachcase).

For, say, 20 pairs of children the data from the experiment would boil down tothe number of pairs (X ) for which the treated child produced the more creativedrawing. Say in this case that X equals 16. We can test the significance of this re-

8 � 5 � .5��

�2.5�8 � 10(.5) � .5��

�10(.5)(�.5)�X � NP � .5��



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sult with Formula 9.1 (and the continuity correction). Assuming that the null hy-pothesis is that the treatment and control children are equally likely to producethe more creative drawing, P � .5.

z ��16



� .5�� �




� � �25.2.536� � 2.46

The one-tailed p for this z is .0069, and the two-tailed p is .0138. The result is eas-ily significant at the .05 level with a two-tailed test.

In addition to dealing with situations in which precise measurement is not pos-sible, nonparametric tests, including the binomial test, can be used when the DVhas been measured precisely (i.e., on an interval or ratio scale) but its distributionis very far from the ND, and N is too small for you to rely on the CLT. Supposeyou are looking at the effects of certain kinds of hints on problem solving. Eachparticipant solves one problem with a hint and one without (assume that the ex-periment is properly counterbalanced and that the hint for one problem is not rel-evant to the other problem). For 16 participants the hint decreases solution timeslightly, but for 4 participants the hint is confusing and greatly increases solutiontime. It is not likely that these 20 scores come from any distribution that looks likethe ND, nor would the results be likely to attain significance were they submittedto an RM t test, anyway. However, you already know from the creativity experi-ment that 16 outcomes in one direction and 4 in the other will lead to a significantbinomial test. In the kind of situation just described, the binomial test is usuallycalled the sign test, because the magnitudes of the difference scores are being ig-nored, and only their signs (i.e., negative or positive) are being used for the sig-nificance test.

The One-Way Chi-Square Test

What if you wanted to test the babies with red, yellow, and blue toys? Or youwant to test four magazine covers to see which, if any, would be preferred by asample of potential consumers. A binomial distribution won’t help you. Withmore than two categories you would need a multinomial distribution, and thedetermination of the probabilities becomes much more complicated. Fortu-nately, with any number of categories the various frequencies can be reduced toa single statistic that follows, approximately, a well-known distribution. That sta-tistic is called the chi-square statistic (symbolized by the Greek letter chi—pro-nounced kie to rhyme with eye in English—being squared, like this: �2), becauseit follows the chi-square distribution. The chi-square statistic simply measures


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the (squared) discrepancies between the frequencies actually obtained in each cat-egory (symbolized by fo , where the subscript “O” stands for “obtained”), andthe frequencies expected by the null hypothesis (symbolized by fe ). The entireformula is as follows:

�2 � ∑�( fo �


fe )2

� (9.2)

The summation sign indicates that the formula is calculated separately for eachcategory, and then these amounts are added up. We will illustrate the use of thisformula for an experiment in which each of 40 babies is categorized as preferringeither red, yellow, blue, or green toys. The observed frequencies are given in thefollowing table (see table 9.1).

The expected frequencies have also been filled in based on the null hypothe-sis that the 40 babies would be equally divided among the four colors (note thatboth the fo’s and the fe’s must sum to the same number, the total N). Applying For-mula 9.2 to the data in Table 9.1, we get

�2 � �(16 �


� � �(6 �


� � �(11 �


� � �(7 �


� �3160� � �

1160� � �

110� � �

190� � �

6120� � 6.2

In order to decide whether to reject the null hypothesis (i.e., no color preference),we must compare our calculated �2 to the appropriate critical value. Like the t dis-tribution, the �2 distribution varies according to one parameter, the number ofdegrees of freedom (symbolized as df by social scientists, and the Greek letter nu,�, by mathematicians). Unlike the t distribution, df for �2 depends only on thenumber of categories (often symbolized as k), and not at all on the number of par-ticipants (N ). Actually, df equals k – 1, so for this example, df � 4 – 1 � 3. Thecritical value of �2 for the .05 level and df � 3 can be found in Table A.7; �2

.05(3)� 7.82. Because �2

calc � �2crit (i.e., 6.2 � 7.82), Ho cannot be rejected for this ex-



Table 9.1 Observed and Expected Frequencies for a One-Way Chi-Square Test

Red Yellow Blue Green

fo 16 6 11 7fe 10 10 10 10

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The Tails of the Chi-Square Distribution

Figure 9.2 depicts the �2 distribution with 3 df. As df gets larger, the mean of thedistribution shifts to the right and the amount of positive skewing reduces. Asthe number of df approaches infinity, the �2 distribution becomes identical to theND. Note that, as in the case of ANOVA, the chi-square test usually uses only thepositive tail of its distribution. A very small value for the chi-square statistic (inthe left tail) indicates that the observed frequencies are unusually close to the ex-pected frequencies given the possibilities for sampling error. However, this close-ness between the fe’s and fo’s only serves to support the null hypothesis in the kindof chi-square applications we have been describing.

On the other hand, there are cases for which researchers use the left tail of the�2 distribution exclusively. For example, let’s say a logic problem has four pos-sible answers, and a psychologist might devise an elaborate, theoretical modelthat predicts what percentage of participants will choose each of the four an-swers. In this case, the fe’s, which would be determined by multiplying each pre-dicted percentage by the N of the sample, represent not Ho , but rather HA, thealternative hypothesis. A very small �2 value would indicate good agreement withthe theoretical model and offer support for the HA. Unfortunately, it is rarely pos-sible for social scientists to create such quantitative models, though a greater ef-fort in this direction could prove beneficial to the behavioral sciences. Althoughin most cases the fe’s represent the null hypothesis, they need not involve an equaldivision of N among the categories, as in this next example.

Finding the Expected Frequencies

Imagine that a major newspaper in the city of Springfield wants to check to see ifits subscribers are the same politically as the population of the city. The politicalaffiliations of 3,000 randomly selected subscribers are determined, and the results


Figure 9.2 The chi-square distribution for df � 3



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are 2,000 Democrats, 700 Republicans, and 300 Independents. The expected fre-quencies would not be, however, 1000 in each category. If the Ho is that the news-paper’s readers are the same politically as the city population, the fe’s should re-flect voter registration in that city. If 60% of the voters are Democrats, 20%Republicans, and 20% Independents, the fe’s would be 1,800, 600, and 600, re-spectively. Of course, with such large frequencies, the results will easily attain sig-nificance. This points out the need for an effect size measure to accompany yourchi-square statistic. Indeed, if you multiply all of your frequencies by some con-stant C, the value of �2 will be multiplied by C as well. An effect size measure thatdoes not change when multiplied by C will be discussed in the context of a morecomplex categorical design that will be described shortly.

Comparison to the Binomial Test

So far we have been discussing what is often called the one-way chi-square test,also known as the goodness of fit test. All of the k categories fall along a single di-mension (e.g., colors, political parties). In general, the two-way chi-square testcan answer more interesting questions, as you will see in the next section. In themeantime, it is useful to point out that in the two-category case the one-way chi-square test produces the same p value as the ND approximation to the binomialtest. In fact, squaring the z from the binomial test gives you the value of your chi-square test in the two-category case (the �2 distribution with one df is just thenormal distribution after being squared). In cases where you would apply the con-tinuity correction to Formula 9.1 you can apply the same correction to Formula9.2 (just reduce the magnitude of each fo – fe difference by .5 before squaring).

The one-way chi-square test requires the same assumptions as the ND ap-proximation to the binomial test: The expected frequencies should not be toosmall (they should average out to at least 5), and all of the observations should bemutually independent (if each baby sees two toys in each color, the baby shouldnot be counted twice—that is, once for each type of toy). Categories should bechosen carefully so that every participant falls into a category but no participantfalls into two categories at the same time.

The Two-Way Chi-Square Test

A psychologist suspects that boys whose parents are divorced (DBs) will start morefights with peers than boys from families with no divorce (NDBs). Ten DBs and20 NDBs are monitored in playground settings for 1 month, at the end of whichthe data are as follows for DBs: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 3, 4, 8. For NDBs there are 18 ze-roes and two ones. Although a t test may have been planned, the data are very far


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from being consistent with the distributional assumptions of a t test. A reasonablealternative would be to categorize each boy as having started at least one fight, orhaving not started any fights. Next, a two-way contingency table can be formed by cross-classifying the boys by both divorce background and fight-starting, as in Table 9.2.

These data are now in a form that can be analyzed by a two-way chi-square test, butfirst we have to find the expected frequencies. A naive approach would be to di-vide the total number of boys (N � 30) by the number of cells in the table, so thatall the fe’s would be 7.5. This does not conform to any reasonable null hypothe-sis. First, we don’t expect equal numbers of DBs and NDBs because we deliber-ately sampled more of the latter (reflecting their greater proportion in the popu-lation). Second, we don’t expect half of the boys to start fights; even in the DBgroup less than half of the boys start fights. The appropriate null hypothesis forthis kind of design is that the two variables are independent of each other. For thisexample, that would mean that DB and NDB boys would have the same propor-tion of fight-starters. What proportion would that be? It will help to look at a tablein which the sums for both rows and both columns have been filled in.

Finding the Expected Frequencies

If you look at the row sums in Table 9.3, you’ll see that, overall, four times as manyboys did not start fights (24) as did (6). If the two variables are independent wewould expect the same 4 to 1 ratio to occur for both DBs and NDBs. At the sametime, there are twice as many NDBs as DBs (you can see this in the column sums),so the fe’s should also follow a 2 to 1 ratio across each row. We have already in-cluded in Table 9.3 fe’s (in parentheses) that meet these requirements. Notice that


Table 9.2 Observed Frequencies for a Two-Way Chi-Square Test


No fights 18 6Started fights 2 4

Table 9.3 Observed and Expected Frequencies for a Two-Way Chi-SquareTest

NDB DB Row Sum

No fights 18(16) 6(8) 24Started fights 2(4) 4(2) 6Column sum 20 10 30

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the fe’s exhibit a lack of association between the two variables. Therefore, the two-way chi-square test is often referred to as a test of association as well as a test of inde-

pendence of the two variables. The further the fo’s are from the fe’s, the more likelyyou are to reject the null hypothesis and suggest that there is indeed a relationshipbetween the two variables. Finding fe’s that have a 4 to 1 ratio going down eachcolumn and a 2 to 1 ratio going across each row and add up to the same columnand row totals as the fo’s may not seem easy, but fortunately there’s a very simpleformula that does the trick. For any cell in the table, fe is found by multiplying thesum of that cell’s row by the sum of that cell’s column and dividing by N (i.e.,fe � SR SC /N ). For instance, fe for the lower right cell (DBs who start fights) is6 10/30 � 60/30 � 2.

Calculating an Example

Once you have found the fe’s, the discrepancy between the fe’s and fo’s can bequantified by the same chi-square formula you used for the one-way test (For-mula 9.2). In the two-way case the summation sign indicates that the calculationis performed for each cell of the table, and then these results are summed. Thisformula was originally devised by Karl Pearson (whose correlation coefficientwas described in Chapter 4), so the test is often called Pearson’s chi-square test.We will apply this test to the data in Table 9.3:

�2 � �(18 �


� � �(6 �


� � �(2 �


� � �(4 �


� �146� � �


� � �44

� � �42

� � 3.75

In order to look up the appropriate critical value for our example we need toknow the df for our contingency table. For a two-way table the df equals thenumber of rows minus one (r – 1) times the number of columns minus one (c –

1). For this example, df � (r – 1)(c –1) � (2 – 1)(2 – 1) � 1. Therefore,the .05 critical value is 3.84. Becauseour calculated (or observed) chi-square value is less than this we can-not reject the null hypothesis. Per-haps divorce has no association withthe starting of fights by boys, and theresults in Table 9.3 look as promis-ing as they do because of samplingerror.


DON’T FORGETIn the two-way chi-square test, theexpected frequency for a cell is foundby multiplying the sum for the rowthat the cell is in by the sum for thecolumn that the cell is in, and then di-viding by the total N. The expectedfrequencies must add up to the samerow and column sums (and total N )as the observed frequencies.

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Fisher’s Exact Test

If you divide all of the entries in Table 9.3 by two, the fe’s become so small that theaccuracy of using the chi-square distribution is questionable. An alternative is toperform an “exact” test by adding up probabilities of the multinomial distribu-tion. This test, originally designed by Fisher (for whom the F distribution wasnamed), is called Fisher’s Exact test, and it was quite tedious to perform before theadvent of modern statistical software. Technically, this test is only appropriatewhen both the row and column sums are fixed in advance (in our last example thecolumn but not the row sums were determined by the experimenter), but you arelikely to see this test performed whenever the fe’s are quite small.

The Phi Coefficient

If you double all of the entries in Table 9.3, the value for �2 will also double (it willbecome 7.5) and become significant at the .05—even the .01—level. But the pro-portions will not have changed. There ought to be a measure that reflects the rel-ative proportions and is not affected by the total sample size, and there is. For a2 � 2 table the appropriate strength of association (i.e., correlational) measure iscalled the phi coefficient (symbolized by the Greek letter �). The square of this co-efficient follows the simple formula below:

�2 � ��



� (9.3)

Because multiplying all entries in a 2 � 2 table by the same constant (C) re-sults in both �2 and N being multiplied by C, �2 remains the same. Like r pb

2 (seeChapter 4), �2 gives you a sense of the proportion of variance accounted forand is unrelated to the total N. Like rpb , � is a Pearson correlation coefficient,which can be calculated if you assign arbitrary numbers to the categories ofboth variables (e.g., 0 for NDB, 1 for DB; 0 for no fights, 1 for start fights). ForTable 9.3, �2 is

�2 � ��



� � �33.705

� � .125

Therefore, � equals �.125�, which equals .354. This amount of correlation isconsidered moderately large, which is why the results in Table 9.3 were verynearly significant even with an N of only 30.

Larger Contingency Tables

The preceding example illustrated the use of a chi-square test when one’s data arenot well suited for a parametric test. However, the two-way chi-square test is alsoused quite often to examine the relation between two measures that are already


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categorical. Returning to our exampleof the political affiliations for newspa-per readers in Springfield, supposethat the city has four major newspa-pers and the question is not whetherthe readers of each newspaper arerepresentative of the city’s electorate,but whether the political makeup ofthe four newspapers readerships arethe same. In other words, are the rela-tive proportions of Democrats, Re-publicans, and Independents thesame among the subscribers for allfour newspapers? The contingencytable would have either three rowsand four columns, or the reverse. Thedf for this table would be (3 – 1)(4 – 1)� 2 3 � 6. It is important to notethat a chi-square test on the data from

the 3 � 4 table just described would only be valid if no one in the study was a sub-scriber to more than one newspaper; otherwise, one person would be countedmore than once and the observations would not be completely independent. Al-though � as described above cannot be calculated for a 3 � 4 table, a modified ver-sion, Cramer’s � can be found instead (see B. Cohen, 2000).

A Categorical Test for Agreement

We have illustrated two major ways that categorical data can arise. First, precisemeasurements from an interval/ratio scale can be assigned to a few categories(e.g., low, medium, and high) to avoid making any assumptions about the distri-bution of the DV. For this reason, the tests described in this chapter are oftencalled distribution-free tests. Second, the data may already be categorized for you, aswhen people register with a particular political party, or affiliate with a particularreligion. There is a third case, in which clear categories may exist, but the re-searcher must decide into which category each participant falls. Because thechoice of category could depend to some extent on the subjective judgment ofthe researcher, there may be a need to check to see whether two different judgeswould agree on their choices of categories for the different participants. For in-stance, based on their responses to a projective psychological test, female execu-



The Assumptions forCategorical Tests

1. The categories are mutually exclu-sive and exhaustive—all observa-tions should fall into a category, butnot more than one category.

2. All cases should be independent ofall others. A participant could bemeasured twice, as in the sign test,but each participant should besampled independently of the oth-ers.

3. To use the normal or chi-squaredistributions as approximations, it isbest if the expected frequency foreach category is at least about 5.

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tives can be categorized as to their major psychological need: affiliation, achieve-ment, or power. However, before we trust the categorizations of one researcherit is important to demonstrate that, given the guidelines of the study, two differ-ent judges will agree nearly all of the time on their choices. The amount of agree-ment can be assessed with the aid of a two-way contingency table, as shown inTable 9.4.

Cohen’s Kappa

The columns represent the judgments of the first rater, and the rows represent thejudgments of the second rater. For example, looking at the row and column sumsyou can see that the first rater placed eight women in the Affiliation group; thesecond rater placed nine in that group. Seven women were categorized as mainlyneeding affiliation by both raters, 13 as needing achievement, and 10 as needingpower. In all, the two judges agreed on 30 of the 40 women, or 75%, which is areasonable amount of agreement. However, this percentage is inflated by the factthat the two raters would be expected to have some agreement by chance, even ifboth were categorizing the women at random. The chance amount of agreementcan be found by first finding the fe’s just for the cells on the diagonal that repre-sent agreement of the two raters. These fe’s are found by multiplying row and sumtotals and dividing by N just as we did for the two-way chi-square test. The rele-vant fe’s were put in parentheses in Table 9.4. J. Cohen (1960), who later did pio-neering work on power, created a measure called kappa (symbolized as κ, thelower-case Greek letter k) to correct the sum of fo’s on the diagonal for theamount of agreement expected by chance (as measured by the sum of fe’s onthe diagonal). Cohen’s κ is found by the following formula:

κ � (9.4)

The corrected amount of agreement is only about 66%, which is somewhatlow if you want to proceed with confidence based on the categorizations of just

∑ fo � ∑ fe��

N � ∑ fe


Table 9.4 Observed and Expected Frequencies for Interrater Agreement

Affiliation Achievement Power Row Sum

Affiliation 7(1.8) 2 0 9Achievement 1 13(4.05) 4 18Power 0 3 10(4.55) 13Column sums 8 18 14 40

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one rater (you might use two raters and eliminate participants for whom the ratersdisagree). An even smaller κ would suggest that you should make your ratingguidelines clearer, give your raters more training or practice, or abandon your var-iable as not being reliably measurable. With a higher κ you might confidentlyproceed with a two-way classification in which the “needs” categories are crossedwith a categorization of how successful these women are in their organization.


There are many attributes of people that cannot be measured precisely, but differin terms of amount (i.e., quantitatively) rather than category (i.e., qualitatively).For instance, it is clear that some people have greater leadership potential or morecharisma, even though these attributes cannot be measured precisely. If we assignpeople to levels as having a great deal of charisma, a moderate amount ofcharisma, and very little charisma, we are using what is called an ordinal scale (as de-scribed in Chapter 1). If a coach ranks her athletes in terms of their value to theteam, she is also using an ordinal scale. Although ordinal scales do not providethe precise measurements required for parametric statistics (like the t test), theycontain more information than categorical scales; in fact, significance tests basedon ordinal scales often have nearly as much power (i.e., probability of yielding sig-nificant results when there is some effect to be found) as their parametric coun-terparts (see Rapid Reference 9.2 at the end of this chapter for a list of ordinaltests discussed herein and the parametric tests they can replace). We will beginour description of ordinal tests with the ordinal counterpart to the two-groupt test.

The Mann-Whitney Test

Let’s return to the example concerning the impact of divorce on the aggressive-ness of young boys. This time, instead of counting fights we will suppose that af-ter observing the boys daily in the playground for a month the psychologist ranksthe boys for aggressiveness, so that the boy ranked 1 is the most aggressive, andthe boy ranked 30 is the least. Note that the DB and NDB boys are being rankedtogether, ideally by an observer who does not know which boys have divorcedparents. The best possible result for the researcher is that the 10 DB boys occupythe top 10 ranks for aggressiveness followed by the 20 NDB boys. This is ex-tremely unlikely to happen by accident when the null hypothesis is true (Ho: thereis no difference in aggressiveness between DB and NDB boys). One way to quan-tify the difference in ranks between the two groups is to compare the sum of


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ranks for the smaller group (in this case, the DBs) to what we would expect to geton the average for that group when the null hypothesis is true. In order to under-stand what to expect for a sum of ranks for a subgroup, let’s first take a look at thesum of ranks for all the boys combined. If there are a total of N boys, the sum ofthe N ranks will be


� �N(N

2� 1)� (9.5)

For a total of 30 boys, SN

� (30 31)/2 � 930/2 � 465. Now let’s look at thesum of ranks for the DBs in the best case (best with respect to finding the pre-dicted effect); the DBs will be ranked 1 to 10, so SDB will be (10 11)/2 � 110/2� 55. In the worst case the DBs will be ranked 21 to 30, and SDB will be 255 (wegot this by subtracting the sum of 1 to 20 from the sum of 1 to 30). According toHo what we would expect for SS (the sum of ranks for the smaller group) is mid-way between the best and worst cases. For this example the expected S�S is (55 �255)/2 � 310/2 � 155. The general formula for the average sum of ranks for thesmaller group is S�S � .5nS (N � 1), where nS is the size of the smaller group, andN is the size of both groups combined. For our example SS � .5 10(31) � .5

310 � 155, just as we had found by averaging the best and worst cases. The dif-ference between the actual SS and the average SS can be divided by the standarddeviation of SS to create a z score, as in the following formula:

z � (9.6)

where nL is the size of the larger group (if the two subgroups are the same size, n,then nS � nL � n, and the sum of ranks for either group can be used as SS).

Dealing with Ties

Sometimes it will be impossible to distinguish between two or more boys. If youare careful with your ranking such ties can be accounted for without changing thesum of the ranks. Suppose that the 10 DBs occupy the first 10 ranks (i.e., no NDBis more aggressive than any of the DBs), but the middle four are indistinguish-able. The first step is to assign ranks to all 10 anyway, even though these ranksmust be assigned arbitrarily to the middle four: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (themiddle four have been italicized). The next step is to replace all of the italicized(i.e., tied) ranks by their average, which in this case is 5.5[i.e., (4 � 5 � 6 � 7)/4 � 22/4]. The ranks will be 1, 2, 3, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 5.5, 8, 9, 10; the sum of theseranks will be the same as the sum of the ranks numbered 1 to 10 without ties.

SS � .5(nS )(N � 1)��


12�� 1)��


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Suppose that DB and NDB boys alternate in the first 20 ranks, so that DBboys occupy all the odd ranks from 1 to 20, leaving the even ranks from 1 to 20and all of the ranks from 21 to 30 to the NDBs. In that case, Ss will be 100, andthe z score for testing this sum will be

z � � � �2�


� � � 2.42

This z score is easily significant at the .05 level (the sign of the z score is nothelpful—you have to look at your data to see if the ranking is going in the direc-tion you predicted).

Assumptions of the Mann-Whitney Test

The use of the normal distribution for Formula 9.6 is reasonable when the totalN is at least about 20. For smaller samples Mann and Whitney worked out exactprobabilities (based on combinations and permutations of the possible rankings)for a statistic they called U (Mann & Whitney, 1947), which is based on SS. Thisversion of the test is called the Mann-Whitney U test. Wilcoxon (1949) createdtables of critical values for SS , so his name is associated with this test as well (atable for Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test can be found in B. Cohen, 2000). When the nor-mal approximation is used, as in Formula 9.6, the test is often referred to simplyas the Mann-Whitney (M-W) test. Any version of this test assumes that the casesbeing ranked are independent (e.g., if five schizophrenic patients and five artstudents each produce two paintings for an experiment, the 20 paintings could beranked together, but they would not all be mutually independent).

It is also assumed that the variable that forms the basis of the ranking (e.g., ag-gressiveness, creativity, charisma) is continuous; ties may occur due to a lack ofprecision in measurement, but not because two cases are exactly the same for thatvariable. A high percentage of ties will decrease the accuracy of the test. This iswhy it can be problematic to use a 5-point ordinal scale (e.g., very aggressive,somewhat aggressive, average, somewhat passive, very passive) to measure all ofyour participants; it is likely that there will be too many ties (see Siegel & Castel-lan, 1988, about how to correct for ties). Probably the most common use of theM-W test does not involve directly ranking participants, but rather taking datathat were meant for a two-group t test and ranking them (this is very easy to dowith interval/ratio data and not likely to involve many ties). Converting your datato ranks is recommended as an alternative to a data transformation when yourdata are extremely skewed, or otherwise nonnormal, and your groups are quitesmall.

100 � 155��


��100 � .5(10)(31)��




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Finally, the null hypothesis for theM-W test is not that the two groupshave the same population means, butthat the population distributions rep-resented by the two groups are identi-

cal. Therefore, a significant M-W testcould occur because the two popula-tion distributions differ in shape orspread, rather than mean. Because afinding that your two groups differ inany way is usually interesting, this lack of specificity is generally not considered adrawback of the M-W test. The other ordinal tests described below also test thenull hypothesis that all population distributions involved are identical.

The Kruskal-Wallis Test

A test very similar to the M-W test can be used when you are ranking cases fromthree or more groups, or converting the data from a one-way ANOVA to ranks.The test begins with ranking all of the participants together and dealing with tiesas in the M-W test. Kruskal and Wallis (1952) devised a statistic called H that isbased on the sums of ranks for each group. Hence, the test is called the Kruskal-

Wallis H test, or just the Kruskal-Wallis (K-W) test for short. The formula for His as follows:

H � �N(N

12� 1)�∑








��� 3(N � 1), (9.7)

where N is the total number of participants, niis the number of participants in the

ith group, Siis the sum of ranks for the ith group, and k is the number of differ-

ent groups. When all of the subgroups contain at least five cases, H follows a �2

distribution quite well, with k – 1 degrees of freedom. For tables needed to per-form an exact test when your samples are too small or for a formula that correctsfor excessive ties, see Siegel and Castellan (1988).

As you might guess, the K-W test involves the same assumptions as the M-Wtest. In fact, if you apply H to a two-group case it will be equal to the square of thez score from the M-W test (we invite you to try this on our DB/NDB example).As in the case of the one-way ANOVA, it often makes sense to follow a signifi-cant K-W test with M-W (or K-W) tests for each pair of groups, with some ad-justment to the alpha for each comparison if there are more than three groups.Finally, it is good to know that when data meant for a t test or one-way ANOVA



When ranking cases, some of whichare tied, begin by giving preliminaryranks by numbering all cases consecu-tively, ignoring ties. Then average theranks for a set of cases that are tied,and give the average rank to each ofthe tied cases in that set.

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are converted to ranks, the M-W and K-W tests usually have nearly as muchpower as their parametric counterparts, without the possible risk of an inflatedType I error rate if the distributional assumptions of the parametric tests are se-verely violated.

Wilcoxon’s Test for Matched Pairs

One of the best ways to improve power is by employing repeated measures ormatching, and such designs can certainly be analyzed with nonparametric meth-ods. Earlier in this chapter we showed you how the sign test could be used for amatched design. However, in some cases an ordinal statistic can have consider-ably more power than the sign test and still avoid the distributional assumptionsof the matched t test. Let’s return to the example in which children were matchedin pairs, after which one random member of each pair was given a creativity treat-ment, and then the paintings for each pair of children were compared. The signtest is appropriate if all you can determine is which of the two paintings is morecreative. Suppose, however, that in addition to determining the direction (i.e.,sign) of each creativity discrepancy you could compare the sizes of the discrep-ancies well enough to put them in order (perhaps with occasional ties). The nextstep would be to rank order all of the discrepancies (regardless of direction),handling ties as you would in the M-W test. For instance, the largest discrepancywould be ranked 1; let’s say that its sign is positive because it favors the creativemember of the pair (which direction is considered positive is an arbitrary decisionand won’t affect the outcome of the test). Imagine that the next two discrepan-cies are tied, and that one is positive and the other negative; both are given therank of 2.5.

After all of the ranks have been assigned, the ranks are summed separately forthe negative and positive differences (this is just like in the M-W test—you rankall the cases together but keep track of which group each case belongs to so rankscan be summed separately for each group). Whichever sum is smaller (negativeor positive) is the T statistic for the matched-pairs signed-ranks test, often calledWilcoxon’s T test, after the statistician who first created tables for this test. Whenyou are dealing with at least 15 to 20 pairs of participants, T has a fairly normaldistribution and can therefore be converted to a z score with the following for-mula:

z � (9.8)T � .25N(N � 1)


��N(N �� 12)4(2N�� 1)��


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where N is the number of pairs (i.e., the number of discrepancies that are beingranked).

Dealing with Ties

If you are dealing with fewer than 15 pairs, many introductory statistics texts havetables for Wilcoxon’s T that you can use to perform an exact test. If you havemore than a few ties and therefore need a correction factor, see Spiegel andCastellan (1988). There is one kind of tie that is particularly problematic with thiskind of test. If for a specific pair it is impossible to say which painting is more cre-ative, that pair must be given a zero. If there is just one zero, that pair should beeliminated from the analysis. If there are several zeroes they can all be elimi-nated—as is usually recommended for the sign test—but for the Wilcoxon T testa more conservative solution is recommended. If there is an odd number of ze-roes, delete one of them. Half of an even number of zeroes should be arbitrarilyassigned to be positive and the other half negative, and all should be included inthe ranking (of course, all of the zeroes will be tied with each other).

Comparisons to Other Tests

Ranking discrepancies that can’t be quantified precisely is difficult, which prob-ably accounts for why Wilcoxon’s T is rarely used in that way. The more commonuse for this test is as an alternative to the matched t test. Suppose each participantsolves two similar puzzles under different conditions, and solution times differwildly (sometimes the participant gets it right away, sometimes not). If there areonly 10 participants, the matched t test may not be appropriate. However, thereis no need to throw away quantitative information and merely determine whichcondition had the shorter time. The differences between the conditions can berank-ordered easily (ties are unlikely) and the sum of ranks found for each direc-tion (i.e., condition 1 has the longer time, or condition 2 has the longer time).Wilcoxon’s T test can then be applied (an exact table is suggested for thisexample because N � 10). TheWilcoxon test will usually have asmuch as 90% of the power of thematched t test; the sign test will haveconsiderably less power.

The Friedman Test

What if each participant solves threeproblems, each under a different con-dition? If the data are not appropriate



An assumption of ordinal tests is thatthe variable being measured ordinallyis actually continuous, so that tiesshould be rare. Although there arecorrection factors for ordinal testswhen ties do occur, a large percentageof ties will diminish the accuracy of thep values associated with those tests.

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for a one-way RM test, they can be converted to ranks and submitted to a simplenonparametric test. The test we will describe is called the Friedman test, havingbeen invented by Milton Friedman, who later won the Nobel Prize for econom-ics. The key element is that scores are not ranked among participants, but ratherseparately for each participant across conditions. For instance, suppose that par-ticipants solve a puzzle with a reward for quick solution, or with no reward anddistracting noise, or both a reward and distraction. For each participant the threeconditions are ranked in order of solution time. Then these ranks are summedacross participants for each condition. If participants are consistent with eachother (which would lead to a small interaction in an RM ANOVA), the sum ofranks should be considerably lower for some conditions (e.g., “distraction” getsmostly ones and a few twos—assuming the longest time gets ranked “1”) andhigher for others (e.g., “reward” gets mostly threes and a few twos). The more thesums differ for the different conditions, the larger will be Friedman’s test statis-tic, which we call Fr. The formula for Fr is as follows:

Fr � �Nc(


2� 1)�∑




2 � 3N(c � 1), (9.9)

where N is the number of different participants or blocks (not the total numberof observations), c is the number of conditions (3 in our example), and S

iis the

sum of ranks for the ith condition (add up the squared sums, multiply by the fac-tor in front of the summation sign, and then subtract the factor beginning with3N ). If N is at least about 8, Fr will follow the chi-square distribution fairly well,with degrees of freedom equal to c – 1. For smaller samples, you can use a tableto perform an exact test (see Spiegel & Castellan, 1988).

The Friedman test is often thought of as an expansion of Wilcoxon’s matched-pairs test, but if you were to try to perform a Friedman test with just two condi-tions, you would see that in that case, the Friedman test is equivalent to the signtest (without the continuity correction, the square of the z score for the sign testwill equal Fr ). Ranking two conditions as “1” and “2” for each participant is nomore (or less) precise than assigning a plus or minus to each participant accord-ing to which condition the participant is better on. Therefore, a significant Fried-man test with more than two conditions can be followed by Friedman or signtests for each pair, adjusting alpha if there are more than three conditions.

The Spearman Correlation Coefficient

We described the use of Cohen’s κ to quantify the amount of agreement betweentwo judges who are assigning cases to categories. But what about the psycholo-


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gist who was ranking boys for aggressiveness? How can we quantify his or heragreement with a second psychologist ranking the same set of boys? Actually, thisis easy. We need only calculate the ordinary Pearson correlation coefficient for thetwo sets of ranks. When the two variables consist of ordinal data, the correlationcoefficient that results from applying Pearson’s formula is often called the Spear-

man correlation (rS ) or the rank correlation coefficient. As with the point-biserial r (rpb )and the phi coefficient (�), the special symbol, rS , reminds us that although thisis a Pearson correlation coefficient, it is calculated for data involving at least onevariable that was not measured on an interval or ratio scale. Although there is ashortcut formula for calculating rS , based on the differences of ranks, the use ofmodern calculators and statistical tables make this shortcut less important, so wewill not bother to present it here.

When to Use Ranks for Correlation

The Spearman correlation is appropriate whenever both variables consist ofranks (e.g., boys are ranked for aggressiveness and for leadership potential), oreven when just one of the variables is ordinal (e.g., you want to correlate aggres-siveness rank with grade average). In the latter case, you would convert the inter-val/ratio data (e.g., grade averages) to ranks before finding the correlation. Evenwhen both variables are measured on interval/ratio scales, it can be preferable torank order both variables and find rS , rather than calculating r directly. For in-stance, a few extreme outliers can have a devastating effect on r, but their impactcan be reduced by converting the data to ranks. When you do this, the highestscore on one variable can be very far from the next highest, but in terms of rank-ing it is just one rank higher.

Also, recall that Pearson’s r measures only the degree of linear relationship. Ifthe relationship between two variables follows a curve, even a curve that keepsrising, Pearson’s r can be deceptively low. A curvilinear correlation coefficient canbe calculated if that is what you are interested in, or the data can be transformedto create a fairly linear relationship. However, ranking the scores may lead to theanswer you want. The correlation of the ranks will give the relationship credit forbeing monotonic (whenever X goes up, Y goes up, and vice versa), even if it’s farfrom linear. In fact, if the relationship is perfectly monotonic, rS will equal 1.0.Therefore, if it is the degree of monotonicity rather than the linearity of the rela-tionship that you wish to measure, rS will serve you better than Pearson’s r.

Determining Statistical Significance for Spearman’s r

Although rS can be found by applying the ordinary Pearson correlation formulato ranked data, the distribution of rS is not the same as the distribution of r thatis calculated for interval/ratio data, unless the sample size is extremely large (the-


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oretically, infinite). You cannot use the t value from Formula 4.4 (or 4.4' ). Specialtables or approximating formulas must be used to determine the significance ofSpearman’s r for small sample sizes (see Siegel & Castellan, 1988). In general, itis easier to obtain a high correlation with ranks than it is with interval/ratio data,so the critical values for rS are higher than the corresponding critical values for r.Perfect Spearman correlation requires only that ordinal positions match acrosstwo variables, but perfect Pearson correlation requires, in addition, that the vari-ables have a perfect linear relationship (see Rapid References 9.2).


Parametric and Corresponding Ordinal Tests

Parametric Test Corresponding Ordinal Test

Independent-groups t test Mann-Whitney testRM or matched t test Wilcoxon T (signed-ranks) testIndependent-groups ANOVA Kruskal-Wallis (H ) testRM or randomized-blocks ANOVA Friedman testPearson correlation Spearman (rank) correlation

Rapid Reference 9.2

Putting It Into Practice1. The data below come from the second exercise in Chapter 3, in which you

were asked to calculate an RM t test.

Participant # No Imagery Imagery

1 8 142 11 153 7 54 10 165 9 96 15 167 7 88 16 20

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(a) Perform the sign test using the exact probabilities of the binomial distribu-tion (follow the example in which 8 of 10 babies prefer red). Is the proba-bility less than .05 for a one-tailed test? For a two-tailed test? Compareyour results to the RM t test you calculated in Chapter 3. Which testseems to have more power given that these data are not inconsistent withthe assumptions of the RM t test?

(b) Perform the sign test using the normal approximation and the correctionfor continuity (even though N is too small for a good approximation in thiscase). Is the test significant at the .05 level, one-tailed? Two-tailed?

(c) Perform the Wilcoxon test using the normal approximation (even thoughN is too small for a good approximation in this case). Is the test significantat the .05 level, one-tailed? Two-tailed?

(d) Calculate the Spearman correlation for the data above. Does the magnitudeof the correlation suggest good matching between the two sets of scores?

2 One hundred low self-esteem students participated in an experiment, in whichthe independent variable was whether the person running the experiment ap-peared to be rude, needy, friendly, or just normal (i.e., neutral). Each studentwas asked to return for a follow-up experiment “to help the research,” withoutadditional compensation. The number of students who agreed or didn’t agreeto return in each condition are shown in the table below.

Rude Needy Friendly Neutral

Agree to return 18 16 10 16Do not agree 7 9 15 9

(a) Perform separate one-way chi-square tests for the students who agreedto return and for those who did not. Did the type of experimenter make asignificant difference in each case?

(b) Perform a two-way chi-square test to determine whether type of experi-menter affects the proportion of students who agree to return. Are theresults significant at the .05 level? What would the chi-square statisticequal if every entry in the above table were doubled? Would the resultsbe significant in that case?

(c) Perform a 2 � 2 chi-square test deleting the “needy” and “neutral” condi-tions. Are the results significant? Calculate the phi coefficient. Does the as-sociation between the two variables appear to be small, medium, or large?

3. Boys are classified as having experienced parental divorce (DB) or not (NDB).The number of fights initiated by each boy during school recess is recorded fora period of 3 months. The data are as follows: DB: 3, 5, 0, 9, 1, 7, 4; NDB: 0, 2,1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 1, 0.(a) Perform the Mann-Whitney test for these data, using the normal approxi-

mation. Are the results significant with a .05, two-tailed test?(b) Perform the Kruskal-Wallis test on these data. Explain the relation be-

tween H and the z you found in 3a.4. Perform Friedman tests on the two RM simple effects referred to in the first

exercise of the previous chapter. Did you reach the same statistical conclusionin each case as in the previous exercise?

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1. A series of dichotomous events will follow the binomial distribution onlyif

(a) the events are normally distributed.(b) the two outcomes are equally likely.(c) the number of events is large.(d) the events are independent of each other.

2. Compared to the matched t test, a sign test on the same data

(a) usually has less power.(b) usually leads to more Type I errors.(c) requires more stringent assumptions.(d) is easier to calculate, but always leads to the same statistical decision.

3. A friend of yours is at a carnival and betting on a wheel that stops in 1 of10 places, numbered 1 to 10. Imagine that your friend will lose if thenumber comes up either odd or higher than 8 on the next spin. What isyour friend’s probability of winning?

(a) .2(b) .4(c) .5(d) .6

4. The critical value of the chi-square statistic for a one-way test increasesas

(a) the number of categories increases.(b) N increases.(c) alpha increases.(d) all of the above.

5. Suppose you have read about a one-way chi-square test with four cate-gories, in which the chi-square statistic turned out to be .03. Without fur-ther information, which of the following could you conclude?

(a) A calculation error has been made.(b) N must have been small.(c) The null hypothesis could be rejected at the .05 level.(d) The observed frequencies are similar to the expected frequencies.


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6. In a two-way chi-square test of independence involving 96 participantsclassified into six religious categories and four political preferences, howmany degrees of freedom will be associated with the test?

(a) 4(b) 15(c) 18(d) 24

7. To perform the Mann-Whitney test,

(a) the scores are ranked separately for each group.(b) the scores are combined into one large group before ranking.(c) the two groups must be the same size.(d) the ranks for one group are added to the ranks for the other group.

8. To perform the Wilcoxon signed-rank test you must first

(a) rank-order the difference scores separately for positive and negative dif-ferences.

(b) rank-order the difference scores while ignoring their signs.(c) rank-order the scores before finding the differences.(d) delete any nonzero difference scores that are tied.

9. The size of the Kruskal-Wallis test statistic, H, increases as the sums ofranks for each group

(a) increase.(b) decrease.(c) become more alike.(d) become more different.

10. Suppose that 10 participants are each measured under four conditions.Before you apply the formula for the Friedman test,

(a) all 40 scores are ranked together.(b) the 10 scores in each condition are ranked separately.(c) the four scores for each participant are ranked separately.(d) the ranks are summed separately for each participant.

Answers: 1. d; 2. a; 3. b; 4. a; 5. d; 6. b; 7. b; 8. b; 9. d; 10. c.

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.00 .0000 .5000

.01 .0040 .4960

.02 .0080 .4920

.03 .0120 .4880

.04 .0160 .4840

.05 .0199 .4801

.06 .0239 .4761

.07 .0279 .4721

.08 .0319 .4681

.09 .0359 .4641

.10 .0398 .4602

.11 .0438 .4562

.12 .0478 .4522

.13 .0517 .4483

.14 .0557 .4443

.15 .0596 .4404

.16 .0636 .4364

.17 .0675 .4325

.18 .0714 .4286

.19 .0753 .4247

.20 .0793 .4207

.21 .0832 .4168

.22 .0871 .4129

.23 .0910 .4090

.24 .0948 .4052

.25 .0987 .4013

.26 .1026 .3974

.27 .1064 .3936

.28 .1103 .3897

.29 .1141 .3859

.30 .1179 .3821

.31 .1217 .3783

.32 .1255 .3745

.33 .1293 .3707

.34 .1331 .3669

.35 .1368 .3632

.36 .1406 .3594

.37 .1443 .3557

.38 .1480 .3520

.39 .1517 .3483

.40 .1554 .3446

.41 .1591 .3409

.42 .1628 .3372

.43 .1664 .3336

Appendix AStatistical Tables

Table A.1 Areas under the Standard Normal Distribution

z Mean to z Beyond z z Mean to z Beyond z

Mean z

Mean to z

Beyond z

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.44 .1700 .3300

.45 .1736 .3264

.46 .1772 .3228

.47 .1808 .3192

.48 .1844 .3156

.49 .1879 .3121

.50 .1915 .3085

.51 .1950 .3050

.52 .1985 .3015

.53 .2019 .2981

.54 .2054 .2946

.55 .2088 .2912

.56 .2123 .2877

.57 .2157 .2843

.58 .2190 .2810

.59 .2224 .2776

.60 .2257 .2743

.61 .2291 .2709

.62 .2324 .2676

.63 .2357 .2643

.64 .2389 .2611

.65 .2422 .2578

.66 .2454 .2546

.67 .2486 .2514

.68 .2517 .2483

.69 .2549 .2451

.70 .2580 .2420

.71 .2611 .2389

.72 .2642 .2358

.73 .2673 .2327

.74 .2704 .2296

.75 .2734 .2266

.76 .2764 .2236

.77 .2794 .2206

.78 .2823 .2177

.79 .2852 .2148

.80 .2881 .2119

.81 .2910 .2090

.82 .2939 .2061

.83 .2967 .2033

.84 .2995 .2005

.85 .3023 .1977

.86 .3051 .1949

.87 .3078 .1922

.88 .3106 .1894

.89 .3133 .1867

.90 .3159 .1841

.91 .3186 .1814

.92 .3212 .1788

.93 .3238 .1762

.94 .3264 .1736

.95 .3289 .1711

.96 .3315 .1685

.97 .3340 .1660

.98 .3365 .1635

.99 .3389 .16111.00 .3413 .15871.01 .3438 .15621.02 .3461 .15391.03 .3485 .15151.04 .3508 .14921.05 .3531 .14691.06 .3554 .14461.07 .3577 .14231.08 .3599 .14011.09 .3621 .13791.10 .3643 .13571.11 .3665 .13351.12 .3686 .13141.13 .3708 .1292

Table A.1 Continued

z Mean to z Beyond z z Mean to z Beyond z

(continued )

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1.14 .3729 .12711.15 .3749 .12511.16 .3770 .12301.17 .3790 .12101.18 .3810 .11901.19 .3830 .11701.20 .3849 .11511.21 .3869 .11311.22 .3888 .11121.23 .3907 .10931.24 .3925 .10751.25 .3944 .10561.26 .3962 .10381.27 .3980 .10201.28 .3997 .10031.29 .4015 .09851.30 .4032 .09681.31 .4049 .09511.32 .4066 .09341.33 .4082 .09181.34 .4099 .09011.35 .4115 .08851.36 .4131 .08691.37 .4147 .08531.38 .4162 .08381.39 .4177 .08231.40 .4192 .08081.41 .4207 .07931.42 .4222 .07781.43 .4236 .07641.44 .4251 .07491.45 .4265 .07351.46 .4279 .07211.47 .4292 .07081.48 .4306 .06941.49 .4319 .0681

1.50 .4332 .06681.51 .4345 .06551.52 .4357 .06431.53 .4370 .06301.54 .4382 .06181.55 .4394 .06061.56 .4406 .05941.57 .4418 .05821.58 .4429 .05711.59 .4441 .05591.60 .4452 .05481.61 .4463 .05371.62 .4474 .05261.63 .4484 .05161.64 .4495 .05051.65 .4505 .04951.66 .4515 .04851.67 .4525 .04751.68 .4535 .04651.69 .4545 .04551.70 .4554 .04461.71 .4564 .04361.72 .4573 .04271.73 .4582 .04181.74 .4591 .04091.75 .4599 .04011.76 .4608 .03921.77 .4616 .03841.78 .4625 .03751.79 .4633 .03671.80 .4641 .03591.81 .4649 .03511.82 .4656 .03441.83 .4664 .03361.84 .4671 .03291.85 .4678 .0322

Table A.1 Continued

z Mean to z Beyond z z Mean to z Beyond z

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1.86 .4686 .03141.87 .4693 .03071.88 .4699 .03011.89 .4706 .02941.90 .4713 .02871.91 .4719 .02811.92 .4726 .02741.93 .4732 .02681.94 .4738 .02621.95 .4744 .02561.96 .4750 .02501.97 .4756 .02441.98 .4761 .02391.99 .4767 .02332.00 .4772 .02282.01 .4778 .02222.02 .4783 .02172.03 .4788 .02122.04 .4793 .02072.05 .4798 .02022.06 .4803 .01972.07 .4808 .01922.08 .4812 .01882.09 .4817 .01832.10 .4821 .01792.11 .4826 .01742.12 .4830 .01702.13 .4834 .01662.14 .4838 .01622.15 .4842 .01582.16 .4846 .01542.17 .4850 .01502.18 .4854 .01462.19 .4857 .01432.20 .4861 .01392.21 .4864 .0136

2.22 .4868 .01322.23 .4871 .01292.24 .4875 .01252.25 .4878 .01222.26 .4881 .01192.27 .4884 .01162.28 .4887 .01132.29 .4890 .01102.30 .4893 .01072.31 .4896 .01042.32 .4898 .01022.33 .4901 .00992.34 .4904 .00962.35 .4906 .00942.36 .4909 .00912.37 .4911 .00892.38 .4913 .00872.39 .4916 .00842.40 .4918 .00822.41 .4920 .00802.42 .4922 .00782.43 .4925 .00752.44 .4927 .00732.45 .4929 .00712.46 .4931 .00692.47 .4932 .00682.48 .4934 .00662.49 .4936 .00642.50 .4938 .00622.51 .4940 .00602.52 .4941 .00592.53 .4943 .00572.54 .4945 .00552.55 .4946 .00542.56 .4948 .00522.57 .4949 .0051

Table A.1 Continued

z Mean to z Beyond z z Mean to z Beyond z

(continued )

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2.58 .4951 .00492.59 .4952 .00482.60 .4953 .00472.61 .4955 .00452.62 .4956 .00442.63 .4957 .00432.64 .4959 .00412.65 .4960 .00402.66 .4961 .00392.67 .4962 .00382.68 .4963 .00372.69 .4964 .00362.70 .4965 .00352.71 .4966 .00342.72 .4967 .00332.73 .4968 .00322.74 .4969 .00312.75 .4970 .00302.76 .4971 .00292.77 .4972 .00282.78 .4973 .00272.79 .4974 .00262.80 .4974 .00262.81 .4975 .00252.82 .4976 .0024

2.83 .4977 .00232.84 .4977 .00232.85 .4978 .00222.86 .4979 .00212.87 .4979 .00212.88 .4980 .00202.89 .4981 .00192.90 .4981 .00192.91 .4982 .00182.92 .4982 .00182.93 .4983 .00172.94 .4984 .00162.95 .4984 .00162.96 .4985 .00152.97 .4985 .00152.98 .4986 .00142.99 .4986 .00143.00 .4987 .00133.20 .4993 .0007

3.40 .4997 .0003

3.60 .4998 .0002

3.80 .4999 .0001

4.00 .49997 .00003

Table A.1 Continued

z Mean to z Beyond z z Mean to z Beyond z

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Table A.2 Critical Values of the t Distribution

Level of Significance for One-Tailed Test

.10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .0005

Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test

df .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001

1 3.078 6.314 12.706 31.821 63.657 636.6202 1.886 2.920 4.303 6.965 9.925 31.5993 1.638 2.353 3.182 4.541 5.841 12.9244 1.533 2.132 2.776 3.747 4.604 8.6105 1.476 2.015 2.571 3.365 4.032 6.8696 1.440 1.943 2.447 3.143 3.707 5.9597 1.415 1.895 2.365 2.998 3.499 5.4088 1.397 1.860 2.306 2.896 3.355 5.0419 1.383 1.833 2.262 2.821 3.250 4.781

10 1.372 1.812 2.228 2.764 3.169 4.58711 1.363 1.796 2.201 2.718 3.106 4.43712 1.356 1.782 2.179 2.681 3.055 4.31813 1.350 1.771 2.160 2.650 3.012 4.22114 1.345 1.761 2.145 2.624 2.977 4.14015 1.341 1.753 2.131 2.602 2.947 4.07316 1.337 1.746 2.120 2.583 2.921 4.01517 1.333 1.740 2.110 2.567 2.898 3.96518 1.330 1.734 2.101 2.552 2.878 3.92219 1.328 1.729 2.093 2.539 2.861 3.88320 1.325 1.725 2.086 2.528 2.845 3.85021 1.323 1.721 2.080 2.518 2.831 3.81922 1.321 1.717 2.074 2.508 2.819 3.79223 1.319 1.714 2.069 2.500 2.807 3.76824 1.318 1.711 2.064 2.492 2.797 3.74525 1.316 1.708 2.060 2.485 2.787 3.72526 1.315 1.706 2.056 2.479 2.779 3.70727 1.314 1.703 2.052 2.473 2.771 3.690


One-tailed testt0


Two-tailed testt0



(continued )

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Table A.2 Continued

Level of Significance for One-Tailed Test

.10 .05 .025 .01 .005 .0005

Level of Significance for Two-Tailed Test

df .20 .10 .05 .02 .01 .001

28 1.313 1.701 2.048 2.467 2.753 3.67429 1.311 1.699 2.045 2.462 2.756 3.65930 1.310 1.697 2.042 2.457 2.750 3.64640 1.303 1.684 2.021 2.423 2.704 3.55160 1.296 1.671 2.000 2.390 2.660 3.460120 1.289 1.658 1.980 2.358 2.617 3.373� 1.282 1.645 1.960 2.326 2.576 3.291


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Table A.5 Power as a Function of and Significance Criterion (�)

One-Tailed Test (�)

.05 .025 .01 .005

Two-Tailed Test (�)

� .10 .05 .02 .01

0.5 .14 .08 .03 .020.6 .16 .09 .04 .020.7 .18 .11 .05 .030.8 .21 .13 .06 .040.9 .23 .15 .08 .051.0 .26 .17 .09 .061.1 .29 .20 .11 .071.2 .33 .22 .13 .081.3 .37 .26 .15 .101.4 .40 .29 .18 .121.5 .44 .32 .20 .141.6 .48 .36 .23 .161.7 .52 .40 .27 .191.8 .56 .44 .30 .221.9 .60 .48 .33 .252.0 .64 .52 .37 .282.1 .68 .56 .41 .322.2 .71 .60 .45 .352.3 .74 .63 .49 .392.4 .77 .67 .53 .432.5 .80 .71 .57 .472.6 .83 .74 .61 .512.7 .85 .77 .65 .552.8 .88 .80 .68 .592.9 .90 .83 .72 .633.0 .91 .85 .75 .663.1 .93 .87 .78 .703.2 .94 .89 .81 .733.3 .95 .91 .84 .773.4 .96 .93 .86 .80


(continued )

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Table A.5 Continued

One-Tailed Test (�)

.05 .025 .01 .005

Two-Tailed Test (�)

� .10 .05 .02 .01

3.5 .97 .94 .88 .823.6 .97 .95 .90 .853.7 .98 .96 .92 .873.8 .98 .97 .93 .893.9 .99 .97 .94 .914.0 .99 .97 .94 .924.1 .99 .98 .96 .944.2 .99 .99 .97 .954.3 a .99 .98 .964.4 .99 .98 .974.5 .99 .99 .974.6 a .99 .984.7 .99 .984.8 .99 .994.9 a .995.0 .99

aThe power at and below this point is greater than .995.


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Table A.6 Power of ANOVA (� � .05)


dfw 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6 3.0

k � 24 .20 .26 .33 .41 .49 .57 .65 .78 .888 .24 .32 .41 .51 .61 .70 .78 .89 .96

12 .26 .35 .44 .55 .65 .74 .81 .92 .9716 .26 .36 .46 .57 .67 .76 .83 .93 .9820 .27 .37 .47 .58 .68 .77 .84 .94 .9830 .28 .38 .48 .59 .69 .78 .85 .94 .9860 .29 .39 .50 .61 .71 .79 .86 .95 .99� .29 .40 .51 .62 .72 .81 .88 .96 .99

k � 34 .18 .23 .30 .38 .46 .54 .62 .76 .868 .23 .32 .42 .52 .63 .72 .80 .92 .97

12 .26 .36 .47 .58 .69 .78 .86 .95 .9916 .27 .38 .49 .61 .72 .81 .88 .96 .9920 .28 .39 .51 .63 .74 .83 .89 .97 .9930 .29 .41 .53 .65 .76 .85 .91 .98 *60 .31 .43 .55 .68 .78 .87 .92 .98 *� .32 .44 .57 .70 .80 .88 .94 .99 *

k � 44 .17 .23 .29 .37 .45 .53 .61 .75 .868 .24 .33 .43 .54 .65 .75 .83 .94 .98

12 .27 .38 .50 .62 .73 .82 .89 .97 .9916 .29 .40 .53 .66 .77 .86 .92 .98 *20 .30 .42 .55 .68 .79 .87 .93 .99 *30 .32 .45 .58 .71 .82 .90 .95 .99 *60 .34 .47 .61 .74 .84 .92 .96 .99 *� .36 .50 .64 .77 .87 .93 .97 * *

(continued )

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Table A.6 Continued


dfw 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.6 3.0

k � 54 .17 .22 .29 .36 .45 .53 .61 .75 .868 .24 .34 .45 .56 .67 .77 .85 .96 .99

12 .28 .39 .52 .65 .76 .85 .92 .98 *16 .30 .43 .56 .69 .81 .89 .94 .99 *20 .32 .45 .59 .72 .83 .91 .96 .99 *30 .34 .48 .63 .76 .86 .93 .97 * *60 .37 .52 .67 .80 .89 .95 .98 * *� .40 .55 .71 .83 .92 .96 .99 * *

*Power � .995. Reprinted with permission from The Journal of the American Statistical Associ-

ation. Copyright © 1967 by the American Statistical Association. All rights reserved.


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Table A.7 Critical Values of the 2 Distribution

Alpha (area in the upper tail)

df .10 .05 .025 .01 .005

1 2.71 3.84 5.02 6.63 7.882 4.61 5.99 7.38 9.21 10.603 6.25 7.81 9.35 11.35 12.844 7.78 9.49 11.14 13.28 14.865 9.24 11.07 12.83 15.09 16.756 10.64 12.59 14.45 16.81 18.557 12.02 14.07 16.01 18.48 20.288 13.36 15.51 17.54 20.09 21.969 14.68 16.92 19.02 21.67 23.59

10 15.99 18.31 20.48 23.21 25.1911 17.28 19.68 21.92 24.72 26.7512 18.55 21.03 23.34 26.22 28.3013 19.81 22.36 24.74 27.69 29.8214 21.06 23.69 26.12 29.14 31.3215 22.31 25.00 27.49 30.58 32.8016 23.54 26.30 28.85 32.00 34.2717 24.77 27.59 30.19 33.41 35.7218 25.99 28.87 31.53 34.81 37.1519 27.20 30.14 32.85 36.19 38.5820 28.41 31.41 34.17 37.56 40.0021 29.62 32.67 35.48 38.93 41.4022 30.81 33.92 36.78 40.29 42.8023 32.01 35.17 38.08 41.64 44.1824 33.20 36.42 39.37 42.98 45.5625 34.38 37.65 40.65 44.31 46.9326 35.56 38.89 41.92 45.64 48.2927 36.74 40.11 43.19 46.96 49.64




(continued )

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Table A.7 Continued

Alpha (area in the upper tail)

df .10 .05 .025 .01 .005

28 37.92 41.34 44.46 48.28 50.9929 39.09 42.56 45.72 49.59 52.3430 40.26 43.77 46.98 50.89 53.6740 51.80 55.76 59.34 63.69 66.7850 63.16 67.50 71.42 76.16 79.5060 74.40 79.08 83.30 88.39 91.9670 85.53 90.53 95.03 100.43 104.2380 96.58 101.88 106.63 112.34 116.3390 107.56 113.14 118.14 124.12 128.31

100 118.50 124.34 129.56 135.81 140.18


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Appendix B: Answers to Putting It Into Practice Exercises

Chapter 1

1. (a) mode � 97.8; median � 96.9; mean � 96.08; negatively skewed

(b) range � 99.7 – 89.5 � .1 � 10.2 � .1 � 10.3

mean deviation (MD) ��∑X


i– ��� �

5265� � 2.24

� ���∑(X


1�– �)2

�� ���18


�� � 2.70

2. (a) Histogram:

Stemplot:89 590 891 792

93 0 294 3 5 8














Std. Dev. = 2.76Mean = 96.1N = 25.00




95 3 796 4 6 997 1 4 6 8 8 998 2 5 799 0 6 7


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(b) PR for 95.0 � 32; PR for 98.6 � 84

(c) 30th percentile � 94.7; 65th � 97.8

3. (a) z ��95.0

2–.796.08�� –.40 z ��

98.62–.796.08�� �.933

(b) � 1.5 � �X –




6.08� ; X � �1.5 (2.7) � 96.08 � 4.05 � 96.08 � 100.13

–.8 � �X –




6.08� ; X � –.8 (2.7) � 96.08 � –2.16 � 96.08 � 93.92

4. (a) area above z � –.4 is .1544 � .5 � .6544, so 65.44%

area above z � .93 is .1762, so 17.62%

(b) area beyond z � .4 is .1554, so 15.54%

(c) The actual PR of 32 is larger than what you get from assuming a nor-mal distribution (about 15.5) because the distribution is negativelyskewed. The normal distribution is not a very good approximation inthis case.

N = 2588










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Chapter 2

1. (a) X�� 96.08, � � 2.70

z � � �–

.25.452� � –4.67

This z is larger in magnitude than the critical value (1.96), so the result issignificant at the .05 level (two-tailed).

(b) z � � –9.33

For � � .01, z crit � 2.33 (one-tailed), or 2.58 (two-tailed). In either casethese results are significant at the .01 level. (Optional: Because thesample size was 4 times larger for part b than part a, the z-score wasmultiplied by 2 [i.e., the square root of 4].)

(c) �x�

� ��2.


� ; � � X� z crit�x�� 96.08 1.96 (.54); so � � 96.08 1.06

Therefore, the 95% CI goes from 95.02 to 97.14 (note that the sum ofthese two limits is 192.16, which is exactly twice as large as the samplemean, as will always be the case). Because the population mean tested inpart a (98.6) is not in this 95% CI, we know that the sample mean differssignificantly from this population mean at the .05 level.

(d) �x�

� ��

21.700��; � � X� z crit�x�

� 96.08 2.58 (.27); so � � 96.08 .7

Therefore, the 99% CI goes from 95.38 to 96.78.

2. (a) X�� 6.5625

(b) � � 4.873; �x�

� �4



� � 1.22

� � X� z crit�x�� 6.56 1.96 (1.22); so � � 6.56 2.39

Therefore, the 95% CI goes from 4.17 to 8.95.

(c) Yes, you can reject the null hypothesis at the.05 level (two-tailed) because9 is not contained in the 95% CI in part b.







96.08 – 98.6��






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Chapter 3

1. (a) Younger: Modeling vs. Tutorial

n1 � 52; n2 � 45; s1 � 6.69; s2 � 7.19; s 21 � 44.76; s 2

2 � 51.70

Pooled-variances t test:


2 � �

� �455

975.56� � 47.97

t � � � ��


� �14.4.61

� � 3.26

df � 95, � � .05, two-tailed tcrit � 1.99 � 3.26; therefore, the differenceis significant.

Separate-variances t test:

t � � � ��

42.6.01�� � �

14.4.618� � 3.24

Older: Modeling vs. Tutorial

n1 � 20; n2 � 30; s1 � 8.51; s2 � 7.29; s 21 � 72.42; s 2

2 � 53.14

Pooled-variances t test:

t � � ��

35..509642�� � �


� � 1.60

df � 48, � � .05, two-tailed tcrit � 2.01 � 1.60; therefore, the differenceis not significant.

(29.63 – 26.04)���

�60.77���210� � ��3




5.276��� �


X�1 – X�2��


s 21


� � �n




36.74 – 32.14���

�47.97 ���512� � ��4


X�1 – X�2��





� �� �n




(52–1)44.76 � (45–1)51.70���

52 � 45 –2(n1 – 1)s 2

1 � (n2 – 1)s 22���

n1 � n2 – 2


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Separate-variances t test:

t � � ��


� � �32..5392

� � 1.55

Modeling: Younger vs. Older

n1 � 52; n2 � 20; s1 � 6.69; s2 � 8.51; s 21 � 44.76; s 2

2 � 72.42

Pooled-variances t test:

t � � ��

73..161187�� � �

17.9.10123� � 3.74

df � 70, � � .05, two-tailed tcrit � 2.0 � 3.74; therefore, the differenceis significant.

Separate-variances t test:

t � � ��

74..141818�� � �

17.9.10123� � 3.32

Tutorial: Younger vs. Older

n1 � 45; n2 � 30; s1 � 7.19; s2 � 7.29; s 21 � 51.70; s 2

2 � 53.14

Pooled-variances t test:

t � � ��

62..190038�� � �


� � 3.58

df � 73, � � .05, two-tailed tcrit � 2.0 � 3.58; therefore, the differenceis significant.

Separate-variances t test:

t � � ��


� � �61..1701

� � 3.5732.14 – 26.04



4.570��� �


(32.14 – 26.04)���

�52.27���415� � ��3


36.74 – 29.63��


5.276��� �


(36.74 – 29.63)���

�52.27���512� � ��2


29.63 – 26.04��


2.042��� �



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Because the variances are very similar for the four groups, the pooled-variances t test seems more appropriate. Based on the results above,method makes a significant difference for younger but not older partici-pants. However, this does not imply that the method effect is signifi-cantly greater for the younger group than the older group. A two-wayANOVA is needed to test that difference, as shown in Chapter 7.

(b) g � �(X�1 –


X�2 )�

Younger: Modeling vs. Tutorial: g � ��

44.76.97�� � �

64.9.626� � 0.66; between

moderate and large

Older: Modeling vs. Tutorial: g � ��

36.509.77�� � �


� � 0.46; moderate

Modeling: Younger vs. Older: g � ��

75.121.27�� � �


� � 0.98; quite large

Tutorial: Younger vs. Older: g � ��

65.120.27�� � �


� � 0.84; large

(c) �1 – �2 � X�1 – X�2 tcrits X�1–X�1� 4.6 1.99 (1.41); so � � 4.6 2.8

Therefore, the 95% CI goes from 1.8 to 7.4.

2. (a)

Participant No Imagery Imagery D

1 8 14 62 11 15 43 7 5 –24 10 16 65 9 9 06 15 16 17 7 8 18 16 20 4

ΣD � 20; n � 8, sD � 2.93, D� � �280� � 2.5


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t � � � �12.0.536� � 2.41

t.05(7 ) � 2.365; t.01(7 ) � 3.499; 2.365 � 2.41 � 3.499; therefore, the re-sults are significant at the .05 level (two-tailed), but not the .01 level.

(b) �lower � D� – t.01s D� � 2.5 – 3.499(1.036) � 2.5 – 3.62 � –1.12

�upper � D� � t.01s D� � 2.5 � 3.499(1.036) � 2.5 � 3.62 � �6.12

Because zero is contained in the 99% CI (–1.12 to �6.12), we know thatthe null hypothesis cannot be rejected at the .01 level, two-tailed—consistent with the result in part a.

(c) No, you cannot say that imagery instructions caused an increase in recall,because the results could easily be due to a practice effect (participantsperform better the second time they do the task, because of the experi-ence they gained from the first time).

Chapter 4

1. (a)

No Image Image XY

8 14 11211 15 1657 5 3510 16 1609 9 8115 16 2407 8 5616 20 320

ΣX � 83; ΣY �103; ΣXY � 1169; X�� 10.375; Y�� 12.875; sx

� 3.462;s

y� 5.027; s 2

x� 11.98; s


2 � 25.27

r � �

� �1147.3.44

� � .824

�8 –


� [1169 – (8 10.375 12.875)]����



1– 1� �∑XY – NX�Y��











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t � � �.



– .882�


� � ��2.0


� � 3.56

t.05(6) � 2.447 � 3.56; therefore, the results are significant at the .05level.

t.01(6) � 3.707; the results are not significant at the .01 level.

(b) X�� 10.375; Y�� 12.875; sx

� 3.462; sy� 5.027; s 2

x� 11.98; s


2 � 25.27

t �

(10.375 – 12.875)

t � ��11.98 �

825.27� – �2

t � � ��


� � 2.41

This formula yields exactly the same answer as the direct-differencemethod presented in the previous chapter (unless you rounded off toomuch during intermediate steps).

(c) Yes, the correlation can be significant, but the RM t test can fail to reachsignificance because the numerator (the difference of the two means) istoo small. On the other hand, the correlation can be fairly low and notsignificant, but the RM t test can reach significance because its numeratoris quite large.

2. (a)

r � � � �6.7

35.428� � .503

(b) t � � � � �1.8.462433

� � 1.646

t.05(8) � 2.306 � 1.646; therefore, the results are not significant at the .05level.

.503�8����1 – .25�3�

.503�10 – 2����1 – .50�32�

r�N – 2���1 – r 2�




1– 1�[197 – (10 5.2 3.2)]

���2.936 2.3

–2.5����4.6562�5 – 3.5�84125�

2 .824 3.462 5.027���


(X�1 – X�2)��


1 �


s22�� – �




r�N – 2���1 – r 2�


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No. Pearson’s r is not a very good way to summarize the relationbetween the two variables, because the relationship has a curvilinearcomponent.

(d) byx

� �s



y� r � �

22.9.336� .503 � .7834 .503 � .394


� Y�– byx

Y�� 3.2 – .394 (5.2) � 3.2 – 2.05 � 1.15

Y� � .394X � 1.15

Y� � .394(6) � 1.15 � 2.36 � 1.15 � 3.51

3. Younger: Modeling vs. Tutorial:

rpb ���t 2 �

t 2

d�f�� ���




95�� ���


��� �.1006�� .317; g � .67

Older: Modeling vs. Tutorial: rpb ���1.6



62� 48�� � .225; g � .46

Modeling: Younger vs. Older: rpb ���3.7




70�� � .408; g � .98


0 2 4 6 8 10









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Tutorial: Younger vs. Older: rpb ���3.5




73�� � .386; g � .84

Notice that as g gets larger, rpb gets larger ( however, although there is nolimit to how large g can get, rpb cannot be more than 1.0). The square ofrpb is approximately equal to the square of g divided by g-squared plus 4(the approximation improves with larger sample sizes).

Chapter 5

1. NT

� 44; n � 11; k � 4

(a) F � � � �9359..3275

� � 2.43 dfbet � k – 1; dfw � NT

– k

(b) F.05 (3, 40) � 2.84 � 2.43, so cannot reject null hypothesis.

(c) LSD � t.05 ��2M


Sw��� 2.021��2


� 2.021�7.136� � 2.021 2.67 � 5.4

Only placebo and Prozac differ by more than 5.4 points.

(d) HSD � q.05��M


Sw��� 3.79��39

1.125��� 3.79 �3.568�� 3.79 1.89 � 7.16

None of the pairs differ by more than 7.16 points.

(e) HSD and LSD can produce different results because HSD is more con-servative (i.e., it raises the critical value and does a better job of keepingthe experiment-wise alpha down to .05). With three groups, HSD is un-necessarily conservative, but with four or more groups, LSD is consid-ered too liberal, so HSD is preferred. Of course, in this example, itwouldn’t be legitimate to use LSD anyway because the ANOVA was notsignificant.

(f ) With four groups, there are six different pairs to test (i.e., 4 3/2 �12/2), so c � 6.

11 8.67�







s 2


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� ��E


W� � �.065� � .0083

(g) �2 ��dfbe










�� �477.2.299

� � .154

so 15.4% of the variance in depression is accounted for by the drug con-ditions.

2. L � .5 (9) � .5 (8) – .5 (4) – .5 (3) � 4.5 � 4 – 2 – 1.5 � 5

SScontrast � �∑nL



2� ��

.52 � .51





2 � .52�� �


� � 275 � MScontrast

F � �M




trast� � �3297.255

� � 7.0.

If planned, Fcrit � F.05 (1, 40) � 4.08. Because 7.0 � 4.08, the contrast is sig-nificant at the .05 level. The planned contrast was significant, eventhough the omnibus ANOVA was not. This contrast takes advantage ofthe fact that the means being averaged together are relatively close to-gether. The contrast F is much higher than the ANOVA F, because muchof the SSbet from the ANOVA is included in the contrast, which has onlyone df in its numerator.

If not planned, FS� dfbet F.05 (3, 40) � 3 2.84 � 8.52. Because 7.0 �

8.52, this contrast is not significant by Scheffé’s test (which will always bethe case when the omnibus ANOVA is not significant, as in this ex-ample). The advantage of planning a contrast in advance is that your cal-culated F can be considerably higher than the ANOVA F, while thecritical value for the contrast is not very much higher than the critical Ffor the ANOVA (4.08 vs. 2.84, in this example). If a contrast was notplanned, you are supposed to use Scheffé’s test, which greatly increasesyour critical value (8.52 vs. 4.08, in this example).

3. (a) F � � � �52531353..26

� � 2.36

dfbetween � k – 1 � 4

dfwithin � NT

– k � 120 – 5 � 115

24 183.84��






s 2


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F.05 (4, 115) � 2.45 � 2.36, so cannot reject null hypothesis.

(b) L � – �12

�(50) – �12

�(70) � �13

�(82) � �13

�(86) � �13


� –25 – 35 � 27.33 � 28.67 � 28.33 � –60 � 84.33 � 24.33

SScontrast � � �14,


� 17,052.8 � MScontrast

F � �M




trast� � �1273,03532.6.8

� � 7.31.

F.05(1, 115) � 3.92. Because 7.31 � 3.92, the contrast is significant at the.05 level.

(c) L � –2 (50) � –1 (70) � 0 (82) � 1 (86) � 2 (85)

� –100 – 70 � 86 � 170 � 86

SSlinear � � �177

1,0504� � 17,750.4 � MSlinear

Flinear � �M




ear� � �1273,73530.6.4

� � 7.61.

F.05(1, 115) � 3.92. Because 7.61 � 3.92, the linear trend is significant atthe .05 level.

SSbet � dfbet MSbet � 4 5515.2 � 22,060.8.

SSresidual � SSbet – SSlinear � 22,060.8 – 17,750.4 � 4,310.4

dfresidual � dfbet – dflinear � 4 – 1 � 3, so MSresidual � �431

30.4� � 1436.8

Fresidual � �M




dual� � �12433363..86

� � .62

There is no evidence of significant higher-order trends.

24(862 )���–22 � –12 � 02 � 12 � 22

24 24.332

���.52 � .52 � .332 � .332 � .332


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Chapter 6

1. (a) From Table A.5, � � 2.8; d � �.17� � 1.43.

n � 2���


� 2��12.4.83


� 2 1.962 � 2 3.84 � 7.7

Therefore, eight subjects would be needed in each group to have suffi-cient power.

Based on the n found above, we would look under dfw � 12 (as our firstguess) in the k � 2 section of Table A.6, and estimate � � 2.18 to corre-spond with .8 power; f � d/2 � 1.43/2 � .715.

n � ���


� ��2.7.1185


� 3.052 � 9.3

This estimate implies that dfw would be closer to 16, and therefore that� would be closer to 2.11. This revised � leads to a sample size of 8.7,which is consistent with dfw � 16. Thus, the sample size estimate fromTable A.6 is about 9. This estimate is higher than the one from TableA.5, because Table A.6 takes into consideration that the critical value fordfw � 16 is 2.12, rather than 1.96.

(b) nh� �









� � �24



� � �6142� � 5.33

� ���5.

233�� 1.43 � 1.633 1.43 � 2.34

From Table A.5, power is about .65 for a .05, two-tailed test.

� � f �n� � .714 �5.33� � 1.65

Looking in the k � 2 section of Table A.6 between dfw � 8 and dfw �

12, a � of 1.65 corresponds to about .56 power, a somewhat lower esti-mate than the one given by the normal approximation in Table A.5.

(c) From Table A.5, � � 3.85.

3.85 � d��5.

233�� � d 1.633


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Therefore, d � 3.85/1.633 � 2.36. You can see that d would have to beextremely large to have that much power with a .01 alpha and smallsample sizes.

(d) mean difference/.7 � 2.36, so the difference must be .7 2.36 � 1.65degrees.

2. (a) From Table A.5, � � 2.6; you are given that d � .5 (i.e., means differ byhalf of an SD).

n � 2���


� 2��2.5.6��2

� 2 5.22 � 2 27.04 � 54.08

Therefore, about 54 participants would be needed in each group to havea reasonable amount of power with a medium effect size.

(b) 2.6 ���1 –



�� .5 � .5 �1.67���2n

�� � .645��2n

�� ;

so ��2n

�� � �.624.65

� � 4.03

Therefore, n � 2 4.032 � 2 16.224 � 32.45. The matching of subjectsallowed the size of each sample to be reduced from 54 to about 33 with-out reducing power.

(c) From Table A.5, � � 2.48.

2.48 ���1 –


����128�� .5 � .5 3��

1 –1

��� � 1.5��

1 –1


so ��1 –


�� � �21.4.58

� � 1.653

Therefore, � � 1 – (1/1.6532) � 1 – .366 � .634. To have adequatepower with relatively small samples and a medium effect size, a ratherhigh degree of matching is needed.

3. (a) 3.1 � .35�N – 1�; so �N – 1� � �3.3.15� � 8.86

Therefore, N � 8.862 � 1 � 78.45 � 1 � 79.45; about 80 cases wouldbe needed to achieve the stated level of power, with � � .35.


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(b) From Table A.5, � � 2.8.

2.8 � ��26 – 1� � 5�; so � � �25.8� � .56

The effect size has to be large to have .8 power with a fairly smallsample.

4. (a) Given k � 4; n � 9; f � .5. dfw � (4 9) – 4 � 36 – 4 � 32, � � f �n� �

.5�9� � 1.5.

Looking in the k � 4 section of Table A.6 with dfw about 30, a � of 1.5corresponds to about .65 power (about midway between the entries for1.4 and 1.6, which are .58 and .71, respectively).

(b) With an f of .2 and k � 4, it is a good guess to use the bottom (i.e., infi-nite) row of the k � 4 section of Table A.6. A � of 1.4 corresponds to.64 power, so we will use 1.42 for .65 power.

1.42 � .2�n�; so, �n� � �1..422

� � 7.1

Therefore, n � 7.12 � 50.4. About 51 subjects are needed in each of thefour groups, which corresponds to a dfw of 200, which is consistent withassuming an infinite dfw to look up our value for �.

(c) Given k � 4 and n � 9, so dfw � 32. Looking in the k � 4 section ofTable A.6 along the dfw � 30 row, we see that a � of 1.8 corresponds tothe desired power of .82.

1.8 � f �9� � 3f; so f � �13.8� � .6

To obtain power as high as .82 with only 9 participants per group, f hasto be quite large (i.e., 6).


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Chapter 7

1. (a)

Placebo St. John’s Wort Elavil Prozac Row Means

Men 9 8 4 3 6Women 8 2 5 1 4Column means 8.5 5 4.5 2 Grand mean: 5

n � 11; NT

� 88; c � 4; r � 2; dfw � rc (n – 1) � 4 2 (11 – 1) � 80

SSbetween-cell� NT

�2 (cell means) � 88 8 � 704

SSdrug � NT

�2 (8.5, 5, 4.5, 2) � 88 5.375 � 473

SSgender � NT

�2 (6, 4) � 88 2 � 176

SSinter � SSbetween-cell – SSrow – SScolumn � 704 – 176 – 473 � 55

MSgender � � �1716

� � 176; MSdrug � � �4733

� � 157.67

dfinter � (r – 1)(c – 1) � (2 – 1)(4 – 1) � 3; MSinter � �SdSfi










� �535� � 18.33

Fgender � � �13726

� � 5.5; Fdrug � � �15

372.67� � 4.93;

Finter � �MM



ter� � �18

3.233� � .57

F.05(1, 80) � 3.96 � 5.5, so the main effect of gender is significant at the.05 level. F.05 (3, 80) � 2.72 � 4.93, so the main effect of drug is also sig-nificant at the .05 level. However, Finter is less than 1.0, so it cannot besignificant.

(b) Men:

F � �Mns



� � �11

328.67� � �

953.237� � 2.98

F.05(3, 40) � 2.84 � 2.98, so the simple main effect of drug is significantfor the men.








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F � �11



� � �13120

� � 3.44

3.44 � 2.84, so the simple main effect of drug is also significant for thewomen.

(c) L � (8 – 2) – (4 – 5) � 6 – (–1) � 6 � 1 � 7

SScontrast ��12 � 1





2 � 12�� �


� � 134.75 � MScontrast

F � �M




trast� � �13

342.75� � 4.21; F.05 (1, 80) � 3.96.

Because 4.21 � 3.96, this interaction contrast would be significant ifplanned.

FS� dfinter F.05(3, 80) � 3 2.72 � 8.16 � 4.21, so this contrast would

not be significant by Scheffé’s test (consistent with the fact that the inter-action in the entire ANOVA was not significant).

2. (a) NT

� 147

Marginal means: Younger � 34.44; Older � 27.835; Modeling � 33.185;Tutorial � 29.09

SSbetween-cell � NT

�2 (cell means) � 147 15.1625 � 2228.9

SSage � NT

�2(34.44, 27.835) � 147 10.906 � 1603.2

SSmethod � NT

�2(33.185, 29.09) � 147 4.192 � 616.3

SSinter � SSbetween-cell – SSrow – SScolumn � 2228.9 – 1603.2 – 616.3 � 9.4

Because the df for all of the above effects is 1,

MSage � 1603.2; MSmethod 616.3; MSinter � 9.4

MSw �

� �74

17443.35� � 52.27

fa*ge � �15620.237.2

� � 30.67; Fmethod � �65126.2.37

� � 11.79; Finter � �592..427� � .18

(52 – 1)6.692 � (45 – 1)7.192 � (20 – 1)8.512 � (30 – 1)7.292

������52 � 45 � 20 � 30 – 4


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (275)

F.05(1, 143) � 3.90. The two main effects are easily significant at the .05level, but the interaction is obviously not close to significance.

(b) � �.12

448� � .0312;

therefore, the harmonic mean of the cell sizes � 1/.0312 � 32.055.There are four cells, so NH (the adjusted total N ) � 4 32.055 �

128.22. Recalculating the SSs with 128.22 in place of 147 yields the fol-lowing results:

SSage � 1398.4; SSmethod � 537.5; SSinter � 8.2, which leads to the follow-ing adjusted F ratios:

fa*ge � �15329.287.4

� � 26.75; Fmethod � �55327.2.57

� � 10.28; Finter � �582..227� � .16

All of the F ratios are somewhat smaller, as is generally the case with anunbalanced factorial ANOVA (the analysis of unweighted means effec-tively subtracts the overlapping of the different effects).

3. (a) This is a 4 � 2 � 2 ANOVA, so there are a total of 16 cells. Assuming abalanced design, n � 128/16 � 8, and dfw � 128 – 16 � 112. The nu-merator MSs are created by dividing each given SS by its correspondingdf, as shown below:

MSrelax � �64

1.4� � 64.4; MSdark � �

311.6� � 31.6; MSemotion � �


� 74.367

MSemo�relax � �16

37.3� � 55.77; MSemo�dark � �

513.5� � 17.17; MSrel�dark

� �12

17.3� � 127.3

MSemo�rel�dark � �77

3.2� � 25.73

SSw is found by subtracting SSbetween-cells from SStotal, which was given(2,344). SSbetween-cells is found by summing the seven numerator SSs thatwere given. SSbetween-cells � 64.4 � 31.6 � 223.1 � 167.3 � 51.5 � 127.3

�512� � �

415� � �

210� � �




statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (276)

� 77.2 � 742.4. Therefore, SSw � 2344 – 742.4 � 1,601.6, and MSw �

1,601.6/112 � 14.3. The F ratios are

Frelax � �6144..43

� 4.5; Fdark � �3114..63

� � 2.21; Femotion � �741.43.637

� � 5.2;

Femo�relax � �5154.7.37

� � 3.9

Femo�dark � �1174.1.37

� � 1.2; Frel�dark � �11247.3.3

� � 8.9;

Femo�rel�dark � �2154.7.33

� � 1.8

F.05 (1, 112) � 3.92, so the main effect of relax and its interaction withdark are significant, but the main effect of dark is not. F.05(3, 112) �2.68, so the main effect of emotion and its interaction with relax is sig-nificant, but the interaction of emotion and dark is not significant, nor isthe three-way interaction.

(b) Hypothetical Means for Blood PressureAt room type � normal


Sad Angry Fearful






Emotion Condition


not relaxed

Relaxation Exercise


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (277)

Hypothetical Means for Blood PressureAt room type � dark

(c) The significant relax by dark interaction could be followed up by compar-ing the relax condition for the normal and dark rooms, and the no relaxcondition for the two rooms. In addition (or alternatively), the two roomscan be compared separately for the relax and no relax conditions. The sig-nificant main effect of emotion can be followed by comparing pairs ofemotion means, but the significant emotion by relax interaction suggeststhat it may be preferable to test the simple main effect of emotion sepa-rately for the relax and no relax conditions. Depending on which of thesesimple main effects reaches significance, the emotion means can be com-pared separately for the relax and/or the no relax condition.


Sad Angry Fearful






Emotion Condition


not relaxed

Relaxation Exercise


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (278)

4. Cell Means for Eye MovementsAt instructions � subvocal

Cell Means for Eye MovementsAt instructions � imagery

Yes, there appears to be a three-way interaction, because the problemtype by difficult interaction is much larger for the group given imageryinstructions than it is for the group given subvocalization instructions.









Difficulty Level



Problem Type












Difficulty Level



Problem Type





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Chapter 8

1. (a) Expect Sound (NT

� 18, n � 6, c � 3)

SStotal � NT

�2 (all scores) � 18 1.444 � 26

SSsubject � NT

�2 (subject means) � 18 .926 � 16.67


�2 (1.167, 1.833, 2.0) � 18 .13 � 2.33

SSsub�RM � SStotal – SSsub – SSRM � 26 – 16.67 – 2.33 � 7




M� � �2.

233� � 1.167

dfsub�RM � (c – 1)(n – 1) � 2 5 � 10

MSsub�RM � �170� � .7

F � �M







� � �1.1

767� � 1.667

F.05(2, 10) � 4.10

1.667 � 4.1, so this effect is not significant.

Source SS df MS F p

Subject 16.67 5Treatment 2.33 2 1.167 1.667 �.05Interaction 7 10 .7Total 26 17

Ignore Sound (NT

� 18, n � 6, c � 3)

Source SS df MS F p

Subject 13.33 5Treatment 32.33 2 16.165 13.10 �.01Interaction 12.34 10 1.234Total 58 17

Reject null hypothesis; this effect is significant.


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(b) No. Ignore Sound is not significant, not assuming sphericity can onlymake it further from reaching significance. For Expect Sound, the con-servatively adjusted critical value (based on ε � .5) is F.05(1, 5) � 6.61.Because 13.1 � 6.61, this effect is significant without making any as-sumption about sphericity in the population.

2. (a)

Source SS df MS F p

Subject 230.75 7Treatment 25 1 25 5.83 .046Interaction 30 7 4.286Total 285.75 15

The matched t was 2.41 for these data; 2.412 � 5.81. The slight discrep-ancy with the F found above is due to rounding off.


Participant No Subject Order# Imagery Imagery Means Means

No image 1 8 14 11 13.75first 2 11 15 13

4 10 16 138 16 20 18

X�� 11.25 X�� 16.25Imagery 3 7 5 6 9.5first 5 9 9 9

6 15 16 15.57 7 8 7.5

X�� 9.5 X�� 9.5Columnmeans 10.375 12.875 11.625

From part a, we know that SStotal � 285.75, SSRM � 25, and SSsub �


SSorder � NT

�2(13.75, 9.5) � 16 4.5156 � 72.25

SSw � SSsub – SSorder � 230.75 – 72.25 � 158.5

SSbetween-cells � NT

�2(11.25, 9.5, 16.25, 9.5) � 16 7.641 � 122.25


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (281)

SSinter � SSbetween-cells – SSRM – SSgroups � 122.25 – 25 – 72.25 � 25

SSwithin-cells � SStotal – SSbetween-cells � 285.75 – 122.25 � 163.5

SSsub�RM � SSwithin-cells – SSw � 163.5 – 158.5 � 5

MSRM � �215� � 25 MSorder � �

721.25� � 72.25 MSinter � �

215� � 25

dfw � NS– k � 8 – 2 � 6; MSw � �

1568.5� � 26.417

dfsub�RM � (NS– k)(c – 1) � 6 1 � 6; MSsub�RM � �


� � .833

Forder � �MMSSor


der� � �2762.4.2157

� � 2.735 FRM � �M







� � �.82353

� � 30.0

Finter � �M









� � �.82353

� � 30.0 F.05(1, 6) � 5.99

The main effect of the RM factor (imagery vs. no imagery) is significant,and so is the order by treatment interaction. The main effect of order,however, is not significant. For the next problem, we will show how theresults of a mixed design look in a summary table.

(c) The significant order by treatment interaction tells you that order effectsinfluenced your data. Fortunately, the lack of a main effect of order sug-gests that you have only simple order effects, rather than differentialcarry-over effects. Removing the interaction from the error term resultedin an increase in the F ratio for the main effect of treatment—from abarely significant 5.83 to 30.


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(d) Cell Means by Type of Instructions and Order

The interaction in the graph suggests differential carry-over effects (be-ing in the second position has a very different effect on the Imagery con-dition as compared to the No Imagery condition). In this case, theinteraction falls short of significance, but that is not surprising given thevery small sample sizes. You could use the data only from each partici-pant’s first condition, but in this case you would lose your imagery effect.It would be best to redesign the experiment based on matching pairs ofsubjects to avoid carry-over effects (once given imagery instructions, itwould be difficult to not use those instructions, even when asked not to).

3. (a)

Participant # None Mild Moderate Strong X�subj X�group

Placebo 1 2 5 11 10 7.002 0 8 4 9 5.253 7 9 13 12 10.25 7.8754 3 12 10 11 9.00

X�cell 3 8.5 9.5 10.5

Had condition first8

Had condition second








no imagery



all S




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Participant # None Mild Moderate Strong X�subj X�group

Caffeine 5 3 7 8 6 6.006 2 6 6 9 5.757 5 8 7 7 6.75 6.258 4 9 5 8 6.50

X�cell 3.5 7.5 6.5 7.5X�RM 3.25 8.0 8.0 9.0 X�G � 7.0625

Source SS df MS F p

Between-cells 198.875Subject 81.875

RM 160.375 3 53.458 15.971 �.05Group 21.125 1 21.125 2.086 �.05 (n.s.)Interaction 17.375 3 5.792 1.73 �.05 (n.s.)Within-group 60.75 6 10.125Sub � RM 60.25 18 3.347Total 319.875 31

F.05(1, 6) � 5.99 F.05(3, 18) � 3.16

(b) Cell Means for Number of Errors


2 3 4






Distraction Level



Drug Group


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You can see some interaction in the graph, but it is not dramatic, so it isnot surprising that the interaction is not near significance. You can seesome main effect of drug group, but with small sample sizes and a be-tween-group comparison (i.e., no repeated measures on this factor), it isagain not surprising that this effect falls short of significance. However,the main effect of distraction level is rather strong, especially betweennone and mild. Given the extra power of repeated measures, this effect iseasily significant.


Participant # None Mild Moderate Strong Linear

Placebo 1 2 5 11 10 302 0 8 4 9 233 7 9 13 12 194 3 12 10 11 22

Caffeine 5 3 7 8 6 106 2 6 6 9 217 5 8 7 7 58 4 9 5 8 8

Source SS df MS F p

Linear trend 312.5 1 312.5 8.89 .025Within-group 211.0 6 35.167Total 523.5 7

Chapter 9

1. (a)

No Imagery Imagery Imagery–No Imagery (Sign)

8 14 �

11 15 �

7 5 –10 16 �

9 9 (0)15 16 �

7 8 �

16 20 �


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (285)

The zero difference is deleted, so there are only seven events that couldbe either plus or minus. The total number of possibilities, therefore, is 27

� 128. For these data there is only one minus sign. There are seven waysthat that can happen, so the probability of getting one minus sign is7/128 � .0547. However, we must add the more extreme result of get-ting no minus signs, which can happen only one way, so its probability is1/128 � .0078. The total one-tailed p � .0547 � .0078 � .0625. This p isnot less than .05, so the results are not significant with a one-tailed test,and certainly not with a two-tailed test ( p � 2 .0625 � .125). The RM twas equal to 2.41, which has a p just a little less than .05. The sign testthrows away all the quantitative information concerning the differences,and generally has less power, which is why it failed to reach significance,even though the RM t test was significant.

(b) z ��X

�– N





– .5���







5 .�



1 –

�31.5.75�– .5

�� �1.3

223� � 1.51

z .05, 1-tailed � 1.645 � 1.51, so cannot reject null hypothesis; a resultthat is not significant with a one-tailed test will not be significant with atwo-tailed test.


Imagery–No Imagery Positive Ranks Negative Ranks

6 1.54 3.5

–2 56 1.501 6.51 6.54 3.5

Sum of ranks 23 5

The smaller sum is 5, so T � 5.

z � � � �5



� �5.

–9916� � –1.52

5 – .25 7(7 � 1)���

��7(7 ��12)(414 �� 1)��

T – .25N(N � 1)���

��N(N �� 12)4(2N�� 1)��


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (286)

Notes that the z from Wilcoxon’s test happens to be very similar to the zfrom the sign test on the same data, although often it will be consider-ably larger. The Wilcoxon test also fails to reach significance at the .05level for either a one-tailed or two-tailed test.

(d) For Spearman’s correlation, each set of scores is ranked separately:

Ranks for No Imagery Ranks for Imagery

6 53 47.5 84 2.55 62 2.57.5 71 1

Pearson’s r calculated for these two sets of ranks is .928, so rs� .928.

The Pearson’s r for the original scores (i.e., not ranked) is .82, somewhatlower.

2. (a) Agree to Return:

�2 � ∑�( f0 –


fe )2

� � �(18


� � �(16


� � �(10


� � �(16


� �3165� � 2.4

�2.05(3) � 7.81; �2

obs � �2crit; therefore, do not reject null hypothesis.

Do Not Agree:

�2 � ∑�( f0 –


fe )2

� � �(7 –


� � �(9 –


� � �(15


� � �(9 –


� �3160� � 3.6

�2.05(3) � 7.81; �2

obs � �2crit ; therefore, do not reject null hypothesis.

No, the type of experimenter did not make a significant difference in ei-ther case.


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (287)

(b) �(18


� � �(16


� � �(10


� � �(16


� � �(7 –


� �(9 –


� � �(15


� � �(9 –


� � 6.0

�2.05(3) � 7.81; �2

obs � �2crit ; therefore, do not reject null hypothesis.

If all of the entries were doubled, �2 would become 2 6.0 � 12� �2

.05(3) � 7.81, so in this case you could reject the null hypothesis.

(c) �2 � ∑�( f0 –


fe )2

� � �(18


� � �(7 –


� � �(10


� � �(15


� �3124� � �

3121� � 5.2

�2.05(1) � 3.84 � 5.2, so the results are significant at the .05 level.

�2 � �2/N � 5.2/50 � .104, so � � �.104� � .32. As a correlation co-efficient, .32 is a medium-sized effect.

3. (a) For the Mann-Whitney test, all of the scores (16 for this problem) areranked with respect to each other as one big group, and then the ranksare separated according to which subgroup the score comes from, asshown below.

DB Rank NDB Rank

3 5.5 0 145 3 2 7.50 14 1 109 1 0 141 10 2 7.57 2 0 144 4 3 5.5

1 100 14

Sum 39.5 96.5

ns� 7; n

L� 9; S

s� 39.5; S

L� 96.5; N � 16


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (288)

z � � � ��

–8290.25�� � –2.12

2.12 � 1.96 (z .05, 2-tailed); therefore, reject the null hypothesis.

(b) Kruskal-Wallis test:

H � �N(N

12� 1)�∑








�� – 3(N � 1) ∑K


� �39


� � �96


� � 1257.58

so H � �16(1

162� 1)� 1257.58 – 3(16 � 1) � 55.46 – 51 � 4.46

If you square the z from 3a, you get –2.122 � 4.49, which differs from Honly because of rounding error.

4. For the Friedman test, scores are ranked among the several conditionsseparately for each subject, as shown for Table 8.2:

Expect Classic Popular Noise

1 2 2.5 2.52 1.5 1.5 33 2 1 34 1 2.5 2.55 1.5 3 1.56 2.5 2.5 1Sum 9.5 13 13.5

Ignore Classic Popular Noise

1 1.5 1.5 32 1 2 33 1 2 34 1 2 35 1.5 1.5 36 2 1 3Sum 8 10 18

39.5 – .5(7)(16 � 1)��

��7 9(1


� 1)��

Ss– .5(n

s)(N � 1)




L(N12�� 1)��


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (289)

Expect (N � 6, c � 3):

Fr� �

Nc (1c

2� 1)�∑




2 – 3N(c � 1)

� �6 3(




� 1)� [(9.52 ) � (132 ) � (13.52 )] – 3 6(3 � 1)

� �1722�(441.5) – 72 � 73.583 – 72 � 1.583

Because 1.583 � �2.05(2) � 5.99, the results are not significant for this


Ignore (N � 6, c � 3):

Fr� �

1722�[(82 ) � (102 ) � (182 )] – 72 � �


�(488) – 72 � 81.33 – 72 � 9.33

Because 9.33 � �2.05(2) � 5.99, the results are significant for this group.

These statistical conclusions agree with those in the first exercise ofChapter 8: significant for Ignore, but not significant for Expect.


statistics essentials behavioral sciences - [PDF Document] (290)


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ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.Steiger, J. H., & Fouladi, R. T. (1997). Noncentrality interval estimation and the evalua-

tion of statistical models. In L. L. Harlow, S. A. Mulaik, & J. H. Steiger (Eds.), What if

there were no significance tests? (pp. 221–257). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Tiku, M. L. (1967). Tables of the power of the F test. Journal of the American Statistical Asso-

ciation, 62, 525–539.


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Tukey, J. W. (1969). Analyzing data: Sanctification or detective work? American Psycholo-

gist, 24, 83–91.Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory data analysis. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.Wilcox, R. R. (1998). How many discoveries have been lost by ignoring modern statisti-

cal methods? American Psychologist, 53, 300–314.Wilcoxon, F. (1949). Some rapid approximate statistical procedures. Stamford, CT: American

Cyanamid Company, Stamford Research Laboratories.


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Annotated Bibliography

Behrens, J. T. (1997). Principles and procedures of exploratory data analysis. Psychological

Methods, 2, 131–160.This article is a recent and very accessible summary of the most popular methods of exploratory data

analysis. It also presents J. W. Tukey’s philosophy that a researcher should approach data as a detec-

tive should examine a crime scene—that is, without preconceived ideas. Especially in the ex-

ploratory phases of research, one’s emphasis should not be on trying to show how one’s data fit some

initial hypothesis; rather, one should allow the data to tell their own story by using a variety of tech-

niques to reveal whatever patterns are already hidden in the data.

Cohen, B. H. (2000). Explaining psychological statistics (2nd ed.). New York: Wiley.In some ways the book you are now reading is a briefer, more conceptual version of the text cited here,

and it takes the same basic approach to teaching statistics. This text is recommended for further

reading and more exercises on any of the topics covered in the present book, and to learn about some

topics (e.g., multiple regression, analysis of covariance) that had to be left out of this book. It was

written as a text for students in advanced undergraduate or master’s-level statistics courses.

Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum.This book remains the definitive work on power for social scientists. It contains numerous tables for

estimating power and effect size in many common experimental situations. Although progress has

been made in making power analysis available by computer, this book is likely to be useful for some

time to come.

Cowles, M. (2001). Statistics in psychology: An historical perspective (2nd ed.). Mahwah, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum.This very readable and sometimes entertaining book tracks the history of some of the most common

statistical procedures and describes the personalities and historical contexts of the statisticians who

created these procedures. The author does not shy away from describing some of the acrimonious per-

sonal conflicts that developed between rival statisticians.

L. L. Harlow, S. A. Mulaik, & J. H. Steiger (Eds.). (1997). What if there were no significance

tests? Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.This recent, edited volume contains chapters that argue for or against the use of null hypothesis test-

ing or in favor of some alternative or supplementary procedure. It includes chapters by some of the

best-known writers on statistical issues in the social sciences, such as Robert Abelson, Jacob Cohen,

Richard Harris, and Paul Meehl.

The next three books are all advanced statistic texts (suitable for doctoral courses), which include

a more rigorous treatment of topics in this Essentials book (e.g., expected mean squares for various

ANOVA designs), greater detail on these topics (e.g., various follow-up tests, alternative procedures


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to use when assumptions are not met), and material on topics like logistic regression, nested designs,

random effect factors, and others that are not covered in this book.

Howell, D. C. (2002). Statistical methods for psychology (5th ed.). Boston: Duxbury Press.This book is particularly useful for its chapters on logistic regression (useful for predicting a binary

outcome from several predictors) and log-linear analysis (useful for analyzing data from three-way

and higher-order contingency tables).

Keppel, G., & Zedeck, S. (1989). Data analysis for research designs: Analysis of variance and

multiple regression/correlation approaches. New York: W. H. Freeman.This book takes the novel approach of illustrating how each ANOVA design can be analyzed by

means of multiple regression, as well as the traditional way. By comparing the two approaches to the

same designs, the authors demonstrate the intimate connections between ANOVA and regression,

and deepen the reader’s understanding of both types of procedures.

Myers, J. L., & Well, A. D. (2003). Research design and statistical analysis (2nd ed.). Mahwah,NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.This thorough and sophisticated text is not only an excellent advanced textbook but also a reference

book to keep close at hand. It is particularly useful for its treatment of complex ANOVA designs,

including those with nested or random effect factors, or counterbalancing.

Rosenthal, R. (1993). Cumulating evidence. In G. Keren & C. Lewis (Eds.), A handbook

for data analysis in the behavioral sciences: Methodological issues (pp. 519–559). Hillsdale, NJ:Lawrence Erlbaum.This chapter is a very useful introduction and practical guide to the topic of meta-analysis—the com-

paring or combining of separate but similar experiments. Reading this chapter will also increase your

understanding of the information that can be derived from estimates of effect size and the procedure of

null hypothesis testing.

Siegel, S., & Castellan, N. J., Jr. (1988). Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences (2nded.). New York: McGraw Hill.This book covers all of the common nonparametric statistical procedures in detail, explaining, for in-

stance, what to do when some cases are tied. It also supplies significance tables for small samples.

Tukey, J. W. (1977). Exploratory data analysis. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.This classic work is more relevant than ever. It contains a broad collection of methods for displaying

data and identifying trends and patterns therein. Many of these methods have become fairly popular

in recent years (e.g., boxplots), although they are probably still underutilized. The various methods

introduced are copiously illustrated.

Wilcox, R. R. (1998). How many discoveries have been lost by ignoring modern statisti-cal methods? American Psychologist, 53, 300–314.This article is both easy to obtain, being in a very popular journal, and easy to read. It presents a

strong argument for trimming one’s data when outliers are a problem and using modified statistical

procedures (robust statistics) on the trimmed data.


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Addition rule, 202Adjacent value, 24Alpha level, 35

experiment-wise, 108per comparison, 108

Alternative hypothesis distribution(AHD). See Power analysis, two-group cases

American College Test (ACT), 84American Psychological Association,

Publication Manual of the, 56, 137Analysis of weighted means, 101Analysis of unweighted means, 101,

168ANCOVA, 161, 184ANOVA:

one-waycomplex comparisons (see Multiple

comparisons)effect size, 106–107equal-sized groups and, 99–100factorial design and, 146–148F distributions, 102–103formula, 100–102F ratio, 100, 103–104general linear model and, 165–167hom*ogeneity of variance, 104–

105overview, 97–98summary table, 105trend analysis, 117–118t test and, 97, 98–99See also Power analysis

repeated-measuresone-way RM design, 172–173

assumptions, 176–177calculating, 173–174carryover effects, 181–182comparisons, 174–176MANOVA alternative, 178–179post hoc comparisons, 179–180simple order effects, counter-

balancing and, 180–181sphericity

test of (Mauchly’s W), 177violations of, 177–178

trend analysis, 183–184overview, 172two-way mixed design, 184–186

assumptions, 189between-subjects part, 186–187grouping factors and, 190–191order as a factor and, 191–193post hoc comparisons, 189–190within-subjects part, 187–188

two-way RM design, 194three-way

example, 162–163general linear model and, 165–167higher-order designs, 165overview, 161–162post hoc tests, 164–165varieties, 163–164

two-waybalanced, 147, 150factorial design, 146–148


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nested design, 148–150general linear model and, 165–

167grouping factors and, 160–161main effects, 150, 155–157post hoc tests, 157–160SS components of, 151–153unbalanced, 147–148varieties of interactions, 153–155

See also MANOVAAssociation, test of, 210Average, 12

weighted, 54See also Mean

Bar charts, 5–6Beta, 36–37, 127–128. See also Type II

errorBiased estimator, 43Bivariate correlation. See CorrelationBonferroni, Carlo, 112Bonferroni test, 112–113, 180, 189Box-and-whisker plot (or boxplot), 24–


Carry-over effect. See EffectCategorical scale. See Scale, nominalCell, 147Central Limit Theorem (CLT), 30–31, 40Central tendency. See Descriptive sta-

tisticsChi-square test:

one-way, 205binomial test, comparison to, 208expected frequencies, finding,

207–208tails of distribution, 207

two-way, 208–209example, calculating an, 210expected frequencies, finding,

209–210Fisher’s Exact test, 211larger contingency tables, 211–


of correlation (see Correlation)of determination, 90of nondetermination, 90

Cohen, Jacob, 124–125, 137guidelines for effect sizes, 137

for a correlation, 134for a multi-group experiment, 135for a two-group experiment, 125,

129–130power tables, 137

Cohen’s kappa, 213–214Comparisons:

complex (see Multiple comparisons)pairwise, 107

Completely-crossed factorial design. See

Factorial designConfidence intervals, 41–43, 59–60, 67,

137–139creating, 41–42size of, 42–43

Conservative test, 111, 177Contingency table, two-way, 209, 213Continuity correction, 204, 205, 208Contrasts. See Interaction contrasts; Lin-

ear contrasts; Orthogonal con-trasts

Correlation:causation and, 78–79curvilinear, 81–82graphing, 79–84


ANOVA (continued )

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negative, 71, 73overview, 71, 94–96Pearson’s r, definition of, 73–75perfect, 71–73point-biserial, 92–94rank correlation coefficient, 220–222reliability and validity, 75–76Spearman, 220–222statistical significance testing, 76–77

example of, 77–78Counterbalancing, 65, 66, 180–181, 191,

194Covariance, 74

analysis of (see ANCOVA)biased, 75

Critical value, 37–38, 39Cross-classifying, 209Curve, normal. See Descriptive statistics,

normal distribution (ND)

Data, trimming, 22. See also Transforma-tions, data

Degrees of freedom, 44–45, 64ANOVA and, 100correlation and, 77, 81RM test and, 133t distribution and, 52–53

Delta:calculation of, 126–127formula for, 124and replication, 130table for, 128, 237–238

Descriptive statistics:central tendency, choosing a measure

for, 10–12data analysis

displaying, 5–10exploratory, 20, 23–25

normal distribution (ND), 16–17departures from, 20–23standard, 18–19

overview, 1scales of measurement, 2–5standardized scores, 17–19

properties of, 19–20variability, measures of, 12–15

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental

Disorders–Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), 4Digram-balanced. See Latin square (L-S)

designDiscrete mathematics, 200Distribution, 9–10

alternative hypothesis (AHD) (seePower analysis, two-group cases)

bimodal, 10binomial, 200–202bivariate normal, 90–91chi-square, 205–207F (see ANOVA, one-way)leptokurtic, 21mesokurtic, 21normal (ND), 16–23

approximation to, 203–204, 216,218

null hypothesis testing and, 34null hypothesis (see Null hypothesis

distribution (NHD))platykurtic, 21sampling, 30t (see Independent-groups t test)uniform, 10unimodal, 10, 11

Distribution-free tests, 212Double-blind, 49Dunn, Olivia, 113Dunn test. See Multiple comparisons


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Dunnett test. See Multiple compari-sons

Effect:carryover, 181

differential, 65, 182main, 150

simple, 156–157, 180–181order, 65, 180–181size of (see Effect size)

Effect size:two-group case

estimating, 128–130in the population (d), 124–125in a two-group experiment (g), 60–61

multi-group case (ANOVA)estimating, 135in an experiment (eta squared),

106–107in the population (f ), 134–135

Epsilon:Greenhouse-Geisser (G-G) value, 177Huynh-Feldt (H-F) value, 177lower-bound, 177

Error term, in ANOVA, 104Eta squared, 106–107Exploratory data analysis (EDA). See

Descriptive statistics

F ratio. See ANOVA, one-wayFactorial design. See ANOVA, two-wayFisher, Sir Ronald, 99, 108, 122, 211 Frequency:

and bar charts, 6and distributions, 9expected, 206observed, 206

Frequency polygon, 20Friedman test, 219–220

g , definition of, 60–61as estimate of d, 129and meta-analysis, 139relation to rpb, 93

Galton, Sir Francis, 73General linear model, 165–167Goodness of fit test, 208Gossett, William, 52–53

Heteroscedasticity, 91Histograms, 7–9

distribution andnormal, 17shape of, 10–11

vs. stem-and-leaf plot, 24hom*ogeneity of variance:

and one-way ANOVA, 104–105and RM ANOVA, 176–177and the two-group t test, 54–56

hom*oscedasticity, 91Honestly Significant Difference (HSD)

test, 110–111, 112, 189H-spread, 24

Independent events, 202–203Independent-groups t test:

assumptions, 57–58comparison, calculating a test for, 51–

52confidence interval, 59–60effect size, 60–61hom*ogeneity of variance

interpreting results, 55–56testing, 54–55

overview, 48–49pooled-variances t test, 54reporting calculated t value, 56separate-variances t test, 53significant t test, interpreting, 58–59


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standard error of the difference, 50–51t distribution, 52–53

Inferential statistics, 1, 2, 28Inner fences, 24Interaction:

disordinal, 155ordinal, 154partial, 159–160

Interaction contrasts, 145–146Internal reliability, 75–76, 79Interrater agreement, 212–214Interrater reliability, 75, 79Interval estimation. See Confidence In-

tervalsInterval scale. See Scale, interval

Kappa. See Cohen’s kappaKelvin temperature scale. See Scale,

Kelvin temperatureKolmogorov-Smirnov test, 21–22Kruskal-Wallis test, 217–218Kurtosis, measuring, 21–22

Latin Square (L-S) design, 181digram-balanced, 181

Least Significant Difference (LSD) test,109–110, 179, 189

modified, 111Least squares property, 89Leptokurtic, 21Levene’s test, 55, 104Likert, Rensis, 3Likert scale. See Scale, LikertLimits:

apparent, 8real, 8

Linear contrasts, 114–115Linear correlation. See CorrelationLinear transformation. SeeTransformations

Mann-Whitney test, 57, 214–215assumptions of, 216–217ties, dealing with, 215–216U statistic, 216

MANOVA, 146, 178–179Matched-pairs design, 65 Matched (pairs) t test. See Repeated-

measures t testMauchly’s W. See ANOVA, repeated-

measuresMean, 15

arithmetic, 2cell, 150geometric, 2grand, 100, 101harmonic, 2, 131marginal, 150sampling distribution of (SDM), 30–

31, 32standard error of, 32trimmed, 22weighted. See Average, weighted

Mean deviation, 13–14vs. standard deviation, 15

Mean of Squares or mean-square (MS),100–101

Median, 7, 15Mesokurtic, 21Meta-analysis. See Power analysis, meta-

analysisMode, 6, 15Multinomial distribution, 205Multiple comparisons:

Bonferroni test, 112–113Complex comparisons

planned, 113–116post hoc, 116–117

Dunn test, 113Dunnett test, 111, 112


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HSD test, 110–111, 112LSD test, 109–110

modified, 111Newman-Keuls (N-K) test, 111Pairwise comparisons, 107Protected t tests, 107–109REGW test, 111Scheffé’s test, 116–117, 159

Multiplication rule, 202–203Mutually exclusive, 202

Nested design. See ANOVA, two-wayNewman-Keuls (N-K) test. See Multiple

comparisonsNeyman, Jerzy, 122Nominal scale. See Scale, nominalNonparametric statistics:

categorical data, tests for, 199–214ordinal data, tests for, 214–222overview, 199

Normal distribution:equation for, 16, 19standard, 18–19

table for, 226–230See also Distribution

Null hypothesis distribution (NHD), 36

one-group experiments and, 40one-way ANOVA and, 102Pearson’s r and, 76–78

Null hypothesis testing (NHT orNHST):

alpha levels, 35critical values, 37–38debate over (when NHST is useful),

140–142logic of, 35–36

one-sample tests, problems with, 40–41

one- vs. two-tailed tests, 38–40overview, 33–34two-group case and, 60, 62, 63Type I errors, 35, 36, 37Type II errors, 36–37

Omega squared, 93, 106One-tailed test:

ANOVA as a, 102–103 the chi-square test as a, 207 and the two-group t test, 38–40

Order effects. See EffectOrdinal scale. See Scale, ordinalOrigin, 88Orthogonal contrasts, 115–116Outliers, 22

bivariate, 82–83boxplot and, 24, 25

Parameters, 2, 16noncentrality, 124

Participant, vs. subject, 6p value, 35Pearson, Egon, 122Pearson, Karl, 73, 210Pearson’s r. See Correlation, Pearson’s rPercentile, 9Percentile rank (PR), 6–7, 9Phi coefficient, 211Platykurtic, 21Point estimate, 29Polynomial trend components, 118Population, 1–2, 28–29Power analysis, 37

ANOVA, one-way, 134–137confidence intervals, 137–138


Multiple comparisons (continued )

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correlation tests, 133–134meta-analysis, 138–140NHST and, 122–123, 125, 140–142overview, 122–123repeated-measures designs, 132–133two-group cases, 123–124

AHD, 123–124, 127–128alpha, delta, and power, 128effect size, 124–125, 137–138

estimating, 128–130example, 125–128replication, 130sample size, 130–132

Probability, rules of, 202–203Product-moment correlation coefficient.

See Correlation, Pearson’s rProportion of variance accounted for:

in ANOVA, 106in linear regression, 90in the two-way chi-square test, 211

Protected t tests. See Multiple compar-isons

Quasi-experiment, 79

Randomized blocks design, 182–183Random sample, 28

independent, 29Range, 12–13, 15

interquartile (IQ), 12, 24restricted, 83–84semi-interquartile (SIQ), 12–13, 15

Ranking, 3–4and the Friedman test, 220and the Mann-Whitney test, 214–

215and Spearman correlation, 221and Wilcoxon’s test, 218

Ratio scale. See Scale, ratioRaw-score regression. See Regression,

raw-score formulaRegression:

assumptions, 90–91other uses, 91–92overview, 84–85, 94–96point-biserial correlation, 92

relation with t test, 93predictions, 87raw-score formula, 85–87slope and intercept, interpreting, 87–

88standardized equation, 85variance and, 88–90

REGW test. See Multiple comparisonsReliability. See Correlation, reliability and

validityRepeated-measures t test:

before-after design, 62–63, 64calculating, 64confidence intervals, 67formula for, 63–64matched-pairs design, 65–66order effects and, 65overview, 61–62simultaneous design, 65successive design, 65See also ANOVA, repeated measures;

Power analysis, repeated-measuresdesign

Residual score, 88–89Restricted range. See Range, restrictedRobust statistics, 22

Sample, 2, 28of convenience, 49, 84random. See Random sample


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Sampling:descriptive statistics and, 1–2distributions, 30random, 28–30

null hypothesis testing (NHT)and, 34

Scale:continuous, 7–8discrete, 7–8interval, 3, 5

histograms and, 7, 9median and, 7

Kelvin temperature, 5Likert, 3, 4nominal, 4, 5

bar charts and, 6histograms and, 7median and, 7percentages and, 6

ordinal, 3–4, 5, 9, 214bar charts and, 6histograms and, 7median and, 7percentages and, 6

ratio, 4–5histograms and, 7, 9

Scatterplot (or scattergram), 80–84, 86Scheffé’s test. See Multiple comparisonsScholastic Aptitude Test (SAT), 84Sign test, 204–205

compared to the Wilcoxon test, 219compared to the Friedman test, 220

Skewness:measuring, 21negative, 10positive, 10and z scores, 19

Sphericity, 176–178, 189

Split-half reliability. See Internal reli-ability

Standard deviation, 14–15biased, 151, 152normal distribution and, 16, 17unbiased, 44

Standardized scores. See z scoresStatistical Package for the Social Sci-

ences (SPSS), 55Stem-and-leaf plot (or stemplot), 23–24Summation sign, 13Sum of squared deviations (from the

mean) or SS, 14, 100

Test-retest reliability, 75, 79Transformations:

data, 22–23linear, 72

Truncated range. See Range, restrictedTukey, John, 23, 110Two-group t test. See Independent-

groups t test; Repeated-measures ttest

Two-tailed test, 39–40Type I error, 35–36, 108, 111, 112, 122,

128, 140, 176–177Type II error, 36–37, 111, 122–123, 127,

129, 140–141

Unbiased sample variance, 43–44Unbiased standard deviation, 44

Validity. See Correlation, reliability andvalidity

Variable, 3vs. a constant, 9criterion, 85, 87dependent (DV), 24, 28, 39, 49, 57,


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59, 79, 86, 93, 97, 98,146, 199, 200

discrete vs. continuous, 7independent ( IV), 79, 86, 97, 146predictor, 85, 87

Variance, 14–15analysis of (see ANOVA)around the regression line, 88–90estimating population, 43–45hom*ogeneity of (HOV), 53, 54–56,

103, 104–105residual, 89–90total, 89–90unbiased sample, 43–44unexplained, 89

Wilcoxon’s T test, 218–219comparisons to other tests, 219ties, dealing with, 219

Y-intercept, 86, 88

z scores, 17–18confidence intervals and, 41–42correlation, 72–74, 76–77critical, 37–38, 39groups and, 32–33properties of, 19regression and, 85two-group, 49–50, 52


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Barry Cohen would like to acknowledge his wife Leona for typing the entire bodyof the manuscript, and for morally supporting him throughout the writing of thisbook. Brooke Lea would like to acknowledge Kathleen Dull and Heidi Schmidtfor their brilliant and tireless contributions to this work, the Center for CognitiveSciences at the University of Minnesota who hosted him while he worked on thisbook, and Jerome L. Myers for his inspiration. Both authors gratefully acknowl-edge the assistance of Tracey Belmont and her editorial program assistant, IsabelPratt, and the production assistance of Deborah DeBlasi (Wiley) and Susan Dod-son (GCI).

About the AuthorsBarry Cohen, PhD, earned a BS in physics from Stony Brook University, andlater a doctoral degree in experimental psychology from New York University,where he presently directs the master’s program in psychology and teaches sta-tistics on both the master’s and doctoral levels. He has been teaching statistics fornearly 20 years and has previously published a graduate-level text on the subject(Explaining Psychological Statistics, now in its second edition, is published by JohnWiley & Sons). He has completed a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of psy-chophysiology and has also published empirical research in this area. He ispresently planning experiments exploring the mind-body relation and collectingdata for a new book on the different ways to become a psychotherapist in theUnited States.

R. Brooke Lea, PhD, earned a BA in English from Haverford College beforecompleting master’s and doctoral degrees in cognitive psychology from NewYork University. While at NYU he learned statistics from several master teachers,including the first author of this book. After completing his dissertation on logi-cal reasoning and comprehension, Brooke took a postdoctoral fellowship at theUniversity of Massachusetts-Amherst, where he developed his research interestsin reading and discourse processing. Brooke first taught statistics at BowdoinCollege, and then at Macalester College, where he is currently associate professorof psychology. His research publications concern the comprehension processesthat occur during reading, and psychological models of deduction.


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