Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (2024)

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Crockpot Candy is a must make for the holiday season! It’s like chocolate covered peanuts but better! Only 4 ingredients and made completely in the slow cooker. It makes a ton so it is perfect for cookie tins or holiday parties!

These are a must make for me for my holiday cookie tins! Some of my other must makes for the holidays are Cranberry Orange Cookies, White Chocolate Peanut Butter Ritz Crackers, and Italian Sugar Cookies.

Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (1)

This is my ultimate, most favorite recipe ever.

If I had to pick a signature recipe, this would be it.

And it’s not even mine.

My best friend Megan and her mom gave me this recipe years and years ago.

They make it every Christmas and every Christmas I would beg her to bring me some.I honestly had no idea it was so easy until she showed up at my house with all the ingredients on year and threw it all in the slow cooker.

Now I make at least 2 batches every holiday season to fill Christmas cookie tins and send as teacher gifts. It is so delicious, practically addictive, everyone loves it, and everyone you gift it to will be asking for the recipe!

Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (2)

Ingredients For Crockpot Candy

  • White Almond Bark this is a white melting chocolate that’s typically used for making almond bark. You can find it in the baking aisle of all large grocery stores, with the chocolate chips.
  • German Chocolate Bar – this is a sweet baking chocolate that you can find in the baking aisle with the chocolate chips.
  • Semisweet Chocolate Chips
  • Dry Roasted Peanuts

How To Make Crockpot Candy

  • Add white almond bark, German chocolate bar, semisweet chocolate chips, and peanuts to slow cooker
  • Let cook on low for 1 hour without messing with it
  • After an hour, stir to combine everything
  • Allow to cook for another hour, stirring every 15 minutes
  • Drop spoonfuls of the candy onto wax paper and allow to cool completely

What Size Crockpot Do I Need for Crockpot Candy?

I use a 6 quart slow cooker for this recipe. I don’t recommend using anything much smaller than that but an 8 quart will work fine.

How Long Is It Good For?

Crockpot Candy is good for several weeks in the fridge. Make sure to store Crockpot Candy in an airtight container to keep it good for as long as possible.

I like mine room temperature so I recommend letting it sit on the counter for 10 – 15 minutes before serving. You can also serve it right from the fridge if you prefer!

What Is Almond Bark?

Okay, so it’s technically it’s not even called almond bark! It’s a candy coating (either vanilla or chocolate) but the packages usually have “Make Your Own ALMOND BARK!” on the front so everyone just calls it almond bark.

There are no almonds or nuts of any kind. It is a chocolaty candy coating that melts really easily and produces a glossy, beautiful candy. It also sets up really quickly so you don’t have candy sitting on your counterfor hours and hours.

Almond bark available in most of the grocery stores near me (plus Walmart and Super Target) year round in the baking aisle right near the chocolate chips. During the holiday season, most stores will have huge baking displays where you can find almond bark as well. Or you can always order almond bark online.

If, for some reason, you can’t find it, the candy melts you find in the craft store work similarly.

Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (4)

What is a German Chocolate Bar?

You know that rich delicious German chocolate cake taste that you know and love? It gets it’s signature taste from German chocolate!It’s a dark baking chocolate that is slightly sweeter than semisweet chocolate.

And fun fact! It didn’t get it’s name from Germany! It was developed by a man named Sam German in the 1850’s and that’s how it came to be known as German chocolate.

It is made by Baker’s and will be right next to all the other Baker’s baking chocolate in the baking aisle of pretty much any grocery store. If you can’t find it, you can use semisweet and won’t be able to tell much of a different at all. Or you can always order a German chocolate bar online.

Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (5)

Help!My Crockpot Candy Isn’t Setting Up!

I have never had this problem but I have had readers say their Crockpot Candy takes forever to set up.

The amount of almond bark used in the recipe should make it set up pretty quickly, especially if your house isn’t super hot, but if you are having problems, transfer them to your refrigerator for a few minutes and they should set up very fast.

Can You Freeze Crockpot Candy?

Yes! If you are looking to get a jump start on your holiday baking, you can freeze it in an airtightfreezer ziploc bag, making sure to remove as much of the air as possible.

Just let it thaw in the refrigerator or on the counter before serving.

More Crockpot Dessert Recipes

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📖 Recipe

Yield: 50 servings

Crockpot Candy

Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (6)

Crockpot Candy is a must make for the holiday season! It's like chocolate covered peanuts but better! Only 4 ingredients and perfect for cookie tins!

Prep Time5 minutes

Cook Time2 hours

Total Time2 hours 5 minutes


  • 2 pound white almond bark
  • 4 ounces German chocolate bar
  • 12 ounce bag semisweet chocolate chips
  • 24 ounces dry roasted peanuts


  1. Add white almond bark, German chocolate bar, semisweet chocolate chips, and peanuts to slow cooker. Let cook on low for 1 hour without messing with it. After an hour, stir to combine everything. Allow to cook for another hour, stirring every 15 minutes.
  2. Drop spoonfuls of the candy onto wax paper and allow to cool completely.

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Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving:Calories: 233Total Fat: 19gSaturated Fat: 3gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 14gCholesterol: 1mgSodium: 149mgCarbohydrates: 12gFiber: 4gSugar: 6gProtein: 8g

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Crockpot Candy Recipe - Crockpot Peanut Clusters VIDEO (2024)
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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.