Danny Reeves 🤖🦾 on LinkedIn: The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to… (2024)

Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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💥 Gen AI Adoption Spikes in 2024 💥Gen AI has rapidly gone from a novelty to a game-changer! 🤖According to a Global Survey on AI:✨ 65% of organisations are now regularly using Generative AI, almost double from just 10 months ago! 🚀✨ 3 out of 4 leaders predict Gen AI will lead to significant disruption in their industries. 💥✨ Early adopters are already seeing major benefits:- Cost decreases of over 20% in HR- Revenue jumps over 10% in supply chain managementBut with great power comes great responsibility. Inaccuracy is the top risk experienced so far as we navigate the responsible scaling of this transformative technology.The AI pioneers (who attribute over 10% of EBIT to Gen AI) are showing us the way forward:🧠 Using Gen AI across more functions like risk, strategy, and supply chain🔐 Prioritising risk practices like legal reviews and bias testing🏭 Customising models with proprietary data vs. just off-the-shelfIt's an incredibly exciting time as Gen AI moves from experimentation to true business value creation. The possibilities are endless for organisations willing to be bold! 🚀🔗 - https://lnkd.in/eK2Zp2Nn#GenerativeAI #ArtificialIntelligence #DigitalTransformation #TechTrends2024 #FutureofWork

The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to generate value mckinsey.com


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    🔍 Claude 3.5 Sonnet – Free Version Packs a Punch! 🥊Anthropic just released Claude 3.5 Sonnet, the free version of their latest AI, and it's already turning heads:🔗 https://lnkd.in/e3N2zRsV1️⃣ Benchmark Battles:Claude 3.5 Sonnet is showing impressive results, even outperforming some GPT-4o benchmarks. And remember, this is just the free version! 🎭2️⃣ Meet "Artifacts":Imagine collaborating with AI on a digital canvas – that's the essence of Claude 3.5's new "Artifacts" feature. It's like having a super-smart design partner at your fingertips. Intrigued? You should be!3️⃣ Free vs. Paid:Here's the kicker – Claude 3.5 Sonnet is the free version. Just imagine what Claude 3 Opus, the paid version, might be capable of! 🚀4️⃣ The AI Evolution Continues:While not a quantum leap, Claude 3.5 Sonnet is pushing boundaries. It's another pixel in the bigger picture of AI development. Where do you think this leads?👉 Why This Matters:• For Developers: New tools for more intuitive coding assistance, with potential for even more advanced features in Opus• For Creatives: Enhanced AI collaboration in design and content creation• For Businesses: Potential productivity boosts in data analysis and problem-solving, with scalable options from free to premium🧠 Food for Thought:As AI capabilities grow, so do the questions:• How will the availability of a powerful free version like Sonnet impact the AI landscape?• What additional features might the paid Opus version offer?• How do we balance innovation with ethical considerations as these tools become more accessible?💡 Your Turn:• What feature of Claude 3.5 Sonnet intrigues you most?• Would you consider upgrading to the Opus version? Why or why not?• How do you see free vs. paid AI assistants integrating into your work in the next year?Share your thoughts below! 👇hashtag#AIInnovation#TechTrends#FutureOfWork#Claude35Sonnet#AIEthics #FreeAI

    Introducing Claude 3.5 Sonnet anthropic.com


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  • Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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    🌟 The UK’s first AI MP? Are we ready for this? 🌟More remarkable AI innovations that push the boundaries of what's possible.One such innovation is the concept of AI Members of Parliament, exemplified by AI MP Steve🔗 - https://www.ai-steve.co.ukThis initiative is a prime example of how AI can augment our political systems (indeed many/any of our Public Sector services), providing 24/7 access to ask questions and get immediate answers that draw on the vast data reserves of Government and Public Services, get advice, organise around our complex services, challenge and lead policy, and even power our country forward into the future with data-driven insights, more informed decision making and massively more efficient and automated societal engagement.🔍 Wisdom and Experience in AI Governance: AI MPs will bring a wealth of data and analytical power, ensuring decisions are backed by comprehensive evidence. This aligns perfectly with the WECI (Wisdom, Experience, Creativity, and Ingenuity) framework, where human oversight and representation ensures these insights are applied ethically and effectively.💡 Creativity and Ingenuity: The creativity involved in developing AI MPs reflects our ingenuity in leveraging technology for societal good. These AI systems can handle vast amounts of data and present unbiased information, aiding human MPs in crafting policies that are both innovative, equitable and truly aligned to societies challenges.🌐 Collaborative Governance: AI MPs are not about replacing human politicians but enhancing their capabilities. By combining AI's data processing prowess with human experience, we can achieve more balanced and forward-thinking government.📢 How do you envision AI transforming governance?What are the potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI into our Public Services systems?#WECI #AI #Governance #Innovation #FutureOfPolitics #AIandSociety

    Home https://www.ai-steve.co.uk


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  • Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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    As another person who has been personally involved in the birth and proliferation of the Mobile Phone, PC, GUI and the Mouse, the Internet, the Smartphone and now Gen AI, I agree with Zahl, we are all in for a wild ride in the way we humans interact with technology, like nothing this world has ever seen or could possibly predict. I for one am excited and optimistically cautious. Buckle up!


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  • Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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    🚀 Gen AI: Unlocking Opportunities in M&A 🚀Generative AI (Gen AI) is making significant strides in the M&A landscape, transforming how deals are sourced, executed, and integrated. As companies seek to capture the immense potential of Gen AI, it's clear that this technology is poised to revolutionise the M&A process.🔍 Faster and Better-Quality Target SourcingGen AI enhances the ability to identify potential acquisition targets by processing vast amounts of structured and unstructured data. Tools like McKinsey’s DealScan.AI help companies uncover high-value targets that align with strategic and cultural goals, making the deal-sourcing process more efficient and effective.💡 Expediting Due Diligence and NegotiationsGen AI can summarise key diligence documents, surface risks, draft memoranda, and generate regulatory filings, significantly reducing the time required for these tasks. This capability streamlines the diligence and negotiation phases, allowing dealmakers to focus on strategic decisions.🤖 Executing Integration or Separation with ExcellencePost-merger integration or separation is often where deals falter. Gen AI tools can automate many of the labor-intensive tasks, such as generating memos, harmonising policies, and identifying synergy opportunities. This accelerates the process and ensures that deal synergies are captured quickly, maintaining business momentum.🌐 Strengthening In-House M&A CapabilitiesGen AI leverages historical deal data to provide insights and performance patterns, helping companies refine their M&A strategies. It can generate personalised training programs and update proprietary playbooks, enhancing the skills and efficiency of M&A teams.Getting Started with Gen AI in M&A1. Prioritise Use Cases: Focus on Gen AI applications that align with your M&A strategy and provide the most value.2. Develop or Adopt Solutions: Decide whether to develop in-house solutions or adopt off-the-shelf tools based on your resources and needs.3. Implement Guardrails: Establish robust security and quality control measures to mitigate risks associated with Gen AI.Gen AI is not just a technology; it’s a catalyst for making M&A processes more strategic, efficient, and value-driven. The question is no longer if Gen AI will impact M&A, but how quickly and profoundly it will do so. Share your experiences and insights on integrating Gen AI into your M&A practices in the comments below!🔗 https://lnkd.in/en_Mmz_4#Gen AI #M&A #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #DealMaking #AIinBusiness


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  • Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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    🚀 The Promise and Reality of AI Agents in the Enterprise 🚀Gen AI technology is rapidly advancing, unlocking new capabilities for enterprises. A recent McKinsey report highlights how AI agents are transforming workflows across industries, from customer service to software engineering.🔗 - https://lnkd.in/eTdTrBen🔍 What are AI Agents?AI agents are sophisticated software entities designed to orchestrate complex workflows, coordinate activities, and provide valuable services autonomously or in collaboration with humans. They are becoming indispensable virtual workers, enhancing productivity and efficiency across various business functions.💡 Transforming Customer ServiceOne of the most immediate impacts of AI agents is seen in customer service. By integrating AI agents, businesses can significantly reduce average handling times and improve issue resolution rates. For instance, AI agents assist human agents in real-time, providing knowledge articles, suggesting next steps, and even offering coaching on tone and empathy.📈 Economic PotentialThe economic potential of AI agents is staggering, with estimates suggesting an annual value of $2.6 trillion to $4.4 trillion across more than 60 use cases. The true realisation of this value hinges on how quickly and effectively enterprises can reimagine and transform their workflows.🔧 Challenges to OvercomeDespite their promise, the widespread deployment of AI agents faces hurdles such as data quality, employee trust, and implementation costs. Enterprises must invest in robust AI trust and risk management practices to navigate these challenges successfully. Additionally, there's a need for extensive training programs to up-skill employees and align them with AI capabilities.🌐 Future ProspectsAs AI technologies continue to evolve, we can expect broader automation across enterprise processes, enhanced customer experiences, and improved employee satisfaction. The future of AI in the enterprise is not just about automation; it's about creating a synergistic environment where AI augments human capabilities and drives business growth.Share your insights and experiences with AI integration in the comments below!#AI #GenerativeAI #Innovation #EnterpriseTechnology #CustomerService #DigitalTransformation

    The promise and the reality of gen AI agents in the enterprise mckinsey.com


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  • Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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    🚀 AI at Work: 75% Knowledge Workers Using AI 🚀The latest Microsoft 2024 Work Trend Index reveals a fascinating leap in AI integration at work - 75% of global knowledge workers are now using generative AI, nearly double from just six months ago.🔗 https://lnkd.in/eGDnPYXcThis rapid adoption is reshaping not just workflows but also career trajectories. Here’s what we’re seeing:💸 AI Adoption: A significant shift from individual experimentation to transformational business applications. Organizations are now compelled to leverage AI not only to drive growth but also to manage costs and deliver superior value.🦾 Career Impact: For many, AI is raising the bar and breaking the career ceiling. Leaders report a talent shortage, with 66% saying they wouldn’t hire someone without AI skills. Interestingly, AI aptitude might soon rival years of experience!🚀 The AI-Powered Workforce: Employees are not waiting around; they're bringing their own AI tools to the workplace. This proactive adoption is helping them save time, boost creativity, and enhance job satisfaction.How should businesses balance the rapid integration of AI with the human elements of wisdom, experience, creativity, and ingenuity (WECI)? Can we harness this technology to augment our uniquely human capabilities and foster an innovative, inclusive workforce?I believe AI is not just a technological upgrade but a transformative force that can redefine our professional lives and industries. What are your experiences with AI at work? How do you see AI shaping your career and your industry?#AIAtWork #CareerDevelopment #WECI #Microsoft #WorkTrendIndex #DigitalTransformation

    AI at Work Is Here. Now Comes the Hard Part microsoft.com



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  • Danny Reeves 🤖🦾

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    🚀 Unleashing Human Potential in the Gen AI Workspace 🚀🤖💡 Recent studies, including insights from McKinsey, highlight a shift towards more people-centric job designs, where generative AI tools liberate employees from mundane tasks, allowing them to engage more in creative and strategic roles.Stats, Facts, and Figures:💥 Broad Impact: 88% of surveyed employees are in non-technical jobs that benefit from generative AI, which helps them with routine tasks.🙇♀️ Employee Turnover: 51% of respondents who are heavy users and creators of Gen AI plan to quit their jobs in the next three to six months, highlighting a challenge in retaining top talent.😊 Job Satisfaction Factors: Workers, especially Gen AI users, value flexibility, meaningful work, and well-being more than compensation. Flexibility and a supportive work environment are critical to retaining employees.🧠 Skill Shifts: Among employees, there is a noticeable preference for higher cognitive skills (59% of Gen AI creators value this) and social-emotional skills over pure technological skills.Key Takeaways:1. Widespread Adoption and Impact: The use of generative AI is expected to increase significantly, influencing not only technical roles but also non-technical positions. This technology is poised to free employees from routine tasks, allowing them to focus on more complex, cognitive work.2. Shift to People-Centric Jobs: Organisations have the opportunity to redesign jobs to be more people-centric, focusing on creative, collaborative, and innovative tasks. This shift can lead to greater job satisfaction and higher levels of engagement.3. Need for New Skills: As routine tasks are automated, there is a growing need for higher-level cognitive and social-emotional skills over technical skills. This reflects a shift towards roles that require critical thinking, decision-making, and interpersonal skills.Challenges and Opportunities:🛠️ Retention and Re-skilling: The high turnover rate among gen AI users presents a challenge for organisations looking to build internal AI capabilities. Effective retention strategies and re-skilling programs are essential.⚙️ Work Redesign: Companies need to redefine what jobs entail, focusing more on outcomes rather than processes, to leverage Gen AI effectively.🔗 https://lnkd.in/e6ZQxmZr🌐 In this evolving job landscape, how can we ensure that our human qualities such as ingenuity and creativity are not just preserved but are leading the charge?Join the conversation and lead the way in creating a future where technology amplifies our human strengths. Share your thoughts and experiences on integrating human Wisdom, Experience, Creativity and Ingenuity in your professional journey.#WECI #AI #FutureOfWork #Innovation #EthicalAI

    The human side of generative AI: Creating a path to productivity mckinsey.com


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Danny Reeves 🤖🦾 on LinkedIn: The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to… (25)

Danny Reeves 🤖🦾 on LinkedIn: The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to… (26)


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Danny Reeves 🤖🦾 on LinkedIn: The state of AI in early 2024: Gen AI adoption spikes and starts to… (2024)
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