Death Comes Calling - krebsnach (2024)

Chapter 1

Chapter Text

"Tulsa's most controversial Homicide detective returned to work just
yesterday after being on an administrative leave for over a year while he....."

He snapped the TV off with a satisfied smile on his face. Kane was back and now the game could really start. He had started his work 3 years ago with just the goal of cleansing the city of filth. Then a little of a year ago a handsome homicide detective blazed across his TV screen with all the bravado of Steve McQueen. Instantly fueling a hatred he had for men who had the world swooning at their feet with their effortless manliness. Awaited the ruling of a grand jury inquire on police brutality charges lodgedagainst Kane by the family of reputed drug dealer and pimp Joseph 'Biggie Joe' Peterson. Who suffered a sever brain injury when he was arrested for the murder of Kane’s partner Steve Carlson. The grand jury found that Peterson caused his own injury
when he dove out a third story window running from Kane. Detective Christian Kane returned to work only to find himself once again in the middle of a media frenzy case. The murders of 9 young male and female prostitutes over the past 3 years. The most recent body was found early this morning was found decomposing in the dismantled playground of a closed elementary school in the west Tulsa area.

The half Cherokee detective wasn’t afraid to break the rules to get his man. The man had as many commendations at he did disciplinary actions. He wore his hair long brushing his shoulders, dressed more like a construction foreman then a cop. Often wearing silver and turquoise wrist cuffs and Native American choker. With cerulean blue eyes and compact muscular build Kane was ruggedly sexy . Kane was everything his mother had looked for in a man. And everything he hated swaggering through life like he owned the world. Bringing the down fall of Christian Kane would be his crowning achievement.

Christian Kane looked around the grown over play ground where he had played as a child. No longer were there monkey bars, swings, or slides. Just broken asphalt over run by weeds adjacent to a empty red brick building with broken out and boarded up windows. The hot late summer sun and humidity left stench of decomposing flesh hanging in the air. The young preteen boy had been out there long enough for the sun to almost turn his skin into beef jerky. He was a street kid who hustled the west end walk. One of the patrol man recognized the kids clothes. Brandon Amory was all of 13 and been on the streets since he was ten years old.

"He is the youngest?" Christian asked squatting down next to the body welling himself not to gag from the smell.

"Nope. Close but no. The youngest was the third girl found last year. Margaret Tooms she was 11.” the patrol man said.

Christian swore. He hated when the case involved young kids. They were innocents even the one who lived on the streets. They never deserved what happed to them. There was cooper wire wrapped around the boys neck, duct tape bound his hands around his back. His jeans and underwear were around his ankles. “I want to know as soon as possible if there is any DNA found.” he said giving the EM a cold don’t f*ck with me stare.

“I am going to bump anything we have on the back burner and do his autopsy as soon as we get the body back to the morgue. I’ll also send you the files on the other 8 victims.” the forensic pathologist Dr. Aldis Hodge was young but well on his way to being the next Joe Bodin or Henry Lee. “I am glad your back and on this case Chris. This bastard needs to be taken down. And you always get you man.”

“That is my intention Hodge,” Chris said walking away to see what the Crime Scene Unit had.

Aldis had confidence that Christian Kane would bring the killer down if it took until his last breath on earth. Kane was the best detective Tulsa ever had. He wasn’t sure how well Kane would function without Steve. Steve Carlson was more then Chris work partner they were soul mates in the truest sense of the word. Steve kept Chris grounded, he was able to keep temper, wildness in check. But now Chris was on his own and they all would have to wait and see if he could keep from going over the edge.

Crime Scene Investigator Chad Michael Murray was snapping photos of the area around the body before Riley Smith the second tech started to collect the evidence. Cigarette butts, cans, bottles and other trash that might useful. Beth Riesgraf was making plaster cast of foot prints and tire marks. Since the school and playground had been abandon for years there was a large amount of debris laying around.

Taking the camera away from his face Chad looked at the reinstated detective. “What I want to know is how come the body wasn’t found sooner, Sure this place in a little over grown but still the weeds and aren’t that tall that you could see a body laying here.”

Chris had been thinking the same thing, From decomp the body had been there a while. The street the school was on was a fairly busy one. “Yeah that one has me stumped too,”

It had been a city bus drive who called the police about the body. He had just picked up a rider on the corner. Who apparently saw nothing, The bus drive who drove that same street Monday thru Friday at the same time said he hadn’t noticed it until that morning. Which begged the question was the playground a second dump sight?

Screaming from just beyond the fence a long the edge of the playground got everyone’s attention. “Detective Kane ruined my sons life! He should be in prison. The only reason he isn’t is because District Attorney Ackles of a flaming fa*ggot and sucking Kane’s filth Indian co*ck!” Joseph Peterson’s mother shouted from the street. Of course she had a TV reporter along with her holding a mic in her face.

Genevieve Cortez looked beyond the policy tape at Homicide Detective Christian Kane. She resisted the urge to fan herself. The man really should be illegal. Turning to her camera man to see if he was still filming. “ Ms. Peterson after the ruling of the grand jury what is your next step in you case? Are you mounting some sort of protest against the Tulsa PD at the crime scenes?”

“That f*cker right there. He should be in jail for what he did to my Joseph. Not work on the Police Department like he didn’t throw an innocent man out a third story window.” Ms. Peterson pointed at Christian Kane. “I am filing a civil suit against Christian Kane and the Tulsa Police Department and the Tulsa District Attorney’s Office.”

Christian had started to walk toward the fence when his new partner Jared Padalecki stopped him. “Probably better if you stay away from Mama Peterson. I’ve got it.”

Jared Padalecki had transferred from the San Antonio PD around the same time Steve was killed and Christian was placed on administrative leave. Chris didn’t know the kid to well but he seem to a good detective and a stand up guy. And apparently he gives great head to hear Jensen talk. While Christian was out Jared Padalecki had struck up a relationship with the incredibly beautiful, shy and reserved District Attorney. The kid seemed to be good for Jensen bringing him out of his shell.

One of the uniforms followed Jared over to the two women. "Ladies. I am going to have to have you move away from the crime scene tape. Preferably across the street." Jared crossing his thickly muscled arms over his broad chest his grey short sleeve Henley stretching taut. Standing an impressive 6'6 with rich chocolate brown hair just long
enough to curl and wave and fox shaped hazel brown eyes. Jared could have easily graced the cover of any hunk of the month calendar.

"Why is Kane afraid of the public finding out he is a co*ck sucking fa*ggot murderer?" Ms. Peterson snarled.

"And who exactly did Detective Kane murderer?" Jared asked his head co*cked to the side.

"My son. My Joseph is dead in everything but body. It wasn't proven that my son shot his precious partner Carlson too death. How do we know it wasn't really Kane who killed him?"

Cortez jumped forward sticking her microphone in Jared's face. "May I ask who you are sir and is there any merit to Ms. Peterson claim that Detective Kane may have killed Detective Steve Carlson."

Jared stepped forward glaring at the petite brunette. "I am Detective Jared Padalecki I am Detective Kane's partner. And if I thought for one second that he killed Steve I'd have his ass in cuffs right now." Looking at Ms. Peterson. "Ms. Peterson go take care of your son before I arrest you for causing a disturbance at my crime scene." Jared turned
sauntering back over to where Chris was practically being pinned to the EM van by Chad and Aldis.

"Let me go!" Christian fought against their hold. Jared push both men aside and shoved Chris back himself. "Calm the f*ck down first dick head." Thunder storm blue glared at flinty hazel neither man willing to give an inch. "Fine. Fine. Let go you big freakin' Yeti."

A dark burgundy Chrysler 300 came to a stop along the curb in front of the crime scene. It wasn't his usual thing to actually going out to the scene. But his mission was twofold. Help with a profile of their killer and provide the Department with a psychological evaluation of Homicide Detective Christian Kane. That fact coupled with the fact that he was a FBI profiler will probably get him the same reaction as a whor* sneaking into church. Doctor Jeffrey Dean Morgan took a deep breath before stepping out the car. He flashed his FBI badge at the uniform who just glared lifting the tape. He walked casually over too where there seemed to be a battle of wills between a giant Great Dane and a snarling pissed off pit bull.

"Detectives Padalecki and Kane right?" Jeffrey asked digging a cigarette out of his front shirt pocket lighting up.

Both detectives looked at him. "Yeah. What does the FBI want agent??" Jared asked letting Chris go.

"Special Agent Jeffrey Dean Morgan I am profiler with the Behavioral Science Division. I also have decorate in psychology." Jeff offered his hand.

"Jared Padalecki. Shorty here is Christian Kane." Christian slapped him in the back of the head. Jeff chuckles as Jared rubbed his head. "I am so telling Jen you smacked me." Jared pouted.

"Oh big baby going to have his boyfriend beat me up. Jenny was my boy long before your big ass came to town." Jared stuck his tongue out at him.

Observing the relationship Jeff saw that even losing a partner in the manner he had Kane was still able to let someone decidedly younger in. Which was a good sign that the detective was more stable then the brass thought he was. Jeff took a drag on his cigarette the look on Christian’s face told him the detective was having a nicotine fit. “Want a stick?” Jeff asked shaking a cigarette out of his pack.

Christian snatched it quickly along with the offer of a lighter. “Thanks left mine in the car. Thank you.”

“You two are just going to stand there and pollute my air.” Jared pouted with a mock glare.

Jeff laughed “Ah come on Puppy don’t be like that. Papa will take you for ice cream later.” Chris threw back his head laughing. “Doctor FBI is a kinky bastard.”

Jared leaned over leering at Jeff. “Anytime Papa wants to play me and Jen are game.”

Aldis came back over. “Hate to break up the little laugh fest gentlemen but I am ready to load the body into the van if FBI dude wants get a look at the victim.”

Crouching down next the victim Jeff scanned that whole body taking in each injury, the placement of the body, the ligature used, how the hands were bound. Everything had a meaning to the killer. Every piece was chosen with much consideration. Getting up Jeff circled the body taking in the area around it. How the weeds lay flattened by the victim being dropped first then dragged just inches to were it currently lay. “How did you end up here kiddo?”


Chapter 2


Title: Death Comes Calling 2/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started.

ALERT! ****some may find below descriptions offensive******

Chapter Text

The game had some new players giving him a thrill of new excitement. Not only did he have the man he had been waiting for Detective Kane and a FBI Profiler named Jeffrey Dean Morgan. He would have to step up a little but he loved a challenge.

He sat in his non descript sedan watching. The west end was populated with mostly hookers and drug dealers. He hated to be a cliché but those of the lowest echelon of society did make it so easy for a top predator like himself to prey on them. He looked passed the 20 something whor* who looked 40 something to still a little fresh faced Hannah Montana look alike who caught him staring and gave him a finger wave. Smiling back he motioned her to come over.

The largest conference room in Homicide had been commandeered as the 'Kid Killer' task force base. The pictures of each of the victims hung on a white board. 5 desks surrounded the walls in the middle was an oval 6 foot table with open files scattered across the top. Homicide Captain Jim Beaver leaned against one of the desks listening to Jared bring Chris and the Fed up to speed on the case. Already 3 years open.

It had taken 2 ½ years for them to see the pattern in the murders of street kids. Not something Beaver was proud of. But with Kane out on administrative leave and Carlson cold in the grave his two best were taken out the equation. Padalecki hadn't joined until 6 months after Steve was killed. The large Texan was the one who started to make the connections and pushed for the task force. Jim wondered if the kid was really going to step aside and let Kane run the show.

"The victim's photos are in chronological order. The autopsies on the table in order."

Victim 1: Chloe Brady age 17 Pawnee Indian and Black. Run away part time prostitute and exotic dancer. Found lay face down in a vacant field adjacent to the bus depot. Strangled with a cooper wire, hands bound with duct tape behind her back, underwear around her ankles. She was sodomized. No sem*n was collected, spermicide present.

Victim 2: Tommy Castro age 14 Hispanic. Lived with mother in a battered women's shelter hustled to get money to pay for meager $25 rent charged by the archdiocese to stay at the shelter while his mother received job training. Found laying face down strangled with cooper wire on the far end of a parking lot behind the women's shelter. He had spermicide in his mouth and anus his hands were bound behind him with duct tape pants and underwear down around his knees.

Victim 3: Margaret Tooms age 11 Mulatto. Runaway only on the streets for a few weeks when she was found face down outside storage facility cooper wire wrapped around her neck, hands bound behind her back with duct tape. Panties pulled off tossed next the body. Tooms also had numerous finger shaped bruises on her thighs and buttocks. Spermicide found in her vagin*.

Victim 4: Jason Rickert 17, Caucasian. Mentally challenged man who was a day laborer and part time hustler. Often living under a hwy over pass when there was no room at the homeless shelter. Found face down 50 yards from his hwy underpass home cooper wire around his neck. Hands bound behind him with duct tape. Spermicide found in his rectum which was ruptured.

Victim 5: Matt Buckner 15 Caucasian. Run away on the streets since he was 9 string of juvenile arrests for truancy, shop lifting, and prostitution. Kicked out of numerous foster homes. Found face down in a vacant lot on the north side of Tulsa. Strangled with cooper wire, severely beaten, hand bound behind his back with duct tape pants down around his knees no sexual assault present.

Victim 6: Amy Saers 15 Asian and Black. Run away prostitute addicted to Meth on the streets since the age of 10. Two drug arrests. Found face down cooper wire around her neck hands bound behind her with duct tape. Nude from the waist down. Spermicide found in her vagin*, mouth and anus.

Victim 7: Tina Greyhawke 13 full Cherokee Indian. Run away from North Carolina. She had come to Tulsa with her mother following the mother's abusive trucker boyfriend. Reportedly trying to hitch hike her way back to her grandmothers in North Carolina but never made it further then the Tulsa city limits trading sex for rides. Found face down in the weeds next to a rest stop strangled with cooper wire hand bound behind her with duct tape shorts down around her ankles Spermicide in her anus and mouth.

Victim 8: Shauntell Williams 12 Black. Run away from every foster home she had been in after her mother abandon her at the age of two. Part time prostitute and drug runner for a local gang. Found face down behind a liquor store cooper around her neck hand bound behind her with duct tape her jeans down around her ankles. 6 broken ribs Spermicide found in her mouth and vagin*.

Victim 9: Brandon Amory 13 Caucasian. Run away on street since he was 10. Hustled sometimes lived at the hwy underpass as Rickert. Been arrested once for breaking into the homeless shelter kitchen. Found face down cooper wire around his neck hands bound behind him with duct tape, jeans around his ankles Spermicide was found in his anus and mouth. He also had a broken pelvis.

Jeff took a sip of his now cold coffee. "Well our killer doesn't seem to be a racists or sexist. He is all over the board. Victims are both male and female. White, Black, Native America, Hispanic, Asian, mixed. All street kids none so far over the age of 18 who sometimes hooked." Jeff paused a minute. The rest of room looked at him like he just grew a second head. “Well that’s great. I am sure Gloria Steinem and the boys at the Southern Poverty Law Center will pin medals on the him before he’s executed. Hate to think we had a killer that wasn’t equal opportunity.” Chris grossed.

Looking at the photos Jeff pictured the victims alive. Living their lives as best they could manage. Each even the youngest had lost their childhood to a world that didn’t seem to care about them long before they met the man who ended their lives. Was there anything about him that tipped them off they were in danger? A couple seemed to have gave one hell of a fight before dying. “Really the things the victims had in common before meeting up with the killer was being street kids. Street wise and hardened by life. These kids knew how to survive on the street even Rickert could spot a bad trick a mile away. Our guy doesn’t seem threatening at least in the beginning. There has got to be another reason he is picking who he is picking.”

“Went to school all those years to come up with that little tidbit. Have to tell you seems like a waste cash Papa.” Jared opened a bottle of water taking a drink. Jeff just flipped the younger man off.

Chris stepped up next to Jeff who was engrossed in the photos tacked to the white board. Crossing his arms Chris let his should brush Jeff’s. “So what do you see that we aren’t Papa?”

“Nothing. Nothing.” Jeff growled frustrated his head had started to throb rubbing his temple.

Jim stood up looking at his watch that ready 11:45pm. “Well I say we call it a night. Give it a fresh look in the morning. Morgan you staying in town?”

“Yeah. I am good.” Jeff said letting his eyes drift over Chris.

Jared was on his cell before Jim finished speaking. “Hey baby. I am on my way home.” Jim left right after him leaving only Jeff and Chris in the room.

“You know any place I can get a nice rare steak and a beer Kane?” Jeff asked trying to sound causal. Wanting to go home with handsome volatile detective was the worst idea Jeff ever had. But he wanted, need to get to know the man behind the intense blue eyes.

“That’s one hell of a fishing expedition Papa. You looking to get an invite to my place tonight?” Chris asked tilting his head a little.

“Does your place have a rare steak and cold beer?” Jeff asked with a smirk.

“It very well might. Guess you will have to see when you get there. I have the 57 Ford pickup.” Chris said walking out of the room.


Chapter 3


Title: Death Comes Calling 3/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

He threw his Hannah Montana girl face down on the cracked asphalt of the abandoned drive in theater. Her forehead bounced off the ground knocking her out and spoiling his fun. With a growl of disgust he wrapped the copper wire around her neck. Pulling her thong panties aside he lined his aching hard co*ck with her still warm puss*. It only took a few minutes for him to cum, which pissed him off even more. "f*cking c*nt!" Jamming the bottle of spermicide into her he squirted the whole thing into her. Taking the crumbled note out his pocket he shoved it into her mouth.

Turned out Christian didn't have steak at home. They settled for some scrambled eggs and toast. After they ate Jeff didn't seemed to incline to leave and go to his hotel. Chris found he really didn't want the man to leave. Standing up "It's really late why don't you sack out here. The couch is pretty comfortable."

Jeff looked up at the blue eyed man. Thick mass of russet brown hair just begging for Jeff grip in his fists. Reaching up grabbing Chris by the wrist yanking him down on his lap. Thrusting his big hands in that hair. "Tell me you want me to kiss you sweetheart." Dark brown eyes looked deep into blue.

"God yes Papa." Christian lean forward wrapping his arms around Jeff's neck. The tickle of Jeff's salt and pepper beard was new for Chris. Steve was a fanatic about shaving. Jeff's face was handsome rough; his kiss was darkly sensual and all consuming. Steve's face had been sweet and smooth he kissed with reverence and a smile. Jeff demanded Chris let
him in his tongue thrusting deep. Steve had asked. Jeff gripped Chris's hair tight holding him exactly where he wanted him. Steve had stroked gently letting Chris lead the way.

Pulling Christian's head back Jeff growled kissing and nibbling his way along the tan corded muscles of Chris's neck. "Taste good baby like spicy oranges." Jeff let his chin scratch along the curve of the boys shoulder before returning to the tempting kiss swollen lips.

Chris closed his eyes wanting to go with the feeling. The vision of Steve lying in the dirty alley blood soaking his shirt. His glacier blue eyes going dull and lifeless as Chris begged him to hold on. Tears started to slide down his cheeks. Chris pulled back getting up wiping his face. "I am sorry Jeff. I can't do this right now. I don't. sh*t! I am sorry." Chris left almost running from the room.

Not turning on his bedroom light Chris went right into his bathroom splashing cold water on his face. "Jesus I am so f*cked up."

Jeff got up following slowly behind Chris. He walked into the bedroom closing the door slipping his shoes off he started to unbutton his shirt. He had no intention of having sex with Christian right now. But he was going sleep holding the smaller man let Chris get used to having him wrapped around him.

Emerging from the bathroom his own shirt off Christian stopped short seeing Jeff's bare chest in the middle of his bedroom. "Told you I couldn't do this." Christian crossed his arm defensively. If Jeff was going to push he was going to knock the Fed on his sexy ass.

"And I respect that Christian you are not ready yet." Jeff came closer so he was standing just inches from Christian. "But I am going to sleep in that bed with you tonight. I am going to hold you. Steve has been gone a long time. I am here Christian and I am not going anywhere." Jeff cupped his face kissing his lips softly before stepping back. "I sleep
in my boxers. That ok with you?" Christian just nodded. Chris lay down on his side Jeff wrapped around him from behind pulling him snuggly back against his bigger body. He laced their fingers together kissing Chris's neck. "Good night sweetheart."

Getting dragged out of bed even if that bed was a bunk in the county at the crack of dawn to do community service wasn't Terrill Camps idea of fun. The van had 3 other county jail inmates who were also sentenced to a month in jail and 20 hours of community service. They were going to be picking up trash at an abandon Drive in lot. They all piled out and were handed plastic garbage bags and long handled tongs to pick up trash. Terrill went to start by the dilapidated faded white screen. Tripping over the cracked asphalt he stumbled. "Son of a bitch!"

"JESUS! f*ckING CHRIST! Guard!" One of the other inmates screamed backing away from what looked like from a distance a pile of clothes.

Guard Clarence Shelby walked over. "What the hell you yelling about Lawtell?" he stopped cold seeing the body of a young teenage girl lying on the ground. Turning to the other guard. "Get everyone back in the van. We have a body out here." Shelby got out his cell phone dialing 911.

Jared Padalecki was lazily licking his way down Jensen Ackles back mapping each pale gold freckle that scattered across his lover's skin. His big hands cupped the perfect globes of Jensen's firm ass. Jensen moaned sleepily letting his legs fall open. Moving up nestling between Jensen's legs Jared kissed his ear. "Good morning beautiful."

Before Jensen could say good morning back Jared's cell erupted with Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive. Jared groaned dropping his head between Jensen's shoulder blades. Reaching out he grabbed his cell. "Padalecki." Jared sat up jumping out off Jensen. "Where? sh*t that's as far as you can get without leaving the city limits. You call Kane? No. I'll call him." Jensen sat up waiting for Jared to get done on the phone.

"They found another body out at the old Drive In on the edge of town." Jared said already heading to the bathroom to take a quick shower. "Can you call Kane? I'll meet him at the scene."

Christian snuggled back into the warmth behind him. He was caught just between waking and dreamland and for once since his lover had died Christian didn't dream about Steve dying in his arms. The tickle of Jeff's beard against his neck and the tightening of arms around him made Christian feel oddly protected.

The shrill of tweeting birds coming from Christian's cell startled them both fully awake. Christian slapped his hand on the night stand until he felt the device. Peeking with one eye he saw that it was Jensen calling. "Hey Jen."

Jeff grumbled as Christian sat bolt upright on the bed. That couldn't be a good sign. Aaron Neville singing 'Born Under a Bad Sign' came from the vicinity of his pants draped over the chair in the corner. Getting out of bed Jeff fished his Iphone out of his pants. "Morgan. I sacked out at Kane's his couch is way more comfortable then the hotel mattress." Jeff's eyes locked with Chris's. "sh*t this guy is ramping up. He just cut his cooling off period from months to hours."

Christian was pulling on his jeans "Tell me this is just a normal serial killer thing. They all jump their time in between like this."

"Sorry but no this is unusual. Something happened to amp this guy up." Jeff pulled his pants on heading for the door.

“Hey Papa not that I don’t enjoy the view but aren’t you forgetting something?” Christian asked with a soft laugh.

“My bag is my car. Never made it to the hotel to check in. They probably gave my room away.” Jeff said with a smile.

“Good thing I have a empty spot in my bed then.” Christian walked up to the man who held him all night just like he promised cupping his face he looked into Jeff’s fathomless dark eyes. “Thank you for last night.” Christian kissed his smiling lips.

The arrived at the Drive In the same time Jared did with a tag along Assistant District Attorney Ackles. The EM van came to a screeching halt next to them. Aldis was already putting on his latex gloves. Chad was already snapping pictures Riley collecting anything around the body. Beth crouched down next to the body. “sh*t this kid looks like that girl on Disney the singer chic.” “Hannah Montana, Mylie Cyrus.” Chad said taking the camera from his face.

Aldis knelt down “There’s something in her mouth.” He grabbed a twissers from his bag.

“What is it?” Jared asked. Aldis pulled the paper out of the victims mouth. “Paper.”
He carefully opened it. “Kane! Morgan! Your going to want to see this.” Aldis yelled.

The paper was a news paper clipping about the last body found with a picture of Christian and Jeff standing together. Written red marker. “Every game has opposing players. Now I have worthy challengers. The FBI’s best and brightest and Tulsa’s favorite bad boy cop.”


Chapter 4


Title: Death Comes Calling 4/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
\Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Genevieve Cortez was looking at the footage that her camera man Michael Weatherly had shot for her piece on the teenage prostitute murders. He had spent a day on the west end getting filler shots. Watching all the young kids on the street hopping in and out of strangers cars was making her want to cry it was so sad. Suddenly the camera zoomed in on the face of the latest victim found at the Drive In. Gen sat up pausing the clip.
"Michael! Michael! Get in here!" she yelled.

Michael wandered into the production room "What's up Princess?" He looked at what was on the monitor. "Where did you get that?"

"It's the filler shots you took. Why did you zoom in on the latest victim?"

"That's not the footage I took. Mine was mostly day shots. Nothing past noon. That looks about maybe 6p to 8p." he went over to his equipment popping the tape he took out of his camera. "Here is mine." Michael put it into the other video player. The day time footage showed what only could be called the lunch rush on the west end.

"This tape was sitting on my desk when I got in this morning it was marked filler footage." She pressed play again and the scene changed to Detective Christian Kane standing in the cemetery presumably at the grave of partner Steve Carlson. Then it changed again to news footage of Kane emerging from the court room after testifying for the Grand Jury.

Michael reached over ejecting the tape. "We have to get this the cops." Gen snatched it back from him. "The hell we do. We give them this and we never see it again." Gen was already envisioning a new job with CNN or MSNBC. Michael grabbed her by the arm taking the tape back. Glaring at her he left the room.

Jeff was looking through all the files again looking for when the killer started to fixation on Christian. He had already ruled out that killer was fixed on himself. No the only reason Jeff had been included was that he was now close to Christian in a way his partner Jared Padalecki wasn't. The first 4 murders had the feel of the killer wanting eliminate
so called 'Throw away kids.' "What day was Steve killed?" Jeff asked the room not looking at Christian, but he was the one who answered "April 20 2008." "When were you suspended?" "May 15 2008." "When did the Grand Jury convene?" "December 2008." "When did you testify?" "March 12 2009." "And you returned to work officially 8/17; the news paper article came out 8/19."

"So what are you getting at Jeff?" Christian asked

"Time line." Jeff laid out each picture with a post it on with the date of death of each victim.

Chloe Brady - 6/1/2006
Tommy Castro - 11/29/2006
Margaret Tooms - 2/27/2007
Jason Rickert - 5/11/2007

"Ok the first 4 were random two in 2006 another two in 2007. The pattern changes in 2008."

Matt Buckner - 4/20/2008 also marks the death of Steve Carlson.
Amy Sears - 5/15/2008 also the day Christian Kane is suspended and a
Grand jury investigation announced.
Tina Greyhawke - 12/4/2008 also the day the Grand Jury convenes.
Shauntell Williams - 3/12/2009 also the day Christian testifies at the Grand Jury.
Brandon Amory - 8/16/2009 also the day Christian is reinstated
Kara Peabody - 8/19/2009 Christian and Jeff appear in the news paper.

“Holy f*ck! Why didn’t I see that before?” Jared cursed himself. He had been living this case since he came to the Tulsa PD. Mr. FBI Profiler waltz’s in bam he sees it.

“Nothing for you to big guy. I didn’t see until the note. I’ve been a profiler for over 10 years kid. The question is why you didn’t see it. The question is why Christian?” Jeff leaned back in the his chair looking at the man in question.

Was it sexual? Did the killer have a dark lust for his blue eyed boy? Was he seeking Christian’s respect? Was he in some sort of macho pissing with him. Did he want Christian to pay for some transgression?”

Jensen looked at the photos. “Ok Steve’s death is a catalyst for the our guy to switch up his game plan. It was the first time Christian was ever featured in the news. Every one of this deaths coincide with some major news event involving Christian Kane.” Jensen looked to Jeff for confirmation that he was on the right track.

“That’s what I see too.”

The knock on the conference door stopped Jeff for elaborating.

Homicide Captain Jim Beaver came in followed by a dude wearing a back wards baseball hat and a t-shirt that said ‘Don’t worry I am professional’ with a fat bald guy in a ratty bathrobe drinking a beer. “This is Michael Weatherly he is a camera guy for channel 7 News.” Jim introduced him.

“Sorry we aren’t doing any interviews.” Chris said crossing his arm giving the man a glare.

“Not here for a interview. I left the talking sh*t to the Princess. I have a tape that was placed on Genevieve Cortez’s desk. Theirs is stuff on it with Kane.” Weatherly handed Jared the tape.

The first image that came up was hooker working the west end. Then a break before you saw Christian at Steve’s grave, the at the court house. “Where did you get this?”

“Like I said it was left on one of reporters desk. I don’t know where is came from. Cortez was all set to play on the news tonight.” Michael hoped the cops got his meaning. Gen was one persistent bitch.

“So I am f*cking being stalked.” Christian snarled.


Chapter 5


Title: Death Comes Calling 5/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

He sat in front of his TV waiting for the news to come on. He had delivered the tape in enough time the little reporter girl should be able to get it on the air. His phone started to ring. "sh*t. Hello." He picked up his phone.

"Sir this is Maggie from the nursing home. Your mother is asking for him again. She is very agitated this evening." She felt a little guilty calling but the night was getting boring. It only took one question to get Helena worked up. Then per written instructions her son was to be called. He would come sooth his mother and give Maggie some man candy
to flirt with. Helena's son Luther was gorgeous.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes." He snarled slamming the phone down.

Maggie smile winking at one of the other nurses. She went over to where Helena sat in her wheel chair staring out the big bay windows. "Helena. Helena honey. I have some good news for you. Buck just called and he just pulled into town and will be here in 20 minutes or so." Helena Anderson was barely 50 years old but was suffering dementia do to untreated Syphilis she contracted 10 years before. She required
constant care.

Helena hummed rocking slightly. "Of course he is coming girly. My Buck always comes home." Helena found it hard sometimes to remember things but she remembered her Buck. His dark blue eyes, his smile, his hands. His hands were incredible strong and sure, rough and gentle. Her Buck knew how to use them too. "Hey girly! You take little Luther for me won't you? Me and Buck will need some sweet time." Maggie smiled nodding
before going back to the nurse's station. "Oh I'll take care of little Luther and big Luther alright."

He looked into the mirror checking the color of his eyes. No longer were they the deep ash brown of his mothers. The man who looked back at him had cerulean blue eyes, he was someone he never knew. A man he despised. Rolling the cuffs up on the blue flannel shirt he grabbed his keys locking the door as he left. Six minutes later he was walking into Helena wing at the nursing giving the nurses a flirty wink striding confidently over to where his mother sat in her wheelchair.

"Hey there my sweet Helena." He leaned down kissing Helena's cheek. Helena's eyes lit up she pulled Buck down into an intimate kiss that made the rest of room occupants uncomfortable.

They were all eating the dinner Jim had brought in for them discussing the footage Weatherly had given them. Jeff's cell ring like cathedral church bell. Getting up he left the room to answer it.

"Agent Morgan. This is Commissioner Henley. How is your evaluation of Detective Kane coming?" Henley was one of few detractors of Homicide detective. Kane was
loose cannon he didn't need in his Police Department.

"My evaluation will be on your desk when I have time to write it up Commissioner. I am a little involved with serial killer case. I am also a profiler if you recall." Jeff had only met the man once. He reminded him of Eddie Haskell and left Jeff with the urge to punch the man in the face just on principal.

“Of course you can understand concern about Kane state of mind while he is working such a public spotlight case.” Henley pressed.

“Your worried that Kane is too close to edge. The short time I’ve known him Kane seems to be at the top of his game. He already was cleared by your department shrink why ask for me to do an evaluation on him? If you are looking for a reason to get rid of Kane your not going to do it using me.” Jeff ended the call he looked up and standing leaning against the wall was Christian with a look of barely control fury. “I guess you heard the call.”

“So what part of last night was about evaluating my ability of remain on the job? The part where you shoved your tongue down my throat and pulled on my hair or the part where you held me all night?” Christian snarled clenching his fist.

Jeff could see Christian was barley controlling his instinct to slam his fist into Jeff’s face. Stepping up into the younger man personal space. “You want to throw a punch throw a punch boy! But never doubt I kissed you and that I spent the night in your bed because I wanted to be there.” When Christian didn’t make a move to hit him Jeff charged him slamming him against the wall. “Now I am going to say this once and then I am done with it. I was brought in to help build a profile of local sick f*ck. Henley found out I have a doctorate in psychology. He approach me to do evaluate how stable you were. Have I done that yes I have. Christian Kane is sane, still grieving a loss, but as solid a rock. That’s what it will say in my report.” Jeff cupped Christians face looking deep into his blue eyes.

Jensen came out into the hall. “You guys ok?”

Christian looked at his friend nodding. “Yeah we are good. Seems Henley didn’t believe the department shrink about my mental stability asked Jeff here to do reevaluation. He told Henley I am stable.”

Jensen snorted. “You’re stable? Jeff you really suck at the psych evaluations. Christian f*cking Kane is one crazy redneck. He thinks hood surfing is a nice way to spend a evening.” Jensen shook his head returning to conference room.

“Hood surfing?”

“Yeah. It was a thing. Ok!” Christian said stocking back into the room. Jared was laughing so hard he was clutching his sides. “Stable? Kane? You told him about the hood surfing right?”

He went into his mother’s bath room wiping the cum and saliva off his limp co*ck. Helena was unconscious from the lack of oxygen. As she using her only skill on him he had choked her. It took all his self control to stop squeezing and not kill the stupid bitch. Righting his clothes he left walking passed the nurses station giving Maggie a wave and a wink.

Christian watched Jeff unpack his suitcase admiring the older man’s firm backside. He pulled his shirt off walking over to Jeff wrapping his arms around him resting his rest between Jeff’s shoulder blades. Pressing a light kiss on the warm skin. “Why do you think the killer is fixed on me?”

Turning around Jeff wrapped his arms around Christian. “Sometimes psychopaths see someone on TV they start to believe they have relationship with the person they see. In you he may see in you what he wishes he could be. Could be you wore red the first time he saw you. There’s no concrete answer without being able to ask him why.” Jeff said he smiled he could see his boy was tired. Stress could do that to someone. “Come on sweetheart lets go to bed.

Christian moved slowly toward the bed. “I don’t know if I’ll be any fun. So f*cking tired.” Jeff pressed a kiss on his nose. “We will save the FUN for another night. How about a repeat of last night?” Chris smiled sleepily. “That sounds really good Papa. Haven’t slept that good since I lost Steve.”


Chapter 6


Title: Death Comes Calling 6/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Christian woke to the feeling the scratch of a beard tickling just above his ass crack. He moaned as a hot wet tongue traced the line before sharp teeth gave each cheek a nip. Warm hands gently spread his ass hot tongue teased his sensitive holy. Chris squirmed a little pushing his Jeff smiled laying flush against Chris's body "Please what sweetheart?
Tell Papa what you need." Jeff whispered in a rough smoking growl against his lover's ear. Thrusting gently he let his hard thick co*ck slide between firm full globes.

The weight of Jeff's full body pressing him into the mattress did nothing to quill the swelling of Chris's now aching co*ck. "Need to feel you inside. I've been empty for so long. Please."

Jeff sat up kneel behind him. "Spread your legs wide for me." Jeff reached for the lube he had put on the night stand. "You want me to put on a condom?" Chris shook his head no. He didn't want anything between them. "No. Please just you Papa." Jeff gripped his hips pulling him so Chris was on all fours. Squirting lube on his fingers Jeff traced the
tight pink hole. Slowly he pushed one finger then another inside Chris's tight heat. Chris bucked against the intrusion trying to get the fingers deeper. Jeff leaned down nipping his ear lobe. "Ready baby?"

Slowly Jeff pushed his thick hard dick inside the hottest tightest place he had ever been. He saw Christian white knuckle fist the sheets. Kissing the younger man's shoulder. "Deep breath sweetheart go with the burn. Doing so good baby." Jeff drew back just a little stroking his hand down Christian's sweat drenched back.

"Not a f*cking woman!" Christian growled rearing slamming his hips back until he felt Jeff's heavy balls slap against his ass. Jeff wrapped his arm across his chest pulling Christian flush against him. Smiling against his boy's ear. "Even with this gorgeous thick mane of hair no
one could mistake you for a woman. Christian Kane is definitely all man." Christina turned his head so he could kiss Jeff. Their lips came together with devouring, sucking, nibbling. Their tongues dueled for control.

Christian reached for his leaking co*ck. Jeff laced his fingers with Chris's so they both worked to bring him off. "Come! Harder Papa. Going to cum." Christian reached back holding the back of Jeff's head. Jeff's hips snapped forward he bit down where Christian neck met his shoulder making the younger man scream as they both came.

Weak from having cum hard then he had ever in his life Chris collapsed forward. He whimpered as Jeff carefully withdrew. Jeff flopped down next to him brushing away the long hair that curtain his lovers face. He had never felt such an instant pull toward someone as he did to Christian. Pieces of Jeff's soul that had been cold and barren came
warmly to life the moment he had seen the blue eyed boy.

Jared woke up to the feeling of is morning hard on sliding into the in creditable hot tightness of his lovers ass. Sleepy green gold eyes looked down at him. Reaching up Jared cupped his big hand around Jensen's neck pulling him down into a kiss. They fell into a gentle rock rhythm, neither in a hurry to find their release. Content in enjoy each
stroke, each touch, each soul deep kiss. "You are so beautiful Jen." Jared murmured sitting up wrapping his arms around Jensen. He lapped and sucked Jensen's collar bone until a dark red and purple hicky as they both shuddered their release.

"You are such a teenager! Marking your territory Jay. Afraid I'll go to the prom with another boy." Jensen playfully pushed his bigger lover down on the bed. Jared laughed rolling over pinning the smaller man beneath him. "You love it when I am possessive and mark you up." Jensen wrapped his arms around Jared's neck. "Your right I do. I also like
marking you." Jensen latched his mouth on tendon of Jared sucking until had he could taste the tang of blood being pulled through the dark tan skin.

Jensen wasn't sure when the tall man child had taking his heart; Jared Tristan Padalecki was the other half of his soul. He had been alone for so long, shunned by his religious family for daring to be gay. Jensen had left his Texas home at the tender age of 17 going to the University of Oklahoma. The first person him met after arriving was Christian Kane who dragged home to meet his boyfriend Steve Carlson who was from California. They become his family celebrating his victories, suffering his lose with him. When Steve was killed it ripped his heart out. He tried to be strong for Chris who had fallen apart.

Jared had come up from San Antonio at Captain Jim Beaver's request. No one questioned his right to step into the gapping whole in the Homicide department left when Steve died. If Jim trusted him then they could trust him. He took over the open cases that Steve and Chris had keeping Chris informed while he was on administrative leave. When he first met Jared Jensen avoided the detective at all costs. Every time they came in contact Jensen was as hard as steel cross beam in seconds. Jared was relentless in his pursuit. He'd bring Jensen coffee when he had a meeting with Homicide. Asked Jensen to lunch, dinner, breakfast a snack bar in the alley. It was Christian who finally slapped Jensen in the head at a BBQ Jim gave.

"Son if you don't go out with that boy I will drowned you in his drool." Christian said grabbing the beer Jensen had been holding. Jensen scowled at him. "And you care who I date why?" Jensen asked arching his eye brow. "Because if I have to answer another Jensen Ackles question I am going to start thinking I became a bowlegged boy from Texas."

Jared dropped a kiss on his nose. "You look off in your own world baby. Whatcha' thinking?"

"About you and how your big ass is squishing the breath out of me." Jensen smiled wiggling out from under Jared. Jared swatted at him but Jensen danced away. "I have to be in court in 3 hours Detective Padalecki and Judge Pileggi hates when I show up n reeking of sex."

Personal injury attorney Matthew Fox sat across from his newest client Tilddy Peterson gold and silver rings on every finger, her hair dyed an unnatural blonde. Rhinestones on her glasses. At 58 Tilddy was long past having the body that could pull off tight Capri stone wash jeans and spandex crop top and 4’ inch heels. “Your commercial said you was the best personal injury lawyer in the state. I need the best. Those racists bastards on the Tulsa PD took my baby away from me. They took away my way of life.” Fox know what she really meant was they took away her meal ticket. Her son ‘Big Joe’s drug business keep Tilddy in high style

“I can definitely understand your pain. Having you only son turned into basically a breathing vegetable by the fragrant disregard for your son civil rights. I can promise you Tilddy. It’s alright that I call you Tilddy isn’t it?” “Oh of course you can. I hate bring called Ms. Makes me feel so old.” Tilddy smile leaning over making sure Matthew had a good view of her ample chest. Matthew smiled slyly. “I promise you that I will get you every penny you deserve from the Tulsa PD and Tulsa District Attorney.”.

Jeff and Chris just walked into the squad room when Jared looked up his desk phone tucked into his shoulder. “Well you are in luck Mrs. Kane he just walked in.”

Christian stomach twisted in a knot. There was only one reason that his mother would be calling him at work. “Hey mama.” Jeff was looking at him questioningly he turned his back to him. “Christian your father didn’t come home last night.” Christian sighed “And the point Mama? Daddy does the same thing every couple pf weeks. He gets to drunk to stumble home. He’ll be home when he sobers up.” his mother sobbed a little. “It’s not the same Christian. They came and repossessed his rig yesterday.”


Chapter 7


Title: Death Comes Calling 7/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Nothing, there was nothing in the news about the tape. No article in the morning paper. His anger boiled he had hand delivered it to the little bitch reporter. Who did she think she was not showing it? Pacing the closet that passed for his office the itch was back just underneath his skin. The clock said he had 20 minutes until his lunch break. 20 minutes
until he could answer the need building inside him.

Christian pulled into the parking lot of the Restless Heart Bar. The dilapidated roadhouse was so run down you would think it was abandon if it weren't for the blinking red neon sign saying OPEN. His father's beat up Chevy sat alone in the parking lot. Walking in he
nodded to the bartender who had known him since he was 10 years old and would come with his mother to get his dad.

Buck Kane sat in the back leaning over the small table twirling the watered down whiskey in his hand. His blood shot blurry eyes barely focused on the man who walked up to the table. He didn't have to be sober to know the man was his self righteous hom*o son. Betty had called her precious little boy to come drag his ass home. He didn't have to
look at his son too know he was sneering at him with disgust like his was so much better than his old man. At least Buck didn't take it up the ass.

"Get up Buck lets go." Christian grabbed his father's arm. Buck yanked it back stumbling a little. "Don't touch me f*cking fa*ggot." Turning to Jack the bartender. "Why'd you let the hom*o in?" Jack didn't even miss a beat. "Let the boy take you home Buck so Betty
can stop worrying and he can get back to work."

Buck glared at the bartender then at Christian "fa*ggot." Buck grumbled as he shakily stepped passed his son. Christian was used to the slurs and his father glare. Since Buck had found out that Christian preferred men, Buck had taken to calling him fa*ggot or queer whenever he was sh*t faced. Getting his father outside Christian shoved him into the
passenger seat of his Ford.

The trailer park where his parents lived was only about 15 minutes from the bar. By the time Christian was pulling into the single car slot next to their trail Buck had passed out. Pulling him out of the truck Christian put the slightly bigger man over his shoulder and carried him inside. His mother immediately started to flooder around thanking him
for bring Buck home safe. "Oh thank you baby. I don't know what I'd do if you didn't find him." Betty hugged her son.

"This is the last time mama. You call me again because he didn't come home. When I find the bastard I'll throw his drunken ass in jail." Christian said stomping out.

It was slim pickings on the west end. Only the old hags were out working. Then he saw the boy slouched against the front of the tobacco shop smoking. His dirty blonde hair slicked back, white wife beater beneath a denim jacket, tore blue jeans and throw back tennis. He was perfect. Pulling his car up to the curb he flagged the boy over.

D. Ziggy eyed the man in car waving him over. He was average looking short wavy brownish red hair, muddy brown eyes. The guys build was ok again average. Perfect for a little robbery. His ass still hurt from one of his regulars who paid for a whole night. "You looking for a little company my man?" D asked leaning in the car window flashing the guy his best flirt smile.

"Looks like I found some. Hop in." he smiled as the boy slid into the passenger seat. Pull away from the curb he made pressed hard on the accelerator so he could make the light that had started flash.

Jensen was leaving the court house when a man in a black ill fitting suit walked up to him. "Mr. Ackles?" Jensen eyed the suspiciously. "Yes." the man handed him sealed court documents. Opening them Jensen swore as he read.

Notification of wrongful injury law suit.
Plaintiff Attorney of record: Matthew Fox
Plaintiff: Tilddy Peterson on behalf of her son Joseph Peterson.
Injury: Permanente brain damage due to being thrown off a 3 story
building. Now requiring 24 hour care.

Detective Christian Kane
Captain James Beaver
Tulsa Police Department
Tulsa Police Department Crime Lab
Crime Scene Investigator Chad Michael Murray
ADA Jensen Ackles
Tulsa District Attorney Office

He slammed the boys face repeatedly into the broken asphalt parking lot behind the mostly empty strip mall. He wiped the blood from his neck where the little whor*s switch blade had sliced him. He tied the copper wire around the boys neck pulling back he could see bone from his skull mixed with blood on the ground. He left the boy there.

All the papers had been delivered to the defendant(s) in the civil suit. The beauty of it was Kane had to be restrained from attaching the process server. It was perfect to prove how much of violent angry man the detective was. With the right leading any jury would be able to believe that Kane threw Joseph Peterson out a three story window. Fox was pouring himself a drink of scotch thinking about the publicity that this case will bring. This case could make him the most famous civil attorney in the state.

Jeff looked at the papers that the process server had delivered to Christian. To him it looked like Ms. Peterson had lost her meal ticket and now she was looking to get money out of Christian and the rest. Picking up his cell Jeff called two lawyer buddies he had in DC. "Hey Mikey. How fast and you and Tommy get to Tulsa?" "And we'd be coming to
cow town USA why?" former US States Attorney Michael Rosenbaum turned in his office chair toward his view of the Potomac a fat Cuban cigar in his hand. His partner and also a former US Prosecutor Tom Welling was on his headset pacing Michael's office like a prowling cat. "I have some friends who are needing some representation their being suit for personal injury. One guys being sued is Tulsa District Attorney Jensen Ackles and Detective Christian Kane." "We'll be there in the morning."

Michael hung up the phone and waited patiently as Tom finished his call. "Jeff Morgan just called seem someone is suing the Tulsa District Attorney and the police for wrongful injury. Jensen Ackles is the ADA, Christian Kane is the cop." Jensen had attended Harvard Law School with Michael and Tom and had regaled them with tales of his best buddies Christian Kane and Steve Carlson from college and all their antics.

Cutting through the vacant lot behind the Willow Lake Mall was the quickest way to make it to the down town bus. Kathy Olson let herself out of the back of the Value Thrift Store so she could make it to the bus stop. At the far edge of the lot it looked like some one had dumped some rags. The closer she got Kathy could see it wasn’t a bunch of rags but a bloody beaten body.


Chapter 8


Title: Death Comes Calling 8/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

"Don't keep us in suspense son." Christian stood up squaring his shoulders. Whoever it was Aldis looked petrified to tell them.

"The partial match is to you. The killer has half of Christian's DNA profile." Every jaw in the room dropped.

"What the hell do you mean he has half my DNA?" Christian snarled

Aldis took a step back. "He is either your child or a half sibling."

"That f*cking bastard!" Christian growled slamming his fist into the wall. Jeff was on him in an instant wrapping his arm around him preventing Christian hitting the wall again. Christian struggled against Jeff's hold. "Get the f*ck off me!"

Jeff rested his cheek against Christian's neck. "No. You have to calm down baby. Let us help you figure this out."

Jensen came into the room taking in the scene. "Chris? You ok?"

"I'll be fine as soon as Papa here lets me go." Jensen looked at Jeff co*cking his eyebrow.

Jeff loosened his hold and Christian yanked himself free. "I need to talk to Jenny in private." Christian grabbed Jensen's wrist practically dragging the young prosecutor from the conference room and across the hall into an empty interview room.

"What's up?" Jensen asked knowing it had to be something big for Chris to want talk to him privately.

Christian started to prowl the room his face set in a scowl. "You remember about ten years ago I have you look up some birth records for me?"

"Yeah you were looking for any other children your Dad may have fathered. We only found two a girl named Alexis Biel 5 years younger and a son Luther something a year younger then you. Could be more not everyone puts the dead beat dad down on the birth record. Has one of them come looking for you?" Jensen asked

Christian stopped pacing looking into his friend green gold eyes. "One of them is the killer we are looking for. How f*cked up is that? I always knew that bastard's blood was no good. Guess I was right." Christian said defeated.

"I hope you are not including yourself in that. Your one of the best men I know. Buck's blood may run through your veins but that's it. Christian Maverick Kane is his own man." Jensen walked up to his friend cupping his hand around his neck pressing his forehead to Christian's. "We will find this killer. Now we have a jump start that he never accepted I

They opened the door to the interview room to find both Jeff and Jared pacing the hall. Both men looked a little worried. Christian walked right into Jeff's arms burying his face in his neck. Jensen laced his fingers with Jared's leaning up for a quick reassuring kiss.

He was choking to death. Trying to hide the cut to his throat was driving him crazy. Everyone at the office giving him weird looks afraid to ask the question running through their feeble little minds. He could barely contain the gauge out their preying little eyes. He was the righteous one, the one who was cleansing their filthy city of the retched whor*s. He was a real hero but did he have reporter following him around chronicling his every move for the public. No the public only want him the renegade cop.

Even today in the news paper was an article about the controversial Detective Christian Kane is being sued for wrongful injury by Tilddy Peterson on behalf of her son reputed Drug Dealer Joseph Peterson. News was definitely slanted in Kane's favor. Most of the public sick of all the gangs and drug dealing felt if he had done wrong the Grand jury
would have indicted him.

A knock on his office door snapped him out of his thoughts. "Come in." The door opened slowly and sweet cuppie doll face of the department's secretary poked in. He waved her in "What can I do for you Alexis?" He heard the lock click Alexis slowly moved stroking her tiny hand down her chest.

He sat back in his chair moving it away from the desk. Alexis crawled into his lap running her fingers through his hair pulling him into a kiss. Their lips devoured each other. He shoved her prim skirt up stroking the bare skin above the silk nylons. He traced soft lace of her garter. Alexis leaned in nipping his ear. "I wore the black ones just
like you like." He pushed his hand up further growling with pleasure she wasn't wearing any panties. She reached between them undoing his pants. Alexis wrapped her small hand around his hard dick positioning her dripping puss* over his member she moaned at she sank down on his co*ck. He ripped open her blouse attacking her small firm breasts.

Alexis loved riding his co*ck. He filed her so deep. To think they met by accident. She was filling out her application when he strolled by. Her heart thudded inside her chest. The man looked exactly like her father who she had only seen in one faded picture her mother kept in a scrap book. They had gone to lunch and discovered they were half siblings.
That knowledge didn't quill the feelings of carnal lust they felt for each other.
Jeff drove them home in Christian's truck. Christian lay down on the bench seat his head pillowed on Jeff's thigh. The migraine hit him like a ton of bricks and had Christian puking in his garbage can. Jensen had brought him some Imatrix migraine medication. The best friends suffered the affliction of migraines and sever tension headaches. Jensen said they had eased with age for both of them but when they did get them now
they pretty much stopped them in their tracks.

Jared had helped Jeff get Christian out to the truck. "I always make sure the bedroom is nice and dark, massage Jensen's shoulders; stroke his temples until he falls asleep. Which is the true cure." Jared pause then a wicked smile formed on his tan face. "When Jen's headache is gone he gets really horny."

Putting the truck into park Jeff brushed the hair from Christian's face. "Hey Baby we're home." Christian stirred enough for Jeff to slide out of the truck cab and come around and open the passenger door. Grabbing Christian arms Jeff pulled him out of the truck. "You must think I am pathetic." Christian mumbled falling against Jeff. Jeff kissed the side of his head. “Let’s get you in the house and in a hot shower before I answer that

“I am you know. Pathetic sad f*ck. My drunk bastard father who beat both me and mama until I was big enough to stand up to him. Then he started with mental abuse called me queer fa*ggot even before I came out to my parents. I have his temper.” Jeff let Chris talk while he undressed because he knew the boy needed to get it out. “I hate it. I am always on guard. Buck Kane’s blood is poison it pumps through my veins Jeff just like it does the killers.” Christian sobbed letting his head fall forward against Jeff’s broad chest as the older man positioned them underneath the hot spray.

Jeff took a wash cloth putting a liberal amount of soap on it lathering up his boy before he finally spoke. “I don't know Buck Kane. Don’t think he would enjoy a meeting with me. A man who beats a woman or a child should be castrated because he isn’t a real man. I do know Christian Kane. He is beautiful like the wild desert mesa. He has a good heart and strong convictions. He’s a man who feels love deeply, feels loss deeply, would do anything for his friends. Christian Kane is a good man. A man I can give my heart too and he would cherish it.”

Christian looked up tears streaming down his face. “I except your heart only if you take mine in return.” reaching up he pulled Jeff down into a soft sweet kiss.


Chapter 9


Title: Death Comes Calling 9/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

They crawled into bed naked Jeff curled around Christian keeping him safe even in sleep. His brain swam through the fog of medicated sleep Christian felt the hot throb of Jeff's hard co*ck pressed tightly against his ass. Wiggling back just a little he grinned when Jeff growled and nipped his ear. "You must feel better if you are teasing a sleeping

"I wouldn't be teasing if the bear wasn't poking my ass with his big stick." Christian turned his head enough so he could kiss his lover. Jeff turned him onto his back settling his weight on Christian so their stiff co*cks grind together. They kissed like they hadn't seen each in years. Tongues darting and licking. Jeff's beards scratching his face
making his own morning whiskers feel rougher. Both rocked against each other in no hurry to stop kissing to move to the sex. The both came laughing at how they came like teenagers just dry humping.

Jared was in the shower head thrown back as hot water pelted down his body and his co*ck was sucked deep down Jensen's throat. Jensen's squeezed his ass as Jared thrust forward. "God baby. Love your mouth." Jared shuddered as he came flooding Jensen's sweet mouth. Reach down Jared pulled his lover up into devouring kiss. Jensen pulled away. "Way better then the protein shake I was going to have."

The kiss resumed then Jared turned Jensen toward the wall kneeling down spreading the pale perfect ass cheeks. Jared lapped over the sensitive hole his tongue darting in. He growled letting his teeth scrap the pucker. Jensen screamed as his release splashed against the shower wall. Jared always felt like Superman when he could make his lover cum just by rimming his ass.

"You have the most talented tongue on the planet Detective Padalecki." Jensen turned to look at the larger man who was grinning like a fool. "Well what can I say? You always are better with something you like and my tongue just loves you pretty little ass ADA Ackles."

Matthew Fox fell out of his 2009 Mustang with groan as his triple espresso spilled over his hand. Behind his aviators his eyes were blood shot from lack of sleep and over drinking the night before. Turns out Ms. Peterson was one hell of a co*ck sucker with tit’s just perfect for f*cking. Stumbling into his office his overly perky receptionist hopped up with a big bright smile. “Good morning Mr. Fox. There are two gentlemen waiting for you in your office. Should I bring coffee in?”

“Yeah that will be great. Has Mr. Holloway been in yet?” Josh Holloway was Fox’s law partner.

“He’s meeting with the clients from the Tavern Construction case this morning.”

“Who are the two men in my office?” Fox asked rubbing his throbbing temple.

“They are Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling lawyers for the defendants in the Peterson case.”

With a groan he opened his office door. “Gentlemen I am Michael Fox Attorney for Tildy and Joseph Peterson.” offering his hand to shake he was a little stunned that neither man took it.

“Rosenbaum and Welling we just wanted to introduce ourselves and give you the paper work on the motions filed yesterday.” Tom handed Fox four blue court papers he flipped through them scowling and swearing. “What the f*ck? No way a judge is going allow this.”

- Motion suppress security footage from the roof fall.

- Motion admit Joseph Peterson arrest record

- Motion to admit findings of police brutality Grand Jury.

- Motion to admit Detective’s Kane and Carlson’s service record

Rosenbaum smile stepping around the stunned lawyer. “Oh I don’t know about that. Judges usually see things our way.” The two left the office giving the receptionist a wink as they left.

The itch was back stronger then it had ever been. He needed the hunt. It had just started to drizzle as he pulled his car up to curb. A petite brunette with almost pasty pale skin and big cornflower blue eyes came over leaning in the passenger side window. “You looking for a date?” He smiled “Most definitely daring. Get in.”


Chapter 10


Title: Death Comes Calling 10/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Buck Kane tried to focus on the double yellow lines painted on the road. It was becoming harder and harder since the piece of sh*t he was driving kept crossing over them. The flash of the oncoming semi headlights was all he saw before his car slammed into it head on killing Buck instantly.

Christian parked his truck in the private lot. Jeff had been talking to his boss the whole way in. he only caught bits and pieces of the conversation, but Christian did hear relocate to Tulsa field office. His stomach did a little flip flop. They both got out. Jensen and Jared were waiting for them outside both looking somber.

"What happened?" Christian asked tersely.

"Buck was killed this morning in a drunken driving head on collision." Jensen said his voice cracking tears forming in his green eyes. "Chris I am so sorry your mom was with him. She died on her way to the hospital." Christian swayed visibly stunned by the news. Jensen stepped forward wrapping his arms around his friend. Jeff wrapped his arms around Christian's waist and Jared engulfed them all in his long arms.

Tears fell from angry blue eyes. "I knew the bastard would kill her someday. He beat her, beat me, cheated on her and still she stayed." Christian gave a broken sob into Jensen's shoulder.

Jim Beaver came outside. He hated that a killer was going interrupt Christian's moment to grieve. Kane. Padalecki. I am sorry about this but they just found another kid's body down by the old freeway under pass."

"I'll go with the Puppy. You take care of what you need to." Jeff said. Christian shook his head. "No I'll go." Turning to Jensen. "Can you get things in motion the way we talked about before? Make arrangements for mom to go back the Res." Jensen nodded. "What about Buck?" "Put his worthless ass in an unmarked grave or in the dumpster as far all I

Standing over another young prostitute's dead body was not where Aldis Hodge wanted to be. Death was his domain being the Medical Examiner for Tulsa and he had seen every conceivable way a person could die, but the kids always got to him. The sound of tires screeching to a halt got Aldis attention.

"Damn stubborn thick headed hick." Aldis mumbled seeing Kane climb out of the truck. Everyone had heard about his parent's accident. They had expected Padalecki to be flying solo for a while. "What the Hell are you doing here Kane? I heard about your mom and dad."

Christian scowled at him. "My job Hodge. We have a dead body don't we?" Jared had gone to talk to the vagrant who found the body. Jeff had slowly started walking a circle around the body taking in the scene.

Jeff was only vaguely listening to the narrative Aldis was giving Christian.

"Victim's name is Natalie O'Hara......" her hair was matted against her pale almost translucent grey skin. Her small body so petite if she older than 10 years old Jeff would be surprised. There were dark circles under her ink black eyes.

"Her welfare ID says she is 15......" to Jeff she looked malnourished. Needle marks on her thin arms and finger nails bit to the quick proclaimed her a drug addict.

"Everything the same to the others. She must not have put up much of a fight. She didn't take the beating that the last one did......"

Jeff squatted down by the victim's feet. She was all of about 100 pounds any fight she might have had she was no match against their bad guy. She probably didn't satisfy his need for long. She was too easy. Their boy was getting erratic in his times between kills.

Standing again Jeff went over to where Jared was with Christian. "I think our guy is getting sloppy. He's Jonesing for a fix more often." Jeff looked at Chris. "I think you should have a new conference. He's fixed on you. Maybe he already knew your connection before we did. You need to openly challenge him. Make him come to you."

He was getting ready for work the news was on mostly for background noise until the report came on. "In the early morning hours a fatal car crash took the lives of Tulsa homicide Detective Christian Kane's parents Buck and Elizabeth. Trooper's on the scene say alcohol was involved." His heart started to race. He felt a loss. A loss of something he never had. In a panic he snatched up the phone dial the home. “This is Luther Helena‘s son. I need for my mother not to watch TV today. There is new about Buck that will upset her.” Everyone at the home understood what Buck was to Helena Anderson.

Hanging up he sat down just staring at the TV. “The was yet another body of a teenage prostitute found this morning. We are told that Detective Kane and his team will be holding a press conference at around 6pm this evening on the progress of the case.” the Ken doll look a like anchor tapped his papers on the table. “We will of course be covering that press conference live.” Picking up the phone again he called his office to say he wouldn’t be in that day.

Jim Beaver looked a little skeptical at the plan that Morgan came up with. Jensen and his boss DA Misha Collins didn’t look like they were buying into the plan either. “What makes you think that Kane goading this sick f*ck won’t send him out to kill more kids? Not play some stupid game.”

“Will since he is already focused on Christian for whatever reason. The killer isn’t going to ignore a direct challenge. He will want to play the end game against him. He needs to prove that he is better the better man.” Jeff said leaning against the desk crossing his long legs at the ankles.

“The end game? How come that doesn’t sound like a game we want to be playing with this f*cker?” Jared asked.

“You won’t be playing the game Sasquatch I will.” Christian stated calmly. This was going to end. He was taking his mother’s body back to North Carolina on Friday this case will be closed by then or his body would traveling back along side hers.


Chapter 11


Title: Death Comes Calling 11/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

The lobby of the Tulsa PD had been transformed into a press room. Three rows of folding chairs faced a podium with three chairs on either side. Genevieve Cortez was of course right of front like a cat watching caged birds. From an informant in the Crime Lab she found out about the killer having the same DNA as Detective Kane. If they thought they were going to keep that little bit of information a secret she wasn't going to let them. After all the public had the right to know that one of its finest might be a serial killer.

Jeff watched the crowd of reporters file in and Ms. Cortez sitting upfront looking like the cat who caught the canary. Boy was she going to be pissed when the first thing out of Christian's mouth is going to be about the DNA match. Jeff was the one who had Chad call the reporter and give her the information. It took some convincing though. "Seriously do you want Kane to kill me? Because I like breathing through the holes God gave me and not one Kane rips in my chest." "Chad. Chad. I am not going to hurt you. We need you to do this to catch this guy." Christian said. "Ok but please tell me you are going to tell the others this is a fix. I have to work with them." "Done. Everyone will know it's part of the plan." Jeff assured him

"You ready to do this partner?" Jared stood next to Christian.

"This better work like Papa thinks it well. Because if he goes underground, we are so screwed."

Homicide Captain James Beaver stood at the podium dressed his in his dress uniform looking about as uncomfortable as a whor* at Sunday Mass. Sitting to his left was District Attorney Misha Collins, ADA Jensen Ackles, and FBI Profiler Jeffrey Dean Morgan. To his right Detective Christian Kane, Detective Jared Padalecki, and Medical Examiner Aldis Hodge. "Before we begin I would like set the ground rules. Detective Kane will not be answering any questions about the tragic death of his parents this morning. Ok that being said I'll step aside and let the lead detective on the 12 prostituted murders Detective Christian Kane."

Christian took a deep breath getting up and stepping to the podium. Setting the papers he had been carrying on the podium he looked over at Jeff who gave him a reassuring look. "First I would like to make statement then I'll take questions."

"Through a partial paternal DNA match it has been found that the killer is my half brother." There was an audible gasp through the crowd. "We both unfortunately share Buck Kane as a father." Christian paused looking directly in the cameras. "You have murdered 12 kids for no other reason than they are easy prey and you are a sick twisted prick. You begged me to join a game that you seem believe I can't win. Let me be
clear I may not know your name, I may not know your face but I do know you. I am closer then you think. I will win this game my brother." Christian smirked at the camera.

"You don't know me! I will win because this is my game not yours!" he throw the whiskey tumbler in his hand against the wall. Rage coursing through his body. Blue eyes that stared back at him every time he went to see his mother taunted him Buck's eyes. Buck's son the one he gave his name, with a mother that he married. Not the son he never saw, not the teenage girl he left pregnant and alone forcing her to work the streets just so her baby didn't starve. Kane had been given everything he had only dream of. He was going to make sure Christian Kane would pay for every time he had gone to bed hungry, worried that his mother wouldn't come home that night.

Genevieve Cortez jumped up immediately asking her questions. "Well we given the results of the DNA testing proving there is only a partial match and not an exact match. And Captain Beaver given the recent developments how prudent is it to leave Detective Kane in charge of this investigation?"

Before Beaver could answer DA Collins stood going to the podium. "Ms. Cortez I assure you not only does Detective Kane and his partner Detective Padalecki have the support of the Tulsa PD they also have the complete and unwavering support of my office."

"With Special Agent Morgan in town will the FBI be taking over the investigation in light of the personal injury lawsuit filed by Tildy Peterson against the Tulsa PD and your Assistant Attorney Jensen Ackles?" another reporter piped up.

This time Jeff stood up not going to the podium. "The FBI's only involvement in this investigate is offering my expertise as profiler and a sounding broad for investigative ideas. As for the rest I cannot say." Collins spoke again. "The lawsuit that has not yet gone to a judge's review yet and the murder investigation have no relation to each other."

Tildy Peterson was watching the news conference with her attorney Matthew Fox. "What does he mean this hasn't gone to the judge's review? You said you filed the papers and they were served." With a sigh Fox gave his money hungry client the short version. "I filed the papers. A judge still has to rule whether the claim is valid and send it to trial.
These things take time and how ever this serial murder case plays out we can use it to back up our claim that Kane is a dangerous rogue cop." Tildy moved around the desk to settle herself in Fox's lap. "My granny always said blood does tell." She said sliding her hand down to his crotch.

Maggie watched the new conference from the nurses lounge. All the color drained from her face. Detective Kane looked exactly like Helena’s son Luther except his hair was long not short in a messy boy band style. How could she not have seen it? He comes in and let’s his mother blow him for Christ sakes “You ignored what a sick f*ck he was because Luther is cute and single.” Maggie whispered under her breath. Looking around to see if anyone in the lounge saw her reaction. Quickly Maggie slips into a private phone booth.

She dialed the number of the tip line. “Yes I need to speak to Detective Kane or his partner. I think I know who the killer of those street kids is.”


Chapter 12


Title: Death Comes Calling 12/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: R
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Undercover Vice cop Zac Efron slouched against the aged brick of the liquor store front. He was 22 but could easily pass for 15 in the right clothes. Since the murders had ramped up he had been trolling the streets watching for John's who look suspicious and maybe catch the killer's attention. So far Zac had not had any luck. He was beginning to
think maybe there was a sign above his head that said cop. Digging his cigarettes out of his pocket Zac lit one taking a deep drag.

He watched the boy for a while from down the block before he decided he was the one. He drove down pulling his car slowly to a stop in front of the boy. A friendly smile graced his face as the boy sauntered over to the car. The boy had flawless skin aqua blue eyes a cigarette held between his fingers. "I see you finally decided to come on down
handsome." The boy said leaning into the passenger window.

The press conference had gone better then Jared had expected it too. He had a bad feeling about Christian baiting their guy. There was too many this plan could blow up in their faces and leave Jensen to bury another friend. Jared's desk phone rang. "Padalecki."

Maggie took a deep breath before speaking. "Detective Padalecki? Ah I think I may know who the prostitute killer is." Jared listened to her story. "Maggie stay where you are I am coming to get you."

Christian was talking to Aldis about the DNA Jared flew by grabbing him by the front of his shirt dragging him with him. "What the f*ck?" "We have a lead on our guy. A nurse working at nursing home says one of her patient's has a son that could be your f*cking twin brother. Get in the car."

Alexis Biel stood in the Tulsa PD lobby nervously biting her finger nail. She loved her brother he was her lover but Alexis had seen his dark side, saw the things he had in the trunk of his car. The wire and spermicide. Stepping up to the reception desk. "I need to speak to someone about the prostitute murders."

Jeff walked into the lobby where Alexis was waiting. Sitting in the hard plastic chairs clutching her purse like she was afraid someone was going to snatch it Alexis Beiel looked tiny, long straight russet brown hair and the biggest pair of blue eyes Jeff had ever seen just a shade lighter then Christian's. "Miss Biel. I am Special Agent Jeffrey Dean
Morgan from the FBI. I am helping the detectives with the case." Jeff introduced himself offering his hand. Alexis stood up taking his hand he was surprised that she was actually taller than he had thought. "Yes I saw you on TV."

Jeff could see she was nervous and one minute from completely bolting. "Well why don't we get a cup of coffee and we can talk in Captain Beaver's office."

Zac watched a dark colored sedan pull up in front of the laundry mat across the street. One of the regular hustlers who went by Smoke climbed into the car. Zac didn't get a good feeling about the John. "Hey Casey follow the dark sedan going north he don't look right. He's just picked up Smoke." Zac spoke into the com. Smoke was pretty good at taking care of himself but so were a lot of the others who turned up dead. "What you
jealous because the John didn't pick your fine ass Efron?" Casey said snidely. Casey was on lone to Vice from patrol and made no effort to hide he felt tracking someone killing prostitutes was a waste of time. He also didn't hide the fact that he didn't like Zac. "Just f*cking follow them asshole. If this is the guy homicide is looking for and you
let him get away. There won't be enough pieces of you left to bury when Kane gets done with you."

Jared and Christian walked into the Home walking first up to the front desk. The girl arranging charts looked up at them. "Wow Luther your hair! Did you get extensions?”

“Ah Luther?” Christian asked

She looked at him closer. “Oh your not Luther. Your that Detective guy and the really tall Detective guy.”

“Yeah that would be us.” Jared leaned on the counter. “We are here to see Maggie.”

“She is in lounge. Follow me boys.”

Smoke watched the scenery pass they were head to his favorite place to turn tricks the old rail yard. His maternal grandfather had worked for the railroad. He barely noticed that the car had rolled to a stop. Turning Smoke let his eyes roam over the driver. He seemed to have a nice body, clean cut, his eyes a rich whiskey brown. “So handsome $25 for a hand job, $50 for a blow j*b, straight sex $100 any kinky stuff is negotiable.”

“Oh definitely kinky stuff.” Luther smiled gripping the back of Smokes neck yanking him forward slamming the boys face into the steering wheel.


Chapter 13


Title: Death Comes Calling 13/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Jeff placed the cup of coffee down in front of Alexis. "So you have some
information about the murders."

Alexis looked at Jeff. He reminded her of one of the big cats at the zoo
deceptively calm and peaceful looking but lethal all the same. "Yes. I
think the killer is my half brother Luther Anderson."

"So you are also?" Jeff started to say. "Yes I am also Detective Kane's
half sister. Buck Kane was my father. I never met him but my mother had
a picture of him and his truck."

"Why do you think Luther is the killer?" Jeff asked

Alexis took a sip of her coffee before answering. "Luther has stuff in
his trunk. Wire and tape bottles of that stuff that kills sperm. Luther
doesn't like to wear condoms he uses that stuff religiously." She paused
as Jeff arched a questioning eye brow. "I only met Luther about a year
ago. We were drawn to each other you might say. We became lovers after
we found out we were sister and brother."

Maggie was stunned at how much Christian Kane looked like Luther. His
was long and more of a rich mahogany then short brown with honey
highlights. When he spoke his voice was deep more a husky growl then
Luther's. "Detective Kane you look like Luther. It's a little weird."
Maggie said.

"Luther. He is your patient's son?" Jared asked

"Yeah Luther Anderson. His mother Helena has been here for 4 years. She
is in the late stages of Syphilis. Luther only comes to see her when we
call him and say she is having an episode."

Maggie told them about Luther showing up dress like Buck acting like
Buck even kissing Helena like a lover and not a son. That he would take
Helena into her room and close the door when he came out he was often a
little sweaty, his clothes winkled, messy. Helena was passed out on her

"I thought Syphilis was contagious?" Christian asked thinking that not
only was Luther Anderson a sicko f*ck who probably killed 12 kids and
from the sounds f*cked his own mother he was play one hell of a game of
Russian Roulette with a disease like Syphilis.

"Not in it advanced stages like Helena is in."

Casey pulled his unmarked car into the rail yard. He could see the dark
sedan his took out the binoculars.
He could see the two people struggling in the front seat. "sh*t! sh*t!
Efron! Efron! I need back up at the old rail yard." Casey said getting
out of his car heading toward the dark sedan his weapon drawn.

Zac's bad feeling had got stronger as he had watched Casey drive after
the sedan. Signaling one of patrol's watching him. They had followed
Casey. "We are in route Casey. Don't do anything stupid."

Casey came up on the driver's side of the car. The driver was pushing an
unconscious Smoke back against the passenger door. Blood ran for the
kid's nose that looked broken. "Put your hands up and step out of the

Luther turned his head slowly looking over his shoulder to see Casey
holding a gun on him. A smirk formed on his. Turning in the seat he held
his hands up in surrender waiting for the cop to open the door. As soon
as the cop reached for the handle Luther shoved the door open slamming
it into the cop, who fell backwards. Launching out of the car Luther
landed on top of him wrestling the gun away. "Well lookie what I've got.
No wonder we have so much crime with buffoons like you on the police
department." Luther chided Casey waving the gun in front him.

Casey could barely hear the faint sounds of sirens over the racing thud
of his heart beat. The sirens grew louder on accompanied by the roar of
speeding car engines and the high pitched squeal of brakes locking up.
As more cops with gun jumped out of the patrol vehicles Luther grabbed
Casey yanking him to his feel. With a forearm around neck pressing the
gun to the man's temple.

Zac pulled his gun from behind his back slowly walking a wide arc until
his was face to face with the suspect. "Toss away the gun, let the
officer go and no one needs to get hurt." Zac said calmly.

Luther threw back his head laughing. "Seriously that the best you got
pretty boy? Jesus no wonder my brother is the star cop for Tulsa. He's
the only one with balls." He watched the three other uniformed officers
making a semi-circle around him.

"Put the gun down." Zac said again. "No! I want you to get on your
little phone and get Detective Christian Kane and that FBI guy down
here. I am not talking to anyone but them." Casey was struggling trying
to wiggle his way out of Luther's hold. Luther tightened his arm around
his throat. "Stop before I break your freakin' neck."

Christian's cell rang with a call patched through from Dispatch. "Kane."

"Detective Kane. This is Detective Zac Efron. I am on Vice. We have
hostage situation involving the possible suspect in the murders."

Jared watched as Christian talked on his cell. Trouble was brewing
because his partner had the look of a thunder cloud.

"We need to go to the rail yard now!" Christian snarled leaving Jared in
his wake.

Captain Beaver came into his office. "Morgan you need to get to the old
rail yard. There's a hostage situation with the possible killer. He's
holding a cop and demanding to talk to you and Kane only."

Alexis jumped up grabbing Jeff hand before he could leave. "Don't kill
him please. He's the only family I have." Tears forming in her big eyes.
Jeff turned and looked at her. "Sweetheart you have another brother who
would love to meet you. I'll do my best but it's all up to Luther how
this thing plays out."


Chapter 14


Title: Death Comes Calling 14/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Christian slowed the car to a stop just inside the rail yard popping the trunk. Jared got out taking his sniper rifle from the trunk he headed off to the abandon rail car just behind where the suspect was holding the police officer. Before he became a cop Jared had been a Marine Sniper in Iraq where he had a reputation for never missing a target.

Chris drove slowly up to the scene. Jeff's rental came up behind him. Getting out of the car Chris had every intention of telling Jeff to get back in his car and leave. His stomach twisted with fear that Jeff would get killed just like Steve was. He couldn’t take losing another lover that way. Jeff walked up to him pulling him into a devouring kiss. Pulling
back he looked into Christian eyes. "I know what you are thinking baby. But I am not going anywhere. We face this together or we both leave that's your choices. You don't get to do this on your own. So how is this playing out?" Jeff asked

"Jared is positioned on the rail car just behind the suspect. He takes him out on my signal."

Smoke tried to focus on his surroundings. He heard the muffled voices from outside the car. He slid down off the front seat curling into a ball. His head was throbbing he could feel blood trickling from his nose and temple. Laying his head on his knees Smoke waited to either be saved or to die.

Luther pulled Casey tighter against the front of his body. "Where's Kane? I want Kane and the Fed here now or this cop dies." Luther yelled he was getting impatient.

Kane and Morgan stepped past the uniforms standing facing Luther. "I am right here little brother." Christian called standing with his hand at his side. He was a little shocked at how much Luther Anderson looked like his father except for the whiskey brown eyes.

"Well. Well if it isn't the perfect son." Luther sneered "The one Daddy acknowledged, while the rest of us were treated like dirt not even good enough to have his name."

"Is that what this has all been about? Being Buck Kane's son. Not all it's cracked up to be believe me. Buck was a first class bastard. He was a drunk; he beat my mom and me. You should count yourself lucky not to have known him." Christian kept walking forward as he spoke.

"Really? Well unlike you. Buck never gave me the chance to find that
out. Why was you mother so special? When my mother was just some teenage
runaway he picked up at a truck stop."

Jeff stayed back watching Christian causally walk forward. Luther was venting asking questions Christian couldn't answer even if he wanted to. The only person who could was dead. A uniform came over to him. "We have someone on the roof of a rail car. We about to move on him." Jeff's head snapped around. "Don't he's one of ours Jared Padalecki. He's our sniper." The officer called off his team.

"Luther. Let Casey go. Let him go and I can fix this." Christian said stopping about 6 feet away from his brother.

Luther threw back his head and laughed. "You can fix this? I am a f*cking serial killer. I doubt even the Tulsa PD's golden boy can fix that." Luther turned his attention to Jeff. "Hey Mr. Fed why so shy? Come on over not every day you get to meet your big brother and his sugar Daddy."

Casey felt his back muscles start to cramp from being held in an almost back bend position. His eyes cut to where Efron stood almost parallel to Kane and Morgan. He wanted to beg the kid to help him. Casey debated if he should just go to a full out struggle against Luther's hold or if he should just go completely limp. He looked again at Zac who just mouthed wait.

Jared laid flat along the roof of the rail car watching the scene through the scope of his rifle. His shot was lined up he was just waiting for the signal. "Come on Kane give me the signal."

Fox and Tildy watched the breaking new coverage of the hostage situation at the rail yard. For a moment in a shaky clip of video was of the two brothers. "Holy crap! Look at them. They are like twins." Tildy said amazed. "Can we use this? I mean if one brother is a killer the other one is too." Fox handed her a glass of whiskey. "We wait and see how
this plays out. If Kane get's violent it will be a perfect example for the law suit."

Jeff came to stand next to Chris. "You should listen to your brother Luther. We can help you, but you have to end this now. I met Alexis. She loves you Luther. She doesn't want this. Alexis wants you to be somewhere you can get help."

Luther tightened his grip on Casey. "Alexis our dear baby sister. Such a stupid little slu*t. She let me f*ck her even after finding out we were brother and sister. If you swing that way too she will spread her legs for you too big brother. We are one twisted f*cked up family." Luther held the gun up letting the cold steel slip across the sweat drench face
of Casey.

The end for him was near. He wasn't going to leave this rail yard any other way but a body bag. The question was would he get to take his big brother with him. Would Christian Kane sacrifice himself?

Christian only had an instant to register his brother's intent before Luther pointed the gun at him and fired. At the same time Jared's bullet slammed into the back of Luther's head splattering blood and brain matter all over Casey who was dragged to the ground by his dead weight.

Jerking just to the left the bullet hit Christian in the shoulder instead of going through his chest. He fell to the ground. Jeff was next him putting pressure on the wound. "Jesus baby stay still." Jeff looked down into Christian's pain filled blue eyes. "Jared blew his head off
didn't he?" Christian asked in a hissed breath. "Yeah baby he did."

Zac was next to Casey the instant he fell to the ground. He rolled Luther's body off him. Casey's eyes were closed Zac's heart slammed in his chest. "Come on Casey open your eyes and glare at me." Casey's eyes opened. "Smoke. Check on Smoke I thought I heard him come too. Get the EMT's over here for him." Two of the EMT's were already checking on Smoke. Another one came over to check on Casey who tried to push him away. "I am fine just a little strain. Go help Kane." Casey didn't notice that he had pushed
himself up so he was leaning against Zac's chest.

Jared came running from between the rail cars. “Chris! Jesus!” he dropped to his knees next to Jeff. He could see Chris was in pain but basically ok. “You know Jen’s is going it kill me for letting you get shot.”

“Not like you could know he was going shoot. He kills you and Jenny don’t get to ride you dick any more.” Chris chuckled then groaned.

Alexis watched what was happening on the TV in Captain Beaver’s office. When the bullet exploded into Luther’s head she screamed falling to her knees. “Luther! No Luther!”


Chapter 15


Title: Death Comes Calling 15/
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

Christian spend a night in the hospital then with Jeff, Jensen, Jared, Michael and Tom he flew to North Carolina to lay his mother to rest. His mother's older brother Henry Greyhawke met them at the airport. He wasn't at all what Jeff had expected with short cropped hair the color of steel wool, dressed in tan slacks, Oxford shirt and a Rolex. "Uncle Henry." Christian extended his hand to his uncle who yanked him into a
tight bear hug.

Henry pulled back his nephew still in his arms. "Look at all this hair. Last time I saw you it was short and curly and you were skinny at a bean pole." Although Christian smiled at the teasing Henry saw the sadness and uncertainty behind the smile. He could almost read the boys mind. He wondered if his mother's family would resent him for what his father had done and been. "You are family boy never doubt that. Your mother's blood pumps through your veins just as it does mine. You were always more Greyhawke then Kane anyway." Henry cupped his nephew's face pulling him in and pressing a kiss on his forehead.

Christian felt tears well in his eyes both Jeff and Jensen stepped up next to him. Henry gave them both curious looks. "So, which one of you is my nephew's lover?" Christian's eyes grew wide with shock that his uncle could tell he was gay. Jeff wrapped his arm protectively around Christian's waist. "I am. Jeffrey Dean Morgan." Jeff offered his hand to Henry who took in a firm hand shake. "Don't look so shocked Christian your mother was very proud of you and life you made for yourself. She kept us informed about you even that you were gay. We were all saddened when we heard that Steven had been killed."

Jensen offered his own hand in introduction since Christian seemed to have lost the ability to speak for a moment. "I am Jensen Ackles Christian's best friend." Turning Jensen introduced everyone else. "This is Jared Padalecki Christian's police partner and my boyfriend. Back here Michael Rosenbaum and Tom Welling they are friends of mine
from law school and are representing Christian and I in a personal injury law suit."

"Well come on let's get you settled and we can go over the funeral arrangements tomorrow and then you can bring me up to speed on this law suit. I am the tribal lawyer here on the reservation." Henry turned leading the way out of the terminal.

Jeff pulled Christian back against him tucking his chin on the shorter mans shoulder. "You ok baby?" Christian relaxed against him for a moment. "Yeah. He just surprised me. I didn't know mom told them that I was gay, that they knew about Steve." Jeff kissed the side of his head before giving him a little push in the direction the others had went.

On the drive to the Reservation home that Elizabeth Greyhawke had grown up in and ran away from to have better life took them passed the Harrah Cherokee Casino and the prosperity that she had dreamed of beyond the reservation borders. All Betty had was a future of bare bones existence. She had run away with handsome young trucker with cerulean blue eyes, Oklahoma accent, outlaw cowboy swagger and a quick smile. The first man she ever kissed who promised her the moon but delivery years of heartache.

Christian looked out the window trying to figure out why his mother never just left Buck and came home. What kind of hold did that bastard have on her that had Betty following him where ever he went? Jared looked at him like he could read his mind. "She loved him. No use trying to figure it out." "Stop with the mind reading sh*t Sasquatch."

They pulled into the drive next to a large log house. There was two young boys catch with a football. Smoke billowing from a huge smoker on the porch. There was a young girl who looked about 15 sitting on the steps bent over her cell phone typing faster with her thumbs then most people did with all their fingers.

A short round woman with one shiny silver streak in her long ink black dress stepped out on to the porch as guys climbed out of Henry's extended cab pickup. She burst into tears running down the stairs wrapping her arms around Christian. "Oh. Christian. My sweet blue eyed boy is all grown up."

Christian hugged the small woman back. "Irma easy up and let the boy breath." Henry chuckled at his oldest sister hugged the stuffing out their nephew.

Irma at 60 was the oldest of Betty's four siblings. She had already been married with a baby of her own when Betty at 17 married Buck who was 23. Henry was second oldest at 58, Daniel was third oldest at 55, then came Betty who died just shy of her 54 birthday and the baby was Marcus who was 47.

After they were all introduced and hugged breathless by Irma they were ushered into the house. Dinner was a noisy event with all the cousins and spouses. Everyone eager to get to know Christian and the others. After dinner Henry snagged the lawyers bringing them into his study to get the low down on the law suit.

Irma dug out photo albums spreading them out on the kitchen table. Christian was surprised to see how many pictures of him as a child. Each picture had little caption written by Betty on the back. There was all the embarrassing photos that all mothers their children. The picture of Christian age three dancing naked in the living room had both Jeff and Jared laughing so hard they had tears in their eyes. Christian shot a mock glare at Jeff. “Laugh it up old man. You better hope my aunts couch is comfy.” “Oh baby don’t be like that. My mom has equally embarrassing pictures of me.” Jeff said with a chuckle. “Yeah man my mom has a picture of me at a park by our house in San Antonio running around bare assed. I had taken my diaper off because it was wet.” Jared chimed in.

It was midnight before they all turned in. Michael fell face first on the pull out couch in the study where he and Tom were sleeping. He was exhausted and maybe little traumatized. Marcus’s daughter who was 17 had cornered him on the back porch having a smoke. Tessa made a heavy awkward pass at she actually grabbed his butt. Which had startled him so bad Michael had fell off the porch. Tom of course thought it was funny as hell.

The door was barely closed to the room Jared and Jensen was using before Jared had the green eyed lawyer pressed up against it kissing him breathless. “God Jen.” Jared moaned against Jensen’s pale gold neck. Clothes were frantically pushed and pulled out of the way. Jared palmed Jensen’s ass lifting him up until he wrapped him legs around him. Jensen bit his lip to keep from moaning as Jared slid inside him.

Christian opened the door to the bedroom. Inside laying on the king size bed as a buck skin shirt with intricate beading and a Indian choker. Tears started to stream down his face, Jeff wrapped his arms around him from behind. Spinning around Christian buried his face in the older mans shoulder sobbing. Jeff just held him letting him cry.

In Tulsa Alexis Biel walked into the nursing home where Luther’s mother Helena lived. It was well after visiting hours but the nurse had called while Alexis was boxing up Luther’s apartment. She stopped at the nurses station to get directions to Helena’s room.

Helena Anderson was laying on her bed just staring off into space. Alexis sat down next to her. “Hello Helena. I am Luther’s half sister Alexis. He sent me here to make sure you were ok.” there was no response. Alexis picked a pillow gently placing it over Helena’s face. The frail woman didn’t put up much struggle. 10 minutes later she walked out of the nursing home. Getting into her car Alexis took the gun she had bought from under the seat raising it to her head she whispered “I love you Luther.” she pulled the trigger.

Elizabeth Kane was laid to rest to the sound drums and chanting and the words of Cherokee spiritual prayer. Christian stood with his aunt and three uncles wearing his grandfathers buck skin. The drums reach a crescendo as the coffin was lowered into the ground next to Elizabeth’s parents.


Chapter 16


Title: Death Comes Calling 16/16
Author: krebsbach
Pairing: Christian Kane/ Jeffrey Dean Morgan, mentions of
Steve Carlson/ Christian Kane, Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Rating: NC-17
Summary: A serial killer killing to get homicide detective
Kane in the game he wants to end in destroying the man.
Warning: Un BETA'd, AU Incest between sister and brother
Notes: Came to me when I was ready the AP wire about suspected
Serial murders in North Carolina.
Disclaimer: Yes I killed Steve off before the story even started

Chapter Text

"Today Judge Mitchell Pileggi will begin to hear arguments on whether the personal injury law suit filed by reputed drug dealer Joseph Peterson's mother Tildy will see it's day in front of a jury. Suit was filed 4 months ago and has been fast track due to publicity. Lawyers for the defendants Michael Rosenbaum, Tom Welling and Henry Greyhawke have stated confidently that once all the evidence is presented the law suit will be shown to be without merit." Genevieve Cortez report standing outside Judge Pileggi court room.

The small court room was almost completely filled with just the numerous defendants named in the lawsuit. Compared to the plaintiffs table which held only Michael Fox, Josh Holloway and their client Tildy Peterson was sparse. Tildy fidgeted in her church clothes her eyes darting over to the defense table. Fox had found out the new lawyer the Indian was Kane's uncle a Yale law school graduate. The other two had graduated from Harvard. Even with the hired guns Fox assured Tildy that they had a strong case. After all her son was a vegetable in the county hospital. There was no disputing that fact.

The judge took his place on the bench. Please Mr. Fox present your
argument as succinctly as possible."

Fox outlined their case focusing on the actions of the overly violate Detective Christian Kane who chased Joseph Peterson onto the roof of a three story building then tossed him off. Causing the catastrophic brain injury reducing the once vibrant man into a vegetable. Also in an effort to protect their detective the Tulsa PD and the District Attorney's office swept evidence under the table. Evidence that would have cleared their clients son of the murder of homicide detective Steve Carlson and prove that Kane maliciously went after an innocent man.

Jeff sat just behind Christian leaning forward just enough he could hold his lovers hand through the rail. Jared sat directly behind Jensen who looked like his just stepped off the pages of GQ navy pinstriped suit chic` wire rim glasses. When he had walked into the court house everyone's mouths hung open Jensen Ackles was the most beautiful man
they had ever saw. Christian's uncle Henry swore. "Well f*ck me. I don't go for guys but for him I'd bend over." Christian laughed. "Stand in line. That boy has had men and women falling at his feet since he was in diapers."

Tom Welling stood up "You're Honor we have video footage that should clear this issue up quickly." The bailiff wheeled in the TV and VCR. Tom pushed the tape in hitting play.

The footage was from the department store roof security camera which was across the street from the building Joseph Peterson had been on. The tape starts and you can hear Christian shouting for Peterson to stop. The two men came into view Peterson was looking over his shoulder at Kane not looking at how close he was to the edge of the building. Kane yelled at Peterson at the last minute to turn around but he didn't listen. From the camera view it looked like Peterson ran off the edge like those cartoon where the road runs out and the character keep running.

The tape was turned off. Fox jumped up. "I object to this video being shown in court. It really has no bearing on this law suit."

Judge Pileggi glared down at him. "Your law suit claims Detective Kane cause the injury by throwing Mr. Peterson off the roof. This as we have seen on this security video was not the case at all. I am throwing out this law suit. It is clear that Mr. Peterson's injuries were caused solely by his own actions." Judge Pileggi brought his gavel down.

There was a loud screech and Tildy Peterson launched herself at Welling her long brightly painted nail going for his eyes. Jared was up over the railing grabbing her before she could reach the lawyer. The bailiff slapped handcuffs on her and dragged Tildy from the courtroom.

It took the rest of the day to get everything settled. Captain Jim Beaver hosted a victory BBQ at his ranch. Jeff had finished moving all his things into Christian condo the weekend before the hearing. He received a transfer from Washington to the FBI field office in Tulsa and would continue to be on loan to the Tulsa PD for profiling. Welling and Rosenbaum would be returning to their practices in Washington soon. Christian's uncle couldn't stay after the hearing and had to fly back to North Carolina to handle some tribal business.

"Come on Papa! We don't get a move on Jared will eat all the food before we get there." Christian called from the hall way. "I am coming. Just keep your pants on." Jeff came out of the house carrying a huge tub of potato salad.

A dark colored sedan, obviously a state vehicle pulled up stopping in front of the house. A prime Liberian looking woman stepped out. In the back seat was a small child about 3 or 4 years old. She carried the little girl with reddish brown curls and big blue eyes up the drive. "Detective Christian Kane? I am Nancy Regal from Child Protective Services."

"Yes. How can I help you Ms. Regal?" Christian asked afraid of the answer he was going to get.

She handed him some court papers. "This is Cheylee Kane. Her father was Buck Kane her mother was a 22 year old lab assistant where your father went for cancer treatment Amber Tiese. Herr mother has recently passed away. In her will she named you as Cheylee's guardian as per your fathers request." She handed Christian the small girl who looked up at him with big eyes.

Christian and Jeff couldn’t have been more shocked if she had told them the sky was about fall on their heads. “My dad had cancer?” Christian asked the first question that popped into his head. Jeff gave him a what the f*ck kinda look.

“Yes he was approaching the last stages of pancreatic cancer. Now the formal paper work has already been filed. There will a hearing on Tuesday just a formality the judge will sign off and grant you and your partner custody of the child.”

Cheylee look at the man who was holding her. She remembered the picture mama had showed her of her daddy. She placed little hand on Christian’s cheek. “Daddy.”


Death Comes Calling - krebsnach (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.