Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (2024)

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This coconut cream pie is creamy and full of coconut flavor. In a delicious crust and topped with fresh whipped cream it’s always a favorite.

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (1)

Do you love pie? I do! AND pie crusts – I have a few go to pies and THIS ONE just got added to the list – it’s AMAZING! but if you ARE a pie lover check out My Pumpkin Cream Cheese pieandmy Sour Cream Lemon pie. How about you? Any favorites I should add to my list?

Kay I have to just RAVE for a second. I love love love LOVE coconut – like it’s one of my top flavor (along with chocolate, lemon, caramel and peanut butter) so of COURSE I love this pie.

BUT I just have to say it’s not just for coconut lovers – if ANYONE mildly likes coconut they will love this pie! it has a great texture and flavor and the creaminess… YUM! I like to use a pate sucree crust – BUT you can use any baked crust you prefer.

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (2)

This video tutorial not only has this coconut cream pie in it but also my cream cheese pumpkin pie, Sour Cream Lemon Pie AND my Pecan Tart (available in the Thanksgiving ecookbook). oh YEAH! let me know which one your going to try first!

The secret is the shredded coconut. I love coconut, it’s one of my favorite flavors, but I don’t love the strands of coconut, it’s a texture thing. A few years ago I stared using my food processor to shred up the sweetened coconut for every recipe and I love it!

BUT if you used all sweetened coconut for this pie it would be TOO sweet – so you’ll want to DEF get the unsweetened shredded coconut – trust me it makes a difference.

My kids were a littlesurprised when they first tried it – they thought it was my lemon pie! BAHAHAHA I hate it when I do that – bite in expecting one flavor but getting another!

But they soon learned to tell the difference. This pie has a great flavor without being too strong, or too sweet! AND the creaminess – do die for! if you love coconut you have GOT to try this one!

So what is your absolute FAVORITE pie?

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (3)

Connect with Ashlee Marie Online!

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (4) Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (5) Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (6) Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (7) Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (8)

I love pies and I have even more pie recipes in my downloadable Thanksgiving digital cookbook.

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (9)
Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (10)

To watch me make this Coconut Cream pie and 3 other play the video in the recipe card. There should also be a short teaser auto playing for you.

You can find all my cooking show style recipe videos on YouTube, or my short recipe videos on Facebook Watch, or my Facebook Page, or right here on our website with their corresponding recipes.

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (11)

Coconut Cream Pie

the most amazing coconut cream pie ever. Custard based and full of coconut flavor.

4.49 from 127 votes

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Servings: 12 servings

Calories: 945kcal

Author: Ashlee Marie


  • 9 inch pie shell baked and cooled – I like the pate sucree
  • 4 egg yolks beaten lightly
  • 1/3 C cornstarch
  • 3/4 granulated sugar
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 1/2 C whole milk
  • 14 oz canned coconut milk I like Chaokoh or Goya
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 3 Tbsp butter
  • 1 c finely shredded coconut
  • 1/2 C sweetened coconut shredded in a food processor
  • 8 oz stabilized whipped cream optional topping

US CustomaryMetric


  • Stir the cornstarch and salt in a saucepan

  • Whisk in the whole milk and coconut milk

  • Cook over medium, stirring constantly, bring it to a boil, let it boil 1 min.

  • In a separate bowl whisk the egg yolks and sugar until light and ribbony

  • in a thin stream pour 1/3 of the milk mixture into a bowl with the egg yolks, stirring constantly to temper the eggs

  • Pour the warm egg mixture back into the saucepan and boil another min.

  • Remove from heat and add the vanilla, butter and shredded coconut.

  • let it cool, stirring occasionally, then pour into the pie crust.

  • Place in the refrigerator to cool and set.

  • Before serving top with stabilized whipped cream



Calories: 945kcal | Carbohydrates: 84g | Protein: 13g | Fat: 61g | Saturated Fat: 29g | Cholesterol: 90mg | Sodium: 770mg | Potassium: 347mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 5g | Vitamin A: 355IU | Vitamin C: 0.4mg | Calcium: 99mg | Iron: 5.5mg

Did you make this recipe?Mention @ashleemariecakes or tag #makesomeawesome and I’ll share your image in my Instagram stories!

Related Posts:

  • Cheesecake swirl Pumpkin Pie Recipe
  • Homemade Pumpkin Pie - made from a fresh pumpkin
  • Lemon Meringue Cheesecake Recipe and video

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (15)

About Ashlee

With the right tips and tricks, I believe YOU can make, bake, or create anything. This is what I love to do - make some awesome, teach you how, and give you that boost of culinary confidence you need to rock your own kitchen! Read more...

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (16)


Reader Interactions


    Leave a Reply

  1. Caterina

    Is the coconut milk the kind in a can, or in the refrigerator?


    • Ashlee Marie

      In the can – That’s what you always use in cooking and baking.

  2. Vickie Kien

    Where did you purchase the purple silicone crust protector from to prevent shrinkage from? I have been looking for one.


    • Ashlee Marie

      I got this one – but honestly I switched back to parchment paper and rice

  3. Kathy

    Hi, I can’t wait to try this recipe…it looks awesome, and coconut cream is my dad’s favorite 🙂 Win, win!! May I ask where you got the handy red silicone form to push into the pie crust before you bake it? I googled it, but came up empty handed. It looks so handy. Thanks so much for letting me know 🙂


  4. Sheri

    I’ve made this twice. Both times the filling becomes runny. The first time I made it for a birthday party and was horrified when I cut into it. It has 10 oz more liquid than other recipes. Never again!


    • Ashlee Marie

      I am so sorry to hear that!!! I’ve never had it not set! I’m puzzled. Could you answer some questions for me? What brand of canned coconut milk did you use? Coconut milk isn’t very regulated and some brands have very little fat. I used to have trouble with my coconut panna cotta – half of the time it set up beautifully, half the time it separated and the texture was odd. I only use Goya and Chaokoh brands of coconut milk now and I’ve never had an issue since then. The only other thing I can think of is that maybe the custard wasn’t cooked thick enough?

  5. Taylor

    My pie doesn’t seem to have set. What might I have done wrong?


    • Ashlee Marie

      I’m sorry to hear that. I have never had it not set so I’m gust guessing on a few ideas here – could you have accidentally use drinking coconut milk instead of baking coconut milk in a can? My other thought – was the custard base cooked enough, did it get nice and thick?

    • Ashlee Marie

      another thought – it could be that canned coconut milk is not created equal – some have much lower fat content then others. I recommend Goya or Chaokoh.

  6. Samantha

    I am planning on making this pie for Thanksgiving this year and was wondering if I make it a couple of days before will it store well enough?


    • Ashlee Marie

      yup! you can totally make it ahead of time

  7. Stephanie

    I have a question do you put the 1/2c coconut into the filling or the 1c coconut into the filling? It states shredded but both are shredded


    • Ashlee Marie

      finely shredded coconut is unsweetened. then I do the normal coconut and grind it fine in the food processor

  8. Diana

    Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (17)
    What a disappointment, (used Goya coconut milk) and it was very thick when I cooked it, however once cooled it was runny. Nothing like cutting into liquid. This was a waste of time and supplies.


    • Ashlee Marie

      I am so sorry! It is possible you didn’t cook it long enough, forgot to add cornstarch, or forgot to let it boil a second time. I hope my other recipes go smoother for you.

Coconut Cream Pie Recipe and Video (2024)
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