Azula and the Citadel of Sagacity - Mighty_Retief (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Appreciation Chapter Text Chapter 2: Reverberations Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 3: Of Plans and Preparations Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 4: The Search Continues Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 5: She Who Learns from All Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 6: Sabotage and Goodwill Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 7: Uncomfortable Discussions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 8: Transitions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 9: Testing and Interrogation Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 10: Things Learned Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 11: The Possibilities of Sharing Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 12: Meet and Greet Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 13: Right to the Source Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 14: Discussions and Conflict Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 15: Opportunities Lost and Found Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 16: Intelligence and Allies Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 17: Alliances and Sacrifices Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 18: Celebrations and Concern Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 19: Agni’s Curse Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 20: Talks of the Past and Future Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 21: In Flux Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 22: The Calm Before the Storm Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 23: Darkness and Light Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 24: A Light Extinguished Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 25: The Battle of Sun Island Bay Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 26: From the Ashes Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 27: Reunion Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 28: Uncomfortable Discussions Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 29: Looking to the Future Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 30: Contention Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 31: Momentous Events Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 32: A Fork in the Road Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 33: An Unexpected Arrival Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Chapter 34: Knowledge Shared Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes: Chapter 35: Return Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 36: Moving Forward Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 37: Plans Are in Place Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 38: Changing of the Guard Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 39: Nowhere is Safe Summary: Chapter Text Chapter 40: Aftermath Summary: Notes: Chapter Text Notes:

Chapter 1: Appreciation

Chapter Text

Rajeen hurriedly made her way to the makeshift library they had created in this small village deep in the jungles west of Rokishe. She dreamed of retaking their home, but it would take time and great effort to do so. But with the financial resources and material aid she had received from her mysterious allies, she had a plan for weakening the Fire Nation and gaining a voice in the government of Rokishe once again.

But for now, she was off to meet with one of her most talented Successors.

Successor Vinda was seated in the library as Matron Rajeen made her way inside. It was a far cry from the Grand Library of Rokishe, but Rajeen was thankful that they had even been able to gather this much of their previous texts and scrolls. Whether the Matron lived in a luxurious palace or a squalid hut, education and knowledge were to be valued and cultivated.

Her friend greeted Rajeen with a warm smile. Short with dark brown, shoulder length hair, brown eyes and pretty features, Vinda was an attractive woman of just twenty that radiated charm and charisma. But more importantly, she possessed a keen mind and a driving will to learn and improve. She had all that was needed to be a Successor.

“Matron, thank you for joining me. I have something very special that I would like to show you.” Vinda said with a respectful nod.

“I must say, Vinda, your reclusiveness these past six months has us all a little concerned. It’s not like you to become a hermit, seeking only the comfort of your scrolls. We have all missed you.” Rajeen said, eyeing Vinda critically. She saw the signs of overwork and chronic fatigue written all over her friend’s face.

“I know, but once I explain what I have found, you’ll understand exactly why I’ve devoted myself to this cause.” Vinda waved Rajeen over to a table covered with scrolls. She set two scrolls out; one looking new and freshly produced and one looking old and weathered.

“As you know, I found that cache of hidden documents in our underground safe house last year. But there was an old one that was written in an ancient language that I didn’t recognize. But then some traders brought a few old boxes with ancient texts and a few artifacts. Most of it was old but not really interesting. Except for a document that had an old parable written in two languages; Lincum Arca and this unknown language.”

Rajeen tried to keep her impatience at bay. She loved that Vinda got excited about scholarly things, but Rajeen had asshole firebending oppressors to kick off her continent and didn’t have time for this. She kept her voice calm as she broke in to stop Vinda’s undoubtedly excited rant. “I appreciate your enthusiasm, but unless this scroll has something to help us grind the ashmakers into dust, I don’t have the time to enjoy your scholarship.”

Rajeen felt herself stiffen as Vinda stared her straight in the eyes, her facial muscles quivering in excitement. “This scroll does indeed have something to help us grind the ashmakers into dust. It could be the key to breaking the Fire Nation’s grip on the colonies once and for all.”

Rajeen’s heart raced at those words; Vinda wasn’t a woman to bluster and posture. “I’m all ears. Tell me what this wonderful scroll has to say.”

Vinda’s voice was high and fast as she began speaking. “The translation process was interesting but not the point here. What I found is that this scroll is titled ‘The Mechanism of Actualizing Chi in Nonbenders to Manifest Shadowbending’.”

Rajeen just blinked at the words Vinda spoke; she recognized all of the words except shadowbending. She had never heard such a term before. “And what, mind you, is shadowbending?”

Vinda’s smile brightened at the question. “Shadowbending is an ability that can be given to nonbenders by using specially prepared ink to tattoo the body of the recipient; the ink is then infused with shadow spirit energy that can then be manifested by the thoughts and will of the user.”

Rajeen went to speak but Vinda held up a hand, effectively silencing her. This was usually unacceptable behavior from a Successor, but Rajeen was willing to give Vinda an opportunity to speak her mind.

“A demonstration is the best way to show what shadowbending is.” Vinda held out her arm and pulled back her sleeve. The uncovered tattoo looked like it had been prepared with the blackest, most light-sucking ink that Rajeen had ever seen.

Rajeen gasped as the ink began to move and wriggle and assumed a geometric pattern. And she quickly stepped back in alarm as a pitch black form actually crawled from Vinda’s arm. The black crow looked at Rajeen and twisted its head, gazing at her with oddly intelligent eyes.

“I was able to find and purify just enough of the Wangxi Night Blossom plant needed to make this small amount of ink. The ritualistic purification process took two weeks and I was able to have Jin Ro tattoo my arm. The symbols in the scroll allowed me to make basic things, but I found articles written about logical symbology called Pathway Architecture that allowed me to create more advanced abilities.”

The crow flew to a bookcase behind Rajeen as she continued watching it wearily. She reluctantly turned her attention back to Vinda as the Successor began speaking again. “Please turn towards me and place your hands behind your back.” Rajeen looked at her for a moment before deciding to play along. “Now, without letting me see, use your fingers to signal different numbers.”

Rajeen was starting to get excited, so she held out three fingers on her left hand and two on her right.

“Five fingers.” Vinda announced, staring into the middle distance.

Rajeen changed to one and one. “Two fingers.” Again and again she changed the number of fingers extended and Vinda responded correctly every time.

“That’s amazing!” Rajeen exclaimed with a smile. “How did you do that?”

“The tattoos are used to hold the shadow spirit energy, which I am then able to wield with my chi. Using the Pathway Architecture logic, I was able to design ink structures to shadowbend in very specific ways. If you look at my arm, you see that the ink is now dull and faded; the spirit energy has fused with the Wangxi Night Blossom extract to create the shadowform. The shadowform will remain a crow until it returns to the tattoo and I reconfigure the symbol.”

The crow flew back to Vinda and merged with her tattoos, the ink once again becoming pitch black and moving on Vinda’s skin. “In that configuration, I can actually look through the eyes of the crow to see what it does. It’s not perfect and I can’t hear yet, but I believe that with practice and more advanced mathematics and symbology, even more powerful and useful constructs can be created.”

Vinda gasped as Rajeen stepped close and pulled the younger woman in for a tight hug. Tears filled Rajeen’s eyes as she spoke to her dear friend. “We will get you whatever you need to bring this too fruition. For the first time in years, I truly feel that we may finally have the tools needed to drive the interlopers from our lands.”

“I certainly hope so, Matron. For all those that fell before us. The earth continent for the earth people!”

“The earth continent for the earth people!” Rajeen shouted, raising her fist in the air.

For Rajeen’s entire life, the Fire Nation had always been the hunters, preying on those that were too small and weak to defend themselves. But if Vinda’s work panned out, the Fire Nation may finally learn what it means to be the hunted.

5 Months Later

Over the years, Azula has faced her brother in an Agni Kai, stood toe to toe with the Avatar on multiple occasions , and sunk two pirate ships; but none of those enemies ever made her as nervous as the task that faced her today.

Meeting Mei Zhu’s parents.

Ever since that disastrous night with Chan on Ember Island, she has feared that there was something inherently wrong with her, that she was destined to never truly connect with another person. She had expected to get married and carry on the family line, of course, but when she was a princess she had assumed it would be about politics and power consolidation.

But here she was in a relationship with the woman of her dreams. Funny, smart and good-hearted, Mei Zhu just seemed to be a missing piece of her own soul. Which is why she was so terrified of messing things up with her parents.

“For the love of Gnolos, Evasra, sit down and go through your Stoicastic emotion control meditations; seeing you look nervous is terrifying the entire town.” Nasu said, putting a gentle hand on Azula’s shoulder. “You’re going to be fine. Miyun and Keio will love and adore you just like everyone else in Savan.”

“You’re right, Nasu. I am pretty damn popular.” Azula joked back, causing Nasu’s eyes to nearly roll into the back of her head. “I really do need to meditate though.”

“You’ll be fine, Evasra. I’ll just tell them how you fell out of the sky with a blind earthbender on your back to save the day in our hour of need. They will just swoon over your heroism” Kanti said, making big, dreamy eyes at Azula while Muzi and Nasu laughed.

“And if that doesn’t impress them, I’ll tell them how you fell from the sky and blew up a pirate ship with a flaming ball of superfire.” Nasu interjected, causing Azula’s eyes to roll this time. “You sure do seem to fall out of the sky a lot. Do you actually not know how to land?”

“Hahaha. But perhaps we should save my acts of violence for the second meeting.” Azula grumbled as she sat in a chair and closed her eyes.

She spent a few minutes going through the emotion control meditations just as Shaman had taught her. She felt her anxiety being pushed back and while she was still a little nervous, but at least it didn’t feel like she was going to be sick anymore.

Her stress levels weren’t helped by the fact that she was out in public without her facepaint and staff; Mei Zhu had asked her not to go full mystic on her parents during the first meeting. Mei Zhu said that she wanted them to see the person behind the paint.

Azula wholeheartedly disagreed with that idea, but she had played along. This was Mei Zhu’s time to shine and bask in the glory of her accomplishments. Her girlfriend was being raised to the rank of Scholar by the Council of Erudition, which was comprised of the wisest and most accomplished scholars in Savan. If going without facepaint made life easier for Mei Zhu, then going without facepaint was what Azula would do.

“I see Mei Zhu and her parents approaching; are you ready, Evasra?” Nasu asked, only a little teasing in her voice.

“No, but there is nothing more to be done about it now.”

She gave a small smile as her three companions laughed at her discomfort. But that was alright. She knew she was being silly, but she desperately wanted to be accepted by Mei Zhu’s parents.

Mei Zhu was bouncing down the street, engaged in a wild looking conversation with a man with dark brown hair and a bronze tan. Pleasant looking, he had a forgettable face except for one distinctive feature. The man’s smile just radiated joy and exuberance. Azula was very familiar with the smile; she had seen the exact same expression on Mei Zhu hundreds of times.

The woman walking next to the joyful pair had a smile on her face but was clearly not as excitable as the other two. It was too bad that she wasn’t wearing a wide smile like her daughter, because it would give Azula a very prescient picture of what Mei Zhu would look like in twenty-five years. The woman was the exact same height as Mei Zhu and had the same brown hair, although she wore it in a longer style. As she got closer, Azula saw that the mother’s eyes were a lighter green than Mei Zhu’s. A quick look at the father showed where Mei Zhu had gotten the vibrant green eyes from.

For a moment, Azula forgot her fears as Mei Zhu looked up and saw her and proceeded to wave enthusiastically. Azula and her companions all waved energetically back at the approaching group; she was happy to see Miyun and Keio wave also.

Kanti is the first to address Mei Zhu and her parents when they reach the restaurant. “It’s great to see the both of you again; you’re looking younger and more tanned than ever.”

“And it’s great to see all of you!” Keio said, gracing Azula with a cheesy smile that radiated warmth. “And it’s great to meet the most famous citizen in all of Savan. You must be Mystic Evasra.”

Azula shared a wide and, hopefully, welcoming smile of her own. “Indeed, I am. It is a pleasure to meet both of you. It’s easy to see where Mei Zhu gets her beauty and charm from.”

“We’ve heard a lot about you from Mei Zhu’s letters.” Miyun said, stepping close to Azula, who had frozen as the woman wrapped her arms around her; it seemed obvious in hindsight that Mei Zhu was probably from a long line of huggers.

But this wasn’t like being hugged by Mei Zhu; this felt stiff and unnatural. Azula gave a stiff and unnatural hug in return. This was totally awkward and she had no idea what to do. Mei Zhu’s father turned out to be her savior.

“Welcome to the family.” Kieo exclaimed as he stepped forward and pulled both Azula and Miyun in for a group hug. But this one felt much warmer and more genuine, so Azula leaned into the experience and squeezed both of the adults that had accosted her.

And she was forced to take a half step back as the entire group was rammed by a fourth person; Azula couldn’t see from her position of being smothered but assumed that Mei Zhu had just joined the festival of embraces.

After a few moments, Azula felt the arms hugging her loosen, so she released her grip also. Keio was the first to speak. “We thought that Mei Zhu was exaggerating about your beauty, but you’re as gorgeous as advertised. Although surely she was jesting about you flying?”

The parents raised a questioning eyebrow at Azula. She went to answer but Mei Zhu beat her to the punch. “Of course she can fly! I told you that she took me skating with the cuttle-rays. But let me give you the formal introduction. Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Mystic Evasra. And Evasra, these are my parents.”

The group stood there smiling at each other for a few seconds before Nasu broke the silence. “All I know is thank Gnolos you guys finally showed up; watching Evasra squirm anxiously for the past hour has been excruciating.”

Azula locked her smile into place as she turned her glare onto Nasu, who just smirked back. The wide grins on the faces of Muzi and Kanti weren’t helping matters. The shame of having her weakness broadcast to Mei Zhu’s parents spread across her body and her skin prickled with discomfort.

But she felt a little better when Mei Zhu grabbed her arm and pulled her close. “That’s because Evasra is a big softie at heart. Come on, let’s get seated. We all need to get caught up.”

Mei Zhu quickly dragged Azula towards their table as Kanti and Muzi exchanged greetings with Keio and Muzi. She continued shooting daggers at the grinning Nasu until Mei Zhu planted a quick kiss on Azula’s cheek, drawing her attention away from the troubling mystic.

The group was soon seated with Azula seated between Miyun and Mei Zhu, with Kieo seated next to his daughter. The conversation was fast and light, with Mei Zhu telling the tale of finding the library on Yu Yang some of the aftermath. Azula loved listening the fast pitched and energetic way that Mei Zhu tells all her stories. She felt so alive with her girlfriend nearby.

“That’s an amazing tale. It sounds like all of you had a marvelous adventure. But what is your backstory, Evasra. Tell us what makes you the shining light of Savan.” Miyun said with a smile. But the stiff demeanor and the way her eyes bore into Azula told her that this wasn’t just a friendly get to know you question.

“I studied with an enlightened Shaman and became fascinated with the spiritual side of life under his tutelage. I am thankful that he saw potential in me and set me on the path to come to Savan after his passing. I quickly fell in love with this wonderful city and the wonderful people in it. And thanks to Mei Zhu’s incredible scholarship, I was able to find a scroll at Yu Yang that is helping us spread the ability to Fire Heal to more people. We currently have four students studying with me and Mistress Nykka.”

“Yeah! Mistress Nykka wants to promote her to full Master Fire Healer in the next few months.” Mei Zhu chimed in, pulling Azula in for a side hug.

“That’s truly wonderful. Fire Healing is a blessing and I’m glad to see it spread. But I want to know what truly forged Mystic Evasra. Tell us about your parents and your childhood. We want to hear about the people that raised someone as special as you.” Miyun said, the smile looking much more malicious now than before.

The entire table had gone silent; everyone in Savan knew that Mystic Evasra didn’t talk about her past before Shaman Inok Kui. She quickly put a hand on Mei Zhu’s shoulder as she went to speak, effectively cutting her off. This was Azula’s battle.

“My childhood was not a happy one, and the parents that forged me did a terrible job and raised a spoiled and entitled brat. It wasn’t until I went out into the world on my own that I finally understood how shortsighted I truly was. Shaman Inok Kui took me in and helped me change for the better. That is all that you need to know of my youth.”

Azula used every ounce of training that the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will had to offer to keep her voice even and her demeanor pleasant. People from good families and happy homes don’t understand why others wish to step away from the past. Mei Zhu’s parents or not, no one had the right to pry into Azula’s childhood.

“By all accounts, whatever Shaman Inok Kui taught you has shaped you into a wonderful person. We’ve heard nothing but good tales on our travels about the mystic of the white flames who has shown herself to be a great Fire Healer.” Keio said in a jovial voice that sounded far more forced than before.

But Azula didn’t so much as glance in his direction. She understood the rules of the this engagement. The battle was between her and Miyun; Azula didn’t know what her girlfriend’s mother had against her, but she wasn’t going to let her come between Azula and Mei Zhu. She no longer went looking for trouble, but she wasn’t about to back down and allow this woman to take Mei Zhu from her.

“Indeed, Evasra has accomplished a lot and was even recruited by the Avatar himself to assist him in a great endeavor. It takes a special person gain the notice of the Avatar.” Nasu said, coming to Azula’s defense.

“Indeed, a very special person. It’s very impressive what you’ve accomplished. And it’s very impressive what my baby girl has accomplished too. Tell me more about the scholar’s ceremony.” Miyun said, looking away from Azula and back to Mei Zhu.

And just like that, the conversation went smoothly again and everyone was laughing and joking just like before. But Azula and Miyun locked eyes every once in a while. The looks they shared told the entire story.

This battle wasn’t finished yet.

This was the moment she had been working for. The countless hours in the library, pouring over old references and spending weeks and weeks painstakingly breaking down the references to figure out the old and obscure language. And then recognizing that the puzzle was leading her to a destination. Some days it had seemed like the scholars of old had been taunting her, teasing her with fake inscriptions and nonsense words.

But in the end she had figured it out. And today was the day the she would be recognized for her achievements. It meant so much to her to have her friends and family here to share this with her. Kanti, Muzi and Nasu had all helped teach her and guide her and show her the true path of a scholar. She never would have achieved what she had without their support and training.

And to share this wonderful moment with her parents was fantastic; they had supported her and given her all the freedom she needed to find her own path in life. She knows that they had wanted her to follow in their footsteps, to be a trader and work with them to build a thriving career for herself. But when she had told them she was called to a different path, they had given her nothing but love and support.

But it was Evasra that inspired her down the stretch to work harder and achieve more. Before she knew who she really was, it had seemed like Evasra was the perfect person. Smart, beautiful, talented, articulate, a phenomenal bender as well as a fantastic Fire Healer in the making. She had seemed like everything that Mei Zhu had wished she could be.

But having found out who she really was, the trials and tribulations that she had endured to become the person she was today, her girlfriend was even more inspirational. She didn’t want to gloss over the terrible things that Evasra had done in her previous life, but the Avatar and Toph had both told her that they understood how she had become that way in her youth. And they had both forgiven her for what she had done. Seeing Evasra strive and push herself to be a better person touched Mei Zhu’s soul in a way that she couldn’t put into words.

These six people had helped Mei Zhu become the person she had wanted to be, and her heart felt like it would burst with joy and happiness as she saw them seated in the front row of the ceremony. Mei Zhu, along with three other apprentices, were being awarded the rank of Scholar today.

Her right hand twisted the fingers of her left hand over and over again as she listened to High Master Sage Ermu give the introductory speech to the assembled crowd of family, friends and colleagues of the apprentices being raised.

Some day she hoped to wear the High Master Sage robes too, but that required decades of high level scholarship to achieve. For now, wearing the Scholar robes was good enough for her. She sat behind and to the right of the speaker, smiling out at the happy crowd that was smiling back. Taking a quick look over at the other apprentices being raised and saw that they wore the same happy expressions. The scholar’s life wasn’t for everyone, but for those that pursued this path, it often consumed them and it became the singular focus of their existence.

It is why many of the scholars never had committed relationships; if they did, it was usually with other scholars, like Kanti and Muzi had done. But Mei Zhu knew that Evasra could handle this life; she had her own interests and pursuits but was very interested in Mei Zhu’s work and wanted to travel the world with her to find new knowledge. These travels would even allow Evasra to extend the reach of her Fire Healing.

Mei Zhu was drawn out of her musings as High Master Sage Ermu began commending the apprentices for their contributions. Apprentice Hi Ko had written a powerful treatise on the evolution of the political system of the Ling Vu Ki Empire that ruled the western half of the earth continent four thousand years ago.

Apprentice Hai traced the collapse of the Kaihun dynasty that ruled the Northern Water Tribe three centuries ago to a shipping syndicate that had paid off members of the ruling elite to sabotage the efforts of Chief Ahmar to expand the reach of the water tribe’s shipping fleet. The syndicate had not wanted the competition and was willing to go to great lengths to thwart it. Apprentice Hai had done a wonderful job pulling together the sources and tying up the loose ends; she truly possessed a formidable intellect.

Apprentice Nukh wrote a wonderful series of treatises on the spiritual practices of the Yenthan Sect; followers of Yentha, intermediary to Agni and Overseer of Knowledge had been influential in the Empire of Flames period of the Fire Nation. They had developed intellectual practices to harness the power of the human mind in much the same way as the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will. Unfortunately, they had fallen out of favor by the time of the Great Exhilaration and ceased to exist.

But now was the moment she had been waiting for; it was time to talk about her contributions to scholarship. The words of High Master Scholar Ermu brought joy to her heart.

“The final apprentice being elevated today for scholarly excellence is Mei Zhu, apprentice to the noted scholars of the Great Exhilaration, Muzi and Kanti. But this young scholar showed that she is more than ready to stand on her own two feet and take her place among us with the incredible work that she did codifying a previously unknown writing system and, as if that wasn’t enough, using the information that she found to identify the location of a great hidden library!”

“And with the documents she brought back from this great find, advancements in Fire Healing have already been introduced to our world, to the benefit of us all. And while the unfortunate events in the Earth Kingdom are temporarily preventing us from revisiting this great hidden library, let us not allow that to diminish the incredible works of scholarship performed by Mei Zhu. At only nineteen, she had made significant contributions to the knowledge of this great library. With her ascension, she will become the youngest scholar in over two hundred years!”

Mei Zhu was filled with so much happiness that she feared her heart would explode as the crowd clapped and cheered for her. Ermu continued speaking. “The four apprentices before you came to our library to devote themselves to a life of learning, and thanks to their efforts and diligence, they have truly earned their place amongst the learned her. Everyone, welcome the four newest Scholars of the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. Scholar Hi Ko! Scholar Hai! Scholar Nuhk! Scholar Mei Zhu! Rise and take your rightful positions as the next generation of the learned!”

Mei Zhu rose and hugged the other Scholars as the crowd rose to their feet and filled the auditorium with thunderous applause. She even gave High Master Sage Ermu a hug, being careful not to crush the bony old geezer.

This was the best day of her life!

Chapter 2: Reverberations


Mei Zhu continues to deal with her mother's issues while the Fire Nation must contend with saboteurs.

Chapter Text

The party was going strong even after midnight had come and gone. Evasra had pulled some strings and gotten a hall and a band to celebrate Mei Zhu’s ascension to Scholar. Mei Zhu had danced with any and all comers, spending more time with Evasra than anyone else but making sure that she partied with all of her friends and family. And it had made her smile to see Evasra dancing with Dad ; the two had seemed to hit it off immediately.

Of course, everyone hit it off with the wild and crazy Keio. He was such a good and genial soul that it was hard for Mei Zhu to even imagine what kind of person couldn’t get along with him. But it was Mom that was causing Mei Zhu a little stress. She didn’t seem to like Evasra. Given her past, it was a little understandable why Mom didn’t want her only daughter to be with a firebender.

But Evasra made Mei Zhu so happy that it hurt to even think of Evasra not being in her life. Mei Zhu vowed to show Mom that not only was Evasra a good person, but she unequivocally the right person to share a life with Mei Zhu.

But right now Mei Zhu was busy being spun around by Jimna as they moved to the fast paced rhythm of the band, bouncing and changing direction in the stylized motions of the dance. Mei Zhu just felt so alive . The song ended and Mei Zhu hugged Jimna and thanked him for the dance. She was looking for Evasra but it was Dad that grabbed her hand and pulled her back onto the dance floor. Luckily, this was a quieter song and gave Mei Zhu a chance to catch her breath.

“I just want you to know that I’m proud of you, Mei Zhu. You’re making a name for yourself as a scholar and you’re involved with a fantastic young woman. It makes me so happy to see you living your best life.” Dad said, gently twirling Mei Zhu around.

“Thanks, Dad. It means a lot that you and Mom were able to make it for the ceremony.” Mei Zhu pulled the big lug in for a quick hug. “And I’m glad that you like Evasra; she’s truly the one that I want to spend my life with.”

Mei Zhu stiffened as she saw her dad sigh and look downcast. “I believe you, but I need to ask you to give your mom some time to get used to the idea. You know how she feels about firebenders.”

“But Evasra is a Fire Healer; she’s literally taking the knowledge from the library I found on Yu Yang and -.” Mei Zhu started to protest, but fell silent as her dad put a single finger on her lips to shush her.

“I know that, and you have my complete and total approval, but after what happened to Mika and Huline, it’s going to take a little time. I’ll do what I can, Mei Zhu, but talk to her and tell her how you feel. Tell her how Evasra makes you happy. And then wait for her to settle her feelings.”

Mei Zhu looked down at the mention of her aunts. It was really something that she didn’t want to think about, much less talk about.

“I will, Dad. I promise to give her time.”

Her father kissed her on the forehead. “That’s all I ask. But come, the night is still young and there is much partying left to be done.”

And Mei Zhu was happy to oblige. This was her night and she was going to enjoy it!

Mai prepared the conference room for the upcoming intelligence review session. She was the least experienced of Iroh’s team, so she took it upon herself to make sure that everything was prepared and ready for evaluation when the team arrived. It also helped her fit in; being noble and famous for being the Fire Lord’s ex-girlfriend made her a bit different than all the others on the team. None were of noble birth, but instead had built careers for themselves by being good at their jobs. Mai wanted to make sure that she moved up the same way.

Lieutenant Korvyn was the first to enter the room as she was putting the finishing touches on the preparations. “Hello, Mai. Thank you for getting everything prepared. These meetings always go more smoothly thanks to your efforts.”

Short and stocky, a man in his mid-thirties, he was considered to be the best investigator in the Fire Nation. Renowned for his intelligence, dogged determination and unflappable demeanor, Mai had learned a lot by working with him.

“You’re welcome, Lieutenant. There’s a lot to cover so I want to make sure that everyone is brought up to speed as efficiently as possible.” Mai responded.

Korvyn was about to speak when several more people came through the door. Most notably was Crown Prince Iroh. It was still a little weird working directly for her ex-boyfriend’s uncle, especially considering that they had been on opposite sides for part of the war.

But now he was overseeing day to day affairs on behalf of Zuko in the Fire Colonies. Mai had to admit that he had a deft touch when it came to dealing with people of both the Fire Nation and the greater earth continent. She thinks that running a tea shop in Ba Sing Se had given him a better understanding of the earth people.

And behind him came Agent Rifa and Sargeant Naazu. About four inches shorter than Mai, Agent Rifa had dark brown hair, green eyes and rather plain features, which allowed her to blend in more easily. By no means unattractive but definitely not memorable.

Sargeant Naazu was about two inches taller than Rifa but had a very memorable appearance. She wore her black hair pulled back into a bun, giving her a rather austere appearance. The scar going from just above her right eyebrow over to the edge of her hairline by her partially missing ear only made her appearance that much more intimidating. She was known as a good team leader and a formidable firebender.

“Hello, everyone. It is good to have all of you here to discuss the state of our colonies.” Iroh said, taking a seat at the head of the table. Everyone sat in their assigned spots. “I believe that we should start with Agent Rifa; she has some very interesting information to share with the team.”

“Thank you, Crown Prince Iroh.” Rifa responded. “Two nights ago I met with an informant that I’ve cultivated for nearly two years; he is well placed in one of the local Earth Purity movements. The group itself is homegrown, but they have received a large influx of cash and supplies from an outside group known as the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. And rumor has it that they’ve brought in an outside group known as the Daughters of Rokishe to help organize and plan their attacks.”

Everyone in the room at least had the decency to look down in shame at the mention of Rokishe. An affluent city along the southern coast of the earth continent, it had remained neutral until the failed siege of Ba Sing Se caused Fire Lord Ozai to refocus his war effort from the Earth Kingdom to the less formidable nations of the Eastern Sea.

Rokishe and Lenth had both been ordered to surrender and both had refused. The resulting sacking of the cities are considered to be the greatest war crimes committed by the Fire Nation during the entirety of the lengthy conflict. In particular, the fates of Matron Jannir, the ruler of Rokishe, and Successor Asitva were heinous and barbaric. It made Mai shudder just to think of the depravities the male soldiers had inflicted on the female leaders of this city.

But that was neither here nor there. Agent Rifa continued speaking. “The new funds and expertise will be put to use by attacking the Quentu foundry in Pemni. As you know, two thirds of all the most advanced tools and parts are forged here. Destroying this site would deeply impact the Fire Nation economy. And the negotiations between the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation are scheduled to happen in Pemni in three weeks also.”

“What sort of plan do they have in place to circumvent our security measures?” Korvyn asked.

“My source isn’t high enough in the organization to have access to those details. His group is working with two other groups with similar aims to carry out the mission. Apparently, the groups have been receiving planning and logistical help from an outside source; internal security has become much tighter and the plans are spread amongst the three groups, meaning that no one but the top one or two people in each group has access to the entire plan.” Rifa responded.

“This is quite worrisome. It was one thing to see how effective they’ve been with their previous structure; I fear that they will become significantly more problematic if their organizational and planning skills are improved.” Iroh reviewed the write up that Rifa had provided.

“The second part of this equation is that the general support for the Earth Purity movements have increased in both the earth nations and the Fire Colonies.” Naazu interjected. “It’s getting harder and harder to gather information from moles as the Earth Purity cause is getting more sympathy from the locals. I’m sorry to say this, Crown Prince, but the incident at Ba Sing Se has shifted the hearts of many people against the Fire Nation.”

Iroh gave a worldweary sigh. “I fully understand. It was an unfortunate incident but we accomplished what needed to be done. And the Avatar will be coming in less than a week and he has expressed willingness to assist with our investigation.”

Mai was unconvinced that Aang would be much help; he was competent at Avatar stuff but she doubted that he would add a lot to the investigative side of things here in the Fire Colony. He could help round up the bad guys though. Nobody was going to want to tangle with the Avatar.

She pushed those thoughts aside as the team began discussing their investigative strategies. She paid close attention so that someday she would have the same sort of skills that her mentors wielded.

The sun was shining and the gentle breeze that came in off the waters felt good on Mei Zhu’s face. It was the perfect day to enjoy some shopping with her mother. It was wonderful that her parents had been able to spend a whole week with her in Savan, but the main trading season was approaching and she knew that her parents had to get back to work soon. But for now, she was enjoying a wonderful afternoon of clothes shopping.

“This would look great on you, Mei Zhu. I know that you like wearing your stuffy Scholar’s robes, but the novelty will wear off sooner of later.” Mom said as she held up a pretty green and red tunic that had a bold dark blue stripe going diagonally across the center. Mei Zhu did think that she’d look good in it.

“That is striking. We don’t dress up often, but it would be nice to have something eye-catching like this to wear out and about.”

Mei Zhu caught the small frown that crossed her mother’s face. She had hoped that after spending nearly a week around Evasra, Mom would loosen up and realize how awesome her girlfriend was. She decided that enough was enough.

“Mom, please, you need to put aside your fear and hatred of firebenders. For my sake.” Mei Zhu pleaded. “Evasra is a Fire Healer and one of the most respected people in Savan. She has literally taken a scroll that she found during our expedition and used it to revitalize the entire Fire Healing discipline. She helped the Avatar himself defeat a terrible enemy that wanted to overthrow the balance of the entire world. What else do you need her to do?”

“I need her to tell me exactly who she is and where she’s from.” Her mother all but hissed, taking Mei Zhu by surprise. “You claim to know her background but you’re all too high and mighty to share that information with your own mother. If she was such a good person, you wouldn’t have to hide things from me.”

“If you weren’t so judgemental and hateful towards firebenders, perhaps I could tell you more.” Mei Zhu hissed back, before taking a deep breath. Arguing wasn’t going to improve the situation. “I’m sorry, Mom, I shouldn’t have lost my temper, but you are angry at the Fire Nation, not Evasra.”

“Firebenders are violent and brutish people. You’ve told me a bit of the power that Evasra has. How long until she uses it against you? How long until you tell her no once too often and she threatens to burn you?”

“Evasra isn’t like that, Mom. She has literally studied with an enlightened Shaman and is walking a spiritual path.” Mei Zhu couldn’t believe how willfully obstinate her mother was being.

“Really? So that’s why the Avatar called on her to fight the enemies of the Earth Kingdom? And that’s why she killed Gnolos knows how many pirates? That’s quite the spiritual path that she’s walking.”

“And what would you have her do? Allow the pirates to take our ship and kill all the men and rape all the women? Including me?”

Mei Zhu knew in an instant that she had taken the wrong the tact. Tears flowed down her mother’s face as she stared at Mei Zhu. She stepped in and pulled Mom in for a hug before speaking in a quiet voice. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. But what Evasra did, she did to protect me and the others with us. There are bad people of every bending type, just as there are good ones too. And Evasra is one of the good ones.”

They released each other and her mother stepped back and wiped her eyes. “I can’t tell you who to love, Mei Zhu. All that I can tell you is be careful. Perhaps she is trying to be a spiritual person, but she is not one yet. I will not force you to choose between us; I know that you’re an adult and have the right to set your own path in life.”

“Thank you, Mom. I know that you love me and that you mean well, but you’ve misjudged Evasra. Please, just give her a chance. That’s all that I’m asking of you.”

“I will give her a chance for you. But I truly don’t believe that you know her as well as you think you do.”

“Perhaps not. But as you said, I’m an adult and I have the right to set my own path in life.” Mei Zhu said, picking up the green and red tunic again. “And right now I’ve decided that I want this tunic.” She was happy to see her mother give her a small smile as Mei Zhu held the tunic in front of herself to get a better opinion.

“The key is to feel how the natural fluctuations in body temperature reflect the health of the patient. Isamha is quite healthy, so the fluctuations are quite normal; there is an ebb and flow within the body of each person. For preventative care, it is best to understand how these fluctuations work.” Azula explained as Ri Han moved her flaming hands methodically across the body of Companion Isahma.

Ri Han had just begun her Fire Healing training and was quite nervous, but Azula knew that she would get the hang of it soon. She had been the second person, after Jimna, that Nykka and Azula had trained in the new chi manipulation techniques that they had learned from the ancient scroll from the hidden library at Yu Yang. Two others were still undergoing chi manipulation training.

But it was one thing to learn the theory of chi manipulation and another to actually begin using said techniques on another person. But Jimna had learned to do it in a matter of two months and Ri Han was well on her way to being competent at it also.

Of course, the thirteen year old girl was also a little embarrassed by the voluptuous body of the naked woman that she was working on. The members of the Order of the Arts Erotica were very comfortable with their bodies and preferred Fire Healing to be done skin to skin without clothes to interfere with the process.

Given the nature of their work, they paid a generous sum of money for Mistress Nykka to help them remain disease free; they took precautions themselves, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. Given how the Order of the Arts Erotica had intervened during the invasion of Lenth, allowing thousands of additional citizens to escape the Fire Nation invasion, Azula thought they deserved as much Fire Healing as they wished.

And since the scholars of the Library of Despondent Ecstasy were their most loyal clientèle here in Savan, Azula figured that much of the mental clarity needed to be a scholar was provided by the Order of the Arts Erotica. Azula smirked to think how much less research and philosophizing would be accomplished if all the scholars of the library had to attract sexual partners of their own accord.

“It is truly wonderful that a way to bring more Fire Healers into the fold was found. You have been great friends to those of us in the Arts Erotica in particular and the city of Savan in general.” Isahma said as Ri Han extinguished her fires.

Isahma gracefully sat up and swung her legs over the side of the small table that she had been sitting on; it doubled as a massage table. Azula and Mei Zhu had both received lessons on sensual massages and sexual pleasuring techniques from various members of the Arts Erotica. It had been an eye opening experience and had elevated the pleasure that she and Mei Zhu took from each other to entirely new levels.

“Thank you, Isahma. We are happy to help everyone that we can, and with talented students like Ri Han joining our ranks, we hope to help many more people in the region.” Azula answered as Ri Han got to her feet. Isahma hopped off the table and put on a delicate looking satin robe.

“I look forward to seeing all your new recruits in action; as always, our order welcomes you to bring your students when you wish to give them hands on training. We, perhaps more than anyone, understand that the cultivation of any skill requires practice.” Isahma said as she shared a smile with Ri Han.

“I look forward to working with your order again in the future, Companion Isahma.” Ri Han bowed to Isahma.

Azula and Ri Han said their goodbyes to Isahma and the men and woman at the Temple of Sensual Illumination and proceeded to make their way back to Nykka’s house in Sozin’s Slum. They were given many friendly greetings; the art of Fire Healing was well respected in Savan.

But she was reminded that not everyone loved firebenders as she approached the open market two blocks east of Sozin’s Slum. She heard the strident voice echoing words of hate towards firebenders under the guise of self-determination and the natural order of history.

“Time and time again the wielders of flame have used the blessing of Agni to cause misery and pain to the world around them. A spiritual man from a mystical order in the Fire Nation made his way to Ba Sing Se, the most secure city in the world, and tried to burn it to the ground. And he nearly succeeded!” The tall woman said. Her hair was wild and her face was plain, but Azula had to admit that the woman exuded a manic energy that was captivating to watch. And she was clearly intelligent and articulate.

“If the greatest city in the world is not safe from the hatred of even the most spiritual firebenders, what makes you think that a loving and accepting city like Savan will be spared their wrath? The Fire Nation has shown that it opposes everything you hold dear at every turn. Marriage between loving people of different bending styles is welcomed and celebrated in this great city, but in the Fire Nation not even the Fire Lord himself can openly declare that he wishes to wed a waterbender for fear of his own people turning against him.”

Azula sighed as she listened; this woman was absolutely right. Savan did stand for nearly everything the Fire Nation hates. As much as she hated to give her asshole brother any credit, it seemed like he was trying to change the culture of the Fire Nation for the better. She just wished he was sticking his fire sausage into any waterbender but Katara. But she was drawn from her ruminations as the woman continued speaking.

“And their prudish ways will not allow them to accept the same sex and polyamorous marriages that have become a staple of the enlightened people of Savan. And for scholarship, the wonderful people of this fair city have built a library to collect knowledge that will help all mankind. But what does the Fire Nation seek? They strive to find better ways to design and build machines of war and factories to process the ill-gotten gains they’ve stolen from the earth continent. And what do the people of the earth continent receive in return? Pollution and continued oppression!”

Even had Azula been inclined to argue with the woman, she found that she didn’t have much ammunition to refute the woman’s claims. Azula’s own relationship with Mei Zhu would have been frowned upon by the Fire Nation for several reasons and she may have been stripped of her titles had she dared be open about it. Not to mention what would they would have done to Mei Zhu for engaging in these ‘inappropriate’ acts with a princess.

They quickly left the woman behind as they continued on their way, but her words still echoed in her mind. The criticisms of the Fire Nation were valid and she knew that the people of her birth nation had much to answer for, but the big issue was that the attacks on the Fire Nation were often conflated with attacks on firebenders themselves.

There had been an increase in assaults against firebenders in Savan during the six months since the burning of Ba Sing Se; nothing fatal yet but there had been a few vicious beatings administered. It was advised that all firebenders travel in pairs or, better yet, groups when they leave Sozin’s Slum.

Azula rarely followed that advice. She was respected for her status as a traveling mystic and her Fire Healing, while also being feared for her firebending. But she was an exception to the rule. But it still felt like home when she entered Sozin’s Slum.

They were showered with greetings as they entered; everyone knew that more Fire Healers meant more acceptance by their neighbors. They greeted people by name and exchanged pleasantries with the residents and were forced to accept fire biscuits by Grandma Kul Pin; not that Azula would ever turn them down. Grandma Kul Pin was a marvelous baker.

They had almost finished their biscuits by the time they reached Mistress Nykka’s apartment. They entered the building and found Nykka and Jimna preparing dinner.

“Welcome back! I take it that the healing went well at the temple?” Nykka asked as Azula and Ri Han made their way into the small kitchen.

“It went very well. A few minor infections were dealt with but overall they are paragons of health and fitness.” Azula announced as she and Ri Han sat at the table. “And Ri Han’s Fire Healing is progressing nicely.” Ri Han smiled as Nykka gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“Will you be joining us for dinner, Evasra?” Jimna asked as he began gathering plates and utensils to set the table.

“Not tonight. Mei Zhu is finalizing our plans for the search. I had to promise to take her to Aunt Yi’s to get her to take a break.”

Everyone laughed; Mei Zhu’s enthusiasm well well known.

“I understand, Evasra. But don’t be gone too long on your trip with her; I wish to hold your promotion ceremony next month. The people are excited to know that there will be two fully acknowledged masters of Fire Healing soon.” Nykka gave her proud smile.

“Thank you, Nykka. I’m honored that you consider me ready for this rank.”

Nykka just laughed. “You’ve been ready for some time but there were certain traditions that must be followed. But the people want pomp and ceremony for the celebration. I have been told that there will be a big party in Sozin’s Slum to commemorate your promotion.”

Jimna and Ri Han smiled and patted Azula on the back. Azula smiled too; she loved her life here in Savan.

Chapter 3: Of Plans and Preparations


Mei Zhu and Evasra discuss their plans to search for a hidden historic site while Aang visits the Fire Colony.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mei Zhu couldn’t help the smile that was plastered across her face. At long last, she was ready to search for the hidden site she thinks she found while reviewing the documents she got from Yu Yang. And to top it off, she was holding hands with her girlfriend as they waited to be seated at Aunt Yi’s restaurant for a well deserved evening of relaxation.

Mei Zhu had been busy for the past week after her parents had left Savan to return to their trading. She loved her parents and greatly enjoyed their company, but her mother’s hatred of firebenders had caused Mei Zhu a lot of stress. But that was then and this is now. She was in high spirits and planned to stay that way.

And Evasra seemed to be in a good mood also. Expanding the numbers of Fire Healers had taken a lot of her time and effort, but Mei Zhu loved how her girlfriend had blossomed under the challenge. She knew how much it meant to Evasra to do this to help atone for the mistakes of her past.

They were seated at a cozy little table for two at the end of the patio. Mei Zhu couldn’t contain her excitement anymore. “It’s almost time for another whirlwind adventure! Hopefully, you won’t have to smite any more pirates.”

Evasra laughed as she gave Mei Zhu’s hand a gentle squeeze. “I’m very excited for you, Mei Zhu. You already made a name for yourself with the library at Yu Yang. You’re not wasting any time working for a new discovery; most scholars would rest on their laurels after becoming the youngest person to receive the official Scholar title in the past two hundred years.”

“If that bitch in Ba Sing Se would allow me to return to Yu Yang to continue studying the site I found, I wouldn’t have to go find another one. But she can use her royal tongue to spitshine my dainty asshole if she thinks that she can hinder my scholarly pursuits. I’ll just find a new source of worldly wisdom and leave her and her crusty nation behind.”

“I’m sorry that Shur Zi isn’t allowing you to return to Yu Yang; hopefully the Earth Kingdom will be less antagonistic towards those outside their country in the near future.” Evasra patted Mei Zhu’s hand. Mei Zhu knew it wasn’t personal, but she could at least be thankful that the moratorium on visits by outside scholars took effect after she found the library.

“I know, but it’s still frustrating. But now that I’ve made all the arrangements to visit Mengxi Island, I can’t wait to see what what we find. This will be our very first trip alone together.”

Evasra’s smile became even broader. “I can’t wait.”

“It’s going to be awesome! I’ve made arrangements so that you can visit six other towns along the way. The Wayfair Traveler has always been a good friend to Mistress Nykka and now you. Maybe you can find some more Fire Healing candidates.”

“That would be great. Four is a great start, but forty would barely be enough to cover the entire Eastern Sea region like we want.” Evasra squeezed Mei Zhu’s hand again. “But that is just a side trip. This journey is about you and your scholarship. You’ve been kind of secretive about your research. Are you ready to share anything, or do you want me to try and pry it out of you.”

Evasra gave a lascivious smile as Mei Zhu laughed. “I’m almost tempted to make you work for the knowledge, but I’ll be generous and share my wisdom with you. Although you might be able to sweet talk me to your bed later tonight.”

Mei Zhu matched Evasra’s grin for second before continuing. “It’s unclear exactly what the texts are referring to, but the name Citadel of Sagacity has appeared in three of the scrolls that I brought back from Yu Yang. I’ve had to hunt down a lot of outside references, but I think that it is an ancient site that holds spiritual knowledge and artifacts.”

“Well, that does sound interesting. Any idea what sort of items that it holds?”

“Not really. The documents refer to the keeper of the site as ‘She Who Learns From All’, which isn’t a very helpful title. But like Muzi and Kanti say; most sites never yield anything of true value, but the effort to reach them often expands our knowledge anyway.”

“That is a good philosophy, but I would still rather you find another awesome site.”

Mei Zhu laughed along with her girlfriend. “Me too, it’s great to have someone wonderful like you to travel with. Muzi has often said that it would be terrible to travel without Kanti and my parents thrive by traveling together.”

“Well, your mother undoubtedly wishes I wasn’t traveling with you.” Evasra said in a low voice.

Mei Zhu sighed. It pained her that the two women that she loved most in life couldn’t see eye to eye. “She’s just being protective. My mother lost both of her sisters to the Fire Nation in Rokishe; she has a deep fear of firebenders. And given that you may well be the most powerful firebender in the world, it’s understandable that she is having trouble welcoming you.”

“I understand, but I…I’m afraid that you’ll come to agree with her in time. Especially since you know who I was.” Evasra looked down, staring a the table.

“I will never agree and she will come around in time. Father adores you and has already told me that he would gladly accept you into the family. He promised to talk to Mother, to try and get her to understand.” Mei Zhu explained as she held Evasra’s hand in hers. “Please, just give her time.”

“I will, Mei Zhu. But I fear that your optimism won’t be rewarded.”

Mei Zhu allowed the topic to drop; this wasn’t a fight that she could win right now. Time was her ally. She would make Evasra see that she can be accepted by the world. It might take years and maybe decades, but Mei Zhu vowed to stand by Evasra as long as it took to make her understand.

Mei Zhu was nothing if not persistent.

Aang sighed as Appa descended into the city of Pemni. A town of nearly sixty thousand people, it was quite possibly the most industrialized place on Atla. And it showed by the cloud of polluted air that hung over the city and the brownish lakes that were devoid of all life due to the runoff from the numerous factories.

He had tried talking to Zuko about how the factories were polluting the skies and waterways, but Zuko always said that his hands were tied. His nation needed coal and iron if his economy was to stay afloat and pay the reparations that he had agreed to provide to the earth nations. Reparations that Aang and Zuko’s many advisers had warned would be too steep.

But with the economy of the Fire Nation struggling due to the slowdown in production caused by saboteurs and Zuko’s unpopular relationship with Katara, he knew that his friend didn’t really have any viable options to shut down the factories.

But Aang feared for the long term repercussions from the defiling of the land. Especially since it was the earth people that were bearing the brunt of the costs; the people of the Fire Nation would not allow this kind of pollution to occur in their own country.

He wondered to himself if it was actually in the world’s best interest to stop the saboteurs from halting the Fire Nation’s production in the Fire Colony. But he couldn’t bring himself to step aside; this issue could cascade and cause instability in the Fire Nation. This in turn could lead to instability in the colonies and a potential breakdown in the international arrangements.

The Earth Kingdom was overly dependent on the reparations and economic turmoil may result if the payments were ceased. But Aang was impressed with how much Shur Zi seemed to be changing the focus of the Earth Kingdom, once again turning it towards the larger world rather than following the conservative views of Kuei. She sought technological progress rather than relying on the status quo. Finding new solutions to problems rather than ignoring uncomfortable truths. Bringing in the best people for the job rather than promoting the sons and daughters of the ruling elite.

But Aang knew these negotiations would be intense, especially if the saboteurs were able to inflict any kind of significant damage on the Quentu Foundry. Which is why Aang agreed to arrive early and assist with the investigation.

He used airbending to create a path of clean air so that he and Appa didn’t have to breathe the brown smog that hung over the city. Luckily, the air near the administration site was considerably better. Aang thought it a little hypocritical that the ruling elites didn’t want to breathe the pollutants that their citizens were forced to deal with.

But those thoughts were pushed to the back of his mind as he landed in the courtyard of the administration building. He was excited to see Iroh again.

Aang jumped off Appa and easily landed in the courtyard, smiling at Iroh and the crowd assembled with him. And his heart clenched a little as he saw Mai standing to Iroh’s left.

He and Mai had never been close, but he knew that she was a victim of circ*mstance much as he had been. The wrong person for the one they loved. He hadn’t seen her since she broke up with Zuko, but he had to admit she was as beautiful as ever.

Despite the menacing stare that she was giving him.

He wasn’t sure if he done something to earn her ire or if she didn’t want any reminders of relationships past. He couldn’t believe the second option was the case since she was literally working for her ex-boyfriend’s uncle.

He dealt with it by putting on his widest and, hopefully, most charismatic smile.

“Crown Prince Iroh! It is great to see you again.” Aang said, his voice full of good cheer. “And Mai! You look more beautiful than ever.”

“It’s great to see you, Aang. Your visits always bring an extra spark to the people of every nation. And Mai is indeed blossoming as a young woman, her beauty becoming more heartstopping every time I see her.” Iroh answered, a wide smile on his face.

The smile on Aang’s own face remained frozen as he understood the trap that he had just fallen into. The malevolent look in Mai’s eyes said that she too understood what was going on.

Iroh was trying to play matchmaker.

Although how in the world he thought matching the exes of the Fire Lord and his betrothed was a good idea was beyond Aang. But he rolled with the punches as best he could.

“Indeed, but rumors have it that the only thing that matches her beauty is her skill as an investigator. Ty Lee tells me that you’ve made quite the name for yourself in the Royal Intelligence Service.” Aang answered, turning his brightest smile on Mai.

Her expression didn’t change, but her eyes softened and the hostility seemed to fade away. “Thank you, Avatar. I’ve been working hard to become an asset to my people as an intelligence officer.”

“And she’s been doing marvelous!” Iroh grinned broadly back at Aang. “As a matter of fact, that’s why I’ve asked her to be here. I think it would be great for the two of you to partner together while investigating the saboteurs that are threatening the Fire Nation’s factories.”

Aang held in his sigh as Mai’s glare returned. She obviously wasn’t interested in working with Aang. He decided to play it by ear and see how the situation worked itself out. Now wasn’t the time to challenge Iroh’s decision.

“I’m sure that Mai would be a great person to learn from. I admit that my investigations have been directed more towards the spiritual side of things.” He bowed towards Mai. “I look forward to learning from you.”

She gave a respectful nod and once again the glare was gone. He never realized just how moody Mai was. Ty Lee had told him that was the case but he never really believed her.

“We can discuss the specifics of the investigation inside. Come, come, let us go to the briefing room .” Iroh waved him towards the door leading inside the building. “It has been very hectic for me since I left Ba Sing Se. I had hoped to lead a quiet life of brewing tea, but it does feel good to help Zuko and the Fire Nation here. But it is never too hectic to enjoy a great cup of tea with my friends.”

Iroh’s smile nearly split his face as he discussed his tea. Aang couldn’t help be amused by Iroh; he was such a genial man and full of wisdom. Even if he was more interested in Aang’s love life than was warranted.

Iroh led Aang and Mai into the briefing room; it was apparently a place of work because there were numerous charts on the wall with names and drawings of people. Many items were connected by strings in complicated patterns.

“As you can see, Mai has been a busy woman; she has worked closely with the investigative team and helped pull together the information center you see in this room.” Iroh smiled at Mai and was rewarded when the edges of the stoic woman’s mouth turned ever so slightly up. “She is not as experienced in the field as the others on the team, but her organizational skills are extraordinary. This display is a testament to her bright mind and attention to detail.”

Aang’s grinned spread across his face as the faintest hint of red appeared on Mai’s cheeks. He couldn’t help but rib the girl a bit. “You don’t have to sing her praises to me, Iroh. I saw more than enough of her skills during the war to know that she is highly capable.”

Mai’s eyes glinted with amusem*nt. “I’m even better with my knives now, Avatar, so you better walk the line.”

Aang burst out laughing and held his hands up in mock surrender. “I promise to behave, Mai. I have no interest in becoming a pincushion.”

“Remember that.” Mai answered with the slightest of smirks.

“Maybe the two of you can go undercover as traveling mystics. Do you still have your facepaint, Aang?” Iroh asked with a laugh.

“Alas, no. Evasra said that she didn’t ever want to see me and Toph embarrassing her order again and confiscated all the paint.”

Iroh laughed again. “It was wise to surrender it; face paint isn’t worth risking Evasra’s wrath over.”

“Certainly not. But what can you tell me about the suspected saboteurs?” Aang decided to steer the conversation away from Evasra.

Iroh nodded to Mai, who began telling Aang about what was going on. “Our team has identified three primary cells; each one seems to be operating mostly independently of the others with only a few people at the top knowing what is going on. And even then, we’re not sure how much they actually know about the operations of the other groups.”

Mai paused for a second before continuing. “The primary group is a terrorist organization known as Oma’s Guardians. We know that a significant amount of explosives and weapons have been brought into Pemni; exactly how much is still unknown.”

She pointed to the pertinent group on the board and Aang saw sketches of the leaders and a general listing of their strength; at least their known strength. He looked to the map and saw two pins identifying the positions of their suspected bases.

“That is a lot of information; you guys have been doing a great job.” Aang said as he reviewed the data.

“It was great work, but most of this was obtained before the two consultants from the Daughters of Rokishe came onto the scene.” Iroh explained, a displeased frown on his face. “We have a couple of names, Minvu and Kimya, but that is nearly all. The only other information we have is that they were both Successor candidates at one time.”

“Successor candidates?” Aang asked, confused.

“Before their city-state was ravaged by the Fire Nation during the war, the Matrons of Rokishe were widely regarded as the most enlightened and forward thinking leaders on Atla. The Matron was the head of the government and was selected from a pool of Successor candidates by the previous Matron in consultation with the leading members of society.” Iroh explained.

“Girls of potential were selected at a young age and given extensive training in the arts, sciences, governance and a multitude of other subjects. The most accomplished and spiritually gifted were selected to be a Successor, the next in line to lead should the Matron resign or die. A Successor was adopted by the Matron and began taking on responsibilities in the government. This model had worked beautifully since Avatar Kyoshi was but a young woman.”

Mai took over the explanation from here. “But with the fall of Rokishe and the death of Matron Jannir and Successor Asitva, these young women were scattered. As far as we know, Successor Rajeen and all the other Successor candidates escaped Rokishe and are now using their training to wage a guerrilla war against the interests of the Fire Nation.”

“I see.” Aang said as he pondered this. He had heard the phrase ‘as wise as a Matron of Rokishe’ in his youth, but he had never known the origin of the phrase.

“We believe that the attacks against the Quentu foundry will be soon. Our source has been able to give us the location of two of the suspected staging sites for the attack. With your help, we could take the terrorists before they strike; once we’ve captured two of their organizations, we believe that we will be able to close in on the third one rather quickly.” Iroh said with a sigh.

“The capture of the consultants from the Daughters of Rokishe is also considered a high priority goal of this mission.” Mai interjected.

“I agree that the capture of the consultants and the prevention of the attack on the Quentu foundry are worthwhile goals. It would be my pleasure to assist with this operation.”

Aang smiled at the looks of gratitude on the faces of Iroh and Mai. But the smile hid how much it pained him to assist the Fire Nation in their continued polluting of the earth continent.


The introduction is complete, so now it's time to get to the meat of the story.

Chapter 4: The Search Continues


Mei Zhu and Azula search for the mysterious Citadel of Sagacity while the Fire Nation raid the rebel groups threatening their hold on the Fire Colony.

Chapter Text

Azula felt a warmness in her heart to see the unbridled joy that Mei Zhu exuded as the Wayfair Traveler pulled into the dock at Humpi, the largest village near the area where Mei Zhu believes that her hidden site is located. It had been a wonderful trip so far. The Wayfair Traveler had stopped at six other towns along the way, allowing Azula to assist the residents with her Fire Healing.

Luckily, there wasn’t any widespread diseases being passed around at the moment, so she was able to treat a few minor infections and assist some of the people with chronic ailments. Many of the symptoms of gout and arthritis could also be treated with Fire Healing. But it also gave Azula the opportunity to look for additional firebenders that might be able to learn Fire Healing. And she had found three such candidates.

One was a woman in her mid-thirties that had a husband and children, so she wasn’t really available to learn. But the other two were youths; a boy of ten and a girl of eleven. Their parents weren’t willing to let them travel to be trained just yet, but they were both at least open to the idea of learning in the future.And truth be told, Azula and Nykka had their hands full training the four students they currently had. But as their current students advanced, additional students could be taken in the future.

“Evasra! Look! Those mountains hold the secrets that the ancients told me about. We’re almost there.” Mei Zhu said as they made their way to the gangplank that led down to the docks.

“Yes, they do. And you’re just the scholar to pry the secrets from their cold, dead hands.”

“Damn straight I am! Let’s go get settled and finalize our arrangements. I need to talk to our guide and you need to use your flame hands to bring health and vitality to the people of this land.”

Azula just laughed as Mei Zhu marched down the docks like a general leading her soldiers off to war. That was one of the things that she loved about Mei Zhu; she gave her enthusiastic all to everything she did.

They proceeded down the dock and were greeted by two people; a tall middle-aged man with a genial face and a short, stern-looking woman. The man was the first to speak. “You must be Mystic Evasra and Scholar Mei Zhu! Welcome to Humpi. It is an honor to have two distinguished visitors such as yourself. I am Mayor Bunlo and this is Healer Yinza.”

Azula and Mei Zhu both gave polite bows. Azula spoke first. “Thank you for your warm welcome. We are honored to be here.”

“It is wonderful to have another Fire Healer to visit the islands and help with the diseases that come our way.” Healer Yinza said, her voice pleasant despite the sternness of her appearance.

“I am happy to provide my services. We have actually found old techniques that will allow us to teach the art of Fire Healing to a wider range of people. I was hoping to scout amongst the firebenders in your city to see if there were any candidates.”

Azula smiled as the faces of both Bunlo and Yinza lit up at her words. “That is indeed wonderful. Of course you may speak with our firebenders. Have you found many candidates?”

“There are four students that we’re working with, including Jimna, Mistress Nykka’s grandson. He is progressing nicely and will be a wonderful Fire Healer in no time. And I’ve come across another two during my travels that may be suitable in the future.”

“Fabulous! Jimna has visited our people with his grandmother many times.” Bunlo said. Then he turned his attention to Mei Zhu. “And Master Jut is looking forward to guiding you to the area you requested. He has been exploring the area for over thirty years and knows the locale better than anyone.”

“I look forward to meeting him.” Mei Zhu said, her smile threatening to break her face in half. “I will of course allow Evasra to do her healing thing before we go.”

“There aren’t any significant diseases being passed around so I don’t believe it will delay your trip much.” Yinza said with a smile of her own. “If you follow us, we’ll be happy to lead you to your accommodations and get you set up.”

The four of them engaged in general pleasantries as they made their way through the small town. Located at the southwestern tip of the westernmost of the major islands of the Eastern Sea, the town did extensive trading with the Eastern Sea region, the Fire Islands and the southwestern regions of the earth continent.

Azula and Mei Zhu were shown to a small inn at the center of the town; their room was spacious and well kept. From there, they decided to divide and conquer. Azula went with Yinza to work out a schedule for Fire Healing while Bunlo took Mei Zhu to meet Master Jut.

“This will be a two to three day journey, depending on how well you and your companion can traverse the terrain. We have two ostrich-horses for carrying supplies. I could get a third if you think you need it.” Master Jut told Mei Zhu.

Short and stocky, the man seemed to exude strength and vitality. His bushy beard was mostly black but there were more than a few gray streaks in it. His son appeared to have been taken from the same mold, just thirty years younger. They looked like they could carry all the supplies themselves without the need for pack animals.

“Hopefully, two animals will be enough. We mainly need only worry about supplies to allow us to find the cave; we will mount a second expedition if we need to bring things back.” Mei Zhu answered, looking over the map again.

“Aye, that sounds like a plan. You look like a strapping young gal and rumor has it that Mystic Evasra is a strong and formidable lady in her own right. When did you plan on setting out?” Jut asked.

“I would like to let Evasra get in some healing before we go; it doesn’t sound like there’s a lot of urgent cases, so I’m hoping for the day after tomorrow.”

“That sounds right doable. Kut and I will get you there and back with no worries.” The man and his son both laughed, bringing a smile to Mei Zhu’s face. She enjoyed working with happy people that enjoyed life.

Mei Zhu spent the rest of the day going over the topography of the trip with Master Jut and then they went and created a list for the additional supplies that they would need. They made arrangements for the search possibly taking ten days once they arrived at the camp site.

If she couldn’t find the site in that time, then it was doubtful that she’d find it at all.

Mei Zhu spent the next day reviewing and organizing her notes based on the more updated maps that Master Jut had supplied. She expected to find markers like the previous library, with indications on how to get to the cave they were searching for. Evasra finished her healing sessions in the early afternoon of their second day in the city, freeing them to travel the next morning as planned.

Mei Zhu was excited for her girlfriend as she spoke about the good news she had to share. “There are three candidates that I believe are suitable to learn Fire Healing, at least from a bending capability standpoint. One is in his twenties and is engaged, so he’s less interested in uprooting his life. But the other two are twin girls that are fourteen years old and are both very interested.”

“That’s awesome, Evasra! It’s amazing what you’re doing for Fire Healing.” Mei Zhu cheered.

“What we’re doing, Mei Zhu. This knowledge came from your amazing find. You’re already helping me be a better person and helping make the world a better place.”

Mei Zhu pulled her girlfriend in for a tight hug and a not so gentle kiss. Evasra always knew what to say to make Mei Zhu feel warm and fuzzy inside. She was a great girlfriend. This was going to be a glorious journey.

The first day of the march into the wilderness hadn’t been that bad. The gentle hills gradually became a little steeper, but Mei Zhu had been training to improve her stamina and physical strength. The purpose of the training had been to do more than just improve her physical fitness; it was also to improve her earthbending.

She wasn’t a violent person and never wanted to be. But after the encounter with the pirates she realized that she should at least be able to defend herself if she was going to travel the world. So she had hired an earthbending teacher to train her a couple of times a week. And the effort had shown results. She’d never challenge Toph for the title of greatest earthbender in the world, but she had become more proficient at defensive fighting.

But Mei Zhu appreciated the improved physical fitness that resulted from her training when they had began climbing through up the steep mountain paths to get to the passes that led to the area she wanted to search for the caves.

But even more physically fit Mei Zhu was slowing the group down. Jut and Kut looked they were out for a friendly stroll through the gardens while Evasra just plodded along without any appearance of strain.

Mei Zhu felt like a soggy donkey-ox; her muscles ached and she was terribly sweaty and she probably smelled like a refuse heap. But she refused to slow down much. It was all that she could do not to drop to her knees and thank Gnolos when Jut announced that they were at the campsite just as the sun was setting on the second night. The tents were quickly put up and Jut announced to the general crowd that there was a mountain stream just to the west of the campsite if anyone wanted to freshen up.

Mei Zhu figured that Jut didn’t want her offending the ostrich-horses with her smell for the rest of the evening. Whatever the reason, she was happy to go and get cleaned up.

The cool mountain stream felt wonderful as Mei Zhu slid her naked body into the refreshing water. The sigh of contentment that fell from her lips was loud enough to frighten away a few birds that had been perched in the nearby trees. She smiled as Evasra slid into the water next to her.

“We’re almost there, Mei Zhu. Now that you’ve seen the terrain, do you have a better idea what we’re looking for?”

“Yes, I think I do. There cave is described as being ‘Blessed by the light of the sun’s morning glow’ and that ‘the path of a thousand steps will take you close to heaven to find the way’. We should be able to limit the peaks with the appropriate heights tomorrow morning. And we can search for markers on the paths leading to the most likely areas.”

“It sounds like you’ve definitely got a plan. I can’t wait to see what treasures are waiting for us on the other side.”

“World peace and p*rnography are my two guesses.” Mei Zhu answered, causing Evasra to give a barking laugh that fills Mei Zhu with joy.

Mei Zhu couldn’t wait to see what the morning brings.

Mai and her team watched silently from their positions across the street from the southwest entrance to the warehouse. According to their sources, this was where the second staging site was located. They had been monitoring the building for the past three days and they had seen more than a dozen known members of the insurgency group coming and going. They were confident that this was the place.

Naazu was heading the primary attack squad that would hit the northwest entrance; they had Aang in reserve to lay the hammer down on any of the terrorists that couldn’t be taken during the initial strike. Mai knew that Aang could bury the entire complex underground if he wanted to, but they wanted to take the site with as much of the intelligence intact as possible. But she had to admit it was nice knowing that the Avatar had her back.

Mai heard a double tap come from behind her, so she quickly turned her head towards the designated signal location. There! Two long flashes of a lantern, pause, two short flashes. The mission was a go!

She tapped the point man on the shoulder and the entire team followed his lead as he quickly made his way towards the door. The guard stationed there hadn’t been the most attentive, allowing the group to approach within twenty-five feet before he spotted them.

“Hey, you-“ His words were cut off as the point man struck him down with a quick burst of fire. The fallen guard was quickly pulled away from the entry door as the two earthbenders on her team prepared for action.

Mai turned back to the signal location and waited. Fifteen excruciatingly long seconds later, a quick series of flashes began.

“Collapse the entry point!” Mai ordered in a strong voice. The two earthbenders moved in unison to launch a stone battering ram into the fortified door, knocking it open. The point man was through the door only a fraction of a second after the battering ram struck, the rest of the team hot on his heels.

Mai was the seventh person through the door and the battle was already fierce. She quickly scanned the room as she ducked low and moved away from the entry point, allowing her team to follow more quickly and getting herself to cover.

There! Her hands were already moving and the blades airborne before the man on the scaffolding above the warehouse floor could make it halfway through his bending motion. The six blades caught his clothing and pinned him to the wall. She followed up with a small but surprisingly heavy dull metal blade that made a whistling sound as it sailed through the air and struck the man in the forehead with a sickening thud. His head drooped down and his weight only remained upright thanks to the blades pinning him to the wall.

Her team had started making their way towards the interior control room when all hell broke loose. A loud concussion wave came blasting out from the back part of the warehouse, knocking many of the agents, including herself, to the ground.

The follow-up explosion was much louder and the concussion wave far stronger. Mai dove behind one of the larger boxes but didn’t quite make it before something struck her in the side, just above her right hip. She hissed in pain but managed to make it behind the box.

Her ears were still ringing as she laid on her stomach and curled up into a ball, her hands trying to keep more blood from squirting out of her wounds; her entire right side was already hot and sticky. She tried to get to her feet but her legs couldn’t quite move with enough coordination. She turned away as a strong blast of wind was launched towards the back of the warehouse. She looked up to see the glowing form of the Avatar hovering in the air. More interesting was that she could see the moon hanging in the night sky, just visible above the buildings around the warehouse.

It was then that she realized that the entire other northwest section of the warehouse was simply gone.

She watched as the Avatar quickly flew into the back of the warehouse. As the ringing in her ears began subsiding, she could hear shouting and the sounds of fighting. But her blood ran cold as she heard the otherworldly voice of the Avatar calling on the insurgents to surrender.

By the grating sounds of metal screeching and the vibrations she felt through the very earth itself, she guessed that they had not surrendered. The sounds of fighting quickly stopped and there was an eerie silence in the building for a few moments before she heard voices and the sound of bootsteps.

She looked up at the sound and saw Fin Pa, one of the earthbenders on her team, approaching. “Agent Mai, let me help you. You’ve lost a lot of blood.”

“Thank you, Fin Pa.” Mai answered in a low voice. Her throat was dry and she was having a tough time focusing on anything. But she watched in a detached fashion as he pulled out a small kit and produced a set of bandages.

“Pardon my touches, Agent Mai, but I need to get this bandage over your wounds.”

“It’s alright, Fin Pa. I’m not a blushing virgin.” She replied as he lifted part of her uniform to expose the wounds and put the bandage over the two holes. He began wrapping the longer bandages all the way around her lower abdomen to keep the main bandage in place.

“It looks like the shrapnel went clean through. Are you injured anywhere else?” Fin Pa asked once the wound was somewhat covered; Mai applied pressure to try and stop the bleeding anyway.

“No, that one piece is all that got me.” She felt better now that at least the blood was just pouring out of her. “Go see if you can help anyone else. I promise not to go anywhere.”

Aang was appalled at how much destruction had been wrought in the warehouse. He had followed the progress from the outside, using his seismic sense to monitor the activity. As the teams had moved deeper inside, he entered the warehouse and slowly followed.

He was ordered by Iroh to only provide support and not to go charging into the fray willy-nilly. He was there to assist the professionals in this raid, not unleash his overwhelming Avatar power on the facility unless it was absolutely necessary.

He had only a moment’s warning after the initial explosion to prepare himself for the second, much larger explosion. He used that time wisely, creating a swirling tornado of air that went up and through the roof of the warehouse. It caught most of the power of the explosion that reached his part of the warehouse and directed it up and out of the building.

But it wasn’t much help to the poor agents that had escorted Naazu into the building. They had taken the brunt of the blast and his seismic sense had detected no survivors in that part of the building. He had charged in and captured a few insurgents that were trying to sneak down into the subterranean tunnels that they had built underneath.

He detected at least a dozen more escaping. He had been faced with a decision; follow and capture the escaping criminals or stay and provide medical service to the survivors. But it had never been much of a decision for him.

He couldn’t leave people that needed help to pursue fleeing criminals.

He had enough sense to lock down the insurgents that he had captured; he didn’t need them coming back to cause any more trouble while he was helping the others. Once that was done though, he quickly made his way to the freestanding portion of the warehouse, where there were many, many injured to be taken care of.

He saw a man overseeing the operation, so Aang approached him. “Excuse me. Are you in command? I am a healer and I can help the injured.”

The man was short and stocky with his black hair pulled back in a bun. “I’m the field medic for Agent Mai’s team. I’ve created a triage system if you’d like to help.”

“That would be wonderful. Who needs help first?” Turns out it was an agent that lost part of his right arm in the explsion as well as having a chunk of his abdomen torn away.

Aang quickly used his Water Healing to seal the wounds and stop the bleeding. He did just enough to keep the man alive before moving on to the next victim. Again and again, he healed the injured just enough to keep them alive. After about a dozen people, he was able to get to the less severly injured.

Luckily, additional medical teams had made it to the site by then, including two other Water Healers. They went to help the first victims that Aang had helped, since their injuries were so significant. At last, he made his way to Mai, who appeared to be among the least hurt of those that were injured.

“I’m glad to see that you made it through in relatively good shape, Mai. Let me see how I can help you.” Aang said, pulling fresh water out of a small cistern that had been provided to him.

“Thank you, Avatar. This operation went to hell. Hopefully, you were able to capture everyone once the rest of us went down.” She looked at him, her eyes steady as he applied glowy magic water to her injuries. She had her outer uniform shirt off and had pulled her undershirt up high so that it was just under her breasts, exposing the skin on her side and abdomen.

The girl had a serious set of abs.

“I was able to capture about a dozen of them, but another dozen or so escaped underground. I let them go to come back and help the injured.”

“What the f*ck do you mean, you let them go? You needed to bring them in!” Mai hissed.

Aang felt his own anger rising. “I don’t take orders from you. I offered my services to help bring this operation down, but I’m not an agent of the Fire Nation and I have no responsibilities to do your job for you. I decide how I will use my abilities, no one else.”

He kept his eyes on the wound he was healing, but he knew that she was still glaring at him, seething with anger. But that was her problem, not his. Had the Fire Nation treated the people of the Fire Colonies better, maybe this sh*tty situation wouldn’t have happened.

He finished healing her and stood up. “The wound is closed but you lost a lot of blood. You’ll need to be careful and drink a lot of water and eat a lot of meat to replenish your strength.”

She continued staring at him, so he turned away. But he stopped when she spoke. “Thank you, Avatar. I appreciate your help.”

He turned back and met her eyes. They were flat but not hostile. “You’re welcome, Mai. If you’ll excuse me, I have more people to heal.”

Aang moved on the next person as Mai slowly walked off towards the center of the warehouse, probably to continue investigating. That was her business. His job was to focus on helping the injured.

The loss of Naazu and her team had been a devastating blow to the morale of the group, but the mission couldn’t stop just because they were mourning the fallen. Mai tried to focus as Korvyn brought Iroh and the Avatar up to speed on the events from last night’s two raids.

“It appears that we underestimated the zealotry of the groups that we are up against; both locations had death bombs to detonate the larger munitions stashes. It was unfortunate for Naazu and Mai’s teams that their site had the larger stockpile of munitions, which is why the explosion there was so much larger than the one that Rifa and I encountered.” Korvyn explained.

He paused for a second before continuing. “It also means that less of the evidence was destroyed at our site. We were able to gather enough information to piece together the overall plans that had been arranged for the Quentu foundry.”

He nodded to Mai, who began speaking. “The documents we found show that the groups had been slowly creating underground tunnels underneath the foundry; the tunnels led to three strategic points under the foundry where the bombs would have been placed. With the placement and the amount of munitions they had access to, the explosions would have collapsed the entire foundry.”

“Have the tunnels been dealt with?” Aang asked, his normally cheerful face stoic.

“Yes,” Korvyn answered. “We raided the tunnels as soon as we learned of their locations. They were empty and have been filled by our earthbenders. They are no longer a threat.”

“And what of the third site? Have you been able to find out its location?” Iroh asked. There was no hint of the genial tea drinking man that Mai had encountered in her youth. This was the Dragon of the West.

“No, there was no information referencing the third site; there was also no information linking the two sites we raided. We believe that the groups are operating in cells that have no day to day knowledge of the other operations. They no longer have access to the tunnels leading to the foundry, but they still have whatever people and munitions are associated with the third site.” Korvyn responded with a sigh.

“And none of the captives or dead seem to be the consultants from the Daughters of Rokishe.” Rifa interjected.

This had been a somewhat successful mission that had negated a significant threat to the Quentu foundry and the Fire Nation industrial infrastructure. But the threat still existed and could still inflict harm on Mai’s people. She sighed at the thought of what was going on here. The Fire Colonies were a great source of material and wealth for the Fire Nation; but as Mai learned more and more about the day to day lives of the people here, the more concerned she became.

She loved the Fire Nation and wanted to see it prosper, but what they were doing to the people here was wrong. The exploitation, pollution and military oversight had made many of the people here sullen and angry. The rest of the Fire Colonies weren’t as bad as Pemni; the industrial nature of the city lent itself to poor living conditions. But since the burning of Ba Sing Se, the people of the earth continent have grown less tolerant of the Fire Nation exploitation.

Mai fears that it wouldn’t take much to plunge the Fire Nation into a war against the earth nations again. With Bumi’s retirement and Buzin’s ascension to the throne of Omashu and and Shur Zi’s taking of the Earth Kingdom reins, the opponents of the Fire Nation were more belligerent and willing to stand up against their old enemy.

“I believe that we should consider what our enemies will do next.” Iroh said, his gaze looking into the middle distance. “With the Quentu foundry no longer a viable target, what might they do with their remaining munitions? If they decide to withdraw from Pemni, how would they move the munitions? Where would they take them? If they decide to strike a different site in Pemni, what would they hit? When would they strike to make the biggest impact?”

Several people, including Mai, sighed at Iroh’s words. There was a lot more work to be done. They had a few clues to follow up on, but a lot of it was going to be speculation and needed a lot of legwork to follow up on.

“Would they strike at the negotiations next week?” Aang asked.

Korvyn was the first to answer. “Possibly, but not likely. They specifically target Fire Nation sites; we have no record of these groups attacking the people or assets of an earth nation. This is one way that they maintain the support of the general earth people and don’t invite too much scrutiny from the Earth Kingdom or Omashu. We have no evidence that the two nations are supporting the terrorists, but we’ve seen nothing to indicate that they are doing anything to actively pursue them either.”

“This may be something to negotiate next week.” Iroh responded. “But that doesn’t help with the here and now. Korvyn, please put together a plan for pursuing the remaining group and preventing them from causing further damage in the Fire Colonies.”

Chapter 5: She Who Learns from All


The Daughters of Rokishe make plans with their allies while Azula and Mei Zhu make a fantastical discovery.

Chapter Text

“We must strike tonight at the tertiary target. It is not as big a prize as several others, but it has the highest chance of success and is the most debilitating asset that we can hinder with the manpower and equipment that we have remaining.” Kimya explained, pointing out the target on the map of Pemni.

Minvu and the head of the United Earth Front, Hensu, followed Kimya’s finger to the Ren Sho refinery; it was the third largest and most advanced steel refinery in the colonies. It had been scoped out and Kimya had developed an ingenious plan for taking down the furnaces.

“I agree. Our security measures have obviously been compromised at the other sites; we need to strike quickly and disband our operations here. Especially with the Avatar in the city.” Minvu said.

She had been heading into the tunnels last night after she had detonated the munitions when she had heard the terrifying voice of the Avatar calling out for their surrender. The Avatar was not her enemy, but he was the ally of her enemy and she would fight him if needed.

But everyone knew that that was a losing move, both in the moment and for the cause. All of their forces combined were no match for the Avatar in a pitched battle, and even if they did win, it may turn people that were on the fence against the cause. No, each battle must be fought on the right terms for the right reasons.

“We will review the plan and begin preparing this afternoon.” Hensu said. “We have all of our crews on site and we are ready to move.”

Hensu ran the tightest ship of the three organizations here in Pemni, which is probably why his site hadn’t been raided. By limiting the contact between the three groups and sharing information only with the people that absolutely had to know, Minvu should at least be able to salvage one operation from this endeavor.

But there was another issue to deal with also.

“I have the names of four people in the other operations that the leaders considered to be slightly suspicious.” Minvu said, looking Hensu in the eyes. “I will visit these people this afternoon and see whether they have remained loyal to the cause. If so, I will commend them.”

“And if they haven’t been loyal?” Hensu asked. But the hard look on his face told him that he already knew the answer.

“Then an example will have to be made out of them.” Minvu answered.

It brought her no joy to punish people, but traitors to the cause know that they are working against the interests of the earth people being oppressed by their Fire Nation masters.

And Minvu will make sure that everyone knows what happens to those that would betray their own people.

“Look, Evasra! This must be the staircase that the inscription was referring to.” Mei Zhu all but shouted. It took a moment for Azula to pick out the aforementioned staircase since it was horribly overgrown with vines.

“That will take most of the day to cut through.” Jut said, a smile on his face. “But cutting vines is how Kut and I get to most places in this jungle.”

Azula looked up at the narrow staircase that wound up the rock face, hugging the wall. It looked like it ended about three hundred feet up the side of the small mountain. They had already climbed over a thousand feet to get here.

“That’s a lot of work. A second option is that I fly Mei Zhu to the top of the stairs, bypassing the vines altogether.” Azula suggested.

She held in her sigh as Jut and Kut just looked at her. Jut finally found his voice. “You can fly?”

“Indeed, I can. And while I have no doubt that two sturdy specimens of masculinity like yourself can cut through the vines, I’d rather not force you to make the effort unless it is needed.” Azula answered.

“I think flying up there would be the fastest way to go.” Mei Zhu answered, looking to the two men. “You could rest while we go.”

“I for one would love to see this flight, so up you go if that’s how you want to do it.” Jut said with a smile. “But chopping vines is in our blood. We’ll start chopping while you go and make your wonderful discovery. We’ll be up there before nightfall.

“I have no doubt that the vines are no match for the two of you. We’ll let you know if it’s a dead end. Otherwise, we’ll see you at the top!” Mei Zhu said, punching the air over her head with her fist.

“Alright, Mei Zhu, you know the drill. We’ll have to go a little slower this time since we’re taking more equipment.” Azula took off her backpack, turned it around and put her arms through the straps so that the pack was secured to her chest. Moments later, Mei Zhu had climbed onto her back and put her arms around Azula’s neck and her legs around her hips.

“You might want to step back a few feet, gentlemen, it’s about to get really hot.” The two men scurried back about twenty feet and stared at her with wide eyes as she held her hands out and powerful white flames came shooting out and the two women slowly started lifting into the air.

Once they were about four feet in the air, Azula ignited her feet flames and the two rose quickly in the air. If she wasn’t so busy concentrating on keeping enough flames going to lift two people and all their equipment into the air, she would have openly laughed at the two men wildly pointing and exclaiming at the sight of the flying firebender and her companion.

It took nearly a minute of constant effort to make it to the ledge at the top of the overgrown stairs. Luckily the vines had become much thinner this far up the rock face. The ledge was about eight feet deep and twelve feet wide and had a relatively flat and rocky spot to land on. Azula carefully positioned them about six feet over the ledge before cutting off her feet flames and not so gently touched down using only her hand flames.

Mei Zhu quickly jumped off Azula’s back once they landed. Azula took off her pack and set it down; that was a lot of work and she needed a minute to rest. But she took a look around as she tried to catch her breath.

The back of the ledge was stone with a few vines growing over it, but both Azula and Mei Zhu turned their attention the archway in the back left side of the wall; it wasn’t overly tall but it was clearly man-made. Azula couldn’t imagine a natural effect that would create a human sized cave entrance with that level of symmetry.

She looked at Mei Zhu, who looked back at her with a feral grin on her face. “Well, Scholar Mei Zhu, it looks like you’re onto something. Shall we go explore?”

“Hell yeah!” Her girlfriend exclaimed. Azula laughed as she pulled out and lit two lanterns, passing one to Mei Zhu.

Mei Zhu took the lantern and quickly walked over to entrance, Azula hot on her heels. The lantern light illuminated the space just inside the opening, showing a tunnel that led deeper into the mountainside. Mei Zhu carefully began moving forward.

Neither of them said a word as they made their way. The tunnel seemed to have the same proportions as the opening; it was plenty large enough for them to walk single file but not side by side. They continued walking for several minutes, going about two hundred feet into the mountain by Azula’s estimation. The fact that there was a very gentle breeze coming out of the tunnel meant that there was decent air circulation.

They approached a turn in the tunnel and Azula heard Mei Zhu gasp in shock. Azula quickly peeked around the corner to see what had drawn her attention.

It was a small chamber covered entirely with Lincum Arca inscriptions. Well, everything except the opposite wall was covered with Lincum Arca inscriptions. The inscriptions on the far wall looked vaguely familiar though.

It all came together as Mei Zhu exclaimed. “That’s the language I had to translate to find the library on Yu Yang!”

“What does it say?” Azula asked as she started reading the inscriptions around the room. It was a recounting of the trials and tribulations of various groups during he Great Exhilaration.

“I…I think that it’s a logic puzzle.” Mei Zhu said as she approached the far wall. As Azula got closer, she could see that the wall actually consisted of sixteen stone squares, arranged in a four by four grid.

When she looked more closely though, she saw that there were only fifteen stone squares. The bottom right corner was actually empty. Each stone was about two feet by two feet and had symbols and pictograms with words in Mei Zhu’s translated language above them.

“What kind of logic puzzle?” Seemed like the obvious question to Azula.

“I think that this is based on the principle of Youzin’s Addendum; Master Youzin was a famous mathematician that created a logic system for calculating the areas and volumes of geometric shapes. His addendum was something of a fun method for creating logic puzzles. Each formula gives a new number that begins a new formula; they can be strung together to create chains. I think that I just need to figure out which is the starting block and then solve them in order.”

“I’ll take your word for it. Do you know which is the first one?”

“Not yet. But I’ll figure it out.” Mei Zhu’s voice showed no doubt. It was moments like this that Azula realized just how talented and brilliant her girlfriend was. She didn’t want to disturb Mei Zhu while she was working, so she began reading the inscriptions. She skipped over most of the history but then she found something of interest.

It described something called a spirit stone.

Spirit stones allowed two or more objects to be infused with spirit energy and then become entangled, meaning that acting on one item may affect the other item even though they are not physically connected. It said that those skilled in the art of spirit detection could feel the connection.

She wondered if this was something like the spirit detection she learned from Aang to locate the Rings of Accordance. There was only one way to find out. Using the Stoicastic meditations to calm her mind, she expanded her senses and searched for a disruption to the spirit energy around them.

And two of the stones on the floor and the fifteen stone squares called out to her like bonfires on a dark night. Fascinated, she walked over and put her hands on the two stones on the floor and attuned herself to the energy. She could actually feel the connection to the stone squares. She tried controlling the squares with the energy from the stones on the floor.

She reached out for the energy, trying to push and pull and manipulate the spirit field. It was like trying to hold running water with an open hand; everything passed right through her grip. Then she tried to connect to a stone next to the open space and she felt the connection.

So she pulled on the energy to see what happened.

Azula jumped up in alarm as Mei Zhu screamed and leapt backwards, hitting Azula and nearly knocking them both to the ground. Azula braced herself and caught Mei Zhu before they fell.

“The stone in the corner moved, Evasra! I think this place is haunted!” Mei Zhu screamed. Azula held her tight.

“No, Mei Zhu, the place isn’t haunted. I did that.” Azula admitted. Mei Zhu whipped around and stared at her.

“What the f*ck do you mean that you did that? Since when are you a f*cking earthbender. I damn near pissed myself.” Mei Zhu shouted, anger in her voice.

Azula pulled her in for another hug as she explained herself. “I found something that the inscriptions call spirit stones; I can use these two stones on the floor to control the stone squares on the wall.”

Azula released Mei Zhu and pointed to the inscriptions describing the spirit stones and then to said squares on the floor. Mei Zhu looked between the stones and Azula several times before speaking. “Really?”

“Yes. I was just figuring out how to use it when I made the stone move. I’m sorry for scaring you.”

Mei Zhu’s countenance changed and a wide smile spread across her face. “I bet that’s what we need to do once I solve the puzzle; we have to put the squares in order. I’ve got a few of them solved. Let me get the rest so we can get to work!”

And like that, Mei Zhu was back at work. Azula noted that Mei Zhu had a small pad out and was feverishly writing in it as she evaluated the squares. Azula continued reading the inscriptions, but nothing else seemed as interesting as the spirit stones. It was probably two hours later when Mei Zhu cried out in triump.

“I’ve got it!” Mei Zhu started doing a little dance. “Come on, we need to rearrange the panels. Here’s the order that we have to put the squares in.”

Azula looked at the grid the Mei Zhu had written out in the small book. “That’s great, Mei Zhu! Let’s see how we do this.”

Azula once again put her hands on the stones and began moving the squares. When she moved a square into the open slot, Azula was then able to manipulate the squares adjacent to the new open spot. From there it was a matter of logic; they had to figure out the best ways to move the squares. It was slow going but still faster than figuring out the original puzzle.

“This is it, Evasra.” Mei Zhu hugged Azula as they put the last stone in place. “I wonder what happens now.”

There was an audible clicking sound as the last stone was set and suddenly the whole wall with the fifteen squares swung open, the left side was apparently on some sort of hinge while the right side moved inwards.

Azula exchanged a wide smile with Mei Zhu before they grabbed their packs and their lanterns and moved through the open door.

Both Azula’s and Mei Zhu’s mouths hung open as their lights illuminated a small portion of the large room, because even what they could see was filled with airtight boxes and artifacts.

“This is incredible.” Mei Zhu said, her voice soft and reverant.

“This is all because you’re such a phenomenal scholar.” Azula said, pulling Mei Zhu in for a side hug.

“Indeed, you are! It is my pleasure to welcome two women of your extraordinary talents into my lair.” Both women jumped back at the voice that came from their right. Azula had her two fingers pointed at the source of the voice but managed to keep from shooting her fire at the incredible figure that stood before them.

It was a nine foot tall parrot-bat, the multicolored feathers glowing with spirit energy. The face had two large, expressive glowing green eyes over a long, curved yellow beak. The two large ears twitched and rotated independently of each other. The leathery wings were folded in on themselves, with the florescent orange, yellow and green feathers just along the top portion of the wings.

“My apologies, I did not mean to startle you. I am Ti Mu, better known as She Who Learns From All.” The giant spirit parrot-bat said, her feminine face somehow expressing amusem*nt. “And thank you for not shooting me with fire. It wouldn’t actually hurt me, but I still find it to be a rather unpleasant experience.”

Azula was the first to find her voice. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Ti Mu. I am Mystic Evasra and this is Scholar Mei Zhu. I am sorry for threatening you with my fire.”

Azula gave a respectful bow and was glad to see Mei Zhu follow suit. Ti Mu began speaking as they rose from their bow. “You are both splendid people and I am so happy that you came to visit me! It has been two thousand years since anyone has been to my domicile. I had nearly faded away into obscurity until I was revitalized by the energy used to repair the Spirit Veil. But that is neither here nor there. Welcome to In Zan Kip!”

“I read of general descriptions of this place, but I had never found the name In Zan Kip. Your domicile is very lovely.” Mei Zhu said, looking around, her eyes still as wide as saucers.

Ti Mu actually seemed to preen at Mei Zhu’s words. “Why thank you, Mei Zhu. It is always a pleasure to have polite and erudite guests in my home. The two of you are indeed worthy of having access to my learnings and artifacts. The intermediaries speak well of both of you.”

Azula felt herself freeze in shock. It was a few moments before she found her voice. “The intermediaries have spoken to you about us?”

“Indeed! Terrathusi is very proud of your accomplishments, Azula. He, along with Mukaati, Denuskya and Methus, are thankful for both of your assistance in dealing with the Rings of Accordance as well.”

Azula’s blood ran cold. “What did you call me?”

“My apologies. I should have known that you prefer to use your adopted name. I will not let your other name slip again, Mystic Evasra. Please, come and let me tell you why I am so happy that you are here.”

Ti Mu used a wing to gesture towards a large table that had a dozen chairs around it. Azula looked at Mei Zhu, who just shrugged. They took two of the chairs at the long table and watched as Ti Mu, perched on a giant horizontal beam that connected two large rock pillars.

“Ah, it is good to have people seated at the Table of Scholasticism once again. But to the point. As I said before, I am She Who Learns From All. I am one of the last disciples of an ancient being known as Iscanthanalia, the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom. Four eyes, four arms, four breasts, a gutpuncturingly large penis. You can tell that she never actually had sex with a human using that thing. Does any of this ring a bell?”

“The statue we found at Yu Yang. We called her the Goddess of Immodesty.” Mei Zhu exclaimed.

Ti Mu laughed. “That is actually a good name and I’m sure she would have approved. She had quite a bawdy sense of humor. She is no longer able to touch this world, but she took beings like myself under her wing, so to speak, so that we could stay behind and help our worlds grow and cultivate wiser, kinder and better all-around people.”

Ti Mu sighed. “But alas, it was never that easy. Over the years, I helped Iscanthanalia share techniques and esoteric traditions meant to elevate and illuminate the people of this world. But again and again, the gifts we shared were used by the learned to gain power and wealth for themselves, most often at the expense of others. The Rings of Accordance were created using a book written by such people; we shared techniques for spiritual enlightenment and they warped it into a book of evil and unnatural spells.”

“But I would like to try again. The two of you, along with your learned companions and allies, could be the conduit to spread wisdom and enlightenment.” Ti Mu concluded, looking at Azula and Mei Zhu.

Azula looked down in shame. “I don’t think I’m the right person for this. I…I was once an evil person who worked to upset the balance of the world.”

“Indeed you were and indeed you did. But since then you have worked tirelessly to become better than you were. You are precisely the type of person I want. You understand the allure of power, the corrupting influence of wealth and privilege. As a follower of Terrathusi, you are on the path to achieving that betterment.” Ti Mu answered, her eyes glowing brightly as she spoke.

“And Mei Zhu, you have an infectious enthusiasm for knowledge and scholarship that is wonderful to behold. But most importantly, the two of you have each other. Balance in all things. Mystic Evasra’s real world know how and exceptional skill coupled with Scholar Mei Zhu’s brilliant and motivated mind that has a knack for solving intellectual puzzles. Apart, you are both wonderful women, but together you are more than the sum of your parts.”

That description filled Azula’s heart with a warmth that filled her soul. She felt Mei Zhu’s hand find her own and give it a squeeze, which she was happy to return.

“Thank you, Ti Mu. We will try to live up to your standards.” Azula said, smiling at the giant glowing parrot-bat.

“I do not doubt that. But my time here is coming to an end. I used much of my energy to come her in the flesh, so to speak. Before I must leave again, there is something else that I want to show you.” Mi Tu waved her wings and suddenly the wall at the back of the room swirled and suddenly a spiraling wall of energy appeared, allowing Azula and Mei Zhu to see into an even larger chamber. It was some sort of energy portal.

“Wh…what is this?” Mei Zhu muttered.

“This is the Citadel of Sagacity.” Ti Mu said, flapping her wings and flying into the room. Mei Zhu and Azula tentatively walked through the portal. Ti Mu continued speaking. “These are the spirit holders where I have placed all of that I have learned by studying with your people.”

Azula looked at the incredible sight before her. The room was large and rectangular in shape. It had to have been at least eighty feet wide and sixty feet deep. But the things that caught Azula’s eye were the thousands of glowing hourglasses that sat on shelves that filled every wall. The top portion of each hourglass was empty but the sand, or whatever it was, that filled the bottom halves shone with everchanging colors of oscillating light. Reds and greens and yellows and blues and oranges as well as a multitude of other colors came and went and swirled.

In the middle of the room were a small set of steps that led up to a raised platform; a waist high railing went around the platform except where the steps were. And towards the corners of the room were four circles on the ground; each with a complicated geometric pattern. And there was a small pedestal adjacent to each of the circles.

And there were several tables and chairs as well as three very comfortable looking couches situated around the room. Azula’s study of the room was interrupted by Ti Mu’s voice. “This citadel exists in the spirit world; it can be accessed by the special spirit portal located here in In Zan Kip or by entering the spirit world through meditation. Only those that I allow to visit may enter through either way.”

“This is an absolutely spectacular place, Ti Mu. Thank you for showing this to us.” Mei Zhu said in a dreamy voice.

Ti Mu again preened under Mei Zhu’s praise. “Thank you, Mei Zhu. But come! Let me show you the wonders of the Citadel of Sagacity. The most notable features of the citadel are undoubtedly the Hourglasses of Illumination.”

Ti Mu swept her right wing, gesturing at the many, many hourglasses on the shelves. “These hourglasses hold the knowledge that was shared by the spirits of some of the wisest and most accomplished people that have ever lived. At the moment of death, I have visited a great many of the scholars and mystics and masters, asking their spirits to come here to my library and leave a record of their wisdom that I hoped would someday be shared with others.”

Azula’s mouth hung open in disbelief. “Do these hourglasses contain spirits?”

“No, no, no. Well, not exactly. I showed each spirit that was willing how to create a spirit reflection of themselves. These reflections aren’t alive, but they are essentially a distilled collection of the wisdom and knowledge that they had gained during their professional life. Topics such as specialized bending practices and advanced meditation techniques have been collected, as well as skills such as weaving and woodworking. I have collected knowledge of every type.”

“How do you find the knowledge that you’re looking for? There must be thousands of these hourglasses.” Azula asked.

“There are 8,657 hourglasses. And not all of them are humans; a few dragons and spirits have also shared their knowledge. And of course, the most advanced hourglass is the one left behind by Iscanthanalia herself.”

“That’s incredible!” Mei Zhu cheered. Azula smiled to see her girlfriend’s face aglow. This was the most spectacular find in the history of spectacular finds.

“Yes, Iscanthanalia shared information with both me and my brother, Wan Shi Tong, but truth be told, she always liked me better. My brother was always like, ‘I know 10,000 things and I’m so smart!’.” Ti Mu said, deepening her voice and sounding pretentious. “This is why no one likes him. He can’t get along with the other spirits or humans. Although, I agree with him that sometimes humans are terribly trying. The last few visitors either tried to destroy information in his library or used the knowledge they gained there to launch an invasion against the Fire Nation.”

“The Fire Nation?” Azula asked.

“Indeed. Avatar Aang and his friends learned about the Day of the Black Sun from my brother’s library and used that information to attack your people. My brother is not happy with humans at the moment. I admit that I also find many of your people trying, but the two of you and your friends and allies are wonderful people and I welcome them to my citadel!” Ti Mu said. “But you must share this information with only the most trustworthy of people.”

“We promise to be very selective with this knowledge.” Mei Zhu answered with a bow. Azula bowed as well.

“I believe you!” Ti Mu said. “But your companions will be to the top of the stairs soon, so I must show you how things work. First, you must meet my helpers!”

Azula gasped as four flying spirit creatures entered the room. They were giant hummingbird-otters! Each one had sleek glowing bodies covered with brilliant feathers of many colors; their wings were beating so fast that Azula couldn’t track them with her eyes. And the little faces and whiskers were adorable.

“As you may have guessed, these are hummingbird-otters and they know the location of every Hourglass of Illumination. There is an index, of course, or you can discuss your interests with me. We then tell my friends which hourglass you want and they will retrieve it. Very simple.”

“This is amazing. There is so much that we could learn here. Especially if this knowledge was used in conjunction with everything in the Library of Despondent Ecstasy.” Mei Zhu looked to be over the moon with joy and happiness.

“The next time you visit, I will allow you to begin accessing the Hourglasses of Learning. But your friends are almost here, so it is time for you to return to the material world. But take these.” Ti Mu gestered to a box on the table.

Azula and Mei Zhu opened the ornate box and saw eight identical medallions engraved with an hourglass that seemed to be radiating beams of light. It was obviously the symbol representing the Hourglasses of Illumination.

“Wear one of these medallions and think of returning here. The medallion will allow you to spirit walk here. In time, you may learn how to spirit walk without the use of the medallions, but this will bring you to my library until then. Please take this box with you. I look forward to you returning when the time is right. You may take and study any and all of the scrolls and artifacts in In Zan Kip. You should explore also; there are many other rooms from the time that ancient scholars actually lived on this site.”

“Thank you, Ti Mu. It is truly an honor to meet a wonderful spirit such as yourself. I promise that we will do all that we can to use this wonderful knowledge to improve the world.” Azula said, bowing yet again.

“We are forever in your debt for sharing all these wonders with us.” Mei Zhu gave another bow of her own.

“It is my pleasure, young ones. I look forward to sharing my library with worthy scholars and citizens of the world once again.” Ti Mu said as she somehow smiled with her beak. “I truly believe that this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship.”

Chapter 6: Sabotage and Goodwill


The Daughters of Rokishe engage in sabotage while the Fire Nation recruits for a goodwill tour. Azula and Mei Zhu meet their first spirit reflection.

Chapter Text

The two guards were actually rather alert and appeared competent; Minvu could respect people that took pride in their work. But they worked for the dirty ashmakers and had to die anyway. She looked down from the shadowform bird that she had created, using its eyes to review the security systems. The patrol was at the other end of the refinery. Now was the time to move.

She held out her arms and two black tendrils shot out and wrapped the top wire of the security fence; with just a thought the tendrils contracted and pulled her up and over the fence and gently set herself down on the other side. In less than a heartbeat, she had pulled the shadowforms back into her tattoos.

She quickly made her way to the wall near the security checkpoint. Once again, she created tendrils which quickly went down and anchored themselves to the ground. She lengthened the shadowforms and used them to push herself up to the roof of the building.

In a matter of seconds she was on the roof and making her way down towards the guards. They were still watching out from their checkpoints; they had no idea that their doom was already upon them. Minvu pulled out two knives and then enveloped the handles with shadowforms.

It was easy to guide the knives into the back of the neck with shadowforms, severing the spinal cord. The two guards dropped with barely a sound. Minvu left the knives embedded in their necks as she recalled the shadowforms and quickly climbed down to the checkpoint.

She signaled to Kimya’s shadowbird that the entrypoint was clear. It was unfortunate that they didn’t know how to use the shadowforms to transmit sound yet, but with sign language a great deal of information could be transmitted quickly.

Minvu quickly opened the security gate as her companions pulled the cart into the yard and towards the entrance. It had taken less than eight minutes to eliminate the guards and get the munitions into the refinery. Just as Minvu had planned.

Eight men jumped out and began unloading the packs of explosives. Two teams of four men would take the heavy loads of explosives to the designated areas. They were all dressed in work uniforms that roughly matched the ones worn by the workers in this refinery. Minvu would lead one group while Kimya would lead the other. Kimya nodded in greeting.

“We are on track, Sister. Procession is clear. This strike will hinder steel production and will not be rebuilt anytime soon.” Kimya said as they watched the men prepare to move out.

“Indeed.” Minvu answered in a normal voice. She spoke more softly for the next question. “Is your friend ready to give the warnings?”

“Yes.” Was the simple response. That was good. The goal was to destroy the output needed by the ashmakers for their continued economic exploitation of the earth people. The Daughters of Rokishe weren’t interested in killing low ranking people of either side.

She looked down at the bodies of the dead guards. Except when needed.

“We’re ready, Successors.” Yanvu, the lead operative for the locals announced.

“Then let’s move. The earth continent for the earth people.” Minvu announced in a low voice.

The others responded in kind. “The earth continent for the earth people.”

The two Successors led the way for the men with the explosives. Minvu led her team to the service tunnels between furnaces one and two, while Kimya led her team towards a similar set of tunnels between furnaces three and four. At this time of night, the furnaces were being manned by a smaller crew and the tunnels should be empty.

But she had been wrong. Minvu signaled to the men to stop when she heard the voice of two workers ahead. She peeked around the corner to see two men examining one of the pieces of equipment, pointing and gesturing.

She knew that they had a tight timeline and didn’t have time to wait for them to be finished. It broke her heart to do this, but it was for the good of the whole earth continent. She signaled for the others to remain hidden and then stepped around the corner, walking quickly but silently towards the men.

She was about twenty feet away, knives in hand, when one of them happened to look back towards her.

“Hey-“ Was all that he managed to get out before her shadowforms had pushed the knives into the hearts of the worker and his companion. She sighed at the need to kill common workers but this was for the good of the mission. She was a soldier and they were simply collateral damage.

She quickly walked back to hallway and waved the others out. Luckily, they didn’t encounter anyone else as they made their way to the spot. From there it was quite simple to get the explosives arranged in the correct locations.

After that they made their way towards the southern exit, while Kimya led her team to the western gate. She felt Kimya’s shadowbracelet move on her arm; one, two, three squeezes. Kimya’s team had placed their explosives.

She ordered the shadowbracelet on Kimya’s arm to squeeze three times as well, signaling that all was well here too. Then she the commanded the shadowbracelet to give a long squeeze as they reached the designated point near the exit.

About a minute later, the loud evacuation alarm echoed through the night; she saw panic and confusion as the workers began making their way to the exits. But what concerned her was that some of the supervisors were telling the workers to stay, that it couldn’t be a real problem.

But lucky for Minvu and her friends, some men evacuated anyway. She pulled out a hat to cover her hair and lowered her chin to her coat as she and the others joined the men that were evacuating, trying to mimic the mannerisms and energy of the escaping workers to better fit in.

The guards at the gate were yelling and gesturing for the workers to stop but Minvu pushed through and was happy to see that nearly two dozen men followed her lead and ignored the guards. She had thought that the guards might actually use violence to stop them but luckily it hadn’t come to that.

She was two blocks away when the sound of the first explosion filled the night, followed by a second equally loud explosion seconds later. Turning back, the sky behind her was bright orange and she quickly turned her head away as a wave of dust and debris washed over her. The town quickly became a hive of activity as fire brigades and other emergency responders swarmed towards the site. But Minvu and her friends had faded into obscurity long before the city could come to the aid of the destroyed refinery.

Zuko smiled as Mother entered the study to join him and Katara. “Hello, Mother. You are looking wonderful today. Please have some tea.”

“Thank you, Zuko. And good morning, Katara. I trust that all is going well with the trade reports.” Ursa said, gesturing to the documents strewn across the table. Mother always did have a keen eye for details.

Zuko sighed. There was no use lying; he wasn’t nearly as good at it as Azula had been and Mother caught him every time.

“Not really. The saboteurs are causing significant drops in production of both iron and coal in the colonies. Last night’s destruction of the refinery in the Fire Colony is only exacerbating the problem. Bidding wars have been escalating for the remaining stockpiles of raw materials and inflation is eating away at the economic gains that we’ve made over the past few years.”

Mother and Katara both sighed. He knew what they were thinking, but he hoped that they had enough grace not to lecture him about the reparations he had agreed to right after the war. If he could go back in time, he’d yell at his younger self and tell him not to be a fool.

But the deals were signed and it would probably lead to a economic ruin for the Fire Nation if he tried to back out now. The best they could do was deal with the terrorists and keep the economy growing.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Zuko. But is that why you called me here? I will help any way that I can, but I think that we all can admit that I’m neither an economist nor a trade minister.” Mother answered, taking a seat on the small couch.

He shared a look with Katara; this had been her idea so he thought that it was fair for her to explain it.

“We welcome your help dealing with our issues involving the other nations, but we wanted to see if you were comfortable traveling to the Eastern Sea with Kiyi and Ikem.” Katara began. Mother’s eyebrows rose at the statement.

Zuko decided to chime in. “Too many of the other nations associate the Fire Nation with just war and destruction. We feel that you represent the other aspects of the Fire Nation; the peaceful side that promotes philanthropic works, spirituality and cultural development. The softer side of the Fire Nation, so to speak.”

“Zuko is exactly right. We would like for you, Kiyi and Ikem to travel to the other nations as part of a goodwill tour. We thought that maybe the Eastern Sea region would be a good place to start. They were gravely harmed by the Fire Nation during the war and cultivating their goodwill would be a great first step to improving the Fire Nation’s image.” Katara explained.

“I don’t know, Katara. I’ve never been involved in diplomacy before.” Mother answered, looking nervous.

“And we feel like this might be a good opportunity for Kiyi also. The Fire Sages believe that she may have the talent for Fire Healing; Iroh has told me that Mistress Nykka is the greatest Fire Healer in the world and a member of the White Lotus. Perhaps she would be willing to teach Kiyi if she does have the talent.”

Mother looked pensive for a moment before knitting her brows. “That would be a wonderful path for Kiyi, but isn’t this Mistress Nykka also the mentor of Mystic Evasra? The same Mystic Evasra who appears to dislike everyone. Would Mistress Nykka risk alienating Mystic Evasra just to teach Kiyi?”

Zuko and Katara exchanged another glance. They were getting to this stumbling block more quickly than expected. Zuko was the first to speak. “Uncle has told me that Mystic Evasra is to be raised to full Fire Healing Master soon and is quite independent. Our sources indicate that she is actually out with a scholar from the Library of Despondent Ecstasy searching for ancient ruins.”

Zuko continued his train of thought. “And her absence might make it easier for our people to find out a little more about the mysterious Mystic Evasra. The fact that she knows how to redirect lightning, can fly and is able to go toe to toe with Uncle makes her one of the most powerful firebenders in the world. I think it is a good idea to find out as much about her as possible.”

“And whether Kiyi learns Fire Healing or not, your trip could show the world that the Fire Nation is interested in more than just violence. We truly believe that you and your family might be able to change the heart and souls of the people in this region. Maybe not all at once, but little by little we hope to show the world that this isn’t the same Fire Nation as before.” Katara said as he moved to sit by Mother on the couch.

“If you believe that it will help, I am willing to undertake this journey. I think that that it will be good for Kiyi to get out and see other parts of the world. There is more to life than just the Fire Nation.”

Zuko and Katara both smiled at her words. Zuko was the first to articulate their gratitude. “Thank you, Mother. We would of course send a full contingent of Royal Guards. We’ve also asked that the Kyoshi Warriors send a group to act as additional guards; hopefully mixing people from the earth nations in with the Fire Nation guards will make their presence a little more palatable to the locals.”

“That does seem to make sense. Kiyi loves to be around the Kyoshi Warriors anyway. If she wasn’t a firebender, I’d be afraid that she’d pull a Ty Lee and run off to join their ranks.” Mother said with a laugh.

“That would be a legitimate danger. And Sokka said that he’d like to go too. He’s heard great things about the Library of Despondent Ecstasy and wants to go check it out. He met a nice engineer in Ba Sing Se that was banished and ended up in Savan, so maybe he’ll have someone besides Mistress Nykka to show him the ropes.” Katara said with a smile. “We should probably warn Savan that he’s coming though so they can stockpile extra food.”

All three of them laughed at Sokka’s voracious appetite. They discussed the idea for a few minutes more, setting up timelines and talking about exactly how they would handle logistics and order of visitation.

With any luck this would help change the image of the Fire Nation for the better.

Azula was quivering in excitement as she and Mei Zhu sat in front of a circle in the the Library of Collected Wisdom; the hummingbird-otter had brought down an Hourglass of Illumination and placed it on a pedestal.

Ti Mu spoke to the two women, her voice seemingly quivering with excitement also. “It always brings me joy to share this hourglass with the visitors to my library. This one was created by my mentor, the greatest being I’ve ever encountered, the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge herself, Iscanthanalia.”

Azula felt her pulse quicken even more. This was incredible. “We look forward to hearing from her. She sounds like a truly wonderful entity.”

Ti Mu smiled at Azula’s words. “She truly is. It has been a while since she was able to touch this world directly, but she was able to update this hourglass until recently, when her connection to it was finally broken. It happened even before the tearing of the spirit veil; perhaps she will tell us what happened. But I want you to listen to her words, no matter what.”

“What do we have to do?” Mei Zhu asked, her own excitement on display for all the world to see.

“Once the Hourglass of Illumination has been placed on the pedestal, the petitioner needs to invoke the calling spell. All that you need to do is say ‘Holder of knowledge, I petition thee!’ and the spirit reflection of the being held within the hourglass will be summoned.” Ti Mu explained.

Azula turned to Mei Zhu, who in turn was looking at her. “Your incredible work brought us here, Mei Zhu. You should be the one to summon Iscanthanalia.”

A wide smile crossed Mei Zhu’s face as she turned towards the pedestal holding the hourglass. “Holder of knowledge, I petition thee!”

Azula held her breath as the glowing energy seemed to pour out of a small opening on the base of the hourglass and floated to the circle and began to form a shape. In a matter of moments, the shape of a tall woman formed. The long, braided hair and the nose and mouth could be found on literally thousands of woman across Atla, but that was where all sense of normalcy ended. At eight feet tall, she towered over both Azula and Mei Zhu and radiated power; it turns out that the statue they had found on Yu Yang was life-sized. The four eyes looked down at them and her face held an expression of peace and contentment that immediately put Azula at ease. Tall and somewhat spindly, her two sets of hands were linked together with her fingers interlocked, resting on her stomach under her four breasts. She was wearing a long dress so it wasn’t possible to see if the spirit form was sporting the enormous penis also.

“Greetings, young ones. I am the spirit reflection of Iscanthanalia, the Goddess of Wisdom and Knowledge. It is a pleasure to meet two accomplished woman such as yourselves. Welcome to the Citadel of Sagacity! I’m sure that Ti Mu has told you something of this wonderful place, but let me add a bit from my point of view.” The spirit form of Iscanthanalia said.

She continued. “I have traveled through space and time to visit many, many worlds. Some are like your own, but many more are vastly different. On each world, I tried to pass on methods and teachings to the people there, hoping to help those who seek knowledge grow and flourish so that peace and prosperity can be spread across the land. It is to my regret that my work had yielded mixed results; some worlds indeed grew and flourished even more than I had hoped, while in other places the fruits of my labor withered on the vine and the people never accepted my teachings.”

“Your world is somewhere in between; some of the teachings that I passed on to your people through wonderful allies such as Ti Mu indeed took hold, but unfortunately many of the more advanced teachings were warped and misused by your people. But I am greatly pleased to hear that Ti Mu has selected the two of you to begin another attempt at improving this world by sharing knowledge from the past. I know that your people have just made it through a trying time and that perhaps now would be a good time for your world to seek spiritual growth and physical knowledge.”

“I am but a spirit reflection left behind by my true self; she is no longer capable of touching this world after using her power to help end a terrible war and eliminate a great threat to many worlds, including this one. I will say no more on that subject. I hope that you are able to share the wisdom and teachings of this library with your world and help a new era of peace spread across the lands. Do you have any questions for me before I return to my hourglass?”

Mei Zhu was the first to speak. “Thank you for sharing your words with us. Both you and Ti Mu have said that people on Atla have misused your teachings; don’t you fear that once again the great things that you have to offer will be warped?”

“There is always the risk the scythe used to harvest your crops will in turn be used to slaughter your enemies. But if people sit on the side and fear change and growth, the world will never improve. Ti Mu hopes that you will learn from the mistakes of the past and use those lessons to develop better ways of sharing the knowledge with the world. I can only offer advice and guidance; I made a vow many eons ago not to directly interfere with the worlds I help. You have many thousands of wise and thoughtful people to call upon, and it is my hope that you will learn from both their mistakes and achievements going forward.”

Mei Zhu and Azula stood there quietly, contemplating the goddess’s words. Hearing no additional questions, the spirit form spoke again. “I will leave you to discuss matters with Ti Mu; you may always call upon me again should you wish to hear my advice or thoughts. But remember that I am only hear to give feedback, for it is up to you and your allies to figure out how to go forward with what you will learn here in this wonderful library. I wish you luck and I look forward to seeing the wonderful things that you will achieve.”

With that, the glowing spirit reflection of Iscanthanalia once again became a luminous cloud and floated to the hourglass. A hummingbird-otter flew down and grabbed the hourglass with its six paws and carried the item back up to its spot on the shelves.

“I have great hopes that the two of you will be able to spread the wisdom of the library far and wide. But I will stress that it must be done carefully and will undoubtedly take many years to accomplish. Changing society is a lifelong endeavor and must be handled with great care. The two of you are extraordinary young women and I have no doubt that you will do well. But for true success to be achieved, you must work to create a structure that will be able to carry on your work after you have passed on.” Ti Mu said, sounding more serious than usual.

“I understand.” Azula answered, thinking back to what she has learned about organizing groups for maximum efficiency. She had studied this subject extensively from a military point of view, but she thinks that many of the things she learned could be useful for creating a scholarly society as well. Recruitment, structure, chain of command, propagation. The four aspects of a successful organization. “The key is to first create selection criteria for the people we wish to share this knowledge with. I believe that we should be selective in our recruitment. From there, we will need to decide the best way to pass this knowledge on to larger groups.”

“Indeed, this is why I believe that you will be a great asset to this endeavor; you have learned lessons in your youth that many others were never taught. I have great hopes that the two of you will indeed bring great changes to Atla.”

Chapter 7: Uncomfortable Discussions


Aang oversees talks between the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom.

Chapter Text

Shur Zi led the Earth Kingdom procession into the meeting hall in Pemni, Li Nu walking three steps behind. It pained her to force her sister to walk like a subordinate, but unfortunately it was the stupid protocol written in centuries past where cautious kings and queens used this rule to ensure that ambitious younger siblings were reminded of their station.

Shur Zi, Li Nu and Hun Ro had never been raised with the hopes of climbing to the throne. They had trained to help their country, of course, but that was as underlings to the one true ruler of the Earth Kingdom.

But Kuei had shown himself to be less than capable. The burning of the Inner Ring was simply the last straw for the elites that had seen their eccentric king spend more time playing with his pet bear than doing the hard work needed to rule a nation. So they had looked for better options. And they had quickly come to the conclusion that the next five successors in line were little more than useless fops who loved to throw parties and have affairs with the wives and husbands of the elites. Shur Zi did not consider it an exaggeration to say that each of the successors were worse than Kuei.

Which is why the elites had approached Shur Zi. She had done very well at Ba Sing Se University in the Political Studies program and already had several years of actual service under her belt. The fact that she hadn’t slept with any of the husbands, or wives, of the ruling elite also counted in her favor.

She had been betrothed to a promising young nobleman from a wealthy and influential family. Kuun had been a good man; intelligent and diligent, he was already making a name for himself as an able administrator. Shur Zi had not loved him, and she doubted that she ever would, but she respected him and had accepted the arranged marriage.

But he had died of the Yinta Plague a year ago, two months before the wedding. He probably picked it up when he traveled to the coastal cities to review the ports. The kingdom had lost a good man and she had mourned for him.

Having two capable siblings in Li Nu and Hun Ro had raised her stock considerably; everyone knew that her family was close-knit and that their relations were harmonious. Hun Ro had the good fortune of marrying Min Kai, a brilliant and talented woman that Shur Zi had known from their time together at university. They were a good match and the elite were happy to see such a strong addition to the royal family.

Li Nu was a talented engineer and technical administrator; she didn’t have the elite people skills that Hun Ro and Shur Zi herself had, but she was still good enough with people and was very logical and goal oriented. The work she had done to help rebuild the infrastructure of the Inner Ring after the burning had instilled a great deal of confidence in the royal family.

She was also a hot commodity on the marriage market, with several promising candidates seeking her hand. But both Shur Zi and Li Nu thought it prudent to wait and curry favor before either of them settled on a life partner. So far, none of the candidates had been of Min Kai’s caliber.

Shur Zi was drawn back to the here and now as she formally introduced to the assembled crowd in the meeting room. It was a large room, about sixty feet wide by one hundred feet long and sported a twenty foot ceiling. It was adorned with the menacing black and red Fire Nation color palette, but she begrudgingly admitted it was actually tastefully done. At least there weren’t instruments of death and images of war on the wall.

She smiled as she saw King Buzin. Short and stocky with an impressive physique, the man radiated physical strength despite being in his late sixties. Considering his grandfather, Bumi, had been hale and hearty until just before his death at one hundred and fifteen, he might rule another thirty or forty years.

“Queen Shur Zi, it is a pleasure to once again behold your extraordinary beauty. If I was forty years younger, I might forsake my kingdom to pursue your hand in marriage. They spoke truly when they proclaimed you to be the Gem of Ba Sing Se.” Buzin said in a loud voice, his wide eyes shining with excitement.

“You flatter me, King Buzin. It is always pleasure to spend time with you; you always bring a fresh and exciting outlook to every meeting we attend.” That was definitely true. He may not be the wild and eccentric genius his grandfather was, but he was still intelligent and a bit crazy.

“Spending time with Grandpa Bumi, may Gnolos bless him, taught me to approach life differently than most. And having a strong and capable friend like you to the east has given me and many others on the earth continent hope that what was lost may yet be restored.” Buzin’s face took on a much more serious expression.

“Indeed, it is our hope that balance will be restored and the nation’s returned to the ways that have worked so well in the past.” Shur Zi agreed. “Each region should be segregated by its bending style. This is the way of the past and should again be the way of the future.”

Buzin was about to respond when the official proclaimer made an announcement. “Please welcome Fire Lord Zuko and his betrothed, Lady Katara.”

Buzin made his way back to his delegation as the double doors on the opposite side of the room opened and the Fire Nation procession made its way into the room. Shur Zi took in the sight of the figure that was such a big factor in the ending of the One Hundred’s Year war. Tall with black hair and gold eyes, he was quite handsome despite the scar on his left eye. His steps were strong and sure; he seemed to be a man who knew what he wanted and was going to get it.

Shur Zi hoped to soon dispel him of that notion.

She turned her attention to the woman at his side. Of medium height with black hair braided with traditional water tribe hoops, she was quite pretty and strong looking. Shuz Zi heard that she was a very accomplished waterbender, despite getting started rather late in life. She nodded to the couple as they looked her way; she had no personal animosity towards the two. They were merely standing between her and the things that the Earth Kingdom and the other earth nations needed.

The Earth Kingdom and Omashu were the major powers representing the earth continent at this summit; smaller regions like Lenth and Rokishe sent a small delegation but they would negotiate under the Earth Kingdom umbrella.

All of the delegations took a seat. The Earth Kingdom, Omashu and Fire Nation were seated at the three main tables while the smaller nations and observers watched from the gallery. The most notable observers were from the Northern Water Tribe, Savan and Kyoshi Island. Shur Zi quietly reviewed the plan with Li Nu until the official proclaimer again made an announcement. “Please welcome Avatar Aang.”

Shur Zi and everyone else in the room rose to their feet at the Avatar’s arrival. Tall with his shaved head, he was cute more than good-looking. She had met his several times now; their relationship was quite friendly if not particularly close. But it was improving.

He stood at the table on raised dais at the front of the room. He flashed a rather charming smile as he addressed the assembled crowd. “For those of you that don’t know me, I am Avatar Aang and I will be overseeing the summit between the three largest powers on the earth continent. I hope that by working together and listening to the needs and wants of the others in the room, the people assembled here will be able to work out a peaceful and mutually beneficial way to live together in harmony.”

It was a nice sentiment but the best way to live together in harmony was for the Fire Nation to leave the earth continent. Today was the day that Shur Zi begins the push to drive them out once and for all.

The Avatar continued speaking. “Perhaps it would be best if we began the proceedings. Queen Shur Zi, is your delegation prepared to present your opening statement?”

“Yes, we are, Avatar.” Shur Zi rose to her feet and walked around the table to better face the assembled group.

“First of all, let me thank everyone that has traveled here to participate in these negotiations. We are all busy running our nations and doing our best to provide for our people. No matter which nation you call home, I think that we can all agree that getting any group of people to work together for a common cause is difficult.”

She turned towards the Avatar. “And thank you, Avatar, for agreeing to oversee these talks. Your reputation as a fair and unbiased observer is well-deserved. It will take someone who can step back and view the situation from a disinterested point of view to lead these talks. But as someone who is connected to the past, surely you can see that the modern world has strayed from the path established by the Avatars of old. Once upon a time, each bending society had their own place in the world.”

“The waterbenders have built wonderful societies in the frozen regions of the poles, their bending perfectly suited to mold their environment to their needs. At one with the world around them, I think that we can all agree that the two water tribes are perfectly suited to their icy homes.”

Shur Zi made it a point to lock eyes with Lady Katara as she hammered this particular point home. “And I’m sure that everyone here wishes for the return of the Air Nomads to their temples. Places of great spirituality, these temples were the perfect home for these kind and wise people until the circ*mstances of history turned against them. Please know that you have the full support of the Earth Kingdom in your goals to reestablish your great people.”

She bowed respectfully to the Avatar. She truly did wish for him to reestablish the Air Nomads. The four nations needed an air culture to maintain the balance. “And the Fire Nation continues to prosper as they rule over the islands of their ancestors. Their culture is old and well-established, having thousands of years to grow and flourish on the beautiful archipelago that they call home.”

“In all the world, there only seems to be one area of contention. The earth continent. In the past, the earth culture spread across the entirety of our wonderful land. From the nomadic peoples of the great eastern plains to the sandbenders of the Si Wong desert to the enlightened city-states of the Eastern Sea Region, once upon a time the earth continent housed a large number of wonderful and diverse cultures.”

“But today, much of the earth continent is in shambles. The wonderful cities of Lenth and Rokishe have yet to fully recover from the war crimes committed against them. The northern state of Alokhai continues to be held as a Fire Nation protectorate, despite the Treaty of Kantou, which stated that they were to be freed. The entire western region of my continent continues to be enslaved by the Fire Nation, its resources stripped and shipped back to the Fire Nation to feed their insatiable hunger for iron and coal.”

Shur Zi walks to the Fire Nation table, locking eyes with Fire Lord Zuko. “Tell me, Lord Zuko, did you walk through the city of Pemni yet? Did you have a chance to enjoy the air so thick with pollutants that you can practically chew it? Have you seen the hundreds of dead ponds and fishless streams to the east of your great industrial city?”

She turned away from the seething Zuko and looked out at the crowd. “How telling is it that all of the heinous industrial sites that pollute the waterways and make the air itself unbreathable are located here in the Fire Colonies? Not a single industrial town like this exists on the archipelago that the Fire Nation calls home.”

Now, to strike while the iron is hot. “Alokhai and the other regions being abused by the Fire Nation realize that they are only the means to an end; in the eyes of the Fire Nation, they exist only to fulfill the endless need for resources required by their oppressors. This is undoubtedly why four days ago the Civilian Council of Alokhai voted to immediately secede from the Fire Nation and join the Earth Kingdom!”

The entire room erupted as Zuko yelled at the illegality of this statement and various other groups shouting support for the Fire Nation’s position or vociferously offering their support for this move. Shur Zi took the document proffered by Li Nu and walked it to the Avatar, who was trying to get the attention of the room.

And everyone fell silent as the Avatar’s eyes and tattoos started glowing and he addressed the group with his voice of many. “Enough! I will have order for this proceeding.” It took all of Shur Zi’s training not to step back from his glowing form, but she refused to show any weakness in front of this group. She stepped forward when he stopped glowing and handed him two sets of papers.

“Avatar, this document is the Declaration of Transference drafted by the Civilian Council of Alokhai, switching their affiliation from the Fire Nation to the Earth Kingdom. And here is a copy of the Treaty of Kantou, which established the conditions needed for the state of Alokhai to eliminate their status as a Fire Nation protectorate. You will see that all of the conditions have been met and that the transference is perfectly legal and binding.”

Shur Zi turned and nodded to Li Nu, who rose and walked additional copies of the documents to the Fire Nation delegation. She turned back to the Avatar, who was looking through the documents. She kept her face neutral but smiled inwardly as she saw Zuko and Katara feverishly looking through the documents too.

“Avatar, I propose that we adjourn for the time being to allow you and the Fire Nation to review the provided documents. I will also supply them to the Northern Water Tribe, since they have strong cultural and economic ties to Alokhai.” Shur Zi nodded to Master Hanrou, the observer from the Northern Water Tribe. She smiled when he gave a respectful nod in return.

“I agree. I am calling for an adjournment until late afternoon so that the invested parties have time to review the documents.” Avatar Aang stared at Shur Zi for a moment before he turned and carried his papers out the door behind his dais.

She felt the skin between her shoulderblades itching, so she turned to see Zuko staring at her. But she noticed that the look on Lady Katara’s face wasn’t nearly as hateful. Perhaps there were additional chinks in the Fire Nation’s armor to be exploited. This was something to keep an eye on.

She turned back to her delegation and smiled as Buzin caught her eye and gave her a cheeky wink. It was with an extra bounce to her step that she led her delegation out of the room and back to the accommodations that had been provided to her delegation.

These negotiations were off to a great start.

“This is completely outrageous and illegal, Aang! Shur Zi is courting war by trying to take lawful Fire Nation territory.” Zuko yelled, his face red and his posture tense.

“I’m sorry, Zuko, but I don’t see it that way. You signed the Treaty of Kantou, as did King Kuei. He may no longer be the leader of the Earth Kingdom, but his signature is legally binding. As far as I can tell, the Civilian Council fulfilled all the legal obligations needed to stop being a Fire Nation protectorate. Granted, you can probably drag this out based on the dates and the amount of written notice that needs to be given, but I don’t think that you can stop it.” Aang said, trying to maintain a calm demeanor.

Zuko was upset at being blindsided by this; Aang had no idea how Shur Zi and the Civilian Council managed to get this signed and all the legalities set up without the Fire Nation knowing. Aang had no doubt a day of reckoning was coming for the Fire Nation intelligence service in Alokhai.

But Shur Zi managed to get the documents created and authenticated. But Aang feared that this was going to drive a wedge between the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom when they go to negotiate other factors. The fate of the republic that Zuko and Aang had been trying to get off the ground may very well be at stake.

“The Fire Nation legal counsel disagrees with that assessment, Aang. I am not giving anything to that shrew-weasel of a woman. She stole the crown from Kuei and now she’s trying to steal Fire Nation territory.” Zuko blustered as he got up and began pacing Aang’s quarters.

As always, the locals gave Aang an enormous room that was far more than he required, but at least this time it came in handy by giving Zuko room to work off his anger.

“Zuko, I think that you know that the counsel was just telling you what you wanted to hear. I think the bigger issue is how this happened without the Fire Nation intelligence services finding out about it.” Katara interjected, trying to get Zuko to calm down.

“I knew I should have been more hands on with the colonies.” Zuko muttered. “Uncle isn’t aggressive enough to protect our interests here. He’s become too complacent towards the earth people.”

Aang felt his hackles rise at those words, but it was Katara that spoke first. “There isn’t enough of you to go around, Zuko. Even with Iroh helping there is too much to do. The burning of Ba Sing Se turned most of the earth continent against the Fire Nation. And let’s face it, many of the Fire Nation soldiers in Alokhai, especially Gerva, have strong ties to the earth people there now. You’ve seen the numbers regarding intermarriage there.”

Aang didn’t know the numbers but he assumed that a lot of the soldiers and administrators there had intermarried; Alokhai had been taken relatively early in the war and had become something of a mixing pot of different cultures. Not quite as liberal as the cities of the Eastern Sea, they were nonetheless much more liberal than the Fire Nation. Their acceptance of both same sex and mixed bending marriages was at odds with the rest of the Fire Nation controlled areas.

“Zuko, Alokhai doesn’t belong in the Fire Nation for both geographic and cultural reasons. I know that you want to believe your legal counsel, but this Declaration of Transference appears legal. I’m willing to listen to your legal arguments, but it has to be done in a formal setting. We shouldn’t even be talking like this right now.” Aang suggested, trying to get his friend to accept the reality of the situation.

“He’s right, Zuko. This is one of the reasons why the earth continent is so angry at the Fire Nation; it appears like we’re using our friendship with Aang to sway his judgment. We know it’s not true, but it still looks bad to meet with him like this.” Katara said.

“You’re right, Katara, we shouldn’t be here.” Zuko huffed, making his way to the door. “Let’s go.” Katara shot Aang an apologetic look as she stood and made her way to where he was waiting at the door. She sighed as he made his way out of the room, not even bothering with a backward glance towards Aang. Katara gave him an embarrassed smile as she went out the door to follow her betrothed.

Aang feared that this day would come. They had become friends during the war and Aang had always tried to help Zuko steer the course of the Fire Nation to improve the lot of the world. But he always suspected that there would come a time when the course that Zuko wanted to follow didn’t align with the vision of balance that Aang had for the world.

As long as the Fire Nation controlled territory on the earth continent, there were going to be issues. And Shur Zi had been spot on when she talked about how the pollution was only a problem in the Fire Colonies. As she said, the Fire Nation wouldn’t tolerate this behavior on their own islands.

Aang understood that Zuko was facing significant political pressure at home and that he couldn’t willingly give the Fire Colonies back to the earth nations. This is why the idea of an independent republic might be a way to solve the problem for Zuko and the earth nations.

Time would tell.

Zuko was still seething when they reconvened that afternoon. He revisited with his legal counsel after talking to Aang and while he still didn’t believed that the document was entirely legal, his counsel conceded that it was open to some interpretation and that the transference would probably move forward. Stalling was their only reasonable option.

But Zuko planned on using the situation to extract as much from the Earth Kingdom as possible. Everyone was set up and ready to go when Aang called the meeting to order. “After reviewing the documents provided by Queen Shur Zi, it does appear that the Declaration of Transference is legal. The Fire Nation may challenge of course, per the stipulations listed in the Treaty of Kantou. But that should be a separate discussion. Perhaps we should continue with our opening statements. Are you ready to speak, King Buzin?”

King Buzin proceeded to babble about the same sort of things that Shur Zi did, just not as elegantly. The man was a pale imitation of Bumi and had nothing of value to add to this discussion. At best, he was a good-intentioned hack and at worst he was an Earth Nation shill. Finally, he stopped talking.

Aang thanked him for his statements and finally turned to Zuko. Now was his chance to shine. “I am ready to give my statement, Avatar.”

Aang nodded and Zuko made his way to the center of the room to address the crowd. “The Earth Nation has shown that once again, rather than face to face discussion, they prefer to solve things through stealth and skullduggery. The only way to get an agreement in place like this Declaration of Transference is to intentionally avoid dealing with the Fire Nation officials placed in Gerva to assist the people of Alokhai. This seems to be a common pattern for the earth nations, to sneak around in the dark of night to collude and commit crimes against the legitimate interests of the Fire Nation. Such as the sabotage of the refinery right here in Pemni.”

“We have already given too much freedom to the people of the Fire Colonies. And how are we repaid? Sabotage and terrorism. And what aid have we received from Omashu and the Earth Kingdom? Absolutely nothing. It is clear that if the safety and security of the earth people is important, then the other nations need to begin cracking down on terrorist groups within their own borders.” Zuko concluded.

This was just the opening shot. He needed them to take some responsibility for the attacks that their people were launching against his colonies.

“What terrorist groups are we to crack down on?” Shur Zi asked.

“It is clear that the terrorist groups in the Fire Colonies are receiving aid from other nations. We know that representatives from the Daughters of Rokishe have participated in raids against our assets.” Zuko answered. And he immediately bristled in anger as Shur Zi burst into laughter.

“The Daughters of Rokishe? What by Gnolos’s Divine Dirt does the Earth Kingdom or Omashu have to do with the Daughters of Rokishe? You allowed an untold number of your soldiers to abuse their Matron and now you have the unmitigated gall to ask us to hunt down the survivors of these fractured people for you? Have you discussed this idea with Lady Katara or anyone that understands that burning neutral city-states to the ground is a war crime? You truly are your father’s son.” Shur Zi replied, smirking at him.

Zuko went to retort but was cut off by Aang. “That will be enough of the insults. Queen Shur Zi, do you have any information regarding the terrorist activities that have occurred in the Fire Colonies?”

“No. This may shock the Fire Lord, but I’m more focused on rebuilding my war-ravaged nation than striking out against the Fire Colonies. I count on diplomatic avenues like this summit to rectify the poor treatment that the Fire Nation has administered to the colonies here.” Shur Zi answered. “Did the Fire Lord know of the terrorist Sor Yun’s plan when he killed more than ten thousand of my citizens six months ago?”

“Of course not. The situations are totally different. Sor Yun had been expelled by his people and had no official sanctioning from the Fire Nation.” Zuko retorted.

“And the Daughters of Rokishe were expelled from their home and have never been a part of either the Earth Kingdom or Omashu, yet you accuse us of helping them. It seems to me that your people created the threat of both Sor Yun and the Daughters of Rokishe, and yet not a person in the Fire Nation suffered the consequences for this. It was Ba Sing Se and the people of the colonies that must pay for your mistakes.” Shur Zi answered. “Do not expect us to solve your problems for you.”

The session descended into baseless arguing from there. Zuko knew that this was only the opening salvo, posturing to try and gain the moral high ground in the upcoming negotiations. There were too many important issue involving trade and troop allocation to bring these talks to a halt. They needed to solve some of these issues before the situation became too dire.

Chapter 8: Transitions


Azula and Mei Zhu end their time in In Zan Kip while Kiyi arrives in Savan. The Daughters of Rokishe are approached to carry out a nefarious mission.

Chapter Text

“Alright, I think that everything is loaded up and ready to go.” Mei Zhu said as she helped Kut tie the last items to the ostrich-horse. This had been a wonderful experience and they had found some absolutely incredible artifacts. Evasra was fascinated by several additional spirit stones that she had found. The markings that controlled the actions of the stones seemed to have some sort of rhyme and reason to them. They were hoping to get input from Nasu and Lo Ruon to see if they could interpret the markings.

Being able to recreate the spirit stones would be awesome. The designs seemed pretty basic, but with the advances in mathematics and engineering since ancient times they might be able to make the devices even better.

But their prized possessions were the medallions that allowed them to spirit walk to the Citadel of Sagacity. Ti Mu had shown them how to use the medallions and they would be able to travel there at their convenience. Both Mei Zhu and Evasra wore one of the eight medallions while the box containing the other six were safely packed away on Jut’s ostrich-horse.

Ti Mu had given them permission to share the medallions with others that they deemed worthy. Muzi, Kanti, Nasu and Lo Ruon were the four that came to mind. Mei Zhu thought that Avatar Aang should know about it also, but Evasra was reluctant to share that information with him.

Mei Zhu knew that Evasra had made peace with Aang and Toph and had even forged something of a friendship with them, but she was still reluctant to deal with them any more than necessary. She seemed completely intent on eliminating all connections to her past life. To this day, Evasra had told Mei Zhu absolutely nothing about her life before Shaman Inok Kui. Nothing about her upbringing, her training, the taking of Ba Sing Se, why she had to apologize to Appa, who her friends had been. She only knows Evasra’s story from when she met Shaman Inok Kui and his free-living companions.

But Mei Zhu was content with that part of Evasra’s life being pushed to the past; Evasra seemingly had no interest in the past and neither did Mei Zhu. She loved Evasra as she was.

“Aye, ladies, the path back will be far easier going back than coming up; we shall let the power of gravity work for us rather than against us this time. We should be back in Humpi by midday tomorrow.” Jut said with a smile. “It’s been a pleasure exploring with you ladies. We would be happy to help you make the trek again if you decide that you need a second visit.”

“You’ve been great exploring companions. We may well take you up that offer once Mei Zhu tells some of her colleagues about this place.” Evasra answered with a smile.

Mei Zhu was happy that the trek down the path was indeed much easier than the trek up had been. She was still sweaty when they arrived back at town, but at least she hadn’t been exhausted and worn out. They cleaned up at Jut and Kut’s place, which was nice. It would make a better impression on people of Humpi if they didn’t show up all grimy and stinky when they went to their room

They volunteered to take Jut and Kut out for dinner as a thanks for all their help, which the men gladly accepted. The four made the short walk into Humpi, the two ostrich-horses full of their prizes following behind them.

They smiled as they saw Mayor Bunlo waving to them. He greeted them with a booming voice as they stepped close. “It is great to see that everyone has returned safe and sound. I hope that your travels were fruitful.”

“Yes, they were!” Mei Zhu answered, not even trying to keep the proud grin off her face. “We made a wonderful find and we’ve brought some artifacts to take back to the Library of Despondent Ecstasy.”

“Wonderful! I can see that you young ladies are movers and shakers.” The mayor said with a wide grin of your own. “I won’t keep you, but I wanted to let Mystic Evasra know that a hawk arrived yesterday with a note addressed to her. It’s being held at your inn.”

“Thank you, mayor. We were just heading that way.” Evasra answered. “We appreciate you letting us know.”

With that, they said their goodbyes and headed to the inn. Once they got the key to their room, Mei Zhu, Jut and Kut started unloading the ostrich-horses while Evasra went to read her message. They made two quick trips and it was all done. Jut and Kut waited outside while Mei Zhu went to see what Evasra’s message was all about.

Her girlfriend was staring out the window, her expression neutral in the Terrathusan Cult way that she and Nasu used when they were hiding negative emotions. Mei Zhu sighed, hoping that it wasn’t anything terribly bad.

“Is everything okay, Evasra?” Mei Zhu asked softly as she came up to Evasra.

Evasra turned towards her and sighed. “My mother and sister, along with a large contingent of royal guards and Kyoshi Warriors, are coming to Savan. It turns out that my sister may be a Fire Healer.”

Kiyi felt giddy with excitement as the Royal Barge pulled into the only dock in Savan’s harbor large enough to handle it. She could see the tower in the distance; the fabled Library of Despondent Ecstasy. It was said to hold more scrolls than any other single location on Atla. And the Cult of Joyful Sorrow was supposed to be the most scholarly group in the world. Hopefully, she’d be allowed to visit the great beacon of learning.

“Hey! I see Mistress Nykka waiting for us.” Sokka yelled, standing on a box and pointing down below. “Mistress Nykka, we’re up here!”

“By Gnolos, she knows where we are, Sokka.” Suki said in a patient yet stern voice. “Come over here so we can all go down to meet her together.”

Kiyi ran over to the railing and peered over. There! That had to be Mistress Nykka! She looked to be even older than Iroh. She saw a middle-aged woman in a plain brown robe standing next to her, along with four other younger people. They were probably the other Fire Healing students.

“Come, Kiyi, we’re preparing to make our way down the gangplank and meet the nice people that are here to greet us.” Mother said, smiling as she waved Kiyi over.

Kiyi quickly ran over and took up her allocated spot next to Mother; Father stood on her other side. They would would follow the lines of Kyoshi Warriors and Royal guards down the gangplank.

“Here we go, Kiyi. Don’t be nervous.” Mother said, causing Kiyi to roll her eyes. Who did Mother think she was talking to? Kiyi was ten years old and practically an adult by her own estimation. Zuko had grown up quick and so would Kiyi. Even Azula had been doing important stuff as a kid.

But she behaved like a dutiful daughter and solemnly glided down the plank, making sure to use all the finesse that the finishing school had taught her. She thought it was stupid to walk like this but doing it kept the peace.

She subtly took in the sights as they walked; their dock was closed off to the general public, but she could see sailors and dockworkers wearing brightly colored clothes in the distance. The hustle and the bustle of the people seemed so energetic; it had been more solemn and stately at the docks back in the capital and Pemni.

They came to a stop as some old people in robes were waiting for them. They droned on with a long-winded greeting about being the Council of Enlightened Geezers or something like that and what a pleasure to have royals and blah blah blah.

She wanted to start Fire Healing. The thought of helping people with her fire was nice. She was a strong firebender but not super strong like Zuko. Mastering all the forms and shooting flames didn’t excite her; she had no interest in war or violence.

Watching Katara heal had made her long to do something constructive with her bending. She could probably get a job in the government some day but that wasn’t high on her priority list either. The sooner that she could be tested by Mistress Nykka the better. She became aware of Mother’s voice, so she decided that she better pay attention.

“…honor to be here with my husband, Prince Ikem and my daughter, Princess Kiyi.” Mother gestured to both her and Father, so Kiyi gave the bow to the appropriate position.

“It is an honor to meet all of you. Mistress Nykka has been quite excited to evaluate the skills of Princess Kiyi; the ranks of Fire Healers have been growing and she is always looking to add new members.” An old man in robes said.

“And Princess Kiyi is quite excited to be tested. The Royal Family is hoping that having a Royal Fire Healer will encourage the people of the Fire Nation to again welcome this tradition.” Mother answered.

“That sounds like a wonderful goal. It is my pleasure to introduce Mistress Nykka, currently the only Fire Healing Master in the Eastern Sea region.” Old man gestured towards the old lady that Kiyi had seen from the ship.

The woman bowed to the royals. “It is a pleasure to meet the family of a prospective Fire Healer. Welcome to Savan.”

“Thank you for agreeing to test Princess Kiyi.” Mother said with a royal nod.

“Yes, thank you Mistress Nykka.” Kiyi decided it was perhaps a good idea to kiss a little old person butt to make the process smoother. She didn’t know if Mistress Nykka was as grumpy as the teachers in the Fire Nation, so she decided to be proactive.

“It is always an honor and a privilege to evaluate a young person with an interest in Fire Healing. Once upon a time, I feared that my searching would be in vain, but now there are many fine candidates that have come to learn.” Mistress Nykka said with a grandmotherly smile.

“Yes, we have heard that the expansion of the ranks of the Fire Healers began with Mystic Evasra and that she has found a way to cultivate even more Fire Healers.” Mother said, her voice light and conversational but something was different. Kiyi didn’t know what, but something was up with that statement.

If Mistress Nykka was bothered by the statement or the tone, she didn’t show it. She simply gave a wide smile as she answered, amusem*nt in her voice. “Yes, indeed. Mystic Evasra is a rare talent and a wonderful young woman and she has revitalized the art of Fire Healing. She is currently traveling with a young scholar friend of hers and will be gone for at least another fortnight by the sound of it. But come, don’t let an old woman’s blathering keep you standing out in the hot sun. I’m sure the Council of Esteemed Elders would like to show you to your accommodations.”

Kiyi was disappointed to hear that Mystic Evasra wasn’t around. She had heard the tale of her epic battle with Iroh and the Dai Li; the way Sokka had told it, she was practically a reincarnation of Kyoshi herself, a fierce warrior that stood proud and independent, ready to smite evildoers wherever they may reside. But Ty Lee focused more on how she had saved Suki from a terrible fever, using her skill and healing to bring joy and happiness back to the world.

No matter who had talked about her, she sounded awesome!

“Come along, Kiyi. Let’s go take a ride through this wonderful city and see where we will be staying.” Mother said as she began gliding towards the awaiting carriage. Kiyi glided along after her. She had no doubt that this would be an awesome visit!

“A republic is the only viable way to allow the people to govern themselves. They are not Earth Kingdom anymore. Trying to take them against their will shall only result in more violence and retributions.” Zuko explains for what feels like the one hundredth time. Aang can hear the exasperation and barely controlled anger in his voice.

“You invaded these peoples’ homes, oppressed their cultures and now you just want to draw lines on a map and call them a republic? This is what you think will set things right? You know nothing of these people. You would force people that have nothing in common together while forcibly preventing entire segments of the population from reuniting with their cultural brethren simply because you want to control where the lines on the maps are drawn. This is both stupid and short-sighted.” Shur Zi answered, sounding calm and controlled. But Aang’s seismic sense detected her accelerated heart rate and he could feel the sensation of her clenching and releasing her fist under her robes.

He decides now is a good time to intervene. “I believe that both sides are making very good points and that there is room to meet in the middle. For instance, both sides are willing to allow a significant portion of the western earth continent to potentially become part of a republic. But Queen Shur Zi brings up some good points; perhaps it would be wise to negotiate with each region and provide options going forward. Remain with the Fire Nation, join the Earth Kingdom or Omashu, or join the proposed republic. Self-determination is a big motivating factor for many people.”

“There is little need for self-determination.” Shur Zi turned to Aang, her eyes boring into him as she speaks with that elegant and refined voice of hers. “The regions along the borders of the Earth Kingdom and Omashu that have connections to their neighbors are to be returned. The area to the northwest may become your republic if they wish. The Fire Nation is to keep no holdings on the earth continent.”

“We have invested a great deal into the economies of the Fire Colonies and there is no chance that we will just walk away.” Zuko rebutted. “The Earth Kingdom is a backwards giant and Omashu has only the beginnings of industrialization. The Fire Nation would be condemning these people to regress to being third rate states if I allowed them to fall into your care.”

Zuko did have a point; King Kuei and his predecessors did not invest in technology and Omashu had begun industrializing under Bumi, but that progress had seemed to slow under Buzin. But Shur Zi seemed intent on moving the Earth Kingdom forward technologically.

“Then perhaps you should share your knowledge and technology with the earth people that have been exploited to your benefit.” Li Nu said. The resemblance to her older sister was quite strong, save for the fact that she was half a head shorter. While not as articulate or controlled as Shur Zi, she nontheless had an impressive knowledge of economics and industry. “The Treaty of Kantou called for the Fire Nation to share its industrial knowledge with the earth nations, to help the people oppressed by one hundred years of war rebuild. The Fire Nation has not fulfilled a single aspect of this negotiated deal.”

“We have had to keep our industrial sites closed off to earth nation scrutiny because of the constant harassment of saboteurs and terrorists. The Security Clause of the Treaty of Kantou allows for us to protect the technology and assets of colonies; opening them to the dishonorable eyes of the earth nationals would only increase the frequency and intensity of the assaults upon our assets.” Zuko answsered in a loud voice.

This led to loud recriminations on both sides about injuries inflicted during the war. Aang sighed but began his never-ending work to get both sides to work together and agree on something.

It was good to have her Successors back from another mission. It was unfortunate that many of their allies didn’t have the proper organizational discipline to keep the Fire Nation intelligence service off their backs. But Minvu and Kimya once again showed why they were so highly regarded by their sisters in the Daughters of Rokishe. They still struck a powerful blow against the oppressors of earth people in the colonies. Rajeen was proud to have them as Successors.

And another batch of the Wangxi Night Blossom had been taken and purified to generate more Shadow Ink. Vinda and Mi Liu had developed new design templates to create even more incredible shadowforms. They would never be able to grow enough Wanxi Night Blossom to fully challenge the power of the Fire Nation on the battlefield, but Rajeen believed that it would be enough to turn the earth continent against the Fire Nation.

It also gave them standing with their new allies. Shadowbending was a secret that the Daughters of Rokishe kept close to the vest. But the intelligence they were able to gather and high speed communication techniques they had developed meant that they were able to run circles around the Fire Nation military and provide their friends with information vital to the success of their missions.

This information gathering, coupled with the Daughters of Rokishe teaching their friends how to improve security and mission planning, meant that they had received a great deal more financial support.

But this support was conditional. And now Rajeen was off to meet with Ju Zen. He was the leader of one of the more aggressive anarchist groups, the Lotus of the Crimson Blood, that had rose to prominence after the Burning of Ba Sing Se. There was no doubt that he was intelligent and capable, though. At the end of the day, the enemy of my enemy was my ally. They didn’t want the same thing in the long run, but they had the same goal in the short term: the removal of the Fire Nation from the shores of the earth continent.

He was waiting for her in the meeting hut; it was a far cry from the splendor of Rokishe, but they had embraced the practical in these trying times. It was a single room wooden structure, twenty feet by thirty feet with a single large table rectangular table in the center. There were currently a total of sixteen chairs situated around the table, but only one of them was occupied.

Ju Zen was a short and skinny man, with a face that might have been handsome if not for the hint of anger and cruelty that seemed to perpetually adorn his face. The man was as sour as any that Rajeen had ever encountered. But the Lotus of the Crimson Blood had grown and absorbed many smaller, less capable anarchist groups to become a significant player in the world. They were well run but still not as capable as the Daughters of Rokishe.

“Greetings, Ju Zen. It is always a pleasure to host a fellow follower of the cause. My sources tell me that things are going well in your campaign in Gerva.” Rajeen said in way of greeting.

“Indeed, the move to kick the Fire Nation out of Alokhai is going well; all the legal forms for them to join the Earth Kingdom have been submitted and the process legally set. The Earth Kingdom is in for a few surprises once they gain their poisoned fruit, though.

Rajeen kept her smile plastered on her face. It pained her to deal with backwards thinkers like this. Their goal was destruction, not progress. Freedom with no accountability is all they were concerned with. Their reckoning would be administered after the ashmakers were dealt with. But she wanted their relationship to remain civil until then.

“Yes, Zuko was quite upset when Shur Zi dropped that particular piece of information on him. The push for the republic and the reclaiming of the lands from the Fire Colonies is going forward as planned.” Rajeen paused to look at her less than esteemed ally. “Which brings me to the purpose of your visit. You are always welcome in our humble town, but this is a long journey to make without a tangible goal in mind.”

“You were always very astute, Matron. I am looking to administer a bit of pain to Zuko and the ashmaker royal line. We have word that the Fire Lord’s own mother and sister are in Savan; with any luck, they will be there for a few weeks or perhaps months while the young princess is tested and possibly trained to be a Fire Healer. We would like to repay some of the pain of lost families to the chief ashmaker himself.”

Rajeen ignored the evil grin on the man’s face as she contemplated his words. She too had heard of the royal visit to Savan. The idea of retribution had some merit, but it had to be handled correctly. Finally, she spoke. “Our network in Savan is small but competent. It would take at least a month to get the assets in place to deal with a force as powerful as a royal entourage. I am on board with striking at Ursa; she married a monster and birthed two more. But Princess Kiyi has no relation to the war and her death and/or kidnapping would bring sympathy to the Fire Lord and hurt the image of our cause. She is off limits.”

The smile was gone as the man sat forward. “We need to show the ashmakers that their family is not safe so long as they occupy the lands of the earth continent. They only respect fear; Gnolos knows that they have no respect for the sanctity of our children.”

“This is a war to achieve our goals of the earth continent for the earth people. Killing royals with the blood of our people on their hands is good. Killing a prepubescent girl who is training to be a Fire Healer will turn many of those that are on the fence against our cause. Attacking children is a risky endeavor during the best of times; attacking a Fire Healer child is handing a gift to our enemies. You have heard my conditions, so if you want our help the girl is off limits.”

They locked eyes as Ju Zen considered the offer. The Daughters of Rokishe had a band of allies and contacts sympathetic to the cause in Savan, while all her sources told her that the Lotus of the Crimson Blood had virtually no allies in the Eastern Sea region capable of undertaking a mission such as this. She knew that she had the high ground in this battle.

“I agree to your terms. I don’t agree with your assessment, but I will respect your rules. I have a twelve man crew that can do the job. What resources do you have to offer. For a donation to your cause, of course.” Ju Zen asked.

Rajeen didn’t trust him to hold to his word, but she needed this alliance for a while longer. “Don’t you worry, we have a team that can help you get the job done. Exactly what were you thinking for the endgame?”

Chapter 9: Testing and Interrogation


Kiyi is tested by Mistress Nykka and Aang interrogates a prisoner to learn more about the mysterious Daughters of Rokishe.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Mistress Nykka sat in the courtyard and watched the young princess go through her firebending forms. She was a strong bender and had obviously received top notch training. But the way that she manipulated her chi had Nykka quivering in anticipation.

It was very likely that the girl had the natural ability to Fire Heal.

Given that she was Evasra’s half-sister, that wasn’t completely unexpected. The physical resemblance was there if Nykka looked for it. And Evasra’s resemblance to Lady Ursa was even stronger. She was extremely conflicted about how to handle this situation. Nykka knew that Evasra wanted nothing to do with the people of her past. She had never spoken of them, even after she told Nykka who she had been, and it was clear that she wanted a clean separation from her old life.

But the chance to bring Fire Healing back to the Fire Nation was too strong a temptation to ignore. Under Sozin’s and Azulon’s rule, the zealots of the Agni Purity movement had persecuted the Fire Healers for their heretical religious views. They were ostracized and their temples destroyed, causing many of the documents that had been used to train generations of Fire Healers to be lost. And with the focus on military conquest, the number of families willing to send their children to be taught the art of Fire Healing had plummeted.

The Fire Nation had turned against the more spiritual practices of the day, putting all their faith into modernizing. Better machines and weapons of war were their focus. The march to modernity called upon the healers and such to put aside their spiritual teachings and focus on chemistry and botany to create medicines that could be applied to many.

While some advances in medicine were made, it was of course a stupid and short sided way to move forward, as many of the decisions made by the entirety of the Fire Nation had been in those days. It was unfortunate that many of the Fire Healers that remained were not allowed to teach others in the Fire Nation. And many of those that fled the Fire Nation were absorbed by their new nations and lost touch with their past in the succeeding generations.

By most unbiased accounts, Zuko was a good man who was trying to improve the Fire Nation and help restore balance to the world. But even the Fire Lord didn’t have absolute power. He was finding it difficult to withdraw his forces from the earth continent; the Fire Nation had become too reliant on the natural resources extracted from their colonies.

But that was neither here nor there. If this girl had the gift as Nykka believed, she would be a strong Fire Healer. She could be the one to bring the art of Fire Healing back to the Fire Nation. And Nykka hoped against hope that Evasra would meet with the young girl; she had nothing to do with Evasra’s past and Nykka believed that a sense of family would be good for Evasra.

But she knew that Evasra was still dealing with the issues of her childhood, so she wouldn’t try to force her young protege to do anything that she wasn’t comfortable with. Agni knows that Kiyi was eager to meet the Evasra though; apparently Iroh and Sokka and Ty Lee had all told tales of the mystic with the white flames and now Evasra was moderately famous.

Evasra would not be happy about that.

The girl was finishing her katas and had gone to her cool down program. Once she was done, Nykka waved the young lady over. She couldn’t help but smile as the girl came bounding over with the sort of enthusiasm reserved for the young.

“That was truly marvelous, Princess.” Nykka said, eliciting a wide smile from the girl. “I would like to have you try a new exercise now. Just to get a feel for how you use your firebending.”

“Of course, Mistress Nykka.” The girl answered.

“I’m going to generate a healing flame. I want you to watch how I make it, not just with your eyes but also with your bending.” Nykka explained as she held out her hand and generated said flame. The girl stared at it; the flame was similar in appearance to regular flames but had a bit more yellow than orange and the light was less intense. It also had a slight green tinge.

“Can you feel the flame, Princess?” Nykka asked. “Can you tell me what it feels like?”

The girl’s face scrunched as she looked at. Finally, she spoke. “Yes, I can feel it, but it’s puffier than regular fire.”

“That is a good way to describe it; the fire is infused with more chi than my regular fire, but the fire itself releases healing energy rather than heat as it burns. It is a complicated subject and many old people have debated exactly why that is for hundreds of years.” Nykka explained. “Do you think that you can manipulate it? Can you make pull it to you and keep it as healing fire?”

The girl’s brow furrowed and she looked a lot less certain now. Her little hand reached towards Nykka’s flame and Nykka released her hold as the girl pulled the fire. It immediately converted to regular fire.

“I’m sorry, Mistress Nykka.” The girl said, looking down at the ground.

“That’s quite all right, Princess. No one in the annals of my order has ever gotten it on the first try, not even Mystic Evasra.” The girl perked up at that bit of information. “It takes time and practice.”

Nykka reformed the healing flame. The girl tried again but the result was the same. Again and again they tried. It wasn’t until the eleventh try that the girl was able to prevent the healing flame from reverting to standard fire. She was only able to hold it like that for a second, but it was enough for Nykka to see that the girl had the talent.

“Congratulations, Princess. You undoubtedly have the innate talent to be a Fire Healer.” Nykka said with a smile. Her smile widened at the look of unbridled joy on the young girl’s face.

“Thank you, Mistress Nykka. I promise to work hard to be the best Fire Healer in the Fire Nation.” The girl said, jumping up and giving Nykka flying hug. Nykka’s old bones creaked from the sudden onslaught but she managed to catch herself before she fell over. She’d never hear the end of it from Jimna and Evasra if she fell down and broke a hip from a little girl’s hug.

The girl released her grip on Nykka and turned, looking for her parents. They were seated across the courtyard and quickly rose to their feet as their daughter started sprinting towards them and calling to them. “Mother! Father! I can be a Fire Healer! I can be a Fire Healer!”

Both parents smiled and ran forth to greet their daughter. The girl embraced Ursa and they were both embraced by Ikem in turn. Nykka watched the display of familial love with mixed feelings.

It was wonderful that Kiyi was being raised by caring parents that truly looked after her best interests and showered her with love and positive feedback. But it made her think of what the world would be like for Evasra if she had been shown this kind of love and positive feedback as a child. She knew it was a silly thought; life is what it is and there’s no point in wishing for different things to come your way.

But it still made Nykka a little sad.

Aang was happy that so much had been accomplished in the past two weeks; all three parties had finally agreed to the rules and procedures for the creation of a new republic in the northwest portion of the earth continent. This was the something that he and Zuko had been working towards for several years.

But the fate of the remaining colonies was still a major point of contention. The vote by the Council of Alokhai to switch allegiance from the Fire Nation to the Earth Kingdom had stiffened Zuko’s resolve to not give up any further autonomy on the earth continent. Aang felt that Zuko was acting out of spite, but he knew that Zuko also had a lot of political issues at home.

Many of the opposition groups were bitter about the loss of Fire Nation holdings and a sense that all the sacrifices that the Fire Nation had endured for the past one hundred years had been for nothing. In particular, groups supporting Ozai had become more popular among the masses. But what concerned him more was the smaller but equally vocal group calling for Azula to be freed and placed upon the throne.

There was a common sentiment in the Fire Nation that Zuko had placed Azula in a secret prison because he feared her. Rumors had spread that he and Katara had teamed up to defeat Azula during the Agni Kai and that was why Zuko was being forced to marry Katara. Not out of love but to pay a debt.

Aang was thankful in some ways that Azula had completely disavowed anything to do with the Fire Nation. Without knowing her true identity, the White Lotus kept an eye on Mystic Evasra and she had remained in the Eastern Sea region for the past six months. Her high profile as a Fire Healer made it easy to track her.

But it saddened him that her incredible mind and talents weren’t available to help Zuko reform the Fire Nation. And he believed that it would have been good for all parties involved to actually have Azula as part of the family again. Alas, he doubted that it would ever happen.

Iroh had invited Aang to visit him in regards to the investigation the Fire Nation was conducting in regards to the terrorist strike that had destroyed the refinery. Aang didn’t like being too heavily involved in internal investigations like this, but Iroh’s message said that he had information that he wanted to share that made this matter fall into the domain of the Avatar.

The guards opened the doors to the Governor’s palace and Aang was admitted. He was pleasantly surprised to see Mai waiting for him. “Hello, Avatar. I’ve been asked to escort you to the meeting room. Zuko, Katara, Iroh and the investigative team are waiting.”

She seemed pleasant enough. They hadn’t spoken since the night of raid on the terrorist warehouses. “Thanks, Mai. I appreciate you showing me the way.”

“Of course, Avatar. And this is also a good opportunity for me to apologize for my words when you healed me. You were absolutely correct, you were there as a courtesy and you of course have the right to wield your gifts as you see fit. It was wrong of me to speak as I did.”

Aang side-eyed her as they walked through the halls; she had continued facing straight ahead as she spoke. It was clear that she was uncomfortable with apologizing.

“It’s alright, Mai. I know that in the heat of the moment, emotions were running high and that you were focused on your mission.” Aang replied, hoping to put her at ease. “As the Avatar, I’m used to having disagreements with people over exactly how much I should interfere in the workings of a nation.”

“Well, I’m glad that you interfered enough to keep many of my colleagues alive during the raid.”

They walked in silence for a bit as they approached the same meeting hall where Iroh and Mai had first talked to him about the investigation. The guards opened the door and the pair made their way inside, where they were greeted by the royal family and the rest of Mai’s team.

“Hello, Aang.” Iroh said. “Thank you for coming. We know that you are reluctant to become too heavily involved in our investigation, but we have some information that may make this matter much more relevant to the duties of the Avatar.”

Aang had to admit that his interest was piqued. “I’m all ears, Iroh. What information do you have?”

The people in the room all looked at each other before Lieutenant Korvyn spoke. “We believe that you should interview the witness yourself to best ascertain what may be at play. It is outside our realm of experience and we don’t want to put our own speculations and biases into your head. Our witness is in the next room.”

Mai started speaking before Aang could answer. “Two of our informants were killed before the raid on the refinery. Our witness indicates that the executions were carried out by a woman named Minvu; she is one of the Daughters of Rokishe that came to assist the local groups with their terrorist activities. Our witness was a member of the group working out of the terrorist warehouse that you and I raided. She escaped through the tunnels but was later caught by our team. But she had an interesting story to tell regarding Minvu and her companion.”

“Mai will escort you into the room to interrogate the witness. Should you decide that this is an Avatar worthy investigation, I would personally ask that you allow Mai to assist you.” Iroh said. For once, Aang didn’t detect any matchmaking; this was serious business and the Dragon of the West was focused on a goal.

“Let me interrogate the witness and decide whether my involvement is warranted.” Aang replied.

“Thank you, Aang. I know that we had our differences during negotiation, but this is a different matter. We will abide by whatever decision you make.” Zuko said. Aang was glad to see that some of the warmth from their friendship seemed to be returning.

“Of course. Would you like to lead the way, Mai?”

“Follow me. Our witness’s name is Lanyu and she was a munitions expert that was brought in to help with this attack.” Mai said as she started walking towards a door on the left side of the room. “She made some interesting observations about the two consultants from the Daughters of Rokishe.”

The guard opened the door and Aang saw a middle-aged woman with long black hair and a very calm demeanor. She eyed Aang as he made his way into the room. She was of middling height but her presence seemed to make her feel taller. Aang got the impression that she was a very self-assured woman.

“Lanyu, this is Avatar Aang.” Mai said by way of introduction. “As agreed, we would like you to tell your story to him.”

The woman looked Aang up and down like he was an ostrich-horse that she was considering for purchase. Finally, she spoke. “I will speak with the Avatar. Not because I wish to assist the infernal ashmakers that are plaguing my people, but because the things I saw were unnatural and may present a problem to my countrymen once we kick the asshole Fire Lord and his bootlickers off my continent.”

The woman had managed to put an impressive amount of disdain into her voice without increasing the volume. Aang finally answered. “I understand your animosity and I’m willing to listen to your words.”

The woman sat on a chair and looked at Aang until he took the hint and sat down also. Mai stepped back and leaned against the wall behind and to the left of Aang; he had no doubt that her knives would be unleashed upon this woman if she so much as sneezed unexpectedly.

Once everyone was situated, the woman began speaking. “I’ve made a deal to tell you what I saw of the Daughters of Rokishe, but I will share nothing about my other allies in the fight against the colonizers. The Daughters of Rokishe sent two intelligent and capable women to assist us; their names were Minvu and Kimya. Minvu was an exceptional planner while Kimya was brilliant at analyzing industrial targets and identifying the best way to disrupt the operations.”

“I was at the warehouse attacked by your raiding party, Avatar, and I was able to escape into the tunnels with Minvu and many others. It was shortly after we got back to the designated safe-house that I saw Minvu call upon dark magic.” She paused for a second to look up at Aang. “I was keeping watch on the roof of the safe-house when I saw Minvu sneak out and move over to an isolated area. I was able to find a vantage point at the edge of the roof where I could see down into the small alley where she was hidden.”

“She was gesturing towards a shadow with her hands, quick movements that weren’t random. I don’t understand it, but my cousin’s daughter is deaf and I’ve seen her use motions like that to communicate. Sign language. But that wasn’t what bothered me. It was when she stopped moving and one of the shadows flew over and melted into her skin that I became concerned. I’d never seen anything like it.”

“I didn’t know what to say or do, so I did nothing. But I watched her and Kimya, always staying away but looking for any signs of dark magic. And two other times I saw it. I know it sounds crazy, but two times I saw shadows on their bodies. Shadows that were darker than the blackest night; it was like the light simply disappeared into a deep, dark abyss. And I swear that I saw them moving. I know that Minvu had gone to see people of the other groups that were suspected of having less than total loyalty. Two of the people were brutally killed as a message to other would be traitors. I don’t have a problem with what she did, but the dark magic that she used concerns me greatly. I am not willing to seek the aid of Night Wielders to drive the Fire Nation from our lands.” She turned and looked at Mai. “We can drive the assholes from our lands by more ordinary means.”

Aang considered the words that she had shared. Night Wielders had been a mythical group of dark magic users even when he had lived with the Air Nomads; they were legends and stories told around campfires but nothing more. But maybe this woman had come across something like that in reality. Or maybe she had a hyperactive imagination.

“I appreciate you telling this to us, Lanyu. I will look into this and see what there is to learn about Minvu and Kimya. Are they still in Pemni?” Aang asked.

“I doubt it. Rumor has it that they left immediately after the attack. Everyone received word to hang back and remain hidden; to go about our lives as if all was normal. That’s what I was doing when you found me. I have accepted my fate and I regret nothing that I’ve done in the name of the cause. The earth continent for the earth people!” The woman lifted her fist in the air as she shouted her last words.

Mai and the guards all tensed, but no one attacked the woman. The guards escorted her back to where ever they were keeping her as Aang and Mai made their way back to the larger group. Iroh, Zuko and Katara were listening to Lieutenant Korvyn talk while pointing to map. They all turned as Aang entered.

Iroh was the first to speak. “I take it that you listened to the misguided woman’s story? Have you ever heard of such a thing?”

“I listened but I’ve never heard of such things outside of spooky stories told to frighten children. Night Wielders, as far as I know, aren’t a real thing.” Aang answered.

“Then what do you think she saw?” Katara asked.

Aang shrugged. “I don’t know if I believe that she saw anything. Moving shadows could be a trick of the eyes. Black tattoos are quite common and if she was looking for them to start moving, her mind may have told her eyes what to see. But there is a chance that she’s seen dark spirits or something else that I’m not familiar with, so I will look into it.”

“Thank you, Aang. We know that you have a lot on your plate, but if there is some sort of supernatural entity interfering in our colonies, it could be a valid reason to keep the status quo until we figure out what was going on.” Zuko interjected.

“I don’t believe that the course of the negotiations should be adjusted based on the words of a single terrorist, especially given the limited nature of what she saw.” Aang held in his sigh as he noted Zuko’s expression darken a bit. “This is too nebulous right now to come to any conclusions.”

“We appreciate you looking into the matter. As before, we were hoping that you would include Mai in your investigation; you are undoubtedly the expert when it comes to the spiritual investigation side of things, but Mai’s help would be extremely valuable when dealing with the criminal side of the investigations.” Iroh said, his face grim.

“I would be happy to have Mai’s assistance. There is no doubt about her intelligence and ability. The first thing that I wish to do is consult with the former Avatar’s and see if they may know of something of what the woman saw. From there, Mai and I would need to follow the trail of the Daughters of Rokishe.”

“That sounds like a good start.” Iroh answered. “Come, we will share what we know about the movements of Minvu and Kimya in particular and the Daughters of Rokishe in general.”


Just a heads up that I have decided to include a crossover event with my other Azula series (Azula UnkindledVerse) in this story. It isn't necessary to read that series to follow the events of this story; this is just a shout out to any of you that may want to read that series and don't want to be spoiled by this story. You have at least four months before any crossover events happen so no hurry.

I repeat, you do not have to read that series to follow this story.

Chapter 10: Things Learned


Azula and Mei Zhu return to Savan and Aang consults previous Avatars to learn more about mysterious moving tattoos.

Chapter Text

Azula and Mei Zhu rode in the wagon with all of their artifacts; Mei Zhu was veritably beaming with good will and happiness. Now that they were back in Savan and approaching the Library of Despondent Ecstasy, Mei Zhu would again be able to show off her wonderful finds. It was a shame that Kanti and Muzi were traveling, but they were expected to be back in a month or so. But the two travelers couldn’t wait to share their amazing finds with Nasu and Lo Ruon.

And Azula had done a lot of good on the way home. They had stopped at nine ports on the return trip and she had dealt with a lot of low level coughs and such, as well as easing the suffering of the old timers with gout and arthritis as best she could. But she had found another seven prospective Fire Healing students. Many of them were young so it would be a while before they were ready to travel and learn. Azula truly hoped that twenty years from now, every village would have a Fire Healer within a day’s travel from anywhere in the Eastern Sea region.

And she even begrudgingly admitted to herself that she would like to see Fire Healing returned to the Fire Nation. She personally never wanted to step foot on the Agni cursed archipelago again, but if the Wanted Daughter turned out to have the talent and skills needed to become a Fire Healer, then royal patronage for Fire Healers in the Fire Nation was sure to follow.

But for now, Azula had decided that she would focus on the scholarly pursuits associated with the Citadel of Sagacity. Mei Zhu had spent most of her time learning about the artifacts that they had brought back. Ti Mu had managed to connect Mei Zhu with scholars that had either first hand knowledge of the artifacts or had a close connection to the items.

Azula had spent time visiting with a master Fire Healer; she had shared few tips and tricks that even Mistress Nykka didn’t know. The master Fire Healer she had spoken with had grown up amongst dozens of other skilled and experience Fire Healers. The Citadel of Sagacity could breathe life into a lot of dying sects. She knew that she had to be careful about sharing the information with others; it would be best if she didn’t disclose a lot about the Citadel until she had a home and place of practice of her own. Preferably isolated and defensible. She knew that she was probably being paranoid, but she had grown up in a culture where scheming and acts of aggression were not only allowed but often encouraged.

Mei Zhu had a plan for finding and learning from others that had tried to spread the knowledge shared by Iscanthanalia and Ti Mu in the past; it would be good to learn what worked for them and what eventually went wrong. But that was in the future. Right now, Mei Zhu had been learning about the artifacts.

They wanted Nasu and Lo Ruon to join them immediately. That would allow them to divide their efforts more evenly. Azula would continue studying Fire Healing and other esoteric firebending practices, Mei Zhu would focus on her historical studies, Nasu could delve into the mystical and philosophical orders while Lo Ruon could learn about the impressive items like spirit stones that had been prepared in the past. Muzi and Kanti would be invited as soon as they returned also.

“We’re here, Evasra! Let’s get the artifacts cataloged and stored away for now.” Mei Zhu said as the wagon entered the service gate to the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. While much of the library was devoted to scrolls, there was a sizable wing dedicated to the study of artifacts. They pulled up to the unloading dock, where a group from the library was waiting for them.

“Welcome back, Scholar Mei Zhu, Mystic Evasra. It looks like you’ve made yet another wonderful discovery.” Master Yo Fin said as Azula and her girlfriend exited the wagon hauling their wonderful find. An exceptionally tall and elegant woman, Master Yo Fin was in charge of the storage chamber where artifacts and other physical finds were stored for study.

The rule was that the items were the sole dominion of their discoverer for a minimum of two years; extensions were often granted for complex findings with numerous documents, such as the items they had retrieved from the Yu Yang library. Mei Zhu had been diligently studying those items and it was unlikely that she would request an extension; she strongly felt that knowledge should be shared with her fellow scholars in a timely fashion. It was by having multiple people evaluate ancient texts and interpret them with their own scholarly focus that additional knowledge and wisdom may be gained.

“It was a very fruitful visit. We have returned with seven new artifacts of unusual design.” Mei Zhu said, smugness seeping from her very pores. Azula was always a little surprised, and excited, when Mei Zhu showed her more competitive side. Mei Zhu wasn’t seeking knowledge to gain power, glory or wealth, but she’d made it clear on more than one occasion that she wouldn’t turn down any of them should they fall into her lap.

“It was another extraordinary display of scholarship on her part.” Azula chimed in, giving Mei Zhu a wide smile. “It’s amazing what she can accomplish when she puts her mind to things.”

“There is so much awesomeness to learn in the world that it just seems wrong not to search it out.” Mei Zhu answered with a shrug.

Yo Fin laughed. “That does seem to be the case. It’s good to see that you aren’t just going to rest on your laurels after your impressive first find. It’s scholars of drive and intelligence such as yourself that move our understanding of the world forward. Come, let us get your items tagged and stored so that you may pry their secrets from them.”

Master Yo Fin and her acolytes quickly and carefully cataloged the items and moved them to an underground storage area reserved for full fledged scholars of the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. The Sages of Joyful Sorrow focused on philosophical and spiritual studies, but they very much supported scholars that studied other branches of learning such as history and economics and governance, as well as funding the collection of practical knowledge on topics such as agriculture, engineering, shipbuilding, botany and many other natural sciences. The three women chatted amiably as the artifacts were locked away. It was getting late and both Evasra and Mei Zhu were eager to return to their quarters and freshen up.

They had moved to their small one bedroom apartment about two months ago; it was about halfway between the Library and Sozin’s Slum, making it convenient for both of their daily commutes for work. It was also nice that Nasu lived in the building also, as well as quite a few other scholars and sages that worked at the Library. Mother’s Refuge had been wonderful, but it was geared towards students and young women of limited financial means. Now that Mei Zhu was receiving a scholar’s salary and Azula was earning a modest bit of coin from her Fire Healing, they knew it had been for the best to get their own place. And Azula still had the majority of the jewels and precious metals she had taken when she fled the Fire Nation.

They said their goodbye to Yo Fin and the acolytes and made their way back to their apartment. The sun was nearly set and the evening air had started to become cool. Azula felt at peace as she held Mei Zhu’s hands, easily weaving their way through the light crowd, sharing greetings with many of the locals. Fire Healers and scholars were both well respected in this part of the city. Even if most of the locals weren’t scholars, the Library of Despondent Ecstasy paid the wages of the scholars and many other workers, who in turn spent much of their money in the surrounding area.

They were back at their place in less than thirty minutes; they could have made it more quickly but they wanted to enjoy the beautiful evening and walk among the many friends and acquaintances that they had made here.

Mei Zhu unlocked their door and they made their way inside, and Azula was nearly knocked off her feet as she turned from closing the door, with Mei Zhu pouncing on her and giving her a passionate kiss. Being praised for her scholarly achievements always made her excitable girlfriend even hornier than usual.

Not that Azula would ever complain. A wonderful girlfriend, a useful application of her bending and interesting intellectual puzzles to be solved around the world. Life was truly great, Azula thought, as her lover pulled her towards the bedroom, her hungry eyes showing that she was eager to put the lessons they had received from the Order of the Arts Erotica to good use.

Aang had talked to Roku, Kyoshi, Yangchen, Kuruk and six other previous Avatars, but so far no one had been able to provide any actionable information on the Night Wielders. Hopefully, Avatar Omsiya would be able to help.

He called out to the previous Avatar. “Avatar Omisya, I would call upon your wisdom.”

The spirit energy flowed forth from his body and assumed the shape of an older woman; short and stout, her wrinkled face was squarish and she gave the appearance of someone who had experienced a lot in her lifetime.

“Greetings, Avatar Aang. I am happy to share my knowledge and experience with you.” Avatar Omisya said, her voice cheerful.

“Thank you, Avatar Omisya. I am seeking information on the Night Wielders; a witness in my time claims to have seen women who have deep black tattoos that can move and even leave their body.” Aang explained, knowing how silly it sounds.

“I would not describe her as a Night Wielder, but I have encountered a person with the skills you claim.”

Aang sat up straighter at Omisya’s words. “What do you know of this ability?”

“Early in my time as Avatar, while I was still learning earthbending, I was studying in the southern area of what you call the Earth Kingdom. It was a small temple for spiritual practitioners of all bending styles and mystical inclinations to meet and exchange ideas. It had been three centuries since the Great Exhilaration had come and gone and many of the ancient sects had died out or had only a few adherents, but there was still a sense of community among the remaining sects. One such person that I met there had skills such as you describe. She called it shadowbending.”

“Shadowbending?” Aang asked, leaning forward. “Is it a lost sub-bending style?”

“It is not true bending as you know it; shadowbending does not control an element but instead it uses a special ink to hold shadow spirit energy and allow the user to wield it by the power of their mind. The woman I met was very old and had traveled to the spiritual retreat so that she may pass peacefully among friends and rejoin the cycle of reincarnation. She was the last known practitioner of her art and she had suffered greatly for her craft.”

Omisya sighed before she continued to speak. “I don’t know the exact method for producing the incredibly dark ink, but it required a rare plant known as the Wangxi Night Blossom to prepare. The special ink could then be applied to the user and by special rites and rituals, shadow spirit energy could be infused into the ink. It was truly an astounding sight; never before that time nor after have I ever encountered a black as deep as the ink she wore on her body. Magistera Ayu was her name.”

“As you can imagine, some people were superstitious and believed that she was in communion with dark and evil spirits. For this reason, she had kept her abilities secret from all but her closest friends and allies. But many years before someone had seen her and the superstitious crowd came for her and her student. Her student was killed and her precious garden where she had meticulously cultivated the Wanxi Night Blossom was burned to the ground. She barely escaped with her life and bore the terrible marks from the attack into her old age. I only knew her for a few short weeks before she passed away. She left a few papers and such regarding her sect behind, but I do not know what became of them.”

“This sounds much like what the witness described to me. She said that the shadows could leave the person’s body. Could this Magistera Ayu do that?”

“Yes, she could. She could create items known as shadowforms; she primarily used it to make tools and weapons. The shape and abilities of the shadowforms were controlled by the way that the tattoo configured itself on Ayu’s body. It was quite astounding to see. I understand that the dark black ink is disturbing to look at, but it was no more evil than any other bending practice. And the other thing she told me was that it could only be used by nonbenders.”

“That is incredible. This shadowbending may indeed be what the witness saw. Do you know how I would go about finding these shadowbenders?”

“When Ayu wielded her shadowforms, I could feel the shadow spirit energy. It is different than normal spirit energy; it is softer and seems more alive. Despite its black appearance, it is very energetic. But when the spirit energy was held inside the tattoos on Ayu’s body, I could not detect it.”

“Thank you for this information, Avatar Omisya. I at least have a place to begin.”

“Good luck, Avatar Aang. But remember, this practice is neither good nor evil in and of itself. It is simply a tool like any other. Do not let the superstitions around ideas like Night Wielders and such cause you to dislike or fear this practice because of its unsettling appearance. I too reached out to previous Avatars to learn about this technique, but none of my predecessors had encountered shadowbending before. That doesn’t mean that it didn’t exist during their times, but was likely hiding among a small sect. You should learn more about this enemy before you commit yourself to a path.”

“That is very wise advice, Avatar Omisya.” Aang said. Omisya gave him a final smile and nod of her head as she disintegrated into the spirit cloud and was reabsorbed into Aang. He got to his feet and made his way to share his findings with Zuko and the rest of the group.

“Well, it’s not my fault that you have the sense of a drunken mouse-ant!” Katara said, rolling her eyes so hard that Zuko worried that they might do a 360 degree revolution. “Why on Atla you think that I would want flugallers playing during my wedding ceremony is beyond me. Have you heard them? They sound like dying donkey-oxen braying in lament. It’s not going to happen.”

Zuko didn’t necessarily disagree with her assessment, but it was a matter of tradition. “I know that they are an acquired taste, but I think if you give them a chance-“

“I am not giving them a chance. My ears are about to start bleeding just from the thought of listening to them.” Katara said, huffing as she threw herself down into a seat. “Iroh, can you talk some sense into your dunderhead nephew?”

“Well, Katara, it is an old tradition set up hundreds of years ago.” Iroh said. “But truth be told, it did hurt my ears to hear them at my own wedding.”

Katara went to speak but, luckily for Zuko the door opened and Mai and Aang entered, saving him from any more flugall bashing. He eagerly turned to greet his saviors. “Aang! I hope that you have some news for us.”

Aang smiled at Zuko and the others as he and Mai took the seats offered by Uncle. “Actually, I believe that I found a practice from the past that closely aligns with Lanyu’s observations. It is an ancient and supposedly extinct ability known as shadowbending. It allows the user to control shadow spirit energy by means of specially prepared tattoos.”

It took Zuko several seconds before he was able to find his words. “I’ve never heard of shadowbending before. Was it used by the Night Wielders?”

Aang sighed. “Avatar Omisya only knew a little about it, but she says that it is not an evil practice. It is simply another means by which to control your surroundings through chi manipulaiton. As a matter of fact, it can only be used by nonbenders.”

“How dangerous is this shadowbending? This sounds like a very unnatural practice.” Zuko wanted to know what this was going to do to the balance of power in the colonies. Or even in the Fire Nation itself.

“We shouldn’t just assume that it is unnatural.” Katara said, turning to Aang. “Did this Avatar Omisya have to deal with a shadowbender uprising or anything?”

“No. In fact, it appears that it was a small and quiet sect that at one point was persecuted precisely because it seemed unnatural. The last practitioner, so far as Avatar Omisya knew, was badly injured and her apprentice was killed by people thinking she was doing something unnatural. Shadowbending is neither good nor evil, it simply is. Assuming that this is the same thing that Lanyu saw. Omisya said that although it looks somewhat disturbing, it doesn’t use evil spirits or anything like that. It uses shadow spirit energy.” Aang paused for a moment. “Although, truth be told, I’m not sure exactly what that is. I may need to do some additional research.”

“That may be for the best. I encountered several groups during my travels that had strange practices, at least to the outside observer, that were actually benevolent in nature. It is usually best not to judge a scroll by it’s title.” Uncle said, looking at Zuko.

“And what is your plan of action?” Katara asked. “Are you going to talk to more Avatars? Or maybe start hunting down the terrorists with Mai?”

“Hhhmmm, Avatar Omisya recommended that I learn more about this technique before pursuing our foe. None of the Avatars before or after Omisya knew of shadowbending, so perhaps it would be best to seek information from somewhere else. I have a friend at the Library of Despondent Ecstasy that might be able to help me find more information about shadowbending and shadow spirit energy.” Aang said.

“Mystic Evasra, perhaps?” Uncle asked, a solemn look on his face.

“No, actually. I believe that Mystic Nasu would be more appropriate for this task; she actually works at the library to assist young scholars with their research, so she would be better suited to help me find more information about shadowbending. She should be able to at least point me in the right direction. I have a few things to finish up here, but I should be able to leave in two days time. I will send a hawk to give her notice, of course.” Aang answered before looking over at Mai. “You’re welcome to join me, but it might be a better use of your time to begin continue tracking the movements of the two suspected shadowbenders.”

“I believe that it would make more sense for me to continue my investigations.” Mai answered, garnering a nod of agreement from Iroh. Uncle was in charge of this matter, so he would allow him to carry out the investigation as he see fits. But there was something else that Aang could do for him.

“You can check in on Mother and the others while you’re in Savan. Hopefully Sokka hasn’t caused any international incidents by sneaking food into their great library.” Zuko said, causing everyone to chuckle.

“Of course, Zuko. It will be interesting to see if Kiyi has the knack for healing. Given how strong the royal firebending line is, it wouldn’t surprise me if she is already excelling at the craft.” Aang said with a smile.

“We certainly hope so. Bringing Fire Healing back to the Fire Nation would be a great thing.” Iroh said with a wide smile. “It is yet another way that my father and grandfather harmed the world; persecuting such a wonderful sect was beyond foolish. But hopefully we can correct the mistakes of the path.”

“I would love to see Fire Healing in action.” Katara said, smiling at Aang. “Do you think that I would be allowed to visit Savan sometime?”

“I know that Mistress Nykka frequently works with Water Healers, so I don’t know why you wouldn’t be welcomed.” Aang answered, a smile on his face. “Having both kinds of healers working together would undoubtedly be a wonderful thing.”

“Would Mystic Evasra be willing to work with me?” Katara asked, a hopeful smile on her face.

“No.” Aang said immediately, his face neutral and devoid of expression. “I know that you are all curious about her, but she wants nothing to do with you. She is not your enemy, but she is most definitely not interested in being your friend.”

“Is she a danger to Kiyi?” Zuko asked, suddenly concerned about the welfare of his sister.

“No. She probably will not be interested in working with her either, but I swear to you that Evasra is not a threat. As a friend, I’m asking you to please leave her be. She’s doing great things and someday I truly hope that her attitude towards those outside of the Eastern Sea region changes, but until then please let her live in peace.” Aang answered, looking among the gathered group.

“I will let her live in peace for now. But if she does anything to threaten Mother or Kiyi, I will run her to ground.” Zuko begrudgingly answered.

Aang just sighed. “Do what you must, Zuko, but so far she’s done nothing to draw your ire. May I borrow an eagle-hawk to send to Mystic Nasu?”

“Of course, Aang. And after you send your message, come and join us for dinner. It’s been hectic and we haven’t had a chance to catch up like I would have wanted.” Zuko said, smiling at his friend.

“And you should join us too, Mai. You’ve been working hard and you deserve some rest and relaxation.” Katara said, causing Zuko to tense up a little. He still considered Mai to be his friend, but they really didn’t interact anymore outside of official briefings and such.

“Thank you, Katara, I would be happy to join you.” Mai answered, seemingly unbothered by the situation.

“Excellent!” Uncle said, clapping his hands together. “It is wonderful to have old friends gather. Aang, let our esteemed colleague Mystic Nasu know of your visit and then we shall dine together. I have the perfect tea to complement tonight’s menu.”

Eveyone laughed at Uncle’s enthusiasm for his tea. Zuko knew that Uncle missed his tea shop, but frankly Zuko felt better knowing that he had Iroh’s council nearby should he need it. Together, there was still a chance they could convince Katara to allow the flugellers at the wedding.

Chapter 11: The Possibilities of Sharing


Azula recruits for the Citadel of Sagacity and Kiya is astounded by Azula’s firebending skills.

Chapter Text

Lo Ruon was couldn’t contain his excitement as he studied the spirit stones that Mei Zhu and Evasra had discovered on their journey; life in Savan had reinvigorated the joy for life that he had lost after Novae’s death. The city was so alive and the culture of learning at the library was so profound that Lo Ruon couldn’t imagine going back to his old life.

He felt a little guilty about that, since Princess Li Nu had personally sent him a letter asking him to return to Ba Sing Se. But it was too late; the spiritual city of Savan had sunk its hooks into his soul. He had been hired by the city to help upgrade the infrastructure, and between his practical knowledge from his work in Ba Sing Se and the incredible but theoretical and daring engineering ideas he read about in the Library of Despondent Ecstasy, he felt like he had a new lease on life.

And if what Evasra had told him about the spirit stones, the practical applications for these devices could be limitless if they could figure out how to improve their functionality. He was examining Artifact 105-MZ07. It was some sort of dial, that upon being moved and reoriented, could control a smaller device. Evasra was explaining how the spirit energy she manipulated traveled through the dial.

“There are specially designed conduits that can handle spirit energy; the spirit energy is then passed to a transfer device that is somehow connected to the second item. The spirit energy in the dial seemed to be connected to the spirit energy in the second device; the spirit energy doesn’t move from this dial to the other other device, but instead seems to control the other item’s spirit energy. We have a scroll that outlines the basic principles. It appears that the material needed to create the conduits was difficult to make, which is why this technology never really took off.”

Lo Ruon traced the conduit paths onto a sheet of paper as Evasra worked through the six different actions that the dial and object could do. She explained that it was a learning model; it was designed to be a way to test the principles behind the spirit stones. The other items were simpler but did have some mildly useful applications. But this object is what got him interested.

“Would I be able to review this scroll?” Lo Ruon asked.

“How’s your Lincum Arca coming along?” Evasra responded, raising an eyebrow towards him.

He sighed. “Poorly. I’ve never had a knack for languages and I’ve been so busy working on the aqueduct project that I really haven’t had much time to put effort into it.”

“That’s not a problem. I will be happy to walk through it with you; I’m keen to learn the engineering aspects behind these items as well. But there is something else that I would like to talk to you about. We made an even more astounding discovery than this at In Zan Kip. A discovery that we want you to be a part of.”

The serious look she gave him caused him to stand up straight; there was something intimidating about her, a sense of command that he had only seen in royalty like Li Nu and Shur Zi. But he doesn’t think that either of them had an aura of power like she seemed to be radiating right now.

“Of course, Evasra, I’d love to hear about it.” He answered after he finally found his voice.

She smiled and the sense of intimidation receded. “We met a spirit dedicated to the preservation and transfer of knowledge for the betterment of all mankind. Her name is Ti Mu and she is a giant parrot-bat and her home is called the Citadel of Sagacity. She has collected the knowledge and wisdom from countless masters of many crafts over the years, including some spirits and dragons. Mei Zhu and I were asked to try to share the learning that she has collected over the years with the people of Atla. You and Nasu are the first people that we’d like to bring into the fold.”

Lo Ruon just looked at her dumbfounded. It took several moments before his brain reconnected to his tounge. “I don’t know what to say, Evasra. This sounds incredible and a bit scary at the same time. I don’t know much about spirits, but this definitely sounds like something wonderful that I’d like to be a part of.”

“I knew that you would be interested. But I feel that there is something else I should share with you before you agree. If you are going to be a part of this secret group, you should know the biggest secret that I’ve been keeping.” Evasra said, looking more uncomfortable than he’d ever seen her.

“Of course, Evasra. I promise to keep whatever you tell me in confidence.” He responded, hoping to put her at ease.

“It’s not as simple as that. Let me tell you the tale of my life before I met Shaman Inok Kui.” She said.

He listened intently as she told him of her life as Princess Azula, the conqueror of Ba Sing Se. “I’m deeply sorry for my actions and how they’ve done so much harm to the world in general, and you in particular. I was misguided then, thinking that the Fire Nation had the right to rule over the world. It took a great deal of time and suffering on my part to realize how mistaken I had been. I-“

“There is no need to say anymore, Evasra.” Lo Ruon said, gently putting a hand on her arm. He could see the remorse and shame that this young woman felt. “In many ways, you were as much a victim of circ*mstance as the rest of us. You were a child called upon by your father to serve the will of your nation; it would have been difficult for anyone to go against the course that society had set for you. But I’ve seen how you are helping the world now with your Fire Healing. You saved Ba Sing Se from being burned to the ground and even kept the Avatar from being assassinated. And when I was adrift, you provided me with a new home and a purpose in life. Your past before Shaman Inok Kui doesn’t change how I see you.”

She gave him a small smile once he had finished speaking. “Thank you, Lo Ruon. I greatly like and respect you, and I’m glad that you can continue working with me. I truly believe that there is so much good that we can do with the knowledge that we’ve learned from Ti Mu.”

“I truly believe that you’re right. Come, tell me more about this Ti Mu and her Citadel of Sagacity.” Lo Ruon requested with a smile. His smile widened as she told him of the medallions that would allow him to travel to visit this great bastion of learning.

“I’m sorry, Kiyi, but Mystic Evasra is going to be busy during the foreseeable future helping her friends with the incredible historic find they made.” Mistress Nykka said in a soft voice. “I will talk to her, but she has a troubled past and is not inclined to work with the Fire Nation.”

“It’s okay, Mistress Nykka. Sokka, Suki and Ty Lee told me not to get my hopes up.” Kiyi dutifully answered. But it hurt that someone she had come to look up to didn’t want anything to do with her.

Kiyi knew that Mystic Evasra was reclusive, but she truly had hoped that the famous Fire Healer would make an exception and help teach Kiyi. Alas, she claimed to be too busy helping her scholar friend with a bunch of amazing discoveries they found. It appeared that she wouldn’t be assisting Kiyi with her Fire Healing anytime soon.

“But, if you are truly curious about the young mystic, perhaps you could ask Ri Han to take you to Sozin’s Slum when Evasra is set to do her firebending practice. It is truly a sight to behold. And rumor has it that she’ll be doing her routine in about half an hour.” Nykka gave Kiyi a conspiratorial wink. “You’ll want to stay back and not interfere though.”

Kiyi couldn’t help the wide smile that came to her face at Nykka’s words. She turned to look for her new friend; Ri Han was really nice and learning just like her.

There! She was sitting in the corner of the courtyard talking to some of the Kyoshi Warriors. Kiyi wasted no time running over to her fellow student. The words poured from her mouth as fast as she could speak, maybe even a little faster. “Mistress Nykka says Evasra is doing firebending practice and that we could go watch if we don’t bother her!”

Ri Han and the Kyoshi Warriors just looked at her for a moment before the girl tilted her head and answered. “Evasra doing firebending practice? That’s news to me. She can barely light a candle; you wouldn’t be interested in seeing that.”

“What!” Kiyi screeched, wincing at the volume of her own voice. “But everyone says that Mystic Evasra…is…a… great-“

Kiyi stopped speaking and hung her head at how easily she had been tricked by her friend, who was now laughing at her. Even the Kyoshi Warriors were trying to hide their smirks. “I was just kidding, Kiyi. Evasra is truly a phenomenal firebender. Come on, I’ll take you up to Aunt Hinong’s apartment so we we can watch from her balcony. If it’s okay with your guards.”

Kiyi’s head snapped over to Pemtha, the lead warrior for this contingent of guards. She smiled back at Kiyi. “That’s fine, Princess. We’ll need to inspect the apartment first, but I’m sure it will be okay. A few of the off-duty girls and Sokka are planning to watch from the rooftops also.”

“Come on, Kiyi. Aunt Hinong’s apartment is right across from the training courtyard and she already said that we could watch from there.” Ri Han grabbed Kiyi’s hand and they both were about to start running when Pemtha chimed in.

“You have to walk and let us check the rooms first, girls. You’ll be in time for the show.”

Kiyi was practically quivering in anticipation as they made their way up to the apartment. A quick tour by the Kyoshi Warriors and the two girls were inside, where Kiyi made it a point to thank Aunt Hinong for her hospitality. The two girls were just getting set up in their chairs, with Pemtha discreetly leaning against the wall behind them, when they heard a clacking sound coming from down the street.

The area below became a hive of activity as everyone cleared from the courtyard as Ri Han turned to speak to Kiyi. “That’s the sound of Mystic Evasra’s walking stick on the cobblestones. She always gets a crowd for her evening practices.”

Kiyi watched the famed mystic as she made her way towards the courtyard with a pretty young woman with brown hair. Evasra was a few inches shorter than the brown haired woman and quite slender, but the way she walked just conveyed power. It was almost like the power was not a result of her physicality, but instead was just exuded by the force of her personality. Her long black hair was tied back in the same style that she had seen Mystic Nasu wearing when she had visited the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. And the face paint and calm expression made her seem older than what Nykka said she was; she carried herself like someone who was middle-aged. Like maybe thirty.

Kiyi’s mouth fell open in shock when Evasra turned and gave the brown haired woman a kiss before she handed her staff to her and then turned to make her way into the courtyard. Mother had always told her that love was only meant to be shared between a man and a woman, but she knew that things were different here in Savan. And she knew it was different on Kyoshi Island also. She had no desire to kiss either a boy or a girl, so she wasn’t bothered by it.

Evasra exchanged pleasantries with many of the people that watched as she took her place at the end of the courtyard farthest from Kiyi. The crowd fell silent as Evasra stood straight, head held back with a few rays of the setting sun shining down on face. She slowly raised her hands above her head and gently placed her palms together before lowering them; once her hands were about chest height she shifted her position and moved into her first stance.

She fluidly launched a front punch and followed with a graceful roundhouse kick, bright orange and yellow flames illuminating the courtyard. Kiyi felt a sense of disappointment. It must have shown on her face because Ri Han whispered to her. “This is just the warm-up. The white flames come later.”

But even with normal flames, it was the most fluid and graceful firebending that she had ever seen. Zuko was incredibly strong and fast and Iroh was a combination of grace and power, but Evasra’s bending had an artistic flair that the others just didn’t have.

Kiyi recognized some of the katas that Evasra was doing; they were high level forms that she had seen master benders doing during performances and festivals. If this was Evasra’s warm-up, she couldn’t imagine what the actual training and workout were like.

One kata flowed to another as Kiyi sat entranced. But then she saw Evasra’s stance and body change; it was like her body was about to dance to a different song. Ri Han spoke excitedly. “Here it comes!”

It was almost like Evasra had been listening to Ri Han because as soon as the words had left her friend’s mouth, Evasra moved like a viper-rat, jumping into the air and sending an incredible burst of white flames across the courtyard from a front-kick. She immediately spun low and sent white fire across the ground with a spinning kick before springing up and launching a series of fire punches and kicks.

Evasra had wielded her orange and white flames like a trained dancer, each move fast and precise and fluid. She unleashed her white flames like a cobra-mantis, every strike just as precise and fluid as before, but with a power and ferocity that seemed a bit terrifying. Kiyi had wondered how someone as skilled and powerful as Iroh could be matched in combat; she understood much better now.

And the white flames were absolutely astounding. Kiyi thought they were harsh to look at and not nearly as pretty as normal flames; there seemed to be something cold and clinical about them. But they seemed to be a part of Evasra. Her moves became more and more acrobatic as she began making great leaps in the air, higher and faster than even Ty Lee could jump.

And then Kiyi saw that Evasra was using flames from her feet to propel her, magnifying the power of her jumps. Flips and somersaults and incredible twists, Kiyi was fascinated by the inhuman spectacle. That was the best word she had for Evasra. Inhuman. It was almost like her fire had been divinely blessed.

Kiyi couldn’t stop the gasp that came out of her mouth as Evasra made yet another acrobatic flip into a double legged flame blast, but instead of landing on the courtyard, two bright white flames came out of her hands and kept her airborne. Bursts of fire came from her feet too and suddenly Evasra was going through firebending katas while suspending herself fifteen feet in the air with her flames. Kiyi had never seen anything like it!

Her moves weren’t quite as fluid and precise as her bending on the ground, but she was still bending with near expert level coordination. Suspended in the air.

Kiyi knew that she had a good life and was rarely jealous of anyone, but seeing the incredible things Evasra could do made her a little sad because she knew that she would never be able to achieve that level of firebending mastery. Knowing that probably no one else would be able to either was only a small consolation.

She figured that the display was coming to an end soon as Evasra’s katas gradually took her closer to the ground, her forms becoming slower as she began her cooldown katas. Kiyi watched for several more minutes until Evasra finally stopped and bowed to the crowd, who began clapping and cheering. And Kiyi clapped and cheered right along with them.

It broke her heart that Evasra wanted nothing to do with her or the royal entourage. But she held out hope that someday Evasra’s attitude would soften and Kiyi would be able to meet the most incredible firebender she had ever seen. Kiyi had no doubt that she was an incredible Fire Healer too. Kiyi didn’t know if Evasra was a stronger firebender than Zuko, but she’s sure that if these two were to ever battle, the conflict may well level a small city.

“She really is a sweet girl, Evasra. I know that you wish to have nothing to do with the past, but she wasn’t a part of that. She is your sister and had nothing to do with the circ*mstances of your youth. Even if she never learns of your blood relation, you can still get to know her.” Nykka said, looking out into her private living area.

Nykka had been generous enough to allow Azula to come to her house and clean up before making her way back through the city; much of her make-up was starting to smear from the excessive amount of sweat she had generated during her routine. She hadn’t been expecting the exceptionally large crowd and had decided to put on an even bigger spectacle than usual. Of course it had nothing to do with showing off in front of the Wanted Daughter.

Azula sighed as she knew that was a lie. She had wanted to show the Wanted Daughter that Azula would forever be better and that she didn’t need Ursa’s love to be happy. It was petty and selfish and Mistress Nykka and Shaman Inok Kui would both tut at her disapprovingly they had known, but right now she didn’t care.

She had seen the girl sitting with Ri Han; if the girl's looks and clothing didn’t give it away, the Kyoshi Warrior standing guard was a pretty good indication. The look of awe and joy on the girl’s face had made Azula feel a little more sympathetic to the girl; rather than be intimidated by the display, she had looked like she had been having the time of her life.

And the girl did look young and innocent. The fact that Nykka was using a lot of the same arguments that Mei Zhu had made along the journey home was weakening her resolve too. She really wanted to hold a grudge, but Azula knew that they were right. It wasn’t the girl’s fault that she was the Wanted Daughter while Azula was the Monster.

“I will meet with her and if things go well, I may be willing to help with her training. But I want nothing to do with Ursa, Ty Lee, Sokka, Suki or the Kyoshi Warriors beyond basic security. This is non-negotiable and I will walk away if my boundaries are not respected.” Azula said, her intestines clenching in distaste at the thought of interacting with any part of her past. She knew that Nykka wouldn’t push the issue if she resisted, but the fact that her girlfriend and respected teacher agreed on this was enough to make Azula think it might not be a bad idea.

She knew that she didn’t feel things like other people; the Cult of Cognitive Will may have changed her approach to life and showed her the path to being a better person from a philosophical perspective, but it didn’t have the answer for interpersonal issues like this.

“Of course, Evasra. I will make sure that they know of your rules and the consequences of breaking them.” Nykka stepped close and put a hand on Azula’s right upper arm. “Families need not only be based on blood, but can be forged by love and affection for anyone. Let her have a chance to know you and you can take this time to see who she is. You are a wonderful role model for her, whether she knows your past or not.”

Azula sighed and patted Nykka’s hand that still rested on her arm. “I promise to make the effort. I know that it’s not her fault that Ursa is her mother, but this is still treading dangerously close to a part of my life that I never wanted to revisit.”

“I understand, but true healing comes from dealing with uncomfortable subjects from our past in a healthy and productive way. I wouldn’t ask you to seek this out, but the path to connecting with your sister has presented itself to you. If it doesn’t work out, that’s fine. But this is a chance to find a little peace and perhaps establish a relationship with a sweet young girl. You could profoundly affect this girl’s life and help bring Fire Healing back to the nation that created it.”

“I don’t know that I want a relationship with her, but I can’t say that I’m averse to one should it arrive naturally.” Azula sighed again. Life would be simpler if these people would just stay the hell away from her and the life she’s built for herself. “She has to be easier to get along with than my asshole brother.”

Azula couldn’t help but smile at the loud laughter that came from her mentor.

Chapter 12: Meet and Greet


Lo Ruon and Evasra are introduced to new players in their stories while Aang arrives in Savan to meet with old friends.

Chapter Text

Lo Ruon was quivering in anticipation as the group sat in the small front room of Mei Zhu’s and Evasra’s apartment. Mei Zhu was going to direct Lo Ruon and Nasu to the Citadel of Sagacity using the connector medallions. Evasra had volunteered to stay behind and watch over them, since their bodies were vulnerable and unaware of the real world while they were communing with the Citadel.

Their apartment was nice but a bit on the small side; given how popular and respected the two were, they could have gotten something bigger. But they had said that they didn’t spend much time here and that it didn’t make sense to get anything more. It was a homey place, nonetheless.

The walls were decorated with a wide assortment of colorful and vibrant tapestries of varying styles. Styles from all parts of the four nations were represented, with even one based on the Air Nomad styles. Mei Zhu had said that her parents were traders that specialized in woven products, so it was no surprise that she had a varied set of tapestries.

The only bit that Evasra seemed to contribute to the space was a nice drawing of Shaman Inok Kui that was tastefully framed. Lo Ruon knew how much the great shaman had meant to Evasra; the world owed the man much if he was able to rehabilitate the princess of the Fire Nation to become the astounding Fire Healer and mystic that had already done much to help keep the balance of the world in the past year.

And she had helped Mei Zhu make two wonderful finds, although it was clear that the vast majority of the glory and recognition belonged to the young scholar. He couldn’t wait to see the wondrous site that that was the Citadel of Sagacity; it was almost more than he could believe. Had he not learned about the Rings of Accordance and the Book of D’Azuum, he might have had an even harder time coming to terms with this. But working with the Avatar and his allies had opened his mind to the more spiritual and mystical side of things.

And with Nasu breaking the news to the group that the Avatar was coming to investigate some new spiritual practice, Lo Ruon figured that he would need to get used to dealing with even more weird and unbelievable things. Mei Zhu and Evasra had been split about whether to tell the Avatar about the Citadel of Sagacity or not; Mei Zhu was in favor of telling him immediately while Evasra wanted to wait and see if it was something that he should know about. It was strange to see the two of them not on the same page about something. It was just a reminder that they were each their own person.

“Alright, guys, I think that we’re ready to go visit the Citadel.” Mei Zhu opened the box that had been sitting on the small table. Inside were eight medallions with the symbol of an hourglass on them. Otherwise, they were similar in appearance to any other medallion that numerous sects wore around Savan. But he knew that they were so much more.

“If you each take one and put them around your neck, we’ll walk you through the connection process.” Evasra chimed in as Mei Zhu reached in and took a medallion. Lo Ruon exchanged an excited look with Nasu and they both proceeded to take a medallion for themselves. Moments later, the three of them were wearing their medallions.

Evasra continued speaking. “Excellent. Now, I want you to close your eyes and follow my instructions. It is a simple process but requires that you be focused and keep your thoughts disciplined.”

Lo Ruon closed his eyes and listened to Evasra’s instructions. “If you pay attention, you should feel a calling, almost like an urge to reach out and touch something.”

Yes! He could feel it. It wasn’t a physical sensation; it was like a feeling that there was something in a dark room. Even though he couldn’t see it, he just knew that it was there. “While focusing on the call, say the words ‘I have come to seek knowledge’ in your mind.”

He did as he was commanded and he felt a sudden jolt, almost like he was jerking awake while at the edge of sleep. He opened his eyes as he heard a loud, feminine voice call out. “Welcome to the Citadel of Sagacity! I am Ti Mu and it is an honor to meet you. Come, come. You must come see my wonderful home.”

The sights of the room nearly knocked him over. First of all was Ti Mu herself; she was just as Mei Zhu and Evasra had described. Somehow, she gave the appearance of smiling with just her beak. He was glad to see that Nasu seemed to be as awestruck as he was.

As amazing as Ti Mu was, it was the thousands of hourglasses that caught his attention. They had told him and Nasu about them, but words can only tell you so much. Seeing them was so much more impressive.

“I know that it is a lot to take in, but come and see what the Citadel has to offer.” Mei Zhu said, grabbing both Nasu and him by the hands. They were both too stunned to say anything as she dragged them off the platform they had appeared on.

“It is a great deal to take in, but you will become acclimated in a matter of time.” Ti Mu said, her cheerful voice drawing his attention. “There are many wonderful scholars and masters for you to consult here. Although, I should give a warning to you, Lo Ruon.”

Lo Ruon felt a sense of dread when even Mei Zhu stopped what she was doing to look at him. “What sort of warning?” He was finally able to ask.

“There are many brilliant scholars here, but you are the only one of the group that personally knew one of the spirit reflections while she was alive.” Ti Mu’s voice, so chipper a minute ago, sounded much more solemn now.

And it struck him like a lightning bolt. “Novae. You have a spirit reflection of Novae here.”

“Yes, I do. I am not well versed in the dynamics of human love and affection, but the people that were in situations similar to yours had mixed responses. A few were grateful to be able to see their loved ones again while others found the process to be very disturbing. I will leave it for you to decide if you wish to see her as she is now.” Ti Mu’s voice had grown soft and he noticed both Mei Zhu and Nasu looking at him with concern.

He doubted that a spirit reflection would be able to capture the power and intensity with which his wife had lived her life. But her knowledge of Pathway Architecture was phenomenal and much of it had been lost when she died since she hadn’t published anything related to their work in years.

He made his decision. “I would like to consult her sometime; her Pathway Architecture could change the course of Atla and I mustn’t let it fade into obscurity. I…I know that she won’t be like she was, but it will be good to hear her voice and look at her face again.”

“Of course, Lo Ruon. You may consult her whenever you wish, but for now I’d like to show you how the Citadel works.” Nasu and Lo Ruon both watched in amazement as a spirit hummingbird-otter flew down with an ornate hourglass. Ti Mu’s voice was smiling again as she spoke. “Let me show you how to access the hourglasses so that you can talk to Iscanthanalia.”

Azula’s mouth was dry and she was beginning to think that this was a mistake as she watched the Wanted Daughter enter the small courtyard at Nykka’s home; this is where most of the training sessions had been held with Jimna, Ri Han and the others. And so it was used with Kiyi too.

Her nerves settled a bit as she glanced over at the Kyoshi Warrior guards and noted that neither Suki nor Ty Lee were among them. And thankfully Nykka had convinced them not to try and force Ursa upon Azula; apparently Ursa had been a bit reluctant to allow her precious baby to meet with Mystic Evasra without her being present.

But Azula couldn’t help but admit that the girl was pretty and exuded youthful energy. Nonetheless, she was able to walk across the courtyard in a more or less controlled manner. Azula decided to take the bull-weasel by the horns.

“Greetings, Princess Kiyi. It is an honor to be your instructor today. Please have a seat.” Azula gestured to a small student bench.

“Thank you, Mystic Evasra. It is a great honor and privilege to have the opportunity to learn from a great teacher such as yourself.” The girl answered, smiling up at Azula as she took her seat.

“Mistress Nykka says that you are doing quite well and will be ready to begin practicing on your fellow students very soon. Let’s get started with the basics.” Azula held out her hand a generated a white healing flame. It looked much like her normal white flames but had a slight bluish tint; not blue like her normal flames but a blue undertone similar to that generated by Water Healers. “I would like you to produce and hold your own healing flame.”

The girl continued staring at Azula’s white flame for a few additional moments and showed no signs of complying. Azula held in her sigh as she addressed the girl again. “Princess, please form and hold a healing flame.”

The girl shrank in on herself as she hastily complied. “I’m sorry, Mystic Evasra. I promise to do better.”

Azula saw that the girl was distracted, so she decided the best way to move forward is to clear the air. “Perhaps it would be better to get to know each other before we continue. I will allow you to ask about my white flames and my training if you wish, on the condition that you promise to remain focused and committed to your training afterwards.”

The girl’s smile widened so far that Azula’s face started to hurt in sympathy. Nobody’s smile was meant to extend that wide. “That would be great, Mystic Evasra. I really am sorry for staring.”

“It’s alright, Princess. You can put out your fire for now.” Azula extinguished her own also. “Once upon a time I was a wanderer, a drifter with no where to call home. A kindly old man named Shaman Inok Kui took me in and taught me how to live according to the principles of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will. With the scrolls he was able to provide to me, I was able to learn how to control my flames and change the very way that I wielded them.”

She held out a hand again and summoned a normal orange and yellow flame. “I was always a strong bender and with the help of my mentor, I was able to figure out how to generate and wield my white flames.” The flame in her hand shifted color in an instant to white, illuminating the starry-eyed look on the Wanted Daughter. “This fire is exquisitely suited for my talents and abilities. He had a great deal of experience and he helped me in more ways than I could ever explain. He was so old that I’m pretty sure he used to babysit for Avatar Roku when he was but a toddler.”

The girl giggled and Azula even allowed a small smile to adorn her own face as she continued speaking. “Upon his passing at the ripe old age of one hundred and thirty four, I decided to come to Savan and see if I had the talent to be a Fire Healer. And it turns out that I did. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to travel with Mistress Nykka and my girlfriend Mei Zhu. I’m sure that you heard about some of my adventures from your companions.”

“Yeah, they said that you redirected lightning and saved Aang and then you fought Uncle Iroh and that you were like the second coming of Kyoshi and then you healed Suki but that you don’t like anyone.” The girl said at lightning speed with seemingly no need to breathe.

Azula sighed. “It’s not a matter of likes and dislikes. I have my own issues and I’m not comfortable dealing with many people from outside the Eastern Sea region. But that is my issue to deal with and it’s not something I’m willing to share. But Mistress Nykka said that you were a precocious young lady and that it might be good for both of us to work together. I trust her, so I am willing to give you a chance.”

“I promise to work hard and to learn everything that you can teach me!” The girl all but shouted. Azula couldn’t help but smile; the girl’s enthusiasm was quite contagious.

But she took this chance to satisfy her own curiosity also. “That is my story. Why don’t you tell me a little about yourself, Princess?”

“Okay. I’m only sort of a princess; my mother was a princess but then she ran away and married my dad. She got a new face and had her memories erased and she forgot about her old life and family. But then my brother Zuko and his friends showed up and I became a princess. I like being a princess, although it’s kind of lonely sometimes. There aren’t many kids to play with and the ones that do come over seem to be more interested in me being a princess than in getting to know the real me.”

Ursa got a new face? Lost her memory? What the f*ck was this girl talking about? She wanted to interrogate Kiyi but decided this wasn’t the appropriate time. And Azula cursed herself as she actually felt her heartstrings being tugged by the girl’s story. She knew very well the isolation that came with being a princess; she at least had Ty Lee and Mai as friends. Although she wonders how much of that was real friendship.

“Being in a position of power and privilege can create a separation from other people. But if you learn to be a Fire Healer, you will have a skill that will greatly benefit your people. A strong purpose, something that drives you, will improve your quality of life. Fire Healing did this for me, and I strongly suspect that it will do so for you.”

The girl just looked at her for a moment before she smiled wide again. “I really do want to help people. I’ve seen Katara’s healing and I always thought that it would be great to be able to do something like that. Being a princess is nice, but it’s not really a job. But with Fire Healing, I really think that I can make the Fire Nation a better place.”

“I believe that you can and will make the Fire Nation better, Princess. And that journey means learning all that you can while you’re here in Savan. Let’s get back to work so that you’ll be as ready as you can be when you return to the Fire Nation.”

“Yeah, that sounds awesome.” Kiyi cheered.

“Alright, bring up and hold a healing flame.” Azula requested. The girl complied and Azula walked her through the steps of extending the healing power of the flame and discussed the way to read the chi of people to determine the best way to help them. Most of it was theoretical, but at the end she allowed Kiyi to do a very basic healing session on Azula’s arm just to get practice.

Azula was impressed and echoed Nykka’s belief that Kiyi had the talent to become an exceptional Fire Healer. “This was a great session, Princess. I am very busy helping Mei Zhu with her recent finds, but I think that I should be able to stop by occasionally and help you and the other students with your Fire Healing.”

“That would be great, Mystic Evasra!” And to Azula’s shock the girl rushed forward and embraced Azula in a tight hug. Azula gently hugged her back.

After a few moments, they separated and Azula spoke. “Keep working hard and you’ll be a great Fire Healer, Princess. Your guards are anxiously waiting for you, so you better be on your way.”

Kiyi laughed as she turned and looked at her guards; Azula had saw them tense as Kiyi had assaulted her with the hug. But they had relaxed once Azula and Kiyi had separated.

Kiyi turned back and the two exchanged a brief bow before the girl ran back to the guards, already chatting about something or other. Azula just smiled and made her way to go back inside Nykka’s house.

She turned to see Nykka, Jimna, and the other students peeking through the windows, smiles on all their faces. She just rolled her eyes as she made her way inside.

Kiyi really did seem like a sweet girl. She vowed not to hold the sins of the mother against the daughter.

“Aang! It’s great to see you. Man, Savan is wild. I’m thinking about trying to get Suki to move here with me.” Sokka said as he pulled Aang in for a hug.

“He just likes all the bare breasts down by the docks.” Suki said, rolling her eyes.

Aang laughed self-consciously because, truth be told, he had enjoyed the bare breasts down by the docks too. He decided to keep the conversation moving before things got awkward. “This is definitely a live and let live kind of town. It was like this even back when I was a kid; the monks made it a point to visit here every year.”

“I love it here! The people are so nice and there are a lot of pink auras. Especially in the Arts Erotica section of town.” Ty Lee chimed in, causing many of the Kyoshi Warriors to giggle.

“I’m sure. But how is Kiyi’s Fire Healing coming along? Zuko’s really excited to hear if she has a knack for it.” Aang asked.

“You can ask her yourself. I see her and Ursa coming now.” Sokka said, pointing towards the main building of the complex where the Fire Nation visitors to Savan were staying.

Given that everyone was smiling widely, Aang guessed that it was going well. He addressed the two ladies. “Good morning, princesses. I was in Savan on some other business and thought I’d come check out the up and coming Fire Healer. How is it coming, Kiyi?”

“It’s going great!” Kiyi all but shouted. “Mistress Nykka and Mystic Evasra said that I’m going to be a strong Fire Healer. Mystic Evasra has been showing me some really cool techniques that she’s developing; she’s a great teacher and it’s too bad that she doesn’t like the rest of the people here because she’s super awesome. She likes you so maybe we can go see her together.”

Aang just blinked at the loud and incredibly fast set of words that Kiyi had just launched at him. He wasn’t sure he heard correctly, because it sounds like Evasra had actually been teaching Kiyi. “You were talking pretty fast there, Kiyi. Did you say that Mystic Evasra has been teaching you?”

Everyone must have picked up on his incredulity because Sokka, Ty Lee and Suki all started laughing. Suki was the first to chime in. “It surprised us too. But they’ve had two lessons together and it looks like Mystic Evasra actually likes Princess Pipsqueak.”

“Hey, I bet that I’m gonna be taller than you when I grow up!” Kiyi shouted. “Mother is way taller than you.”

“Azula wasn’t.” Sokka said, drawing a frown from Ursa.

“Yeah, well, I’m not Azula.” Kiyi huffed.

Aang decided to jump in. “I’m glad that you and Mystic Evasra are getting along so well. I know she seems standoffish, but she’s actually a really interesting person.”

“Yeah. She said that she’ll be busy helping her girlfriend with some musty old relics but she promised to come back and do some more training in a few days.” Kiyi said with a smile that Aang couldn’t help but return. It seems that even Evasra wasn’t immune to Kiyi’s charm and enthusiasm.

“If I get a chance, I’ll stop in and see her while I’m at the Library of Despondent Ecstasy.” Aang added, turning to the group. “I’m helping Zuko with the investigation into the sabotage against the refinery in Pemni. I was hoping that Mystic Nasu could help me find information about an old bending practice that might be in play.”

Sokka was the first to answer. “Nasu’s been great to work with. She’s helped me with a couple of projects that I’m consulting Lo Ruon about. I’m sure that she can help you too. I’d be happy to walk to Library with you.”

Aang gave his friend a beaming smile. “That’d be great. You can tell me about all the cool projects you’re working on.”

Aang said goodbye to the others as he and Sokka began making their way to the Library. Suki decided to tag along also; apparently Nasu had introduced her to a whole collection of scrolls about the life and teachings of Kyoshi.

As always, the trip took far longer than it should have, since everyone wanted to meet Aang. He accepted this as his lot in life as the Avatar. Having been gone for one hundred years, he felt it wise to try and rebuild trust in the Avatar by being friendly and approachable.

Sokka and Suki were greeted too; the exploits of the Gaang had become well known and they, along with Katara and Toph, had gained a bit of notoriety. Sokka soaked in the acclaim with a broad smile while Suki seemed much less enthusiastic.

He wondered whether marriage was in the cards for them. They worked well together, but her ties to the Kyoshi Warriors and his steadfast support for the rebuilding of the Southern Water Tribe always seemed to pull them apart. Much as his duties as Avatar had pulled him away from Katara. At least neither of these two seemed to have a suitor on the side to tempt them.

Aang pushed those thoughts away as he finally made his way the walled enclave housing the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. He smiled to see Mystic Nasu and Lo Ruon waiting at the gate for them. Nasu was the first to greet them. “Greetings, Avatar. It was easy to tell that you were on your way. Please come inside where you can get a break from your adoring fans.”

“Thank you, Nasu. I love people but it can be a bit much sometimes. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me; I’ve heard wonderful things about your library and I can’t wait to see the inside.” Aang answered.

“There’s no time like the present. I’ve reserved a private area for us to discuss your interests.” Nasu gestured towards the entrance to the tower. “I have to admit I’m very excited to hear about a topic that would bring the Avatar himself all the way to Savan to research.”

“Thanks, Nasu. That would be great.” Aang turned to the others. “You three are welcome to listen in if you like; as members and friends of the White Lotus, all of you are trustworthy and may be called in to help with this.”

All three agreed and they chatted amiably as they made their way inside the beautiful tower. With twelve levels dedicated to knowledge in a wide array of topics, the Library of Despondent Ecstasy was renowned around the world for its collection of scholars, philosophers and thinkers.

And as beautiful as the outside was, the inside was magnificent also. The place was abuzz with activity as numerous scholars sat at tables reading scrolls or were engaged in intense discussions. Aang had always associated scholars with old dudes quietly reading scrolls about the pottery made during the Seventh Dynasty of the Who the Hell Cares Kingdom from twenty thousand years ago.

But these people seemed much more energetic. It wasn’t the life for him, but he could understand how people like Nasu, Mei Zhu and Lo Ruon could be attracted to this lifestyle.

They walked up ten sets of stairs before Nasu finally led them back into the library proper. She spoke to Aang as she held the door open for the group. “Come this way; this is the floor that houses the private meeting room I reserved. You implied that you were seeking knowledge about a spiritual bending practice, so these levels will probably be the place to look.”

Moments later everyone was seated in a small room with a table surrounded by ten chairs. Everyone took a seat and looked to Aang to start the discussion, which he obliged. “The Fire Nation captured several of the terrorists that were involved in the plot to attack industrial sites in Pemni; one such captive told us that two women were from a group known as the Daughters of Rokishe.”

Aang paused as he noticed the look of sadness on Nasu’s face. She didn’t speak though, so he continued. “The captive told us that she had witnessed these two women using some sort of shadow magic that appears to be related to the tattoos on their bodies. After speaking with a previous Avatar, I believe that this shadow magic is actually something called shadowbending. I was hoping that you would be able to help me find any information in the Library of Despondent Ecstasy that relates to this practice.”

Nasu looked thoughtful for a moment. “There are several sects that claim that tattoos can be used to achieve wondrous things. How are the tattoos related to shadowbending? Do you know anything about the ink used for these tattoos? How are the tattoos inked? Are there any rituals associated with either the inking of the tattoos or the use of the tattoos once they’ve been applied? Do you have any names associated with shadowbending? Sects or individuals?”

Aang just looked at her for a second, trying to wrap his head around the questions. “The last known shadowbender was named Magistera Ayu and she died during the time of Avatar Omisya. The inks were made using a special plant called the Wangxi Night Blossom. The ink is the darkest black that Avatar Omisya had ever seen and the tattoos could actually move. The ink could be infused with shadow spirit energy that could be controlled and were able to create items that could be used outside the body of the wielder.”

Nasu looked thoughtful for a few moments. “The title Magistera was used by several ancient sects, and a group known as the Sisters of Sublime Darkness used that title and had rituals associated with tattoos. I know of several texts that we can reference regarding this group. I’ve come across mentions of the Wangxi Night Blossom but I recommend that we talk with Scholar Isaba; she specializes in the studies of ritualistic plants. There was a very lively debate about the nature of shadow spirit energy in the ancient texts. I helped Scholar Mo Tsuta reference these documents early in my tenure here at the library, so it should be easy for me to find them again.”

“Wow, Nasu, that’s great. I knew that coming to you was a great idea.” Aang exclaimed. This was going even better than he had hoped.

“Is there anything that we can do to help with this?” Suki asked.

Nasu smiled at Suki. “Not right now. These sections of the Library don’t allow outsiders without the proper training to search the documents. Let me begin gathering the documents I know are relevant and consult the appropriate scholars. I should be able to have everything gathered by tomorrow; Scholar Isaba is in the library now so I will start with her.”

Lo Ruon looked to Nasu as he spoke up. “How does this shadow spirit energy relate to normal spirit energy? Ever since the incident with the Rings of Accordance, I’ve been working on a method to detect spirit energy like Aang taught you and Evasra. Could shadow spirit energy be detected using the artifact I’ve been developing?”

Aang chimed in before Nasu had a chance to speak. “Avatar Omisya was able to detect the shadow spirit energy when it was used to create shadowforms outside the body. She said that it felt softer and more energetic than normal spirit energy.”

“Without a source of shadow spirit energy to test it with, it may be difficult to say if the device would work or not.” Lo Ruon answered with a huff.

“I would love to see your spirit detector.” Sokka said, smiling at his friend. “Is it here in the library?”

“Yeah, it’s down in the workshop. Is anyone else interested?” Lo Ruon looked around.

“I’d like to see it.” Aang answered. This sounded really cool.

“I’ll pass, boys. I’d like to go do a little more reading about the adventures of Kyoshi and Rangi.” Suki responded with a smile.

Aang felt good that a plan had come together. With Suki and Sokka here, he didn’t want to try and find Evasra; it sounds like she was busy working with Mei Zhu anyway. It warmed Aang’s heart that not only had Evasra and Mei Zhu made up, but they were now in a happy relationship. And Evasra was even forging a relationship with her sister; not a true sibling relationship but something meaningful nonetheless.

Evasra had paid her dues for the mistakes of her youth and had done more than enough to help the world in its hour of need. He’d call her in if he needed her help but it sounds like Nasu and Lo Ruon would be plenty of help for now. He followed his friends down to the workshop to see what Lo Ruon was working on.

Chapter 13: Right to the Source


Aang speaks with someone knowledgeable about shadowbending while Mai continues her investigation into the Lotus of the Crimson Blood and Daughters of Rokishe.

Chapter Text

“The answer is no. We will not move against the Fire Nation royals as long as the Avatar is in Savan.” Minvu repeated, anger beginning to make its way into her voice. “And under no circ*mstances are we to attack the Avatar. You know the deal. This is your mission, but you follow my rules.”

“This is exactly why the Matrons of Rokishe ended up on the dustbin of history. You are too reserved to make the bold moves needed to capture victory. Timid little sheep-mice, scurrying amongst the other lesser people, forever conniving to capture just a few of the scraps left by the real movers and shakers in the world.” Mogan retorted.

“And you are fools whose dreams of the future revolve around nothing but your own short-sighted and self-centered third rate philosophy.” Minvu leaned closer to the man. Tall and broad shouldered, he looked like he would be more at home working in a rice paddy than leading a terrorist cell. He was beefy and easily twice her weight. But she held no fear of the man. “Our alliance lasts only so long as you abide by the deal we negotiated. This will be the last time we have this conversation.”

She stared up into his sullen face until he finally turned away. “Of course, Successor Minvu. You and yours obviously know best. But we will remember this day when the filthy ashmakers have finally been kicked off our continent.”

“That will indeed be an interesting day, Mogan. Until then, you follow my rules.” She watched as he turned and walked out of the small meeting room they had created in the house they rented on the outskirts of Savan. His two companions sneered at her before they too turned and followed their leader out, leaving Minvu alone with her second in command, Mistress Lista.

“They are going to break the terms of the agreement. It is just a matter of when and by how much.” Lista said, looking into the distance. Undoubtedly tracking the chi of the men to ensure that they didn’t return. She finally gave the all clear signal. “I don’t believe that they will disobey you to attack the Avatar, but I fear that they will assault Princess Kiyi if given the chance.”

Minvu contemplated the words of her erstwhile companion. A few inches taller than Minvu, Lista‘s brown hair was tied back and hung to just above her shoulderblades. With a stern face that rarely smiled, she looked every bit of her forty five years. But the woman possessed knowledge and wisdom, two things that were sorely needed by the Daughters of Rokishe, especially once Matron Jannir, Successor Asitva and the more experienced Successor candidates had fallen.

A member of the Order of the Arts Esoteric, Mistress Lista had a very useful set of skills that made her worth her weight in gold. Her chi mastery was extraordinary and she was a competent combatant. She had been a peaceful soul teaching her skills to two young apprentices until the Rough Rhinos had raided the small village where she lived with her young apprentices.

The scars from the arrow to her chest and the burns from the explosions were only the most visible wounds that she attained from that encounter. Her peaceful existence had been shattered upon the death of her wards and many others that she had lived with. She had vowed to kill the Rough Rhinos one day for their crimes.

And Minvu had every intent of helping her with that endeavor when the day came. Until then, Mistress Lista had sworn her allegiance to Matron Rajeen and had been an integral part of the Daughters of Rokishe. Her esoteric training had done much to improve the ability of Minvu and her sister Successors to wield their shadowforms. Lista’s ability to see the chi of those around her had made her a wonderful instructor.

“That is indeed a likely scenario. Shallow and self-indulgent brutes, it is to the shame of my people that we must call the Lotus of the Crimson Blood allies. But for now, that is what they are. But they are fools if they think that they hold the upper hand in their dealings with us.” Minvu said, rising to her feet.

“I believe that you are right. But so long as their goals align with ours, we should continue to pull our collective wagon in the same direction.”

“Yes. But once we have retaken our home city and the ashmakers are gone, the Lotus of the Crimson Blood and their vile allies will face their own day of reckoning.” Minvu said as she began making her way into the house with the others that had come with them. They were young and needed experience, but they were able and competent young women. But trying times like these required that young women grow up quickly.

“I didn’t find any direct mentions of shadowbending in the documents concerning the Sisters of Sublime Darkness, but there may be some tangential allusions to it.” Nasu said, looking up at Aang. “But we have a source that should be able to tell you everything that was known at the time of Avatar Omisya.”

“That’s great!” Aang exclaimed. This was going way better than he expected. “When can we talk to them? Are they here in Savan?”

Aang became a little concerned at the looks that were exchanged between the four others in the room. Nasu, Lo Ruon, Mei Zhua and Evasra all glanced at each other, and it was easy for Aang to tell that something was amiss.

Nasu and Evasra had basically become blank slates, their facial expressions devoid of all emotion. Lo Ruon was shuffling a bit, shifting his weight between his feet as he gently rocked side to side, his eyes flittering between the others. Mainly between Evasra and Mei Zhu. Mei Zhu’s normally cheerful face was far less expressive than normal and her eyes kept going to Evasra.

It was Evasra that finally spoke. “The answers to those questions are complicated. We have decided that it would be best to share our source with you directly. However, you have to promise to keep the information that we’re about to share with you confidential. And we mean tell no one without our permission. Not a single soul. Can you agree to those terms?”

Aang just stared at Evasra, who stared solemnly back. “I cannot keep this a secret if doing so will upset the balance of Atla. I have a duty.”

“This will not affect the balance, at least from an Avatar perspective.” Evasra answered. “But you are not the only person seeking to improve the world, nor is Raava the only spirit looking to do the same.”

Aang perked up immediately. “How do you know about Raava?”

“You will understand if you promise to keep our secret.” Mei Zhu chimed in.

Aang looked among the four people; he had worked with all of them and trusted them all, more or less. He decided to take the chance and trust them in this matter also. “I agree to your terms.” He finally answered.

The four looked at each other and nodded. Mei Zhu spoke again. “Then we will take you to the source that has the information you seek. As Avatar, this will probably be easier for you to accept than it was for most of us. According to someone in the know, you have already visited a spirit library during the Hundred’s Year War.”

Aang’s felt his eyebrows raise in surprise. “How did you know about the Spirit Library?”

“Apparently, Wan Shi Tong wasn’t very happy with you and your erstwhile companions during your visit.” Evasra answered, a small smirk on her face. “It seems he didn’t approve of you using the information found in the library to attack my people during the Day of the Black Sun. That was a naughty thing to do, Avatar.”

Aang felt a little redness coming to his face as all four of them smirked at him now. He finally found his words. “Uhm, how did you know about that? Did you talk to Wan Shi Tong?”

“No, we spoke with his sister, Ti Mu. She resides in the Citadel of Sagacity, a spiritual location that contains our source. It is easier to show you than try to explain.” Nasu said. She nodded to Lo Ruon, who turned around and picked up an ornate wooden box. He set it on the table of the workshop where they were meeting.

“This box contains eight connector medallions that can be used to spirit travel to the Citadel of Sagacity. Ti Mu, sister of Wan Shi Tong and overseer of the citadel, will then explain things to you. She is a disciple of an ancient knowledge goddess and hopes that the four of us can help spread the knowledge from the past to improve the state of our world today. This is why we have asked you to keep our secret; we must be very careful who we share this knowledge with. In the past, people have misused this knowledge, and terrible items like the Book of D’Azuum and the Rings of Accordance were created as a result.” Evasra explained.

He thinks he understood the situation better now. “I’m guessing that some of you didn’t want to share this information with me.”

“I very much did not want to.” Evasra admitted. Aang’s pride was stung; why didn’t she want to share this with him? She continued before he could voice his disappointment. “It isn’t about you, Aang, but rather the position of the Avatar. No previous iterations of the Avatar ever gained knowledge of the citadel. Once you know of it, this knowledge will be available to all future actualized Avatars. I would prefer to keep this knowledge separate from a being of your immense power.”

Aang sort of understood her logic, although he didn’t particularly like it. “The Avatar is a force for good in the world. I am the bringer of balance.”

“No offense, Avatar, but what has that gained Atla? Every Avatar faces a crisis that only they can solve. Again and again these issues keep arising because the world has become too dependent on the Avatar. With the knowledge found in this library, we hope to create a second support system, one that shapes society so that there are wise and competent people in all nations to solve problems before they become Avatar level events. You and the future Avatars will of course be needed to deal with major issues, but wouldn’t it be great if you could deal with calm and rational leaders rather than warmongers and despots?” Azula stared at him after she finished speaking.

Aang did admit to himself that life is easier when dealing with reasonable and rational people. “I understand your reluctance, but I will not tolerate you trying to minimize the role of the Avatar in the world.”

“Of course you won’t. Those that wield power grow to enjoy it, revel in it, and become convinced that they and they alone have the correct vision of the world.” Evasra retorted, staring Aang in the eyes. “The people that made the deal to allow you to lord over the world died thousands of years ago. Yet you continue to wield your power over all of Atla as your divine right. Raava isn’t one of the Great Spirits, is she? Do you believe that you have a divine right to rule the world, Avatar?”

Aang took a deep breath the control his growing anger. “The Avatar has maintained balance for untold generations. You, of all people, don’t get to lecture me about the abuse of power.”

Evasra’s companions all stiffened at that statement, but it was true and she needed to respect the role the Avatar plays in the world. But she was unbowed. “Oh, I of all people, know exactly what unbridled power does to a person. I’ve seen it, Avatar. Your predecessors hold some archaic idea of balance that has thwarted the actual growth and development of the world. All you Avatars care about is bending. You care nothing about the growth of philosophy, medicine, economics, science or engineering. Bending is the be all and end all of your worldview. Every nation must be live by the code of the benders in that region; you actively ignore nonbenders and suppress all arguments opposed to your concept of balance.”

It took all of his resolve not to lash out at Azula for her hurtful words. But he chose not to since he knows how her upbringing has warped her way of thinking. “I’m sorry that you feel that way, Evasra. I can agree that changes may be needed and that the previous Avatars may have looked too much to the past rather than the future. I’m willing to sit down and discuss this with you, but I don’t appreciate you disparaging the role of the Avatar like this.”

Evasra held his gaze for a few moments but he saw her expression soften a bit. “Perhaps there is hope for you after all, Avatar. I still stand by my opposition, but I know that you are a good person and can be trusted with this knowledge. I will stand guard while you visit the citadel.”

Evasra turned away from Aang and crossed the room and took a seat, leaving Aang and the others awkwardly standing in front of the case with the medallions. Nasu finally spoke. “I will show you how to use the medallions to access the citadel.”

Mei Zhu couldn’t help but smile at the look of awe on the face of the Avatar as they approached the platform where they would interact with the spirit reflection. Ti Mu was still explaining things to the Avatar. “In a few moments, my hummingbird-otter will bring an hourglass that should help you with the knowledge that you seek. Magistera Ayu is very knowledgeable about shadowbending.”

“You have a spirit reflection of Magistera Ayu! That’s amazing. She should definitely be able to help.” Aang exclaimed.

Mei Zhu was excited to hear about shadowbending. Recovering lost knowledge was one of the most important purposes of scholarship. It was unfortunate if shadowbending had been recovered just to be used by terrorists, but Mei Zhu had a hard time getting too outraged about the effort to push the Fire Nation off the earth continent. It was terrible that violence was being used, but she believed that their cause was just. Especially if the Daughters of Rokishe were involved.

Everyone became quiet as the humming-bird otter placed the hourglass on the pedestal. Ti Mu turned to Aang. “If you would do the honor, Avatar, recite the words I taught you.”

Aang turned to the Hourglass of Illumination and spoke the words he had learned. “Holder of knowledge, I petition thee!”

As before, the glowing energy seemed to pour out of a small opening on the base of the hourglass and floated to the circle and began to form a shape. An elderly woman stood before them, smiling at the group with a very grandmotherly vibe.

“Greetings. I am Magistera Ayu. I am here to share my knowledge.” The woman said. She almost appeared to be a real person, but there was a slight glow and just the hint of translucence.

“It is an honor, Magistera Ayu. I am Avatar Aang and I have come to learn about shadowbending.” Aang gave the figure a bow.

“Of course, I have stored all the knowledge that I possessed at the time of my death in the Hourglass of Illumination that holds my spirit reflection. Do you have specific questions or do you wish for me to recite my knowledge?”

“Perhaps it would be best if you gave a short synopsis of what shadowbending is. We may follow up with questions about specifics.” Aang answered.

“Shadowbending is the art of infusing shadow spirit energy into special tattoos; the ink of these tattoos are specially formulated to not only hold the shadow spirit energy, but also allow the owner of the tattoos to create shadowforms. These shadowforms can be used to create tools and weapons which can be used outside the body. The shadowforms are created by arranging the tattoos in specific designs. It has been speculated that the designs are mathematical in nature but our sect never worked out the specifics. It is important to note that only nonbenders can wield shadowforms; our theory is that bending locks the chi pathways into place, preventing their chi from being available to manipulate the shadowforms.” Magistera explained.

“How is the ink created?” Nasu asked.

“The ink is prepared using the Wangxi Night Blossom; this ink formulation had been used by the Sisters of Sublime Darkness for hundreds of years before my time. The blossoms are taken and the mystical black essence are extracted and purified through a complicated process. This essence is then added to a conventional black ink. The optimum ratio was approximately three parts Wangxi Night Blossom essence to ninety-seven parts ink.”

“How is the shadow energy infused in the ink?” Nasu asked in a follow-up question.

“The ink is applied to the skin using standard tattoo application methods. Once the tattoo is completed and healed, a specific ritual is used to call upon the shadow spirit energy. The shadow spirit energy is summoned and invited to reside in the special ink prepared for it; the shadow spirit energy must choose to be absorbed into the ink. The energy is almost alive in a sense. Not sentient, but I could feel the emotions of the shadow spirit energy in my shadowforms. Joy, amusem*nt, happiness were quite common. I believe that the shadow spirit energy enjoyed being wielded. And I felt its grief as I released it from my tattoos just before I died.”

Aang and the group sat quietly, soaking in this information. They had not expected to here that there was an emotional relationship between the tattoo wearer and the shadow spirit energy. He finally found his words. “Thank you for sharing this wonderful information with us. My colleagues would like to ask some more detailed questions about your art if you are willing.”

“I would very much like to share my knowledge with you. My sect was persecuted for our practices; our special tattoos were a deep black that many found uncomfortable to see. We were accused of being heretics and wielding the power of evil spirits. But nothing could be farther from the truth. We were peaceful people and our shadowforms were no more evil than any other bending. It brings me much pleasure to share what I know with you.” Magistera Ayu’s spirit reflection answered with a smile.

Mai pulled the hood of the cloak up and over her head as she made her way down the street of Vi Yan Zo. A medium sized city on the southern shore of Full Moon Bay, it still had a sizable firebending population. Thanks to it being an important trading hub, it was the crown jewel of the Fire Nation spy network for the interior of the earth continent. She hoped that her contacts had the information that she sought.

There! That was the bar that she was looking for. The Simmering Cauldron. Just a stone’s throw away from the impressive docks of Vi Yan Zo, this bar was apparently frequented by dock workers, sailors and travelers. It was a great place to gather information.

She quickly scanned the street around her. The sun had set hours ago and the streets were dimly lit by the mounted lanterns the lined the streets. About a quarter of them were damaged and not lit. It was obvious that the infrastructure of Vi Yan Zo wasn’t well maintained. But that didn’t hinder her ability to read the situation.

Two women were standing about fifty yards away, under one of the functioning lanterns. By the way they were calling to the men passing by, they were looking to sell their feminine charms for a price. She found the practice distasteful but she wasn’t here to judge prostitutes. She carefully watched the people coming to and fro from a dark alley near one of the unlit lanterns, looking for any suspicious activities. This wasn’t her first field mission, but it was her first as the leader. It would be her that paid the price if things went south.

But nothing caught her eye, so she decided it was time to make her move. She walked out into the street, making sure to drag her left foot as she pretended to stagger a little. Anyone watching her would hopefully see a young woman that had just a little too much to drink. Nothing threatening or memorable about her. Just another anonymous soul making her way to drink away her problems.

She kept her blades handy as she continued scanning her surroundings. But no one seemed to pay her any mind as she opened the door to the bar, the stench of ale and sweat almost enough to knock her back. She probably would lose her noble status back in the Fire Nation if she was ever caught frequenting a dump like this of her own accord.

Right now, though, she wasn’t a noble but instead an agent of the Fire Nation Royal Intelligence Service and she had a job to do. She pulled down her hood once the door had closed behind her and scanned the room, looking for her informant. Rifa didn’t know his real name, but he was known on the streets as Yong Qi. And he should have no idea who she actually was either.

At the end of the bar with his back to the door, the man with the blue and red armband sat and nursed his drink and watched her through the mirror. She made her way over to him, keeping up the pretense of being a little tipsy. Sidling up next to him, she gave the greeting.

“Hey, handsome, do you think that you can buy a drink for a lady?” She said, ever so subtly slurring her words.

He turned and looked her up and down, his eyes pausing ever so briefly on the dagger pin that she wore to identify herself. “I’ve always got time for a lady if she makes it worth my while.”

She felt her nerves calm a little as he gave the correct response. She leaned in a put her hand on his muscular arm as she spoke in a sultry voice. “Take me somewhere with a little privacy and I’ll be sure to make it worth your while.”

“You got it, little lady.” He waved to the barkeep and then gestured towards the upstairs rooms. The barkeep reach under the counter and pulled out a key on a large metal ring and passed it to the man. “Room six. Fifteen urvans for the hour.”

The man fished the money out of his pocket and paid the barkeep. He then held out his arm to Mai. She giggled as she took it and leaned into him, selling the idea that they were on their way to commit deeds of immorality. In a sense, they might be, but it wasn’t the kind of deeds that the other patrons of the bar needed to know about.

The man began boasting about what a lucky girl she was to find a real man like him as they made their way up the stairs to the rooms. She clung to him all the way up and until they reached the door to their room, where she loosened her grip so that he could use the key to unlock the door. Moments later they were inside.

And both of their demeanors instantly changed once they were in private. They stepped apart and eyed each other much more warily, all pretense of flirting and inebriation gone. The room was simple enough, with a hastily made double bed in the middle and a chair on each side. One little nightstand was in the corner of the room. That was all there was. She guessed that you didn’t need much else for what this room was normally rented out for. Looking at the filthy furniture surrounding her, she had a feeling that she might get pregnant if she so much as laid down on that nasty bed.

“Do you have the money? Three thousand urvans.” He asked, staring her down.

“Half now, half after. You know our standard procedures. Don’t even think of trying this sh*t with me.” She answered, staring back.

A wide grin spread across his face. “A man’s gotta test the waters every now and then, see if you ashmakers are loosing your will. Half now, half later.”

She didn’t respond as she reached inside her coat and pulled out the envelope with first half of the money and handed it to him. He opened it and quickly counted the money. He flashed her a cheeky smile once he saw that everything was on the up and up.

“All right, little miss, it looks like we’re doing business. My sources are telling me that the Lotus of the Crimson Blood are up to something big, but no one knows exactly what. But one of my most trusted blokes has told me that they’re close to finding an ancient and powerful artifact. I personally don’t give it much credence, but the Lotus people believe that it will be the key to driving the Fire Nation from the earth continent. Not only that, but their leader has been telling his dumbass followers that it may well mean the end of the Fire Nation as a whole too.”

“What sort of artifact? Three thousand urvans seems a lot to pay for information about an archaeological expedition.”

“Sorry, love, I don’t know what it does but I do know that it is called the Sacrifice Stone. Just wanted to let you know what I’m hearing. But that was the teaser. The real heart of my info is that the Crimson Lotus are looking to cause problems in Yu Dao. They really seem to have their knickers in a twist over this new republic idea. You know how these blokes are, always spouting sh*t about freedom and self-determination. Well, that only seems to be the case when it’s the kind of freedom and self-determination that they want. Anarchy. No rules or oversight, just every jackass doing whatever they want. My sources say that the Crimson Lotus are planning a campaign of terror in the northwest region, targeting civic leaders and high profile citizens in favor of the republic. Their motto seems to be, if the Fire Nation is for it, then they are against it.”

“Any concrete intelligence? City names? Potential targets?” Mai asked. She didn’t like what she was hearing.

She stiffened but didn’t make any moves he reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. He held it up as he spoke. “Here’s what my source could get for the attacks planned in Yu Dao and Mu Kan. Security has gotten tighter in the Crimson Lotus and they’re keeping their missions more compartmentalized. But the other kicker is that there seems to be a rift growing between the Crimson Lotus and the Daughters of Rokishe. Not surprising, since their end goals are so different. My sources don’t know much, but apparently the two groups are planning some sort of mission together. But he expects this to be the last.”

He handed the envelope to her and she opened it and quickly scanned the contents. Names of potential targets in the two cities, the identities of three of the Crimson Lotus operatives, and a general timeframe for the attacks. It was less than ten days away. “Anything else?”

“Anything else, she asks. Three thousand is cheap for what I just gave you. You seem like a competent young lady, but be warned. These blokes are dangerous and they hate the Fire Nation and are not to be trifled with. You’re lucky that they’re on the outs with the Daughters of Rokishe. Nobody knows how they’ve done it, but the southern lasses seem to be able to find out anything about anyone. They’re dangerous but are at least rational. I couldn’t find any actionable intelligence about them; two of my sources disappeared trying to dig up dirt on the two fugitives that you lot wanted to know about. Nobody messes with them now. I won’t mess with them again either.”

The struggle was difficult, but she managed not to roll her eyes at his melodrama. The Daughters of Rokishe were smart and capable, but they were just people. “I thank you for your information. If this pans out, then you will have earned every urvan.”

She handed over the second envelope full of money and watched as he counted it. He gave her a leering smile. “We have the room for a bit longer if you want to earn any of this money back for yourself.”

“Proposition me again and I’ll slice your stomach open, pull out your intestines, and use them to choke you to death.” She answered.

She sighed as he started to laugh. “I wouldn’t doubt that you could, little lady. I think that I’ll keep my innards of the inside for now and find feminine companionship of a more willing variety.”

“That might be wise.” She answered.

They waited for a few minutes before they decided to call it a night. She made sure to untie her hair and restyle it to look messier and arranged her clothes to appear disheveled. Apparently, it worked since she got quite a few knowing smirks from the men inside the bar and angry looks and a few unkind words from the prostitutes outside. She understood their anger. Freebies took away their paying customers.

But in this case, she had a feeling that the Fire Nation would be paying for a fee or two once Yong Qi made his way outside.

Chapter 14: Discussions and Conflict


Aang and Mai talk about what they’ve learned while the plans of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood come into focus.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Aang spotted the signal fire from overhead and quickly made his way down to the clearing. The last rays of the sun were coming from the west, the final embers of orange giving way to purple in the cool evening. He had to smile as he saw Mai in the brown and green robe; it was weird seeing her wearing anything but her red and black hanfu. But at least she wore her hair up in her normal fashion.

Appa gently landed about fifty feet from the fire and Aang quickly hopped off his friend’s back and walked up to Mai, giving his most disarming smile. And to his shock, he was rewarded with a slight upturn at the corners of the knifethrower’s mouth.

“Greetings, Avatar. I hope that your visit to the city of Savan was fruitful. Rumor has it that it is a rather wild town.”

Aang’s smile got even wider. “It was a very productive trip, actually. Mystic Nasu was able to lead me to a source that knew a great deal about shadowbending. And almost as good, she was able to track down an artifact that held a small amount of shadow spirit energy. It just seemed to be a reservoir and didn’t do much, but I was able to figure out how to detect shadow spirit energy from it though. The two mystics were able to detect it too. And Lo Ruon, the engineer from Ba Sing Se that moved to Savan, is working on modifying the spirit energy detector he built to be able to find shadow spirit energy also. And to top it all off, Kiyi is going to be a great Fire Healer some day.”

“That is all very impressive, Avatar. We need all the good news that we can get. The information I received from my contact in Vi Yan Zo was more mixed. The Lotus of the Crimson Blood is planning some type of major terrorist campaign in the Northwest Territory to try and disrupt the election for the republic that you and Zuko are proposing.” Mai said, all traces of her earlier good humor gone.

“That is terrible news. Did your contact have any actionable information?”

“Yes, actually. He gave me names of potential targets and information on three of the members of the Crimson Blood involved in the attacks. The targets appear to be Yu Dao and Mu Kan. There may be others, but those are the ones that his source identified.”

Aang sighed. “How do you believe that we should proceed? I think that the White Lotus should be involved in this. The Kyoshi Warriors are a bit thin on the ground with the contingent in Savan busy for the foreseeable future.”

“It might be good to call in as many of the reserves of the White Lotus as possible. But there might be some pushback; there have been some complaints that the White Lotus is acting too much like a Fire Nation protection squad.” Mai answered with a sigh.

Aang had to admit that he understood why some of the members of the White Lotus would think that. “It is unfortunate that they feel this way, but I think that many of them recognize that the Lotus of the Crimson Blood is an anarchy group that won’t just stop with attacking the Fire Nation. The are looking to disrupt the political order of the entire world.”

“Indeed. But the one bit of good news that I heard is that they appear to be falling out of favor with the Daughters of Rokishe; much of the success of the attacks against the Fire Nation seem to be a result of the Daughters providing technical assistance. They appear to be doing one last mission together, but my source believes it will be the last.”

“Well, that sounds like a good thing. I suggest we head to Pemni in the morning to consult Iroh; assuming he’s okay with it, I’d like to then head to Yu Dao so that you can look into the information you were given.”

“I doubt that I’ll be allowed to lead the investigation, but I very much hope to be involved.” Mai said as she took a seat by the fire. “Are you hungry? I made a vegetable stew that I’m willing to share. No meat.”

Aang perked up at the mention of food. “That sounds great, Mai. Let me get the saddle off Appa and then I’ll be happy to join you.” It only took a few minutes to get the saddle off Appa and for him to wander off a bit to begin munching on the local vegetation. Aang shared a few nuts with Momo, who happily sat on Aang’s shoulder to stuff his little lemur face.

Mai had two bowls of steaming stew waiting when he returned. “Here you go, Avatar. I’ll never hear the end of it from your animal companions if you were to die of starvation watching me eat.”

Aang laughed as he took the bowl. “This smells delicious, Mai. Thanks for sharing your dinner with me. I have some dry bread in the saddle that I would have probably had to eat otherwise.”

“My pleasure, Avatar.” The sat quietly for a few minutes as they enjoyed their stew. Aang took the time to contemplate the experience of hanging out with Mai. This was really the first time that they’d ever been alone together for any significant amount of time. He had always been a little intimidated by her when they had been opponents during the war.

Apparently she had similar thoughts. She had a little smirk on her face when she spoke. “Would you have ever thought that we’d be going on a mission together to save the hides of our exes when we were trying to beat the stuffing out of each other during the war?”

Aang had to laugh as he thought about the question. “I was way too terrified of you back then to ever imagine us going on any sort of mission together. But no, us working together to help Zuko and Katara never crossed my mind until just a few weeks ago.”

“You know, you were pretty intimidating back then too. You were all cute and harmless until you started glowing and unleashing the Avatar wrath all over your enemies.” Mai responded with an eye roll.

Aang just gave her a grin. “So you thought I was cute?”

She responded with another eye roll and a look of aggravation. “Don’t let it go to your head, Avatar.”

“It’s alright, Mai. I thought you were cute too. But still scary.” His efforts to make her smile succeeded as she graced him with a faint smirk. They sat in silence for a while, just basking in the good humor of the discussion. With all the strife and discord in the world, Aang had learned to just accept and savor these moments when the opportunity arose.

He was brought out of his musings when she spoke again in a soft voice. “Did you know about Zuko and Katara?”

Aang felt his mood plummet. He had tried to push unwelcome thoughts of Zuko and Katara out of his head when he could. He wanted to be happy for them, and in a way he was, but it still hurt a lot too. But he felt of all people, Mai deserved to hear the story.

“Yes. In a way, the seismic sense that I learned from Toph has been as much a curse as a blessing. Peoples’ hearbeats give a lot away. Sometimes things that should remain private. I could tell when they started to become attracted to one another.” Aang said, looking back to his memories of the time after the war. A time when hope started to fade to disillusionment. “At first I just thought it was joy in seeing a friend after a separation. They had become closer after their mission together to visit the man that killed Katara’s mother. But in time, I saw that it was different.”

Aang leaned back and stared up into the night sky, the stars twinkling back at him as he continued speaking. “The excitement was more than it should have been. More excitement than she showed me after I had been away performing my Avatar duties. They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder, and it did for us. But not as much as it should have. Traveling with Appa and Momo was great; they aren’t great conversationalists but they are wonderful listeners. I told them my issues, how I feared I was losing Katara and didn’t know what to do.”

“But then it came to me. The monks had taught me that it was good to engage with the world, to be a part of the greater whole, but that I mustn’t become too attached. And I saw that I had become too attached to Katara, that I was losing my perspective. The answer struck me like a lightning bolt. I had to set Katara free or risk losing both of my dear friends. So that’s what I did. If we were meant to be together, we would be.” Aang paused for a moment. “Though I think it is clear to everyone by now that we weren’t meant to be together.”

He looked over to see Mai watching him, her face even more stoic than usual. The image of the flames dances in her eyes, making her seem a bit otherworldly. “I’m sorry that this is how things worked out between the two of you. I always thought that you were going to be a couple. When…when did you notice their attraction? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.”

Mai looked down at the fire, seemingly pulled into the world inside her head. His voice was as soothing as he could make it. “It was a few months after you broke up with Zuko that I noticed it. It wasn’t there when you were together. I know that you and Zuko had issues, but I didn’t sense any sort of attraction between them until the two of you were done.”

She continued looking at the fire for a few moments before she finally met his eyes. And he was a bit shocked to see the sadness and regret there. “I tried to make him understand that he was going to ruin himself and possibly the Fire Nation with how he was pushing himself. With Iroh gone and no other family to help, he felt that he had to do it all himself. I tried to help him, but he wouldn’t give me enough room to be his partner. I couldn’t keep living like that. I loved him, Avatar, but I couldn’t watch him drive himself into the ground. I thought my leaving might make him reevaluate his life. It did, but apparently not in the way I expected.”

“I’m sorry, Mai. Perhaps another time, under different circ*mstances, we could have made things work with them. But things just didn’t go that way. I’m just trying to be happy for them.”

“Me too, Avatar. Thank you for talking with me; this isn’t exactly something I can bring up with Iroh.” Mai said, causing Aang to give a little laugh. “I…I do feel better knowing that things with Katara didn’t start up until we were done. But I’m sorry that you had to deal with the brunt of it.”

“It’s alright. It is the way of life. And it was nice to talk with you too.” Aang leaned back and looked at the stars again. “And you can call me Aang if you want to. I think that we’ve bonded enough for that.”

“Maybe in private, Aang. But you’re still the Avatar when I’m on duty.”

“I can live with that Mai. I can live with that.” Aang gave her a smile. It really did help to talk to Mai.

“I think that with design principles we’ve learned from the spirit stones, we’ll be able to make a device that can collect information from multiple detectors. Exactly how far apart the detectors could be and still connect to the main device still remains to be determined.” Lo Ruon said, his excitement causing him to speak quickly.

“That’s great, Lo Ruon. The work that you’re doing here could change the world. But for now, it could give us a way to find out if regular spirit energy or shadow spirit energy is being used near us. Anything that can help prevent another incident like the burning of Ba Sing Se would be appreciated.” Nasu said, patting Lo Ruon on the shoulder.

“She’s absolutely right. According to the Avatar, more spirit items may come into play. Actual spirits also. We have to be ready to deal with the threats proactively.” Azula chimed in, smiling at the engineer. The man was brilliant and was going to change the world.

“Thank you, Evasra. The incredible things that you and Mei Zhu showed me have given me a new lease on life. We’re doing great things here.” Lo Ruon answered.

“Indeed, we are. Keep working on the devices and whatever other brilliant ideas you have. But it’s time for me to collect Mei Zhu and head to Nykka’s. She wants to put the final touches on the planning for my ceremony next week.” Azula said with a sigh.

“The people need something to celebrate. You’ve done so much to reinvigorate Fire Healing; bask in the accolades and enjoy the party afterwards.” Nasu said with a laugh. “All work and no play makes Evasra a dull girl.”

“I may be many things, but I’ve never been a dull girl. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Azula said as she made her way out of the workshop and up to the main library hall. Mei Zhu should be waiting there, with should being the operative word. Azula has had to make her way up to the higher floors to hunt down Mei Zhu on more than one occasion.

But today was her lucky day. Mei Zhu was seated at a table, several scrolls laid out as she worked through whatever problem was holding her attention today. Azula walked up behind her and ran her hands down Mei Zhu’s shoulders onto her arms, leaning in to give her girlfriend a soft kiss on the base of her neck.

“Not in public. Evasra could be here any minute.” Mei Zhu said with a giggle.

Azula nibbled on Mei Zhu’s earlobe before whispering in her lover’s ear. “Don’t tell me that you’ve been a naughty girl, Mei Zhu.”

“And just what do you plan on doing about it if I am?” Mei Zhu whispered back.

“I just may have to get the gag out to make sure that you don’t make too much noise while being punished.”

“Promises, promises.” Mei Zhu said as she got to her feet. “We’ll see if you’re a woman of your word later. But for now, I’m not going to let you get out of your obligations. It’s time to go see Nykka.”

“Yes, yes, let’s go talk about the party.” Azula helped Mei Zhu pack up the last few scrolls and they made their way to Sozin’s Slum. The sun had just sunk below the horizon and the torches flickered and the shadows danced as the two women made their way through the streets. Hand in hand, Azula listened as Mei Zhu talked about the interesting connections she was making between the symbols she had seen on a few of the spirit stone artifacts and some documents she had discovered in the archive.

It was moments like this that reminded her why she loved Mei Zhu. Kind, generous, dedicated, and brilliant, she was a gentle soul with a will of steel. Azula still couldn’t believe that after all the terrible things that had happened in to her, she had still somehow managed to find the light of her life.

And when Mei Zhu wanted to know how Lo Ruon’s work was going, Azula was happy to tell her how the man was going to revolutionize the way that things were engineered. His designs could usher in a whole new world of mechanical innovations that could lift the living conditions of so many people in the world.

Soon enough they were at Sozin’s Slum. As always, they were greeted by the residents as they made their way in. Fire Healing was well respected and people knew that it was Mei Zhu’s find that led to Azula’s work that expanded the ranks of Fire Healers. It warmed her heart to know that there was a community of people that accepted both her and Mei Zhu as two of their own.

They finally made it to Nykka’s and were let in by Ri Han. “Come in, come in. Mistress Nykka is almost finished with Princess Kiyi’s lesson. She wanted me to ask you to go say hi to the princess if you got here in time; Kiyi gets fidgety if she can’t worship her hero in person now and then.”

Azula just rolled her eyes at the girl as Mei Zhu laughed. “Thank you, Ri Han. Of course I’ll go say hi to the princess.”

They three ladies walked out the back door and saw Kiyi practicing her chi modulation while using her healing flame on Unda, another of Nykka’s Fire Healing students. Azula just watched and admired the young girl’s talent as she did her thing. Kiyi was going to be a great Fire Healer one day.

The girl finally finished and Nykka gave her a few points for improvement; there wasn’t much to correct but Azula saw how she let her chi flame fluctuate a little too much. Control was so important to Fire Healing that it was best to stamp out any bad habits early.

Kiyi gave Azula a wide smile once Nykka said she was done. Azula waited as Kiyi rose and approached where Azula was; she knew that Azula didn’t like to go near the guards or Kyoshi Warriors. It was a slightly larger than normal contingent today; four royal guards and four Kyoshi Warriors. Azula thought it was overkill, but it wasn’t her decision to make.

Kiyi’s fast paced voice called out to Azula. “Hi Evasra, I’m glad that I got to see you. We’ve been-“

Whatever Kiyi was about to say was drowned out by the loud explosion that came from the area outside Sozin’s Slum. Two smaller explosions followed moments later. Azula felt dread and anguish in her stomach.

The explosions sounded like they might have come from the compound provided to the Fire Nation royal family during their stay in Savan. Azula ran forward and spoke to Nykka. “I’m going to go investigate. Make sure the princess remains safe.”

And with that, Azula fired the white flames from her hands as she jumped, quickly gaining altitude. Moments later the flames were fired from her feet and she rocketed into the sky, trying to gain enough altitude to look over the nearby buildings to find the source of her explosions.

And her fear came true when she saw the flames erupting from the devastated husk of the compound provided to the Fire Nation royal family.

The compound provided to Azula’s mother.

Suki ducked under the rock and went into a roll, springing to her feet and striking the masked man in the neck with her fan before he could make another bending move; she felt the fans cut into the flesh and the blood was hot and sticky as it spurted from the wound.

She was already turning away from the terrorist as he fell to the ground. This was a f*cking sh*tshow, but there was no time to bemoan the cards that fate had dealt them. The three explosions had taken out the main building and the smaller guard house, killing or injuring a good many of the guards and her warriors. Only two guards and two other warriors were still standing to face the dozen or so assailants swarming into the compound through the broken buildings. And it broke her heart that Sokka and Ty Lee had been inside the buildings when the explosions had gone off, but there was nothing to be done about that for now.

They may be outnumbered, but it was clear that the attackers weren’t as skilled in combat as the defenders. Two to one odds were tough to beat though, but Suki would do whatever she could to hold off the terrorists as long as she could. Hopefully, Ursa and Ikem would be able to get out of the compound and escape into the city.

Luckily, Kiyi wasn’t here. Unfortunately, neither were her contingent of guards and Kyoshi Warriors. She pushed those thoughts aside as she darted in to attack a pair of earthbenders that had just raised a small stone wall to defend themselves from a firebending attack. They didn’t see her coming until she was on top of them.

She swept the legs of one man and quickly rose to strike the other arm of the woman with her fan as she tried to bend to defend herself, severing the tendon at the elbow. Suki snapped her head forward, headbutting the woman in the face and breaking her nose. The woman staggered back as Suki turned and kicked the man in the face as he tried to get back to his face, probably breaking his jaw. But he fell face first into the dirt and didn’t move.

Suki only saw two guards and one of her girls still fighting as she again entered the fray. She cartwheeled to the side to dodge the incoming rock but was struck in the left leg from behind, causing her to tumble to the ground. She saw a masked man move to bend towards her but he was struck by a glancing blow the shoulder by a blast of fire and and was knocked down. Suki and the terrorist locked eyes as they both struggled to get to their feet.

But their attention was temporarily drawn away from each other as Ursa ran out of the burning building, stumbling as she went. The left half of her face was covered in blood and she seemed to have trouble balancing; she was probably concussed. The attackers all turned and focused on her.

Suki realized that they were probably here to assassinate or kidnap her. But she wouldn’t let the princess be taken without a fight; she flung her fan at the closest terrorist that was standing, knocking him off balance as he went to bend.

But it was only a glancing blow. Three men all began moving towards Ursa as Suki tried to stand with her injured leg. The scene was surreal as the harsh light from the burning building illuminated the yard. Suki saw that neither she nor the others would be able to reach the attackers before they got to Ursa; she could only watch in horror as the three attackers raised the rocks in the air to kill Ursa.

But everyone had to turn away as a bolt of light hit the ground in front of the earthbenders and expanded into a giant plume of white flames, enveloping the men so quickly that they didn’t even have time to scream as they were burned.

Suki flinched at the incredible heat and light from the attack. But every eye in the courtyard was drawn upwards towards the woman as she fell feet first from the sky, her hands and feet blasting white fire that seemed supernatural. Suki watched the woman move towards the battle, her painted face washed out by the harsh light of the flames that were slowing her fall as well as the softer glow from the burning buildings. Mystic Evasra landed on the ground in front of Ursa, placing herself between the princess and the remaining attackers.

Suki’s bowels clenched in fear at the sight of the irate mystic before her, the painted face contorted in rage. She prayed to all the Great Spirits that Mystic Evasra would take the time to distinguish friend from foe in the coming battle.


I’d like to encourage everyone to check out this awesome fanart by FunUserNameIDK: FanArt for RoA & CoS

As you may or may not have noticed, I have finished the rough draft of this story and there will be 47 chapters total.

Chapter 15: Opportunities Lost and Found


The Lotus of the Crimson Blood encounter the might of Mystic Evasra; but as the survivors in Savan deal with the aftermath, their enemies come into possession of a dangerous artifact.

Chapter Text

Things had started well for the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Minvu and Yika had taken turns watching the compound for the past week, learning the rhythms of the ashmakers and their bootlicking allies. Once upon a time, Rokishe had viewed Kyoshi Island as a kindred spirit, but now they have allowed their fearsome warriors to become nothing more than lapdogs to the imperialists that had laid waste to nearly the entirety of the earth continent. Minvu would shed no tears for the dead today.

Staying true to their objective, Minvu had selected to attack while Princess Kiyi was out of the compound. Even more fortunate was the fact that she had taken extra guards with her today. Without Kiyi to distract her allies and a quarter of the defenders gone, Minvu had given the go ahead for the attack.

The Daughters of Rokishe were nothing if not planners, and Minvu knew exactly when and where to strike. The changing of the guards just after sunset was when the ashmakers were at their most vulnerable. Her erstwhile allies were arrogant and misguided, but they had ingenious ways to inflict violence. They had carved out three good sized rocks and filled them with explosives. Then, when the time was right, Daughters of Rokishe signaled them to unleash their onslaught and three pairs of earthbenders launched the explosive packages; two into the main living quarters and then one into the guard shack.

The strike had done wonders to thin out the ranks of the guards and Kyoshi Warriors and while the attackers were meeting stiff resistance from the defenders, the goal had been so close when the Lotus of the Crimson Blood had closed in on the injured war criminal.

But what had appeared to be a victory had quickly turned into an absolute debacle. Minvu’s shadowform bird had observed the bright white flames of the mystic streaking towards the compound but she had no way to warn her allies. And every rumor she had heard about the mysterious mystic turned out to undersell the sheer destructive power the woman possessed.

Minvu could only watch in horror as the mystic flipped in mid-air and thrust her feet out to unleash some sort of bright white bolt of destruction; it had hit the ground in front of the three about to kill the war criminal and immediately expanded to a bright white plume of devastation. All three of Minvu’s allies were incinerated in an instant.

But that was just the beginning of the woes for the Lotus of the Crimson Blood that still remained. Mystic Evasra quickly took stock of the situation and immediately jumped and launched a spinning roundhouse of powerful flames that sent nearly everyone, friend and foe alike, scurrying for cover.

One fool tried to raise an earthen shield to defend himself, but the powerful flames smashed through his rocks and burnt his torso to a crisp in an instant. Mystic Evasra sprang forward, using the flames sprouting from her feet to move faster than anyone Minvu had ever seen and launched a pair of flaming fists into the chests of two attackers before she took to the air again to avoid two rocks that had been thrown her. She struck one assailant down with another fast and precise flame punch while the other one was taken to the ground by a Kyoshi Warrior; it looked like she might have chi blocked him.

The mystic followed after three of the attackers that were trying to retreat. Running had been a foolish decision; with her feet flames propelling her, she easily caught up to them before they could reach the crumbled wall. Too late they decided to turn and fight; she landed and went into a low spin kick, sending a wall of flames at knee level. Two went down as their legs were burnt out from under them. The last man standing managed to jump over the flames but couldn’t catch his balance quick enough to stop the incoming mystic from landing a roundhouse kick to his face. Mercifully, not a flaming one. But the man was down and unconscious nonetheless.

In less than twenty seconds from the mystic’s arrival, sure victory over the ashmakers had been turned into a disastrous defeat. The courtyard was silent as the mystic surveyed her surroundings, looking for any additional threats. The seconds stretched on and on as she looked around, ignoring the calls of the people around her.

And Minvu’s heart jumped into her throat as the mystic locked her eyes onto the very spot that her shadowform bird was observing from. And she was barely able to get the shadowform out of the way in time as the mystic unleashed an incredibly quick blast of white fire, striking the very spot the shadowform had just occupied.

The shadowform bird took flight and weaved through the damaged building and into the street, flying as fast as it could. MInvu had no idea how the mystic had known her shadowform was there, but if she could track it back to their lair, she knew that her little group was in peril. All of their powers combined might be able to overwhelm the mystic if she was caught unawares, but Minvu wasn’t about to risk that battle for no tangible reward.

She sent the shadowform bird to the docks, where it perched on a mast of a sailboat, watching for any signs of pursuit. The scrolls said that it was painful to lose a shadowform, but Minvu knew that it was preferable to leading the mystic of flaming death to her sisters. Minute after minute passed, and there was no sign of pursuit.

Finally, Minvu had the shadowform bird fly out over the water and approach their living quarters from the sea. Once the shadowform had been reintegrated into the tattoo, she turned to the others that had been watching over her.

“The mission was a failure. All of our allies were killed or captured when Mystic Evasra appeared and turned the tide in favor of the ashmakers. And even worse, she attacked my shadowform bird. It escaped and I believe that we are in the clear, but we need to leave Savan now. I don’t trust the captives to not talk, so we need to evacuate by way of the secure route through Ji Ha. Gather everything quickly; we leave as soon as Yika returns. I want to be in Ji Ha before sunrise.” Minvu commanded.

The successor candidate and Mistress Lista didn’t waste time asking questions; they understood how precarious their position was. Allies captured and possibly informing on them right now, they needed to get out. Minvu prayed to Gnolos that Mystic Evasra wasn’t chasing after them.

Suki watched as Sokka’s broken body was illuminated by the healer’s glowing water; he was alive, but he had needed help right away. Luckily, Savan’s emergency services had responded quickly and three Water Healers had come to their aid.

Luckier yet was that Mystic Evasra had fallen from the sky like a terrifying white comet and completely eviscerated the attackers. Suki didn’t know why Mystic Evasra wouldn’t interact with the Order of the White Lotus, the Kyoshi Warriors or anyone associated with the Fire Nation except Kiyi, but she thanked Gnolos the Benevolent that the mystic still cared enough to lend a hand in their time of need.

After striking at some random spot once the fighting was done, Evasra had gone and put out the flames in the building and helped pull the survivors from the wreckage, creating a triage system and administering first aid until the emergency responders arrived.

A significant number of the Kyoshi Warriors and Royal Guards had been killed in the attack; the group mingling near the kitchen had taken the worst of the attack. Given the severity of the wounds inflicted, several more of each group may not survive. The terrorists had known exactly when and where to attack. Of all the people in the compound, only Pemtha among the Kyoshi Warriors and Lefit, head of the Royal Guards, had escaped without some kind of injury. At least all of Kiyi’s detail were healthy.

Mystic Evasra had arrived in time to save Ursa, but Ikem had not been so lucky. He had been one of the unfortunate people mingling near the kitchen. Ursa was unconscious and Suki could only watch on with a broken heart as Mystic Evasra held Kiyi in her arms, the poor girl weeping for her beloved father. The princess had traveled half way around the globe to become a healer and was rewarded with heartache.

And Pemtha held Ty Lee as she recovered from her healing session. The two had danced around each other over the past few months, always seemingly on the verge of admitting their affection for each other, but never following through. Suki knew that they had both come from conservative backgrounds that frowned on same sex relationships, but sometimes the thought of facing the future without the person you care for is enough to motivate you.

But she didn’t know if that held true for her and Sokka. She loved the man, she really did. And she believed that he loved her, but their responsibilities to their people always seemed to pull them apart. The ranks of the Kyoshi Warriors had grown as they had been called upon to do more and more in the post-war world. And the people of the Southern Water Tribe were growing, with Sokka’s wild and crazy inventions doing much to drive their expansion. There just didn’t seem to be enough of them to go around.

Suki was pulled from her thoughts as Lefit approached. “Suki, we have to make arrangements to get the princesses back on the Royal Barge and headed back to the Fire Nation. I hate to rely on them, but the city guard has agreed to escort us back to the ship.”

Suki sighed. “We don’t have much choice; we’re too thin on the ground now. This was a professional attack and probably wasn’t done by the locals. Maybe Kiyi can persuade Mystic Evasra to be part of the escort. The woman is revered in Savan and she obviously didn’t side with the attackers. What of the captives?”

“They’re secure for now and the city council is sending someone to discuss them with us. Obviously, we want to take them with us for interrogation and trial. It will get sticky though if any of them are actually citizens of Savan.”

"Well, we have to work with the locals on some level. But I truly hope that none of the attackers are local; I fear what Zuko’s reaction will be towards Savan if he believes that they are complicit in attacking his mother and sister and killing his father-in-law.”

“No, I don’t imagine that will go over well with the Fire Nation. All that we can do is perform our jobs; international diplomacy is above my pay grade.” Lefit answered. He turned towards a group of people wearing colorful robes; she recognized a few as being on the Council of Elders. Lefit spoke again. “I’m going to go meet with our visitors. Once everyone is healed, we’ll make our way to the barge.”

Suki just nodded as Lefit turned and went to meet the council members. She also saw that Mistress Nykka and a few of her students had arrived and were talking with Kiyi. Ri Han was hugging the princess and crying too. Mystic Evasra spoke with Nykka for a minute and then looked over at Lefit and the Council of Elders. She sighed and looked around again and her eyes met Suki’s, who realized that she had just been caught staring. Nodding her head, Suki hoped to minimize the rudeness of her action.

And she was surprised when the mystic gave a small smile and returned the head nod before continuing her scan of the area. Suki didn’t know what she was looking for, but Evasra seemed to be satisfied as she went back to speaking with Nykka.

She was drawn from her ruminations as a pretty young woman of water tribe descent approached her and spoke in a soft and soothing voice. “Suki, I am Healer Ivaku and I would like to treat your wounds now if that is alright.”

“That would be great, Healer Ivaku.” Suki laid down on her stomach and pulled back the robes to reveal the wound on the back of her leg, just below her ass. She could still walk, but it was quite painful and the wound severely limited her mobility.

She turned her head back so she could see a bit of what the healer was doing. The healer pulled water from a small barrel that an assistant brought to her and the water covering her hands began to glow. Suki sighed in relief as the cool water touch her wounded leg. The wound became uncomfortable for a few moments and then the sensation lessened over the next minute until all she could sense was the feeling of wetness.

The healer pulled her hands away and spoke to Suki. “You suffered a deep bruise with some minor tearing of your muscle fibers, but luckily it was only soft tissue damage and I was able to heal everything. It might be a little stiff for a day or two but after that you should be good as new.”

“Thank you, Healer Ivaku. I appreciate you helping me and the others here. I know that the Fire Nation isn’t loved here, but I was happy to see how the city responded.” Suki said as she pulled her robes down and gently got to her feet. Just like the healer said, it was a little tender but she had full range of movement again.

“Savan is a very welcoming place; I myself only arrived here a few months ago. It’s true that Savan holds no love for the Fire Nation, but hearing that the princess was training to be a Fire Healer softened some of the animosity; at least towards the visiting group. Your warriors are very much respected here. My daughter is a big fan of the Kyoshi Warriors and has to dress up and wear make-up like Kyoshi during Avatar days.” The healer responded with a smile.

“If you ever make it to Kyoshi Island with her, stop by and say hello. We always love to meet fellow fans of Kyoshi.”

“We just might do that. I wish you well, but I have to go check on a few other people. You’re the last person to be healed, so now we can go and make sure that the more serious injuries are healing properly.”

“Of course, thanks again Healer Ivaku.” Suki watched the healer go over and attend to one of the royal guards. It was a terrible ending to the trip, but if what Healer Ivaku said was correct, then perhaps at least a little good will had been generated towards the Fire Nation.

“The information from Rifa is very much in alignment with your findings.” Iroh said. “There’s been a lot of chatter from our sources in the region, but unfortunately it’s become much more difficult to cultivate new sources since the incident in Ba Sing Se. This is wonderful work, Mai, and I very much endorse the plan for you to travel to Yu Dao with Aang to assist with the investigation.”

Mai allowed the corners of her mouth to curl up. She prided herself on working hard and being diligent, and now all of the late nights and endless efforts seemed to be paying off. If they could deal a lethal blow to these terrorists, then perhaps the plan that Zuko and Aang had for the Northwest Territory may come to fruition. Peace and prosperity for these people could be at hand if they get the chance to decide their own path in life.

Mai had quite a bit of sympathy for the people of the colonies; she knew what it was like to be controlled by others, to not have a say in your life. She had spent her own childhood submitting to the rule of her parents, living as a prop to improve her father’s career opportunities. As mean and condescending as she could be, the only time that Mai had felt like an independent person back then was when she was working with Azula. She had been controlling but oddly enough she had allowed both Mai and Ty Lee to be their own people. At least as long as they did what she said.

Mai always felt a little pang of regret thinking of Azula; she hadn’t seen Azula after the confrontation at the Boiling Rock, but she had apparently become unhinged during the latter part of the war. And Mai had actually cried when she heard what they had done to her in the asylum. Azula had not been a good person, but no one had deserved to have that done to them. Her life ended before she had a chance to change and overcome the mistakes of her past. And Mai had no doubts that she was dead; she just didn’t believe that Azula would have been able to evade the manhunt in the time right after her escape with the injuries that she was believed to have.

Her trip down memory lane was interrupted by Aang. “That sounds great, Iroh. I’m going to swing by and grab Toph and her students also. With most of the White Lotus not interested in joining us, we should accept all the allies that we can.”

Their fears about the White Lotus had come true; many of them were not interested in joining yet another trip to assist the Fire Nation as they oversaw their colonies. Many of them had spent years, if not decades, fighting against the spread of the Fire Nation and now chaffed at helping the Fire Nation maintain their control of earth territory. It didn’t help that many of them didn’t buy into Zuko and Aang’s plan to create an independent republic.

Iroh sighed as he spoke. “Yes, it is a shame that they view our actions as being only to the benefit of the Fire Nation, but it is-“

The Crown Prince’s words were cut off as the door quickly opened and a courier rushed inside and knelt before Iroh and held out a scroll. “My pardons, Crown Prince, but this emergency message was just received from Savan.”

Iroh stepped forward and grabbed the scroll. Mai could only watch as Iroh’s eyes quickly scanned the document, grief written on his face. He finally spoke. “A group of terrorists attacked the Fire Nation compound in Savan. Prince Ikem was killed in the attack and Princess Ursa was hurt but will survive. Nine of the royal guards and four of the Kyoshi Warriors were killed. Luckily, Kiyi was not in the compound when it was attacked. The scroll says that Mystic Evasra arrived just in the nick of time to save Ursa and defeat the attackers. The survivors claim to be part of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood.”

Iroh looked at Aang, his eyes seeming to bore into the Avatar’s soul. Aang just stared back, his face a stoic mask. Mai just looked between the two, trying to figure out what was going on. She was obviously missing part of the story.

“I’ve told you and the others time and time again; Mystic Evasra is not your enemy.” Aang finally said.

“If what this scroll says is true, then it is clear to everyone that she is indeed not our enemy. She has enclosed a second message to be delivered to you, Aang.” Iroh responded. The courier bowed to Aang and extended a second scroll.

As before, Mai had to wait for someone else to read their message before she was able to find out what was going on. Aang sighed but finally spoke. “Evasra says that she detected shadow spirit energy in the aftermath of the attack. She tried to destroy whatever the object was, but it was able to escape and she was too busy aiding the survivors to give pursuit. She suspects that this means the Daughters of Rokishe were involved in the attack.”

Everyone stood in silence for a few moments before Mai spoke. “This may have been the final joint operation that my source said the two groups were doing together, since it didn’t sound like the Daughters of Rokishe are directly involved in the operations against the Northwest Territory.”

“That may be true. I believe that the two of you should continue your mission as planned. Ursa and Kiyi are on the barge and being escorted by a Fire Nation warship so they should be fine for now; none of the attackers appeared to be from Savan, so the Council of Elders there allowed the captives to be taken back to the Fire Nation.” Iroh said. “It is time to deal with these terrorists groups once and for all. It pains me to think of what Zuko would have done had Ursa or Kiyi been killed. I fear that the actions he takes on the death of Ikem could lead to international turmoil also. This situation must be handled carefully.”

“We understand, Iroh. We’ll do what we can to track down the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. They were involved in the attack on Ba Sing Se also, so perhaps the Earth Kingdom may be more helpful in apprehending them.” Aang said.

“Indeed. But for now, I must formulate a response and pass on the message to Zuko. I’ll speak with the two of you before you leave.” Iroh showed none of his usual good cheer.

“Of course, Iroh. I’m starving anyway.” Aang answered, looking over at Mai. “Would you care to join me for lunch?”

The prospect interested Mai more than she thought it would. She was hungry, but it was more than that. “I guess I can eat. Let’s go find some nonboring food.”

Aang just smiled and followed her as she walked to the door.

The key to the success of any movement is recruiting the right people to the cause. And Ju Zen prided himself on being a wonderful judge of talent. Master Ehnvah may prove himself to be the greatest recruit that Ju Zen had yet brought into the fold. His knowledge of antiquity and experience discovering hidden sites around the world had proven to be quite the boon when he discovered the location of an artifact of ancient and profound power.

Ju Zen was always probing the defenses of the ashmakers, looking for weaknesses in the self-serving government in Ba Sing Se and working to unshackle the poor downtrodden people in every part of the world. But if the artifact that Master Ehnvah claimed to be able to find can do even a fraction of what he said, it could finally be the key to breaking the will of the Fire Nation.

Which is why Ju Zen was following Master Ehnvah into the temple hidden in the rocky spire of the rocky terrain along the coast of Alokhai. Looking down on the Northern Sea, the temple was carved into the rock face such that it was nearly impossible to see from the water without a spyglass and knowledge of exactly where to look. This unimposing site could be the key to victory. The key to giving freedom to everyone.

He didn’t understand why so many of the people on Atla were goat-sheep, mindlessly following the directives of their corrupt and self-serving rulers. The royalty of Ba Sing Se had sat safely behind their walls while the countryside was burned and ravaged. The new queen was better but she was just the shiniest nugget in the manure pile.

The Fire Nation peasant’s had continually sent their children to fight and die in a war of imperialism that benefited only the ruling elite. The barbaric monsters that ruled the Fire Nation demanded that the people only pray with the right rituals and worship at the approved temples. If one doesn’t have the freedom to worship the Great Spirits and their intermediaries as they see fit, then life is devoid of meaning and hopes for a better life in the reincarnation cycle were hampered. How many of the most vulnerable members of the Fire Nation saw their next life become worse thanks to the uncaring and selfish desires of their rulers?

And the Northern Water Tribe was the worst of the lot. Cowards that had hid behind their icy walls as the Fire Nation burned the rest of the world to the ground, their shortsighted and bigoted leaders constantly hampered and constrained the will of the people they were supposed to serve. Women not allowed to use waterbending for anything but healing. Pathetic. The dictate that only the love between a man and a woman was allowed to be expressed. Barbaric. They feared change so much that they never allowed their people to grow and follow their true will. They were only a pale imitation of a just and fair society.

Ju Zen knew that he probably wouldn’t live long enough to see the world reforged into the vision he held, but he knew that he would do everything within his power to begin the wheels of fate turning. Perhaps in his next life he would grow up to see a world where everyone was free to live as they see fit, not bound by the backwater strictures of the past.

For the past was truly the enemy. As long as people clung to the comfortable and outdated teachings of yesteryear, they couldn’t see what tomorrow could bring. The Avatar was the shining beacon for all that was wrong with the world. Their meddling had created a weak world where the selfish and unjust sat high upon their thrones and held the common people in subjugation.

But someday the Avatar would receive his comeuppance.

But that day was not today. He addressed Master Ehnvah as they stopped in front of a circular door. About seven feet in diameter, the writings could barely be read as the etchings had been worn away over time. “Is the plan still in place? Can you get us inside?”

“Yes, indeed. Everything is just as I expected.” Master Ehnvah pulled out some sort of device. “Every lock can be opened if you have the proper key.”

In this case the key was a stone cylinder, about fourteen inches long with a diameter of about three inches, that had seven two-inch-long protrusions jutting out from the main part of the shaft. At the end of the shaft was a large handle.

Master Ehnvah pressed the narrow end of the cylinder into a slot that Ju Zen hadn’t noticed before and pushed. As the cylinder slid into the slot, a groove appeared next to the slot. Master Ehnvah rotated the cylinder so that the first two inch protrusion aligned with the groove and pressed. Another groove appeared and Master Ehnvah again rotated the cylinder to align the next protrusion with the groove. He continued this process until the cylinder was fully inserted into the slot, with only the handle showing. A final twist of the cylinder and suddenly the circular door opened inwards.

Master Ehnvah turned back to Ju Zen and smiled. “This is where the artifact should be kept. As I explained before, the interior may be filled with other dangerous items. Only the four of us should enter.”

‘The four of us’ was Master Ehnvah, Ju Zen, Zafir and Iklan. Ju Zen nodded and followed as Master Ehnvah made his way into the room. It was musty but not as bad as he would have expected; there must be air ducts to ensure circulation. The chamber was a long and narrow rectangle, maybe ten feet wide by thirty feet deep; the light from their small lanterns could barely illuminate the far wall.

Ju Zen followed as Master Ehnvah led the group to the far wall of the room. Master Ehnvah trembled as he looked at the item sitting in the small shelf carved into the wall. It looked like some humanoid figure, but winged with an eagle-hawk head. The body was about ten inches high and the partially opened wings spread about sixteen inches. The entire statue appeared to be made of a yellow translucent stone, except for the incredibly vibrant ruby red eyes.

“There it is, the Sacrifice Stone, carved in the image of Q’Instiluti, the ancient love goddess that legend says lived even before the time of bending. It is a myth, of course, but it is still a beautiful work of art. And it is for you, Ju Zen. It can only be wielded by the first to touch it. You know the ritual.” Master Ehnvah explained.

Ju Zen knew that to defeat powerful enemies, powerful weapons must be wielded. He stepped forward and grabbed the statue. It was lighter than expected, but the eyes began glowing. The words that Master Ehnvah had taught him came forth. “Q’Instiluti, I have come to make a sacrifice.”

And to his shock the answering words, spoken with a sultry woman’s voice, resonated throughout the chamber. “Sacrifices are good. If you wish to take, then something must be given. Do you have a desire to be fulfilled?”

“Yes.” Was his simple answer.

“Show me.” And suddenly he felt a presence in his head, a powerful being staring deep into the abyss of his mind. So he showed the plan that he had, the way that he wanted the Curse of Agni to form and be spread throughout the lands.

The statues’ words again resonated through the chamber. “I see your plan and it can be done. What do you have to sacrifice?”

He showed the artifact what he was willing to give up. And a smile came to his face as the statue’s voice again spoke. “I accept your sacrifice. Follow the ritual and the curse shall be given. When the time is right, speak the words ‘For your gift I offer my sacrifice’ to my idol and the deal will be finalized.”

“Thank you, Q’Instiluti. Sacrifices are good. If I wish to take, then something must be given.” He answered, a wide smile on his face.

With this sacrifice, he would bring the Fire Nation to its knees.

Chapter 16: Intelligence and Allies


Word spreads of the finding of the Sacrifice Stone and the nations begin operations to deal with this new threat.

Chapter Text

Kimya knew that something was terribly wrong when her shadowform bird had watched Ju Zen follow Master Ehnvah into the ancient temple. She couldn’t read Lincum Arca, but she had drawn some of the symbols for Vinda and had been horrified to learn that they referred to an ancient, and supposedly powerful, artifact known as the Sacrifice Stone.

Her shadowform bird hadn’t been able to enter the temple; there was some sort of enchantment that held her construct at bay. She had been deeply concerned as the group triumphantly exited the temple guarding a box; it had been empty going in but she could see by the reverence and care they exhibited while handling it that there was something in it now.

She watched the group proceed down the mountain and across the trails to arrive at the small boat that had brought them here. The sun was nearly set by the time that they had returned to the ships that were anchored just off the coast. Kimya had been following Ju Zen’s ship for a while; her shadowform bird had a range of nearly forty clicks so she didn’t have to get close enough to be suspicious. She hadn’t had a chance to investigate the second ship yet.

Not being able to hear through the shadowform bird was a restriction that Vinda and the others hadn’t been able to work around yet, but there was still hope that it could be done soon. For now, Kimya did the best that she could to figure out what was going on through visual clues and general context. But she knew that nothing good was going to happen when the fire nationals were ferried from the second ship to Ju Zen’s.

The fire nationals were forced to kneel before Ju Zen as he talked and hyped up his crew; her lip reading skills were improving but weren’t proficient yet. She was able to figure out about half the words, mostly about retribution and freedom and destruction of enemies. This went on for some time before Ju Zen ordered his subordinates to do something.

The shirts of eleven fire nationals, men and women alike, were torn off so that all of them were bare chested. Kimya was at first confused, and then alarmed, as she saw one of Ju Zen’s crew pull a branding iron our of a heating pan than she hadn’t noticed before. The fire nationals weren’t happy either and several were beaten in order to force their compliance.

Ju Zen appeared to be chanting while his subordinates went down the line, one by one, branding all of the fire nationals on their chest. It was the symbol of a figure of some sort with wings; the shadowform had good vision but the details were fine and Kimya didn’t consider it prudent to get closer. Soon all the fire nationals were branded and Ju Zen watched on with a wide smile as his crew cheered and celebrated.

The branded prisoners were returned to the other ship and the two vessels parted. Kimya was getting tired and decided that it was time for the shadowform to return to her. Kimya had placed a shadowmarker on the ship so that she would be able to find it again at a later time. The second ship, the Vassal of La, sailed west and couldn’t be tracked with the shadowform. She would share the name of the ship with her sisters so that perhaps it could be tracked.

Nothing good could come out of what she had just seen.

“Yes, it is possible for the shadowforms to be controlled even when they are not directly connected with the body.” Magistera Ayu’s spirit reflection said. “Although I was never able to create items with the freedom of movement that you described. But it has been many centuries since my passing, so perhaps the art of shadowbending has progressed significantly in that time.”

“That does sound like a plausible scenario. Thank you for your information.” Azula said, bowing respectfully to the spirit reflection. She knew that it wasn’t necessary, but it felt like the right thing to do for those that are sharing their wisdom with the world, even if they are no longer alive.

“Until we speak again.” Ayu said as her form was reintegrated into the hourglass. The hummingbird-otter grasped the hourglass and returned it to the appropriate place on the shelves lining the room.

Azula smiled as she saw Lo Ruon having an animated conversation with a spirit reflection; in this case an old man that was very knowledgeable about the engineering and construction of the spirit stones. Lo Ruon had made some impressive improvements on the design and believed that he had found a modern material that was much easier to prepare than the old versions and would allow spirit stones to be used in a much wider range of applications. Azula considered it to be a luxury to have a tremendous mind like his on her team.

Her attention was drawn by Ti Mu. “Evasra, I have sensed a faint disturbance in the spirit energy. It has been many, many years since I felt a bargain being struck, but I believe that a pact has been forged between a human and the Sacrifice Stone. It is only a bargain for now; the spirit realms reverberates for hours when the sacrifice is taken and the gift delivered. There may yet be time to stop this event.”

“Are you able to tell where the bargain was struck?”

“I’m afraid not, young one. My touch with the physical realm is weak and there is little that I can do to help you now. If not for the Avatar asking for information about the Sacrifice Stone, I’m not sure that I would even have even noticed the bargain being struck. I’m afraid that it is up to you and your allies to figure out the plan.”

There had been a few scholars that knew of the Sacrifice Stone, but the sources were contradictory and confusing. All agreed that it was an artifact of great power that granted the wishes of supplicants that were willing to make a sacrifice. In some stories it was the loss of sight or some other bodily function, while in other stories the supplicant engaged in human sacrifice and exchanged the life of a slave or captive to receive their wish. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the wish that could be requested.

Ti Mu said that the stories were all partially true but that none of them were wholly true. She had been a young spirit when the Sacrifice Stone had been created, but that it had wreaked so much havoc on the world that all of the spirits had banded together to seal it away. But again and again the humans had found and called upon the Sacrifice Stone, using the knowledge shared by the likes of Ti Mu and Iscanthanalia to find ways to hide it from the prying eyes of the spirits. A group had found it centuries before the Great Exhiliration and again hidden it.

And now it seems that it been found yet again.

Azula sighed. “I’ll let the Avatar know that it has been activated. We have a good idea who’s after it, so maybe they’ll be able to track him down and stop his plan before the world is again thrown into chaos. Thank you again, Ti Mu, for sharing your knowledge.”

“You are welcome. It is not my place to interfere in human affairs, but the unleashing of spirit artifacts like this are within my comfort zone. It is great artifact that could bring much good to the world if wielded by just and noble people, but alas it always seem to be the greedy and self-serving that seek it out.”

Greedy and self-serving. From Azula’s point of view, that seemed to be an apt description of far too many people that sought to control the narrative of Atla.

“Whatever that loathsome man is doing, it will undoubtedly bring chaos and destruction not just to the ashmakers, but to the world at large.” Rajeen said, mulling over the things that Vinda had told her. “Kimya should continue tracking Ju Zen; it seems that he is the key to all that they have planned. What do we know of the other groups?”

Rajeen had hoped that the talk of the Sacrifice Stone had been just that, but it seems that the anarchist had somehow drawn in someone of Master Ehnvah’s ability into his organization. If Master Ehnvah is involved, then it is very possible that the Sacrifice Stone has indeed been recovered. The Daughters of Rokishe had held their noses and worked with the Lotus of the Crimson Blood when the goal had been to drive the Fire Nation from the earth continent and set the colonies free.

The more that she worked with Ju Zen though, the more she came to realize that he wasn’t just fighting against the oversight of the Fire Nation, but all rulers. The man wanted anarchy and self-indulgent freedom. Not the freedom to live within a society, but the freedom to do as you please with no obligation to anyone except those you hold dear.

That wasn’t freedom, it was chaos.

“Bilna is watching the groups in Yu Dao, but has pulled back since the arrival of the Avatar. We don’t know if the Avatar can detect the shadowforms, but it is a possibility given that Mystic Evasra can. Especially given that they have collaborated in Ba Sing Se and Savan.” Vinda explained. “And we are monitoring Crimson Blood bases is Gerva and Pemni. They seem to be gearing up for something big but we haven’t been able to figure out what. We’ve also identified six other cells.”

“We simply don’t have the numbers to take down the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. But knowledge is power and there are those that could do much with this information. It may be possible to leverage our skills to receive more tangible rewards from allies more reputable than the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Please assemble all of your actionable intelligence into a concise report suitable for sharing with allies. Nothing regarding how we gathered the information, of course.”

“Of course, Matron. I will have it for you by tomorrow.” Vinda responded.

“Thank you, Vinda. You and the other Successors have done wonderful things and I feel that our time to return to the spotlight is near. If all goes according to plan, we may be able to return home soon.”

“You have the undying loyalty of all in our camp. May we return home and drive the ashmakers from our lands. The earth continent for the earth people!” Vinda said in a loud voice.

“The earth continent for the earth people!” Rajeen answered equally as loud.

“Any change with the captives?” Mai asked Toph as the sat in the empty room room across the street from the Lotus of the Crimson Blood headquarters here in Yu Dao. The information from Mai’s informant had turned out to be pretty good. Aang, Toph, Mai and the rest of the Fire Nation intelligence service here in Yu Dao had watched the officials on the hit list and had recognized two of the Crimson Blood members that had been snooping around. From there it was easy to track them back to their base with the judicious use of seismic sense.

The information from Yong Qi was so good that if Mai ever finds herself back in Vi Yan Zo, maybe she’d pay for a prostitute or two to keep the man company. Is it cheaper to procure their services by the pair? It didn’t matter, it was the Fire Nation’s money and she would splurge.

“No. They seem to be fine. Locked up and such but not particularly mistreated from what I can tell.” Toph answered, staring sightlessly into space. “Frankly, I’m wondering why they went into lockdown as soon as they got these gals. You don’t have any high profile Fire Nation ladies missing or anything, do you?”

“Not so far as I know. Kidnapping for the sake of kidnapping hasn’t been something the Crimson Blood has engaged in before, so far as we know. We’ve sent information about the ship to the other Fire Nation ports. They’ll be watching to see if there is any more unusual activity from them.”

The Vassal of La had docked in Yu Dao two nights ago and three poor women had been smuggled off the ship and into the headquarters in the middle of the night. The group had worried that the women were being held to satisfy the disgusting needs of the men inside, even though nearly a third of their crew were women. But so far the captive had been secured but otherwise humanely treated. It was very odd.

“Given how many of these damn vermin there are, they could have taken the women from anywhere. It’s amazing that this group of wackjobs was able to recruit so many people into their ranks. They all run around spouting gibberish about freedom but seem hellbent on not allowing anyone else to live how they like. Hypocrites.” Toph said, spitting on the floor to emphasize her disdain for them.

“I understand the allure, but the reality will be much different than the idealized view they hold. People are inherently selfish and small-minded, and given free reign the world will descend into chaos and anarchy. Life will be violent and unpleasant for all but the ones at the top. And even those at the top will have to spend every waking hour looking over their shoulder to see who is coming to stick a knife in their back.” Mai explained, continuing to watch the building across the street.

“That’s pretty dark, Blademaster, but I can’t say that you’re wrong. I’ve met a lot of good people traveling around the world with Twinkletoes and his crew, but I’ve met more than my fair share of assholes and selfish pricks too. I guess we better beat the sh*t out of these dimwits so that the world doesn’t collapse. But if it does become anarchy, you better bet your pasty white Fire Nation ass that I’m setting myself up as a warlord. I was born to rule over the land. Maybe you can be my bodyguard.”

Mai just rolled her eyes. “You’ll have to find someone else for the job. I’ve decided to become a bandit and live by cutting the purse strings of rich people.”

“I bet you’d be pretty good at it too.” Toph said, but then her grin became wider and Mai recognized the tell-tale signs that something inappropriate was about to come out of her mouth. “But don’t let Twinkletoes hear you talk like that; he would be so disappointed to find out that his crush was a bad girl. Or maybe he’d be even more excited. After a goody-goody girl like SugarQueen, maybe he’s looking for a girl with an edge.”

Mai just froze for a moment before she gathered herself enough to retort. “I didn’t realize that you were a schoolyard gossip that likes to make up stories to amuse herself.”

Mai’s mood deteriorated even further as Toph’s grin became even more manic, if that was even possible. “You and Twinkletoes can’t lie to me. The increase in heartrates when you two come together is as plain as the nose on my face. I’m actually in favor of it. I love SugarQueen and all, but it always kinda felt weird when she and Aang were together. She was way too motherly. I think he needs a bad ass bitch like you to whip him into shape. The boy’s not as much of a wuss as he used to be, but he still needs someone to toughen him up a bit.”

“You’re talking out your ass, Toph. There’s nothing going on between Aang and me.”

“You can’t lie to me, Blademaster. And I can tell that you’re not fooling yourself either. Twinkletoes has seismic sense too, so he knows what’s going on. I’m just trying to level the playing field for you. Just so you know that you get him as hot and bothered as he gets you. In a manner of speaking.”

“I’m done with this ridiculous conversation, Toph. I don’t want to hear another word about it.” The two sat in silence as Mai thought about what Toph had just said. She would never admit it out loud, but Aang’s goofy charm was actually growing on her. But she had a plan in life and the world’s most famous citizen didn’t really fit into her vision.

But that didn’t make it any easier to stop thinking about him.

Shur Zi had been surprised when Hun Ro had told her that he had been contacted by a representative of the Daughters of Rokishe; they claimed to have information that would help the position of the Earth Kingdom in their struggles with the Fire Nation. Hun Ro had been skeptical, but he brought it to Shur Zi nonetheless.

Shur Zi was more optimistic that the Matron had information of use to the Earth Kingdom. They had been part of several high profile attacks against the Fire Nation and even though exiled, Matron Rajeen had been a duly elected Successor. The legend of the wisdom of the Matrons of Rokishe was still told today.

Shur Zi couldn’t risk meeting with them formally though; the Fire Nation was hunting them for being terrorists and she gained nothing by antagonizing the Fire Nation on this issue. Should the information provided by Matron Rajeen prove useful, perhaps a more formal alliance could be established. The Fire Nation withdrawal had allowed rich and prominent citizens to take control of both Rokishe and Lenth. So many of the original citizens had left the cities that the population now consisted of many newcomers without a traditional link to the past.

It was decided she should meet with Matron Rajeen in one of the secure meeting chambers kept for precisely this purpose. She put a pleasant smile on her face as her guest was announced. Of medium height, the woman had long, dark hair tied back in the traditional style known of the Matron’s Knot. It had been popular here in Ba Sing Se for a year or two after the sacking of Rokishe. Perhaps only a few years older than Shur Zi, with green eyes, lightly tanned skin and a beautiful face, the woman presented herself with the dignity of a matron. The traditional green and gold dress she wore was clearly of the style favored along the southern coast of the earth continent.

All in all, Shur Zi had a favorable first impression of Matron Rajeen, but looks could be deceiving. She would reserve judgment until she heard what the woman had to say. Once the woman had given a bow of respect to the Earth Queen, Shur Zi spoke.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Matron Rajeen. It is to the shame of my nation that we were unable to help your people in your hour of darkness. But the leaders of the past are no longer here and it is my hope that we can build a mutually beneficial relationship between our people going forward.”

“Thank you for your kind words, Queen Shur Zi. Both of our peoples have been the victim of crimes committed by our most vindictive of enemies, the Fire Nation. But I come to you today with an opportunity for us both to gain leverage over our foe.” Rajeen answered, her voice strong and clear.

“I am definitely intrigued. Come, sit with me as we enjoy a cup of tea and tell me how we might work together against the Fire Nation.” Shur Zi gestured towards a small, round table at the side of the room. A pot of tea was waiting for them.

“It would be my pleasure, Queen Shur Zi.” Both women walked to the table. The servants pulled out the chairs for them both and they sat across from each other.

Shur Zi spoke as the steward poured a cup of tea for them both. “I apologize for not meeting you in a more open way, but your activities have drawn the attention of the Fire Nation. Destroying refineries and other industrial sites does tend to anger those at the receiving end of such acts of violence.”

“Indeed, it does. But my people strongly believe that the earth continent should be for the earth people. You spoke very similar words to the Fire Lord during your negotiations last month, so I believe that you have a similar vision. We have done unsavory things to assist our friends and allies in driving their overlords from the earth continent. We do not seek the destruction of the Fire Nation, just their return to their ancestral homes. The enslavement of the earth people and the pollution of our lands need to stop.” Rajeen said, just a tint of anger in her voice.

“I wholeheartedly agree. The Earth Kingdom is actively pursuing this goal through diplomatic means. Which brings me to the purpose of your visit. Your representative told my brother that you had information that would assist us in this goal and give us an advantage over the Fire Nation. May I ask what sort of information you have to offer?” Shur Zi asked, getting to the heart of the matter.

“In our struggles against the Fire Nation, we were forced to work with some rather unsavory groups, the largest and best run being an anarchist group known as the Lotus of the Crimson Blood.” Rajeen paused; she must have noticed Shur Zi stiffen. “Our interactions came after the burning of Ba Sing Se; we were not involved in that atrocious terrorist attack in any way. Our alliance was only for the goal of striking at the Fire Nation, primarily in the colonies.”

“And you have decided to turn against the Lotus of the Crimson Blood?” Shur Zi asked.

“Yes. Our goals beyond driving the Fire Nation from the earth continent are very different. They seek chaos and strife whereas we seek order and balance. But more importantly, we believe that they have obtained an ancient and powerful artifact that may bring great suffering to the world. It is known as the Sacrifice Stone.” Rajeen said, looking Shur Zi in the eye.

“We have heard that they were seeking this item also but frankly dismissed the entire situation as superstitious nonsense.” Shur Zi answered. The debate had been fierce but the more mystical elements of the government had been overruled.

“We very strongly believe that the possibility that this artifact could be real is enough cause for action.” Rajeen pulled back a fold of her robe and slowly pulled out a small scroll and set it on the table. “This scroll contains the locations of four Lotus of the Crimson Blood sites in Earth Kingdom territory. I am gifting it to you as a show of solidarity. We believe that you are driving the Earth Kingdom in the right direction and the Lotus of the Crimson Blood should not be allowed to hamper your ascension.”

Shur Zi looked at the scroll but made no move to take it. “Just like that? No negotiations?”

Rajeen smiled. “You are known for being a righteous and just ruler and your friendship is something to be cultivated. But we also have knowledge of the anarchist’s sites in the Fire Colonies and northwest region; they are seeking to strike against the civilians there to disrupt the elections regarding the formation of a new republic. With this information, you could perhaps gain some negotiating leverage with the Fire Nation.”

“I would have to review the information to see exactly what we might be able to gain from negotiations.” Shur Zi answered carefully.

“Of course. Should this information be valuable, all that we ask is a promise of friendship should the Daughters of Rokishe retake our beloved home city back from the selfish overlords that rule it now.” Rajeen said. “And we are willing to assist with raids against the Lotus of the Crimson Blood by providing up to date intelligence on the layout and manpower at each site.”

“Rumor has it that the Daughters of Rokishe have almost mystical methods for obtaining information. This could be very useful.”

“Indeed, we have developed new techniques for both acquiring and transmitting information across large distances quickly. Skills that we could put to the Earth Kingdom’s benefit should an alliance between our people be forged.”

Shur Zi thought about this offer. Her intelligence services had all agreed that the efficiency of the Daughters of Rokishe had grown incredibly over the past months. The woman before her displayed the grace and skill that Shur Zi would expect of a Matron. She decided to cast the die.

“We will accept your offer of friendship and help. You offered us information regarding our hated foe as a show of goodwill, so I will make a goodwill offer of my own. If this information is as useful as you claim, we will provide money and clandestine support when you decide to retake your home city. We will need to be involved in the planning to ensure the timing is good for both our peoples, but I believe that a good relationship between the Daughters of Rokishe and the Earth Kingdom will lead to a better future for the entire earth continent.”

Rajeen bowed her head in respect. “Thank you for your generosity, Queen Shur Zi. Having dealt with thugs and would-be warlords for so long, it is a pleasure to deal with an educated and erudite leader for once.”

Shur Zi laughed. “I feel much the same. I believe that this could be the start of mutually beneficial friendship.”

Chapter 17: Alliances and Sacrifices


The Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom ally to figure out their enemy’s plan and try to run the Lotus of the Crimson Blood to ground.

Chapter Text

Suki didn’t know what was going on with the Lotus of the Crimson Blood, but their actions were definitely unusual. The White Lotus had been asked to watch for the arrival of the Vassal of La, a mysterious ship that was depositing captives up and down the western shore of the earth continent. Four prior stops for a total of ten captives taken off the ship and smuggled into hideouts. But this was unusual. Infi was part of the earth continent controlled by Omashu and there was no prior observances of the Crimson Lotus operating here.

But like with the other sites, a poor sap had been taken off the ship in the dead of night and taken into the city. Suki and her girls monitored the crew as the carriage made its way through the city. And she was a little surprised to see it heading to the firebender section of the city.

Firebenders weren’t loved in the earth continent but every city of any appreciable size generally had a contingent of firebenders and people of Fire Nation descent. Some lived there permanently while others lived there in order to represent the trading interests of companies located in the Fire Nation or Fire Colonies. Most of the time people of fire and earth descent got along fine and the demarcation between the groups usually wasn’t as distinct as Sozin’s Slum in Savan.

Suki hung back as the wagon stopped in front of the civic center in the firebender district. The men there quickly dragged a limp form out of the back of the wagon and carried them into the alley between the civic center and the neighboring building. Moments later they were back on the wagon and it made its way back the way it came. Probably heading back to the Vassal of La.

She signaled her girls to hold steady and let the wagon pass. They had strict orders not to interfere unless there was violence. Once the wagon had turned out of sight, Suki led the girls to the alleyway where the body had been dumped. She hoped that the person was still alive; the fact that the crew of the Vassal of La had made this much effort to enter the city suggested that they might be. There were more secure ways to dispose of unwanted dead bodies on the open sea if needed.

Suki and her three girls quickly found a man bound and gagged in the alley, very much alive. He wasn’t responsive, and guessing by the dilation of the man’s pupils, he had probably been drugged. She turned to the newest member of the group. “Yumga, go to our contact at the Min Yao clinic and tell them we have someone in need of assistance. Probably drugged.”

It turns out that the man was indeed drugged and it was several hours before he could be awakened. Healer Insaka stayed with Suki while she questioned the man. He was probably in his early twenties, clearly of fire nation descent. His dark black hair was ragged and his facial hair scruffy, but he otherwise seemed to be in good health after the effects of the drug wore off.

The biggest red flag was that the man had been branded; he wore a brand representing a woman with an eagle-hawk’s head and wings. Suki could admit that it was a pretty design while still abhorring the fact that it had probably been placed on the man against his will.

He appeared a bit startled when he awoke but calmed down quite quickly. “Hello there. My name is Suki and I’m a member of the Kyoshi Warriors. May I ask who you are?”

“I’m Mao Zha. I’m from the Kenchi district in the Fire Colony.” The man answered, looking at Suki. “Where am I?”

“You’re in the port town of Infa. We’re just across the border from the Kenchi district. Once we figure out what’s going on, we’ll try to get you home. Can you tell us how you came to be on the Vassal of La?” Suki asked. The man stared at her for a few moments, seemingly trying to come to terms with what he was told before he finally began speaking.

“It was about three weeks ago that I was working the fields on the Jitna plantation. I’m a seasonal worker and I travel around to the plantations; I’ve been doing this since I was a boy and I’m well known as being a good worker. After the last harvest, I was making my way to the river boat when a young woman approached me. She was beautiful and definitely flirting with me, and well, it gets lonely sometimes and I followed her back to what I thought was her place. But there was a group waiting for me. They told me I could either come peacefully or violently, but that I was coming with them.” Moa Zha looked down. “I’m…I’m not much of a fighter so I went peacefully.”

“It’s okay, Moa Zha. These are dangerous people and you made the right decision.” Suki said in the most comforting voice she could muster.

“I know. I was locked on the ship with ten others, and I saw what happened to a few that resisted.” He answered. “I was the sixth one taken and five more were taken as we went north. All of us were firebenders and locked in the holds below deck in an iron room with iron shackles. None of us were soldiers or anything, so I don’t know why they took us. But they made all of us show that we were firebenders at one point or another.”

That was an interesting point. Everyone had to show that they were firebenders. Maybe this was more a revenge plot against firebenders than a master plan against the Fire Nation. Suki needed more facts before she could make that assessment though.

“And then we met with another ship. They took us from our cells and made us go to the other ship. There was this guy that seemed like the leader. He bossed everyone around and had them take the shirts off me and the others, even the women. And then, and then we saw what he was going to do to us.” Mao Zha’s voice trailed off.

Suki felt terrible making this man relive his ordeal, but they needed to figure out what happened. “What did they do to you?”

“The f*cking asshole branded us like ostrich-horses. I’m marred for the rest of my life. What did I do to deserve this? I’m just a guy that moves around to find work to support myself, maybe save enough someday so that I can buy my own farm, be my own boss. I’ve never hurt anyone.”

Suki’s heart was breaking. “I’m sorry for what they did to you, Mao Zha. But we need to learn as much about your captors as possible so that we can hunt them down and bring them to justice.”

The man calmed down a bit. “I’m sorry. I’ve come to terms with what happened but I get so mad thinking about what they did to me. But after we were branded, we sailed back down the coast and the captives started disappearing two or three at a time. I don’t know what happened to them. They were taken out and we sailed on.”

“They’re still alive, so far as we know.” Suki answered.

“That’s good.” The man said in relief. “I consider them my friends now. We gave each other support and helped those that were having a hard time dealing with the situation. It was clear that we were all poor and unlikely to be missed anytime soon. Most were migrant workers of some sort.”

“I’m glad that you were able to help each other. Do you know their names?” She asked.

“Yes, I know all their names and where they were from and who to tell if something went wrong.” He choked up a bit as he spoke. “We all shared who to tell if…if something happened and not all of us made it out alive. None of us wanted to just disappear without a trace. It would hurt our families too much. We…we made a pact to tell the families of the others so that our loved ones could have some closure.”

“That was a good idea. As I said, so far as I know they are all alive. I’m going to let you rest now. Some other people may need to talk to you, but I promise that we’ll try to get you home to your family and friends as soon as possible.” Suki said as she patted the man’s hand.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.” He answered as tears flowed down his face. “We truly didn’t know if we were going to live.”

Suki left the man to compose himself. She needed to get this information to Lieutenant Korvyn as quickly as possible. With the threat against the northwest region and the unknown of the Sacrifice Stone, it was important that all of the information be gathered together as quickly as possible.

Iroh waited by the airship port for the Earth Kingdom vessel to land. This was a most unusual offer, but it wasn’t one that the Fire Nation could ignore. Shur Zi had sent an official correspondence to Iroh to discuss intelligence that they had received regarding operations by the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Intelligence that could potentially lead to the sacking of this group.

But as always, there was a price.

The Earth Kingdom wanted access to the Fire Nation industrial sites and their technology. Something that had been agreed upon during the Treaty of Kantou. Something that Zuko has actively avoided since the ink on the document had dried. Threats of terrorism had been the major driver for his thinking. Earth continent people had been sabotaging industiral sites even before the war had even, and the sabotage had grown much worse in the immediate aftermath of the war.

But if the Lotus of the Crimson Blood wasn’t stopped, they may set the entire continent aflame. And none of the parties on the earth continent wanted to see the war restarted except for maybe the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Shur Zi’s message had said that their information was time sensitive and needed to be acted upon immediately. She was sending her sister, Li Nu, and her sister-in-law Min Kai to negotiate the specifics of the deal.

Iroh had sent a hawk to Zuko to ask for guidance. But if the message wasn’t returned in time, Iroh would do whatever he felt was necessary to deal with the threat of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood.

He watched as the gangplank to the Earth Kingdom airship was lowered and the two young ladies exited their vessel, Li Nu gliding at the head of the procession while Min Kai and several attendants followed in her wake.

Iroh decided to make the first overture as the young ladies arrived. “Greetings, Princess Li Nu. Princess Min Kai. It is an honor to have your presence in the Fire Colonies. I hope that you had a pleasant trip.”

Li Nu gave a small smile as she nodded. “The winds were favorable and it was a very smooth trip. I don’t wish to seem unfriendly, Crown Prince, but the information we have to share is time sensitive and it would be best if we began our discussions as soon as possible.”

“Of course, Princess. Please come with me; we have a meeting room set up and ready for our discussions.” Iroh gestured towards the main building. He fell in beside her and they engaged in polite, meaningless conversation as they made their way to the meeting hall.

Once they had made their way into the meeting hall, Iroh led the two young ladies to a pair of sofas where they could discuss their issues with relative comfort. Tea was ready for their enjoyment, of course. After the tea was served and everyone appeared to be ready, Iroh decided to cut to the chase. “Queen Shur Zi’s missive mentioned that the intelligence that you have brought could be quite useful to the Fire Nation. But of course, there is an expected give and take with these things. You wish to have access to our industrial sites; surely you must believe that your information is quite valuable to request such a favor from us.”

Min Kai was the one to speak for the Earth Kingdom. “This access was agreed upon by your Fire Lord at the Treaty of Kantou and the Fire Nation has used national security and fear of sabotage as the basis of your denials at every turn. The utility of this ploy has come to an end. We are offering up intelligence that will remove the threat of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood from the Pai Sho board. We are even willing to offer a further incentive; we can guarantee that the Daughters of Rokishe will not participate in any clandestine activities in the Fire Nation or Fire Colonies.”

“The Daughters of Rokishe are terrorists and should be turned over to the Fire Nation to be tried.” Iroh retorted.

“They are the key to the elimination of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood, especially now that they have the Sacrifice Stone. You do know of the Sacrifice Stone, do you not?” Min Kai pressed.

“Yes, we know of the Sacrifice Stone. Are you saying that you have intelligence regarding this artifact?” This development caught Iroh off-guard; he didn’t realize that anyone outside the Avatar’s circle knew of this.

“Indeed, we do. Not only are we willing to provide actionable intelligence to you, but we are also willing to strike at the known Lotus of the Crimson Blood locations in the Earth Kingdom. This operation could be a huge win for both our nations. Should you decline our offer, we will still raid the sites in our region but you will find the situation becoming more and more untenable in the northwest colony. You’ve been tracking two of the cells, but you obviously don’t know the location of their clandestine safehouses. We believe that it would be in the best interest of the Fire Nation to ignore the small infractions that the Daughters of Rokishe theoretically may have incurred and instead focus on the opportunity to improve the positions of both our nations going forward.” Min Kai retorted, her voice calm and pleasant. Iroh ignored the pleasant demeanor; he could see the intelligence and cunning in the young woman’s eyes. She was a most competent foe.

“Let’s say that the intelligence you offer is indeed worth overlooking the transgressions of a small group of mistreated people. What do you require from us moving forward?” Iroh asked.

“Princess Li Nu and her small team of engineers are to be allowed full access to these six industrial sites.” Min Kai slid a piece of paper to Iroh. As expected, they were the most advanced sites in Pemni. “And also agree to allow a team of verified engineers from Ba Sing Se inspect two additional sites every six months. We will grant an exclusion principal for any site less than one year old.”

Iroh considered the offer on the table. The Fire Nation would essentially be given vital intelligence to fulfill that which it was legally obligated to do anyway. Granted, Zuko and his ministers were reluctant to share anything with the Earth Kingdom if at all possible, but this was potentially too good a deal to pass up. If the situation in the northwest colony deteriorated any further, violence was likely to erupt and it could seriously jeopardize the health of the entire Fire Nation. Removing the Daughters of Rokishe would do much to decrease the efficiency of the sabotage planning, if all of the information that the Royal Intelligence Service has gathered is true.

Iroh made his decision. “I conditionally agree to this deal. I have sent word to Fire Lord Zuko requesting the power to negotiate on his behalf; we should be receiving the official response within the next few hours. If the response grants me the power to negotiate or if a response is not received in the next three hours, I will declare that our agreement is legally binding by the powers invested in me as Crown Prince. If notice comes back that I am not allowed to negotiate, then our deal is off and you will need to deal with the Fire Lord himself.”

“We accept your conditional agreement. I guess that we will have to wait to see where our paths take us.” Li Nu said after taking a genteel sip of tea.

“Yes, we will have to wait and see.” Was Iroh’s response.

“The hostages were branded with a woman that has the head and wings of an eagle-hawk. We don’t know what to make of it.” Aang said to Azula, Mei Zhu and Ti Mu. They were meeting in the Citadel of Sagacity so that Ti Mu could be consulted with regard to the activities of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Aang had been given a medallion so that he could visit the citadel for occasions such as these.

“That very much sounds like the symbol of Q’Instiluti, the maker of the Sacrifice Stone. A love goddess, she felt the sting of falling out of favor with mortals more severely than the other spirits. She created the Sacrifice Stone as a way to keep her followers, giving gifts while demanding something in return.” Ti Mu said. “I only met her in passing, for she was ancient when I was but a young spirit hatchling, but she was vain and arrogant.”

“Well, whatever the reason for the brand, all of the hostages have been recovered. Their captors simply set them free and melted into the night. But thanks to the information shared with us by the Earth Kingdom, we located the four safehouses that all the members of the Crimson Blood retreated to. We’re coordinating with the Earth Kingdom and all eight of the known sites will be raided this evening at the same time.” Aang said.

“That may mean that these poor people are marked as sacrifices for the stone.” Azula postulated, looking at the others with a grim expression. “This may be the reason that they were set free. Once they’re branded, they are marked no matter where they go.”

“That may be true, but we are hoping that the raids will stop whatever events the Crimson Lotus had planned right in their tracks.” Aang answered with a sigh.

“I wish you well and I hope that these raids bring an end to the threat of the Crimson Lotus and the Sacrifice Stone. But just in case, Lo Ruon has been able to create spirit stones that can detect both normal spirit energy and shadow spirit energy. He’s put up some test detectors at the Library; we’ve given spirit items to our trusted colleagues who have been instructed to try and bring them into the library at random times. Two of the first five made it through the first time, but the last four were all detected after Nasu and Lo Ruon did some finagling with the detectors. Our hope is that in the future we’ll be able to have safeguards against spirit plots like this.” Azula explained.

She really hoped that this would be the end of it and the world would be free of the terrible visions that Aunt Wu had foreseen. But in her heart of hearts she was a realist, and she felt in her bones that this wasn’t going to be the end of things. Her hope now is that her participation would no longer be required.

“We hope that the raids go well, but while you’re smiting the Crimson Blood we’re going to be celebrating Evasra’s ascension to the rank of Master Fire Healer!” Mei Zhu said with a smile.

“That’s great, Evasra! Toph and I are really sorry that we can’t make it to the ceremony. You’ve come so far and it’s great that there is going to be another Master Fire Healer. What you’ve done to facilitate the spread of Fire Healing is absolutely phenomenal.” Aang said with one of his cheesy smiles.

“Thank you, Avatar. I’m also sorry that the two of you can’t make it. I imagine any party gets three times wilder with you and Toph there.” Azula answered, causing everyone to laugh.

“We do enjoy partying. We’re proud of you and we want you to know that we’ll be thinking of you as we raid the Crimson Lotus. Toph’s always saying that I should toughen up and make my opponents fear me like Evasra does.” Aang said with a small smile. “But I should be heading back now to get things ready for the raid tomorrow.”

Everyone wished him and the others luck with the raid and Aang disappeared as he was recalled back to his body. Azula and Mei Zhu had a few things to finish researching before they headed back. Azula hoped that her friends could bring this threat to an end.

Ju Zen was finalizing the plans that he had for freeing the colonies from their oppressors and bringing the Fire Nation to its knees. Years of sacrifice, hard work and planning had led him to this point. It wouldn’t happen immediately, of course, but the changes he brought about would show the world the folly of putting their trust in the out of touch elites that ruled each nation. Soft and self-serving, these so-called leaders ruled for their own gain and cared nothing for the privations of their subjects.

But in a better world, the world the Ju Zen dreamed of, each person would have the freedom to forge their own path in life. No more taxation to pay for the idle luxury of the elites, but instead the people could keep their money to spend it on the things that matter to them. War and wide-scale destruction would become a thing of the past, since people would only need to worry about the people they cared for.

Communities would become strong again and the leaders would be raised up by the virtue of their deeds, not by the artificial power given to them by oppressive governments. Freedom truly was life.

Plans were being made to deal with the Avatar, since he was the epitome of all that was wrong with the ways of the past. A tyrant who lorded his strength over all others, it was clear that he had been corrupted by the power of his station. But that was a problem for another time.

The sun had nearly set and his stomach rumbled; he had been so focused on finalizing his plans that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast. This was a good place to stop. The strikes against the targets in the northwest colony would inflame the people and force them to see that the Fire Nation couldn’t protect them.

The people were already angry and industrial output had plummeted as the people recognized that they were being exploited and began sabotaging the factories. This was a grass roots movement that Ju Zen tapped into, but didn’t control. It was good that he and his followers weren’t the only ones that understood the injustice of the situation and took actions to thwart the plans of their oppressors.

He had just put the final scroll away when he felt the earth shake and he sensed the outer walls of his compound being breached. He felt his people earthbending in response. He quickly ran to the window and saw the uniforms of the Dai Li and Earth Kingdom police officers swarming through a large hole in the wall. There was no way that his group could contend with the numbers he saw, much less the additional forces he suspected were coming in from other points.

His path was clear. He didn’t know how they had found him, but it was very apparent that this was an organized event and that it was unlikely that he would escape. But fleeing like a thief of the night was not in the plans for Ju Zen. And he felt a sense of camaraderie in his very soul as he sensed his comrades earthbending against the invaders and heard their shouts of ‘freedom is life’ echoing throughout the courtyard. Even in the face of overwhelming force, they had remained true to their beliefs.

They were coming for him and he was content with his fate. This is not how he had expected things to end, but it was the way of life. Forging his own path in life meant that the forces of oppression and tyranny would oppose him at every turn.

He heard the stomping of the boots as the lapdogs of the Earth Kingdom approached his room. He smiled and prepared himself for what needed to be done; he opened the box containing the Sacrifice Stone and spoke the words that would bring his vision to fruition. “Freedom is life. For your gift I offer my sacrifice.”

His grin widened as a disembodied feminine voice responded. “I accept your sacrifice and I offer my gift.”

The smile was still on his face as he fell dead to the floor, his sacrifice complete.

Mao Zha gasped in pain as his brand burned just as it had when the hot iron had been pressed to his chest. The sensation passed but he suddenly felt a flash of warmth pass through his body, a small wave moved out from his brand and continued through his entire body until his very being was alive with an uncomfortable heat.

And then as quickly as the sensation had come, it was gone. The brand was sore, but otherwise everything was just as it was before. He’d felt the brand be uncomfortable from time to time, but nothing like that. But it had passed and he would deal with it.

He thought about telling the doctor about it, but he was going home to see his family tomorrow and he didn’t want to worry the doctors and cause them to change their minds about setting him free. He hoped that they caught all of the bastards that did this to him and made them pay for their crimes. But all he wanted to do and was go home and embrace his family and put this entire experience behind him.

Tomorrow was a new day and he planned on making the most of it.

Chapter 18: Celebrations and Concern


Azula and Mei Zhu hear news of the raid while the Fire Nation delegation returns home after their adventures in Savan.

Chapter Text

“I have the tea ready, Aunt Wu. Would you like a cup?” Meng asked from the kitchen, humming happily to herself. Aunt Wu smiled at the joyous sound of her apprentice. They had just seen their last client out and Meng was finishing up for the night before she went home to her husband. Meng had led the prophesying in three of the day’s sessions; her apprentice’s training was nearly complete and soon she would be able to take over many of the Aunt Wu’s responsibilities.

“That would be wonderful, my dear.” Aunt Wu answered as she finished storing away her many bones she used for scrying into the future. She went to cover her most prized possession, her crystal ball, but when her eyes fell upon the sphere it begin to cloud up and the visions flooded her mind.

They were much the same as before, but the visions of the terrible things that happened after the Rings of Accordance were dealt with were far richer and more vibrant in their terror. The explosion that brought down the icy walls of Agna Qel’a led to the death of many of the city’s defenders, allowing the Fire Nation soldiers to batter their way through the city to the spirit waters that housed the spirit fish that embodied Tui and La. The corruption of the spirit water angered the Great Spirits and their wrath destroyed those that desecrated the sacred waters and doomed their people to their fate at the hands of Agni’s Curse.

In some visions the Avatar is infected with this affliction, cutting him off from the Avatar state and with no cure in hand there was no way to stop the onslaught as Agni’s Curse tore through the Fire Nation. The one time world conquerors could only wail in anguish as their entire civilization was razed to the ground as the world took revenge upon them for the sins of their forefathers.

In other potential futures the threat of Agni’s Curse is abated but the Avatar is assassinated and the world is torn apart as the Fire Nation, Omashu and the Earth Kingdom would all see their governments overthrown as a terrible war raged on to determine who would control the western regions of the earth continent.

Savan is engulfed in civil disobedience and the great library that housed the largest collection of knowledge in the world is burned to ground and Atla’s link to the past is broken. The city is conquered by its neighbors in some futures as the smaller nations scurry to seize land and power while the larger nations fight amongst themselves, while in other visions the city becomes a shell of itself as it loses its identity as a spiritual city of learning and progressive thought.

Aunt Wu sees a myriad of visions of the future world. None lead to world war but many lead to subjugation or outright destruction of the Fire Nation. If no cure to Agni’s Curse is found, firebending will join airbending as a bending practice that is on the brink of extinction. The corruption or assassination of the Avatar removes the check on the powers of the earth nations to seek revenge. The threads of the future are still being woven into a tapestry, but Aunt Wu sees no way to avoid all of the disasters.

War. Destruction. Salvation. Plagues. Riots. Hope. Assassination.

She hopes that the Avatar and his allies can find the best path through the coming danger.

“It has been one of the greatest pleasures of my long life to work with a wonderfully talented young woman like Mystic Evasra. Not only has she shown herself to be skilled in the practical art of Fire Healing, but she has touched the wisdom of times past and found a new way to spread the wonders of Fire Healing to a wider range of people than I ever dreamed possible. Please join me in celebrating the promotion of Mystic Evasra to the rank of Fire Healing Master!” Mistress Nykka exlaimed in that powerful voice that she seems to be able to magically conjure.

Azula smiled as Nykka gave her a big hug; after all of the struggles and strife of her life, it seemed like a wonderful gift from the Great Spirits themselves to have this kind of acceptance. She was ashamed at her reaction, but she couldn’t stop the tears of joy that rolled down her painted cheeks as all her friends came to congratulate her. Ozai would deride her for caring what the peasants think of her, dismissing the accolades as worthless since she hadn’t done anything to promote his glory and honor. Not that the arrogant asshole had either. Not only did she no longer seek his approval, but frankly she would be worried about her course in life if he offered it to her.

Of course Mei Zhu was the dearest to her heart; her wonderful girlfriend was the greatest thing in her life. Shaman Inok Kui was the one that picked her up when she was at her lowest point and gave her the strength to stand on her own two feet, but it was Mei Zhu that drove her to climb high in life and become the best that she could be. Their discussion of vomeinomia still lived in her psyche. It was the vision she aspired to.

Mistress Nykka had shared her wisdom and compassion with Azula and Nasu had become like a sister to her; a mentor in the ways of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will but also just a friend that she enjoyed spending time with. Lo Ruon. The other Fire Healing students. She had even grown closer with Muzi and Kanti since their adventures tracking down the Rings of Accordance.

But there were many others that wanted to celebrate with her, as attested by the hundreds of people packed into the main courtyard of Sozin’s Slum where the ceremony was being held. And she was touched again as the crowd began chanting for her to speak.

She untangled herself from her friends and turned to face the crowd. “I would like to thank all of you for coming to celebrate this day with me. It means so much to be accepted by such a warm and loving community. I came here a stranger, knowing no one and being known by none, but you accepted me as one of your own and I can’t express how much it means to me. Thank you.”

Azula cut the speech short so as not to display her weakness to all as once again she couldn’t stop the tears from coming. She knew it was silly, but she had truly thought she was a doomed soul, destined to live alone and separate from everyone when she had landed on the shores of the earth continent. But now she sees that she can have so much more.

She vowed to make the most of this life and help her people as best she could.

Mei Zhu’s ears were still ringing from the raucous party that had engulfed all of Sozin’s Slum until late into the wee hours of the morning. Evasra was truly loved and respected by the people here and it made Mei Zhu so happy to see how her tough as nails girlfriend was moved by the love and respect she had been showered with.

She only knew bits and pieces of the trials and tribulations of Evasra’s childhood, but absolutely none of it was good. And she saw how Evasra would still instinctively pull away when people tried to get too close before she was ready. Mei Zhu could sense how her lover was still afraid of rejection, although it was buried much deeper now than before. Day by day, Evasra saw that people wanted to be around her. That they respected and admired her. Even her own sister had looked up to Evasra like she was some sort of legendary figure from the tales of old.

And Mei Zhu vowed to make sure Evasra continued to see just how loved she was. It would take time, but Mei Zhu was nothing if not persistent. She held Evasra’s hand as they made their way up the steps to their apartment. Mei Zhu leaned against her girlfriend, basking in the inherent warmth of a firebender on a cool evening. She felt so safe and warm while snuggling with her lover.

“I want you to know how incredibly proud of you I am, Evasra. You are the most special person I know and I love you with all my heart and soul.” Mei Zhu said as she pulled Evasra close once they were inside the apartment.

“And I love you more than anything, Mei Zhu. You’re the light of my life and I truly feel like I’d be living in darkness without you.” Came Evasra’s soft answer after she gave Mei Zhu a tender kiss.

“It’s not just me. Everyone is so proud of you. Nykka, Nasu, Jimna and the other students. The entire firebending community. Even your sister and mother are proud of you.” Mei Zhu said, realizing too late that her enthusiasm may have led to her foot being inserted in her mouth.

“Kiyi perhaps, but not Mother. She was never proud of me.”

Mei Zhu grabbed both of Evasra’s cheeks with her hands so that she would look her in the eye. “Kiyi worships the ground you walk on and Ursa would be proud too. You saw how happy she was to see Kiyi walking the path to being a Fire Healer. Even with whatever issues that the two of you had in your youth, I believe with all my heart and soul that she would be proud of you being a Fire Healer too. And not just any Fire Healer, but the Fire Healer that is spreading the wonders of your craft to more than even Mistress Nykka thought possible.”

“That was only thanks to the scrolls you found.” Came the low answer.

“I found the library but you searched out the pertinent scroll and did the work to figure out the technique. She would be happy for you. And the fact that you saved her life will mean something to her too.”

“Perhaps. I don’t want a relationship with her, but…but it does make me feel better to think that she might approve of my life choices.” Evasra answered. “But that’s a discussion for another day. Let’s go to bed; it’s late and I’m ready to rest.”

“I couldn’t agree more.” They made their way into the bedroom to prepare for bed when they felt the calling of the medallions. Ti Mu wished to speak with them. Mei Zhu’s stomach sank as she could only imagine that bad news awaited them on the other side.

Despite their fatigue, Mei Zhu and Evasra both donned medallions and recite the incantations to take them to the Citadel of Sagacity; Evasra could sometimes spirit walk to the citadel without the medallion, but it was late and not worth the effort with the medallions so near. As always, Ti Mu was there waiting for them as their spirit forms took shape on the raised platform in the center of the room.

“I apologize for calling upon you so late after an evening of celebration, but I felt that it was better to inform you sooner rather than later about the events that occurred in during the raids against the Lotus of the Crimson Blood.” Mei Zhu knew that things were serious based on the lack of a jovial expression on the giant parrot-bat’s face; this was one of the few times Mei Zhu had observed such an expression upon her face. “I felt the reverberations through the spirit realm as a sacrifice was taken and a gift was delivered by the Sacrifice Stone. There is no way to know the nature of the gift until the effects are observed.”

“Do we at least know where it happened?” Evasra asked.

“I was able to identify the general area where it happened and the Earth Kingdom sent word to the Avatar that Ju Zen died at that location of unknown causes. The most likely scenario is also the most frightening; it is highly probable that he sacrificed his life in return for a gift. The offer of one’s own life is the most powerful sacrifice that can be given. The greater the sacrifice, the more powerful the gift. And once the sacrifice is accepted and the gift given, Q’Intilestu’s idol will become dormant for seven years. She will not allow her gift to be renounced.”

“It has to have something to do with the brands on the kidnapped firebenders.” Mei Zhu surmised.

“That was indeed my guess also. The Avatar is in agreement and the poor souls that were branded will be watched to see what becomes of them. But otherwise, all of the raids went off well; there were a few casualties on both sides but in general the Avatar and the others are pleased.” Ti Mu’s expression brightened a little at that news.

“Perhaps we should do research looking into the use of brands; tattoos can be used with spirit energy, maybe the same sort of thing can be done with brands.” Evasra added.

“That is indeed a good thought. But I can see that you are both tired and you will accomplish much more if you’re bodies are rested and your minds are focused.” Ti Mu went full smile for them; well, as much of a smile as can be done with a beak. “I was glad to hear that there was a celebration for your impressive contributions, Evasra.”

“Thank you, Ti Mu. We will begin looking into the brands after we get some rest.” Evasra said as she turned to Mei Zhu and nodded. “Good night, Ti Mu.”

“Good night, ladies.” Ti Mu answered just before Mei Zhu and Evasra awoke in their bodies back in Savan. They set their medallions back in their case and did their evening ablutions before making their way to bed. But they both had enough energy for a little stress relief before calling it a night.

“The raids were all successful in so far as they took the eight compounds belonging to the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Ju Zen is dead, but no one understands how. Kimya’s shadowform watched him take the Sacrifice Stone of its box and incant some words and then died. No signs of force or poison or any other natural causes.” Vinda explained. “The Earth Kingdom has taken Master Ehnvah, so perhaps he will be able to shed some light on the situation.”

Having the shadowforms linked together to enhance communication was a luxury that the Daughters of Rokishe had come to rely on. High speed communication, stealthy surveillance and the ability to administer violence at a moment’s notice were all great applications of shadowbending, with the first two abilities being far more useful than the last. But though they loathed to do it, shadowbending had been used to commit acts of violence when the cause needed it.

“I hope so. I too wish to drive the ashmakers from our shores but I fear that Ju Zen may have called upon forces that he and his followers cannot control. We will remain vigilant and do what we must to assist the Earth Kingdom in their dealings with the Fire Nation. But we have another calling to heed. With the resources provided by the Earth Kingdom, it is finally time to prepare for our move towards retaking Rokishe.” Rajeen said.

A smile spread over Vinda’s face. “Of course. Mistress Lista and Yika have set up in Rokishe and are laying the foundations for the other sisters. It will take a week for the others to return from their missions around the earth continent.”

“Excellent. Our sources have already identified the weak points of most of the key citizens opposing us; we will find the pressure points for the others soon enough. And if not, they will be dealt with in other ways.” Rajeen frowned at the thought of using violence to retake her home, but she would do whatever it takes to ensure that the puppet regime installed by the Fire Nation before they left Rokishe was removed from power.

“Of course, Matron. We’ve also nearly completed the purification ritual for the next batch of ink. Three additional sisters have been selected for your evaluation.”

“That is excellent news, Vinda. Hour by hour, bit by bit, we grow stronger in the shadows while those that would oppose us grow weaker. Let me meet with the three sisters in the morning so that I can determine whether they are ready.” Rajeen said, but then she spoke to her friend in a soft voice. “And we owe so much of this to you, Vinda. You have given us these wonderful tools that will allow us to stand up and face those that would oppress us. Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, Matron. I may have found the tools, but you have wielded them with skill. I truly believe that we will have our home again and drive the oppressors from all the lands in the earth continent. The earth continent for the earth people!”

“The earth continent for the earth people!” Rajeen answered. And with the wondrous art of shadowbending, she truly felt that she would live to see the day that dream became reality.

“I promise that I’m alright, Zuko. But I don’t understand why they would do this to us. We had nothing to do with the crimes against Lenth and Rokishe.” Mother said, tears coming to her eyes. “Ikem was a good man who was a wonderful husband and father. He never hurt anyone.”

“They’re savages, Mother. I’m sorry about Ikem; he truly was a good man. But thankfully you and Kiyi made it out.” Zuko said, pulling his mother in for a hug. “And thankfully Evasra was there.”

Mother was waiting to be evaluated by Katara, who was doing what she could to further heal the wounds that Sokka had suffered at the hands of the dishonorable monsters that would attack his family. He truly felt that these people had no souls for this behavior, and he vowed to run all of them to ground. It sounds like the raids last night were a wonderful start to the endeavor. According to Aang and Uncle, it may well be a death knell for the Lotus of the Crimson Blood as a threat to the Fire Nation.

But Zuko was still irritated with Uncle making the deal with the Earth Kingdom that let the Daughters of Rokishe off the hook for their crimes. But he couldn’t argue against his reasoning the destruction of the Crimson Blood was the greater prize. It sounds like the Daughters of Rokishe were involved on the attack in Savan, but according to the prisoners it had only been in an advisory capacity and they had actually decreed Kiyi to be off-limits. And once again Mystic Evasra was in the middle of a great battle involving the royal family. He was beginning to think that it was more than just coincidence.

“Yes, it was a blessing the Mystic Evasra arrived when she did. But go talk to Kiyi and your friends; they can tell you more of the battle and the mysterious Evasra. It seems that she is actually a human being after all, since not even her stuck up attitude could resist Kiyi’s charm.”

Zuko gave a little snort; his sister was quite possibly the bubbliest person he knew and had ways of breaking through the defenses of even the hardest hearts. “I will. You and Katara should come join us when you’re done.”

“I will, Zuko. Go and satisfy your curiosity. They can tell you more than I can.”

Zuko gave his mother a quick peck on the cheek before he made his way to the guest quarters where Ty Lee and the other Kyoshi Warriors were staying. Suki and the other able bodied Kyoshi Warriors had been drafted to help with the Crimson Lotus issue. He suspected that Kiyi would be there also, since they all knew that Zuko wished to speak with the group.

He turned the corner to hall where his guests were staying and he felt himself come to a halt upon laying eyes on the scene before him. The Kyoshi Warriors were standing and sitting in a semi-circle as Kiyi applied flames to the body of a reclining Kyoshi Warrior. Ty Lee broke away from the group to meet him as he approached.

“Hello, Zuko. Kiyi is putting her Fire Healing skills to work making sure that none of the girls’ wounds become infected. Both Nykka and Evasra claim that she is going to be a phenomenal healer some day.”

Zuko allowed a smile to cross his face. “That’s great, Ty Lee. It will truly be wonderful to bring the art of Fire Healing back to the Fire Nation. It seems that I owe a great deal to the young Fire Healer in Savan. She saved Mother, kept Aang from being electrocuted and saved Suki’s life.”

He saw Ty Lee stare into the distance for a moment. “Yes, she has done a lot in the past year. You forgot that she reinvigorated the entire art of Fire Healing and was the one to first identify a wearer of the Rings of Accordance. She’s been a busy girl.”

Zuko pulled Ty Lee a little farther away from the group and spoke in a soft voice. “Tell me about her. You certainly had to learn something about her while you were there. Aang and Toph refuse to say anything.”

Ty Lee shrugged. “There’s nothing to say that we didn’t already know. No offense, Zuko, but she may well be the most powerful bender on the planet this side of Aang. She can fly and perform firebending katas without touching the ground; Kiyi says that her warm-ups are the katas she sees firebending masters here in the Fire Nation do during festivals. She is absolutely terrifying in battle. No one knows much about her except that she studied with an enlightened shaman and appeared out the blue in Savan and has quite possibly become the most respected figure in the city. And it is well known that she never talks about her life before Shaman Inok Kui. Nothing. There are rumors of course, but it’s clear that she is as much a mystery to the people of Savan as she is to us. But she has a girlfriend that is a brilliant scholar at the Library of Despondent Ecstasy.”

Zuko sighed. The woman obviously has something to hide. He didn’t know what it was, but he worried about a bender of her power having this many secrets. “I can’t explain it, Ty Lee. I don’t trust her. She’s hiding too much to be a good person.”

It was Ty Lee’s turn to sigh. “Zuko, I know that you traveled the world for a while as an exile, but I don’t truly think that you understand what life is like for many people whose entire world was destroyed by the war. Both Aang and Toph have said that she has a traumatic past and that she wants nothing to do with the Fire Nation; you know what the Fire Nation did to Lenth and Rokishe. If she was there or in one of the other cities the Fire Nation sacked, if they did bad things to her, it may be possible that she’s pursuing a spiritual path to overcome the terrible experiences of her youth. You can’t condemn her for just wanting a clean slate.”

“You’re right, Ty Lee, I shouldn’t condemn her for trying to progress and overcome her past. And I know that she has done many things to help the world.” Zuko reluctantly admitted. He still didn’t trust her, but he knew that there were things in life that he just couldn’t understand thanks to his royal upbringing.

Their attention was drawn as they heard one of the Kyoshi Warrior’s speak. “That was awesome, Princess. You’re getting really good at this. You’ll be a Fire Healing Master like Evasra in no time.”

Zuko couldn’t help but smile at the look of joy that spread across Kiyi’s face. “Thanks, Yitna. If I can even be half as good a Fire Healer as Evasra, I’ll be so happy in life.”

Kiyi jumped up and ran to Zuko and gave him a big hug. “Did you see, Zuko? Did you see? I’m going to be a Fire Healer!”

“I definitely believe that you can. Why don’t you and Ty Lee come and tell me all about the adventures you had in Savan.” Zuko saw her expression darken a little, so he pulled her in for another hug. “And I’m truly sorry to hear about your father. He was a good man and a wonderful father. He will be sorely missed.”

“Thank you, Zuko. I miss him so much.” Kiyi answered in a low voice as she wiped a few tears from her eyes. “But Savan was wonderful until then. And…and the prisoners said that it wasn’t anyone from Savan that hurt Father. And Evasra saved Mother and beat up all the bad guys.”

Zuko looked at Ty Lee and she nodded her head. He was glad that no one from Savan was involved in the attack. “I’m thankful that Evasra was there to help. Mother is getting checked out by Katara, so let’s go wait for them in my study.”

It was soon apparent to Zuko that Evasra had been Kiyi’s personal hero even before the attack and had been elevated to near divinity after saving Mother from the attackers. But he learned more about the culture of Savan and was quite a bit concerned about the number of naked people Kiyi had seen while there and her rather impressive knowledge of the ins and outs of sex work in the decadent city.

They were just getting settled in the study when they were joined by Katara and Mother. His beloved came and sat next to Zuko while Mother took a spot next to Kiyi. Katara spoke first. “It seems that Ursa is doing well and other than needing a little more rest to complete the healing process, is perfectly healthy now.”

Zuko felt a little bit of weight leave his chest. “That’s great to know. Kiyi was just telling me about all the interesting people she saw and the rather inappropriate things she learned.”

“Oh, Zuko, sex is a perfectly natural thing. Granted, the Savanese are too liberal for my liking, but maybe that’s why they are such a peaceful and productive people. They say that the productivity of the scholars in the Library of Despondent Ecstasy is directly aided by the Order of the Arts Erotica; without the men and women of that order using their skills to relieve the stress of the scholars, progress would be much slower.”

Zuko’s mouth opened and shut as he tried to find the words to convey his thoughts on the things he had just heard. Kiyi’s words nearly sent him into cardiac arrest. “I just saw a bunch of boobs and muscly men, Zuko. Don’t be such a prude. I’m sure you’ve seen Katara’s boobs, haven’t you?”

“Kiyi, dear, we don’t openly ask other members of polite society if they’ve seen their lover’s breasts.” Mother said in a matter-of-fact way. Zuko felt blood rushing to his face at the words of his sister and mother; the smirks on the faces of Katara and Ty Lee weren’t helping.

He decided that the conversation should be redirected. “What can you tell me of the attack? Were you able to get much out of the prisoners?”

Ty Lee spoke first. “The attackers knew exactly when and where to hit, thanks to the Daughters of Rokishe. Our captives don’t know how their allies knew so much about our situation, but they struck at the changing of the guard with three explosive laden rocks. Many of our group were taken out of the fight with the initial blow. And then a dozen attackers swarmed our compound. There were only a handful of Kyoshi Warriors and royal guards fighting; Suki said that we were far better warriors than the attackers but they had numbers and surprise on their side. Three of them had Ursa surrounded when Evasra arrived.”

“How did she know about the attack? It seems very suspicious that she appeared so quickly.” Zuko said.

“We heard the explosions from Mistress Nykka’s courtyard in Sozin’s Slum. We were talking when it happened; she flew away to investigate.” Kiyi said, tears coming to her eyes again. “She’s not suspicious, Zuko. She’s awesome.”

Mother spoke in a quiet voice. “Her arrival was nothing less than awesome. She unleashed some fire blast of death that instantly incinerated the three men attacking me. And then she just demolished the others. I can’t describe it, Zuko, it…it was like an airbender had been given the power of white flames. I’ve never seen anyone move that fast. She literally took down the whole crew that was left there in about fifteen seconds. But then she did something strange; she looked around the burning yard and attacked a random place. As far as I could tell, there was nothing there. And then she put out the fires and helped pull the people out of the buildings and coordinated the medical effort until the Water Healers arrived.”

“Shadow spirit energy. She was shooting at shadow spirit energy.” Katara explained. “Evasra sent a letter to Aang; the Daughters of Rokishe apparently have rediscovered some ancient practice known as shadowbending that uses tattoos to manipulate shadow spirit energy.”

“It doesn’t surprise me that Evasra can see shadow spirit energy; she’s super smart and really talented. I’m just sorry that I won’t be able to continue learning from her. She sent a bunch of scrolls for me to study, but it’s not the same.” Kiyi complained. “She said she wouldn’t come to the Fire Nation, but maybe we could meet in the middle sometime for more lessons.”

“That was indeed very generous of her.” Mother said, patting her daughter’s arm. “Once things have settled down, maybe we can talk about getting more lessons.”

“That would be great!” Kiyi cheered.

Talk turned to other aspects of their travels and Zuko was happy to know that the people of Savan had treated them well. It was clear that the people there didn’t really like firebenders, but the fact that Kiyi had been learning Fire Healing apparently reduced a lot of the animosity. He hoped that Kiyi would be able to continue her lessons in the future.

He didn’t trust the mysterious Mystic Evasra, but he had to admit that his world would be much worse without her intervention.

Zafir hurried back to the house they had taken. The old woman that had lived there had been a problem, but they had quickly solved it. He couldn’t allow a single person prevent him from saving the remnants of their organization.

Six people. Six people was all that he could find of the survivors of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood. Ju Zen had been wise to keep a cell secret from the others. Only Zafir and Iklan had been part of the overall planning. In the event of something going catastrophically wrong, they were to rebuild the group.

Iklan looked up expectantly as Zafir made his way into the main living room. His expression dropped when Zafir shook his head to let him know that no one else had made it to the rendezvous point. They might pick up a few stragglers later, but Zafir feared that this was the main group now.

He spoke to the three men and two women sitting at the table. “This has been a dark time for those of us who wish to bring freedom and choice to our countryman. Whether Earth Kingdom, Water Tribe or even Fire Nation, we have sought to give the people the right to live a life of their choosing. Our march towards this dream has been interrupted, but it has not ended. Ju Zen was a great man, a man with a vision for the future. With the Sacrifice Stone, he has inflicted a great wound on our enemies, though they don’t know it yet. But we must not let his dream of freedom wither on the vine.”

“Freedom is life!” Iklan shouted, the others quickly shouting the same.

“Freedom is life!” Zafir shouted in response. “We have lost much of our people and our backing, but our dream remains the same. The groups that oppose us think that we are broken, but they are mistaken. I know of the group that works for the Avatar to spread his deceitful falsehoods across the world. Once upon a time, I was recruited to join the Order of the White Lotus, but I saw how they used their power and influence for the benefit of the Fire Nation, at the expense of the rest of the world. I was young and idealistic when I joined, but now I see them for what they are. I believe that we can be the counterbalance to this terrible group; we must work from the shadows to eliminate the power of the White Lotus and their Avatar overlord.”

He knew that he had their attention, so he drove his message home. “Ju Zen picked you to rebuild since he considered you to be the best of the Lotus of the Crimson Blood, the ones who truly shared a vision of a free world and had the skills and drive needed to see our mission to the end. The Lotus of the Crimson Blood is no more. But from the ashes shall rise a new force for freedom.”

Zafir smiled as the group hung on his every word. “Today is the day we create a new organization. Smaller, leaner, but just as deadly. This is the day we create the Order of the Red Lotus!”

Chapter 19: Agni’s Curse


Azula and Aang search for cure to a terrible plague while the other nations take advantage of the Fire Nation’s weakness.

Chapter Text

Mao Zha was burning up. Being a firebender, he was used to the sense of warmth and heat that came with his bending; it was as much a part of him as the color of his hair or the size of his nose. But something was wrong. The heat would come in waves, unbearable sensations of warmth washed over him only for the heat to pass and he felt a chill as if his inner fire had been extinguished.

But now the waves came faster and faster, with the sensation of coolness nothing but a memory now. The heat was becoming more and more intolerable. The healers had given him medicines to reduce his fever but they had no effect. They had tried soaking him in cool water and it felt good on his skin, but it seemed to stoke his inner flame to burn even hotter to overcome the newfound coolness.

And now he laid in a tent, hidden away from his family and friends in a military encampment. No one could come to see him and he could go to see no one. This had been the most miserable two weeks of his life, worse even than his captivity by the Order of the Crimson Lotus. The physical misery and isolation from his friends and family weighed heavily on his soul. Surrounded by others that had been afflicted by this burning plague of misery, they all seemed to feed on each others’ despair, making the group even more melancholy than any one individual.

He believed in his heart of hearts that the monsters of the Crimson Lotus had done this to him. It must be the brand. He didn’t know why they picked him or how they had cursed him, but he knows that they did it to him.

All thought fell to the side as yet another wave of burning pain raged through his body, the agony so great that he can’t even breathe during the time it consumes him. If he wasn’t so weak now, he would just find a way to end it all. He can’t bear to live like this anymore. Others have come and gone during the time he was here; the plague robbed them of their firebending but then they were able to move on with life.

He would gladly give up his firebending if it meant escaping this hell he was trapped in.

The pain subsided and he takes a breath, but it is driven from him again as another horrible wave sweeps across him again. No…no…no, this wasn’t right. They never come this fast. He screamed in agony as his body feels like a thousand hot brands are trying to burn their way through his skin and out of his body. He sensed the other patients calling for the healers but he is beyond caring.

He felt them grabbing him, trying to get him to calm down but the sense of fear overwhelmed him. He could sense what was coming, but he could not speak to warn them. His inner fire raged like a blazing inferno, hundreds of times stronger than he had ever felt before and it was far more than he could control. All he could do was weep in despair as his inner flame suddenly flared and all that firebending was unleashed upon those around him.

But at least he was in pain no more.

Azula, Mei Zhu and Nasu had spent every waking hour of the past two weeks scouring every scroll that they could find that might be relevant in some way. They had picked the brains of every scholar in the Library of Despondent Ecstasy and had tried talking to as many of the spirit reflections as they could to find a way to understand, or better yet cure, this mysterious ailment that was sweeping through firebending communities around the world.

At long last, they believe that they have come across a lead that they believe may shed some light on the situation. Something similar to this was referenced in an ancient folktale about dragons. A terrible plague that stole the fire of dragons and caused some to explode as their fire burnt out of control. And Ti Mu had led them to a dragon spirit reflection that collected old tales of dragon lore. He had died thousands of years ago after living for over six hundred years, so Ti Mu believed that he may be able to help.

Azula, Mei Zhu, Nasu and Aang watched as the hummingbird-otter deposited the hourglass on the podium. Once the hourglass was ready, Azula recited the words. “Holder of knowledge, I petition thee!”

It never failed to astound Azula how the spirit energy flowed from the hourglasses and took form. But rather than taking the form of a human like it usually does, this time the spirit energy coiled and undulated until if formed a sinewy dragon. It looked a lot like the drawings that she used to see in books about the dragons of old, except it had even more facial hair. She idly wondered if dragons were like many people and grew more unwanted hair as they got older.

The spirit form spoke in a soft and educated disembodied voice. “I am Yan Rik, Dragon Scholar of the Seventh Avarition, Knower of Things Both Esoteric and Divine, Ancient Reservoir of Celestial Knowledge Truly Profound.”

That was quite possibly the most awesome title that Azula had ever heard. Time was of the essence but Ti Mu had warned her that Yan Rik was a bit prickly and had to be sweet-talked. She chose her words carefully. “Yan Rik, you are famous for your vast knowledge and we humbly petition you to share your cultured and educated words with us. We know little compared to the likes of you, and we wish to be enlightened by the many things that you know.”

The spirit dragon actually preened under her flattery. “It is gratifying to hear that the tales of my wisdom are still known even in this late time. What knowledge do you seek? Ask and I shall try to share a bit of my enlightened brilliance with you.”

“A terrible spirit plague is sweeping across our lands, affecting firebenders but no others. For most, it robs the afflicted of the firebending but in a small minority, it causes their fire to burn too bright and they die in a fiery explosion. Fire Healers and Water Healers are able to identify the afflicted even before the appearance of symptoms by the corruption of their chi, but unfortunately the number of healers is woefully inadequate to find all that have been infected. We were hoping that your vast wisdom would be able to shed light upon this terrible situation.” Azula explained and then patiently waited as the great dragon collected his thoughts.

“Yes, I have heard of such an accursed phenomenon. Centuries before I was born, there were many more of my kind than there were at the time of my death, and the primary reason for this was a terrible plague known as Dragon’s Blight. Much as with your people, dragons contracted this spirit affliction and many lost their fires; for dragons, this is far more serious than humans, for without our fire we slowly lose our vitality as we can no longer keep our bodies warm enough to hunt and perform the other activities required to remain healthy. Many died as their bodies cooled to the point where they could no longer function. And a few died a fiery death as their chi burned out of control and they burst into flame, killing any unfortunate beings in their vicinity. It was a terrible time.”

He paused for a few moments, his eyes staring back through time, to another place. “But with the help of humans and the lion-turtles, a method was found to cure this ailment. It saved those that had not lost their fire, but it could do nothing to restore bending once lost. You must infuse sacred water with healing energy in just the right proportion to the curse. Once prepared, it does not take much water to cure the afflicted. But it took time for the dragon healers to create the proper potions. You must find the Sacred Springs of Agni; at the time of my death the few that remained were on a small island of the Fire Nation archipelago. A small group of erudite firebenders were left to cultivate the esoteric practices of firebending and to ensure that the sacred springs remained pure. I do not know if they have persisted.”

“The Sun Warriors! Zuko and I studied the dance of the dragon with them and learned the true meaning of firebending.” Aang exclaimed, looking very pleased with himself.

“The true meaning of firebending, huh?” Azula asked, looking at the giddy bald goof askance.

“Uhm, yeah. It was, uhm, when we were on the run from the Fire Nation after Zuko defected.” Aang said, his voice far more hesitant as he realized who he was talking too.

“These Sun Warriors may well be the descendants of the erudite firebenders of my time. The Sacred Springs of Agni are your best bet. Do you have any Fire Healers that can make this trip?” Yan Rik asked, twisting his head to gaze upon them.

“I am a Fire Healer and there is one other master. We have several apprentices that may or may not be able to help with this endeavor.” Azula answered honestly. The apprentices were making progress but their skills still needed to be refined.

“Two may be enough; as I said, only a small amount of water should be needed to cure the affliction, if it is the same sort of chi corrupting disease that plagued my people.”

“Thank you for your words of wisdom, Yan Rik, you truly are a Knower of Things Both Esoteric and Divine.” Azula said, bowing with respect to the spirit dragon. She was pleased that the others bowed as well.

“It is my pleasure, young ones. My time has passed, but it is every scholar’s dream to help those that follow become wiser and more knowledgeable. Feel free to call upon me again should you ever need my wisdom in the future.” And with that the spirit dragon disintegrated and the spirit energy was pulled back into the hourglass.

Azula turned to the Avatar. “Do you wish to travel to the Sun Warriors alone to verify the presence of the Sacred Springs of Agni? I would rather stay here and help my people until we’re sure that this isn’t a wild goose-rabbit chase.”

“It is a relatively short flight for me to check in with the Sun Warriors. They are very secretive, but with the scope of this disaster, I’m sure that they would be willing to allow outsiders to journey to their island.”

“I’ll bring Nykka up to speed and decide on a course of action. We may want to bring Kiyi in also. The more Fire Healers we have the better.” This was bringing her far closer to the Fire Nation than she ever wanted, but desperate times called for desperate measures. Left unchecked, this plague could potentially wipe all firebending from Atla. She hoped it never came to that.

Mai surveyed the map that General Liao had laid out before Iroh and the rest of his staff; she wasn’t really a military person but Iroh needed someone to help plan logistics and such, so Mai had been drafted to the cause. He said that her exceptional organizational skills would be needed to keep the colonies from being torn asunder. Mai didn’t know about that, but she swore to do everything within her power to aid her nation.

“Aang, this is clearly a violation of the Treaty of Kantou,” Iroh said, eyeing Aang with more than a little bit of sternness. “The Earth Kingdom and Omashu are making a land grab in our moment of weakness caused by this supernatural plague. Surely you can see this for what it is.”

“I see that the Fire Colony territories with predominantly earth national occupants have risen in rebellion and formed their own breakaway government. Said government has requested humanitarian assistance to deal with the plague and instill order in the disputed territories. Something that the Fire Nation is unable or unwilling to do. This is a civil insurrection and I will not interfere. As you may recall, the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom and the Northern Water Tribe all compelled me to sign a pledge of limited interference in domestic affairs. You are now reaping what you have sown.” Aang responded, his voice flat. It was clear that Aang had grown as both an Avatar and a man and had no fear of the Dragon of the West.

“I see. It sounds more like an excuse to shirk your duty, Avatar. You are the one sowing seeds of discontent by your inaction.” Iroh responded.

“Believe as you may, but my duty is to maintain balance, which is what I’m going to do by visiting some old friends of ours in the hope of finding a cure to Agni’s Curse. Mystic Evasra and her associates have found a lead that shows a great deal of promise as being a way to end the plague.” Aang stared silently back at Iroh, who sighed.

“Then by all means, go and discover this cure if it is to be found.” Iroh said in a much more conciliatory tone. “If Mystic Evasra believes that this a lead to be followed, we would all be remiss not to pursue it with every available resource. I would truly like to meet and discuss things with your elusive mystic friend someday; she’s been so involved with your affairs that she’s almost becoming a co-Avatar.”

Aang just smiled. “She has truly been a big help, but if it makes you feel any better, she thinks I wield too much power and should be knocked down a peg or two.”

Iroh actually chuckled at that. “Perhaps not all of her words should be taken to heart. But both you and your educated associates will have the Fire Nation’s undying gratitude if are able to find a cure to this blight. If the choice is between holding our colonies or curing Agni’s Curse, delivering firebenders from this affliction is the correct choice.”

“Thank you, Iroh. I hope that you and the insurrectionists are able to work things out peacefully, but I must make my way to evaluate the source of the cure.” Aang said.

“Mai, why don’t you escort Aang out and make sure that he is properly provisioned for his journey.” Iroh ordered, not meeting eyes with either Aang or Mai. She just barely refrained from rolling her eyes at his actions; he was not subtle.

But she had to admit that she was glad to have the chance to wish Aang goodbye in private. “Of course, Iroh. Come, Avatar, let’s get you some food so you don’t pass out from hunger and fall off your flying friend.”

“Thanks, Mai. I appreciate you taking the time to help a starving Avatar out.” Aang said with a goofy grin as they made their way to the door. Mai did actually roll her eyes at that as she tried to ignore the self-satisfied smirk on Iroh’s face. The man was insufferable sometimes.

They walked in silence for a few moments before Mai found her words. “Do you really believe that you will be able to find a cure for Agni’s Curse?”

“It’s too early to say but the source that my Savanese friends found described a plague very similar to this that afflicted dragons thousands of years ago. The similarities seem much too great to just be a coincidence; the issue is whether the means to a cure can be found. The dragons were cured by water form the Sacred Springs of Agni, and I’m on my way to see if the ones alluded to by the source are still active.”

Mai considered the words that Aang had just told her. “I truly hope that you find it, Aang. I don’t blame you for not interfering in the affairs of the Fire Colony, but this is a much greater find if you’re able to cure the people suffering from this curse. I would also like to meet this mysterious Mystic Evasra; Ty Lee’s letters paint her as a larger than life figure that possesses incredible mystical powers. If she is so awesome, why does she hide herself away?”

Aang sighed. “It’s not my place to reveal Evasra’s secrets, not even to you, Mai. I truly hope that someday she will agree to meet with those outside the Eastern Sea region, but until then I believe that she’s done enough to warrant everyone respecting her wishes for privacy.”

“I understand, Aang. I know that the war was tough on many people; I won’t try to pry your friend’s secrets from her. She is just a friend though, right? Ty Lee says that she has a girlfriend, but they aren’t trying to get you to make a donation so that they can have a child, are they?” Mai gave just a small teasing smile as she raised an eyebrow.

As expected, Aang burst into laughter. “Alas, no. As far as I know, neither is interested in male companionship or children. And if they were, the Order of the Arts Erotica is just down the street from them. Evasra and Mei Zhu were both very open about receiving lovemaking lessons from the order. Mei Zhu even joked that they probably gave Avatar discounts if I was ever interested.”

Mai stepped a little closer, tilting her head back to look up at the taller boy. Man. He was younger than her, but he definitely carried himself like a man nowadays. “I’d be willing to slip you a few urvans if you need some training to up your game.”

She felt her face flush as he leaned towards her, his face just an inch or so from her ear. “Trust me, Mai, I don’t need lessons.”

Her eyes once again rolled into her head as she gave him a playful shove, the smarmy smile looking ridiculous on him. “I see that you’re like every other man, crowing about your prowess to every young girl you come across.”

His smile become contemplative for a moment. “No, Mai. Only the ones that I’m serious about.”

He smiled as she felt her heart thumping in her chest. The asshole was listening to her heartbeat. “That’s good to know, Aang. I’ll be waiting to see if you really mean that when you come back with a cure to Agni’s Curse.”

“I look forward to coming back, Mai. I…I really do mean that.”

“I know you do, Aang, but business before pleasure. Food. Ride air bison. Sun Warriors. Evasra and cure. We both have a lot on our plate right now.”

“Yes, Mother Mai.” She gave him a stern push towards the kitchen. The cooks were happy to make him a vegetarian travel pack with a few nuts and goodies for Momo. He had his goodies and supplies collected a few minutes later and they stood next to Appa as Aang prepared to leave.

“Goodbye, Mai.” Aang said, leaning down and giving her a peck on the cheek.

Mai didn’t know what came over her but she grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him back for a real kiss, catching them both by surprise. It was short but heartfelt, a hint of things to come should a relationship continue developing between them.

She felt a pang of worry until she saw the grin that threatened to split his face. “I look forward to seeing you again, Mai. Try not to stab anyone before I return.”

“These are trying times and I make no promises. You had better hurry back if you’re worried about the safety of those around me.”

Aang’s laugh echoed through the courtyard. “I promise not to stay away any longer than I need to. Goodbye, Mai.”

“Goodbye, Aang.” He turned and with a blast of air leapt onto Appa’s neck. With a swish of the reins and a ‘yip, yip,’ Aang was in the air and heading towards the northwest. She truly hoped that he would find the cure at his destination.

She turned a made her way back into the administration building, a small smile on her face and a little bounce in her step. She swore that she’d get rid of both before Iroh saw her.

Chapter 20: Talks of the Past and Future


Zuko hears news of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix while Mistress Nykka is summoned by Savan’s Council of Elders.

Chapter Text

“The Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix are gaining a great deal of support in the rural areas; they are preaching that Agni’s Curse is the result of Agni losing faith in the established government. The leaders of the movement have kept themselves hidden, but multiple sources have reported that the common belief is that they may have distant ties to the royal family through Sozin’s sister, Anyaza.” Lord Waihu explained to the assembled group.

His betrothed sat in the chair to the right of his desk while Mother sat in a chair to the left. Lord Waihu stood as he spoke. Zuko wanted to know if they had any actionable information. “Do we have any locations of potential strongholds? What about money? Do we know who is funding this group? You say that these people are openly speaking in villages across the archipelago; why haven’t they been apprehended?”

Lord Waihu took a moment to consider his words before speaking. “We believe that the main stronghold is in the Hurvis mountains; the caves there are extensive and have been the haven for criminals and rebels for millenia. We have better intelligence regarding the sources of funding, although the news is not good. Several prominent families and high ranking military officers are believed to be funding the groups.”

“Agni’s Curse has nothing to do with my rule; we know it has something to do with whatever magic the Order of the Crimson Lotus used with those brands. But the superstitious heathens are too stupid to see reason.” Zuko shouted, slamming his hands on the desk. How can people believe this nonsense?

“Not everyone has had the opportunities to be educated and well-traveled like you, Zuko.” Mother said. “And do not discount all folk wisdom as ignorant; there are spiritual matters that are only known to those who live on the land.”

Zuko bit his tongue and kept the bitter words in his mouth. For now. Lord Waihu decided that this would be a good time to speak again. “The ultimate goal is to force you to release Princess Azula from prison and give her a say in the government. Many of the groups aren’t actively asking you to step down, just to release her and let her wisdom help guide the government. Her legend has grown in the years since her disappearance.”

“Azula is dead! I truly wish that she was alive and that she has pulled herself together, but I don’t believe that she has. There’s no way that she could have remained hidden all this time. She was a misguided girl that was pushed too hard and broke from the strain. She died from her wounds and that is the end of it.”

“Not now, Zuko.” Katara said in a soft voice, pulling Zuko out of his rant. He looked to her but her eyes were focused somewhere else.

Mother had put a hand up to her face and was sniffling as she tried to hold back tears. Zuko’s rage disappeared in an instant. “I’m sorry, Mother, I shouldn’t have said those things. I hope that she is alive, but if she hasn’t made herself known by now, then she probably never will. Given what was done to her, I don’t blame her for that.”

Lord Waihu cleared his throat, looking incredibly uncomfortable. “As to that, my lord, she never had a reason to return. She was declared a fugitive of the law at the time of her escape and that designation has never changed. If there is any chance for her to return, if you truly want her to come home, I suggest that she be offered amnesty. She would need a compelling reason to stop hiding; as you said, after what was done to her there is little chance that she would willingly risk another incarceration by returning without a guarantee of safe conduct.”

Zuko thought about this. He believed that she was dead, but he had to consider the outside possibility that she was still alive. If she had remained hidden this long, perhaps she has overcome her issues and could indeed become an asset to the Fire Nation. And though their relationship was strained, he truly would like to have his sister come home.

But there were practical considerations to be evaluated. “It seems like this would be seen as a sign of desperation by our enemies, calling upon my sister when times are bad. How would we spin this?” Zuko asked.

“I agree that it would look out of place to do it now, but I recommend that we get the proclamation together and work out the details of the amnesty. We wait until an opportune time to release the offer, preferably when a significant win is achieved by your administration. This may co-opt some of the support for the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. There is always a chance that it will persuade Princess Azula to return.”

Zuko could tell that Lord Waihu didn’t believe that she would return, but was instead trying to appease Mother. Zuko sincerely appreciated the effort since Mother had seemingly pulled herself together now.

“I’ll think about the conditions of amnesty that I would like to see, but please put together your recommendations also. We can discuss this later in the week.” Zuko finally decided.

“Of course, my Lord. You have my report regarding the Blue Phoenix groups.” Lord Waihu said with a bow.

“Thank you, Waihu. I appreciate your diligence. We’ll discuss your findings once I’ve had a chance to review them.”

Lord Waihu recognized the dismissal and bowed again before turning and making his way out of Zuko’s study. Mother was speaking before the door was fully closed behind him.

“You need to make the amnesty offer as soon as possible, Zuko. She’s been gone for three years. I want my daughter to come home.”

“I promise that we will issue the amnesty as soon as conditions are right. These are dangerous times, Mother, and we have to play our cards right to ensure that the nation remains secure and stable. Rushing things will not help her or us.” Zuko countered.

“We know that you want Azula home, Ursa, and we want her brought back into the fold too. If she has pulled herself together, that would be wonderful. We can help her if she is still having issues; we’re not turning our back on her.” Katara said.

“Thank you, Katara. Those words mean a lot to me coming from you. I know of your troubled past with Azula and I’m glad that you are kind enough to welcome her return. I…I hope that she has been able to carve out a decent life for herself. But I want my daughter back.” Mother said.

“We will try to bring her home, Mother. I promise that we’ll try to bring her home.” Zuko stood up and walked to his mother and gave her a hug, which she returned. He didn’t believe that she still lived but he would work to draw Azula out from her hiding spot if she was still alive.

For Mother’s sake.

“The Sun Warriors are very secretive, but they understand the necessity of our work. Agni’s Curse has reached their shores and they are just as interested in finding a cure as everyone else. They are willing to allow the two of you to visit them since I vouched for your talents and abilities, but they won’t allow anyone else except Kiyi. They have several Fire Healers amongst their ranks and they are interested in exchanging knowledge with you.” Aang explained.

Mei Zhu thought it was silly of them to worry about their secrecy with Agni’s Curse terrorizing firebenders everywhere, but she knew from her studies that many self-contained groups organized around a defining philosophy distrusted outsiders and strove for isolation. It’s just that most of them went extinct over time.

“I’m bringing a copy of ‘Chi Transference Through Bending Applications’ as a gift, as well as several other bending scrolls that I’ve found helpful. The fact that two of the Sacred Springs of Agni are still active and pure is a relief. With any luck, we’ll have a cure in short order. I suggest that you drop us off and then go to retrieve Kiyi; while you’re there you should discuss distribution logistics with Zuko. The cure is only effective if we can get it to the affected people in suitable amounts in a reasonable time frame.” Evasra answered.

“The scrolls that we found regarding Dragon’s Blight gave us a reasonable starting point for how to prepare a cure. Dragons are a lot different than people though.” Mei Zhu interjected.

“Indeed, they are. But if you have your stuff ready, we should head out as quickly as possible.” Aang suggested, standing up.

“Good luck with everything.” Nasu said. “Lo Ruon’s retention band is showing promise in being able to slow the progression of the more dangerous cases of Agni’s Curse, but curing the wound is better than putting a bandage on it.” Nasu said, patting Lo Ruon on the back.

“But a bandage is better than nothing.” Mei Zhu said, giving the engineer a quick hug. “It’s amazing what you’ve been able to do with the spirit stones.”

“I’ve been lucky to work with amazing people like all of you. None of this would be possible without your finds at In Zan Kip or Nasu’s translations.” Lo Ruon said, blushing a bit from all the praise.

“Yes, yes, yes, everyone here is brilliant, but we’ve got a great shaggy beast to ride and a long way to go. Grab your gear, Mei Zhu, we’re going on an adventure!” Evasra said with a wide grin as she picked up the bag she had packed.

Mei Zhu’s smile wasn’t nearly as enthusiastic as she grabbed her own sack. Appa was a wonderful creature and she loved him while he was on the ground, but her appreciation for him dwindled when she was hundreds of feet in the air with him. It was easy for Aang, Evasra and Momo to be at ease a click about the ground; they could all fly if Appa decided to roll over and dump their asses out of the saddle mid-flight. Mei Zhu would drop like a rock and leave a giant splatter mark on the ground below.

Final goodbyes were said and just like that, Mei Zhu was hunkered down in the saddle, not daring to look over the edge. Evasra was meditating, leaving Mei Zhu with only the lemur to keep her company until Aang took mercy on her and came back to visit.

“I know that you don’t really like flying, Mei Zhu, but it really is the fastest way to get there.” Aang said, giving Mei Zhu a reassuring smile.

“I know, the fact that it is so fast is the only saving grace.” Mei Zhu grumbled. It was a scholar’s prerogative to complain about any part of travel she chose to.

“We’ll be stopping in a small town along the coast of the Fire Colony for the night; that way we can get an early start in the morning. Appa will be refreshed and we’ll make great time.”

“That sounds good, Aang. I’m sure that Evasra will be happy to meditate on solid ground for a while.” Mei Zhu looked over at her girlfriend, but she didn’t so much as twitch a muscle.

“Iroh wanted me to bring you guys to Pemni for the evening but I told him that was pretty much not going to happen.” Aang looked over at Evasra, who still didn’t move a muscle. Aang paused for a moment before speaking again. “Since Mai and I are sort of, maybe, kind of dating, he’s always looking for excuses for me to come visit.”

They both looked over at Evasra again, who was now staring back with a rather unamused expression. “You’re a bigger fool than I thought if you would entrust your heart to someone so skilled with knives as Mai. I’m guessing that after SugarQueen, you decided to go for a dangerous lady to give your love life a little extra thrill.”

Aang gave a rather self-conscious grin. “I…I know that you probably wouldn’t approve, but I thought we were close enough friends that I could tell you. I’d rather you heard it from me than through the gossip tales that seem to spread about me far and wide.”

Evasra sighed before she spoke. “I neither approve nor disapprove, Avatar. Mai…Mai and I did not part on good terms, but if you are happy with her, then you have my blessing. But don’t even think about trying to bring her on any double dates with Mei Zhu and me.”

Aang laughed. “No, I promise not to ever try anything like that. I respect your privacy too much to ever risk it. We’ll be at Pi Yuon in a few hours. I know that flying is kind of boring, but the scenery is nice.”

Aang gave another smarmy grin and climbed back onto Appa’s neck, leaving Mei Zhu with Evasra and Momo. With nothing else to do, Mei Zhu decided to try her luck with some gentle probing into Evasra’s past. Azula’s past.

“You know that you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, but who is Mai?” She asked in a quiet voice.

Evasra sighed and was silent for several seconds. Mei Zhu was beginning to think that she wouldn’t answer when Evasra finally found her words, speaking in a soft voice. “She, along with Ty Lee, were the closest thing I had to friends as a child. We’ve known each other since we were young girls and they would often come to the palace to play with me. We went our separate ways as we grew older but then I was called on by Ozai to bring in Zuko and the Avatar when I was fourteen. I almost caught Zuko but one of my subordinates let my prey know of our snare. But when I began the chase in earnest, I called them back into service.”

“Ty Lee is an amazing acrobat and martial artist who knows how to block chi with her fingers. Mai very well may be the most dangerous person in the world when it comes to throwing knives. With them at my side, I captured Ba Sing Se and struck down the Avatar. And I brought Zuko home, allowing him and Mai to rekindle their romance. But during the day of the Black Sun, Zuko betrayed the Fire Nation and Mai, running off to join the Avatar. The dumbass broke into the Boiling Rock prison to help Sokka get his loved ones out. And when Ty Lee and I had them on the ropes, Mai betrayed me and let them go free.”

“Looking back, I see that it was that moment that truly began my descent into madness. It had been brewing, of course, but that was the push that began the boulder rolling down the hill. I confronted her and would have killed her or been killed trying when Ty Lee betrayed me, using her chi blocking to knock me down while my back was turned. That was the last I saw of them until I encountered Ty Lee in Ba Sing Se during the mission to defeat the Rings of Accordance.”

“I’m sorry, Evasra. I…I should have known not to ask.” Mei Zhu hugged Evasra, tears coming to her eyes.

Evasra squeezed her and patted her back. “It’s alright, Mei Zhu. It feels like a lifetime ago. In and of themselves, they stir no emotion in me; all they are to me is a threat to the wonderful life that I’m building with you. And I should thank them; had I succeeded that day, Ozai would have probably defeated the Avatar and who knows what evil he would have unleashed upon the world.”

Mei Zhu thought about her lover’s words as they leaned back and snuggled against the wall of the saddle. It was a warm, comforting and intimate moment until Momo decided he wanted to steal a little of Evasra’s firebending warmth and tried wedging himself between them. It breaks her heart to admit it, and she would never say it out loud, but Mei Zhu was glad that Azula and Ozai were beaten. It saved the world from more heartache and allowed Evasra to rise from the ashes of Azula’s defeat and make her way to Savan. Even knowing the terrible price that Azula paid for her mistakes, Mei Zhu was glad that things had gone this way. Mei Zhu’s heart clenched in anguish as she thought back to those infrequent nights that Evasra awoke in a cold sweat from nightmares of her torture, but she couldn’t imagine her life now without Evasra.

If that made her selfish, then so be it.

Nykka had a bad feeling about the meeting with the Council of Elders as soon as she had been requested to join them for a discussion. Especially given that it seems that they had intentionally chosen to wait until Evasra had left with the Avatar to ask for the meeting.

The hall was warm and vibrant and decorated with the oranges and yellows and browns that had been so popular amongst the Air Nomads of yesteryear. Savan owed much of its philosophy and general acceptance of people of all stripes to the Avatar’s people.

But she feared that this patience was nearing its limit. Evasra’s cult of personality and revitalization of the Fire Healer ranks had done much to improve the image of firebenders in Savan and the islands of the Eastern Sea.

But Agni’s Curse had added a new level of fear and paranoia to the general dislike of firebenders that many people already had. Nykka calmly walked into the meeting room and could tell much by the solemn looks on the faces of the Council of Elders that she was not going to like what they had to say.

Jimna followed close behind her as she made her way to the chair of honor set out for her. She had sat here many times and her relations with the council were friendly if not enthusiastic. She knew that they were good and kind people, but she feared that they would prove to be weak in the face of those that hated firebenders. Good men and women are often overwhelmed when faced with adversaries that are not bound by their limited vision of right and wrong.

“Mistress Nykka, thank you for joining us today. It is always an honor to have you with us.” Elder Jum Yi said. He had been elected the Head Elder three years ago and was several years older than Nykka. He was a righteous and learned man, but he had never left Savan so she had always found his real world experience limited.

“It is a pleasure to be here, Head Elder, but I am quite surprised by the timing of your summons. It would have been good to have Mystic Evasra join me if there is to be talk of the firebending community. She has become something of a leader amongst the people in Sozin’s Slum.” Nykka said, deciding to get straight to the heart of the matter.

She knew that she had indeed hit the nail on the head when she saw the uncomfortable look on the faces of the five council members. Jum Yi again spoke for the group. “We did not wish to distract her from her mission with the Avatar. But her absence was indeed a catalyst for this meeting. As you know, there has been a great deal of discontent in our peaceful city regarding the unfortunate plague afflicting so many firebenders.”

Discontent was a polite way to put it. Protests and general harassment of any firebenders caught out in public is the more accurate way to describe the situation. “I have indeed noticed. Is this the reason why you have called me here?”

“Yes, it is.” Elder Ren Shin answered. She was by the youngest and by all accounts most progressive elder on the council. “There have been many tips and warning from concerned citizens that violent actions may be taken against the residents of Sozin’s Slum. Mystic Evasra’s presence was enough to dissuade nearly everyone of the wisdom of harassing your fellow firebenders, but her absence has led to many groups becoming more vocal in their opposition to the continued existence of Sozin’s Slum in Savan.”

Nykka froze in place as she considered the words that she had just heard. There were nearly twelve hundred people living in Sozin’s Slum, with another four hundred or so people of Fire Nation descent living in the nearby precincts. Less than a third of that combined number were actually firebenders.

“And what is your course of action? Can Sozin’s Slum count on the Council of Elders and the city guard to help keep the peace?” Nykka asked.

The council members all looked at each other for several moments before Jum Yi finally spoke. “The city guard has neither the numbers nor the will to defend Sozin’s Slum should the city rise against your people. We have negotiated a deal with them to leave Sozin’s Slum in peace so long as all firebenders evacuate the city.”

“Evacuate the city? Some of the firebenders are descendents of people that came to the city a dozen generations ago. Even if we wanted to go, who would take us? How would we get there? This is an unacceptable request and all of you know it.” Nykka asked, her internal temperature rising.

“I personally reached out to Mayor Bunlo of Humpi earlier this week by hawk; the city was founded by fire nationals during the early stages of the war and have been accepting firebenders displaced because of fear of the plague. We have also negotiated with a group of shipowners to transport the firebenders, so long as you and a Water Healer of their employ vouch that the firebenders are not infected with Agni’s Curse.” Rin Shen said. “We are sorry about this, but too many of our citizens are survivors of the sacking of Lenth and Rokishe. We simply can’t guarantee your safety should your people decide to stay.”

“Many of us were victims of the same sackings. We came here thinking that you were good and righteous people, willing to accept those that are different than you. The leaders of Lenth and Rokishe doomed their cities by not understanding the nature of their enemies; make sure that you don’t suffer the same fate. I will take your words back to Sozin’s Slum, but I know with certainty that not everyone will leave. I personally have no desire to stay here now that I’ve seen your true colors.” Nykka said, rising to her feet, Jimna at her side.

“Please, Mistress Nykka, try to understand our situation. We are a peaceful people; we simply don’t have the ability to protect your people against the numbers that might turn against you. Riots and civil unrest could tear our overcrowded city apart. We know their fears are unjust. We know that Master Lo Ruon is developing a device that may well stop the progression of Agni’s Curse in the most dangerous cases. But the fear is too great and the threat of violence too real to allow you to stay.” Jum Yi implored. “We’re truly sorry it has come to this, but we have to look out for the needs all our people.”

“You’ve said your piece and I’ve said mine. Your people have been good to mine and I thank you for that, but I fear that you will only embolden the groups by forcing us to leave. I wish you well. Once I’ve met with my people, I will share our decision with you.” And with that, Nykka turned a began walking towards the exit.

She knew that nothing good would come of this. There are many firebenders that had too many roots here. Some were scholars at the Library of Despondent Ecstasy but many more had wives and children from the earthbender and waterbender communities around them. There were even a few firebenders in the Order of the Arts Erotica.

She had made her choice and now it was time to present the facts to the others so that they could choose for themselves.

Chapter 21: In Flux


Azula and Mei Zhu begin work to develop a cure with the help of the Sun Warriors while the Aang and the Fire Nation deal with the ramifications of Agni’s Curse.

Chapter Text

Azula could feel the mystic power of the spring. It gave off a spirit energy unlike anything that she had ever encountered before. There was a purity to it that seemed to resonate with her very soul, like a little bit of divinity placed here among the mundane. She understood why the Sun Warriors held it in such high regard; it was divine water placed here to benefit mankind and help elevate the people to become more in tune with the Great Spirits.

Which is why she was irritated that the Sun Warriors hid themselves away. Aang had told her some of what he had learned here, about the true meaning of firebending and the Dance of the Dragons. She wondered why they would try to keep these things secret; she had learned similar things through study and scholarship and it had done wonders for her. Granted, the scrolls would not have been nearly as effective without the mystical training that Shaman had imparted to her.

More and more, she was beginning to see what was keeping the people apart and leading them to live in strife. Everyone acted like things were separate when in reality everything was connected. It was wrong to keep the different types of bending separated, focusing on ‘pure’ bending styles that made it easy to tell what type of bender you were just by your katas. Azula’s own firebending had become more powerful and useful by incorporating airbending thinking into her fighting style. Aang said that Iroh had figured out how to redirect lightning by studying the movements of waterbenders. Who knows what other developments might occur if people would take the time to learn from traditions not their own.

But her philosophical musings would have to wait, because she had to deal with Agni’s Curse. She turned to Mei Zhu and the two Fire Healers living amongst the Sun Warriors, Master Holin and Appentice Mi Han. It was great to share ideas and techniques with Fire Healers of another tradition; the Sun Warriors focused more on using Fire Healing to improve the health and vitality of already healthy people more than treat infections. Azula guessed that because of their relative isolation, they are exposed to fewer diseases that were passed around.

Azula decided it was time to get started with the actual work of trying to cure Agni’s Curse. She turned to Mei Zhu. “Why don’t you explain the experiment strategy that we came up with after studying the scrolls about Agni’s Blight.”

“Studying the scrolls, we determined that the amount of energy given to each liter of water is actually rather small; the true potency of the cure comes from the innate divine properties of the water. The infused healing chi is just to activate it, for lack of a better term. For the dragons, the amount of healing water had to be at a very specific level in order to cure the affliction. Our best guess is that the cure must resonate with the chi of the afflicted at a basic level. Too much or too little chi and the cure doesn’t work.” Mei Zhu explained. “So based on scaling the relative chi strength of humans and dragons as determined by the scholars of old, we have created a series of experiments to study as wide a range of chi levels as quickly as possible. We should be able to observe how the infected react to each level. Using this technique, we hope that we can establish general ranges quickly and then identify the correct amount quickly after that.”

Master Holin, a tall and broad shouldered man that still radiated vitality even at the age of seventy, was the first to speak. “How do you quantify chi? Does it not differ by person and bender status?“

“It indeed does,” Azula answered. “But there is a baseline threshold that must be crossed in order to be a firebender. From the study of my personal scrolls as well as the scrolls related to Dragon’s Blight, I think I have a good idea of that baseline value. For dragons, it was calculated to be three percent healing chi for every liter of water. For humans I calculate about 0.5% healing chi per liter. And it should only take about a half a liter of water to cure the affliction by my calculation.”

“But there is no true way to determine the correct values except by experiment. Even if the water doesn’t heal the afflicted, the three of you should be able to see if it is affecting the person at all.” Mei Zhu explained.

“Then I believe that we should get started. I am very interested in seeing how you infuse healing chi into the water.” Holin said with a nod to Azula.

“Of course. Apprentice Mi Han, would you extract water from the spring, please.” Azula asked the young woman. Relatively young. She was a few years older than Azula but apparently apprenticeships lasted for years and possibly decades with the Sun Warriors. Short and stout, she was nonetheless quite pretty and exuded the same kind of vitality that Holin gave off. Frankly, most of the Sun Warriors were like this. There was something to be said for their way of life.

“Yes, Mystic Evasra.” The girl took a sacred water scoop that had been purified for this procedure. Working with sacred water was a tricky thing by all the accounts that she had read and special precautions had to be taken to sanctify all the instruments and vessels that touched the sacred water. If it was only sacred water that was being used, it would have made the transporting and distributing the cure around the world somewhat troublesome. But luckily for everyone involved, it was no longer sacred water after it had been infused with healing chi. There were still ritualistic precautions to take, but they were much less onerous.

The scoop was slightly larger than a liter, but that was okay. The actual volume wasn’t that important. Mi Han carefully poured the water into the sanctified charging vessel. Azula explained the procedure as she activated her white flames and placed her fiery hands over the vessel, carefully infusing the chi into the water. “Fire Healing works by imparting healing energy into your flames and then using them to manipulate the chi of the person being healed, allowing us to selectively raise the body temperature of the person while also providing general energy to improve the healing process. For this procedure, we are going to increase the amount of general healing energy of our flames and actively force it into the water. Can you feel the chi energy of the water changing?”

The two Sun Warriors leaned closer to the vessel and their stares told Azula that they were looking with their healer senses. Holin finally spoke. “Yes, I can feel it changing. I had no idea that Fire Healers could infuse anything with chi besides people and animals. Can you do this because of your incredible white flames?.”

“No, it can be done by any Fire Healer. As a show of respect, I have brought extra copies of the scroll that I learned this technique from to gift to your people. There are several others that I will leave with you also. There, I believe that is the correct amount of chi.” Azula said, shutting down her flames and pulling her hands away.

“That isn’t a lot of chi energy, but I feel how it changed the water.” Mi Han said, staring at the vessel with wide eyes.

“Indeed, this may revolutionize medicine as we know it. Who knows how we might use this technique to cure conventional diseases or to optimize the vitality of already healthy people.” Holin said, bowing to Azula. “Thank you for sharing this technique with us.”

“You are welcome, Master Holin. Let’s take this to the infected and begin testing. I’ll explain what I think that we should be looking for as they drink. Based on what we observe, we’ll either continue our experiment or start making large batches of the cure.”

“I hope that this is the cure, but I distrust any process that is this easy.” Holin said with a more solemn expression.

“I agree, Master Holin, but we have to start somewhere.” And with that the small group made their way to area with the afflicted. They had been moved closer to the spring for easy access but were still outside the area considered sacred by the Sun Warriors. It would be a disaster if bringing the infected too close desanctified the spring. Whether it worked or not, Azula felt like they were on the right path.

“Mystic Evasra, Mei Zhu and two Sun Warrior Fire Healers are working on infusing the sacred water with healing energy as we speak. Mei Zhu put together an experiment plan but as she explained it to me, there are so many differences between dragons and humans that even if it is the same thing causing the affliction now, it will likely be a different cure. The only way to ensure success is to work hard and smart.” Aang explained to Zuko and Katara as they sat in the Fire Lord’s study.

“If Mystic Evasra is all that everyone says she is, she might well have the cure mass produced and ready to ship by the time you get back.” Katara joked. Aang recognized it as being more a wish than a joke; he knew how much it hurt her to know that people are suffering and that there was nothing that she can do about it.

“That actually brings me to my next two points. The Sun Warriors won’t allow any other Fire Healers except Evasra and Kiyi to come to their island. Evasra because of my input and Kiyi because of her blood ties to you and Iroh. Evasra believes that this would be a wonderful opportunity for Kiyi to advance as a Fire Healer and help not only the Fire Nation, but firebenders everywhere. Once the method for preparing the cure is established, they could really use a Fire Healer of Kiyi’s talent to help out.

“I don’t know, Aang. I understand that everyone thinks that Evasra is great and I trust your judgment, I really do, but I don’t like the idea of her being alone with Kiyi. There’s just too much unknown about her.” Zuko admitted.

Aang sighed. “I really don’t know what else she has to do, Zuko. She helped stop Sor Yun from using the Rings of Accordance to take over the Earth Kingdom, kept me from being electrocuted, healed Suki, revitalized the entire practice of Fire Healing, and saved your mother from terrorists.”

Zuko clenched his teeth and gathered his thoughts, but Katara spoke before he could put his words together. “And Kiyi absolutely adores Mystic Evasra and looks up to her like she hung the moon. This could be a chance for Kiyi to really make a difference in the world, Zuko.”

Zuko sighed in defeat. “Fine, she can go if Mother approves. But I’d appreciate it if you kept an eye on them, Aang. I know that you may be called away because the assholes in the Earth Kingdom and Omashu are trying to steal Fire Nation territory, but I feel more comfortable if you watch over Kiyi as much as possible.”

“Of course, Zuko. And the second issue is that I’ll need you to provide resources to distribute the cure once it is created. It only does the world any good if we can get the cure to the people that need it in a timely fashion. You and Katara will have to decide where to send it in the Fire Nation and Fire Colonies, but Evasra would like a dose of the cure sent to Savan and Humpi to help her people.” Aang asked.

“There are only a small number of firebenders in Savan and Humpi. It doesn’t make sense to divert resources to help them right now.” Zuko countered.

“Zuko, Evasra and this Mei Zhu are the driving forces behind the development of the cure. Assisting her people with the fruits of her labor isn’t an outrageous request on her part. So far as I know, other than requesting to be left alone, Evasra hasn’t asked for anything in return for all the help that she’s given.” Katara interjected, putting a hand on Zuko’s forearm.

He was tired of these two ganging up on him and ignoring his concerns about Evasra, but he felt that this wasn’t the time to fight them. “Fine, but she had better deliver the goods if she wants my help in bringing the cure to her people.”

“Of course, Zuko. There won’t be anything to deliver if she doesn’t figure this out.” Aang answered, sounding solemn.

“But if she does manage to find the cure, this could be the positive event that we’ve been waiting for. The Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix have been calling for Azula to be released from prison and be given a say in our government. Of course, as you know, she escaped and is probably dead. But we decided that it would be a good idea to offer a Declaration of Amnesty should she be alive and wish to return to her life here at the palace. I truly believe that she’s dead, but…but if there is a chance that she’s alive, I want her to come home. We all want her to come home; we’ll give her any help that she needs to pull herself together if she’s still troubled.” Zuko said.

Zuko looked at Aang, who was just staring back with an absolutely dumbfounded expression. Aang’s mouth opened a few times but no words came out. Zuko started speaking again. “I know that I said I was okay with Kuei putting out a kill order on her, but that was when I was younger and far less wise. And no words from you.”

Zuko turned and pointed a finger at a smirking Katara, who looked like she was about to say something about Zuko and wisdom. She spoke anyway, her voice smooth and condescending. “Of course, great and wise Fire Lord, who am I to question the profound words that you utter.”

Zuko just huffed and rolled his eyes and turned back to Aang, who finally seemed to have collected himself. “I think that’s a great idea. I’m not sure if she’d want to come home, but making the offer is the right thing to do. I think it would be great to bring her back into the fold.”

“Well, everything is riding on Mystic Evasra and the others. I can’t offer Azula a chance to come back until we have a cure. It pains me that the superstitious fools of my nation are causing me nothing but headaches, but that’s the price I pay for being Fire Lord. Hopefully the cure will bring the rebellions in the Fire Colonies to an end also.” Zuko responded.

Zuko gritted his teeth again as he saw the doubtful expressions on both Aang and Katara. Given the state of the world, he couldn’t find it in himself to argue that they were wrong.

“Earth Kingdom forces have taken control of the key forts controlling the main transportation lines in and out of the northeast sector of the Fire Colony. Omashu’s forces don’t control any forts, but they’ve basically annexed the entire southeast portion of the colony adjacent to their lands.” General Liao explained, pointing out the location markers on the map.

Iroh sighed as he reviewed the configuration of the forces aligned against him. With a fully prepared army at his disposal, he feels that he would be able to retake the territory with time and the expenditure of a great many soldiers. But the army was in total disarray; hundreds of soldiers had become infected with Agni’s Curse and the procedures put in place to stop the spread of the affliction had greatly weakened the effectiveness of the military.

Fear of the disease was far greater than the affect of the disease itself. The loss of their firebending was more terrifying than death for many people and that was the more pleasant of the two outcomes. The exploding firebenders had killed hundreds of people, not just from the explosion of the people themselves but the resulting fires that swept through the poor and crowded slums where many firebenders lived in the Fire Colony and many earth cities. Creating separate camps for the infected had helped somewhat, but there were still some people that hid their infections and continued living among other firebenders.

Riots had broken out as the earth people tried to evacuate the cities or force the firebenders into ghettos and martial law had been declared across the colonies. But it was becoming more and more difficult to keep order as the Fire Nation forces became weaker and the earth people became bolder.

But even worse was how the Earth Kingdom and Omashu seemed to know exactly which regions were understaffed and exactly what points to hit to maximize their push into Fire Nation territory. It smelled of treachery. The big problem was there was no way for even traitors and spies to be able to identify and signal the enemies of the breakdowns so quickly. It was almost like they were using supernatural means to gain intelligence.

He feared that shadowbending was somehow giving the earth nations an advantage. Li Nu had promised that the Daughters of Rokishe would not engage in any terrorist activities against the Fire Nation, but no agreements had been made about using shadowbending to aid the Earth Kingdom and Omashu. This could be an oversight that may come back to haunt the Fire Nation.

He turned his attention back to the situation at hand. “Mai, what is the current state of our supply lines to the four easternmost forts we still hold in the northeast sector?”

“Caravans are running at near full strength; the support services always had fewer firebenders in their ranks and the groups initiated isolation protocols very early in the epidemic. There are no delays in the shipment of supplies at the moment.” Mai responded instantly. She was doing a wonderful job overseeing the logistics for the colonies. It was a luxury to have an intelligent and educated woman like her to assist in these trying times.

“Order General Wunxia to maintain the defensive perimeters along the current line. Work is underway to develop a cure and we can’t afford to lose anymore land before we are at full force.” Iroh ordered. “Omashu’s forces haven’t tried to push any farther, but order General Umghyua to meet any incursions with as much force as needed to hold our lands.”

“Yes, Crown Prince.” General Liao said. “What are your orders regarding the renegade navy group?”

The renegade navy group. The eight ships of the Third Fire Fleet had raided the special armory on Whaletail Island where the most powerful weapons of the Fire Nation were kept. Most concerning was that they took the Earth Buster bomb, the most powerful known explosive in the world. Designed towards the end of the Hundred Years War, it hadn’t been finished in time to be brought into play.

It was designed to have enough power to destroy a significant portion of the thickest walls of Ba Sing Se. The fact that the rebels had it was frightening, but also puzzling. The bomb was huge and only fit inside large ships and had to be disassembled to ferry across land. But what did they hope to do with it? There was no way for a small renegade fleet to get it to Ba Sing Se. Even if they did, what did they hope to gain? There was something going on but Iroh didn’t have enough information to determine what yet.

Almost as concerning was the information that the Yangua twins had been taken by the fleet. The tale of the survivors indicate that they had gone willingly. Considering how they had been treated by the Fire Nation, he was truly concerned that their escape could mean even more headaches for the Fire Nation. And Agni knows that the Fire Nation had more than enough headaches at the moment.

The cure for Agni’s Curse may not be enough to save Zuko’s reign if things get much worse.

Chapter 22: The Calm Before the Storm


Nykka and her students leave Savan for a new home while the search for a cure to Agni’s Curse continues.

Chapter Text

“We will continue working on the spirit stones; I believe that we are close to finding a way to halt the progression of the affliction.” Lo Ruon assured Nykka as she prepared to board the Wayfair Traveler.

“Thank you, Lo Ruon. You’re truly a wonderful engineer and I am grateful that you are here to help my people. I hope that you and Nasu are able to save those poor souls that are in danger of combusting.” Nykka answered, giving the man a goodbye hug. He truly was a brilliant man and if anyone can build a device to save these poor souls, it was him.

“Take care of yourself and your apprentices, Nykka. I’m sorry that things have worked out this way, but we will do everything we can to help the firebenders that are remaining here in Savan.” Nasu said as she hugged Nykka.

The words reminded Nykka of the terrible rift that had formed in her city. All unafflicted firebenders were to leave the city of Savan. Humpi, a medium sized town at the western edge of the Eastern Sea, was accepting any and all firebenders that made it to their shore. Of the five hundred or so of the firebenders in Savan, only about two hundred had agreed to leave. Most of those willing to leave were people that had been refugees from places like Rokishe or Lenth and had come to Savan hoping for a new life. But most of those that could trace their families back generations had refused the request to abandon the only home they’d ever known.

Several of the guilds and associations had encouraged their firebending members to leave in order to expand their influence in another region. The Order of the Arts Erotica was very interested in establishing a new site in Humpi; even a few members that weren’t firebenders were coming along. And with the knowledge that Mei Zhu was hoping to establish a new center of learning focused on the wonderful site she and Evasra had found near Humpi, several firebending scholars were willing to make the move.

All of Nykka’s Fire Healing students were making the journey; she and Evasra had plans for creating a new Fire Healing temple to properly educate a larger number of students as the order grew. Evasra had even donated a handsome sum in precious metals and jewels to the cause; she said that it had been her contingency plan to escape the Fire Nation but now would be the foundation of the new order they hoped to create.

But as great as those thoughts were, Nykka worried for the safety of those that were left behind. Fear and hatred of firebenders had grown dramatically over the past few days. The knowledge that many firebenders were leaving Savan appeased many of the citizens, but those that chose to stay may face a bitter backlash. But there was nothing that could be done about it now. Nykka had used all of her powers of persuasion to convince the people to leave, but for many this was their home and they would never willingly abandon it.

Once goodbyes had been exchanged with Nasu and Lo Ruon, she slowly made her way aboard the ship. The Wayfair Traveler had taken her on dozens of Fire Healing trips going back to her time in Lenth. The captain was a good and honest man and she was thankful to be making this voyage with him.

“Everyone is aboard, Mistress Nykka. All of the other vessels are loaded and ready for travel.” Captain Hakluun said. Tall and lean, his weathered face made him look older than his fifty-three years. Life on the sea had a tendency to weather the faces of sailors.

“Of course, Captain. Thank you again for helping my people.”

“You’re welcome, Mistress. I’ve seen the great benefit that Fire Healing has brought to the people of the Eastern Sea. I’m sorry for how you’re being treated.” The captain said with a bow. “I have to oversee the launch, but please make yourself comfortable and let me or the crew know if there is anything that we can do to make the voyage easier for you.”

Nykka made her way to the railing to look at her adopted city one last time as the captain went to begin their voyage. The famed Library of Despondent Ecstasy stood tall in the distance, the wonderful structure looking magnificent in the early evening hours. This city had taken her and so many others in when they had no where else to go, but she feared that this influx of outsiders has begun robbing Savan of what had made it so special.

This had been a city respected for its scholarship and spirituality for centuries, with even the Fire Nation not moving against it during one hundred years of war. But too many outsiders that held different views had made their way to the city and was slowly changing what the city was. It was becoming more commercial and less spiritual every year. There was still an emphasis on scholarship, but many of the residents had begun asking why they should support the famous library that spent so much time and money studying esoteric topics with little real world value.

But Nykka was still excited for the future, because Nasu and Lo Ruon had finally decided that the time was right to tell her of the incredible things that Evasra and Mei Zhu had found during their expedition. The Citadel of Sagacity sounded like a folktale that a musty old scholar found in an even mustier old book. But they had taken her to the citadel with one of the marvelous medallions and she had been in awe at what she had encountered. She knew that it wasn’t for old timers like her to use this knowledge, but the thought of what young and gifted minds like Evasra and Mei Zhu might do with it filled her heart with joy and hope.

She felt the cadence of the ship change as it moved out into the bay and began sailing towards the opening to the Eastern Sea. She smiled as a woman sidled up next to her to enjoy the view.

“I had truly hoped that Savan would be the place where I would put down roots and spend my life.” Companion Isahma said, a small frown adorning her beautiful face. “But I believe that this could further the spread of my cult beyond the Eastern Sea. This would be the first time that the Order of the Arts Erotica has tried establishing a temple in a predominantly firebending city. And I hope that your Fire Healing temple invigorates your order as well.”

“I hope so too, Isahma. But I believe that the a seismic shift in the world order is coming. All that we can do is be ready to adapt to the times.” Nykka answered, giving the younger woman a smile.

“I believe that you are right. I hope that a time of peace and acceptance are close, but I admit that I have become jaded as I’ve grown older. First Lenth, now Savan. It seems that we are destined to be travelers.”

“Perhaps, but both of our sects exist to make the world a better place. It’s up to us to be the change that we want to see.”

Isahma laughed. “That is very true. You are a wise woman, Mistress Nykka. Let’s be the change that we want to see.”

The two woman continued watching in silence as the Wayfair Traveler sailed into the Eastern Sea and the wonderful city of Savan faded from sight. All good things must come to an end, Nykka thought to herself.

But that wasn’t always a bad thing.

The Third Fire Fleet’s flagship, the Yenthan Spire, cut through the water as it sailed northwest of the Fire Nation; Admiral Senvah had taken the fleet off the conventional shipping lanes in order to prevent encounters with other Fire Navy vessels still loyal to the weak and pathetic excuse of a Fire Lord that gave away the hard earned gains of the Hundred’s Year War. He had allies in naval command that would keep him apprised of the Fire Nation’s response to his mission.

The boy had taken the most powerful military force in the world and whittled it down to a barely effective shell of its former glory. The seas had once belonged to men like Senvah, powerful men that dominated the waves to further the glory of the Fire Nation. But the boy had cut funding and mothballed much of the fleet, pushing out the glorious leaders of the war, often without even thanking them for their lifetime of service.

The boy was either spectacularly incompetent or he was actively working to destroy the Fire Nation from within. Given that he’s sticking his pathetic limp dick into a water whor*, it may well be the second option. Rumor has it that she had him by the balls since he needed her help to bring down the true heir to the throne, Princess Azula. Of course it would take two powerful benders to bring down a true firebending prodigy. She had only been a child of fourteen when the weaklings of the palace had betrayed her and allowed the boy the cheat his way to the throne.

But that was the past. He had no doubt that she was dead; surely not even Zuko had been foolish enough to leave a threat to his reign like Azula alive. Even with the boy on the throne, Senvah had remained loyal to the Fire Nation. He couldn’t believe it though when the boy had promised such large reparations to the defeated nations. And the shame of him marrying a water tribe whor* rather than solidify the bloodline by marrying a strong woman of the Fire Nation burned in the pit of his stomach. Then his mishandling of the colonies only furthered the display of his inadequacy.

Senvah had remained loyal through it all though. But he can no longer abide the boy on the throne when it has became clear that even Agni had turned against his rule. The affliction that was Agni’s Curse could only arise because the Fire Lord no longer had the support of Agni. The most powerful of the Great Spirits had never withdrawn his favor during the One Hundreds Year war, showing that he approved of his childrens’ course.

But now, Senvah’s people were being terrorized because of Zuko’s stupidity and selfishness and Senvah would stand for this no more. He had been part of the assault on the icy walls of the Northern Water Tribe during the war, serving under the finest commander he had ever known, Admiral Zhao. And he had learned of the spirit oasis inside the city, with water that had incredible healing properties.

He had waited to see if the cowards would offer assistance to the Fire Nation, but alas no aid was forthcoming. If they would not voluntarily surrender their healing water, then Senvah would take it by force. No matter the cost, he would deliver his people from this terrible affliction.

But breaking through the icy walls would require extraordinary effort. And the Earth Buster bomb was just the tool to bring the Northern Water Tribe to its knees. It was aboard the specially designed ramming ship, the Spear of Ascension. If the bomb can bring down the walls of Ba Sing Se, the ice of Agna Qel’a should fall with ease.

He looked over at the two young women that stood on the bridge with him. Countless military operations had taught him that having contingency plans were crucial to the success of any mission. Ramming the walls of the ice with the ship before detonation would probably bring it down, but the Yangua twins were his secret weapons.

They had been brought to Azulon shortly before his death, but even in his old age he had been prescient enough to see what having two powerful weapons like this would do for his military. It was a shame that they weren’t ready for service before the end of the war, but it turns out that they would be doing Agni’s will anyway.

He decided to go over to them to ensure that they were comfortable and had everything they needed to be in top combat form. They turned to him as he approached, their incredibly tall and lanky frames towering over the rest of the crew. Both were just short of seven feet tall and the tattoos on their foreheads marked what they were for all the world to see.

Combustion benders.

P’Van and P’Luh were stoic women that had endured the beastly training needed to become combustion benders with nary a complaint. They desired to serve the true glory of Agni and had jumped at this chance to save their people. Zuko had forced them to remain hidden, fearful of their tremendous power. There were stories that he had worked with a combustion bender during the war and that he was afraid of them. f*cking coward.

“Ladies, I trust that your accommodations have been satisfactory?” Senvah asked.

The two women looked at him. They both had amber eyes and long black hair that had been shaved close to the scalp along the sides in the tradition of their people. He was not familiar with their tribe, but they had been adamant about holding to their traditions. They were identical in face and body except for a small scar just above P’Luh’s left eyebrow.

“All is well. Thank you for your consideration.” P’Van answered.

“We are happy to see that a true follower of Agni has given us a mission worthy of our talents.” P’Luh chimed in after her sister.

“Of course, ladies. Our great nation has strayed from Agni’s path and it is up to us to save our people from the curse afflicting them. The Fire Nation will be in your debt when we bring the cure from the Northern Water Tribe back to our people.” Senvah said with a bow.

“We seek neither honor nor glory with our actions.” P’Luh answered. “We only seek to use our power to spread the will of Agni.”

“Agni is our light and we must ensure that his will continues to illuminate our wayward people.” Her sister said.

“Indeed, we will send as many of the water tribe to their death as necessary to ensure Agni’s light continues to shine on our people.” Senvah assured his allies. And he meant every word of it.

“Excellent work, Princess. I truly believe that this might be proper level.” Evasra said, bringing a smile to Kiyi’s face. She loved being praised by Evasra and she truly hoped that this would work.

“Great job, Kiyi. You’ve gotten really good at this.” Aang smiled as he pinched Kiyi’s cheek.

“Thanks, Aang. But let’s go see if this works. We need to help everyone as quickly as we can.” Kiyi answered as Master Holin collected the water that she had just infused with chi and gave it to Mei Zhu. The group made their way to the tents were the afflicted were resting. There were only two left to use the cure on; the other two had lost their bending.

Evasra and the others had been working for two days before Aang returned with Kiyi to help. And in the three days since then, they had tried fifty-six variations. Several had truly seemed like they were going to work but in the end fizzled out. The cure wasn’t an instant fix; the sacred water with the infused chi seemed to cause the firebending chi of the victim to gain in intensity and then hopefully rekindle their firebending. But the sources all said that it only worked if the victims hadn’t completely lost their firebending yet.

Everyone waited at the edge of the tent as Mei Zhu took the container to Xi, the Sun Warrior who had been infected the longest. Kiyi wasn’t as good as Evasra or Nykka at reading chi, but she could tell that it was on the cusp of being extinguished. The other Sun Warrior, Nuix, was only a little better; he would get the second portion of the water if it worked.

Mei Zhu spoke to the afflicted Sun Warrior. She was sweating and apparently was in the throws of the heat waves. “Here you go, Xi. We hope that this one does the trick.”

“As do I, Scholar.” Xi said, taking the vessel from Mei Zhu and drinking the one-third of a liter as she had been instructed. It turns out the volume was almost as important as the water chi level when it came to helping the afflicted. That was the working theory based on the experiments ran so far.

They all watched Xi finish her portion of the drink and then Kiyi looked up at Evasra as she gasped. “Her chi, it just changed. Not a flare like the heat waves but like a strengthening.”

“How do you feel, Xi?” Mei Zhu asked, trying to keep the hopefulness out of her voice. Kiyi could tell that she wasn’t succeeding.

“The heat waves, they…they just disappeared. I’m still a little cold but I can feel my body warming up.” Xi said. “It’s like some of the others but it’s faster and feels stronger.”

Kiyi reached out and grabbed Evasra’s hand as the group watched enthusiastically. Evasra looked down and smiled while giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Kiyi could feel her excitement growing as she felt Xi’s chi growing in power. They continued watching for fifteen minutes as Evasra narrated how Xi’s chi was already stronger than anything they’d seen with the other potential cures.

Suddenly, Xi jumped up from her chair while Evasra shouted. “Yes! Can you bend?”

Kiyi held her breath as Xi looked at her hands and then took a traditional firebending stance and punched, a strong and vibrant flame shooting from her fist. Everyone cheered and Evasra pulled Kiyi in for a tight hug before she went to congratulate Holin and Mi Han.

Even with her vision blurred by the tears in her eyes, Kiyi could see Mei Zhu carry the vessel over to Nuix. She couldn’t help but smile as he hurriedly took the vessel and drank as ordered. Word spread to the Sun Warriors and they all came to see the wonderful cure. Evasra assured them it was safe to be around Xi and they gladly welcomed her back into the fold once she had showed them that her bending had returned.

And the entire village roared in unison when Nuix showed off his firebending twenty minutes later. There was much partying and celebrating, but Kiyi’s heart fell as she saw the two Sun Warriors that had lost their firebending just two days ago. They congratulated their friends but Kiyi could see the sense of loss that they had.

But Kiyi turned to listen as Evasra pulled Aang aside. “Avatar, you were able to take firebending from Ozai, were you not? At the end of the war.”

Aang looked confused but answered. “Yes. I’ve tried to give it back to the people afflicted by the curse, but it didn’t work. Something was blocking it.”

“I understand, but that was without the sacred chi infused water. I haven’t seen how the cure affects those that lost their bending; the records say it can’t rekindle someone who has lost their fire, but perhaps it would allow you to return their bending.” Evasra explained. “We still have a dose of the cure we prepared. There is no harm in trying.”

“Sure, Evasra. I’m not happy about giving anyone false hope, but I think that it’s worth the effort.”

Aang went and explained the plan to the chief of the Sun Warriors, who enthusiastically agreed that it is a worthwhile effort. Mun was selected to be the one for the trial. Mei Zhu smiled encouragingly at him as she handed him the last bit of water, which he quickly finished.

Evasra spoke. “We must wait and watch until the time when the technique is most likely to work; it takes at least fifteen minutes before the chi can rekindle an afflicted bender. It may take more or less than that for Aang to realistically try and return your bending.”

Kiyi fidgeted as the minutes ticked ever so slowly by. The Sun Warriors were talking amongst themselves as Evasra intently stared at Mun. Kiyi could tell his chi was growing but the progress was slowing. After about ten minutes Evasra spoke; Kiyi saw that his chi was started to recede. “I believe now is the time, Avatar.”

It hurt Kiyi’s heart to see the expectant look on Mun’s face. If this didn’t work, the man would be heartbroken. Aang stepped forward and put his thumbs to the forehead and chest of the man and his eyes started glowing. A moment later the man’s eyes glowed also. They both shone brightly for a few seconds before they returned to normal and Aang stepped back.

Everyone again held their breath as the man took a deep breath and stepped forward with a punch, a moderate flame shooting from his fist. Everyone cheered, but the man was quiet for a moment. “Thank you for returning my fire, Avatar, but it is weaker than it was before.”

“I was afraid of that.” Evasra answered, causing everyone to look at her. “The cure only increased your firebending chi so much; it peaked and was beginning to recede when I called the Avatar to return your bending. It is likely that many of the people we return bending too will not be as strong as before.”

“I…I can accept that, Mystic Evasra. I thank you for returning Agni’s gift to me, even if it is not as strong as it was. It feels good to have my bending once again.” He gave a respectful bow, which Evasra returned.

“Let’s go make another batch so that you can return Unla’s bending too. It’s not fair to leave her out of the party. And then, Avatar, you better get Zuko’s ships on their way here while we begin making large batches of the cure.” Evasra said, putting a hand on Aang’s shoulder. Then she turned to Kiyi. “Look sharp, Princess. We’ve got a lot of work ahead us.”

Kiyi had never been so happy to be put to work in her entire life.

Chapter 23: Darkness and Light


The situation in Savan worsens even as Evasra and the Sun Warriors prepare the cure to be sent out to help firebenders around Atla.


1 of 2 Postings.

Chapter Text

Nula had cried all the tears that she had. When she had come to Savan, she had been alone and afraid, everyone she had grown up with dead or scattered to the winds. But life had been good here for a while. She had met Uhlun at the tavern she had been employed at and marrying him had been a great thing, with the birth of their daughter Nyna bringing her more joy than she could have ever imagined.

Uhlun had been a sailor, but his ship had been caught by pirates two years ago and now he was lost to her forever. The people of Sozin’s Slum had been wonderful and rallied around her and Nyna and she truly loved them all. But her wonderful community had been torn apart by Agni’s Curse. A town that already distrusted firebenders had grown to fear and hate them all the more because of the terrible affliction that was spreading across Atla.

A group had agreed to leave Savan and move to Humpi; Nula would have liked to take Nyna and go with them and finally live somewhere that actually wanted firebenders amongst them. Nula wasn’t a firebender, but Nyna was a strong bender like her father before her. But Nula knew that she would never have been allowed on the ships leaving Savan.

Nyna was afflicted with Agni’s Curse. Nula hadn’t been able to work in order to care for her daughter and ensure that no one knew of her daughter’s plight. She feared being sent to the camp outside the city; Nula had lived in a camp after the destruction of her city and it had been the most horrible experience of her life. Unprotected women had not been treated well and she would not allow her daughter to endure those conditions.

But they were almost out of food and Nula would have to go soon and do whatever she could to get more supplies. First, though, she had to wait for the current wave of heat to subside so that Nyna could sleep. Nula wiped Nyna’s sweaty brow with water; it wasn’t very cool or clean, but it was the best that she had to help reduce her poor daughter’s temperature. It broke her heart as her daughter twisted and contorted in discomfort, her piteous moans causing Nula to weep in despair.

This wave would pass soon and then Nula would go for supplies. She new that Nyna would lose her firebending, but at least the pain and suffering would be over. Nyna was only eight years old and would adjust in time. Her life might even be a little better by not being a firebender; fair or not, many people of the Eastern Sea laid some blame for the actions of the Fire Nation on firebenders of all backgrounds.

She smiled as her daughter relaxed and stopped thrashing, her breathing instantly becoming calmer. The wave had finally passed. The continued wiping her daughter’s brow, hoping the soothing action would help her sleep. But she jumped back in alarm as her daughter cried out in pain.

“Aaah, it burns so much. Mama, it burns. Help me. It burns!” Her daughter began shouting as she wildly thrashed and began kicking her legs.

“Hush, honey, you have to stay quiet.” Nula pleaded. “They’ll take us away. Please, baby, please don’t yell.” This wasn’t right; more waves never came this soon after the others stopped. She should have had at least two hours of peace.

Her words had no effect on her daughter as her thrashing intensified and she began screaming even louder. “It burns, mama, help me. It burns.”

“Nula! Is everything alright? Do you need help?” Came the voice of Inpu, her neighbor. She was a good woman, but Nula couldn’t let anyone know about Nyna.

“We’re fine, Inpu. Nyna just burned herself a little.” Nula yelled, trying to keep the panic from her voice, but she knows that she didn’t succeed.

“Let me come and help you.” Inpu answered, causing Nula to jump up and run to the door. She quickly pushed a dresser in front of the door to keep anyone from coming in.

“It’s okay, really.” Nula tried to explain through the door as she faintly heard Inpu trying to open the door; Nula had given her a key for emergencies. But her words were proven to be a lie as Nyna started screaming even louder.

“Nyna, baby, let me-“ Nula turned to go back to soothe her daughter but her words were cut off as Nyna bellowed in pain and a huge wave of fire burst forth from her beloved child. Nula had no time to contemplate her fate as the fire engulfed her.

“We have to go, Gram! The rioters are nearly inside the barricades.” Cliya said, hefting the few possessions that Kul Pin had determined that she couldn’t live without. Short and squat with impressive muscles, Cliya had worked as a laundress for twenty years and looked like she could probably carry an ostrich-horse on her back.

“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Kul Pin answered, her creaky bones already tired from the day’s activities. “Let’s see how fast you move when you’re eighty-nine.”

“I know, Gram, but the rioters don’t seem to care. We have to make it to the library before they catch us.” Her granddaughter said, helping Kul Pin out the door. They walked as quickly as they could to the wagon in the street. The old and infirm could ride in the wagons while the others walked. There was no time for dawdling.

Kul Pin looked back at the apartment she had lived in for the past forty years. It pained her to leave her home, but she knew that she wasn’t welcome there anymore. Her family had wanted her to go to Humpi with them to start over, but she was too damn old to live like that. Refugee camps, rebuilding, and such things were for the young and strong. There was no place for an old woman like her there.

Cliya, bless her muscular heart, was a nonbender and had stayed behind with her family; she had married a waterbender and had a waterbender daughter and two nonbender boys. She had promised her family to look over Kul Pin. For a while it had seemed that Kul Pin had made the right decision; rumors that Mystic Evasra was close to finding a cure had spread through the city, causing the non-firebenders to sit back and wait.

But the explosion last night had brought the uneasy peace to an end. No one knows for sure what happened, but those that lived in the building and survived believe that it had been a young girl, Nyna, that had caused the terrible fire that had killed fourteen people and injured another twelve. The building had burned to the ground afterwards, but witnesses claim the explosion had come from her apartment and she hadn’t been seen in over a week.

The crowds had formed outside Sozin’s Slum the next morning and the fighting had started shortly thereafter. The city guard had arrived to restore order but many had been less than enthusiastic about assisting the firebenders. But two convoys had been established to escort the remaining denizens of Sozin’s Slum to safety. Most were going to the isolation camp outside town but a few, like Kul Pin, were headed to the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. She had been a baker in a shop just outside the library for sixty years and she had been offered refuge there. They had been willing to take in those that couldn’t or wouldn’t make their way to the camp.

“Let’s get going, Gram. It will be a short ride for you. I’ll stay near the wagon.” Cliya said, helping Kul Pin into the wagon. But Kul Pin had other ideas.

“No, dearie. You have been wonderful but the library isn’t the place for you. I will be fine. You have a wonderful family that needs you. “ Kul Pin said, patting Cliya’s cheek.

“I can’t do that, Gram. I-“ Cliya started but Kul Pin cut her off.

“I am your elder and you will respect my decision. I have made my choice in life; I’m old and have only myself to think of. You have a family that needs you. This is not your fight and I will not risk my great-grandchildren not having their mother to beat their butts to ensure that they grow into fine young men and women.”

Tears fell from Cliya’s eyes as she gave Kul Pin a surprisingly gently hug. “I love you, Gram, and I’ll see you after all of this is settled.”

“I love you too. Put my bag here next to me and make your way back to your family. They need you.” Cliya did as Kul Pin asked and after one more hug she finally turned and made her way out of the slums. A few minutes later, the two caravans begin making their way through the streets towards the library; both groups would go to the library to protect those staying there. After the library had taken in those that had accepted sanctuary, the remaining people would march out of the city.

This compromise was hastily made and neither side knew how long the truce would last. Kul Pin felt that the peace would hold if Evasra could find the cure to the affliction in time, but she feels that the city she grew up in has changed too much in the past decade. She had welcomed the refugees, of course, and many were wonderful and caring people. But their trauma at the hands of the Fire Nation had made all firebenders suspect, even peaceful ones like Kul Pin. She had never been in a fight in her entire life; a great many firebenders raised in Savan could say that.

But the influx of refugees had brought in others to help with infrastructure and housing and other necessities. Savan has become more of a commercial center as people came here to make money off the refugees. The city had more than doubled in population over the past decade and things were different than they used to be. Some of it was just that she was old and didn’t like change, but she knew that wasn’t everything. The Fire Nation had changed Lenth and Rokishe during the war and she feared it had changed Savan in the peace.

The procession moves slowly through the streets as they are continuously heckled from the crowds shadowing them, but at least as they get closer to the library they are greeted more warmly by the residents. Many of the people living just outside the library are scholars and are much less prone to the sensationalism than the less educated. They are often arrogant and dismissive of those not as intelligent or educated as themselves, but they generally didn’t hate people based on superficial attributes like bending status.

Nonetheless, Kul Pin breathes a sigh of relief as her wagon makes its way through the gates of the outer walls at the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. She had been inside the library occasionally when she used to make food deliveries, but that was always to the kitchen area. She was sorry that her first true visit was under such terrible circ*mstances but the Library of Despondent Ecstasy was so famous that it was nice to at least say she had been inside it.

She watched as they closed the gates behind the wagons that had made their way inside the compound and it was with a sad heart that she slowly moved towards the library. The sounds of hatred and shouts of ‘Savan hates ashmakers’ and ‘the only good ashmaker is a dead ashmaker’ filled the air as the rioters took up positions outside the walls.

Kul Pin hoped that these people would have too much respect for the great library to bring their violence and hatred inside these hallowed halls, but she knew better than to take anything for granted. As an old woman, she had made choices for herself and she would accept whatever fate had in store for her.

Mei Zhu smiled as she and Master Holin reviewed the sixty-three containers that had been prepared so far by the four Fire Healers. It had been found that twenty liters seemed to be the optimal amount of cure to prepare in a single container. It took approximately an hour to infuse the appropriate amount of chi into each vessel of water; Evasra and Holin a little faster, Mi Han and Kiyi a little slower.

The twenty liter vessels were also relatively easy to transport and there was less risk of losing a lot of the cure if the chi infused sacred water was mishandled. With proper handling, the cure should be good. Master Holin was going over the protocols with representatives from the three Fire Nation transport ships that had arrived so far.

“Each small water drum has been sanctified according to the principles established by the followers of Agni in our earliest time. Once the water has been infused with chi, it is no longer considered sacred but must still be handled carefully according to the rules of Agni.” Holin explained. “Every water drum will come with a scoop that has been blessed by our priests. It must only be unwrapped at the time of use and immediately replaced in the special cloth it is wrapped in when it is to be stored. It is best to only use a single scoop with each water drum to ensure there is no cross contamination and corruption of the cure. A single dose of the cure is a third of liter; it doesn’t matter if the victim is a small child or a large man, it is always a third of a liter. No special procedures are needed for the cups other than they are clean. It is probably best if a new cup is used for each victim, but it is not necessary.”

Mei Zhu thanked all the Great Spirits that the cure wasn’t just the sacred water because there’s no way it could have been administered to a large group of people around the world in a timely fashion. They were probably going overboard on the restrictions for the procedures for the cure, but it was better safe than sorry.

The first three shipments of the cure were going to the Fire Nation and Fire Colonies. Mei Zhu worried that violence was going to escalate in the colonies once the cure was administered and the Fire Nation need not fear Agni’s Curse burning through their camps. The news that had been shared by the Fire Nation ships was that the Earth Kingdom and Omashu had retaken nearly two thirds of the colonies from the Fire Nation. Mei Zhu was glad that the Fire Nation was being pushed back, but she feared that another great war could be in the offing if things get worse Aang had left yesterday to visit the colonies and try to stop the conflict from escalating.

But she could only worry about the things before her; curing the poor people suffering from Agni’s Curse was her only focus at the moment. Things were going great so far. It was estimated that they would be able to eliminate all of the isolation camps in a month or so; it was great that every nation had agreed to accept the cure and administer it to the affected areas.

Evasra, being a bit of a pessimist, had worried that the nations of the earth continent would allow Agni’s Curse to continue in the areas they control to further reduce the population of firebenders in their midst. But Aang had said that Shur Zi and Buzin were aggressive in their defense of their people but weren’t evil and that he was confident they would follow through on their promises. Mei Zhu certainly hoped so.

Mei Zhu turned her attention back to the conversation as the captain of one of the ships spoke. “Thank you, Master Holin, for your tutelage and for your help in finding the cure to this most perfidious affliction. These smaller water drums will greatly facilitate the transportation and distribution of the cure. You have the gratitude of the Fire Nation and firebenders everywhere.” The captain and all the other Fire Nation representatives all bowed to Master Holin.

“Thank you, Captain. This was a group effort and I doubt that we could have done it nearly as fast without the excellent planning of Mei Zhu. She is not a child of Agni, but she had truly proven herself to be friend of those that are.” Master Holin answered, nodding to Mei Zhu.

Mei Zhu gave a wide smile; the truly loved when people appreciated all that she did for them. “It was my pleasure. But now the important part is to get the cure out to the people that need it.”

The talk turned to logistics and while three ships were a great start, more would definitely be needed. Six more would be arriving tomorrow to transport the cure to even more ports for distribution.

As the cure was being divided up amongst the three ships, the captain again addressed Master Holin. “Master Holin, is there a common area where I could post an official proclamation. Fire Lord Zuko is issuing a major declaration to all the lands under his control, and even the ones outside his control if possible.”

“Of course, we have a civic square here at the port where Fire Nation declarations are displayed.” Master Holin answered. “Mei Zhu and I are heading that way to return our compatriots preparing the cure. I will be happy to show you the way.”

“Thank you, Master Holin. This is a rather strange proclamation but it is an important one.” The captain answered as he followed Holin towards the civic center. Mei Zhu followed along; she hung back since she wasn’t really all that interested in Fire Nation announcements. Her mind wandered as she thought about logistics and daydreamed about returning to Humpi. It had saddened her that the firebenders were being expelled from Savan, but where Evasra went, Mei Zhu would go to. And being that close to In Zan Kip was actually better for Mei Zhu in the long run. She and Evasra were already making plans to create a Fire Healing school, found a training temple for the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will, and create a new scholars center in Humpi. They were going to be busy for a while.

“Here we go, Captain. You can post wherever you see fit.” Holin said, gesturing to an official looking wall under a covered roof. “I must admit that I’m curious as to see what this proclamation is all about.”

“Then you need wait no longer to satisfy your curiosity, Master Holin.” The captain said with a laugh as he pinned the document to the wall. Mei Zhu’s eyes went wide with shock as she read the words written below the illustration of a younger Evasra’s unpainted face.

It was a Declaration of Amnesty for Princess Azula of the Fire Nation.

Chapter 24: A Light Extinguished


Things come to a head in Savan while the situation in the Fire Colonies remain tense.


2 of 2 postings today. Please read Chapter 23 before this one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

“We will need to approach directly from the south in a shielding formation. It will be the jobs of the other ships to clear the lane for the Spear of Ascension to deliver the payload to the walls of Agna Qel’a.” Senvah explained. "P’Van and P’Luh will help clear the lanes and preferably weaken the base of the wall to allow the Spear of Ascension to get deeper penetration before detonation.”

“By the grace of Agni, my sister and I will low these people low. We must not allow their selfishness to hinder the will of Agni’s chosen people.” P’Van answered as both she and her sister bowed their heads in prayer at the mention of Agni. Senvah thought their devotion bordered on obsessive, but he admired both of them for their skill and determination and he would happily overlook a few personality quirks to get what he needed.

He was about to continue speaking when a sailor approached with sealed message. “Sir, we’ve just received a hawk from our allies.”

Senvah took the missive and read through the document. His mind raced a click a minute trying to figure out how to make this work for the cause. After a few moments of contemplation, he turned back to his trusted allies to share the news.

“Word has just reached me that a cure has been developed for Agni’s Curse based on sacred water found only on Sun Island, just off the northern coast of the main island. The cure is being bottled up and will soon be shipped out to the lands. But I see an opportunity to take command of the Fire Nation here and now. We can make our way to Sun Island by tomorrow.” Senvah explained, looking around at the others. “With the cure in our control, we can finally force the pretender from the throne. If Azula is available to take her anointed position upon the throne, then I will support her. As an Acolyte of the Blue Phoenix, I recognize her claim as the true successor of Ozai. If she is not available, well, I know of another descendant of the royal line that can be placed upon the throne. But there is no time to dawdle. We must strike now while we have the opportunity.”

“The Fire Nation forces are deployed at these passes near the main roads through the mountains. Now that a cure has been found, they are consolidating their troops again. Based on the movements of the troops approaching from Pemni, they will have their full contingents at each of the strongholds they currently occupy in a no more than a week.” Kimya explained, marking the points on the large table map.

“With those positions refortified, it will difficult to hold the territory we’ve already taken if they decide to push outwards.” General Laolung said as he reviewed the map. “Our supply lines are overextended and their defensive positions are strong.”

Min Kai reviewed the situation also, although given how short she was it was clear that she had trouble seeing the entire map. “If the conflict escalated, what would be our most defensible line?”

“For the Earth Kingdom, it will be the series of forts we control along the Bilfaun Forest; our fortifications are fully established and we have interior supply lines. For Omashu, they’re current line is probably their most defensible positions. If they’re driven back, it will be extremely difficult for them to establish another defensive line before they’re pushed all the way back into their own territory.” General Laolung responded.

“Successor Kimya, my people thank you for the incredible intelligence that you have provided regarding Fire Nation troop movements. Are you able to gather any information regarding the activities of the Avatar in Pemni?” Min Kai looked to Kimya expectantly.

“I’m sorry, Princess, but the Avatar is an opponent that our sources cannot get close to. I apologize for the inconvenience, but it could compromise our entire intelligence network.” Kimya answered truthfully. The terrifying tale that Minvu had told of her encounter with Mystic Evasra was more than enough to convince the Daughters of Rokishe not to risk any encounters with the Avatar. They didn’t know if the Avatar could detect shadowbending and they had no intention of putting it to the test.

“I can’t say that I understand, but the Daughters of Rokishe have proven themselves to be such wonderful friends to both the Earth Kingdom and Omashu that we will not contest the limitations of your intelligence gathering network. But it is probably for naught anyway; I am going to recommend to Queen Shur Zi that we push for a diplomatic resolution to this situation. Our military positions are strong and we were invited in by disaffected members of the Fire Colony, making this an internal affair. The Avatar has not intervened for this reason, but further aggression on our part may push the Avatar to interfere in a way to our detriment.” Min Kai explained.

Kimya nodded to Min Kai. After having worked with hot-headed local leaders and asinine anarchists too pigheaded to see reason, it was a pleasant change of pace to interact with thoughtful and disciplined allies like Min Kai, General Laolung and most others of the Earth Kingdom command structure.

It was a perfect partnership. With the intelligence that Kimya and her sisters had been able to gather with their incredible shadowbending skills, General Laolung and Min Kai had skillfully pushed the Fire Nation into a corner. And they were wise enough not to be greedy; they wouldn’t be able to take all of the Fire Colony territory in one go now that a cure had been found for Agni’s Curse. Self-restraint and good judgment. They were going to spoil Kimya so that she couldn’t work with second rate hacks anymore.

“I believe that is a wise course of action, Princess. You have a strong legal case for your position. However, my sources indicate that Omashu may not share your desire for restraint.” Kimya informed the group.

She empathized with the sigh that both Min Kai and Laolung released. Min Kai was the first to speak. “King Buzin believes that even with a cure, his forces will be able to break through their lines and push towards Pemni before the Fire Nation forces can regroup. Given that this is an internal affair, he doesn’t think that the Avatar will interfere.”

Kimya didn’t agree with that assessment. “The Avatar is young and has shown himself to be somewhat biased towards the Fire Nation; I don’t know that the risk is worth the gain in this endeavor.”

“I very much agree with you, Successor Kimya. But King Buzin is our ally and we have no official sway over his decision making processes. Will you and your allies continue to support him?” Min Kai eyed Kimya with a discerning glance.

“I believe so. Matron Rajeen is the final say on these matters, of course, but we have pledged to support both the Earth Kingdom and Omashu in their push to drive the Fire Nation off our shores. We are not military strategists, so it isn’t our place to judge the aspirations of either the Earth Kingdom or Omashu. We have explained our limitations and both of our allies have respected them, so we will respect Omashu’s decision as well.” Kimya answered.

“And we respect your willingness to assist Omashu, even if it is the wrong choice. I will send my recommendations to Queen Shur Zi and I suggest you inform Matron Rajeen of the circ*mstances facing both the Earth Kingdom and Omashu.” Min Kai said. “The true conflict may yet begin.”

Ronthla waited at the appointed spot outside the walls near the kitchen areas of the library. He twirled the cudgel he held, knowing that it could do a lot of damage in his strong and muscular hands. At six feet three inches tall and two hundred and twenty pounds, he had kept the muscular physique from his military days. He knew that he was still good looking despite the scar running from the bridge of his nose down his right cheek. While the cudgel was for the personal feel of punishing firebenders, his strong earthbending would do most of the heavy lifting in the upcoming battle.

Dunkli had said that an acolyte friend of hers could get them inside the library; she wasn’t a member of the Purity of Savan movement, but the acolyte friend wanted nothing to do with having rogue firebenders living inside the greatest institution of scholarship in all of Atla. Ronthla could respect that.

The sun was getting low in the sky and would dip below the Lu Yang mountains momentarily and the air was already starting to cool, but he felt the warmth of righteous anger flowing through his veins. He had fought for the army of Rokishe during the war and he counted himself lucky to have survived the invasion of the vile and disgusting monsters that overwhelmed his people. His wife and four children had not been so lucky.

Since that day, he had made it a point to stick it to the ashmakers every chance he got. At least a dozen drunk firebenders had learned that they shouldn’t have tried to walk home alone late at night in a town that Ronthla called home. But at long last the people of Savan were coming to understand what he had known all along; firebenders are the scourge of Atla and must be driven from all the lands. Only by maintaining the purity of the lands can Atla ever hope to heal. The Northern Water Tribe understood this and their people had remained strong.

The Matrons of Rokishe had been good leaders but there was nothing to be done to stop the onslaught of the monsters from the Fire Nation. But Ronthla had made it his mission to ensure that every last firebender was removed from Savan. This group was the last holdouts here in his adopted city.

Every head in the group of his followers turned to see a door hidden in the wall pop open about fifty feet from where they stood. A young girl wearing the robes of the Cult of Joyful Sorrow stepped outside and looked around. She waved the group over.

“Bu Yan! It’s good to see you. Thank you for showing us the way.” Dunkli said, going up and giving the girl a hug.

“Of course, Dunkli. I want these interlopers gone from my library.” Bu Yan said looking around at the group. She rightfully picked Ronthla out as the leader. “This tunnel will lead us back to servants' area in the library, next to one of the secondary gates. If you open that, you should be able to get your people in very quickly.”

“Thank you, Acolyte Bu Yan, for your service in preserving the purity of Savan. Lead the way and we will remove the offenders from your library.” Ronthla answered, stepping forward.

“Of course. Follow me.” Bu Yan took a quick look around and then waved the group into the tunnels after her. Ronthla wasted no time in following the girl. He had to duck down to get his tall frame into the tunnel, but he didn’t fear confined spaces. He was a soldier committing to driving the enemy from his home.

He would make sure that these firebenders never harmed his people ever again.

Lo Ruon smiled at the elderly woman as he used the Resonance Stones to evaluate her chi. The engraved stones were attached to harness that held one stone against her chest and another against her back. The two stones established a resonance with the firebending chi of the user and allowed Lo Ruon to sense whether the chi was pure or tainted. As expected, Kul Pin was not afflicted with Agni’s Curse.

So far, none of the thirty-three people he had tested were afflicted. He guessed that since most of the people given sanctuary in the library were either old or sickly, their firebending chi would have been extinguished rather quickly if they had contracted Agni’s Curse. “You are not infected and your chi is still quite strong. You’ll be able to keep giving out your wonderful baked goods for years to come based on what I can tell.”

Kul Pin laughed. “You’re a sweet man, Lo Ruon. Thank you for looking out for my people. You have been a good friend to us since you came to Savan. Having new blood like you and Evasra has truly made our city a better place. I-“

Her words were cut off as they both heard the sound of yelling and fighting from outside. Lo Ruon’s intestines clenched in fear as he saw several of the guards for the Cult of Joyful Sorrow running across the library towards the sounds, only to have to stop to deflect rocks that had been thrown their way.

Someone was actually earthbending inside the library!

The firebenders around Lo Ruon all got to their feet and began moving away from the fighting as more people came into the library; some wore the uniforms of the guards while others wore conventional street clothes.

Lo Ruon helped Kul Pin to her feet. “Come, Kul Pin, let me help you. We have to get you and the others away from the fighting.” Once she was up she took her cane and began walking with the others. But a few of the healthy firebenders that stayed to assist the others came forward to defend their people.

“For the love of the Great Spirits, don’t use firebending in the library!” Lo Ruon hissed at the young people itching for a fight.

One of the girls just sneered at him. “We will do whatever it takes to protect our people. Run along, engineer, and leave the fighting to us.” And without any more words the six young people ran towards the fray.

Fools! They could set the entire building alight. But there was nothing to be done now except try to get these people to safety. He was not a violent person and loathed fighting, but he would do what he could to defend these people. Once again, Evasra had shown herself to know human nature when she had asked him to create spirit stones to defend himself and others.

He pulled out the Blocking Spheres from his travel bag. They were connected to the same gauntlets that he used for the Resonance Stones. He used his spirit energy to activate the Blocking Spheres and they were ready to be wielded at a moment’s notice.

The group moved towards the back of the library as Nasu approached. “This way! Three gates have been opened by the servants area.” But their attention was drawn to the battle behind them as a rock smashes through the wall, exposing a support pillar. Even with the smoke that is starting to fill the room, he can see cracks starting to form. The primary pillars were nearly five hundred years old and were just barely rated to support the weight of the upper floors. If even one of the pillars was damaged, the entire library could collapse.

“Follow Mystic Nasu! We have to get out of the library!” Lo Ruon ordered. But escape was easier said than done. Fires had begun spreading through the library as the tens of thousands of scrolls and books and precious writings began burning, filling the rooms with choking smoke. Lo Ruon pulled his shirt up over his face to help keep the acrid smoke out of his lungs.

The smoke cleared a bit as they leave the main hall but the sounds of battle echoed through the chambers. The cracks forming on the outer walls of the library are very concerning to Lo Ruon, but he tried to keep the urgency out of his voice as he pushed the group forward. Just as they neared an exit to the Lawn of Introspection, combatants rushed into the chamber with them.

Lo Ruon recognized the young firebender that had chided him earlier; blood poured down her face from a wound over her eye and her left arm hung limp. She was being chased by two men, one tall and muscular with a scar on his right cheek and the other short and stout. Lo Ruon launched a Blocking Sphere at the nearest man, striking him in the arm as he went to bend.

The Blocking Sphere sent a calibrated spirit pulse that scrambled his chi; it would only last for a few minutes or so, but during that time the man would have very limited motor control and be unable to bend. He sent the other Blocking Sphere at the second, taller man but he swatted it aside with some sort of cudgel; Lo Ruon winced as the Blocking Sphere bounced off the floor and rolled to the wall, damaged beyond his ability to repair at the moment.

But the young girl wasn’t done fighting; she fired a quick burst of fire at the tall man, but he simply turned aside and ducked. He pulled three stones from the floor and sent them towards the young girl, but she was able to just jump out of the way. The man charged forward and kicked a stone low and fast at the girls legs, correctly guessing where she was going.

The sickening thud of the leg bone breaking reverberated through the hall as the girl cried out in pain and fell to the ground near Kul Pin and the others. The tall man grinned as he pulled another stone from the floor and went to strike the fallen girl.

Lo Ruon had no more Blocking Spheres and both he and Nasu were too far away to help. But the man’s grin turned to shock as a burst of fire struck him in the chest, the rock he was about to cast falling to the ground as he stared at the old woman with her hand still outstretched.

Kul Pin watched dispassionately as the man fell to the ground. She turned to a stunned Lo Ruon. “Lo Ruon, please do me a favor and help Yillna out of the library; I doubt that she’s going to make it very far on her own with a broken leg.

Kul Pin’s words snapped Lo Ruon out of his dazed stupor. “Of course, Kul Pin. Come on, Yillna, let’s get you and everyone else out of here.” Lo Ruon helped the girl to her feet and put her right arm over his shoulder and they slowly made their way into the Lawn of Introspection. He looked back to see the earthbender that he had blocked earlier start to stir, but the man chose this path and if he didn’t make it out in time, well, Lo Ruon wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

Night had fallen but the ground was illuminated by the light of the burning library behind them. It broke his heart to see the wonderful edifice and all its knowledge burning in the night, but there was nothing to be done for it now. Once the fires had reached the upper levels, there was no way to stop the inferno. He saw dozens of figures crawling down the terraces on the outside of the building, trying to escape the flames on the upper levels and make their way down to the ground.

Lo Ruon and Nasu led the group to the other side of the lawn where they encountered a group of the city watch bringing water trucks and waterbenders to put out the flames. But Lo Ruon knew that their efforts were for naught. Even if they were to stop the fire now, the structure was probably too damaged to ever be used again. And his heart broke thinking of all the knowledge that was being lost.

But healers had arrived and Lo Ruon was able to hand off Yillna to a pretty young waterbender. He was wary though when he saw a group approaching them until he recognized Colonel Elmun, commander of the isolation camp.

“Master Lo Ruon, Mystic Nasu, thank you for escorting these people out of the library.” Colonel Elmun said. Then he turned towards the assembled group. “I know that you didn’t wish to stay in the camp, but I’m afraid there is no other safe alternatives at the moment.”

“There are a few others that were in the library. One is being treated by the healers now.” Nasu said.

“I’ll leave a few men to escort any survivors that are found. I was told that the city has turned against the rioters, so the danger to firebenders should be lower for now. But let’s not tempt fate; I brought several wagons to help transport the people with you to the camp.” Colonel Elmun gestured to the approaching wagons.

Lo Ruon and Nasu helped get the others loaded on the wagons and grabbed a couple seats for themselves. They were both quiet and lost in their own thoughts as their wagon made its way across the bumpy road to the isolation camp.

He looked up as he heard Nasu gasp, just in time to see the burning tower in the distance slowly tilt and collapse, a huge burst of flames and sparkling embers tossed into air as the great beacon of scholarship finally toppled.

Lo Ruon pulled Nasu to him and held her in his arms as she sobbed for what the world had lost. He had only been in Savan a short while, but the Library of Despondent Ecstasy had become a home for him. A place of scholarship and learning filled with great and profound minds that wanted to learn about the world and help people understand was now lost forever. It truly felt like the world was becoming a darker place.


These chapters were short and tied in well with each other, so I decided to publish them together. These chapters basically close down the first half of the story as the next few chapters transition to the second act.

Chapter 25: The Battle of Sun Island Bay


The enemy fleet arrives at Sun Island with the intent of stealing the cure but encounters stiff resistance.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

The waters were unnaturally calm as the eight ships of the Third Fire Fleet sailed towards the only serviceable bay in this backwater island. With any luck, his fleet would either intimidate the ships already docked or, better yet, convince them to join with him to overthrow the pretender on the throne. He would give them a chance to surrender, but should they stand in his way he would ensure that they were sent to the bottom of the sea. He had no time to deal with those that refused to see that the Fire Nation was on the wrong path and would continue to fall out of Agni’s favor so long as Zuko was Fire Lord.

“Captain, the watchtower is signaling us off.” The spotter relayed, watching the shore with his spyglass.

“Signal that we have a medical emergency and need to put into dock.” Senvah answered. The order was relayed to the signalman. After the message was relayed three times, they waited for a response, all the while heading for the harbor at full speed.

“They are repeating their message signaling us off.”

“Ignore their message and continue on course. The time for subterfuge is over.” Senvah ordered.

The Fire Nation ships must have been warned because three of the vessels had come to meet them, with the other two pulling away from the docks. Senvah knew that it would only be a matter of time before the knowledge of his defection was spread with the rest of the Fire Navy. But for now, it didn’t matter, he had eight ships to their five as well as two combustion benders. He didn’t want to sink the ships of his countrymen, but he would do whatever it takes to put the Fire Nation back on the righteous path.

“Signal the Flaming Demon to have P’Luh fire a warning shot off the bow of the lead ship.” Senvah said. The signalman dutifully sent the message and less than a minute later he watched a beam of projected chi smash into the water next to the advancing ship. That should make them reconsider their opposition.

The whole crew, Senvah included, straightened up in disbelief as the lead ship answered the display of combustion bending with a bolt of lightning. Senvah saw the lightning strike the Flaming Demon, causing an explosion. The bolt must have hit one of the trebuchets armed with explosives. The midsection of the ship was burning and black smoke billowed from the destroyed trebuchet.

“Sir, in the air.” The helmsman said, pointing at a figure in brown clothes flying through the air, propelled by white flames from both their hands and feet. He had heard rumors of a fabled mystic of the white flames, but he had discounted them as propaganda. He understood now that he had severely underestimated the skill of this opponent. But she was only one woman; she would not turn the tide of this battle.

“Open fire!” Senvah ordered as he saw the approaching ships launch their trebuchets. The air was filled with explosive shells as the battle began in earnest.

The combustion benders were the only true threat to Azula as she zigged and zagged across the surface of the water before quickly elevating to occupy the airspace of a trebuchet that had just fired. Rocketing upwards she unleashed another bolt of lightning to target a trebuchet preparing to fire, causing yet another explosion that spreads burning pitch across the deck of the ship.

She immediately dropped again as she sensed a combustion bender preparing to fire, diving low and quickly accelerating out of the practical range of the combustion bender. The bolt gained on her but fizzled out and explodes harmlessly before reaching her. Against stationary targets in relatively close proximity, combustion benders were terrifying foes. Against highly mobile targets that could sense the accumulation of chi before firing, they were still dangerous but manageable enemies.

She put an enemy cruiser between her and the combustion bender; her foes apparently couldn’t track her unless they have eyes on her. But they were skilled and cunning, trying to anticipate where she would appear when she came from behind a vessel. They had almost got her twice. Now was the time to see if she could use their cleverness against them.

Knowing that she was out of range of the second combustion bender, she shot straight up in the air, separating her poles as she accelerated as soon as she cleared the sightline of the intermediate ship, she scanned the distance for combustion bender chi and unleashed a bolt of lightning towards the human weapon just as the combustion bender returned fire.

Lightning was far faster than combustion bending.

Azula quickly darted sideways and away from the two ships as the lightning struck her target’s ship, causing bolts of electricity to arc as the lightning was conducted along the metal exoskeleton of the vessel. The combustion blast fizzled out and dispersed with only a small explosion. That was a great sign, but she dared not do anything rash like charging the combustion bender in case she was playing opossum-raccoon. Dropping down and staying near the surface of the water, she weaved her way between the enemy ships.

With the five Fire Nation ships firing towards the enemy ships from inside the bay, she was actually in more danger from one of their rogue shots than being hit by anything fired by the enemy trebuchets. They simply weren’t designed to fight high speed opponents like her at close range.

But one good thing was that she only sensed one combustion bender firing. She didn’t know whether the one she targeted was dead, injured or lying in wait; for now it didn’t matter because the progress of the invading fleet had been stopped. The invaders had more ships but Azula’s lighting had been inflicting massive damage on the enemies ability to fire their trebuchets, making the encounter a lot more balanced. She had even managed to severely damage the bridges of two of the enemy ships as well, rendering them stationary in the water.

But she was starting to get tired, so she headed back towards her allies; she could land and still unleash her lightning from there. It wasn’t as effective from that distance and angle, but she’d be worthless if she tired out and crashed in to water.

A glint of reflected light caught her attention, so she swept a bit wider to investigate the sight. There! A ship was coming in. A quick estimate of its size told her that it was probably a dreadnought. Whoever it was, it would decide the battle. It would take the combined efforts of all the ships in the harbor to go toe to toe with a behemoth like that. All that she could do now was pray to Agni that it was still loyal to the Fire Nation.

Either way, her best bet now was to get back to safety and rest up. If it was friendly, she would take flight again and attack whatever it wasn’t focused on; she had no interest in getting in the line of sight of that monstrosity when it was firing at the enemy.

If it was an enemy, well, that would make things a lot more interesting. Her lightning might harass and irritate it, but it was doubtful that she could stop it and she had no particular interest in dying in a futile attempt to hold that beast at bay. Retreat was her best option.

She would cross that bridge when she came to it. Going high and navigating the paths between ships, she landed on the deck of the Fire-Heart, a destroyer that had lost half of its trebuchets; the least she could do is protect the weak link fighting to defend the cure from whoever this enemy was.

Senvah cursed as he used the spyglass to view the approaching ship. It was the Evasrielle’s Lament, a Dreadnought class warship. Had his fleet been at full strength and facing the lone dreadnought, he was confident that he could have sunk it, albeit with terrible losses of manpower and ships. But his fleet was far from at full strength, thanks to the dogged resistance of the five ships in the harbor and the elusive mystic that had unleashed devastating lightning attacks. She had stayed clear of the combustion benders for the most part and she had inflicted enough damage to slow his progress.

Continuing the fight now would be a mistake. One of the enemy ships had sunk and another was listing, but the battle was over. His only real option was to retreat and find a friendly port. He issued the command. “Signal the other ships to withdraw. Set a course southwest and away from the incoming ship. We need all ships clear of the harbor as quickly as possible.”

The battle had been fierce and the incoming ship had not been spotted until it was less than four clicks away and was now rapidly approaching the battle. Senvah felt his ship slowly turning, edging away from the ships in the harbor and moving towards the open ocean. “All batteries open fire when the dreadnought is in range. It is the primary target now.”

Senvah watched as his orders were relayed and the ships ever so slowly disengaged from the fight. But he still saw P’Van continue firing combustion blasts at the ships in the harbor. Senvah just sighed; they had been trained to be agents of war and there was no way to turn off that mindset. He gritted his teeth as a bolt of lightning struck the ship ferrying P’Van; he watched the electricity arc across the metal ship. But the bolt was answered by yet another combustion blast.

Let the two bloodthirsty fools have their fun. His apathy turned to concern though when he saw how slow some of his ships were moving. P’Van’s ship was keeping pace but he worried for the Spear of Ascension. He had told the Spear of Ascension to hang back since it was carrying the Earth Buster bomb, but with the spyglass he could see it listing slightly. It probably took a lucky shot from one of the enemy ships.

It didn’t matter now; his fleet was too ravaged to sack Agna Qel’a. He would leave any ship behind those that couldn’t keep up. He was fighting for the righteous cause and couldn’t be slowed down by the weak and infirm.

His attention was caught by a loud booming sound, followed about five seconds later by a large explosion in the water near the cruiser Light of Glory. The projectile only missed the ship by a few dozen yards; it was a rangefinder shot. He had seen demonstrations of this new missile. It was like a steel arrow with a powerful warhead in the tip; the first shot had been designed to explode on contact. The real shots would penetrate the hull before detonating.

A second boom was heard and, just as before. But this time the initial explosion was followed immediately by an ever larger one that completely engulfed the Light of Glory as the blast completely tore the ship in two.

“All power to propulsion!” Senvah ordered. “Get as much speed as the engines can give us.” Senvah feared that the missiles would be turned against his ship, but he was ready to lay down his life for the cause. But he truly feared the carnage should a missile detonate the Earth Buster bomb stored in the bowels of the Spear of Ascension.

Azula had enjoyed the thrill of the hunt trying to chase down the active combustion bender, but after seeing the big ass explosion, she decided discretion was the better part of valor and changed direction and headed back to the little destroyer again. It had taken a beating but with her lightning providing cover fire, they had been able to hold off the attackers.

It seemed pretty clear that the new entrant was on the good guys' side. That was great news. The invading fleet was turning to run, but it was clear not all of the remaining ships were going to make it. Well, they had decided their course in life and now they would have to live with the results. All she cared about was making sure she was out of the line of fire.

She heard the boom once again in the distance but she should be far enough away; the destroyer was only about a sixty yards ahead. The explosion of the impact was immediately followed by the loudest sound that she had ever heard. Moments later a concussion wave of hot air struck her from behind, upsetting her balance. Tumbling out of control from about thirty feet in the air, she tried to get her bearings as she hurtled towards the water, just managing to somewhat straighten out and more or less dive into the choppy water.

But the air had been knocked out of her and she was rolling uncontrollably under the water, desperately trying to find her way to the surface. There! She clawed towards the light of the sun in the distance, hoping to get there before she passed out and involuntarily sucked in the briny water.

Her head broke the surface and she took a big gulp of air just as she suddenly felt herself picked up by a surging wave and heaved backwards. Towards the ship! Terror filled her as the metal hull suddenly filled her peripheral vision; the little destroyer was still massive compared to her. She slammed into the hull and her vision began to go dark as she tried to command her limbs, but they felt heavy and leaden as she began sinking under the waves.

A vague sensation of pressure under her armpits distracted her for a second, but only for a second. The last thing she remembered before losing consciousness was the burning sensation of salt water filling her lungs.

Mei Zhu and Kiyi had watched the battle from the protection of the small fortified position up the hill from the harbor. The Sun Warriors had transported the remaining doses of cure back from the harbor towards the fields where the three airships had landed. They were only supposed to get a small amount of the cure, but if the invaders made it ashore, they were to go airborne with every dose of cure that they could carry to make sure it didn’t fall into the hands of the enemies.

But the line had held and then the big ship had come and the invaders had scurried off like co*ckroach-crickets after their rock had been turned over, exposing them to sunlight. Well, tried to scurry off. The large explosion of the ship had wreaked havoc on nearly every ship in the harbor. Only two of the eight invaders had been able to sail off under their own power.

Both she and Kiyi had cried out in fear watching Evasra get knocked from the sky by the force of the explosion. But even scarier than that was watching her swallowed up by the huge wave that had radiated out from the destroyed ship. There had been so many people in the water that they hadn’t been able to see her.

They were both making their way down to the harbor, hoping to get news of Evasra. Master Holin was down there with a contingent of Sun Warriors, speaking with one of the Fire Nation military leaders. He paused their conversation as he saw the Mei Zhu and Kiyi approach.

“Where’s Evasra?” Kiyi blurted as they got close.

“She was injured in the explosion and is resting. She is being loaded on a wagon to transport her to the airships. Her injuries can be better treated at the capital.” The military man with Master Holin said.

Mei Zhu’s blood ran cold as she answered. “Evasra has made it perfectly clear that she ardently wishes to never step foot on the Fire Nation main island. After all that she’s done, I believe that she has earned that right.”

The man just looked at her. “I am in command here and my will is law. Evasra will travel to the capital.” He gestured to a group of guards. “Fire Lord Zuko will be very interested in meeting Evasra and her famous scholar companion. I suspect you understand why Lord Zuko wishes to meet with her.”

The guards took up positions beside and behind Mei Zhu. The man must have sensed her fear, because he spoke again in a more conciliatory manner. “I promise that she will have safe passage under my watch. But both you and Evasra will be going; promise to behave and you may watch over her. Resist and your accommodations will be less inviting.”

“I’m a princess and you can’t boss her around like this. I order you to let Evasra go.” Kiyi yelled, her face purple with rage. Mei Zhu understood the situation and there was nothing to be done.

“In times of war and disaster, the military is given full autonomy over operations and do not report to royals outside the chain of command.” The man answered in a calm voice that radiated command.

Mei Zhu spoke to the princess, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. “It’s alright, Princess. The situation has changed and you’ll understand how soon enough.” She turned back to the man. “I promise to cooperate.”

“Thank you for your cooperation. My guards will take you to Evasra and you may accompany her. I hold no ill will towards either you or Princess…Kiyi.” He answered, glancing at Kiyi as he subtly changed his words at the last moment.

“I’m coming too!” Kiyi yelled, still riled up.

“I’m sorry, Princess, but I don’t feel comfortable with you riding with our guests. You will travel back to the capital on one of the other airships. I will send your airship ahead so that you can learn more about the situation at the palace before Evasra's arrival, but you may not ride with them.” The man answered.

“Why not? What the f*ck is going on?” Kiyi bellowed. Mei Zhu leaned down next to her.

“I don’t know how this is going to go, Princess, but please do as the man says. I hope that everything works out, but if it doesn’t, I want you to know that Evasra cares a great deal about you. Okay?” Mei Zhu said, tears coming to her eyes as the harsh reality of the situation finally sank in.

Evasra’s worst nightmare was about to come true.

“The Fourth Fleet should be able to reach Sun Island by this evening.” Admiral Xua said, pointing out the fleet location on the map.

Zuko glared at the map as he studied the position. He knew where more ships of the Fire Navy were at this moment than any time since he became Fire Lord. He, Katara and the naval staff had been working to figure out the best way to get the cure dispensed to all the different areas that needed it. And then came the hawk that sent the entire palace into an uproar.

The outpost on Sun Island had notified Zuko that eight combatant ships were steaming towards the harbor and that five ships and Mystic Evasra were heading out to engage them. How the hell was Mystic Evasra involved in every damn incident on Atla? He swears that she was either a double agent or was being punished by the Great Spirits for some great misdeed.

It had been almost two hours since the last hawk had arrived. Not knowing was absolutely killing him. Thousands of lives were on the line and the very survival of the Fire Nation was in doubt. If the cure was destroyed and the sacred springs corrupted, the practice of firebending itself could possibly be extinguished. Oh, how his enemies would gloat over that.

“We should make arrangements to send an envoy to the Northern Water Tribe in case things go bad, Zuko.” Katara said in a worried voice. “Spirit water may be the only hope if the cure is lost to us.”

“You’re right, Katara. I believe that it would be best if you went; you’re on good terms with-“ Zuko’s words broke off as a messenger came running into the war room.

“What is your message?” Zuko asked as the man knelt before him.

“The Evasrielle’s Lament arrived in time to drive off the attackers. All of the cure is safe and secure.” The man paused as the entire room, Zuko included, cheered and thanked Agni. Once the room had settled a bit, the man bowed deeply and held out a message for him. “A private message for your eyes only, My Lord.”

Zuko quickly stepped forward and grabbed the scroll and anger flared through him as he read the words that spoke of betrayal. The messenger jumped back as Zuko burned the message and then incinerated a small desk and set of chairs that had been set up next to the map table.

“Zuko! What-“ Katara started, but Zuko’s loud and angry words cut her off.

“Where the f*ck is Toph!”


Zuko knows.

This was originally going to be the ending of Part 2 of this series, with the remaining chapters being in Part 3, but I decided that the story flowed too well to break up. Hence, this is why Citadel of Sagacity is so much longer than the Rings of Accordance. As you can imagine, the dynamics of the remaining chapters will be different than those that came before. I hope that you enjoy what I have planned.

Chapter 26: From the Ashes


News spreads of the existence of Princess Azula.

Chapter Text

“You’re gonna have to be lighter on your feet if you want to trap Acrobat, Stretch. She’s fast and slippery. You have to anticipate where she’ll be; if you aim for where she’s at she’ll be long gone by the time your chain gets there.” Toph bellowed as the aforementioned Stretch, a tall girl named Penga, tried to wrap the steel chain around the agile Kyoshi Warrior. Toph had created a veritable earthen obstacle course for Ty Lee to bounce around in, much to the chagrin of her metalbending student.

Suki couldn’t help but smile as the young girl became more and more flustered trying to trap Ty Lee. The girl was doomed as soon as Ty Lee decided that it was time to drop the hammer on the newbie metalbender; she quickly weaved her way past the attacking chain and poked the young girl in the bellybutton.

“Got you!” Ty Lee cheered. “But you’re getting a lot better. You almost had me that time.” Ty Lee said as she pulled the depressed girl in for a hug. Penga had indeed gotten a lot better but Ty Lee was in a league of her own when it came to agility and skill.

“Yeah, she’s pretty shifty Penga, but I bet you’ll get her with a metalbender missile in no time.” Sokka said from where he was sitting beside Suki. He was still a bit stiff and needed crutches to hobble around, but he had made a remarkable recovery. Waterbending was truly a wonderful thing.

“It looks like Sparky, SugarQueen and the crew are coming our way fast. Hopefully they got some good news about the cure.” Toph announced. Everybody immediately turned to the doors Toph was staring at, only to see them blown off their hinges with firebending, causing everyone to jump. Suki and Ty Lee instinctively assumed combat positions.

“Zuko, what in the world is going on?” Katara yelled, trying to get Zuko’s attention as he stormed past the broken doors and stood in the courtyard. But instead of answering, he stared balefully at Toph.

“Toph, what the hell is the meaning of this? I thought we were friends. Why the f*ck would you hide Azula’s whereabouts from me?” Zuko snarled as he approached the blind earthbender.

Suki gasped in shock, as did several others. The stunned look on the face of Katara showed that this was news to her too. Toph merely sighed in the face of the irate Fire Lord and answered quietly. “It was the deal we made to get FlameHealer’s help with the Rings of Accordance.”

Suki felt lightheaded as Toph’s admission sunk in. FlameHealer. That was her nickname for Mystic Evasra. And suddenly everything snapped into place. The incredible combat skills. Her avoidance of the the White Lotus and Kyoshi Warriors, groups filled with people from her past. It seemed obvious in hindsight, but Mystic Evasra had seemed so different from Azula that it was almost beyond comprehension.

“You don’t get to make that decision! I’m the Fire Lord and she’s my sister. I deserve-“ Zuko’s declaration was cut off by the loud words of the metalbender.

“You let her be tortured! Where the f*ck were you when your sister needed you? I had to interview those assholes to find out the truth about her escape and I had f*cking nightmares for weeks after they told me what they did to her.” Toph answered, anger and disgust in her voice. “She was a f*cking fourteen year old girl trying to gain the love of her father and fight for her nation’s cause. Yeah, she did some f*cked up things, but frankly they weren’t any more f*cked up than what you did.”

Zuko glowered as Toph stormed up to him. He was red in the face as he stared her down. “What the hell do you mean by that, Toph? What she did was way worse than what I did.”

“Oh, really? Everything Azula did or tried to do was under the direct order of the Fire Lord or for the Fire Nation war effort. Capture you. Bring down Ba Sing Se. Hell, she even faced Twinkletoes without her bending on the day of the Black Sun so that the Loser Lord could hide in his f*cking bunker.” Toph answered, her own face red in anger. “Did the Loser Lord tell you to threaten the old people and children in Katara’s village? Did he tell you to burn down Kyoshi Island? How about dress up like a spirit to break into a Fire Nation facility to kidnap Aang so that you would get credit for his capture? It sure sounds like you did a lot of dishonorable things to get your honor back.”

Zuko looked dumbfounded. The anger and brashness were gone as he spoke. “I thought you forgave me for what I did?”

Toph’s expression softened too. “I did forgive you. We all did. The point is that even with years of traveling with Uncle, you still made mistakes when you came into contact with the real world. Azula made mistakes too. But she’s changed. She studied with an enlightened shaman who helped her pull herself together. She’s a Fire Healer now; she was traveling around helping people when Twinkletoes and I found her. She’s sorry for what she’d done and she truly feels remorse for the harm she’s caused. I’m just saying that we gave you a chance to atone for your mistakes and that FlameHealer deserves the same opportunity.”

Zuko looked thoughtful for a moment. “It…it’s not the same. She’s insane, Toph. I don’t know that she can be trusted.”

“Talk to FlameHealer and then tell me if you think that she’s insane.” Toph answered. “People can change. She saved Aang from Iroh’s lightning. She prevented Sor Yun from torturing the people he held under his control. She saved your mother and Suki even though she was deathly afraid to come near Sokka and Ty Lee. That’s not even counting how she developed the cure for Agni’s Curse. I know that you two have this weird ass sibling rivalry thing going, but FlameHealer is awesome and you’re going to have to learn to deal with that fact. You’re not competing for the Loser Lord’s affection anymore, so grow the f*ck up.”

Zuko continued scowling. “You don’t get to dictate Fire Nation policy. She is a wanted criminal and I should have been told of her whereabouts. You and Aang don’t get to decide these things.”

“We had to promise to let her go to get her help! Had we brought her to you instead of agreeing, Sor Yun would have burned the Inner Ring to a cinder and brought the entire Earth Kingdom to ruin. He would have destroyed the Northern Water Tribe next and then he would have either replaced you or put you under his spell. We did what needed to do to save the world and you can suck the dirt off my big toes if you think I regret a single thing we did.”

The two just stood there glaring at each other for a few moments before Katara spoke. “Zuko, where is Azula now? Did she escape?”

Zuko finally turned away from Toph. “She was injured during the battle with the invading fleet and is being brought to the palace in an airship. They’re bringing both her and her scholar friend.”

Suki became concerned by the look of anger on Toph’s face. “She’s done nothing but help since we found her. I can’t stop you from bringing her here, but heed my warning. She isn’t Azula anymore. She wants nothing to do with you or the Fire Nation. She is Mystic Evasra now and by all accounts Mei Zhu is her girlfriend. I know that the Fire Nation gets all pissy about same sex relationships, but that’s the way of it. If she asks to be called Evasra, go with it.”

“When I want your opinion, I’ll ask for it.” Zuko answered, his voice once again filled with anger. “Given how you’ve betrayed me, I don’t think that you get a say in anything.”

“Zuko, take some time to process things before you say or do something you’ll regret.” Katara said, stepping forward and putting a hand on his arm. “We’re all in shock from what you just told us and need time to think. But Toph is right; you offered her amnesty because of the terrible things done to her. Collect yourself and try to welcome her home. I…I don’t know how I feel about all this, but if things aren’t handled right it will make an already bad situation worse.”

Zuko glared at Toph for a few more moments before he turned and began walking back towards the entry with the broken doors. “Fine. We have to finish the logistics for the cure. Azula will be arriving early evening.”

Suki was terribly conflicted. Azula had been a terrible enemy during the war, taking her captive and using the outfits and facepaint of the Kyoshi Warriors to take down Ba Sing Se. And she nearly killed Aang. But after the war, she had saved Suki; by all accounts she probably would have died of the infection before she even reached Omashu for her surgeries. And she had saved Aang and Ursa and helped a lot with the Rings of Accordance, not to mention she developed a cure for Agni’s Curse. She didn’t know what to think.

But for better or worse, Azula’s return to the palace was going to be an event.

The vibration of the engines was the first thing that she noticed as she came to. The motion was too constant to be a naval vessel and there wasn’t the bumping of a mechanized vehicle on a road. She guessed airship. And that was a bad sign.

Without opening her eyes, she extended her chi sense to evaluate the people around her. She instantly recognized Mei Zhu’s earthbender chi; she had been around her for over a year and she could recognize her lover at great distances. But every other chi she detected was a firebender or nonbender. She guessed that she wasn’t being taken to Humpi.

Worst of all was that she could feel the metal shackles on her legs and arms; she wanted to get her bearings before she alerted anyone to her awakening. Given the fact that her head was throbbing and her throat was sore, she thought it was overkill. She was in no position to wage war on these people even had she been so inclined. Well, at least not using conventional firebending. She was holding her special techniques in reserve.

But a scorched earth policy wasn’t a viable option with Mei Zhu aboard. She would take her own life if need be, but she wouldn’t do anything that would put Mei Zhu in danger. They had been wise to bring her as a hostage.

Given that there wasn’t too much more she could figure out without opening her eyes, she finally decided to let Mei Zhu know that she was awake. Her heart clenched at the mixed look of fear and relief on her girlfriend’s face. “Evasra, I was so worried about you. Do you need something to drink? Are you in pain?”

One of the guards knocked on the door three times before Azula answered; he was alerting the others that she was awake. “My head hurts and my throat feels like I drank five liters of fire whiskey, but I think I’m more or less okay otherwise. Considering I’m being chained to the bed.”

Mei Zhu’s eyes darted to the guards. “They’re taking us to the Fire Nation. We’re…we’re going to the palace.”

Azula had assumed as much. But she decided that she was going to meet her asshole brother on her own terms as much as possible. “Do you have our stuff? My staff and facepaint? My robes?”

“Uhm, yes. They let me bring everything.”

“Thank you, Mei Zhu. Have they treated you well?”

“Yeah, the captain was kind of scary at first but he’s been nice since then.”

Azula turned to guards and decided to see what kind of reception she was going to get. She spoke in full princess mode. “I want to speak with whoever is in charge.”

The two guards stiffened and were silent for a few moments before the one that had knocked on the door answered. “Captain Yauma has been informed that you are awake.”

The sound of two knocks echoed throughout the small cabin and the handle turned and a man that she recognized from her days traveling on the royal barge entered. Azula hadn’t remembered his name, but she was really good with faces.

“Greetings, Captain. It appears that you’ve done well for yourself since you served under me. Are you going to lecture me about the tides? Or maybe a discussion of the winds would be more appropriate since we’re on an airship.”

“I would not presume to lecture you, Princess. I-“ The captain began answering but was cut off by Azula.

“I am no longer a princess, Captain. You will either address me as Evasra or Mystic Evasra; those are the only two options available to you if you wish for our interaction to remain civil.” Azula wanted to be clear from the start how this was going to play out.

The captain hesitated for a moment before speaking. “Of course, Mystic Evasra. The Fire Nation owes a great thanks to you and using your preferred name and title is the least we can do for you. You are aware of the offer of amnesty from the Fire Lord?”

“Yes, but it is irrelevant since I don’t want amnesty. How long until we arrive at the palace?”

“Just over an hour. As a show of respect, I’m willing to release you from your shackles if you agree to remain civil and nonviolent. As I said, you have our respect but I must look out for the safety of yourself, Lady Mei Zhu and my crew.” The captain gave a small bow.

“I will agree to your conditions if you meet mine. I wish to have my staff, my facepaint and my robes. I will behave civilly so long as I am allowed to access the accouterments of my order.”

“Of course, Mystic Evasra. I can have the guards bring your items to you or Lady Mei Zhu can gather what you need. The choice is yours.”

Azula turned to Mei Zhu, who nodded and spoke. “I’ll gather your things, Evasra. I’ll be back in a minute.” Captain Yauma stepped aside as Mei Zhu rose and made her way out the door. Once she passed him, he turned to the guards. “Please unshackle Mystic Evasra.”

The taller guard stepped forward with a set of keys and unlocked the shackles on her legs before removing the restraints from her arms. She slowly and gently shook out her limbs as she sat up, her ribs and spine protesting at the movement. Based on the pain distribution, it was pretty clear that those were the main contact points when she was tossed into the hull of the destroyer.

Which brought her back to the reason for the battle. “Was all the cure secured? Did the raiders take anything?”

The captain smiled at her. “None of the cure was lost but distribution was slowed down due to the damage suffered by the fleet in the harbor. The Fire Lord was informed and a new distribution plan is being created.”

“It is unfortunate that the distribution will take longer, but I’m happy to hear that the cure was saved.” Azula watched as Mei Zhu entered the cabin again. “May I have some privacy to get changed? You may place a female guard to watch if any are available, but I have no plan of putting on a show for the boys.”

“I have two female crew members that can keep watch as you change.” The captain said before turning to the taller guard again. He must be the rising star of the pair because he seemed to get all the attention from the captain. “Please ask Lianu and Umita to assist Mystic Evasra.”

“Thank you, Captain Yauma. I appreciate your willingness to accommodate me.” Azula answered. She hoped that Zuko was even half as level headed.

Mai was tired and was thankful that dinnertime was finally upon them. The planning for dealing with both the Earth Kingdom and Omashu forces was daunting and sometimes she felt that she was out of her depth. And then there was the whole sh*tshow with the rogue fleet attacking Sun Island, presumably to steal the cure. The thought of firebenders trying to destroy the cure was simply too baffling to contemplate.

They had received the note regarding the attack three hours ago. Aang had been out visiting King Buzin, otherwise he would undoubtedly taken Appa to Sun Island to lay the hammer down on the rogue ships. He had literally just returned and Iroh was bringing him up to speed.

“The situation is serious here and I shouldn’t leave unless it will actually do any good. I think that I’ve gotten the Earth Kingdom to consider the possibility to negotiate, but King Buzin is still resistant. If I leave, it may lead to him escalating matters.” Aang explained.

Iroh sighed. “I understand, Aang. Hopefully, we will receive some word soon. I-“

All three heads turned to look at the messenger than came barreling into the room. “My pardons, Crown Prince, but a high priority message from the Fire Lord has arrived.” The man knelt to one knee and held out the small scroll.

Iroh quickly snatched it up and read the contents. Based on his conflicted look, the news was neither all good or all bad. Finally, he spoke. “It appears that Mystic Evasra likes to be at the center of every major event on Atla. Thanks to her assistance and the timely arrival of a Fire Nation dreadnought, the rogue fleet was defeated and the entire batch of cure remains in Fire Nation hands.”

Mai couldn’t help the small smile that caused the edges of her mouth to creep up ever so slightly. Aang was much more expressive in his joy. “That’s wonderful! That cure will help a lot of people. But is there more; you’re not as happy as I would expect from that news.”

“Mystic Evasra was injured during the battle and is being ferried to the Fire Nation. Her secret is out and Zuko knows who she is.”

Aang’s face went from jubilant to shocked and worried in a heartbeat. “What is he going to do?”

“Well, he just managed to refrain from having Toph executed. Considering he just offered her amnesty, I am hoping that he will be of calm mind by the time she lands. Which is expected to be any time now, depending on how favorable the winds are for the airship.” Iroh answered, looking grim.

“You don’t seem surprised.” Was Aang’s only answer.

“I have suspected for a while.”

Mai couldn’t stand the secrecy and doubletalk anymore. “Would the two of you like me to leave so you can discuss this matter fully?”

“My apologies, Mai, it was rude of us to exclude you from the conversation.” Iroh paused for a second to give a heavy sigh. “Mystic Evasra is in actuality my niece, Azula. Aang, of course, has known this fact for a while and I’ve suspected since our battle in the Earth King’s palace.”

It had been a while since something so outrageous had happened that her brain seemed to shutdown, but the words that Iroh just spoke seemed to do the trick. Azula. Mai had believed with all her heart and soul that she was dead. She truly didn’t know what to think about the matter. But disbelief soon gave way to anger.

“Why did you keep this hidden? You know that Zuko and Ursa have been looking for her. By Agni, Ursa was in Savan with her and she was literally teaching Kiyi Fire Healing. You never thought ‘hey, it might be a good idea to tell my good friend and leader of the most powerful nation on Atla that his psychotic sister is still roaming the world’. How could you be so selfish?”

Aang turned to her, anger in his eyes. “You don’t get to lecture me about this subject. I negotiated to get Evasra’s help to deal with the Rings of Accordance because Madame Wu saw catastrophic death and destruction around the world if she didn’t assist me. In return for her help, I agreed to keep her secret and set her free afterwards. Considering she was the first to identify a wearer of the rings, figured out their plan, saved me from Iroh’s lightning and saved Suki’s life from an infection, I think that she more than upheld her end of the bargain. You knew Azula but you know nothing of Evasra.”

“Please, let us remain civil about this!” He turned to Mai, holding his hands up, obviously trying to placate her. “Mai, I know that this is very shocking to you, but as it is I happen to agree with Aang. She indeed did much to prevent the situation in Ba Sing Se from becoming even more catastrophic. If she negotiated for her freedom and privacy, I believe that she earned both with the help she provided.”

Mai was absolutely dumbfounded by the words that Iroh had just said. “How can you say that? It was wrong to keep her a secret from Zuko. How do you know that she hasn’t been working with the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix?”

“Because the White Lotus have been keeping track of her. They didn’t know who she was, of course, but given her exceptional talent everyone felt it wise to at least know where she was at all times. And given how busy she has been rebuilding the community of Fire Healers and helping her girlfriend find new stores of ancient artifacts, even a woman of Azula’s immense talent wouldn’t be able to run a rebel group from halfway around the world.” Iroh paused to give a weary sigh. “My niece was a troubled girl pushed too hard by a terrible father. During the war I…I forgot that there was a young woman behind the powerful and troubled firebender. And after what was done to her in the asylum, I realized just how poorly life had treated Azula. The claim that she was born lucky turned out to be a false prophecy.”

Aang spoke in a soft voice. “She’s different now, Mai. She is sorry for what she’d done; it’s one of the reasons that she has devoted herself to being a Fire Healer. This is a chance for her to try to help the world and atone for her misdeeds. She studied with an enlightened shaman who must have been some kind of miracle worker because he gave her a new lease on life. She claims that Azula died the night that she escaped from the asylum and that Evasra rose from the ashes. I for one believe it’s true.”

Mai could feel her anger subsiding ever so slightly. “Were you ever going to tell Zuko?”

Aang paused for a moment before answering. “Not so long as she was alive. She wants nothing to do with the Fire Nation or anything from her past; surely you can understand that she was afraid of what might happen if Zuko found her. She was fourteen years old at the end of the war, Mai. She was a misguided and disturbed child.”

Mai considered Aang’s words. She didn’t believe that Azula could have changed as much as Aang had said; she had been mean and arrogant even as a child. But given that Ozai was quite possibly the biggest asshole on the planet, it was understandable that Azula wasn’t exactly given a chance to learn right and wrong, especially after Ursa left.

“I…I need time to process this. I…I’m glad that she’s alive and I truly hope that she is doing as well as you say. But given how big a threat she is to Zuko’s reign, I still don’t think it was right to keep her a secret from him.”

“I understand, but all that I ask is to judge her by what she’s done since she escaped the asylum. She and Mei Zhu just developed the cure for Agni’s Curse; surely that should count for something in the grand scheme of things. And she didn’t ask for anything in return except that some of the cure be sent to help her people in the Eastern Sea. Not exactly a play for the throne.” Aang answered, giving her a small smile.

But Mai didn’t smile back. She understood his reasoning on an intellectual level. But it felt wrong to keep someone considered a wanted criminal a secret from the Fire Lord, especially when the secret keepers were good friends with said Fire Lord. Even more than that though, was the hurt knowing that he had kept something this momentous a secret from her. They were still fumbling their way into their relationship, but she saw him in a different light now. Could she stand being in a relationship with another powerful man that wouldn’t treat her as a valuable ally, but instead horded information for his use alone? She had gone through dark times with Zuko over this, she didn’t know if she was strong enough to do it again with Aang.

“I will consider your words, but I believe that I would like to dine alone tonight. I need to think about the situation and decide how I feel about the people involved.” She finally said, looking at both of the powerful men before her. She turned and walked away without bothering to wait for a response.

She had been considered a second class citizen in her home as a child, as the consort to the Fire Lord, and apparently now by both her employer and the man she was falling for. This was not how she was going to live her life. She deserved to be treated better than this.

Even if it meant leaving both Aang and the service of the Fire Nation.

Chapter 27: Reunion


At long last Mystic Evasra is forced to face her past.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Kiyi didn’t understand why they were keeping her away from Evasra, but she was determined to find out the moment she landed. She had railed and blustered against the crew of her airship, and while the had apologized for her treatment, they had told her absolutely nothing. More confusing was that her airship had been ordered to land a few minutes ahead of Evasra’s. Mother and Zuko better have a damn good explanation for what was going on.

Mother and her guards were waiting for her as she exited the airship. Kiyi began speaking before Mother had the chance. “Mother, what is going on? Why is Evasra being brought to the Fire Nation? Why was I forced to ride a different airship than her? She doesn’t want to come to the Fire Nation; why is she being kidnapped?”

Mother looked at her with red eyes; it was obvious to Kiyi that she’d been crying. Her words were choked with emotion. “Come, Kiyi, I will explain everything inside, I promise. We have to be ready for the other airships. I promise to tell you, but not here, not now.”

Kiyi was a bit scared by Mother’s words; she was often a bit too emotional for Kiyi’s taste but this seemed to be something beyond the norm. So she decided to play along for now. “Of course, Mother. But they aren’t treating Evasra and Mei Zhu right.”

“It’s a complicated situation, Kiyi. Come and we’ll explain everything.” Mother said as she approached Kiyi and pulled her in for a tight hug, momentarily squeezing the air out of Kiyi’s lungs. Just as quickly, Mother released her and took her hand and quickly started walking towards the palace, almost dragging Kiyi along behind her. Kiyi hoped she had a growth spurt soon so her legs would be long enough to keep up with Mother when she power marched.

The walked in silence to the palace, Kiyi glancing up at Mother occasionally to see if she could read anything from her. It was hard because so many emotions seemed to be flashing across her face. Kiyi decided to just wait for the explanation.

Zuko was ordering everyone around when they entered the main entryway from the airship port. He smiled when he saw Kiyi. “Welcome back, Kiyi, we were worried when we heard that rebels had attacked Sun Island. Are you okay? Did you get hurt?”

“I’m fine, Zuko, but they are being mean to Evasra. They made her come to the Fire Nation against her will. You need to let her go; she’s awesome and has earned the right to go back to the Eastern Sea.” Kiyi decided to just lay it out there; Zuko needed to know what was going on.

Zuko paused for second to look at Mother, who spoke. “I…I haven’t told her yet. I thought it might be better coming from you.”

Kiyi was terrified at what they were hiding. Did Evasra die? The suspense was killing her. “Is Evasra okay? Did something happen to her on the trip?”

Zuko knelt down in front of her. “I don’t know how hurt Evasra is, but the person who sent the message I received didn’t think her injuries were life threatening. We brought you back early so we could tell you the truth about Evasra. Evasra…Evasra is really your sister Azula.”

Kiyi was dumbfounded and couldn’t stop the tears that started flowing down her cheeks. Mother started talking. “You don’t have to be afraid, Kiyi. We won’t let Azula hurt you.”

“Evasra won’t hurt me, she’s my sister and my friend. This is the most wonderful news I’ve ever heard.” Kiyi said, wiping the tears of joy from her eyes. Mei Zhu’s words just before they had been separated made a lot more sense now. “But that doesn’t change the fact that she doesn’t want to come to the Fire Nation.”

Zuko and Mother just stared at her, their mouths open but no words coming out. It was Katara that finally spoke. “It is a complicated situation, Kiyi. Azula may not want to come to the Fire Nation, but based on who she is and the things that she’d done in the past, it was best to bring her here to speak with her and figure out a path forward.”

The reality of the situation was starting to sink in. They think that she is still the evil princess that she had heard stories about. But she wasn’t like that; she had to make them understand. “She’s not like Azula anymore. Evasra studied with an enlightened shaman and is an incredible Fire Healer; she may not be a better one than Mistress Nykka yet, but she will be. She and Mei Zhu developed the cure for Agni’s Curse; she showed me how to make the cure too.”

“We’re not bringing her back to punish her, Kiyi. I issued a Declaration of Amnesty for her a few days ago, before we knew who she was. We want her to come home, Kiyi. We want her to come back to her people.” Zuko explained.

That made Kiyi feel a lot better but she still didn’t think it was right to force Evasra to come back against her will. Evasra had told her that she was leaving Savan to go to Humpi, where she wanted to found an actual Fire Healing school and maybe a temple for the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will.

She was drawn to her thoughts as one of the guards spoke to Zuko. “The princess’s airship is approaching for landing, Lord Zuko.”

Zuko straightened up and Kiyi could see that he was nervous. The entire group, with the exception of Toph, looked nervous. “It’s time to welcome Azula home.”

Thanks to banging her head off the destroyer, it had been a bit painful to braid her hair into the fashion of her order, but with Mei Zhu’s help she was able to get it done. Azula used her small travel mirror to apply her facepaint and was pleased with the result. Her facepaint, her braids, her robe, her walking stick and her girlfriend. These were reminders to her of who she was now and what she aspired to be.

No matter what memories came back as she entered the palace or who she came face to face with as she returned to the Fire Nation, she knew with absolute certainty who she was at her core. She was Mystic Evasra, follower of the ways of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will and a master Fire Healer. And she would show the Fire Nation soon enough what that meant.

Mei Zhu was all but quivering with nervous energy as they waited for the airship ramp to lower so they could make their way to the ground. Azula had taught her some calming rituals but understood that this situation was probably beyond the scope of those beginner exercises. She pulled Mei Zhu in for a hug as the ramp slowly lowered.

“There’s nothing for you to fear, Mei Zhu. I will handle the situation.” Azula told her, trying to exude more confidence than she felt.

“I believe you, Evasra, but this is so sudden and I have no idea what’s going to happen.”

“That’s the wonder of life, Mei Zhu; none of us truly know what the day will bring. I certainly didn’t expect this to be where I ended up when I awoke this morning.”

“Mystic Evasra, Lady Mei Zhu, if you would follow me I’ll escort you to the Fire Lord and his entourage.” Captain Yauma said as the ramp finally touched down.

“Of course, Captain. Let me thank you for your flexibility and consideration on this trip. These are untested waters and I appreciate the effort that you’ve made to be accommodating.” Azula said, nodding her head to the captain.

“Of course, Mystic Evasra. You’ve done a great service and it was my honor to bring you home.”

“No, Captain, you didn’t bring me home. You merely brought me back to the place of my youth.” Azula answered. With no good response to that, the captain merely nodded and began walking down the ramp, Azula and Mei Zhu following close behind.

The ramp led to the courtyard to the west of the palace; this place had been in the plans when she had served Ozai but it had not been constructed yet. Given the growing importance of air travel, having an airship port adjacent to the palace had seemed like a good idea. The sunlight hurt her eyes as she stepped out of the airships shadow; the knock to the head she suffered when she was slammed into the destroyer hull hadn’t given her a concussion but there were still some lingering effects.

She squinted and seemed to somewhat adjust to the light as they made their way across the courtyard, the only sound was the slapping of bootleather on the stone and the clacking of her staff as they made their way to the palace entrance. Thank Agni the meeting was inside; the thought of standing in the light to discuss things with her asshole brother didn’t bode well for a calm and reasoned discussion.

Her mood instantly improved as they entered the well lit but not overbearing entrance hall. And there they were, a veritable who’s who of the people from her past. Zuko. Ursa. Katara. Ty Lee. Suki. Sokka. It surprised her how little emotion was sparked seeing her brother and his betrothed. Most surprising was that she felt no fear. Just resignation at having to deal with them.

But all was not bad. Azula couldn’t help but smile back at Kiyi as she saw the happy look on the young girl’s face. She hoped that they had told her ahead of time and that she was still happy to see the woman she had heard was her evil and crazy sister.

And Toph smiled at her and gave a shrug. Azula gave a quick double tap with her right foot to let Toph know that Azula acknowledged her; it was a system they developed working together in Ba Sing Se. It was a bit painful seeing the hopeful look on Ursa’s face. Azula didn’t know what kind of reception Ursa was expecting, but she felt that woman was going to be disappointed.

The procession stopped in front of Zuko and Katara; Captain Yauma stepped aside and gestured towards Azula and Mei Zhu. “Fire Lord Zuko, it is my honor to introduce Mystic Evasra and Lady Mei Zhu to the royal court.”

She had come to terms with her defeat, and even though it pained her to do it, she decided that playing nice was the way to handle the situation. “Greetings, Fire Lord Zuko and Lady Katara. Let me offer my congratulations on your betrothal. Gifts are usually presented to celebrate such occasions, and while it is only a small token, I would like to gift a scroll to Lady Katara concerning the incorporation of chi into external items such as water and fire; it has been a boon for the practice of Fire Healing and perhaps in your hands it may prove useful for Water Healers also.”

Azula pulled the scroll from her robe and offered it to Captain Yauma, who accepted it and walked it to Katara, who gave a small smile as she accepted it. Zuko spoke as the captain resumed his position next to Azula. “Thank you, Azula. We appreciate the gift. It…it was very thoughtful of you.”

“Of course, Lord Zuko. And let me clear the air. I would like to apologize for my actions during the war. I was a spoiled and misguided child who had a warped view of the world. I did terrible things in the name of my nation and I’m truly sorry for the damage that I inflicted upon the world in my youth.” Azula said, and she meant every word of it. Especially now, standing in the palace where she had plotted to destroy the balance of the world. It filled her with shame. “But I am Azula no more. That girl died during her escape from the asylum. I am Mystic Evasra. You may address me as Mystic Evasra or just Evasra as you wish, but those are the only names you will use if you wish our interactions to remain polite.”

Zuko’s expression softened during her apology but hardened as she made her wishes regarding her name known. He finally answered. “And I would like to apologize on behalf of the Fire Nation for the treatment that you suffered at the hands of the staff in the asylum. The facility was shuttered and the offenders were severely punished.”

“I am glad to hear that they will no longer be able to hurt others.” Azula said. “The damage inflicted upon me cannot be undone, but that is in the past. I hold no grudges over the occurrences of our youths. I am far more interested in learning how you wish to proceed into the future.”

Zuko gave a small smile before he spoke. “We are sorry that things ended as they did, but given the wonderful things that you’ve done since then it’s clear that you have changed. Your family and friends want to welcome you back into the fold-“

“No.” Azula’s voice rang loud in the hall as she cut Zuko’s words off. “Let me dispel you of any notions you may have to the contrary. We will forever be linked by blood, but we are not family and I have no affection for anyone of Azulon’s line. Likewise, I have no friends in the Fire Nation, merely companions that I shared time with in my youth. The sooner that you and everyone else realize that I want nothing to do with the Fire Nation, the smoother our interactions will be.”

The hall remained quiet for a few moments as Azula’s words were digested. Zuko’s voice signaled his displeasure. “I am offering you a chance to rebuild your life and the first thing that you do is spit in my face. I can see that you are just like you were before.”

“You transported me against my will back to the place where I suffered pain and misery that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I stood with the Avatar and several of the people in this room to defeat Sor Yun and prevent a world changing catastrophe. We literally just developed a cure that is the only hope you have of keeping your throne and you have the unmitigated gall to chastise me for being ungrateful? Do you understand the concept of irony, Zuko?” Azula answered, keeping her voice calm despite the fact that her asshole brother’s words offended her to her very core.

“Azula, we want you to come home. I want you to come back to where you belong. It won’t be like before, you can be a princess again.” Ursa said, taking a step towards Azula.

“Did you hear nothing of what I just said, Ursa?” Azula said, stopping her mother in her tracks. “You are not my family. The Fire Nation is not my home. I am Mystic Evasra of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will. I have a new home, filled with people that I love and that love me in return. I will always be from the Fire Nation, but I am no longer of it.”

Zuko went to speak but Katara put a hand on his arm as she began speaking first. “We thank you for your help with the Rings of Accordance and for developing a cure for Agni’s Curse. I propose that we take a break and let everyone calm down before things escalate. Mystic Evasra, please take the time to consider the things that Zuko and Ursa have offered; likewise, I believe it would be wise for us to reflect on the words that you’ve spoken.”

Azula looked at the royals and recognized the wisdom of Katara’s words; Zuko was seething and Ursa looked to be on the verge of tears. Azula decided to seize the opportunity presented; things were spiraling and could carom out of control if the course wasn’t adjusted. “I believe that would be the best course of action.”

“Perhaps that would be for the best.” Zuko begrudgingly admitted.

“Zuko, perhaps you and Ursa should go and discuss things while I get Evasra and Mei Zhu situated.” Katara said, giving a little frown at the surly scowl still on Zuko’s face.

“I’ll go too, SugarQueen. I haven’t seen FlameHealer and Scholar in a while; it’ll be great to catch up. It sounds like the two of you have been living pretty exciting lives.” Toph said, walking over to Azula and Mei Zhu.

“And I’m coming too!” Kiyi yelled as she came bounding over; she grabbed Azula’s right hand and Mei Zhu’s left hand as she looked up at them with a wide smile.

“We’re happy to have you along, Kiyi. You’re a great little sister.” Azula answered, giving Kiyi’s hand a squeeze.

“And you’re a great big sister! Come on, let’s go see where they’re putting you.” Kiyi said, leading Azula and Mei Zhu towards Katara, who started walking towards the guest wing.

Azula felt the eyes of the others. Zuko and Ursa. Ty Lee, Sokka and Suki. Azula just glanced at them before going on her way. While Zuko and Ursa’s faces were filled with emotion, the other three just watched impassively. That made sense to Azula; while she had stayed away from them as best she could, they had fought together in Ba Sing Se and Savan. She doubted they were ready to welcome Azula home with open arms, but she sensed that they were willing to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Toph was happy to talk as they made their way to the guest wing. “I gotta say, FlameHealer, you sure do know how to cause a stir wherever you go. Blowing up pirate ships and smiting assassins while still finding time to stop magic rings and cure supernatural plagues. I’m almost tempted to move to Savan just to get in on the action.”

“Actually, we’re moving to Humpi, a town on the western edge of the island of Mengxi; Savan expelled all of the firebenders from their city. Humpi was founded by firebenders and has been welcoming any and all firebenders that wish to relocate there.” Azula said as Toph followed along. “Mistress Nykka and I hope to found a Fire Healer school there and I would like to work with Mystic Nasu to build a new temple for the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will.”

“And I’m founding a new Scholar’s Library along with Mystic Nasu and some of the firebending scholars that decided to relocate. Once things calm down, we hope that we can set up a relationship with the Library of Despondent Ecstasy.” Mei Zhu said, speaking for the first time.

Toph stopped and looked at them with unease. “You…you didn’t hear?”

Azula was instantly on high alert. Katara’s face looked shocked and hurt too. Azula asked the obvious. “Hear what?”

“The Library of Despondent Ecstasy was…it was burned down by rioters last night. We just got a hawk about it a few hours ago.” Katara said, looking down. “With all that has happened with the cure and your…reappearance, it slipped our minds.”

Azula was absolutely dumbfounded. Mei Zhu spoke first. “No, no, no, this can’t be. It was a beacon of learning and knowledge. Why would rioters burn it down?”

“We don’t know. We just got news that it happened.” Toph admitted, looking at them with pity.

“Can you take us to our room. We…we need time to process this.” Azula said, pulling Mei Zhu in for a hug.

“Of course. Evasra’s room is here and Mei Zhu’s room is across the hall.” Katara said, pointing down the hall.

“We are sharing one room and the matter is not open for debate. I care nothing for the backwards social views of the Fire Nation.” Azula said in a stern voice.

Katara looked back at her for a moment before speaking. “Of course. We didn’t understand the full nature of your relationship when the rooms were assigned. I…I have no issues with the two of you sharing a room.”

“Thank you, Katara, we appreciate that. But for now we would like to have a little privacy to think about what you’ve told us.” Azula answered, walking with Mei Zhu towards the door to their room. She looked down at Kiyi. “We’ll talk with you later, Kiyi, I promise.”

“I understand, Evasra. I’m sorry about your library. It was really cool.” She answered, rushing forward to give Azula a hug, which she happily returned. Then Kiyi gave one to Mei Zhu, which seemed to brighten her girlfriend’s spirits a bit.

“We’re all sorry about the library. I’ve only heard great things about it.” Katara said. “A steward is available to let us know when you’re ready to speak with us again.”

“Thank you, Katara. I…I know our past was contentious but I appreciate you being the voice of reason today.” Azula said, getting a small smile from Katara.

“It’s my pleasure, Evasra. Let us know when you’d like to speak.” Katara said as she turned and walked away.

“We’ll catch you guys later.” Toph said as she followed after Katara.

Kiyi ran over and gave Azula another hug. “Even if you don’t stay, I’m glad you’re my sister.” She said in a loud whisper.

“Me too, Kiyi, me too.” Azula answered as her sister gave one more beaming smile and ran to catch up with the others. Azula and Mei Zhu made their way into their room and after giving it a once over, they sat down to review their options.

“I felt the medallion calling during the battle today, but with everything that was going on I didn’t think it was safe to visit the citadel.” Mei Zhu said, barely holding back tears. Azula pulled her in for another hug.

“Why don’t you go to the citadel and see what Ti Mu has to say. You can inform her of our plight also. At least the cure is safe though.”

“Okay, Evasra. Are you going to be okay by yourself?” Mei Zhu asked, taking Azula’s hand and giving it a gentle kiss.

“I’ll be fine. I need some time to settle myself. Today went about as well as I could have expected. I won’t know how to go forward until I see how Zuko responds to my rejection of the Fire Nation. Go and see what is going on with the library and our friends.” Azula leaned forward and kissed Mei Zhu and then rested her forehead against hers, just savoring the contact.

No matter how hard life was, Azula knew that she could handle anything so long as Mei Zhu was by her side. There was one thing that she wanted Mei Zhu to ask Ti Mu though. It was a long shot but might change the dynamics of her negotiation with Zuko.

“She doesn’t have the right to cut us out of her life! She is my daughter!” Mother yelled, clenching her fists in frustration. The complete and utter rejection of everyone by Azula had set her teeth on edge. And it deeply upset Zuko too.

“No offense, guys, but Toph warned us what was coming. And Evasra’s right; she’s built a new life for herself as a Fire Healer. She’s adored and revered in the Eastern Sea area.” Sokka said. Zuko gritted his teeth at his words.

“It isn’t safe to have Azula running free in the world. You saw how she was in there; combative and angry, she’s a threat to the Fire Nation.” Zuko retorted.

“I don’t think she is, Zuko. Look at everything that she’s done. And she’s not tried to leverage any of it for her own gain; all that she’s asked is to be left alone to live her new life. We’ve talked to the people of Savan. She may well be the most respected person in the city. Like Toph said, she was healing people when they found her and she’s been healing people since then. She’s not Azula anymore, Zuko, she’s Evasra now.” Sokka retorted.

“Changing your name doesn’t change your past.” Zuko answered.

“And what would you charge her with?” Ty Lee asked, causing everyone to pause. “Every mission was carried out with the permission of the Fire Lord. Mai researched the law after the war to see if we were in any legal trouble for helping her and as far as we could tell, all of Azula’s actions were legal, no matter how immoral the actions themselves were.”

“I’m the Fire Lord, I can hold her for being a threat to the Fire Nation.” Zuko explained. Why was everyone taking her side? Ty Lee was about to speak again when the door opened and Katara and Toph entered. Zuko expressed his discomfort to having the traitor in the room to Katara. “What is she doing here? This situation could have been resolved a long time ago had she told us about Azula earlier.”

“She’s here because she’s the only one that has actually spent time with Evasra; she knows more about her thoughts than any of us.” Katara said, causing Zuko to roll his eyes.

“Will you people stop calling her that stupid name. She is Azula, disgraced princess of the Fire Nation.” He retorted. “I don’t need Toph to explain anything to me.”

“I think you do, Zuko.” Katara answered, staring him in the eye. “I don’t like Azula, but that woman is not Azula anymore. She’s changed. If she developed a cure for Agni’s Curse, then she has likely saved the Fire Nation. You read the military dispatch about Sun Island; she hindered the invading fleet enough that the five ships of the line were able to hold the invaders at bay until reinforcements arrived. Look, I’m not saying to let her go, but listen to her and try to see things from her perspective.”

“I know that you’re mad at me, Sparky, but listen to SugarQueen. FlameHealer’s sane now and she has a buttload of new skills and talents. She can be an ally to the Fire Nation, even if she doesn’t stay here. Just give her a chance to tell her side of the story.” Toph said in what probably the most heartfelt words Zuko had ever heard from his brash friend.

“She’s not like she was before, Zuko.” Suki said. “We haven’t interacted with her much, but she has shown herself to be a true ally. The least you can do is agree to call her by her preferred name.”

Zuko turned to Mother, who had had been sitting quietly. “Mother, what do you think we should do about Azula?”

“She saved my life in Savan. Had she hated me or the Fire Nation, she could have left the compound to be overwhelmed. I…I hate the thought of her rejecting me. You. Her entire life in the Fire Nation. But it appears that one thing hasn’t changed since she was a child; push her too hard and she will push back. Let’s meet her in the middle and accommodate her requests for now.”

Zuko sighed. This may well be the most hectic and disconcerting day of his reign, but he knew that he couldn’t wield his power to intimidate Azula. “Alright, I’ll meet her halfway. When do you think that she’ll be ready to speak with us?”

“Give them a little time. They didn’t know about the destruction of the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. Mei Zhu was particularly upset.” Katara explained.

“That place was practically Scholar’s home for the past five years. FlameHealer wasn’t quite as attached, but it still sounds like it was pretty important to her.” Toph interjected.

“Fine. I will give them time to come to terms with the destruction of the library.” Zuko turned to Toph. “And while I think you should have told me about Azula, I…I understand why you didn’t. I hope that she’s truly worth the faith that you’ve put in her.”


The reunion didn't go as Zuko and Ursa had hoped, but this is just the first skirmish in the battle for Azula's fate.

Chapter 28: Uncomfortable Discussions


Azula and Mei Zhu have dinner with Zuko and the others while the earth nations discuss the Fire Colony situation.

Chapter Text

“I am sorry about your plight, young one, and for the terrible events at the Library of Despondent Ecstasy. I was very busy for the past day; so many experts and knowledgeable people died in the collapse of the tower that I wasn’t able to gather all of the spirit reflections that deserved to be recorded.” Ti Mu said, her voice filled with so much sadness that it hurt Mei Zhu’s heart to hear it. “I fear that much was lost that may never be recovered.”

Mei Zhu tried to hold back her tears at the thought of the most wonderful place on Atla being destroyed. Nearly a thousand years of written wisdom and knowledge lost; with any luck some of the writings could be saved and perhaps other copies of most of the works existed elsewhere. But having so much knowledge in one place was what made the Library of Despondent Ecstasy so magnificent.

But Mei Zhu refused to accept that the wisdom was lost forever. “I will just have to expand my plans to create a new center of learning in Humpi. I refuse to accept that this will stop scholarship in the Eastern Sea. It is a terrible setback, but it will only slow our progression, never stop it.”

Ti Mu extended a brightly colored wing and caressed Mei Zhu’s face. “This is why I was so happy to see that you were the one to find In Zan Kip; your passion for scholarship and enthusiasm for life is what Atla needs right now. You are the right woman in history to restore and elevate scholarship.”

“Thank you, Ti Mu.” Mei Zhu answered, blushing a little at the praise. “I hope that I can live up to the faith you’re putting in me.”

“I do believe in you, Mei Zhu. And I will do what I can to help. For instance, I’d like you to consider using In Zan Kip as your new home for scholarship. It still houses many fine artifacts and documents that you haven’t had a chance to review. It possesses great spiritual energy that can be harnessed by Lo Ruon to power the incredible spirit stone inventions he’s been creating. But most importantly of all, it is highly defensible.” Ti Mu paused for a moment, looking unusually serious. “Now that Evasra’s identity is known, it may be wise to have a place of refuge for her.”

Mei Zhu sighed at the wisdom of Ti Mu’s words. Neither Evasra nor Mei Zhu knew what the world’s reaction would be to the discovery that the master Fire Healer taking the Eastern Sea region by storm was actually Azula, princess of the Fire Nation. Neither of them guessed it would be good.

“I will discuss it with Evasra, but I’m not sure either of us are going to be able to make it back to In Zan Kip in person anytime soon. Zuko doesn’t seem inclined to set Evasra free; I don’t like to doubt her, since she’s shown how awesome she is time and time again, but I’m not sure she played it right when meeting with Zuko and Ursa. She was more than a bit confrontational.” Mei Zhu felt a bit like a traitor saying that, but she couldn’t help feel that this was one situation that Evasra couldn’t just power her way through.

“Evasra is a talented and capable young woman, but in the end she has prejudices and blindspots like everyone else. No matter whether a being is a human, a spirit or a dragon, there are simply things that are difficult to deal with. Evasra’s relationship with her family is undoubtedly a complicated issue for her; she is trying to reconcile her new life with the actions she performed in her old one. For all her growth, she is still a young woman weighed down by terrible issues from her past.” Ti Mu said in a soft and gentle voice. “But you said Zuko offered her amnesty and wished to bring her back into the fold; with any luck Evasra will find a way to manage the situation and return to the life I believe that the two of you were meant to have together.”

That thought cheered Mei Zhu up. The life they were meant to have together. It seemed like the world was their oyster-crab until today, but Mei Zhu refused to give up hope that things would get better. She decided to change topics for the moment. “Did Nasu say when she and Lo Ruon would arrive in Humpi?”

“They expect to arrive the day tomorrow. Kanti has said that the camp in Humpi is very crowded, but with Mistress Nykka and her apprentice Fire Healers assisting, they have been able to keep infections down. And the Fire Islands have offered some support to their fellow firebenders, so there is enough food and supplies for now.”

“That’s good; I’ve heard that refugee camps can be hard to live in.” Mei Zhu worried about the poor people that had been cast out. She still couldn’t believe that Savan had treated the firebenders there so poorly. Even more disappointing was that they intentionally waited until Evasra left; the cowards refused to look her in the eye and tell her that her people weren’t welcome among them anymore.

“Things are indeed hard in such camps, but hopefully once the cure has been distributed, people will again be more accepting of firebenders.” Ti Mu answered. “Although Aang has much work to do to keep the situation from devolving in the Fire Colonies. It pains me to see that even after thousands of years, your people still can’t get along and live in harmony. This pain is what drove me to offer you and Evasra access to the wisdom I’ve collected. Perhaps you can finally be the change Atla needs.”

“I hope so, Ti Mu. I…I hate to admit it, but I want the Fire Nation removed from the earth continent too. They took the land and subjugated the people by force. It isn’t right to hold them against their will. But I think that people of all bending statuses should be welcome to live together; there is so much to learn from each other.” Mei Zhu sighed. “But that is outside my control. I should head back to keep Evasra company.”

“Of course, my dear. You two are wonderful together because of how you support each other.”

Mei Zhu was about to leave when she remember something. “Oh, I almost forgot; Evasra wanted me to ask you a question. Do you have any spirit reflections knowledgeable about Fire Sage practices?”

“King Buzin, you have the support of the Daughters of Rokishe and we wish you success in your endeavors, but we are concerned that continuing your march into the lands controlled by the Fire Nation will lead to the intervention of the Avatar. This would be to your detriment.” Minvu said as Buzin and his staff studied the map on the table.

The shadowforms that Minvu and her sisters wielded had allowed her to pinpoint the locations of every major Fire Nation regiment and fortification in the region. This knowledge had been used by the Earth Kingdom and Omashu to completely overwhelm the Fire Nation forces. Knowledge truly was power. But the Earth Kingdom had decided to halt their progression and try to hold their lands by diplomacy and negotiation.

King Buzin, on the other hand, had decided that he could take Pemni. With the little military knowledge she had, Minvu agreed that he probably could push the Fire Nation forces back into the city. If, and it was a big if, the Avatar didn’t join the fray on the side of the Fire Nation. Minvu had already reiterated the warning that she and her sisters would no longer provide battlefield information if the Avatar intervened. He had laughed and called them superstitious fools, but the Daughters of Rokishe were only willing to sacrifice so much in the interest of their allies.

“The Avatar has lost his nerve. Rumor has it that he and the Fire Lord no longer see eye to eye. We have retaken two-thirds of the Fire Colony territory and he has done nothing. He knows that our cause is just.” Buzin responded, never taking his eyes off the map.

Minvu sighed at the man’s wishful thinking. “Our sources indicate that this is only because your forces were invited by rebel groups to enter this territory and assist. No invitations have been forthcoming from the remaining areas.”

Min Kai tries to show him reason. “King Buzin, Omashu and the Earth Kingdom have gained a great deal of territory with very little bloodshed or damage to the viability of the land. If we pause, consolidate our holdings and apply pressure, Queen Shur Zi and Matron Rajeen believe that the Fire Nation can be driven from our lands without bloodshed. If the Avatar intervenes and the Fire Nation breaks through your forces, they could march into your lands and wreak havoc. Patience is our ally.”

“I respect your queen and your matron, but they are soft city dwellers that don’t understand the rigors of war. With the advantages we have, our forces can take the city in a matter of a few weeks. Less if your queen allows her forces to push forward in the name of the Earth Kingdom.” Buzin eyed Min Kai, who stared calmly back. Buzin spoke again. “Just as I thought. You don’t have the will to win the day.”

Minvu held in her sigh as the two continued staring at each other. The staring match came to an end when a soldier entered the command tent, drawing both of their attention. “King Buzin, Avatar Aang’s air bison just landed outside the camp and he is making his way here.”

Minvu instantly pulled all of the shadowforms completely back into her tattoos, where, according to the scrolls, they should be undetectable as long as they remain dormant. She prayed that was the case; her shadowforms were capable of being weaponized but she was neither skilled enough nor foolish enough to challenge the Avatar. All that she could do is hope that the scholarship of the scroll writers had been correct.

Buzin didn’t seem bothered by the situation and he calmly waited for the Avatar to arrive. Minvu used her focus training from her youth to remain as calm and outwardly serene as possible. Buzin continued discussing his plans with his generals while Minvu and Min Kai stood off to the side and observed; Minvu wanted nothing to do with this and it appeared that Min Kai was not interested in the endeavor either.

It was ten long minutes later when the Avatar finally entered the tent. “Greetings, Buzin. I have come to discuss the state of the two armies with you if you are willing.”

“Of course, Avatar. Please come in. We are finalizing our plans to free the remaining regions from the illegal occupation of the Fire Nation. We have received word from the earth people that they would like the other earth nations to help them rise up against their oppressors.” Buzin answered as he stared into the Avatar’s eyes, almost seeming to dare him to contradict his statement.

“That is certainly true for the regions you currently occupy; these are predominantly inhabited by earth people and they have indeed set up a provisional government that requested your aid. But the remaining regions have large firebender populations and are firmly under Fire Nation control. No legitimate earth government has requested your assistance.” The Avatar retorted, holding Buzin’s gaze.

“I disagree with that assessment; several resistance groups have indeed sent requests for us to help. And as the Avatar, are you not in favor of the four nations being balanced? As Queen Shur Zi pointed out, it is only the earth continent that does not follow the ways of old, with like being with like. Surely you’re not turning your back on all the Avatars that came before you?” Buzin answered, looking smug.

“The ways of the past were broken and the rules of old can’t just be applied as if the past one hundred years didn’t happen. Mixing has occurred. Firebenders, waterbenders and earthbenders have created communities together, communities that can’t just be torn apart in the name of bending purity. If you wish the Fire Nation gone, it needs to be done at the negotiation table. I will not allow you to upset the balance with continued war.” Minvu felt a chill at the Avatar’s words.

“You abdicated your right to lord your power over the earth continent when you abandoned the world for one hundred years and then groveled at the feet of the very nation that massacred your people. You are a disgrace and not my Avatar. I reject the right of you to rule over my nation. You are a spoiled child that wields your power with neither skill nor finesse. We are done here. You may leave.” Buzin’s voice was calm and sure.

“I will not allow you to upset the balance, Buzin. This is your only warning.” The Avatar turned and walked out without another word. Minvu couldn’t believe the words that just came from King Buzin’s mouth. What was he thinking?

Perhaps Buzin could read her mind, because he decided to explain his thinking. “The Avatar has grown soft and I truly believe that he will not intervene. He is boy trying to pretend that he’s a man.”

“The Earth Kingdom will not participate in your expedition. We truly wish you success, but no military support is forthcoming.” Min Kai said.

“Matron Rajeen has ordered me to withdraw if it appears that the Avatar will intervene in the battle. We too wish you success but the Daughters of Rokishe will no longer offer our aid.” Minvu explained. She truly liked Buzin and hoped that he was indeed able to recapture the lost lands of the earth continent, but she feared the worst.

“Do as you must; my mind is set and our will is strong. But I will remember how you abandoned me during the fight to free the earth lands from the wicked oppressors. History will spit on the cowardice of your people.” Buzin answered, literally spitting on the ground at Minvu’s feet.

“Time will tell, King Buzin. Come, Successor Minvu, you may ride back with me to the Earth Kingdom encampment.” Min Kai offered, much to Minvu’s relief.

Minvu feared that the momentum of history was turning. All the progress made by Omashu could be lost if Buzin’s gamble goes astray. But whether Buzin sees success or failure on the battle field will not be determined by the aid of the Daughters of Rokishe.

The dinner invite had arrived while Mei Zhu was still communing with Ti Mu at the citadel, so Azula had accepted with one caveat. This was to be a peaceful reunion dinner, not a negotiation or interrogation. She had sent the message back with the steward. She was still awaiting the response when Mei Zhu finally returned to the land of the conscious.

“Ti Mu now knows of our plight and she said that she knows of someone that might have the expertise that you’re looking for.” Mei Zhu said as she stood up and stretched.

Azula decided to let her know the plans she had tentatively made. “We’ve been invited to dinner with Zuko and the others. You’ll know everyone there except for Zuko and Katara. I’ve asked for this to be a friendly get together, with no aggression or politicking on either side. Are you okay with that?”

“Yeah, I think that would be good. I…I like all the people that came to Savan. And Katara seemed nice. Zuko seems a little grumpy though.”

“Yeah, well, he better pull himself together. I’m not sure what he expected to happen when they dragged me back here in chains.” Azula answered. Mei Zhu looked like she was going to respond when they heard a knock at the door. Azula decided to fill Mei Zhu in. “That’s Toph. Hopefully she’s coming with good news.”

Azula answered the door and let Toph in. “Come on in, Toph. Has Zuko agreed to have a pleasant meal?”

“Yeah, he agrees that would be the best way to handle things. But, well, given how you were issuing ultimatums earlier, they have a few respectful requests of their own.” Toph answered, looking towards Azula with her blind eyes.

“And what are those?” Azula sighed just thinking of the childish requests that were about to come.

“They have agreed to use only the name Evasra; in return, they were hoping that you would follow the proper royal protocols for addressing Ursa.” Toph held up her hands. “You don’t have to treat her like family, but can you at least use the proper address. She did give birth to you, after all.”

Azula frowned and was working through the arguments against it when Mei Zhu put a hand on her arm. “I know that you don’t want a relationship with her, Evasra, but there’s no need to pour salt in her wounds. You asked for your preferred name to be used and they agreed; the least you can do is acknowledge her as your mother.”

Azula stared at Mei Zhu before she sighed and admitted that the logic was sound. “Fine, I will address her as Mother. Anything else?”

“Uhm, well, they would like you to come without your facepaint, just for one night.” Toph seemed a little nervous about asking. Azula weighed her options. It wasn’t like she was hiding anymore. And if her plans worked out the way she expected, she wouldn’t be wearing much of it anyway.

“Fine. For tonight, I will go without it, but I reserve the right to wear it on other occasions.”

Toph gave her a smile. “Thanks, FlameHealer. I know this situation sucks and I tried to speak up for you, but Sparky is pretty pissed at me at the moment. It’ll blow over, but they are willing to meet you halfway and if you meet them partway too it can make things a lot smoother. I know that you don’t want to be here, but it is what it is. You came in pretty hot today.”

“They need to know that I’m not the person they knew all those years ago. It is better to be open and upfront about it. But I promise to be on good behavior tonight. I…I don’t have any ill will against the others, I just don’t have any love for them either. They’re just people that I used to know.” Azula looked down as she spoke. She knew that this isn’t how normal people were supposed to feel. But it was true; she just didn’t feel anything for these people.

“Well, I appreciate you sticking up for Evasra and being such a good friend.” Mei Zhu said, stepping up and hugging Toph, much to the blind girl’s chagrin.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m awesome. I’ll let the others know; I’ll swing back and grab you at the seventh hour.” Toph said and made her way out the door, leaving Azula to deal with the requests. She decided that she might as well get her facepaint washed off while Mei Zhu changed into the most formal thing she had, which was her Scholar’s robe.

It only took moderate effort get her face clean and she took a few extra moments to ensure that her hair was still in the proper Terrathusan Cult braid; going back to her old hair style was non-negotiable. There was only so much give that she was willing to do.

It was nearly time for dinner by the time they were cleaned up and presentable, so Azula gave Mei Zhu a quick run down of the dynamics of the people involved; it was best if Mei Zhu knew a little of the history that she had with each of them. It pained her to tell of how she had wronged each of them, but she knew that Mei Zhu had the right to know.

Mei Zhu just looked at her for a few moments after she had finished telling her tale of shame. “I have to admit, Evasra, I would have expected a lot more death and torture. I…I understand that you were in a bad place mentally at the end, but it sounds like most of the things you did were to gain the love of Ozai, who was both your father and your Fire Lord. It pales in comparison to the terrible atrocities that many, many of the others in the Fire Nation committed.”

Azula quickly began her Stoicastic Meditations to keep from crying at Mei Zhu’s words; it filled her heart with joy that Mei Zhu didn’t think her a monster. She spoke in a soft voice when she had finally collected herself. “I would have done worse things had they been needed.”

“Then it is a good thing that you are so talented and competent; you did what you needed to do as efficiently as possible. That was then and this is now. Shaman Inok Kui believed that you had outgrown your past and so do I.” Mei Zhu gave her a long hug.

“Toph is coming.” Azula said, finally breaking away for Mei Zhu.

“Then let’s go face the future together.” Mei Zhu said as Toph knocked on the door. “It’s time to show the people of your past who you are now.”

“Man, this is wild! I can’t believe that we’re having dinner with Evasra! I know that she’s Azula, but the name just seems so natural now. It’s a little creepy how she’s been hiding in plain sight.” Sokka said as he hobbled along on his crutches alongside Suki and Ty Lee.

“It is kinda weird, but please be on your best behavior. To be totally honest here, I’m really nervous; Zuko was pretty pissed when he found out about Evasra and he’s still worked up about her reaction to being brought back to the Fire Nation.” Suki warned. She loved the goof, but by Gnolos, Sokka could stick his foot in his mouth sometimes. Dinner with quite probably the two most powerful firebenders on Atla wasn’t a good time to poke the platypus-bear.

“I…I hope that everyone has calmed down. It would be nice to just have a quiet, peaceful dinner.” Ty Lee said in a worried voice. Suki knew that Ty Lee was having trouble dealing with the news of Azula’s return from the presumed grave. Suki hoped to put her mind at ease a bit.

“Mei Zhu will be there too and she’s always been happy and pleasant when we dealt with her, so it doesn’t seem like Evasra has been bad-mouthing anyone. And Evasra helped all of us when she didn’t have too; she has probably saved my life on two occasions.” Suki said as they slowly approached the hall; Sokka was getting better on the crutches but it was still slow going. “And Toph said that she agreed to Ursa’s requests, so that’s a good sign.”

“Yeah, Mei Zhu is so nice and sweet. They’re a cute couple.” Ty Lee said with a small giggle. Suki felt better that her friend had cheered up at least a little. The rest of the group had tried to talk Ursa out of her requests, but she wouldn’t be dissuaded. She wanted to see her daughter’s real face and have Azula acknowledge Ursa as her mother. They were reasonable requests but everyone else worried that it would make Evasra defensive, but according to Toph all it took was a few calming words from Mei Zhu and she readily agreed.

Zuko, Katara, Ursa, and Kiyi were talking amongst themselves as Suki’s group entered the dining hall. Katara was the first to greet them. “Hey, guys. Come on in; Toph should be back with our guests any minute now.”

And no sooner were the words out of her mouth than the three guests appeared. Toph was wearing her usual uniform, although it looked like it was a cleaner one. Mei Zhu wore her Scholar’s robe; Suki had seen them often enough in the Library of Despondent Ecstasy to recognize it on sight. It was sad to think of the fate of great center of learning.

Evasra was wearing her standard mystic robes, but her face was devoid of paint as promised. It seems that she had left her staff behind also. It was weird seeing Azula’s face overlaid on Evasra; Suki’s brain was still having a tough time coming to grips with the whole situation. She was relieved when Evasra gave everyone a more or less natural looking smile.

Evasra was the first to speak. “Greetings, everyone. Lord Zuko, thank you for inviting us for dinner. I…I know that our initial meeting didn’t go as you expected, but I hope that we can move past that and spend tonight improving our understanding of each other.”

“Of course, Mystic Evasra. Thank you for accepting our invitation. Now that everyone is here, let’s get seated.” Zuko answered, looking more composed than he had earlier in the day. Seeing Evasra behave in a more conciliatory fashion seems to have improved his mood. But for the love of Kyoshi’s silk stockings, Suki hoped that they would stop using the lord and mystic titles; it just sounded stilted and weird.

Zuko and Katara took their seats at the ends of the table as the stewards showed everyone else to their assigned seats. Suki sat to Zuko’s left and Ursa’s right, while Sokka sat to Zuko’s right and Kiyi’s left. Ty Lee sat to Katara’s left. Toph sat to Katara’s right while Mei Zhu was placed between Ursa and Toph. Evasra sat between Kiyi and Ty Lee, directly across from her girlfriend .

Once everyone was seated and settled, Evasra was again the first to speak. “I would just like to start off by saying that I’m glad to see that everyone seems to be doing better than when I last saw you in Savan. Water Healing is a wonderful skill.” She turned to Ursa as she continued speaking. “Mother, I’m sorry I wasn’t able to help Ikem; I didn’t have the pleasure of meeting him but by all accounts he was a good man and a great father.” She reached down and squeezed Kiyi’s shoulder. The girl responded by giving Evasra a hug.

“The fact that any of us are alive is probably due to your intervention. So thank you.” Ursa responded. “Given your history with me and the many of the people in the compound, it would have been understandable if you had decided not to intervene.”

Evasra looked down and sighed. “I have no animosity towards any of you and I wouldn’t have stood aside and allowed you to be attacked without intervening. I worked with many of the people here in Ba Sing Se and consider them to be allies. And though our relationship is not close, you are my mother; I wouldn’t let you come to harm through inaction.”

“Yes, thank you for intervening. It was a grand gesture.” Zuko said. He paused for a moment to collect his thoughts before speaking again. “We agreed not to make this an interrogation, but would you be willing to tell us a little bit about the life you’ve been living.”

Suki tensed for a few moments before she saw Evasra give a small smile. “Of course, Zuko. I won’t give up all my secrets, but I can give you the highlights. Upon making my way to the earth continent, I was incredibly fortunate to encounter a group of travelers that took me in. I grew to be close with a few of them in time, but it was the guest traveling with them that changed my life. His name was Shaman Inok Kui and he took me in and helped me overcome the mental issues that plagued me in my youth. He…he was the greatest man I have ever known. Even after figuring out who I was, he asked me to stay so that he could help me. He taught me the ways of his order and helped me minimize and eventually get rid of the visions that haunted me.”

“The teachings of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will seemed to fit my personality and skill set particularly well. Shaman was able to acquire five advanced firebending scrolls for me to study and they, along with the techniques I learned from Shaman, allowed me to develop my white flames. I also became quite skilled as a sculptor. As Shaman’s life was coming to an end, I faced a fork in the road. One road was to become a sculptor; I was offered the chance to study with an accomplished master in Naotsu. The second path was to become a mystic. I favored becoming a sculptor until I watched Shaman pass into the afterlife; in the moment of his death, I glimpsed the bliss of enlightenment as he ascended beyond the reincarnation cycle. It was at that moment that I decided to devote my life to advancing spiritually, which led me to Savan and to my wonderful companions there.”

Suki, like seemingly everyone in the Eastern Sea region, knew that Mystic Evasra had studied with Shaman Inok Kui. Apparently he had been a highly regarded spiritual teacher and he seemed to really have had a profound affect on Azula; the insane princess of the Fire Nation had become a widely respected spiritual figure in her own right under his tutelage. The world owed the man a great debt for rehabilitating her.

“That’s so awesome, Evasra!” Kiyi exclaimed, smiling up at Evasra. “I wish I could have met Shaman Inok Kui.”

“I wish you could have too, Kiyi. The two of you would have gotten along well.” Evasra answered with a smile of her own.

“If it’s not too intrusive to ask, may I inquire how you and Mei Zhu met?” Katara asked. Evasra looked to Mei Zhu, who was smiling as she looked back.

Mei Zhu began speaking. “I was an apprentice scholar working with Mystic Nasu when she received a letter from a young member of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will that wished to come to Savan and study with her. Being of advanced age, she thought that it would be good to have the new student live with other young women, so we made arrangements for Evasra to stay with me at Mother’s Refuge, a boarding house for students and women of limited means. We hit it off right away and there was space in my room, so we became roommates and fast friends. She came with me and Mystic Nasu when we went to find the library on the island of Yu Yang. It was a very interesting find.”

“Don’t let her modesty mislead you; it was an impressive display of scholarship to find the library. It required her to translate a previously undocumented language and then figure out the spacial coordinates hidden in the text. That’s how she became the youngest full scholar in over two hundred years.” Evasra added.

“Wow, that’s amazing, Mei Zhu!” Ty Lee cheered. “I always thought being a scholar meant sitting around reading musty old scrolls but it sounds like you actually got to go out and discover new things.”

“Well, a lot of it does actually involve musty old scrolls. It was a wonderful trip. It was on the island that I think the connection really formed between us; it was such a magical experience. We found a wonderful library and on the way home we even skated with the cuttle-rays!” Suki couldn’t help but smile as Mei Zhu’s speech became more and more animated. The girl may actually be more cheerful than Ty Lee.

“What about the pirates?” Zuko asked, his tone serious.

“Well, Evasra acted all scared at first and paid them to leave us alone. But then on the way back she scared them with her white fire and they all scurried off with their tails between her legs. But when we got back to our ship, we saw two pirate ships coming. The captain wanted to run, but Evasra was like ‘Take me to them and they will tremble before my magnificent power!’ and the captain did. Next thing I know I’m watching Evasra fly way up in the sky and then she falls on them and blasts the first pirate ship with a flaming ball of super fire. Then she flew back and beat the stuffing out of the second group of pirates and burned their ship to ash. It was incredible!” Mei Zhu exclaimed, almost yelling by the end as she gesticulated wildly, obviously enjoying the tale of her girlfriend kicking the sh*t out of a bunch of pirates.

Sokka hung on every word and was seemingly thrilled with the tale told by the surprisingly bloodthirsty scholar. But Suki saw that Zuko and Katara weren’t nearly as amused. Zuko was the first to speak. “How did you create a flaming ball of super fire?”

Evasra turned and locked eyes with Zuko. “It was a special technique I learned with Shaman. One of several special techniques I learned with Shaman. I may not have had the chance to learn with the original masters, since I was abducted before I got the opportunity, but I learned a great deal about the true meaning of firebending through my own studies.”

Suki became nervous as Zuko continued locking eyes with Evasra. She wasn’t sure if Toph was trying to defuse the situation or just wanted to contribute to the discussion, but she chimed in next. “I bet it was awesome. It was only a few days later that Aang and I found the mysterious mystic of the white flames that we had been looking for. Everybody knows about me riding Evasra as we flew through the air like a flaming parrot-bat and us kicking the crap out of Sor Yun and Evasra fighting Iroh and healing Suki. Those were glorious days. It’s only been six months but I’m already missing the thrill of the fight.”

“I for one have had enough fighting.” Evasra said with a small laugh. “I want to create my Fire Healer school and perhaps open a temple devoted to my cult and just relax for the rest of my life. I’ll just travel around looking for interesting archaeological sites with Mei Zhu when I need some excitement.”

“That does sound like the dream life.” Mei Zhu said with a laugh.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t think that it’s safe for you to leave the Fire Nation.” Zuko said, his voice grim.

“And why’s that, Zuko? I’m making arrangements to ensure that I am moving to a fortified location. And frankly, I’m not sure that you have the legal means to stop me.” Evasra stated as she turned towards Zuko. She held up a hand, stopping him from speaking. “But that is enough of this talk for tonight, I believe. There will be time to discuss the future later. I was promised an evening of pleasant conversation.”

Zuko took a deep breath before speaking. “You’re right, Evasra. We will discuss the future another time.”

The food was brought out and the conversation moved freely the rest of the night. Evasra was quite pleasant and Mei Zhu was a breath of fresh air; her manic energy was contagious and the evening went without any hiccups. But Suki could still sense a little tension from Zuko. Ursa was a little downcast but Evasra was polite to her and it seemed like a good start.

After about two hours, Evasra asked to be excused from the meal. “Once again, I would like to thank you for inviting me for dinner, but if you don’t mind I would like to begin preparing for bed. It’s been a long day and being slammed off a destroyer hull and nearly sinking into the dark waters of oblivion takes a lot out of a girl.”

“Of course, Evasra. We thank both of you for the development of the cure and for your help in defeating the rebels.” Zuko answered with a small smile.

“If you would like, I am happy to heal any injuries that you suffered from the battle.” Katara offered.

“I appreciate the offer, Lady Katara, but I will be fine in time.” Evasra said, her face and tone neutral. “Mei Zhu, you’re welcome to stay and converse with the others if you like.”

“That’s alright. It’s been a long day for me too and I’m ready for bed.” The girl said, although Suki believes she said it to stay near Evasra. It was easy to tell that she wasn’t comfortable here in the Fire Nation without Evasra. The two ladies said their goodnights and made their way back towards their room.

Suki felt better about the whole Azula in disguise thing; it seemed like Evasra was still hiding something but she didn’t seem angry or malicious in any way. But Suki was concerned about the look Zuko was giving his sister as she made her way down the hall. He had distrusted Evasra before he knew who she truly was and seemed to trust her even less now.

Evasra wanted to leave the Fire Nation and Zuko wanted her to stay. Suki didn’t know how things were going to play out, but her gut said that the rest of their interactions wouldn’t be as harmonious in the future.

Chapter 29: Looking to the Future


Zuko and Azula have a heated discussion regarding her future in the Fire Nation.

Chapter Text

Mei Zhu is excited to finally see the full scope of what Evasra could do. Her white flames were incredible and her skills were far beyond anyone else that Mei Zhu had ever seen. But the one aspect of Evasra that Mei Zhu had never seen was her blue flames. It was easy to understand why Evasra never showed them to any one in Savan; it likely would have meant that the entire world would have come hunting for her.

But Mei Zhu knew that the blue flames were a part of Evasra’s past, if not her present. But she had told Mei Zhu and Kiyi that she would show them both the flames of her youth this one time.

Kiyi was every bit as excited as Mei Zhu about seeing the mythical blue flames in action. The only recorded wielder of blue flames in history, Evasra had been a prodigal firebender in her youth. Things had gone wrong for her then and Mei Zhu suspected that the blue flames were a relic of a past that her girlfriend wished to leave behind her. Mei Zhu had never asked to see her blue flames, but she wasn’t going to turn down the freely given offer of a demonstration.

“I can’t wait to see it, Mei Zhu! Everyone talks about how extraordinary her blue flames were; her white flames are awesome but kinda weird looking.” Kiyi said, grabbing hold of Mei Zhu’s hand.

Mei Zhu smiled down at the younger girl. “It’s going to be awesome. It’s old hat for your brother and his friends, but I think it’ll be really cool.”

“I don’t get what the fuss is all about. Orange, blue, white.” Toph said. “It’s all the same to me.”

Mei Zhu just rolled her eyes at her friend’s sarcasm. She paid a lot more attention though when Katara spoke. “I for one have seen more than enough of Azula’s blue flames; I’m a lot more interested in seeing what she can do with her white ones.”

It was an odd mix of people that were coming out to see Evasra’s early morning practice. Mei Zhu, Kiyi and Ursa were there for the blue flames while Zuko and Katara were there for the white flames. The rest were just there out of curiosity.

Evasra had made her way out to the center of the training courtyard. She paused for a second with her head bowed before she slowly raised her arms over her head and placed her palms together; she hesitated for just a moment before lowered her arms, palms still together as the passed in front of her face.

She reset and Mei Zhu quivered in anticipation as she began her routine, a series of punches and kicks shooting out powerful bursts of orange fire as she warmed up. It was much less vigorous than her normal routine but Mei Zhu knew that she was still feeling the effects of yesterday’s injuries.

Even with a less rigorous routine, Mei Zhu couldn’t help but admire Evasra’s grace and skill. She still moved like a dancer. Mei Zhu couldn’t help but gasp as Evasra’s movements changed subtly and a powerful burst of blue fire shot from her foot as she executed a spin kick. Mei Zhu was mesmerized at the beautiful blue flames that her lover was casting; Mei Zhu felt like she was a watching a divinely inspired vision as the blue fire illuminated the courtyard.

The blue was far more pleasing to her eyes than the white she normally used, but Mei Zhu knew that the blue flames represented something terrible to Evasra. Her past mistakes. Terrible things done to win the love of an ultimately uncaring father. A descent into madness. Evasra had told her once that the orange flames represented her loyalty to the Fire Nation while her blue flames were the result of pushing herself to impress her father, but the white flames were the distilled essence of the person she wanted to be.

Evasra’s stance changed again and the blue instantly converted to white and Mei Zhu watched Evasra truly come into her own. The grace, skill, intensity and power of Evasra finally displayed for the world. Mei Zhu had enjoyed the blue flames, but Evasra would forever be represented by the white flames in her mind.

As usual, Evasra took flight, the white flames from her hands and feet carrying her into the air, where she started doing her suspended katas. It was much briefer than usual; which was to be expected since Mei Zhu knew that she was still feeling less than one hundred percent.

But Mei Zhu’s mouth fell open in shock and she heard many of those around her gasp as Evasra’s hands began firing blue flames from her hands while she continued to suspend herself in the air with the white flames from her feet.

And then she started waving her arms in a circular motion and everyone watched in awe as the blue flames became mixed with white; the two colors roiled and rolled together like two snake-worms engaged in an epic wrestling match. Evasra began waving her arms faster and it was Mei Zhu’s turn to gasp as she saw other colors begin appearing intermixed with the blue and white flames. First came the standard orange and yellows, but then came green and then purple and suddenly there were more than a dozen colors mixed together in a spiraling fury of flames.

All the while Evasra kept herself suspended twenty feet in the air with the white flames coming from her feet. Suddenly, Evasra flung her hands out and then curled them up and pulled them back towards her body. The multicolored spiral of flames shot forward and assumed the shape of a bird. Mei Zhu recognized the basic outline of a phoenix. The magnificent flame creature flapped its wings in time with Evasra’s gestures.

Everyone watched spellbound as the creature soared up and over the assembled crowd. And then the creature became pure white and turned back towards Evasra. It surged towards her, momentarily frightening Mei Zhu before she remembered that Evasra controlled the flame bird. It dissipated just before reaching Evasra, the white embers falling all around her, making it seem like she was encased in a field of stars.

Everyone was silent as she lowered herself to the ground and finally shut off all of her flames. Evasra gave a quick bow to the crowd before she began walking over to join the group. Mei Zhu ran to her and jumped into her arms and gave her a big kiss. “By the stars, that was the most incredible thing I’ve ever seen.” Mei Zhu said once they had unlocked their lips.

“Thank you, Mei Zhu. It’s something that I’ve been working on in my private meditations but that was the first time that I’d tried to manifest that many colors in one go.” Evasra answered as she disengaged from Mei Zhu.

And she was immediately hit by a ten year old human projectile. “By Agni’s beneficent bending, that was the most awesome thing ever!”

“Thank you, Kiyi. Once you’ve mastered your Fire Healing chi manipulations, I bet I could teach you to make a few different colors of fire.” Evasra answered as she hugged her sister.

“That was indeed a spectacular display, Azula. You’re every bit the bender I thought you would be.” Ursa said, smiling at Evasra.

Everyone, including Mei Zhu, froze at Ursa’s words. Mei Zhu squeezed Evasra’s hand as her girlfriend turned and spoke to Ursa. “Thank you, Mother, I appreciate your kind words, but please remember to address me as Evasra.”

Evasra had spoken in a calm and even voice. Ursa stood stock still for a few moments before speaking again. “I’m sorry, Evasra. It was a slip of the tongue. I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”

“It’s okay, Mother. I…I know it must seem strange to you and I greatly appreciate the effort. Honest mistakes won’t upset me.” Evasra said, lowering the collective blood pressure of the entire group. “But I’m hot and sweaty and I’d like to freshen up before breakfast.

Mei Zhu couldn’t help but smile; she loved seeing how talented and incredible Evasra was. But as she turned, she saw someone that was less than enthused with Evasra’s display. Zuko’s face was stoic but he stared at Evasra with an intensity that disturbed Mei Zhu. The troubled look on Katara’s face as she too noticed Zuko’s expression concerned Mei Zhu almost as much.

She didn’t have a good understanding of the dynamics between Evasra and Zuko except that they weren’t good. She hoped that this wasn’t a bad sign for things to come.

Especially if Evasra’s trip to the Citadel of Sagacity didn’t turn out like she hoped. But Mei Zhu knew that they would cross that bridge when they came to it.

They went back to their room and quickly cleaned up; they had agreed to meet Toph and Kiyi for breakfast. They had been invited to dine at Zuko’s table but Evasra had politely declined. Mei Zhu had thought it would be a good idea but Evasra had confided that she didn’t want to get involved with any in depth discussions with Zuko until she had a chance to consult Ti Mu’s Fire Sage expert. Mei Zhu understood her reasoning.

There was a knock at the door while Evasra was finishing up. Mei Zhu answered to find a wound up Kiyi on the other side. “I know I’m a little early but I couldn’t wait!”

Mei Zhu just laughed. “No problem, Kiyi. Little sister privileges. Come on in.” They chatted pleasantly as Evasra finished applying her facepaint. Evasra was all smiles as she came out and the three were ready in just a few minutes.

Toph was waiting for them in the hallway near the dining area. Toph yelled to them while they were fifty yards away. “You better hurry or there won’t be any food left. Sokka got here early.”

The three girls laughed as they made their way to the loud metalbender. The small group entered the informal dining room and selected a small table with only four chairs. Zuko, Katara and Sokka were seated at the main table; Mei Zhu assumed that the rest of their party hadn’t made it to breakfast yet.

They had selected food from the breakfast area and were happily conversing when Mei Zhu spotted Ursa, Ty Lee and Suki walk into the hall. All three turned towards the table where Evasra sat. Suki just glanced at the group and smiled before walking to join Sokka at the main table. But Ursa and Ty Lee both took a moment watching Evasra; Mei Zhu could almost hear the wheels turning as they tried to decided whether to approach or not.

But the decision was made easier for them when Evasra completed ignored both of them to continue talking with Toph. Mei Zhu gave a small sigh as they turned and made their way to the main table; she knew it wouldn’t do any good to try and force Evasra to deal with her past before she was ready.

And it was clear that she wasn’t ready yet. It wasn’t clear to Mei Zhu whether she ever would be.

They had just finished their meals and were preparing to leave when Zuko called out to them. “Mystic Evasra, I would like to meet with you to discuss matters pertaining to your future in the Fire Nation after my morning sessions with the generals and counselors.”

“Of course, Lord Zuko. You can send for me at our convenience. I will be meditating in my room until I receive your message.” Evasra answered with a respectful nod of the head.

“Actually, Evasra, I was hoping that you and Mei Zhu would join me and several of the other ladies for a spa session; it’s great for stress relief and will undoubtedly help soothe the aches and pains from your battle yesterday.” Katara said, a smile plastered on her face.

The soon to be Fire Lady was trying, but it was clear that she wasn’t completely at ease with Evasra just yet. Evasra’s smile was more genuine as she answered. “I greatly appreciate the offer but my morning meditation takes priority over personal comfort. But I greatly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity, Mei Zhu.”

Evasra looked Mei Zhu in the eyes and gave the slightest of nods. Mei Zhu had to admit that she enjoyed the idea of having a relaxing spa session after all the stress of developing a cure for Agni’s Curse, being brought to the Fire Nation against her will and learning that the Library of Despondent Ecstasy had been destroyed.

“I would love to join you and the other ladies for a spa session.” Mei Zhu said, smiling at Katara.

Katara’s smile seemed more genuine as Ty Lee cheered. “You’ve definitely earned it! I’m sorry you can’t join us, Evasra. Are you sure you won’t change your mind?”

“I’m sure, Ty Lee. I hope that all of you enjoy your session. I have some serious topics to meditate on to make sure that I’m in the proper frame of mind to discuss things with Zuko. We don’t want things to get out of hand during our meeting now, do we?”

Evasra looked past Katara towards Zuko as she spoke those words, her eyebrows raised in challenge to her brother. He sighed before he spoke. “No, we don’t want things to get out of hand.”

Evasra clapped her hands. “Then we are decided. Enjoy yourselves, ladies, and I’ll see you once you’re ready to discuss things, Zuko.”

With that, Evasra turned and walked down the hallway towards her room. Mei Zhu looked to the others. “Thank you for inviting me; I think that this is a great time to get to know some of you better. Now that I’m not running interference for Evasra, I have a lot more leeway to have fun with you girls.”

“Yeah, that sounds great, Mei Zhu. We’d like to get to know you better too. You’re quite famous and accomplished in your own right.” Suki answered.

“Indeed, you are. Let’s go get the full treatment.” Katara cheered.

Mei Zhu was excited to get the full royal spa treatment. She wished that Evasra would have been able to join them but she knew that her girlfriend had more important matters to deal with. Their entire plan for escaping from the Fire Nation peacefully hinged on her discussion with Ti Mu’s source.

Mei Zhu trembled in fear when considering the other avenues of escape Evasra had planned should this line of inquiry turn up dry.

Zuko waited with Lord Waihu and Grand Sage Intiya for Evasra and the others to arrive. He had been disappointed when she had turned down the opportunity to enjoy a spa session with Mother and the others; Katara had made the offer but it was for Mother’s benefit.

But a least Mei Zhu seemed to be more open to getting to know the others. Perhaps it would be prudent to ensure that Mei Zhu was treated well and gained a more favorable impression of the Fire Nation.

He smiled as Katara and Mother entered the meeting room, both looking refreshed and content. “How was the spa? Did Mei Zhu have a good time?”

“The spa was wonderful and we all but had to drag Mei Zhu out of the massage chamber.” Katara said with a smile. “The past few weeks have been pretty stressful for her and I really think she appreciated the session.”

“That’s good. Maybe she can pass some of that good will along to Azula.” Zuko answered. Neither lady got a chance to answer before the arrival of Mystic Evasra and Scholar Mei Zhu was announced.

He hadn’t wanted Mei Zhu to be involved but every member of the party that had traveled to Savan, Mother included, had warned him not to try and exclude her. He had listened and now she was seated next to Azula. It was easier to call her Evasra when she was wearing her face paint, but deep down he knew that no matter how much the wrapping had changed, it was still Azula underneath.

“Thank you for joining us. I know that this isn’t how you saw your return to the Fire Nation occurring, but I was sincere in my wish for you to return to the fold and gain the power and privileges of being a princess. Given that…given that you seem to have overcome the issues plaguing you when you escaped the asylum, I believe that you could assume your responsibilities immediately.” Zuko said, smiling at Azula before turning to Mei Zhu. “And while I understand that your relationship is not conventional in the Fire Nation, you have my full support.”

“Thank you, Zuko.” Azula answered. “Likewise, I have no issues with you marrying Katara.

“Well, it’s nice that we have found some common ground early in the discussion. Lord Waihu has written up the amnesty protocol and I’ll leave it to him to go over the details with you.” Zuko turned to Waihu.

“The offer was put together before we were aware of your circ*mstances in the Eastern Sea region and your impressive achievements helping the Avatar deal with the Rings of Accordance and your work in developing a cure for Agni’s Curse. You have the thanks of myself and the Fire Nation for your aid.” Waihu said, bowing to Azula. She gave a respectful nod in return.

Waihu continued. “Given that you are of fine standing and appear capable of assuming your responsibilities immediately, the amnesty offer would clear your record of all crimes committed against the Fire Nation and shield you from any accusations of impropriety issued by other nations. You would be given full princess status and privileges; responsibilities would be negotiated on your comfort level and willingness.”

Zuko decided to chime in. “Azula, we want you to know that the actions of the past are behind us and that we want to move forward with you as part of the family. This can be a chance for you to assume the life that you had before. There is much good that you can do as a princess. I promise that I will fight for arrangements to allow you to continue your relationship with Mei Zhu.” He turned to Azula’s girlfriend, who was giving him a strange look. “We would gladly welcome you into the family, Mei Zhu; by all accounts you are a talented woman in your own right.”

“And you are recognized as one of Agni’s Blessed; the ceremony was conducted in your absence on your eighteenth birthday but is still binding. You are again a member of the royal family by the Rites of Agni.” Grand Sage Intiya interjected, gracing Azula with a warm and grandfatherly smile.

“I appreciate the offer, but Azula died as she made her escape from the asylum. I am Mystic Evasra and I reject all overtures from the past.” Zuko went to speak but she held up a hand to forestall him. He decided to let her say her piece. “However, I am willing to work out an arrangement with you so that we both get a bit of what we want. I am willing to act the part of the princess until your wedding; I will give you my full public support for both your marriage and your policies. In return, you will approve my Declaration of Abdication, forever removing me from the royal line. I will return to Humpi at that time and we will live our separate lives.”

Zuko couldn’t believe how obstinate she was being. He was giving an offer that was far more generous than she deserved, given her past. “I’m sorry, Azula, but it isn’t safe for you to leave the Fire Nation. You are a rallying point for the opposition to my rule and therefore are a threat to the Fire Nation.”

“I am Mystic Evasra; I’ve tried to be patient but you are working my nerves with your inability to remember that. I have no desire to be a royal, much less become Fire Lord. You got what you wanted, so you can deal with the strife of those calling for my ascension to the throne. I want no part of it.” His sister answered, her voice growing angry. “And as I’ve alluded to, I have a fortified position to stay at upon my return to Humpi. I have made my position clear.”

Zuko took a deep breath to control his growing irritation. “My apologies, Evasra, I did indeed agree to use your new name and I forgot in my enthusiasm to welcome you back to your home. I don’t think you understand how generous this offer is; your crimes and history can be wiped clean.”

He bristled as she openly laughed at him. “What crimes, Zuko? All of my actions during the war were carried out with the express permission of the duly appointed Fire Lord; you may have removed him in a coup, but that does not negate the legality of his rule before then. Are you talking about my escape from the asylum? I dare you to bring me up on charges for that. Are you willing to discuss my offer?”

“Evasra, please listen to Zuko. We just want what is best for you and the Fire Nation. You’re a bright and talented girl; there is much that you could do to help support Zuko’s reign. And I…I want you to come home. I want us to be a family again.” Mother said, her pleading voice hurting Zuko’s heart.

“I’ve said this before but apparently I need to say it again. We’re not family. We stopped being family when you abandoned me and Zuko to the care of Ozai. Zuko, we stopped being family when you betrayed me to Ozai on the Day of the Black Sun; you told him I how lied to make your return easier and I had to beg and plead on my hands and knees to keep him from branding me like he did you. And Iroh never cared for me in the slightest, so we were never family to begin with.” Azula’s words cut him deep.

“I…I didn’t mean to betray you to Father.” Zuko said. “I just wanted him to know why I was leaving and that I was going to help the Avatar overthrow him.”

“He accused me of bringing a poisonous viper-rat into his palace and that your betrayal was my responsibility. I understand that you’re a drama queen, Zuko, but what you told him after I went out on a limb to bring you home was beyond the pale.” Evasra closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She continued in a calmer voice. “We were children then, Zuko, and we both made errors in judgment. I’m willing to allow the past to remain in the past, but I will not stay in the Fire Nation. I’ve made my offer of aid. Are you willing to negotiate?”

“I’m sorry, Evasra, but you are too tempting a target for rebel groups. They could kidnap you and use you as a rallying point to rebel against my government.”

He watched her sigh and then turn to Grand Sage Intiya. “You have affirmed me to be in proper standing as a royal by the Rites of Agni, have you not?”

“Yes, Mystic Evasra.” Intiya answered, clearly surprised by the question.

“You’ve left me no choice, Zuko. I tried to be reasonable and work with you, but you’re unwilling to even meet me part way. Grand Sage Intiya, I hereby formally challenge the results of the Agni Kai which placed Fire Lord Zuko upon the throne. I demand a Ritual of Veracity for all the Fire Sages involved in the Agni Kai and Zuko’s ascension to the throne. As the first person to inflict damage upon their opponent in the Agni Kai, I proclaim that I should be declared the victor and rightful Fire Lord.”

Chapter 30: Contention


Azula and Zuko continue their discussion while Iroh is forced to deal with issues in the Fire Colony.

Chapter Text

Azula held her smirk inside as she watched the absolute befuddlement of the group turn to dismay and then outrage. She had expected all of this, of course. She truly had tried to be reasonable, but Zuko had left her no choice but to be cutthroat.

She continued speaking while the group collected their thoughts. “As a member of Agni’s Blessed family, I have the right to petition the honesty and judgment of any official Fire Sage act in which I am a direct participant, within the five year review period. Once the official request has been made, the Fire Sages are required to act upon it or they will lose the Grace of Agni, desanctifying all of their acts since the disputed event. Not to mention any Fire Sage that lies under oath before Agni will have their soul tortured upon dying, in addition to being lowered in the reincarnation cycle.” Azula informed the group.

Zuko finally found his words. “How dare you try to usurp the throne, Azula. You would have destroyed the Fire Nation and you will undoubtedly try to destroy it now.”

“That may very well be true, Zuko, but it has nothing to do with the actions of the Fire Sages. You were injured by my lightning and were unable to continue. Katara subdued me after the fact, but it doesn’t change the fact that you were defeated according to the rules of the Agni Kai.” Azula explained.

“You acted dishonorably when you shot lightning at Katara, thereby disqualifying yourself from the Agni Kai.” Zuko shouted, getting to his feet.

Azula spoke calmly as Zuko seethed. “Here is the official rules on bystanders according to the source I consulted. ‘Any combatant whose attacks strike or injure a bystander located in the ritualistic viewing areas, whether by choice or happenstance, shall be disqualified.’ That seems pretty clear. First of all, Katara was not located in the ritualistic viewing area; she had made her way to the area adjacent to the certified combat area. Second of all, I did not strike or injure Katara. Had you allowed me to strike her, perhaps you may have rightfully been declared the winner. You didn’t and therefore I am the winner of the Agni Kai.”

“You acted like a dishonorable cretin and you don’t deserve to be Fire Lord.” Zuko yelled. Azula had to admit that she was enjoying how riled up he was getting.

“Another interesting caveat is that Katara was considered an enemy of the Fire Nation at the time of our Agni Kai and there’s an argument to be made that she shouldn’t have even been allowed in the ritualistic viewing areas to begin with, much less been able to make her way so close to the certified combat area. This irregularity is just one of several that could lead to the Agni Kai being nullified. The Fire Sages ran a pretty sloppy Agni Kai, truth be told.” Azula explained, before turning to wide-eyed and open-mouthed Grand Sage Intiya. “No offense, Grand Sage.”

“This is bullsh*t and you’re just trying to stir up trouble. You have no honor and are just lying like you always do. I knew it was a mistake trying to treat you with respect.” Zuko shouted, his red face amusing Azula.

“It isn’t up to us, Zuko. I have declared that I wish to have the Ritual of Veracity carried out. As you know, this means that the Fire Sages have to swear before Agni that they carried out their duties according to the rules of Agni’s Chronicles without bias with regard to outside parameters such as participant status or political ramifications. Do you believe that you would have been declared the winner had I not been insane? If so, then you have nothing to fear. Once I have declared my petition to an appropriate Fire Sage, such as Grand Sage Intiya, I am guaranteed the right to be heard. I will abide by their decision. You will either remain Fire Lord, I will be declared Fire Lord, or the Agni Kai will be nullified and held again.” Azula said, looking Zuko in the eye. “And make no mistake about this, Zuko; if we fight another Agni Kai, one of us will die. You will not survive if I win and I will not allow myself to be taken alive if I lose.”

Ursa’s face went pale as she got to her feet. “Azula…I mean Evasra, I’m sorry, I mean Evasra, don’t do this. I beg of you. I just got you back and I don’t want to lose either of you. Please, I’m begging you not to do this.”

That was the opening that Azula was looking for. “Zuko, please ask Lord Waihu and Grand Sage Intiya to give us some privacy to discuss matters.” She turned to Intiya. “I expect you to take my declaration seriously. I will either accept or decline to pursue the matter at the Divination Request.”

“Of course, Mystic Evasra.” Grand Sage Intiya said, turning to look towards Zuko.

“And if I tell you not to pursue this matter?” Zuko asked through clenched teeth.

“I’m sorry, Lord Zuko, but the Fire Sages cannot refuse to perform a Ritual of Veracity when requested by one of Agni’s Blessed. Agni will pull his favor from our order and possibly the Fire Nation.” Intiya said, bowing in respect to Zuko.

“Lord Waihu, Grand Sage Intiya, you are dismissed to go about your duties while I discuss things with my sister.”

Azula watched as the two bowed to the Zuko and made their way out the room. Zuko turned to her as soon as the door closed. “What the hell are you playing at Az…Evasra? You claim that you want nothing to do with the Fire Nation and then you make a play for the throne. You had better explain yourself.”

“It’s quite simple, Zuko. You seem intent on keeping me hostage in the Fire Nation against my will. I have no desire to be Fire Lord; as much as it pains me to say it, I believe that you’ve actually been doing a decent job. I would do better, of course, but that is neither here nor there. The Ritual of Veracity is to get you to the negotiating table.”

“What do you want from all this?” Katara said, interjecting herself into the conversation.

“I wish to abdicate as princess of the Fire Nation and return to Humpi. I want the Fire Nation to provide support to Humpi and other regions of the Eastern Sea that house significant firebending populations. In return, I am willing to offer my services as a princess and publicly support your marriage and policies for a limited time before my abdication. And if you provide support for the Fire Healer school and new center of learning being founded in Humpi, we will train as many Fire Healers for the Fire Nation as feasible and you will have access to the incredible new devices our engineer friend, Master Lo Ruon, has been able to create.” Azula explained.

“Evasra, I know that your life went wrong at the end of the war, but this is a chance for a fresh start, to be a princess again. Please, Evasra, we want you back. Kiyi wants you back.” Ursa pleaded.

She was beginning to wear on Azula’s nerves. “I’m beginning to believe that you people are either being willfully obstinate or are in fact stupid, because I’ve made my position clear from the start. I want nothing to do with the Fire Nation. I want little to do with any of you or any of the others from my past. I want to live as a mystic with Mei Zhu and continue the life that I’ve built for myself as a Fire Healer. I will not compromise on that. Not now, not ever. You’ve heard my offer. Are you willing to work with me, Zuko, or are you placing your hopes on the chance that the Fire Sages will keep you in power?”

Zuko went to speak but Katara put a hand on his arm, causing him to pause. He looked to her and took a deep breath before finally speaking. “I know what was done to you was terrible but that doesn’t mean that you should cut off your past. Things won’t be the same as before.”

Azula couldn’t understand why this was so hard for them. “Zuko, despite all that has happened, I truly don’t have any ill will towards any of you, but I have absolutely no affection either. The Fire Nation has nothing to offer me now. I am a different person now, with different goals, with different needs. I love Mei Zhu with all my heart and soul and I want us to live our lives together on our terms. I have a new calling as a Fire Healer that provides my life with purpose. My studies as a mystic have filled my soul with peace that I never would have known in my previous life. My decisions are not so much a rejection of you and the others, but rather an embrace of my new direction in life. You will not change my mind on this matter. I would rather die in an Agni Kai than be held in a gilded cage by the Fire Nation.”

Zuko actually paused to consider things. Katara digested the information faster than the others. “If we were to agree to this, what guarantees would we have that you wouldn’t change your mind later?”

“Abdication is a call to Agni to have myself culled from those selected to be among Agni’s Blessed and I accept banishment from the land of my people. I may not return to the Fire Nation islands without an invitation from the Fire Lord himself, upon penalty of death.” Azula explained. “I, for one, have no desire to have my soul cleaved by Mukaati’s vengeful flames.”

Everyone remained silent, so she continued speaking. “But it doesn’t mean that no meaningful contact can be had between us. I would like Kiyi to continue her training with me and Mistress Nykka; it is not a condition, but simply a preference. And I truly believe that Lo Ruon’s devices can improve life for everyone. I would like to see the Fire Nation support some of his work and reap the rewards of his brilliance.”

Zuko continued to stare at her. After about five seconds of intense silence, he finally spoke. “I would want you to stay for six months after the wedding to help solidify support for my regime; the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix are quite vocal and I feel it will take time to bring them to heel.”

“My public support for your regime and subsequent abdication will eliminate the potency of the Blue Phoenix nonsense. With the cure for Agni’s Curse in hand, your regime is strong enough to withstand their nattering once I’m gone. I will stay one month past the wedding to solidify support for your regime.”

“Three months past the wedding and you allow a contingent of royal guards to accompany Kiyi when she comes to study with you. I am still worried that rebel groups may come after you.” Zuko countered.

Now we were getting somewhere, Azula thought to herself. “I agree to your terms, although I would like to make an additional request; I would like Mei Zhu to have the opportunity to satisfy her scholarly pursuits while here in the Fire Nation. And I will extend a further peace offering. Mother, I would not be opposed to you coming with Kiyi to Humpi; I remember from my childhood that you were quite knowledgeable about medicinal plants and herbs and such. Fire Healing uses chi manipulation to cure many issues but we also study the healing power of plants to help with many ailments. You are welcome to come and share your knowledge with us and perhaps learn something in return.”

It wasn’t something that she really wanted, but Mei Zhu had told her that even if they didn’t have a mother-daughter relationship, it doesn’t mean that she needed to cut Ursa entirely out of her life. Ursa’s impassioned plea that she didn’t want to lose either of her two older children had touched Azula also; she knew that Ursa didn’t love her nearly as much as Zuko, but it was a start. And she did appear to be a wonderful mother to Kiyi. If she was willing to meet on neutral ground and respect Azula’s boundaries, perhaps something of their relationship could be salvaged.

“I…I would like that, Evasra. Thank you for the offer.” Ursa said as she wiped tears from her eyes. The emotionality of the woman irritated Azula, but she would overlook it this time. Rediscovering your daughter and having to contemplate your children fighting to the death was probably a difficult thing for her to deal with.

“You’re welcome, Mother.” She turned back to Zuko. “I will work with the Fire Sages to get the official Pledge of Abdication completed. I prefer if we work together to establish the aid package for Humpi and the other areas of the Eastern Sea. Nothing onerous, of course, but I believe that the investment will be repaid many times over once the fruits of our labor are realized.”

“And you will decline to pursue the Ritual of Veracity at the the Divination Request?” Katara asked.

“Once the Pledge of Abdication has been signed with the appropriate dates and the aid agreements have been finalized, I will decline the Ritual of Veracity.” Azula responded. Katara looked unsure but seemed to be on board.

“It would seem that we have a lot to do.” Zuko said, before turning to Mei Zhu. “You are welcome to stay with us for as long as you wish. Do you have a plan for what you’d like to study here in the Fire Nation?”

“I was hoping to visit some of your museums. I’ve read that they have some truly wonderful artifacts and writings from the rebuilding phase following the Great Exhilaration. One of the scrolls that my mentors found on their last expedition referenced an obscure Yenthan cult that I’d love to research.” Mei Zhu’s voice became faster as she spoke, her excitement bubbling over.

“Of course, Mei Zhu. You have my permission to visit any site and speak with any scholar of your choosing.” Zuko said, obviously amused by Mei Zhu’s enthusiasm. “It seems that you truly are a scholar through and through.”

“She’s a damn good one, too.” Azula said, turning to Mei Zhu. “Maybe you’ll find another hidden library while you’re here.”

“You never know until you try!” Mei Zhu exclaimed as she grabbed Evasra’s hand and they stood.

“Omashu’s troops have broken through the security perimeter along the southeastern flank.” General Zhangi said, pointing out the position on the map. Mai looked over the position and understood the issue; it was a bit disheartening that she’d been involved in enough high level military planning and review sessions that things were starting to make sense to her.

“Indeed, this will make their march towards Pemni that much easier. However, given our defensive fortifications, I believe that our lines will hold.” Iroh said, reviewing the troop placements. “Transfer the 16th and 27th regiments to refortify the passes leading into Azengtu; this is the only viable route for a force of Omashu’s size. Pull the 9th back from the front guarding our northeastern position from the Earth Kingdom forces and station them at Ughlim; this will give us leeway to pull them into action if it appears that Azengtu is going to fall while still leaving them available to thwart any aggression from the Earth Kingdom. I believe that they are going to hold their positions and lay claim to the territory they’re occupying, but there is no need to make it look too easy for them.”

“Of course, Crown Prince.” General Zhangi said with a bow. “I’ll initiate the troop movements now.”

The general turned and marched out of the room to pass the orders along to the couriers. Iroh turned to Korvyn. “Colonel, how goes the effort to subdue the rioters and rebels in the industrial sector?”

“We’ve captured three groups and dispersed four others. The only active groups are in the northern docks and they’re contained. They’re inflicting a lot of damage but it is the easiest to repair of the targeted areas. We expect to have the entire city locked down by the end of the day tomorrow.” Korvyn answered.

Mai sighed at the fiasco before them. Once it became clear that the Omashu was pushing to take Pemni, rioters had arisen to strike in the heart of the industrial center. Their goal seemed to be to tie down as many military forces as possible to make Omashu’s march easier. But the fact that the Earth Kingdom had refrained from moving into any additional Fire Colony territory gave Iroh the luxury of pulling forces from those lines to deal with the riots while leaving his full contingent in place to deal with Omashu.

Should the Earth Kingdom change their minds, the Fire Nation forces would be in serious trouble. But the Earth Kingdom seemed content with what they had taken; since they had been invited by rebel earth continent governments that had sprung up in lands consisting of primarily earth citizens, they seemed to have a strong legal claim for staying. Any further encroachment may well invite the wrath of the Avatar.

Where Aang was or what he intended to do, nobody in the Fire Colony knew. He left two days ago, shortly after hearing the news of Azula’s capture and hadn’t been seen since. Iroh had implored him to intervene as Omashu marched against Pemni, but no action had been taken so far.

Mai was a little sad at how things had gone before Aang had left. The news of Azula had shook her to her very core and she hadn’t said goodbye when Aang went to deal with matters on his own. She was as much in the dark as anyone else here.

She knew that she had overreacted to the news of Azula, but being sidelined by a powerful man was still something that she feared. It was the biggest, but not the only, issue that she had with their relationship. As a member of the Royal Intelligence Service, she knew that she would be forced to keep a lot of secrets. As Avatar, there were many things that Aang would have to hold close to the vest also. Could a relationship thrive with two parties that had to keep so much from each other?

And Aang needed someone that was willing to help rebuild the Air Nomad population. Mai wasn’t particularly maternal but she had hoped to have a child someday. A child, not the boatload of children needed to rebuild a lost people. And she wouldn’t tolerate the other ideas that had been floated; several calls had been made for Aang to bed as many women as feasible to produce as many airbenders as possible. Mai would have his fidelity if they were to have a relationship; she knew it was petty, but she wouldn’t share her romantic partner with others, not even to repopulate the Air Nomads. Avatar or not, she demanded monogamy, and she would swear to give it in return.

But she was growing very fond of him. She enjoyed his energy and enthusiasm and silliness; he was also maturing into a rather handsome man. He was still a work in progress, but she could see his potential as a life partner. There was still a lot of work to be done to determine if a relationship was in the cards.

She was brought out of the contemplation of her complicated love life by Iroh. “Mai, please work your logistics magic and ensure that we have proper supply lines for the new arrangements. I don’t know what we’d do without you.”

Mai let the corners of her mouth move up ever so slightly at Iroh’s words. She knows that he feels a little guilty about keeping his suspicions about Azula a secret from her, especially since it was interfering with his matchmaking plans. “Of course, Crown Prince. I-“

She cut off her words and had the blades airborne before the man was even a third of his way through the bending motion. The knives passed dangerously close to Iroh, but she was the only one looking at the assassin when he began bending.

He was knocked back and his arms were pinned to the wall. He went to bend with his feet but a guard clocked him in the head with a staff before the rock gained enough momentum to reach Iroh. She turned away from the unconscious man as she heard fighting from the anteroom.

“Crown Prince, we need to get you to safety.” Korvyn said, as a rock came crashing through the door. Mai was already moving; she ducked low to the ground and watched for movement at the door. Two men came through and were met with two of Mai’s heavy dull metal blades that impacted their foreheads, causing them to drop to the floor like sacks of flour.

She cartwheeled to the side as the wall next to her collapsed inward, revealing a battle between earthbenders and the soldiers and guards stationed inside the building. Seeing that the royal guards were preventing anyone from making their way through the door, she charged through the newly formed hole in the wall and made her presence known.

She has fought benders of all types and styles, but very few opponents that she faced had ever fought anyone with her particular skillset. They may well believe that she was a lesser opponent for not being a bender, but they will rue the day they underestimate her. She dove behind two guards and sent a stream of blades into the fray, sniping any earthbender that looked to be getting the upper hand in their battles with the guards, strategically pinning her opponents to the wall so that they were easy pickings for the firebenders.

Having fought skilled opponents throughout her career, she was less than impressed with this ragtag group of misfits. But some were dangerous. She saw the young guard stumble, his fire unsure as he was struck with a rock to the chest. He fell backwards, still trying to strike back at the woman that had knocked him down. The earthbender didn’t so much as hesitate as she moved to fling a rock towards him.

Mai’s angle was limited by the number of guards around her, so she took the only shot that would save him. The knife flew true through the fray and Mai forced herself to watch as it slid into the woman’s eye. Both the woman and the rock she was bending collapsed to the ground. There was no time to dwell on what she had done, since there were still more earthbenders to deal with.

But there were far fewer still fighting than there had been even a few moments ago, but it was clear that the threat was over when one of the earthbenders raised his arms in surrender. The other three remaining earthbenders quickly followed suit. Mai kept her blades ready in case they tried anything funny, but soon enough the guards had the four prisoners shackled.

Mai walked over to the young guard that she had saved. He was clutching his ribs but he still managed to force a smile to his face. “Thank you, Lady Mai. She would have gotten me if you weren’t there.”

“You’re welcome, young man.” She answered as another guard forced him to lean back and started evaluating his wounds.

Mai looked down at the dead woman she had knifed in the eye. She didn’t feel any regret for what she had done, but she was still filled with a sense of sorrow. This was a desperate act by desperate people trying to drive their overlords from their lands. Lands that had been polluted and desecrated by the insatiable need of the Fire Nation for iron and other natural resources.

For the first time in her years of serving the Fire Nation, Mai had taken a life. The deed was done and she knew it had been the right thing to do, but it felt wrong anyway.

Chapter 31: Momentous Events


Issues come to a head in the Fire Colony and Princess Azula is reintroduced to the people of the Fire Nation.

Chapter Text

King Buzin looked back on the troops behind him from his war wagon. This was the finest military force on Atla and he would make the ashmakers pay for their insolence. Grandpa Bumi had been a great man, holding back the Fire Nation forces for longer than Buzin had even been alive. But even a great man like him had gotten tired of fighting and had bought into the nonsense and drivel that Aang and Zuko had been peddling.

Buzin wasn’t tired of fighting. He would drive the ashmakers from the earth continent, no matter the cost. The earth continent for the earth people was truly the way the world should work. Zuko seemed like a good kid, but he was saddled with a legacy of war and exploitation that he was neither strong enough nor smart enough to escape.

No, it wasn’t Zuko that had disappointed Buzin, it was Queen Shur Zi and Matron Rajeen. Shur Zi was a breath of fresh air in the Earth Kingdom; intelligent, diligent and forward looking, Buzin had thought she would be a valuable partner in their push to reclaim the lands of his forefathers. He had never met Matron Rajeen, but her Successors had proved marvelous and had turned the tide of every battle in the favor of the earth nations.

But neither had the testicular fortitude needed to finish what they had started. Weak and indecisive, they left the heavy lifting to Buzin. This is why women belonged in the background; they were often wise and knowledgeable but couldn’t be counted on to stay the course when difficult decisions had to be made. But he would deal with them once his land was free of ashmakers.

His army marched with power that seemed divine, their rhythmic steps all in unison and he could feel the power of their footsteps through the ground like an angry drum. Hardened by years of war and ready to repay the ashmakers for the pain, suffering and hardship that they had endured all their lives, they wouldn’t stop until the city of Pemni was free of their heavy-handed overlords.

His scouts had told him of the Fire Nation’s position guarding the pass that looked out into the valley near Lake Cannae. The terrain was rocky and there were numerous caverns and points of entry for his earthbenders to wreak havoc on the Fire Nation position; this terrain was tailor-made for close quarters earthbending combat. Granted, it was a mild uphill hike to reach his objective, it wasn’t anything onerous.

And while his main force took this route, he had sent two expeditionary forces through two other ravines that give his forces similar terrestrial advantages. He knew, and he suspected the Fire Nation leaders knew also, that the Fire Nation military wouldn’t be able to stop his progress until he reached Pemni itself. He sighed to think of the devastation that would be inflicted on the poor city, but he knew that it had to be done to cultivate the purity of his lands.

Buzin furrowed his brow as the sound of distant thunder drew his attention to the northwest. His eyes scanned the sky, but there were naught but a few puffy white clouds. More troubling was that he could feel the reverberations of something in the ground.

“Sire, the flaggers are signaling a flash flood!” Inthap called out, pointing to the signalman high on the observation points above the ravine.

And terror filled Buzin as the reverberations intensified. “Everyone, gain as much altitude as you can! Get to the high ground.”

It was a mad rush as the soldiers moved to follow his orders; this wasn’t drilled, so the normally orderly army was out of its element and struggling to make progress. He was drawn away from watching his soldiers by Inthap’s voice. “Sire, we have to get you to safety.”

“No, Inthap, this is not how my reign will end. The Avatar has betrayed us.” Buzin was filled with regret that he didn’t have his archers take down the Avatar when he was in his camp just a few days ago, but he couldn’t find the strength to order the assassination of his grandfather's childhood friend.

He had been a sentimental fool and his nation may now pay the price.

Buzin jumped down and ran towards the oncoming water, ignoring the cries of Inthap and his guards. Buzin called out to the soldiers. “Earthbenders! To me! Build a channel in the center of the ravine to funnel the water away from the soldiers scaling the cliffs. Now!”

Buzin may not have been as strong as Grandpa Bumi, but he was still a top tier bender. He set himself and raised the first slab of wall on the right side of the ravine. And he smiled to himself as dozens of earthbenders ran forward and began assisting. In a matter of twenty seconds, two long walls of earth had been raised to funnel the water towards the center of the ravine, hopefully giving the others enough time to ascend to safety.

For the time of decision was upon them as the wall of water came thundering around the bend. Buzin’s heart sank as he knew that he wouldn’t be able to protect all of his soldiers; there was simply too much water for him to redirect, even with all of the earthbenders at his disposal.

Buzin sank his feet into the ground and used his earthbending to brace the earthen wall; his only hope was that the water would pass quickly enough for the earthbenders to hold. And at first, his faith in his men was justified. The earthen wall held, even though some water sloshed over the top. The power of the water wall was lessening when he felt the tremor as the walls upwater from him give way to the onslaught.

The small break was all that the water needed to surge into their protected lines and overwhelm his men; the earthen wall collapsed without the support of the earthbenders, allowing even more water to surge into the space.

Buzin knew that his dreams of Omashu’s ascendancy would die with him. None of his successors had the strength of will to complete what he had started. He closed his eyes and prayed for Gnolos to welcome him into his rocky embrace as the wall of water struck him, the force rendering him unconscious as he was tossed about like a bit of flotsam caught in a typhoon. He never felt his neck break as he was dashed upon the rocks.

Aang leaned up against Appa while Momo snuggled up close against him, trying to offer emotional support as Aang wrestled with the terrible thing that he had been forced to do. The governments of Atla had tied his hands back when he had been a young and inexperienced Avatar. This was something that he sees now was a mistake and he very much resented the leaders of the world’s governments for penning him in and restricting how he could use his power to keep the world in balance.

He was not allowed to interfere in the internal affairs of the sovereign nations. He did not have the power to override treaties or other agreements between nations. And he may not remove a leader of the major powers from their station under any circ*mstance. Their rationale had been that as a young teenager, he didn’t have the life experiences needed yet to make civil and political decisions that affected the operations of entire nations.

The only power that he had fought to hold onto was the ability to preemptively strike against an invading army on the precipice of entering the territory of a sovereign territory with aggressive military intent. So Aang had to sit and wait rather than be proactive and remove Buzin from power as soon as he moved against the Fire Nation’s territory.

The agreement would hold until Aang turned eighteen, which was a little over a year from now. There had been overtures to extend the agreement but Aang would steadfastly resist any further efforts to restrain his power and authority, no matter how it may hurt his standing amongst the major powers. The world thought that it could thrive without the intervention of the Avatar, but today’s events showed how wrong they were.

When he met with Aunt Wu all those months ago to hear her warnings about the Rings of Accordance, she had told him that while those cursed objects where the greatest threat, they were only the first that he would face. She had warned him a few weeks ago that the danger was still looming. The burning of the Library of Despondent Ecstasy had been a terrible loss, but it was a localized disaster. Agni’s Curse had been contained and salvation was near thanks to Evasra and the others, while the destruction of Senvah’s fleet meant that the Northern Water Tribe and the Spirit Oasis would not be violated.

The greatest threat to world peace before him now was the re-ignition of the continental war. And according to Aunt Wu, the most imminent event that could cause the world to carom into war was the battle between the forces of the earth nations and the Fire Nation in the Fire Colony.

According to the worst vision she saw, a great battle at one of the Fire Colony cities would lead to war between the Fire Nation and the combined might of the Earth Kingdom and Omashu. And it would be a terrible war that would bring all three nations and many other smaller ones to the brink of destruction. He would do what he needed to do to keep the peace.

Which is why he had been forced to destroy the Omashu army before it could cross into Fire Nation territory. But now he must make sure that the peace was maintained. He had wept for the terrible deed he had been forced to do but as he grew older he was beginning to understand that he wouldn’t be able to talk or finagle his way out of every situation. Some people were too stubborn and pigheaded to see reason and had come to believe that he was too weak to impose his will.

When Azula had cut off Sor Yun’s hand in the palace, he had been upset with her for immediately using violence to gain what she needed without exploring other options. She had been unapologetic and chided him for growing complacent because he pulled a secret technique out of his ass to take Ozai’s bending; she warned him that there wasn’t always going to be a peaceful solution and he needed to have the moral rectitude to do what was needed when the world needed him to do it. She reminded him that the only one he had spared on the day of Sozin’s Comet had been Ozai. Thousands of other lives had been lost taking down her father’s airships and during the retaking of Ba Sing Se by the White Lotus, all because Aang had waited too long to face her and Ozai. She had all but admitted that the world would have been a better place had he swooped in and removed her and Ozai from power sooner.

And his heart had hurt for her when she reminded him that had he removed her from power before Sozin’s Comet, perhaps she wouldn’t have had to suffer a year’s worth of torture and abuse at the hands of the Fire Nation. He knew that her situation hadn’t been his fault but it drove home her point that decisive action was almost always better than avoiding the problem in order to face it later.

He had taken her advice to heart and decided that he couldn’t wait and hope for the best with Buzin’s march on Pemni. He hated that he had been forced to do it, but he knew that stopping Buzin had been the right course of action. He would do what he needed to do to prevent the world from descending into violence and chaos.

He had threatened Buzin to no avail, and even the withdrawal of Earth Kingdom support had not swayed him. Aang realized that Buzin, like Ozai before him, only respected power and would use all the means at his disposal to get what he wanted. Buzin had not descended to the level of villainy that Ozai had attained, but he had been on his way.

And Aang vowed to never let another Sozin, Azulon or Ozai rise to unbalance the world on his watch.

Azula sighed as she gazed at her reflection in the looking glass; it felt strange for her hair to be in a topknot rather than the traditional braid of her order. It had made her nauseous to wear the flame hairpiece again, but a deal was a deal. She had tied her hair back and she no longer had the bangs of her youth in full display. If she wanted to avoid the Ritual of Veracity and bring Fire Nation aid to the people of the Eastern Sea, she needed to honor her obligations.

Which meant a ceremony restoring her to the noble rank of Royal Princess and then a speech to her adoring fans. She truly hoped that these people adored her for what she did as Evasra and not for what she did as Azula. She wasn’t happy about this but it was the ritual demanded by the Fire Sages. Let the people gawk at the return of the wayward princess.

Once she was certain her makeup was pristine, she turned so that the two royal attendants could help her with her royal robes. She was glad to have the help, since she had never worn the robes as an adult and it seemed like there were twenty-three layers that had to be added. She recognized the two women as being lower level attendants during her final few days in the palace, but they didn’t reference it and she wasn’t going to bring it up.

She would be polite and personable and try to make amends by her actions, but she had long since decided that the hell of her incarceration had cleansed her soul of her sins and that she would not try to apologize for her actions other than her general remorse.

“Thank you for your assistance today. You’re both very competent and are to be commended.” Azula said with a royal nod, catching both women by surprise.

“Thank you, Princess.” They answered in unison with a small bow.

Zuko had suggested that she wear her armor since that look was so associated with her but pretty much everyone, from Katara to Suki to Ty Lee, had agreed with Azula when she said it wasn’t going to happen. That was an image and mindset from the past and she wouldn’t even pretend that she was that person anymore.

The robe was predominantly red with a black shoulder piece and yellow fringes around her sleeves. It was definitely a new look for her. And, of course, she pulled it off, but there was one terrible side effect to the new appearance. For all practical purposes, she was a younger and shorter version of Ursa in this garb.

The image didn’t bother her as much as it would have even a year ago, but it didn’t make her feel good about the situation either. She had come to revel in the anonymity that her facepaint and mystic garb lent her. Anonymity that she would probably never have again. No announcements had been made, but it had spread like wildfire that the reclusive mystic of the Eastern Sea was in fact the mad princess of the Fire Nation.

She had warned Nasu and Lo Ruon that the information would undoubtedly make its way to their shores. It was decided that Nykka would announce it to the community at Humpi. Azula feared how the people would react, but it was out of her hands now; there was nothing to be done about it for the next four months anyway.

Azula made her way out the door and down the hall towards the reception area. Hopefully, Mei Zhu was all dolled up. She had been given a handsome and well-crafted dress in the style favored by the people of the Eastern Sea; Azula knew that it wasn’t Mei Zhu’s preferred color palette, but it was the only suitable dress of that style that they could find.

She tried to keep her expression pleasant as she walked through the halls, nodding to the three workers she saw in the hallways. The loud chatter told her that her lover was already in the reception area and in high spirits. Azula was happy that she had taken to their stay in the Fire Nation well. Now that she didn’t have to protect Mystic Evasra’s secret identity, Mei Zhu was free to bond with everyone.

And bond she had.

Mei Zhu seemed to be bosom buddies with everyone in Azula’s past, including Katara. Azula just smiled to herself; there was no doubt that Mei Zhu’s enthusiasm had a way of ingratiating her into the good graces of most people. She had thought of obtaining earplugs for the not so rare occasions that Kiyi comes to the room that Azula shares with Mei Zhu and the two begin giggling and carrying on. She jokingly chided them for making too much noise but it warmed her heart to see them get along so well. Azula really did enjoy having Kiyi as a little sister.

Azula sighed as she turned the corner and all conversation petered out as the collective stared at her. She already felt out of place and the gawking wasn’t doing much to improve the situation, so she decided to take the bull-weasel by the horns. “Hello, everyone. Hopefully, I look princessly enough for today’s activities. I still think I would look more royal with my staff.”

“You look beautiful, Evasra.” Mei Zhu stepping forward and giving Azula a hug. She didn’t miss the frown the came to Ursa’s face when the two embraced. She knew that Ursa was uncomfortable with their relationship, but that was Ursa’s problem, not Azula’s.

“Thank you, Mei Zhu. You look absolutely gorgeous in that dress. You may have to bring it home to wear to fancy weddings and such.” Azula said with a smile.

“You both look incredible!” Ty Lee said, dressed in her Kyoshi Warrior gear and facepaint. Azula was definitely jealous of the facepaint. Everyone else chimed in to agree.

“Thank you, everyone, but we should be going before the Fire Sages change their minds and decide to kick Zuko out of the Fire Nation and put me in charge instead.” Azula said, clapping her hands. Azula took her place at the front of the procession, with Mei Zhu and Ursa following just behind.

Azula glided along the walkway towards the acclamation site where the Fire Sages would allow her to ignite Agni’s Torch to reaffirm her royalty. It was silly and a waste but it was expected, primarily to show that the royals were indeed firebenders. It was only for those born into the royal line; otherwise Ursa would never have been accepted.

Her nerves were tingling but she easily controlled them with her Stoicastic Meditations. Now that she wasn’t actually trying to climb on the backs of others and cling to power, these traditions were more amusing than stressful.

It was odd that for so long this was the life that she had believed that she had been born for, but now she sees it as a poor substitute for the life she wished to live. For today she will play her part, though.

The change in Evasra was absolutely astounding. She looked so much like Ursa with the topknot and the royal robe. The gliding walk and Fire Nation attire made Mei Zhu irrationally afraid that Evasra would decide that this was the life that she really wanted after all and that she would cast Mei Zhu aside. She didn’t believe it, but it was a fear that she couldn’t quite get entirely out of her head.

The ceremonial lighting of Agni’s Torch had gone spectacularly, with the crowd cheering when Evasra’s blue flames burned brightly, the special material of the torch keeping the blue color of the flames for the entire ceremony. But now it was time to hear what Evasra would say in her first address to the people now that she was a princess again.

Mei Zhu couldn’t help but admire Evasra’s composure as she walked forward to address the people; the crowd cheered and applauded until she raised her hands to get the crowd’s attention. They fell silent as she slowly lowered her arms and began to speak in a powerful voice that easily projected across the courtyard.

“People of the Fire Nation, it is my great honor to return to the ancestral home of those that came before me, to return and once again stand before you with the grace of Agni. I have walked a long road in my time away from you, and I’ve learned many things that I would have never known had I stayed in the Fire Nation. I’ve seen the devastation that war has brought to the people of the Earth Kingdom, much as it has been brought to many of you. How many of us have lost sons and fathers, brothers and cousins to this great conflict?”

Azula paused, letting her words sink into the psyche of the crowd before she continued. “The ways of the past will not take us to the future that we deserve. Violence, enmity and aggression have decimated generations of our youth and brought nothing but suffering and pain to the world. But my brother, Fire Lord Zuko, represents a path to a different future, a future where our people are prosperous and at peace, a future where your sons and husbands need not fear being sent to fight a never ending war while your wives and daughters wait at home to see if their husbands will return to them. His union with Lady Katara is a reflection of the healing path that he has embarked our great nation upon. A woman of integrity and strong moral fiber, her ascension to Fire Lady will show the world that we are indeed serious about turning away from strife and towards growth and reconciliation.”

“We need these two to lead our people into a new world order. King Buzin lost his life and his nation has been brought to near ruin because he refused to accept that war as a means of territorial expansion is no longer a viable means of governing. A new age is upon us and I invite all of you to join us as we work to ensure that the Fire Nation remains the most prosperous and industrious nation in the world. For the glory of Agni we must reforge ourselves and become the beacon of light that illuminates the darkness and leads the world to peace and prosperity.”

A few moments of silence followed Evasra’s words before people started clapping and the entire courtyard cheered for her and her message of hope. Mei Zhu knew that Evasra had no intention of remaining in the Fire Nation to see this transformation to its end, but they both hoped that Zuko and Katara were able to pull off the cultural change that Evasra had just endorsed.

Zuko and Katara seemed like good people and Mei Zhu believed that they were the right people to lead the Fire Nation into the future. Even if Evasra couldn’t wait to get the hell away from them.

Navisi smiled as she watched Ty Lee and the acolytes try to herd the pack of Aang-spawn out of the entry hall and up the stairs to the nursery for their naps. Now that all the kids could at least toddle, it was pandemonium much of the time.

Once the kids were led off, Navisi turned and made her way past the Statues of Excess, as everyone had come to call them. Three statues that collectively had four heads, eleven boobs, twelve eyes and fourteen arms. Not to mention the three visible penises. Three would have been fine had the statues been males, but it was way too many penises for an all female lineup.

Amusing as the statues were, she was ready for an intense meditation session. The Meditation Hall and it’s platform of chi reservoirs would make the session even more potent. It was nice to have the room to herself; Palathia had grown quite a bit in population over the past two years and was pretty much filled to capacity. Many of the people that worked and studied here actually lived in the small buildings on the adjacent mountaintops, but with seven air bison and lots of rope bridges, they were able to get around pretty easily.

Navisi sat herself in the center of the engraved meditation platform and assumed the lotus position and closed her eyes. She began going through the Mnaimonatic meditations favored by her order and quickly began moving up the planes of consciousness. It was blissful to feel the chi from the reservoirs being channeled to her jevalda and then through her neural pathways.

Peace and contentment filled her until she felt herself pulled into a new plane of consciousness. She remained full of peace and contentment even then; this had happened so often now that she became worried if the intermediaries went too long without consulting her order.

As usual, whiteness filled her sight and then faded away. Ah! They had chosen the world with the spectacular view of the spiral galaxy. She felt a little awe every time they brought her back to this memory.

As usual, the four intermediaries were smiling as she turned towards them and bowed. “Greeting, intermediaries. It is an honor to be visited by you. I was beginning to worry that you were too busy to remember your little friends.”

The intermediaries all laughed. Denuskya was the first of the intermediaries to speak, her thin form floating three feet above the ground, looking down on Navisi with her green eyes as her silver hair gently blowing despite the fact there was no wind. Navisi assumed that as the intermediary of Invina, Great Spirit of the Air Nomads, she could created her own breeze. “We could never forget you, Navisi. You have made many great contributions to the worlds we look over. But we are coming with an opportunity of a different sort than usual today.”

Navisi raised an eyebrow but didn’t speak. Mukaati, intermediary of Agni and Guardian of Blacksmiths and Hearths, chimed in next, her nine foot frame leaning on her six foot hammer as her blue flaming hair caused the shadows around her to dance. “Your people have done very well bringing the three worlds of the Alliance together to the benefit of all. We have a fourth world that we believe would make an excellent addition to the Alliance.”

“That would be wonderful. Is it located close in the Sphere of Existence?” Navisi asked.

“Yes. As a matter of fact, you have already visited it.” Methus said, his giant kraken face speaking eloquently even though he had a beak for a mouth. Despite his enormous size and intimidating appearance, he had never radiated anything but peace and tranquility in his dealings with Navisi. An intermediary of Tui and La, he was revered by many sailors of multiple nationalities as the Protector of the Deep Ocean.

“The world of the Dragons of the Apocalypse?” Navisi asked. She had always wondered how that sh*tshow of a world had turned out.

“No, you will again be visiting the world of the Rings of Accordance. The energy that you and your allies used to close the spirit veil bled into their world and activated several spirit items, including the Rings of Accordance. But it also empowered Ti Mu, She Who Learns from All, and she was again able to once again bring mortals to the Citadel of Sagacity.” Terrathusi explained as he idly twirled his scythe. Seven feet tall with skin that had a sandy texture, he was broad shouldered and well-muscled. Intermediary of Gnolos and Overseer of Agriculture, he too was revered by the people of many nations.

“Whoa! They found the Citadel of Sagacity? We’ve read about it but couldn’t find any clues to its whereabouts.” Navisi exclaimed. The documents they found referring to it had only alluded to the fact that it contained incredible knowledge.

“And you will not find it on your world, for Ti Mu has faded to obscurity and the Citadel of Sagacity can no longer be reached by mortals. This is the only one remaining in all the Sphere of Existence, which is why we believe it would be wise for you to visit it and recruit the people of that world to your cause.” Mukaati answered, obviously amused by Navisi’s excitement.

“And it means something very special to me, since a member of the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive Will helped find it. You remember the first member of my cult that you met, don’t you?” Terrathusi asked with a smile.

Navisi laughed as she thought of the the only member of his cult that she met during her travels doing their work. “She’s very difficult to forget. Is she dating Aang on this world too?”

“Not this time; she has found a romantic partner in a wonderful young scholar. This young scholar is actually the one that found the Citadel of Sagacity. The situation is awkward at the moment, but other events are pushing us to have you bring these people into the fold sooner rather than later.” Denuskya said. Navisi became nervous as the demeanor of all the intermediaries became a lot more serious.

“But that is not your concern yet, young one.” Mukaati said, a friendly smile once again on her face. “What we fear may or may not come to pass, but it is best for you and your friends to be ready. You will need to take Omnisae, of course, and it would probably be wise to take Wiggy too. But most importantly, take something suitable to wear for a very formal affair; if you play your cards right, you might get to crash a Fire Nation royal wedding. Let us tell you what your mission entails.”

Navisi’s smile grew larger as the intermediaries told her of what to expect and what she needed to do. And she was thankful that the intermediaries didn’t expect there to be any dragons or angry avatars to fight.

Chapter 32: A Fork in the Road


The Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom teeter on the brink of war over the actions of Omashu.

Chapter Text

“You have heard our declaration. We will not contest your control of the area previously held as part of the Fire Colony, but if you invade Omashu, it will be considered an act of aggression and the Earth Kingdom will declare war on the Fire Nation.” Princess Min Kai said.

“Buzin’s army marched into the holdings of the Fire Nation and captured our lands and subjugated our people. The Fire Nation has the right to defend our territory and punish those that would violate our borders.” Iroh answered, staring across the table at the short woman.

“The Avatar has recognized that Omashu’s forces were invited into the contested area by the local earth people government and was therefore an internal affair. Our forces were invited into the regions we hold under the same circ*mstances.” Min Kai leaned forward, her eyes burning into Iroh. “We recognize that King Buzin overstepped his mandate but his army was destroyed by the Avatar before it reached undisputed Fire Colony territory, therefore you do not have the right to wage war against Omashu. We are at a turning point in history, Crown Prince. Reclaim your holdings and we can sit and discuss the situation like the rational and reasonable people that we are; cross the border into Omashu and we are at war. The decision rests in the Fire Nation’s hands.”

Mai can’t believe that the situation had devolved to this level. Aang had used the waters from Lake Cannae to flood the ravine being used by Omashu’s army and completely devastated their forces. It was estimated that two thousand of the twelve thousand soldiers of the invading army had been killed, with another five thousand or so captured by the Fire Nation in the aftermath. The remnants of the main army and the two smaller flanking armies had all promptly retreated back to Omashu territory. The entire region was once again under Fire Nation control.

But that wasn’t enough for many in the Fire Nation military. Calls had been made for Omashu to be invaded and punished for their aggression. Which is when the Earth Kingdom had stepped forward and made their intent clear.

The Earth Kingdom would declare war and defend their western ally if the Fire Nation invaded. All of the intelligence that had come through the Royal Intelligence service had said that Omashu was in a state of turmoil. Buzin had held power close to the vest and there was no clear line of succession; the blood relations of Buzin were less than impressive and had little support. The two generals of the largest armies had declared themselves the new leaders and the country teetered on the edge of civil war and possible collapse.

If the Fire Nation invaded, they would undoubtedly make impressive gains against their disorganized foes. But Mai knew that Iroh understood the uncomfortable truth; war with the Earth Kingdom and the Daughters of Rokishe would be a terrible undertaking. They had no idea how many shadowbenders were employed in the service of the Earth Kingdom, but they would give the giant nation a tactical and strategic advantage. It appeared that they were able to provide seemingly up to the hour intelligence updates and could communicate great distances incredibly quickly.

Without the shadowbenders, Iroh was confident that the Fire Nation could hold their colonies and be able to drive the Earth Kingdom forces back. Especially had King Kuei and his regime been in charge. Even with the far more capable leadership of Queen Shur Zi and her royal family, Iroh still believed they could win but that it would be a long and costly war. But the presence of the shadowbenders changed everything.

Mai was drawn from her thoughts as Aang spoke. “It is true that King Buzin’s forces were still within the limits claimed by the earth separatists that had invited Omashu to assist them. I eliminated the threat before Omashu’s forces entered uncontested Fire Colony territory.”

Aang was looking as serious and focused as she had ever seen him; she knew that his effort to stop Buzin’s army had taken a heavy emotional toll. Another thing causing the Fire Nation to pause in their war effort was that Aang had not previously declared his stance on the situation. But Mai recognized the subtle threat in the words he had spoken. Aang had interfered to prevent an army from crossing a boundary to start a war. He may feel anguish over killing so many soldiers, but he may well do so again.

Iroh turned his hard eyes towards Aang, who simply stared back. This wasn’t genial Iroh and goofy Aang; this was the Dragon and the West and the Avatar, bringer of balance. Iroh finally spoke. “I will propose to the Fire Lord that the Fire Nation should respect the previous boundaries of the Fire Colony before Omashu’s intervention and that a summit should be held between the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation to discuss the entire colony situation of the western region. I would also recommend that we invite a representative from Omashu should a clear victor be declared.”

Mai felt the collective relief of the entire room at Iroh’s words; Mai knew that she was happy that Iroh was recommending that war be averted. She was already disillusioned with how the Fire Nation was treating its holdings on the earth continent. Had Omashu been invaded and war declared, she’s not sure that she could have remained in the Fire Nation’s employ. If Zuko decided that war is the best option, she may yet decide to leave the Fire Nation behind.

“We are glad that you are recommending the path the we feel is best for both the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom.” Hun Ro said, his expressive face far more reserved than usual. He just seemed like one of those obnoxiously happy people. “Our nations have made strides in our relations and we believe that a period of peace and prosperity may be awaiting us if we can work through our differences.”

“I certainly hope so, Prince Hun Ro. For now, allow me to forward my recommendation on to Lord Zuko for his evaluation.” Iroh turned to Aang. “Avatar, perhaps you could deliver my message to Lord Zuko and speak with him also. I’m sure that there are many things for you the two of you to discuss.”

While war was undoubtedly the biggest issue on the table, the subject of a newly reintegrated princess would undoubtedly also be a topic for discussion. Mai was still conflicted about the Azula situation, but the letter from Ty Lee had shocked her. According to her friend, Azula had negotiated to abdicate her princesshood sometime after the wedding. Until then, Azula would publicly support Zuko’s reign and do what she could to stifle and subvert the rumblings of groups like the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix.

Mai still didn’t believe that Azula could have changed as much as people say, but she was glad that her return hadn’t turned into a sh*tshow. But Ty Lee did say that things were a bit stressful because Azula told Zuko and Ursa that they weren’t family and that she basically wants nothing to do with them beyond what was negotiated.

And Ty Lee had been hurt when Azula announced that she didn’t have any friends in the Fire Nation, merely companions that she spent time with in her youth. Mai didn’t know what to feel about that. As mean and condescending as she could be, Azula had been good to Mai and Ty Lee much of the time. But was it true friendship? At the time she thought it had been, but as she looked back and thought about it, she was a lot less sure that it was.

The meeting was coming to an end and she walked out with Iroh and a couple of his advisors. It would take time to sort out her feelings about Azula. But for now she had a lot of other things on her plate to deal with.

She was drawn from her thoughts as Iroh called to her. “Mai, I would like to speak with you about the message I’m preparing to send to Zuko and I would like to have your input on a few things.”

“Of course, Iroh.” Mai dutifully answered, although she doubted that was all that he wanted to speak with her about. They walked in silence to Iroh’s private study, where the guards opened the door for them and she followed him inside. Once the door was closed, he turned to her.

“Thank you for joining me, Mai. If you feel the same way I do about avoiding a military conflict with the Earth Kingdom, I would like you to personally transfer my recommendations to Zuko and advocate for its implementation. Zuko is still dealing with the fallout of Agni’s Curse, Azula’s return and now this. I’m sorry to ask this of you, but I would like to have someone that Zuko respects present this to him. The situation is too volatile here at the moment for me to travel back to the Fire Nation.”

Mai sighed at what he was asking her to do, but she knew that he was right. It was definitely better to have someone who believed in this course of action advocate to Zuko. As much as she disliked it, she recognized that she was indeed the best person this side of Iroh to do it.

“I understand, Iroh, and I am very much in agreement with the proposal to avoid war and negotiate. I am willing to return to the Fire Nation and present the merits of your proposal to Zuko and the others.”

The edges of Mai’s curled upwards as Iroh gave her a beaming smile. “I would like you to travel with Aang; air bison is undoubtedly the quickest way to go. Perhaps you could take this time to discuss other things as well.” He sighed before speaking again. “I know that you were hurt by our decisions to keep Azula’s identity a secret, but we both believed that she has earned the right to live her own life.”

Mai’s smile disappeared. “May I speak freely?”

Iroh eyed her warily before nodding. “Of course, Mai. I really would like to hear your thoughts on this matter.”

“I believe that you and Aang engaged in wishful thinking, hoping that she wouldn’t be a problem. You have a duty to Zuko to help him deal with threats to his throne and Azula is probably the biggest threat to his rule on Atla. I believe that hiding her existence, even if you weren’t sure that it was really her, was a dereliction of duty. I…I have a lot of respect for you, Crown Prince, but I can’t agree with this decision.”

Iroh gestured to the chairs he keeps by the desk. “Please have a seat and allow an old man to talk about days gone by.” Mai nodded and sat in the seat closest to her while Iroh took the chair directly across. “Once upon a time, I thought the Fire Nation way as set by my father and grandfather was best. If only the world could see what the Fire Nation had to offer, everyone in it would be better off. So to this end I waged war against the Earth Kingdom on behalf of my nation. And I was very good at it. I had no doubts about my choices when Lu Ten was born and I was proud when he followed in my footsteps.”

He paused for a second as he looked off into space. “My family has an interesting dynamic. In my youth, I was the favored one while Ozai was shunted to the side. He was a tremendous firebender, perhaps the greatest of us all, but he preferred to rule by fear and intimidation and showed none of the subtler skills needed to earn the trust and loyalty of the people. My father saw that and recognized the weakness of Ozai, subtly pushing him to the side, causing my brother to stew and scheme and become twisted as a sense of unfairness filled him with discontent. When…when Lu Ten died, I lost the drive that I had. I was set adrift and had no anchor to keep me grounded. It was during this time of weakness that Ozai made his move to usurp the throne. And I did nothing to stop him.”

“I was so grief-stricken that I searched the world to find meaning. And that journey changed me in ways both mundane and profound. I discovered new ways of thinking and encountered wise men that showed me the errors of my ways. If not for fear of what Ozai would do in my absence, I very well may have disentangled myself from the Fire Nation forever. But I returned and it was then that I saw how Ozai treated his children. And I thought back to how my own father had treated his sons and decided that I would try to keep history from repeating itself. Ozai favored Azula and there was nothing that I could do for her; she despised me and looked upon me as a weak and foppish fool. So I tried to help Zuko instead, to keep the disfavored son from becoming warped and jaded. But it was more than that; Zuko was a good boy who just needed someone to help him find his way.”

“I truly believed that Azula was just a smarter version of Ozai; it is to my shame that I didn’t realize how he and the others at the palace were warping her. After he was burned by Ozai at the Agni Kai, I traveled with Zuko to try and help him find peace and become the man I knew that he could be. Frankly, I thought very little about Azula during that time. Traveling the world changed Zuko; seeing how the war affected the people of the Earth Kingdom made him more thoughtful and compassionate. That is why he left the Fire Nation during the Day of the Black Sun and joined with the Avatar. Seeing the world helped him grow and become a better person.”

“Ozai never left the Fire Nation before he was defeated by Aang and Azula’s travels were only for missions related to the Fire Nation, some of which you yourself were involved in. Azula’s descent into madness and defeat during the Agni Kai laid her low, but it was absolutely barbaric what they did to her in the asylum. But as low as she had been taken, she escaped and made her way into the world. And like me and Zuko before her, the experience changed her, caused her to grow. I researched this Shaman Inok Kui that Azula studied with and he is universally admired and respected as a truly incredible spiritual teacher and mystic. And I believe it if he was able to take a mentally unstable and angry young woman like Azula and help her. By all accounts, Mystic Evasra is well respected for her work as a Fire Healer and she is calm and rational with no signs of mental illness. “

Iroh paused for a moment before he began speaking again. “Perhaps I engaged in a bit of wishful thinking when I believed that my niece was able to overcome her issues and become a better person, but it has paid dividends as she helped defeat Sor Yun, developed the cure for Agni’s Curse and is now advocating for Zuko’s marriage and political plans. I maligned her when she was just barely a teenager, thinking that she was beyond redemption. And later I hoped with all my heart and soul that Aang and Toph and Mistress Nykka and literally everyone that has interacted with Mystic Evasra was correct when they said that she had become a good person. Her actions as Evasra demonstrated that significant personal growth has occurred and I believe that she has earned a right to a second chance in life, which is why I didn’t interfere in her life or tell Zuko of my thoughts.”

Mai sat silently as she tried to come to terms with what Iroh just said. “It’s…it’s true that I think that she has earned a second chance in life, but it was still a big risk. And I hope that she has changed like everyone says she has, but I personally doubt that she has grown like everyone believes. She has lied and manipulated people for her gain her entire life and I feel that this is just another example of that. But I understand a little better now why you did what you did. And I truly hope that your faith is justified.”

“Thank you, Mai. I know that your relationship with Azula was complicated, but she is Mystic Evasra now. Whether you decide to try and interact with her during your trip to the Fire Nation is up to you, but I hope that you can find it in your heart to at least try to see the good in her.”

“I will try, Iroh.” Mai said, looking down at the floor. She really didn’t know whether she wanted to rekindle any kind of relationship with Azula or not. She would have time to ponder the matter as she rode the sky cow back to the Fire Nation.

Senvah and the survivors of his fleet made their way to the small village hidden away in the forests at the base of the Hurvis Mountains in the northwest main island of the Fire Nation archipelago. He seethed as he looks back on the events that had laid him so low.

The destruction of the Spear of Ascension and subsequent explosion of the Earth Buster bomb had sank or incapacitated all but two of his ships. His flagship and the Flaming Demon had survived the encounter but were hobbled. There only option had been to head for the northwest area of the main island where they would be able to meet up with his allies in the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix.

They would have made it unscathed had they not stumbled across the Fire Navy destroyer. Apparently they had been warned about Senvah’s ships because it opened fire on his vessels without attempting to negotiate. The battle had been fierce and Senvah had been forced to abandon his flagship as it sunk, but the power of P’Luh had carried the day and the Fire Navy ship was left dead in the water. The Flaming Dragon pulled those that it could from Senvah’s flagship and made it’s way towards the main island, leaking fuel as it slowly limped along.

The Flaming Demon found a lagoon that allowed the crew to be shuttled to shore; the ship had served its purpose but was of no further value to Senvah. It had been a difficult hike but the group had finally made their way to a safe haven. Only fifty-seven crewmembers joined him now; most of the others had died or been captured but there had a been twenty or so that had slunk off into the night during the march.

Cowards that didn’t have the will to see this battle through to its end.

His group was approached by an armed party as they approached. He gestured to P’Luh to remain calm; he knew some of these men. He greeted them as they drew near. “Greetings, I am Captain Senvah, friend to the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. My group come to consult with Lord Henao.”

Senvah recognized the leader of the armed party but didn’t remember his name. “Of course, Captain Senvah. We’ve heard of your exploits. Please come with me.”

The man turned and began walking without waiting for an answer. The other armed men stepped aside and watched with solemn eyes as Senvah and the others marched towards the village. Senvah was very uncomfortable with how the villagers were watching his group. He had expected a warmer reception.

But he smiled as he saw Lord Henao ahead. Tall with a handsome and distinguished face, gray was starting to speckle his immaculately groomed hair and beard. Henao smiled as he greeted the group. “Captain Senvah! It is good to see you again. I have heard the tails of your fleet and I am very interested in learning more of your adventures.”

“Of course, Lord Henao. With the terrible plague burning through our people, I decided to use my fleet and the knowledge of the Fire Nation’s munitions to move against the Northern Water Tribe. They have a pool of spirit water that may well have been the only way to stop Agni’s Curse. So I sailed my fleet north to strike at the cowards who have hidden behind their icy walls without offering aid to our people.” Senvah explained.

“That sounds like an ambitious plan that may have indeed brought an end to the suffering of our people. But you never made it to the Agna Qel’a, did you?” Lord Henao asked. Senvah straightened at the tone; Lord Henao had asked like a schoolmaster preparing to scold a wayward student.

“We heard of the cure being made on Sun Island, so we seized the opportunity to finally force the impostor from the throne. We would have either freed Azula and placed her on the throne or I would have consulted you about placing a suitable candidate on the throne from the more distant relatives.”

Lord Henao’s expression didn’t change, but Senvah felt unease at the man’s tone. “Just so that I’m sure that I understand, you attacked a Fire Nation fleet that was dispensing the cure to the terrible plague that was terrorizing firebenders across the globe, for political gain?”

“It was for the good of the Fire Nation.” Senvah answered after a few moments pause.

“Captain, there is a time for political maneuvering and there is a time to come together as a people to face the incredible problems before us. I empathize with your original plan, and had a cure not been found, you may well have saved the Fire Nation and the art of firebending. But you used your power to attack the people that had provided the means to save our great nation.” Henao’s voice quivered with rage.

“I did what was best for the Fire Nation.” Senvah said, looking around at the angry faces of all the villagers.

“You are a traitor and a fool.” Henao snarled. He looked over to P’Luh, who looked poised to fight. “And if your combustion bending ally so much as breathes too heavily, she’ll be introduced to the skills of the Yuyan archers that have joined my ranks.”

This were spiralling out of control. “Lord Henao, surely you understand-“

“I understand that you well could have destroyed the only hope that our nation had of being healed. Not only did you attack Fire Nation sailors trying to carry the cure to afflicted people, but you engaged in battle with Princess Azula herself.”

Senvah’s mouth opened but no words came out. Henao continued speaking. “It turns out that she is none other than Mystic Evasra, the very woman who developed the cure you were trying to steal.” He looked to the people with Senvah and spoke in a loud voice. “I understand that you began this mission in the hopes of saving the Fire Nation, so I believe that your intentions were noble. But you have strayed from the righteous path. I am offering you a chance to make amends for your errors by allowing you to join my allies as we strive to restore Agni’s Blessing once again to the Fire Nation.”

This is not how he envisioned it happening, but it seems that he would be able to join Lord Henao in his march anyway. “I for one would be happy to join your ranks.”

Senvah’s intestines clenched in discomfort as Henao gazed upon him with a look of disgust. “I’m sorry, Captain Senvah, the offer was for those that were led astray, not for the one who led them on this foolish mission.”

“I truly do believe that this is the best course of action, Iroh. War would be a terrible thing and I’m not going to stand by and allow the world to be consumed by violence once again.” Aang said, sitting across from Iroh. He kept his disappointment inside that Mai had chosen to sit in a chair that was about as far from him as this configuration would allow.

“I understand, Aang. I have written out my recommendations and I would appreciate it if you would allow Mai to travel with you to discuss things with Zuko. She too believes that the best path forward is to simply reclaim the lost territory and negotiate.” Iroh answered with a sigh.

Aang looked over and met Mai’s eyes. He had gotten better at reading her emotions but she seemed different today. Conflicted was probably the best way to put it. Whether it was about the situation with the colonies, her relationship with Aang or maybe Azula, Aang didn’t know and didn’t care to hazard a guess. But he was glad that he didn’t sense outright hostility.

“I will be happy to have Mai as company. I know that Zuko and Katara value her input and will be inclined to listen to what she has to say.” Aang said, nodding to Mai.

“Thank you, Avatar. I hope that we are able to persuade Zuko to follow a path of peace.” Mai answered, her eyes softening as she looked at Aang, but quickly turned back to Iroh. “Are there any other tasks that I should carry out while there?”

“Actually, I would like you to work with Lord Waihu to monitor the groups associated with the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. Azula’s return and full-throated support of Zuko has quieted much of the noise they were making, especially since she is recognized as the one who developed the cure for Agni’s Curse. But there have been some rumblings from the more hardcore groups that this only enhances their opinions that Azula is more suited than Zuko for the job of Fire Lord, whether she wishes the role or not.” Iroh answered.

“Of course, sir.” Mai looked back at Aang. “How long until you’re ready to take the sky cow back to the Fire Nation.”

“He is an air bison and a fine one at that. I’m ready to leave at your convenience.” Aang answered, giving Mai a dramatic roll of his eyes as a show of his faux outrage at her supposed mistake.

“I too am packed and ready for the trip. It looks-“ Mai’s words were cut off as everyone turned to watch as a steward quickly stepped into the room.

“Pardon my interruption, but a woman has just arrived looking for Avatar Aang.” The man said, bowing to the group.

“Is there some sort of emergency?” Aang said, getting to his feet.

The steward looked to be choosing his words carefully. “No, Avatar, but we thought that you would want to see her as soon as possible since she arrived on the back of an air bison.”

Chapter 33: An Unexpected Arrival


Aang consults with the intermediaries and Ti Mu to discuss the new arrival.


1 of 2 chapters posted today.

Chapter Text

Aang couldn’t stop himself from running out of the room and towards the courtyard where the mysterious woman had arrived with her air bison. All that the steward said was that she was young and didn’t have any airbender tattoos. Mai and Iroh followed behind, the former moving much more quickly than the latter.

He stepped out into the courtyard and almost wept from the beautiful sight of the air bison standing in the courtyard; it appeared to be a female and a bit smaller than Appa. It even had a saddle. A woman was standing in front of the air bison, her back turned to Aang. He gasped as she turned to face him and he recognized the girl.

She wore the same style green robes with navy blue trim as the had during their first meeting and the sunlight glinted off the tiara that she wore. A wide smile adorned her face. She spoke before he could find his words. “Avatar Aang! It is good to see you again. I’m glad to see that you are looking well. I hope that you don’t mind me dropping in unannounced.”

A look of amusem*nt adorned her face as she started walking towards Aang and the group that had assembled with him. Including Mai and Iroh. “Mistress Navisi. It is great to see you too. You…you never told me that you had an air bison.”

Navisi laughed. “Well, given the circ*mstances of our first meeting, we really didn’t have time to share a lot of personal information. But circ*mstances have changed and I would like to get to know you and your comrades better. Perhaps we could start with introductions.”

Aang realized that would be a good idea. “Everyone, please allow me to introduce Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric. We met briefly when she helped ensure that the Rings of Accordance would never be found.”

“It is a great pleasure to meet all of you.” Navisi answered.

Aang continued the introductions. “And this is Crown Prince Iroh, uncle of Fire Lord Zuko.”

“Welcome to Pemni, Mistress Navisi.” Iroh intoned, sounding bemused.

“And this is Lady Mai, a special friend of mine and a member of the Royal Intelligence Service.” Aang gestured to Mai.

“It’s a pleasure.” Mai intoned, not sounding sincere in the slightest.

“Thank you for the warm welcome. I can imagine that you have many questions about why a young woman has fallen from the sky on an air bison looking for the Avatar. Especially since I’m assuming that he never mentioned me.” Navisi’s smile grew wider. “I assure you that there is an explanation for everything. Do you have a few moments for a weary traveler? I would love to get to know everyone, but I need to speak with the Avatar in private for a few moments first, if that’s okay?”

Iroh spoke first. “Of course, Mistress Navisi. We look forward to speaking with you when you’re done.”

“I’d love to hear why you made the visit, Mistress Navisi.” Aang said. “Can we talk by your air bison? I…I haven’t seen any but Appa since I awoke.”

Navisi’s smile was wistful. “Of course, Avatar. Come over and say hi to Wiggy.”

Aang walked over to the air bison, who watched him with big, brown intelligent eyes. Wiggy shuffled forward a little bit and extended her nose, which Aang patted. “It’s nice to meet you, Wiggy. I…I didn’t know if I’d ever see another air bison again.”

Navisi patted his arm. “There are several herds where I’m from and I hope to be able to help you find more herds here. I’ve come on a mission of cooperation. The intermediaries have sent me to make an offer to you and your people.”

“What sort of offer?” Aang turned away from the magnificent creature in front of him to look at Navisi.

“I am not from this Atla; it turns out that there are a large number of Atla’s with different histories and backgrounds. Including yours, I have visited thirteen such worlds. The Great Spirits have allowed three such worlds to join together to create what we call the Alliance. We share information and technology and assist each other. The Great Spirits want us to offer your world a chance to become the fourth member of our group.”

Aang’s head was spinning. “I…I don’t know what to say. You say there are a great number of worlds; why choose mine?”

“Do you know of the Citadel of Sagacity?” Aang’s eyes widened in surprise. Navisi continued speaking when Aang didn’t answer. “Based on your expression, the answer is yes. Well, the Great Spirits want the knowledge of the Citadel of Sagacity to be available to the worlds of the Alliance. In return, we can provide improved technology and advanced learnings to your world. For instance, we could teach the people of your world about augmentors; these are what we used to create the box that now hides the Rings of Accordance from the world.”

“This sounds like a great opportunity, but our world is not united. I’m not sure how to go about this.”

Navisi sighed. “None of our worlds are united either. Right now the Alliance is kept secret from the worlds’ general populations. Many people wonder and speculate, but it hasn’t been confirmed. We would need to discuss things with the leaders of the major regions. The intermediaries told me that many of them would be at the Fire Lord’s wedding. If only there was some way for me to get an invite to this exclusive gathering. I just don’t know how I’ll go about it.”

Aang couldn’t help but laugh at Navisi’s dramatic hint dropping. “I can probably get you an invite. I have the option of a plus one if nothing else.”

“Are you sure that Lady Mai would appreciate that?” Navisi said, raising an eyebrow at Aang.

“Uhm, well, that is something to consider.” Aang said. He hadn’t thought about Mai when making the offer.

“Do you trust her?” Navisi’s words caught him off guard, but the answer fell from his lips immediately.

“Yes, I do.”

“Then we can bring her into the fold. Does she know about the Citadel of Sagacity?”

“Uhm, no. I was sworn to secrecy about that, so it’s not my place to tell her.” Aang was horribly conflicted. Keeping these kinds of secrets from Mai may well destroy any chances they have for a relationship. But he couldn’t betray the confidence of Evasra and the others.

“I see. Well, I would like to speak with those that swore you to secrecy. The intermediaries are speaking with Ti Mu; I suggest that you consult with her about how to work with me regarding the secrets of the Citadel of Sagacity. Things would be much simpler if the intermediaries didn’t love drama, but for some reason they believe that it builds character to send me and my fellow mistress into situations with the absolute minimum of information needed to get the job done.” Navisi said with a huff.

“I can do that. I would need some time to meditate and consult her.”

“I understand. I would like to get a feel for the world dynamics here. May I ask who Zuko is marrying? “

Aang just stared at her for a moment. “Katara. She’s a waterbender from the Southern Water tribe.”

Navisi laughed. “Maybe Zuko does have a water tribe fetish after all. That’s a good start. Do you think that Iroh and Mai can give me a quick history lesson while you consult Ti Mu? If not, I’d appreciate it if you could bring me up to speed sometime.”

“I can ask them. They’re going to think it very odd.”

“I would worry about their mental processes if they didn’t. Once you’ve consulted Ti Mu and possibly the intermediaries, I’ll tell them who I really am and then we’ll go from there.”

Aang already felt like his head was going to explode and he didn’t even have any details of where the hell Navisi came from. “Okay. Do you wish to have the stable take care of Wiggy? They’re used to dealing with Appa.”

“That sounds like a good idea. I’m sure that Appa will be happy to see her. Let’s get her situated and then we can talk to Iroh and Mai. I can’t promise that their heads won’t explode.” Navisi gave him a big sh*t-eating grin.

“I’m still not convinced that mine won’t explode either.” Aang answered, causing Navisi to give a loud laugh.

As expected, Appa was filled with joy and couldn’t stop snuggling up to Wiggy, who seemed to accept the contact without complaint. It was difficult for Aang to pull himself away from them but Navisi finally convinced him to take her to Iroh and Mai. The separation anxiety was helped as she explained where the air bison herds on Aang’s Atla were probably located. She even offered to help him look when they had the time!

He was laughing and smiling as they made their way back inside the administration building; a steward informed them that Iroh and Mai were awaiting their arrival in Iroh’s study. Aang thanked him and led Navisi to meet with his friends.

“Come, come!” Iroh said in a jovial voice as he saw them approach his study. “Please come and enjoy a cup of tea. It isn’t often that we have mysterious friends of Aang come to visit.”

“Thank you, Crown Prince. It is well known that your taste in tea is both cultured and refined.” Navisi said with a smile as she took a seat at the meeting table; Iroh carefully filled the four cups, his sure and steady hands careful not to waste a single drop. Once he was seated, everyone took a sip.

“Thank you, Crown Prince. This is a wonderful blend.” Navisi said, giving Iroh a wide smile. Aang had come to the conclusion that she was just a smiley and generally pleasant person.

“You are most welcome, young lady. But perhaps you could tell us why you have traveled to our little slice of the earth continent. Your arrival has created quite the stir.” Iroh suggested.

“I imagine it has. My trip here is to negotiate the possible entry of the nations of this world into an alliance that would be very beneficial to everyone involved. It is a complicated subject and I have proposed to Aang that he consult with spirits to determine my trustworthiness before listening to everything that I have to say.” Navisi turned to Aang.

“Yes, Navisi claims that the intermediaries of the Great Spirits themselves have sanctioned her mission and while they did inform me to trust her the first time she visited, I would like to discuss the nuances of her mission with either the intermediaries or their proxy.” Aang explained. “And while I’m doing that, I would greatly appreciate it if you could explain the geopolitical situation to her, including Agni’s Curse and Azula’s return.”

Mai and Iroh just looked a little befuddled, so Navisi chimed in. “I don’t need to know the inner workings of your governments, just the major players and the general relations between the nations. Conflicts, economic relations, and general information would be much appreciated. And Agni’s Curse sounds rather threatening; has the situation been resolved?”

This statement caused both Mai and Iroh to look at her like she had just grown a second head. Mai asked the obvious question. “How have you not heard of Agni’s Curse?”

Navisi sighed. “I have been isolated from your people and once Aang has returned from consulting the spirits, I will explain everything to your satisfaction. Until then, I would greatly appreciate it if you could help lift my veil of ignorance.”

Mai and Iroh exchanged a glance before Iroh finally spoke. “Of course, Mistress Navisi, we’ll be happy to bring you up to speed on world events while Aang consults with the spirits.”

“Thanks, Iroh. I know that this situation is strange, but I appreciate you talking with Mistress Navisi. I’ll speak with my spirit sources and return as quickly as possible.” Aang said as he stood and moved to a quiet corner of the room and sat down in the lotus position.

He calmed his mind and spirit walked to the Citadel of Sagacity and was shocked by the sight that greeted him as he opened his eyes. Ti Mu was surrounded by the four intermediaries of the Great Spirits. Ti Mu was the first to speak. “Welcome, Aang. The intermediaries were just telling me that you have made contact with Mistress Navisi.”

“Indeed, I did.” Aang answered as he stepped down from the raised platform in the center of the citadel. “It is a pleasure to see all of you again.”

“It is a pleasure for us as well, young Avatar. We have sent Navisi to speak with you about the offer to join the Alliance of Worlds. The Citadel of Sagacity holds a veritable treasure trove of amazing disciplines that have been lost to the other worlds. And they have a wide range of advanced skills and technology that would greatly benefit your world.” Denuskya said as she floated closer to Aang.

“Once upon a time the Great Spirits did not wish for the different worlds to interact, but Iscanthanalia convinced them to consider the benefits of the worlds cooperating. A test run was conducted as Navisi and her mistress traveled to different Atla’s to help with a terrible invader. Their missions were such a smashing success that the Great Spirits have decided to try and expand the network of connected Atla’s. Your world is the first new one to be offered admission that wasn’t involved in the original travels of Navisi and her fellow Mistress of the Arts Esoteric.” Mukaati explained.

“I admit that I would very much like to learn from these other worlds. Would it be possible for us to travel to the other Atla’s?” Aang asked.

“I am afraid that you may not, Avatar. You are bonded with Raava and it is far too dangerous for her to leave this world. But as Avatar, you would be one of the primary points of contact for travelers journeying to this world.” Terrathusi explained, looking a little sad. “We wish that you could experience these other worlds, but the risks far outweigh the rewards.

Aang was disappointed but he understood. It was his duty to help maintain balance in this world; it probably wasn’t appropriate for him to leave. “Well, if the others are as interesting as Navisi, I’m sure it will be a worthwhile experience. You said that she traveled with another mistress. Can you tell me who she is?”

All four of the intermediaries laughed like he had told some great joke. Methus filled him in. “We will not tell you of the Dragoness of the Golden Light just yet. Her arrival will undoubtedly cause a stir. All that we will say for now is that she a woman of profound talent and ability. Navisi is nearly as accomplished and is more than capable of handling the duties of interacting with your world.”

“This sounds like a wonderful opportunity for my world, no matter who is negotiating. How do I go about bringing the world into this alliance?” Aang decided he needed to get to the nitty gritty of the matter.

Mukaati spoke again. “Navisi will need to meet with the leaders of the major powers of your world. The Fire Nation, Earth Kingdom and Northern Water Tribe. We will make sure that these leaders are in the right mindset to heed Navisi’s words.”

Aang became uncomfortable as the intermediaries all grinned at him but he pressed on anyways. “And what of the Citadel of Sagacity? Are we to inform them of this place also?”

“It was decided that the Citadel of Sagacity will be held close to the vest for now. Its presence would only muddy the waters.” Ti Mu said. “I have faded into obscurity in the other worlds and the other Citadels of Sagacity have been lost to the mortal realms. But I hope that they may yet be found again. But until then, select scholars from other worlds will be allowed to come here and study. In return, they have offered to share their technology with your people.”

“We do not wish to interfere too much; we will make sure that Navisi’s words are heard but it is up to you and the people of your world to decide whether to join the alliance or not.” Denuskya floated down and hovered only a few inches above the floor, bringing her eye to eye with Aang. “We ask that you use your skills and charm to bring the world to this path. But Ti Mu has agreed to allow the people of the other worlds access to her citadel whether your world agrees or not.”

“Evasra had hoped to keep this place a closely guarded secret; does she and the others know about this?” Aang asked.

Ti Mu somehow gave the impression that she was smiling with her beak. “Evasra is busy at the moment but I will inform her and the others of the situation. I respect all of my friends on this world, but the Citadel of Sagacity is my domain and I may choose who is privy to its secrets. For instance, you have my permission to tell Prince Iroh and Lady Mai of its existence if you see fit. They are being brought aboard the discussions with Navisi, although they aren’t really scholars.”

“You have enough information for now to decide on a course of action. Navisi has absorbed much of the knowledge of your world and will be ready to share more details of her mission when you return to your body.” Methus said, effectively bringing the conversation to a close.

“Go, Aang, and talk with Navisi and hear what the Alliance has to offer.” Ti Mu was veritably shaking with excitement. “I truly believe that this is exactly the sort of interaction that Iscanthanalia desired from the worlds of Atla.”

“Of course.” Aang bowed to the collected parties. “I will return and listen to Navisi’s words.”

Chapter 34: Knowledge Shared


Navisi explains why she has come to visit.


2 of 2 chapters posted today. Please read Chapter 33 before enjoying this one.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Mai didn’t know what to make of the girl attentively listening to Iroh explain how Agni’s Curse was created by an anarchist using a spiritual artifact. The girl seemed to be taking everything in stride, though. She was obviously intelligent and was trusted by Aang, but there was something strange about her being woefully ignorant of nearly all recent events.

They were just finishing up the impromptu lesson when Aang finally stirred from where he had been meditating. Navisi was the first one to greet him. “Welcome back, Avatar. Did you learn all that you needed to?”

“Yes, I did. I spoke with the intermediaries and they validated all that you had told me. They said that I was to trust you and to give the words you tell us great weight.” Aang answered with a sigh. “But I have a feeling it is going to be a bit wild.”

Navisi laughed. Mai sighed at the girl’s enthusiasm; there were already too many cheerful people in her life and she really wasn’t in the mood for another one just now. “It will indeed be a wild tale. But I’m only going to give the general outline for now. The first thing to know is that this Atla is only one of many Atla’s that exist. I know it sounds strange and unbelievable, but there are many worlds like yours where history played out just a little differently. Maybe Aang wasn’t found by Sokka and Katara, maybe Ozai won his battle with Aang or any other number of changes.”

Mai felt herself go speechless again. This was very much like the feeling she had when they told her Azula was still alive. Navisi continued speaking. “I was born on one such world and I’ve traveled to several others on missions sponsored by the intermediaries on behalf of the Great Spirits themselves. I’ve been asked not to go into great detail just yet, but counting this world I’ve been to thirteen Atla’s. Each one was different but from the sounds of things this one is special. I’m not really at liberty to say why just yet.”

Aang chimed in then. “Well, the intermediates and Ti Mu just gave me permission to tell them about the Citadel of Sagacity.”

Navisi laughed again and Mai felt like stabbing her. Nothing fatal, but just a little slice to calm her down. “That’s great, Avatar, but let me blow their minds with my story first and then you can finish destroying their brain cells.”

“Are you sure that this is for real?” Iroh asked, speaking for the first time since Navisi had started her spiel. “You have to understand that this is very difficult for us to believe.”

“Indeed, I do.” Navisi said with a sigh. “You at least are being spoon fed the information in a calm setting; I found out while trapped in a sealed underground chamber while wondering whether I was going to die of dehydration or asphyxiation first. This is why it was good that the Avatar spoke with the intermediaries. Having a little extra backing from supernatural sources always helps.”

“Let’s say that we do believe you. Why have you come?” Mai asked, deciding to get to the heart of the matter.

“As I said, there are many Atla’s in what we call the Sphere of Existence; for a long time the Great Spirits wanted them to remain separate with no cross contamination. But they were convinced to allow two of the worlds to cooperate to deal with a significant threat. Those two worlds worked together marvelously and a third world was then added to what we now call the Alliance. I’ve come to your world to offer you the opportunity to become the fourth world to join with us. Of all the worlds in our Sphere of Existence, you are the only one where Ti Mu and the Citadel of Sagacity haven’t faded beyond the reach of the mortal realm.”

Iroh turned to Aang. “You said that you have been given permission to tell us about this Citadel of Sagacity?”

“Yes. It is a spirit location under the control of Ti Mu, sister of Wan Shi Tong, the controller of the Spirit Library. She greets accomplished and knowledgeable masters at their time of death and asks them to come to her citadel where she teaches them how to create spirit reflections of themselves to preserve their knowledge for the use of others. It…it was discovered by Mei Zhu and Evasra a few months ago.”

“Evasra is the name that your Azula goes by, right?” Navisi asked.

“So you’ve been keeping this Citadel of Sagacity a secret just like you kept Azula a secret?” Mai asked, anger and disappointment flooding her.

Navisi answered before Aang could speak. “You have to understand that spirits, especially powerful and intelligent ones, are somewhat distrustful of humans and are very selective with the knowledge they hand out. The Avatar, as a liaison between the spirit and mortal realms, must be very careful in how he shares the knowledge provided to him by the spirits.”

Mai gritted her teeth but she had to accept that logic. That did seem to be a fit with the job that the Avatar was supposed to do. Iroh asked the next question. “That explains why you wish our world to join this alliance of worlds you spoke of. What does our world get in return?”

“We have access to engineering and advanced items that your world doesn’t have. One of our worlds is actually at a different point in time; it is seventy years in the future and has advanced a great deal technologically. And my fellow mistress and I have developed a whole new set of items called augmentors that are revolutionizing our world. Let me give a little demonstration.”

She held out her arms and suddenly two rings of golden light appeared around her wrist and began spinning, causing Mai and Iroh to stand back. A board of golden light appeared on the floor beneath Navisi’s feet and started rising, lifting Navisi into the air. Iroh and Mai gaped in shock at the display.

Navisi began speaking again as she was lowered back to the ground. “That was just a small demonstration. Just as bending allows people to use their chi to manipulate the world around them, we’ve discovered methods for allowing the chi of nonbenders to also do such things.”

She unclamped one of the bracers she wore on her forearms and showed it to the other three. Mai could see that the entire inside of the bracer was engraved with a complex structure of sigils and geometric designs. Navisi continued speaking. “These engravings allow me to use my chi to carry out specific actions. This specific item requires extensive training and chi ability to use, but we have many others that require much less skill. We are willing to share this type of knowledge with your world. If you’re like many other Atla’s, then it is likely that your factories are causing a good deal of pollution. We can help you greatly cut back on the hazardous waste produced and improve the quality of life for the nearby people, all the while improving the output of the factories.”

That would solve a lot of the issues in the Fire Colonies. If what this girl said was true, this knowledge could help bring peace to the four nations. Iroh asked the next logical question. “What do you need from us?”

“I will need to meet with the leaders of this world to share what I’ve told you. The intermediaries said that they will encourage the leaders to be of the proper frame of mind to meet with me. They have ways to do that.” Navisi answered with a grin. “If they are receptive, I will be able to share more details then about the exact nature of our worlds and what we have to share. But the decision to join with us must be made willingly; neither the Alliance nor the intermediaries will try to force your world to join with us if you don’t want to.”

“Ti Mu has said that your worlds will have access to the Citadel of Sagacity whether the leaders agree to join the Alliance or not.” Aang chimed in.

“That is great to know but I truly hope that your people wish to work with us. We have much to offer and so do you. Things must be handled carefully so as not to destabilize your economies and throw the world out of whack. We have experience with this and we can help you.” Navisi concluded.

Mai was having a difficult time wrapping her head around what she had been told, but if this was true then there was so much that Navisi has said that could help her world. Peace could finally be brought to Atla and the lives of so many could be improved. For the first time in a while, she had a good deal of hope for the future.

Azula was a bit nervous about whatever announcement Ti Mu had summoned everyone for. This was the first time that she had called for all of those that know of the Citadel of Sagacity to come together. She was joined by Mei Zhu, Nasu, Lo Ruon, Nykka, Kanti and Muzi. Aang was the only one missing and Ti Mu said that he would be arriving shortly.

“Ti Mu, you can’t call us together like this and make us wait! The suspense is killing me. I thought you were a good and noble spirit; do you want my death on your conscience when I expire from anticipation?” Mei Zhu whined.

Azula laughed. Her girlfriend really had trouble waiting for things. Ti Mu was amused also. “Fear not, young one, for should you expire I will teach you how to make a spirit reflection and you can stay here with me. It will be great fun.”

Mei Zhu’s whining was interrupted when two figures appeared on the central platform in the Citadel of Sagacity. Azula recognized the bald and tattooed head of the Avatar instantly, but she didn’t recognize the pretty brown haired girl next to him. She wore green robes with blue trim and had a tiara that gave her a rather exotic look. By the look of wonder on her face, she was thrilled to be here.

“Greetings, Avatar. Would you like to introduce your young friend to the group?” Ti Mu said as she hopped closer to the platform.

“Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric.” The girl gave a respectful bow. Aang continued speaking as she straightened. “She, well, she has come to share an extraordinary opportunity with us. Us as in those that know of the Citadel of Sagacity and also us as in the world at large.”

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Navisi. The intermediaries have spoken very well of you. Your exploits are quite impressive. Please, come into my home. Let me introduce everyone.” Ti Mu said and promptly went around and gave the names and general background of the entire group. Azula noticed that she looked intrigued when Lo Ruon’s name was announced.

Once the introductions were given, Navisi finally spoke. “Thank you for your warm welcome, Ti Mu. It is an honor to meet everyone. I’m sure that you’re all wondering why this strange girl has shown up in this extraordinary place, but rest assured that I have a good reason. But first I need to give you a little background.”

Azula was frozen in place as the girl told how there were thousands of different Atla’s in the Sphere of Existence and that she represented a grouping of three such worlds called the Alliance. And that this was the only Citadel of Sagacity that remained. “So, the intermediaries asked me to come to your world to facilitate your world joining the Alliance. We would gain the opportunity to learn from the wonderful spirit reflections kept here and you would have access to the advanced engineering and technology developed on our worlds.”

No one spoke as they just stared at the girl, who didn’t seem to be bothered by the attention in the least. Aang was the first to speak. “I know that this sounds crazy, but Ti Mu and I both spoke with the intermediaries and they have vouched for her story.”

“Are there other versions of us on your world?” Kanti asked.

Navisi hesitated for a moment before answering. “Probably. Things change and not everyone exists on every world. And since the Hundred Year’s War was prevalent on virtually every world, not everyone that survives on one world will live on another. For instance, it seems that I was doomed to die during the siege of Ba Sing Se on every world I’ve encountered so far.”

“Do you know any of us?” Kanti followed up.

“Yes, I either personally know or have heard of several of you. But you’re missing the point. All of the worlds are similar but they are different. The intermediaries believe that this is a trustworthy group and I hope to share a great deal with you in the future, but for now I’ve been asked not to share too much. They are more open to sharing than they were in the past, but the Great Spirits are still cautious about sharing too much about the other worlds until you’ve joined the Alliance.” Navisi gave a wide smile. “But even if your world chooses not to join, I’ve been given permission to share some of our knowledge with this group. And Ti Mu has graciously offered access to her wonderful Citadel of Sagacity independent your world’s choice. No matter what happens, I hope to continue working with your group.”

“That is wonderful, but the changes that you’re proposing could completely upset the balance of Atla. We are not a unified people and the knowledge of other worlds could confuse the people.” Azula interjected.

“You’re absolutely right, Evasra, which is why we will only negotiate with the leaders and high ranking officials of the major powers to begin with. Knowledge of the Alliance hasn’t been shared with the entire population of any of our worlds yet. We hope to in time.” Navisi looked directly at Azula and smiled. “I’m hoping to crash your brother’s wedding and then talk to the world leaders afterwards. I brought my formal robes and everything. Aang has offered to take me as his plus one, but that might hinder his chances of making up with his girlfriend. It would be great if someone with royal connections could get me into the party.”

Azula laughed, both at the not so subtle hint and also the uncomfortable look on Aang’s face at the mention of his girlfriend. Apparently, there was trouble in paradise. “I’ll look into getting you an invite. I have a feeling that you’ll be a breath of fresh air in the stuffy meetings at the summit.”

“I have no doubt about that. Which leads me to our next topic. Your world is busy dealing with Agni’s Curse and I don’t want to distract anyone from that right now, so I was hoping to come and visit In Zan Kip in person. It would also be a great chance to meet some of you in the flesh. Iroh has generously given me a room to stay in for the night, but I can be at Humpi by late morning. My air bison, Wiggy, can easily make the trip in about twelve hours.”

Once again, everyone was dumbfounded. Azula found her voice. “You have an air bison?”

“Indeed, I do. Wiggy is great and should make the trip from Humpi to In Zan Kip a lot easier.” Navisi turned to Ti Mu. “Is there an area suitable for Wiggy to land and graze near In Zan Kip?”

“There is a landing courtyard on the eastern side of the mountain. It should be plenty big enough for your air bison. You may need to take her somewhere else to graze though.” Ti Mu answered.

“Wiggy is pretty self-sufficient. She can roam and graze as needed.” Navisi answered. “I look forward to meeting all of you in person some time. I know that this was a lot to take in, but I’m impressed by how well you’re adjusting to the news.”

“I’m sure that we’ll all be having panic attacks later.” Mei Zhu answered. Azula got the impression that she was only half-kidding.

“It’s a lot to take in but the implications are fantastic.” Muzi said. “Would it be possible for Kanti and I to travel to In Zan Kip with you? We have not had the opportunity to visit the site either.”

“Of course. Traveling is always better with company. I look forward to working with all of you.” Navisi said with a wide smile, getting a wide smile from everyone in return. Azula didn’t know what changes Navisi’s arrival was going to bring to Atla, but she knew it was going to be interesting to find out.

Shur Zi was optimistic about moving forward based on the reports that she’d received from Hun Ro and Min Kai. It was a great luxury to have competent and trustworthy family like them to rely on to deal with this matter. If Zuko listens to Iroh and comes to the negotiating table, there may yet be a chance to free even more of the earth continent people from the oppressive yoke of the Fire Nation.

Her plans right now were to take an airship across the earth continent and then travel overland to Pemni to discuss matters with Crown Prince Iroh before heading to the Fire Nation to attend the wedding. Assuming that Zuko agrees to negotiate. Shur Zi wasn’t bringing a wedding gift to her possible enemy during a time of potential war.

Although she was very interested in meeting the newly returned Princess Azula. The shock was quite profound when the royal court of Ba Sing Se discovered that one of the captors of Sor Yun was in fact the very princess that had taken Ba Sing Se during the war. Working with the very same Avatar that she had nearly killed during said taking of Shur Zi’s beloved city.

Kuei had hated Azula with a passion but Shur Zi was more divided on the issue. Yes, she had taken Ba Sing Se, but it had been done without a single loss of life. The recapture of Ba Sing Se by the White Lotus had caused far more death and destruction than Azula’s capture of the city had. Had they not sacked the city on the day of Sozin’s comet, Zuko could have just pulled his troops out after he had claimed the throne and the city would have been free with no cost of life or property.

Azula had been tortured during her captivity in the Fire Nation but had completely remade herself into a widely respected spiritual figure in the Eastern Sea region. Yes, she wanted to meet and evaluate this woman before she decided what the official policy of the Earth Kingdom would be towards the Mystic of the White Flames. If nothing else, it could be a negotiating tool during discussions after the wedding.

But right now she had other things to worry about. Logistics if war should arise was the most pressing. General Li Mao was explaining the strategy the war council had developed. “We won’t be able to directly prevent the Fire Nation from taking Omashu territory, but we’ll be able to strike at their northern supply stations-“

All speech stopped as the rhythmic ringing of the gongs could be heard. Two single strikes, two seconds apart followed by quick taps. She had never heard the official cadence on the Gnostic’s gongs but every royal had been taught the sacred beat.

A call for the royal family to hear a Declaration of Gnolos.

She turned to General Li Mao. “You will have to complete your update later. I have been called to hear the Will of Gnolos.”

“Of course, Queen Shur Zi.” General Li Mao said with a bow. Shur Zi quickly left the room and marched with the royal guards to the Hall of Gnosticism to hear the will of Gnolos. She maintained a cool and disinterested facade to the outside world but her nerves were vibrating with worry. It had been hundreds of years since the intermediaries had passed along the words of Gnolos to the leaders of the Earth Kingdom. It was rarely a good thing when they did.

Shur Zi was happy to see that both Father and Li Nu had taken their appointed spots near her seat. It was good to have family nearby at times like this. She sedately made her way up the dais and took a seat on her elevated throne overlooking the Hall of Gnosticism. It was normally off limits to anyone outside the Earth Gnostics; only during official announcements of the Will of Gnolos were outsiders allowed to enter.

Her throne placed her at eye level with the heads of all three of Gnolos intermediaries that were carved into the wall across from her throne. Terrathusi was to the left, Sinvalus was in the center, and Hirythricase to the right. This was the fabled Wall of Conveyance.

She turned to the High Gnostic and he took his spot next the Wall of Conveyance. It was time to go through the ritual to hear the words of Gnolos. The High Gnostic spoke. “Queen Shur Zi, holder of Gnolos’s divine mandate as protector of the earth people, are you prepared to hear his Divine Proclamation?”

“I am the humble servant of Gnolos and I am ready to hear the proclamation of Gnolos, protector of the earth people and giver of life through the bounty of his lands.” Shur Zi answered.

“Than you shall know his will. Prepare yourself!” The High Gnostic said. The two dozen Earth Gnostics began chanting and the eyes of the three intermediaries carved into the Wall of Conveyance began glowing. Text appeared on the wall as the stone moved and reconfigured itself, the message conveyed by words in a language that she had never learned to read. Lincum Arca.

But the High Gnostic knew the language and he read out the words for the assembled group to hear. “By the will of Gnolos himself, Terrathusi proclaims that Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric has been granted the status of Agent of the Great Spirits’ Will. She will make herself known to you when the time is right and her words are to be heard and considered.”

The High Gnostic spoke directly to Shur Zi. “Queen Shur Zi, do you understand and acknowledge the words proclaimed?”

“I do. Gnolos’s will has been heard and I shall comply.”

“Then you will continue to hold Gnolos’s divine mandate as protector of the earth people.” The High Gnostic announced. The chanting subsided and the eyes of the intermediaries stopped glowing and the text disappeared from the wall.

Shur Zi was both relieved and confused by the proclamation. But she had acknowledged the proclamation and would do her duty. Now all she needed to do was to find this Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric.


These are two relatively short chapters that go well together, so I’m double dosing my readers this week. I’m 21 chapters into the next story and on schedule to have it done by the end of the year. I also had a breakthrough on the My Hero Academia story I’m writing, so I’m feeling extra generous.

Chapter 35: Return


Mai returns to the Fire Nation to share Iroh’s proposal with Zuko and comes face to face with Azula.

Chapter Text

The ride hadn’t been bad; it actually felt freeing to soar so high above the ground and escape all the troubles of the people below, at least for a little while. Although some of her troubles had come with her; Aang had tried to talk to her and smooth things over with regard to the whole Azula and the Citadel of Sagacity debacle. But she had put him off by saying that she needed time to sort things out before making any sort of decision. She knew it was petty but she needed to evaluate the situation and truly determine how she felt.

Mai felt a slight sense of discomfort as Appa descended into the landing area adjacent to the palace. Riding the sky cow was bad enough but that wasn’t the only issue occupying her mind. The threat of war if Zuko disregarded Iroh’s recommendation. Finding out that there were other worlds out there besides her own.

But most of all meeting up with Azula.

She knew that Azula shouldn’t have a hold on her anymore; Azula had chosen her path in life and it wasn’t Mai’s fault that her life had gone off the rails. At the time she had loved Zuko more than she feared Azula. But now she was back and by all accounts far more powerful than before. But Mai was better too and she wasn’t about to allow Azula to push her around anymore. Azula was mistaken if she thought that she could intimidate Mai.

At last the sky cow landed and Mai quickly grabbed her things and elegantly slid down Appa’s tail to reach solid ground. She took a deep breath and braced herself to face her past as she made her way to where Aang had airbent himself to the ground. Together they walked towards the awaiting group, which was rather large.

Zuko and Katara were at the head of the group, of course, and were surrounded by the loud and outrageous crew that Aang liked to associate with. Ursa and Kiyi were there as well. And standing next to Kiyi was the prodigal daughter herself.

It had taken Mai a moment to recognize her since she was no longer sporting either her signature bangs or her armor. She was dressed in a hanfu and looked like a younger version of Ursa. Mai tried to get a read on her but she seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with Kiyi and a pretty brown haired woman with them.

She was drawn away from observing Azula as she heard Aang speaking. “Hey guys, it’s great to see you again. Thanks for the warm welcome.”

“It’s great to see you too, Aang. And it’s nice to have you back in the Fire Nation, Mai. Uncle’s hawk said that there was a lot to discuss.” Zuko said, smiling at the pair. “Let’s head to inside so that we can talk.”

“That would be great, Zuko.” Mai answered. “Crown Prince Iroh sent me to present his recommendations to you.”

“We’re very interested in hearing what Iroh has to say about the matter.” Katara answered as the group started making its way inside. “And we’re very interested in hearing both of your opinions on the situation also.”

Mai gave Ty Lee a small smile and head nod as she made her way in, which of course resulted in her friend giving her a big smile and an exuberant wave. She would catch up with Ty Lee later; first and foremost she had to try and keep the Fire Nation from becoming bogged down in a war with the nations of the earth continent.

She was caught by surprise as Zuko’s voice called. “Azula, please join us for this discussion. I would like to get your opinion on this situation.”

Azula’s face was blank as she responded. “Of course, Zuko.” She spoke to the brown haired girl and then made her way to catch up with Zuko’s group, which had once again began walking towards the Zuko’s study.

Mai listened in as Aang chatted pleasantly with Zuko and Katara; Agni knows that the boy loved to talk. Mai followed a little behind and Azula walked a few steps behind her. It made the skin between her shoulderblades itch knowing that Azula could strike her down and she’d never even know it was coming.

But soon enough the group reached Zuko’s study and no one had been incinerated or stabbed, so the meeting was off to about as good a start as Mai could have expected. Zuko took his normal spot at his desk while Katara took the chair to his right. Mai and Aang sat on the small couch while Azula took a seat in a chair across from Aang.

Zuko started the conversation. “Uncle’s message said that the Earth Kingdom was threatening war if we choose to punish Omashu for their invasion of our territory. Does Uncle believe that we should just let this provocation slide unpunished? What message does this send to others that would challenge our right to rule over our territory?”

Mai was the one to answer. It had been decided that it was best if a Fire National presented Iroh’s recommendations; Aang could chime in from the point of view of the Avatar as needed but for now this would be treated as a Fire Nation discussion. “The territory previously held by the forces which invited Omashu to assist them has been returned to Fire Nation control; this was considered to be an internal matter and the forces of both Omashu and Earth Kingdom were invited by rebel leaders to assist the breakaway groups. Omashu had sought to invade additional Fire Colony territory but was dealt with by the Avatar before they reached undisputed territory. Therefore, Crown Prince Iroh recommends that we not attempt to punish Omashu; the civil war and general unrest is already destabilizing the area. Our invasion may cause the entire entity to collapse into anarchy and local warlords.”

Zuko’s face became thoughtful as he mulled over her words. “But the point is that they should never had dared to cross into Fire Nation territory, rebel groups or not. This was only done because the Fire Nation was weakened by Agni’s Curse; they never would have dared to try this while the Fire Nation was at full strength. The Earth Kingdom in particular has been poking and prodding our defenses for a while now and must be taught a lesson. We are not to be trifled with.”

“It isn’t a matter of just the Fire Nation’s territory, but also how stable and friendly the new regime in Omashu is. If we invade, we will once again inflame the hearts of the earth nations with hate for the Fire Nation, culminating in a war with a resurgent Earth Kingdom.” Azula said, drawing the eyes of everyone in the room. “If we negotiate to create a sustainable area of Fire Nation control, we can appease the Earth Kingdom while also giving the Fire Nation a chance to establish cordial relations with the victor in the civil war to take the throne of Omashu. This is worth much more than simply punishing a nation for the sins of its previous administration.”

“Zuko, we aren’t going to be able to hold all of the territory of the Fire Colonies; this is one of the reasons why you and Aang have been pushing for a republic to be formed in the northwest territory.” Katara added. “Shur Zi has already said that she is willing to allow this area to become independent. War will shudder those plans.”

“Crown Prince Iroh believes that the Fire Nation will be able to maintain control of Pemni and the most industrialized regions; the cultures are so mixed that if they are treated properly, they may yet remain loyal to the Fire Nation.” Mai interjected.

“The regions that were taken by the Earth Kingdom are primarily populated by earth people and are not a good fit with the Fire Nation. Even with the rebellion, there is still strong trade and economic relations with the Fire Colony; the Fire Nation is better off holding on to the central regions with strong fire national populations and set the others free. This can set up good relations and allow all of the regions to continue working together amicably. I truly believe that this is the only way to ensure peace in the near future.” Azula said.

“Economics are only part of the equation. Honor dictates that I protect what belongs to the Fire Nation. I will not abandon the people of the Fire Colonies to a backward nation like the Earth Kingdom. Shur Zi is a treacherous snake-worm that stole Alokhai through back alley deals and then invaded our territory when we were indisposed.” Zuko shot back.

“And the Fire Nation invaded their lands and sacked their cities and is now polluting the very air and water that they need to survive.” Azula retorted. “I know that you can’t give everything back at once, Zuko, but war with the Earth Kingdom will be a disaster for everyone involved. Omashu will collapse into anarchy, the already limited resources of the Earth Kingdom will be stretched to their breaking point and the Fire Nation will have to deal with an army given a tactical advantage by shadowbending. Zuko, honor has its place but it is the wrong guide in this situation. There is simply no honor to be had by plunging us headlong into another war.”

Mai was shocked by the impassioned speech that Azula just gave. It was quite possibly the most un-Azula thing that she had ever heard her say. But it seemed to be working; Zuko was looking thoughtful again.

“Azula’s right, Zuko. The world is tired of war and strife.” Katara said. “Let’s find a way to solve this peacefully.”

“I don’t see what this gains us. Peace only loses land and weakens us.” Zuko retorted.

“No, it gives us negotiating power. I’m not saying that the actions of the Earth Kingdom and Omashu should be ignored. I’ve been studying the Treaty of Kantou and I believe that sending forces into the Fire Colony territories is an infraction that may allow you to negotiate for the lowering or possible elimination of the reparations you agreed to; the non-interference clause tied the reparations to the ability of each nation to have total dominion over its holdings. The invasion of Fire Colony territory, even with an invitation from rebel groups, gives you negotiating power. Play hard ball at the negotiation table and you can do much to strengthen the economic position of the Fire Nation.” Azula explained.

“This was actually one of the points that Iroh wanted me to bring to your attention; his legal scholars have prepared a long list of points that could be negotiated to the favor of the Fire Nation, including reparations.” Mai said. “But this is only viable if we go the negotiating table with a plan.”

Zuko again looked thoughtful; the fact that every woman in the room was hammering the same points seemed to be wearing him down. He turned to Aang next. “What do you think, Aang?”

“This is a Fire Nation matter to decide, but I will give you one word of warning. I intervened once to prevent Buzin from invading Fire Colony territory. Aggression is not going to be a viable form of diplomacy going forward.”

Mai sat up a little straighter at Aang’s words. The words were sobering enough, but the tone of voice showed that Aang was in full Avatar mode. Minus the glowing eyes and tattoos.

“The Avatar’s words are similar to those I spoke to the crowd during the torch lighting ceremony; Buzin brought his people to the brink of disaster by not realizing aggression was no longer a suitable means of dealing with the world. I think it would be wise to heed the Avatar’s words, for he is a peaceful soul who understands that a better way of moving forward is available to the Fire Nation.” Azula said in a calm and collected voice. She was obviously trying not to say anything to provoke Zuko.

Zuko was silent for a few moments before speaking. “Mai, please let me review Uncle’s suggestions. If we can gain enough from negotiations, it may solidify our position and give us some breathing room.”

“Of course, Zuko. I’m not a legal scholar, so I’m not comfortable discussing the fine points of international law. Iroh suggested reviewing his recommendations with your legal team.” Mai answered with a bow.

“I will, Mai. Let us review things and then we can regroup and work out a strategy.” Zuko said before turning to Aang. “But there is something else we wish to discuss with you, Aang. What do you know of the proclamation declaring someone named Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric an Agent of the Great Spirits’ Will?”

Aang and Mai both froze and simply stared at Zuko. It was Azula that clarified matters. “Three hours ago an unannounced Fire Sage procession occurred which declared that it was the will of Agni and the other Great Spirits that Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric be recognized as an Agent of the Great Spirits’ Will. It was quite an impressive display. The fire in the Urn of Agni’s Eternal Flame turned blue during the announcement; I felt quite honored.”

“The blue was for Mukaati, not you, Azula.” Zuko said, rolling his eyes.

“We will simply have to agree to disagree, Zuko.” Azula responded with a smirk.

“By La, they’ve been squabbling like this for hours. What do you know of it, Aang?” Katara asked. “Hopefully something that will make these two grow up.”

“Uhm, well, Mistress Navisi arrived at Pemni’s administration center looking for me yesterday. And, well, what made this unusual was that she showed up riding an air bison named Wiggy.”

“What!” Zuko and Katara both exclaimed together. Azula just looked at Aang with her eyebrows raised.

Aang put up his hands to try and placate the pair. “She is indeed on a mission on behalf of the Great Spirits. She shared some of her mission with me, Mai and Iroh, but we’re not allowed to tell you or the other leaders about it just yet. She would like to discuss it with all the leaders attending your summit. And, uhm, well, she was hoping to get an invite to your wedding.”

“You want us to just invite some random woman to our wedding just because she showed up on an air bison?” Katara all but screeched. “I already have the seating arrangements made.”

“It’s just one person, and I can use my plus one if I need to.” Aang offered.

“You know, Avatar, if you just got yourself a girlfriend, maybe you wouldn’t be desperate enough to just start offering your plus one to strangers in order to get feminine attention.” Azula said, examining her nails.

Mai felt herself go stiff as Azula looked up and locked eyes with her for the first time. And then Azula winked.

“Azula’s got a point, Aang. There are going to be lots of available woman at the wedding. This might be a good chance for you to meet someone.” Zuko suggested, once again showing very little interpersonal awareness.

Aang looked just as thunderstruck as Mai felt. This was turning into a sh*tshow. Azula spoke again. “Perhaps it would be better to just have Aang and Mai go as a couple and allow this Navisi girl to go as an independent entity. I for one think that would be an interesting dynamic. Having the two exes of the soon to be married couple show up together would be quite salacious.”

“Azula! How can you even suggest something like that?” Zuko exclaimed, looking very uncomfortable with the entire idea. “Have you no decency?”

“I don’t know, Zuko, I think they’d make a cute couple. I don’t hear them opposing the idea.” Azula turned a smarmy grin on Mai and Aang. It took all of Mai’s self-discipline not to start tossing knives at the condescending bitch.

“I…I think it might be a good cover. It would probably help with logistics.” Aang said in a weak voice.

Mai turned to the traitor and decided that she probably had enough knives to turn both Aang and Azula into pincushions. But it was the discerning gaze of Katara that worried Mai the most; she was looking upon them with a rather predatory countenance. Her words confirmed Mai’s worst fears. “Yes, I think it would be a good ploy. Let this Mistress Navisi navigate things on her own to make her seem independent. What can you tell us about this mysterious Mistress Navisi?”

“She truly has a wonderful offer and it would be in the entire world’s best interest to listen to what she has to say. I spoke with the intermediaries regarding her mission and they indeed are in favor of her proposal. But they made it clear that the nations have the right to say yes or no as they please.” Aang again held up both hands. “But that is all that I can say. It is best if all the nations hear her proposal together.”

Zuko stared at Aang for a few uncomfortable moments before speaking. “I will wait then. We will put that matter aside for now; I have enough on my plate for now anyways. Let us review Uncle’s proposal. You and Aang Mai have had a long trip and would probably like to freshen up. You’re both invited to dinner, of course.”

“I wouldn’t miss it,” Aang said with a wide smile; Mai guessed he was starting to recover some of his composure. “You have some truly remarkable chefs.”

Mai, Aang and Azula made their way out of the study and once they were out of earshot of the guards Aang spoke. “Perhaps the three of us should get together and discuss the situation with the Citadel of Sagacity.”

Azula turned to him with a rather annoyed look. “There is nothing to discuss. Mai and Iroh know of it and it is Ti Mu’s decision whether they are allowed to visit.” Azula turned her gaze to Mai. “I will not try to stop you if you gain acces,s but I want nothing to do with either you or Iroh.”

“Then we are in agreement. I wish to have nothing to do with you either.” Mai retorted.

“Thank Agni. You were always one of the more sensible ones.” Azula said, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds before turning back to Aang. “Mei Zhu is following up on some leads and deciding where she would like to investigate. I told her I would give her some moral support. I’ll see you both at dinner.”

And with that Azula turned and walked off. Aang sighed, causing Mai to roll her eyes. “You knew she wouldn’t want anything to do with me, Aang.”

“I know, but I think that she’s wrong for cutting off everyone from her past.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes a clean slate can do wonders to improve a person’s outlook on life.” Mai answered with a sigh of her own. “Perhaps it is for the best.”

“Perhaps. But let’s see the stewards and go get freshened up.” Aang said, walking over to the steward that had been watching them.

Mai’s eyes were still drawn to the receding figure of Azula. She was calmer and far less confrontational than she had been in her youth. And she had come down decidedly on the side of peace. Mai still didn’t trust her, but she could understand why Iroh and Aang had been eager to give her a chance at a new life.

The rest of the day went pleasant enough; Mai was engulfed in a big hug by Ty Lee as soon as she was left to wander. They took a walk through the beautiful palace gardens and Mai decided to do a bit of investigating. “So, Ty Lee, what couldn’t you tell me in your letters? Everyone thinks Azula has changed, but you can’t really believe that, can you?”

She looked over to see Ty Lee looking down at the ground. Mai could barely hear her friend’s words as she spoke. “I know it sounds weird, Mai, but I really do believe that she’s changed.” Ty Lee turned those big, expressive eyes towards Mai. “She’s not like she used to be. She doesn’t threaten anyone and she helps people with her Fire Healing. She’s been visiting hospitals with Kiyi and using Fire Healing to help treat people with infections. And she’s so good with Kiyi; you just haven’t had a chance to see it yet, Mai. I know that she was mean and vindictive in the old days, but even then she was good to us most of the time. She’s helped so many people in the past year; it hurts to think what the world would look like if Sor Yun had done all the terrible things Aunt Wu foresaw or if she and Mei Zhu hadn’t been able to find a cure for Agni’s Curse.”

Mai was startled to hear this from Ty Lee; neither of them had good endings to their friendship with Azula. Mai decided to see how deep this sentiment ran. “Have you spoken with her? About the old days?”

Ty Lee sighed and looked down, her eyes glistening. “No, she won’t speak with me. She basically only talks to people from her past if she has to. Except for Toph and Aang. She hasn’t been impolite, but it’s clear that she doesn’t want anything to do with the Fire Nation. Thirty seconds into her conversation with Zuko and she flat out told him that she had no family in the Fire Nation except Kiyi and no friends at all.” Ty Lee looked up at Mai. “She truly doesn’t think that we were ever her friends. She said that we were just companions that she spent time with in her youth.”

“I think that she’s right, Ty Lee.” Mai answered, immediately feeling bad as tears fell from Ty Lee’s eyes. “I used to think that we were friends with her, but now I just don’t think we were. I…I did feel affection for her and as cold as she was, I believe that she had some affection for us. But I’m not sure she was capable of friendship; she just didn’t have the right mindset then. We were friends only so long as we served a purpose to her.”

“I know why you say that, Mai, but I think there was more to our friendship than that. Remember when she had the extra seats built for us on the drill so that we could sit by her side when we attacked Ba Sing Se. And…and she could have had us executed at the Boiling Rock. Had she wanted to, we could have been killed on the spot with just a word . I know that she wasn’t nice, but I think that we were her friends in a way. But you’re right, she just didn’t really know how to have friends back then.”

Mai just sighed. “I don’t know what to think. She does seem different and she advocated for peace and diplomacy during our meeting with Zuko; I don’t think that the old Azula would have done that. But I’m worried that she’ll try to make a play for the throne. I know that you said she’s abdicating but I just don’t trust her to follow through.”

“She officially challenged the results of the Agni Kai and would have had a chance to become Fire Lord if Zuko didn’t agree to let her abdicate and move back to the Eastern Sea. They might have even had to fight another Agni Kai; I’ve seen her new bending, Mai, and I think she would kill Zuko if they ever fought again. But she really doesn’t want anything to do with the Fire Nation anymore. Except for Kiyi.”

“And Zuko agreed to this?” Mai asked, not believing her ears. This situation was a lot more complicated than she had expected.

“Yeah, Azula will publicly support Zuko’s marriage and policies for three months after the wedding and then she will abdicate. She negotiated for aid to the Eastern Sea regions with larger firebending populations. She…she’s trying to look after her new people.”

The surprises kept coming. Maybe Azula was different after all. And strangely enough, Mai found herself hoping that Azula had indeed pulled herself together and become a better person. She didn’t want to be friends with Azula, but after hearing about the terrible things that were done to her, Mai believed that she deserved a second chance.

But she would be watching from any slip ups. As far as Mai was concerned, Azula was on a short leash.

Chapter 36: Moving Forward


Mai and Mei Zhu make plans to visit an archaeological site while Navisi visits the Citadel of Sagacity.

Chapter Text

News that the fabled Mystic of the White Flames was actually Azula, disgraced princess of the Fire Nation had caused quite a stir among everyone that had heard the news. Some of those that weren’t firebenders railed and blustered against her, but the firebending communities all seemed to be taking it in stride. The sad truth was that while she may never be welcomed again in Rokishe, Savan or Lenth, she was revered as the savior of firebending in Humpi and the Fire Islands. She had discovered the cure that brought salvation to a troubled people.

Lo Ruon was ecstatic that all of the known cases of Agni’s Curse in Humpi had been cured with the wonderful elixir that Evasra and the others had produced. It was like the storm clouds that had been hanging over everyone’s head had lifted and the sun was shining again.

Except for those that had lost their bending. But if the work that he and Nasu was doing paid off, the sun might once again shine on those poor souls. Evasra had told everyone that had access to the Citadel of Sagacity how the Avatar had been able to restore the firebending of those afflicted by Agni’s Curse if they consumed the cure. She had speculated that it might be possible for firebenders with enough chi mastery to rekindle the afflicted also. The problem was the way to spark the kindling.

Evasra thinks she might be able to spark the kindling but it would take a significant amount of chi control and there is a chance it could damage her own chi. But with the help of some research from Nasu, Lo Ruon believes that he has a spirit stone that might be able to do the job.

And the fact that the resident multiversal world traveler agrees that it should work inspired his confidence significantly. Mistress Navisi was as fascinated by the spirit stones as he was with her augmentors. They both agreed that the technologies could be mutually beneficial and allow for even more impressive and useful devices to be built. But now was the time to see if his work could help these poor people afflicted by Agni’s Curse.

The spirit stone he and Nasu designed worked by channeling the firebending chi of a highly skilled user like Mistress Nykka or Mystic Evasra and using it to create a ‘spark’ that would reignite the firebending chi of recipient. The spark was spirit energy; there was no danger of cross-contamination of chi using this method.

Mistress Nykka could create the spark during dry runs with the spirit stone, which Lo Ruon had dubbed the Kindler. Now it was nearly time to see if it would work on a real life human that had lost their bending and had consumed the appropriate amount of the cure.

The man that had volunteered was Master Yu Ri. He was an old man but was still a skilled potter. He had always been a weak bender and rarely used his firebending when he had it; other than being colder than usual, losing his bending had barely affected him. He volunteered to go first so that if something went wrong and his bending was lost forever, it wouldn’t be a great loss and Lo Ruon and the others could learn from him.

Yu Ri had consumed the cure and Mistresses Nykka and Navisi were both watching his chi progression. He was wearing a harness that held the spirit stone that would hopefully spark his firebending. Mistress Nykka held its controller and would channel her chi into at the appropriate moment.

Lo Ruon stood off to the side with Nasu, anxiously waiting for the experiment to take place. Mistress Nykka spoke. “Master Yu Ri, progression seems to be slowing, so I’m going to try rekindling your firebending momentarily.”

“Of course, Mistress Nykka.” He answered in his low, gravely voice.

After another thirty seconds passed, Nykka spoke again. “I’m going to try rekindling your firebending now.”

Lo Ruon held his breath as he watched; he couldn’t see anything from either the chi or spirit stone side of things, but he looked intently anyway. He nearly jumped out of his skin when Navisi started shouting. “Yes! His firebending is back! Yes!”

Yu Ri smiled and then thrust his hand forward, unleashing a small burst of flame. “It feels just like it did before.”

Lo Ruon and the others cheered and hugs were exchanged at the wonderful news. After the celebrations calmed down, Nykka spoke. “There was no strain on my part at all. It worked just as smoothly as in the practice sessions. How long will it take to make more Kindlers?”

“I’ve got three more setups ready to finish. It should only take me about two days to get all of them done.” He answered.

“That sounds wonderful, Lo Ruon. I’ll continue kindling with this one until the others are done. And I’ll see if Jimna and Ri Han can be trained to use the Kindler also. The more people we have to go forth and restore firebending, the better. I have no doubt Evasra can use it; with any luck Kiyi will be able to also.” Nykka said as she wiped a tear from her eyes. “These people have suffered much and the sooner that we can get their lives back to normal the better.”

“I couldn’t agree more, Nykka.” Lo Ruon said, his face hurting from the wide smile that stretched from ear to ear.

Mai was seated between Mei Zhu and Ursa during dinner. She had to admit that she was very interested to meet the woman that had chosen to be in a relationship with Azula. One thing she discovered very quickly was that she wasn’t going to have to dig into her bag of interrogation tricks to get the details out of the woman; she talked quickly and constantly. But to Mai’s surprise, the woman was actually quite engaging.

Mai even found that they had some common ground. “I very much enjoy reading chronicles from the Six Flames period of the Zanva Dynasty; I’m sure it was terrible to live through but the political writings and military doctrines developed then were extraordinary.”

“I absolutely agree!” Mei Zhu said, smiling at Mai. “The writings of Nuv K’drao were far more influential than most people understand. His doctrine of Relentless Reciprocation changed the way that most centralized powers organized their governorships for several centuries following his ascension to Highest Flame of Yentha. The Earth Kingdom followed the practice until Chin the Conqueror subjugated the client states and decentralized power before the Grand Unification. And the love ballads from the period are, in my not so humble opinion, the most romantic and invigorating of the middle era.”

“My mother had several romance scrolls from that period. It was quite exhilarating the first time I found them.” Mai said, giving the slightest smirk at the memory. It had been quite the eye-opening read.

Mei Zhu laughed. “I know exactly what you mean. The Temple of Sensual Illumination in Savan had quite a robust collection of romance and smut scrolls, and you had better believe that the ones from the Six Flames period are among the most titillating.” Mei Zhu wriggled her eyebrows to drive her point home.

“I can believe it.” Mai answered. She decided to get a better understanding of the woman. She was far more interesting than she had expected. “Rumor has it that you are an exceptional scholar. Are there any places that you wanted to visit here in the Fire Nation?”

Mei Zhu practically glowed with excitement. “Yes! I followed up on some references that I came across in my other studies and they pointed to the Po Minza monastery about twenty clicks outside the Caldera. I was hoping to visit their library and see if I could hunt down some of the more obscure documents my research identified. And rumor has it that they have some relics from an ancient Yenthan sect that existed during the last years of the Empire of Flames period just before the Great Exhilaration. I can’t wait to see what they have!”

Mai found her enthusiasm rather contagious. “That does sound interesting. Is Princess Azula going with you?”

Mei Zhu’s smiled faded a bit. “No, she’s got too many princess duties to attend to. Since her time here is limited, she’s agreed to take on quite a bit of responsibility to help Lord Zuko out.”

Mai saw an opportunity. “Well, if you’re looking for a bodyguard, I wouldn’t mind traveling to see this ancient site with your group. Despite growing up in the Caldera, I never really got a chance to travel and see the wonders just outside the city. It’s a glaring hole in my education that I’d like to eradicate.”

“That would be awesome! You better be careful or the scholarship bug might bite you; before you know it you’ll feel an irresistible urge to read musty old scrolls and dig up the bones of ancient priestesses of subversive sex cults.”

Mai actually gave a small smile as she answered. “I seriously doubt that is the life for me. But I would like to see this site with you.”

What Mai didn’t tell the excitable woman is that it would also be a good opportunity to scope out the lay of the land outside the city and investigate some potential activities of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix that she’s received information about. While she’d never been there, she was familiar with the general location of the Po Minza monastery and it was in an area with strong antipathy towards Zuko’s rule.

The rest of the meal went well and she found that Azula even participated in some of the larger group discussions and was generally pleasant if not enthusiastic. It was clear from what Ty Lee had told her that Azula was a reluctant actor in this whole ordeal, but Mai had to admit that she seemed to be playing her part well.

Mai and everyone turned to Zuko as he stood at his spot at the end of the table and addressed the group. “I would like to thank all of you for coming and giving your support for my upcoming marriage to Katara. She is truly the light of my life and the woman I want to be with for all time. I know that it is unusual for a Fire Lord to marry outside the Fire Nation, but I believe that this union can help heal the wounds from the war by showing that the Fire Nation is moving past its past practices and is looking outside itself. The wedding is only two weeks away and I am happy that all of you have traveled here to celebrate with us.”

Mai kept the small smile plastered on her face at the words that she had just heard. She knew that they were getting married, but it still stung a little to know that once upon a time he had said that she was the light of his life as he had begged her not to leave him. But the sting was countered by the genuine smile that Aang had plastered on his face. She knew that he had been troubled with Katara and Zuko’s relationship in the past, but he seemed not only be accepting of their relationship but actually happy for them.

And she felt a shiver go down her spine as Aang caught her watching him and his smile became even wider. She couldn’t help but give a rather generous smile of her own. She hadn’t decided exactly what she thought of their relationship until he saw the look he shared with her. It wasn’t a look of someone stuck in the past, it was someone hopeful for the future.

And Mai couldn’t help but be hopeful too. Their relationships with Zuko and Katara were in the past; despite her misgivings about how he had handled Azula and the Citadel of Sagacity, she knew that she wanted to see what their relationship could become in the future.

After the destruction of the Library of Despondent, Kanti had lost some of her enthusiasm for scholarship and even life in general. The great library had meant so much to her and had been such a powerful force in directing her life. There was a wound in her soul from the destruction of the library, but the Citadel of Sagacity had so much to offer her that she knew that she would soon regain her love of scholarship.

And just as exciting were the opportunities that Mistress Navisi was offering. Kanti still had a hard time wrapping her head around the knowledge that there were other Atla’s, ones that differed from hers in ways both large and small. And the fact that three of them were inviting her world to join them. They could share knowledge and wisdom and hopefully the rising tide would lift all ships.

It was easy to believe that things would get better as they rode on Navisi’s air bison, sailing high in the air as they made their way to In Zan Kip. She had to admit that she could get used to traveling like this. This would be the first trip for any of them to In Zan Kip and she knew that Muzi was actually quivering with anticipation.

He saw her watching him and gave her a wide smile as he took her hand in his. “I had always hoped that our work would change the world and now I believe that it truly will. It is wonderful to be part of something so big. I feel the winds of change blowing.” Muzi said with a smile. But the smile was tinged with a little bit of sorrow. “It would be better if the Library of Despondent Ecstasy still stood, but I believe that things are changing for the better now. This is what we’ve always dreamed of.”

Kanti gave his hand a gentle squeeze. “Yes it is. And it is up to people like us to find and spread knowledge for the rest of the world now that the library is gone. And I truly believe that things will get better.”

“Everything is forever wonderful so long as I have you, dear one.” Muzi said in a low voice as he raised her hand to his lips and gave it a gently kiss.

They sat hand in hand and enjoyed the scenery that passed below them. They stood and made their way to the front of the saddle as Wiggy passed over the mountain that held In Zan Kip; Ti Mu had told them of a courtyard on the eastern side of the mountain that had a passage that led to the main chambers. It was easy to find from the back of an air bison and they were on solid ground just a minute later. Kanti and Muzi studied the inscriptions on the door as Navisi took the saddle off Wiggy. Kanti was still amazed at the incredible gauntlets that Navisi wore.

They waited as Navisi approached the door. Kanti spoke as Navisi came near. “We have to figure out the locking mechanism. It seems to be bending related. Any chance that you know how to open it?”

Navisi just smiled and extended her arms. Kanti couldn’t help but watch with fascination as the golden light rings appeared around Navisi’s wrists; she swears that she can see sigils as the rings start to rotate. She continues watching the spinning lights until she hears clunking sounds behind her and she turns to see the door glowing a slight gold. The sounds stop a few seconds later and the door starts to slowly open outwards.

“There we go. It was mainly designed for airbenders.” Navisi said, pointing to two fluted tubes that had been carved into the side of the rockface. “But I have a few tricks up my sleeves.” Navisi laughed as she wriggled her now dormant gauntlets at them. Kanti and Muzi both chuckled. “Let’s go and see what wonders are to be found in In Zan Kip.”

Kanti held up her lantern. “This can light the way.”

Navisi just laughed again and the ring of light appeared around her gauntlet again. Three small balls of golden light appeared. “This might make it easier for everyone. We can each have a glowsphere as we make our way down.”

Kanti just watched in surprise as two of the glowing balls floated over. One made its way over her head while the other stopped once it was about two feet above Muzi’s head. The third one remained situated above Navisi. Navisi spoke again. “We shouldn’t have any trouble finding our way now.”

Navisi led the way down the long, winding staircase until they reached a narrow hallway. They followed the hallway and came to a sealed door. Navisi once again used her rotating wrist lights to open the door. Muzi and Kanti followed as she stepped through the door into the next room.

Kanti looked around and saw that the room was covered with engravings in Lincum Arca. And there! It was the puzzle door that Mei Zhu and Evasra had told them about. Kanti couldn’t hold her excitement. “This is the room where Mei Zhu had to solve the puzzles to open the door to the main chamber.”

“Mei Zhu said that they sealed it when they left but it should be unlocked.” Muzi replied. “Here! I think this is the mechanism.”

Kanti and Navisi watched as Muzi stepped to wall next to the door and and twisted a stone handle protruding from the wall. Kanti heard the click and watched with a smile on her face as Muzi pushed on the puzzle door and it slowly swung inwards.

The three of them stepped inside to find the much larger room; it was just like Mei Zhu had described. Navisi created four more glowspheres and released them to illuminate the chamber. There were numerous artifacts and sealed boxes all around the room.

“This is an amazing find.” Kanti said, unable to keep the reverence out of her voice. “Even if she never makes another discovery for the rest of her days, Mei Zhu has established herself as one of the great scholars of history.”

“Indeed, but our dear Mei Zhu isn’t going to sit idle.” Muzi responded as he began looking through the items in the room. Kanti was quivering with excitement as she looked over all the things that there were to study.

But she noticed that Navisi had walked over to the back wall and was staring intently. There were engravings on the wall, but those didn’t seem to be what had drawn her attention. Kanti thought it was like she was trying to see through the wall.

“I can feel the dormant spirit portal.” Navisi said in a low voice. She tilted her head and then a glowing gold cloud appeared and started swirling, the gold becoming brighter as it spiraled until suddenly an opening appeared and Kanti could see the Citadel of Sagacity.

“Excellent! You are truly a talented young woman, Mistress Navisi!” Ti Mu’s cheerful voice called out as she landed on the ground just inside the citadel. “This is truly marvelous. Please, come into my home. It is wonderful to have people visit me in the flesh.”

Navisi boldly walked through the swirling portal into the spirit realm without a second thought. Kanti and Muzi exchanged a look but decided that to follow. Kanti wasn’t a spiritual person, but she swears that she can feel a difference in the very air.

Navisi was the first to speak. “Thank you for welcoming us into your home. I didn’t mean to intrude, but I wanted to see if my Transit Compass would allow me access to the spirit world. It turns out that it does.” Navisi pulled out a large medallion that she wore around her neck. Ti Mu leaned down to inspect it.

“I have never seen anything like that. May I ask how you came into such a wonderful artifact?” Ti Mu asked, tilting her head back and forth as she examined it.

Navisi laughed. “It was given to me by a godlike being from outside our Sphere of Existence to facilitate the formation of the Alliance.”

“It is indeed a magnificent creation. But come, since you are here, I would like you to speak with my mistress. It is customary for Iscanthanalia to welcome newcomers to the Citadel of Sagacity.”

Kanti became concerned as Navisi froze and stared at Ti Mu with a look of awe. “You…you have a spirit reflection of Iscanthanalia here?”

“Indeed, I do. She took me under her wing, so to speak, when I was but a young spirit hatchling and helped me create this wonderful place to store the wisdom of ages past.”

“I would love to meet Iscanthanalia.” Navisi said in a small voice. Ti Mu turned her head to look at the girl, who was suddenly looking rather young.

“My friends are bringing it now.” Everyone turned to the hummingbird-otter carrying the large and ornate hourglass. Ti Mu led the group to the recollection area. Ti Mu explained the procedure. “Once the hourglass is in place, all that you need to do is say ‘Holder of knowledge, I petition thee!’ and the spirit reflection will appear.

The hourglass was set on the pedestal and the hummingbird-otter flew away. Navisi looked to Ti Mu, who just nodded. Kanti understood the girl’s nervousness; this was a big step. Finally, she spoke. “Holder of knowledge, I petition thee.”

As always, the glowing energy from the hourglass oozed out and took the form of the enormous goddess. Her eight foot frame towered over Navisi and the other humans. But as usual, Kanti couldn’t help but feel contentment and peace as the four eyed and four armed woman smiled down upon the humans.

“Greetings, young one, as I’m sure Ti Mu told you, I am a spirit reflection of Iscanthanalia, Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom, and it is a pleasure to meet you. She has told me that you are a traveler from another Atla.”

“Indeed, I am. It…it is an honor to meet you, Iscanthanalia. My mistress that I traveled with told me of her adventures with you and how you were such an inspiration to her. This is why we have a statue of you in the hall of our temple. Of course, the Dragoness of the Golden Light always told me that you preferred to be called Yotforbu.”

Until this moment, the spirit reflection of Iscanthanalia had always exuded calmness and serenity, but now Kanti saw something else on her face.

Unbridled joy.

“You do not know how much your words gladden my heart. Sending her into the multiverse was the last act that Iscanthanalia was able to do before she lost her connections the worlds of this plane of existence and it is the last memory I have from her. You must be a special woman if she took you in and traveled the multiverse with you.” Iscanthanalia said.

“It turns out that we were alike; both of us were supposed to be benders but were born unkindled. But it has been for the best for both of us. She…she saved my world and allowed me to travel with her. The intermediaries and OrkaHaalu helped us as we went.” Navisi had a mischievous grin on her face. “And I even got to meet your half-brother Xi Yan. You have an interesting family.”

Iscanthanalia laughed out loud, the wonderful sound filling Kanti with joy. “You have no idea, little one. I am very glad that OrkaHaalu was able to assist; they volunteered to help but they can be, well, a little chaotic.”

Navisi laughed out loud at that. “That is a good way to describe them. But we also received a gift from your brother, Ashgenarrog. I would like to introduce you to my special companion, Omnisae.”

Navisi pulled out an amulet of an eagle-hawk and then Kanti squeaked in surprise and damn near fell over from shock as a shape took form and a much larger green and blue eagle-hawk literally appeared out of nowhere and stood next to Navisi. It had exactly the same color palette as Navisi’s robes. It looked up at the tall spirit reflection.

“It is a magnificent creation. Ashgenerrog was always generous when he granted favors.” Iscanthanalia said. looking down on the panther.

“Omnisae has been a lifesaver, both literally and figuratively. She has very special abilities.” Suddenly the eagle-hawk changed shape and became a giant panther. And then it just disappeared and reappeared on the other side of Navisi. “Teleportation and dual forms have come in quite handy.”

“That is simply marvelous!” The tall spirit reflection said. “You seem to be exactly the kind of person that the Dragoness of the Golden Light would recruit. I would truly like to speak with her if she decides to visit the Citadel of Sagacity.”

“I know for a fact that she would love to speak with you. You…you have had a profound impact on her and it will fill her with joy to know that you are still working to spread knowledge and wisdom to our worlds, no matter how much it seems like we’re not worth the effort sometimes.” Navisi answered.

“Your people can be selfish and brutish but also generous and enlightened. It is my pleasure to help those that I can to become better. The Citadel of Sagacity was created to do just that. I very much look forward to seeing what wonderful progress that you and your people are able to make if this world chooses to join the Alliance that Ti Mu has told me about. I wish you luck as you change the world. And please convey my invitation for the Dragoness of the Golden Light to come visit.”

“Thank you, Yotforbu, and I promise to pass along your invitation. It will be difficult to keep her away once she knows of your existence.” Navisi answered with a big smile.

Iscanthanalia was still laughing as her form became cloudy and she was drawn back into the hourglass. Kanti wasn’t sure what to make of that whole interaction. She decided to consult Navisi. “Are you going to tell the rest of us who the Dragoness of the Golden Light is? And how she knows the actual Iscanthanalia? And why she calls her Yotforbu?”

Navisi just laughed. “I will only answer the last one. It was a nickname given by a young waterbender after seeing the statue of a naked Iscanthanalia with a giant yotzu. They originally dubbed her Yotzu Four Boob, which was then shortened to Yotforbu. She refused to share her real name until the privilege had been earned, but she admitted that she actually liked her new name better. So it just stuck.”

Kanti burst out laughing. “That is indeed a good name. Her yotzu is quite impressive and there’s no doubt that her four boobs catch the eye. Still sounds a little sacrilegious though.”

“Yeah, it does. But this was before my time so I didn’t get a say in the matter. But funny names aside, let’s get back to learning about In Zan Kip. I can tell that this is going to be a wonderful visit.” Navisi said as she absentmindedly petted the neck of Omnisae, the panther leaning into the contact.

Kanti couldn’t agree more.

Chapter 37: Plans Are in Place


The Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix make nefarious plans while Azula and Zuko formalize their royal agreements.

Chapter Text

The small group of Lord Henao’s most trusted and capable lieutenants sat around the campfire as he told them of the news that his sources in the palace have given him. And it was clear to P’Van that not all of it was positive in nature.

“Princess Azula has lost her way and has forgotten the principles that pushed our nation to the front of the world.” Lord Henao ranted to the small group. “She has our thanks for developing the cure to Agni’s Curse, but she no longer holds the values of the Fire Nation close to her heart. She bows to the Usurper and has become a bootlicker. To make matters worse, she has forgotten the teachings of our people and forsaken the righteous path and become a m'nvah.”

P'Van sneered in contempt as she listened to the wise words of Lord Henao. He was truly a man who understood the will of Agni. She had thought that Senvah had understood also, but Lord Henao had shown her the error of Senvah’s leadership. Her head turned to gaze upon her former leader.

His head now adorned a spike at the center of the encampment to show what happens to those that betray the Fire Nation and oppose Agni’s will.

And P’Van could barely contain her disappointment in Azula. After having served her nation so ably during the war despite being little more than a child, she had left her nation to live as an apostate in another land. And even worse, she had become a m'nvah, a fallen woman who sips of the forbidden nectar. Love is to be shared only between a man and a woman and now Azula had defiled herself by committing unholy acts with an earthbender woman. Agni would undoubtedly purge her soul of this degeneracy before he condemns her to a lesser life in reincarnation.

But according to Lord Henao, she may still serve a purpose to the cause of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix here in the material world. He continued speaking. “While she has disgraced herself with her immoral deeds, she may still have a place in our new world order. But she must be made to see the error of her ways and she needs to embrace the destiny that she was born for. The Usurper conspired with the water hussy to steal the crown from Azula during the Agni Kai and he must be stopped before he betrays our nation and gives away what is rightfully ours. The Fire Colonies were purchased by our nation through the blood, sweat and sacrifice of tens of thousands of our soldiers. Our people suffered through one hundred years of privation to spread the will of Agni and now the Usurper would give it all away. He purchased his crown by selling off the assets of his own people.”

P’Van and the others called out in anger at Lord Henao’s words; the Usurper was a blight on the Fire Nation and he must be removed before he undoes all that his great forefathers had gained. P’Van had a question for her leader. “And what of Azula? How is she to lead our people after having lost her way? She has become a disgrace to all that we hold dear.”

The others called out in support of P’Van but everyone became quiet as Lord Henao raised his hands. “It is true that Princess Azula has strayed from Agni’s righteous path, but I do not believe that she is beyond redemption. First and foremost, the Usurper must be removed before he undoes all that we have gained. But we must take precautions before Azula is allowed to take the throne. We must take the one that led her astray and remove the temptation from Azula. Without the earthbender harlot, I am confident that we can guide Azula back to the being the Fire Lord that we both need and deserve. But she must be controlled and her talents harnessed until she understands the errors of her ways; she has undoubtedly been corrupted by the weak and impious fools of the Eastern Sea.”

P’Van considered Henao’s words. Yes, this made sense. Zuko was a weak-willed usurper who allows himself to be controlled by the water hussy and her allies. He must be removed at all costs. Agni will undoubtedly purge her soul of sin when her day of reckoning comes, but Azula is the best option for keeping the Fire Nation strong in the here and now.

She was drawn out of her thoughts as Lord Henao continued speaking. “And fortune favors our cause, for I have reports that the earthbender harlot is visiting the Po Minza monastery with only a small security contingent. This is an opportunity that we must actively pursue. Let me tell you of the plans that I have for the Usurper and the harlot.”

P’Van listened intently to the words of Lord Henao and couldn’t keep the smile off her face as the plan for freeing the Fire Nation from the tyranny of the Usurper was discussed. It would be great to remove the Usurper for the good of the nation but it would feel good for more personal reasons also. P’Van and her sister had been raised to be instruments of Agni’s righteous fury but had been pushed aside by the Usurper when he gave up the valiant effort to spread Agni’s will across the land. Her sister had died in the ill-fated mission to take the cure, but P’Van vowed to carry on and protect the interests of the Fire Nation just as they had been taught.

Senvah had been a fool that caused her sister to be taken from the world too soon, but Lord Henao would restore the Fire Nation to its deserved glory. P’Van vowed to see this mission to its end in honor of her sister, who had truly been one of Agni’s chosen ones.

At long last, the Daughters of Rokishe were ready to retake their city. Many of the wonderful people that had helped the Matrons build Rokishe into the most progressive and forward thinking city on Atla had been killed or driven off, but there remained many that remembered the old ways and wished to again have the wise and thoughtful rulers looking over them.

When the Fire Nation left, a power vacuum was created and the rich and selfish transplants that had moved to Rokishe to pick the bones of its charred carcass had taken control, casting aside the ways that had worked for hundreds of years to build a self-centered regime that cared only about protecting the vested interests of the wealthy elites.

The Code of Equality that had been the law of the land had been replaced by a hastily thrown together set of laws based on old Earth Kingdom codes. Whereas once upon a time, all the laws were applied to every member of society, from the Matron to the lowest street urchin, these new codes called for the rules to be enforced differently for different levels of society. Likewise, the punishments meted out for infractions also varied by status, with the same offense earning a poor woman a lashing while the elites could buy their way out of the offense with just a few coin.

But Minvu vowed that the wisdom of the Matrons would once again rule over the land and, with the support of Queen Shur Zi, their city would again become the Enlightened Jewel of the Eastern Sea. But as great as the friendship of the Earth Kingdom would be, Matron Rajeen and all her Successors knew that retaking their city was a task that they and they alone must undertake.

Should the Earth Kingdom use their power to once again place a Matron on the throne, the world would think that the Matrons were weak and needed to be propped up by an outside power. Worse, the other nations would believe that the Matrons would be subservient to Queen Shur Zi and the Earth Kingdom. Queen Shur Zi had proven to be a valuable ally, but there is a chance that she herself would even come to believe this over time.

No, the Daughters of Rokishe would reclaim their city by their own efforts. And tonight was the night the corrupt leaders of this city would learn the true power of shadowbending. Minvu sat in a small room above the Hungry Elephant-Hippo, looking through the eyes of the shadowform bird she had sent to follow High OverSeer Vuk Jok, leader of the Council of Oversight. As they had been informed he was making his way to the city hall for the weekly dinner with his fellow OverSeers.

Minvu gave the signal to Vinda that all was according to plan. Vinda was set up in the command post just outside of town, where she communicated with the shadowbenders in the city and coordinated the efforts. Her cousin was a great woman and it was because of her incredible discovery of shadowbending that this day had finally arrived. The incredible shadowforms that she and Mi Liu had designed had completely changed the fortunes of the Daughters of Rokishe.

She watched as Vuk Jok’s carriage turned onto the street that led to the city hall. As expected, Minvu received the signal through her communication tattoo. A series of long and short squeezes in rapid succession spelled out her orders.

Targets acquired. Mission go.

She quickly recalled her shadowform bird and Minvu was on her feet and moving to the window overlooking the street moments later. Vuk Jok’s carriage was moving towards her and would pass under her window in about ten seconds.

Vuk Jok was a selfish prick but he was a very strong earthbender and had earned a good bit of money and fame in his youth as a duelist, which is why Minvu had been tasked with being the one to lead the effort to take him down. She was the deadliest shadowbender in their ranks and tonight she was going to see just how good she was.

After the carriage had passed under her window, she extended two shadowform tentacles from her forearms which grabbed onto the windowframe and used them to slingshot herself up and over the oncoming carriage. Landing in front and to the right of the carriage, she created shadowform cushions from the tattoos on her unshoed feet to soften her landing and instantly created a shadowform axe.

The startled driver tried to turn the carriage but she was already running forward and striking the carriage, her shadowform axe easily destroying the first and then the second wheel in a matter of seconds. The carriage tilted and then rolled onto its side.

Minvu watched as the escape hatch on the now exposed bottom of the carriage crashed open and Vuk Jok flung himself out of the carriage and onto the ground. Minvu was already moving towards him as he gathered himself. Short but with broad shoulders, his refined features were twisted in anger as he saw her approaching.

The man moved instantly, showing that age and a decadent lifestyle hadn’t robbed him of all his skills. He turned and went low, thrusting his right arm towards Minvu, causing a dirt javelin to fly at her. She easily dodged the slow missile as he sunk his foot into the ground and thrust both arms forward, unleashing the true attack.

Her jump was aided by the shadowforms on the bottom of her feet and easily catapulted her over the large earth spike that now occupied the space she had just been. She smiled to see the surprised look on his face as she flipped and then extended shadowform tentacles from her forearms that wrapped around his ankles. She yanked and pulled him off his feet and proceeded to swing him overhead and then slam him to the ground.

But he was strong and had managed to use earthbending to break his fall. But he was hurt and somewhat disoriented. She was already on him as he tried to earthbend; her tentacle wrapped around his left arm and she quickly moved behind him, pulling the arm behind his back. A second tentacle wrapped around his right ankle and pulled as she kicked him in the back of his left knee, causing him to crash face first into the ground.

She swung downwards as she wrapped her right fist in a shadowform, punching the man in the back of the head and smashing his face into the street. She recalled her shadowforms and stood over his unmoving body.

Victory was hers.

She watched as her allies swarmed into the street and took up defensive positions. One of her allies approached with metal chains and locked Vuk Jok up as she watched on. This was only one fight of many that would take place tonight. She signaled Vinda that she had captured her target and received confirmation and an order to proceed.

She smiled as she saw Mistress Lista approaching. Her friend spoke as she came closer. “Good work, Minvu. Are we still a go?”

“Yes, Vinda just gave the order to proceed. Let’s go set Rokishe free of its chains.” Lista and a contingent of her allies joined her as she quickly marched towards the city hall, where Minvu could hear the sounds of fighting. This was the night she reclaimed her home.

“And with that, our agreements are now in place, Zuko. I wish that I could say that it’s been a pleasure dealing with you and the Fire Nation, but I try not to give you any reasons to bust out your favorite phrase.” Azula said with a smile.

He just sighed at her words. They had finalized the aid program for Humpi and the Eastern Sea region this morning and they had just signed the Declaration of Abdication, dating it so that it took effect three months after the scheduled date of the wedding. It saddened him that she steadfastly refused to even contemplate returning to her role as princess full-time.

It shocked him to say this, but she was actually growing on him. But a deal was a deal. But there was still one more detail to be taken care of. “Azula, are you ready to make your declaration about the Ritual of Veracity?”

“Of course, Zuko.” Azula turned to Grand Sage Intiya. “I, Princess Azula, one of Agni’s Blessed, hereby waive the right to hold a Divination Request and formally withdraw my petition for a Ritual of Veracity to be held with respect to the events of the Agni Kai which placed Lord Zuko upon the throne. I do so of my own free will.”

Grand Sage Intiya bowed to Azula. “I accept your withdrawal of the petition for the Ritual of Veracity. May Agni’s grace continue to be shared with you.”

Zuko felt a sense of relief as the Fire Sages turned and made their way out of the room. Having heard of Azula’s feats and seen her firebending display, it was clear that she was much stronger and more skilled than she had been during their previous Agni Kai. Zuko was significantly stronger than he had been also and he believed that he could still beat her, but it would be a terrible battle and his victory was by no means guaranteed.

“Well, everyone, that concludes that. I know that you have all succumbed to my impressive charms, despite my best efforts to mute them, but an end date has been set.” Azula smirked at the group. Zuko just sighed again while Katara rolled her eyes. “Soon enough I’ll be back in Humpi founding my Fire Healer school and you’ll be stuck here in the palace discussing trade agreements for otter-penguin nuggets.”

“I can’t wait to see your Fire Healer school. You’re a great teacher.” Kiyi yelled as she ran over and gave Azula a hug.

“It’s easy to be a good teacher when I’ve got wonderful students like you, Kiyi.” Azula said, hugging her back.

Zuko was filled with a sense of loss. He looked at Katara and Sokka and longed for that kind of familial relationship. Kiyi was wonderful but they had never bonded that closely; yes, they liked each other but it never seemed to go more than that. But Kiyi and Azula seemed like true sisters; they were just different together. Each one become brighter and more energetic when they were together.

And seeing the calmer, more controlled Azula made him wish that things had been different in their childhood. Could they have been true siblings rather than rivals had they been raised differently? Zuko liked to believe they could, especially seeing how nice Azula was to Kiyi.

He was drawn out of his thoughts by Katara. “Zuko, Ursa and I are going to watch Kiyi’s firebending practice. Did you want to come along?”

As busy as he was, he didn’t get to see her firebending practice as much as he would have liked. But there was something else he wanted to do today. He smiled at his beloved. “I wish I could but I’d actually like to discuss some things with Azula, if that’s alright.”

All four of the women just looked at him for a few moments before Azula answered. “Of course, Zuko. Kiyi, I promise I’ll stop by if we get done in time. I don’t want to hear that your slacking in your training just because you want to be a Fire Healer.”

“Of course not, Evasra. I’ll see you later.” Kiyi said as she made her way to Mother. Katara gave him one last concerned glance before she turned to follow his mother and sister out of the room. He turned back to Azula, who was just watching him with a neutral expression.

He decided that the stuffy meeting hall wasn’t the right place for the discussion he wanted to have. “Let’s go for a walk to the turtleduck pond.”

She just blinked at him before she shrugged his shoulders. “Okay, Zuko, but I will say that you’re acting weird. I sincerely hope that you aren’t going to start crying and make the rest of my stay awkward for the both of us.”

Zuko just rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to start crying. I just want to have a conversation with my sister.”

She didn’t say anything but she fell in next to him as he began walking. They walked through the halls in silence. He could feel her side-eying him occasionally as they walked but he wanted to wait until they were in the gardens before having the conversation with her.

At last they made their way into the gardens and he led Azula towards the turtleduck pond. She was the one to break the silence. “Are you going to tell me what this is about Zuko? I assume that you haven’t brought me here to issue an Agni Kai and risk injuring your precious turtleducks.”

“No, I haven’t brought you here for anything like that. I…I just wanted to talk with you now that all the agreements are signed and everything is set. It seems like we’ve always been butting heads, arguing and vying for favor. I don’t want things to be like that between us anymore. I just wanted to let you know that I’m sorry for how things went. I know that you never liked me as a child, but I still want you to know that I am glad that you’re my sister.”

“Even if you have to put me down like a mad mongoose-lizard?” She asked in a quiet voice.

Zuko froze and was at a loss for words. She simply stared at him until he was finally able to piece his words together. “I’m sorry for saying that. I was young and the pressure of being Fire Lord was crushing me. I know it sounds callous and cruel, but you were just another problem that I had to deal with at the time. I really am sorry for my words.”

She was quiet for a few moments before she sighed and spoke, her unfocused eyes staring at the turtleduck pond. “I understand, Zuko. But as I said at our reunion, we will forever be linked by blood but we are not family. As a child, my thinking was skewed and Ozai’s teachings warped the way I saw the world. Events cascaded out of control and I broke, for lack of a better term. But I have gathered the broken pieces and forged a new life for myself. I’m sorry if this hurts you, but this new life has no place in it for you. I’m not like other people…I don’t feel things like it seems everyone else does. All feelings of good will towards my family were burned out of my soul in the asylum.”

She turned to look at him. “I had to be laid low to change and become the person I was meant to be, Zuko. But the cost of that change was that you and Ursa and Iroh and all the others from my past mean nothing to me now. The things from my life before Shaman Inok Kui are just distant memories of a different girl living a different life. I respect you, Zuko, and I truly believe that you can lead the Fire Nation into a better tomorrow. But that tomorrow doesn’t include me as part of the royal family. I walk a new path now.”

“I… know that you don’t want anything to do with the Fire Nation or me anymore, but I just want you to know that we’re here if you ever change your mind.”

“I will never willingly return to the Fire Nation once I’ve returned home. I..I don’t hate or even dislike you, Zuko, and I truly wish you well with life. I hope that the Fire Nation continues to flourish and that your marriage to Katara brings you happiness. But most importantly, I hope that you are able to correct the path that the Fire Nation is on and change with the times. You need to let the colonies on the earth continent go or they will always be a source of strife and contention. You need to rein in the backward thinking of the Agni’s Purity advocates; no one has actually called me a m'nvah to my face, but I can tell what people are thinking every time I show public affection to Mei Zhu. You have a long road ahead of you, Zuko.”

Zuko sighed. “I’m sorry for how they are treating you and Mei Zhu. She really is a ray of sunshine and I can see that you two are happy together, and I’m happy for you too. I have been trying to move the thinking of the Fire Nation away from the Agni’s Purity movement, but their prejudices have become deeply ingrained everywhere. And I hope to have the teachings of the Sun Warriors shared with the next generation of students coming up the ranks. I really do believe that the moral philosophy of the Fire Nation has strayed from the true path of Agni.”

“Indeed, it has. The teachings of the Sun Warriors are a good start. I wish you luck with everything Zuko. As I negotiated, I will offer my full support until three months after the wedding. I really do believe that you will appreciate the wonderful inventions that Lo Ruon is developing. Cooperation between our people can help both of us.” Azula smiled at him.

“I hope so too. Things are changing and we have to change with the times. It will be interesting to hear the words of this Mistress Navisi. Aang is convinced it will change all of Atla. The suspense is killing me, though; it would have been better if Aang just hadn’t said anything at all.”

“Perhaps, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun. We have time to hear Navisi’s words later. Let’s go watch our little sister practice her bending. She would probably give you some tips to improve your own bending if you asked nicely.” Azula said with a smirk.

“Haha, very funny. She would actually help if I needed it; it’s lucky that she’s nice like me and not a sour grump like you.” Zuko retorted, smiling at the look of faux outrage on Azula’s face.

“Sour grump? You wound me, Zuko. Keep saying things like that and people might actually think that you have a sense of humor after all.”

Zuko smiled as they continued bickering while they made their way through the halls towards the training ground. It wasn’t exactly the sibling relationship he was looking for, but considering their unfortunate past, it was still nice.

Chapter 38: Changing of the Guard


Mai and Mei Zhu run afoul of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix.

Chapter Text

Mai made her way in the dark to the outskirts of Nurza, the nearest town to the Po Minza monastery. This would be the second source she’s been in contact with since they arrived three days ago; the first source hadn’t passed on anything of interest but Bo Qin was well respected by the Royal Intelligence service and had been providing trustworthy data for decades.

Nonetheless, she remained alert for any traps as she approached the abandoned house, three blades in her left hand ready to tossed at a moments notice. She paused for a moment to listen, taking in the sound of the leaves rustling in the wind. Nothing seemed off so she kept going.

The old woman sat on a small stone wall that had seen better days. Half of it was collapsed and the rest looked like it might follow suit at any moment. Mai took stock of the woman as she approached. The woman’s hair was silver and seemed to shine in the light of the moon that was still low in the sky. Her face was wrinkled but even in the pale light Mai could sense the intelligence of the woman by the keen way her eyes darted to and fro, taking in her surroundings.

Mai initiated the exchange with the agreed upon phrase. “Good evening. The pale light of the moon does wonders for the beauty of the evening.”

“Indeed, the glow of the moon enhances most beauty.” She was glad to hear the correct response.

Mai nodded to the woman, who began speaking again. “It is good that you have come, for there is much that I need to tell you. The Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix have been busy and are planning something big. My sources are not privy to the inside information, for the planning is reputed to be done by none other than Lord Henao himself.”

Mai gritted her teeth at this news. Lord Henao was a powerful noble in the Rutan district who is supposed to be the next closest royal after Zuko, Iroh and Azula. Granted, the matter is up for debate but he is considered to be highly intelligent, disciplined and wealthy. This is a terrible combination for any foe of the crown.

Bo Qin continued speaking. “My sources do indicate that Lord Henao is receiving information from sources inside the palace and that he is very displeased with what he has heard. His family were staunch supporters of the Agni’s Purity movement in the early days of Azulon’s rule and he is no less pious. The princess’s inclinations have caused quite an uproar amongst his followers.”

Mai sighed. She was so tired of this sh*t. Why the hell did these buffoons always feel that they have the right to judge and proclaim which relationships are correct and which should be banned? Mai had many issues with Azula, but Agni knows that her relationship with Mei Zhu was actually one of the points in her favor.

Mai asked the most pressing question. “Do you know of any plans to move against the Fire Lord and Princess Azula?”

The woman gave a world-weary sigh. “My sources believe that actions are planned against both, but as I said before, they aren’t privy to any of the details. But they do believe that action is imminent and they know for a fact that Lord Henao’s forces have been joined by the remnants of Captain Senvah’s contingent. Captain Senvah himself, may the traitor burn in Agni’s hell before he is reborn as a co*ckroach-cricket, has had his head removed from the rest of his body and it is now residing on a spike in the center of the small compound harboring Lord Henao’s new allies.” The old woman gazed at Mai with a look of concern. “And a combustion bender is counted amongst these new allies.”

Mai stiffened at that news. The reports and Azula’s eyewitness account said that the Yangua twins had been present during the raid on Sun Island; the dead body of P’Luh had been fished out the water after the battle but nothing had been heard of P’Van. Considering how many bodies of the dead were likely lost at the bottom of the bay, it was hoped that P’Van had joined her sister in the afterlife. But Mai had to deal with reality, not wishes.

“That is indeed disturbing news. Do you have the location of this camp?” Mai asked.

“I do. I am going to reach into my bag and pull out a scroll with a summary of all the information that my sources were able to provide.” Mai watched intently as the old woman did as she said she would and pulled a scroll out of the bag she was carrying. “It is less than I would like but from this you should be able to tell a lot. Rumor has it that you are a smart and talented girl.”

“Thank you. I will pass this along to the Fire Lord himself and decide how to deal with this threat. The Fire Nation thanks you for your assistance.”

“I do this not for thanks but for the future. I am old but my children and their children and even a few of their children are trying to build their lives her in the Fire Nation. War and conquest has brought us nothing but death and destruction. I hope that Lord Zuko can lead us on a better path.” Mai was surprised at the sadness in the woman’s voice; she had to remind herself that she didn’t know what was going on in the lives of the vast majority of the people that she encountered.

“I hope that he can too. Good evening, Bo Qin.”

“Good evening, Lady Mai.”

Rajeen could barely her excitement as at long last she was ready to take her place as the rightful ruler of Rokishe. The coup had gone as well as one would expect, with her Successors again showing why they were the most talented and skilled women on Atla; the coup had been bloodless and Rajeen now held the city. Two of her Successors had been injured but they were well enough to participate in the upcoming ceremony.

She schooled her features as she stood outside the Hall of Wisdom, waiting for the ceremony to begin so that a Matron could once again sit upon the Throne of Forethought. Rajeen smiled at Vinda, the woman who had made all this possible.

“Once again, I wish to thank you for all that you’ve done to make this day possible.” Rajeen said to her dear friend, who smiled back at her. “Shadowbending has changed the course of Rokishe and the earth continent and I expect it to change the course of the world going forward.”

“It was my pleasure to help you take your rightful place as the leader of Rokishe. A new world order is being formed and it is only right that a Matron’s voice should be heard. Had the rest of the world listened to the words of the Matrons before you, peace and prosperity would be the order of the lands.” Vinda responded as she smiled back at Rajeen. “Perhaps you can be the one to enlighten the world; Shur Zi seems to be a reasonable and thoughtful leader.”

“Indeed, she is. But first we must help our people regain what they have lost before we worry about educating and guiding others. But having wise and noble friends along our northern border can only be a good thing.”

They both turned at the sound of the ritualistic gongs ringing. The doors to the hall opened and the smiling face of Mistress Lista appeared. She bowed before speaking. “May your reign be filled with wisdom and mercy. The hall is ready for you, Matron Rajeen.”

“Thank you, Mistress Lista. You have proven yourself to be a great friend to the Daughters of Rokishe and it is an honor to have you by my side on this special day.” Rajeen answered as Lista took her place at the back of the procession, behind Vinda.

Rajeen marched into the Hall of Wisdom and her smile became wider as she saw the remaining fourteen Successors lined up before the throne, seven to a side along the green carpet that led to the Throne of Forethought. They all smiled at her and several openly wept tears of joy that at long last they were home. A home that for too many of them, had just been a childhood memory until now.

She slowly made her made past her Successors, holding out her rings for them to kiss, giving each of them encouraging words as she went. Rajeen’s smile became even wider as she reached the final two Successors in the line, Minvu and Kimya. These two had done more than any other Successor besides Vinda to bring this great day about. It was an honor to share this wonderful experience with them.

At long last Rajeen made her way up the three steps to the throne. She turned and faced the crowd as Vinda came to stand at her right and Lista stood to her left, using her calming mantras to keep the bevy of emotions she was feeling from boiling over.

The hall was filled with the people that had stuck with Rajeen during the hardest days of her rule. Having ascended to Matron at the age of nineteen, she hadn’t been ready to lead yet but had done her best. But being a Matron matures one quickly and she used every ounce of the training and education she had received to hold her fractured people together. And today was the day that they celebrated finally achieving their goal.

Rajeen projected her voice out to the group of two hundered that looked back at her. “Our road has been long and the trials and tribulations we faced threatened to lay us low, but we never wavered in our determination to return to Rokishe and reclaim our great city. It has been an honor to count each and every one of you as my friend and ally during these trying times, but at long last we have returned to our ancestral home. Today is the day we begin restoring Rokishe to its former glory!”

The crowd cheered and clapped and Rajeen smiled at the exuberant faces looking back at her. She held up her hands to get the crowd’s attention; the quieted in just a few moments. She continued speaking. “Having returned, I wish to thank all of you that helped make this day possible. In particular, I would like to thank Successor Vinda for her contributions to the cause. Vinda, please step forward.”

Rajeen watched as Vinda stepped forward and knelt before Rajeen. “Successor Vinda, the wonderful discovery of shadowbending was the turning point in the history of our people and was the tool that allowed us to retake our city. In honor of your discovery, it is my great pleasure to adopt you as my daughter and Prime Successor. Should I no longer be able to carry out the duties as a Matron, you are the one I authorize to rise up and take up the mantle of Matron. Successor Vinda, do you accept the burden of being the Prime Successor?”

“I do, Matron Rajeen. It is my honor to carry on the works of the Matrons before me.” Vinda’s voice rang through the hall.

“Then rise and take your place at my side.” Rajeen declared. The crowd again erupted as everyone clapped and cheered for Successor Vinda. There was still a lot of work to done to corral the elites that had not sided with Matron Rajeen during the retaking of the city, but they had a plan for dealing with these people. The choice was simple; choose to support the Matron or forfeit their assets and be banished from Rokishe, for the city once again belonged to a Matron.

“Yes, yes, I’m almost ready. You people need to hold your ostrich-horses.” Mei Zhu grumbled as she carefully packed away the last of the scrolls that she had made based on her findings here in the monastery. She had found some truly incredible etchings in the oldest part of the monastery that directly related to one of the scrolls that she had found at Yu Yang. It could directly tie one of the Yenthan sects to the library at Yu Yang.

“Does Azula actually go around with you and read these dusty old scrolls and etchings?” Mai asked from where she was leaning up against the wall, cleaning her fingernails with one of the six hundred knives that she seemingly keeps on her person.

“Sometimes. Usually she spends a lot of time helping people with her Fire Healing, so she has less time to read about ancient dead people than I do. But we come across a lot of scrolls relating to esoteric chi practices, which is something that she is always looking to learn about.” Mei Zhu answered as she slung her bag over her shoulder. “There, all done. I’m ready to head back to the palace with my learnings.”

“Good to hear. It’s nice to get out and about but I’m ready-“

Mai’s words were cut off by a booming voice coming from outside. “Lady Mai and Scholar Mei Zhu, we are the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix and you are being taken into custody for sins against the glorious honor of the Fire Nation. Surrender peacefully and your royal guards will be allowed to live and make their way back to the palace with a warning. Resist and they will be killed and you will still be taken.”

Mei Zhu froze in fear. She had heard of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix but she didn’t know what they would want with her. They were supposed to be supporters of Evasra; what do they have to gain by kidnapping her.

She remained quiet as Mai went to the window and looked out into the town. Her voice was low as she spoke. “I can spot at least twenty insurgents just in this part of the town. There are undoubtedly many more. We’re outnumbered and probably won’t be able to fight our way out.”

Mei Zhu finally found her words. “What do they want, Mai? I thought they were supporters of Evasra. Why do they want us?”

Mai looked back at her, sadness in her eyes. “Many of her supporters are upset that she is in a relationship with you; this isn’t the Eastern Sea and many of my countrymen are small-minded bigots.”

Mei Zhu’s heart sunk at Mai’s words and her mind went to dark places. “What will they do with us? And why do they want you?”

One of the guards called to Mai before she could answer; Mei Zhu thinks his name is Lefit. “Lady Mai, Scholar Mei Zhu, we are going to have to counterattack quickly before they are prepared. We’ll try to break through their lines and get the two of you into the clear to make a run for it. Our-“

“No.” Mei Zhu said, putting as much steel into her voice as possible. “I will not be responsible for your deaths. Can we trust them to keep their words to let you and the other guards live?”

“Scholar Mei Zhu, it is our duty to protect the two of you. This is not negotiable.” Lefit answered.

“No, Mei Zhu is right. It is important that you and the other guards escape and deliver this scroll to Lord Zuko.” Mai pulled a scroll out of her robes. “This has detailed intelligence about enemies that are planning to move against him. This document is more important than our lives.”

“Lady Mai-“ Lefit began but Mai again cut him off.

“I am in charge of this mission. Mei Zhu and I are not royals. You need to get this scroll to Lord Zuko and then he can send help to get us out of this mess. If they wanted us dead, that would have simply overwhelmed our group. You have a duty to the crown to get this intelligence to Zuko. Send someone to meet with our foes and tell them that we will only surrender ourselves once you and the other guards are free and clear.”

Mei Zhu couldn’t see the man’s face under his helmet but she could almost sense him preparing to combust. But at long last he spoke. “Of course, Lady Mai. I will send word to the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix with your demands.”

“Thank you, Lefit. I know that you and the others would give your lives for us, but this information is more important than us. It needs to be put in the Fire Lord’s hands.” Mai said, looking up into the tall guard’s eyes.

“I understand, Lady Mai, but it pains us to do this.” And with that, he turned and walked away. But a thought came to Mei Zhu.

“I can use my medallion to tell Ti Mu what is happening and she can pass it along to Evasra and the Avatar. They’ll be able to respond more quickly that way.” Mei Zhu suggested as she took a seat.

“Anything that you can do would be great. And tell Ti Mu to warn Azula that the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix are planning something against her and Zuko too. I don’t know what but warn them. I wished I would have known that you could do this last night.”

“Sorry, Mai. I’ll tell her. I just need a few moments to spirit walk.” Mei Zhu closed her eyes and went through the rituals to take her to the Citadel of Sagacity. It took her longer than usual since she was so scared and had trouble concentrating.

Finally, she appeared in the spirit home of Ti Mu. Mei Zhu cut off her friend before she could speak. “I don’t have much time, Ti Mu. Mai and I are about to be taken prisoner by rebels in the Fire Nation known as the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix and I need you to warn Evasra that they are probably planning on attacking the palace too. They’re coming for me soon, Ti Mu, and if they take my medallion I may not be able to speak to you again. Thank…thank you for sharing all this with me.”

“I am sorry for your plight, Mei Zhu and I will tell the others your words. Stay strong, young one. Evasra will come for you and I will ask Mistress Navisi if she is able to help also.” Ti Mu answered, looking as sad as Mei Zhu had ever seen her.

“I’ll try, Ti Mu, but I’m scared. I…I don’t know what they’re going to do to me. I have to go now, Ti Mu. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye, young one. I will see you again; our fates aren’t ready to be disentangled just yet.” Ti Mu answered just before Mei Zhu returned to the material world. She certainly hoped that Ti Mu’s words rang true.

She opened her eyes and looked up to see Mai watching her. “I’ve told Ti Mu and she will pass on the warning to Evasra, Aang and Navisi. What is going on here?”

Mai sighed. “One of the guards is on his way back with a representative from the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. We will know the situation in just a few minutes.”

They sat there in silence as Mai watched the woman approach with the guards. The stopped outside and Mai waved to Mei Zhu. “Let’s go out and speak with our guest.”

They walked outside and Mei Zhu was able to look at the woman with the guards. She was tall and lanky with a handsome face that might have been pretty had she not been looking at them with such a smug and superior expression.

“At long last, I get to meet the Fire Lord’s old whor* and the m'nvah that has defiled our princess. I would say that the honor is all mine, but well, that would be a lie. It’s a disgrace that I have to associate with impure women such as yourself, but duty calls.” The woman’s screechy voice set Mei Zhu’s teeth on edge.

Mai was the one to answer. “Did you agree to our terms? If not, it will be a shame that a charming and articulate woman such as yourself will have to die at the hands of the Fire Lord’s old whor*, but duty calls.”

The woman actually chuckled. “It’s a shame you’re an impure hussy, because I think that I might actually get to like you. Yes, we have no quarrel with your guards and we will allow them to have safe passage. I will stay with you while they make their way out of the city. You’ll be able to see when they clear the city gates with this spyglass.”

The woman tossed a copper tube to Mai, which she deftly caught. It was indeed a spyglass. “Then we have an agreement. Lefit, get your guards out of the city. I’ll be sure to explain everything to the Fire Lord after we’re rescued from our adversaries.”

The woman actually laughed at that. “Oh my, you really are an optimist. I guess that sucking the Fire Lord’s co*ck has made you believe that you’re worthy of being rescued. Well, I won’t try to quash your hopes if it keeps you nice and docile.”

“Scholar Mei Zhu, I’ll take your documents if you will entrust me with them.” Lefit said, holding out his hand.

“Thank you, Lefit.” She handed the bag over to the guard.

“I can see why the princess likes you sipping her nectar; you sure sound like an obedient little thing that knows not to backtalk. Just another example of how the earth people are soft and weak goat-sheep that deserve to be ruled over by the strong.” The woman openly laughed at Mei Zhu.

Mei Zhu felt anger rising in her chest but she dared not say anything that would get her or Mai into trouble. She had a feeling that her life was going to be miserable enough for the foreseeable future. The three women watched in silence as the eight guards made their way through the town and out to the gate.

The figures became small and Mai finally brought the spyglass up to her eye to look into the distance. She lowered the spyglass and turned to the woman. “It appears that you have kept your end of the bargain and we shall keep ours. We are now your prisoners.”

“Oh, dearie, there was never any doubt of that. The Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix have plans for the both of you. So don’t worry, we plan on hosting the two of you for a while.”

Mei Zhu couldn’t help but feel a sense of dread as dozens of the rebels made their way towards her and Mai. The malicious grin on the woman’s face told Mei Zhu that her stay with the rebels would be neither comfortable nor pleasant.

Chapter 39: Nowhere is Safe


The Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix continue to cause trouble.

Chapter Text

“By Agni’s flaming nosehairs, Zuko, I agreed to prop up your government and give public support for your policies, not be an event planner.” Azula said, pinching her nose and giving an exaggerated sigh. “I know that you have no idea how you’ll ever survive without my guidance, but you’re just going to have to learn to make do.”

“All that we’re asking you to do is help coordinate the progression routes after the ceremony; Katara has a lot on her plate and Mother is busy preparing the Great Hall for the reception.” Zuko answered, completely ignoring the fact that she doesn’t want to do it.

“It will be good for you to be involved; people management skills are something that you should cultivate.” Ursa said, causing Azula to look at the woman with a dumbfounded expression that she hoped conveyed how stupid she truly felt that statement was. But apparently Ursa was either very good at ignoring what she didn’t want to see or she was unaware of how awesome Azula was with people because she kept spouting nonsense. “And I think it would be a nice gesture for you to give one of the toasts to the couple.”

“Absolutely not. I will give my public support but I am not participating in the wedding in any way, shape or form. I am attending as a guest and nothing more. We covered this in the negotiations. End of discussion.” What the hell is wrong with Ursa? The scope of her involvement in the wedding had been negotiated and agreed upon.

Zuko just sighed while Ursa looked like she had just smelled some rotten shark-oysters but Azula didn’t care. This whole situation grated on her and she was tired of them trying to push her beyond the scope of the negotiated deal. It’s not her fault that they were weak negotiators. But her attention was momentarily drawn away from her troublesome relatives when she felt the faint calling of Ti Mu; she wasn’t wearing a medallion since she had learned how to spirit walk to the Citadel of Sagacity without one, but this was the first time that she had been contacted by Ti Mu since the Sacrifice Stone had been used to unleash Agni’s Curse.

She was out in public with her annoying relatives and couldn’t take the time to meditate and reach Ti Mu right now. She would do it when she had the time. It was probably just to let her know that Navisi was on the way; the woman was supposed to arrive sometime today by way of air bison.

Luckily, Zuko and Ursa had given up harassing her for a few moments so she just hung back to enjoy a moment to herself. She had forgotten just how much royalty had to deal with people. Constantly. Guards, servants, obnoxious family members trying to get her to do their jobs for them. But she enjoyed spending time with Kiyi and Toph, but it wasn’t worth-

Azula immediately turned her focus to the build-up of chi that she detected coming from the servants hall across the courtyard.

A combustion bender!

She was moving forward with her flame feet propulsion, the hyperdense fire shield already forming in her hands as the combustion bitch unleashed her blast. It was aimed to her right but she knew what the target was.


Ursa might have been an added bonus for the assassins, but Azula wasn’t ready for them to die just yet. Having fought the two combustion benders in the harbor, she had spent some time thinking about new strategies to counteract them or others of their kind should another conflict arise.

And the hyperdense fire shield was the emergency line of defense; it was similar in principle to a hyperdense fire bolt but instead of being fired, the hyperdense fire was forged into a stationary barrier. The swirling white fire was bent into a flat circle that shielded her entire body as she dove in front of the combustion beam; she poured her chi into the shield as she sensed the chi blast approach and braced herself as the beam struck the shield at an angle. Azula knew that she wouldn’t be strong enough to stop the blast in a head on collision; her best bet was to angle her shield and try to deflect and scatter the blast upwards rather than try to stop it entirely.

The power of the blast was all that she could handle as it exploded upon contact with her fire shield; most of the energy was shunted to her right and upwards but there was still enough energy to send her skidding backwards across the courtyard, rolling and tumbling head over heels.

But it wasn’t enough to take her out of the fight. She had burns across her forearms and she had multiple contusions and abrasions to go with a cut on the side of her head. Two fire blasts from her hands stopped her backward momentum once she had regained her equilibrium and she paused for a second to take stock of the situation.

She had taken the brunt of the blast but Zuko and Ursa had been knocked down; her brother was back on his feet in just a moment. And his quick reaction allowed him to grab Ursa and leap out of the way as a second combustion blast hit near where he had been standing.

That was a mistake that Azula intended to make the combustion bitch pay for. She had a low power superdense bolt ready and unleashed towards the combustion bender as she charged her chi a third time; Azula couldn’t see where she was in the building, but her chi sense gave her a pretty damn good idea.

And superdense bolts could affect a wide swath.

The bolt hit the outside of the building and expanded upon contact, pushing through the wall wrecking much of the nearby infrastructure. With any luck it will take down the lanky-ass brainbender too.

Azula found herself in the middle of a free for all as assassins appeared from the servants hall to engage the few royal guards present. Azula added her fire to the fight to let the invaders know that this was a suicide mission. Her blood ran cold though when she saw a man step out of the servants hall with what appeared to be a dark red tattoo running across his eyes. His bow was co*cked and he appeared to be searching the battlefield. A Yuyan archer!

Azula guessed who the target would be and she separated her poles and extended her fingers towards the man, reveling in the power as the lightning arced from her fingers and shot across the battlefield. The bow was drawn and he was still aiming as the lightning struck, his body stiffening and the arrow flying off into the distance as his muscles spasmed. He was a threat no more.

Azula cursed as she felt the chi of the combustion bitch charge again but smiled when the forthcoming bolt was far less powerful than the earlier blasts. It surged towards her but she used her flame feet to quickly accelerate to the side, easily evading the bolt. She fired a blast to knock down a door to the servants hall and scrambled inside, scanning for the chi of firebenders.

Half a dozen servants were huddling in the front room that she had just entered but Azula ignored them as she made her way deeper into the building towards the area she had wrecked just moments ago. She needed to find and handle the combustion bitch.

There! Another blast struck the servants hall where she had entered. The combustion bitch was trying to hit her by randomly firing at her last location, not knowing that she was leading Azula right to her. She exited a side hall right after another blast had been unleashed; the bolts were still weaker than the initial blasts but were getting stronger.

Azula made her way towards the area she sensed the combustion bender. She stepped out from a dislodged door and spotted the tall bitch scanning the wreckage of the servants hall, undoubtedly looking for Azula.

She extended her fingers as she separated her poles again, aiming at the freak as she powered up another beam. Despite her clothes showing significant burns and blood pouring down her flat peasant face, the woman saw her just in time and fired her beam towards Azula while diving off to the side and scurrying deeper into the servants hall, just narrowly avoiding Azula’s lightning

With both attacks missing, Azula took to the air and flew through the hole she had blasted in the building to go back into the courtyard and attacked the invaders, sealing their fate as a wave of white fire struck about six of them from behind. Their screams of agony and the sense of her superhot flames caused panic in the remaining invaders, allowing the royal guards to surge forward to deal with them.

Azula returned to the damaged building and continued pursuing the tall bitch; she slid back into the now burning servants hall and silently stalked her prey, making her way deeper into the less damaged portion of the structure. It was time for her to hunt down the monstrosity and end her threat to Zuko’s throne.

She smiled as she felt the combustion bender again charge her chi and Azula vowed that it would be the last time that she ever did so. She worked her way closer to the woman, who appeared to be holding her chi in order to unleash it in a fast ambush attack.

She hadn’t realized that she was the prey and Azula was the predator.

Azula channeled another hyperfocused blast of white fire but took a few extra seconds to forge it into a tight and compact bolt. She crept closer to the combustion bender and stood on the other side of the wall in an adjoining room, only ten feet away but shielded since the combustion bender apparently could only aim at what she could see.

She fired the hyperfocused bolt through the wall at the woman; the blazing blast of fire punched a hole in the wooden barrier and remained a compact bolt of fire as it continued to travel. Azula felt the chi of the woman dissipate and disappear entirely. She quickly made her way through a door to the room and entered to see the woman collapsed on the floor, a large hole blown through her chest and her eyes staring lifelessly upwards.

No more lives would be taken by this freak.

Zuko flinched as the bolt of lightning shot across the courtyard; he knew that she was different now, but Azula and lightning still weren’t a combination that he was comfortable with just yet. No matter how he felt about her lightning though, she may well have saved his and Mother’s lives by somehow deflecting the initial combustion blast.

He knew that Azula could take care of herself so he turned to Mother. “Mother, get inside and take cover.” She stared at him with eyes wide with fear, both of them turning to look where a part of the servants hall had just been destroyed. She didn’t appear to be focusing on him, so he spoke again. “I can’t fight with all my strength if I need to protect you, Mother. Kiyi needs you.”

That seemed to be enough to motivate her to move. She nodded her head and squeezed his arm before turning and running towards the entrance to the main palace hall.

Zuko had already began his bending routine, channeling a huge spiral of flame up and over his guards towards the wave of attackers. Three fools had thought they could stop the onslaught but they merely slowed it and were incinerated by his flames. But the combined might of four others were just able to hold the flames at bay.

But that meant those four had to take their eyes off the main battle. He released the spiral flame and began firing powerful blasts into the attacking crowd, careful to avoid his own guards while attacking those nearby. And he smiled as he heard another crack of thunder and then saw Azula come flying out and mow down a group of attackers, allowing his guards to begin pushing the ever dwindling number of invaders back. He was twisting to target a group to his left when he felt a powerful impact on his upper left shoulder that knocked him to the ground, causing him to fall on his back in dismay.

And there, sticking out of his shoulder, was an arrow shaft. His training kicked in as he slid himself behind an overturned table that he thinks would shield him from the would-be assassin. The arrow didn’t hurt as much as he had expected but he knew not to pull it out; assassin’s arrows were often barbed.

He also feared it was poisoned as it became harder to breathe and it became more difficult to move as his muscles became increasingly less coordinated. There were several types of poisons that affected the nervous system; it was often difficult to diagnose your own condition since the effects often felt skewed to a hyped up warrior in the midst of battle.

The sounds of battle continued sounding around him but he still smiled when he saw the beautiful woman come flying into the fray riding a veritable tidal wave of water. She began firing spears of ice as she moved out of his direct sightline; he knew just how powerful his lover was with her incredible waterbending. The sound of battle ended moments later.

“Lord Zuko, I need you to lay down so we can treat you.” A guard, Resk, by the sound of things, said as he leaned down and gently assisted Zuko onto his back. Zuko didn’t like being handled like this but he knew that guards were to be given a lot of leeway when they were dealing with a life-threatening situation involving the royal family.

“Over here, Princess.” Another guard called out, making Zuko smile again. He never doubted that Azula would survive. He saw her walk around the table and look down, her eyes widening a bit as she evaluated the situation. Blood coated the right side of her neck and stained the upper portions of her robe, but if her wounds bothered her in any way she didn’t show it.

She turned to the guard that had called her over. “Find Princess Ursa now and tell her that Zuko has been poisoned and to bring the antidote for the sageroot nerve poison as quickly as possible. And send someone to bring Toph out here.”

The guard scurried off to carry out the orders as Azula turned to look out over the battlefield. “Katara! I need you over here now.” She looked to Resk as she used a small fire knife to cut off a good chunk of her sleeve. “Guard, I need you to use this to apply pressure to his shoulder wound and try to staunch the bleeding until we can get the arrow removed. Keep your gloves on since Zuko’s been poisoned.”

Resk complied and Azula came and knelt next to Zuko as she looked him in the eyes. He knew what he needed to ask. “The whites of my eyes are turning blue, aren’t they?”

“Yes,” she answered as she created a healing flame and began moving it over his body. The light of his life came into view a moment later and she gasped as she saw his wounds and presumably his blue eyes.

Azula didn’t look up as she spoke. “The arrow wound itself is serious but probably not life-threatening. The bigger issue is that he has been poisoned with sageroot nerve poison; I’ve sent a guard to have Ursa bring the antidote but I need your help to stop the spread of the poison as much as possible.”

“Waterhealing doesn’t really work on poisons very well.” Katara answered as she knelt to his side opposite Azula.

“I know, but I want you to cool his body and slow down his hearbeat. This technique is used by Water Healers in Savan to slow the spread of the toxin from the puffer-adder fish that sometimes stab fisherman until the antidote is administered. I will walk you through the process if you aren’t familiar with it.”

“I…I’ve read about the procedure but I’ve never done it.” Katara said, giving Zuko’s hand a squeeze.

“No time like the present to learn. You need to use your healing chi to slowly pull the heat from his body like you’re freezing water; it must be done slowly and and over a wide area of the chest to prevent freezing his organs. I’ve only seen it done once but I’m a quick learner so I can show you. You need to start now.”

Zuko didn’t like the idea of being frozen. “Mother will be here-“

His words were cut off by Azula. “We’re talking about you, not to you, Zuko. Lay still and be silent. Katara, take the water like you were going to use a traditional healing process.”

Zuko was too dumbfounded to speak as Katara began following Azula’s orders. The water was over him and glowing just a second later. Azula began speaking again. “Using the same process as creating ice, slowly, and I do mean slowly, begin pulling the heat from his blood. Just the tiniest amount you can; I will guide you to pull more or less as needed.”

Zuko wanted to speak again but he suddenly felt a slight chill in his chest that moved outwards towards down his arms and legs and finally reached his feet. “Pull just a slight bit more, Katara. Yes, that’s perfect. Keep cooling him until I tell you to stop.”

He finally found his tongue but his words were soft and slurred. “I don’t like this.”

“I know you don’t Zuko, but this is your best chance to survive. The toxin moves through your blood and seems to attack the nerves; treated quickly, much of the damage can be prevented. I truly am sorry, Zuko.” Azula said and he felt that she meant it as she looked down at him, sadness in her eyes.

“Thank you, Azula.” He was finally able to answer. “I’m glad you came home.”

She didn’t answer but just kept smiling at him with her sad eyes. He was having trouble focusing as the sense of cold permeated his body, the prickling sensation eating at him as the pain became more and more unbearable.

His eyelids were growing heavy and he heard Azula speak one last time before he fell into blissful slumber. “Do you have the antidote, Mother?”

It was very relaxing riding on Wiggy, watching the beautiful forests and rocky terrain of the Fire Nation pass by. This was the life. Ever since she helped save her world from the Turned, it had seemed like her life was filled with exciting adventures, heart-stopping terror and wacky supernatural beings.

And she knew that she wouldn’t change a thing.

Now she was on her way to the Fire Nation to begin recruiting the people of this Atla into the Alliance. It filled her with joy to think about adding yet another world to the group that had aligned themselves together for self-improvement and technological advancement.

The results had been wonderful for all three worlds involved. Her adopted homeworld, dubbed Atla-1, has enjoyed an era of peace and prosperity since the closing of the spirit veil; there were the Purity groups of both firebender and earthbender factions on the earth continent causing trouble, but the leaders of the big four political entities had created a pan-Atla council that was working tirelessly to improve the conditions of everyone.

The future world, Atla-2, was the one most fraught with tension of the three but things were getting settled. Relations between Kuvira’s Earth Empire and the other nations were tense but the threat of open war had receded and negotiators from Atla-1 were working with all sides to hammer out agreements that would hopefully lead to lasting peace and more harmonious relations.

And her own home world, Atla-3, had seen the biggest improvement in quality of life since joining the Alliance. The rise of the Turned had caused every major society on her world to collapse and the struggle had been terrible for the survivors to pick up the pieces after the Turned had been eradicated. But with the help of the other two Atla’s, new governments had been created to house and feed the survivors of the apocalypse. A few local warlords had managed to hold out but their day of reckoning was close at hand.

This world was at peace but just barely. Hopefully Aang would be able to keep the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation from initiating hostilities until Navisi could make her pitch. Navisi would offer the services of outside negotiators to help settle matters if she was allowed to present the case for joining the Alliance; bringing in outsiders with no personal connections to either group shouldn’t be hard.

But that was a problem for future Navisi. Present Navisi was taking this moment of peace to lean back and enjoy the ride with Wiggy. Moments like this were often fleeting and she knew to savor them whenever she got the chance. It was only about another hour to the Fire Nation capital so she knew that she had to enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasted. Hopefully they wouldn’t try to arrest her for being a Fire Witch.

She was drawn from her thoughts when she felt a spiritual calling, a summons to speak. Having been summoned many times by the intermediaries, she was familiar with the sensation. But this different, the calling more muted and tentative. She recognized the spirit voice of Ti Mu.

“You know the way, Wiggy. I have to go talk with Ti Mu but I should be back before we land.” Navisi called to Wiggy as she climbed into the saddle. Wiggy answered with a lengthy grunt. Assuming the lotus position next to the box containing her formal wear and her armor, she closed her eyes and meditated, projecting her spirit back to the source of the calling.

As usual, she appeared on the raised platform at the center of the Citadel of Sagacity. She went to give her usual greeting until she saw the worried expression on Ti Mu’s face. Something was wrong. Ti Mu quickly spoke. “I apologize for calling you back so quickly, but I have been unable to reach Evasra or Aang. Mei Zhu and Mai have been kidnapped by a rebel group in the Fire Nation known as the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. My ability to touch the material world is nearly gone but I was hoping that you may be able to help.”

“I will help in any way that I can. Do you know where they are?” Navisi said, transitioning to operative mode. This wasn’t her first search and rescue mission.

“Mei Zhu had been studying ancient documents at the monastery of Po Minza in Nurza. I do not know where they may be now.”

“I know the general location although I’ve never been there myself. They would have to take them to a secure location, maybe to the northwest to the towards the caves of the Hurvis mountains. I will send Omnisae to scout the area but I’ll probably need more information to limit the search. Omnisae can cover a lot of territory but it will still take time. If Mei Zhu visits again, have her tell you any landmarks or place names that might narrow down her location. Mai has been trained in intelligence work so she should be able to provide Mei Zhu with actionable intelligence if she discovers any.”

“It is good to hear that you can help. I have never been comfortable with these types of situations, even in my youth. I will gather what information that I can.”

“These are trying times but I’ve been involved in search and rescue missions before and even one in this general area. And once we have actionable intelligence, I will consult with the intermediaries to see if I can call upon my allies to assist with the mission.”

Ti Mu’s expression perked up at that information. “The Dragoness of the Golden Light?”

“She would be my first choice. Let me send Omnisae to survey the area and then I’ll go from there. I need to return to my body to command her amulet.”

“Of course, Navisi. Thank you for your willingness to help. Go and call forth your wonderful ally.” Ti Mu said. “I will pass on any information that I receive.”

“I’ll do everything that I can to bring them home, Ti Mu. You have my word.” And with that Navisi returned to her body and awoke on the back of Wiggy. She called her precious ally into existence, smiling as her friend’s panther body materialized on Wiggy’s saddle.

She telepathically sent the location to Omnisae and explained the situation; Navisi had never been to Po Minza but Omnisae had visited towns a few clicks to the north on Atla-1. The panther rubbed her head up against Navisi and was rewarded with some ear scratches before she jumped over the edge of the saddle and converted to a giant eagle-hawk. A second later she was gone, appearing in the sky over Hurza. Their best bet right now was to scour the roads and find evidence of the two women before they get too far away.

All she could do now is wait for Omnisae to find something. She climbed back down to sit on Wiggy’s neck as they crossed over the water again as they made their way to the capital. She would get a better feel for the situation once she landed and spoke with Azula and the others; surely they would have some information about these Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix and where they might be keeping their prisoners.

Chapter 40: Aftermath


Azula and the others deal with the aftermath of the attack on the palace.


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

“Do you have the antidote, Mother.” Azula asked as Ursa and Kiyi came scurrying out of the palace and followed the guards towards where Zuko was resting.

“Yes, I have it. Let me see him.” Ursa said, no longer the emotional woman Azula was used to interacting with; this was a mama platypus-bear ready to do whatever was needed to save her cub. Azula felt her respect for the woman creeping up ever so minutely.

Ursa knelt by Zuko’s head and she leaned down and pulled back his eyelids to evaluate his eyes. “This is definitely sageroot nerve poison. Can we do anything about the arrow? It may still be leaking poison into his system.”

“I’ve sent for Toph to see if she use metalbending to safely remove the arrow. We’ve cooled his body to slow the spread of the poison but I didn’t think it was worth the risk to remove the arrow by force before the antidote was administered.” Azula responded.

“I’ve read of that technique but I’ve never seen it done. I am going to inject the antidote in his arm and then we’ll need to slowly warm him up to allow the antidote to spread. Can you do that?” Ursa asked as she unpacked the antidote kit.

Azula looked into Katara’s eyes as she answered. “It would be best to let me handle the warming, Katara. Fire Healing is well-suited to this; as a matter of fact, it will work even better if Kiyi assists. This will let you focus on healing his wound once the arrow is removed.”

She turned to see Kiyi staring at her with wide eyes. “I…I don’t know if I’m ready.”

“You are. I’ve taught you and I’m an excellent judge of talent. Go kneel by Katara; when she stops cooling Zuko’s body, you’re going to help me warm him. You have lots of practice controlling your chi output thanks to making the cure. You can do this, Kiyi.” Azula gave the girl what she hoped was her most encouraging smile.

“Okay, Evasra, I will.” Kiyi took her spot next to Katara.

They were about to get started when heard Toph. “Where’s Sparky? FlameHealer said she needed me.”

“Over here, Toph.” Azula called out. “Can you bend this arrow out of Zuko without harming him?”

Toph came over leaned towards Zuko and extended her hand towards the arrowhead embedded in his shoulder, her fingers only inches away from the wound. “It’s stuck and I’ll see if I can unhook it.”

Azula and the others waited with bated breath as Toph continued moving her hands, flexing her wrists and fingers and manipulating her earthbending chi. She mumbled as she continued exerting effort. “Come on, don’t f*ck with me you obnoxious hunk of worthless metal. I invented metalbending and I own you, you piece of sh*t.”

The arrow shaft had been sliced to reduce the chances of someone jostling it and worsening Zuko’s wound, but it was still wobbling and vibrating as Toph did her thing. Blood was flowing from the wound since the guard had removed pressure as Toph worked on the arrow. And then it suddenly slid up and out; Azula could see that the arrowhead was now an egg-shaped oval with no sharp edges.

“And that’s why I’m the greatest earthbender in the world!” Toph shouted as she flicked her wrist and the bloody arrow was tossed to the side. The guard immediately began pressing the soaked cloth on the wound to prevent further bleeding.

“Mother, what do you need us to do? Katara, you should start healing the shoulder wound as soon as possible to keep him from losing any more blood.” Azula asked.

“I’m going to inject the antidote and then you and Kiyi need to start warming him up. Go as slow or fast as you need to get him safely back to the proper temperature.” Ursa answered as she slid the syringe into the vein on Zuko’s right arm and slowly pressed on the plunger.

Azula turned her attention back to Kiyi. “Alright, Kiyi, match my healing chi as we start at the chest and move down the torso; mimic my movements. We’ll start with normal healing and slowly increase the speed of warming. Katara, you can begin healing his shoulder wound at your convenience.”

Azula’s white flames and Kiyi’s orange flames both gave off healing energy as they moved their hands from the area just below Zuko’s shoulder wound towards his pelvis. Azula noted that Katara was using her glowing water to work on his wound but she kept her focus on the healing power of her flames. Kiyi was perfectly matching Azula’s output and was doing a good job of keeping the energy fluctuations to a minimum.

They had made three passes up and down Zuko’s torso by the time Katara was finished with his wound. Zuko’s temperature was still a little cooler than normal but they would get him back where he needed to by the end of the next pass.

His chi was disrupted along his spinal cord; it was well known that this area was the most susceptible to the effects of the sageroot nerve poison; all that she could hope was that their actions had limited the amount of damage done. There was nothing more to be done by Azula and Kiyi.

“You can shut off your flames now, Kiyi; Zuko’s body is back up to temperature.” Azula sat back as she and Kiyi deactivated their healing flames. “He is out of the woods and will live. We just have to wait and see what happens with the antidote.”

The restraint that Ursa had been showing disintegrated and to Azula’s discomfort she felt Ursa’s arms wrap around her and pull her in for a hug. But Azula could empathize and she returned the gesture, putting her arms around Ursa and squeezing.

“Thank you, Azula. Thank you. Thank you.” Ursa said. Azula knew that the woman was under a lot of strain and she didn’t even have the urge to chastise her mother for invading her personal space. By Agni, she really hoped that she wasn’t beginning to actually like Ursa.

She smiled as she felt two smaller arms wrap around her from behind as Kiyi gave her a big hug too. After a few moments, the arms around her loosened their grip and Azula made her move to escape. “This was a group effort but we need to get Zuko to the infirmary so he can rest and recover.”

Azula stood and led the others aside so that the royal healers could get Zuko loaded onto a stretcher and get him moved into the palace. She watched as Katara approached. “Thank you, Azula, for your help today. If there was any doubt that you’ve changed, it was erased today. I’d like to give you a hug if I may.”

“Of course, Katara.” Azula said as she accepted the hug. She still felt slightly uncomfortable around the waterbender, but she found that Katara wasn’t that bad a person. She still couldn’t wait to get the hell away from her and the rest of the crew here in the palace though.

They separated and Katara joined Ursa and Kiyi as they followed the medical team to monitor the healers and keep track of Zuko’s progress. Unfortunately, that probably meant that Azula would have to take command.

Once Zuko was on his way, Azula turned to the guard that had been helping to stop the bleeding on Zuko’s shoulder. “Let’s go talk to the uninvited visitors that decided to join us today.”

“Of course, Princess. The captives are being held near the servants hall while the wounded are being treated.” The tall guard said and they started walking towards the designated area. Azula saw that a squad of Fire Nation soldiers were being deployed to fortify the area. There were probably more surrounding the palace; this was standard procedure during an assassination attempt.

A colonel was speaking with Lord Waihu as she approached. They both stopped and bowed as she came near. “Princess Azula, the survivors admit to being members of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. They have claimed that their mission was to assassinate Lord Zuko and have you elevated to the throne.”

“Then they are incompetent buffoons. Zuko will live and continue to rule as Fire Lord, and even had they succeeded, Iroh is the Crown Prince and would have become the new Fire Lord. Agni knows that we didn’t need that; he would then be obligated to marry and knock up some poor young woman to ensure that an heir was produced to inherit after his death.” Azula explained, privately laughing at the horrified looks on the faces of Lord Waihu and the unnamed colonel. “But that is neither here nor there. Is there a leader I can speak with?”

Lord Waihu was the one to answer. “It would appear that the three highest ranking members of the group died in the struggle. The Yuyan archer seems to be the most talkative of the group.”

“I assume that he is the one that shot the arrow? It seems that the skills of the Yuyan are exaggerated if this was the best that could be done.” Azula answered. “Please take me to this fine man.”

“Of course, Princess.” The unnamed colonel said. Azula followed as he and Waihu walked towards the group of captives. The were bound with their hands tied behind their backs as they knelt on the stone courtyard in front of the ravaged servants hall. It was easy to spot the Yuyan archer, with his traditional garb and tattooed face.

He watched as she approached, his angry eyes trying to bore into her very soul. He may have thought that he was being intimidating but it just made him look like a spoiled and petulant child that had just had his favorite toy taken away for being naughty.

Azula was the one to break the silence. “So I hear that you are supposedly one of the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix. Do you people have no imagination? With the long and rich history of our nation, with thousands of great works of literature and philosophy, you people can’t find another term besides phoenix to build your identity around? I’m afraid it is a sign of the issues with groups like yours; a lack of imagination and scholarship.”

“You jest and speak of hallowed things with an air of frivolity that is inappropriate for a woman of your station. We thought that you were to be the one that led our people back to our rightful place in the world, but it turns out that you’re weak just like Zuko as well as being a perverted m'nvah.” The archer answered, looking up at her with disdain.

“It’s a shame that you and your leash handlers are stuck in an archaic past and base your ideology off religious zealots that have lost touch with the will of the Great Spirits. I would feel bad for you and your backward world views if you weren’t determined to drag the Fire Nation and the rest of the world into your pit of stupidity with you. But I didn’t come to debate philosophy and ethics with you. If your people are so proud of your actions and are sure that you are on the right side of history, then why don’t you share the name of leaders so that I may go and have a chat with them?” Azula asked as she examined her fingernails.

“The great leaders who look to return the Fire Nation to glory must remain hidden or the weak pretenders to the throne like you and Zuko will turn the great soldiers of our nation against them. They will make themselves known when the are ready to have you pulled out before the masses to be executed for betraying the interests of the Fire Nation.” The man looked up a Azula with an angry scowl.

Azula couldn’t help but laugh. “Weak pretender? Despite being ambushed, I killed your combustion bender and one of your fellow Yuyan archers. Those who skulk around in the dark trying to ambush the leaders of their nation don’t really have a lot of room to talk about weak pretenders. Tell you what, if you tell me which nobles are interested in replacing a weak pretender like me, I’ll ask Zuko to rescind the ban on Agni Kai’s and allow your supporters to put forth a challenger. I’ll even let you put forth another combustion bender if you have one; it’s not very princess-like of me to admit, but killing her gave me quite a rush.”

The archer didn’t have anything to say about that; he seemed content to balefully stare at her. She turned back to Waihu. “Lord Waihu, please continue interrogating the prisoners and let me know if you find anything of interest. I need to check on the survivors and take stock of the situation here at the palace. We have a lot of dead and injured people and I need to make sure we have the supplies and people needed to handle the situation.”

“Of course, Princess.” Lord Waihu said with a bow.

Azula went amongst the small medical area set up for the survivors. She spoke to the doctor in charge of the area. “We can treat your wounds if you like, Princess.”

“My wounds are minor and can be handled later. Tell me the situation for the workers and guards.”

“We have eight dead and twenty-two injured so far, but there may be more of both found as the guards sweep through the rest of the servants hall. Most of the dead and injured seemed to be from whatever destroyed the front section of the hall and the poor souls that were caught in the fighting.”

Azula sighed. This was how life was for far too many people; one moment you’re trying to do your job to the best of your ability and the next moment you’re caught between two groups of angry benders hellbent on doing as much damage as possible.

There was nothing to be done but help the wounded and mourn the dead. She made her way amongst the injured, calling to those she knew by name and asking for the names of those she didn’t know while trying to provide words of comfort to all. Her heart sank as she made her way to a pretty woman in her mid-twenties that had suffered burns on her arms and back. Azula had seen the woman around the palace but their paths had never really crossed.

Avoiding her was not in the cards so she took a deep breath and approached the girl, who was watching her with the expression an injured squirrel-deer would probably give to a ravenous tigerdillo. Azula gave what she hoped was a warm and friendly smile.

It didn’t seem to be helping, so she dove straight in to it. “I’m sorry that you were caught in today’s attack. As a worker in the palace, you have a right to expect certain protections and I’m ashamed to say that we failed you today.”

“That’s…that’s all right, Princess.” The girl wouldn’t look her in the eye, so Azula decided to take the bull-weasel by the horn.

“What is your name?” She asked in a soft voice.


“Well, Yovzin, I hope that your injuries heal quickly; burns are painful but we have adequate amounts of burn salve available to help. They really do help with the healing. And I will consult Lady Katara and see if she can make her waterbending available once Lord Zuko’s situation is stabilized.”

“Thank you, Princess.”

It went against her vow, but she thinks this injured and downtrodden woman needed to hear it. “And I would also like to apologize for how I treated you before. A small mistake like not removing all the cherry pits was not a significant offense and I know that I treated you unfairly. I was not a good person then and, as I’m sure that you heard, I was not well. I cannot change the past but I will do what I can to help you going forward.”

The girl finally looked up at Azula, her eyes wide but showing less fear than before. “It’s…it’s okay, Princess. That was a long time ago.”

“Yes, it was, and I hope that we can move past that unfortunate incident.” Azula patted Yovzin’s uninjured arm. “There are a few more people for me to check on. I hope that you make a full recovery, Yovzin.”

“Thank you, Princess.” And with that Azula made her way to the remaining injured, trying to keep everyone calm. She was making her way back to the palace when a servant approached. “Princess Azula, Mistress Navisi has arrived and has requested to speak with you as soon as possible. She’s been led to the Front Hall while the palace deals with, uhm, the other issues.”

She had a lot on her plate right now but Navisi was an important guest. “Thank you. I’ll go and see her now.”

Azula made her way to the Front Hall, passing by the large number of soldiers and servants scurrying through the halls. The palace was abuzz with activity. She tried to ignore the six guards that were following in her wake.

Navisi was wearing the same style green robes with blue trim that Azula had seen when the girl had visited the Citadel of Sagacity. She watched as Azula approached and when Azula stopped in front her, Navisi gave a bow at the appropriate height for a guest to give to a princess. The girl had been taught at least the basics of court etiquette.

“It is a pleasure to see you, Mistress Navisi. I’m sorry for the disorder, but this has been a very trying day.”

“And I’m afraid that I am bearing bad news of my own. A group known as the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix raided the expedition at Po Minza and have taken Mei Zhu and Mai hostage.”

Azula felt herself freeze at Navisi’s words. “How…how do you know this?”

Navisi’s eyes darted to the guards. “Mei Zhu was able to get a message to a mutual friend of ours who was then able to pass the message on to me. She tried to contact you but was unsuccessful.”

Terror filled Azula’s heart as she thought back to how she had ignored Ti Mu’s call. “Guards, I wish to speak with Mistress Navisi in private. Please wait outside.”

“I’m sorry, Princess, but protocol-“ The guard began but was cut off by Azula.

“I will speak with Mistress Navisi alone. Now. I will remove you from this hall by force if need be.”

The guards all stiffened but finally the lead guard spoke again. “Of course, Princess. We will be waiting outside the door.”

The guards made their way into the hall and closed the door behind them. Azula turned to Navisi as soon as she was guaranteed privacy. Navisi began speaking in a fast, clipped voice. “They are being held as hostages and, so far as I know, they are alright. I have sent my magic companion to scout the area and see if she can determine where their captors might be taking them.”

Azula had to pause to take stock of Navisi’s words. “What the hell do you mean by magic companion?”

Navisi sighed before answering. “It’s a very long story, but a very powerful spirit granted me a magic companion that can change form between a panther and an eagle-hawk and can also instantly take herself to anywhere she or myself has been before. She is intelligent and is searching the area around Po Minza as we speak. We are connected telepathically and I can even see through her eyes when I wish. I promise that we’re doing everything that we can to find Mei Zhu and Mai both.”

Azula knew that until they had more information, there wasn’t anything that she could do. She prayed to Agni and his fiery intermediates that some clue to there whereabouts would come up. Her intestines clenched at the thought of her sweet, innocent Mei Zhu being held captive, but she needed to keep a cool head if she was going to get her back. She took a moment to call upon all of her training from the Terrathusan Cult of Cognitive will to keep her mind calm and emotions even. All hope was not lost. “If they allow Mei Zhu to keep her medallion, she may be able to provide information to her whereabouts.”

“Exactly. I am here to offer what assistance I can. I mean that on both a personal and professional level. Once the situation is more properly defined, I will contact the intermediaries and see what aid my allies and I are allowed to give.” Navisi said with a small smile. “Mai has training in the intelligence service and knows the kind of information that will aid us in tracking them down. I know this is a trying time, but we have advantages that our opponents don’t know about. Knowledge is power.”

“Well, I have to admit I don’t even know what advantages that you bring besides your magic companion. As soon as Zuko is back on his feet I’m going to be leading the expedition to retrieve Mei Zhu, whether he likes it or not.”

“Is he badly injured? I have healing skills that you don’t seem to have on your world.” Navisi asked, tilting her head to the side.

“He was poisoned but we cooled down his body temperature and then administered the antidote. We have to wait to see if there was any damage. What kind of skills do you have?”

Navisi’s smile was mischevious. “I can do a lot of cool things. If you allow it, I can see what I can do for him. I’ve had good luck with several venoms that I’ve encountered. It might be a good way to show off some of the perks that joining the Alliance might bring.”

“Any help that you can give would be appreciated.” Azula said. “Let’s go down and introduce you to Zuko and his crew. Do…do you know many of royal family from your worlds?”

Navisi laughed. “Yes, I have met all the major players here. But it’s good form to introduce them to me anyway; it just makes social interactions easier for everyone involved if we start out acting like complete strangers.”

Azula didn’t have an argument for that so she just kept going. “Do you need any equipment to do your healing?”

“I have my healing stones with me. You’re going to need to have plenty of food available to help Lord Zuko recover; my healing uses the body’s natural healing powers and requires a lot of energy to do properly.”

“Then hopefully you’ll never have to heal Sokka; he’s already putting a significant dent in our food stocks.” Azula said as she turned towards the door. Navisi followed and they made their way out to meet her guards. “We’re heading down to the infirmary to check on the Fire Lord.”

They made polite small talk as they went, with Navisi telling her more about the Kindler spirit stones that Lo Ruon had prepared. This could help restore some semblance of normality to those poor souls that had lost their bending; Nykka, Jimna and Ri Han had restored the bending to about forty people. And Navisi had brought two Kindler spirit stones for Azula and Kiyi to use to restore the bending to people here in the Fire Nation.

Azula could hear Zuko’s voice in the hall outside the infirmary. That was a good sign; the sooner her dumbass brother was back on his feet, the sooner she could begin searching for Mei Zhu. And Mai. Despite their history, Azula didn’t want anything bad to happen to her either.

“I’m fine and I need to go see what is going on with the investigation. These dishonorable cretins need to be put in their place.” Zuko said in a loud voice as she led Navisi into the room. The place was packed as Zuko’s family and friends were crammed inside the infirmary; Sokka, Suki, Ty Lee and Toph had decided to come see how their friend was doing.

Everyone fell silent and stared at Navisi as she and Azula entered the infirmary; Azula guessed that it was because of her oddly colored robes and unfortunate timing. Azula decided that introductions were in order. “Everyone, this is Mistress Navisi of the Arts Esoteric and an Agent of the Great Spirits’ Will.”

Navisi gave another practiced bow. “It is a pleasure to meet everyone. I wish it was under more fortunate circ*mstances, but this may be a good opportunity to promote good will by offering my services as a healer. My skills are different than both Fire Healing and Water Healing and may be better suited to assist you, Lord Zuko, in recovering from the poisoning that you’ve suffered.”

“I…I thank you for the offer. Normally, I would be leery of accepting unsolicited aid in a situation like this, but as you are an Agent of the Great Spirits’ Will, I would be honored to accept your help. How does your healing work?” Zuko answered, his speech a bit slurred and the muscles on his face still a bit slack. Apparently the poison was still having some affect on his body.

“That’s a very good question. I have a very special set of skills that I’ve cultivated that allow me to use items that I call Healing Stones to accelerate and enhance the body’s natural processes to heal a wide assortment of injuries and ailments. The only caveat is that it is somewhat draining for the person being healed; I recommend that you eat a large meal before I get started. Unless you had a big lunch in the past two hours.”

“We did have a big lunch in preparation for today’s planning sessions.” Katara answered, eyeing Navisi up like she was a romantic rival for Zuko or some such thing.

“Then I believe that we can get started. Poisoning is generally less aggressive that other types of injuries; poisons generally work by affecting specific areas and while the damage is often severe, the healing process is less draining to the person being healed.” Navisi explained as she pulled two objects out of her pocket, which she held up for everyone to see. The two objects appeared to be stone in nature and were flat on the bottom and were curved on top, almost like an egg had been sliced in half longways.

“The healing stones will be placed over your Air and Fire chakras and then I will connect to them with my gauntlets and use them to accelerate your healing. Pretty simple.” Navisi said with a beaming smile.

“Uhm, well, I don’t really understand but I’m willing to let you try.” Zuko said after a few moments, not looking like he really was buying what Navisi was selling. If that bothered Navisi, she didn’t show it as walked over and placed them on his abdomen and chest.

Navisi turned to the group with a wide smile on the her face. “Brace yourself. You’re about to see awesomeness in action.”

Azula and nearly everyone in the room gasped as two rings of golden light appeared around her wrists; the glowing rings appeared to have sigils or some other kind of writing on them, although Azula couldn’t read them. And then the rings started spinning as the markings on the two Healing Stones started glowing.

Everyone watched, mesmerized, as the rings silently spun, sometimes going fast and then slow as they seemingly rotated independently of each other. It was an incredible sight. Even more incredible was that Azula could make out how the two stones were manipulating Zuko’s chi; she had never seen anything like it before. Some sort of energy from the stones was interacting with Zuko’s chi and it did indeed seem to be healing him. The chi distribution around his spinal cord became much more fluid and natural and she could literally see the muscles on his face strengthening, eliminating the slack look that had haunted him just a few minutes ago.

As abruptly as it started, the Healing Stones stopped glowing and then the rings around Navisi’s wrists disappeared. She spoke in a soft voice. “How do you feel, Lord Zuko?”

“I…I feel tired but the sluggish sensation is gone.” He reached up and touched his face. Azula was glad to see his normal dumbass expression on his face and she was ecstatic to see that all traces of blue were gone from his eyes. “And I’m hungry.”

“I was able to pretty much heal everything. I propose that you eat and rest; tomorrow I’ll do a second round just to make sure that you’re in tip-top shape. Is there anyone else that needs to be treated?” Navisi looked to Azula.

“There were quite a few others injured in the attack. Anything that you could do to help them would be appreciated.” Azula answered.

Navisi looked to Katara. “My healing powers work best when done in conjunction with Water Healing. If you could heal their soft tissue wounds, I can treat broken bones and nerve damage that traditional healing methods have trouble with.”

Katara gave the girl a smile. “That sounds good, Mistress Navisi. I would be very interested in learning more about your healing.”

Navisi returned the smile. “Opportunities such as this are one of the reasons I was asked by the intermediaries to come and visit your people. I hope that this can be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.”

Everyone smiled at Navisi’s words but Azula’s heart was still heavy with worry about her beloved. Mei Zhu was a wonderful person and had truly brought light into Azula’s life. And Azula had strove with all her might to remain worthy of Mei Zhu’s love.

But if the Acolytes of the Blue Phoenix harmed her, they would soon come to understand what it meant to have the fury of the insane princess Azula coupled with the power of the mighty Mystic Evasra.


Just a little bit of shameless self-promotion while everyone ponders the fate of Mei Zhu and Mai.

If you’re interested in reading about an Azula in another world of the multiverse, I’ve begun posting a new story called ‘The Princess with the Spirit Tattoos’. This is a canon-divergent Azula pulled into a canon-compliant post-war Atla by way of magic dragon shenanigans.

Azula and the Citadel of Sagacity - Mighty_Retief (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.