Michelle Malkin Archive - The Unz Review (2024)

BlogviewMichelle Malkin Archive

20 Years: A Syndication Anniversary Reflection

Michelle Malkin •December 31, 2019

•800 Words

Photo courtesy of Peter Duke 20 YEARS: A SYNDICATION ANNIVERSARY REFLECTION by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 I live to write. I write to live. The close of 2019 marks two full decades since I entered national newspaper syndication. You are reading the 1,571st column I've filed with Creators Syndicate. The years have flown... Read More

Jill Biden, Meet Cpl. Ronil Singh and Deputy Brian Ishmael

Michelle Malkin •December 26, 2019

•700 Words

Jill Biden, meet Cpl. Ronil Singh and Deputy Brian Ishmael by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 The last time I checked, Joe Biden was running for president of the United States. But his wife, Jill Biden, demonstrated where the beltway Democratic couple's allegiance and compassion are rooted this Christmas season: Mexico. Biden traveled to... Read More

Stop the Ilhan Omar/Soros-Backed Liberian Amnesty Christmas Giveaway!

Michelle Malkin •December 18, 2019

•1,500 Words

While the nation is distracted with bread and circuses, Open Borders Inc. lobbyists have stuffed the latest 2020 National Defense Authorization Act with all sorts of hidden goodies. Case in point: The mass amnesty for thousands of Liberian illegal aliens Most Americans have never heard of this program. But if you've been paying attention to... Read More

Illegal Alien Drivers: Out of the Shadows...And Into the Voting Booth?

Michelle Malkin •December 18, 2019

•900 Words

Illegal alien drivers: Out of the shadows...and into the voting booth? by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 My teenage son is a law-abiding American citizen. To obtain his driver's permit this year, he brought his birth certificate, Social Security card, passport and verification that he completed an approved driver's school course. It took a... Read More

Blood on Open Borders Boston's Hands

Michelle Malkin •December 11, 2019

•700 Words

Blood on Open Borders Boston's hands by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Here is a chilling case of sanctuary chickens coming home to roost. Upon being convicted of armed robbery, kidnapping, home invasion and the brutal murders of two doctors on Tuesday, African criminal Bampumim Teixeira taunted the Massachusetts prosecutor who won the case... Read More

Where Are All the AWOL Muslim Military Trainees?

Michelle Malkin •December 8, 2019

•1,600 Words

Where are all the AWOL Muslim military trainees? by Michelle Malkin MichelleMalkin.com *BREAKING* American military bases are reportedly on high alert for “missing Saudi servicemen” in the wake of the deadly shooting at Pensacola’s Naval Air Station on Friday. The feds have repeatedly emphasized that “Saudi Air Force officers selected for military training in the... Read More

Citizen Revolt: Resist Refugee Resettlement Dumps!

Michelle Malkin •December 5, 2019

•800 Words

Citizen revolt: Resist refugee resettlement dumps! by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Should U.S. citizens have input into whether their neighborhoods are fundamentally and permanently transformed into United Nations refugee camps full of welfare dependents and tax burdens? Government-funded charities that profit mightily from the federal refugee resettlement program say: "Hell, no!" But President... Read More

Fight for the Freedom to Question Vaccines

Michelle Malkin •November 27, 2019

•1,000 Words

Fight for the freedom to question vaccines by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Thank you, Rob Schneider. Thank you. Very rarely do Hollywood celebrities stick their necks out on behalf of the concerns of ordinary parents whose voices have been suppressed by the liberal media, Silicon Valley and the political establishment of both parties.... Read More

Cancel Culture Hypocrites on Left and Right

Michelle Malkin •November 20, 2019

•900 Words

Cancel Culture Hypocrites on Left and Right by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Cancel culture is metastasizing. No one is safe anymore, including yours truly. On Tuesday afternoon, I was informed that Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, had pulled the plug on my book discussion of Open Borders Inc. with the Center for Immigration... Read More

America First: The Torch Is Being Passed

Michelle Malkin •November 15, 2019

•2,000 Words

America First: The Torch Is Being Passed Michelle Malkin UCLA Remarks as prepared November 14, 2019 America First: The Torch Is Being Passed Michelle Malkin UCLA Remarks as prepared Nov. 14, 2019 Good evening, young patriots. We’ve got a lot to talk about tonight and I want to hear from as many of you as... Read More

Meet the Treacherous American Students Last Lobby

Michelle Malkin •November 13, 2019

•900 Words

Meet the treacherous American Students Last lobby by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Who is funding the militant illegal alien youth army of thousands of entitled “DREAMers” that marched to Washington, D.C., for the Supreme Court hearing this week on President Obama’s unconstitutional amnesty program? Follow the money, find the truth. I’ve got the... Read More

Three Cheers for Refugee Reduction!

Michelle Malkin •November 6, 2019

•800 Words

Three cheers for refugee reduction by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Over the weekend, President Donald Trump approved a new annual refugee cap of 18,000, the lowest since the U.S. program began in 1980. The reduction follows news that America took a pause last month and refused to admit any new refugees. On economic,... Read More

Radical Spawn Chesa Boudin: America's Most Toxic da Candidate

Michelle Malkin •October 29, 2019

•800 Words

Radical Spawn Chesa Boudin: America's Most Toxic DA Candidate by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Socialist Bernie Sanders just endorsed the bleeding-heart candidate for San Francisco District Attorney who makes President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, look like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Meet Chesa Boudin. He's the Bay Area public defender and former shill/translator for... Read More

Laura Loomer: Disrupter for Congress

Michelle Malkin •October 23, 2019

•900 Words

Laura Loomer: Disrupter for Congress by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 The Beltway swamp is clogged with miserable crapweasels: smug incumbents, status quo lemmings, Constitution infringers of all flavors, Silicon Valley lackeys, jihad apologists, open borders freaks and, oh, that Trump-deranged lurker, Mitt "Pierre Delecto" Romney. In a country of 325 million people, can't... Read More

Surrendering to SPLC's Lazy Media Lemmings

Michelle Malkin •October 9, 2019

•900 Words

Surrendering to SPLC's Lazy Media Lemmings by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 ACT for America, a nationwide grassroots group that educates the public about radical Islam, was founded in 2007 by my vigilant activist friend and Lebanese Christian immigrant journalist Brigitte Gabriel. I was honored to accept Gabriel's invitation to speak at her organization's... Read More

ADL, Antifa and Koch: Toxic Anti-Trump League

Michelle Malkin •October 2, 2019

•700 Words

ADL, Antifa and Koch: Toxic Anti-Trump League by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 The Anti-Defamation League is a joke. Once a respected civil rights organization dedicated to fighting extremism and hate against Jews, the ADL lies in bed with violent antifa extremists and perpetuates hate against political opponents. The "progressive" group is now a... Read More

Impeach Amnesty Ana: TV's Foulest Open Borders Windbag

Michelle Malkin •September 25, 2019

•900 Words

Impeach Amnesty Ana: TV's Foulest Open Borders Windbag by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Nope, it's not obstreperously obnoxious Jim Acosta of CNN, who embodies the disingenuous sanctimony of Emma Lazarus utopianists. It's not former Washington Post reporter and illegal immigrant fraudster Jose Antonio Vargas, who represents the insatiable entitlement of amnesty mongers. It's... Read More

Facebook Incites Violent War on ICE

Michelle Malkin •September 18, 2019

•800 Words

Facebook Incites Violent War on ICE by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Abolish ICE thugs in Colorado want to see the homes and families of immigration enforcement officials set aflame. Denver communists want alien detention facility employees dead, swinging from nooses with broken necks. Both groups are brazenly using Facebook to spread their inflammatory... Read More

#StandWithICE Aurora, Colorado - Part 2 - UPDATED; Statement from Aurora PD Added

Michelle Malkin •September 15, 2019

•1,400 Words

Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 11 AM – 2 PM MDT 3130 Oakland St, Aurora, CO 80010-1502, United States Coloradans, come join the next #StandWithICE support rally. SJW groups are marching on the facility, so it's time to show up again. Join fellow patriots State Representative Patrick Neville, Weld County Sheriff Steve Reams, and me... Read More

Live from Montgomery County Md.: Stop Sanctuary, Stand with ICE, End Open Borders

Michelle Malkin •September 13, 2019

•100 Words

This is what peaceful, patriotic citizens in Maryland are up against: I will be joining grass-roots patriots, Larry O'Connor, and special guests at 11am today on the steps of the Montgomery County, Md. government complex in Rockville. Stay tuned for live coverage.

7 Dem Debate Questions Jorge Ramos Won't Ask

Michelle Malkin •September 11, 2019

•900 Words

7 Dem Debate Questions Jorge Ramos Won't Ask by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 These are the rules of the militant open borders media: If you are a self-declared Donald Trump-hating "activist journalist" who works for an ethnic separatist TV network that unapologetically elevates illegal immigrants over American citizens, you get to be a... Read More

Stop Mental Health Data Mining of Our Kids...And Deplatform Google from Public Schools!

Michelle Malkin •September 4, 2019

•800 Words

Stop Mental Health Data Mining of Our Kids by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 No, no, no. Hell, no! That's my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans' "neurobehavioral signs" to (purportedly) prevent gun violence. President Donald Trump's old... Read More

Get Off the Sidelines: #StandWithICE

Michelle Malkin •August 28, 2019

•900 Words

Dear fellow patriots: It's time to stop making nice with those who are waging war on ICE. Are you sick of your neighborhoods being hijacked by law enforcement-bashing thugs who prioritize every last illegal immigrant over law-abiding families, workers and employers? Are you sick of do-nothing politicians promising to take action while well-funded and well-organized... Read More

Triggering the Google Social Credit System

Michelle Malkin •August 21, 2019

•900 Words

Triggering the Google Social Credit System by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 I learned last week from a Silicon Valley whistleblower, who spoke with the intrepid investigative team at Project Veritas, that my namesake news and opinion website is on a Google blacklist. Thank goodness the Big Tech giant hasn't taken over the newspaper... Read More

Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding the Wicked War on ICE?

Michelle Malkin •August 14, 2019

•700 Words

Open Borders Inc.: Who's Funding the Wicked War on ICE? by Michelle Malkin Creators SyndicateCopyright 2019 All the gun control zealots out in full force last week have apparently gone to the beach. An alarming shooting took place at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in San Antonio on Tuesday. Local media reported that... Read More

WARNING: How the VA "Red-Flags" Patriots

Michelle Malkin •August 7, 2019

•900 Words

WARNING: How the VA "red-flags" patriots by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Gun-grabbing crisis vultures just can't let the latest mass shootings go to waste. "Red flag" laws are now all the rage in the Beltway as the magic pill to prevent homicidal maniacs from wreaking havoc on the nation. Even President Donald Trump... Read More

NYC's Anti-Cop Anarchy: What Say You, Dante de Blasio?

Michelle Malkin •July 24, 2019

•900 Words

NYC's Anti-Cop Anarchy: What Say You, Dante de Blasio? by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Dante de Blasio is the son of Democratic New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has abandoned his crime-wracked city (but not his public office, tax-subsidized salary or perks) for a quixotic presidential bid to become America's social justice... Read More

Defund Lutherans for Open Borders Now! 7/20/19 UPDATE: LCMS Considers Resolution to "Commend" LIRS at International Conven...

Michelle Malkin •July 17, 2019

•1,000 Words

EXCLUSIVE UPDATE July 20, 2019 below! Defund Lutherans for Open Borders Now! by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 If you were shocked by the images of the Mexican flag flying over an Aurora, Colorado, immigration detention center this weekend, you'll be appalled at an even more disgusting spectacle: One of the top promoters of... Read More

Michelle Malkin •July 10, 2019

•800 Words

Epstein, Bean & Buck: The Democratic Donors' Sex-Creep Club by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Well, well, well. "Follow the facts," Democratic strategist Christine Pelosi now advises fellow liberals in the wake of billionaire and high-flying political financier Jeffrey Epstein's child sex trafficking indictment this week. Some of "our faves" could be implicated in... Read More

America Takes an Antifa Beating

Michelle Malkin •July 3, 2019

•900 Words

Exclusive: "GOD IS LOVE," "BUILD the WALL," "WALK AWAY," and "CHOOSE LIFE" Knitted Hats All Banned on Ravelry [PHOTOS]

Michelle Malkin •June 28, 2019

•200 Words

Following up on my syndicated column this week about the unraveling of the Trump-hating founders of knitting and crocheting website Ravelry.com, I have received several tips from conservative crafters who have been censored or banned from the site for the peaceful expression of their political views. As I reported, the purge has been taking place... Read More

Anti-Trump Crafters: A Decade-Long Unraveling

Michelle Malkin •June 26, 2019

•800 Words

Anti-Trump Crafters: A Decade-Long Unraveling by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Fun fact: I've been crocheting since I was 10, when my Tita Lisa taught me the magic of granny squares. Fellow yarn nerds will understand the heavenly bliss of spending hours at Hobby Lobby or Walmart immersed in a sea of alpaca, mohair,... Read More

Dear Oberlin: You Had It Coming...And You STILL Don't Get It!

Michelle Malkin •June 19, 2019

•1,000 Words

Dear Oberlin: You had it coming...and you STILL don't get it! by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 (PREVIOUS: A new victim in the war on small-biz bakeries and other Oberlin race hoaxes) As a right-wing alumna of far-left Oberlin College, I have four words for the administration in response to last week’s ground-breaking $11... Read More

Question: Did Ilhan Omar Commit Federal Tax Fraud?

Michelle Malkin •June 6, 2019

•100 Words

My column two weeks ago on Ilhan Omar’s Marriage Fraud Immunity Card mentioned the Minnesota state investigation of her use of campaign funds for personal expenses related to her divorce, plus other spending for out-of-state travel. The report was released today on her shady spending practices in response to Minnesota state Rep. Steve Drazkowski's complaints... Read More

From Convicted Murderer to Exoneree to Law Grad

Michelle Malkin •June 6, 2019

•900 Words

From Convicted Murderer to Exoneree to Law Grad by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 What would you do if you were falsely accused and convicted of a brutal rape and murder you didn't commit? How would you handle a violent maximum-security prison, sentenced 16 years to life, at age 17? And where would you... Read More

Revoke Ilhan Omar's Marriage Fraud Immunity Card

Michelle Malkin •June 6, 2019

•900 Words

If you are not a member of the Democrats' protected class of bitter loudmouths who hate America, you can be investigated and prosecuted for marriage fraud. The headlines have been filled with recent crackdowns. In Texas last week, 96 people were indicted on federal charges of conspiring to defraud our immigration system by arranging phony... Read More

DUH: HUD Housing Should Put Americans First

Michelle Malkin •May 22, 2019

•800 Words

DUH: HUD Housing Should Put Americans First by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 We no longer live in a constitutional republic. We live in an idiocracy. Only in modern-day America, under the Democratic-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, is the basic proposition that federally subsidized public housing should benefit American citizens and legal residents slammed... Read More

The Beltway Bidens: Creepy, Crooked, and NOT Just Like Us

Michelle Malkin •May 1, 2019

•900 Words

The Beltway Bidens: Creepy, crooked, and NOT just like us by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Now that Creepy Joe Biden thinks he has put to rest all the cringy questions about his grabby hands, he has reverted to one of his old-time shticks: middle-class Joe. Champion of the masses. Hero of the hoi... Read More

Beware Soros-Funded Hijacking of US Census

Michelle Malkin •April 23, 2019

•900 Words

Beware Soros-Funded Hijacking of US Census by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 "Are you a U.S. citizen?" Only in self-defeating, sovereignty-eroding America is the idea of asking whether people living in America are American citizens for the American census a matter of controversy. On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments on whether the... Read More

False Accuser Shaun Lying King's Record of Harm

Michelle Malkin •April 10, 2019

•900 Words

False Accuser Shaun Lying King's Record of Harm by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 This week, "journalist, activist and humanitarian" Shaun King will give a keynote speech at the annual Innocence Network conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The theme of the event, whose attendees work to prevent and undo wrongful convictions, is "The Presumption of... Read More

Nancy Pelosi's Perv Problem

Michelle Malkin •April 3, 2019

•800 Words

Nancy Pelosi's perv problem by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 If you're a sleazy male Democrat, you can always count on Nancy Pelosi to run interference for you and your pervy proclivities. While she has soaked up plaudits as a champion for women (most recently as the VH1 Trailblazer Honors recipient last month for... Read More

Crony State: Obamas' Chicago Fixer Tina Tchen

Michelle Malkin •March 27, 2019

•900 Words

Crony State: Obamas' Chicago Fixer Tina Tchen by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 How did hate crime huckster Jussie Smollett get away with it? All crooked roads in Chicago lead back to the Obamas. On Tuesday, as part of a sealed deal, the Illinois state attorney's office dismissed 16 felony charges brought by a... Read More

Never Forget: CAIR's Dirty Deeds

Michelle Malkin •March 20, 2019

•900 Words

Never forget: CAIR's dirty deeds by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 The Council on American-Islamic Relations is having a banner month. The militant Muslim group never lets a crisis go to waste. That means Americans should beware. When unappeasable CAIR is ascendant, our free speech rights, religious liberty and national security are at risk.... Read More

How to Protect Your Kids from Google Predators

Michelle Malkin •March 13, 2019

•900 Words

How to protect your kids from Google predators by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 The father of the World Wide Web is right: It's time to take back "complete control of your data." Tim Berners-Lee, who conceived the first internet browser 30 years ago this week, warned of its increasing threats to "privacy, security... Read More

Vaccine Skeptics Under Siege

Michelle Malkin •March 6, 2019

•800 Words

Vaccine skeptics under siege by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Watch out. Capitol Hill and Silicon Valley have locked their sights on the next targets of a frightening free speech-squelching purge: independent citizens who dare to raise questions online about the safety and efficacy of vaccines. I'm vaccinated. My children are up to date.... Read More

Missing Marizela: Eight Years

Michelle Malkin •March 5, 2019

•100 Words

Eight years ago today, my cousin Marizela ("Em Em") Perez disappeared from her college campus at the University of Washington in Seattle. I am sad to report that there is still no news on her whereabouts. Last summer, I finally received some documents in reply to a public records request about her case. But nothing... Read More

CPAC at the Bridge

Michelle Malkin •March 1, 2019

•1,900 Words

I've Been Silicon Valley Sharia-Ed

Michelle Malkin •February 26, 2019

•900 Words

I've been Silicon Valley Sharia-ed by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 Last week, the little birdies in Twitter's legal department notified me that one of my tweets from 2015 is "in violation of Pakistan law." It seems like ancient history, but Islamic supremacists never forget—or forgive. My innocuous tweet featured a compilation image of... Read More

Malkin's Handy History of Fake Noose

Michelle Malkin •February 20, 2019

•900 Words

Is it any wonder that American news consumers are at the end of their ropes of patience with the "mainstream media"? Three weeks ago, when I first documented troubling questions, contradictions and doubts about Trump-hating, attention-craving actor Jussie Smollett's absurd hate crime claims, few in the "professional" journalism herd paid heed. Now, with a grand... Read More

Lost, Buried, Burned: Oklahoma's Rape Kit Scandal

Michelle Malkin •February 13, 2019

•1,000 Words

Lost, Buried, Burned: Oklahoma's Rape Kit Scandal by Michelle Malkin Creators Syndicate Copyright 2019 If you are puzzled by the nationwide rape kit testing backlog, Oklahoma provides maddening insight on the bureaucratic forces that create intolerable inertia — and injustice. An estimated 225,000 rape kits have gone unprocessed across the country; more than 7,200 have... Read More

Michelle Malkin Archive - The Unz Review (2024)
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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.