Fort Collins Coloradoan from Fort Collins, Colorado (2024)

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mmmmBn'' VOLUME 3 NUMBER 49 COLORADO STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE AUGUST 12 1934 I Summer Session Calendar Aggie Women Lead in Grades Class Will Visit Denver OpportunitySchool The Dictation By GEORGE AVERY SrnnmerScIiool Activities Will End This Week Award Degrees To Twenty-two Friday Morning Around the Oval With BILL HUGHES Miss Katherine Barnes and Miss Helen Allen Colorado State college employee planned to epend Sunday in Estea Park Miss Barnes is employed at the extension office and Mias Allen Is employed at the pathology laboratory' Physical Education Students Enjoy Gypsy Party Gypslag from many states gathered at Ammons Hall last Thursday evening for a jolly time trailing over the campus while singing and dancing The appearance of a beautiful double rainbow in the sky proved to be good omen for starting the fun The following trait song way chanted all along the route: roam roam roam the trail Over hill and dale Merrily merrily ekkerie akkery That' our gypsy Near Ammons Hall the band of gypsies played you ever see a Gyfiey?" and in the After trailing down onto the oval the whole group danced "A Hunting We Will Go Further along the trail Ringer" and Fret are proved a challenge to their agility After climbing a few fences these gay gypsies found Toung women students at the Colorado Agricultural college again 1 lead young men in scholarship c-j cording to last semester' grade I averages for student groups Many changes in group averages have occurred -since the second semester of 1932-33 altho tha student body average remaine the eame Sigma Nu wins the fraternity scholarship plaque offered by Dean Arthur Johnson Gamma Phi Beta aojrorlty will be awarded the Pan-Hellenic scholarship cup for having the highest av erage for the past year The average for last semester compered with the corresponding semester a year ago ara announced by S- McCracken college registrar as follows: Second Semester Dr George Hambrecht summer session faculty member and clasa In Personnel Problems In Vocational Education plan to drive to Denver Monday In order that they may study ths methods of education used at the Opportunity School there which Is considered themselves in a shady grove of trees where many fires were brightly burning ready to roast fat wonrrs for a gypsy supper From the central fire came the strong aroma of hot coffee On a near-by table were the necessary supplies for preparing their supper and withouf further instruction the gypsies set to and cooked their food During the aupper hour and evening's program Gypsy Beatrice Wilson gave card readings for all who wished to know about their future After aupper there was singing around the fire followed by ghost stories told in a most gruesome way by Gypsy Louise MrBride A floral gift was presented to Gypsy Elizabeth Forbes by members of the third term recreational class as an expression of their appreciation Following the red lantern trail back over fences and other dangerous hazards the gypsies soon disappeared lojfcthe right from whenee they only the dying embers of their campfires gave niute evidence of the jolly conclav which they bad held ily residence west of here and was drowned Roosevelt Back At Desk Facing Host of Problems Sunday August 13 Mountain club trip to Bear Emerald and Dream Lakes near Estes Park Leave Administration building at 8 a Monday August 13 I Last meeting Qf year of Illinois club 8 at home of Mr and Mrs Schneider 402 Garfield street I Tuesday August 14 Mixed bridge party at TAI club hotise at 8 30 Industrial Aits club members and thetr partners also invited Phone Mel Hall at 775 Weekly TAI luncheon at club I house at noon Dr Charles A Lory is the speaker Thursday August 14 Lady Tic and 1A bridge party at A I club house at 2 Last dance of year of A 1 club at club house 830 Friday August 17 Informal graduation exerciaea for third unit at II 30 a in Ammons hall one of the beet schools of Its kind In the country i The tour which will begin at 10:00 i a Will be headed by Paul Essert pnncipal of the institution who will explain the various methods and divisions used Essert was I principal of Fort Collins high school i during the school term of 1930-31 rafter which he obtained a position at Denver been away from his desk 41 days Embraced within the scope of the urgent questions confronting the executive's personal attention are the widespread and devastaing drought labor troubles possible new courses for the alphabetical NRA and Latin American Issues preliminaries incident to the 1935 naval arms conference and many others Including: 1 Leslie Bean 1925 graduate of Colorado State colleget- the present time in charge of the federal forestry work in Missouri Is spending a few weeks in Fort Collins with his wife and daughter Bean supervises the forestry works in six national forests which are located in the heart of the Ozark mountains Four CCC camps sre stationed within this territory tha members of which keep busy by building roads buildings and telephone lines In addition to the regular forestry work Location of suitable agricultural land is one of the main features of the work at present While in Fort Cpllins -Mr and 111 Industrial arts education George Rounthwatte Kennedy Chicago 111 industrial arts education Vesta Smith Partens Kans home economics education Green Trimble Fort Worth Tex trade and industrial education Lola Wright Glendale Anz home economics education Maxtor of Arts Charles Van Orden Farnham Fort Collins educational administration FERA Payroll Biggest Under New Program The summer session of tha Colo rado Agricultural college for 1934 draws Into Its final week Tha third unit of the summer session will officially close Friday with final examinations being given in all classes Graduation exercises for students who have finished their work for degrees at the end of this unit will be held at 11-30 Friday morning in Ammons hall The TAI club activities will continue right thru the week President Charles A Lory of the college will speak at the noon luncheon of the club Tuesday discuss ing irrigation The club win sponsor a mixed bridge party at the club bouse at 8 30 Tuesday evening The lady Tice and IA ladles' will' hold' thetr weekly bridge party at 2:00 Thursday afternoon at the club house The last TAI dance of the year will be held et 8:30 Thursday night ht the club house at Laurel and Howes The Mountain club will hold lie-last trip of the summer Sunday to Emerald Dream and Bear lakes in the EXtes Park region The group will leave the Administration building at 8 a The Illinois club will hold Its last meeting of the year at 3 o'clock Monday night at the home of Mr and Mrs EL Schneider at 402 Gar-field street Students will begin to leave Fort Collins Immediately after completing their final examinations Friday Before the week end la over the campus will be almost deserted of the 229 students and thetr families who have been here during Jhla unit Authorised Eureka Berries Station repair ether makes Vacuus Cleaners also AH work guaranteed i arrls-Wamec FURNITURCtCOf President Roosevelt first stabilized the value of yellow money A day or two ago he established the price of white money and he tells us that these acts will maintain the price of green money Teachers the president is certainly" interested In the color of our money trade and industrial education Bachelor of Science Clara Marty Brill Trinidad home economics Alberta Conrad Taft Calif industrial education Lewis Herr man Denver Industrial education Barbara Ruth Lambert Fort Collins economics and sociology Eugene Little Fort Collins animal husbandry Frederick Norman Rhodes Calgary Alberta Canada Industrial education Clarence Waneka Lafayette botany Warren Wood Exeter Calif industrial education Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Frederick A Roebke Fort Collins no major Master of Science John Congdon Jr Fort Collins educational administration Robert David Dolley Jacksonville Fla trade and industrial education Morris Jones East St Louis the' car passed the truck and the farmer obtained the license number of the car reporting it to the sheriffs offiee in Greeley from where it was relayed to the sheriffs office here Mr Gooch accompanied by LJcyd Carsrud was on hand as a reception committee when the car and its 90 cents worth of potatoes reached home- Don Smock of Loveland 26 years old was arrested there Friday afternoon and placed in the county jail here on a charge of creating a disturbance He was said to have been prowllng around a Loveland home The Old Line Life Insurance company of America filed suit in district court Friday afternoon against Cochran and Mary Cochran to collect 8561 45 as the unpaid portion of a note with interest The complaint recites that a mortgage foreclosure and sale ofproper- ty in South Dakota last December satisfied 3405026 of an indebtedness of 3452623 and the suit is to Collect the balance Judge Claude Coffin In district court Friday afternoon granted' final decree of divorce to Lawrence Carr and awarded custody of a daughter Virginia Lucille CarV to the mother Mrs Ora Carr The mother also wss allowed 330 per month alimony and 320 per month additional for care of the daughter The Carrs wcie married Aug 23 1916 Under the college system of grading 3 is equivalent to A 2 Is equivalent to and 1 equal es of abducting her and forcing her to accompany him tp Yuma Arts in an attempt to make ber marry him The charges were dropped how ever when Dowling disclosed he and the complaining witness had been married Child 2 Drowns In Boulder Creek Boulder John William Weber 2 son of Mr and Mrs David Weber fell Into Boulder creek while playing near the fam Washington (AP)-Presi-dent Roosevelt tanned and invigorated from his 13000 miles of business pleasure travel! returned to the White House to grapple with a tary problems and last but not host of new deal problems He has least political matters Reciprocal tariff gotiatlons un- employment relief plana for next year government financing mone- payroll covering the past week of FERA projects In Larimer county totaled 3762110 the largest for any week since the new FERA setup began according to compilation made by Mi Marie Garwood of the relief offices realtor and farm "There is grave danger district will oversell the hay available and that Mr Ahlstrand said Twenty-two students will receive degree at the commencement exer-cteee at the end of the third three weeka unit ot the summer aeesion Friday The exercises will be informal with none of the for degrees wearing the traditional caps and gowns The exercises will begin at 11:30 a in Ammons hall President Charles A Lory will give a short address to the graduates and then present tbs degrees according to present plans Since the exercises will cut Into 30 minutes ot the class time which will be given over to final examinations Friday classes may begin that much early Friday morning or the morning classes may run over Into the afternoon The prospective candidates for degrees their home towns and majors are as follows: Bachelor of Education Victor Anderson Watertown Wis trade and industrial education Behrens San Antonio Tex trade and industrial education Conrad A Conley Tampa Fla trade and industrial education Richard James Johns Winnepeg Man Canada trade and industrial education Harold Wilson Louisville Ky Over Peck Of Trouble in These Potatoes Courthouse News Vcrner Schnepf 34 and Leon Peterson 21 both of Fort Collins were taken to Greeley Saturday morning by Weld county Deputy Sheriffs McMoan and Kline to face possible chargee of taking a sack of potatoes from the truck of a Weld county farmer They said they didn't need the potatoes and took the sack more as a stunt after their arrest in Fort Collins Friday night by Deputy Sheriff Carl Gooch Frank Anderson 22 of Dodge- vi He Wis who was riding with them at the time was exonerated of any blame by the other two and was released The sack of potatoes was taken from a truck of Greeley as Poundstone District Manager Mutual Life of Office: Residence 310 Alpert Bldg 621 Locust Phone 413 Pbon 1349 Painting Papering and Decorating Quality Painting for LESS Harms White 1379 1114-W New Gift Suggestions Chromium Plated Ware GLASS automobile plate window glass LAWNM0WERS sharpened repaired AWNINGS for store or house BICYCLE REPAIRING Fort Collins Glass Cycle Co 115 Remington Phone 1456 HZ How Our Employes Solicit Your Business EL Runge county relief administrator said that he hopes to be able to keep up this pace for the rest cf the month Four new projects that have got under way during the last week are Included in the payroll figures These are the improvement of the Fort Collins airport the assembling of data pertaining to public school Indebtedness et the office of County Superintendent Una Williams the building of an addition to the hydraulic laboratory on the campus of the Agricultural college and the painting of the buildings at the Colorado' Experiment station at the college The payroll for urban projects for the week Including those in Loveland and Fort Collins was 3609190 to 533 persona while the rural payroll for those projects outside Fort Collins and oveland was 31539 20 to 126 persons We take pride in what we Hope may be justly called a splendid organization It is our constant effort to take advantage of new ideas of sound value in order that our service be more efficient and satisfactory You will find these employes courteous friendly and anxious to give you the most excellent service each as a qualified expert in his respective line JOHN WALKER Assistant cashier and first teller Quick service on government bonds OLSEN Escrows and local collections A Outside collections both incoming and outgoing JASPER Your savings have always been safe with him DOMEIER WATSON MORRIS MILLER JOHN HARTMAN HAZEL SMITH MARGARET PLUMMER AND LOIS HAUGHEY are all just as careful and efficient in caring for your needs Mrs Bean and daughter are slaying at 225 Remington Hia out of state headquarters are at Rolls Mo Hay Scarcity Feared Thru Heavy Buying Greeley "All available hey in northern Colorado is being bought up by speculator and much of it ls-bging shipped from the country" according to Ahlstrand Greeley operator that the amount of a serious The Greeley man said he knew of deals Involving 400 tons and 1000 tons of alfalfa and that the number of inquiries showed that the movement is just starting Buyers are paying 312 a ton for good bay Mr Ahlstrand said that 320 a ton la already being talked for choice green alfalfa Mr Ahlstrand said no one could tell now what the boom in the price of hay may do to the winter feed ing industry a the feeding outlook si usual is very uncertain this early in the year He amid that buyers coming here say that northern Colorado is a real oasis la the drouth stiVken west Johnson Will Reduce NRA Personnel Washington (AP) Hugh Johnson Saturday notified NRA workers that the Blue Eagle organization had reached a point where personnel reduction must be made A notice in the nature of a personal letter went to all employ lo It Johnson said: "We are now confronted with the necessity of a slight reduction in personnel because the work that haa to be done has declined in volume but I -want you to know that I am laiylng down a rule that no person who ba been efficient in this organization shall be let go without a period of notice and this organization will endeavor to find other employment for those no longer needed" Johnson's notice went-out as NRA reached the day officially eet for the end of code-making and the beginning ot a new emphasis on code enforcement Officials said the present personnel approximated 3800 of which about 2300 were located in Washington One explanation advanced for Johnson' letter was that It was 'more in the nature of a reassurance that job were not insecure rather than a notice that any large number would lose their poets Dapper Romance Fades Divorce Sought Hollywood Thomas Rueeell attorney for Dowling announced her that the motion picture dance director and hi actress-aviatrix wife Marjorie Crawford will seek a divorce Mr Dowlln- -aid to have "gone away somewhere" M'RCTTTI Born of an aueged kidnap plot the romance of tha dapper Dowling end hie unusually attractive bride the former wife of William Well-man motion picture director apparently lasted little more than a month Miea Crawford became bride only a day or ao before the dance director was scheduled to go to trial In superior court on eharg- 6 tin plenty time to plant your window boxes and flower beds Complete assortment of targe heat thy plants Reasonably priced ESPELIM FLCm CO Store 117 Oak Phone 44C-W End of West Mountain Pbon 500 Glass and Awnings FOB EVERY PURPOSE Aato Claes Oar Specialty £3 Kta Phone 926 4 i A marriage license was issued' at the county clerk's office Saturday to Leonard Sweetman of Lae Animas end Miss Mary Ogden of Fort Collins A license was issued Friday to Victor Kllng and Miss Lydia Buderus both taking Loveland checks to that of Fort Collins City Saturday afternoon was as follows: Administrative 18 employes 3213 Nursing Loveland 4 employes 358 50 Garden project 16 employee 3177 NRS Office Fort Col line Loveland Estea Park 5 employes 360 Rerthoud roads 22 employes 330560 Wellington streets and alleys 11 employes 3124 District No 10 roads 23 employes 3285 60 Berthoud streets and alleys 6 employes 372 Grasshrpper eradication 9 employes 390 Roads adjacent to Loveland 14 employes 3168 Graveling college campus roada 25 employes 3255 Waverly district roada 14 employees 3185-National Guard Armory employes 87 Sewing Berthoud 7 employ 378 La port repairing roads 21 employes 3236 40 Library Fort Collins 2 employes 318 Repairing eity school buildings 11 employes 313950 Electric distribution system Loveland 23 employes 3276 Sewing Loveland 22 employes 3237 Fort Co'lina streets and alleys 23 employes 3256 Buckhorn road 45 employes 3493 Perk improvements Fort Collins 19 employes 3213 Sewing Fort Collins 29 employes 3296 Roads about Loveland Devil's Gulch 100 employes 31012 Loveland streets and alleys 21 employes 3234 Woodyird Fort Collins 12 employes 3129 Repairing rural schools 19 employes 3340 Sugar beet research CAG employes 3135 Roads adjacent to Fort Collins 34 employes 338h Tax Survey CAC 14 employes 3198 School Dist No 63 new school 9 employes 313030 Grasshopper poisoning 9 employes 384 Building and repairing furniture for needy 1 employe 324 Roads Wellington 10 employes 312a Roads Red Mountain 9 employe 310640 Fort Collins Airport 29 employee 332L Assembling Data in County Office 1 employe 39 Building addition to Hydraulic laboratory CAC 1 employee 324 buildlngs'cSlllg experiment station 4 employee 34050 Information on the California old-age pension plan will be provided the public at a meeting at 7 30 o'clock Monday night in the district court room A Cross of Denver will come to Fort Collins to explain the plan McLeod county relief director Is on a week' vacation and iiiss Bernice 8chultx her assistant is looking after the office The payroll which was distributed Saturday Ted Stewart auditor SPECIAL FOR MONDAY pr' We realize that so-called high-pressure account getting campaigns obtain only temporary results Our employes are actually prohibited from directly soliciting business for that reason But we 'do want tve do appreciate the opportunity to serve you We feel arid our employes feel that the best way to achieve our objective is to say it with alert interested intelligent effort to please you Poudre Valley National Bank Of Fort Collins Our 56 years of continuous service justifies your complete confidence inti All Colors Cares Stands to match IDEAL FURNITURE CO 217 Linden Street i A rV a 1 rniHiiiilUM TTbili amlw.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

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Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.